How to make a Game in Unreal Engine 5.3 - Complete Course for Beginners

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welcome to your first step in Unreal Engine 5. the 5.3 version just dropped and we are all very excited but if this is your first time using the engine the best idea would be to start with the basics in this tutorial we will cover everything you need to know in order to start creating content inside Unreal Engine the first step is downloading the engine while the engine is being installed we will do a quick tour around the epic games launcher because there is a lot of assets and materials that can be very helpful to us next we will create our first project we will then get acquainted with the Unreal Engine editor so we are comfortable using it we will create our first level add a playable character prototype a simple map use blueprints to create game mechanics learn about materials so we can decorate our map and finally import assets from quicksal bridge so we can get an unreal result now that you have the structure of what we're going to do get ready and let's start learn to create an action game in a real Engine 5 at the first step in our unreal Adventure is downloading the engine which we can find at unreal here we will find the download button let's click it and in the next page we'll see the recommended system requirements if we scroll down a little bit we will find the download launcher button so let's just download it and install it like any other program once you download and install the epic games launcher we can open it inside it it will ask us for an epic games account here it says sign in later but if we click here we won't be able to download the engine so we do need an epic games account if we don't have one we can click on sign up and we can choose the method that works best for us if you just choose mail then it's just a matter of following the process so just create your account and sign in before starting a quick tour of the launcher let's go to the library tab here you will find the engine's installations that you have already but if you don't have any you can click on the plus button select the engine version which in our case will be the 5.3 and just click on install in my case I already was testing the preview version of the 5.3 so I only have an update button so let's click on it and yeah let's just follow the installation options and agree to the messages that can pop up you will be able to find the progress here in the downloads button in the case that you're installing from scratch let's click the add button and let's say I want to install this version let's just click on it and we just need to select a location it's important that you do not select an external drive this this means and maybe solid state drive that is outside your machine why because it is lower than internal drives and it can lead to weird issues whenever you're using the engine so it's a good idea to install it either on your C drive or well in whatever internal drive that you have inside your your computer so it's just a matter of clicking install and that's pretty much it now well this is installing we can continue our quick tour around the launcher after signing in we will have full access to the epic games launcher if we have played fortnite maybe we are already familiar with this store and with the library but in our case we will focus in Unreal Engine so here we will see these five tabs the first one is the news and here we will find everything related to the news of Unreal Engine here we will find more news the YouTube channels Q A's forums and the roadmap also there will be feature content feature screenshots that are usually Community generated weekly spotlights and many more the next step is the samples the samples are projects that the Epic Games Team put out for us so in our case we can just download the project and pick around see how they made for example this electric dreams demo or maybe we just want to check out the metahumans or some animation or this one is very useful at the start of the content examples because it gives example on almost every feature or well the most important features that the engine has to offer so it's very useful to just download it you can just click on it and it will send us to the marketplace and here you will have the options to to get it it will be free and then you can create a project following the version that you need yeah so that way you can explore inside any sample project and that's not all you have sample projects but you also have simple games here is the lighter starter game very useful if you want to create a multiplayer shooter the next one is the marketplace this tab houses all the assets that we can get there will be a lot of paid assets but every month we can get maybe four or five assets for free we just need to go here free free for the month and don't forget to add to the card and get it so this gets refreshed every month so don't forget to get them for free now you may be downloading a lot of assets if you're using a solid state drive and you don't have that much space in your computer make sure to go to settings and here edit bold cache location this is where the actual assets will be stored assets that you download from the marketplace and also sample projects so if you are using two disks and you have one that maybe has more space than the other one and you want to save everything there you can change the folder here let's go back it will be the library tab where we will see all the engine versions and the my projects tab where we can see all the projects that have been created before and you can see I have a lot of them maybe I should clean a little bit of it the bolt is the projects that you have gotten from either the sample step or the marketplace tab you can see that it's already and consuming a little bit of my space in my computer so that's why I wanted to show you where you can change the Vault location so every project that you have bought from the marketplace or plugins if you have downloaded it you will see that this Arrow can remove the local content but if you have not downloaded it this Arrow will be gray and whenever you want to add it to a project you select the project and then you will start downloading it the last step is the twin motion Tab and this is a free unlimited time trial for twin motion this is especially useful for or architectural visualization so we want the deep deep into this part it's just nice to have it there so let's go back to library because this is where the magic starts once the engine has downloaded let's click on launch so we can start creating projects when creating a project for the first time you may find that Windows give you a little bit of security alerts just allow the access so unreal can get its full capabilities let's allow the access and let's wait for the unreal project browser to Launch here is the unreal break browser and we will find a lot of options the first one is the recent projects where we can see all the breaks that we have created then we will have a tab for games film video and Live Events architecture automotive and simulation you will see that there are a lot of industries that use a real engine not only games but in our case we are focused on games so let's click on games here we will have some templates that can help us speed up the process of creating new stuff or new experiences but in our case we're going to stick with the blank project because we want to discover everything that unreal has to offer step by step so here select blank project here is the project location by default is in documents and real projects you can change it and here will be the break name I will call it my first unreal project this will be the name of the folder of the project and here we can Define some settings of the project if we want to use blueprints or if we want to also use C plus C plus plus is a coding language so if you have experience with it you can start with it if you don't then blueprint is just fine to learn some logic and then we can go to C plus so let's leave it at blueprint the target platform we will select desktop the quality preset we'll select maximum and the started content we will leave it as false because I will show you how to add it later on with this in check or well unchecked we will create the project this is the first look at the Unreal Engine editor the big window is called the viewport window and it shows exactly how the level will look if we were to play the game here at the top left we have the toolbar here we have the title of the level currently Untitled and this is a sample level that gets created automatically at the right side we have the name of the project and we if we hover on top of it we will see the version of the engine here we will see the outliner panel where it shows every actor inside our level and we will Define what a doctor is in a minute don't worry about it but pretty much is everything that can be put inside a level is an actor and if we click anything either here or in our level we will see that this detail panel gets filled up with options and that's how we can edit most of our stuff in our level here in the bottom part of the editor we have the content drawer where most of the content will exist the output log will show you messages that the engine tells you usually you can create your own messages very helpful for the value here we have the console command and a lot more of information are useful tools that we can later touch on here is super easy to know if you have something unsaved and you can click it if you want and save everything but for now this is the first look to our unreal editor so let's enjoy it a little bit now I will show you how to navigate inside the viewport first let's create a new level file new level and let's create a basic level so it's easier to work around this I don't need to save this and now we are in a new level