3D printed threads - 3 ways to model them in Fusion 360

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I'm currently working on a small project where I need a threat in my 3d printed part because it needs to be threaded onto a faucet outside I spin modeling and 3d printing threaded parts for quite a while why I thought I'll show you how that's easily done in fusion 360 and share some best practice with you guten tag everybody my name is Stephan and welcome to CNC kitchen so there are a couple of ways how to model threats in fusion 360 from very simple ones to more complex ones depending on the application you need to choose the method which is most suitable for you fusion 360 has quite a nice threat tool since some time which includes threat models for probably 90% of your applications my father for example has a g3 quarter pipe thread which is also included in the library and the part fits perfectly on its first print so let's take a look how the tool is used okay so let's start with the first method which is also the most simple one in this method we've gonna use the integrated thread tool and fusion 360 to create our thread in order to do that we will at first create a cylinder and on the outer diameter of cylinder we will create a thread so I will create a new sketch in here circle I want to model an m10 so a metric 10 millimeter thread with a pitch of 1.5 millimeters so I create a circle with 10 millimeters in diameter but the diameter actually is not that important because it will later be adjusted when you create the thread okay then we are extruding the circle to get a cylinder and now we can go under create thread and just select the outer diameter of the cylinder fusion 360 will already prompt us with a threat which fusion things is the meal most suitable one so since we have chosen a cylinder with 10 millimeters in diameter it's already selected a metric profile 10 millimeter in diameter and [Music] right here the pitch so the most coarse one 1.5 millimeters that if you want to go finer there's also the possibility to select all the other ones which are in the ISO standard the class right here is the tolerance class so 6g is the nuts out tied one if you want to have a little bit more tied you can select for g6g direction right hands and now there's actually come something quite important so if you want to later 3d print this stress it's not possible if you just do it this way because if we say ok the threads you will see the threat right here but that's just a visual representation so in the STL file only a cylinder would be exported and that's not what we want to have so it's very important that you select right here this option which is modeled if you select that the threat will really be modeled as a three-dimensional part and if you export it now as an STL the STL will also include the geometry of the threat as you can see it right here so it's actually really simple the same procedure can also be used if you want a model enough so an internal thread so I will just hide this body right here I will create a new circle which has an inner diameter of like something around 8 millimeters I create a second circle which is 13 millimeters in diameter we extrude this annular profile so something like 3 millimeters and it's just as simple as that so select thread again select the internal diameter select the right size of your thread 10 millimeters 1.5 millimeters pitch select modeled and hit OK so this is already our internal thread so or not if we do a section analysis we can take a look at how good they match up so let's do it this way and take a look at it all right so you can already see that there is already some kind of tolerance included in your model and that's good because a thread just works if there is a tolerance between the two parts in some cases the tolerance which is included in the model might not be sufficient for the specific kind of printer you're using or the material you're using and there is kind of a simple way to just make the tolerance a little bit bigger and that's it's working like that so you select the modify tool select this part right here and just extrude it a little bit on the inside so just by like 0.2 millimeters this will increase the clearance in here and additionally select one length of your thread and two more or less the same thing so just also by a tiny amount or 0.1 millimeters 0.2 millimeters you just sometimes need to to try it out which works best for you and for your application but that's how you increase the play between your inner thread and your outer thread and this is how you can adjust the play between the parts and make sure that they are later movable when you print them out okay so the second method uses the coil tool and with the coil you can for example do some some round threads which which might be useful for for example a ball thread or something like that okay so we start again with a cylinder so I create a circle let's use 20 millimeters as a diameter I choose the cylinder and then we go into the coil tool so for the coil tool you at first need to define a diameter and that's the diameter of the coil itself so not the wire but the diameter of the coil of well the diameter of the of the winding so I select this plane again I create a circle which in my example has the same diameter as our cylinder so 20 millimeters okay and then you have different options so for the type I want to say height and pitch because usually you know the pitch and you know how high your thread should be you can just drag this a little bit right here change the section diameter I change this to 4 millimeters high for example 1 I have a pitch of 6 millimeters and then you just hit okay and there you have your whole thread so to make it even nicer what you can do is for example add an additional Philips right here and right here I'm just like well 1.5 millimeters let's see and hit OK and you have a really nice threat which is going all around of your part cool okay so the last method I'm going to show you is also the most advanced one this method will enable you to create any thread shape you you want to have and for this we're going to use different