Talking Depression with Reckful

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We're good? Yeah man, so tell me -- so, I'm like -- I'm -- I've been living under a rock for many many many years, but Yeah But stream chat is telling me that you're the guy. You're Reckful Gladiator, right? Yeah That's you, yeah. So I'm -- I guess that makes me a fan, but from like a decade ago. Yeah, that's most of my viewership. They're a fan from a decade ago. That's interesting. So, tell me, what are we talking about today buddy? Um well I And what, am I -- am I calling you Reckful? You can call me Byron if you want. (What do you prefer?) But yeah I've dealt with depression my whole life pretty much. I mean, so I was like 14 (Okay), and I'm 30 now. (Okay) And a bunch of people in my chat were telling me I should call you, (Okay) so here I am! (Okay) It's actually starting to get better just recently (Uh-huh) cuz I'm like working on a project with some friends and it gives me a sense of purpose I guess. (Okay) But uh, (What-- ) yeah go ahead. What's the project? By the way, so a couple of ground rules: So I'm a psychiatrist, but I can't treat your depression over the internet (Yeah, gotcha) unfortunately, and then the other thing is I tend to ask a lot of questions. If there's anything that you don't feel comfortable answering, just don't answer it and just let me know. Okay um and yeah, 'I need to turn your volume up' they're saying. Okay, I'm turning it up now. Okay, is that good chat? (Yeah) Yeah, okay, talk a little okay. Yeah, 1 2 3 testing 1 2 3 Should be good. All right yeah you can ask whatever you want, and if I don't want to answer it on stream (Just don't answer it) I just won't I guess Yeah yeah okay. So tell me um, what do you mean by depression? Let's start there. Well I've been diagnosed with bipolar type 2. (Ah) And when I was six, my brother killed himself. He also had it. How old was he? He was 21, a very big age gap. (Okay) And then because of that, when I've gone to get treated, they can never -- can never give me SSRIs. I've never tried an SSRI. Cuz he tried an SSRI and then that -- that happened after. (Okay) Prozac. (Okay, okay) Um and I've tried a couple things. I've tried like -- I was on a really high dose of lithium at one point. How did that make you feel? Very bland yeah the same thing people always say. Like kind of dead, you know, kind of -- (Yeah) Yeah, and then um, God I've tried a bunch of other ones, but they're not super memorable. One of them gave me like some eye pain, so I had to stop taking it cuz I was really sensitive to light. Maybe you know which one I'm talking about. (Okay) I don't know, I tried a bunch of different ones. This is like, 14 years ago, most of it, so now I don't really remember. Umm, but uh -- Has medication ever been helpful? Okay, so the only thing that's been really helpful is when I was in Amsterdam I took psilocybin and it really worked for me. You know, so this is fascinating. So the FDA just today I think classified psilocybin as a breakthrough therapy, I don't know if people know this, for treatment for anxiety and depression. (Yeah yeah I heard about it yeah) So psilocybin was helpful, and in what way? It's such an intense feeling. It's kind of hard to explain, but it let me get out of these like thought loops that I was in that were causing me to be sad. (Yeah) And I just step back and see things in a new perspective. Okay, so today's supposed to be a stream about meditation. And Reckful, I'm gonna ask you a couple of other questions. But if it's okay with you guys, we're gonna talk about that and like what's happening in your mind, and why psilocybin is helpful, and how you can cultivate that sensation without using psilocybin. (Okay!) So the first thing is like this this phrase of " thought loop" I love. So why don't you explain to people "what is a thought loop"? Um okay, now you'd explain it better! *Laughs* But just certain things -- You're going along through your day and a certain thing happens. And it always causes you to think in the same pattern of -- a certain negative feeling at the end. And I always hear it described as it's like an icy mountain with the sleds. A lot of the sleds have gone down and then there's these patterns that have formed that your mind tends to go down one of these paths of the sleds (Yup) And then when you're on psilocybin, it seems like it doesn't. It's just kind of free to think of whatever. (Yeah so -) Okay. Yeah, so let's talk about thought loops for a second. So the first thing to understand is that it's a repetitive pattern of thinking that sort of leaves you -- leads you to the same place every time. But then you take the ski lift back to the top of the mountain and then you just go back down it again. (Yes) Right? So like this is important to understand because your mind thinks that it's doing productive thinking, but it's not doing productive thinking. It's just thinking the same shit over and over again. So I kind of think about thought loops like chewing gum. Like they're working working working, but there's no nutrition. There's no actual resolution, and there's no benefit. You're just chewing the same shit over and over and over again. (Okay) The other thing is in your case like I would imagine that your thought loops are focused on yourself. Right? They're about you. My thought loops are about me?.. I have to think about it, if that's true.. Umm So.. what are the thought loops I have? Yes, so let's start there. Usually they have to do with, "Oh, leading back to everything has no purpose" or something like that I think. (Okay, great) But then at the same time, even when I'm happy, I don't mind the thought that "everything has no purpose" So that's a strange -- it seems contradictory. (It, it's not.) It's not? Okay tell me why -- It does seem contradictory. (Okay) Okay, so because this is -- Um, so let me ask you -- Okay, now we're gonna get weird Reckful. Do you believe that life -- what do you think of -- what's your sense of like what life is? Umm, I'm an organism that uhh came to be from two other organisms who (Sure) liked each other enough to (have a child) have a baby. Yeah, and is that -- are you -- is that all you are? You're just a biological organism? And I have consciousness which we can't really explain, "the hard problem". Okay (Right?) Yeah, so what does that -- What do you think about your life? Like what's the -- like, do you feel like your life has purpose? Most of the time "no", but recently I've started to think "yes" because I realized I can start trying to help other people who have had my same problems. So I relate to them and then I hope by making this game I'm working on that they can find friendship and a sense of community. Because I'm making an MMO (Okay) like a really..yeah. Okay, that's awesome man! Things I wanted as a kid, yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna just dive into Sanskrit for a second, okay? So Sanskrit -- the the Yogis like back in ancient India, like thousands of years ago, basically started to believe that the world was false. And the reason that they started to believe the world was false is because they sort of understood that like the sense organs can be falsified. So either (Yeah) through the use of hallucinogens or dreams. But ultimately that the experience that they have within a dream is actually the same experience that you have within reality. That even though a dream can be fake or real, YOUR experience of a dream is the same as your experience of life. That you can feel suffering, you can feel joy, you can feel hope, you can feel sorrow, (Yes that's true) you can feel abject terror. And so what they realized is that like ultimately the foundation of reality is actually consciousness and that the foundation of reality is experience and that the external world is false. Yeah I've listened to the "case against reality", maybe you've heard that? Dan Hoffman I think? Uh I haven't heard that one in particular, but there's a lot of stuff from quantum mechanics that supports this. I don't know if Dan Hoffman talks about that. (Okay) But a good example of like understanding this from a quantum mechanics perspective, which there's an argument against what I'm about to say, which I'm happy to go into, people who are interested. But basically that reality exists as a probability, and it's the act of observation that causes a probability to collapse into a reality. Which is sort of a weird complicated thing to say but -- Say it one more time? So, that reality actually exists as a probability. Like reality is not static in that the act of observation causes a probability to collapse into a reality. (Okay) So like the world exists as a probability waveform, and when you observe something, that probability disappears and it becomes a reality. (Okay!) Yeah, I mean I've read some quantum mechanics stuff like Sean Carroll or whatever. Yeah, so like Schrodinger's Cat I think is the best example of this. But then (Yeah) there was this experiment called The Double Slit Experiment, which actually proved that observation -- That was really weird! It's bizarre! (Yeah!) What do you remember about it? Double slit experiment umm okay.. They shoot electrons through the two slits. If they look at the electrons, they show up on the other side as like uhh -- in a in a certain pattern And if they don't look at it, they show up in two different patterns. Yeah exactly. Yeah, so they show up as an interference pattern if you don't look at which of the slits the electron -- I mean, *the photon* goes through. Right? So it's like (Okay the photons, yeah) the bands of light and dark. (Yeah) And then, if you observe which phot -- which *slit* the photon goes through, then the pattern on the other side disappears. So literally like what you see depends on where you look! Like if I'm looking at the slit (Yes, it's bizarre!) then I only see one point of light. And if I'm not looking at the slit, then I actually see an interference pattern. Right? It's crazy! (Yeah, it's bizarre!) So what's it -- what's your -- what's your interpretation of it? That consciousness creates reality. It's what the Yogis have been saying for thousands of years. (Okay) That the act of observation: that our consciousness has creative power. Now, (Okay) the interesting thing is that if you -- so now we get to Sanskrit, and this is kind of a real roundabout way of getting to this idea. So the Yogis actually came up with two words for reality. One is Maya: Maya means "illusion", and the other is Lila: and Lila means "play". And so interestingly enough both of these sort of imply a falseness to the universe. But I think what's happening is on some sense you've had an experience, either through psilocybin or other things -- and I suspect other things, and we'll get to that later -- that has given you a sense that something about the world is not real. And what happens (Okay) is when (I have had it many times, yeah) when you're happy - Yeah, we'll get to that. - when you're happy you can exist in a Lila state which is like "it's no big deal that the world isn't real" It's play! Like "let's just have a good time!" It's actually just like a video game! Like just because -- (It's like the experience machine!) Yeah, and just because a video game isn't real doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it, right? In fact, quite the opposite: that's actually a big problem for most of my audience. Yeah, you don't need to know -- you don't need to know how the game works even to enjoy (Absolutely!) playing it You know, you always are trying to figure out how life works.. NOW we have to be careful. Because even though you can -- you can appreciate Lila, which is play, and you can appreciate that nothing in the world is real, WHEN YOUR DEPRESSION ACTS UP -- and I want you to understand that depression is like a pattern of thinking within your mind. It takes the things that you know and distorts them. So it takes the fact -- It hijacks this idea that you know that the world is like, not a real place, in some sense. And then it sort of makes you feel like there's no purpose because nothing is real. But that's an understanding that doesn't actually mean like anything bad. It's just -- That's what the depression does. The depression hijacks your thinking and takes the things that you know and spins them in a particular way that like actually makes you suffer. Yes, but then I was also saying that even when I'm