Minelab Gold Monster 1000 | Which Coil Is Better?

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howdy again out there welcome back to the channel if you're a subscriber welcome to the channel if you're new here today we're going to answer one question in this video which coil is better on the gold Monster 1000 don't take my advice 100% to the heart um I'm just going off what works best for me and what's worked best for a lot of people out here in the in the Gold World who are using these machines all I did was followed what everybody else was doing when I got mine I went on to YouTube and even before I had one and I watched what other people were doing and not necessarily just what other people were doing but what the successful people were doing that doesn't mean that the big coil's bad or anything like that but it seems to be the the standard that everybody's adopted and with that my last touch on this subject for now until we put it in the real world situations I'm going to show you two magazine clippings that I got out of the latest gold prospector magazines I'm a lifetime GPAA member gold prospectors Association America so I get their magazines every other month there and in those magazines M lab has their own little advertisements so I'm going to flip the camera around I'm going to show you exactly what their own advertisements are saying these days these are two magazines I know I got them side by side might look like one but it's two two magazines and these are M laabs advertisements in the gold prospectors magazine so right here if you read that bottom it said M laabs gold Monster 1000 with 5-in coil is a sniper targeting gold find gold every day is a reality with the gold Monster 1000 grab the new gold Monster 1000 with 5in coil today to find gold tomorrow and pretty much the same thing over here 5-in coil is a winning combo on small gold especially in mineralized ground now you look at the pictures and it doesn't even show the big coil anymore they don't even advertise it with the big coil that's because 99% of people have adopted that small coil as the goto it's just it's an incredible little coil there's no need for anything bigger um if you think you need a bigger coil for it then you're probably overworking the ground or maybe you need to step up to a pulse induction but I'm also going to say this so in case mine lab's watching this guy out here with his nice clean shirt on he's about two inches off the ground right there and that fool ain't even in the game that right there is enough distance off the ground that you will be missing a lot of gold and I'll show you that in this video I'm going to show you that and we're going to get to that so M lab if you're watching tighten up right there because that's a rookie move rookie move rookie move anyways let's get to the gold all right here's some gold I brought with me and we're going to use these as test nuggets today so we'll start with the smallest one and that one right down there that tiny little thing that one weighs in at 0. one of a gram just barely tips the scale and gold monster find stuff even smaller than that but we're not going to do that today this is A3 this one's a 6 so just over a half a gram nice little chunky nugget and then right here's a 1.6 gram nugget they all got a little dirt on them still so what we're going to do is we're going to use these nuggets today and I'm going to show you some differences on where each coil for the gold monster the 10 in and the 5 in and why we all love that one so for sake of situation and to try and stop a little bit of argument that may happen in the comments in the Gold World this I see it all the time is people try to show how a detector works and whatnot and they say well you move the gold and it's not going to sound like it did in the real world yada yada yada you place that gold there so it's not going to sound like a real Target so for sake of argument what we're going to do today is we're going to work the ground the way I usually do with the monster you know metal detecting isn't always just about swinging it's it's about working the ground so for sake of argument we're going to assess this as an area that I'm detecting as I dig material out so no matter what any targets that I can place on the ground any of these are going to sound essentially the same is if I dig this dird out right here okay pull that little Boulder out pull that one out okay now anything that may have been exposed is going to be just as Loose as these nuggets that I could throw on the ground I hope that makes sense but I know people can get a little weird about saying oh well it's not going to sound like that cuz you already moved it so let's just assume I'm digging and detecting as I go which is a very very good way to find gold with a gold monster okay so I'm going to move a couple rocks around real quick and we're going to check this for targets before I put any gold in there all right I'm not hearing anything okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take the smallest of these nuggets right here this little guy right there little 0 one we're going to put him down here we're going to throw him oh where can we put him that's sneaky let's put him right up here like he's just barely coming out of the wall okay he's right there can you see it tiny little piece of gold right there okay so by rights I just picked this all apart I brought it out I detected and I didn't find anything so here's what happens with both coils when you get over a little piece of gold like that in that kind of exact situation let me get this camera zoomed in okay so the gold monster with the 5- in coil let's see if we can find it okay so that's in auto mode and you hear that tiny little faint sound that hears it now that's a tricky spot and I'm starting off tricky because I want to prove a point that's tucked way up in there okay now we're going to switch over and you can see that the the monster was in auto mode the one with the 5-in coil that we just used now we're going to switch machines and we're going to go to the 10-in coil and again auto mode okay see in the middle it's in Auto and we're going to try and find that piece of gold that we just saw with the other col so that wouldn't even stop you and here's the biggest point with this coil is that it's too bulky you can't get into tight spaces with it that is the biggest drawback of this 10in coil now granted right there I can almost start to hear it but you would have to really be paying attention cuz that just sounds like any other noise okay now let's go back to the other coil same settings with the 5-in coil okay listen to that tone okay now we'll go back one more time with the other coil just to show you again I can't make it I got to get that loud I can't get that thing in there enough to even make it squeak okay one more time really set this point in because this is one of the most important things I've ever noticed of the coil with the monster and I get this question probably about three times a week and some days it's just gosh dang annoying because people assume that bigger coil is going to get them more and in the VF world it's really not going to get you anything um and with the monster specifically the monster is made for tiny gold and finding it in the tiniest of places you can hear that all day long all day long long now I'm going to throw this piece back out on the ground and I'm going to do it in an open area just to show you guys another thing that you might be doing or you may do wrong and you don't even know it especially if you're new so right there's the piece of gold you can kind of see him sitting there and I'm going to cover him up okay I'm going to put that Little Rock over it and we're going to start