How to Deal with Your ADHD ft. Mizkif

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all right hey man so first of all I wanted to apologize for having to cancel on you a couple of times and just being like literally unable to speak oh no it's fine um so sorry about that but we're here now and so thanks for coming on yeah I'm nervous okay what are you nervous about talking about ADHD in front of everybody because uh it's I don't know it's just something I don't like to talk about well we don't have to talk about ADHD no we I think I it's almost like I want to okay I mean I turn off both chats so I'm trying to like almost pretend that it's just you and me talking okay III want to talk about Haiti because it's probably the thing that to me is the most important to fix okay cuz I I took out it all for six years uh-huh I know what it's like to almost not have ADHD but I feel like it's this might sound weird I feel like it's almost getting worse okay and I think it has to do partially with being on the Internet having three monitors sure seeing twitch channel Hey not reading not doing these things but I I really don't know how to fix it and it's it's scaring me can you hold on I feel like just one second sorry yeah sure hello it's just reset disk or okay so sorry Mitch give me a second okay all right let's just go with it sorry about that um that's okay so you were saying that you feel like your ADHD is getting worse I yeah and I feel like I'm genuinely getting dumber like it it scares me like today for an example I woke up to get cereal and I ate the cereal was walking around my room doing stuff I don't remember what I was doing but I left the refrigerator open and I'd do that almost every single day and it's embarrassing because I don't want my roommates to just see how dumb I could really be and how much I forget so and I think I do this kind of stuff all the time so it sounds like when when you have when you have an attentional problem it sounds like you conflate that you sort of lump that in with intelligence or stupidity hmm but it's like the thing is even with your sentence that you just said I I days that okay that's okay space-time so so it sounds like when you space out you think that that's like you feel stupid you feel like it's an AI all the time okay can I ask you how old you are 25 and have you been you've been diagnosed with ADHD or a DD yeah how old at sixteen sixteen okay and you said you were on adderall for a while like six years and six years so when were you first put on our at all I was first put on adderall at 16 and is there a particular reason you stopped three years ago I well I had a heart virus and the if I kept taking it there was a higher risk of me getting the heart virus again so I pretty much was told you can either take it and risk yourself dying or you should stop taking it so I stopped taking it and it I don't know III don't know if it was I don't know it's weird to be off because I I know what it's like to be on adderall and it was euphoric like I remember walking around feeling having euphoric feelings being like oh my god like this is what this is the best feeling ever had in my life like the best feeling ever had in my life was on adderall going to a doctor's office if that was the best thing I ever had okay and you know it's just weird to be off of it and I just want to not I like having ADHD I think creatively it helps a lot but I just want to try to be able to fix it and not think all the time of just 20 different things cuz my brain just goes everywhere and it really is bad like me even just telling you the sentence I'm thinking of the most of random [ __ ] like I'm thinking my friend's house drinking alcohol in July of like 2016 okay for no reason can I just think for a second okay I'm just making a list of talking points okay you feel like it's getting worse right yes what do you mean by that I just think it's harder for me to focus on things I think like even just talking to my girlfriend it's a lot of times I days out a lot of times and it's not just because she's saying stuff that isn't interesting to me um I just I can't focus on what she's trying to tell me and she'll say something to me like Matt I told you that five minutes ago and I already forgot okay and I I hate that I hate that I can't remember things I hate that I can't focus on things I hate that my brain is always everywhere okay that I always have to get explained everything it's horrible and but and what affected the did the adderall have on this stuff the adderall did it really necessarily make me it didn't make me remember as I guess it did kind of make me remember more but it just made me be able to focus more on what people are trying to say so I was able to it I could feel like Mike the car wheels turning as whereas it said yeah sure in my brain I felt I was able to listen to people a lot more understand what they're trying to say and want to talk to them more about stuff okay when an ADHD nowadays I just want to not listen to what people say and shut up and just sit there I don't know okay okay so miss gif have you um have you watched any of our streams before I tried to watch some of them but then I started playing like other games okay no problem so sometimes I talked to people about their feelings in your case I would like to talk to you about that but I think that there are two different paths we can go one is to talk about your experience of ADHD and also some amount of like how you hate it and how I think by extension maybe you hate or frustrated with yourself for being this way right so that's gonna be like a little bit more in emotional and personal the other thing that we can talk about is like what is 880 d like like what's happening in your mind and what are the things that make whatever is happening in your mind worse or better and what are the things that you can do to potentially like even improve it over time is it weird if I go grab a piece of pain oh not at all a bit back of a repeat saver yeah this is gonna be challenged because I I'm I don't know if you guys know this but I'm an academic and as academics we like to talk really really long like we just like to just keep going so he's doing well he's coping managing okay okay what does an academic mean so I I have a faculty position so I teach and I my ivory tower so I get in front of groups of people and I just opened my mouth and I keep talking until they're all asleep oh so your teacher yes yeah I mean it's pretty much part of the job yes wait which job twitch streamer being a teacher no just talking until people fall asleep or an ASMR twitch streamer either I was a pen I lost my pen who would have thought I guess I can maybe maybe my twitch chat I mean I I always learn better when I write good let's talk about why that is very good I don't know why you get so excited very good observation why'd you just get so excited about that is it just the interesting thing that I know about myself no I think it's it's a very important principle that if we understand you'll better understand how your mind works and how to get it to do the things that you want it's a really important data book to know okay I also if in terms of like things that make me remember more colors yeah like I like I like vibrant colors I feel awake me mature did you find a pen I have found a blue mark okay um so looks like a crayon yeah maybe this thing won't work I'm sorry from I think a waste of your time oh pretty sure it's a crayon I know I guess my kids have the same crayons they have the little nub that lets them go up and down all right okay I found a pen strong work okay so I was gonna say we can talk about like your feelings and what it's like to have a Dede and your frustrations and things like that or we can talk about understanding what you mean by a Dede because I think it's more complicated than just a Dede so are not uncomplicated there's a broader it's not just an illness your mind is functioning in a particular way so would you like to learn how your mind works or would you like to talk about the personal impact of having a mind that works like that the first okay so help us understand what you mean by a Dede it when I think of ATD I think it's almost like if I can't like draw it like let's say this is what reality is right but for some reason when I'm with ADHD it's almost like this is gonna sound so weird this is how I really think of reality where it's like this is what reality is but I go in such a trance of just thinking of other thoughts that my brain starts to go different ways and I start really having a different person think I'm like just talking to you right now I'm thinking of the Cheetos guy for what rate there's no Cheetos around me but I just words or I don't know why my brain goes this way but I start thinking of other things okay good good observation yeah this is how I would perceive like a tease okay that's that's very good so that's something that we call a tangential kind of thought process where your mind starts here and then it ends up going this way and this way and this way and this way and by the end of it you're like far away from where you started right so your mind you notice that your experience of your mind tends to have like a lot of randomness to it yeah and I I do like the randomness a lot because it's what makes me me like my friend Dave said to me one day he said you you've you have the best word-association I've ever seen in my entire life where and that's what makes me I believe in a lot of ways funny where I will hear someone say a word pick it out and then think of an abstract thought which makes a joke and they're like wow that was funny or you know so I do like a part of my HD a lot and but a lot of it is it sucks like I can't even I can't do basic thing I can do it it's very difficult though it's just like call my mom or really try to remember anything yes it's so so we're gonna talk about that okay so the