happy, and I even if I thought reality was an illusion, I could still be happy at those moments. Yeah! Absolutely! Right? But those are -- that's because when you're able to step outside of depression, when you're able to step outside of yourself. You can appreciate that like life can be happy and joyous, even though it isn't real. But when your Depression kicks in, you become nihilistic. So nihilism is this idea that like "life has no purpose and no meaning so might as well fuck around" which actually isn't the case. So first, Reckful, why don't you tell me a little bit about what happens in your mind -- Any questions about this? No, that I can -- that I followed. I mean, okay, it does follow that what we see as reality is not based reality for sure. Because if you think how a different animal, let's say we look at an ant. They're not gonna perceive reality anything similarly to how we do. They perceive reality in a way that helps them survive. And we perceive in a reality in a way that helps us survive, right? Let's say, we have to notice a lion running at us, or whatever, and we have to notice motion more than other things, or like about you, back in the day. And the people who actually saw too many things or saw based reality wouldn't have survived, you know, if -- The natural selection would favor people who just see certain things more -- Beautiful! So so now now that that segues into an important point which is that your mind is designed to survive. It's not actually designed to protect you from suffering. (Yes) Okay (Yeah) so this is one of the most simple things that like, I think a lot of people -- I mean, I disagree with a lot of my colleagues in the sense that my impression of a lot of mental illness is that it's actually FUNCTIONAL, USEFUL mechanisms of our mind that (I could believe that) that are kind of out of whack or haywire. So anxiety is a good example of our mind's ability -- go ahead. Yeah, no, I agree with you. (WHY?) Because I was just saying on my stream earlier today that uh, anxiety actually could get passed on as a trait from natural selection because it could help. Let's say you're always worried someone's gonna kill you You could have, a thousand years ago, survived because of that and that (Absolutely!) that trait could pass on. So let's just tap into a second what anxiety is. And I've talked a lot about anxiety, so we're gonna talk more about depression today. But what I understand anxiety to be is that anxiety is simply your mind's ability to look into the future and predict problems. That's all it is. (Okay) It's just the future-predicting capability. And if you think about someone's experience of anxiety, what happens is they look into the future and they predict a problem And the possibility of that problem worries them so much that it sort of controls their behavior. So if I'm afraid of looking like an idiot when I do public speaking, that anxiety is actually trying to protect me. It's not trying to fuck me over. It's trying to protect -- by the way, can I curse on your stream or? -- Do whatever the fuck you want, yeah. And so actually, all really anxiety -- Anxiety's trying to help you out. And the first thing to understand if you want to conquer your anxiety is that, like it's trying to help you out. And then you just have to understand that it's it's like a guard dog that is like way too sensitive. So there are ways that you can calm it down, but the first thing that we need to stop doing is demonizing our anxiety or trying to like root it out of us. Because once we understand where it comes from, then we can try to put it into context, we can try to help it. But let's talk a little bit more about depression today. So tell me what your experience of depression is. Okay, it's very hard very hard to explain. The easiest way to explain is I've had years of my life like this, where I wake up every day, and I don't see a purpose to doing anything. Well I don't see a purpose in getting out of bed. I don't care if I stream or don't or if I go eat or don't At some point I get really hungry. I'm like, okay I guess I have -- like I feel like I -- It forces me to kind of, you know. (Yeah) But I don't really care one way or the other. And then I start to think I don't care if I -- when I go to sleep, I don't care if I wake up. I'd prefer not to, actually. The sleeping was the most peaceful part of my day. Okay and how long would this like -- how long would this stretch last? Years. (With? -- Okay, so --) I've had it since I was 14. And there's like 14 to 16.. And then I remember when I found photography, I was like a little inspired for a little bit and then it went away. And then maybe 17 to 20.. -- like, it goes for years, and then I'm happy for a little bit, and then years, and then happy for a little bit. How long is your period of happiness? My chat would know better than I do, but it's pretty short. I don't know.. I like -- two months maybe? (Okay) Yeah, is that? -- You hear about people like that? Yeah, so I think I think this is a really common misconception. I think I think you're -- you may have clinical depression, but I think what you're describing is not clinical depression. So I'm gonna explain to you guys what clinical depression is. I think your problem is that your life is empty. That's different. In fact, that's what we were going to talk to the other person about today and we will. So I got a bunch of questions about this because -- So you're saying you think I was diagnosed incorrectly when they said they have bipolar type 2? You may have depression on top of that. But what I want you to understand is that like there are different flavors of depression. One of them is a biological organic neurochemical kind of thing. (Okay) And what I'm hearing from in -- but there are certain features of that that you -- you're not -- you don't really fit that bill. So I'm gonna describe what that is. So you may be depressed on top of being unhappy or having a life without purpose. (Okay) But those are two independent things and the whole point behind what what people got interested in last week and what we're gonna finish up today is actually perfect for you! Which is maybe why people are telling you to come on. So I treat people with depression, (Yeah) and sometimes what happens is I treat them for a while and they come into my office and they say like -- Okay, so I'll like assess them for depression I'll be like, "Are you getting out of bed every day? Are you able to do this? Are you able to concentrate? Are you able to go to work?" And they'll say, "Yeah, but I'm still depressed." And then I tell them, "Well actually, like I don't think you're clinically depressed. Now you're just unhappy." And there's a difference between clinical depression and unhappiness or a life without purpose. (Okay) And this is the tricky thing. It's like what's happened is our society's become so mental health focused, that we've started to describe all of these things as like mental pathologies. (Okay) But I think that this is like, your problem is that you're at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Are you familiar with that? (No) Okay, so Maslow basically said we have a hierarchy of needs. That at the bottom we need like food and shelter, and then we need community, and all that kind of stuff. And at the very top is something called self-actualization. That at the end of the day, like we have a need to become like fully actualized human beings who like derive -- I mean, it's a need for us to feel like we're accomplishing what we put our mind to. (Okay) And so I think what you are is unfulfilled, and that you've probably been inappropriate -- (I mean, that's true.) -- insufficiently challenged since you were a teenager. And that life has not like given you anything that was worth fighting for. That it's just like it's been like easy mode. Now you may be depressed on top of that, so let's talk about that for a second. So clinical depression is an episodic illness. That's the first thing to understand. So major depressive disorder *or* bipolar disorder is episodic. (Yeah) Which means that for periods of time, you're well. And then you enter a period of depression, which lasts two weeks to about one year. Maybe a little bit over a year. And that you have a period of like and then it sort of naturally gets better. Oh, one thing! Now I'm worried that, 'What if I incorrectly remembered my past when saying I've gone years of being unhappy?' That's very possible! And now I'm getting -- now I'm getting misdiagnosed. (No, no --) Maybe I haven't gotten years.. maybe it's been one year. Sure, so that's possible so like I said I don't think that -- How long -- how long do the happy periods -- would the happy periods be? It depends on the person, but, generally speaking, like I'm looking for a few months to a year to even over a year, right? So I'm looking for like somewhere between like four and six months of like a period of remission. Now you could, like I said, you *could* have depression. You could have depression. I don't know that you don't, or bipolar type 2. But what I'm saying is that like, generally speaking, sometimes I talk to people, and they say, "I've been depressed since I was the age of 14." And if you've constantly been depressed for 15 years, that's not how major depressive disorder works. Because our body has-- No, because I've come -- I've come in and out of it. So I've come out of it when I like to started photography. I came out of it when I started liking, uh.. I guess World of Warcraft for a bit. Came out of it when -- like, little periods though -- I came out of it when -- I everytime I find -- But then I think that could lead back to fulfillment. Every time I find this 'something' I really like, then I come out of it. For sure, so it could just be the fulfillment thing you're saying. Well, so hold on, let's talk about this. So I think you're onto something, but that your solution is half correct. (Okay) So why do you think it is that photography -- Like do you remember when you started doing photography? Like, how old were you? I was sixteen. My dad bought me a camera for my birthday, and I remember taking a bunch of pictures of film camera. And then when I got it developed, I looked at it. And I was like, "Oh, I really like this. This is fun." And that's it. Nothing more to it than that. Okay um, how -- do you remember how you felt before you got like.. -- Tell me about like what high school was like for you. Early high school. Man, it's kind of hard to dig deep into.. Okay. I do remember I, like most students, didn't enjoy being in class. I had a few friends outside of class though. We played -- I started liking playing guitar a little bit. And some of them played guitar a little. Um, I liked that. There were little periods of enjoyment here and there. We talked about what kind of music we liked, like high schoolers do I guess. Did you (Umm..) do you have fond memories of being a freshman in high school? Some! Some memories are not bad.. overall my thought about school is that I didn't like it but I can remember some good things what I didn't like about it being in class but I remember liking I did like some I played guitar in front of a bunch of people like an unplugged concert thing during high school I remember liking mm-hmm so what didn't you like about class it was boring uh the things I was learning weren't things that were super stimulating to me and sometimes I already knew them but not always I didn't always know them yeah sometimes I just didn't know them but they weren't what I was interested in huh school was easy school was pretty easy yeah III was uh yeah I had good grades and SAT and all that yeah yeah so we're gonna talk more about how you were insufficiently challenged because I still think that's your problem but we'll get to that so tell me a little bit about so it doesn't sound like I'm not hearing anything about depression when you were in high school you said 14 but you're not describing anything to me that oh yeah no cuz it's hard for me to really dig deep and remember I mean I listen okay I remember I listened to a lot of sad music I was a lot of people who killed listen I was idolizing a lot of people who killed themselves okay at the time because I was listening like Nirvana and then Elliott Smith and then I don't know a bunch of other I can't remember but I mean sounds like you were yeah yeah it could be yeah I know I was but the lyrics were