The Biggest Gold is in the Deepest Crevices!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey how'd you get into the country hey they let me in I'm here to steal all your gold we got to protect our Southern border way better hello everyone Dan danhard prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome hope to earn your subscription today back here on the Fraser River the water is as low as I have ever seen it going to see if we can find some great deposits way down low got Jason from Mount Baker mining medals joining us today the Americans stealing the Canadians gold hopefully we can find some so wish luck and I hope you [Music] enjoy now the water of the Fraser is lower than I think I've ever seen it before we are so low and these rocks that I've started digging behind right now are usually under water even at low water late late summer so I often don't get down this far to pan I have never actually tried this far down on the bar so we're going to try a little bit here and see if there's good gold here just up by that big rock there we know there's great gold and if we don't find much here pretty quickly we'll move back where we know there's good stuff Dana tried that crevice last year and found almost nothing in it which I don't know what that means for us down here but we know there's good gold around and the water is way too low to get the really big gold we find in the boulders up top we have to wait for the Fraser level to rise up so that we can pan up there that'll be later spring all right I've cleared my first little crevice here seeing uh what we have down this low it's only about half pan of material but it will tell me if there is gold down this low or not if there's no gold in this pan I'm going to go and do one from right there and then move up if we still have no gold hey Jason you don't do regular plaster panning very often do you I do not no I'm I'm definitely a novice at this and so I'm I'm looking to you to kind of give me some pointers here I think I've got the basic idea Gold's heavy goes to the bottom of the cracks goes to the Bedrock and just work that stuff all the way to the bottom now you have a big mining history you're but you're all hard rock mining mostly hard rock yeah see in western Washington we don't have plaster gold like this in the rivers so I had to import myself into Canada to come up here and find some real gold but yeah I do have a little hard rock operation uh we do do some Drilling and Blasting but all my gold I have to crush and Shaker table and concentrate down out of the Hard Rock Hard Rock gold is where it's at that is where you get big amounts of gold big values of gold that's where the industry is at Plaster gold you'll never get the same volumes but a neat thing about plaster gold is you get almost instant gratification where Jason has to work weeks if not months to find his gold within 10 minutes down here we're going to have the first golden our Snuffer bottles around here you just come pick it up basically come pick it up but you'll never get the value or the volume of gold that you will in a hard rock mine doing plaster like this and the first TR rain of the day we will see many of those today got to find my way down to the river pan it's a long ways down where are we we're good 15 ft up from where I was panning last time 15 ft down 15 ft up 15 ft difference there we go it's almost like steps down here beautiful spat to pan the water is not warm so maybe 10 pieces of gold but it's not great not compared to what what's up top I'll bring it up and show you well for the first pan of the day we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pieces of gold that's probably the biggest but they're all a good size got to love pan in the freezer and we are keeping our cons today because Jason's going to take them back and smelt them to see what else is in them see how much gold we missed and what can come out of the Black Sands that we can't pan out your first pan first pan look at that two really nice flakes nothing wrong with that at all not bad huh not bad all right so the next Bedrock hole I've cleared out right there has filled my classifier but it's probably about the same amount of gravel as I had in the last half pan because there's a lot of rock in that one let's hope deeper hole more broken up Bedrock bigger gold actually looking through my FAS fire sing it over on the ground because at a place like this we have found nuggets there actually less material in this pan than we had in the last one there's so many rocks it has slver Jade for a second nope not very much at all I'm going back up top so this last year I did a bunch of work under that rock bunch of work under this rock whole bunch of work under that rock find good gold in all of those spots so I'm just having a look now to see where the last good spot might be up here that we can work today h i wonder if I can move that rock that might be an idea and in another train I found a rock here that I can move I might get Jason to help me we'll just roll that one over and I think up