so if I want to look around this level I can click on the viewport and hold my left click if I do that I can rotate my camera if I move my mouse side to side and if I move it front and back I will see that I can move my camera like if I was walking now if I use my right click instead of the left click then I get full rotation control of the camera but I cannot move around if I wish to move around like with the previous control scheme then I can use the w s a Andy so it's very comfortable and we can also use that the because Q and E to go downwards with q and upwards with e these shortcuts work when you are holding either the right Mouse button or the left one that's the most common way of navigating the viewport you can also hold the middle Mouse button to pan around the level which is also very useful in its own right also while holding the right button you can change the fob by using the keys Z and C so with c z come on Z you can change the fob to a larger value and we'll see you can really zoom in by lowering that value now if you wanted to select an object for example this light and you're very far away but you managed to select it and now you want to focus on it you can press the letter f f so with the letter f you immediately focus on the object Orwell actor if we want to name stuff correctly we can focus on the actor immediately by pressing we have an actor focused we can use the ALT key so I'll just hold it I'm pressing it right now and if I use the left Mouse button I also hold it I can rotate around the focused actor axis I now will release the left Mouse button but I will keep hold it out and if I now hold the right Mouse button I can zoom in and zoom out and I did it in the opposite direction so I can zoom out and zoom in it's very useful to know this so it's easier for us to place stuff in our map so let's start by placing something in our map we will go to this cube with a plus icon on top we'll click it and this is the place actor menu we can actually put it into a panel if you like to see it in my case I I better I prefer to get a better view of the map so I'm just accustomed to using this this menu so here we will have some basic actors basic lights and if a light can go into a map it's also an actor but what I'm looking for is a shape and a cube specifically so let's just drag and drop active to our map you will see that if I'm still holding my left button it will not snap to anything until it collides with a floor or something like that so for now I'll put it floating around as we learned we can press the letter F and I'll type it here again f and if I press it in my viewport now I'm focusing this Cube now with the cube we not only want this Cube to be floating around right so in order to do something with it we need to first move it around here we will have this Gizmo which is actually the move tool with this move tool we can move it if we want in the C axis in the x-axis or in the y-axis how do I know which axis are what is because here in the left side I also have the axis the world coordinates showing in my in my viewport so it's pretty useful to have that there now we want to rotate it here we will find the manipulation tools if I only want to select stuff you can just click around and be done with it move stuff we already learned that let's rotate stuff and there we have it now we can scale and we can see the axis in which we are scaling this Cube so we are scale in this Cube as a little example right now every time you want to do a transformation to an object you don't really want to click here and do it it's a lot easier if you use the shortcuts that you can see on screen so selection is q double used to move around e is to rotate stuff around and r is to scale it now what happens if you want to follow the axis of my actor whenever I want to move it just on the side we have this cycle the transform Gizmo coordinate systems between world and local object space if we click on it now my movement Gizmo is following the actual object coordinates and because the object is rotated then we can actually move it in these directions but if I switch it again to the word coordinates now it's following this word Gizmo that I already showed you before so now we can be absolutely sure that the C axis is actually the Z axis pretty cool right now whenever we're moving stuff we can snap it to a grid an imaginary grid that exists inside the engine I mean it will be a lot easier to see it if I just delete this floor so I'll just click on the floor and press the delete key or we can just right click edit delete now we can see the actual grid and we can change that grid by going here towards these numbers now we can clearly see the grid how does this affect our object let me just undo or control C so I get my floor back so how does this grid affect my objects well by default this was a 10. you can't really notice that it's in a grid but if I change it to maybe 500 now you can see how it snaps to a position in that grid now taking consideration is not actually snapping to the grid exactly it's just adding 500 to the actual position so this doesn't mean that oh I mean 0 or I'm in 500 in x no it means that from the actual position whenever I move it in X or Y or Z then it will add 500. if we want to be free from the grid we can actually disable it by clicking here now that the grid is disabled my movement will be completely smooth and it gives us a lot of freedom to play around by placing objects I'm going to return my grid I'm going to return it to 10 and what I just did can be applied also for the rotation and the scaling with our actor selected let's take a look to the details panel let me just scroll up and if for whatever reason you don't have a details panel you can bring it up by going to Windows details and well you can get even four of these details panel now with my actor selected we can see the properties that it has and I know it is an actor because every actor has a transform property set which is the location and if I move it around I'll press the key w I'll move it around you will see that the numbers change these are unreal units and every a real unit well every one unit is one centimeter so here we can also edit the value of the location by clicking and holding the left Mouse just like that also the rotation and we can even use these arrows to reset the value to the default value in the case of the rotation is the 0 0. so now my cube is in the default rotation the scale will be 1 1 1 1 and in the case of the location it will be d00 which is this one so you can mess around here in the viewport and fix stuff in the details panel you will be a lot more precise here unless you are going for a more organic type of feel of in the positioning of your of your actors in the map so again we're here in this name this term actors anything that can be put in a map is an actor and it can be put inside a map because it has this transform value oh and if you want to snap any type of actor that has collisions to a floor you can use the end key if you just click on your object and press n it gets snapped to the floor very easily I also wanted to show you quick way to work with objects or well actors whenever you hear objects on the map or actors in the map it's mostly the same thing so don't worry about it so let's say I want to duplicate this object this actor we can right click and edit or and duplicate or Ctrl d if I use Ctrl d I'll get an actor uh almost the in the same position right it's even easier and I just deleted that previous actor it's even easier if I just select the cube and we know how to move stuff right yeah so we can hold the ALT key and move it this will duplicate the art or immediately not only that maybe I want to position it that way and I can release the ALT key but I can hold the shift key I will hold it now for my camera to follow the movement of the current actor it's very useful and we can use alt and shift at the same time we'll duplicate my actors now let's say I rotated it this way and I want this other actor in the center to copy this rotation we can copy the values here rotation right click copy and you can see the shortcut which is very useful which is shift right click so let's just copy or shift right click and we can go to the other actor and in the rotation click paste or shift left Mouse there it is so we can copy very very fast any type of attribute as long as it's the same right if I'm using the value which x y and z probably I'm expecting the same values to be copied and paste so yeah that's how we can work with actors inside our level and whenever we have something working let's say I I already scaled this one and I will put it here and I'll press end and I'll copy the the location there it is so I have this working I mean some kind of structure right and I want to play the game to test how everything is working out well we can click on this play button and when we do we will immediately be playing from the camera's position and by default we get these controls where we can move around with the mouse and with w a s and D we can actually move the camera so we can rotate with the mouse rotate with the mouse excuse me and move around with dwa SD if we want to not follow the camera location we can right click and use the button play from here and now we will go to the place that we select I'll press escape to finish the PlayStation and just in case you don't get the play in viewport you can change it here the mode of the PlayStation so if you choose new editor window a new window will be created and your viewport editor will not be affected by the play session now this doesn't mean that I I can go here to the viewport and start moving stuff around because it's not not gonna get out updated you know in our face so just take that in consideration now that we have more experience with the real editor what I want to do now is create a little platforming game so I will show you how to create one from scratch