very relatable to me okay what was relatable I mean lyrics I guess just this overall lack of purpose and meaning something to something it's it I kind of really have to I feel like I'm not doing justice to my own life you know to my own memories I can't remember exactly well you're not gonna be able to write so yeah yeah so I I'm I'm kind of digging around and and you're not expected like I don't remember much about when I was 14 like you know people don't really remember much about when they're 14 and that's okay it's just I'm trying to figure out where where the money is and it sounding like okay so when I was 16 okay when I was 16 I I tried to kill myself okay so when I when I was 16 I uh I took 20 to 22 sleeping pills and they drank a bottle of wine and I tied a plastic bag over my head and I fell asleep and I just woke up later and I had ripped the bag off my head and I was alive and and uh I worried and asked do you remember what you were feeling when you tried to kill yourself he was really dumb I there was a game I was playing called a Sean's khalaf when I was 10 when I was 16 and then that game was no longer popular no one was playing it and I'd know when to play with a car - yes right know as an MMORPG okay and it started dying because of all the Warcraft and no one else was on to play anymore and I felt like the only thing I cared about and the only thing I'd practice my whole life and really loved was irrelevant okay yeah great I mean not great but I think I'm starting to see a pattern okay so great so let's just think about that for a second reckful let's think about that right yeah what what do you think was going on in your head there so I think now that you you're leading me to the answer but the Ashlyn stall was giving me fulfillment and you know a place to try as hard as I could and be competitive and whatever and meet friends and all these things all these natural human desires was it hard then uh it was hard yeah yeah and then uh then it went away and I didn't have that anymore and I was unfulfilled uh-huh and then when did you get your camera it was around a little after that yep yeah round yeah and then I started like a photography so tell me about the photography it's really hard when it's about artistic things I can't remember like the feet have a feeling and the while like I don't know but I was in a pictures for a while and then my parents took me on a trip to Europe to show me where they used to live in Switzerland and neighbouring countries I took a lot of pictures there and I came back and I I got a bunch of my pictures printed out and then I walked around a South Hollywood and like then to art galleries I showed them my pictures and one of them put my pictures up in the gallery mm-hm and then I remember feeling good yeah did that happen and and when did the depression come back after the pictures could have been around the time with the gallery because everyone liked other people's pictures way more than mine I don't remember exactly what yeah so I don't know if it was in a weird way I don't know if it's because do you remember feeling like you were you had done a really good job with the pictures in the gallery yes for sure and then you know everyone else's pictures were really edited and it was annoying to me cuz I thought mine were better but everyone liked the other what's better yeah yeah so okay and then what was another thing that brought you out of your depression I don't okay I don't remember the next part because I start playing World of Warcraft but I don't member ever being happy while playing World of Warcraft I played it for so many years yeah I remember I remember being really happy at any moment even when I was at the top okay so I want you to so I think your periods of happiness like when you came out of your depression those sound to me like they're not dealing with the underlying problem I think what happened is you had opportunities for you to distract yourself from the underlying depression like you can get into something but only for a time and you can only distract yourself for so long and then what happens is is one of two things that happens either one is that like something takes that away from you or oddly enough I think the thing that the reason that that photography may have lost is it its interest is this is gonna sound really bizarre is not because other people's photography was better than yours because something tells me that when someone is better than you at something that actually pull actually want to try it's a drive yeah what happened your fucking problem was that you were young you were how old 16 and someone put up your artwork in a gallery in Hollywood and that is you won the game that doesn't mean you lost that means you fucking won okay and I feel like I wanna be okay yeah I know you didn't but I think the real problem there cuz it's weird right like you would think that I would you would think so we have to just understand that like we would think certain things but we have to look at the data of your life and interpret it what was disappointing what got you out of photography or when it Lots it lost its luster was actually at the height of your career and you could have kept going it wasn't like him it wasn't like you walked around and you dropped it because no one displayed your artwork like that makes more sense like that's a loss right I walked around and I showed it to a bunch of people and no one displayed it which is like that's not even that unusual because you're fucking 16 you took some pictures yeah yeah who's gonna display your artwork in a gallery in Hollywood when you're 16 and you're just like you got a camera months ago well it turns out that someone will because you're really good at photography because you do a good job at things that you apply yourself to and that you find challenging and when you're engrossed in a challenge you don't have to worry about the fact that your life is like its core meaningless because you can find you can find some sense of like external challenge and it pulls you out of yourself it pulls you out of yourself when you're doing photography well that was really accurate and the thing reckful is that you don't like being yourself and so when you can pull yourself out of being yourself it's an amazing feeling because you don't have to be rekted right because reckful is life isn't worth living like you can wake up today and you can eat or not eat but who the fuck cares it's just reckful is life but when you're doing photography you're like you're not reckful anymore right you're like taking a picture you become kind of like one with the picture and then the problem is like once you get good at that then you're like back to being I feel like you've conquered that and so you're like okay well now what so we gotta understand like what is it about you that makes you feel like like living your life is not worth living and we're gonna talk for a second I'm gonna get to that in a second but I want to talk about psilocybin so what psilocybin looks but so Simon does is it takes you away from reckful that's why you want it right because you love actively love your shirt whatever okay but like so so your thought loops in the depression and stuff like that that all exists within reckful like wreck flows life you have this ego this thing called a hunger which thinks that your your life is fundamentally like meaningless and what psilocybin does is it takes you actually outside of your ego we have a sense of identity that is based on like who we are and like by who we are like things that go on a resume so you identify as like gender or you know like you're your you have a certain like professional career you have a certain age you have a name these are the things that you identify with and when you're taking a picture you're none of those things does that make sense okay yeah it does uh I don't like my identity so you're saying yeah your life and so anytime you have an opportunity so when you're playing music like you're no longer like a particular age you're just playing music you become one with the music you become one with the rock Rafi but this the distraction pulls me out of my immersion in a first-person experience whatever yeah absolutely and that's exactly what psilocybin does right so psilocybin is a substance that causes the walls of the self to break down yeah so whether whether it's psilocybin whether it's music whether it's photography or and and this is the other interesting thing is you're finding purpose and why are you finding purpose again what do you like about what you're doing I like I like that I'm trying to give people something I wanted as a kid what is what is the who's the focus on who are you thinking about just few people have an experience yeah so I'll tell you reckful listen carefully now your depression you're trying to cure the depression that is growing within kids outs out there today you're trying to protect them from what happened to you yeah that how does that feel feels good yeah feels meaningful yeah good is an understatement the understatement of the fucking year it is vital it is crucial you must do this thing yeah I think it's the fucking understatement of the year when you say yeah it's like it like gives me a reason to wake up in the morning like no this is this isn't our MA I've talked about Tara you may not know what I'm talking about people who watch regularly this isn't her mo you guys are seeing it right this is like this is duty or responsibility it's not something that you're doing this is the other thing the really powerful thing about this and we'll get to the roots of your depression the really powerful thing about this is that you're not thinking about yourself anymore I don't know I'd like to feel selfless like that but I don't know that it's true you know I'd like that your thought yeah well we'll get to how you're thinking about yourself so I think now we also understand the roots of your depression because the person if you want to understand why you're depressed you have to like really envision who is it that you're trying to help like all of the qualities when you're saying that you wanted to give people an experience that you didn't have as a kid I don't think you're talking about playing a fucking video game I think you're talking about being alone I think you're talking about being abandoned and you don't want people to feel the way that you felt and so you're trying to make the world a better place maybe what are you feeling right now I don't know it's Tapatio automatically I am yeah I'm not thinking anything take a moment it's nice to feel something yeah it's kind of weird right because you're crying so most people associate that as like a thing that they don't want to feel no I liked it yeah how do you feel what do you feel in your body feel like um in my body I don't know how to describe it I don't know I I feel I feel like I just passed something yeah and uh kind of hopeful I guess yeah future maybe yeah I I think I imagine you feel a little bit lighter but we what we can call it is levelling a little bit you just leveled up yeah okay you want to keep going or you want to take a break no it's good uh what we can keep talking but what what what games have you played what's your how did you know my well stuffer I'm because I so I played wow like in vanilla and Burning Crusade Brinker shows good why are we talking older you why are you asking me questions about yourself myself now of all times what do you think I don't know you tell me that's us taking a break so I think you've had a lot and now you I think you need to step away from what you're feeling for a little bit and already your mind is returning to normal right you're returning to normal reckful or your thoughts like your mind had shut down for a little bit and as you start to ask me questions about myself which I'm happy to answer your mind is gonna start functioning again and that feeling is slowly going to away uh-huh so shall we take a break what do you mean by break like uh we're just gonna talk about anything no no about whatever so what I mean by break is like you just went through something that was like a little bit powerful and a little bit emotional and that's a strange state of mind to be in you didn't know what the fuck was happening and it was like it was like you went underwater and now we're coming up for air so if you want to we can go back underwater like if you want