Bannerlord Rags To Riches - Broke, Naked & Weaponless To Bandit King - Tamerlane Campaign

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a group of soviet scientists enter the guri amir their footsteps echo in the cavernous interior as they make their way to the tombs shouting erupts from behind a group of locals run frantically imploring the soviets to reconsider their incursion into the catacombs one tomb in particular is of great interest to them a jet black coffin made of ebony adorned with rare jewels and intricate carvings one of the locals pleads to leave the tomb intact translating an inscription from it in a language long since forgotten whosoever disturbs my tomb will unleash an invader more terrible than i the scientists shrug the warning aside and crack open the tomb the air quickly fills with a sharp choking odor of resins camphor rose and frankincense inside lay the corpse of amir timur undisturbed for nearly 600 years the scientists continue their quest removing the tomb and its occupant for further study back home exactly two days later the largest army ever assembled by a single nation began its lightning invasion of the soviet union operation barbarossa had begun under the leadership of adolf hitler in the coming years operation barbarossa would swallow millions of lives both civilian and military tamerlan's curse had been unleashed upon the soviets not long after joseph stalin orders the body to be repatriated back to samarkand and with full military honors within a month the germans would surrender at the battle of stalingrad marking the beginning of the end of the nazis war machine timberlane's curse has been abated for now timur was a turco mongol born in modern day uzbekistan he was tall and broadchested in his youth he was shot with arrows in his right arm and leg which left him missing several fingers and a debilitating limp it's from these disfiguring injuries that he gets the nickname he's famous for tamerlane which means timur the lame we will be focusing our character build around cunning and intelligence to make up for his permanent injuries scouting will be key as avoiding capture is a matter of life and death stewart and medicine are also very important and will be focused on heavily soon it's here that we pick up the story timur had recently been thrown in jail on account of his recent treachery he backstabbed his own family in order to gain favor with the new powers in the area only to plot a coup against them as well when his plot was uncovered he fled but was captured and thrown in jail he eventually escaped captivity but due to his reputation he was considered an outlaw and hostile to everyone around him as an outlaw it was forbidden for locals to trade with him or they would face execution none dare sell goods to him but most gladly paid him pennies on the dollar to fence his awares this may have been the lowest of lows for timur but he had ambitions to claw his way back to power however the only retinue he could attract were others of similar reputation or those poor souls unfortunate enough to cross his path and survive becoming slaves or a frontline meat shield however all of this would be for naught if he could not find the most basics for survival a weapon and food being completely broke and barred from trading he would have to rely on his cunning to accomplish this having avoided other bandits and the vlandian army in the area he stumbled upon a hideout along the coastline [Music] the local fauna spotted him and approached greeting him with a hail of spears fortunately for timur these spears missed their mark and survived the impact with the ground allowing him to take them in hand and return the courtesy attacks were exchanged both skillfully blocked but timur was relentless and plunged spear into the man's face thrice ending his time on earth forever quickly retrieving the dead man's axe he rushed forward to engage the second who could not stop his power receiving three slashes in rapid succession with shield in hand now timur pressed forward as cold steel and hardened wood do not satiate an empty stomach he battled his way through man after man using cover and serpentine patterns to great effect further along the shore there was an opening into what appeared to be a great bandit hideout adorned with burning torches and secured by wooden fortifications the guards proved to be no challenge for timur who cleaved through them as a scythe wood to wheat showing no mercy he snuck up behind a man and struck him on the head with his axe offering him no opportunity for a fair duel such is the life of an outlaw one must kill to eat or be killed and eaten off in the distance a great feasting hall could be seen through the glint of the flames three sea raiders were enjoying a meal of fish and grain sat securely at the end of the long oak table surely timur could not overcome three men at once with no shoes on his feet he crept silently along on the right of the wall of the cave and took aim the javelin threw through the dark but missed its mark and pierced the man's arm a second javelin was loosed but was intercepted by his shield having exhausted his ammunition timur drew his axe and plunged headlong into the fray attacks were frantically exchanged but the raider was slain not one to take a fair fight timur used the front assailant to block the path of his accomplice this only lasted so long and they both struck out viciously at him only surviving because of his shield timur retreated looking for a more advantageous position to attack from eventually one of the bandits committed a grievous mistake which tumor expertly exploited by slicing his chest wide open and then finishing off the other the base was now empty timur collected a few items and quickly made his way down to the beach but was accosted by gorm the leader of these outlaws gorm was accompanied by five highly decorated and well-equipped bodyguards something timur surely could not have overcome but gorham was no match for timur's cunning who made a comment about how small his feet were insinuating other appendages were likewise small in size and that his tribe should be led by a real man this enraged gorm who rushed forward and struck the shield of timur his defense was too strong forcing gorm to unsheath his massive dane axe he tired quickly from the massive swings allowing timur to execute a series of quick strikes and slashes to his body and head drums slumped to the floor and ceased