using the assets that are real engine has given us so the first step is creating the level so let's click on file new level and you can choose either the empty open word or the empty level I'm choosing the empty open word so I can show you more stuff about this open world type of levels the first thing you will notice is that everything's black there's almost nothing except here in the outliner that there is some word data layers and word partition Minima for now let's just ignore this I will tell all about that in in a second but first let's add let's add some lightning in the level right so we can see whatever thing we place eventually so the easiest way is to go here in window and selecting the environment light mixer let's let's click on it and these are the let's say five most common stuff that you are to your level in terms of lightning so here the lighting will be through the skylight through the atmospheric light through the sky atmosphere and we can start seeing something we have a sun now volumetric clouds now we have some clouds and the hide font you can either modify the properties by clicking on the actors or here by clicking and modifying the properties in the environment light mixer there is a cool fast way of adding some light into it light into your level perfect let's save it we don't want to lose our level so quick so we will go to file save current level as and here we will start creating a little bit of the structure of the project inside the content folder I'm going to click on new folder and usually this folder should be called either the name of the project which could be my first Unreal Engine project or the name of the game or experience or play it so let's call this platform game now inside of it I will create a new folder called Maps and inside of it let's set the name of the level usually I'm calling it Maps level or Maps will be meaning the same whenever I'm referring to those it's just a container of actors that makes our level or map so M for map and underscore this will be the level zero one let's save it you'll see that now in my content drawer I have those these those assets this level Auto generated these needed assets because this is an open world type of level now a good idea because we may import more stuff so our level looks prettier is to make your folder a little bit different than the others so a good way to do it is right clicking on the platform game set in a color and setting it to something that you can easily recognize maybe this type of blue or some Barbie pink so yeah let's save everything that we done that we have done everything is saved so yeah let's continue but before we continue let me tell you on how to work with this type of map of the world open World level I'll create a new level and this will be the open world sometimes you will see that you you have created a lot of stuff in your world and then go back the next day and you find nothing in your level don't worry this is because of the way an open world devil works because of the power level is supposed to be very big like this one you see if I try to move my mouse I'm not moving it that much right so let's go to window let's go to where is it word partition and let's open the word partition editor this is the kind of mini-map that your open World level can have and most of the time will have and you will see that there is a loaded region whenever we open or well whenever we close and open again the engine this loaded region may be unloaded something like this I'll just right click on it and load selected regions and there will be a lot of people that will be wondering what happened to my level well it's not loaded and if you see source that are not being shown or they have some type of unloaded description here it will be because of this so just don't forget window or partition word partition editor and you can select what you want to load here this is where I am so if I'm moving let's increase my camera speed if I'm moving here then I may want to load only this part load region under it is but if I want to load everything as you can see that everything unload region and there it is again so just take this in consideration when you're working with with open world levels I'll go back to my level and we will continue with our game creation we're creating a platforming game but we don't have any platforms we can start adding some of those through shapes here in the app in the play sectors panel some cubes and we can scale it to fit our purposes but if we need some custom shapes it will be a better idea to use the modeling tools inside Unreal Engine we have access to them through the modeling mode we can change mode here instead of selection mode we can select the modeling this gives us access to the modeling tools here we have the create Tab and here we will add a box we can modify the properties but I prefer to add the bot box and then edit its its shape so we can modify it if I click to the model tab now I will oh I cannot select it because I have not clicked on accept so until I click on accept then the box is not created so let's click on accept and now that the box has been created here in model the polygroup edit is now enabled so here now we have access to the faces to the vertices and to the edges so we can start messing around with our modeling tools something like this right so we have more control over the shapes and we can select the vertices a vertex and start moving it around right now I only want a platform so this is more than enough I will click on accept to to further changes to take place and now depending on how I modified my shape you will see that the the pivot point is in a wrong or weird position we can fix this very easily also with the modeling tools we can go to the X form and here we can edit pivo now we can select if we want it in the center in the bottom right whatever we need I'll just click on the center and again apply the changes by clicking on accept now we can go back to the selection mode and I will get rid of my shape I will reset the position to the zero zero just for us to to have a starting point and just so we know this static mesh has been generated inside it unreal which means is it also exists as an asset here static mesh we can search for the asset by clicking on the browse button and we will see that it's inside a folder called generated and this is the username here's the Box we could change the name but I'll leave it at that for now now just remember to save everything and you will see that I'm say saving the map the box that I just generated and also a box asset this is an asset it's inside our level and we are saving per asset or bear file and it's a technological one file per actor and it's working because we selected the open World level so for now let's save everything and now we have a floor if the modeling staff is something to your liking make sure to check our tutorial on it there are a lot of cool stuff that you can do with the modeling tools inside unreal but now that we have our platform I don't really know if it's big enough or small enough and that's because I don't have any reference on how my character will behave in this game so we need to add something something that we can play around with so the fastest thing that we can do is add a third person character that comes with one of the samples to do that let's go to the content drawer let's click on ADD and let's click on ADD feature or content pack inside of it we can click on the first person third person uh the top down will not work for our purposes and the vehicle also won't so third person I think will fit our game better so let's click on the third person and let's add it to the project now when we add a Content any type of content could be the templates or could be a Marketplace asset it will get added to our content drawer well main content folder right and it's doing this because I'm using a revision control but in your case you won't be dealing with that don't worry and here what we can do is see where these assets has have been added so here we have our content folder and remember we only had the platform game folder let me close this now we have characters that has the actual character the mannequin character we have the level prototype in which adds some meshes and we have the third person sample content which includes the map per person map we can open it and if we play it and let me return to the selected viewport if we play it we are controlling a car and with W A S and B and space bar we can control the character as you would normally expect a third person character to be controlled so let's press escape to end this session and let's go back to our map which should be in platform Game maps and that's why it's so useful to have the folder with another color now the blueprint that we want to add here is this one inside of blueprint third person blueprints it's a third person card and there are two ways to play with this character one is the fastest one or the kind of um yeah kind of dirty way of doing it you just drag and drop the character and now in the details panel I'm going to search for was it possess yes it is possess or just type both and there will be the settings that we need and in Auto process player we can select the player 0 which is the by default the first player so whenever we press play now we are controlling this card that's the fast and dirty way but the normal way of controlling a character is through a game mode a game mode is like a class or a file that contains the set of rules of the game now I'll delete the character here in my third person blueprint folder there's already a file called blueprint third person game mode and if I open it you'll see that there's only this information of the blueprint because it's completely empty in terms of code it only gives us some access to the things that we can change and one of the is the default classes here are the classes that will be