tools and at last the sweep command so for this I am going to create a cylinder again so circle 12 millimeters in diameter hit OK stop the sketch extrude the sketch to have a cylinder let's make it to 20 millimeters high okay so what we want to have now is we wanna revolve a sketch we create around our cylinder but it's not just on one plane but we want to have it in something like a helical shape so I haven't found so far in easy methods to create this helix so we wanna we so we will use a separate tool to create the helix and then we create a sketch to finish our profile so what you're going to use is the coil tool again so I selected I select this surface right here select the origin of our coordinate system make it 12 millimeters in diameter so this time we won't use a circular pattern we will use a triangular one so for this one we gonna use a triangular external section and we will set the section position to inside yeah there we go we will just make this a little bit smaller and then we will adjust the the parameters of of our thread so one parameter is the height so we want to go all the way up and we want to have a pitch of let's say three millimeters so what we want to do later is we want to extract this helical line right here which is going all the way around so in order to do that I will change the operation to a new body this will enable us later to use this new body to create exactly the silikal shape just hit OK and let's hide our cylinder so in order to extract the helical line we will use a projection method so you gotta go under sketch project include 3d geometry select any plane you like and we will select this line right here and you can already see in this purple color that we will get this helical line additionally additionally we also need a second line because otherwise the command will not work out properly so I also going to select this line right here just say stop sketch we where we can hide the body and we can see that we have this really nice line going upwards ok so let's show so let's show our first body again the next thing we need to do is create the shape of our threat we want to have in order to do that we will create a new sketch on this surface right here and now it's important to use the plane which is going through these two points right here okay and now we can just sketch the profile we want to have and this can be as fancy as we like and now it's quite important to set the outer line to a diameter which is just slightly smaller than the outer diameter of your cylinder so I will choose twelve point one I will also dimension the angle right here and let's make this so let's make it 45 okay so what's the lift okay and make the width right here one point to look like one millimeter okay so now we stop so stop the sketch and now we will use the sketch revolve it around this line right here to cut out our thread so go under create sweep select for the type path and guide rail the profile is the sketch right here the path is the outer Phoenix and the guide rail is our inner helix [Music] there we go so for profile skating I usually set this to none because otherwise it's sometimes screws up the dimensions of the thread we will use the cut operation it okay and there we go we have our custom threads on cylinder right here perfect to make it a little bit nicer we can also add a chamfer down here four millimeters hit okay so now you have seen three methods to model threats in fusion 360 choose the one you like best and works well for you depending on the printer and the materials you use there might be some trial and error to figure out the perfect tolerance but if you master it there are some really cool things you can do from my experience bigger threats with higher pitch are easier to handle than small ones but it's usually no problem to even get small ones to work if you don't have the cheapest printer there is whenever I'm working with 3d printer threats I print out a small section of the part at first to see how the tolerances are if they are too tight I remove some material if they are too loose you can add some material this can save you quite a lot of printing time it's even possible to rethread your part with a normal tab to get it working properly as with most 3d prints PLA is the easiest material to print your thread because it can handle overhangs very well and due to its brittle nature it's easier to rework if you want to have a nice and tight threaded connection it might be necessary to use some force in the first couple of passes until the sliding surfaces adjust to each other depending on the size of your threats you have modeled you will need to adjust the layer height small threads might require a layer height of 0.1 millimeters or even less this might need some trial and error but usually thinner layers lead to a better result in order to optimize the printing time make use of the layer editing tools and slicer all the processes and simplify 3d they enable you to reduce the layer height only in the region where your threads are and use thicker layers in the rest of your part what's your experience with 3d printing threads do you have different methods to model them then leave a comment down below hit that like button if you learn something if you want to see more of these videos please consider subscribing thanks to all the paypal donations and your general support which helped me keep the channel running have a good one of wiedersehen and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CNC Kitchen
Views: 310,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, fusion, 3d printing, threads, modelling threads, thread, tutorial, fusion 360 tutorial, how to create threads, 3d printed threads, threaded parts, pla, prusa i3, how to print threads, how to model threads, cad, cad tutorial, gewinde, gewinde modellieren, thread tool, cnc kitchen, prusa, slic3r, layer editing, layer height, fusion 360 helix, helix, coil tool, autodesk, 3d, prusa i3 mk2, i3 mk2, best practice, 3d sketch, gewinde drucken, gewinde 3d drucken, 3d printer
Id: 1nhcKn7Kt8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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