RedBubble vs. Printify vs. Teespring REVIEW! (Which Is The Best Print On Demand Supplier?)

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hey everyone so here at wholesale ted there  is a super common question that i am often   asked and that is this sarah there are so many  print-on-demand companies redbubble teespring   printfy i'm confused which is the best and so  today that is exactly what i am answering i am   doing a review of each of these print-on-demand  companies and i am going to be reviewing these   four things one i'm going to be reviewing how  each works because as you'll see they all work   very differently and some are super easy to use  whereas others require more work two do they have   exclusive features that you might need in your  business three i've ordered t-shirts from all   of these companies and i'll be putting them side  by side who prints the best products that your   customers will love the most and four how much do  each them cost which will leave you with the most   profit in your pocket because you see there are  two things that always make my day the first thing   is anytime that you take a moment out of your  very busy day to give these videos a like and   to subscribe because seriously it genuinely helps  my videos with youtube algorithms so thank you so   much for your support but the second thing that  i love is when viewers also taking moment out   of their busy lives to tell me that my videos  have helped them build profitable businesses   they now earn them money and if you read the  comments you'll see different users chose   different print-on-demand companies to do so  because you see here is the thing just like how   there is no best business or best way to make  money there is no best print-on-demand company   there are just different ones to choose from and  they all have their own pros and their own cons   and so my hope is that this video will help you  choose the one that is best for you all right so   let's start off by reviewing redbubble the first  thing i'm gonna do is as i said it's explain how   redbubble works and that's important because as  you'll see redbubble works very differently to the   other websites on this list and because of that  it's gonna be the right print onto one company   for some people but not for others so redbubble  is what i would call an all-in-one website it   does everything it does the selling and marketing  for you because it has a giant marketplace that   rear bubble actively advertised that you can  list your designs for sale on and all these   top selling t-shirts here they were not designed  by redbubble they were instead created by normal   random people like you or i so this top selling  t-shirt here featuring a funny trendy slogan   was just made by someone out of their house so  let's say that it was you that uploaded this top   selling design well each time a customer comes to  redbubble and buys one of these t-shirts from you   redbubble has multiple print-on-demand factories  that they own and run that handle the orders for   you they will collect the money the customer  paid and remove their production fees they'll   then print your design onto a t-shirt package the  t-shirt up and then ship it out to the customer   they'll then pay the rest of the profit from the  money the customer paid to you as a commission and   as i said redbubble does the selling and marketing  for you each month tens of millions of people come   to redbubble to buy products and that's because  redbubble has actively worked to market their   website especially with google and as you can see  half of their traffic comes from search engines   like google but what they've done is they've made  so many tweaks and modifications to their website   that now when people come to google looking for  gifts like say sarcastic t-shirts that redbubble   will show up on the list of the search results  near the top bringing in lots of free potential   buyers into the store to come and buy your  products so basically they've invested a lot   into building up their marketing and their brand  which means as a result redbubble sold over 400   million dollars with the print onto my merchandise  in 2020 on behalf of users like my viewers here   which is pretty cool so i've talked a lot about  the pros when it comes to selling on redbubble but   what about the cons well i'll get to those cons  shortly now for me the cons do outweigh the pros   which is why i don't sell my designs on redbubble  but for many people i do understand why the cons   that i'm about to share don't matter to them the  reason why for some people selling on redbubble   is the absolute best decision is because as i'm  showing you right now it takes less than two   minutes to get a product selling on redbubble you  just come to redbubble upload your design and then   choose which products that your design looks good  on you can edit each product design placement too   to get it looking good and then you just enable  the products that your design looks nice on and   disable the products that your design looks bad  on and then you send the products to go live on   redbubble's storefront so uploading a design and  creating your ripple products is really simple and   of course once they're uploaded redbubble handles  the advertising for you and so the only thing that   you have to focus on is just creating designs and  uploading them but it's not just the fact that   it's simple that i know a lot of redbubble's  pros will outweigh the cons for some people   i know from reading my youtube comments that  a lot of you have very low startup budgets and   money is tied especially right now well redbubble  never charges any fees or sell on here so it's 100   free and so for those people i know that  regardless of what i'm about to say and   regardless of any cons that it has that redbubble  will be the print-on-demand company that they will   choose and it will be the right one for them  because it's free to start making money on   redbubble never charges you fees because they  collect the money the customer pays and they take   the cost of production and marketing that they  do for you out of that money and they pay you   the profit