used for the game and when I said set of rules this is one of the sets of rules that we can change for example here's the default bound class and right now it's pointed to the third person card which is what we need so whenever I press play I'm using the third person character let's close it but you will see that if I don't have the character here on I plus press play then I'm just a floating camera why does this happens because this map is not using this set of rules that this game mode is defining for this map to use them we can click here on this blueprint type of button here in the word overwrite and by word it means the map and the by map I mean the level so here instead of create we can select the game mode of the blueprint third person game mode let's do that and now when we press play our character will be created but in the air because my camera was in the air let's go back to this floor so whenever I press play my character will be spawn in the air and if I manage to click on my floor I'm click on play from here then my character will be in the actual floor now there is a way of specifying where do we want our players to start whenever we press play and it's through a component called and you have probably guessed it player start this actor has here's this basic an acid component I meant actor this actor if we drag and drop it this is the place where our player will start so if I put it here now it doesn't matter if my camera is far away whenever I press play then here it is my character walking around and now I see that yeah it's big enough because it's a platform thing it's a platforming game so I will need several platforms for us to actually make the game so that's how you can add an actor and play with it will be a good idea to add some platforms in order for a game to have some challenge so we can duplicate this mesh and now we have something to jump towards to we can see that maybe that jump is impossible now we're gonna start modifying our cars but taking consideration that because we have duplicated this mesh if I go back to the modeling panel and in this monthly mode here I'll go to model and let's say I go to to poly edit and I want to increase this face something like this when I click accept all of the other assets will also update themselves just take that into consideration let's go back to selection now I don't want that constraint to to be a hindrance to me so what I will do is deselect everything here just like that here you will see that I'm not selecting any of these actors and I will go to the modeling mode again now what I will do is create a cube grid type of mesh so let's click on it and now this will add a more visible grid to our map but this grid is useful for us to select those the cells and then by using the pull and push buttons we can create more geometry and it's a lot easier now with the pulling I can pull geometry and we'll be pushing I can delete Q it pulling you can do it with the E key and pushing with the queue now with this it's a lot easier to create some kind of jumping obstacles let's click on accept and now we have this mesh and remember it's the same mesh like these four blocks are part of the same mesh here we have the static mesh we can double click it to to see what's happening there it is so this means that it's very useful for prototyping but I wouldn't use it as a final type of mesh that I use as a escalations right because we will decorate some stuff on top of this let's press play and now we can see if our mesh helps us and that is an impossible jump it seems so we can go back to the modeling tools and remember I'll go back to the selection if you want to modify this maze this mesh you need to select it first and then go to the modeling panel and again here you've grid we can start modifying whatever we need we can even click on the sites and start pulling or pushing we can create some kind of stairs that way accept to apply the changes and let's press play again perfect now what I will do is delete this I don't need that and it's a good idea for my player to see where I want it to go so if I want my player to go that way it's a good idea to rotate it to the way that we want the player to go so let's press play and now immediately is the nature of the player to oh you are showing me this place probably I will need to get that now I will edit the map super quick because what I want to do is just is just have a little a little map that we can jump around with so let's go back to the modeling tools let's click again on the cube grid we can select this and I wanted to delete it now I want to create a platform here floating around we can go to slide back or slide forward with shift Q or shift e so I want to slide forward and here I will push or maybe here here I will pull excuse me to create a little bit of of land here floating around if I press play you will see that my map is like this and I have a gap there so what can we player do with that Gap and the answer is nothing because if the player tries to jump towards the goal they will fail unless we help them the way that we have to help them is by creating more platforms so let's just drag and drop for example ah shape this will be a cube and we can put it in the middle something like that just so I try to to help a little bit right and I guess it should be doable kind of oh almost like this and I'll skip the first part part by playing from here yeah and it seems it's it's not doable I I may have overestimated my my jump and now that we we were able to reach this Cube but for sure we won't be able to reach that one so I'll just again duplicate this one here and let's right click play from here and now it should be able to what if I wasn't but for me I should be able to do it right yeah there it is uh yeah we we reached the goal right but still eventually this will get will get easier so let's spice things a little bit the way I'm going to do that is by making this Cube disappear and appear at different intervals of time to do that we need to make use of blueprints to use blueprints is very easy lyrics is just a system that unreal has inside of it to add some functionality some code some interaction to any type of actor that we have inside our level now each level has its own blueprint and we can access that blueprint if we go here click on the blueprint button and open level blueprint this is a level blueprint where we are seeing the event graph this is where all the code will exist here we have some graphs some function variables event dispatchers and details panel about the the settings that we can change in the blueprint level if you would like a deep dive on what blueprint is we have already made a video on it so you can go there I will give you the the basics here the most fundamental stuff but there we will go into more data now I want to make these um this shape disappear right so in order to have access to this shape I need what it's called a reference a reference is a way that we have access or control to stuff that happens in the level and because this is the level blueprint what I can do to gain access to any actor inside of it is selected then go to my graph right click and create a reference to the cube this is a reference to this Cube not to this one because if I want to do this one I can right click and it will get I create reference to Q2 but I I only want it to this to make these cubes appear and disappear right so let's increase this lovely level blueprint now this is a node based system right and every node will have its own color depending on the type of node it is if you see a node that has a pin that starts something and it's the color red it's called an event type of node an event node will play or will get triggered whenever some specific action happens these are the two most basic ones event B in play is like it says I like it sounds whenever you begin play it starts or it triggers so we can immediately see these node in action if we use this handy little tool called print string this node is called again print a string and here we have it let's click on it when you see a node that is blue and as an input an in execution pin and an out execution pin then you know that this is a function now this functionality makes some type of string some type of message display on our on our viewport so if it says hello then when I whenever I press play let's go back to my map and you will see that this is 30 needs to be recompiled let's not worry about it just yet if I press play you will see that hello print string so we know that this gets triggered only once we press play and this gets triggered The Tick is different The Tick runs every frame so if I just oh excuse me we can modify this um these wires by either right clicking break this link or by Alt clicking and I'm holding eye alt right now I can click on it and it will be um broken and I can also hold Ctrl and drag the connection so now I'm going to print hello every frame so how does that looks like and looks like this not exactly to clean right and every message that you print you can also find it in the output log that we saw at the start right so I want this Cube to disappear every some seconds right that's that's the idea so I don't need this print string I'll just delete it and the way to make the cube disappear is by setting the hidden type of attribute so from the cube if I want to hide the cube I need to drag the the PIN drop in and this will make our selection of of functionality be context sensitive and that's why there is this button it will context sensitive to what the Q can do in this case the cube is an actor object so as a static main factor of the object so yeah it's an actor because it can be placed on a level and that's something that we have repeated over and over and again now let's type hide and just by typing kit we see there is a set hidden in game set actor hidden in game that even sync captures Etc so I'll use this one said actor hidden in