Fusion 360 Tutorial – Emboss is BOSS!

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hey what's up folks welcome back to another layer by lair in today's tutorial we're going to take a look at the new emboss features inside of fusion 360. so let's go ahead and jump right into it all right so i'm working on this uh this fun little project here and i'm trying to create some seamless patterns using the emboss tool so what i have here is i have this sketch and i use the line tool to create these these series of shapes and then i did a little bit of a rectangular pattern to kind of make four copies of this thing trying to go with like a greek kind of pattern here so i figured all right let's try to emboss this shape and wrap it around our cylinder so using the emboss feature you can totally do that you can create a nice emboss over a curved surface like the cylinder and you have control to uh to do a depth or an extrusion on that surface and you have some some alignment stuff that you can do but for this one the goal is to make a seamless pattern so i got my four copies here and then i started thinking well can you apply a circular pattern to an emboss the answer is yes you totally can now this wraps around perfectly and has even amount of spacing between all those shapes so the way to get that is to just really be uh wary of your shape's diameter and your profile entities and how they're all dimensioned out so depending on your diameter you're going to want to adjust that so if i actually bring out the sketch that created this and give this like a 30 millimeter diameter you'll see that it changes you'll see that it starts breaking here so uh if you want to create a circle a a cylinder with uh super seamless patterns you just want to be sure that your that your pattern and your diameter kind of vibe with each other and in this case this number 20 uh worked out really well for those shapes so that's a circular pattern can we patternize the pattern going up yes you can so this is a rectangular pattern and the rectangular pattern it has these two items selected the emboss and the circular pattern and then the directions is just the z-axis so that's how i'm able to go up i have a quantity set of four and then i have the distance types at the spacing and then i have about a five millimeter distance again depending on your shapes and their dimensions you're going to want to adjust those values but if you're trying to do a seamless pattern that's circular and rectangular you can totally do that to an inbox to create these really sweet looking um sort of effects on on a cylinder all right so that's really the first example i got another one here for you so let me let me open that one up see what we got here so i like hexagons i like honeycombs right so i thought i'd draw out some uh some some hexagons here and i applied some dimensions to them so that they're pretty even i'm trying to create an even amount of spacing between these and i position these two hexagons so that they can be staggered when i do a a rectangular pattern or rather a circular pattern so i got these shapes and i'm going to emboss them and then what's really cool about the emboss is that the the edges are like perfectly treated to where you can apply fillets and chamfers without them kind of erroring out because i've if you try to do this with just a regular extrude but here's what happens so i got my regular extrude let me pull up the sketch here so if i have one of these poly one of these hexagons and then i'm using the extrude tool and i say from object and select that surface and then let's say start eating into it see how it's 0.5 is the distance i'll hit okay but if you try to do a 0.5 millimeter chamfer it won't work because there's just some weird oddities with that it's not a perfect uh it's not perfect geometry but with the emboss tool it is so let me apply the emboss okay and then i'll do my chamfers on all the edges and that works out really well uh it's a perfect 0.5 millimeter um edge or chamfer so once we got that then i applied the circular pattern to those two features the emboss in the in the chamfer and because i got a pretty good handle on my diameter in the spacing um of my hexagons i was able to create a nice another seamless pattern so once you have one set of course we're going to go up with a rectangular pattern and patternize that vertically which is totally capable as long as fusion doesn't crash it takes a little bit depending on how many shapes and chamfers and phillips things it might take a minute to calculate but when it does you can still add things to it so this is really neat i'm thinking here if you're making something that needs grips if you're making treads for a tire or if you're just making like a lamp and you and you need some interesting grills this could be really really sweet so that's another example of kind of creating these seamless patterns on a cylinder all right let's let's see a different one so how intricate can these patterns be those are all very geometric but can we do some spline curves so there's this tool called the vernoi generator and that is an add-on that you can get from the fusion 360 add-on site and basically this is a little script that you can run to create a sketch with a bunch of different cells and you have control over how many how big is your pattern the width and height and then what's your percentage to scale the cells so basically you can create you can create a a sketch with these shapes they are generated i didn't draw these i just ran that generator script and created this so i got these shapes and i wanted to see can i yes the answer is always yes right so i got this super cool um veronique pattern wrapping around this but let me go into that and to show you sort of the limitations of it if there's