Complete Introduction to VFX with Niagara in Unreal Engine 5.3

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learn how to create an action game in a real Engine 5 at real 5.3 is the bonus and it has never been a better time to learn Niagara whether you're a programmer that wants to learn how to modify your artist effects or maybe you wanted to learn how to make bfx and use Niagara for a while now well this is the perfect time to do it as it has never been so user friendly as it is now this is going to be a very beginner friendly tutorial where I or explain things to make you comfortable as you learn we will learn the basic interface most of the useful modules and some complicated ones how they interact with each other about curves how to modify basic stats how to add them to Blueprints and Trigger your own effects and at the end we're going to be making a really cool bfx to put in practice all that will have learned so what are you waiting for we're going to be learning a lot and it's going to be really fun I'll be seeing you there hello and welcome to this new Niagara tutorial as I told you on the intro this is a really beginner friendly tutorial I'm going to be over explaining things and we're going to go really slow so you can understand everything that is going on maybe you are a programmer or maybe you've wanted to learn the effects for your whole life and this is the best time right because this is real 5 and you have Niagara and not Cascade and things are more beginner friendly so you should definitely hop in and well we'll have lots of fun here so let's start you know um if I hold Ctrl and press spacebar I can bring up my content browser well my content drawer I mean and I have already provided you some textures all right you're gonna find it on the description of the video you can access them or of course pause the video then come back all cool all chill we're gonna need this later but first we're gonna go Niagara and learn most of the modules we're gonna have fun testing things out and kind understanding how they work right so first of all we right click we go on effects and in here we have two Mega meter and Niagara system now if you see the icons the system has three stars and the emitter has one star if you want an explanation the emitter is like a part of an everything and everything is the system so emitter is like a set of instructions or like a library you can make a system out of many emitters so let's try and create one emitter right now we click on it new emitter and for now we can just say it is empty and finish we can name it properly Niagara emitter underscore um what layer okay and we can just double click and enter and we put it here okay nice so this may seem a little bit overwhelming at first because there are so many things we have parameters here we have so many options around here and even more if you click on this well yeah and if you scroll down there are so many we have a timeline in the bottom viewport so many buttons it is a lot of info but quite honestly you do not need to learn everything at the same time to make your effects you don't even need to learn again everything to do them right so it's gonna be fairly simple okay so first of all all right we already entered here whatever let's go back here to our map or well yeah yeah to to our map content drawer again let's right click and now let's create a system new system from selected emitters and in here if we want I mean we can create empty again and add the plus we can add plenty of these behaviors but if we already created one meter we can just click on parameters and just select one of them but for now we just want an empty once again and we click on finish let's name it Niagara system um burst maybe I really don't know what a name but I socket names okay we can enter it too okay and you see it's pretty much the same as the emitter it's just the same thing okay but I'll show you the differences right now so if I right click here on a on these uh squared pattern and I hold I can just pan around right I can zoom in I can zoom out all nice okay so this emitter here has plenty of modules and I'll show you each one of them little by little so for example here on the emitter update in here mostly we put spawns like how how is the particle going to spawn is it going to spawn like a burst is it going to be a constant spawn and obviously of course we can also modify some basic things on the meter State like how many Loops like if it's going to be linked to our system or if it's going to have its own parameters all right for now I just want you to follow with me we click on the plus and here you can see spawn burst spam per unit spawn rate and plenty of others for now we just type spawn and in here okay what do we want right now what about a spawn burst instantaneous this is gonna make the particles pound rapidly it is not a constant flow it just spawns right and we can see it here that's our first particle okay cool now here on particles found we can put everything that can initialize the particle for example a basic speed or a basic size or a basic lifetime we'll see shortly do not worry if if these uh Concepts or well if these explanations are too complex and you can understand them do not worry because we are just heading right into practice it's going to be way easier so we go on initialize particle and in here you can say you can see for example lifetime right now this particle is leaving for 5 seconds okay we just want to make it leave for one second that's fine we have some color modes some Sprite modes and a lot of things okay nice we don't want to touch any of these just yet we click on the plus here on on the meter spawn we want to add some kind of basic velocity I want to say or I want to click on the plus and type velocity and here it says add velocity we click on it and now it's added write it here it says we have some errors and you need to fix them we just click on fix and it adds this new module we need to have this module to solve forces and velocity it's something basic you just press fix and that's it and no no Wiggy no issue and we can see our particle flying around okay nice now let's click on apply and let's go back to our burst our burst is empty right as we selected before we can just press delete and erase it we can right click add emitter and then on parent templates we can select the emitter that we just created which is named player there we go and as you can see this emitter that we just brought in has this locks in them this is the basic things that we've modified inside here that we cannot erase we can modify them we cannot erase them and we can also for example velocity we can add more things for sure but we cannot erase them all right so imagine that you're on your map now open the content drawer and you want to drag your effect on the map you cannot because this is an emitter this is just a library a set of behaviors what you're gonna be putting on your Heroes on your characters on your map or on your maybe healing items or on your blueprints it's a system right system again as you can see on the picture it's a collection of emitters this is a part and this is a hole okay I hope that is clear enough all right and I Wanna Get rid of this and I want to bring in something with a little bit more um a little bit more uh Behavior right now so right click add emitter I want to go on templates and I just want to go to this simple Sprite burst this already comes with some more things put on right it's pretty similar to what we did with with the emitter I just want to close this I just want to work with this system for now okay so as I told you before this emitter update is just to select the kind of Spawn that your emitter is going to have this all of this is is uh pre-done before the emitter spawns right we know that it's it's gonna be a spawn burst and this is the settings that it has it's gonna repeat once right and the loop duration is going to be two seconds among other things that we didn't we won't explain for now it's fine and if you see that this is repeating I mean you see here it's looping only once why is it continuing here that is because our timeline here on the bottom this is just a preview once it ends the preview it just restarts right so do not worry now on the viewport here on the left side if you want to rotate around your particle you can hold left click and just move it and you rotate it with the right click you zoom in and out and with your mouse wheel you can pan around keeping in mind that with this panning you're changing the the pivot rotation so you may not want to do that all right so let's continue now we know that our particle is spawning as a burst which is cool what if we uncheck this and we say let's just pound it as a as a raid as a as a continuous bone we can do that click on the plus type spawn and you can select spawn rate and right now it is zero so nothing happens but if we put one we can see that okay it is spawning and all right nothing else so what now what if we put 10. you can definitely see it is spawning more now right because it feels more dense and if you want to restart the animation without waiting for this to end you can just press spacebar on the viewport of course right and I need resets as you can see here on the timeline okay so let's just uncheck spawn rate and go to spawn burst I want to check some things for now let's go here on the meter spawn where we put everything that that is being initialized in the particle right remember maybe when the particle spawns we want uh a determined location we want a certain speed when it's bounds right this is not something that is going to be modified through time this just happens when the particle spawns okay for example we have this module here that comes with every with every emitter initialized particle and we have plenty of very useful options for example how much do you want it to leave or the initial color or how big do you want it to be all right let's say that this this burst we wanted to maybe just fly around a little bit when it spawns fly upwards and then spread all right we can do that so but how do we do it because if we spawn more like 10 we just see them on the same place maybe we need to put some velocity to spread them apart right and it is not on this initialist particle it is just another module so as we saw before right we just put at velocity okay if we zoom out we see that they are all moving upwards okay so there are a couple of things that we can do to make them move differently on different directions one of them is changing the velocity mode we can say this velocity is going to be from point so from a point they are all going to be moving in different directions okay that's cool and we can also change the offset if we want although for this one we really don't want it okay so from this single point where they spawn they're just moving in all directions on a speed of 25. that's that's cool that's all right now what's the other way though let's go back to linear now in here this is a vector right this is directions this is moving on X this is moving on y this is moving on C okay cool what if we want to randomize like make a minimum and a maximum if you click on the plus you can see that there are many ways to calculate this We're not gonna go over all of them we're gonna go over the most useful ones that are gonna help you you can type random and it's gonna say a random range Vector we need a random range okay so now we can say the minimum that the particle is going to move is okay zero the maximum is going to be 50 here but in here maybe 150 50 minus 50 minus 50. all right and I'm moving from um from side to side with tap by the way all right so now we've done that right and we can use these random range vector and other ones on most of the of the uh options for these modules okay for example if we go back to initialize particle you can see this bright size mode well in this case it does it does have a slider and that makes us easier to do it but right now it says uniform Sprite size it's 50. let's make it a little bit more random then so we click on uniform and let's say random uniform okay on itself it's already working they may be a little bit too small though so 40 and 25 Maybe perfect right now they are smaller what if we change how they die though because right now they are all dying at the same time which is two so once again this makes it a little bit easier for us we just click here and select render one two is gonna be fine all right nice that's cool now we've checked the particle spawn there are a lot of modules that we can access actually way too many models that we can access and we're gonna check over the most healer found ones or most useful ones I would really encourage you to pause the video and you know try some and have fun because this is almost like a playground and I find myself just exploring too much and and not working sometimes don't tell anyone though but um but anyways um let's do some more examples now so we already change how they die we already changed the size let's just go back to the meter state for a little bit because this could be a little bit um confusing at first at least if you're a starter okay so in Middle State and in here it says once which is really useful we know that this particle is just spawning once and then it's dying and the maximum Loop is two seconds okay fine what if we put this to infinite if we put this to infinite this is going to live forever and you can also see it on this timeline this red stripe at the end it's just the end of the timeline which we can expand if we want but this has no effect on the particle it's just a preview all right so right now this particle is just leaving forever and it repeats until you tell it to die until it you tell it to stop right be a blueprints or however you want which is cool if we go on multiple as it is obvious it says how many times you want it to loop I want it to Loop two times alright so now it Loops two and then it dies and then it restarts right awesome now about this Loop duration you see how this particle can either leave one second or two seconds right so this is going to say this uh this particle dice lives for two seconds and then it repeats right because it has two loops but if we put for example 0.1 it's going to repeat quickly and then die right it no longer lasts 4 seconds because each Loop was was each Loop duration was two seconds right so two two four so now the whole system lasts for 0.2 well not point two