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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on power world in this video I'm going to show you how to get a hold of a bunch of high-grade technical manuals which are very important late game because you need the additional points so what is a highgrade technical manual it's actually something that you can use in game and then you consume it and it gives you a technology point so you can see this is what it looks like right here a book that contains secrets of amazing technology use it to obtain a few technology points now they will give you a bunch of Technology points and you can Farm them which is kind of cool so 22 points overall basically meaning you can unlock every single thing in the entire game which is super useful because once you get to the later game some things start costing like five and you only get six points per level so basically you need to go around and get a hold of these things cuz especially when you start unlocking things like the aagon saddle and stuff like that these are very important because you can see how quickly we lose those points and you don't have enough points unless you're harvesting the these now where can you find a bunch of them right cuz that's the important part now the best place to find a bunch of these highgrade technical U manuals is to actually go to the pal Islands or the wildlife sanctuaries it's also a place where late game you will find your access to your legendary PALS like aagon and things like that and there are three of them on the map so there is one right here this is the upper one right off of the actual sand dunes you can take this one and then kind of just over here there's one in the bottom middle right over in this section and then there's one in the upper left corner right over here this one is my favorite to go to because I don't know why I just always seem to find this is one of my playthroughs I always seem to find the best luck when I go to this specific Island because you can find a whole bunch of chests and by the time there's three layers to it you go one two and three and when you hit all three of those layers up you typically find I don't know 10 15 chests plus the fact that there's a whole bunch of valuable resources on this island like special flowers you can get a whole bunch of stuff now each layer has its own stuff now technically speaking you have to be careful of the PF but the PF are not something to be concerned with on this island just because they are so bad they really kind of need to improve them and buff them a little bit because they just they don't hit you at all so it's not even really scary so um but anyways there are lots of things you can do to get those high-grade technical menus you do those first first three little rows for the chests themselves and then if you go to the little like I don't know if you want to call them the sunl looking things on the backside but that's what I'm going to call them if you go to the sunl looking things on the backside you can actually on each one of these usually there'll be a chest I think that's an egg or a chest right there but they essentially have loot drops yep that's a purple chest so um usually these will be where you can find those high-grade technical manuals and you can get like five or six per time you go out there so it's five or six points per time yep there's one right there highgrade technical Manu and uh that is how you get them now you can go across each of these things there's usually some up on the back of one of these as well so you can get a bunch just by moving around up there um but the spines are typically a good way to find some I think that's is that a chest no it's just a little bit of a angle looks like a chest but not quite um yeah so that is how you get a ton of these things and I've farmed I don't know probably 10 on this island in the last hour or so um and you can just run back there and basically despawn everything by leaving the island wait about 15 20 minutes so things can respawn and then come back and then you'll be able to get all of the stuff you just didn't get the first time or that you didn't wanted and couldn't get a hold of and uh yeah so that's how you do that but uh I haven't seen any on the these spines usually you get two or three but maybe it's because I haven't left the island officially yet um and then if you can't get them on these spines you can go up the backside there's one right there and come on open uh that one is a dark skill fruit that's unfortunate didn't want want that but you know you can it is what it is so you can go up the backs side of this and there will be chests you just have to spot them and it's a little bit more difficult when you're going up like this um just due to the fact that there's so many Ledges and stuff like that it's hard to see um but if you do spot them just land grab it and then move on to the next one they can spawn all the way up at the top I have seen them go up that high not as common but possible technically um one thing you do want to be careful of is if you hop off of your creature inside of one of these things you will render inside of the Zone rendering your character basically dead so you'll have to respawn um but yeah so that's how you do it and the bunch home will be on this front side but hopefully this video helps you out and if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider stepping to the channel for some more helpful videos all right [Music] teach [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 8,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, catch, creature, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld 2024, building, build, fight, moves, specials, craft, crafting, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld first 10, palworld how to play, palworld what to do, palworld how to change, palworld guides, guide, what, what to do, how to, how to catch, palworld creatures, palworld creature abilities, abilities, palworld abilities
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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