How To Edit a Music Video (Tutorial)

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how to edit a music video coming up Hangul a coverture what's up everyone my name is Karla welcome back to calculate TV in today's video we're gonna go over how to edit a music video now to keep this video short and sweet I want to just go over all of the basics the fundamentals the most important parts to puttin together a music video it's whether this is your first time editing a music video or if you're just looking to sharpen your skills I'm gonna go over how I edit a music video and all the things that go into it if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to be notified for future uploads for more good ass content just like this right here alright so by now you've already shot the video you've already watched my video going over the camera settings you've already watched my video going over how to shoot a music video and now it's time to edit the video if you haven't seen those two videos I'm gonna put links in the description but it is time to edit a music video and this is this is actually a real music video that I do have to edit I so the software that I use and software that I've always used to edit music videos is Sony Vegas Pro honestly if I was starting over today I probably use Adobe Premiere Pro I feel like Premiere Pro is the most used software out there so if you're stuck and you're looking for tips or tutorials there's a lot more of that information out there for Premiere Pro but no matter what software you use these fundamentals that I'm gonna show you right here apply to any software that you use so step one is making sure you set your project up correctly first off set your resolution to the highest quality of the footage that you're actually using so my camera shoots in 4k so I'm going to have a 4k resolution for my project your software should have some sort of templates already in there I know this template right here it matches my footage but with a lot of cameras like four years the highest resolution that my camera would film in is 1920 by 1080 but you know about grading so now we're in the 4k listen respect on my name frame right make sure your frame rate 23.976 full resolution rendering quality obviously the best the interlace method that's important golden resample mode to several resample whether your software has those functions or not alright so the next step is to import all of your footage into the project so for this tutorial I'm going to be using basic nobody knows featuring B Lil's produced by car collide we shot this video in Colorado I have a whole vlog shown the behind the scenes of this music video show alright so once you've imported all of your footage into the project the first thing that I do is I make proxy files of all my footage and what it does for me in granted this is like a $3,500 custom though top high-end performing PC that I built specifically for editing music videos but what I'm still editing these 4k files it'll lag while I'm editing it so the proxy files are kind of like temporary lower quality files and it makes your editing go a lot faster a lot smoother it fixes the lag so I always highlight all of the footage I'll right click and then create video proxy with these files I've already created the proxy that's why it's not letting me choose this option now once you create proxy files it'll take a little bit of time so what I'll do is if I know that tonight I'm gonna edit a music video sometime during the day I'll open up the project I'll import all the footage in there I'll highlight all the files and then I'll go to create proxy files and I'll leave so I know when I come back the proxies are already made in the videos ready to be edited alright so step one drag your song down to the timeline the song is right here drag your first performance shot down and match it up to the song alright three two one alright so a trick that I like to do with matching the words up to the song is mute the song and then listen to the video clip for when a drop happens so right there I can see the beat dropped that's when the hook starts and then now I'll unmute the song right there they both drop I'll match those up and I'll play them together just to make sure they sound and you can even see like when you zoom into the timeline you can see you see the sounds one thing that I've noticed is it's like you almost want the video file to be a tiny bit ahead of the song because sometimes like people when their lip singing a song or saying the words it looks more on beat if the video file is a tad bit early like right here you can see it's a tiny bit early I'd rather have it right here then right there so now mute that audio file alright so that's the first performance shot right there the artist did the entire song how do you know when it's time to go it's time to go and then what I'll do is I'll actually delete the audio track for that video clip mazuma and now I dragged the second performance shot drag it down to the timeline what I'll do is I'll mute the previous one that I already matched up and now we're doing the same thing we're gonna mute the song let the video clip play find where the where the drop is yeah [Music] boom right there cut the clip unmute the song again and see us right there then when you mute the audio file from the video clip watch the video clip listening to the song good now again I'll delete that audio track from the video clip so now I have two of the performance shots matched up on beat me both of those and then you're going to continue doing the same thing right so you'll drag the third clip the fourth clip the fifth clip however many performance shots you have the first thing that I like to always do is drag the performance shots to the timeline match them up with the song so everything's on and from there I like to do one track at the very top of my timeline and this is where I do all of the b-roll so I'll just have a beer all track at the very top like this right here now let's talk about color grading and color correction I recommend either doing it at the very beginning the only thing