but just this duration okay so I hope that is somewhat clearer I just put it back to two ones which is fine and deliberation two two to two just in case now can we check the spawn rate better now which is uncheck the spawn burst and go on spawn rate well now we see how they keep spawning and then they just fade away because remember this just lasts two seconds but if we go to infinite it just spawns and just keeps spawning all right so maybe we want that kind of spawning maybe we want a a type of burst right okay cool I just want to go back to spawn burst now let's keep checking modules so right now this particle is spawning from a single point and then just moving in all directions oh by the way I don't like this right now I just want to spawn at the velocity from point that looks cooler and probably smaller particle size hmm 20. okay I'm happy with this now perhaps a little bit too big but okay it's fine so right now they are spawning from a single point what if we want this to be as fear as this bound to be a sphere we can work with that so we want it on the particle spawn we type shape and this is a shape location right now the order of this stack does not matter much but it's going to matter for certain compatibilities between modules just keep that in mind okay that you can just hold left click and just drag them okay so in here we already have a shape primitive sphere there are plenty of them and there are plenty of options that we may or we may not go over them a little bit later on we probably will use this distribution we will see okay so right now the radius is way too high I want to go lower I press spacebar okay so what if we erase the velocity okay so they are spawning in a circle sure but the distribution is really random right can we just make it Direct we're gonna be learning that a little bit later on I think it may be a little bit too complex for now let's use either leave it on uniform or on random okay we all right so let's move on and please ignore that uh awkward um um voice so what if we want to give it some kind of color we can go on initialize particle 2. in here you have a color part let's just make them blue and probably make them emissive if you go over three you can make them missive I just want to go for and press accept okay all is fine but if we go back to the shape location and we want it to to spawn a little bit more on the left I mean the shape of the circle we can do that with the offset mode we put it on default and we can just start moving it for example 100. but that's too much 30 40 right so it starts going up that's all cool and when I go back to none alright so imagine that you want your particle to shoot upwards and then you want the gravity to pull it downwards how do you do that you maybe think okay we can put some velocity that goes to the top and then below it we can put some other velocity that goes to the bottom right and that kinda makes sense so let's test it out let's grab the velocity and for the second time let's make them smaller so one and four okay let's get to Velocity activate it we want now a linear velocity and we just want to do zero zero hundred zero and zero so its use speeds up on the C axis okay actually 0 and 100. okay so now how do we make it go accelerate down okay so let's try for another uh velocity at velocity and as you can tell it is right below this one so let's say minus 200. and you can see it is not working they're just being replaced okay so we have an issue here in particle spawn you are just determining again I think for the third third time I'm repeating myself too much I'm sorry um but I really want it to be clear we just want to set up the initial properties of the particle if we want to modify the particle through time like for example it moves up and then as time goes by it moves down it needs to be on particle update everything that needs to be updated needs to be on the particle update right so it starts with a speed of 100 when it spawns but as it updates maybe we can say acceleration acceleration force maybe a seed accelerates we can do minus 50. and you can already see how they start to accelerate and that's actually quite fun that's not bad let's just spawn more particles to make it more to make it cooler you know the 200. now the particles that have no speed are just getting dragged on the bottom too easily so 70. okay we could make them live longer so they fall it is up to you if you want to play around with that but as you can see particle update allows us to modify the particle third time and you can even see some curves here that we we can talk about later and it is not hard at all I promise so the last part is named render well it's not the last one but this part is name render and in here we can choose if we want a mesh if we want a Sprite what kind of render do we need for particle if we click on the plus you can see that we have or even we we can have meshes too we are going to be doing meshes later so don't worry for now a Sprite is fine and if we go inside this Sprite you can see that we can change the material we can change the alignment we can change the facing mode also among plenty of other things all right now there are well a lot of uh really fun models here like for example let's just uncheck the velocity and erase the acceleration force we can just type Force and there are so many fun forces to play around with for example the most popular one is uh the curl noise we can add it and let's say that this is a hundred item they dissipate that's really cool we can also click on the plus and add a drag and this module slows the particles over time until they stop right if we put more strength they slow down easier right or faster or they are heavier and you can use any name that you want all right okay let me just erase this now what if we want our particle to change color Through Time how exactly do we do that because if we check here at initialized particle we see color cool what if we want to make it red as a design okay we can certainly do that but remember if it is true time it has to be an update right so here on the update we click on the plus and we type color and here color it's fine if it stays here as you can see it is completely replacing this model here and it is also replacing this scale color what is this skill color doing well what is the what this scale color is doing it's it's taking or Alpha and it's saying when the particle spawns which is zero the value is going to be one one means white right white means that it it's it's lit it's appearing but as it is dying one which which means it's dead the particle is zero which means it has no color so if we take away this we can see how this works right it's bounds it has its color and then it dies down that's what our scale color does and it is really useful but since we put the color here it is replacing it so we either erase this we either put it here or we either just disable it to just do it ourselves okay so we have our color here how can we do it because okay I can change the color nice and now they are fading really badly I can see the alpha here if I modify the alph I can see it fading down but I do not know how to animate it all right so to animate it you need a curve remember this curve that you see here you need you also need a curve you need a float from curve so you just click on the arrow and just type curve color from curve nice now you can see that the alpha has been automatically set this is the alpha if you double click it opacity one if we double click it opacity zero right and you can treat this as when it starts when it when it ends this is one and this is zero right okay so we can do that we can just say okay so it's blue when it starts and when it dies we double click it is red all right this is nice fine what if we want to make it sooner we'll just click and drag it with your left click and just put it there okay nice what if you want to put it at the end and just create another point just right click I mean left click then you created another point and we can just make an aberration although it doesn't look that bad well maybe maybe it is bad but that way you can see how you can modify it through time and same as when I told you about random you can do it with every module if you want this shape to change over time you can also do a curve you can do many things with that okay what if we want to change the size of the mesh through time as well well that can be a little bit tricky because this initialized particle can only happen on the particles found because it's been initialized right you cannot change it here although if you type it you can certainly type it and you can certainly use it but it is not going to change let me show you so zero okay so let's see it's zero it's one sure and when it dies it's 100. so nothing is happening oh and in your in your curve if you put values too high and it sort of breaks you can click on any empty space with the left click and then press F and then it centers and that's a life-saving tip so yeah this doesn't work because it's on the particle spawn it cannot modify anything through time so we can just click on this Arrow here or actually on on this one to revert and what's what value was it three okay three is fine so how do we scale it we can go in particle update click pass and type scale and there are many scales we want scale Sprite size and luckily this already comes with a curve we can expand this a little bit and we can actually say when it starts this is one one means the real size right this does not mean size 40 or size 30 this is the normal size which is one and when it dies I just want it to be 0.1 of its normal value I press f and we can see just slowly dying which is really cool it's time to move on right now if we rotate around them you can see that the particles are facing you at all times and well since this is dying way too easily or well Italy note since this is dying way too fast we cannot see it really but if let's say we put 10 seconds on some you can see the particle always looking at you okay and why is that I'm not saying it's a bad thing because most of times we want that but right now it is that way because on the Sprite renderer the facing mode is automatic is it when it is automatic usually it's going to be basic camera position so it just rotates with you right but you can put different ones to affect its behaviors same as the alignment and I want to explore that with you just quickly for now I wanna click here on the Arrow to disable this and I want to right click add emitter and add a simple Sprite burst okay cool I want this Sprite burst to be aligned to the blower that way I don't know maybe I'm trying to make footsteps or things like that okay how exactly do we do that okay it needs to be initialized here on particle spawn we can type alignment spread face in an alignment okay cool and here it says Sprite facing if we right now it is one here and if we look at it yeah now it's no longer facing us which is really cool but at the same time uh we want it to be on the floor right so zero there one here no that's the other side zero one one here and it is on the floor one cool thing about having our alignment on automatic or or facing in automatic is that if I use this it just automatically overwrites it right it's automatic but otherwise we should be putting custom alignment but this is cool okay nice that's a nice addition now this phase coordinates space if it is simulation it's going to be simulated inside this viewport but once we put it in the game it may not be the same so usually for me unless you really need it I put it on local some effects will require world or other simulation but for this one I just want it to be on the floor so look perfect okay and that's our Sprite just there and we can make it uh grow uh just like we did before and whatever and that's nice but it's good to know about the alignment and we're gonna be using the uh some kind of alignment here too for this stack here I wanna click on the check again and this time I want to isolate this one so just click here and that's isolation we're only seeing this stack here Okay cool so what I want with this is to have a lot of speed and I want a module to be able to deform the particle size depending on the speed which is it which is which it is experiencing okay and it may sound a little bit tough but it's it's actually quite simple so first let's give it some speed let's say okay velocity I don't want it to go so fast there though or do I let me see so someone zero or actually just from point yeah and buster 100. this is fine now on the update I want to type speed and here it says scale mesh size by speed okay we click it that's cool and remember that we can post on the timeline too we pause it and we can just check the Sprites if if we want that right okay use when I press play and in here we have plenty of settings right we have Max scale oh I just put mesh I'm sorry it needs to be Sprite so speed scale Sprite size by speed and in here well we can set a threshold of speed and we can set some some factors to make it just look different right depending on the speed that these particles are experiencing so let's say on the Y Factor the max just to test it out right let's just make it a 10. and here also make it a 10. you can already see okay it is changing but if we press pause that's that is not following the speed right it should be the other one so let's invert it one two and this is 10. and this is also 10. so what is happening with that it is the same thing that is not looking nice at all how can we solve that so here on our Sprite renderer oh sorry here on this on the spread renderer we have the alignment and we need the alignment to be velocity aligned okay we can we can place that and we can try and press play now okay now it looks definitely different and we need to change this two one and if this is now like five and five you can see how they are all going on the right direction right on the direction of the speed which is cool we should probably just put like a 0.3 entry here and yeah that the minimum this is fine you press pause yeah that looks way more convincing right it should be faster to be honest to make it more valuable we can actually try that so what about 1K like way faster but we can also put a lot of drugs this is just fun to be honest this is Putin drug okay so well that is that module it can be really useful for for many effects it is really fun to play with too so I think that we've touched some basic