How To Edit A Music Video In Adobe Premiere Pro CC From Start To Finish!

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this video is gonna be the first part of a three-part series I'm doing on how it at my music videos part 1 will be aimed at the very beginner it'll have to do with importing your footage into Premiere properly setting up a new sequence syncing up your performance shots to the audio and adding color labels to your clips let's get started so when importing footage into Premiere there's two ways you can go about doing this the first way is just go to the folder that your footage is in select all of the clips and drag it to where it says import media to start simple enough right so I'm going to delete all this the next way works best if you're importing anything like a red footage you go to your media browser which will probably be located somewhere over here for you guys go to where your footage is located select all the clips again and drag into the same place once you have imported all of your footage into Premiere the next thing you want to do is create a new sequence so we can just go to where it says Tom long go to file new and see where it says sequence it says there's a hotkey set up control in so I'm just gonna push that control in the sequence I like to use is the re 1080p 23 1976 so I'm gonna select that now once you have your sequence created the next thing you want to do is add the audio so I'm going to add that to a 1 then I like to move this down right here give me a little more space to work the next thing we're gonna do is right click right here go to up right click right here got a new item adjustment layer there we go we're gonna drag this into the timeline and then we're gonna put this on about the fifth space boom so once we do that I like to go to my fix go to crop add that to the adjustment layer top 15% bottom 15% and then we're gonna lock this and lock the audio and what we just created on this adjustment layer is gonna be your letterbox so yeah that's a great way for you guys to litter box to get that widescreen cinematic look for your videos so once we have created our letterbox and added our audio to the timeline the next thing I wanna do is start syncing our performance shots so we're gonna go to our performance folder in our performance folder we're gonna go to new being and title this used and then we're gonna bring this all the way to the top so we're gonna go to our first clip we're gonna find a point in our song that we're gonna start syncing our clips up to so I'm going to play the play the play the video [Music] so right there with a where she first started singing and there's a beat that's where I'm gonna use right there if you use the scroll wheel on your mouse you can go forward or backwards frame-by-frame to help you out look so right there on the beat boom I'm gonna find the same place in the actual performance take right there tell them to use this right here to make an end point and then I'm gonna drag just by clicking this right here to drag only the video instead of the video and audio because if I drag like this it's gonna take the audio too so I'll drag this up you can see I added an audio track I'm gonna delete that I'm gonna bring this back down and I'm just gonna drag the video only so now as you guys will see the clip is synced up to the music okay so it's like I had about five more clips from the same take or from the same location of her on the mountaintop what I like to do once I have all of my clips from a certain location in the timeline it's the right click say if I had a multiple Clips I just like them all but I just have one so I'm gonna right click on this clip I'm gonna go to label and since this is a warmer scene it's kind of orange just looking and she's on a mountain to help me remember what this scene is I'm gonna label this clip Orange so now I know exactly what this clip is when I'm looking at it in my timeline once I've done that I'm gonna right click on the clip and go to enable and turn the clip off I actually have a hotkey set up which is my U key in a separate tutorial I'll go over every keyboard shortcut that I use so you can use the same sort cuts if you'd like but for now just make sure you right-click it and turn that clip off by clicking enable and again I'll just use the U key so we'll go over the shortcuts later so once we have that in the timeline and it's turned off I'm going to drag this clip since it's been used into the use folder so now I'm gonna go to my next clip and do the same exact thing so right there make an end point drag it into the timeline so now we got that synced up so I'm gonna right-click it that our label and since I already even though that even though this thing is warm or - I've already got something Orange so I'm gonna light will just clip yellow I'm gonna use the U key to turn it off or again right click it and click enable and then I'm gonna take this file to the use folder so yeah that's pretty much it I'm gonna do the same thing for all of the rest of my clips or all the rest of my performance shots so I'm gonna go here right there like an endpoint drag it on top of my other clips for some reason my my label is going away so I'm gonna right click this again got a label label this orange label this yellow I have no idea why that happened weird so as you can see this clips now synced up okay so now I'm gonna turn this off do the same thing for the next clip I'm gonna dry this into use folder go to the next clip right there Santa okay so now I'm gonna turn that clip off or again make sure you guys are remembering and able drag it into the use folder go to the next clip do the same thing okay we got that clip synched up so I'm gonna turn it off push you and again if you start running out of space on your timeline to make a little more room you can click right here and then drag this up and I'll make everything a lot smaller just a good tip for you guys so now that I have that clip synced up I'm gonna do the same thing use folder and then I'm gonna sync up my last clip [Music] right there okay now that we got that synced up and give me some more room like that small like the other clips I'm gonna turn this off stay on that slate all of these clips I just synched up and I'm gonna label them blue or something since this is a colored chain or blue but as you can see they're already a bluish tone so I'm just gonna keep them like that for my light blue so we're making the cut there's pretty much two ways you can go about doing this you can either go to the razor blade tool and just click on the clip wherever you want to make it to it the way I like to do it is I have a hotkey set up for my number one key so if I just press number one X if I can make it work shift 1 means cut