How To Identify Gold In Rocks

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hey guys my name is Jason with Mount Baker mining  metals and I just got a rock saw so what I want   to do on this video is I've got a bunch of gold  ore laying around I'd really like to get some   slabbed up in this machine and see if we can find  any free gold in quartz I've got bags and bags of   gold over here behind me these four in front  are the helicopter or I flew off the mountain   last year I want to look at some of that and then  these other bags are from another property that   I've been working and so really what I want to do  is I want to take some of these bigger pieces get   that nice smooth surface so we can take a look  at it and that gold hopefully will reflect back   in the light it'll be real obvious we can take  a look at it with the microscope and then some   of this other stuff has some really really rich  sulfides in it so I want to slab that open see   if we can get some sulfides here's some stuff  from our helicopter project and I've got an 18   inch saw so I can cut about a nine inch piece  I don't know if I can get this one in there   but you know maybe some of this stuff here  would work I can certainly cut that piece   here's some of the other stuff I got and obviously  this piece is way too big but you can see the   orange Rusty sulfide veins in it here's another  piece over here that looks real nice in this bag   see all those sulfides veins in there so I'll  see if I can find some smaller pieces and we'll   cut those up and see if we can get some really  nice sulfides we're gonna go big or go home on   this first one here this is that big one I  think I can get it clamped in there I hope   and get it run through that saw and I'm going  to start kind of out here I think and maybe   take a couple slabs it's clamped in there I  should have enough clearance for the blade   and for those of you have seen the channel  before I really like these banded lines right   here I don't know if this is the foot  wall of the hanging wall but oftentimes   you'll get some enrichment zones kind of those  bands so I'm I'm going to cut across the Bands   that'll be interesting to see so I'm going to  take my first swipe right through here and then   I can move this Vise over half an inch or an  inch and take another slab and I'll get two or   three slabs off and we'll just Whittle our way  down through this rock and see what we can find   all right this is real time cutting here rock  is on the right blade is on the left there   and it's just gonna worry  its way through that Court   let's take a peek in here it's like  Christmas every time I open this saw oh yeah so I use a mineral oil as a lubricant  and so it makes everything all oily   and at first I was trying to get them  cleaned up with kitty litter and that   didn't work very well it's stuck all over  the place but it seems like if I get it in   the kitty litter and a little bit of soap  and water afterwards it cleans it right up   but oh man let's let's get that thing cleaned up  we'll take a look it's reset I've moved it over   an inch so we'll get a one inch thick slab coming  off in this next cut so let's close the door here turn it on we're going again here's  that first slab off our big rock   and I've seen some pretty good looking stuff  down here it's pretty small but right along the   foot wall or the hanging wall there I don't see  anything up in here but I see little tiny flashes   down here when I tip it in the light so let's  get our microscope and check that section out I'm   going to use my little phone microscope to check  out the little pieces of gold in there and if   you're interested in this thing this is a really  cool little thing I put a link in the description   below you guys can go check it out on Amazon okay  we're right down there's the edge of the Rock   the foot wall and I'm going to just go real slow  here because the gold will show up right at the   edge but look at all that gold sell that little  shiny yellow gold in there right along the edge there's more of it there's a whole bunch of it and this is again this is from the  helicopter stuff that I flew off the mountain   there's more coming in there's a nice little  pocket of it right around that orange band look   at that big old bug of it it's right right along  the foot wall or hanging wall one of the walls   but it's just everywhere it's just  right along that edge everywhere   there's a little bit there and then  there's a there's that big crack right here and once you get past that  big crack there's nothing there's just nothing up here and so I believe we have a  two-stage vein emplacement   so you're you're and I'll show you when I zoom  out here once I get the microscope off but   this crack that runs right along the bottom  here we're going to call it the foot wall   from that crack all the way down to the edge  down here is a separate infusion of quartz   so let me take the microscope off and show you  the rock kind of as tell the whole story here   so here's our rock this is that crack I was  talking about so I believe that this quartz   was in place first or second it's a different  character it's got these chunks of wall Rock   in it it's much more milky quartz and where we're  seeing all the gold was right down along this Edge   so what I think happened was there's a second band  a second squirt of quartz up in the same fault   Zone but there's two distinct different Quartz in  placement eras and this one down here had all the   gold and that's why we see from here to here that  was that super rich goal is just it just speckled   all through there I don't know if I can get close  enough there's a little piece right there see it   shining in the in the light another  little piece right down there but you can real I mean it's like flashing  you with a mirror it really really shows up   but even on this piece