Unreal Engine 5 Environment Tutorial for Beginners - Creating Castle Ruins

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learn how to model these rings in a real engine 5. if you are a beginner with unreal engine 5 and want to create an environment for your games then this tutorial is for you in this tutorial you will learn how to create this environment from scratch you will learn different techniques to model and create destroyed assets you will learn how to create pack level actors to decorate levels much faster and we will decorate our environment using materials foliage and simulation to make our thing look better this techniques can be applied to multiple cases whether you're making a huge environment like the castle or making a small thing modeling in a real is the future i you can create something great just with these tools but making a great environment is not only about knowing how to use the tools this is why in this tutorial provided by wimfox you will learn more such as artiory optimization master materials landscapes and the mindset behind creating a big thing like this castle environment creation is a skill that is on demand on the industry in fact this is the skill that got me a job at ubisoft and i'm here to share with you my experience so you can also have the opportunity to enter a big game company so join now and i will make a link in the description so you can enroll the course with a discount so let's start our project by creating a file a new level and here i have a bunch of options i just want to select the empty level and click create okay so now that i'm here i'm going to add a ground here that i can use and in order to do that i'm just going to modeling here with g5 you can either click this or shift 5 and go here to my cube grid okay and now that i have this i can just select this something like this and when i press e i can just push the buttons like pull or push pull push just like that e and q okay so now that i have that then i just have a ground hit complete okay so shift f1 or shift one to go to uh here in my map and let's let's play from here okay now i cannot see anything because you know uh everything is black so what i need to do here and i go to unlead and go lead and you see that everything is dark so let's add some lights so what i'm gonna do is to go here to my place and here in lights i'm gonna drag a directional light just like this now we have our sunlight now right click and let's play now it looks like we are leaving mars because we don't have any sunlight so what that's what we're gonna add now and in order to do that first i'm going to put this and go to my details panel click on movable and then go here to my place go to lights and instead of lights i'm just going to visual effects and add a sky atmosphere there you go and then i'm going to lights and add skylight okay real time capture on and movable here the last thing i want to do is to add some clouds so let's go to visual effects let's go to clouds here volumetric cloud there you go and the last thing i want to do is to add some fog so let's go to visual effects again exponential heights log and there you go that's just the first setup we need to create our level very simple you can just run around and there you go so now what we're gonna do is to create the wall so now that i have my level if i play here i can have my character move around what i want to add it's some walls that i want to add for my ruins so i'm just going to my modeling tab and here when i click box i can just create you know a kind of wall so i'm going to change the dimensions here for width i'm going to reduce it to 40 something like this i'm going to increase the depth to maybe 500 okay something like that and my height maybe 300. there you go and now that we have this we can just click here and this is our wall so just click complete and there you go now we have our brick wall the next thing we need to do is to add some texture so in order to do that we're going to control space at and then go to quick cell content and here if you go here to quicksilver you can download any texture in my case i will download some bricks if i if you want to check which one i use i you can use type brick then you can go to surface and then go to historical and here i have this one fort stonewall and then the roman stonewall so this should be good enough so i already have them here where you download them you will have it in your local folder i will just click add here and then click the other one okay and just like that we just add our textures to our level and there you go my fourth and my roman and what i want to do is to add the textures here so i can just go here to my roman texture and i can just click here there you go and the problem with this is that our scale is really small so what i want to do is to change the uvs a little bit okay and i'm gonna do that inside unreal i'm going here select my wall go to modeling and then go down and in uvs you will see layout and by default this will be repack so i will click on transform okay and then i will just put my texture resolution is 2k and my scale is 5. okay you don't really need to change the actual resolution because we're only doing the transform you are doing doing not doing re-packing and now this looks a little bit better actually so let's keep it like that let's click accept okay and there you go now we have our wall so let's right click play from here and there you go now we have our brick wall here so the next thing i'm gonna do is to add some resolution to my walls and as you can see when i play from here you will see that my wall is really flat and it doesn't have much detail although the texture looks really nice you know things can get a little bit better so what i will do is to come back here and then go to my modeling and here i will go to my mesh operations and click remesh and what this will do is to add some geometry that i will need to add to my geometry by default is 5000 i believe this number is more than fine so let's just click accept and there you go now the next thing we need to do is to displace our mesh so we're gonna do that by going to the deform and then go to this place and you can see that by default we're having some displays going on but it's using a purlin noise so if i make this bigger you can see that that details that are projected are not following my break textures so what i'm gonna do is to change this pearly noise and put a texture to the map just like this and here i will go to my content