all the clips so if you would like to learn this way I'll make a tutorial about all the keyboard shortcut they use so stay tuned for that so the first thing we want to do is we want to turn on the first clip that we put in the timeline and then what we're gonna do now is we're gonna cut out everything that we really like and delete everything that we don't want to use in the video so let me show you what I mean [Music] so I love that shot that's actually the opening shot in the LV video oh my god am i right under bite tool and I'm gonna make a clip where again I'm just gonna click on the clip like I like to do it and then make a cut with a Winky so now I'm gonna keep playing through this track so maybe I like this clip right here so I'm going to delete this before it when I make a cut after where I stop you like that I'm gonna cut that out [Music] [Music] right there maybe I like that like that all right so that's gonna do it for that clip so now I'm gonna sleep all the clips on this track and again right-click and click enable turn them back off so now we're gonna do the same thing for the next clip go to that turn it on and if they don't know I don't have that many clips in the timeline for the purposes of this tutorial and speed you never want to use all of your clips right at the start so make sure you leave some good distance in between when you're using the different locations in the excetera so I'm going to use this clip later on in the timeline for the purposes of this tutorial so now same thing I'm gonna turn off these clips Chris my Yuki now let's go to the next section Eclipse which is going to be the bedroom scene and I'll remember this because of my color labels so I'm going to turn the first one on I've been waiting what you gonna make a cut right here so I'm delete the rest of that clip turn everything on this track off it was a mixed clip turn it on the same thing maybe like when she comes up right here [Music] alright so now what we've done is we've created our performance shot so let's so now we have to go through all of our performance shots so licks and this tablet actually makes it into the real timeline so let me show you how we do this so we're gonna go to the first clip that we cut out that's a select we're going to turn it back on [Music] it's obviously the only performer shot right here so that's what we're gonna drag into the Taman on the first track is gonna be our performance try so now as you'll see the first performer shot in the timeline has a litter box on it because it's under the adjustment layer that we created in the first video so now we have a litter box shot so now we go to the next shot this is a big shot there's nothing else above her below it like some of these shots so I turn it on and drag it to the timeline and what you want to do is you just want to build a whole timeline of performance shots before you ever add any other b-roll effects or anything you know she would have just focus on your performance so now we'll turn all these on all those using the shift one so I'll drag this down into the tarrlok turn this off drag this into the time 1 turn this off turn this off see what that looks like we'll cut on the beat right here since you'd better set another word we'll cut on the beat try this clue turn it off I don't really like that try this clip maybe I like that so I tried that too the time on this is always tight right here so this one will make the cut drag it to the timeline [Music] turn this on like that bring that to [Music] turn this off try this flu maybe I like that okay so this would be my performance time long so now that I have all of my performance time on I'm gonna save this then you can just go through it and check it out [Music] [Music] good so now that we have our performance commandant now we would I start working on our B row so what I'm going to do we're going to create a new sequence of file new sequence or control in created another sequence then we're going to take this sequence right here click on it where it says sequence o seven and drag it till it turns purple at the bottom now we have to create what's called a pancake sequence so now we're going to go to our beer el poder we're going to select everything in our beer aisle folder and then drag it to the pancake sequence timeline we're going to delete all the audio for anything that has audio with it we delete the audio and now what we want to do to do the same thing that we did to our performance shots is we're gonna make some select so we go through it's like our favorite footage and delete all the stuff that we just don't like and yeah pretty much keep doing this until we have put out all of our beer oats looks so now that we have cut out all of our favorite beer OSA links we're gonna start adding them into the master Tom lon I'm gonna just get I'm just gonna go to the first clip that I personally gonna use and drag it up to about the third track it's a 60 frame so motion shot so I'm gonna right click it speed duration and 60 frames per second is equivalent to about 40% on the speed something negative forty percent on this be change right here I'm gonna sleep my next clip I'm going to delete this clip from the Bureau of time on my next good track this up into the timeline do the same thing right click speed duration forty percent on that beat I'm gonna come in with a first performance shot and then I'm gonna delete that clip on this little beat changer here I'm gonna add my missed clip I'm gonna go to a horse scene I'm gonna have her walking in the horse put this in here right click speed forty percent [Music] I'm just a little beat change right here I'm gonna cut this clip now I'm gonna do a thick no peg later pass them in front of the Sun like in the real video right there delete this automatically maybe use this clear [Music] all right so that's it so the B realm now that all of your own in the Tomlin and keep in mind guys this this is a really really really fascinated for me this is just for the purposes of showing you my workflow and how I edit music videos I'm not really taking my time and making precise decisions and really thinking stuff out right now I'm just showing you the workflow so you guys couldn't use the same workflow and understand how it worked so when I drop my future tutorials you'll be able to follow along and know exactly what's going on so now that we've added our thought of our b-roll let's play the video and see what we've got [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so when adding a fix to your video you pretty much just want to listen to the song and do what makes sense if the song is real smooth and and and soft you don't want to add a bunch of flashes and flickers and crazy effects to a real smooth and slow song you just really