Best Shopify Apps of 2021 | Make more Money with These Apps!

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[Music] what's good bosses it's your girl star alexis and i'm back again with another entrepreneur video if you're new here welcome if you're a regular what i do make sure you guys hit the subscribe button a notification bell and like this video and share with your entrepreneur friends this video today is sponsored by skillshare so today i'm going to go through my list of my favorite shopify apps that i personally have on my website or i have used before i'm going to tell you guys the name of them um what i use them for and whether or not they're free or cost money um i think majority of the apps that i am going to mention are free um i'll probably have to go through and do some research because i just added that category in while i was just recording but um check the description box for all the information on these apps and um for all the information that you guys could possibly be looking for so um jumping straight into the apps um the first one is the email pop-up game um also known as tada so this game is basically like a spin the wheel game so whenever users come straight to your website um this pop-up pops up and they spin the wheel and it offers a discount of course as the owner of the store or business you have the option to choose the discounts that you want to give away whether it be free shipping five dollars off three dollars off ten dollars off the next order whatever the case may be um and all they have to do is enter in their email to receive their reward so entering their email will allow you to have them on your email list later on for marketing that you want to send out to your customers um and it just gets the people going i mean honestly that's how i mean that's as simple as it's going to be it gets the people going people always love a discount so no matter if it's like something small like free shipping or five dollars off um people do enjoy stuff like that so that's a great way to help build your email list as well as um getting people to complete a purchase on your store once again that is the email pop-up game tada so secondly i do not use this app anymore but this was a app that i liked to use um a couple months ago it's called better replay better replay is basically um a app that records your store so for every user that comes to your store better replay records um records their activity so you can literally go back i think you have to let it like run for like a day or two so it can get all the data that it that it needs to um but after that you can literally go back and click on each session on your store um in each session it'll show you a recording of what the customer did what uh menu buttons they push um you'll be able to see how long they stayed on a certain product page you can see if they search for a certain thing on your website and so much more so um better replay definitely helps you get to better know your customers and what they're looking for um because a lot of times you can only get like suggestions but with better replay you can literally see um what may or may have not made them want to complete their purchase so down to um them putting in their information to see the shipping prices and then you see that they exit off after putting in their address and stuff like that and that tells you okay maybe the shipping was too expensive and so on so um this app is better replay so the third one is one that i still use to this day it is digital downloads um digital downloads is completely free as well as the other two that i mentioned um digital downloads is for people who sell some any type of ebook um ebook or anything digital really so for me i sell vendors lists on my website um for my boss collection digital downloads basically keeps track of all of your files so when people buy say example my hair vendor list i don't have to manually go through and send the email to them the order is automatically archived on my store because my website automatically fulfills it through the app digital download so i upload um each file and link it to the product name that i need it to go to so whenever they enter in their information pay their price um they can actually download it straight from checkout or so they will get an email with a link to download the file as well it just makes keeping track of everything so much easier i've bought a couple of vendors list in the past and i had to wait like a couple business days because they were manually sending out the vendors list um to their customers so it just makes your job a little bit more easy like i said if it's vendors ebooks or anything like that digital this is like a really really good app this next app is called keep cart um keep cart is basically a app that keeps your customers carts throughout their devices so if i go to on my phone um and i decide to pull it up on my ipad instead when i log on or type in on my ipad um everything that was in my cart is still going to be in my cart i won't have to go back and read that read ad re-add everything same for my laptop if i went from my ipad to my laptop and from my laptop laptop to my desktop my cart will remain the same throughout all my devices um that is a reason for a lot of people's um abandoned cards as well um they started off on one device and they wanted to get a closer look or enlarge the picture or see it from a different view and when they pull it up their cart is no longer there so they have to go back and add everything re-add everything to their card so it is a a hassle for customers to do this so i download so the next one is the instagram feed and slider pro if you guys have ever been to my website if you scroll all the way down to the bottom you'll see some pictures and those pictures are basically my instagram feed so um a very popular way of marketing right now is people shopping through your instagram feed whether they're looking actually on your instagram or on your website sometimes on your website you know the product pictures look great but sometimes people want to see um real results or real customers what they look like in your items or wearing your items um using your items so with your instagram feed being at the bottom of your website they can literally shop your instagram feed um and that just makes it better for customers who are looking for a more um more in-depth look into certain products um so the next one is the colorful scroll to the top button um this button is basically the scroll to the top button so um on my website if you go on my website there's a little arrow in the corner so if you scroll all the way to the bottom and seven instead of having to scroll all the way back to the top you push the arrow and it'll shoot back to the top of the webpage and you'll be back at the top where the menu is instead of having to scroll all the way up if you have a super long product page or super long home page this this app will be perfect for you because it can be a lot um if you guys have ever been on fashion nova fashion nova has pages and pages and pages for days and you'll see an item and then you'll scroll past it and then try to go back to it and it was at the top and you're scrolling for days it's just a lot um so the scroll to the top button um definitely helped maintaining customers attention because sometimes with all the scrolling and stuff they kind of lose track of what they were looking for um and for this particular app you actually can customize the buttons so my button is green the same color as my logo you can customize it up to what arrow you want what color you want and so much more so that is the colorful scroll to the top button um so the next one is postscript sms marketing um a lot of you guys have been requesting that um i tell you guys a little bit more about text message marketing so i've actually gotten into text message marketing don't remember the exact price if i can find it before this video is up i'll put it somewhere on the screen i personally set it up so for my customers it's also in my bio on my instagram it says text 1k subscribe to 81493 for 10 of your order so i think there's