things and we should start making a whole effect together making small parts of it and building little by little so we can understand and apply these things that we've learned in a more concrete way right instead of just looking model by module that really there are there are way too many way too many modules right so we we should just um test all of that the first thing that we want to do is to create a mesh and uh well this mesh is going to be useful for our effect because I'm thinking maybe we can create like a drop that falls and once it hits the floor with Collision it can just spawn some flare around and then it just Fades away and some Sparks appear it could be some fun uh exercise especially uh because we learned about the timings interactions uh event handlers and things like that so it could be a complete fun exercise so let's make the mesh first let's go on modeling and it's really fairly simple don't worry I click on a sphere I left click on the map and I want this sphere to be Parish shape let me check the wireframe is it simple shape oh I'm sorry purpose is fine I want it to be that long that's it nice and I wanted to have what 30 and 30. okay just click on accept and this we want to cut it so go on model playing cut I wanna push it lower you need to make it exact as me all right don't worry like that is probably fine okay like that is probably fine and I want to check the UVs all right the UV is the representation of the mesh placed on a plane so let's go for the UV editor and okay this is sorry ubis that are kind of wonky fine but I wanna display our texture you probably don't need to know this for now but I I want you to at least understand it a little bit know with what we're working with right Okay so when I go on display background and I want to put a texture here the texture that I want to put is the one that I gave you which is this flare actually yeah this one is fine so Place texture I place it here I'm selecting it by the way I select it and then I place it and you can see the preview here to move here on the viewport just hold alt and left click you can see it it's all cut it's awful I don't want to have any um geometry here on top I just want it to appear on the bottom like that so let's erase this stop first you wanna close this and I want to go on model polygroup edit click on this face and go on delete okay that's that's perfect now click on accept and now we can go on the UVS UV editor now again how is this looking we put the same mesh display background texture that's looking well terrible right because this is our mesh we need to expand it on top so let's do it okay maybe like that you're still lacking some okay just a little bit more I should probably use the numbers on the bottom but I'm stubborn sometimes I know I can do this oh I do it I did it okay good enough now you can see that it fits okay that's nice and just click on apply it should be good enough for now we may see that some edges are like touching here I'm just zooming with my right click but we will deal with that don't worry we just close it and I want to go back to selection mode I want to go to the um to look for the asset which is now among many others and I will just when I go and put it on our mesh folder move here perfect we will use it oh I'm a little bit like hopefully not from not for long we want to make a material yeah there we go so let's make a material um and let's rename it the same I have my old mesh there yeah I'm just uh um new mesh I'm just teaching you how I made it right so you can use the one that'll give you or you can create one like we just did we'll just use this one that we just created or you can use this one but remember that they are a little bit different as you can see oh of course I missed something Prince so this mesh I want to squish it a little bit it's it's a little bit too high for me so go on modeling and on deform let's just get lattice and I don't want that this much resolution surely 2x2 is fine 282 right now this may be a little bit too no actually three and three and three okay that's that's better now we want to Circle all of this with my left click and bring it down and click on accept this is way too low now it looks like a UFO or something like that I guess it is fine for now you know or maybe one more time now we wanna grab a hold of all of the middle ones and when I pull it up and now we're gonna grab all of the bottom ones and pull it up yeah probably this is fine now you see though that the pivot is a little bit broken so let's modify that uh where was hit X form edit pivot and let's put it up actually fine right we press on OK and that's good I like it we cannot see anything here because the material is not dual sided which is fine we have finally our mesh and yeah it's it's someone like that probably a little bit um thinner but that's fine let's create a really simple material that later on we're gonna improve a lot but for now just make something simple so we can continue doing Niagara and not so much materials so right click material and underscore player because it looks like in all of my in all of my tutorials everything is a player because I'm bad with names we want to make it additive and also Elite if you are a little lost on materials I have a really beginner friendly tutorial on on material so for this I'm going to go a little bit faster you can pause it and check it it's it's really good and it's not that long Okay so simple simple simple material no-brainer emissive and Alpha that's all and I want to use it on our mesh and test it so we click it and we place it here okay now what if um we make a dual sided here two-sided apply okay that's looking nice although maybe we should well in here there is just way too much space not used so let's change it even a little bit more modeling back again doobies UV editor and we need now to preview the material so we can go background material and preview the player material so how is this looking okay we need to well shrink it a little bit so it grows right that's too much obviously but like this maybe that's good enough a little bit more slightly a little bit more there we go I think it should be good enough like this yeah it's a little bit better cool we can work with that and we will leave it like this although maybe we increase the intensity a little bit you see right now our material cannot interact with our with our particle system and why is that Let's test it first right I want to apply I wanna select it and we go into our [Music] actually we should make a new a new system for this so Niagara right click Niagara system it's here new system from selected emitters and we want our good old simple Sprite burst click on the plus and finish NS flower let's say it's named flower okay we have the old burst that we used as an example we don't want the Sprite renderer so we can just erase it we can click on only plus and select mesh this time this time we are gonna be displaying a mesh so click here on meshes we need to replace this one content drawer mesh selector mesh and click on the Arrow okay it is there nice let's override the materials click on the plus expand expand and add our material oh sorry materials flare and there we go we have our our player but it is a little bit too faint isn't it so let's increase the color let's make it brighter so we can see it better let's go with a 10 10 10 10. really bright colors and nothing is happening that is because our material has no node to be able to communicate with your particle so we go on flare we right click type particle color and this node can help us so just hold m here and this is just gonna go yeah actually let's combine it and also um so we can control the opacity remember we have a good tutorial on materials if you want to know all right so now it is able to communicate and it works if we just do one one we can change the color make it softer okay then then okay and it is fading away too so exactly the same as your spawning a Sprite you can spawn a mesh just that the mesh has different options and the Sprite and visa versa okay so what do we exactly want to do first I want to kinda animate the mesh I wanted to spawn and like uh like flourish you know so let's do that how do we do it though it's the same as the scale's bright size scale mesh scale mesh size and right now well we can't see anything and why is that one there we go okay so why why can't we see anything that is because on the initialized particle we haven't set any value for the scale mode that that's why it's scaling nothing okay so let's give it one we go on uniform and yeah it is one one means same size that's fine now remember we want to modify this mesh Through Time so exactly how do we do that okay let's see we type curve Vector from curve it's exactly the same thing but this time you have different vectors different directions right the X the Y and DC this is how tall you want to be through time and so on so let's make it a little bit more animated like uh like it's flourishing so okay I can just group all of them and say this is zero and nothing happens okay cool now I just want to grab C I just hit them right with this just grab C and I want to say when it spawns it is 0.1 okay and on the line if I click with my mouse wheel or right right click and press add key I can add a key and I want to say on point one this is five right and oh of course it's not gonna show because I put zero uh let me just put one okay all right so now it is growing and it is fading away okay yeah sure I do not want that though so at point one it grows really high and then quickly I want it to go away so 0.3 goes back to one it should even be faster I believe so 0.2 Maybe could that be it probably or you know maybe just way faster this should be like 0.02 and it grows on point three something like that could be maybe and then on point seven it can be 0.1 it is not growing much though right the 0.3 and everything it is not really working for us and that is probably because we do need to make some changes on our initialize right because I think that this motion is fine so it is starts pretty small then it goes big incredibly quickly and then it fades up okay I think we can do that so initial is particle I don't want it to be uniform I want it to be non-uniform and what about two two and two all right 2.5 2.5 and 2. maybe that's maybe that's okay maybe that's okay for now it's kinda bothering me that that the material is so bad but okay I need to hold on later we're gonna make it better and what about one yeah probably that's fine enough I don't really like this curve though I don't enjoy it so I'm gonna use my old mesh I I really don't don't enjoy it okay yeah it's it's almost the same thing but it has a curve so same thing okay so we have our mesh that is growing and that is shrinking I don't want it to shrink though so we can isolate the C and we can work on this now you can just grow to two right something like that and it just opens like a flower that looks cool I enjoy it okay so we're done with this the point of the effect now is for a ball to drop from from on top into this flower and make it flourish right so instead of just continuing doing more uh layers of this and and Sparks we should just start from the very beginning from the from the um from this fear that falls from this guy I just really wanted to make this vase so he can just kinda time it okay so we should rename this if we select the module and press f2 you can just rename it to flower okay cool let's make this small ball that balls and uh Briggs reality so at a meter uh simple Sprite burst and let's isolate this we can see our trusty ball in here Let's uh first let's say this is 20 it is a little bit smaller let's make it have a really emissive um purple okay which is fine and probably I want to make it leave a little bit longer and remember I want this particle to just pull right so I want to modify its position and how do we modify its position remember that there are plenty of ways right we can use a shape location um but in this case I just want to uninitialize particle the offset position I want to say this is 100 units high where is it it's here and remember uh if we drag our system to our map okay nice the sphere is here all is well in the world okay nice if you don't see it you can just put local and then the sphere is going to be always there and why do we see two oh we have one already here we raise it okay so now this is high up in the sky compared to our flower which is on the bottom perfect I isolate this again and you know this size may be a little bit too big but we shall see so the particle needs to fall to the ground how do we make it fall well if we just put here velocity and just say okay this is minus 100. if we say that well and we see it here actually let's just make it infinite just to check it you don't need to do it so the speed of it it's it's a little bit too too common right to to simple we need a force that increments with time okay and if it increments with time it cannot be on particle spawn we usually erase this and I'm gonna make this definitely smaller this is way too big okay fine we type force and we want acceleration force and I just want to say minus a hundred okay this looks way better this looks way more organic I like it a lot all right so how do we make these small ball be able to interact with the flower on the bottom as we talked we have a couple of options we we could use Collision to generate an event we could use that we could use location and in this case I think it will be simpler to use depth all right because condition can be sometimes wonky it can work but it can also be wonky sometimes okay so here on the particle update we type event and it is death event we can work with collisions later on for other particles don't worry so we have an error it says we need a particle ID parameter and that is because when we are using events we need to use a constant ID parameters properties and we say require persistent IDs there we go and it's sold now we are generating this event perfect now how do we make this one receive it we need to click on stage and select event handler you see that the new section has been created we need to say okay who is the source it's the that event of this small wall okay perfect and right now you see that it is appearing but it's because we have our spawn burst we need to erase that and also we need to get rid of this Loop delay so 0 anyways so I wonder is it working it probably isn't working here it says Max events per