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the leak and we are sure they will seize my favorite purse can read em in like a proper shooters leave me and they are curtains what's going on you guys it's your boy big month and today I'm about to show you guys how to edit music videos fast a couple a couple of different ways you can edit your music videos faster than the normal I know it takes hours and hours and hours to edit some music videos but I have a couple of different ways that you can edit your music videos faster than normal so if you seen one of my last videos when my last video is basically you know I gave you the rundown on how to edit music videos and how to put a fix on music videos well a small amount of effects not a lot but that video is coming definitely but anyways back to this video right now I have I say the first the first thing you want to do is a line up all your Clips that's that's the first thing I do when I edit music videos alright fast let me get this one in there so that's that this is not move this is key number one this is key number one to editing videos fast lining up you know some vide some directors they um they put one clip down and then just watch the whole clip and then pick spots I seen a couple directors to edit like that I don't hit her like that I line everything up and then chop my way down so I found that that is the fastest way to edit a music video in my case only reason I say that is because I know my clips oh I know what looks good and I know what the next scene looks like second thing is basically chopping down the way you chop down some people cut cut up everything and then try to piece it up I basically could put move over cut move over let me give you an example [Music] [Music] see so he say came too far I probably slow it down right there you know all right so that's basically how I chopped everything up look I'm almost halfway done with the video already and we just started her perfect perfect anyway next is Adam b-roll so me you basically already know to be relevant cuz you shot the video so you know how what art does your beer I'll go in that's what you should be thinking what are you might be rolling so I mean I put my b-roll to the side so I'll put every all might be rolling aside unlink it only get chop war I want it to be slowed it down slow I slow every last one of my beer Oh Clips down so get him counting the money all right so I got him with his shoes then I the shoes and got him counting the money BAM getting got home counting the money on my beer oh that's two clips on the side wait but I'm not finished chopping my video up but this just two Clips these just Libby rolls on the side I keep all your b-roll on the left side or the right for the right side of the screen just until you get done and when you just wait just wait until you got the full video chopped up that's it right into the video chopped up and then you'll be straight that's when you start messing with all your b-roll and then figuring out how you want to put your biro in your video after you've done chopping everything go that's second third thing you want to do is you know cut off all distractions no cellphones no don't don't pop up the internet none of that all that is distractions it slows you down and slowed me it slows me down a whole lot like when I say the internet slows me down a lot it slows me down a lot like I take breaks and be on the internet for hours and look up and be like down I really been on the internet for hours and forget about my edits so definitely take that for consideration don't use the internet turn off all phones I'll let me normally I wake up 5:00 a.m. in the morning and edit all the way until about 3:00 so waking up in the morning I found that that you know keeps me very very focused nobody ain't gonna call my phone nobody ain't going you know blow me down and then like that so I'm good anyway I'll say I'll say last but not least is basically making your own presets so I'm gonna show you guys how to make your own presets so for example say I want to make it local [Music] all right so say for instance I'm gonna make a preset right now for you guys so the scale is aa scale out bow go farther out make that alright say I want to do that same exact thing on another side of the clip but I don't want to put all the working and I just put in to do that exact same thing let me find another spot with the same type of be right here BAM chop chop alright so say for example I don't want to do the exact same thing I just did I just want to do it with a preset so I'll go up to motion right click all motions save preset so I'll just name this I'll just name the pig blood I guess Vic might jump maybe big my jump in the chicken okay so once you say to pre say to be an effects right here big my jumps so look okay see that perfect part of it just perfectly okay now solo that's not the only thing you can do it you can do it scaling is yelling out so let me try I mean do another one for you guys I'm scaling on this one all right we don't stop right here so I'm a zoom in well make sure you do position to make sure position is checked in also because you're gonna have to sum them up a little bit and frame them in right perfect right there so men make sure that's perfect all right at her feet then scale out at the end all right so you wanna you want to ease out ease in you see that also um let me see can be doing let me save this you do the same exact thing motion make this zoom in save BAM it should be right there zoom in at the bottom now look this is another thing this is another thing I had to figure out is that everything has to be the exact same frame one two three four five six seven eight that's 22 so this I have to be 22 okay I mean I guess the spot I'll just guess right here it looked almost exactly the same so I play soon [Music] that's perfect um let me make a flash for you guys um let's go to levels levels all right I'm making one right here so levels song levels you want to go to white yeah we go right here so on levels you want to go to white input level and [Music] put it back at zero because I don't want to use it over here I'm gonna use it on this so let's play levels this clip and make sure you click on the clock I'm gonna start right at the beginning of the clip I want to I want it to light up right around here so I'll pull back matter of fact I wanted to light at the end of the clip oh shoot see look right we don't do it like see there look simple flash is just a little simple cool off lads not too much you know I can I can make it more powerful if I wanted to I could just pour down some more make it super white not too much white but you know that look perfect to me god what hope so make that up preset call it flash hmm just call it flash I guess and just call it flash yeah save that now look I'm gonna make one more for you guys one more and that's with this so this this would basically be a double plant because the beat so I could just look at the top and follow that basically I can look at the top of follow the top so I was just pull this down so I can see it real real good so I'll just make sure I hit the clock it won't even go in the middle but I'll make it go in the middle make this about a hundred back over here pull back make that a hundred hmm dang I can keep it right trip hold it back make it in the middle let's see perfect you feel me you feel me I'm trying to tell you make it shout together so those are some some quick you know quick ways to edit to add your fixin on super super fast you know quick quickest way to edit just a quickest way to edit quickest way so you know I stand in my video you know make sure you subscribe like and comment if you want more videos like this please let me know in the comments because I will be making more videos just like this you know helping you guys get better with your editing you know I'm helping myself at the same time because I'm learning at the same time also you feel me I haven't been on premiere that long so I'm learning just as much as you gotta learn it so I'm just helping you guys out so that's that's a couple tips on how to edit best see you in the next video
Views: 51,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vickmont, how to edit a music video, Music Video, how to edit to the beat, Edited Fast Music Video, Less The A Hour, matti, haapoja, travel, feels, tutorial, filmmaking, photography, adobe premiere pro, photo, premiere, film, cinema, cinematic, learn, drone, gimbal, camera, edit fast, video editing, faster, premiere pro tutorial, 2018, beginner, premiere pro, premiere pro cc, how to, edit, guide, course, transitions, effects, mac, pc, luts, 2019, music videos, music video, how to edit
Id: LTnssgFzQbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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