How to extrude on a curved surface using Fusion 360 | Designing a tire

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hello everyone today i'm going to be showing you how to make a tire tread by extruding on a curved surface in fusion 360. so we're going to want to open a new file and i've got that right over here and we're going to create a sketch about the origin so make sure you have home selected i'm going to click on this front plane here and i'm just going to make a generic shape so i'm going to go 20 millimeters and let's go 30 millimeters and let's extrude that let's call it 10 so at this point depending on what type of tire you're looking to do that would be the time you want to use the shell feature for the inside of the tire if you want to use just a regular tire where you insert the wheel into it i would just leave it as is and put on the fillets but if you are planning to use the shell feature i would do this before using the extrude on a surface tool because if you do the extrude on a surface first the shell feature can make it very cumbersome make the computing very difficult possibly make fusion 360 crash and might just not work in general so i would recommend using the shell tool first before extruding on the surface if that's the type of tire that you are in fact looking for and i know that because it's happened before so take my advice and don't let that happen to you so what i am going to do first here is i don't want to shell this one for what i'm going to be making this for so i'm just going to go ahead and fill it the outside and inner diameters of the tire and we'll go with about one millimeter and that looks pretty good so now we're going to want to make the sketch so we're going to select this center plane which is the benefit of creating this tire on the origin so i'm going to create just a generic tire tread shape and if you're following along doing this you can make this whatever shape you want but i'm going to do sort of a jagged sort of all-terrain tire tread look so we're just going to make a few lines here and what you want to do here is you want to make sure that it is coincident with the fillet that i've created because with the surface extrude feature in fusion 360 it likes the surface to be all in one body so if it's a discontinuing object for example if it goes from a face onto a fillet or face that wraps around another object fusion doesn't like that and it won't compute properly and the extrude will fail so you want to make sure that it's all on one solid object that is continuous so that's just something to keep in mind when you're making this extrude so now with this sketch i've made i want to create a center line in the middle of the tire here so i am going to create a line and then dimension it to the center so i made it 10 millimeters deep so 5 would be halfway through so we're going to now mirror this sketch that i created about this center line so there we go so now i'm going to mirror the sketch that we just mirrored and i'm doing this strictly for aesthetic purposes i think it might look pretty cool on the tire with your sketch again you can create whatever type of style you'd like so now that that's complete i'm going to rotate the object here and i'm going to erase that original sketch because we no longer need that so now that i have that complete i'm going to hide the actual tire body that we've extruded and then i'm going to select this sketch that we've mirrored here and just pull it down so it's more in line to make an actual tire tread style that we want and i'm going to just delete this lower mirror line because we don't need that one anymore and i'm going to go back into the bodies and reshow the tire so here we go now we're going to use extrude we're going to select the two treads of the tire that we made and now from the start part here we want to go object so this is going to start the extrude from whatever object we select so we're going to select this object and let's bring it out approximately one millimeter let's say so i'm just going to rotate the tire to the side a little bit to get a sort of preview and i can see that the one millimeter extrusion is a little bit awkward and long so we're gonna change this to about a point five and that looks a lot better okay so you can see that this extrude is flush with the curvature and it extrudes in line with the circular diameter of the tire so now what we want to do is use the circular pattern function to pattern this tread all around the wheel but firstly we want to fill it this tire tread so it doesn't look so awkward and choppy so i'm just going to select all around the outside of this tread that we created all right so let's finish filling the mirrored portion and let's give this a 0.25 millimeter fill it and it's just a little too big it looks like so let's try 0.1 a little too small let's try 0.2 and that looks pretty good and that looks like a much more natural tire tread and you don't have to extrude this tread outward by any means you can do an indented extruded cut very similarly as you can do this extruded feature on a curve so now we're what we're going to do is we're going to use a circular pattern tool and we're going to pattern this feature around the entire tire so we want to select the features we want to select the extrude and the fill it and we want to select the center axis which is another benefit of creating this tire about the origin and then we can see that we've got the preview set so we can see the three instances that the preview pattern gives us so let's see what the preview of 20 gives us i want maybe a little bit more let's try 30 and let's go 35. i think that looks pretty good so let's okay this and it's going to take a little bit of time to compute since it is 35 instances so there we go we've got a pretty cool tire tread pattern and you can also select the sketch again that we created on the center plane you can change it adjust it move it up or down and it will auto adjust based off of the order of operations that we did this in but overall this is a pretty useful feature on extruding on a curved surface in fusion 360. so if you like this video and would like to see more like it please consider subscribing and as always happy printing you
Channel: 3D Winnipeg
Views: 1,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yij-OIpFvKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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