frame spell number so max event I just want one event and I also want one number nothing happens and that is because we have properties but we haven't received any information so click on the plus and type receive oh or just event High type received wrong obviously receive that event that sounds so threatening alright and like this it should work oh actually it's not working because her particle is just not dying until very late it should lie quicker so let's say not three seconds just 0.5 and there you see it appearing one second two seconds and two seconds it seems to be way too much so 1.8 I wanna check how it is looking on our map nope that's too much one 1.5 1.4 or 1.3 1.3 seems to be a good spot I'm just hip oh no 1.4 1.32 1.36 yeah I'm happy enough with this one you know and I know that we probably should be using Collision because it makes more sense but uh you know again it can get really wonky sometimes and I'm just trying to do something really basic something that doesn't take too much brain power and I know that it's a lot of information so I don't want to overwhelm you with so many things oh now how do we fix the Collision right and it's it's a little bit tricky so for now this is fine and Let's test it one more time just in case so you put it in the side I press spacebar okay all right this is this is fine now what about some animation on our particle let's just go over scales right size here and I want to scale it like it's uh it's changing shape by speed or just simulate it right so I can just go on non-uniform curve and it's probably why let me see so at zero it's ten oh yeah it's definitely why okay so I want to say that but point one it's two oh I went too high if you lose track of your effect just press f and It Centers it okay okay I I enjoy how this looks uh I would like it to remain high for a little bit longer though yeah like that seems nice this Square structure though I don't like it I want it to be a curve so it is more fluid I just wrap them all with left click right click and out that makes a smooth curve and it looks way better okay and nothing happens because we have isolated it right but we have these first step now I want the shape of this flower to be a little better right now it just expands and and that's that and it's not so cool let's make something a little bit more appealing before we can move on so scale mesh size let's say here here what I want to do remember is to animate this so it doesn't look so stiff right so it looks like it is really being hit by some kind of Magical Force or or magical attraction right let's say um at zero it is point one at point two so really quickly as soon as it's been alive let's say three okay that that makes a little bit more sense all right now let's make it more um let's make it smaller so let's enable those other two and let's say that when it's alive 0.1 so that looks more believable I think that we can tweak it even more but let's leave it there and as we go on with the effect as we keep adding more things let's see if it makes sense or not okay let's for now leave these uh this animation fine like it is so it it's bounds something tells me that this shouldn't be so so calm like it it should expand faster but maybe this is a soothing effect maybe it's like a healing or recovery spell and if it's her Corey spell then we can make it soft and calming if it's uh like an an attack spill like energy spell then it needs to be really quick really powerful right with a lot of impact all right maybe it should open faster let's just tweak it a little bit okay so I want to say that and I want to create two more points one for y and one for x i group them and at point three is it one maybe like that maybe yet 0.1 probably this is better yeah I I am kinda enjoying this let's just make it a curve now remember to make it uh smoother so Auto all right now what if we add some kind of rotation to this mesh remember that we are trying to learn uh a lot of modules so let's just keep trying more and more and see uh from which ones we can benefit so right now we want to rotate the mesh and not just rotate it on the initial spawn but we could do that right but it wouldn't make much sense right uh what we could do for example if you see right now this mesh is always spawning on the same motion right and I don't know maybe you want this spell to be like uh a dripping effect I know that this may be a little bit too big for a dripping effect but this is just an example so if you always want to this shape to be different you can for example say on initialize particle on the mesh no not exactly here we need to add a new one so click on the plus and we can type initial mesh orientation yes initial measurementation right now it says random and okay that's it it opens on every side so we don't want that we don't we want to put known probably okay and here on rotation we open it up and remember what we needed to put when we wanted a when we wanted to pick randomly a number between 0 and 1 or well zero and whatever number you wanted that was uniform or random so we type random random random range Vector we want a range of spawning so I don't want any of these probably and zero and what is it 90 let's just press spacebar continuously so it spawns yeah now these phones are different are they yep they are random and they are different cool so maybe this is what you want for a different effect just so you know that you can apply it okay for hours I think it's okay if we don't have it all right let's continue I want to add a rotation rate to our mesh and we can do that it needs to be through time so it's an update rotation rate here and you can see plenty you can see Sprite but remember that we are using a mesh so I actually don't see a rotation rate for the mesh but we do see update mesh orientation yeah so names change sometimes but it is suggested here so it must mean that rotation rate is inside this module that's why it's been suggested right and yeah it is just not in the way that it has been portrayed we want rotation rate yeah that that's that's for sure but we don't want anyonex yeah we just don't want any next I think it's it should be on on here um okay so this is definitely the direction we want it but the rotation rate here one it's just way too much so what probably 0.1 okay that looks soft it is nice but what if we want um our mesh to rotate a little bit fast just when the when the let's call it drop when the drop hits and then we want it to fade away so slowly remember how do we do that we need to do it through time with a curve right so we click here on the arrow and just type curve float from curve okay and this should be fairly easy as we've been doing it all this time so at at there's a dog parking I'm sorry when it just spawns we just want uh we just want it to be really fast like one sure fine but really quickly let's say 0.1 we want it to stop um well maybe that's too much what about 0.1 what about 0.3 0.2 we should keep trying it is too abrupt I think it like tries to start and then it finishes and that's not so nice point one although we we could also stay with point one it looks nice what about two here um three yeah I think I'm kind of enjoying that point too okay that that that's too much but I think I I'm enjoying this and actually it could be one or three I think it looks almost the same but it likes it has like a kind of fast initial rotation and then it goes soft and I think that looks good enough that looks nice very well so what else can we add to to our mesh I think that for now this flower in particular is looking nice I would like to change the the material because it's kind of bugging me and I think that we've done enough for Niagara for now so we could just step it stop buying the materials for a little bit and and change things up so it looks a little bit prettier what do you say so let's save that and let's go there okay now inside the material we have some work to do so first of all I just want to I kind of just want to get rid of all of these so it isn't confusing let's just do it from scratch okay because we didn't really do much anyway all right so this texture that we already have here I want to plug it on the Missy and I want to give it some distortion on the back some movement some some kind of life right and as I told you before I just made a really nice tutorial on on materials so you you should check it out I'm going to go a little bit faster materials but I'm still gonna explain things all right so first of all I want to hold p or Banner and plug it in this Banner what if it's just 0.2 and okay now it's spinning around great now let's add some UV distortion so I wanna open up our textures remember it's Ctrl and spacer and I want to bring this wave I think yeah yeah this is really fine I want to bring this wave texture here and I want to use this one to be able to distort this so first of all I want this also to be um Banning I can just copy it paste it place it here I wanna bring up a texture coordinate just in case I wanna change the UVS of this texture okay nice now I want to lower the intensity of this texture because the Distortion may be too much and it may break so I just grab the red Channel remember it's not gonna work with RGB just one channel and I want to point 0.1 then I want to add this with another texture coordinate and that's it we just plug it on Banner how does that look right now it doesn't look like anything at all is happening and that is probably because the Distortion is on the same speed as as our texture so 0 and 1. yep now you can see it's flowing like fire okay it's looking kinda interesting but quite honestly yeah it is kinda interesting but not quite what I will want so we can check a few things we can make it more intense we can also play with the texture coordinates first let's make it more intense so 0.3 okay now it's really now it's really going wild okay this is not bad so one thing remember that we were making this this spread to be like a water drop gentle it looks nice well if we make this go so wild even if it looks good it will make no sense right at least to me so we could just go back to point one here or 0.2 Maybe at all we're doing this together right so I I don't have this done so I can so I have everything already set up that way you can see kind of my thought process which I think personally it's it's cooler so okay we close make the Panner go slower I mean yeah if we just go on point three and make it this go more wild we can just make the panel go slower and this looks nice what if on the texture coordinate though we say that this is thinner oh sorry that's bigger that this is thinner that could also potentially look cooler how is that looking um so it is definitely looking cooler but the Distortion is so much that this shape is getting deformed and I don't enjoy that anymore it had a nice shape before so okay now definitely we don't need this it's 4.1 and click on apply and let's see how that looks okay it's looking prettier for sure and we need to pump up the colors too but that should come out at a later stage so we have the Distortion going on and that's great now I would like to add this like a different color variation in here so I Wanna Hold m or actually hmm I'm thinking yeah let's try it like that so I plug this in here and I want to bring the noise and plug it into and preview it and you can see how it already is working right this color variation on this texture is merging with this one and it's looking quite nice let's try to plug in although it's making it softer did this looks way prettier right yep we could even change the the UVS of this texture to kinda align with these strands here how do we do that it's the same thing we put a two or maybe even a six and make it thinner like that that looks pretty I enjoy that and we could even go a step up and just pan it too so let's use a banner and let's say that this Banner is 0.1 and also minus 0.2 how is that it is slowly moving well I enjoyed it okay nice so now there are actually quite a lot of things that we can do with this material I'm thinking exactly what we need you know probably we just plug it in like that and we uh well I I'm sorry we leave the emissive like this and we start working on the on the opacity because there are quite a lot of things that need to be done on the opacity side first of all if you remember our mesh is here or you can just bring your mesh in and just place it and it's kinda annoying me that it is so soft so for now I just wanna just for now I want to increase seven okay Overkill and you can see it kind of breaking here okay so for now I want to increase the color this is an issue too we're gonna have to see it so anyway as I was telling you there are a couple of oh this is our old mesh too I want to bring in the the one that I gave you guys which is this one the new mesh and I want to place the well maybe you made a better mesh so oh maybe you made a better mesh so uh in that case you can use the one that you want right I want to erase this one this is the one I gave which is again it's the same just it doesn't have that strong bevel well that's stronger bevel yeah it's it's new mesh or is it the real mesh I I'm confused right now is it the real mesh which one is the real one I wonder oh yeah yeah okay this is the one that we created never mind and this is the one that I gave you it's named oh lord it's real mesh okay perfect and as you can see it doesn't have the problems of the other mesh and if you want to know what was the problem on the other mesh it's quite simple I hope this isn't confusing you oh I should have put really different names you know okay this is the mesh that we just made why do they look so different besides the shape well that is because the UVS on this mesh here are expanded remember if we go back to modeling while this selected we go to UVS we go to UV editor you can see how they are smaller remember this is the limit they are smaller we go display display background texture and we put the texture here this one display here so it's placed here yeah so you can see how this is we purposely shrank it right so it covered more areas but with the Distortion it made this issue right so we can just expand it you know and it it becomes smaller we expanded and we try to center it out oh like that probably like it's fine I see a little bit here but if it causes problems we can just check it right I just wanted to show you anyways but see now it shrunk and it looks better that's fine I just want to erase it though