as a commission and it means that you  can start selling effectively and marketing your   products like this t-shirt here without having  to pay anything and getting this t-shirt up took   less than two minutes so yes the fact that you can  start selling products and effectively marketing   your products for free is a pretty big pro but  as i said i personally don't sell on redbubble   because it also has cons so here is the deal i  recently bought this image on etsy to print onto   a t-shirt as a gift for a friend well i decided to  use this video as an excuse to try out different   print-on-demand companies and pick which company's  t-shirt that i will use as my gift for my friend   and i'll tell you now i am not going to be gifting  the shirt that came from redbubble that's for sure   this t-shirt featured an extremely washed out  print of my image and even worse the print was a   bit blurry too you can see the black lines aren't  sharp they have blurry edges so the print quality   on redbubble is not very good it's interesting  though because despite this average print quality   redbubble sales including repeat buyers keeps  going up and up every year they're getting more   and more popular and i genuinely think that a big  reason for this is because buying from redbubble   is a pretty fun experience just look at this  fun branded packaging the t-shirt arrived on   this is pretty cool i'll give redbubble that so  customers get a funky buying experience while   getting an acceptable product while i wouldn't  choose this t-shirt from the list gifting this   to a friend wouldn't be terrible it would just be  acceptable so when you choose to sell your artwork   and designs on redbubble you have to also accept  that it's going to be printed onto a lower quality   product something else you have to accept is  that redbubble will earn you less money redbubble   charges 16.41 for a classic t-shirt and by default  they add an extra 12.5 commission on top of that   which you earn bumping the product price to 18.32  now you can change this increase the margin but in   the beginning you probably won't want to since the  average t-shirt price on redbubble tends to be 18   to 19 anyway so the standard 12.5 commission  rate puts you in the average product price of 18   to 19 so the profit margins you can expect on  redbubble are around 10 to 20 now i know a lot of   new entrepreneurs are probably going to scoff at  that and be like those profit margins are terrible   but actually a 10 profit margin and business is  standard so there you go basically here's the deal   i think that redbubble can be a great place  for beginners to get started if the idea of   setting up their own store and marketing your  own products is overwhelming but as you'll   see if those things are not overwhelming to you  and you are willing to do them there are higher   quality print on-demand companies that can make  better products for customers with higher profit   margins but firstly i just want to let you  know that if you're enjoying this video and   you would like even more free training on print on  demand then you should be sure to download my free   ebook the six steps that six figure online stores  follow to make over ten thousand dollars a month   and you'll find a link to download my free ebook  in the video description below but anyway back to   the video and on to review number two and review  number two is for printify and the way that   printfy works is extremely different to redbubble  unlike redbubble which is an all-in-one website   printfy only handles one aspect of this business  for you creating and shipping products on demand   so here's how it works firstly you need to have  your own separate store already you can set up   a store on etsy a popular online marketplace to  sell print on-demand products on most of these   t-shirts that you see listed here are sold  through print on demand apps like prindify   but fc isn't the only place you could sell on you  could set up a store on ebay or like me you could   choose to set up your own private store on your  own private domain using an ecommerce store app   as my subscribers know my favorite app for this is  shopify which i use in my print-on-demand business   but no matter how you choose to do it once you've  created your store adding products into it with   printify takes less than two minutes you just  come to printful's catalog and then choose from   the different items that they have listed that  you want to add so for example let's say you   wanted to add one of my favorite products which  is this t-shirt here the super soft bala canvas   3001 t-shirt this t-shirt is really nice and  my customers love it each time they receive it   because it is admittedly very comfortable well  once you've picked which of the print-on-demand   factories that you want to work with which i  will explain shortly so don't worry you just   upload either a funny or trendy slogan or a piece  of artwork and create the t-shirt that you want to   sell and then print five will then store a digital  copy of this t-shirt and your servers and you can   then push this t-shirt onto your store and add it  and you can set the product title and description   and the product price and printify will then  add the product into your store and customers   can start buying it immediately but yes i do get  a lot of people who are confused and they say   but sarah why do i also need my own store  why can't i just sell directly on printify   like i can with redbubble and the answer is  because redbubble doesn't just create and ship   products they also have a built-in storefront  on their website that you can sell through   and printify does not have this and so if you  want to sell products with printify then you   need to also have your own store set up separately  to connect it with but because printify doesn't   have its own storefront and doesn't advertise  products like redbubble does it also means that   it's a lot cheaper as you saw this t-shirt cost  me just eight dollars and five cents to buy with   my printed five premium subscription and remember  redbubble they charge sixteen dollars for their   cheapest t-shirts so print fly is literally