want to pay attention to how the song sounds to beat the words just everything about it and you know just do it edit and effects around what fits the song so when we go to the first point to where I want to add an effect [Music] so right there where she started singing in the beat dropped I'm gonna add the same flash effect that I added in the real video so to do this I'm gonna go to my levels tool I'm gonna add that to the clip I'm gonna sit mark right here a keyframe by clicking this little clock symbol I'm gonna drag this down right here on the white point make it pretty bright and then I'm gonna go to a few frames to where I want it to stop right [Music] here and then I'm gonna refresh to add another keyframe so now I added the flash effect [Music] so right through the next clip comes in on that beat change I'm gonna add a fade so I'm gonna go turn off fix gonna cross this off and add that on there you know zoom into my timeline a little bit I'm gonna make this just as long as the clip I'm just doing it to the beat and to the music I'm gonna add another cross dissolve right here [Music] nobody with a little bit [Music] shut this right here [Music] like this a little bit longer [Applause] [Music] and so now that the music's picking up a little bit and the tempos changing I'm gonna start adding a couple a couple little upbeat effects to the video so right here we're just saying bad and then I could cut I'm gonna click alt cuz I'm using Windows I'm gonna drag this clip up Oh try that again alright so now I'm going to right-click this clip I'm gonna go to add frame hold I'm gonna go one frame over and then click where it says normal on the blend mode and then they go to linear dodge or add I'm gonna add a keyframe right here and then fade this clip out to about right there and I'm gonna cut the end of this clip now I'll see what we got so right here I might add another flash effect and my levels set a end point on the white point use a keyframe by clicking just toggle animation drag it down make it bright reset it to fade it out have you got a fade right here good across the log maybe right here where this comes in and the beat drops add another fade it's a smooth song so you want everything to be pretty smooth baby gotta the levels tool again right here so we'll turn it's about 120 click the keyframe point refresh it maybe speed this clip up right here on the beat give it about 4 frames maybe fade this clip in go to the cross dissolve bring this a little longer I just a little longer never do that cool little still shot transition again [Laughter] [Music] - wait this and plate this in all right I'm going to like this at the end so now let's see what we got [Music] better what you go [Music] [Music] alright looks cool definitely not us give it a stir original video but like I said I'm not really taking my time on this I'm just showing you guys how I do what I do so now that we've done all the effects the next thing we want to do is color grade the video so let's move over to our color panel in the metarie clicking this so I'm not actually going to color grade this video from scratch that would take entirely too long I will be doing future tutorials on different color grading styles and how to get different looks inside of premiere but for now I'm just going to use some Luntz that I have created for this project so since I'm not gonna be doing a full breakdown on how to color grade from scratch I'm gonna be pretty much showing you guys how to use Luntz inside of premiere so what you want to do is click on your clip some people like to use adjustment layers of color their videos I personally like to use master clip so I'm gonna show you that way what you want to do is go to right here work to where it says master click on this now go to your creative tab got a look none go to browse I'm going to select the LUT I created for this video so what master clip does is it puts it on every clip that's from the same shot if that makes sense so if this was if this was a cut right here but this was the same another another clip from the same shot right here this this clip would be colored as well so right now I put the lid on but this Clips a little too bright so I'm gonna go to my basic correction tab I'm gonna draw my exposure a little bit yeah alright that looks pretty good alright I'm doing the same thing to that next clip click it get a master the eighth of four hours I'm gonna select a look I created and now I'm gonna do my basic Corrections bring down my exposure again beside this clip knees being ganged up a little bit [Music] bring them exposure yeah same thing this clue put a master basic creative brows and as you'll see now that I'm now that I have more clips from this same take in the timeline as I go through you'll see that they're all colored because I use the master clip so I'm gonna do this and this is going to be a perfect example since these clips are side-by-side brows just exposure it's pretty good and say both of these clips are colored as I use the master clip so I'm gonna do the same thing at this forget it now I'm gonna use a look I created for this shot same thing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just keep going so once you have fully completed your video that last thing you want to do is properly export it so what you want to do is go up here to file go to export media we're gonna go up to here to format h.264 preset I like to do HD 1080p 23 nine seven six for YouTube we can go right here to output name to name our video editing tutorial save then we're going to scroll down I like to do anywhere from 22 to about 50 on the bitrate but for the purposes of this tutorial I'm just going to do tuning that's perfectly good enough for YouTube check use maximum render quality and then export that is it [Music] or after three I've been waiting for you what on the bed for the better what you go [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's the end of the tutorial I really hope you guys were able to learn something and take something away from this I really appreciate all the support you guys have shown me on this channel so far
Channel: TheyCallMeCotton
Views: 117,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theycallmecotton, cottonfilms, filmmaking, how to edit, how to edit a music video, adobe premiere, adobe premiere pro, adobe premiere pro cc, import, export, how to import, how to export in adobe premiere, best export settings adobe premiere pro cc, editing workflow, color grading, syncing audio in premiere pro cc, ycimaging, peter mckinnon, jakob owens, thebuffnerds, ycimaging presets, ycimaging music video, ycimaging lighting
Id: BudR3R4MCmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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