I don't like it so this is the one I gave you again and sorry for the he going on around so as you see we have a mesh and if this mesh goes through another it creates this intersection we need to solve that in the material among some other things that you're gonna see in a little while so I take this this small posts to ask you okay you are just starting on bfx and I I remember when I started to I wondered so why do we need a mesh here and why not just a Sprite why do we need a Sprite here and why not a mesh why is really a mesh useful because you is sometimes are so complicated or at least they were so much when I was started I I didn't really really knew it so there are some some effects that have certain shapes that obviously you cannot achieve with um with a Sprite like imagine I'm just gonna do this imagine that okay the most obvious one and perhaps perhaps it's Overkill but imagine that you have a dragon okay this is a really cool dragon this is the okay it looks whatever else but if you see it this could be a Sprite this could be just a material right but if you turn it around the material only well this bright only has a a few ways of Behaving it can just phase you so it can rotate with you and you're gonna realize oh the dragon is rotating with me this this feels weird or it can just be aligned on a plane and you start seeing it uh flatter and flatter right so if you want it to be more real if you want it to be there or have that you need it to be a mesh right imagine that another example that probably it is better imagine that uh let's say this is Goku here all right and he's doing his Kaioken he has his whole Aura here now there are a couple of ways to do this right you could say this can easily easily be just a Sprite with the material this could easily be a Sprite right so if you turn around Goku you can still see these um this this aura around him and it is sometimes a really a little bit hard to notice because there is so much noise there is so much speed right and maybe you just don't notice that um that that it's just a Sprite that is just rotating around and following you I mean if you are just a gamer you are probably not gonna notice if that's a measure or if that's um Sprite only a VFX artist or someone that that knows and focuses on that is Gonna Know but sometimes the effect can be broken because okay imagine this is Goku okay once again okay you can this is a Sprite and it is rotating too fine but it's only going to work if you rotate around him in this direction right as soon as you start watching him from another angle this Sprite can no longer follow you in a proper way and the illusion is broken right you you kinda understand that of course that we can actually I think we can maybe make something more interesting here just as a small pose of this uh of this here so you don't need to do this um I just want to go on our flower yeah you you shouldn't do this I wanna take this all away I wanna create a simple Sprite burst and this is a weird um a weird intermission a weird post from our effect um but I feel like like if you're starting this is really important so I want to put our effect in the map this is our our thing I want to make it infinite so it is always there and I wanna also stretch it so Random non-uniform no actually random uniform no non-uniform okay so I want to say this is 30 and I want to say this is 200. okay nice oh we already had our effect here I can erase this and actually when I place it here so imagine this is the Kaioken and I wanna do that maybe this is the Kaioken okay so if you start rotating around him it follows you and everything is fine it looks cool right but as soon as you start going to other locations you can see it breaks right especially when you rotate the camera it's really annoying of course there are workarounds here like for example you can just check the alignment right spread facing and alignment we can say that this thing sorry this thing only aligns locally so where is it now okay this thing is only aligning here fine but I wanted to rotate with me hold on local is it gonna rotate with me like this nope like that no it's not it's not listening okay if so we need the render to tell it okay the facing mode is custom and the alignment is also custom so now it's gonna pay attention to us where is it though okay so we could oh hmm why do we have the bursts here I'm going to erase it and the player it's fine well let me just keep checking stuff here till I get it right sometimes it's a little bit confusing Okay so we could have like workarounds or a lot of layers to it so you never know that it's just a Sprite right if it doesn't follow you and if maybe around here this Sprite Fades away and you can never see this hard Edge then you can pull the player right there there are plenty of ways to do it but if it is a mesh and it has dipped then there is no issue there is no problem right it just looks good so sometimes you need to use a mesh and sometimes you can just get away with using a Sprite right so I hope that that made sense to you I'm gonna erase this oh um well of course right we we have this mentioned uh I can just say okay be like Goku and uh yeah we rotate around but I don't see anything wrong we go on top I don't see anything wrong either right so and sometimes mesh sometimes Sprites and tricks most of times Sprites and tricks I don't know at least for me so let's continue There are some issues with this mesh mainly when it intersects geometry it's really harsh and the solution is extremely easy as always here on the opacity you can just put a depth fade and that's that no biggie so we can just say that paid and we plug that in and it should be okay right so now we go here and it starts to fade away and we can just modify its uh its parameters for example the fade distance I just want it to be 20 maybe 100 is too much okay maybe that's better I mean you can still see an intersection here but it's softer it it depends on you to be honest right because if you put too much the whole effect blurs but it's up to you once again but I don't want our opacity to be just like that I want a couple a couple more things like for example I want our I want our um our flower as it is dying to disintegrate not just to fade away and right now it is not fading away because there is no particle color and particle Alpha on the opacity so it's just dying abruptly don't worry but I want to do something inside our material so it it kinda disintegrates and it looks cooler right I also want to be able to play with the intensity maybe when this uh flower appears the effect is the colors are really strong and then they slowly fade away all of those details make your effect feel a little bit more alive instead of just spawning and so like this ball also could be brighter at the start and things like that right any small detail that we can add that makes it feel more alive is a plus in our effect okay any extra care so how do we proceed because there are so so many things okay we can just go erases well no not erase it but just unplug it and we need the alpha of this texture if we open it up you can see that there are plenty of channels here on top there is a red there is a green the blue each one has their own composition and there is also the alpha right with no color data this is the best for the opacity okay so we just need the alpha and this Alpha needs to be multiplied by that fight remember not rgba it's just the alpha okay so what do we do first oh and also one another thing I use when I press apply so this mesh is fine like this I want to hold alt and left click and drag to create a copy just to show uh you don't need to do it if I make it like this you can see this hard edge here it kinda if you've watched other videos of mine I always say it looks like PlayStation 1 or Playstation 2. right this hard Edge H is not so good it it breaks the immersion to me we need to find a way inside the material to get rid of this because it's not really enjoyable you can also see it if you see it if you if you see the effect from this angle here okay so we probably start on that or there are so many things that I I don't know which one to do first I mean okay yeah I told you there is we can do that we can also do the the fading away uh when it's time let's do that first I already decided okay let's do that first so how do we get that effect that effect we get it subtracting this texture by a number or well and by another texture right and how do you do that I'm going to show you so we have this result we can preview it here well we I guess that we cannot preview anything because of the stepped fate but uh live update everything's cool yeah I guess we can preview it because of it it's fine so this I want to subtract it abstract and then we join it remember to watch the material tutorial I can show you that and it's it's really good I over explain some some things and I am subtracting this whole thing this this really doesn't count I'm subtracting this texture by another part and that way I mean the widest part only remains and as we continue adding values they fade away You're Gonna check it right now so I want to leave this with a just a constant I just hold it one and left click for a constant and I place this here I put one and on B I want to bring a texture probably this one and I put it here Ctrl C Ctrl B and I place it here so now what happens I wanna put this substruct here on opacity what is going on now if we keep increasing this number and actually we should make a an instance we can see it better but let's just continue it like this for now 1.5 you see as the number keeps increasing it starts fading away if it's zero it's complete 0.1 0.2 3 4 5. now imagine this in an animation and it's gonna look really sweet right if you want again the exact explanation of what is happening the material tutorials is amazing okay but I don't quite want it like this Maybe okay let's press three now two one okay one I want the fading to be like thinner so we want to modify the US of this guy here again remember let's just modify the UBS we detector coordinate and this can also be really useful when your texture or well when your mesh has two ues here you can put oh it's in the first one it's in the second one right this is really useful now three now you see it's thinner 1.1 10. yeah it is way thinner um probably just a three we can check it after as we keep going on all right now the question we have this whole setup cool we still need I think two more parts of it but really um like how can we make it communicate with our particle we already have the particle color which we know that can handle the color but what node can handle the parameters inside maybe we want a different speed maybe we want a different coordinate you know so how can we do that that's really easy just right click and type dynamic and it's here Dynamic parameter and this Dynamic parameter needs to go in inside of this one so we just erase it and plug it here let's give you the name so we don't get confused and this is um this is the fade mask or the disintegration mask and by default this is on one I just want to put it on zero so we see our material just as it is and it is perfect okay I wanna see how this is working so far in our material I mean inner particle so you can kinda know how it is going and then we can continue so we go on flower and I wanna save please save I wouldn't want this to crash so okay it's just fading away because we don't have a particle color it's okay so we want it to fade Through Time or to disintegrate through time at that particle update let's type dynamic Dynamic material parameters we click on it and in here it already says fade mask see once you grasp the basics it's just so easy because if you want to modify through time you need a curve as we've been doing so much around here so this fade mask just type curve load from curve and right when it starts I want it to be zero so nothing happens but as it's dying I want it to be 3. and now you can see how it fades away and that's really cool now that combined with the color fade should be really nice maybe it is fading too fast I don't know For Me Maybe but um two okay this was just to show you how it is working so far so we can just leave it here all right so our next and I think last problem is that this harsh really harsh and really unpleasant line we need to get rid of it so there is a node named Fresno and I've touched that on the other tutorial too if we just unplug this both of these and just plug in and we grab a circle we can see how it is giving a Halo around our mesh there is another note called one minus this node inverts whatever um well I mean if you put it after a note it inverts it right so if we do this and we continued tweaking things here maybe one point one yeah you can see how now it is strong on the middle and it's starting to fade out on the sides which is I think what we want right we want this to be strong on the middle and then fade away here which is okay it is great we want to races and look this here and look this here so our next step is to multiply this subtraction by our fresna and I wanna probably just spread this here let's spread this here and plug this here you just want some space okay now Let's uh type press now and we grab the fresnel and as we talked before we want an invert Fresno so one minus and we plug it in and that's not uh doing much if at all so we need to tweak it this base refraction we lower it okay the exponent we lower it to or three yeah three is a little bit better and I think that we need to intensify the um the effects of a fresnel by a lot so how do we do that we need to hold m multiply multiply just add these two add these two and plug it in and that is looking already way better and and we can continue doing that if we want um so how does it how does it look now that is way better that's way softer so for most of the meshes you're gonna want to do something similar maybe like adding a fresnel so you don't see those hard edges you know and will and that is it for that but we need to do still one more thing one last thing to our material if you check hard enough I can see that on the edges I'm seeing some some well some collisions on the texture and the edge of the mesh and we don't want that I know that it is really subtle maybe you cannot tell but uh the thing is that let me grab our mesh real mesh okay so this is our mesh and this is the UVs so right now on our UVS this side is up and this side is down so if we are adding