half  the price and the reason for that is redbubble   has to charge more since you know think about it  they also have to add in the cost of running their   giant online storefront and advertising costs  as well with printify you're just paying for   the base costs of the t-shirt to literally print  and ship the items so with the money you save   you can invest it into setting up your own  storefront and running your own advertising so   you know there are pros and cons depending on  how you want to run your print on demand business   but yes once you've added an item into your store  and a customer comes and say buys this t-shirt   from you printer5 will see the order and go yep  we'll send this order to the factory the print   on demand factory will print your design onto the  t-shirt and then package the t-shirt up and ship   it out to the customer automatically and then they  send the customer their tracking code now remember   unlike redbubble printify i never collect the  money that the customer paid because they do not   control the storefront you do so it's impossible  for printify to remove their production fees from   the money the customer paid so instead what they  do is they charge the credit card or debit card   that you have on file with them the base cost of  the t-shirt and as you can see it usually cost me   dollars and five cents to buy t-shirts from  printify and i usually sell them for 29.95   which would be impossible to do on redbubble  since everyone is competing for price   and the t-shirt quality is not very good whereas  the t-shirt quality that i ordered from printify   well the quality was to be frank absolutely  fantastic and customers are willing to pay higher   prices for it see i ordered this t-shirt here  from one of printf's factories monster digital   and this is important to note printify is just  an app unlike redbub will have their own in-house   factories that make the products that customers  buy printify i don't have any in-house factories   instead what this app does is it connects you to  external print-on-demand companies and factories   that sell their products through printify all  these businesses here are entirely separate from   one another and so well since all these  are different factories and businesses   unsurprisingly some print products better than  others so whenever i read comments like this   that say i bought a product from printify and  the quality wasn't very good i always find these   comments a little frustrating because printify  doesn't actually print any of their products so   that statement isn't really true you have to  specify which factory you bought from within   5 since the quality will differ from factory to  factory and if you're looking for a good factory   for clothing which is the most popular type of  print on demand product i strongly recommend   monster digital so on a product that they  sell scroll down and select them from the list   most people ignore them and write them lower than  other factories because they are more expensive   but i think that their expensive price is well  worth the cost because the quality of their   t-shirts is extremely high and you can tell  that their printing quality is extremely high   by comparing the printify monster digital shirt  next to the redbubble shirt unlike the redbubble   shirt the printify monster digital t-shirt  had very sharp black lines the print quality   wasn't blurry at all and the colors were much more  vibrant and more accurate which i hope will show   up on the camera once i render this youtube video  but in the printify i monster digital t-shirt at   the top the orangey red color of the first m is  printed as is onto the t-shirt whereas because   the redbubble t-shirt below it is faded it prints  more like a purple which is not what it is at all   it is an orangey red color alright so we know that  monster digital's prints are great but what about   the other suppliers at printify as i said they  very drastically and to highlight that i ordered   a t-shirt from this supplier here my locker my  locker is one of the worst reviewed printify   factories and frankly when you see the image  quality it should become apparent it is terrible   it is extremely blurry in fact if you compare it  to the redbubble t-shirt it makes the redbubble   t-shirt below look extremely sharp and here is my  locker on top next to monster digital below again   i hope that the camera shows a difference but  wow just wow the most digital t-shirt is gorgeous   whereas the mylocker t-shirt is an embarrassment  and so printfy's quality isn't inconsistent   the issue is most people misunderstand  and think they are ordering from printify   when in actuality printify is just letting them  choose a print-on-demand factory to work with   which is honestly a pretty easy mistake to make  but yes monster digital's quality is often even   better than my main go-to print on demand supplier  printful sadly monster digital selection is   smaller than printful's but they sure print great  t-shirts so my thoughts are that if you open up   your own store and sell on your own brand like me  then printify's monster digital is a great choice   not only are they half the cost of redbubble  but the quality is far superior they are my   backup supplier and my customers always love the  shirts that they receive and if you would like to   learn how to set up your own print on-demand store  using shopify and printer 5 monster digital it is   something that i teach inside my premium training  program the econ clubhouse if you're interested   in seeing if this is right for you i'll have a  link to my course in the video description below   alright so now it's time to review a very strange  and odd print on demand company in my opinion   teespring i say it's strange because on  the surface it looks a lot like red bubble   but it's secretly really different in the way  that it works if you come to teespring you'll   see that you can search for t-shirts such  as sarcastic t-shirts and all the t-shirts   that you see here just like with redbubble were  uploaded by users like hugh rye not teespring   and so like with redbubble teespring has its  own inbuilt store