not enough surface to to emboss then fusion can error out a little bit for example i'll add this circle here and then it won't be able to because uh it's it just ran out of surface uh so i had to just deselect and select strategically select some of them but it's cool that you can do that i didn't select all of them by the way i let's let's deselect and then just show you my trick of selecting it's not very much of a trick it's just select them all with the marquee selection and then deselect that inside bit and then you can see here it is still airing out so i had to deselect all of these circles here and maybe this one too and then that was able to wrap around it so depending on your uh your shape's diameter or size um if the emboss doesn't work um you'll have to kind of maybe you don't have enough uh look at that one maybe you don't have enough um like surface area to to do an emboss but that worked out really well this could this could be um any number of of different um projects uh but it's cool that you can create tons of intricate um spline curves and like wrap them around here so i hope that one really shows uh the complexity of it all right the next one is going to show a little bit of um not things going wrong but just some things to be to watch out for so i created this this cylinder and then when i extruded it i was like okay well we can do tapered edges so let me taper this and see if i can see how the emboss uh behaves on a tapered surface and i was kind of interested in how this works alright so here's the shape that i drew you'll see that it's a it's just a long strip that's a rectangle 30 by two and let's see what happens when we apply it uh uh we apply that straight thing into uh onto the surface so here's what happens let me kind of go into the emboss and this is what it looks like by default it was a straight sketch but now because the surface is tapered it is starting to kind of wrap around down and it's sort of unexpected right if you wanted to create a pattern that was nice and seamless and straight across but you know wrapping around a tapered surface well you might run into this issue where it's not quite straight it's starting to curve and wrap around so if i go back into that extrude where it creates that tapered and i remove that taper you can see it's now straight so there is some kind of a caveat thing to look out for if you're trying to do something on a tapered surface this is what's going to happen but i figured well it looks curvy what happens when i start to rotate this well it looks very curvy and you have full control over the rev the the rotation angle so let's go ahead and say 45 degrees hit okay now i don't need the sketch anymore and now that that's an extrude well kind of it's an emboss right extrudes an emboss and then i can apply some chamfers to it and then i can apply a circular pattern to it and what i've done is now essentially created knurling effects now i've done a labor layer on knurling and i remember well to create knurling in the old way you need a coil you need several coils depending on you know the shape that you're doing and you also need to use sweeps right and you have to kind of be careful when you're doing tapered surfaces tapered cylinders to do a knurling effect on tapered surfaces this really makes it i think a lot more capable a lot more editable and a lot more flexible so uh i think going forward if i'm ever going to create some knurling effects some surfaces with knurling um the emboss might be the right way to go it's a little bit easier and i think it's uh it's more flexible so if you're trying to make something like this i think this could work out really well so uh although it was a little bit unexpected like you can see the shape here the sketch is like it's interesting how you can um work around it and then kind of make this new shape um unexpectedly so that was a neat example i think of showing that you can do some tapered knurling all right well we have another example let's see what's going on here so with this one i figured all right let me make a rectangle so i just did a regular rectangle i drafted the surface and then i added some fillets to these two edges and then um i created a shell here just to kind of create uh sort of a paneling that almost looks like bent sheet metal and then i created some fillets there and then i created the sketch so in in my head i'm thinking right it would be cool let's see how we can apply some sort of decals or a grill to this paneling so here's the sketch that i came up with it looks like a grill some sort of plate or panel and it's got some it's got some fillets it's got dimensions and it has these centered uh center to center slots that i created in a rectangular pattern to create more copies of it so i created that and now i want to apply this i want to drape all of these shapes over this surface and because you can do tangent surfaces check it out so this is what it looks like and then you have full control where the position is as i start moving this up you can see that i'm now on the opposite end and it's just wrapping around it perfectly because the tangent chain is selected and the surface because i have fillets across these two corners it treats it as a full surface so i'm able to move it around you could even rotate it which is bananas and create this really amazing decals on this shape so if you're doing something that isn't cylindrical more boxy but still has some drafted angles and some fillets you can you can create some really nice uh features some decals over your panels like this let me undo the positioning there uh and then of course because uh they're treated as like perfect geometry you can apply a chamfer to those edges and get really nice results so i created this kind of grille here on on this on this