game I'll connect it and now whenever my games begin the actor will change its hidden in-game setting now that settings here right now is false because if you see a pin colored red it's just asking for a true or false type of input so right now it's false if I click on it it's true so the new hidden value will be true now let's see how that looks now this compile button that I ignore a little bit earlier is the way that we can make unreal understand what our code will do let's compile and it will be green because it didn't find any errors now it's only checking compilation errors it's not checking logic error so if something is green but it's not working correctly it probably is your logic but if something is not for example this set actor hidden game I break the link now self the target is an actor and self is the level blueprint itself so it doesn't know which actor I want to hide so let's press compile and well it seems that it's not bother about it so if if this was other other class this will throw me an error but I mean this is still a logical error because I'm not actually in telling the cube to to hide so let's compile again let's save it and let's go back to the level and see what happens to my queue play from here and now my cube is not there if I jump towards it it's still there but I just can't see it so the Collision is there but I can see it so I should probably deal also with the Collision so again from the give I will drag and drop another node and just type Collision now let's search Collision let's go a little bit upwards and here it is set actor enable Collision let's click on it and again these are some of the most well-known notes that you will be facing eventually and repeatedly so you will eventually remember them don't worry about remembering them just yet just follow the logical sense or The Logical steps for stuff to happen and then you can start maybe writing down the most useful notes that you find now this is not running unless I also connect the execution pin to this node and I need to determine if I want the Collision to either or not so new actor enable Collision right now it's in full so I'm disabling the Collision if this isn't true I enable the Collision so false is the one that I want let's compile and let's press play I wanted to press play from here so I don't need to jump around now if I try to reach it now the condition is not there and that's exactly what we wanted now this is all great right but I need a way to enable my my Cube so what I can do is copy and paste with Ctrl C or we can right click copy and here I will paste with Ctrl B and to re-enable my tube I will want it for the hidden in game to be false and for the Collision to be true now when do I want this to happen well maybe after a few seconds of it being hidden so here we will just drag and drop from this execution pin and type delay there is a delay now let's select it and this delayed node has a duration I will put Maybe three seconds so we can oh two seconds so we can see it and when this delay it gets completed I'll connect it to enable my cube right so we are making it visible again and we are enabling the Collision now how does this look now the compile it's a good way it's a good habit to press on it every time you change something and you want to test your level but if you press play it will auto compile for you unless there is an error that the the compiler can can't understand so let's press play from here after two seconds it's it should appear there perfect and I miss the jump but you will see that it's not repeating itself and I do want it to repeat so the way that we can handle this is through custom functionality because you don't really want to oh this worked so let me just copy and paste everything and delay this again and I will copy and paste this is just not the way to do it because now it will run one time or two times but if I wanted more then would I need to copy and paste everything well no first is a good idea to define the behaviors that we want for example this makes that Cube show up so I want to encapsulate that and we can do that through a custom event remember that we talk about events this get triggers automatically well there are events that we will tell them when to trigger so I will right click here and I will type custom event this custom event will be activate block or platform and I want this activation to run this code so I will copy and paste it and I also need another custom event I will copy and paste this custom event and I'll rename it deactivate block and this will be my deactivation oh excuse me it's the other way around this is the activating the block and this will activate it now perf activation makes the block the cube appear and enable the collision and deactivation makes my Cube disappear and disable the Collision now we can replace this I just deactivate we can call our own Custom Collision Collision our own custom event excuse me I'm from here activate so we have encapsulated this behavior and it's a good idea to do this one because it's cleaner looks cleaner and to if I wanted to change something here or add a new a new node if I do it everywhere where it's being called it's updated if I just copy and paste like 10 times the same functionality I will need to make 10 times the same edit to my to my code so let's see if it's working exactly the same yeah it is perfect but I want this to Loop right so what I'm gonna do is I'll just remove this without click and move it to the last part of the activate block so let me pin this let's dock it to the sidebar so I have more space to show you the the note deactivate block will run the deactivation code it will run a delay and then it will activate it when it activates it will run the activation code and after a delay and I'm copying I'm pasting it I wanted to deactivate the block now it's looping because whenever it gets here it will run this code delete activate block and it runs this code again I just need to call one of these two at the start so maybe I wanted to start with the activation and that's pretty much it now we have an infinite Loop of activation and deactivation so let's go to the level let's press play and oh let's pray Play From Here easy two second passes and it does this this is something very common like you run your code once and it doesn't work as you expected right and here we can use that special note that we looked um before which is called the print string oh and I I add it to the tick I really don't need the the print string now but if you need to know oh this activated let's just print a string like hello you can say activation and then you will see that something is not right activation yeah and this is my bad I connected it to the thing and I should delete that thing I really don't need the tick so yeah it's very common to make mistakes and as you can see it happens to me too so don't get discouraged it's something is not working correctly because it's a matter of learning right and yeah now let's see if it's working correctly it should let's press play from here now when it it gets activated after two seconds deactivates and again and we can have our level be beaten right perfect now what happens if I want also this Cube to do that activation and the activation again we can also copy and paste this code and change this reference right like click on it create a reference and then connect it but let's say I had a third Cube you will see you see where I'm going right it's not sustainable to copy and paste for each Cube that I want to add so this is where a blueprint actor can help us a lot so this is a level blueprint is a level that only is a blueprint excuse me that only works for this level but if I wanted to replicate the functionality for each Cube then I will need to copy and paste a lot of stuff so let's create a blueprint with this cube in consideration right now the easiest way to create a blueprint based on something in the label is by selecting it going to the blueprint button and convert selection to blueprint class from here I'm going to select Harvest components and I'm going to select the actor class remember the actor yeah anything that can be put inside the level is an actor and you will see that there's a lot of stuff that can be put inside a level so the actor is the parent class of our blueprint because it gives us the ability to have a location a rotation and a scale we don't need sound so let's just use the parent act again I go more in depth into what an actor is or what are classes for in our blueprint fundamentals video so I will put a link as a card if you haven't seen it before it should be in the description or as a video card so let's give it a name this will be blueprint underscore disappearing platform and let's select a path where to store it it should be inside my platform game I want to create a new folder this will be the game elements folder and inside it inside it will be a folder called platforms and let's select it okay now it has the correct path and let's click on select again Harvest component and let's select and now I have the cube here in my viewport and this has become if I see my outline outliner a blueprint disappearing platform and the type is no longer like this box like static mesh actor is now a custom blueprint if I click it I can access wprint again and here the parent class is actor now main differences on a level blueprint and a blueprint the little blueprint only has an event graph and it has access to all the objects inside the level as long as you click on them and then you right click and create a reference to them a blueprint on the other side as its own components so this is another term that you will hear a lot components what are components they are special classes special functionality that can be reused inside of blueprints a blueprint will be almost like a group of components this is a static mesh component which means that it's a component that lets