Activate MS Office 2021/365 for Free (Product Activation Failed/Error Fix)

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in this video I'll show you how to activate Microsoft Office and use it for the next 6 months so when you open Microsoft Word here just come when you come here to try to open Microsoft Word you open this it's going to open like this and you get the window that says this copy of Microsoft Windows is not activated or something like this to get rid of that you have to follow this video step by step so that you can activate your Microsoft Office I have read the official Microsoft Office documentation that says you can reset the gr timer for 30 days you can keep on doing this up to three times so here you can read this article and you understand what I mean by that so let's get started and activate Microsoft Office first things first we going to open the command prompt let's see right click you want to run this as an administrator so you run that when the command Chom opens let's maximize the screen so that we can just see this entirely so run CD back slash press enter it's going to take you to the root directory for this uh folder now open the windows file explore and navigate to this PC and open the local dis C you want to navigate to the office installation folder so here it's going to be in the program files in here we want to look for off Office Microsoft Office this one then we have office 16 version 16 this is what you want to open this now from the address bar on top here you want to copy the address as text so copy address as text when you do that come back to your command prompt so when you are here you want to type CD space then you paste the directory folder you copied then you just press enter this is the Microsoft Office installation folder path that we just copied and that's where we want to be from the command prompt next type c script C script space o s PP do VBS space slash D status D when you type this then you just press enter it it's going to it's going to show you the license information on your computer when you type this command it's going to show the product keys so down here type the following command o or S PP r e a r m dot e x e so when you do this you have to type this SKU ID so you'll highlight this and just right click sorry what you need is this but they need to be a space here so we need a space after the this so we just want the key we don't want anything else then we press enter and you wait for the results here it it's saying Microsoft successful and this is what we want it should display something like this you make sure that you put a space between the command and the s key the SK U ID this message here means your Microsoft Office is activated and that's how simple it is so just go ahead and run these commands here to activate your Microsoft Office when this uh is here it means that your Microsoft Word is now not going to give you any problems when you open it it should just work just fine so let's try opening this software ourselves and see if it's going to give us any problems micr soft word opens do we have any dialog box from here wait wait wait no dialogue Box open a blank document do we have anything here do we have any dialog box reminding us of our key from here no we don't have any dialog boooks this is what you want enjoy using Microsoft Office if this video is helpful please leave a like on this and subscribe for more videos like this thank you for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Creative INK Academy
Views: 43,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creative Ink Academy, how to, Activate MS Office 365 for Free (Product Activation Failed/Error Fix), activate ms office free, product activation failed word, product activation failed, microsoft office, fix this copy of microsoft office is not activated, product activation failed office 2019, this copy of microsoft office in not activated, ms office 365, activate office, office 2019, office 2021
Id: wleiMaiD-WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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