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when you get to Creeks like this you're going to be looking for the inside bin here you see that right in there see that inside bin of that Creek I got a whole bunch of fine gravels and little Pebbles out here and then what do I got at the head of it all those Heavies down there that dropped out right away just like in a slle box so what you're going to do is when you come to these inside bins you're going to look for that you're going to look for those big heavy Stones big Stones big gold little Stones little gold and each Creek's going to be different so you're going to look for those big piles of of cobbles and especially if they're black black shiny stones are usually heavy and filled with iron they're usually mic in in structure and you can see where it turns to fine sand there ain't going to be nothing out there if it is it's going to be a little tiny gold if I got any gold it's going to be right in there and that's where I'm going to sample I've got a whole bunch of benches out here you start finding gold in here you might want to check the benches cuz sometimes the gold was deposited from on these benches a long time ago the river cut into them and put it down there now the idea is a sample in three places up here in the hand middle and tail and you're going to trench this way so you trench put it in there Pan the idea is you're trying to find the pastry find some here here and here draw a straight line there's your past stre it's as simple as that but the first thing you need to do is determine if there's gold in there and yeah you're going to get wet now when you're raking rocks if you don't classify you need to bring the rocks to the back of the pan not to the front remember you want low water pressure in there so if you can't find a spot and the Creek's going this way you pan that way all right I don't think you can see this but I got two little pieces of fly poop in there I know there's gold in here now the question is is where's the past streak and where's the source what you're going to do is you're going to compare that you're going to sample there and there and what you're looking for is to see if those pieces get any bigger or rub rer course as they call it that's important remember you're a detective you're not just to find gold you need to find the pay streak and if possible you need to find the source so I want to figure out where that's at before I do that I'm going to show you some other places you should check now people find gold in these Creeks they get all excited and happy well I tell them that's great but you want to find out where it's coming from if you can get to the source that's what you want and the first thing you do is when you start finding gold you work your way upstream and what you're doing you're looking to see if the pieces are getting bigger now if all of a sudden the gold stops right over there then I know it's coming from around here so you're going to look for these little tributaries that feed into it just like this one see these gravel zones here that's all gravel could be from an old River Channel could be from glacial flow could be all kinds of stuff you're going to sample across this Monker you're going to dig a small trench pan it out right there if you start finding gold you know you're on a winner you're going to follow this up every 20 ft you're going to trench again and you're going to look for gold if there's gold compared to the last gold is it getting bigger is it getting coarser is it getting rougher so you're going to keep following it up and see does it stop if it does you know you're close to the source you need to go left right straight ahead it's called triangulation you need to find a source so anyway that's what we're going to do here because I know that this thing is probably feeding gold into that Creek and it's probably coming from up there cuz I think there's an outcropping it's got a big huge piece of B salt it's an extrusive volcanic rock it's got a lot of iron and magnesium in it this thing is sitting up here high and I know that there's a reason why it's here and I'm not going to go into that is I'm on one of these tiny little Feeder Creeks I got a whole bunch of debris caught behind here whenever they have the Heavy Rain Seasons come through here so what are you going to do well first thing you're do is you're going to sample in front of it as the water comes in through the front hits this bam all of a sudden the water stops oo before it decides to go left or right as it does so it drops all of its energy it creates a low pressure Zone the gold drops out bam right there so and if it's on Bedrock the Gold's going to work its way underneath this rock water comes forward as it hits it it breaks that pressure Zone it drops it down creates Eddy currents in the front and as it flows around pressure zones are in the back or even less so first thing you do is you come around the front you're going to sample down far especially if it's on Bedrock now a better thing to do is to get this Monker out of here now we're going to put another video out there that shows you how you can get these rocks out of your way effectively and quickly see we're sampling and you got to you got to visualize this place with high water don't look at the creek down there think about when the water was up to here so what I'm going to do is I would check on the outside edges here in the gravel bars I got gravels over there I'm going to check in the root systems down