me see a static mesh I can add more components let's say I want to add a light here is a point like component and now my blueprint has two components and I I can't see the light so I'll just change the the light color just to show you that something is happening there so I can add more components on top of my blueprint depending on what I need my blueprint to do if this was maybe a vehicle I will add the mesh for the vehicles meshes for the for the wheels maybe lights for the lights of the vehicle and many more stuff like collisions Etc right so my blueprint this this appearing platform super simple right it's just a cube that will disappear now I added this light and I wanted to add something extra because I wanted to show that whatever you do in the blueprint it will get reflected on the blueprints that you have placed in the level this is because and I will search my blueprint should be in content platform game game element platforms here is my blueprint and we can because this is an actor the parent class is an actor I can drag and drop it to my level when I do this I'm not creating the blueprint itself I'm creating an instance of this blueprint and because it's an instance that follows this blueprint I'll put this like here whenever something change in my main blueprint for example the color of the light all the other blueprints all the instances of this blueprint will get updated and I'll ramp up the intensity so you can see that the actual light so you modified the blueprint and all the instances gets modified but what happens if I modify an instance well this is an instance an instance of this blueprint right now I'm modifying the location and nothing is happening to the base blueprint or to the other instances and if I click on an instance of any blueprint I will have access to the components inside that blueprint so if I had if I click on point light I can modify the color maybe when the jello-ish type of light click on OK but you will see that my main blueprint doesn't change and the other instance also doesn't change so taking consideration that whenever you're working with blueprint whenever you modify the base one everything else gets modified all right let's delete the light because I no longer need it this was just a little example right so I want this blueprint to appear and disappear so I'll just copy and paste the code that I did here and I'll just copy this functionality copy I'll go to my blueprint disappearing platform I'll paste it and Ctrl B works fine and it will tell you that it doesn't know what activate block means or the activate block also means for now just do nothing let's confirm and you will find this here this is called in the active deactivate block that doesn't find it yet let's hit compile now this is showing me an error but now that I have compiled this custom event should get [Music] um linked so to do that just right click refresh the node and now it finds it and here also right click and refresh the note this here is an unknown value because the level is the one that has access to the cube not the blueprint itself so a little blueprint does have access to any type of actor inside the level but the blueprint that we create doesn't it's like a little capsule that has only one it has as a component but for our luck and it says blueprint bad because it's not finding this value for we are lucky because here in the static mesh we can set the either the static mesh component which is the cube or we can set the actor is itself because this is an actor remember parent class actor so I just need to delete this Cube and delete pixel now the target is self self is this blueprint so now we can compile and we shouldn't have any errors now my viewer will show my actual tube and this code should work the same now let's trigger it by deactivating the block or activating it let's go to the beginning play deactivate block and admittedly that that stuff here and again I'll dock the dock this to the sidebar so I have a little bit more space to show you the code now this is the same functionality I have here so I will delete everything in my label blueprint I'll compile it and save it and here in the blueprint I will also save and compile now let's see in my level what happens both of the instances of the blueprint are now working correctly oh well as expected and we can duplicate this we say that we can duplicate this let's duplicate it without I'll delete this Cube and now the three of them will have the same functionality pretty cool right the not so cool thing is that all of them are appearing and disappearing at the same time but we can play around that by going into the blueprint and we can add a delay node here and that's not how you spell delay here it is delay if I put one second well compile and Save everything will be delayed by a second and then it will start but I can either make this a random number random float in range and I want it to be between 1 seconds and 2 seconds let's save compile go to my map and play from here now each of the blueprints will run the code and we'll get a different random number so that's how we can add some randomization in our mix but actually this is not how platforming work you actually want as a player to learn the the pattern right and if it's random then you don't really have that much control as a game designer so what I'm gonna do instead of using a random number is to make that number into a value that a game designer can change this means that I will drag and drop from this value and I will promote it to a barrier this variable name has got in his name from here duration so I can call it duration before and I press f2 which is the same right clicking rename and I will call it duration before start now let's see my details Banner I need it back whenever I click on a variable I will have access to the value but here it says please compile the blueprint I'll do that compile and now in my details panel I have the value of the variable it can be one can be two whatever I need now what's a variable this is also something that you will find or hear a lot of uh of times a variable is just a little box that holds a value a variable can have many values so you need to specify if it's red which means Boolean which is a true or false value if it's a integral number integer means that a number without decimals load is a number with decimals name String text is just text based stuff vectors is a value with x y and C values and the same applies to rotation and transformation is just a scale rotation and location so we have a lot of variables but again if you want to know more about those go to our blueprint video I go more in depth there here what I only want to do is have this value that can be edited by our game designer so if you want to make a variable public for Edition you just need to open its eye this is the same as going to the details panel and here making it instance editable and if it's instance editable you'll see that if I close this the eye is being closed so I'll open it again let's compile let's save and let's go back to the map remember I click on an instance this is an instant of the blueprint and I change the color of the light now that my variable is instance editable I will have access to it here in the details panel here it is duration before starting and this can be 0.5 if I click the next instance you will see that it's following the base Cloud Base Class value one I will leave this as one and the next one I will change it to Point 1.5 and now we have a way let's play from here to controlling how the platforms will actually appear and now it looks more like a platforming yeah and seems I sucked so I don't want to waste your time you already have seen how how this works and you can modify the values to your liking we already have a game we have a clear goal some obstacles and a way to navigate the map I have shown you what blueprints is capable of doing and it's a lot more powerful than it seems what I want to show you next is the concepts of materials materials are files that will determine how do our assets get rendered how are they visual so it's easier just to show you let's say I want to change the color of this white Cube well I just need to create a material I'll right click material is very common to create materials just like this it's common to create blueprints so this material will be called um maybe white so it's the base material of this let's open it and inside this editor there will be a node that will specify how does my object will get rendered now this is one to understand is the base color I'll just and icon drag and drop I believe from here constant constant 4 vector this lets me create a color and I can change it to White now you see that it has changed right now this also has some properties metallic a metallic property and this is a constant just a constant is a value that goes between 0 and 1. and depending on the value you will get an object that is not metallic or that can be very metallic roughness that is another very common one will let the engine know how rough is the material if it's very rough then it will absorb a lot of light this is because the materials is a system based on a physically based rendering system so it's affected by physical loss source so our roughness a high value in the rough roughness attribute will absorb more light at a lower value will make our materials super reflective because the light rays can reflect very easily yeah so our material dictates how our asset looks in my case I only want a material that is the color white and I'll duplicate this and this will be called red I'll open it and usually you want to create a material instance I don't want to get that in depth we have a video that shows all about materials inside a real engine so again I'll create a base color I can also press the four key for or constant four if I press 4 and click it creates this node so it's another way to do that and let's