me to just do that again we can do that again and you can learn more or not to blow my nose yeah okay yeah you could talk people okay I mean that was intense yeah I know I'm still live on stream I just need to process for a second to okay so okay so I should introduce myself to stream so my name is dr. olive kitteridge I'm a psychiatrist practicing in Boston Massachusetts my main area of interest is technology and video game addiction but I have a kind of a different background I spent maybe I should wait until rectals back but I spent a few years about seven years studying in India to become a monk and then spent about seven years studying to become a monk and then ended up going to medical school and became a psychiatrist if you guys want a Harvard Andy I'm I trained at Harvard Medical School and I'm faculty at Harvard Medical School which a lot of people seem to get a kick out of and my main area of interest until about one year ago was incorporating like Eastern medicine like Eastern ideas and philosophy so studying a lot of like yoga and meditation and Buddhism Hinduism some of the more esoteric spiritual practices as well into mental health treatment and my experience has been that like our Western understanding of mental health is just wow fully incomplete and there are a lot of reasons for that and I've had a lot of success through helping people kind of like reckful by sort of getting to some root issues which is what what the Eastern system kind of conceptualizes like Western medicine thinks about depression is like something that you just treat with an SSRI like you just give them medication and you do some therapy and then like it's just a disease that you live with for the rest of your life like there's this idea in Western medicine that once you get diagnosed with depression you have depression your entire life I don't believe that I mean I think some people do but in my experience I've had some people in my practice who have had bipolar disorder or who like or off of medications and they have these sort of really powerful spiritual or psychological experiences that really get to the root of where their illness comes from and by getting to that root you can actually like have someone have a transformative experience which is what I believe and in in reckful x' case i think that you know he may fit criteria for a bipolar disorder type ii but i think the basic problem here is that we're gonna talk to him in a minute you ready to dive in again yeah okay I kind of wanted to hear what my basic problem was but it's better I don't know no no it's fine yeah so we're gonna get to that so I think basically like reckful x' challenges that something like i don't know if you guys saw this but there's something really powerful about what he's trying to do and that comes from somewhere right like it's not like you just waked like he's not trying to help people with like autism he's not trying to help people with Down syndrome he's not trying to help people with who were you know like victims of like genocide or the Holocaust he's trying to help like lonely kids find meaning in community and support and I think that's that's the route so my question for you reckful is like what was your childhood like tell me about your childhood okay so I have some early memories of playing games with my brothers I like those a lot and I remember even just watching I would try to stay up late and watch them play certain computer games and then two brothers yeah - I had two brothers yeah and then how was the age difference ones ten years older ones 15 years older okay so I would just watch them play games I remember like I was really young like four or five and I couldn't beat a level in Doom and then my brother went in and like edited the code of the game so the ceilings were too low for the monsters to run around they were running in place and I could just go through and beat the level which I still enjoyed doing yeah of course which brother did that guy my brother who passed away yeah yeah and when I was six that happened I remember seeing like hospital cars and for some reason I remember seeing a lady my dad worked with walk out of the house and I was like my thought at the time was is that my new mom I remember thinking some I knew something was wrong but I don't know what happened yeah so hold on a second so you approached the house from the outside yeah cuz my other brother Gary he drove me Oh to an arcade cuz something bad had happened I get but he was crying while I was playing arcade games that I know it was wrong and then we came back home but the hospital car was still there with the plus side and then everyone was crying I don't remember too many specifics I mean when I came home from school my mom would always be crying or not not there she'd be in her room then I'd play games okay yeah I'd play like Super Nintendo yeah and it seems like your memory is pretty good when it comes to this well that that yeah that memory is really strong that with the hospital car mm-hmm but the other I don't remember like coming home from school specific days I remember before that happen I used to get so excited to see my brothers when I came over from school I'd be like his guy home as Gary home you know and me excited to play games with them um yeah and and that was gone after yeah yeah and yeah my my brother other brother Gary he never left his room anymore and he was he'd be playing guitar I'd hear and play guitar so um what do you think life was like for you after that it's very lonely for sure yeah yeah it's hard for me remember any more specifics like day-to-day from what I'm six but I just yeah yes I I know I play games a lot yeah so I mean this is gonna sound like kind of a weird question maybe a leading question but I can see a certain beautiful purpose with five year old you in your life what was your project old me yeah what was five year old his purpose fuck I don't know I just wanted to play I want to be as good as my brothers to play games with them something I think yeah right it's like simple but it was it was pure and it was simple and it was it was like it was absolutely there right like you were excited about that like that's what that's what you live for like yeah and you would like watch them play yeah yeah yeah yeah that's okay what are you feeling now I don't know it just happens automatically yeah so close your eyes for a second okay tell me what you feel in your body something here yep I'm really bad at describing feelings yes that's why we're doing this we're gonna teach you right now okay okay what are you feeling in your chest where people describe this as a tightness maybe a tightness and I keep I realize I need to breathe more steadily okay so your breathing is erratic ya know what what's happening so as you notice the feeling what happens to it it's going away yeah right and what just what just changed with your breathing your breathing is different it's more regular yeah yeah what's happening to the feeling it's going away yeah another way to describe yeah so yeah but it's going away like would you say it's loosening what I say it's what loosening loosening yeah the tightness is loosening mm-hmm I'm relaxing mm-hmm yeah okay so now keep your eyes closed okay so tell me a little bit about five-year-old you and what he wanted from life he wanted to get out of what school or even when you're 5 kindergarten yeah you wanted to get out of kindergarten as fast he could like he'd come home play games with his brothers yeah and I'm gonna say something kind of weird so reckful I think you love five-year-old you a lot and I think you have a lot of hurt because something really bad happened to him like you love that kid and something that was just terrible happened to him do you see how like that kid is not you like that's like it's not right that's a different no but you love him so much and the problem here is that you're trying to protect him you try so hard to protect him and take away what happened to him but you just can't do it and you don't know how to help him yeah what does he need sure I don't know come to terms with reality nope no just think about it for a second like what does he need like what do you want to protect him from I have no idea okay so but but you understand that he's different and you understand that something happened to him what happened to him let's start there mm you got quickly shoved out of his comfort zone of family and things he cared about yeah I think so I'm not I'm not buying its owners of your tournament yeah I was trying to yeah so so what happened I went different it's way more powerful than comfort oh it's true how do I worry well he had he had family uh-huh and he didn't absolutely there you go right it's so simple yeah so simple it's not fuckin comfort zone and what do you want for him what does he need family absolutely absolutely it's nice and simple it is yeah the things that fuck us over always are now this is the really profound thing reckful is that while this seems like it fucked you over in a sense of course it did but in a sense it didn't this is your Karma this is what happened to you and this is what's made you the person that you are and I think that this is like as long as that feeling is there like this feeling of loss and loneliness like that your purpose when you saw that that that medical van or ambulance with the Plus on on the side that was the day you lost your purpose and for a time you found activities that can help you get past that you can forget about it but that's the day that like your life changed right like every reason that you had to wake up in the morning was to go to class so that you could come home from class and spend time with Diane Gary and then one day all of that changed and it changed you presumably irrevocably but I don't think that that's true I think you can get Pat's past this and I think your lack of purpose is like this is where it comes from I'm feeling a little better have you talked to anyone about this yeah but I uh I didn't let myself go deep in it I guess I think I cuz it was always most the time I was it was when I was 16 when I want to talk to people yeah I think I was a little more closed off than I am now yep all you need is the Internet to watch yeah well I became really open with everything because I realized to help me at some points I guess yeah yeah I think can help others too yeah so why are you making this game reckful I always wanted to make a game sure but this reminds me as soon as I said that have you seen the split brain experiment video where there's a guy on his left side he says pick up the Rubik's Cube and he picks it up and then he lets us hand it to your other hand and then he they ask the right his right side why are you holding a Rubik's Cube and he says I always wanted to learn how to solve one of these which makes me think a lot of times when people are describing something they're doing and why they're doing it it's inaccurate absolutely so I don't know brilliant I know I always wanted yeah yeah I know I always wanted to concave for sure when I started playing an MMO when I was 10 just cuz Gary wanted to make a Pokemon MMO and we were doing research on other MMOs and then I ended up playing it for seven six seven years from 1999 so he's got a footy I always thought it was a cool idea to make a game I started stream on Twitch because some game company made a game called Forge said that advertises her game I could work for them or something or you know help design the game and that you know didn't their game didn't succeed so they never hired me and then now I finally can make my own game just you know because I'm steering for a long time and can fund it yeah so reckful I this is really important to understand okay and I'm gonna reference some stuff that I've talked about before so I I want you to understand that everything that's happened in your life has brought you to this point you've always wanted to make a game but that's a desire that's just like man I've always wanted to make a game cuz I'm a gamer and that's kind of cool like I also want to like I've wanted to make games like I'm interested in that I bet a lot of people are but what got you to where you are like like it has to be the right game the Stars have to align for you to make the game that you need to make and there's been one really big star missing which is like purpose and I think the reason that your this game like this game