is when you do it at the very beginning it can make you have more lag while you're editing the video so sometimes people like to wait to the end once they're done editing the entire video then they'll do all the color grading color correction but what I found is I like to adjust my colors in the very beginning so I kind of have an idea of how the video is gonna look or what color and look it's gonna have so I like to do it in the beginning most of times but again that's our personal preference alright so let's say I was going to edit this music video right here right now so I do have a drone shot let me drag this drone shot right here you don't need to have a drone for music videos but if you do have a drone like I live in Lansing Michigan this is a music video shoot in Colorado Springs Colorado I mean when you think of Colorado you picture mountains this would be a great time to be a drone owner and be sure to the music video usually when I get drone shots I tend to show the drone shot right in the beginning the first shot when the video starts and then I always fill my drone shots at 60 frames per second so that way I can slow it down to do some slow-mo so let me do that right now actually and then what I did there this is for Sony Vegas users the playback is gonna be 40% cuz it's your your project is 24 frames per second but you film your slow-mo at let's say 60 frames per second so those 60 frames per second when the playback is 40% then it's smooth and there's not like those skip laggy type slow motion where it looks choppy okay now if you have a logo and why when the video comes on that's a great spot to put it so I have my logo anytime I shoot a music video or honestly film anything I have this logo I play you guys the clip right here I'll solo it it's just my logo and it kind of like glitches if you want to know how to do that let me know in the comments I can do a whole tutorial and then for five there's another good place to you can go to fiber and look up logo animation and there's probably someone for five bucks where you sitting with your logo and they'll make it do some cool for the logo I don't need any of the audio with this so I'll delete that track and then as you see right here I have the logo but it sounded black behind the lacquer I want that to be there so what I do is I change this setting right here from source you get through screen or you can change it to add I like to just do add and what it does is it makes the that black background see-through transparent so some tips for editing the intro of your music video put some manual great place to put some b-roll I'm gonna stow some more clips in here if you have a camera that can film in 120 frames per second when you slow that all the way down to 20% at playback even more cinematic even more epic I'll see what that looks like so from there I would either do a fade to show maybe but like both artists face shot the basic shot to belittle for not even knowing but being a volunteers for my how to edit a music video tutorial alright here we go I got a shot of his face I'm changing the playback to 20% and then with Sony Vegas how you do is if you drag them like this it just it's gonna make them fade together I mean that was kind of smooth but it kind of wasn't this one I put the tutorial that'll work oh yeah that's sweet that's a little far out shot so I'm gonna place that there little speed ramp trick this is a kind of more advanced I'll make it fast forward for a second and then go into slow motion so what I did was I just made it play this clip right here it goes fast forward into a slow motion so if you watch that it would look like this at the end we'll do a quick little fast for it and then we're gonna get the [ __ ] out of there so BAM now we can go let's go throw this flag back in there and we're in charge just kind of be wall setting it up for what they're about to see what they're about to watch BAM it looks cool too when you have some b-roll clips and let's say you let it play in real time for a split second and then boom slow down to slow motion and then maybe fast forward for a second and then boom cut it again and go into slow motions right here I'm gonna make it going to slow motion and then right here I'm gonna make it go back to real time 100% playback then boom cut again going to slow-mo oh let's say this was gonna be the intro at the barre and I want it to fade out and then we'll unmute those performance tracks so let's let's rewatch what we got right here this is the intro so far mega lag overture yeah you know that's a pretty good intro there's a part right here you can see the speaker right here so what what I would do is I would drop it in like this so that way you don't see that and they also want to intro a lot of times you want to put the name of the song or the artist names one word of advice would be choose good funds I feel like finding and applying good funds for music videos is a whole tutorial in its own but I'll show you a couple fonts that I do like there so we're gonna make this stayed in fade out and the name of the song was nobody knows like let's say I left it like that that looks very bad that's Ariel Ariel fun yet this font right here is glossing bloom I feel like this is a pretty cool-looking font I would make this fade in and fade out or you could always put the name of the song on the very last clip before the hook job for the first job you know I have two videos I'll put the the font on the intros have the videos I don't it's kind of personal preference sometimes the artist always wants their name and the name of the song so so if you want to go ahead and do that now let's start editing these performance shots you kind of go to go back and forth and go with the vibe to feel it the song so if it's a faster hype hype a song and there's a lot going on in it when you edit it needs to be like you know clip 1 and clip to clip 3 slow motion fast-forward another clip another clip like move to match the energy of the song this if you listen to this song this is more of a slower smooth song so the editing of it would be longer clips maybe instead of cuts