first thing that I want to do is reframe ad D to something called avatar mind so Vata is the Sun script word for one of these things called a door shows but I want you to think about it like the element of wind do you play RPGs No so I you have like a mind that's like the wind so the wind loudly Wow sure so like you know how they're like different elements right so like in different games and then like elements have properties so a wind mind is one that blows really hard in one direction and then like the wind it can kind of stop right there's a gust of wind and then there's nothing and then sometimes the wind blows this way sometimes the wind blows that way sometimes it stops sometimes it starts again that's kind of what your mind is like it's like all these different gusts of wind it's not like a mind like fire which is sort of steady and stable and like burns and in a consistent way it's also not like water which sort of flows consistently in a particular direction it goes all over the place right hmm yeah that's that's actually a good way yeah all right so that's like the first thing to understand is that each of these mind types is adaptive in some ways but maladaptive in other ways so Charles Darwin studied finches which are little birds and what he noticed is that they have different kinds of beaks some beaks are very like long and pointed and some beaks are like short and powerful and so long and pointed beaks aren't better or worse than short and powerful beaks the long pointed beaks can let get into holes and like fine caterpillars and stuff whereas the short powerful beaks can let crunch seeds with me which one is better hmm they both are exactly so the first thing to understand is that the vato mind your mind is good at some things and it's bad at other things right so you know do you think that's with everybody or do you think that's just with ADHD people no I think it's with everyone so fire minds have some strengths and weaknesses water Minds have some strengths and weaknesses wind minds have some strengths and weaknesses so your strength and so this is the interesting this is what I don't like about the pathology system so we say you have an illness we miss out on the fact of something very important that you notice which is that your mind is actually better than other people at some things hmm like you're funnier your word association is good your dynamic you're actually a good entertainer because no one knows what they're gonna get when they watch you on stream it's probably instrumental to a lot of your success and it is a big part of a lot of your failure you see that mmm so we just have to understand that this is how your mind works and there's some things you're gonna be good at and some things you're gonna be bad at and the key to becoming successful is to understand okay what can we capitalize what can we like support about the way of that my mind is and what do we need to like account for or like kind of like what what are the things that my mind sucks at and how do we make that better with me okay the first thing is that generally speaking your ability your minds ability to focus on one thing at a time changes over the course of your lifespan right so like like let's think about what's the difference between the mind of a five-year-old a 15 year old a 25 year old and a 35 year old let's start with 5 and 15 what what so five-year-olds mind like not not strong what do you mean just googoo gaga I mean I don't know like they think they just they their yes very good pretty much like how I am nowadays so what is that let's define that beautiful point they just will be thinking of something and then just think of something else and see something shiny and run away absolutely right so their mind wanders a lot the attention of their mind is not focused on one thing for a long period of time hmm so what changes when you're 15 uh instead of random things it starts becoming women's boobs sure so there's more focus right and so like sometimes there are particular objects that your mind can retain its focus on so you noticed another really important thing which is that your minds ability to focus is not the same it can be subject dependent right so your mind can focus more if if you are presented with the right stimulus and can focus less if you're presented with another stimulus so what do you think mine is now that I'm 25 just yeah so we'll get we'll get there in a second so then what's that are between a 15 year old and 25 year old I guess I would probably say they have they're an adult now they have work yeah they have responsibility so what does that mean for their mind how does their mind work I'm instead of focusing on like all about I would say it's probably more if I describe it I guess it's more water very good easy beautiful what does that mean though yeah I like when you smile cuz I I sort of got your teacher right sure no teacher has ever smiled at me unless I'm getting kicked out of the class like they don't I've never had a teacher that was like oh they enjoy it they were like proud that I said something that's shitty why I was always the class clown like I I was I would say one joke to try get kicked out like I knew I was gonna get kicked out but I would just say to me so misc if you're good at this so I don't know if you realize this but like you're giving me answers which are not complicated explanations but capture the essence of the answer that's why I'm smiling because you can't put into words but you [ __ ] understand because when you say how what is a five year olds mind like you stumble around with your words which I think sometimes makes you feel stupid and makes other people maybe think that you're stupid but then you do this that captures a five year olds mind you see that and then when I asked you I just introduced 30 seconds ago the concept of elements and mind and you are already understanding that concept in bringing it back to me a 25 year olds mind is more like water you have in the span of 60 seconds taking an entirely new concept understood it you can manipulate that information and you can speak my language this is the strength of Avada mind you learn incredibly fast you can't focus on things for a long amount of time but I can drop you in the middle of nowhere where you don't understand what the [ __ ] is going on you'll understand what's going on in four hours because your mind is so fast at accumulating information right so a dynamic scenario is gonna be good for your mind what are you feeling you look like you're feeling something I feel happy I mean I I do feel stupid all the time now and for someone to say that I'm not dumb eh it's it's it makes me feel a lot better I just feel nobody and but do you get that I'm just not saying that to be nice like do you do you agree with what I'm saying like do you understand how your mind is picking up new concepts and like using them in a very rapid way I I don't think I'm dumb Minh I know I could be smarter I know I am genuinely a smart person I wouldn't be where I am today if I was just dumb you know I obviously am smart in a lot of ways and I know I understand things but I just feel like that it's almost like a piece of me is turned off right now and I really want to try to turn it back on but what I just did to you is I don't know if you've been noticing I've actually been staring down not looking at the screen because I've been able to focus a lot more just staring at my keyboard just literally trying to listen and there's one thing I don't do enough at nowadays and I think I just learned that with you is they don't listen as much as I need to because when I listen now I remember a lot of things yes this is number one of the points that I jotted down so I want you understand your memory is not bad at all it's your attention that's the problem right so yeah a lot of people with AD D think they have bad memory so like when you describe the fridge incident you think I forgot because English is like an unsophisticated language when it comes to the mind you say I forgot to close the door which implies that it is a memory problem because the word forget has to do with memory right but if we think about memory memory is about reaching into like the library of your mind and pulling something out that's not your problem you can actually pull something out of your mind very easily the problem is stuff doesn't go in so your mind doesn't process because it is distracted that the door is open in the first place and what you're exactly yes and what you're noticing now is that you've somehow in the course of this conversation figured out how to listen a little bit better so what does that mean that means that your attention is actually focused on what I'm saying and therefore you are learning and getting the information in your problem is not one of memory it's that the information doesn't come in but sure and so how are you listening to me now I'm just I am trying to just focus all on my hearing and just stare I'm literally just staring at one keyboard or one key go ahead so I I asked you how and what you're doing is focusing your attention on something sensory and somehow by staring at a keyboard my words are sinking in better how about because there's no distractions why aren't there distractions very good misc because I'm looking at one specific thing like for example when I'm streaming there's like three monitors thousands of people in chat donations people trying to get my attention one with you right now it's just one keyboard and then I'm just listening to you so do you have a DD right now yes yes I still do absolutely is it affecting you the way that it does at other times no not as much beautiful so that's something we have to understand right so the first thing to understand is that just because you have a DD there are literally things that you can train yourself to do there are also environmental things that you can do to