browser and i will choose this mask if i double click here you will see these three individuals channels first you have the red one the green one here and the blue one the blue one is the displacement and this is what we want what it actually does is basically have a layer that basically the whiter values will be on top and the darker values will be on the bottom so it's just like a layer like this that will be push on the surface and the whiter it is the more is pushed to the surface and the darker it is then it gets you know it doesn't push the values so we're going to use this one so how are we going to do this we're just going to click here and then go to our displacement and there you go now there's something wrong going on here it's not quite accurate and the reason is we're using the red channel and if we check our texture the red channel is for ambient occlusion which kind of works but actually it can be much better so what we're going to do is to change this channel to blue and just by doing that we're already having some displacement now the displacement is really subtle so what i'm going to do is to change the display's intensity or something like 50 maybe now that's a little bit too much maybe that's what you're looking for but for me i feel something like 20 can be good enough something like this okay and yeah this this looks good enough to me okay so just by doing that if i click accept you will see that now my geometry has much more detail one thing i'm gonna do is to control space here and if i go to my details panel i will just click here to browse and here i will right click and enable nanite and just by doing that i will basically create a nanite mesh out of this one okay and this will make our my mesh look much more better okay much better i mean so just by doing that if i go here you will see that my mesh has much more details than before it's just not a flat texture now the next thing we're going to do is to basically uh break this out so we have our ruins of our castle so what we're going to do next is to break this wall and we're gonna do that using booleans so the best way to do it is to use the modeling tools and then go to my polyextrude and if i click here you will see that if i you see i can click anywhere and i can close my spline click here and then i can just track and i can have like a wall here and click again and this will complete the operation okay so there are a couple of things i want to do before making our mesh to you destroy this wall so i'm going to go to the polystude and here i don't want to enable the snapping i want to be really freehand and what i want to do is to put the mode to fix something like that i can just lift to 100 or 150 so i want if i want and now that i click here you will see that as i close the spline i will have my automatic extrusion going on so before continuing i will delete this too uh let me hide this one and i will just rotate this for now okay and if the rotation is not accurate go to shift one and here you can put the snapping angles so you can just rotate like this and before doing that let me duplicate this mesh by holding alt and let's go to our modeling and here we will duplicate this mesh and basically put it as it is click accept okay and now we have our mesh here and two different meshes that we can use so let's destroy this one and we're going to go to the top here and we're going to use the unlead maybe the lead mode it's it's fine it's okay so just by doing that we can go to modeling and go to our poly extrude here let's go to pull extrude and now we can just ah no just copy here so we can basically trace a line like this like this okay basically following the brick wall i can go here if i want and go here just like that okay there you go and now i will destroy all this like this let's close it and there you go that's the first one let's create the second one okay so let's go here to my polyextrude and i will just follow this just like this doesn't have to be super accurate just like that okay and then keep following break contours come back here and go here and basically we can leave it like that there you go let's close it and now we have our two booleans let's go to shift one and then go here instead of the top we're going to click perspective and you will see i have my booleans here so what i'm gonna do is to click here and then click on this one and then i'm going to my modeling mode modeling tools okay and i'm going to well first let's we can rotate this okay let's rotate this 90 degrees just like that and this one we will also rotate 90 degrees great now there are two ways to cut this the first one is using the boolean and we're going to do that now so in order to use the boolean we just need to click on our wall then click on this one okay and then we're going to use the mesh boolean and as you can see what is going on here is that it's choosing the intersection between these two meshes and is creating a mesh that you know it's basically following the second mesh you can change the difference like and to have like a different result for example like the inside of a brick wall and then we can put the brick wall here if we want but in our case we're just going to use the difference a minus b and that's pretty much it so once you're done with that you can just click accept and you will have your mesh now that's brilliant now there is another way to cut this and it's using the mesh cut here now if you see here is grayed out it's because i haven't choose two meshes so if i click on this one and then click on this one again i can just choose the mesh cut if i want okay so by doing the mesh cut it's a little bit different instead what you will do is basically separate these two meshes using the second choice just like the boolean it will choose the one that is intersecting but it will also create a new mesh so if i click accept you will see that i have two meshes and nothing will happen so i can just basically move this around i can delete it if i want and ctrl h okay now let's just move this thing down just like this there you go so now that we have this now you see that it looks like the same but it's actually not i actually have two meshes here just like this okay so just by doing that we can create more variations for our brick wall we can have this one this one and this one and this is how we can create the kits now you can see that the booleans already create a mesh here and it's using uh or you know a default material we don't really want that so what we're gonna do