How To Edit Music Videos "PROFESSIONALLY" using Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 - (PART 1) Organizing

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2020 is about to be a big year for not just me but everyone turning in because you've got to watch and I learned so much more this year I'm gonna be producing a lot more tutorial videos I've been noticing the channel grow in people been learning people's been on messaging me telling me um how this video is helpful or you know I was able to help them so I want to do that a lot more 20/20 and starting now I want to show you guys how I added a music video professionally take this with a grain of salt this is not the only way to add a music video but I feel like you could be able to learn or get a solid foundation from this video that might just be able to help you and speed you up um when you add it in the video so let's jump right into it alright so let's see I'm gonna pull video that we can probably are here oh yeah okay so let's do this so the first thing I do when I'm at it in a video is I grab applause all the shots music everything and I bring it in to Adobe Premiere Pro so this should be step one step one is important I'll get everything and anything you need that you feel like will go in the video um get it and get it in Adobe and let's go from now so okay now that you have everything in here what I do next is open a sequence and you right click you got a new item sequence money that's multiple ways you can do this play this is how I do it so okay so I name the sequence after that so the next thing I do after that is I drag the music in the sequence you know you want to get this in there this is what you following so I get that in there and I highlight it from beginning to end like you know they have that workspace so I know where I'm working at okay so now that you got your sequence set up you've got everything important the third thing I do is get organized being organized is key and I feel like a lot of people probably overlook this but this helps a lot being able to find stuff quickly just because you're organized a lot better so what I do is go here and I sort everything by feel order and what that does is exactly how I shut the video like where I started they put that video first in the last shot I did it put that down clip last so this would be the last shot I did these would be the first shots I did okay so after that I curate two folders one I named Florence and another a name biro I'll be in here yeah okay so after I create a performance full and beautiful I go through and I drag all of the performance shots inside performance follow and all b-roll shots in the b-roll fold on a way how I know which shot is which I go to info and anything that's within this frame per second like for example down here since 59.94 second I usually shoot the Beeville and a higher frame rate so that's one way I get through this quickly so yeah sometimes you can have performance shot in the same frame per second as the b-girl but you can always just duplicate it and drag it into performance to live you know yeah both so these are bureaus it's performances this is the whole video I did too some years well I think this was the first music video I actually shot is with the artist Apollo and the song is all here oh it's a dope song too so be fun heroes those ones I can tell by on the timestamp down here if the bureau's all performances because the performances will usually be about two three minutes and the bureau's are just like a couple seconds to so that's another way of telling which is which this video is mostly because I think he only had that performance in the kitchen okay so we're done so now we organized everything is in there and now we can begin to lay everything down and start editing so for this step what I do is I go to the performance and I try to sync up everything with the song I'll go to the song just I into my headphones okay so you can go to the song and look for like a key point when he starts on performing market was on hero so tomorrow you just hit em and it leaves this mark market there okay so it's there so now we have like a key audio keys to listen for so we go to the performances clip we can just look for that same key market and drag it right there you can listen to it or you can use manually so Indian you know try to do it what I do is just listen I have like good headphones so I just played and I just as it goes I just press em where where where to all your keys at so so not it that's and you want to press I'm what I does is basically starts like like um if you want that section where to start um pressing I right there will start when you drag this from here let's start it right there so cool that's them so what I do is go to here drag video and I drag this here and you see how it lines up now mind you it doesn't be a hundred percent you see notice when I zoomed in it move so you still gotta like keyed up it isn't hard so you can look manually and see if his lips is sinking with the audio or you can just try to do this but like I said I got good headphones and I'm attentive so I usually get it right by on just looking at it so let's please let's try [Music] this is normal things you will experience doing this it's trying to sync these up a good tip is when you actually shoot in the video is make sure the artist is saying the word just don't let them mumble or pretend like they send the words because it didn't it'll make this part a lot harder trust me I've seen it a lot of times so I always try to get them to protect their words loud as possible so when it's synching up and I can look at your lips and see where I need to drive the audio and to match it I'm in the video now it looks like it's perfect too but what I like to do is move the clip like two seconds above it just to