influence that your mind to do a better job at what you want it to and you are actually doing that right now so I'll tell you exactly what's going on you worry so normally your mind is a thousand different things you were focusing on one thing to keep all of the other things at bay does that make sense so your mind by focusing it on one thing which is like a piece of paper your ability to listen to my words actually improves and you're already figuring you figure to actually bisque if you figured all this stuff out bizarrely it's great and you've also noticed what is the circumstance that leads you to have a more ATD mind you've already talked about it the circumstance that leads me to have a more a dee dee yes distraction yes like what yes right so like if I'm out with my like anybody like one one place I have eighty mystic of somewhere but I have ADHD more at grocery stores that I've ever had in anywhere and that's because I've noticed that it's if I've tried to talk to my friend there's a thousand different things behind him that can grab my attention because colors grab my attention a lot there's a thousand different things that can grab my attention people talking noises and all those things and they just I am completely out of it when I'm at grocery stores or at like a Walmart or something yes but I feel like right here life it's like it's a black keyboard there's nothing else that's very stagnant like what you said I feel that I can talk and listen a lot more and also I feel like I in general I could speak better yes right so good so you're recognizing that there are some kinds of environments that are so your mind is prone to distraction and so if you're in a high stimulus environment with a lot of different things coming at you it's gonna amplify your vodka it's gonna increase your ad D and if you're in a low stimulation environment then your minds ability to focus is going it's gonna be better right so I think unfortunately one of the the bad things about our current society is that technology and the rapidity of Technology trains your brain to not think about one thing mm-hmm right so Twitter teaches our brain to shift from one thought to another very very rapidly reddit teaches our brain to shift from one thing to another very rapidly there's some interesting research about children and screen time so people are wondering like what's the effect are if people if kids watch like screens like iPad or YouTube or whatever does they make them more prone to ad D because ad D is on the rise and it turns out that it's not necessarily the screen it's whether they watch something long form or short form so if you watch an episode of Sesame Street that's 30 minutes that doesn't make them as a DD as watching YouTube videos that are three minutes long because your your brain is training itself to shift its attention shift shift shift shift shift and your environment with streaming and managing chat and stuff like that so by the way you're also good at that right you your mind can handle three different monitors twitch chat donations this that if you think about it like some people's minds people's whose minds are like water have trouble with that they're like no man I just want to flow in one direction and like I can't [ __ ] like I'm sort of like this so I've trained my mind - you know attend to this and I find that like I do a really bad job if I look at the donations and stuff it completely derails me so I have to like not look at chat and I don't look at my viewer account and I don't look at any of that because if I start doing that I lose my attention with you so there are some vulnerabilities that your mind has and if you account for your vulnerabilities it's gonna do a better job so technology is gonna make your mind more vayas gonna make your ATD worse yeah a hundred percent it does okay i i've noticed that i've tried to stop looking at socials and stuff like that because it's and also just constantly trying to like well something that i do a lot is i'll i'll open google look at something close google go to a game open google do something i don't even realize i did it like it just comes naturally i don't even mean to do it and i i've been trying to it's not easy it's very hard yeah i'm trying to do that way less or scrolling through twitter instagram why i never look at it so so i want to point something out to you so like the cool thing is that you may be able to stare at objects to help keep your attention focused right so what you're doing is actually something called a donna which is actually a meditation technique so it is focusing your attention on one particular thing so now we're gonna talk about how to make things better so the aggregate amount of random-ass screen time that you get exposed to is gonna make you more a dee dee yes so if you spend time doing other activities you're literally giving your mind like time to operate in a particular way so it's sort of like you know if you spend a bunch of time walking it's not gonna make you better at swimming but if you spend half of your time in the water and half of your time walking your body's gonna get good at both things mm-hmm that makes sense see like look that's good I like that yeah so I don't know if you know this miss gif but I tend to have very long and complicated sentences that people tend to have difficulty following really I thought I liked that I thought that analogy or I don't know what that is but I like yeah so you're you're attending right that's very good so I want you to spend time the dedicated amount of time every day focusing on just like attending to one thing right so whether that's a conversation or whether that's this or whether that's that and in terms of your girlfriend if you want to you know improve your relationship and not frustrate her you guys both need to understand that like if you're outside at a grocery store your capacity to attend to her is going to be decreased yeah and so for you to even use some language like hey it sounds like what you're saying is important right now is it okay if we just like go to a place where I can really just listen to what you're saying and maybe sit in the car or something like that like so you can you can delay those conversations and it's a weird thing to tell someone but if she yeah I just feel bad yeah why do you feel bad because it just sounds I feel so dumb that I have to say that to someone like hey you I can't talk to you right now because I can't folk like we're just at a supermarket I can't focus on what you're saying but it's true I I know it's true because it happens like we went to sushi and I I couldn't for the life of me focus on what she was doing because there was a birthday party going on behind her there was like all this other stuff people walking people talking it was raining and I just eyes nothing I could focus on I couldn't focus on anything she was saying I felt terrible because I felt that's where I felt so dumb so maybe I need to just tell her we need there's times where I can't focus on stuff cuz you said there's pros and cons to my brain and this is one of the cons that I have to deal with absolutely right so this is gonna be hard miss Kip but you have to let yourself be where you are what does that mean great question so a lot of people are in a particular place right so like they have certain strengths and weaknesses and they beat themselves up so much for being where they are that they don't like let themselves be there hmm does that make sense yeah being present being present you mean just not only being present but like accepting that you suck at some stuff that other people find very easy and normal I'm fine with sucking at most just like I I actually I don't mind it what's up being bad a lot of what bothers you so much about this I I just I hate I feel like I'm not living like I feel like I'm not and doing I'm not enjoying conversations as much I like it bothers me that I could see people talking about stuff and I either am just not enjoying it or be I just don't I can't listen to them because I just don't care or I hate that I have a conversation with my mom and I just feel like 20 seconds into the conversation I stopped listening and I just start saying okay yeah blah blah blah giving generic answers and then I'm not listening to the conversation what's wrong with it I'm thinking of a hundred different things what's wrong with is I just feel like I'm not being present and I hate not I want to be present more because I hate about not being present I don't feel like I'm enjoying life I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of things by not being present because a lot of times I'll be doing this with my brain to try to make jokes and try to make people laugh or try to entertain and I won't be here and because I'm not there and everyone else is there they're all enjoying themselves with me the only thing I'm doing the whole time is thinking of random stuff to make jokes and say stupid stuff and I know there's a balance of it I've been there before where my brains like disconsolate but I've had a balance before where I was able to enjoy myself and focus at parties or focus at with someone but also still be funny and I just want to try to get to that balance more because right now I feel like if there's like a middle I'm sorry from these drawings are weird but if there's like a middle where I want to be I think this is like you know over here it's like really you could play like what's the water and over here's air I want to be more in the middle of water in air or as close to as middle as like possibly very good so now let me ask you something miss gift when you write why is it easier for you to explain things I don't know what so what make the threats right there in front of me so I want you to notice something when you're not writing and you're not focused on your keyboard what is the speed of your thoughts can I see the other side what