here and I'm going to see if there was enough obstruction here to make the gold drop out if there's any gold at all that's the first key is being in a gold producing district and then I'll climb up higher and check the Bedrock of course and then I'll go down lower and see if I got any tributaries cuz sometimes the tributaries can be the ones that carry the gold in all right now we're behind this big old log right here looks like a big Ripple on a slle box don't it what you're looking for is you don't want this light flow sand ain't going to be no gold in that what you want is super hard pack heavy mineralized iron types of rock the round black shiny ones you'll know they'll be super heavy you're going to look in that area here I got root systems that are hard packed with gravel I'm having a heck of a time getting it out so I know that's a good sign so I'm going to dig in there first and see if there's anything stuck down in there remember stay away from your flow Sands they ain't going to have no gold in them make sure you bring a good digging tool with you a good crevicing tool you're going to need that out here especially when you start getting into these hard packed rocks and gravels and conglomerate all right you see that a heavy dark rock you can see I've got a whole bunch of nice in here and it had migma tide up above the bottom of a waterfall I got some gravel here I'll dig a little bit out and see if I got there too if you see flow sanding like this you ain't going to see any gold in this this is all light ain't going to be no gold you want gravels like this where they've been Consolidated in hard packed in Behind these rocks you want to dig down as far as you can to where you get to an impervious Zone like bedrock and then check for there cuz I can assure you when the water's coming down during flood stage all this is boiling and turning and moving around just like in a fluid bed slle box all the Gold's going to drop to the bottom it's not going to be up towards the top you need to get down as far as you can that's why you need to bring the right digging tools when you're out here I've seen people do this a lot they'll grab a bunch of flow sand they'll pan it out and they'll see what's called m brass mic they see that in their pan or in the washes and they think they got a piece of gold and when you swirl that water it'll float away gold is not going to float away even the smallest piece that's why you need your jewelers loop so you can inspect it it'll tell you everything you need to know here's a good example of that Micah you see it there's a piece there there's a piece there and there's a piece there you see that now see how easy I can break break that apart in my fingernail the problem is if people see that and they get all gung-ho and excited thinking it's gold look how easy that washes away that were gold it would stick right there in the pan these are the type of black heavy rocks I'm talking about they're going to be mayic and origin which means a lot of iron and magnesium are inside of these guys which makes them naturally heavy you can't mistake them they're dark and they're fine grain when you split them open and when you try to break them open it's going to be really really hard to do so so this is what you're looking for is a collection of these behind rocks or trees or some type of low pressure Zone dig down below that and if you're in a gold producing District there's going to be gold there all right so I'm down here along the sides of the creek where the Bedrock is actually poking up out of here so you see a lot of the basement rock around here which is granet and it's going to be mostly in the wash here but when you look up here on the sides you see a different type of strata I've got a lot of shos rock right here you can see that I mean see how easy that crumbles away and that's where a lot of the miciah is coming from that's inside of this Creek here now if you look up above it see how that's just crumbly and falling apart I know that the roots are in there but you see all that nice red in there right there you see that that means that there's been a lot of magnetite and hematite in it and you'll tell because they'll start to oxidize when they oxidize obviously they turn red and then you can see the bands of shist shisto rock right in there and then right there you can see small little stringers or veinlets of quartz running in there you see that what you do is you dig that out you screen it and you pan it if you see changes in the The Rock from what you're seeing in here it's always a good indication that if you're finding gold that's where it's coming from pick a nice spot where the water isn't all turbulent stratify that material now it's better if you classify but I didn't bring a classifier with me break the rocks to the back and yeah you're going to get wet as you get down to the last of the material go slow look at that just nothing but iron in there I got stringers of quartz going through that shisto rock and see how it's all weathering out any iron that's in there oh that looks really good you should Mark down everything you find everything you see and write it on a topple map because if you start to find it you really need to know exactly where it's coming from I've seen a lot of guys go out and Sample and forget where it came from or they get back to the house and they can't remember how to get back to that spot you need to keep track of this stuff and also keep in mind that your sampling isn't just a one-day deal I've