How to download and install office 2019 for free | Step-by-Step Guide

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before we install Microsoft Office 2019 the first step we have to do is to make sure that we go and check if we have any other office that is installed in our computer because we cannot install Microsoft Office 2019 if we have any other office installed so you're going to go to your control panel then go to and install a program then check and see if you have any office that is installed if you have any office then you have to uninstall it right now you can say I have Microsoft 365. so I cannot install until I uninstall so the first step you have to do is to make sure that you uninstall that office so uninstall mine okay it may take some time so I'm going to post then I'll come back so after installing after uninstalling uh Microsoft Office then the next step you're going to go and go to your desktop right click on your desktop and create a new folder on your desktop we are going to name that of that folder 2019. so create a new folder and call it 2019 then when you finish go to Google then when you go to Google type in micro soft 365 apps admin Center and you hit enter then look for Microsoft 365 apps admin Center click that one so when you go to that page for Microsoft 365 apps admin Center scroll down when you scroll down you're going to see create a new configuration then we have import your configuration so we are going to go ahead and click on create a new configuration because we need to create and modify or create new configurations for our office 2019 now when you come here the first step we have is the same 32-bit or 64-bit you have to choose the architecture of your computer so mine is 64 bit if you don't know how to check the architecture of your computer you just have to go to your to this PC right click and you go to properties then you will be able to see the architecture of your computer right now you can check and see that I'm having a 64 bit operating system so please go and check before you continue then when we come back so I'll come and select mine which is 64 bit when you finish uh scroll down uh when you scroll down you can see that we have office shoots click here then you have all these so we are going to look for Office Professional Plus 2019. uh the difference between this and the standards that 2019 is you you can use Microsoft Access you can use Microsoft publish if you are if you choose the what the Professional Plus but if you're not going to use access you don't want to use publisher then you can choose 2019 standard okay so I'm going to choose the Professional Plus then this one just leave it like that don't select anything the visual project no don't select then come to additional products if you come to additional products you can select maybe language pack select language buttons move down this one leave it the way it is select the browser now wait just leave it like that now when you come to this part you are supposed to choose the products that you want if you don't want to use maybe access you can turn it off if you don't want to use one drive desktop you can also turn it off if you don't want to look to use Outlook you can turn it off meaning that if you download the following application that you have turned off are not going to be installed okay but in case you need them then measure return them back on okay if you need them you turn them on if you don't need them then don't turn them on okay when you finish then go to next when you go to next we have languages for languages you can choose the language that you want to use if I click select language I will check I will choose English United States then uh if you have additional languages that you want maybe you have two languages that you can read maybe you have five languages that you can read and you want to type in those languages you can just come and and those languages okay but I have learned so if you have any additional proofing tools that you want to use from any other language you can also come and look for those Roofing tools okay so I'll leave that as before because I don't have any so uh if you have please check and choose what you want when you finish number two next then the installation this one which I also leave it the way it is so there's nothing here to change okay just go to next then uh this one also just leave it the way it is okay if I don't choose anything we continue moving scroll down and go to next then license and activation we have KMS and m a k so leave it to Key Management Service okay then when you finish don't change that one scroll down move on to next then when you move on to that next we have General okay just limit the way it is okay uh if you want maybe you can feel the company name anything that you want but just leave it the way it is okay next we have application preferences that will show you the application that we are going to install Okay so uh yes button is nothing much so what you're going to do scroll down when you finish click on finish now when you finish that uh scroll to the right of your page we have import and we have export okay so that way to go ahead and click export so I'm going to click export when you export the thing at default file format please come and choose office open XML format office open XML format then you click ok when you finish the configuration name here we're going to come and choose I accept make sure accept then when you come here to configuration it's okay you can leave that name but in case in order not to get confused as we go on let us just change name this name you can write any name that you want I'll write it when X write any name that you want so when you finish writing that name if go ahead and click export make sure you write the name here okay if you don't want to write a name you can leave configuration but just change so that you