The Joker Experience - Burning Calradia To The Ground In Bannerlord

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well because he thought it was good sport because some men aren't looking for anything logical like money they can't be born bullied reasoned or negotiated in this video we're going to look at one of the most unorthodox ways to play bannerlord showcasing the joker build the goal is not conquest money or fame but to sow chaos and death throughout calradia this build centers around the charm skill and saving up as much influence as possible and reducing the influence cost of kingdom votes we need 10 attribute points into social and 5 focus points into charm level 50 increases influence from battles by 30 percent 125 firebrand reduces influence needed to call policy votes and 275 will give plus 16 per day at level 330 charm i'll show you the rest of the way i build my joker but it's much less important be sure to follow the charm perks to the t i prefer to build out two-handed throwing athletics writing scouting rotary and medicine here are my personal perks for each but keep in mind nothing else matters here but charm the early game revolves around gang fights in towns and winning tournaments we need to become proficient in our combat skills reach clan tier 2 to become a vassal earn enough money to survive and more importantly increase our charm skill tournaments can help with renown and money but clearing gangs will give us everything including charm skill if you're skilled enough you can clear out a large section by yourself without any combat skills leveled if you prefer a more joker-like approach you can kill one bandit at a time run away until they disengage talk to one as they walk back and fight him solo when his buddies have moved far away throwing daggers are great here as well since we can pepper them from a distance after 25 days of clearing gangs i accumulated 94 renown almost 60 000 dinars main character level at 15 and lots and lots of skill levels another 10 days or so of fighting and we can easily reach 150 renown and clan tier 2 which is where the fun begins first we need to find a target kingdom and become a vassal my preference is to pick on a kingdom that borders many other kingdoms betania sturgia or any of the empire kingdoms are a great first target now we need to build up influence which we can do through clearing gangs tournaments with charm 25 self-promoter clearing bandit hideouts or fighting with our allies once we have some influence we can start pumping out charm xp through kingdom votes which is done by voting in support of someone the highest xp comes from voting for the king especially when it comes to granting land if the king isn't part of the vote just vote for anyone and boost the vote as much as you can once we reach level 175 charm we can kick our xp gain into overdrive this perk gives us back the influence spent to support a failed vote which means we need to support the losing side but make sure it's always the highest it can be without going above the highest support level it shouldn't take more than 20 votes before we crack 275 charm [Music] now our true intentions begin to surface we call parties into an army and lead them forth to conquer the enemy this group of 96 enemy troops is no match for our 700 but they are a match for our smallest party of 59 we dismiss him from the army giving him a disorganized speed penalty and move away so the empire troops can engage them however if you want to get serious about this we need to find a bigger enemy 500 troops will do just fine releasing small parties nearby and allowing them to get captured we can even bait our own troops into engaging as long as we're close enough the ai will always assume we will jump in to help but of course we have no such intentions we feed the battle slowly making sure not to put too many troops and allowing our allies to win unfortunately we fed the beast too much this time here we go again taking more care this time to not release too many groups into the fray the enemy survives and takes many noble prisoners removing their troops from the battlefield and weakening the kingdom as a whole with only 400 friendly troops left in our army we dump the rest next to the enemy and run away because we don't have a party our movement speed makes us impossible to catch finally all of our allies have been swallowed whole with the kingdom's army wiped out we can move on to phase two perpetual wars it's time to pay the ai back for all the terrible war votes they force upon us when we try to run our own kingdom it costs 250 influence to call the vote and only two nobles oppose us even with fifty percent of the votes we may still lose so we abstain the nobles have already pledged their influence regardless of what we do so don't waste the influence on a losing vote we can call the vote again but this time kaladog only pledges tier 1 support instead of tier 2. so we can pass the war declaration with our own tier 3 support for 150 influence we've got him on the ropes it's only a matter of time before our kingdom is at war with the entirety of calradia and kaladog doesn't even have enough to sue for peace with any of them there's no turning back now the world will burn and we will relish every moment of it with the majority of the nobles drained of their influence we now have free reign to do as we please time to cancel the good policies they have and enact only the damaging ones most clan leaders have 100 charm or higher and we don't want them to have free influence so we cancel that one sometimes there's no opposition to a vote which means we can abstain save our own influence and still pass crown duty is a pretty nasty policy it gives the ruler some money but increases the trade penalty at towns making them less attractive for traders and decreasing prosperity by one per day the ruling clan is usually wealthy as it is so this provides no benefit to anybody and only hurts the other clans exactly what we want i've recently updated the policy database so we can separate exactly which policies we want to enact for example a kingdom that only has their starting thiefs will likely have no rebellions even with lower loyalty from policies however we can reduce their income dramatically by passing these policies six policies reduce tax income by a total of 30 percent and one policy increases troop wages by 10 percent this could easily bankrupt clans or at the very least reduce the size of their army another strategy is to pass all the influence training policies making it easier to pass the votes we want these policies will reduce all clans by 1.2 influence per day the ruler clan by 2.2 per day make it cost twice the influence for the leader to declare war and double the cost of overriding votes making it much easier for us to outvote them once we force the kingdom to collapse we can join another kingdom preferably one that took wrong culture thieves by passing these three policies we add an extra negative 1.7 loyalty on top of the -3 they already have making it a matter of time before the thief rebels and now we've come to the coup de gras calradia is collapsing all around us enemies are pushing in from all sides but we can speed it up even further we can now steal thieves from other clans by two different methods voting to redistribute a thief or voting to kick the entire clan out of the kingdom we can bring up a vote to take a thief away from a clan and give it to someone else and since we have no thiefs we show up on the voting most of the time however this is a fairly ineffective way to destroy a kingdom from within if we were to instead vote to kick the clan out that owns the fief we want we can kill two birds with one stone not only will that clan's troops no longer be available but the thiefs will stay back within the kingdom and we can vote for ourselves to take them over once we vote everyone out we will own half or more of the thiefs in the kingdom at this point we can leave kaladog to his fate he's at war with seven other kingdoms he's completely alone since all of the clans have been booted his kids and clan members were fed to the enemy and are in jail and now we leave with more than half of his kingdom he will declare war on us but he has no army to retaliate with and since we're not part of a kingdom anymore we cannot have war declared on us by anyone else we now own most of betania and have zero risk of losing anything what do we do with all this money you might ask all you care about is money this town deserves glass of criminal i'm gonna give it to him it's not about money it's about speaking a message everything burns that's right it's time to sew more chaos we empty the garrisons from all the feasts we own declare war on the world and watch the slaughter they've cornered us in our last thief and dirtheart wants blood we shall let him have it there are too many [Music] here they come boys we fight the last man [Music] why so serious [Music] uh [Music] let's put a smile on that [Music] ha ha ha face ha ha ha ha ha don't forget to put a smile on that like button and i'll catch you on the next one a huge shout out to the channel members and patreon supporters who help keep this channel alive and let slips and these policies will [Music] they know the nobles [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 106,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: crrnXxsK3hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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