to exist to those who witnessed the duel there was no question who is now in charge welcome to the emir timur campaign i hope you enjoyed the intro and now let's get into some banana lord in the early game we want to stay as quick as possible so we only take a few low tier prisoners they will recruit much faster than higher tier which will free up our movement speed the bandit base provides an excellent start to any rock bottom start as you're guaranteed to get weapons shields and some food two stacks of javelins an axe and a shield will do just fine we're also no longer naked which is cool our movement speed is suffering so we let go of some of our loot we get so much here between some forest bandits and a huge villandian party the plan now is to recruit the prisoners fight the lesser of the two evils and pray that we have enough movement speed to escape afterwards it is often prudent to distract ranged enemies with our main character allowing our troops to close the distance forced bandits are no joke and wipe our three sea raiders out javelins are very effective against non-shielded troops once again we dump loot but it's not enough disorganized state movement debuff causes our capture the nice thing about being captured is that when we do manage to escape we earn some rotary xp for it now that we have some weapons and a shield we can safely make our way back to the steps to recruit some of our own people it takes us nearly a week to reach kazat territory and we've used up the last of the food reserves we must take a fight immediately and hope to scavenge some food or risk starving to death unfortunately no reasonable targets were available so now we have only a couple options get captured or find another bandit hideout being captured allows us to recover some of our food but it's not enough to be combat ready there are typically step bandit hideouts along the border of the map but no such luck this time so we head further north we hitch a second ride with the looters and some step bandits in the area which means there must be a hideout nearby eventually we find it just past the river and head straight for it why yes we would like an escort there thank you gentlemen waiting inside the bandit hideouts provides several benefits you can't be attacked you heal hp and most importantly your food consumption stops our main goal here is to capture prisoners since they are all mounted and will add campaign movement speed pro tip don't use your face to block attacks don't bother paying for release we'll wiggle our way free soon enough the best part about attacking hideouts is even when we fail our hp boosts back up to 20 allowing for another goal right away the hardest part of selling bandit hideouts is being ganged up on so we try our best to get some space use those javelins to great effect to thin the herd and keep on trying don't be surprised if it takes 10 20 or even more attempts before figuring it out here is a fun montage of me getting wrecked by step bandits a quick note each time we kill bandits in a hideout but don't finish off the boss we'll reduce the population of the hideout it will never go below seven though and any troops that are replaced will be tier four this is a great way to farm up higher tier units from camps okay we finally made it to the end and the step bandit boss has a glaive that is best to stay away from he also lacks a shield and is an easy target for missile weapons we pick up a few mounted prisoners some nice armor a little food and most importantly a mount to ride this will dramatically increase our movement speed now we aren't out of the woods yet though we have only a single grain for food and three prisoners slowing us down kazatlands are no place to muck about since step bandits often move extremely quickly we can use bigger slower parties to help us out as well they're too slow to catch us but if we stay close by they'll scare off the smaller parties that could catch us allowing us to easily make our escape when the coast is clear once again we're in a tough spot we need time to convert prisoners but are unlimited time because we have no more food we convert a couple of prisoners and search for some looters to abuse with two horse archers on our side it's simply a matter of shooting and moving once they get into rock throwing range [Music] are looking up olives meat and grain oh my we've got gear food some money in the bank and a few troops on our side now we need to find more troops to recruit as we will need them to form the foundation of our party one can never destroy too many looters we spot another hideout to the south and assault it with three archers behind us for support clearing the hideout is significantly easier our job is to block incoming attacks with our shield allowing our archers to clean up once again the boss has easy work with a couple of javelins we pick up four more prisoners to add to the ranks if you can find step bandits that have prisoners they may be slow enough to catch be sure to pick off stragglers with a mace as that will guarantee we get some prisoners out of the battle add two more to the list sweet the tier 2 step bandits are absolute trash but they will keep the party movement speed high so we generally will keep them early on we have quite a few prisoners now and need time to digest that i mean convert them it would be best to avoid taking too many at once as that would make our party vulnerable by slowing us down we continue to farm looters and small step bandit parties as opportunities present themselves the next several days we spend chasing parties that were too fast for us to catch this reminds me of the time i learned about the sunk cost fallacy i guess i still didn't learn my lesson even after all these hours i still make dumb decisions and get stabbed in the face fortunately our employees are able to clean up the rest we've recruited most of our prisoners and it's time to hit the hideout again to stock up this is what an easy mode hideout clearing looks like once in the caves it's much less likely to fight outnumbered and is a good spot to whip out the mace don't hesitate to use your own troops to block the bandit boss's wide swinging pole arm we hit the jackpot this time 14 prisoners we won't take any peasants now as we don't want our party to slow down but at some point we can use them to level our medicine once our prisoners convert we will have over 20 cavalry troops we have plenty of food saved up and