under there we do well ha I didn't even need Jason's help I got it on my own that looks like a whole bunch of material we'll do a pan off the top then I'll scrape away everything into a pan off the bottom and make a determination of what it's like there while the top gravels were easy easy easy digging that took me all of like 30 seconds to fill a pan a little bit farther of walk get down to the water but hopefully it's better gold there's Jason panning down there haha I found a setting Rock way easier to pan I in a really cool El Cove of this rock here too well let's see what's in there well there's five or six pieces of gold in here I think it's best if I just go get the close up for you to show you the gold so these were the top gravels behind that rock let's go and check out the lower gravels and see what they have now this pan will take longer to fill cuz I want to just get right in there and get the Bedrock cleaned right out see what is sitting in all these little cracks and crevices right down on the Bedrock so it's going to be basically hand workk like this right now to fill a pan I often bring a vacuum down here to do this job but I didn't bring it today okay the Bedrock is scraped clean let's go see how much gold it had laying on it we can probably move this rock too and start getting large amounts of gravel out from behind but I want to make sure I'm on the gold before I put too much effort in into things what is this pan 4 the day I think that's pan 4 let's get her done let's see what we [Applause] got well still only only six or seven flakes H maybe eight so is it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 can't count those nine pieces of gold 10 10 pieces of gold plus a whole bunch of powder and I've lost Jason really hoping he didn't fall in the river he must be up there somewhere anyhow I don't get to show him a 10 piece of gold I'm just going to suck it up I assume he went exploring out there somewhere oh there he is I saw a head poke above the Rock okay that's what these pans should look like all I looked at this once I know it's here there we go one picker maybe eight good siiz Flakes I'm going back to that spot that's a nice pan all right that's what they need to look like that's what they need to look like you go find that okay go find that you're welcome to dig there too where I am at hijack your spot absolutely you're more than welcome to First picker of the day they're definitely not the size Pickers I get Pickerton but I can definitely pick that one up with my fingers and some other gold probably have eight pieces of gold in total including one picker that's worth it I'll show you where I was digging and then I'm going to do another pan from right there okay the last pan came from down in this area here and it was really good I'm starting to clear more around and I just found a whole bunch of loose Bedrock so Bedrock that's already broken up but still sitting in place that kind of stuff holds the gold for sure so happy to see that this could be a good [Music] pan look way underneath this rock there's all the gold now on the ground there's my first piece of gold just sitting on Bedrock love seeing that there we are that might be a better shot of this piece of gold that's just sitting on top of the bedrock in the pansi goes can you see the Bedrock moving there so I got under the edge of it it's just loose bedrock so lifting up a piece like that any gold that was sitting on that or in the Cracks around it is now free like a piece like that could have 10 flakes just sitting on it could have nothing but that is totally how you get good pans up here is finding these areas of broken up Bedrock clearing it out and seeing what it's holding oh this is good I may have to invite Jason to this spot I've already offered but he might have to [Music] come okay Jason's on the gold I got a pan full of gold absolutely full of gold just careful I got my camera right there recording okay y going to be a good fan I know it yeah I can feeling in my bones I keep seeing gold washing out the back Corners oh yeah that's a that's an instant sign you've got lots that's a great sign taking it slow cuz I know there's gold here okay the Moment of Truth yeah easily 20 pieces in there really now that's what we're looking for a pan that looks like that there's probably 20 pieces of gold in that pan again let's get out the closeup the GoPro I use for filming sucks at close-up stuff you can't get it within 18 in otherwise it loses Focus so you can't show this stuff off I use a little Nikon point and shoot that does really nice close-up work to get these closeup shots and back to pan three from there Jason only got a few flakes in his so he gave up back to his crevice up there but I know there's good stuff down here I'll get it so did a bit of sweeping down there bit more scraping the Bedrock broke up a little bit more bedrock and I have a full pan I think Jason's throwing rocks I keep hearing echo of rocks falling is me oh he's way up top apparently that didn't do it for him no that wasn't good I tried a