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hey guys it's your favorite Gold Miner prospector and geologist Jeff Williams and today I'm going to show you how to find gold every time in a creek like this or in a mountain side like that so let's get into it now I'm going to go over the basics real quick and yeah I got my jacket on cuz I still got snow pack everywhere but that's good because what I got water everywhere and of course you want water when you're sampling cuz it makes things so much easier so I'm going to show you the first steps the basic steps to go into and then we're going to go up on the hill and see if we can find anything up in those draws all right now the first thing you're going to want to do do the research find out if it's a gold producing District what kind of gold did it produce free Mill or was it locked up in sulfides or tellides and is the ground open for you to play with this is the first thing you need to know before you get boots on the ground now the area I'm in right now was a known gold producer had extremely rich gold deposits epithermal deposits and I'm going to bet that some of that gold worked its way down into this Creek that's the first thing I need to know is does the creek have any gold in it whatsoever and I'm going to show you how to sample that if it does we're going to go up into those draws check all the way around there if not we're going to move on up and we just keep working up until we find something and that's what you should do too is once you get into a Creek in a gnome gold producing area you sample until you find something you got to be detective okay you got to figure out where that gold came from so for right now Creeks are the best place to sample you got water and two they're a great transportation system for any gold that's washing down out of those Hills and transport it down here and concentrating it for me and it's making my job and your job so much easier so let's get into it now when you're in these little creek streams or little side tributaries look for obstructions like rocks big rocks if you can move them out of the way get underneath there if they're sitting on Bedrock that's a perfect trap in front and behind is where low Eddy currents are going to form that's where the pressure of the water starts to drop gold is going to drop out think of it like fishing wherever the fish are going to hang out that's where the gold is going to hang out same principle I'm going to sample there there and any other places that look like a good trap I'm going to get up into the bank and I'll sample the gravels in the bank and that's what you should be doing too now when you move big rocks out of the way you're going to see Clay on the back sides of them make sure you get all that clay washed off the back of the rock why because gold likes to stick to Clay it's good for us Prospectors cuz it's holding on to it for us make sure you wash all the clay out in between the cracks the rocks that you move and the Bedrock if any that it's sitting on one more thing bring a classifier at least 1/4 in I didn't bring one sure going to hear about it in the comment section but I'm going to rake the rocks out with my fingers and you can do it too and I'll show you how now the first thing you do before you rake the rocks out agitate the pan shake it back and forth stratifies all the heavy stuff to the bottom you don't want to start raking before cuz you'll rake the gold out if any on the top and yeah you're going to get wet tilt the pan forward rake the rocks to the back don't worry any Heavies that are in there are at the bottom I hear a lot of people in the comment section say Jeff you're too aggressive with that pan you're going to shake the gold out I've been doing this all my life I'm telling you the gold ain't going to shake out sample number one little bit of black sand in there not a lot I got a little little tiny Speck of gold in that little crease in the pan that tells me there is gold here don't forget jewelers loop 10 times or stronger and a Snuffer bottle once you get the gold you have to suck it up out of your pan you need to keep track of the gold that you find what it looks like and how coarse it is very important piece of this puzzle when you're out here prospecting especially in areas you've never been to before so now that I know that there's a little tiny piece of gold in this Creek I know that there's probably more coming from up there but I really want to check these gravels out here in the side of the bank because these gravels have been here for tens of thousands of years especially when there was a lot more water coming down these Canyons so we're going to find a nice spot and dig into [Applause] it now if you notice I picked a really big rock it took a lot of water to move this Stone big rocks big gold little rocks little gold remember that I'm going to put money on the fact that if there's any gold it's somewhere in this gravel Zone and wouldn't you see it look see all that red material right in through there up underneath this big old Flat Rock that looks very promising all right that's about as much as I want to get good size healthy pan we'll take it over here to quick and see what we got remember what I told you knad it like you're making bread especially if you got clay in [Applause] there tilt pan forward break the bigger rocks out all right not as far down as I want to get all right see what we got oh nice look at that big huge flake and a whole bunch of fines nice I told you always get up under those big rocks they're perfect traps for any type of goal but under these big rocks especially on Bedrock definitely is a winner now as a detective this is great but ask yourself where did it come from that's what you want to know so I seen some really interesting quartz outcroppings on the hill we're going to follow it up and see if we can find out if this came from that so you know what I'm going to say huh so come on no not let snow let's go take a look at this I've scouted the neighbor Hills and look at some of the veins that I'm finding in this area look at that isn't that juicy if that doesn't get your blood pumping nothing will that's some juicy looking material so that tells me that the veins up higher have probably got free Mill gold in them and I'll take this one and I'll take it back and crush it to find out what's in it but I can already tell you there's gold in it just by looking at it the question is how much all right let's get on up there and see if we can locate the source but I'm not going to do anything till you smash that like button smash it hard oh oh look at this look at this you know what that is that is a portal and look at that juicy vein they're chasing right there I told you look at that it opens up don't it look at that goes down in there I need to dig that out and look at the vein material right here isn't that nice shist see the shist all that decomposing shist look at that and I got iron and little traces of Limonite and quartz more shist altered andesite this is all andesite that's been altered this doesn't have anything in it it's referred to as propy this is what you're looking for right here all right come here take a look at this I found me some Bedrock see that that is bedrock and that is what I'm looking for because if there's any Heavies or gold it'll be sitting in those cracks so I'm going to go ahead and dig that all out put it in my pan see what's in it now like I told you when you're sampling on the hillsides or in the Creeks the best thing to do is look for Bedrock exposures this is Mother Nature slle Box I've told you that in all my videos it'll catch the heavier materials like your magnetites or your gold and all the finer stuff will wash right out just like a slle box and this stuff looks really good because this is altered bedrock and I can tell because see the iron staining like the piece I showed you down below it's all over the place look at this so I can tell that there's a lot of alteration a lot of iron going on here a lot of mineral syes are probably in placed in this particular host Rock so clean out that bedrock and Mother Nature's already gone ahead and drained everything off the mountain down into the straw right on top of this Bedrock right here so all I got to do is clean it off and it gives me a perfect snapshot of what's in the area so that's what you should be doing too this stuff is everywhere just gobs and gobs of it hematite magnetite lot of iron this is fantastic I see little pockets of Limonite there's float everywhere out here all right I know enough job Jack and Jeff hurry up cuz we want to see what you found I do too it's just really nice around here all right all right I'm on it oh man man who needs a gem just be a gold miner I don't know how the old-timers did it they must have been tough as Nails all right I know enough jaw jacking remember what I told you knead it in stratify get the Heavies to drop to the bottom tilt to the front I'm going to ring some of these rocks out man it'll test your metal I gu the heck is that something big something real big oh wow look at look at that those are bullets look at huge look at the size of those calibers tons and tons of lead I don't want lead oh and look the gold there's gold look at that oh look at all the buck shot nice see the giant flakes in there oh there's a whole bunch of fines oh there's one there too look look look look look at [Applause] that and that don't get your heart pumping nothing will that means you're on the right track anytime you find bullets and a whole bunch of Heavies like magnetite and Iron Stone you know you're out a winter especially when you're in a gold producing District that's fantastic oh there's so many fins in there too so you know what I'm going to do right that's right I'm going to put a claim on this follow my tips I get guarantee you'll find gold and don't forget at the end of every month we give away a brand new gold monster 1,000 metal detector bags and bags of Pay Dirt from our drift mine and silver bars you want to get involved with that smash that button right there and make a $10 pledge and you're in like Flynn and I see you on the next video
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 254,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iZBm8b7Ee8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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