now is to basically add some textures here so in order to add another material it's very easy we just need to go here and drag one other material and just put it here but there you go that's all you need to do okay so if we go to our mesh here and we look it up here we can go to our details panel here if i click my mesh i can just click here to find where is it and if i drag it again you will see that this material is not applied the reason is we're use modifying the instance so if we want to modify it completely we can just come here and then change the material to the one we just put save it and there you go the same thing for this one and this one so double click on this one type fort leave it like that save go here then go to my material type port there you go save and just like that we just applied another material that is you know a little bit more noisy because this part is shipped out so it should be like another material and now our brick walls look much better what we will do now is to create some variations that we can use to decorate our scene so what we will do now is just to create some variations and we're gonna do that by bending our meshes so what we're gonna do is to duplicate all of this so we can have like a different version and then go to each one of them go to modeling and then duplicate mesh accept and then do the same one here duplicate mesh accept then go to the third one duplicate mesh accept you can have as many meshes as you want but in my case to keep things simple for the tutorial i'm just going to use three so how are we going to do this we're going to go to modeling tools and then we're going to go to deform and then go to the warp node now you can see like it's going into another direction and you can change this by choosing like a different axis i like y and x just like that okay and what i'm gonna do is to actually change the pivot point of this one because it's giving an axis that is kind of weird so by in order to do that we're just going here to my transform paybot and then go to the left or right or back there you go the back looks okay then go here right to the bottom and this looks like a nice place so we're just going to leave it there looks okay to me so let's click accept okay and now what we're gonna do is to go here to my warp node okay and now i'm just going to change the x-axis just like that there you go now this is looking much better and there you go we we just moved the axis so here i have some handles here i can either use this ones i change the upper bounds here like how much i want to influence i can change the degrees for example i can have 100 360 degrees and i can have something like this if i want that could be an option too okay and i can move the handle here for example i can move it here so i can have the pivot point in another location and i can change the bend mode and i can choose basically change the bending as i please okay so just by doing that we can have another variation let's click accept okay and we're gonna do the same here we're going to go to wrap change this one in the x-axis there you go and this one we can just leave it like that or we can do something like this just like that and we can also do something maybe like this okay something like this for example there you go click accept let's go to the next one warp rotate in the x-axis there you go um this one we can do something like this i think it looks really interesting if you ask me i don't know how it will hold up or we can just leave it like that and then we can rotate later so this one we can just rotate like this 180 degrees we can just put it up and that's it now we have another variation and this one we will also rotate 180 degrees and we're just going to put it here so now we have something going on here we have our kit here and we can create different assets for example i can just duplicate this one and duplicate this one just like this okay by holding alt and i can rotate this for example 90 degrees and i can just put it here just like that okay i can just come back here and there you go or you can actually put it here so the same is not so noticeable just like this and there you go okay so what we're going to do now is to create some kits that we can use to make our scene faster so in order to create the kits we're going to use something that is called leveling sense blueprint so the first thing we're going to do is to save our level because we don't really want to lose our progress let's go here let's call it um i don't know my castle environment something like that and this will be my dim map something like that okay so not that we will do what we will do is to basically for example if we decide this can be an asset we can right click both of them and then what we can do is to go to level and then create pack level actor just like this and the axis will be um maybe yeah it can be this one okay we can put the axis here click ok and there we will choose the let's call it um mass folder called mass and this will be my mass ruins 0 1 just like this and also we will have some blueprints here that we will pull that we will call it bpp mass and there you go now we have our meshes here and what this will do is to basically when i drag this i already have something going on so i can create more kits like this and in order to do that i will just make this one a little bit bigger so i can have some space i can come back here duplicate this one i can come back here duplicate this one too i can rotate and i can put it here just like this and notice that it's it match really nicely with our brick wall okay so we can just go here and we can even add more than two for example we can have something like this okay and we can maybe i don't know put it here we want i don't know if this makes sense but you know it looks it looks interesting so let's just put it like that and let's just select all of this and then right click level create pack level doctor leave it like this okay mass ruins 0 2 just like this and we will put this one here great let's do the last one here so what we will do is to basically duplicate this one we can duplicate this one too we can put it in another position if we want we can put this one to here like for example we can rotate 90 degrees we can just come back here just like this there you go you don't need to be exact and also come back here and let's right click then go to pivot snaps here and this will help us to do a better snapping of course we can do things a little bit more organized in the future