functionality you don't need   to connect it to another website like printify  you both create the products on teespring and   you sell them on teespring simplifying the whole  process of setting up a print-on-demand business   once you've chosen which of the items that you  want to sell in your catalog you then just upload   a funny or trendy slogan or a picture or whatever  you want printed onto their product and you add a   product page title description and you set your  product price you can then save it and teespring   will then store a digital copy of the product  and your database and something that's nice   about teespring is that it's also free to sell  on here you set your product price and whenever   a customer buys one the products you've created  teespring collects the money the customer paid and   removes their production fees and pays  you the difference as a commission no   credit card or startup money required at all  however there is one big catch because you see   unlike redbubble teespring does no marketing for  you inside their faq you'll see teespring has a   little clause here the trust score clause you  see on redbubble if you come to the search bar   and search for sarcastic t-shirts redbubble  will show you all of the sarcastic t-shirts   that all of their users have ever uploaded  even brand new users that have just opened a   redbubble account but teespring doesn't do this  instead teespring only shows you the sarcastic   t-shirts from sellers that have developed a trust  score and the way that you get that trust score   is by advertising the products yourself and  getting sales by driving your own customers yep the way that you develop a trust score is you  need to market the products yourself to customers   and get enough sales only once your items have  enough sales will they appear in teespring search   results and to me i just think that for most  people it's not going to be worth the time and   money that you're going to spend advertising the  products that you create on teespring because they   just aren't very good the t-shirt they printed for  me was almost as faded as the red bubble t-shirt   although i'll give teespring one thing the black  lines were way sharper than red bubbles lines   so the design is far less blurry and if you put  the red bubble t-shirt below the teespring t-shirt   you'll see the teespring t-shirt actually  prints the red and orangey color of the m   unlike red bubble which prints it more purple  due to it being more faded however if you place   it side by side with printify it's like night  and day it's difficult to capture on camera but   trust me the printify print is rich and deep in  colour and the teespring one looks far more faded   and so in my opinion teespring just  doesn't make a whole lot of sense you know   because it just doesn't do anything great because  yes while redbubble has the worst t-shirt prints   they instead have a funky brand that adds  value from the cool buying experience and   they get lots of high quality traffic from  people directly looking to buy products on google   compare that then to teespring which gets way  less traffic that's also way worse in quality   from social media websites rather than people on  google directly looking to buy specific gifts and   so i'm just gonna be frank if you're a beginner  and you want an all-in-one print-on-demand website   to start selling on then in my opinion redbubble  makes way more sense and if you instead wanted to   set up your own store to maximize profits and  scale a big business rather than use teespring   which charge 10.57 cents for their worst quality  t-shirt why not instead set up your own store and   etsy or shopify for a bit extra and then sell  printer fires cheaper yet much higher quality   super soft t-shirts with better prints for eight  dollars and five cents instead which will result   in way more repeat customers since they'll like  their t-shirts that they get better do you see   my point here teespring kind of sits in limbo  trying to do everything but excelling in nothing   but despite all of this negativity from me  there is a good reason why somebody might   choose teespring as they print onto one company  and that is if you have some form of traffic and   want to sell print on demand products to your  audience but you don't have enough extra spare   cash to set up your own print-on-demand store on  etsy or shopify and absolutely need a free place   to set up a store on and that is what this big  facebook main page here engineer memes did they   had a big fan page with lots of traffic but wanted  a free place to sell merch on and so they set up a   teespring store so you know teespring is the right  option as a print on demand supplier for some   just not many people and i know but that is pretty  harsh so if you disagree with me feel free to let   me know in the comment section below so then  which t-shirt will i give to my friend well   here is my final ranking from worst to best  my locker from printify was easily the worst   bleh after that comes red bubble which while  an enormous step up is still not as good   as the teespring t-shirt however the absolute  number one clear winner of this video for print   quality was easily monster digital the quality is  incredible it is an extremely vibrant sharp print   that i am proud to both give to my friend as gift  and to sell to my customers so did my video help   you if it did please subscribe and hit that little  notification bell so that you don't miss out on   any of my videos and if you like to learn more  about how i run my print onto my business then you   should be sure to watch my video the five sources  of income that i built in my 20s that earns me   over a thousand dollars a day so go ahead and  watch my next video and i'll see you over there
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 219,665
Rating: 4.9701514 out of 5
Keywords: redbubble, printify, teespring, redbubble vs teespring, redbubble vs printify, printify vs teespring, redbubble review, printify review, teespring review, print on demand, POD
Id: vCPJtkPXRh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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