any texture or any material and this material is going a little bit towards here like maybe overlapping we're gonna be able to see it right like we saw before Remember That We Shrunk The UVs the way that you solve it is maybe adding a gradient here on the top and another on the bottom it could be useful for us or maybe it could not be useful for us so in this case I think it's gonna be useful right in in this case I think it's gonna work for us so we need to do that and to do that you can do it with the mats to create a mask um there we go so we could again uh let's say component mask there are a couple of ways of doing it actually but uh I think this is gonna be just fine okay component mask I want to just grab this one I think texture coordinate we plug it in no it's not like this it's sunny it's a g and as you can see already there is a soft line here on top which is going to be useful I want to add it or maybe multiply it I don't know this and one minus so it inverts it to this and how does it look no it's it's actually a multiply not this one okay so that's that I think that kinda can work although it's a little bit soft on the middle but we should definitely try it so when I hold m and the type is two and there we go now we have a line here on the bottom and on the top and if we press apply and we check our mesh well definitely the softer but now there is no intersection on any part mostly again because we have this right I will say to just erase this but we can improve it a little bit so what if we add a power here you can add a power here you can also add a power on the bottom or actually no it we just want a power on both I mean on one here and this power yeah probably two is okay and we multiplied I want to open it up by 10. like that maybe even 20 you know and it doesn't matter okay that is looking nice so again now we have nothing harsh at the bottom because of our texture and we don't have anything harsh on top well not thanks for the texture just thanks for the mask and remember I'm Gonna Save this just in case at least in real doesn't crashes often anymore we have this mesh or well this mesh we go on modeling don't do this give us deviator and I want to put our texture here uh where is our texture yeah this one just to check it right so you can see okay yeah that this top part is exactly your top part and our bottom it is exactly or bottom right sometimes it's not going to be the same for your mesh so sometimes you add this mask um and it's covering different parts of your mesh just keep that in mind it it's working for us right now because of the composition of our UVS or well the position of our UVs because if for UVS where I don't know rotate it which looks kinda coolish but has an awful seam then that mask will not really work because that that mask is here on top so it will only cover this side and this side is exactly this part you can kinda understand what I'm telling you I Ctrl C so nothing breaks and I do not accept I don't wanna any change down to that I go back to selection so I think this is good enough now we only have to put the particle color and uh that's it for the material I hope that this wasn't boring for you so article color and I wanna multiply this we probably don't need D7 anymore remember that we just increased the intensity to show some things we multiply the particle color with this result we plug it in we raise this we can increase intensity in the system remember so no biggie although so we just work with smaller numbers maybe it is better to increase it now right because at 7 was looking actually nice that's just personal preference you know don't worry if you don't want to do it that way okay nice now we need to do the same with all of this here on the bottom so multiply here with the alpha and directly on opacity and we apply it and we are done with the material it wasn't really complex right it's just Distortion here we combine it with this texture for a different color you could also use color curves if you watch or other tutorial and uh we added a way to control the the um the dissolution the the dissolve we added a small mask we added a really cool presentel on it and now it should be looking better than ever this actually looks nice now we need to start tweaking it although just let me watch our material one more time to just make sure that everything is fine I think everything is cool this is an exaggerated mesh this is also looking nice I don't see any harsh edges Yep this is great actually this looks quite nice from this angle well done guys okay I just erase it and let's go back and finally make our our flower and now it is looking way better right before I was doubting myself like what what is this but with a better material everything looks amazing okay before leaving this emitter and starting making more because we we can pick more things as we go right we don't necessarily make need to make everything perfect in here uh right now we definitely should start working on the timings so our um the colors of our flare of of our flower um like how we are doing it right now it looks like when it spawns it is full of power right it's on its full expression so if it's that way it only makes sense that uh that it also has a softer or not softer but a stronger power of color as it fades away something like this so right now we just have it on 10 intensity oh wow it's it's sweet it's way more intense than the material let me check that um here that doesn't look bad but uh we can erase this uh this flare here and image too so what if this could even change color at the very start and then fade away or just be really strong at the start and then fade away we can do that there are a couple of ways to do it so remember that we cannot modify anything through time on particle spawn which is okay we should do it on update we can just modify the alpha if we don't want to change the color we color we could also just put a new color node and then modify everything through there now that you've learned it you should be able to to make the decision on your own right for now I just want to work with the with the um with the scale color so I want to say that at zero this is zero at 0.1 this is like 3. actually 0.1 or even at point one or well actually 0.06 it is 3 but rapidly at 0.1 this goes back to one can you tell we can go on the timeline and hold on just my UI is a little bit too big I think and just make it softer press spacebar this is way too small but um so it spawns and it is really bright and then it fades down I think that's cool we could even make it a little bit better than that for sure so when I go back to this and I don't want it to go back to one what about 0.4 now there is a clear difference but it's way too harsh so it's a 0.3 yeah it's like it expands and then it fades away expands at Food color then Fades away that's actually quite nice although there is something that I'm not quite enjoying I need to put it on slo-mo one more time and again this could be faster if I already pre-done everything but uh it's nice to share this inside together hmm [Music] well almost it's going to be imperceptible at this stage but it's it perhaps it's way too strong right now I think it's fine so it expands it expands and it is fine okay you know this is good do I not put it back on one so I will say for now this flower looks really good and we should start focusing now on our different uh on our different parameters maybe a parameters I mean on our different emitters maybe I want to add another flower that it is smaller here right on the middle that will also be pretty cool I will say let's try it if it doesn't work we're gonna scrap it and uh you can also learn their how to set up different rotations too so we have a flower zero zero one not quite zero zero seven I want to make it definitely smaller so I wanna divide that divide this by three divide this by three and divide this by three so it is definitely smaller and it's here in the middle too okay now we just want to put different um different rotations and different scales because right now it is just doing exactly the same thing as our old flower although this looks really nice it gives it like a different cool layer okay so first we type on spawn on the plus and we tap initial as we as I showed you before initial mesh orientation and not that we put known rotation let's just put it 0.2 if you want a range remember that you can do a random but I don't really want range I just want it to be different and this is different enough yeah this is different enough and uh I also wanted to have different um depth so we can go on initialist particle and in here we could say just open three this probably looks fine let's check it on the map oh and we should also find a way to be able to activate our effect at our Command through blueprints we can probably do that later on a little bit later on um okay this looks good I don't particularly enjoy the super high color at the start of the middle so at the start of the middle I mean at the start of the of the middle flower so I go back to skin color and I say I mean 0 0 at 0.6 it's just one even it could pull even softer you know so initially it's particle I could say this is 444 so it is way softer and remember once again that all that you're sitting up here could be destroyed by the post process so you should really check out what kind of process you want to use for your or your effects or for your map okay I think this looks pretty cool I actually want it to remain um tall I don't want our middle flower to to be flat so mesh size the C just wanted to remain at 0.6 oh sorry it has one more Point here we just erase it so how is it that looking okay I really enjoy this I wanna see how it looks on the map too so spacebar and I think that we can erase this now we are done with the material anyway I enjoy this a lot it could even probably leave a little bit more so we can show off that that cool material that's up to you okay so let's continue now well we could add many things we could add uh probably Sparks um yeah I mean Sparks will be the most fun thing right Sparks are always really fun so we should start doing that well for these Sparks I mean we could spread them apart once the ball hits and and everything and yeah we will definitely make that but I'm realizing that our falling ball is like a little bit lonely it looks like it doesn't have much detail what if we add some Sparks to it to make it a little bit more um to make it have a little bit more detail you know and the more and more I'm thinking that we should make our flower last more time to make it more pretty but um yeah later on once we have everything done so let's um rename this inner flower and uh we here have our small bowl I wanna create a new emitter simple Sprite burst and okay so let me think let's spawn a lot of them well not really a lot um no actually let's not let's just spawn one and isolate yeah just found one because we're going to inherit the um the properties of this small ball so we don't really need to spawn anything here I'll show you so okay for just to test the shape of our ball just one let's make it small and random so it could be like 0.3 it could be 0.7 like really small remember we do not want to clutter or affect with things so sometimes making really small Spork really small small Sparks can can give some nice details if you've seen Final Fantasy 16 or games like that like they use a a lot of really small particles too really minimalist things well of course until if Reed just launches a fire and burns everything okay that's a huge particle and it looks amazing but most of the other ones are are small ones okay anyways um we need to add different life random like maybe some life 0.3 maybe some Leaf one we cannot see anything though that's kinda not cool so 100 and they're on the same position of course okay we need to um just to be able to debug I went up with the shape here shape location a sphere is fine so these are these parts and the size of our small bowl I think it's fine this looks nice okay so exactly how can we make these Sparks follow or ball well there are a couple of ways uh one thing that can come to mind is okay if we just make this shape smaller and we make it have some velocity and just follow well try to follow the motion of the ball right and kind of like emulate like it's really following it we could do that and uh it could be nice but it wouldn't show you anything it will show you new modules um and of course for more complex behaviors it will be a little bit hard to emulate it so what do we do it's fairly easy here on the meter update we need to create another type of Spawn and we have a video on this too if you want to know more so just type spawn and this is spawn particles from other emitter we click on it we do not need our spawn burst instantaneous anymore it can either just erase it if you click on this it's gonna say this thing has issues whenever you see that the thing has issues just press fix issue the issue is that in order for this to work you need actually two right and it just created another fine so now this is asking us what is the emitter name from where you want to copy uh the attributes okay we want to copy them from this small wall small ball real okay so is anything showing you can see that now some Sparks are following right like a small Trail that's pretty cool right so what this emitter is taking from this one is for example the location it is not taking the speed it's just taking the location and just updating it right okay cool in here it says spawn rate it is spawning 10. and the max okay it has a cup all good you can modify some things you can try a lot of things if you want to that's great but let's move to the other emitter the well to the other module that was just created okay you can filter some particles all good and in here you can choose to inherit the velocity of this one oh sorry you can choose to inherit the velocity the color the lifetime there are many times that you can take to make more complex things all right in this case we really do not want to take any of this we just want the position so we can just say output only and it is oh it is it creating them I wanna see that okay so what I think is going on is that our sphere location is too big now so just put one is it following it or no no they're just spawning on The Middle so we do not want output only we want to say disabled and let's see what happens so this is the thing if you put disable as you can know it is not taking