How to Create Levels FASTER in Unreal Engine 5 - Beginner Tutorial UE5

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learn to create an action game in a real engine 5 at i will show you how to create this bridge from final fantasy in our real engine 5. after watching this you will know how to approach to decorate your level once your prototype is finished so let's start by adding some platformers i already have some setup here it's just the basic setup i go to new level go to basic and this is what you have except that i add my player start so what i want to do is to put another part here of my platformer level and let me play okay and now it's far from me so i need a way to connect this and i'm gonna do this by creating bridges so how i'm gonna do that well i'm going to go here to the select mode and change it to modeling and i'm just gonna use cubes okay i'm just gonna go here and this is my preferred metal method of prototyping let's go to shift one okay to make the space bigger and i can just go here and put some small wood planks here something like that let's play to check the size now if you want to be less precise remove the snapping here move it along here let's just remove all of this you don't really need it okay let's just leave the snapping here let's just duplicate this one okay unless you say we find a bridge here okay so now what we can do is to go here to the modeling tools again and go to this one okay and now we're going to scale it like this something like that okay and now we're gonna place it like this let's just say this is my wood plank i'm just gonna scale it okay so let's scale this thing like this just like that and let's see if this is the right size at this point you want to check the size of your bridge it's like something like this this should be good enough okay so let's go here and duplicate this two bars here by ctrl click and then out click i will duplicate this once i put them here okay now this is good enough for a prototype okay if i go here i can play with this and basically i can create my level like this so what can i do here well let's say i want to add another platform here if you want to create a level and you don't want to go here and control click all this and then you know just duplicate it and put it in position okay what you want to do is to do something smarter we're going to group this into a pack level actor so i'm going here just like this okay and now i'm going to right click and go to level and go to create pack level actor and as soon as i do that you will see that i have a check for external actors and you can change the pivot point i will put it in the minimum z axis okay and just you know click ok i will put a new folder called mast and this will be my mass breach 0 1 and then here we put the blueprints and then save it so now what i have here it's kind of like a prefab if you come from unity or other game engine there's basically a preset you can use so now it's much easier to create your bridges you can just go here and let's come back here and just do the same here okay awesome now let's try to do the same for these ones because now that i think about it maybe it's a good idea to you know put some platformers here so what i will do is to go here right click and then go create pack level actor i will click ok and this will be my mass platform and just like that i will go here to my folder save it okay so now you will see that all of this is still a static mesh so let me delete those and let me just come back here and duplicate my blueprint here okay awesome so now that we have done that let's go here and you will see that apparently nothing has happened but actually this can be updated in the future so we can create our levels faster so the next thing i'm gonna do is to decorate this part okay so let's do that now so now that i have my presets it's time to download some assets in my case i will go to bridge and download this atlantic rock assembly so i will just click add and now i will take me to the content browser i will have my asset here so i will just drag it here and put it in position now i could just use this asset as it is but i want to modify some things so what i'm gonna do is to go to the modeling tab here and now what i'm gonna do is to basically clip the mesh so i will do a pin cut here or playing cards sorry so once you do that it would load a little bit it will take it some time because it's a nanite asset so once you have it it will load like this and now what you will do is to flip the plane so you are cutting the parts below and let's go down little by little until we find the whole part of the rock we want we don't want any of the of the parts that are below like the ground we just want to keep the rock let's just keep sliding so this part for example you don't want to have it so let's go up a little bit just like this and there you go maybe this is good enough okay so let's save this and now what we're gonna do is to click accept okay and this will replace the mesh we have okay so we will accept and it's gonna take some time to to save it so now that this is safe we can go to the mirror tool and then we need to select which part of the mirror we want so in my case maybe i want the down option yeah something like that and as you can see we're having like a perfect mirror here it works quite nicely so let's use click accept and it will take some time to to save the new mesh okay so now we have our new mesh here it's quite good to be honest so not what we want to do is to make sure this one doesn't have the complex collision because when i press alt c you will see the collisions of my mesh so let let's check if this one doesn't have it so let's go here to complex let's go to project default okay this shouldn't have complex collision and now let's apply this collision here now here in my static mesh editor i can check the collision here so let me increase the whole precision and the whole count basically make everything