make sure or two seconds behind you know whenever I feel like it's on just to be sure so I'll dry this up like - just a serious [Music] just one more I want to be on point on point senses you notice how he didn't said some of his words and that's what I'm talking about like if there was the sinking part of it off sometimes when they don't say the words that I mumble at all they say it too long so try to get them to say it as loud as possible so this part is easy you know because you want your words and then you want the audio in the video to sync up properly so I think it was off but that's okay I'll pay it back one yeah so I'll just hit ctrl ctrl command C and I'll bring it back to where it was so yeah now we got it cute Cinco so yeah I do this for the remaining clips do one more and get to something else Otzi I just listen to it and just press it when it when he says it turns out I press it eludes him fast that's why I had to jump that one up but that's fine you know I said I do it sounds like sounds like it's somewhere I retain it what you can do to zoom in to those words if you want to like really queue up you know I've been doing it so long I can tell like right off the junk [Music] I'm not gonna also tell by his on its movements perfect perfect so now you want to start on cutting and to cut the clips what I usually do is lock the audio so the audio don't get cut sliced up and I go through okay so I guess the second part of this would be the second third it'll be third part so import cue up the clips and they would be cutting so cutting you wanna you want to cut to the beat you can cut to the beat all the words but what you should do first is cut to the be cut into the beat will be the foundation say edit so you look for a few audio cue let's say it can be the kick clap it can be both be you know either all of them so let's go through and let me show you how I cut the clips so for me personally this is why it's important for you to actually light the music I'm you better than two so you can get those nice cuts um this is why I try to like the song if I don't like your song I probably won't shoot the video I won't do it just because I know like I added a lot better when it's a nice song so alright to speak you know kind of jumpy you got some nice claps so am I just going to clap and a kick so let me show you how we do that so you heard the first clap this note you want on this enough for those claps and stop it so that's a clap right now what you could do to see it out over over here and scroll up actually makes it so you can see so now you can you can see I'm over here to buy the audio levels right at clap where that spikes at you know so you can do it like that that's what I normally do so I come here on my head see and I hold shift the holding shift will allow you to cut all of the clips that's why I love the audio clip down here that's why I lock this off so when I do cut it won't cut that so yeah holding shift and you want to get it right down and this will cut all of the clips that's why it's important to do this in stages so you don't have the wrong Clips getting cut or you you know don't have to work too hard so you know once you have all of your performances lined up and you made the cut it will cut all of those clips so that's important to know and you should note that okay so that's the first cut so you're gonna notice a pot in here and I mean me personally I tried it before but I wouldn't recommend it cuz sometimes the kicks in some like some people beat the kick don't always land in the same spot like they have it slightly offset I don't know if it's because they have like the MPC thing when you push it and sometimes it don't be the same velocity velocity is the previous one um all you engineers know what I mean but the collapse and kicks don't always land in the same spot but you could like you know coffee go here you know just have your cuts it's better just go to listen to the song and just hit hit the cut button on each clap that's what I do this to be precise because I don't like to be going back to Fort okay [Music] I might skip that one and go to the beach all because I don't want it to be too too bouncy okay so cuts down pack all you got to do listen oh clap kick whatever you want to put it on auto words and yeah your timeline should be looking like this right now I call I call it on the puzzle I look at music videos and post-reduction like cousins and you just got to put it together after you get all of this all the way so what I do after that is I turn off all the clips I have this chakra where I can enable or disable the clips all of them some of them however so once that off I can just come to turn on and off turn on turn off yeah make it so easy I try to work as organized as possible that's why so yeah so now you come through and you look for the clips you want and turn them on turn off and build a flow so what you want going on okay so just look at that so let's watch in cuc out of you you see you see the vibe see the Vice coming already alright looks like I guess maybe okay I'll leave it so yeah don't that flow [Music] you see the vibes so okay now be well this is simple you know you made it this far in the video I hope you subscribe I hope you learning from this just as vital information a lot of people won't share this umm I'm beyond that I feel like once you have the baton you know you run so far and then you pass it you don't you know run to the end with it you know I see a lot of people who go down with the baton meaning like they have the information and they never share they never pass it on people never learn from them I'm not gonna do that you know I know something and because we all go in together I'm not perfect you're not perfect you ain't there yet I'm not done yet so y'all gotta be there together so that's why I'm doing this