Make Your Own Tires in Fusion 360 - Circular Pattern

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hey guys Vladimir here with desktop makes I've been working on my one-pound combat robot and I've made a lot of progress later I'll do a whole recap video going over the entire design and my method of construction as you know the goal is to 3d print the entire thing well you know the parts that can actually be 3d printed so stay tuned for that but for today I want to do a quick video showing you the new ties that I designed specifically how I made the treads on the tires to be able to give me a little better grip the original tires were basically just some cylinders that I designed and 3d printed using a TPU the flexible filament and they worked okay but I did notice I was getting some slipping going on for example on turns and if I had the robot just stationary and just revved it all the way up it would kind of slip in place before it gained some traction to help with the traction I designed some new tires and this time gave them some treads I'll probably experiment with the design here with different patterns but for now I just went with this sort of simple v-shape here I don't really need to get too crazy with this it's not going to be off-roading or anything the arena's tend to have a smooth surface but I figured out experiments if you have a good idea for a pattern for a certain type of tread or a design let me know in the comments I sent the design to my classic MakerBot replicator 2 it always does a great job with TPU and I'm printing on a acrylic bed here so no heated bed and then I simply swapped out the old tires for the new ones I modeled these so that the remember meters smaller than the wheels so you actually have to stretch it over the wheels to get it to fit which allow for a really nice tight fit so I'm fairly confident these will stay on so far preliminary tests look to be pretty promising I still have yet to master the whole driving part but if my first opponent happens to be a roll of toilet paper tubing I got this okay let's see how I designed these tires in fusion 360 okay infusion we'll begin by creating a sketch on our ZX plane and we'll start by creating a circle so we'll go to create and down to our sensor diameter circle start with a circle on that origin and you want this to be the diameter of your tire in my case I went with 60 millimeters so I'll type that in and hit enter next I'll go to my modify menu grab my offset tool and for this I'm gonna enter a value that I want the thickness of the tire to be so I'm gonna drag this in and I went with a one point two millimeter so I'm going to type negative 1.2 click okay I'm all set with that sketch so I'll click on finish sketch and I'm gonna grab that profile here and then go to create extrude and let's grab this arrow and drag this out and this will be how wide you want that tire to be I'm gonna go with 18 millimeters and hit enter all right now that I have my basic cylinder I'm gonna create my tread here so to do that I'm gonna create a sketch this time and a perpendicular plane to the one I was just working at so I'll go with this Z X or I'm sorry Z Y plane here and I'm gonna hit the P on my keyboard for project and I'll get this dialog box for my selection filter I'm gonna go with bodies I'm gonna select the body here of my tire click OK and when I untitled bodies lightbulb here I'll be left with just an outline basically what that did was it projected the outline of that tire into the current sketch I'm working on so I'm gonna grab my line tool by hitting L on my keyboard and I'm gonna just draw a line between these two points here hit escape select that line and hit X to make it a construction line and I'll grab the line tool again this time referencing the midpoint of the line I just made and I'm gonna go up making sure I have that perpendicular constraint I'm gonna go seven millimeters hit answer also select that line and make it a construction line I'll grab a line a third time and this time I'm just gonna click to connect these points giving me that triangle and I'm gonna grab my offset tool again and select that little triangle there and I'm gonna go up five millimeters click OK and this will be the profile of the tread so I'll click finish sketch because I'm all set here let's bring bodies back into view and I'm gonna go to create down to extrude select that profile I had it already already selected and instead of start from profile plane I'm gonna change that to from object and I'm gonna select my tire here and now when I drag this out you'll see that that profile comes out from the tire and it keeps that curved look I'm only gonna go out negative two millimeters and click OK and I'm gonna grab my Filat tool by hitting F on my keyboard and I'm gonna fill it let's say this edge here top and bottom and then these four front edges here so I should have a total of 6 edges selected I'm gonna give it a fill out of one millimeter and click OK all right now that I have that one tread there I can simply do a circular pattern by going to create down to pattern circular pattern my pattern type I'm gonna change it to whatever it is two features and that's gonna allow me to choose the features from my timeline so I'm gonna go ahead and choose this extrude plus the Filat feature we did and then select access here and I can simply select any one of these circles here as the edge of my tire and now I can simply increase the little arrow button here and I can either do that here or over here or you can just type in the quantity but what I usually do I'll just kind of keep increasing it until it looks right in this case I think 15 looks pretty good so I'll click OK and you'll see that I now have all my treads there and that looks pretty good last thing I did was the parents just to make it look nice so I had a for parents and I used a rubber a parents since I'm printing with TPU and you can find a rubber under other and if you go down some rubber there's a rubber bumpy and rubber weathered let's grab the weathered look and I'm just gonna drag that in and if I double click here I can change the color so we'll do like a dark red like I did like done and close and there is my beautiful tire alright as always if you have any thoughts or questions and leave it on the comments below if you enjoyed this video give it a like and remember to subscribe for more videos like this alright guys I'll see you next time you
Channel: Desktop Makes
Views: 4,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn fusion 360, Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial, Fuson, 360, for, beginners, fusion 360 help, fusion 360 guide, 3d printing, fusion 360 for 3D printing, 3d modeling with fusion 360, 3D design with Fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorial, Fusion 360 circular pattern, Fusion 360 tires, Fusion 360 wheels, Fusion 360 combat robotics, Fusion 360 battlebots, battlebots, combat robotics, circular pattern, 3d printing with tpu, 3d printing with ninjaflex, flexible filament, tire treads fusion 360
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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