with bigger numbers so i can have more precision when i do the collision for this one there you go we can update the collision later but for myself i find that this should be a good start so if i press alt c you will see that now we have collisions here great so the next step is we're going to replace this platform mesh for this rock here so we can have like another upgraded version of our ground so how are we gonna do this if we go here you will see that my content browsers have replaced the previous mesh here so let me delete this and what i'm going to do is to right click go to level and go to edit and here you will see that everything turns gray except for this part so now when i press control space i can just go to mega scans assets and then i can drag this rock here now for myself i can make it really big and i won't see any difference i can just come back here and start populating the mesh like this i can make it really really really big something like that and also make it like change the scale and now what i can do is to basically rotate the mesh select this to something like that select this for put it into position like this rotate them rotate them again now this is not exactly the best way to decorate the environment but i just need something to show my point what you need to do to decorate bigger levels so let's try to fill all the all the holes here that we have okay and also make sure that all of these meshes are like going down so if you want more variation you can just go down like this okay but later we will do this because we want to make sure we're also there you go this one we don't really need it here let's see this one this one we need it this one we really don't need it we can just put it like this or maybe rotate it okay let's see what areas we need to cover the idea is to cover as much as possible the areas of your you know your prototype so here for example i can just come here and block this part and then rotate this and put it here and it's very simple actually so now i can just select all of this and i can just put them here and i can also if i want i can duplicate this one and you know make it like this if i want it okay but i really don't want to do that so let's just delete those and for now we're gonna keep it like that now what we're gonna do is to delete this one and now you will see that i have a you know like a different mesh now i can continue to modify this for example like this one rotate it a little bit change the snapping here put something like this and be more precise and i can just change the ground if i want okay let me just make it bigger and something like this the idea is as you add more meshes it will look better so let's right click label and click commit and now you will see that all my assets have been updated here now let's play our game to check if our collisions are okay and so far it's it's fine okay so now we can play our level and we have like different platforms here great so now that you know the basics of basically the workflow be behind decorating levels let's try to create something a little bit more complex and let's start creating a bridge here so before we start decorating our bridge we need to create some kits in order to do that i'm going to my bridge here and already download some wooden beam assets here that we can use for our bridge okay so i have them here i'm so before going here i don't want to add wood plank by wood block that will be a little bit silly and although we could do that there is a better way to do it so let's go to modeling here and let's create a box and let's make it big like this okay so what we want to do is to create some kits that we can use okay some kind of presets so we're going i'm going to press ctrl space bar and make myself a little bit more space by dragging here i'm gonna drag this wood assets so let's start with this one okay and it's very important for us to check the scale so what i'm gonna do is to move my player start from here i'm gonna put it here for a moment okay just like this and you can see that my wood planks are extremely small and i don't want that okay so another thing i want to do is with ctrl p you can grab like any asset in your content browser just by typing here the name you can double click and open the the class or you can just drag and drop here just like this okay so this is our scale okay so that's great now we have a human scale here now that we have this we can make this one bigger something like this for example is this a good size i think so okay let's go back here control space and let's drag the other one that's another wood plank let's drag another one there you go something like that awesome let me rotate a little bit now let's go to another one here go that's very straight wooden beam and let's feel how big this is okay it works for me let's keep adding more so let's grab another wood beam and let's add another one here great so now what we're going to do is to grab some of this for example this one and this one and this tree for example and we're gonna create a kit so we're gonna do something like this we're gonna put them here in position and if you want to make this faster you can duplicate by holding out and then you can rotate this around by 180 degrees or something like that you can just put it here make sure this part is here okay there you go so let's see how big this is if we play from here okay let's let's try to make this one a little bit larger just like this this looks like a nice size so what are we gonna do here it's basically we're gonna destroy the pattern so what do i mean by this so if you check the pattern of this all of those are pointing like this direction okay so it's like something like this we're gonna make this one a little bit more interesting by doing something like this make them look more diagonal maybe more like this more like this okay we want to keep like the main pattern more obvious but we're gonna break the pattern by having some different