Music Video Effects For 2021 | Adobe Premiere Pro (NO PLUGINS)

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these are some of my favorite effects that i use in adobe premiere pro [Music] what's up youtube dennis films here back with another video and today we're talking about music video effects and what i use and been using for most jewelry of my projects if you're new to this channel my name is gabe dennis i'm a full-time filmmaker and i mainly shoot music videos and weddings so if you're into those two genres of filmmaking consider subscribing okay guys now that we're in the computer i don't know if i told you this in the beginning of the video but i also included the footage i'm using in this tutorial in the description below free of download so you can follow along just to make it a little bit easier but so the first two clips we're working with is joe scott number one performance and joe scott number two performance we're gonna start off with my favorite effect well as of right now which is the ultra key and i'm sure you may or may not have heard of the ultra key first thing we want to do is let's play through these clips let me show you the joe scott clip um i have to play it at one fourth just because there's a lot going on with my computer but there we go so these are the first two clips what we are working on uh what we want to do is we want to have both performances in the same shot but in the background and separated almost like a cut out so this is where the ultra key effect comes into play so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to our effects tab uh mine is right here you click on the two arrows left click and then go to effects and we're gonna type in ultrakey now it may be somewhere else in your uh software in your editing so just wherever it's located go in and type ultrakey so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to drag the ultra key onto the first clip and now that we have it on there as you can see nothing has happened yet to the clip itself but we're going to go into our effects control tab which is located for me right here and if you don't have this showing up anywhere you can go to window and then go to effects control and just make sure it's checked off and it should pop up for you so we're going to click on the first clip go to effects control and now we can see the ultra key effect that has been applied to the clip so first things first is i want to remove this guy so what works best with ultra key is one solid color that you're trying to remove so skies are usually the best for that as you can see my sky's blown out and the highlights are clipped which is good in this scenario so first things first we're going to grab the eyedropper tool located right here in your effects control under ultrakey and we're going to take it click on the background and now you see that it's turned black so everything that's in black is going to be taken out it's going to be cut out and removed from the clip but now you can see its own joe and it's also on the model so what we want to do is we want to clean it up one thing you can do you can go under output go to composite and put an alpha channel to give you a better look so everything that's in white right now is what's going to stay in the image so let's drop down to matte generation down in your effects control under the key color we're going to go to transparency and we're just going to make these small adjustments until pretty much joe and the model are in all white and it's just the background that's black now i'm not saying we're going to be able to get perfect but we're going to try our best so we're going to start with transparency as you can see we got gradients going on over here when i pull it all the way back you see these gradients on the edge where it's going from white gray to black we want that to be solid black because that's the sky now i'm gonna bring it back to my composite just so i feel like i can see better sometimes i'm sure the alpha channel may help you a little bit um and we're just gonna keep playing with go to shadows up the shadows as you can see it's kind of helping remove the black off joe's shoulder let's go to tolerance we'll just play with that okay that's messing with my colors pedestal okay we don't want that so let's go back up to highlight just keep playing around with highlight until or better yet just drop transparency to its original to 45 and then start adjusting underneath and i'm trying to do this quick because i know not many people want to watch an hour-long effects tutorial i don't personally but um let's just see how quick we can get this done so i'm adjust the pedestal now and it's now working a little bit better as you can see joe's shoulder is still getting clipped out so let's go to mac cleanup which is drop down and let's play around increase the choke see what it does so now it's actually going into his bandana we don't want that and no okay let's clean up his shirt a little bit on the contrast midpoint no so let's see like i said it's not going to get perfect you got to keep playing around with the clip until you get it to where you want so i'm going to go ahead and just show y'all the effect and then we'll adjust from there so we're going to take the first clip i'm gonna bring it on v2 video two uh side and then i'm gonna drag the second performance underneath so now we should see them two come together so you can see where i was talking about with the shoulder how you see it's kind of showing through let's go back in under the top clip which is the original with the ultra key and we're just going