few of these exposed cracks those weren't good I'm trying to chase this crack underneath this Granite Boulder but I can't get it out it's wed underneath this rock and I'm going to work at it for a while what do you think I think that looks really good right there under there yeah that's a lot easier I like the look of it okay maybe I'll work there I like the look right here too but that would be a hard one to move oh under there yeah under here but that would be a hard one to move but yeah I think the the gold is washing out of these gravels here that one's wedged in there good huh I think so can't really get a you break it all right I'll try your spot here one other thing that makes a bit of a difference about how much you you find versus me is the size of pan you've got the 14in shallow pan oh yeah I got the 15-in Deep pan so I get at least twice as much material in My Pan well that must be what it is twice as much gold twice as much gold okay I keep seeing gold washing out in the back corners of this pan as well so that's a great sign that you see it in the back corner right there got two flakes washing out they're good siiz flakes too really good sign that I have a good pan here the straight side to side shake like this often deposit some of the Heavies up in the back corner most of the Heavies will fall down to the bottom front of the pan but sometimes they walk up into the back Corners as well and you really notice that when washing there it comes right now it pokes its head out there and that's a good sign that it's time to rest stratify get it down into the bottom of the pan get the lights on top again and keep panning most likely when it washes out in the back corner it's just going to stay there it might walk forward a little bit but it's not going to make it out of your pan but it is a good sign to it's time to settle things down again going slow because I've seen so much in the back Corners here that I have a feeling there's a lot in this pan all back down the bottom one thing with the Fraser River Gold being so unbelievably flat is it can surf on top top of the Black Sands sometimes it doesn't fall through them it stays on top and surfs just like a surfboard being heavier in the water can actually stay on top of the water gold being heavier than Black Sands can stay on top of the Black Sands if it's big and flat I don't think I've ever taken so much time on one pan can do this with still recording dier or something there some black rock big rocks being so delicate with how I was panning I ended up with a lot of big rocks left no nuggets my point of stopping and looking is when I can see that middle riffle the top edge of that middle riffle there poking through all the way through at that point there it is I just saw it a second ago that should be enough okay was I right oh yeah another p pan full probably 20 pieces again and they're good size yes I had a great pan however I got a good pan too he's got a better pan you had to lead me right to the spot but for a while I was getting worried if I forgot how to pan or didn't know how to pan right there we go that's nice I'm going to take a closeup of both of ours yeah not bad not bad not bad but just wait till you see what Jason's got okay off to Jason's pan there we go there's Jason's pan more pieces and bigger than mine so there's definitely more gold in here the size of piece makes a huge difference with the total value total amount and because he has three almost Pickers there that adds up fast nice work Jason now do it again yeah see if there's more there now unfortunately I seem to have run out of the good looking stuff back here run out of the stuff that is breaking up Bedrock or lifting loose chunks and that I I think is where the gold was hiding in those loose chunks of Bedrock well there's one loose chunk coming free maybe I'll have some back here got material anyhow it's a long process digging this stuff like this trying to find those loose pieces I won't bore you today by making you watch it I'll turn the camera back on when I'm full well Jason just went by saying he had the best pan of the day that he was taking down to the river to pan may as well call mine full and go down and see how he's doing well he's done already I haven't heard any hooting and hollering probably my bigest FL biggest flake of the day that's good well for me I don't know I think you had a bigger one this is my biggest here okay I'm on my way down we'll find out no I don't know yours in the last pan were pretty big too yeah it is it is nice it's a good spot it's good spot what do you think of the claim so far now that I find a gold I think it's great no it's good I really I really like working along the Bedrock that's really fun it is yeah now I got to find that nugget go find it so theug all the Nuggets we found at this site have been over on the other side oh have they okay yeah down here we find lots of gold but we haven't found anything really big down here are the Nuggets you're finding are they are they flat just big flat pieces big flat pieces yeah with