do you have the different boxes oh yeah so how long does it take you to get from the bottom-left box to the top right box in about one sentence of Utah exactly so when you're drawing something is your mind focusing on one thought for a longer period of time is your mind moving slower i spaced out he said oh yeah so when you're drawing something is your mind moving faster or slower than the boxes slower when you write what is the speed of thoughts that you think compared to the thoughts that you write what I think they're way faster what I'm writing its way slimmer so now we understand when you focus on a keyboard what is the speed of your thoughts slower so all you need to do is use certain techniques to slow down your mind and the reason that writing helps our memory is because we literally sit on that thought for a longer period of time than thinking does that make sense if I write out you know that h2o is water and water is a liquid can be a liquid gas and solid that sentence takes two seconds to think it takes two seconds to say but it also takes way longer to write and if I write it my mind is literally sitting on that thought for a greater amount of time and the longer that we sit on a thought the further in it sinks so for you to be able to attend to conversations all we need to teach you how to do miss give is to slow down the speed of your mind and you've already discovered many things that slow down the speed of your mind and the cool thing the really cool things to just think about this for a second when you slow down your mind you're actually able to do the very things that you feel stupid for not doing like you can do it you just have to duplicate what you're doing right now yeah what do you think III still don't think I can do as much as you think I can do yes like III don't think I can go to school and you get good grades like I could on adderall okay it's just a different beast yeah cuz I think there's things that I suck at like school on ADHD know what stuff like things you think but I do think I can at least slow down my brain on what makes you think I think you can succeed at school maybe I was wrong so bisque if I think you I agree with you that I think that I have more faith in what you're capable of than you think you do and I also think that school is gonna be a very difficult environment for you but this is what I will say I think you could be very successful without school so school is for water people and fire people it's for river people and you know bonfire people it's not for about that people so the other thing or certain kinds of school so I think there are other kinds of school that you could do but like sitting in a like if you had to like come and listen to my lectures you'd be screwed actually my lecture isn't pretty good I'm pretty good about that but so you know if you have to sit in front in a classroom and focus like that is not what your mind is designed for I don't think you're gonna ever excel in that scenario but I think part of the advantage of understanding Vata is that in order to succeed in life you don't have to be one of those people the whole point of being vodka is to structure your life so that you succeed where wimpy I mean water people or fire people would fail like extremists exactly so I for example have four or five jobs and what I found so when I was failing out of college might so I went I was a freshman in college playing it's a bunch of video games also ran for like student council joined a bunch of gloves joined a fraternity took like two different languages or actually in my first year I took Spanish Japanese and Mandarin no sorry Spanish and Japanese and then Mandarin my second year and then like so studied philosophy and was majoring in like biology and all this kind of crap my mind was all over the place and I just failed like I had like a 1.5 GPA and so my dad comes to me and he says I'll look what you need to do is just focus on studies like don't do any of the other stuff so my second year I dropped all the clubs stayed in the fraternity still played video games what do you think happened to my GPA is I focused on just 1.6 nope 1.4 oh nice let's close when even lower and then so then what I said is like man [ __ ] this I'm not even gonna take a full class load I'm just gonna take two classes so my second semester of my sophomore year I just took two classes and focused on those two classes even more what do you think happened to my GPA did it go up or did it go down were used to playing video games probably wouldn't probably stayed around there went down so the fewer things that I tried to do the the more I tried to like make my life easy the worse I did so then I go to India and I talked to a buddy of mine who's an Ayurvedic physician and I tell him I this is what I've been struggling with what do you think and he started laughing and I said what's wrong he's like that's a terrible idea for ovata if you want to be successful as a Vata you don't focus on one thing what you need to do is juggle as many balls as you can without dropping a single one hmm you need to have when your mind gets bored of something you need to have something else for it to move to and then when you get it bored of that you need something else to move to and when you to get bored of that you need to have something else to get get bored and by the time you get bored of the fourth thing you can go back to the first one and it's interesting again hmm so if you want to if you're in school misc if you're screwed but if you're in school and you're streaming and you're learning how to cook you're gonna be capable of things that other people are gonna think is actually superhuman the water folks are like how does he do it all because what you need is because here's the cool thing about your mind misc if you feel dumb but when your attention is actually focused like you probably feel brilliant like you get that right that you're able to pick up concepts way faster than the average person so all you need to do is instead of just focusing on like one thing switch your mind and let it focus on different things and then you will actually be able to move forward the problem is that if you try to climb one mountain you're gonna fail if you try to climb four mountains you're gonna succeed so like if Ida like just cuz I I swear I sound like a two-year-old but I don't know why I just writing makes things easier so you're saying I get bored easily right so and because I get bored easily I should I having numerous thinks is a good thing because it makes my brain better so then like if I was to draw what you're saying cuz I swear the drawings helped me like Maya my girlfriend she drew she read this book about ADHD and she drew like the stuff and I look at it every night and it's it's to teach me how to focus and try to be more present because that's a huge putting I've been having a problem with for years just trying to be present but what you're saying so drawing just help so what you're saying is like this where it's like the first thing and then if you don't like the you keep going and juggling different things and then you finally get to this one and when you finally get bored with that by the time your this one's so so the only thing that's wrong with that is that big arrow on the left side of the paper needs to be down instead of up the arrow head is in the wrong way so you go from thing number this big one yeah so the arrow head needs to be pointing down not up so it goes back this yeah I was thinking that it like it's never a no that's not what you want if you if you go never-ending you're gonna fail at all of them right was that because you're never gonna spend enough time on one okay so what you need to do like you you know so you can like what you want to do is come back to square one and then work on that and then when you get bored of square one go back to task two and then move to task three and then move to task four and then in order for you to complete any of those tasks you've got to go back to task 1 again and then work on that for a while and then when you get bored of that go back to 2 and you want to move forward on all 4 of those things kind of simultaneously but you need to create a life where your dynamic mind instead of forcing it to do something that it doesn't want to do you sort of like given an opportunity to like thrive in the way that it normally functions so what do you think I should do so I mean I don't know practically how you spend your days but like I think streaming is good but I would think about like other goals besides streaming that you work on I have a affiliates probably - I move for you but I have a game that I'm working on as well good its yeah because I've learned that I need to distract myself from streaming because I think about it all day that's all I think about is streaming a my job and I'm trying to think of other things like my youtube channel that's a good one yeah so I'm not quite that so I'm not quite sure what your life is like in what you're working on but like I would also think about you know structuring your girlfriend into that right so like like make her a task in your mind that your mind can focus on for periods of time so if you spend five hours with her you're gonna like lose attention but if you spend like an hour with her like you can probably do okay for an hour and then you're gonna get bored and when you get bored it doesn't mean that you don't care about her or things like that and you're gonna feel dumb you need some some something to occupy your mind to move it to so you essentially want to rotate the focus of your mind because it's naturally gonna want to move okay so I think if if I'm with her I should I should try or like it's it's really anyone I mean you don't have to just label just her like anybody cuz it's all my friends - I should try to be in an environment that doesn't have any distractions and if I am the