don't get confused as you go along so when I finish I'm going to click export so when you click export the file is going to start downloading as you can see the file is going to start downloading so the same bilex.xml has downloaded can you see that it has downloaded now when you finish double click it sorry or open map file click on the file installed okay open that then go ahead and right click that file this is my file I'll right click it and I'm going to say copy okay after copying that file minimize and go to your desktop then go to the folder that will open the one for 2019 open that folder then come and press in your file so paste in my file then when you finish go back to Google after pasting in your file okay then type in click done type micro soft office deployment deployments tool and then you hit enter so you come to this first link for download Office deployment tool so you're going to click that then you are going to open up that page then scroll down and look for that download go ahead and click the watch download so I'm going to click download so when you download on your file come and check if your file is finished downloading okay that is my File Office deployment tool then I'm going to double click this file and open in case you cannot see that file please go and check your downloads folder okay so I'm just going to double click this one to open it so when I open that file it is going to bring up this okay so you click yes I think two times I only need one okay don't mind about that so when you finish that you're going to have something like this okay so go ahead and click here to accept the Microsoft software license terms then when you finish click continue then when you come to this step you want to go to your desktop please look for the desktop then look for the folder that we created on the description and our folder was 2019 okay so I'm going to double click to open 2019 like that then when you finish click ok so they're saying files extracted successfully then I'm going to click ok now when you finish that step come and check the office 2019 folder that you created if you check you can see that we have now one two three four five six files okay check and see that you have this six files when you finish shaking now go ahead and select this file this one this one and this one so select all the files that have configuration list for files then delete those files okay so I'm going to delete them after deleting them I'm going to stay with two files the setup and the queen X this files are the only that we downloaded none that we exported so we have only two files left so the next step is going to go ahead and we need to we need to copy the address for this folder so you can right click here there are two ways you can right click if you right click here you're going to see the word copy address so you can click copy address after right clicking or another way you can just click if you click then you're going to see the address okay then you can also right click and copy that so we have two ways so when you finish that you go ahead and go to your windows press the Windows button then type CMD and open run as administrator sorry run as administrator click yes then when you finish running as a administrator you're going to have this now go ahead and type c d space then test okay you realize that you cannot right click and be like press Express you can press by pressing Ctrl V to press that so we are pasting the address for the other folder 2019 when you finish go ahead and click enter so when you click enter you're going to go into that directory for folder 20 19. so you need to type that type the following codes okay set up then space sorry I want you to see that point type set up then space then write slash forward slash configuration configure like that then space now the next step you need to go and check on the desktop for the file the other file that we created be sure to confirm the name okay so just come go back to this 2019 we are going to use this name that file that we exported or you can even just right click that and then you go to rename okay I'll go to rename then I'll just copy that name okay because we need to use the same name make sure that this is the same name then when you finish you come back here you're going to type that name paste it then when you finish type Dot x m l then when you finish that you hit enter when you hit enter you're going to start downloading Microsoft Office 2019 make sure that you have active internet okay everything is going to start downloading okay now uh when we finish downloading I'll come back and we shall continue and now we can you can set we have finished what installing installation is finished okay so I'll click close then uh we can go ahead and check for our file so if I click the Windows button type my words you can see now we have now what application if I tap I type Excel you can set we have the Excel application okay so go ahead and check if I click open you can see that our file is opening in Microsoft Word accept and install your web okay close that is that okay uh thank you for watching our video presentation please hit that Bell notification And subscribe thank you goodbye
Channel: Bwinex
Views: 102,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Office 2019, Microsoft Office, Download Office 2019, Install Office 2019, Office 2019 tutorial, Microsoft Office Guide, Office 2019 installation guide, How to install Office 2019, MS Office 2019 download, Office setup, Office software, Word 2019, Excel 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Office 2019 tips, Microsoft Office 2019 full setup, Office 2019 download link, MS Office setup, Microsoft software, Office activation, Office 2019 product key, Office 2019 help, office 2016
Id: sA7sjJ-lJU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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