nearly 2 000 in ours in the bank it's time we begin the next phase of our campaign raiding we will start small at first rating villager parties only there are generally three reasons to attack villagers capturing easily recruitable prisoners looting trade goods and looting dinars in order to steal trade goods from villagers we need to make sure we catch them after they leave the safety of their village but before they reach the town to sell their goods if we want to get dinars then we catch them on their return trip from the town after they sell their goods these villagers were on their way back to the village of akasar so we stand to gain some extra dinars here fighting against villagers with horse archers is trivial we sit outside their range and shoot until they flee oftentimes they will sit on a hill and await their doom though making for an even easier target even if the villager party has no trade goods they will always have a couple sumpter horses or mules so it's a great way to expand our inventory capacity one thing to keep in mind when you defeat an enemy you get access to roughly half or less of their current inventory we can extend this amount by letting some of them flee at the end of the battle and attacking them again immediately after often times they will offer to surrender which is the best case scenario look at all the loot this solo villager was carrying as we start to defeat more and more villager parties in excess of sumter horses will begin to pile up which causes a hurting penalty we can slaughter some for meat or sell off the extras horse burger anyone while our party is small enough we can sell our goods to a caravan since they won't flee as we increase in size though it'll be much harder to catch them without setting up a trap first for level 25 stuart we took frugal because in 1.7.2 the food reduction perk reduces stewart gain xp in 1.8 that was fixed and for a bandit playthrough like this one i recommend taking spartan because as you'll see soon enough keeping enough of all food types is a real chore so we spent a couple days trailing this hidden hands party these guys are literally the worst troops in the game with extremely short range and weak throwing daggers no shield no cavalry they outnumber us three to one but i suspect we are heavily favored in this matchup as their troops approach our line we simply back up and repeat a quick note while we pick these awful troops apart i find using horse archers as highly mobile but stationary shooting platforms to be the most effective sending them to charge and circle the enemy oftentimes leads to losses and can take two to three times longer to end the battle they're much more accurate when they shoot from a standstill as expected they prove to be no challenge and we take the flawless victory you couldn't pay me enough money to take these troops into our party no thanks we will have quite a difficult time sneaking into most settlements to ransom nobles until we have higher rotary but fortunately clans will still send a messenger with cash we net 822 dinars for this one not bad at all we take out a few more looter parties and then dump everything to a passing caravan it's officially the end of the first year and already we've reached 6 000 dinars the main reason i prefer to use bandit horse archers in the beginning is that we can farm all the food and dinars we need without the risk of losing a single troop and maintaining a fast movement speed it's time for our first mountain bandit base these can be a great source for early game skirmishers and shielded troops we follow roughly the same game plan taking the lead with our shield and providing a distraction for the archers behind us the biggest challenge is fighting against shield troops who can easily one shot our archers if they get a javelin off the bandit boss provides a great opportunity to practice blocking against a competent opponent i find that kicking is the most effective way to fight against a shield however kicking is scary because if you miss it could mean a certain death i find that holding an attack for slightly longer will often catch the ai off guard and our attacks will start to land at this point we are only interested in mounted troops as we need to maintain mobility both on the campaign map and in battle finally a worthy upgrade for our dumpy javelins these do 91 damage and have a stack size of five nice ah yes my favorite loot pinatas the hidden hand these guys are basically free money we're almost done recruiting the rest of our prisoners which means the real fun is about to start another ransom offer from the hidden hand and easy 800 dinars at some point these caravans will start to run from us and we'll have to resort to selling our gear to the local villages only the prices aren't great but as you can see we are overburdened and need to offload at least some of our loot wow look at this juicy battle going on if only we had a larger army and could swoop in afterwards to pick them clean someday gary else someday we stick around for a little longer after the battle trying to pick up tracks often times large battles like this offer the best way to spot tracks and gain scouting xp in the early game the larger the army the easier the tracks are to spot as we move into the late game though it's best to spot several small party tracks rather than a single large one since we will have the scouting levels to pick up the smaller tracks and the overall xp will increase drastically this could be a great opportunity to swoop in at the end depending on who survives and how many troops are left playing as a bandit we're at a huge disadvantage against all kingdoms and must seek out opportunities like these if we ever want to make a dent in calradia this villager party was laden with gold only 71 gold for the first battle but getting the last villager to surrender his goods yields 646 dinars and to add insult to injury we sell him back his dead friend's gear nice doing business with you sir we finally get chased away from the large army and decide to hunt in greener pastures well well well if it isn't sanyon again it went as well for him as you might expect welcome to prison again time to follow this army around to pick up some scouting the sooner we reach 275 the sooner we can dominate the map as will be impossible to catch another offer to free sanyan comes in 8.96 this time nice doing business with you and we'll see you again in a week now that we have