been on some programs that's taking me 6 months of sampling just to find out exactly what's inside the ground and the richest locations so don't think you can just run out in one day sampling there and you're get a fine gold it might take you a couple days couple weekends couple months maybe a couple years but don't give up sampling is the key it's basically your playing detective to find out where the best sources of gold are hiding at so you can come in during The Right Time of the Season with bigger equipment so you can actually gold mine so you've gone from prospecting to Mining and then you can extract a lot of gold cuz you already know where to go don't tell nobody either cuz I tell you what word travels fast you come back next year and the spots already taken another good place to look for gold is in these root structures here see how they're all interwoven into the spaces of the rock the country rock the gold can get washed up into these root systems and the cracks and the crevices also check the Moss see the Moss fine gold can get stuck in there it's a good indicator if there is any bigger gold in the area or if there's any gold at all the old-timers used to do that all the time get all this clay out right here this is Mother Nature SLO box right here see all this beautiful Bedrock now what you want is the Bedrock running across perpendicular not in the same line as the creek or the stream is you're going to have to crack and crevice all this Bedrock if you got Bedrock this close and you got large rocks sitting on the Bedrock you're going to move those big rocks out of the way and get up underneath them because the gold can't go down any further than the Bedrock so you move him out of the way and you dig down as far as you can into the Bedrock and you sample there you get into these little cracks and crevices you're going to need to bring a crowbar with you and you're going to need to get this up you're going to get in there and you're going to scrape all this material out you see that it don't look like much but it don't take much to make an ounce of gold now does it it's just a little bile see that that's why it's important to bring your crevicing tools with you the little screwdrivers and pics and the specialty tools because there's going to be times where you can't break the rock free you get into these little tight cracks you might even want to bring a small hand pump so you can suction out the cracks fill them with water and then use your suction pump to suck this out you can even make one that you can use your mouth so you you pull in you suck in and it acts like a straw and it pulls everything up into a small container that way you don't suck it into your mouth is when the Bedrock is smooth like this it's not going to trap no gold so don't sample on Bedrock that's smooth those are called potholes it's what happens after thousands if not millions of years of erosion from the water digging in there and a rock churning around and grinding out a nice perfect hole if you got rocks in the bottom of it it's a good place to find gold that's trapped in there but if it's all just sand forget about it it's probably been blown out 100 million times a lot of people just go here to get gold out of the river but I'm going to explain to you where the gold is coming from and how they were mining it and where they were mining and where you should be mining it too see all this this round River Rock you'll see piles of it all over the place I got a pile here if you look across the ridge there I got a big pile across the ridge another one there all the way up and down this Canyon you're thinking what the heck is that back in the old days the old-timers realized there's good gold and these benches up here on the top that were left behind thousands if not millions of years ago so they were up here digging in here because there's bigger gold here than there is in the river the way that they did it like I showed you is they use a tram line to get it down to the river but that's why these big piles of rocks are here these cobbles these rounded River Rocks is because they were working these old benches because that's where the old gold was sitting and it was really good a lot better than what's in that River and if you get a chance to prospect prospect in the areas where this old bench gravel is cuz it's a whole lot better than going down the river the problem is you got to you got to get it down there which means you got to build a zip line if you find gold you need to find out the source where it came from or get as close as possible to where you think it came from and to do that you just observe the gold use your jewelers loop look at the texture of the gold is it getting bigger is it more coarse is it more angular in structure does it have any bits of the original host Matrix attached to it these are things you need to look for when you're out looking for gold it's not just about finding the gold you got to find out where it came from cuz if you can find a source you might be able to retire son
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 584,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO FIND GOLD EVERY TIME IN ANY CREEK!!!!! Jeff Williams, jeff williams gold prospecting, ask jeff williams, gold prospecting, ask jeff williams gold, jeff williams, ask jeff williams gold panning, ask jeff williams metal detector, jeff williams gold, find placer gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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