this attribute from this particle so basically right now it is taking nothing and we do want the position okay this is nice but you may ask now but we have our shape sphere why is it not working because even if we put 200 we still see it on a small small line that that looks boring right and well that is because the order of these modules so right now we are setting up a location for us and then we are saying no we're gonna spawn exactly where this emitter is spawning so we need to change it here and now you can see it is still following the motion but now it's huge let's say five and there you go now that is looking way better I'll wait it's looking very small right and we don't not want it to be so small so we can say okay just found 50. that's looking very nice very cute okay and the Gap is fine the shape I think this shape is just fine too let's change the color here on initialize um yeah we're not taking the color here so it's fine we can just say apply to attribute and they have the same color but what if we make it a little bit brighter here on the alpha scale five maybe are they getting brighter I cannot tell I want to save before anything crashes to be honest there you go Alpha scale 1K yeah so I don't think that they are zero oh so they are actually well we could make it bigger well we could make them bigger we could change the color a little bit or we could do something a little bit more cooler which will be remember how we did uh with the scale by velocity just click on update and scale Sprite say size by speed I typed it all wrong but it still gave me my result I'm so thankful and you remember how this work well first of all you can change any that you want here but nothing is going to show because you need to change oh but it's an automatic so maybe an automatic Works let's see because it didn't used to be that way so let me see the minimum factor I want to put 10. yep and uh the minimum size I want to put 0.2 and I'm just putting the minimum because we don't really have the speed so um so uh they cannot um change with speed you know and yeah actually we're doing that wrong we should not be doing this using it like that will be like using a scale Sprite or something like that but at the same time if you think about it we don't really need speed because we are just leaving trails here so I will say in this case it is fine to do it just know that if you're doing Sprite size speed you do need speed right because otherwise they cannot scale Through Time but again we do not want to put speed here we just want like a small and cute Trail so okay let's say 1.3 let's say 0.6 or 0.7 .1 what 0.7 and 3. that's looking a little bit better six five oh hold on this is crazy looking very nice and when I get closer to it this is looking cool I enjoy it and but well one more thing I want them to kinda dissipate to this side because right now they're just staying there I want at least some bit of movement and also what if they live a little bit longer so we leave a trail of something that has happened let's try three and two that could be cool now let's use a course here and it's curl noise Force as always that's way too much what about three is it too wonky I don't particularly enjoy it okay I see that our issue or well what doesn't look good is how soft well he here they they move quite cool but we're not leaving Any Trail and here they look what what is this so what if we modified Through Time and I do not want a straight line because for example imagine okay when they start zero so they remain there but when they die I want to say a hundred right I want to put like a middle ground here and say zero so they start moving starting point five you kinda get it yeah you want to put a curve here even so I don't think particularly enjoy how they look let's see it on the viewport that looks awful that looks Half Baked not good at all what if he's 200 nope this cruel noise perhaps wasn't the best idea what if we add a different Force then what if we add instead of the curved foil for some kind of Vortex so they move in a circle yeah I actually that looks better but not so much let's say 100 yeah the I think this is it that's way cooler okay I enjoy it goodbye Chrome noise welcome Vortex first so now you know how to inherit some values from other particles again we could have done it in a different way but this way shows you a new emitter right and the other way it's like a kind of cheeky way so we stopped with the isolation all right it falls it's looking nice now what else could we add now that we've added Sparks for this small wall what if we had Sparks for the explosion so let's say ball Sparks cool now let's add Sparks for our flower so right click edit the good old Sprite burst I know that we could make it faster with other templates but this one helps us understand things better right so flower Spark all right how do we do these Sparks for the for the explosion and I already see that there are a couple of other things that we need to do with explosion but let's do the this part it should be really fun to do to be honest so all right let me think uh what about some kind of um some kind of Flowery motion for um some kind of Flowery motion for the for these Sparks and uh with some curl noise maybe that could be really cool so I wanna I wanna uncheck both of these so they don't get in the way and we have the flower spark okay so we do not have a a texture or a special material for uh for something that emulate uh petals uh for flower but we're gonna just work with normal Sprites and with the behavior it's gonna be soft and kinda emulate something that can float that is and and that is incredibly lightweight like a spark right but you kind of get what what I mean it's just a magical Spark okay so first what do we do we're going to be spawning a lot of Sparks and if you spawn a lot of Sparks it is recommended that you're not using CPU you should be using GPU right because everything that you do with CPU goes on the game thread and the game thread is already quite busy I see this all right so whatever you do on CPU it must be um lightweight let's say and uh if you have a chance to do it as a GPU you should do it definitely okay all right so for example this Sparks everywhere those are GPU and they ask you well it says it's using Dynamic bounds whatever okay we can just leave it on there we can just say I'm fixed and these bounds is where the particle is going to be seen if you're outside the bounds you cannot see it just for this demonstration we can just say it's 1K you can see it unless you're extremely far away and and then you can't but for now you know this is just fine okay let's just give it a shape so shape location just on this pound let's make it a ring that that probably could be interesting and this pounding is going to be 900. okay you know it's a huge ring and of course our um our lifetime and our size is even so that's why it looks like that and could be cool if you um use some kind of velocity but we're not going to be doing that right so let's say random I want these particles to live for a long time right and wait why isn't our petals showing we disable this what happened that's pretty weird something happened with our effect right oh I'm so silly so it nothing is happening because these both have a trigger from the small wall so if there is no small ball there is no flower okay good to know for both of us so let's continue with the flower Spark now they die a little bit different but I want them to live for so long so they remain on the on the map so what about six and five really long lifetime and they I want it to be really small like uh small detail so what about a random uniform and I want to say 0.2 and 0.6 good old ring we can take care of the color pearly later okay so the shape location for now I will say this is just fine I don't know really um I won't know until I give it some kind of uh of force but thing is if this is how they are going to be spawning then um you're going to be seeing some patterns because they are so close from each other so let's try to make the ring yeah something like that right something more spread like this this could be well well no could be no this is going to be way better okay sure now let me think there are many ways that we can go on but I'm not sure uh let's just say velocity here and it's gonna be of course from point 25 is fine and I think we need to modify the color right now otherwise uh we we can't really see it much so it's just the initial color I don't want to color it after at least for now that's my phrases in it along with okay I should change that I don't like that I want the particles to have two colors not just blue or or um or uh or purple so remember we did that um well luckily now Niagara has these options before you only need to do it through here so we want a random range and one of them just purple and I want the density to E4 careful that sometimes it backs and it goes and it snaps back to to one and this is not emissive so to solve it I just press 4 here and then I move it okay and the second one well what if it's blue and also blue like that I don't want them to be incredibly similar though they they kinda are but they aren't at the same time that's good okay we don't want any kind of position offset we do want a change in velocity though because right now the velocity is 25 for everyone so they still form a ring right and we don't want that we want again to randomize it random range and let's say it's 60. so some go away and some stay and that's that's cool because once we add some kind of vector velocity well some sorry some kind of curl noise Force it's gonna add a very um cool shape so let's go uh curl noise I wrote it wrong but it's still here cool 100. okay that's nice what about we make it more frequent I don't like how it forms a ring at this start I really do not enjoy that at all so we we we need to change that but um I feel like there are a couple of things that we need to do before but anyways uh we need to pan the noise field if we Pan the noise field it's gonna create more interesting shapes like for example if we put 90 here yeah that's I think that that's cool enough okay bit medium now I want them to stop right now they just fly and they just it's like goodbye right they just left so we put a track remember that we used it before and I want to stop them through time because right now they just stop as soon as they are born right or well they stop every time more so we just put a curve here as we've been learning and I want to say that at start there is no nothing here but when it dies I want it to be a 10. that gives it some sort of magical look doesn't it that's cool but perhaps it happens too soon perhaps I want it to be like I create another point point one this is still zero okay now I'm thinking we could also scale this right size and we could also um scale it by speed like both could be potentially really fun so we we should do it and also uh that ring shape again I'm not enjoying it too much so we we may change that so it doesn't look so even at the start although these Sparks are going to be beneath our mesh so we know we may not even notice it we may not even need to to modify it so we shall see we shall see okay so scale mesh oh sorry skills Right Size because this is a sprite skill Sprite size we open it up and I want to say that at one there are two so they actually get bigger yeah like they get bigger and they stay there and they look quite cool but I don't want them to spawn from zero Bliss bound from one I feel like yes because we are not gonna be seeing them anyway at the start at least so how does this look with everything well it certainly spawns too soon so we could um also link these Sparks to uh to the event of this small bowl and we will because otherwise we need to put them on a on a delay and kind of be cheeky and I I don't like that I mean yeah sure we can just say Loop delay let's wait one second wait two seconds 1.3 oh sorry 1.3 yeah that seems to the trick but that's not the way that you should be doing things so let's uh add an event handler here and properties oh and hundreds are not supported on GPU okay so maybe on this time we do need to um to use uh to use the delay this is good to know I I didn't remember this so well let's do a delay for this because I I mean we could also use a GPU because 900 isn't too many but uh still it is a good uh Habit to have them on on GPU so at the end this is gonna be up to you maybe in some cases you do need to do this so for now oh sorry emitter State Loop delay what's 1.3 yeah it is 1.3 or is it one not 1.4 yep feels like the ring is too small I mean too big feels like they are too big and purely the Sparks are also too small I mean I want them to be bigger over time yeah let's see I would like this shape to be just something small like seven and that's way better and let's make the mesh spawn a little bit further down the bottom I would like that so our small ball make it leave just a little bit longer that's way better now yeah and you can actually see that these flowers Park is working way better now it's no longer expanding and then forming it just forms almost instantly that's very nice soccer noise we could even pump it up a little bit and then what if they remain for long although I think this is very nice let's make them uh be slightly bigger as time goes by like four maybe that is very pretty I thoroughly enjoy this so I think that we are done with this quite honestly what if we also modify the uh this Pride um size by speed so it is smaller so it has a different shape or so it goes around different we could add again a size by speed but you know this Square I mean this Circle Sparks are fine I haven't doubted him too much alright so our next step is that I'm thinking okay there is this ball falling it explodes there are sparks everything is really pretty but I feel like here on the bottom we lack a little bit of power it feels like this will um bring in some kind of light or something like that right so let's do that I would like to go here on the flower on the bottom right click emitter simple Sprite burst and we don't need to do much here this should be really simple we just want to change uh we don't want to isolate it and change the alignment align I want to align it to the floor so we do local and here zero and here one and it's aligned to the floor perfect now I would like to say this particle should also expound when the ball hits the floor so let's make another event event handler and