a decent sized party with over 20 horse archers we need to change our focus just a bit to reach the late game we'll need to level stewart to 275 or higher in order to field a large army of higher tier troops and be able to afford their wages but since we can't buy food we have to be strategic about how we acquire it these villagers are heading from their sheep farm to sell wool but they also have some butter and cheese which we need three cheese and four butter not bad for a smaller party if we were low on meat we could also slaughter the sheep and because we let one villager live we can re-engage immediately and gain another two of each and because we are savages we will sell all of their loot back to the village and take the thousand dinars an interesting thing happens when you sell loot to a village the villagers will pop out soon after to bring the items you just sold with them to a town this can be a great way to force villagers of a certain type of food to come up quickly rather than waiting the two or three days like it usually takes this poor village just lost their friends bought their own stuff back and are getting stomped again in this case we already stole all the food they had so we're just getting equipment and loot back did i mention that each villager you killed reduces the villagers hearths when they respawn it's a great way to raid without becoming a sitting duck doing an actual raid here we intercept some villagers from a grape farm boosting our supply of yet another food source 35 grapes we hit the jackpot we finish off the remaining two and snag another 18. thrachtray village is the only dates producing village that is not in asteroid lands so this is a key location to focus on for any aspiring bandits that don't want to get stuck in the desert the only food we'll have trouble keeping in stock is beer since they can only be produced in towns and are carried by caravans we are fairly well stocked with grain grapes dates and meat but need to find more of the others one of my favorite dubious activities is causing havoc without lifting a finger these villagers are trying to escape the bandits chasing them so we body block and force their capture and as luck would have it a mercenary group swoops in behind to gobble the bandits up to this reminds me of that stupid online snake game that i totally have not wasted hours upon hours of my life playing this tactic can be a great way to get free recruits since anyone taken prisoner will offer to join your party once you free them this will come in handy later when we want to employ a meat shield we've got plenty of olives now i find that cattle farms are the best at producing cheese and butter but this area is a bit too risky to sit around and wait for villagers to pop out so we employ the sales method again sell some junk wait an hour villagers pop out and profit i love it when the last villager gives up you get so many more resources this way now all we need is some more fish and we'll have all the main food sources covered one overlooked aspect of having a high movement speed is that most noble parties won't even bother trying to catch you if your movement speed difference is so big for example this guy knows we're chasing his villagers but also knows he can't catch us and doesn't flinch as we blow right by him and now we have plenty of fish well it looks like our party is too imposing for caravans to ignore now so we'll have to focus on selling loot to villages instead here's a perfect example of nobles giving up the chase quickly if you're too fast it's so annoying being chased for days on end by an enemy noble so we take great care to keep our movement speed maxed out with our food stocks secured we can now move on to the next phase slavery and fast leveling steward steward xp is based on how many different food types you have and scales with the number of troops in your party luckily for us all troops give the same stuart xp so a level zero peasant will award the same xp as a tier vi cons guard but costs almost 20 times less in wages and since we are on a strict budget thanks to our rule set we need as many cheap units as we can muster one of my favorite ways of finding peasants to enslave is looking for bandit parties who have prisoners often times bandits will intercept villager parties which means we can recruit those peasants for free without our morale hit the other way to recruit peasants is to fight them directly but be sure to have a blunt damage weapon as their death rate is nearly 100 otherwise and capturing them as prisoners is a challenge we could also auto resolve the battle to increase prisoner capture rate but losing some of our cavalry to peasants would be a huge setback given how much time it takes to find capture and convert step bandits early on the most reliable method is rating villager parties as you can easily get 10 or more per battle while cracking some skulls as our ranks swell we need to be sure to put points into stewart before we reach the soft cap once we reach 275 it's game on one thing we have to be aware of the more foot troops we take on the slower our movement speed will be it's especially bad since we have no mounts in our inventory for them to ride the only real way to obtain mounts this early in the game is to take them from villages either by raiding or fighting villagers but that will have to wait until the next episode let's take a look at where we stand so far it's currently winner of 1085 which is 145 days into the campaign or four and a half hours of irl game time we've started with nothing and clawed our way up to 66 troops many of which are step banded horse archers that are untouchable for now our bank balance rose to over 20 000 in ours and we have plenty of all food types except beer i've also been tracking every kill in the game as you can see here although we only looked at a handful of battles in this video the actual tally was 103 with almost 1600 kills 850 of those were bandits 79 from bullying the hidden hand miner clan and the rest were villagers in the next episode we'll be stepping up our game and increasing these totals dramatically villages will burn peasants will be sacrificed and much much more allu nice doing business food will wigge [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 127,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pjuY4z5d5Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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