you know it's not a secret some people hold it you know they don't they wanna be the only ones to know when they don't you know I'm not I'm not like that but um if you made it this far in the video subscribe definitely um stay stay tuned from walk I'm gonna be doing a lot more stuff like this and you're gonna watch me you know just keep stepping up and growing and showing you guys how to do the same okay um where was I yeah Bureau so with the Beeville simple stuff man all you gotta do go to the clip look this is my actually my old apartment I thought this video of my old apartment I think it was the last one before I left you did this video in there so yeah be real simple man gonna accept you want let's see let's say you want that you know whatever your b-roll might be you know this is not hard okay so you're marking and I'll drag it from here yeah shot this down so you can fit this bro it's all flow okay and what I mean by that is strictly dependent on how the video is going the movie whatever you go for you you places in that there's no proper way to put a view I usually do about it beat but I also keep in mind the flow so for example you have I'll have okay and what I do too is try to put the beer two slots above just out some space in between so and what I do too is I mark I'll label these bills I put it usually to this magenta color so no b-roll and then I know performances what I'll do - if I have like a big music video like with a lot of different features - Oh mark like the first artist to be this color and mark like the next - artist to be a different color yeah like you noticed a different high pop and color light screen just so you know who's coming out who's next or if you put that person before I'll have this all you know marked up colorful just to be organized I like being organized that's key so okay [Music] so this clip is actually smaller than I think I shot this my older cameras why so this clip here would be 8720 in color and the clip behind would be a HD 1080 but you can still make this fit by just going here and going to scale to frame size I was gonna say um most time people won't notice be honest you really won't notice but yeah that's how you solve that problem so let's see how this all fits you see the vibes you see divided all right um and I think that's basically it for the first segment of this hum of this edit I think I'll end it here and let's just recap and go over some vital tips so the first thing you want to do bring in your import your clips organize yourself create folders this is gonna help you flow perfectly like if you got a bounce back and say okay where's the next performance do you already in the Foley no I like to work fast and efficiently so being organized Daphnis is the way to go about that so after you got your folders and stuff you wanna lying everything out once you get all your performances and don't put the B roles with the performance and tell you um got them cut up okay lay out your performances first cut to the beat on your performances clap kick whatever you want to put it to me after you make those cuts and you wanna bring in a Buell because the Beals is just like for me this would I say I'll say okay if I play this and I'm getting tired of watching them perform I want to drive that Buell over that performance just so I don't you know cuz you gotta like put yourself in someone else shoes and say okay this person might get tired you know you know that's why you gotta be crucial about criticism too when you're doing this um I'll say to myself okay I'm getting tired of seeing this guy rapping that's you know go somewhere else just you know the cut back and forth my money or you can put it to hide stuff you know we got like a bad performance and you want to hide it you can put you know is up to you your full disclosure how you do it it's totally up to you so yeah you want to put the beer after you got everything cut out then um yeah you want to play some video laughter you got everything kind of and from there it's basically on effects color grading and saving the video but I'll do a part two to this video where we add some effects and I'll do probably the next video on color grading I think I got a few videos but I'll show you just you know so you can get the full tutorial on how to put it together now I think a lot of people like to see the pros production side of it the behind the scenes how it was done so I'm going to show it so if you like this video news they will learn from this side I was able to learn from it this was refreshing to do because this was a whole video and I feel like I've added interest in you again now I would do it so much better but that's just life man you live anywhere and you gotta make your mistakes early dinner for mom to do better so subscribe if you like this video and I hope you guys learn it from this man I see a lot of comments people I'm talking about how it was helpful or how saying that you helped them I want to do that more man so appreciate you guys are subscribing almost at that a thousand mark it definitely been a journey to see it grow I started from zero only recently I start like taking it serious and putting videos out there so appreciate you guys on let's go up in 2020 a lot of big things going on see you again man [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: swaygfx
Views: 42,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swaygfx, music video editing, how to edit music videos, how to edit music videos professionally, how to edit music videos like a pro, editing music videos in adobe premiere pro, how to edit music video in adobe premiere, How to edit Music Videos PROFESSIONALLY using Adobe Premiere Pro 2021, adobe preimere pro tutorial
Id: JJNnjl8jf-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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