if we want to be more precise and then maybe this one i can just grab this and you know just put it here just like this okay and what i could do is to actually lower this down if i want it and there you go now we have another ruins kit let's click here level create pack level actor click ok here this will be my ruins 0 3 and here i will put my rune 03 here and there you go now that i have this i can have my label actors here great the next thing we're going to do is to assemble a small little thing with the ones with a pack level instance blueprints which is created and you will see how fast this is so in order to assemble a small scene we can just go here we can just move the things around here for example we can put something like this we can move this one here just like this and we can just have a top-down view we can rotate things around just like this okay you can put something like this okay you can put it here too if you want you can combine all these meshes here something like this or you can you know rotate and just play with the position just like this and here we can put something here you can rotate this and you know just put it here just just like that and then here it looks a little bit uniform so let's come back here and you know move things around like this we can do something like this or we can you know basically rotate things around you can also remove the location the rotation is snapping here so now we can just come back here and we can have small scene here can do this one a little bit bigger and you can also like move this one here just like this and this will create some shadows here so we can we can move it and put it here or we can play with it and you know move things around just like this okay and everything is kind of like the same height so we're gonna use something like this and of course we can keep creating our rinse like this we can rotate this one to some to have something here okay and i just rotate like this and put it there if this one looks like the same so maybe we can do something like this just like this so now that we have our ruins uh let's let's make this one bigger just like this okay and also here just so we can have something in the background something like that okay there you go and maybe we could move this something like this there you go okay oh this is looking interesting okay so now that we have our shot we can just let's let's just say we just choose this shot and we can actually play from here or we can have a look at our wins here we can just play around have you know different kits here we can use and of course you can always change things if you don't like them like for example this part i feel like i don't really like it that much or maybe this one i can just move things around or i can even delete some of them if i don't like them i can group them so it can be a little bit more interesting something like this and just like just like that we can have a much more interesting thing so uh we're gonna leave the ruins like this we're just going to add some grass and some details so we can play around with our scene so the next thing we're going to do is to add some grass here so i'm going to ctrl space add and then add quick cell content and then here let me look for something nice for example i can add this one the fourth floor okay then i can take a look at something else for example this one looks really nice i will add it and also maybe you know maybe this one okay so now that we have here this uh we can i can also choose some grass here for example like this one and maybe this one to decorate later okay you can choose anything you want so now that we have this let's try to put the grass here so how we're gonna do this is we're going to the surface here and let's put this material here and looks like it's working fine okay so what we're going to do is to do some vertex painting so we're going here to my filter and then go to materials material instance here and you will see that i have material instance here so i will go to my surface here and i have this one i also have this one let's take a look at how it looks like okay and i also have this one great so this tree looks like they will blend really well so i will choose this one and then this one and then this one and just by clicking those i can just go to my bridge and here i will create a blend material just like this just by doing that you will see that i have created my blended materials there you go i will put this one here now looks like nothing has happened but actually i have burst expanding here so what i will do is remove this part go to my complex collision put the project default okay save and now we will put a simple collision let's click apply there you go now we have some simple collision or actually let's just remove this collision and add a box collision there you go much better now that we have this we can paint here go to the select mode then go to mesh paint but the problem is we don't have any vertex we only have like a couple here a couple in the other corner and that's not really good so what we're going to do is to basically add resolution here just like the same way we did with our ruins we're going to modeling then we just go to our mesh operations i mean uh sorry this is a deform uh where is it ah there you go mesh operations remesh and you know 5000 looks okay to me so let's click accept and now what we can do is to paint here so let's go here to select mode go to mesh paint and here in painting i will choose the rgb channels you will see that everything is white so what i will do is to basically click the green one and paint in black let me reduce the amount the size of my brush and by holding shift i will paint the erase color and there you go now i have some grass here i can just paint again if i want i can paint the blue one so let me change the size i can just uh let me change the string i'm the size or we know the blue one the red one i can just create like a small pad here just like this okay and let me increase the strength reduce the size and just create some different parts that we can use okay and just by doing that we have create our path if you don't want just click here holding shift you will like like the path and also the green one by holding shift you can you know make it a little bit better you can just paint here just like this great so now that we have something here uh we are also painting red or sorry we can go to the red one and click this one like this okay so we we can have something nicer