is different it's got to be because you're trying to solve something with this game you know and that's gonna give you the strength that you need to actually solve it yeah I'm a little worried I don't know that I'll initially solve it on first release right away but I want to you know always be patching and iterating yet to get there yeah yeah we can talk about that more but I'm you know I'm not worried about I mean that's just yeah so I think the main thing here is that you're trying to do something really important right and I think you're not you're not making the game for some like faceless kid out there yeah you're saying I'm making the game for a kid like me who wanted something to go home to and friends just spend time with wait a way to spend time with friends online and have community and stuff yes which is true for sure yeah I mean I would take it even one step further I don't think it was for a game for a kid like you oh you just saying I'm making it for me not for the you today me as a kid yeah yeah that's where it comes from what do you think about that that's really accurate I think yeah when you say it I mean rings true yeah yeah right so I think this comes down to so if you want to get to the roots of your depression you've got a you've got to help that kid like within yourself you cut out you don't get to the root what a great time to cut out right yes to get to the root I think you've got it you've got a help you've got to help you right that's what you that's what you need like that's where the hurt is that's where the depression comes from that's where the loss of meaning in your life comes from because like meaning was taken away from you had plenty of meaning until one day you didn't and all you've managed to do is distract yourself and find relief through distraction and you're good at what you do and you're ambitious and you're intelligent so sometimes you can trick yourself into thinking that a distraction is purpose but it's not and I've questioned ya know how did your purpose come to be wanting to help people I know I'm curious to know Christine are you talking about mine yeah yeah so my story is kind of funny so I played way too many video games in high school I mean it probably as a kid even before that but it really started to become a problem in high school and then after after my first year of college I had less than a two point and then for the next year I also like kind of failed out of college I was on academic probation and my dad who's a really fantastic guy was like something's got to change and they've tried everything they'd like punish me like sent me to a military school and like all this kind of crap and I just wasn't getting my shit together and he said so you have to go to India and I said okay so the summer after my sophomore year I remember I still remember cuz my memory is clear about this - we were kind of talking like late into the night and this conversation was different because like usually when I was I would like fail stuff like they would yell right like I'd get punished or they'd like be like you know I'm fucking up but this time my dad was just sort of not really resigned but it was like a really like problem-solving conversation and we kind of like I felt like we were on the same team and he was like look we got to do something about this because this is not working so I went to India or 20 or 20 or so you're 20 yeah so 20 20 or 21 and I went to India and I stayed at this place called an ashram and an ashram is like a monastery so I spent three months studying yoga and meditation and absolutely loved it and what I loved about it is that we we study all kinds of stuff we study physics we study mathematics we study history we study sociology we don't study ourselves like even if you study psychology it's about like experiments about other people it's not like how you work it's not like why do I lack meaning in life like how can I actually find the answer to that where does meaning come from how does our mind function so in your case the root of your depression is something called a some scar which I'll explain later and until that some scar gets dissolved you're gonna continue to be depressed and this is why you can have periods of like distraction and whatnot and you can fit clinical criteria for depression and all that good stuff but the end of the day you have this some scar that formed the day that you saw that plus sign or maybe the next day when you realize that when you went home I think the some scar formed the day that you actually realized which which was your older brother guy or Gary guy so one day you actually realize that like guy is never gonna be home when you come home and that's I think when this um scar form and so it was a system to understand like who you are and how you work like where desires come from where did desires go to like all this different stuff about the self and I loved it and so I decided to become a monk I went to my teachers and I said hey I want to become a monk and they said that's fantastic come back when you're 30 and finish a doctoral degree and we'll take you so I went back to the US and decided okay if I want to become a monk then I have to finish college and then I have to like get a doctoral degree so but you okay but you had a purpose so you probably did it yeah you finished college so I finished college every summer I went back and studied in India over December break so I had spent like four months a year in India for the next seven years with the goal of becoming a monk ended up meeting my wife got confused because I was like oh I want to become a monk but I'm really into this girl and all this stuff so decided your mics cutting in and out a little bit I'm following the whole conversation I don't know why it's probably cuz I'm maybe the thresholds a little so met my wife and a couple years later decided that like the monk path wasn't the right path for me or more importantly realized that you don't have to be to be a monk to be spiritual then ultimately being a monk is not what you wear it's actually all about your internal experience so the way that you deal with your own desires the way that you deal with your own ambitions the way you deal with your own ego and that for me still coming out Oh weird sorry is it cutting out for everyone cutting out for everyone right oh it's no it's the discord people are saying oh weird maybe we can change the server we're on or something I'll try to change it we're on us-south let's try us alright and then we're back mister escort okay so um decided not to become a monk because ultimately I realized like you can be a monk monk is like like it was for me it was all about ego it was all about like Oh like I was a failure at life so like the way that is waged my ego was by saying oh like regular life isn't for me so I didn't have to fail if I became a monk because I'm truly spiritual and I'm not for this material world it's all a bunch of bullshit ultimately I realized that if I are you sure yeah you think it was much thinking you were trying to escape the chance of a loot Lee absolutely okay right because it's it's it's easy to like escape from your failure in college if you were not meant for like the material world and I was like better than that I was meant for the spiritual world because I'm deeply spiritual and I'm not gonna run in this rat race and I don't care about grades and all these fucking peons out there that are living a material life I'm better than them I'm gonna become a monk then I realize that was a load of bullshit that that's yoga that there are two kinds of ego there's regular ego and then there's the subtler more devious ego which is the ego of having no ego look at how spiritual I am you know is that that that whole like so ended up doing neuroscience research so I've always been kind of a skeptic and was curious about like what was happening in my brain when I was learning these things so started doing neuroscience research ended up going to medical school and then decided that I wanted to become a psychiatrist and that I was going to incorporate like some of these Eastern perspectives on mental health - like psychiatric care and teaching people how to meditate and all that good stuff and then it's funny so how tarmo works because then life sort of threw me an interesting curveball which was while I was training I started asking some of my like professors and stuff so I trained at Mass General Hospital and MacLaine which are both Harvard Medical School teaching affiliates in the number one psychiatric hospital and all this good stuff no more in hospital in the country all that jazz so I was surrounded by a lot of brilliant people and I started asking them I was like what do you guys think about video game addiction and no one has a fucking clue right so if we think about the leaders in the field in the fields in general if we think about like leaders in the fields of like finance like world leaders leaders in the field of medicine they're like all in their 50s at a minimum and so I realized like when one of my supervisors who's a brilliant psychoanalyst said yeah I think the reason that people play too many video games is the same reason they get tattoos I was like lady what the fuck are you talking about she has no idea and that's when it hit me that like no one in psychiatry like has played a video game like all these Chiefs of Psychiatry and you know like head of the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and like Yale and Hopkins and Harvard like none of these people make sense yeah they just they've never played a video game so realize that like oh it's got to be me because who else is gonna do it right and I think like that's what's special about you're nodding right why are you nodding I'm nodding because this is a nice sense of purpose for you to have and you can relate the people who play games because you play games yourself I think the other reason being is because you get it right it's gotta be you reckful oh it's gotta be me know something about you talking about you and your MMO it's gotta be you oh no I was thinking it's gotta be you yeah but I'm saying that like the same guys yeah yeah so you're nodding with understanding so if you go back and you watch this video you're passively listening until I said that I was anyway that's my possibly listening possibly listening it sounds like I wasn't really immersed but I was really immersed yes IIIi don't passive listening is not you weren't paying attention but a passive just means I wasn't yeah giving back body like yeah so I think there's something about that statement with which resonated with you which caused you to to have some more body language it could be again this Rubik's Cube thing where I'm trying to explain something that happened and it's not accurate I mean at the end of the day I could be over-interpret if you haven't seen that video you need to see it it's it's crazy corpus callosum people have their corpus callosum severed do all kinds of cool things so then I about in September of 2018 I guess it's a little over a year ago I actually made the mistake of just randomly posting on Reddit and I said I'm a psychiatrist that's interested in video game addiction ask me anything so the post ended up hitting the front page and I started getting like inundated with calls so like I'd get like people didn't know how to find me so I started getting like paged I have a pager right because doctors have pagers nowadays like it's Austin drug dealers were the only ones left with pagers I don't even know if drug dealers do anymore yeah so so I started getting paged and people were calling me and emailing me and I realized like there's just no way that I can help like I'd been working with gamers for years but there's just no way that I can help like every person out there and I've got to do like I've got people more and so I'd sort of set myself up to kind of be like the next Deepak Chopra or something like that I was like very like ambitious and and you know I had a lot of like in this way right now you're a o e helping people absolutely that's exactly what this one yeah it's AoE right yeah so I realized that I can't like single-target this shit it's just not gonna work like yeah after the AMA I probably got hundreds if not thousands of requests for help and and like from all over that all over the fucking place like some dude reached out to me from Singapore and was like hey