with thickness though with thickness okay yeah but they've traveled a long way they have they look like giant flakes giant flakes okay well I'm going to try and find more [Music] [Music] [Music] okay down to the nitty-gritty I haven't been seeing gold washing out in the back Corners so that's probably meaning this is not as good and it has a lot to do with the fact that that area of broken up Bedrock is probably where all the gold was coming from and I just didn't have much more broken up Bedrock there oh never mind it's pretty good maybe not quite as good but that's still pretty darn good wooo well it might not be as good as the last two pans but I'd still take that the hoodie hat came up it's cold cold and starting to rain starting to rain a little bit and we can see snow in the mountains right there yeah freshly snowing up there spring and British Columbia too hot one day too cold the next we passed through Hell's Gate but I think the temperature went the other way yes gold there's gold up here Gold Everywhere this is going to be a good pan this is going to be a good pan get some good pan I'm seeing gold oh yeah I'm seeing lots of gold yeah that's a good pan there's at least 30 in there yeah that's a good pan and look all this magnetite and these bigger big magn of magnetite you're on it you're in a good spot or in a good SP you're in a good spot I'm in a good spot it's getting cold out here though it is getting cold yeah so without uh moving more rocks there I kind of ran out of material I could dig easily where I was so I just tried another spot and it was more grally stuff less broken up bedrock look at that some nice Flakes two really nice flakes plus a couple of smaller ones not as good as where I was but hey can't complain about that nothing wrong with that and that was digging over there rather than in there not bad I'm going to go look around for a new spot I like looking for new spots so Jason invited me up to where he's working said there's more material than he can get through in the rest of the day here so might as well have both of us go on this hot ground let's see what I can find in there and I've done it again I just popped up a piece of bedrock and there's a piece of gold shining back at me see if I can reach in there and grab it without dropping off the gold can you see it on there gold get that closeup for that just like that gold sitting on bedrock into the pan she goes well it's not quite a full pan but I've already seen one flake go in so I got high hopes that's a good one and Jason's back need to give his his hole back yeah the hole okay here we go pound 42 I don't know how many pans we've done so it's only half a pan of gravel once the big stuff's taken out I really like this Bedrock claim working Bedrock like this you have the chance of finding bigger pieces chance of finding nuggets even I've got claims that can produce better gold more gold with no nuggets but the chance of finding a nugget makes this one all that more enticing we have found lots of nuggets here in the past oh and there's a story where uh my buddy Mike and I were here Mike was working a good hole I was working H hum material he told me to come and take one pan from where he was working and I found a nugget in my one pan sneakily snuck it into his next pan because it wasn't right that I took the one nugget out of his hole now I'm a little bit afraid this is Jason's digging spot if I find a nugget in here will I duplicate that will do I duplicate stealing someone's nugget and then having to sneak it back in on them I kind of hope I do but yeah sure sure I hope I do that would be funny though I'm sure Jason would rather find a nugget himself well here we go down to the nitty-gritty I haven't been watching to see if flakes have been washing out in the back corner been talking too much yes some people think I talk too much some people like listening to me talk okay let's see if I did well in Jason's spot not all that hot I think it did better in my last spot Jason's got the good stuff he must know the trick so maybe a little bit piece of mercury covered gold there some okay Flakes two okay ones bunch of little guys he's getting in there deep I'm getting in there good stuff down here I didn't do all that well no no strange but I'm going to look for another spot just for fun I like looking for spots the Wind and Rain have turned this day this was a beautiful day it's turned kind of icky so I'm hiding down in a little Al Cove here found a little crevice I'm going to try to clear out and that might be it for the day cuz it's getting pretty nasty and it's snowing right there right there nasty spring in British Columbia any I got a little crevice here I'm going to pick away at it see what's hiding down in there see if there's any good siiz gold well I have a half a pan from that part of the crevice there could have cleaned that a bit better I like crevices like this because the first spot on this claim that we started finding big gold was in crevices just like this these crevices tend to hold the fishing weights and whatnot