connect all the channels and this one will be red and I want what I wanted to do is change the material so I let the player know that it will deactivate so these are my two materials and what I'm gonna do in my blueprint disappearing platform is that here before I deactivate the block I'm going to change the material of this static mesh component so right now it's selected I'll drag and drop it to my to my blueprint to my event graph and here I will put set material the element is 0 is fine because here if I select the component it only has one element and I will connect it just like this I will select my white material here it is and I'll add a little bit of delay so it shows oh excuse me here I should select my red material here it is red and there will be a delay of maybe 0.4 seconds so the player knows that it's about to disappear and when I activate the block I will copy and paste this material and I will put it at the start and here when the block gets activated I will set the white material pretty simple stuff so let's select everything move it around and now we should be able to see what we have done so let's test it very quickly like from here and now you see that the material changes before actually disappearing why doesn't it happen at the start oops right from here because here in the blueprint we are starting by deactivating the block so maybe we should start with activating the law consider that or here in the activation we can yeah let's do that let's not modify the actual Logic the start logic let's just move these these notes Here the delay will work as always let's break this link and before actually making the block deactivate yeah because it makes more sense at least for me for this to exist inside of the activation of the block because making it red will Mark the start of the deactivation process again you are free to to make your own logic whatever seems to make more sense to you will be the best and the blueprint system I know I I thought I finished talking about development system you can select these notes press the letter c and this will create a common node and you can actually it's like grouping the notes and it's a good idea to let yourself know so if let yourself know what is this code doing so if you come back in the future you don't need to read node by note you just need to read a comment and that's it so we can put look oh well platform activation and reactive and this is something that a lot of programmers do they just take the name of the events that happens and they just plop it in the comments I mean this doesn't make much sense because you can just read the event you can just call it platform detail this type of comment makes more sense to me and if I'm looking it from afar then I can just see oh that's one Behavior what's inside it oh activation and deactivation makes more sense to me now we can press play and it should work like like we intended the last thing that I wanted to show you here was to make your level actually unreal unreal has a lot of tools that will help you decorate this level especially the free assets inside the marketplace and also the integration with quick set if we go here add and let's go add quick cell content let's click on it it will open and let's allow the access it will open the quick cell Bridge window because unreal both quick sell we have access to quick sell assets or any type of project so as long as you are signed in and I'm not so let me sign in I will pause the video okay now I'm signed in and now that I'm signing I'm able to not only browse the catalog of of quick sell but also add it to my project now let's just see what assets we can use and what I'm gonna do is just search for a collection here could be this modular building could be Arctic Ice let's see some collections let's click on this globe now we go to collections let's click on environment and here on natural I will be using the collection Limestone Quarry inside of it and let me dock it to my to my editor we have materials you want to for example paint your cube with this type of of texture you can do it we also have assets 3D models rocks and some grass so it's very useful actually so how do you import something to your project is very easy it's for example I want this cliff let's just download it or just click it you will see that it is at 3D asset is a model you'll see the size you will see that it's open so the back of this rock is actually visible and some related assets you can choose if you want low quality medium quality high quality nanite I will choose medium quality I should choose low quality actually it won't make that that much difference but medium quality is fine let's just download it and after it downloads we can add it Now by adding it a Content browser window will open and this window will show me where is my asset let's go back to the level and now we can place the asset in our level like I told you the back was open but here you see that now we have these awesome asset in our level we could start decorating a lot of stuff with this something like this and it would be a good idea for for you not to use that grid because it will make things a little bit more unnatural something like this maybe so that's how you can import stuff from the wixel bridge into your project what I want you to do now is let your imagination fly what I'm gonna do is keep doing what I just taught you on how to add assets to your level and create a little scene that I can use as a level so I'll just decorate this part and I'll probably will just fast forward this part of the tutorial because you probably have created your own level and you will probably want to decorate it yourself so here I have decorated some of my platforms using the quicksil mega scans assets and you will see that parts of my level are still are still using the cube grid the image that we created and I mean still works but yeah this is not working exactly as I wanted what I need to do is fill these spaces a easy way to do it is go into the modeling tools choose that polygon extrude um type of tool and then just just draw your your polygon something that can't fit your irregular shape yeah there it is and we can extrude it a little bit something like this right let's click on complete and let's go back to my selection mode I'm doing this so I don't need to rely on this mesh which is oh no that's the starting mesh this mesh which is the cube grid this one so if I move it to to the right and let's just put my grid to 500 and enable it just so it's easier to snap back to my to my project and now I can disable the grid and I just need to rotate it a little bit in order for for my mesh to fit yeah and you will see that it's it's gray right let's play it should have Collision perfect it does and in order for it not to be gray in Bridge you just need to import some of these materials we're it's also called how do they call them here is it materials do they call them materials I believe they call them Services yes yes surface yeah so let's say you want to fill it with this yes download and import them and this is a material that we can drag and drop on top of our starting meshes and then you see that it has immediately changed the look of our of our mesh so it's no longer gray as you can find whatever material you think fits better that one looks nice yeah that that's actually yeah that's what I wanted and now you see that my rock is actually looking better my platform now you saw that when I press play there was some part that didn't have collision and I end up falling that one it's a good idea to check the Collision of your meshes and you can check with the collisions of the player you can know if your player will collide with a mesh if you go to this View mode here in lit remember I think I told you you could go to the elite mode if you by any chance your map was to to dark or wireframe if you want to see the wireframe of everything well there's a player Collision here and you will see everything that has causation and that will collide with the player in this case only the mesh that I added is colliding with the player so it will be a good idea to either modify this mesh so it matches let's go back to the lead mode that it matches with the actual Collision or to get this mesh which is the one that should have Collision I'm going to right click it going to click on edit this will open the static mesh editor and we can see the Collision of my area of my static meshes here let's go to Collision and right now I don't have the remove Collision button so it means that it doesn't have a collision so here I can also try to check for the Collision if I click in simple Collision or complex Collision complex Collision will be the condition that I could use if I wanted to use each vertices which I don't really want to do it do that because there are too many faces right and we really don't need need it we need a simple Collision so our game runs smoothly so let's create one the easiest way just put a box collision and be done with it now you can see the Collision let me remove it let's remove the Collision or you can use any of these options maybe 26 faces 18 faces like could do the job right if you want a little bit more of a Custom Collision you can compare boxes to convex or Auto convex causation if you choose how to combat Collision you can use this whole count Max call birds called precision and when you press apply it will try to make a collision that somehow fits the the actual static mesh and it has created like four in my case only created two two collisions that are separated but when they are working together they somehow fit the actual shape of my static mesh by doing this and saving Now everywhere where I'm using this asset which I also used it here if I go back to the player Collision View mode you will see that there's now a new Collision so if I go back to my lead mode and I'll start using alt 4 so it's a little bit faster at least for me