How To Destroy Kingdoms From Within - Fake Vassal Guide

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this is the story of a man named Judas and how he became the wealthiest man in calradia by being a good vassal it all began a few years ago in a town called kuyas his family while wealthy still made Judas learn the lessons of hard work through shoveling manure he knew he was destined for greatness but didn't have the patience to wait for it he took his anger and frustration out on the local geese holy crap how many knives can these things take [Music] he packed his belongings and set off into the desert for a rendezvous with Destiny Judas knew how much hard work it would take to build up fortune and fame on his own so instead he looked to ride the coattails of others who had already blazed a trail ahead of him his Renown would need to increase if he wanted to attract their attention so he started with local tournaments easily dispatching these mere mortals and taking first place while making his way out of the stadium he stumbled across a couple of guys who were up to no good they started making trouble in his neighborhood he got in one little fight and his mommy got scared she said you're moving with your Auntie and Uncle and sargo luckily his dust up with these hoodlums had increased his Renown further allowing him to take on a mercenary contract with big daddy himself dirthurt being the scumbag that he is durther asked him to kill the innocent militia of his enemies in the north Judas grabbed the best horse bow and arrows he could buy and set off for sturgia the poor peasant militia didn't stand a chance one by one falling prey to judas's ambition his infamy and fame grew immensely through the slaughter and durther called him in for an audience Judas walked briskly towards the valandian king his footsteps echoing off the walls the silence was deafening Judas kneeled but secretly yearned for the day when durther would bend the knee to him he wanted Judas to become a vassal which was quickly accepted as a reward he was given a small retinue a sword and a banner Judas assembled a small army and set off North to claim his fortune he sieged nivyansk and easily evicted The Defenders durther gave his Blessing and Judas now owned his first thief the money would soon come pouring in but this was no time to rest on his Laurels he sieged cranerol Castle much to the same effect it turns out durthart was an excellent choice to become a vassal for he pushed onward taking Macedon castle and winning the vote for ownership while castles were nice Judas yearned for more the real money comes from owning towns he set his sights on varch next the town fell hundreds died but all he could think about were the riches that were sure to follow but that wasn't meant to be the vote came and Judas didn't even show on the ballot it was a tie between durther and better Khan which ultimately went to barrican in his disbelief Judas stumbled about varchek he watched as the sun set upon the town that went to the wrong person a messenger arrived from his accountant he brought dire news regarding his castles they were eating him alive with each one losing over four thousand dinars per day durthurt had tricked Judas giving him the worst thiefs in Cal radio and it wouldn't be long before he was bankrupt and his thief's back enderther's hand he sunk into a stupor having flashbacks from raking manure piles in the steaming hot sun but this wasn't the end for Judas he channeled his inner Liam Neeson and set about to get revenge on those who had wronged him starting with barrican the bastard who stole his first town he called barrican into a party thinking they were teaming up to take more land instead he led them far north deep into enemy territory an enemy party spotted them so Judas let loose their pack animals causing the whole party to slow to a crawl while he snuck off and waited inside sabir betikan lost the battle and was captured brought to severe and thrown into the dungeon the plan was unfolding perfectly Judas bribed the guard in the dungeon and he snuck in to save burakan or so he thought two guards rushed forward to stop them Judas implored barrican to fight with all his might but then quietly slipped to the back and allowed him to become overwhelmed he took two blows to the head and slumped to the floor Judas retreated to the back of the jail loosed a throwing knife then pulled his favorite weapon a tool named after him the hoe God's what a stupid name both guards were struck in the face their heads caved in from the blow Judas stood over barrican and said I will find you and I will kill you he tossed a few more daggers Into the Now lifeless body and escaped Slipping Into the Woods a few days later he surfaced back at sargo eager to progress his plans he drafted paperwork to enact a couple new policies royal guard and trial by jury both had only light resistance but now drain all clans influenced by 1.2 per day now Judas needed some time to lay low allow the influence drain to kick in and build up his own reserves of influence only a few months later it happened Judas was out of funds and declared insolvent he gave his castles back to the kingdom and continued to plot and scheme it was early spring only a year later Judas had been quietly saving up his influence from his immensely Charming personality what he was now the most influential clan in the Kingdom which was the final step before unleashing his devastating plans dirthur will Rude the day he took varchik from me he thought however some Clans still possess a significant amount of influence even after the bad policies he still had an ace up his sleeve War there's a little known law section 34 code 103b Point 18 paragraph 420-69 that states any Clan can disband an army for 30 influence no matter the circumstances and because flandians are sick with greed they continue to call armies together in hopes of taking more land it doesn't take long before all clans are below 100 influence and Judas can now do as he pleases he starts at the bottom of the list voting to kick de gunrick from the kingdom first the vote passes with only 150 influence of support and ospir of De kundrik is now homeless with plenty of influence left he goes down the list removing every last Clan from the kingdom by the end durthurt has only two clans in the Kingdom but also 20 thiefs to his name but that won't last long each Thief given up by the recently evicted Clans will have to be auction turned off to the highest bidder with only two clans left it's a Face-Off between derthurt and Judas but durther is influentially bankrupt Checkmate vote after vote goes to Judas in the end durthurt is left with a shell of a kingdom three thiefs and his own family Clan with landia now severely weakened they become the target of every Kingdom across the lands four kingdoms want to take judas's feasts now and with no means to protect them he looks for a new solution he heads South looking for salvation before too many thiefs are lost but before he jumps ship he opens new wounds for durther to deal with dethart does not possess the influence to stop these peace votes once that would bankrupt even the wealthiest of Clans only three-piece deals are signed for a total tribute payment of 40 000 Dinars per day and since durther is the only clan in the Kingdom he will be forced to shoulder the full price perhaps next time the old bastard will think twice before stealing someone's Town Judas reaches his home land safely leaves valandia for good with all his Holdings and joins oomkid as a vassal durther wouldn't dare attack him now to seal the deal he marries umkid's family they all live happily ever after the end except it wasn't quite the end enemies had begun to attack judas's sturgeon and valandian holdings losing three castles in only a matter of weeks he pleaded with unke to provide protection but instead he attacks sargo failed to win The Siege and was thrown in jail once again Judas vowed to get revenge but this time on unkid with war raging in the north he used Army disbanding to burn the other Noble's influence with several Nobles still possessing a good amount of influence it was going to be a long road to the bottom several months later with several Wars and peace deals signed many Clans still had enough influence to defend their claims Judas grew tired of waiting and went for the jugular calling for votes of expulsion the vote was unanimously rejected but several clients had spent upwards of 1 150 influence to downvote at this rate he would only need a couple more votes to obtain influential dominance 10 votes later and it was time to give everyone the boot this time Judas would handle himself differently he split from his vassalage with all his Holdings then immediately sued for peace ten thiefs for six hundred thousand dinars or about sixty thousand per Thief His War still raged on with landia so he sued for peace with them as well nearly 900 000 this time a fair price considering how many thiefs were stolen from the valandians Judas had amassed 12 towns and 12 castles in the span of only a few years earning nearly 35 000 Dinars per month in gross revenue not only had he surpassed his family but became the most powerful man in all sure for you there is only sleep click on this video if you'd like to see more details on how to pull this strategy off in your own game a huge thank you to all YouTube members and patreon supporters for helping support this channel I hope I continue to earn your trust from now and into the future have a great weekend earning nearly 35 throughout
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 411,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: rtU6xoG2_Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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