wood plants okay so what we're gonna do is to maybe rotate this around just like this we can put it here like that and make this one thinner there you go this one can put it like this okay this one we could rotate it just like this okay we can scale it this one we're gonna also rotate it this one we could uh put something like this or maybe just leave it like that and remove this one and put it here just like this now this one looks uh let's rotate it a little bit there you go and let's maybe work on this one i'll click and try to find like a maybe something below something like that we can put some wooden planks below let's try to check how it looks like we could just put it here just like that and we can do the same here and duplicate it there you go awesome let's try to make this one a little bit thinner and this one we could make it like this okay now you have something much more interesting okay now you could uh hide this for now i believe this one it's a little bit too much so what we're gonna do is to duplicate this one and just make it smaller something like this we don't want it to be super big something like this is okay let's try to change the scale and put it in position there you go and let's try to put it here just like that try to be a little bit precise for this it will pay off in the future and now we can duplicate this one and we could scale it like this as long as you don't scale like too much the player won't be able to notice it let's try to go here and maybe make this one thinner and put it here there you go awesome so now that we have this we can create a new asset but we're not going to create it the way we did it before what we're going to do is to come here and select all of this okay make sure you select all of them control click ctrl click and to make sure we have everything we're gonna move okay so we have everything so now what we're gonna do is to go here to the select mode go to modeling and go to mesh merge and i'm gonna select a new object this will be a new object and i will call it like uh bridge wood planks zero one something like this and let's just put it like kit okay so let's use accept okay let's just accept this there you go so now we have a new static mesh so now if we find it in the content browser we can go here and select this one and you will see that i have a new folder i can put it in my in the right folder if i want it i can just go to level prototyping and let's just go to meshes or just just leave it like that we don't really have a folder for this so now what i can do is basically go here and place it here now if i press alt c you will see that the collision here is purple and you don't want that why is that so let's say i want to put my bridge here i can just play from here and it will work okay however this collision is very expensive if you double click on here and you will see that i have over 100 000 triangles and the complex collision if you type complex here you go to collision or maybe you go to show complex collision you will see that i'm using each face as a collision and that's very expensive for a mesh like this so what we're going to do is to change this collision complexity to project default something like that okay and as soon as we do that now we don't have the complex collision we can reduce this and then go to simple collision and as you can see we don't have anything if we play our game here we will fall because we don't have any collision here and that's okay so now what we can do it's basically just use some box collision for this i can go here and apply a convex uh collision here and that will work to be honest and then if i play here you will see that it works okay so now that we have this kit let's see if we can create another one so we can have more variation for our bridge so let's create another wood kit it will be very easily now we're going to use this four meshes we're going to do the same applying the same theory we used before now that you see that theory being applied it should be very easy to create these wood kits okay so let's go here and let's just put this one here and this one we can just rotate it around okay and put it here in position there you go now go back here and we will duplicate it 180 degrees and put them in position again and now in this case like because this kit is already like this ice i want to create a smaller one like this so we can have more variation so let me delete this and now what i'm gonna do is maybe uh delete this one i'm gonna put the wood plank like this i'm gonna put it into position just like this okay let me just put it with a little bit of overlap it won't kill anyone so here we can just make it like this for example just leave it like that and then this one can be a little bit thinner this one can be a little bit thinner and i can just put it like this then just like this okay and now i can just come back here and duplicate this one and we can put it down just like this and let's press click this one and press h to basically change the uh hide this one so let's put this one here as you can see we only need one mesh for this and this looks okay to me to be honest i find it like it can work we can just duplicate this one and make it smaller just like that and just try to put it in position here there you go like something like a wood plank stuck here there you go so now let's create a new mesh let's select all of those move it to make sure we have select everything then let's go to modeling mesh merge and let's just call this zero two for now click accept okay so now we have our new mesh there you go great so now we need to do the same we're going here we're going to delete the complex collision here by typing complex put a project default again and let's just put the auto collision safe and also make sure you enable nanite for this as a rule of thumb you should always enable nanite or meshes for static meshes in general okay if there's really no uh other reason why you wouldn't