Music Video Effects Tutorial | Adobe Premiere Pro (NO PLUGINS)

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what's up guys Denis films here with another tutorial and today we're going over five music video effects that I personally use in a majority of my projects now they're pretty simple effects but they do carry a lot of weight in my opinion that's why I choose to use them so anybody can learn these it doesn't matter what skill level you're at before we get into it that's cute that intro real quick okay guys now that we're in the computer I'm going to show you my first effect that I really like using which is a scaling scale in transform so what you're gonna do is get all of this out you're gonna go to your effects panel type in transform your Center just distort you're gonna drag it to your first clip that you want to use so since I'm not using music for this cuz I just don't want to deal with any copyright issues or anything like that I'm gonna set a marker and that's where the beats gonna hit say a hi-hat or something like that so the marker is going to resemble the beat when it actually hits so what I want to do and this is what I normally do in music videos is we're at the beat I go to keyframes back go to your effects panel and then you add the keyframe so what you want to keep frame is position scale rotation opacity the composition shutter angle you're gonna check uncheck that then you're gonna go to shutter angle sorry about that noise air conditioners popped on so then you're gonna go to your actual beat where it hits and then you're just gonna scale in as far as you want as much as you want reposition it you compose the shot there we go and then you're gonna go to your shutter angle and you're max it out to 360 so after you do that you're going to go to keyframes over again and they're gonna reset everything back and it's gonna be quick but it's good for time top hats I like using it's it's good for high hats I like using it back to back normally not just you know one and then done back to back makes it really cool so let's play that back as you can see it's really quick and what it's doing is it's creating that shutter that your camera would create in camera if say you move something that quick but of course it's artificial so it that's reason why I like it so much it's just because that shutter effect it can be multiple ways you can use this and get so creative with this effect but you know you can also go into your effects panel if you have another beat coming up close that you want to do and you want to use that same effect just copy it and then move to that beat that you have and then paste it and then boom well of course you're gonna paste a little bit further away but this is just so let's move on to the next clip now that was that was very simple these are all gonna be pretty simple but very useful so another thing I like to do is say that there's multiple hits back-to-back my favorite thing to do is copy this this is I guess you could call this a scale out because you're gonna scale multiple times out so let's set our beat with the markers I'm just gonna place random markers to where maybe the beat would be so what you're gonna do is you're gonna hit alt button on your computer click onto the clip and then drag it up and you do that two more times so what we're doing is and go to the first one just drag all the drag these two back each one or each part of the beat will have its own section so for the top one the very top one will be the last hit and for the second one will be the second hit so let's do that play through can't tell no difference what we're gonna do is let's go to the second clip and you're a scale down so that looks pretty good and then the next clip you're gonna do the same but you're in a scale even lower from the second one so what this does I really don't know what to call this effect it's pretty simple but there we go it can be used in a lot of different ways you can get more technical with it and you go to your effects panel go to feather or type in feather they go and drag edge feather on both your clips of the from the original one and you're gonna go to a mount and you're just gonna choose how much you want so you can blend it in if that's what you want to do there we go it's kind of blending in where you can't there's not that hard line or the hard edge in the clip so it looks a little bit cleaner just depending on what you're doing but super simple anybody can do it I use this pretty often in music videos but like I said anybody can use this it doesn't matter what skill set you are and Premiere Pro yeah that looks good like that so let's move on to the next one okay now for the third effect so the third effect is what I use 99% of times in a majority of videos not just music videos weddings as well commercials things like that and it's very simple and takes hardly any time to do its speed ramping and I'm sure a lot of you if you kind of been shooting music videos for a while or videos in general you part of this effect so it's super simple let's get right into it so we're gonna go to the inner clip it doesn't really play with it you know different amount of frames you want to go back so let's say let's go mmm let's go for keyframes back you're gonna hit C on your keyboard to cut and you're just going to cut at the fourth frame before the transition you're gonna hit V to go back you click on the clip that you cut and you're gonna go to speed duration see this is shot at 24 frames per second so I'm gonna go to 2 5 just because and then you're to scale it back on that scale you're gonna drag it back to your original clip and what it's going to do is it's gonna speed bone so effective I love this and then you can do the same for your other clip so it kind of transitions very well together you can do this on beat so since this was shot and I want to say 120 I'm gonna go I'm just gonna do 350 I'm not gonna go 5 you're gonna move the clip back forward and then drag the clip back to meet the other clip so this is what it looks like bone such a clean and easy