with this coil cuz I got it right here and what I want to show you guys is how if you're off the ground at all with this machine or any machine you're missing gold and you're probably not even playing the game so to say so let's swing above everything here we know it's right there okay so that's scrub It On and On The Ground that's pretty good Target so now let's come off the ground an inch one inch right there hear the difference in that sound now let's go up another just a little bit that Target is gone at inch and a half two inches above the ground so we can go from to that just simply with that much distance so let's go back over to this target over here and let's Lally gag swing we call it weed whacking we'll go over to a couple inches high auto mode and see what it does so that might stop you but if you're just swinging around in here it don't sound like anything else anything different than anything else so you want to here's what you want to do you want to be going nice and slow you want to be scrubbing the ground okay and you overlap see and you'll run right into it um one of the things I like to do is grid off an area I either do it in my brain or sometimes I'll even draw it in the in the ground with my finger and you know do a little TW 12 in square just like that and then you just grid that square off and overlap because your hottest spot on this coil is going to be directly under this sticker and it's right about where the E is every time that thing makes a noise it's going to be right under there unless you're nudging into it and you're not quite on the target yet but anyways let's uh I just wanted to show you that so let's see if uh the other coil can hear this so that's the 5in coil mode here's the 10-in coil okay so same settings it barely even hears it so I'd say that's pretty good proof right there that like it hears it but you gosh you'd have to be you'd have to be waiting for that one or really hoping it was there to I mean that is just same settings deep see deep all gold I'm in Auto right there scrub in the ground okay now we're going to pick up the other coil in the same modes deep all metal Auto One scrub in the ground [Laughter] it's not half the sound that that thing should be that's why right there we love that 5in coil I think that's enough said about it right there I if you want to argue me that this this coil is better on small gold well you're just arguing with the wind to argue I guess because everybody in the world loves that other coil this thing's a ring finder it's made for big nuggets you know black ground but for the most part this little 5-in coil is where it's at I mean list into that and that's in auto mode so the next situation that I want to show you I don't know if you can see that but right there right there I planted that 1.6 g gold nugget okay so let's just say you're out here and you're swinging around with your gold monster you come along some old workings you know somebody was working a wash or something just like this and you go man I wonder if there's anything on this Bank side good place to look for gold right well let's grab our gold monster and we're going to grab the the one with the 10-in coil on it we're in auto mode as you can see auto two we'll go to auto okay we'll turn the volume up a little bit so you can hear things now if you were just L gagging around through here and you're just walking at a pace and you were just kind of searching you know scrubbing the coil you're looking around trying to find anything right you get over here and you go over those rocks you kind of that just sounds like a hot rock right you can't get into it you're leaning it you're bending the coil around you're trying to get in there look I'm even nosing in there here right I'm I'm literally look at this look at this there's that nugget you see it right there okay I'm trying to hear that thing and I can't hear it with this coil 1.6 G nugget and those rocks are about 2 and 1 half maybe 3 in and right there I'm basically touching the Nugget with the coil okay same situation let's grab the monster with the 5in coil little hard to see but same settings auto mode right there okay so you're scrubbing around turned the volume up just make sure you don't I didn't change anything all I did was turn the volume up two clicks okay you hear it's already way more responsive to other things okay now let's work toward that nugget no matter what it's making a noise how could you not hear [Music] that that would have been enough to go oh I wonder if it's that rock and that would lead you into that nugget now that's in auto mode okay just like that now we move that Rock Let's see what it sounds like with the 10-in coil again okay see now that that Rock's out of the way we can hear it a little better but when that rock was in the way you couldn't even hear that thing you'd be struggling it's just a better signal on that 5in coil so I'm going to pick up this little Nuggie right here and I'll show it to you guys even though I wasn't joking with you look at that fat nugget wo and I don't think I need to further this video any further I think I made the point I showed three instances where the small coil clearly exceeded the big coil's abilities um it's not rocket science it's just what everybody in the world has adapted but I showed you that first piece that it couldn't hear right here surface find it was Tiny gold and it was stuck in the wall and the coils disadvantage the big coil's disadvantage was is it couldn't get close enough in there tucked in there enough to hear it and then when I brought it out and I put that little piece down here that big coil showed that it didn't even want to really hear it it was the faintest sound in the world it's just not as hot as that small coil is so then we got up and I just brought you over there to where I had planted this 1.6 g gold nugget and I did that specifically behind a little Boulder to show you a real world situation where a nugget could actually be laying in a sunbaker you know so he can take out the the just the whole thought of well he placed the Nugget there so it's not going to sound like it did I have found many nuggets just laying in the sun right there like in those kind of situations on the edges of banks of creeks and stuff they're just laying there so that could totally happen and if you walked along with both machines and both coils only one of them would have heard that enough to even slow you down well as I like to say the proof is in the pudding and I think that 5-in coil showed everything I was trying to show today in the video so I was going to make this a longer video and get into some settings and stuff um but I just don't have the the ability to do so with the space on my phone and whatnot so I'm going to have to cut this video short and maybe we'll we get into settings on the monster and advanced settings in another video but for now I hope you learned a little bit about your monster um hope that helps you decide which coil you should be using cuz gosh that would be a sad day to walk right by that gr that 1.6 G nugget and not even know it was there that would be a sad day it was sitting there waiting for you so anyways best luck to you out there stay tuned hit that subscribe hit that like leave me a comment below and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Wayward Woodward
Views: 3,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold monster 1000, minelab, metal detecting, metal detecting for gold, gold nuggets, prospecting, gold prospector, nugget hunting, nugget shooting, gold, geology, arizona, arizona gold, metal detector coil, gold monster coil
Id: Do89HV-0i4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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