environment with distractions I mean I don't have to tell them like hey you know right now I can't focus but try not to have more serious conversations at those places focus it more at places like my house where yeah if we're just in a room together okay so the cool thing about that is if you start to do that what do you think is gonna happen to the quality of your conversations you're gonna go up and how is that gonna make you feel more attentive probably a lot better what is better mean probably more president sure more president how is that gonna make you feel about yourself smarter how does that feel it feels great cuz I feel so so now misc if we get to an interesting question if you feel smarter do you think that has any impact on your attention yes I would say how well I think a lot of things that come down to me is a lot of stuff when it comes to me as confidence and I lack a lot of confidence right now in my attention and ability to be attentive but I know what I'm more confident I'm waste I'm better and I think that if these things align they've like these stars align and I start working more towards better conversations with people and focusing that I think I'll be more confident and I'll be able to yeah okay so we got to understand that right so once again miss skip the cool thing about this you actually have all the answers I think what I would like to help you do is understand the equations behind your observations so how on earth does confidence make you make your mind less ATD like how does that work because I think when when I have a th this is gonna be made like a minute to figure it out but I know the less confident I am the more ADHD intensive I am because this is gonna sound bizarre but when I'm 488 when I'm less confident and I feel Dumber I I look to ADHD more as like my way cuz I try to just constantly think of instead of like focusing on a conversation and enjoying it I try to make jokes Alon and I'll focus more on making jokes with my ADHD which won't make it'll make my ADHD do this times like five because now I'm just if I'm in full ADHD I call it [ __ ] mode so I'll go in the [ __ ] mode and I'll start doing this times like five and I'll just start trying to make jokes constantly and get completely derailed from conversation yes so so let's understand this why do you start making jokes when you feel when you don't feel confident I don't know okay I'm not gonna we're gonna nah not good enough buddy I'm gonna dig so how do you feel when you make a joke euphoric I love it it's the it's one of my favorite feelings ever is when I see people thinking I'm funny okay enjoy so so thank you so there's something within you that says hey miss gif now it's time to make a joke we need to make a joke right and so what is what are you looking for in the joke what am I looking for I joking like something in your mind wants that right a good feeling yes okay since I'm approval yes very good now why do you need that sense of approval because I lack confidence in other areas and I want people to I want to be people to validate me perfect right so look at how fast you're answering this [ __ ] beautiful five seconds ago you said what a video HD man I don't remem you said I don't know Wow right yeah I thought I don't yeah that sounds that good I yeah and it turns out that you do know so now the favela day so what you're noticing is that you give in to the ADHD process and you actually support it you want it I'm right I'm ready it yeah you you want that ADHD process right because the ADHD process makes you feel how you for it yeah it makes me feel so so what you're doing in that moment is actually like fertilizing and growing the ADHD neurons in your brain yeah I I definitely know that it is so you're strengthening your ADHD to protect you from what feeling from feeling dumb yes I'm feeling very good right so you feel dumb but if you can make everyone laugh no one notices that you're dumb and and you don't have to pay attention to the conversation because everyone's looking at your joke and everything is fun and wonderful so in a bizarre way if you become more confident the fuel for your 80 the fuel that you put into the ADHD gas tank starts to go down you don't need that part of you if you can feel confident in yourself so do you think that with streaming and with the lifestyle that I live I've fueled that ADHD fire massively because not I think I filled it with multiple things I feel like I fueled it with looking at socials all the time Twitter's and stuff like that and then I've also filled it a lot by giving in to the ADHD process because my stream is six hours a day and then if I'm six hours trying to make jokes all the time because it's my life I'm feeling that ADHD fire because I'm giving I don't I don't need I'm looking for validation through the 8-hd process so I'm feeling that fire massively with streaming and through also socials and three monitors and everything else that's going on in my life so that's making that fire massive and then that's why I feel Dumber today that I did like let's say a few years ago I'm sorry was that a question or was that a conclusion I guess that was a conclusion also drawing that absolutely right so this is Miss gif what we call understanding yeah so now you're kind of saying at the beginning you said I feel like I'm getting Dumber and my ADHD is getting worse and if if I were to ask you how does that work you need to go back and watch the vote of what you just said because that's how it works mmm right because absolutely so you see that like you're you're actually you need the ADHD you rely on it you know you're growing it or feeding it mmm but I don't want to just feed it good so you so this is where you got to meet yourself where you are so right now it's big it's gonna take time for it to grow last week but the first thing that you need to do is understand once again that it comes with confidence so that there are two solutions here one is to become more confident and the second is to be more tolerant of feeling stupid no III I'm yeah I mean I I love feeling dumb like I love when chat thinks I'm dumb or they you know I love being an ad sup yeah so I think that there are two kinds of idiot here right this so now you have to really tunnel and pay attention to yourself because I think there's the idiot that's funny and then there's the feeling inside you that causes you to joke that you try to get rid of by being funny and being an idiot on stream those are two different idiots yeah I would agree that there's two different idiots so one of them you're very comfortable with because that's the mask that's the ADHD idiot what you're not comfortable with is the other one yeah how do those feel different to you I think when I'm trying to when I'm on stream I don't feel as bad about feeling dumb because they're thinking it's funny and it's entertaining to them but then when it's something the idiot the other idiot is like like talking to my mom and how I feel like when I talk to her sometimes I I don't remember anything and she's telling me Matt I told you this five seconds ago like why don't you remember or she's getting upset with me that I didn't remember a text message or any of those kind of things so there's those the two different yep very different very very different right so it's good so once again English doesn't have really a great way to differentiate those but I mean I think you have this sort of deep set kind of like idiot complex that you try to run away from so what we need to help you do so one is we can help you be more confident by like like and this is gonna be tricky because you're gonna have to say things that are gonna evoke that complex when you tell your girlfriend hey I can't talk to you about this right now because we're in a grocery store you're gonna feel like an idiot it's gonna bring that feeling up so you got to be ready for it and then you got to say what you're saying is actually really important to me and I'm sorry I'm trying to like I'm trying to like learn how to concentrate better well I don't want a lighter yeah but so you just tell her like this is like so if the funny thing is that she you know oftentimes when people talk to other people about their weaknesses and I tell people how can I say this so if I'm like working with a patient and I kind of tell them hey like I'm gonna have to cancel today I'm just not in the brain space to where I think that I can really like help you the way that you deserve how do you think they feel um if you did that to me I'd feel like well I feel like you didn't care that's just me okay I don't know I would have it another person feel the yeah I didn't care about you yeah but that's just me yep I would say upset they wouldn't think they'd be happy about it they'd be like mmm lost maybe I can I can see why you think that is it turns out it's actually the opposite so in my UK III know I know it's the obviously you can you care a lot and you want to you want to give as much attention as you possibly can and you don't want look at that fatha mind look at you saying one thing and then being able to understand the exact opposite when the span of a second this is your strength but I don't think that's that hard to understand maybe I'm a dick do you think I feel like anyone and can understand that no yeah so this is something that we tend to do right so most human beings and this is true of everyone who is watching at home we tend to devalue the things that we're good at and over amplify the things that were bad at yeah so you see how you do that so that just reinforces the lack of confidence because you're not able to see that you're actually exceptional in some ways all you see is your fuck-ups yeah and we're taught that from a very young age you know when we're taught that 5 yeah right so when we go to school and you get a 75 on a test is that a good grade or a bad grade my we I would be jumping for joy if I got a 