let's go press play use you will see that this Rock now has a collision that that one did it probably should enable some Collision I'll play from here and now this other rock also that have collisions so once you are decorating make sure that you're also testing your your game and making a collision type of pass whenever you think that everything has been solved right so yeah I will need to add conditions for this mesh and whenever I do it I'll press Ctrl e it's the same now I only need collisions for this part right so I could just create a box collision and modify this box Collision to something that I can use you don't really only have to like click and see what you get you can also modify the boxes that you are getting so I mean I I can have something like this safe and then whenever I see my player collisions here's the view modes you will see that we have extra conditions right because every mesh that was using this type of asset has those collisions probably you will want something a little bit more more similar to the shape so yeah I'm just going to delete the the box you can select the Box on press delete with your delete key and then again Auto complex condition I'm going to apply it something like this it's fine for me it's a good idea to keep checking the performance of your game if the performance is worse after you added some collisions then make sure to try to simplify the collisions yeah this should be fine and now when I press play I can step on this these ones doesn't have conditions but that is something that I will do in yeah I will speed up the process again just so you don't need to see me adding collisions to everything and I mean I'll just repeat the process that I just taught you so yeah don't worry about it I'll return my Cube grid just to see where some collisions I have been missing and yep let's continue something that you may run into is trying to hide the imperfections of the meshes that you're using and that's why I prefer to use closed meshes here in the bridge if you select any type of 3D asset it will tell you if it's open or if it's closed it's easier to work with closed meshes because the magic of having a good closed mesh for example this slab that I was using before or is it you see that one okay this one it actually works wonders because even though it's one acid I mean if you just duplicate it like this you can clearly see that it's the same acid but what happens if I rotate it like this could you tell me that this is the same Rock no and your players won't either so just by having one ass asset and rotating it in clever ways you can actually get more than eight different types of uses and also these closed meshes are very useful to decorate part of your maps and to hide any type of imperfection that you would like for example this one right here this is not looking very natural well let's just put an asset so I put an asset two Kind of Rescue Me yeah so the call the transformation or the transition between this color to this one is a little bit more smoother again I can't rotate it in very interesting ways just to try to tell the story of this part of the mountain you see that it's very very easy very easy to do indeed something like that and look a little bit better and I'm not entirely Happy on the color of this one but let's just continue I've kind of finished the thing that I wanted to decorate and here where is my gift grid here if you're still looking at your Cube grid you can hide it just by doing this now if you press play you should be able to see it again so we will eventually delete it okay but I just wanted to decorate the background because it was a little bit empty so I created this type of mountain made of all the glyphs and meshes and it's not a complete mountain by the way so I can group these assets and then duplicate them it's as easy as just selecting them by holding shift and then then just right clicking and you can group stuff or just pressing Ctrl G but if later on I want to make changes if I change something that I duplicated then I would need to change it for every other Mountain that I duplicate it and that's not exactly a good way to do it right let's just make the the example I'm pressing add to duplicate stuff if I rotate this block you will see that this other Rock doesn't rotate right so that's what we want to avoid what I'm going to do is Select everything here and it may be easier if I go to instead of using my perspective camera I will go to the top here is the top if you're not seeing it like this it's because I choose to here delete you can choose by default the wireframe and here you navigate by right clicking and dragging the mouse will to zoom in and out and we left click to select so I'm going to select everything that's here just taking consideration and I will go again to my perspective view or LG that by doing that I'm also selecting the sky I believe or maybe not I'm not selecting this guy yeah oh it's because I'm not using a sky sphere that's that's why yeah don't worry are you doing that if you if you were using the default map then you would have selected the sky sphere but in our case no so yeah that's an easy way then to select all the ashes assets that we have in one part of the map now what I will create by right clicking on those assets level I want the back level actor we can leave the pivot here in the center and press ok I need to save it somewhere and I will call it um back developer and this should be longer if you're you will have many mountains this could be more than one to whatever so let's save it and also save the blueprint related to it that will be created automatically right so with this save it means that now when I select the mountain it selects all of it and it will be easier to to position them and also to scale them like that right so if my player is gonna start here I want to see how my my player will see the the actual Mountain so I can move them here maybe but they did press play again and I can see how the mountain looks so should probably scale it but scale it in all the axes something like this and another cool trick to return to the position where you wanted to look for stuff is by using bookmarks I'll press play and this is the default look that I want to to use right we can go here bookmarks set bookmark and you will see that with Ctrl 0 1 or 2 up to the nine you can create these bookmarks what's a bookmark let's create the set bookmark one control one now when I'm moving around the level if I press the number one I will go back to that bookmark pretty cool stuff so with that with that then we can start making more Mountains just so I have something in my background that's not it something like this yeah maybe in the background it would be could also be something like this now let's say that I want to add something here or change something well if I want to change something in my packed actor let's right click and let's search for evit you will see that now everything turns gray and now I'm editing this actor and I'm going to press f and let's say I want to add another another mesh here I'm going to just duplicate this one something like that I mean you can really tell that it's it's the same mesh but oh it's just an example okay so now that I just did this what what I can do in order to save my my actual [Music] um back doctor it's to commit that change so to commit the change I'll just right click level commit by committed by committing the change what I just have done is change this back doctor but also every other one so that's very useful whenever I have a lot of the same asset working for me something like this now if I press play I will have more Mountains in my line of sight finally the last thing that I want to add to my map is a little bit of more headphone just to hide the imperfections here so for example I'm going to search for my height fog here I'm going to type iPhone here it is I'm going to select it in the details panel I'm going to search for fog height follow and we can change how the fog will affect so now you don't really know that there is nothing else at the bottom you are assuming that you are so high up that you can see the button and I can increase the phone the fog density if I if I wished so with this I just need to position it in a way that I will not be able to see it let's go to my book work bookmark one and let's say that I want to place this here can still see a little bit of it there it is the same with this one there you go now if I press play and I'm going to save before pressing play I don't want to crash I will see this and I should probably copy and paste this one and we can go to the top view and I can duplicate it stuff here let's go back to the perspective and see how this looks okay yeah pretty cool right so you can play around that and now that we have finished with my level I can't deal I can't delete the actual Cube grid let's search for it great I can't see it I'm going to enable the visibility and delete it now I have my platforming level with some assets oh I missed the jump so yeah that's it for this map so that's it for this tutorial you have learned how to use unreal all the basics how how to install it how to import a character import assets use the modeling tools create some blueprints for gameplay and more functionality and use materials to decorate your map also you have learned how to light on the label from from a scratch so yeah hopefully this is something that can be the first step in stone for your game Development Career or well not necessarily you can use unreal for any type of project maybe movies arcbs and some virtual production my name is RAM and hopefully we will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 28,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: td0rVkL1LVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 33sec (7833 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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