can you come to Singapore and like talk to us cuz we're struggling and I was like sure but I don't know how or why and and just gets all these random so most even more bizarre is I got a I got an email a couple weeks ago from two psychologists that worked for the Serbian military and they're like hey can you help us like you teach us how to treat video game addiction and I was like yeah I can try so you're absolutely right that it needs to be a OE right but like not even just a OE and like one like I need like a global AOE like server whine like a surfer wide virus is what I need yeah YouTube yeah so we have YouTube and twitch and that's why I started streaming so I started streaming about two and a half months ago and you know was advised against doing that by a lot of people in like many of my colleagues and stuff like that because though I can get sued and all that good stuff and and talked to attorneys and things like that so hopefully I don't get sued so I'm not really just delivering medical care but you know what happens if someone comes on stream and then kills themselves or something like that I mean I you know I think at the end it I'll try not to kill myself anytime soon for you yeah thank you I appreciate that I'm serious no problem I actually I haven't thought about killing myself since I think yeah I believe that if you if you do happen to have those thoughts again feel free to reach out you have my discord and yeah I will say you know you're you can die but not until you've done what you need to for that five-year-old like unless you do that first you're just gonna have to come back and fix that problem later death is not I mean so in my religion and through some of my experiences through meditation I really do understand I believe in things like reincarnation and and I think the trick but yet going this is where you're gonna what's the word you're gonna divide your audience that's fine yeah I know so I so I I also say a lot of things on the stream that are based in science this is not one of them so I try to draw a distinction between you know what I believe but I think ultimately like once you meditate you start to have experiences and then like I can't shake I don't I don't logically believe in reincarnation it's based on experience so I there are certain techniques of meditation and stuff where you can remember your past lives and things like that and I've just seen too much consciousness is pretty weird absolutely I didn't put it past consciousness that you know I mean how did it just happen in this organism or in that organism so so uh it could it could be that there's no organism at all there's making shit up there's a lot of weird shit I think you know I don't scientifically believe in reincarnation I don't think it makes sense logically but like once you have some experience it just it just feels so real is the best way that I can put it is it a possible hallucination of my mind absolutely but that's a conversation for a different day kind of how I got to my thermo so now I realize that like they're gamers out there that need help and that the number of gamers who need help is like astronomical that for the first time mental health has surpassed cardiovascular disease and cancer as the number one cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States that for the firt you have a little bit of a tick tick there you well like searching for information in your head or something like uh stats like that you you roll your eyes a little I'm just telling you you probably don't want to have it yeah why not um why not why don't you want to have this tick I mean it's up to you yeah maybe you do I don't care but I'm just I was just letting you know yeah that's okay I tend to me I have a lot of facial expressions that I that I tend to be pretty transparent about and if I'm scanning my memory I think it's fine for people to understand that I'm scanning my memory we're not playing poker true I do play some poker so I wouldn't want to do yeah it's it's in my professional interest to actually show what's on my face not conceal it so I tend to be different from other psychiatrists in that way in the sense that like a lot of people try to be a blank slate I just show what's on my face I see the blank slate does suck I've talked to a lot of people in Slate I think it's stupid I mean okay actually that's kind of judgmental I I just don't think it's for me I'll put it that way I think some people you know I get that they want to do with that we could say stupid that's fun so yeah we were talking about her money yeah so I mean now I I realize like I just need to help people and that mental health is getting worse in this country and I think part of the reason for that so the other interesting thing that's happened recently is life expectancy between ages of 25 and 64 has gone down for the first time suicide suicide is a big part of it suicide is increased by 50% in teenagers over the last decade so like Justin it makes a lot of sense they're constantly comparing themselves other people on yeah so I think technology and stuff absolutely so social media has really started to prey on certain like aspects of our psychology that were kind of unaware of and so my sense is that like the field of mental health needs to be addressed way more quickly and are in a way broader sense and what I mean by this is like people need to understand some fundamentals about how their mind works like I think it's infuriating that you go to a psychologist and you ask them how does my mind work and they're not gonna give you an answer like there are answers I think there are very simple answers like I think your problem is that you have a some scar most people's problems are that you have this kind of ball of undigested emotion that lurks beneath the surface and exerts its influence on your mind it's like you've you've had a debuff since the age of six in that deep office no she's called depression and there are some times where you can get temporary buffs like learning how to play guitar or like I like that elegy yeah and so you've just got this fucking debuff and the thing is you had the debuff for so long that you think it's like it's debuff sucks by the way absolutely I hate and and and you think it's some part of like you think you you got it during character creation you think it's you right because when you get diagnosed with type two bipolar that's like during character creation like you picked a trait to give you yourself extra character points and you're like I'm picking type two bipolar and I get five more character points and I'm gonna I'm gonna pick like good it Wow who the fuck would pick that yeah but but the cool thing is it's not it's not static right I believe and I could be wrong and and maybe you're stuck with this for the rest of your life but I think you can get significantly better and I think it's like right beneath the surface man like I'm good I'm starting to believe it I'm sorry I'm good at my job but I mean like 15 minutes dude 15 minutes is what it took and it's just right there and it's so big that's why it's so easy to get to because you have this whole you have this whole like iceberg and it's just like right beneath the surface and if you if you resolve something it's not just about grief it's not just losing your brother but it's like shattering your perception of like what life is about like life became meaningless to you after that because that's what you that's what life was about and then suddenly like that's no longer on the table you give a kid a purpose in life you give his life like because that's the thing about the child right it's such a simple and pure purpose and then you yank it away it's not complicated it's not complex it doesn't have different shades so it can be shattered in an instant and then it's completely broken if you lose your purpose at the age of 30 that's different because you have different dimensions of your life at that point you have something to fall back on but you didn't have anything to fall back on because that's all it was and then your other brothers say it in his room all the time mm-hmm right not his fault was just I realize my my just was thinking of my parents are probably watching this that's fine so that's interesting yeah I mean they're welcome to come on to but that's it's nice anyway yeah and and I don't think it's anyone's fault right and there's there's other stuff here which if you want to have a conversation one day about forgiveness and whether your brother deserves forgiveness or whether you've forgiven him that's probably an important crime oh I definitely know I don't blame him at all okay because I know what it's like to go through day by day having no desires and suffering the whole time and for it you just want it to be over yeah and I don't I don't blame her yeah not even a little bit so questions reckful other people know you did a really good job you're you're good at what you do what do we do good I'm happy to hear you say that but what did we do you just talked me through my problems and helped me find them okay nice I made some realizations about myself and it gives me a little more purpose in the future good a lot a lot a lot of yeah so I just want you to remember that when you feel depressed like it's not that those feelings aren't real and there's a lot of science that suggests that it's not just to some scar right because you have a family history of it there's probably some genetic component to it there's something going on in your neurotransmitters which is absolutely real you know but these are just sort of different like dimensions of the self and so you can have that biological stuff going on and you can sort of have what I would call sort of like the roots of your depression or spiritual they're not even psychological and that you have you have an unfulfilled governme you have something that you owe to the the six year old you and all of the kids who could be that six year old you and you have to help the world become a place where like that kid like you want to build the safety net that you need it yes I was gonna sorry I was thinking there was a period of time where I started meditating when I was in Japan yeah and I remember feeling just like serenity yep and I wanted you to tell me a little bit about meditation yeah great so let's talk about meditation so what's meditation reckful well now that putting it in the perspective of what you were telling me earlier I guess I like it cuz it takes me out of myself yep because I'm not myself at the time yeah so I want y'all to understand so like we have a mind and we think we are a mind but we are not our mind our mind is just a part of us right like if you think about you can observe your own thoughts absolutely and then you're the observer it kind of it's kind of mine fucking actually to think it is my fucking your if you're observing the thoughts yeah so you can't you can't the observer cannot be the observed so you can look at yourself in a mirror but then what you're actually looking at is the mirror right you're not actually looking at yourself so the Yogi's realize that there's this thing called consciousness which is actually outside of the mind and sometimes when you meditate you enter this state of mind where you have no thoughts and no real perception of time because time also exists within the mind and that the more that you step out of your mind the closer you get to the most basic version of yourself which is what consciousness is and meditation is the systematic practice of stepping outside of your mind and existing in a conscious state without the activity of the mind and we tend to associate those two but there's a very simple understanding of the states of consciousness go ahead ask ask I was just gonna say we can agree on everything else without agreeing that time exists in the mind right uh so one of the hallmarks of the meditative state is you lose the perception of time yeah okay I mean psilocybin - yeah right so that so that's because the perception of time comes from within the mind so for example like when your mind yeah the perception of time is yeah from consciousness from consciousness from the mind right so so let's let's go through this what do you mean exactly so first thing to understand is like we think about consciousness and mind as is one thing but let's understand that you can have a state where you're conscious without mind unconscious with