the next thing we can do is to go to my blend material here and here you will see that i have a bunch of properties that i can use to blend so my blend controls this will be my top layer and my base middle layer controls i can change the contrast for example something like five okay i can also put the blend uh contrast to five here and that's a little bit too much so let's change the falloff to zero point one or maybe five okay that's better uh the follow-up looks off looks like it's working nice and do the falloff here and then the contrast 0.1 to 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.2 there you go now that looks a little bit better and also the blend amount you can change it like zero or one two and put something like this this will make it look really nice and also this one also sorry maybe the falloff length amount 1.1 0.6 0.2 to be honest i don't really like this texture so let's just remove it okay so let's save this and let's paint again and we will paint here um the green one or let's say the green one we're going to paint like this and now we're going to the red one and by holding shift i'm just creating the pad here and the green one i just paint like this paint white here and then with the red one i can just paint black just like this okay just like that and there you go now we have something we can use in our environment we can change this a little bit uh put this one down and maybe move it like this or you can play with it like whatever any way you you want okay so now that we have this um now we have small rings we can play with we can just you know uh have some grass here and call our small sink don so in order to paint the grass is very easy we're just going here to our mesh paint uh sorry not mesh paint polish and you can see that the foliage i add from quick cell mega scans is here so i can choose the grass first for example the grass patches like this and i can just check here so i will only paint this and let's see what happens if we paint now this looks a little bit funny so let's ctrl c and what we can do is to maybe change the brush size to something like this there you go my pain density much more and also the properties here we're just going to change this a little bit let me move this up now the density will be like 200 so let's paint again okay this looks much better let's put 500 okay and also what we're going to do which if we can delete of course okay and we will change the size the minimum will be 0.75 and the maximum will be something like let's try 3.1 that's a little bit too much i think let's put two okay and also let's change the density to 250 there you go okay a little bit too big 1.6 maybe okay just like this you can just paint here and also paint here there you go now we can choose another type of plant let's choose all of this and click here and now we can just choose all of this here there are like different plants and we can play with the density here uh let's see what happens if we just okay so that's a lot so let's change the density to 25 and also the size will be like 0.6 to 1.5 something like this and let's see what happens here okay that's a little bit too much let's change the density there you go much better and this red plants will give a little bit more balance to our scene just like this okay great so not what we need to do is to maybe just polish our scene a little bit and call it don so now that we have a small scene we can create like a small little game like a small scene that we can run around and see some things so the first thing we're going to do is to actually check the collision if i press alt c you will see that i cannot see basically my collision and if i click play here you will see that i'm actually having collision so what is going on here is that i'm using a complex collision this is extremely heavy for a game so what we're going to do is to change the collision of these meshes and the instance meshes will automatically update so in order to do that we can just go here to our static mesh and here we can go here to complex collision collision complexity and use project default okay there you go now this one doesn't have collision so what i need to do is to add some collision here and i will do it very simple i can just click apply here and if you don't see this tab go to collision and then go to auto convex collision and now you will see that i have some collision going on if you want to be a little bit more precise you can remove the collision here by removing here the collision and increase the whole precision and the whole count just like this okay just like that and the steel can be more precise so let's put a whole position super big there you go and then click apply and then this will take some time to load ah there you go now you have something so now that we have this our collision is much more optimized for games so we're going to do the same here for the rest of the meshes let's save all of them and what we can do actually is to maybe select some of them and change the properties so i can go here and basically i will do this thing on my site and i will change the collision in all of them there is a cool little trick that i want to show you and that is to add a little bit of more variation by using some bricks that are simulated here so in order to do that i need to go to my bridge here and here you will see that i have a pack that i already download is my rubble pack which contains some wood planks and some bricks and now that i have this i just need to click on all of them right click and enable nanite i already did that so you don't have to see myself doing that boring thing so here um what i have basically it's a small brick and now what i want to do is to put some collision so i will just put apply and i will do the same for all of them apply click again apply and you know how borrowing game development can be sometimes but anyway let's save everything now that we have this we just need to grab all the bricks here okay and put them here and what i will do is to move them okay something like this okay and now that i have this i can just come here okay and what i can do is basically apply physics so if i put here on the details panel i check all of them and type physics okay you will see that i have simulate physics i will check this and i can also put a mass kilograms how heavy this bricks will be i don't know but let's let's put something like 500 kilograms that's an exaggeration of course but in any case what i need to do is basically make sure that my