75 what about the average person probably a little obscene yeah because we always look at the 25 questions we got wrong instead of the 75 questions we got right yeah I do that a lot right I think I think everyone those things everybody is that like a human nature too sure and it's reinforced by some of our societal stuff so you have so the cool thing so miss gif I think there's hope for you and the reason I think there's hope for you is because I think you have learned and you have fueled and cultivated some of these negative patterns of viewing yourself in the way that your mind works you know you've done like bonsai sculpturing of your mind and it like it grows in this weird twisted way that's like based on a TD you fuel the ATD because it protects you from feeling stupid yeah so the cool thing about that is that if you've grown it and cultivated it one way you can actually cultivate and grow it the other way that'd be great you can do that right and it starts and it's gonna be difficult because what you have to do is it starts with something as simple as a conversation simple but hard with your girlfriend that's gonna make you feel dumb but bizarrely enough what she's gonna hear is oh Miss gif is actually trying to like do right by this relationship generally speaking you know if your girlfriend tells you that she's having difficulty with something and she wants to do a really good job and can you give her some time and space to do that how does that make you feel if she says something like that not okay with it why don't you think she's dumb um because that's it I guess you're right yeah it shows that she cares absolutely that she's more what they're more willing to care about like what's going on so it's it's not bad it's a good thing because they want to give you their full time exactly right yeah and and so yeah so miss gif what if I told you select do you think what I do on stream is special I would say of course yeah okay you're very very unique yeah so how do you so would it surprise you to learn that I think that what I do on stream is completely average in that anyone could do it yeah I mean I'd say a lot of redditors would probably say that they could do your job but I think that they can't yeah but I feel that way right cuz I also overvalue my weaknesses and I under value my strengths I think that's a very common thing with streamers those we we all do that I think I think chat doesn't realize that but streamers in general we all under value ourselves massively and we all think of ourselves less than what they think of us yep like I really don't feel special and I don't I know people think I have this massive ego but I don't feel special at all I feel very the opposite almost I in some cases I wish I had more of an ego so that way I could be more confident yes so is that make sense yes but it actually I think you probably do have more of an ego because confidence and ego or opposites they're not the same thing so the more is that maybe an English thing that I'm thinking it's different yeah well I think English just a lot of us don't understand how ego and confidence works because we don't explore it but generally speaking you know the person who is more egoless so think about someone who's egotistical and think about someone who's confident are those different people in your mind I can't really think of an example someone that's confident but I can think a lot of people idiot istic oh yeah but it's weird right cuz you say I can't think of someone who's confident so your mind is automatically saying that the egotistical people are not confident because you're looking for someone else so actually ego is a cover for insecurity it's the armor against insecurity and confidence because in the egotistical person their view of themselves depends on themselves or other people the other people what about the confident person themselves absolutely different right beautiful so the confident person's sense of self-worth comes from within and the egotistical sense of self-worth comes from without and if you are not confident there is a high likelihood that your egotistical because that's just how our mind protects us from insecurity it's a protective mechanisms so I do have a huge ego possibly I don't know so so I think you don't feel like you have a huge ego because you don't feel confidence in yourself right so like the ego is what protects you when you're feeling down so whether you have a huge ego or not I can't really say I'm not detecting much of an ego right now yeah I mean like yeah I I feel like I used to have way more of an ego and then I don't have it as much anymore I did like a year ago I had a huge yeah nowadays not so much are you feeling secure in yourself a year ago yeah really mm-hmm way more but I I stopped feeling that way a lot more last year as I grew as a streamer because I I don't if you know this but I like doubled my view count overnight pretty much because I got banned or over a week and in doing that I got a lot of positive vibes and a lot of people that were you know it was crazy but a lot a lot of people also [ __ ] on me and then people started getting hating on me and getting sick of me and you know I started getting hate which is something I was never used to and hate like what you just said before with we tend to look at you know we've got a someone will say something what were you saying before is like we look at something and it's like if the 75% right like we look at the 25 that we got wrong that's exactly how I is streamer and a lot of other streamers look at the negative comments that we get is we look at the positive ones and we just glance right through them but we'll see like one negative comment and I'll sit with me all night and it slowly has deteriorated me I think it's a stream and absolutely buddy that's just how we work man so you have to you have to stop feeding those neurons right so like you have to acknowledge that oh this is my mind because because what happens is the mind looks for confirmation of what it believes that's just how the mind works so if you believe that you're doing a bad job and you lack confidence in yourself your mind is gonna go towards the one or two things that support what it already believes so I was once working with a patient who was convinced that their spouse was having an affair and so they would do all kinds of weird mental gymnastics that I like yeah they came home late one night and so that's evidence that they're having an affair they said that they were at work but I tried calling their cell phone and it rang but they usually don't get cell phone reception in their building so I don't think they were at work they must have been at a hotel and once you believe something your mind is going to look for any way to kind of support that pre-existing belief right yeah mm-hmm that's very true look III will get some people will I've gotten comments before people saying like and this has definitely hurt my confidence and I guess as made me create an ego where it's I've gotten people saying like oh man like like I miss old miss kif where he was just an idiot and was playing a game called marbles on it is and like yeah I would just sit there and play marbles all day and do that and just listen to music and like oh I miss that miss gif and I would ban them and I would think on that a lock so I'm like wow like have I really changed as much it's like over the course of just a year have I really as a streamer become this like completely different beast where nowadays my old viewers can't even recognize Who I am they don't even remember like they can't even watch me because they don't they just missed who I once was but then I uh I then I I they messaged me and then I go in this huge trance where I just started thinking like oh my god they hate me bye old viewers [ __ ] hate my guts they think I'm a piece of [ __ ] like I don't know what to do anymore like oh like all my old you worst laughs but I'll message them or they'll message me and they're like yo dude I was just kidding it was a joke I love your streams I have no problem with who you are nowadays and I like who you are and I'm happy for you but yet you said we just go off in such a trance and we look at one comma in good school off the wall so absolutely so I think it's a really common problem I'm glad that you notice it and if it's okay with you miss gif I want to go back to a DD yeah of course yeah so first of all how long have we been talking I would guess 42 minutes is that how long we've been talking I don't know okay I don't know so how do you feel like your attention has been over the course of this conversation I feel it's crazy like what I said I mean like I've wrote your notes and like I've been writing but writing and then staring at the keyboard has helped me a lot like my link and it helps me understand like ego I think of it as like just a circle and Hollow right and then confidence I think of as you know oh not a hollow circle yeah like a full so yeah beautiful but but just like you understand writing these things down yeah I feel like I don't I don't I don't feel like I'm like I feel like anyone can get that yeah but I feel it's weird when I when I do this stuff with you and and and I I really listen and I've noticed that when I listen to people like let's say I'm talking to one of my friends and I really am trying to pay attention what they're saying the wheels start turning and it makes my day better because I feel like almost like these cog wheels that have you know webs on them that haven't been being used are being turned and it now makes me more focus throughout the entire day yes beautiful right so this is why I've hope for you because that too so you by the way basic if you're beautiful with imagery because like ego is a shell that's what it is right and confidence so what people say about ego versus confidence is that ego is iron on the outside and water on the inside