mind conscious with mind in unconscious without mind there's like a two-by-two table okay I need explanation yeah so let's start with this so when you're when you're sleeping are you conscious is your mind active yes yes when no it's not okay so let's think about that when you're dreaming ah beautiful right but you're not always dreaming so but I think even when you're not dreaming you're repeating events of the day like let's say you play piano and then you go to sleep sometimes you'll wake up and you'll know how to play it better because I think while you're sleeping your mind repeats it over well no no so what you're talking about is memory consolidation which happens during sleep although I don't know if memory consolidation is an activity of the mind or not but if we look at sleep you don't know if memory consolidation is an active mind activity within the amygdala the amygdala is activating or something yeah so your brain is not your mind so your brain is doing all kinds of shit when you sleep but that's not mind what do you mean by money great so we're gonna understand this all right all right okay so this is the first thing to understand it's like if we think about mine so mind is like thoughts its sensations its sensory perceptions that's mine okay so thoughts in sensory experiences let's just call that mind so in sleep is that the what to call this something cortex well it depends I mean each the cortex has different fields for different perceptions so there's a somatosensory cortex there's an auditory cortex there's an olfactory cortex there lots of different cortices so all the cortex combined is that mine no so the brain is different from the mind ok so remember that the yoga I'm having yellow so we're we're good so let's take a step back from neuroscience for a minute and understand experience right so we can talk about neuroscience and what the different parts of the brain's brain does but let's take let's take the perspective perspective a yogi or an individual so we're gonna talk about stuff that's not science but that anyone who's watching can understand about their mind so the way in which we experience it is what we're focusing on we could talk about the science separately ok ok so when you're sleeping you can be dreaming or not dreaming right so when you're not dreaming you're not conscious you're not aware and your mind isn't doing anything particular like you're not thinking and when you dream like you you acknowledge the state of dreaming and not dreaming or like fundamentally different yes No let's start there I'll acknowledge that except that they're fundamentally different but I maybe this thing of organizing the memories could possibly be similar to dreaming and we just don't remember it yeah possible yeah so there may be other functions that were not aware of I completely agree so like there's a lot of stuff that our brain does that may be the dividing line that I'm setting is not as simple as I think ok I'll acknowledge that and we can move on so but essentially like when we're dreaming we're not really it's sort of activity of the mind without awareness so we're not really like conscious but our mind is still like it's like running a movie in our head the other thing is there's also this state called daydreaming and daydreaming is when we're awake but we're not actually aware like when you're daydreaming you quote-unquote zone out right so that's actually sate of conscious a lack of consciousness or no consciousness with activity in the mind daydreaming is a lack of consciousness with activity yeah that's why we call it daydreaming intuitively we understand that that state of mind is similar to what happens in sleep which is why we use the same word we use the word dream because any human being can okay yeah but I maybe I would think that we're still conscious and it's just a different type sure yeah I don't know if I would call it fine so a different type is fine I'll take that right so like that like okay there's something fundamentally different between what you're doing right now in your head and daydreaming agreed agree so what I would say you have right now is consciousness or awareness with the activity of mind so they're both turned on right now when you're in a coma or you're not dreaming they're both turned off when you have dreaming your mind is on but your awareness is off because you're not aware like you're zoned out but your mind is still doing Shannon okay hmm neuroscience stuff we can talk about later then we come to the last state which is a state of consciousness without mind this is the state of meditation this is the state that psilocybin sometimes helps you get to right so the simplest way to understand this reckful yeah go foreign without the mind is the thought yes so without yep we're just gonna show you God and we're still conscious no I get it yeah no we're gonna show you we're gonna what you're right about so I think we can talk about this shit until we're blue in the face but I think the simplest way to help people understand is to actually enter that state of mind and then you guys will know what I'm talking about so can we meditate yeah fuck yeah sit up straight alright okay so someone's asking someone's commenting about lucid dreaming so lucid dreaming is a great example of consciousness active while you're dreaming right cuz you're aware mm-hmm okay so reckful do this open your eyes mmm can you guys do this right hand I'm gonna do that yeah but okay so we're gonna take our thumb and we're gonna block are right nostril block are right now oh I'm doing the other hand then okay wait you wanted me to do fit oh my god my autism is showing people say I am in this at this so breathe in I'm not autistic guys okay so okay lock your right nostril and B then use the other two fingers to block the opposite nostril and then breathe out let go of the thumb and then breathe out breathe in through the same nostril switch read out in through the same nostril switch out in okay I was conscious but not thinking stop just keep doing it you just started thinking again I know I'm just I I realized that I was good we'll talk more okay so right now I don't like the nose thing I prefer to just breathe in think about that but it's harder oh you don't like the nose thing because both of your nose do you have a deviated septum no just I feel like I've to blow my nose now no that's okay one of your sides is gonna be more open than the other that's normal which side is more open mmm this one right now that's left okay I look okay so do so okay we're gonna try this because I want people at home do this because this is a good technique for people at home you don't have to do it but so block the right nostril and BRE then I'll do it I'll do when you take a full breath switch and breathe out in through the same nostril switch out in switch out in switch out in switch out now remember that you breathe in through the same nostril that you breathe out before you switch and now continue at your own pace close your eyes we'll practice for about three minutes go ahead and finish the breath that you're on let your eyes main closed just relax now put your palms together in front of you and start to rub feel the warmth of the friction and then cut them over your eyes take a deep breath in and as you exhale slowly open your eyes when they're fully open go ahead and relax that facial expression means you did it right yeah how does your chest feel I wish you how would you describe how would you describe how your loosen happy and good is a beautiful way to describe it okay it's beautiful right okay so reckful you don't have to be an expert to be right about what you think right because I'm getting the sense then you're competent in some areas and your confidence you're confident that you're competent in those areas and outside of those areas you may be feel like you're not that competent but you're good dude yeah you're sure you're good trust yourself I'm okay with I'm okay with being unconfident in the areas that I don't know well I don't mind it yeah I think it's fine it's just like you thought it was fine to do the eye roll I like that I'm not if I state something as a fact then not that it is a fact but I'm Way more certain of it in my head than most people will have to be certain of something to stay something as if I great so what was your mind doing during that practice just now like not oh it was in the practice it was off yeah but you were conscious right so what you experienced is what I would call consciousness without the mind and maybe your mind activated here or there like it would have a thought yeah that's that's normal but I I think this actually helps this this whole play helps with you stopping the mind from activating yes keeps you focused yes yeah that's what it is exactly right so the attention required to maintain the hand business is enough at like of a pole to keep your mind from getting bored that's why I like this technique because if you just sit there you tell people to observe their breath if they have thought loops which is this kind of momentum of the mind you need something to break the thought loops the cool thing is that if you if you get good at this technique and you start to enter a depressive thought loop you could do the technique and it'll shut off the mind and then the thought loop will go away because the thought loop exists within the mind i I found for me instead of this when I get distracted I and I remember then I account a point just like a game is I'm like okay one every time I remember and also it's enough of a bowl so that that's what you need right a pull a pull all so there are a lot of different techniques of meditation all they are is a pull the sanskrit word for this is da da da da daaaa means focus and if you do the Tarna correctly if you do the focusing practice then you enter a state of mind called Gyan Gyan is not something you do it's something that happens to you it's like going to bed and falling asleep you can't so I'll tell you if you got sorry a few years ago I thought this was all bullshit but then I don't know why I thought that because actually people have been meditating and practicing and learning it for such a long period of time 2500 years yeah it makes sense that it does something yeah but I definitely thought it was the beginning I thought it was bullshit too so like I grew up Indian and so had plenty of opportunities to learn yoga and meditation went to like a yoga class when I was like eight and thought it was a load of bullshit even went to like you know because and what I really loved about going to India is I found people I would ask challenging questions and they could fucking answer because they knew what they were talking about yeah instead of the people like in my hometown which had like learning this stuff and really didn't understand what they were saying I think it's completely reasonable to actually think it's bullshit I think it's completely reasonable to think reincarnation is bullshit - I think what happened do you know why I brought I do you know why I brought up thinking about it well why would you think I brought it up because you don't think it's bullshit now no cuz I was thinking that a lot of people watching will think it's bullshit and then that it's relatable for that us to have thought it was bullshit before and then yeah so I think that's great so that's why I mentioned the reincarnation for the same reason right so I think that the main thing to understand about meditation this is why I teach meditation on stream because you could talk about it like I don't care like whether whether I believe in reincarnation or I think meditation is helpful or you think it's helpful is completely right I don't believe in reincarnation it doesn't know I said yeah no I mean I think it's reasonable to not believe in reincarnation I think it's like that's a scientific and logical perspective because we have no evidence of it right so the whole goal of this is like if you really want to understand the benefits of meditation and what the nature of your mind is you actually have to sit and do it because we can talk back and forth about consciousness and mind but the second you meditate it took you like two breaths to be like okay my mind Chandra Sheriff yeah because the whole time we're talking about it our mind is not absolutely so we don't rewrite it yeah we don't experience and so now we also kind of see like when