enable it unless the material doesn't support it but this will change in the future okay so now that we have another kid let's try to replace this bridge with some of our new assets here so now that we have a couple of kits let's delete those here and let's add them into this blueprint so let's right click go to level go to edit and now we just need to drag the meshes we created so let's drag this one and now you see that the this size is not exactly the same um that can be a little bit of an issue and we did that wrong here in my case i'm gonna just scale it a little bit like this just a tiny bit mark i can just leave it like this if i want it okay so i can just come here and just duplicate this one and put it here or i can just ctrl space to find the other one and just try to find it here i can just go here and put it here there you go something something like that okay and what you want to find it's basically the same thing we have been doing before like we want to have the same pattern so make sure this one is pointing into the same direction and now we can just come here and rotate this okay and now we can come here and rotate this here now i want to put this one here because uh having this kind of mesh intersecting with our environment will just make it look better so i will do the same here instead i won't use this one but i will use this one here i will put it into position just like this and then i'm going to grab this one and i'm gonna put it like here just like that okay so now that we have this let's see how it looks like let's remove this one okay and let's right click and commit and there you go now you see all my assets have been updated let's edit again so we can have more of a [Music] you know more variation let's go to our meshes if you want to check the static mesh you can go to the filter here go to static mesh and then grab one of these for example like this one or maybe this one not a very good example uh maybe this one no not a good example too let's wrap this one okay let's see which one here this one looks okay let's find something like very thick something like this one it should be the last one okay this one should work so now we can just come here and instead we're not gonna put this one here let's adjust them instead we're going to make this ones here we're going to make them big and we're going to make it a little bit square something like that we're going to put it here again and this one we're going to rotate it a little bit 180 degrees just so that we have more variation then ctrl click and i'll click to duplicate these ones and we're gonna put them here okay and now make sure that this one has collision to it so i will double click on this and for this i will just go to collision and add a box simplified collision okay because i really don't need um my any anything more complex than that enable nanite of course uh just make sure everything has nanite and now let's just come back here and commit great so now let's select all of this here and all this meshes and let's just move everything here okay you said you said is out of sight and let's move the player start and let's put it here something like that let's hit play okay so now you can see that my level is actually much nicer and i have something here that blends with my environment it's just not a bridge here that is out of nowhere something here and now if i play my game you will see that everything is being updated and that's the beauty of it that you don't need to decorate the whole level as soon as you got you know your presets and everything you will be able to decorate your levels much faster now i could go on and you know make this one a little bit prettier if i want it but for the purpose of this video this prototype is more than enough before wrapping this up i want to show you how flexible this system is so let's say you create this and you use it for a bridge well that's not the only place where you can use them for example we can go here duplicate this one and start creating for example like a wall so let's go here make it like this okay and now we can just come back here get one of these meshes for example maybe this one maybe we can just put it here like this just like that okay there you go and let's put the same one here we can rotate it a little bit and put it into position something like that and this one we can also rotate it a little bit like that so we can have some variation here and now that we have this we can even start adding more and more elements if we want it so in my case i just gonna go here and let me double click on this and enable nanite and apply the box collision just like we did before and now we can just come here okay and just create a new asset so we can just right click create new level create pack level actor click ok this will be my mass wood wall 01 something like that save it here and now that we have it ready we can just come here and we can just place it here into position here something like that okay and we can just come here and place it like this and there you go now now we have some walls for our level you can just come back here and place it here and we can do the same here we can just put this into position just like that and we can always of course uh put it like this also if we want it if we want to rotate and add more variation we can definitely do that by having these assets just like this and now when we play everything has collision this part this part everything looks okay thank you so much for watching and i hope you learn how to create levels faster using these methods if you want to learn more about what we do check the website in the description and don't forget to subscribe for more if you want to watch more videos like this i'm mao and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 30,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: GQFjS8L7tfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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