drafted surface with rounded fillets so that's really different not cylindrical at all so that's pretty cool so i think when uh if i'm going to make some props or something that needs these details it's going to be fairly easy now to use the emboss tool and get a bunch of nice patterns kind of draped across your surfaces all right i got one more oh man i got one more and here here in this example i wanted to see can you can you kind of use multiple embosses meaning can i emboss in mbos well let's see what we got here in our sketches so i got this sketch here and this one kind of got me thinking can i create a pattern that will wrap around completely without having to do a pattern like can i do that so i have the shape and i wrap it around via the emboss so you can see here i embossed it it's got a depth of one millimeter and not much going on there but if we go all the way in the back here you can see that it's not quite closing this gap and if you want an easy way to close the gap you can select these two surfaces here and just hit the delete key on your keyboard and fusion will heal that together and it it's smart enough to know that's what i want actually so without having to adjust the sketch i can heal this together because i think if you try to wrap like so let's look at this if i just try to increase the the dimension of the sketch let's say we try to close that gap let's go to 75 almost there let's do 78 79 you can see i'm keep fudging it and then at some point it breaks and it's not able to close that gap right here it's like hey i can't do it the operation could not be completed avoid self intersecting inputs and try again so you can't intersect itself uh so the emboss has that limitation but as you saw the work around is to well delete those edges and uh and have it heal itself if you want that if you wanted to add some more shapes then maybe you can uh do something there but that's kind of what i want i think you could keep playing around with it where you you get an expected result so if you wanted another thing here you could probably um uh create a sketch and then try to um make a second emboss so i got some that's what i'm going to work towards right so i got these chamfered edges i got this here and then i figured well can i emboss the emboss and the answer is yes you can so once you create uh once you create an emboss you can then select that surface to create another emboss which is what we did here so if i go into this emboss you can see that it is just selecting this surface that was generated from the first emboss a lot of embosses so this is a zigzag pattern it wraps around it's not too interesting there's not much sketches other than just like i did a rectangular pattern and repeated that out i actually copied and pasted it from another sketch another design but that doesn't matter applied some chamfers to that so i got that and then i'm thinking well can i do another uh can i apply another um emboss in this case i brought in an svg of the adafruit logo and i embossed that onto the embossed surface and then i used it as a emboss and not a d boss like this one is a d boss and this one is an emboss so i have again selected this layer if you want you can emboss this layer because it is selectable it is a certain surface that is curved you can see here in your in your uh in your top in your bottom uh right hand um it gives you the id it gives you a radius count and it's a perfect 14 millimeter radius this is 13.5 this is 12.5 so they're perfect radiuses and that's how the emboss is treating this so i could even emboss inside of this cylinder so i can keep layering embosses to create a really complex model and it all adjusts as you adjust your um as you as you adjust your diameter it gets updated let me see how that works i know at some point it will break but it'd be interesting to see so let's go to 50 here and i'll be interested to see how the delete uh look at that delete works really well everything is just shaping perfectly with it that is amazing oh man so i'm super excited about this embossed stuff i've been playing around with all these different examples let's kind of uh step take a step back and see what uh what everything looks like here all of my examples here laid out so there you go there are all the examples and fun shapes that you can make with the new emboss tool inside of fusion 360. i had a lot of fun playing with this i think it's really important to kind of play around and take some time to uh to exercise uh the different shapes and things and features you can do in fusion i'm interested are you folks using uh the emboss tool and what uh what limitations have you run into or what unexpected things have you run into uh for me it was really the tapered stuff and stacking um stacking embosses on top of embosses to create really complex stuff but that's going to do it for this one more of an experimental one let me know what you guys think i will share this as a public download so you can download all these shapes and see how exactly they're all made but that's gonna do it for this one thank you folks so much for watching and don't forget it is up to you to make a great day bye folks
Channel: Adafruit Industries
Views: 46,085
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Keywords: adafruit, electronics, diy, arduino, hardware, opensource, projects, raspberry, pi, computer, raspberrypi, microcontrollers, limor, limorfried, ladyada, STEAM, STEM, python, microbit, circuitpython, neopixel, neopixels, raspberry pi, circuitplaygound, nyc, make, makers, micro:bit, adafrit, adafruit promo code, ada fruit, adafruit coupons, raspberry pi zero, micropython, machine learning, ai, tensorflow
Id: aAjhTFxi2_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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