to make adjustments until it cleans up a little bit better than how it is so we actually dropped the transparency and now we're adjusting highlight okay so now that we got the effect on there we really want it to stand out so we're gonna go to the bottom clip right click on that and then go into effects controls and we're just going to keyframe and readjust the scaling of it so let's start with toggling the animation click position and scale we're going to play through okay and then we're going to increase our scale just to see the size there we go and let's see what that looks like play through and then we're going to go to our top which is the original uh performance one and we're just going to adjust it as well but i'm not going to keyframe the top and then boom but see okay so now i'm seeing where i'm not liking the white is showing so we're going to go back and adjust the ultra key which is something you're going to have to do every now and then especially trying to be quick so i'm adjusting the transparency that looks so much better okay so now this this is pretty similar to what i showed in the preview but again you can change it however you like so resize it we can change the color so go to the bottom clip we could take that saturation out and just make it even more separate separated from it let's see we can increase it really can go any way you would like it to which is the best part it's endless creativity for it i mean pretty much editing but you can do whatever you want we can even stack it a little bit so let's stack an effect on this so let's go into our effects panel go to lens distortion there we go let's go to the bottom and let's drag it onto our bottom clip okay so the black and white is our bottom clip we're gonna go to our effects control and then let's start with the curvature maybe we can just warp it a little bit like that add something different unique to it and then we could bring in this part so the borders so now we just we're just changing up making it different there we go that looks really dope i like that and now i'm gonna show you real quick extended out because these are so tight shots i can show you a little bit further and it's just a different look it really is so now what we're going to do is we're going to move on to the next one but we're actually still using ultra key for this one now this one's prince chino i'm gonna play through the clip as you can see we got a sky right here pretty similar there's a little bit of gradient i can see a little bit of blues um and then mainly white so what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove this guy so first things first okay so now that we're on the clip of prince chino right here at play through as you can see we got prince chino the subject in the center and then we also have a sky again this effect works really well with one color there's a little bit of a gradient of i'd say like a teal aqua blue to a white more like a washed uh blue um but we're going to remove that and replace it with stormy clouds so let me go right here let me drag my stormy clouds this is the clip we're gonna be using for the stormy clouds so let's go ahead cut it to size just make it the size of the clip again this is just for teaching purposes and we know what we'll put that to the side for right now so again we got this clip we're going to go to our effects panel and go to ultra key we're going to type in ultra key and then we're going to drag it onto this clip okay so now we're in our effects control we're going to key out the sky similar to what we did before so you're gonna take your little eyedropper click the sky boom there you go uh we're gonna go to composite go to alpha channel just so we can see more so let's go drop down matte generation and we're just gonna play until we get the desired result we want so right now you can see it's taken most of this guy and you can see in chino's face right here that it's taking a portion of his face that's okay i'm gonna bring the highlights all the way down there we go see now that we're playing with the shadows it's affecting the shadows so we're going to leave the shadows alone i like where it's at tolerance increase pedestal that should do the trick right there boom now we got pretty much a solid sky solid black sky so let's go from the output let's go to composite from alpha channel and you can see it's taking over chino a little bit but let's go ahead take our sky and put it underneath just drag it out okay so we're gonna go back to chinos clip the first clip on top and we're gonna make a little more adjustments to it because it's affecting his face too much and just keep going we don't want to affect his clothes okay there we go that looks good crease the pedestal bring down the tolerance i'm changing my colors let's play through and we're going to make this look even better than what you see right now so first thing i want to do is you see how we have the explosion uh from the lightning it's too bright i don't even like how the colors are looking so we're gonna choose a different part of the storm clouds and let's see right here i just dragged and extended and replaced see that's okay i like that better so one thing i want to do is i want to remove the blues out of the storm sky so i have a lumetri color right here but make it a little bit easier let's go to our effects tab type in lumetri if i spell color and then drag it onto our top clip and let's just i mean sorry sorry sir wrong thing type in lumetri color and let's drag it onto our bottom clip for the sky and we are going to drop it down on the white balance where's my