transition from one clip to the next and then you can get you know crazy with if you want you gotta add it a dissolve a little flash so go to your effects panel type an additive dissolve sorry I'm kind of getting ahead of myself and they were gonna drag it it's zoom into your timeline your take that additives or you can you know make it short you make it longer I prefer mine to be a quick flash then I dragged out the cross dissolve flash so you're just gonna hit play boom looks really good especially for transition and that's pretty much it you can just go throughout your entire music video and do it the one thing I gotta say you're gonna use effects become kind of consistent don't overkill it in the music video but be consistent with the same effects but yep that's pretty much it for speed ramping and you can do this in so many ways it's just it's one of my favorite effects so moving on to the fourth effect the fourth effect is a scaling rotation and if you've ever seen my music video where Devon Taylor I did a lot of this in that music video so what you're gonna do is very simple you go to your effects panel click on your clip you're going to keyframe position scale and rotation and then you're going to go to the end of your clip or wherever you want it to end that so I'm gonna say right here yep that looks about right and then I'm gonna scale him and then i'ma do a little rotation but be sure to look at you see where it's starting to take out the frame be sure to pay attention to that because that will show so you don't want that so just do it right rotate it just a little bit about right there super simple in this plate pretty dope don't have to do it in camera another easy effect that I use a lot and actually in this music video which I can't wait to release because it's one of my favorite I did this actual effect on this shot which is why I'm showing it to you with that clip so the last one okay guys for the fifth effect what we're going to do is it's a little bit difficult compared to all the other effects we're doing but it's just as cool and I wouldn't say it's too difficult so for this last clip what we're going to do is very mmediately gonna duplicate it so you're gonna hold all on your keyboard alright it might be command on Mac and then you click on it and drag up so you have your duplicate and what you're gonna do with your duplicate is you're gonna drag it back a little bit more and then you're gonna scale in go ahead and scale in on that so the part of the effect let me drag it back some more so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to your effects panel you're gonna go to your opacity take your PIN tool out and you don't have to be perfect on it you're just gonna make a little rough outline and if you don't know how to use a pen tool you're probably just gonna have to go watch a tutorial on it once you get it you get it it's a little difficult at the beginning just probably figuring out how to work it but I'll come out with a tutorial later on just for the pen tool because it isn't the easiest to work with so now that we got our outline of the artist what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep frame so first thing I do is mask feather let's pass the math expansion and see yeah that's right okay so then what we're gonna do is we're gonna max out the feather you'll have to max it out but with this being so infinitely dark we're gonna want you so then you're gonna take your position and you want to drag it to wherever you want and it's not really matter that looks good oh and then you're gonna go to your original clip drag it back there we go so it has something to work with and then you're going to go into your effects panel and type in cross-dissolve and what we're going to do with that is we're gonna put it on the original clip and that's so much longer not long you want it kind of short and see how this plays out it's a pretty cool effect you might have to do a little bit more to it it's and then you can just we'll just turn it off there we go and that's that's basically it you're gonna have these dark lines about what I use this for is a transition from one clip to the next to the next so acts as like two transitions in one so what you do is you would fade this off where the crosses cross this off to and I just just for sure you don't have to do is I might duplicate the original layer again when we're time just to kind of show you what I can do I mean I don't use this heavily this effect but I do use it I enjoy using it with certain types of sounds in a beat kind of like where you get them sound effects of ghosting because this is what this is kind of is ghosting you're just cutting out your talent and then adding a duplicate layer with a lower opacity and then just so it blends together as one then you could add let's say let me take that link for this clip over the cross dissolve and now I might add additives also go to your effects panel it's like a an additive is resolved it should pop up and let's just see what this does there we go it makes it a little bit better it's a little different that is it for today guys I will see y'all on the next tutorial I am have a set schedule of releasing every Thursday so be on the lookout I hope to hear from y'all please drop a comment subscribe like if you enjoy this content that I keep producing and that's it guys have a great day and keep creating [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Dennis Films
Views: 1,963,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dennis films, sony a6500, sony a6500 tutorial, music video effects, music video editing, premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro effects tutorial, justin odisho, video editing, effects tutorial, music video effects tutorial, premiere pro effects, premiere pro cc, how to do music video effects, premiere pro music video editing, music video, sony a6500 music video, premiere pro tips, premiere pro transition effects
Id: HDzSYFL0umw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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