How To FIND and CATCH LEGENDARIES in PALWORLD! Palworld Tips and Tricks!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on PO world and I'm going to show you how to catch the legendaries over on power world it's pretty simple you just need to go to the different certain wildlife sanctuaries each individual Wildlife sanctu is going to have its own individual rare creatures that can spawn on that zone and you kind of just have to scout him out and find them the reason I'm going to this one at night is because there's an increased chance of the number three Wildlife uh Sanctuary to have the rares spawn at night they are just random by the way it's not like you can get lucky or unlucky I mean you literally have to get lucky I take that back right um so you have to get lucky in order to spot them this one has three of the dragon types and uh yeah so it's super easy um but if you do not spot them when you go over here the best thing you can do is just come back at a later time you want to make sure that you're pretty well kitted up at least level 40 you're going to want some cold resistant uh armor and then a weapon of some sort is usually a good idea you don't necessarily need one but it's probably a good idea um so you can on this fent island find inceram knock just so you can see right here right this is one and uh hello buddy I'm sorry you just have to go inside of a ball right now oh wow I don't realize that that's what I had out I had a bad ball out um you're going to need at least Ultra spheres by the way um because the percentage wise you're not going to be able to tame anything level 40 plus unless you have at least that you can technically get away with doing the hypers Spheres below that level but it's not a very good probability and legendary Spears are even better because you're going to want to catch the legendary creatures and you will need access to the legendary spheres in order to really do it you can see that for some reason I don't know why they seem to have a even though it's a 55% chance that's what ball number four ball number five now you can take them down to the the with an inch of their health and that tends to help just a little bit you can see right there we've raised it up to 65 instead um but they will be able to get out many times so just make sure you've got a whole bunch of your backup walls ready to go now if you have a flyer that makes this process a lot easier um and just to so you can see the coordinates that I'm at by the way this is the upper right Island number three and it's past the actual sand dunes Zone there's one right here there's one in the bottom middle of the map and then there's one on the left side of the map now the PF Elites are also here so when you are catching these things and they see you by the way you are going to get a little bit of a um a warning if you want to think of it that way which means they're just going to chase you down to the best of their ability which doesn't always work super well for them because they're not very good at their job uh especially like if you're level 40 plus they can't do enough damage to you to really be concerned with but uh yeah so that's what it is now these are though they are rare creatures the bushy the incin am knocked and um I think there's one more F falope you can get on this island um but it's not they're not the ones you're looking for it's just random you kind of just have to go around and hope for the best obviously I'm just going to fly to see if I can show you one but I don't see one at this moment in time which is unfortunate now what you can do is you can log out here and then log back in and it'll reset the creature spawns it doesn't work every time but it does occasionally give you a little bit of a boost um oh there's one right there aagon perfect actually so you can go back to base and reset so aagon is a legendary you will need CO's level 45 Ultra spheres will work legendary spheres are better though um you can see that I'm going to go ahead and use my creature to go ahead and soak a little bit and then even a legendary sphere is going to be a 30% rate on him oh man really come on now there we go okay so aagon is considered a legendary and let's see if we can get him in that ball right there come on there here we go all right 100% chance on that one so aagon will uh you can see a Savage beast born into the abyss and that is how you catch him now again it is completely random they just spawn at random intervals and let's go and see if we can find the aagon where is he I don't see him here there he is all right so there's aagon and yeah a beast of born of the Abyss Thou shalt not stand before the Beast Thou shalt not heed the beast but yeah this one is super cool um that's one of the rares you can find on this island the other two one is the electric I can't remember the last but all three of the islands have at least three special creatures that you can use in order to actually get a hold of on those islands so that is how you can actually catch these legendary creatures and make your game a lot more fun it's fun to kind of Spawn over them these every now and then just check take a chance and hope they're over here but anyways I hopefully this video helps you out and kind of like shows you that it's more of just a Time game than it is anything else but you can get them it just it's just a process even then the getting like things like the bush and stuff like that are useful just due to the fact that they uh well you can see them over there they are not terrible they just take a little bit time and they're very rare and only spawn in certain locations so yeah you definitely want to get a hold of these super rares and uh the legendaries and hopefully this video helps you out and other than that [Music] teach [Music] a
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 1,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, catch, creature, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld 2024, building, build, fight, moves, specials, craft, crafting, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld first 10, palworld how to play, palworld what to do, palworld how to change, palworld guides, guide, what, what to do, how to, how to catch, palworld creatures, palworld creature abilities, abilities, palworld abilities
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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