collision is not using complex collision now how do i know that for example if i go to my ground here and then i double click this okay what you need to make sure is that you have complex collision you don't have any okay and that's good and the other thing you need to make sure is that you actually have some collision here so if you go to collision you can put some collision here in my case i already have it so do not need to worry about it so the same thing with this you can go here to our assets and make sure all of them have collision and i believe i can show the collision here there you go simple collision make sure you don't have complex collision okay now what i want to do is to drop these meshes and look what what will happen if i just click play now i click on simulate but you can also click play in viewport if i do that you will see that i have some bricks that are falling here okay and that's great so basically what i need to do is to make sure these bricks are a little bit bigger so let's make it like this let's simulate again okay now you can see that my collision here it's you know intersecting so i can just rotate those and i can just make them bigger and i can come back here and rotate again and move them and come back here and just like this we can just rotate it okay and we can make this one's bigger if we want and also some smaller ones we can just put it like here and rotate them something like this and do the same here here and here just used to have some bricks in this area now let's select all of those here in my outliner i have my rubble select all of those and let's click simulate let's take a look at how it looks like okay so looks not bad and you have some really nice simulation here like this brick is intersecting here these bricks are just like falling uh it's just really nice but what happens if i click stop simulation you will see that my bricks are still floating in the air so what i need to do is to basically simulate here okay and there is a little trick that i will show you to make sure that your brakes stay in place so what i will do is press k and just like that you will see that it saved the actor property location so when i click stop my bricks are already here okay and they are movable and you don't really want that so because if i play my game here you will see that you know my bricks are using simulation and i don't really want that so what i will do is to finish this by just clicking on those bricks all of them and then change this to a stationary that's it and the other thing is we go to physics and simulate physics uh should be off by default okay and looks like it did by default when we press k and that's it so this little trick will enable you to simulate some physics here to add more richness to your environment okay let's finish our scene by adding some small little finishing touches into this so what i will do is to go to my bricks here and you will see that they are very white okay so what i will do is to basically change the color because if you go to unlit mode you will see that this is very bright values and you don't really want to have that so i will go to my albedo tint and i will turn it down just like this so these colors of the bricks are very similar to the ones you will find here now if i check this this will blend with my environment much better let's try again and then go down and look look at that this blends much better compared to the previous ones so let's click ok save this now what i will do is to add some here so i already had my we created the beginning but what i will do is basically change the properties a little bit let me make some space by dragging this out and here in volumetric flow i can just click on this and you will see that something happened here basically my fog will be affect affecting by the sky atmosphere and now what i can do is to basically increase the fog intensity and i can actually add a secondary fog data if i want it if i want to make it really intense and what i can do is with ctrl l i can move the sun around just like this so i until i find some nice sunshine something like this maybe or you can control l again the idea is to have some nice shadows here or what i can do is to put the sun here okay now let's go to our directional light type directional then go to directional light and what i will do is change the temperature click on temperature and we can make it a little bit cooler or a little bit hotter i find that myself a little bit cooler can be really nice touch i will just leave it like that and what i will do here is go to my left shaft and here i will put light shaft occlusion and you will see that it's having some nice shadows at the end and i can really increase it or decrease it i can change the depth range okay and i can use at light shaft bloom and look what happens here is that my son is having some kind of gut race going on here just like this okay and this is really nice actually uh if you want to have like a scene like sunrise like are the day and the sun is showing the god rays something like that you can you can do that if you want in my case i will just leave it like this and the bloom i'm just going to reduce it a little bit like 0.05 great so now that i have this uh i will play my small little thing so let's play here and you see that i have a small little scene so we covered a lot of stuff we cover how to model our walls here with a brick wall we learn how to texture how to add detail how to break the walls we also learn how to create different variations then we touch a little bit of materials so you can make some nice transitions here a little bit of foliage and some simulation here for your rick assets to add more you know coolness to your seeing and of course some nice uh fog effects and sunlight to make your scene look a little bit better so thank you so much for watching this tutorial if you want to learn more make sure to subscribe to our channel where you can watch a lot of other cool tutorials for free too and if you want to dig deeper make sure to check our website so you can take a look at some premium tutorials and also you can consider becoming a member of this channel to access some premium tutorials for a minimum price thank you so much and i will see you in the next one
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 118,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine environment tutorial
Id: oGOYSd0Ve-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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