uh the big lead pieces and the bigger pieces of gold so um in the crevices just over there we've cleared out crevices like this and found dozens of Pickers in them and usually lots of lead there's these funny little cylindrical uh fishing weights that we find in these crevices but um one thing I didn't like usually I see gold going into my pan when I'm working a crevice like this I can see the gold flipping out I didn't see any so let's go find out let's go find out I don't know what time it is what time is it I have no idea what time it is but I'm thinking that's probably my last pan for the day yeah yeah you thinking that too I think so too okay it's a pan off for the last pan last pan we got cold we're cold we're ready to go home you're in your hot spot still I I moved just up from it just up from your hot spot and I'm finding a new crevice a new have no idea what's in there if I got gold here I might do a couple more pans okay we'll see okay let's see what this crevice holds one head pan [Music] again now as I said those deep deep crevices like that tend to hold the bigger pieces of gold so good luck nope no nuggets when I'm panning one handed I tend to go forward and back rather than side to side which probably isn't good but it's what I can do when I'm one headed or I can put down the camera let's do that come on gold big gold big gold crevice how long before you get back into your mind there Jason ah depending on the snow probably mid July mid July before you get up that high yeah okay A Moment of Truth for the big crevice oh look at I've got lead I got a lot of lead you lead fishing weights I got one two three four five six lead fishing weights these are weird weights they use with their Nets okay to hold their Nets down so there's Heavies there H okay you got some gold some gold nothing big I was hoping big but gold for the last pan woohoo not bad and you let's see what I got I don't know I haven't looked yet this was just right in front uh maybe this isn't your last pan of the day no I think I'll do a couple more uh yeah I'd say soot nice nice couple big flakes in there so these lead fishing weights is why we can't metal detect this claim these I think are they hold down the fisherman's Nets and they are everywhere on this claim especially in the Deep crevices there's six of them in this pan but they're usually found where you find the bigger pieces of gold too anyhow we got gold but I think Jason wants to do another pan or two cuz he's got another hot spot so now we have decided one more pan one more pan one more pan there's my one more pan Jason's going to go for where that green rock is there move that and try to do one more pan there he did really well up under the rock not so well over there so let's see and on a good note one more pan one more pan it's like fishing one more cast you bet there's always one more pan okay do I end on a good pan or a bad pan or mediocre pan they're all good pans it's always fun out here on the Fraser gold panning even when it's cold it'll be a good pan I saw some gold in the back corner could be a good pan and another is it going to be a good one let's hope and the verdict is is it a good pan is it not a good pan is it a way to end off the day it is one way or the other let's have a look oh yeah okay not great but good it's a good way to end off the day let's get the closeup out one One Last Time Well no I will put it all together for one last one last extra last time not bad way to end off the day now let's get the whole Snuffer bottle in one spot and see what it looks like looking pretty good there we are of course the GoPro doesn't do this justice so let's get out the closeup one last time now I'm going to make a guess that that's probably 1/3 of a gram of gold Canadian value that's about you know $40 $35 $40 worth of gold there probably $35 worth of gold not the best I've done with this claim but I had a great day and it's nice being back out here early spring gold pan in the Fraser River once again might be to a half a gram might be hey Jason why are you crouched over your gold pan like that got to keep the glare off the water overcast skies are awful for taking pictures of gold does it look cool it looks great it looks great let's see how you did for the day yeah here we go last pan not the best one but pretty darn good I would say cool empty your Snuffer yeah let me get the Snuffer out now if you want to see what Jason recovered for the day in what about 15 20 pans yeah probably if you want to see that you'll have to check out Jason's Channel Mount Baker Mining and metals hope you all enjoyed the video today if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't earned your subscription yet I hope I earned it today and a big thanks to everyone for watching hope you're all having a great day and until the next one bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 141,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond
Id: 4F-qsaf4Pow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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