saturation and we'll remove the saturation from it to me that looks so much better boom and of course we go to the top clip and make some changes as well to the colors just to blend it in a little bit better so let's darken it actually let's go to the curves again this effect you really just gotta play around no drop it just a little bit okay so one thing to do or one one way we can start making this look even better is we can start with the storm clouds so let's add something to it let's add another effect let's go into your effects panel type in lens distortion and you scroll all the way to the bottom and then we're going to place it on the clouds and we're going to just warp them a little bit so you're going to drop down to your curvature right here under lens distortion and your effects control and you're going to go negative there we go we got warping a little bit that looks better but we need to even add more to this more depth to this effect so what we're going to do is we're going to start keyframing so we're going to go to our cloud clip we're still in cloud clip you're going to go to the top of your effects control and you're going to toggle your animation for scale and position right here just click on them and we're going to scrub through it all the way probably go to the end right there and we're going to increase our scale so the sky is going to be moving at the same time and there we go something different and then what we can do we can also go to prince chino and change his position in scales so we're going to do that real quick do the same thing he did the clouds [Music] and then boom you got something kind of dope right there i like that that looks pretty sick and again it's music videos you can get creative as possible it doesn't have to look completely realistic now you may be going for that um sometimes i definitely do but this is not one of those cases this is just a cool effect and you can put anything you want under here so let's move on to the next effect which is way more simpler than the ultra key um it's really kind of like a jump a ghosting effect uh i like using it for very high energy performances like this one right here with g keller um so we're playing through it this is what we're working with right now so basically we're gonna do is let's say you have a beat right here we're just gonna make we're gonna uh tag this as the beat boom uh snares drop boom boom and we're gonna cut on them you're gonna hit c on your keyboard and we're gonna make a cut right here on the first tab which is the beat and then we're gonna go to the second one and make another cut and then boom hit b on your keyboard so you can have your cursor back and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this clip we're gonna hold alt on our keyboard and drag it up and we're gonna duplicate it so now we have two of the same clip what we're gonna do next is we're gonna go to the bottom clip right click and go to speed duration and we'll just do some random number we're gonna we're gonna slow it down by the way this clip is shot in 24 frames per second so you know it's going to be jittery or giphy i guess you could say when i slow it down which is what we're wanting so play through you can't see any difference and it's because the top clip the duplicate layer or duplicate clip is still the same and it's what's visible so we're going to click on the top clip go to your effects controls and drop down the opacity and now you can see the clip below it in there and then boom see play it through see it's slower little jittery which is good that's what we want and we can keyframe it but first what we're going to do is we're going to separate it you don't have to but i like to separate by color so i'm going to take the bottom clip and when we slow down and we're just going to go into lumetri color in your effects control and we're going to take down the saturation you can change the colors if you'd like it's totally up to you so now we got this is what we're working with right now so let's go to the bottom clip and now we're going to keyframe it so we're going to toggle the animation for position and scale we're going to highlight both of them drag them to the beginning and then we're just going to scale randomly and just see what we can what we can make and boom it's kind of dope so let's let's make it even a little bit a little bit crazier let's go to your effects panel and we're going to type in lens distortion again it may still be there i'm gonna redo it just so you can see it and we're gonna drag it onto the bottom and what we're gonna do is we're gonna scroll down and we're gonna take the curvature and warp it like that and we're going to keyframe it actually so let's toggle the animation for curvature bring it to negative 85 in the beginning and then we're going to make sure it goes regular at the end so i got my keyframe for it to be back at zero and then right here negative 85 in the beginning let's see we can make it even cooler than that we can go to our effects panel and add additive dissolve like pretty much any effect you have ever learned you could stack like just stack them and see what you can create that's that's pretty interesting i like that but i think what's hurting this effect is we need to make it shorter so let's shorten it and just make it a little bit more wilder and then we could add it again so you can go in do the same thing and once you get it down you got it down it's pretty simple process you can do it fairly quickly thirty percent drag it back opacity change the colors just to separate it you know what on this one i'm going