and confidence is water on the outside and iron on the inside so right so like really hard exterior with like jelly in the middle whereas confidence like you let stuff slide over you you don't resist it but on the inside nothing can touch you yeah so that's sort of a Chinese approach to ego and confidence but how do I get more confidence but so I think you're already discovering right so you actually have the answer right there so first of all that attention and concentration is a skill that can be trained so when you say I have cog wheels that are like covered in webs and aren't moving properly absolutely so when you train your attention you can actually start the flow of that machine in a positive way and all it takes is practice because in the same way that sometimes you feed the ADHD a conversation like this a conversation with your girlfriend where you are attentive actually levels up your concentration skill so this is a big is it weird that I I don't know I feel like right here is that normal like you feel yeah that's it that's your third eye maybe so as you are understand things I wouldn't be surprised if you feel things here because this is where understanding comes from not information but understanding that's a conversation for a separate day but I'm not surprised at all so I want to just get to a couple of other points what actually I want to mention to you the first is that your concentration will continue to improve until you're about 32 so the brain though I'm not alone no you're not so your frontal lobes which are responsible for things like impulse control the focus of your attention and executing long complicated tasks that's the difference between a five year old a fifteen year old a 25 year old and a 35 year old its frontal lobe development delaying gratification controlling your impulses that's what we call quote unquote maturity right so five year old mind is all over the place fifteen year old can concentrate on boobs and every once in a while they can focus on their physics test a twenty five year old can go to work most days and be like kind of stable but still like on the weekends like doesn't have quite their [ __ ] together now thirty five-year-old does things like pay taxes and contribute to their IRA and 401k that's maturity that frontal lobe development ends around 32 but it's my hypothesis is that that is changing in our society and that our frontal lobes actually have a delayed maturity because of the influences like Twitter and things like that so you're gonna get better at this just naturally like your brain is literally gonna develop okay okay second thing is that if you reduce your Vata so control the influences that make your mind more wind like you will get better at this so to spend time every day writing or concentrating on keyboards or like learning to do art or creating music or something like that something that engages your attention so we don't want you to like read textbooks on biochemistry we want you to do something that engages your attention more naturally over an extended period of time so we've been talking for about an hour and 20 minutes and it feels to you like 45 minutes hmm but your mind has actually been way more focused than I think like you give it credit for you have not defaulted to making jokes and things like that your ADHD has been more restrained and so this is a skill that you can learn next thing is how are your bowel movements really yes they feel like in general you have like more than one a day you have a lot of bowel movements or what's going on tell me about them constipated mmm I was when I was younger I stopped to take one of those things and you're a suppository yeah because I couldn't I never yeah [ __ ] I think like at least once a day okay and you go at the same time every day no if they don't think so now okay and are they like or they like stinky or they like kind of like one log look what is it like I would say it's not one log it's like way it's like five pieces long okay so are there are times that so what like are there are there certain things that you can eat that make it one log I know it's a weird question have you I have no okay so there's a there's a growing so in Ayurveda the way to reduce vada is through the bowels so you have to fix constipation and reduce gas production so the crazy thing is that like i Rather's been saying that for thousands of years but now they're actually Studies on the brain got axis which show that everything from autism to depression and anxiety can be changed by changing your gut bacteria they did a wild study where they did stool transplants from depressed mice so they took mice that are depressed so they can measure mice depression by like how much they play in their cage and how curious they are and things like that they also have like a terrible test that they do to my switches they drop them in water and they see like how long the mice mouse fights before it gives up and like like lets itself drown and more depressed mice will give up more easily and less depressed mice will fight for life okay they don't actually let them drown but they pull about when they give up so the interesting thing is they took a group of not depressed mice and they took a group of depressed mice they extracted stool not extracted but they took the stool of a depressed Mouse transplanted it into a non depressed mouse and the mouse became depressed so there are some kinds of gut bacteria that are higher in people with anxiety disorders and some kinds of gut bacteria that are lower in people with anxiety disorders least scientifically valid evidence I work with some people at this place called the Lurie Center which is like a center for autism at Mass General Hospital in Harvard Medical School they do a lot of stuff on behavioral disturbance for people with autism so sometimes people with autism get really behaviorally dysregulated and they get angry and they'll do head-banging and things stuff like that that altering their diet and giving them other kinds of like iron and things like that and smoothing out their bowels actually reduces behavioral disregulation and people with autism unpublished data all clinical so it's like anecdotal but like when people come from all around the world to come to the Lurie Center when their kids have autism and like this is what some of the clinicians there do so your bowel movements need to be smoother so you need to think about what foods will contribute to like big logs okay I think you're 80 do you know what foods would yes so high fiber foods cooked foods you want cooked vegetables things like sweet potatoes are ideal root vegetables are good for you the other thing that you can do is you can order fenugreek seeds take about a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds put them in water like three to four ounces of water at night and in the morning drink them on an empty stomach will reduce your Vata okay make sure you talk to your doctor about all this stuff before you start it but should be safe the last thing so to think about bata there's some dietary things that you can do you can focus it and attend to your concentration and I'm gonna have to run in a minute so I'll give you a chance for questions let me just see okay I've got six minutes so your frontal lobe is going to develop right so you can do improve your constipation let me just think for a second it'll warm two things that yeah and the last thing is kind of coming back to this confidence point so I want you to understand that the state of your mind emotionally is going to make you more vulnerable to the ATD thinking or less vulnerable to the ATB thinking what do you mean by that so when you feel less confident remember when you feel bad about yourself you the a D D is gonna activate to be a joker and make you feel less bad so working on your confidence is gonna be important but working on your confidence is gonna be tough because you have to admit the feelings of stupidity right you have to acknowledge those and face those you're gonna feel a little bit dumb when you tell your girlfriend hey I can't talk to you in a grocery store because my mind is weak that's not really what it is but you're gonna have that feeling you got to just acknowledge that feeling and then sort of try to tell her that you know you I really care about your relationship and I'm trying to work on this and I want to practice listening to you the cool thing is that as you level this skill up your ability to talk to her in a grocery store is gonna get better yeah you just got a level up mm-hmm no that's it's I have a lot of good stuff yeah last thing is you gotta meditate buddy so meditation is literally like doing push-ups for this part of your brain there's a stream that I did that hopefully is on YouTube about da da da da daaaa is the Sun script word for concentration but concentration and one pointedness of the mind is a skill that you can develop some people are naturally or at it some people have more difficulty with it but it's like literally something you can get better at okay yeah I I've been told that meditating is going to the gym something good yes but it's not going to help I mean so you should go to the gym for other reasons there are all other things that we haven't gotten to about the way that your mind works and how a TV works and stuff like that so the other thing anyway so we can maybe have a follow-up but there are other points on my talking list that I just haven't gotten around to but no I would love to you questions thoughts from the chatter from me anyone everyone oh I think I I got it I really got a lot like I'm actually ridiculously happy I cuz I go I went in here I didn't know if you were gonna be able to help me at all but I what I've learned a lot that I wrote it down because it helps me is that I I try to validate like I give in to my ADHD process all the time because if Bala dates me and makes me feel