back and forth between the different shots it's gonna be fades and something that I always do with smooth songs I'll show you I'll do fade outs of a clip where it'll actually fade the black before it goes into the next clip and then the next clip will fade in so at the end of this clip I'll fade it out to black and then when the next clip comes in will fade this end so there so it'll go solid black for a secondary nobody no-nobody know when it's time to go it's time to go I feel like when you do the fades it's more smooth first you could just cut hey as you see I only put two of the performance shots right there and ideally I have about six performance shots but I want to keep it more simple for the tutorial as far as going from performance shots to b-roll that's all up to you and your own taste with this song right here I would probably do it like this where this is about five six seven seconds or so or the performance shots and then now to keep it entertaining I'm gonna go to some b-roll or maybe I'll go back to the drone shots and then I'll go back to the performance shots again I wanted to again I could do we're gonna fade out at this clip and then fade into the next clip or actually will do to be royal clips in a row let's go back to that drone shot we'll find a different spot in there I'm gonna make the drone shot playback in slow motion 40% and then we'll actually get rid of that that fade out of the previous clip and we'll fade in with the drone shot so now then we can fade out of that and then fade into the next clip right on beat I can see that the beat drops right there and I want to cut right there and go on to the next performance so sometimes you can cut on beat where you can see the kicks are that works a lot of the times sometimes it doesn't have to be as you see right here when we show this scene there's no cut there but it still works good when you watch it [Music] just remember to keep it is interesting as you can while you're editing don't show the entire music video in the first 30 seconds and keep switching it up so let's say you have six different performance shots maybe use two of those the first one minute of the song and then use the other two the second minute of the song then use the other two Department of the song so you just like you continue to introduce shots as you edit it in the same thing with the b-roll don't do too many performance shots back to back to back to back to back unless that's the type of video that you're going for just sprinkle in the b-roll here some songs you're gonna have a bunch of b-roll back to back to back in some songs you're not most of my videos I'll do it similar to this where not for very long and then boom now now we're watching b-roll again doing some core editing effects I think that's a whole tutorial and it's wrong let me know in the comments if you guys want to see some I'll show you a couple that aren't crazy at all that I use often in videos let's say I have a beer oil clip right here [Music] and so what I'm doing is this would be roll clip I cut it right here and I'm gonna make it fast forward so I'm changing the playback to a 400% only for a split second and then I'm going to cut it again and go into slow motion and then I'm gonna make these two Clips overlap for a second and I'm gonna go to my transitions I'm gonna go to dissolve and I'm gonna go to additive dissolve drag that down on that fade and what it does is it's gonna have a quick white flash and then if you want it to last longer you can stretch it out that's kind of cool if you do one in the beginning and one at the end very simple effect almost show you guys another one so this is just with keyframes let's find a biro right here let's go to basic and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put the clip into slow motion first I'm gonna go to the pan and crop and I'm gonna select the ending of the clip I'm I had a keyframe and I'm honestly just gonna zoom in a little bit and what it's gonna do is when you watch this it's going to zoom in the song and then one thing you can do is you can twist it a little bit or you can make it zoom in and you change the positions not on his face and then you can do the opposite yeah that should be the general concept of editing a music video I would say on your intro it's gonna be a lot of what the intro is you know the introduction to the video you're gonna show the the scenery b-roll slow-motion shots to bring the video in there's gonna be more performance seeing heavy throughout the video and at the very end for the outro a lot of b-roll heavy shots again at the end yeah next would be rendering the video I'm going to do a separate tutorial on my render settings the best render settings for music videos and mine will be for Sony Vegas Pro users you know comments what software you're using to edit music videos I'm a Sony Vegas game I've just always been that way I tried to switch over to Premiere Pro about 4 years ago when I got my Sony camera it was just getting over that learning curve I so many videos to shoot himself fluent and used to Sony that I can fly through a video in a few hours and it seemed like it was gonna take me a whole day and a half to get done with a music video in Premiere Pro hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to be notified future uploads if this video helped you out give me a favorite and get the video a thumbs up I'll see you guys next video crackling TV we are
Channel: CrackaLackTV
Views: 200,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cracka lack, how to edit a music video, editing a music video, editing a music video in sony vegas, sony vegas pro music video tutorial, sony vegas music video, sony vegas music video editing, video editing, how to edit to the beat of music, music video tutorial for beginners, premiere pro tutorial music video, how to edit a music video tutorial, music video editing, music/song video editing tutorial, music video editing tips and tricks, music video editing tutorial, sony vegas
Id: TGxjm1vHCZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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