you're playing music when you're doing photography now we come full circle when you're playing music when you're doing photography even when you're playing PvP and wow like you stopped being you write for yeah I'm the mercy Europe you know experienced reckful disappears and you're just one with the experience when you do psilocybin the the barriers of the identity fall apart when you're depressed you're in your own head you're stuck there the thoughts are constant you're stuck inside yourself you're stuck inside yourself stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck you can't get away oh should I eat should I not eat III me me me it doesn't matter what I do it doesn't matter what someone says people think I'm a piece of shit all of those thoughts me i me i me I I'm worthless I'm worthless I'm worthless I'm worthless I'm worthless IIIi I step outside of it learn to step outside yeah I I have recently started to yeah it's nice yeah and also when I had those experiences in the past so yeah with photography and Wow and nationals : yeah sometimes relationships yep right and yeah definitely actually yeah but sometimes relationships don't do in your mind right can go either way yes it goes both ways yeah hmm I'm glad you weren't against the psilocybin yeah I mean nobody a lot of people yeah so I think that like you know drugs people I get questions about drugs a lot and I think that you know you just I think a lot of people don't understand like we don't understand what stuff is doing to our brain so I think you've got to be careful like for example a lot of people think like oh marijuana doesn't make people stupid no it doesn't make people stupid what what it does is hampers your motivational circuitry that's like worse and I think that if you're that actually is what I think if your brain is developing you shouldn't pollute it with shit like I think if you want to do I mean I'm not advocating drug use but I think that the damage that's done to a developing brain because it's developing his way worse than what's done to a fully formed ring okay and and I think that these substances like I don't know if people know this but like Yogi's and stuff even Shiva who's sort of the first Yogi's like a Hindu deity but presumably was a man at some point he was just like a meditator like he smoked pot like because that's what Yogi's some of the Yogi's and some of the traditions of meditation use but I think that all of this stuff should be done under the guidance of a guru or done like it's not just sitting around hi because generally speaking I don't know many people who are soup well I mean actually I do know a lot of people who were successful and get high on a regular basis but I know many more people who smoke pot and or nothing and so I think that you know all substances have a role nothing is nothing is really a judgment sure turn though sure I think what it what does it mean to be nothing you know I mean maybe they're enjoying if they're enjoying their life it's okay I I don't think so you don't think oh yeah I don't think enjoyment I don't think enjoyment is a meaningful life I think if you're living your community then for some people it might be the I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion but if they're enjoying it and with a group of people what if they're all enjoying it together so I think you think it individually is fine I think as long as you're fulfilling your Dharma if you're doing your duty to like yourself and to other people and you're making the world a better place then you can do whatever the fuck you want to in your free time but you should you should have a life of Dharma where you fulfill your Dharma and I don't think that hedonism or just the sake of like living a life of pleasure is like I'd say that that life is nothing okay is that judgmental absolutely I don't claim to be non judgement oh no I'm fine with you think I'm fine with you thinking that yeah I'm not completely against hedonism I would say let's say we found a way to manipulate our brain chemistry to be happy all the time and we all wanted to do it I wouldn't be against it I mean our goals suddenly would be different maybe maybe our civilization wouldn't advance as much as it is but well I mean there there is a way to be happy all the time so I advocate for people trying to be happy all the time that that state I'm not saying there isn't I'm you know it'd be more readily achievable if we manipulated our neurotransmitters or something yeah maybe with yeah yeah I mean I've there are a lot of concepts there that I think need to be dug into more but maybe not that we have time for today I'm wondering do people have questions yeah yeah oh yeah people have questions in answer yeah let me see if there's I have like a question bond but it seems like I'm gonna go eat soon and like probably like 10 minutes or something I had a really good time talking I want to hear you answer the questions actually I want to but I don't see oh by the way his how do I um can somebody help me tee up questions oh here we go somebody help him please his stream is healthy gamer underscore GG people are linking it my mods are linking it in the chat so people are is there okay there's a lot of stuff okay so what is the fulfilling life is there a way to be happy all the time there's a quiet debate on when the brains develop I have heard many different when is the same brain fully developed did it work you won't just okay okay look let's okay there are a lot of questions about flow in the zone and being happy all the time and can you get addicted to meditation I think is what one of the questions is so let's start with like so meditation you step outside of your mind and it can be relieving the other cool thing about meditation though is that I think it lets you understand the other patterns within yourself that keep you stuck so I don't think that you can really get addicted to meditation because I think when you meditate a lot you're gonna start to process things that you don't through other forms of distraction that's why I think meditation is o P because sure it helps you feel better in the moment but it's not like getting high because getting high isn't gonna like people think they have a lot of realizations when they get high because the perceives that it understands things but then you wake up the next day and your life isn't actually changed my overwhelming experience in my own life and also teaching meditation in my day job is that when people start to meditate regularly they change like the way that they view the world changes the way that they interact with the world changes there's overwhelming neuro scientific evidence that that the brain changes when you meditate I don't know of go ahead I was just gonna say I really do believe and since I've been changing psilocybin sniffing psilocybin is different so there there's a set of naga for Academy and psilocybin ayahuasca ibogaine that I do believe can can transform people so there's no there's overwhelming and not overwhelming there's very promising preliminary evidence that some of these substances can like profoundly change people for the positive MDMA is another one so there are trials that have pilot studies that have been done I'm doing a for PTSD and psilocybin for treatment refractory depression I also I mean I'm an addiction psychiatrist in my day job so like I had a patient who used opiates for many many he's been using substance some some substance or another since he was a teenager and then used some of these substances and had some really powerful transformative experiences that I can't relate because they're very specific but just weird like supernatural like metaphysical like soul body reincarnation level shit and he is like a transformed person in his sober for the first time in his life for like eight months like since he was a teenager started experimenting with drugs when he was a teenager and has finally stopped using him the really mind-blowing thing about him is that when he went to this treatment center that uses this stuff after he was telling me about some of his transformative experiences and then like I thought that he wouldn't continue treatment because he felt cured and then he blew my mind when he made this statement he was like yeah I felt like there was a spiritual route to my addiction which has been cured but there's also a psychology to that and I need to work on that so continued with addiction treatment in with actually like a gung-ho inist ever seen him do before it's really fascinating so I think a lot of these mind-altering substances do have roles in terms of like helping people but you're cutting I don't know I do believe that they have roles in helping people I just don't know you know I think it's it needs to be explored okay so people are asking about being happy all the time yeah so I think what happens is like there's a state called enlightenment which is something that people who meditate very regularly do like I mean very few people have attained enlightenment but enlightenment is sort of like this background level of like peace and calm which you can cultivate over time which starts to affect like the rest of your life so when you meditate for a regular very regular period of time there are some neuroscience changes the most prominent of which is probably frontal lobe inhibition of your amygdala and limbic system which okay which lets you just be like more chilled out and yeah I was restarting I was changing a server because it I didn't want to but it kept it in interrupting yeah it should be good night yes so you told him what the problem is so someone's asking you told them what the problem was but how do you fix it what do you think reckful what do you think about what we talked about today I I think you made it pretty obvious I just pursue my purpose my meaning there was a word you kept Dharma d-h Dharma yeah is that okay I think that's part of it and I think the other thing is that that I think hopefully reckful you understand that like this has a root somewhere inside you and I think we got pretty close to the root today which is why you had sort of this powerful kind of experience and just understanding that there's a route to like your suffering and understanding that that route is legitimate right you didn't just get sure you may have gotten the short straw in life in terms of having a family history of depression and having like a biological predisposition but ultimately I think a lot of your suffering or your lack of meaning like started at a particular point and that understanding can actually be like the first step of a very important journey and I don't know exactly where that journey leads I say if you have a therapist you can work with them otherwise I mean I think reckful I have faith in you just that through reflection and through work and if you start meditating regularly you're gonna understand this on your own without anyone's help although help will accelerate the process but I mean I think just continued I like to yeah I think I think you've accomplished amazing things and that you will continue to do so and that when you put your mind to something it sounds like you're pretty fucking good at it so I think this is just what you need to turn your mind to when you're ready to write Thanks thanks for today by the way thanks for coming on I really appreciate this cause yeah there was uh this was a this one day was a important moment in my life and thank you thank you for letting me do my Dharma this is why I do what I do man and now you go do what you need to do and go eat something first okay yeah thanks a lot oh I'll see you uh yeah oh you got a lot of hearts in the chest yeah let me just switch this but thank you very much okay
Channel: HealthyGamerGG
Views: 1,276,143
Rating: 4.961205 out of 5
Keywords: reckful, healthygamergg, Dr. Alok Kanojia, Depression, finding purpose, finding purpose in life, depression and life purpose, depression vs unhappiness, depression vs unhappy, twitch, my depression, mental health, talking about mental health, therapy, story of my life, how to deal with depression, depression story, childhood trauma, tpsd, bipolar, suicide, harvard psychiatrist, cure depression, overcoming depression, dr kanojia, reckful depression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 48sec (6768 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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