there's just a ton of  a ton of gold right down in here but I can't   see it because it's not big enough but once you  get it big enough to where it can Flash at you   just like that piece right there you can  pick it out easy with the with the naked eye   well that's a problem probably a rookie mistake  my saw made some weird noise and I shut it off   and it's binding here so I can't get all the way  through I don't know if I want to adjust it oh   boy let's see what I got here well once I took the  bind off it the slab actually broke off and then   the pay layer down here broke off of the slabs  but then there's some gold down in that bug there   some gold down there I just I can't believe how  much gold there is and how fine it is it's so fine it's crazy I keep cutting on this  big hunk and I've got one flat side   two flat sides and the Bottom's flat so now  my plan is is I got it pretty much centered   on there I'm gonna cut it right in half and then  I'll have a set of bookends that's that's the plan   gold ore quartz bookends okay let's  see what we got on our bookends here oh nice look at there let me get them cleaned up and we'll take  a look well look at those beauties I've   got rough on the outside and the top cut  both edges in the face on both of them nice set of gold or bookends here's another  one I found I'm really excited about   it's got this huge band of sulfides right  through there so I think if I can take a   couple slabs off of here we'll get a  look in there and hopefully see some   really nice nice sulfides right through there  this was that one with all the sulfides in it   and man is there a lot of sulfides in it  so all this gray stuff here is puritite   there's a little bit right up here the  brassy looking stuff is calcopyrite   but it's just laced all through this piece and I'm hoping I thought I saw on one of these   I thought I saw some gold down right on the edge  of the pier type crystals so this is just massive   pure type with a little bit  of quartz crystals around it it's going to be a little bit hard to see any gold because it once it gets in the middle of the frame  it gets white but what's that little speck right   down on the bottom there is that a little piece of  gold a little bit different color in the puritite   it's right about the center of the  frame now I'll move it over to the left   I think that might be a little piece of gold  yeah a little yellow piece of gold there might be some more right in that brown crack there but man it's so cool to just be able to  cruise around on the surface of this rock and see what's going on oh there's another piece maybe right there  in the courts top top of the circle there I want to find some big pieces we're  going to leave the massive pure tight now   get over into the more quartz stuff Let's see we  can find that Calico pyrite over here somewhere a lot of nice parotite there's  a big old pyrotite chunk and now there's a little calco right there kind  of greenish working almost see where am I can't   tell where I'm at oh here we go there's some  yeah now we're getting into that calco streak and oh and there's a little piece of gold  see it right there oh that's a nice piece   right at the bottom of the calco or right  at the top of the of the circle there that's cool so maybe calco is an indication of gold  oh that's pretty neat let's see if I can   get this to focus it looks like there's a  big pyrotite Crystal then the calco Crystal   and then is there a little bit of gold right  in that right in the edge of that Calico pyrite   it looks like there's a flock of gold top and  a Fleck of gold at the bottom of that little   calcopyrite chunk [Music] so there's a piece of gold right in the  center and the one thing I don't like   about this is the light is very white but  once you get it over to the edge you can see   the gold a whole lot better the gold color  so there's a little flake of gold right in   the left hand side there right in the courts  let's Zoom around here so we can find any more but it's really nice this microscope's really nice   on these slabs because it's a nice smooth  flat surface there's a nice little flake looks like you can even  see the saw cut in that one and it's in an area where there's all these little  tiny pieces of rock looks like they broke off when the quartz was in place and got entrained in  the quartz Matrix along with the gold there it is   there's another little piece same thing  you've got these chunks of quartz around it   and then the gold is in The Matrix super fine  grain quartz Matrix [Music] so this thing really   it really helps to have this rock saw so I can get  a really good idea what was going on in the vein   and where the gold where the gold is so now  I can go up and hydrate it so here's that   rock we're just looking at see all these little  pieces of quartz looks like it got ripped off and   entrained and then there's that little piece  of gold we were looking at under the microscope so pretty interesting to see where the gold  comes out of the courts it's not just evenly   distributed out throughout the courts it's  in these little bands these little high grade   zones and there you go we got some gold War  cut we made some nice pieces here each one of   these slabs has a little piece of gold in it  so that's pretty cool I got the sulfide stuff   here which is really really cool sulfides laced  through the quartz and then I've got these two   bookends here that I made out of that piece of  gold ore I flew off the hill of the helicopter   so if you guys are interested in any of this  stuff it'll be on eBay so check it out find the   link in the description below otherwise thanks  for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 196,498
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: a7dHf8ZRIeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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