to make it red so i'm going to go to your curves and on the top clip i mean the bottom clip we're going to go to your blue and your curves and bring it all the way down and go to the green and do the same exact thing to make red so if you want to make it a little demonic or something crazy like that and then you can also add speed ramping like it's endless that's why i love editing it's just you can come up with something on the fly and just be dope there we go so let's move on to the next effect the next effect is actually something way different um it is a picture frame and what we're going to do this picture frame is we're going to cut it out uh but first thing i'm going to do like i've been doing so i'm going to keep it consistent we're going to remove the saturation from this and let's go to the bottom we'll go zero zero saturation you don't have to do this i'm just doing this for cosmetic reasons so now that we are looking at the picture frame we're going to click on click on the clip go to effects control and go to opacity right here and you're at grab we're going to basically mask this out so you grab this little square and then boom you see it's on your clip but it's only everything outside the square it's cutting out so we need to invert it so you're gonna go to your under opacity click on inverted and then boom we got it there so then you can go back to this frame drag it to the corner just to start the cut now i will say this you can do this for up anything i've done this on bike tires i've done this on headlights for cars and i've done this on picture frames the best thing you can do is actually get a static shot try not to get a moving shot because you're going to have to put so much effort in to tracking the mask you could do it in after effects but in premiere it's going to take a lot of time and you have to do it frame by frame so the best thing to do is have a static shot which this was shot on a tripod so we're going to drag the mask to each corner i'm going to fill the painting part of the frame of the frame and boom so what we want to do is we actually want to put something in the picture frame so as you can see in the clips i gave you we can take this picture i mean this video clip right here we're gonna put it in it and just put it underneath it and then boom it's in there but to make it more interesting what we can do is we can keyframe keyframe is literally the best the best thing if you don't know keyframing you need to learn it it's super important so we're gonna talk about animation and we're just gonna keyframe it so we got it at zero i mean 100 and then the position 1920 by 1080. we'll play through and then we're gonna increase the scale and basically we're gonna have it zoom into the picture frame to go into the effect like this and if you want to make it even more interesting we can duplicate the frame so we're going to hit all on our keyboard and then drag up and then we can change the scale effects so as you can see you have everything that's duplicated from the first clip to the second so everything's duplicated including keyframe so what we're going to do is you can just we'll just do something random we'll decrease the scale right here no no no actually just increase that works better so we're going to increase it and you're going to see both frames you can put them wherever i'm going to put it in the back so you can still see both frames at the same time and then boom you got two frames just moving and then you could keep stacking them if you want to i'm gonna change the rotation of this one so this one would have to be different because it's rotated so what we're going to do is we're going to toggle and remove the keyframes that we whoo that was it hurt a little bit anyways uh what we're gonna do is we're gonna toggle so because we rotated it it's oh my gosh i'm about to be on a sneeze attack um because we rotated it our our scales got to be different so we don't show edges so we're going to reposition it at when it's corrected at i'm going to increase it to 200 but you need to toggle your animation so you can recreate the scaling do something different so you can keyframe the rotation and just have it changing at the same time with the others and have that at the end that's that would look pretty sick let's see oh well guys that is the end of the tutorial the effects tutorial i know these effects were kind of random and seemed a little bit all over the place but these are the three main effects that i used today in 2021 and i hope you enjoyed it and if you can do me a favor if you did enjoy it and learn something maybe you didn't like the effects i did but you liked the process that i went about it that's awesome and comment below if that's true or not or if you didn't like that's fine too i really hope y'all enjoyed this tutorial and well i'll see y'all in the next one [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Dennis Films
Views: 133,040
Rating: 4.9516616 out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, music video effects, premiere pro effects, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro cc, premiere pro tutorial, dennis films, video editing tutorial, music video transition effects, music video effects 2020, music video effects 2021, adobe premiere pro tutorial, adobe premiere pro 2021, premiere pro effects presets, premiere pro basics, music video effects premiere pro, adobe premiere pro tutorial for beginners, video editing tutorial for beginners, color grading
Id: x2lsrimI0y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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