better but by giving into the ADHD process it makes this go haywire which is making my it's fueling my fire of ADHD it's making my you know what does it call and I'm like the gust of wind Vata about the it makes me go for it makes that timez5 into like a crazy storm because I'm feeling that fire massively I'm making it worse and I shouldn't do that I to learn slowly to focus over time to have good conversations to understand people and I need to also understand that there's an idiot that's funny and then there's the idiot that doesn't remember things and the idiot that's funny is fine but I need to learn to talk to people to understand people to grow less of an ego and have more confidence in myself so that way because confidence is less ADHD intensive and an ego is just me increasing this because just feeling my fire so can we get a [ __ ] round applause cuz you just tied it just think about all of the different directions you just wove together in like 90 seconds confidence what you're fueling yeah so many different things why you do it you just beautiful man beautiful watch that like you guys get that like that wasn't that like that is a better summary than I could put together sounds like someone was [ __ ] paying attention yeah good job I know I could do it I don't know I just have a lot like I said I have low confidence that I can pay attention anymore but I good I think from this I learned that I can I just there's different I know I can I think again I know I can it's just I need to there's different states and there's different ways to focus like staring at one thing does help try to have it less distractions as possible I think meditating I'm gonna try to read so it's I want to give you a particular practice on meditation so I got a my parking meters about to run out and I'm in Boston where they like give us tickets and I've got 37 seconds so I want to teach you this though okay so I want to just leave you with this so sit up straight close your eyes tell me what you felt in your forehead it felt tingly okay I want you to put but your middle finger like a millimeter away from where it felt tingly touch good just and keep it there right so middle finger right here good yep just focus on the sensation do you feel tingling or warmth hmm just focus on that now let your arm come down relax keep your eyes closed and just continue to focus on that spot focus on the tingly sensation thoughts may come so be it your mind may wander but just return to that tingly sensation and now I want you to drive your attention into it I want you to imagine your attention like going into a funnel and it kind of starts like in your head and then it focuses down and like comes to a point and then please pushing out of your forehead and that's that tingly nassif eel that's the that's your attention kind of flowing into that does that make sense no but I feel the tingling okay so then just focus on the tingle yes good now open your eyes how was that oh cool I mean I brain was going crazy closing my eyes like it was I was thinking of chicken nuggets eating with McDowell tell you it's just like Mario Kart Yoshi chicken nuggets winter okay I like it was just so sorry Adam so now what we need to do is I want you to practice a half leaded gaze okay so I'll teach you one more thing so you shouldn't do meditation with your eyes closed so the half-witted gaze is kind of just like just as kind of zone out and stare it so turn there's a picture somewhere look so look look at one of your pictures okay so sit up straight half flitted gaze focus on the tingling is your mind has less thought or about the same Oh way less good so you need to do half I open meditation half flitted gaze very good you can come back is that because I'm focusing on one object like ideal Mikey so you need pattern ideally I could teach you through attica but so we're gonna have to think about that but I want you to focus on that tingling sensation and gaze at something look okay thoughts or questions we wrap it wrap up how long do I do that for how long do you think like as long as I can 15 minutes 15 minutes is gonna be a lot I'd start with 3 to 5 but 3 to 5 minutes yeah don't beat yourself up and get do I do it like once a day what do you think whenever I want what do you think about that I think it's good to meditate whenever you could possibly can so I could do this kind of on the road done right if I could just stare at something and then just focus on that middle yeah so be careful if you're driving so so I think that so you have to balance your Vata which is that you want to do it at random times versus recognize that if you do it at random times you're also feeding Vata okay so I should I should do it in an area where it's calm calm and also you should try to build consistency but it's better that you do it everyday as opposed to like not doing it you know like like I would try to build some consistency in your practice so if you have any anger in your day like if you you know wake up in the morning and then like if you go for a walk or like it when you like take a piss or something like that you know spent your you're in Austin so go outside and especially at dawn or dusk would be ideal like you pick an object that's outside like a tree you do half flitted gaze towards the tree okay I could do that okay any last thoughts or questions before you wrap up for the day if chat has anything I'm happy with it I learned a lot I feel really good week if I don't know if it's possible could we do this next week I don't know about next week but we'll definitely like message you and we'll set up a time but yeah cuz I would love to do this yeah let me see if we can do it next week okay all right meds strong work good luck and and just because you feel that idiot doesn't mean that you need to give in to him I won't I'll try to do it less all these things okay awesome man strong work I feel happy good look at that what take care of man yeah that's weird letter yeah it's weird he feels happy like it's weird like he like paid attention for like an hour and a half like that's crazy okay twitch chat so miss gif is awesome he's great and I think he's gonna be okay right so it's gonna be hard it's gonna be a tough road it's gonna take him years just between us and you but he's gonna do it it's gonna I'd like to help them out so yeah parking meter hopefully I don't get a ticket so listen guys I want to thank everyone again so I saw that we've had a bunch of gifted subs and stuff hearts hold Charlotte profound soups nifty like I buttered llosir sup God so many gifted subs wow that's me nine days ago okay but so anyway thank you guys very much for all of the support we're gonna be streaming I think Sunday we may change the time and I think we're gonna have follow-ups next week with people like Bobbi scar and maybe Mitch and we're gonna do this chat we're gonna do this we're gonna help these people and you guys are gonna help them too and if you all are fans of Miss gif so like try to help him out when it comes to you know the negativity versus positivity and we're gonna do this these guys like y'all are gonna be like they can get better you guys can get better I can get better we can all get better like it's good it's doable we just have to understand like the problem here is that we're playing a game without a tutorial like that we play the game of life and no one teaches us like no one has explained to miss gif how his mind works right like he's like it's like imagine if you're playing a game and you have you know like a keyboard in a language that you don't understand and so you have to understand how you work because he's not dumb he's actually brilliant you guys see that like how like we talked about a lot of stuff you fast he moved really fast that's what he's good at he just needs to create a situation where his mind can thrive like that and and like like yeah his summary was like I couldn't do that guys I could not do that and he just learned it for the first time and look at how he summarizes is a beautiful beautiful so listen thank you guys very much hopefully this was helpful for you all too if you guys feel like you're a you have a TD or that you're dumb or things like that probably not the case right so like I know that you feel that way but a lot of the stuff that that we talked about with him should apply to you too because gaming Twitter you know YouTube all of these things at which all of these things are gonna enhance the vittatus of your mind so don't feed those and try to spend some time focusing your attention on a particular thing okay so thank you guys very much thanks for the subs and you know if you guys have signed up for coaching or the beta hopefully software you guys should get communications soon and we're gonna start training our next batch of coaches maybe in March or April and so hopefully we'll get more people from the beta enrolled and in a couple months too so thank you guys very much I'll see you all on Sunday strong work today oh and who are we waiting let's raid someone can we what's right destiny see okay oh let's sir just raise me okay miss gif is live what's written just guys send them some positivity right by the way for those of you guys who don't know for those of you guys who don't know he figured out the charging the laser beam thing you guys see that right so we'll talk about that too okay take care guys
Channel: HealthyGamerGG
Views: 499,755
Rating: 4.9787946 out of 5
Keywords: drk, dr kanojia, healthygamergg, healthy gamer gg, twitch, psychiatrist, ADHD, adhd diagnosis, adhd diagnosis in adulthood, adhd diagnosed in adulthood, how to deal with adhd, how to deal with adhd without meds, mizkif sister, mizkif maya, mizkif reacts, mizkif twitch, mizkif streamer
Id: hRgSrEU2miE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 29sec (5489 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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