then here def receive death event okay we erase the burst instantaneous just as we did before right oh I'm sorry um what we did before was the the let me make this smaller the particle inheritance right it's this one we do not want to do that we want to work with events so we do need a spawn here I'm just gonna Ctrl C there we go we need to link it now so on the properties we need to say this comes from the small ball that event let's restart it we see it appearing Max events one number of spawns one it is actually not listening receive that event it's fine so what has changed oh actually I was right we don't need to get rid of this pound burst because this Pawn has been handled by this right my bad okay good now let's animate this a little bit so it kinda like expands scales right size and it needs to follow the same strength of this mesh so it probably is Bounce at at size 0.1 but at time 0.12 it could be 3. something like that or maybe two I enjoy this let's change the color now let's make it a little bit more emissive remember three let's change the color something like that but you know the intention is good but this color gradient is just way too strong they don't enjoy that so we have two options we can either modify the material or we can even say okay this is not a missive this is just something like this yeah okay so it is gentle you see it is gentle it looks nice and uh is it me or does it Fade to White oh no never mind it was just me let's make it bigger or okay that's too much three all right I'll have to settle for 2.3 okay so we can definitely see this is working smoother this is looking better and quite honestly let's try and look at it from this side if we look at it from the side we see maybe these sparks happen a little bit too late should happen a little bit earlier what else I feel like this mesh stays too big on the c-axis for too long should be should be um faster and I also kinda don't like the behavior of these Sparks maybe a little bit more speed on it going back to Sparks flower spark velocity let's just say 120 that just spreads them further right okay 75 and they need to happen faster so one too soon 1.2 1.3 all right this is looking a little bit better let's see how it looks on the on the map oh and it is not here so I'm gonna put it back again like focus on it all right as we can see it is too um too low so I put it a little bit like that let's try it now they spawn too early I guess that the time was perfect okay the time is perfect let's just change it then so the flower Sparks all right it needs to be 1.4 just as it was again and maybe then the curl noise Force just increases to the hundred that looks cooler okay I can take that that looks cooler for sure for sure and I'm thinking now on what else we can add besides uh making this last longer I kinda already like how this looks and how it fades away so I'm just gonna copy both of them oh sorry I'm copying both of them here and I'm gonna disable both they're just a backup just in case or actually I should do the inverse right The Originals just disable and work on the boat that are here enabled and let's make them both last longer so straight up five and straight up bye this is prettier and makes more sense but now you can see that the timings we created on our scale mesh size are now broken because now they live longer now we need to recheck the timings of both of them right again to my liking it's it stays for too long with a c axis being too big so I'm changing that on only DC we're just testing anyway right so we we have some time to check things out so on three okay maybe at point three it is still or well it is no longer that and it's 0.1 let's see that looks better I prefer that one and I'm gonna make it a curve I forgot about that so it's curved now that looks way smoother I really enjoy this so we do the same for the other one right same thing like what did we do here we did a 0.3 0.25 or just point one sure and here too hold on hold on yeah in here same thing 0.3 and 0.25 this looks very nice and I'm I think I'm happy enough with how this has turned out okay never mind I am not happy this bottom Sprite it's just way too big so we're just gonna have to keep doing this um small improvements and see what's going on so Sprite size it grows too fast just 1.5 just just make it grow small now it grows still too fast so it is not 0.1 let's make it point three and one point two and make it leaf for at least four seconds we need it to be to be bigger let's add just at another point and say one and two okay now okay I enjoy that all right oh I do not want to save this just in case though let's continue testing it all right so if I can't come up with anything oh there is something important still check out that it feels like I would like to add another layer one last one because if we check at this through a timeline and say that okay this is playback 0.5 if we wait for it and let's repeat it once more time you see how the very first thing that spawns is the Sparks although it doesn't look bad I mean it it crashes and then it spawns it that's that's not bad but maybe I would like the Sparks too also like up two it's just like water right you um you throw something in the water and something splashes up right some something something sort of like that so just a minor thing to be honest we copy these Sprites uh just to make it more organic right for example let's say um we isolate this one isolated we also want to isolate the small ball and the ball Sparks isolate so with these three ones isolated oh we didn't want to duplicate this one up oh well let's just work with this so you see it comes here and some Sparks should fly up instantly right so you want to erase this D7 Handler is is fine actually let's make sparks that are really small so 0.2 0.6 let's um have a lot of Sparks spell number like 20. all right and velocity we can get out with we can get away with linear I think it's fine but we need a shape it can be circular too but really small we don't need to test it on slo-mo anymore this is annoying me okay so it falls and I only see one spark flying up only one so receive that event acceleration ribbon coordinate space this should all be okay yeah we should also put a location so if we raise this here and we put a shape location around here let's see what happens yeah we can modify it too which is pretty cool it's a little bit hard to see right once again okay they need to be I think bigger so two and one something like that sure but the velocity needs to be um uniform because right now they're all flying at 50 and that's not cool random 0 and 50 which is I think mine something like that sure but let's make it way faster like 300 something like that and then an eventual an inevitable drag so let's see like that it seems nice I mean it's a fine detail right but it's it's one that you will be able to appreciate but the velocity needs also to be spreaded out so maybe 200 and 200 and also minus 200 and minus 200. something like that maybe probably 200 is too much and we settle down for 50 50. minus 50 and minus 50. how is that looking yeah I like that let's add now some acceleration so they accelerate downwards and that's it to make it more um more organic right so acceleration force and they just go down minus hundred something like that so now how is everything looking all together you can actually tell these the particles that are spawning let's just add a few more I I just don't want to add so much because this is CPU but just hundred something like that and let's make them different I swear this is the last the last thing so size by speed let's make them look nicer right now they're just rounded and just flying dumbly I don't like that so Sprite render alignment velocity and facing mode custom facing mode and let's say that this is what 0.2 no this is actually five we're going overboard really reward 0.3 or 0.4 something like that maybe they feel like they are too slow don't they they do they do and they are leaving too much how can I tell well you see the motion it falls this mesh gets created with so much force and then nothing right and also one thing I've noticed I'm gonna tell you in a little bit okay so first of all not so big three that's fine and they should not leave for so long two oh and random right one and two to finish we just want to do two more things and uh well I hope that you can make these uh blue um this purple sprite bigger because it it kind of bothers me but um so two last things and I know that I'm bad saying when something is last but we need to be able to expose these parameters to be shown in a blueprint right so you can modify them in a game imagine that you want to modify the color through groupings right so it can be a gameplay effect okay and the other one is how to trigger our effect with a button on the on the map so we don't have to press spacebar and look at it it's so newish we should never do that but I wanted to highlight the importance on that okay because for the longest time I refuse to learn groupings I just did it that way and it was really painful but you wanted to learn an error first so we're never anyways imagine that we have this velocity and we want to expose the minimum and the maximum to our blueprints what do you do so imagine again we want to change the minimum we go on the Arrow and you can click on make and you can click on read from user parameter and there you cannot modify it anymore but it appears here on the left side on user parameters and it also appears in here on this system user parameters it leads you here if you're hearing just parameters like that yeah it leads to here right these are the global parameters of your whole system I know that we didn't touch on this one but it's the whole system properties of the whole thing right something that all of the image that the emitters share in the case that you that you choose to do it right because you can also choose not to do it like for example where we put it here on the emitter update if we put self it depends on the emitter if we put system it refers to this one here right so it depends on you it is cheaper if they are all linked to the system so what was I saying okay yeah so same thing right click on the on the Arrow make and read from user parameter and it's going to be named maximum velocity and there you go and that's how you expose them on the blueprints because it's gonna well it is already a parameter right another thing that I didn't show you and uh can I show you now okay I think I can break this effect a little bit now that oh no I'm just gonna copy it okay I just copied it I want to make this an infinite spawn okay so it it spawns on and I wanna take this out and I want to spawn burst off 200. so it appears all the time right I wanna make it Loop even faster so 0.4 at only time nice and we have it here I want to move it you can see that these Sparks well do not move right what moves is the emitter and then when it's Bounce It Takes the location and that's probably what we want because if we have a particle that is not spawning as a burst but it is spawning as a rate like a rate of 100 like that and we move it it moves like you would expect right that's cool but sometimes you do not want it to move like that imagine that maybe you have a Sparks on the hand of a player and that player runs and you do not want these Sparks to Trail him because maybe the amulet has a uh gravity or or maybe you know it looks bad and the effect gets ruined so you just want the particles to spin around his hand well what you do is this you go on a meter State oh sorry on the on the properties and you put local space that way when you move it it is completely static right that's something that may come in handy another thing that I didn't mention and that now I forgot I saw it around here oh yeah of course we did show this bound rate this is also his pound per unit this pounds per unit um uh uh how do you say it spent moved so if you move it around it starts spawning but only when it moves and depending on on the rate that you put it because if you put the rate to be too low like 0 or 0.1 the minimum movements bounce incredibly a lot of particles and that cool cause way too many troubles so that is that and I know that there are also a lot of um a lot of models that I didn't touch but quite honestly you should check them out because they're they're quite simple and they're quite fun to check and I already showed you the most beta vital ones that you can use for your effects right so last thing how do I activate my effects I'm just gonna put it no I'm not I'm not gonna do it okay I'm not gonna go with my usual self I'm gonna I'm gonna create a a blueprint file enter right click blueprint glass select actor name it BP uh player maybe I can oh it was flower okay so we open it up and we want to bring in our effect inside here like that okay that's all pretty cool we need to go on the event graph so the first thing that we need to do is to give us a a way to press a keyboard well a key so our effect is bounds right so we can test it so here on event play just put enable input oh Lord I cannot type enable input there we go and in here we need to get our player controller so get player controller there we go now what we need to do is find a key that we want to use well I just want to type keyboard and choose one and since we have activated uh since we have put our flower in here it's gonna read it automatically if we do activate nsflower great now we need to tag reset so if we press it and it's uh on motion we can it can just spawn again right don't forget to compile otherwise it doesn't work and you should drag your effect into the map we press play oh it's a little bit too high so okay press play and if you press one it spawns and we can debug it and it spawns and it spawns and I can Crush my computer like that but um so yeah that's it I hope that you learned a lot and that it encouraged you to make your own stuff uh thank you for watching and if you find it enjoying or if you have some advice please let me know maybe I can teach better or maybe it was amazing and you loved it and you want more I'm gonna do way more so thank you for watching once again and I'll be seeing you really soon don't forget to join our Discord you can ask me anything there
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 34,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 5sec (11525 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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