three different ways to do it so um they can either text 1k subscribe um or they can text for a discount code and then i believe um in my previous video i showed one of my previous videos i showed you guys a hack on how to get people to sign up for text message marketing um them signing up that way through checkout also adds them to your marketing list um so this app is really really cool you literally send out a text it customizes to their name you can change the templates and stuff like that and whether you're having a sale or um a secret sale a flash sale you have an announcement whatever the case may be a new product drop in you can literally send out this text to everyone that is subscribed to your text message marketing so um you can add pictures gifs memes all types of stuff to the text messages so i think that's a really cool touch and then also you can like i said edit the text so it's like very personalized and it makes the customer feel like they're being spoken to by the owner or someone on the team um this app also has a safe mode where if the person just recently signed up for the text message marketing it will not send them another text say for example you have a campaign that you're launching for a sale and the person just recently signed up for the text messages less than 10 hours ago that sale text will not go to that person because it does not want you to blow them up i've mentioned fashion nova before fashional will be harassing this via text message if you are guys or ever if you guys have ever signed up for their text message marketing um they do harass us and the app make sure that make sure make sure that you don't do that and run the customers away so um if used right this app is like really really crazy like it's so good um you will have to pay like i said eventually for it if you want more points and you want to be able to send more text out per month and stuff like that but it's definitely definitely worth it so um the next one is sizzle so sezzle is a buy now pay later option um i think in one of my previous um day in a life vlogs i talked to you guys through the process of setting up sizzle so if you guys haven't seen those videos make sure you go and catch up on the previous vlogs um but like i said is a buy now pay later app um and just downloading this app helps integrate that into your website system now side note with sezzle you have to know a little bit about coding um not really know a little bit about but it does take some coding um if you know absolutely nothing about coding um it can be a little bit hard for you to figure it out um if you're not like a tech savvy person or you can get the sizzle people to help you out and do it for you um so that it'll pop up under your products that the buy now pay later option isabella is available with sizzle um sizzle has been a huge help in um boosting the sales on my website i've gotten so many sales through sizzle um and when they make the sale through shopify um with sizzle it doesn't pop up and tell you that they did it through sizzle it just looks like someone just placed the order and you literally have no idea that they placed the order through sezzle unless you log into your sezzled dashboard the shopify apps are made to customize and make our businesses and our business lives easier when it comes to marketing and just generating sales overall apps are just one of the many ways to enhance your store um if you guys are interested in learning a little bit about coding and customizing your store a little bit more without apps you can always like i said download the apps but if you want to go a little bit beyond that to make it more customized towards you and your brand if there's never a right time for anything so i'm just gonna say it's the perfect time to dive in and start learning something new so that your business so that your business can stand out from the others there's a billion in one skincare brand there's a billion and one beauty brands lash brands clothing brands but what makes you stand out if you don't know what that thing is coding may be the key um as mentioned this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is a huge huge huge learning community where creatives and people like us can just get lost in our creativity learn new skills and tricks um when it comes to um entrepreneurship marketing um business overall crafts web development coding graphic design photography and so much more um i personally have um taken a class on skillshare the class was called shopify it was called shopify shopify theme programming liquid json and javascript um and it was by christopher dodd um and basically in this course he teaches us how to um customize our theme through coding um he goes through the the required tools the programming layout um the custom systems advanced liquid patterns and so much more if that sounds like something that you know absolutely nothing about i do recommend that you guys um check the description box um to get your free trial with skillshare like i said this platform is used for so many different skills um and it is ad free so it's literally there for us to learn new skills from these teachers who are experts in these topics um there's always new premium classes for the premium members and it's only ten dollars a month with the annual subscription okay so before i get into the next app i do want to let you guys know the first a thousand people one zero zero zero the first 1 000 people to click that link in the description box will get a free trial to try out skillshare um during this trial you can take courses um go through certain topics and see if you can find something that you want to enhance your skill in just a little bit more if you like it you can renew your membership after your free trial and honestly it's a win-win situation like i said every brand has a thing that makes them stand out and if you don't know what your thing is skillshare may be the place for you so for the next app we have shippo so everyone knows if you've been watching my channel for a minute shippo is my go-to place for um shipping so i do not use any other shipping platforms a lot of people have asked me about pirate ship i've never used pirate ship before i've only used shippo and shopify and if you watch my shopify q a then you will know why i do not use shopify to ship anymore shippo um offers discounted rates um for the business owners um and it offers um a bunch of different services for the us and all the other zones in the world so with shippo it's very easy i rarely the only time i ever actually log into shopify is to edit my website otherwise i'm always logged in on shippo um the orders are always syncing constantly whenever you get a new order it'll pop up at the top you literally put in the package dimensions you can save save box templates so i have all i have templates down for each different box that i have different block size that i have that way i do not have to manually type in the dimensions of each box each time so there is an option like i said to use the weight calculated from shopify um you pick the service and then you can print out the label straight from there and it also creates packing slips as well if you want to download those and print them out and put them in your packages as well i've had no problems with shipping at all most of my products most of my shipments go out as priority mail because they give me a lower rate than what they charge the customer so the next app is shopify email shopify email is like a great little plug-in um so you guys have seen in previous vlogs where i've actually created email templates um for just marketing purposes sales and announcements um so shopify email gives you the option to reach out to everyone that is the option to reach out to everyone that is on your mailing list who has ever signed up on your website or made an account on your website literally you create your email they have templates that you can use you enter in whatever text you want you can add product pictures you can add discount codes and so much more and send them off you can schedule them you can name each campaign and have them set to send out certain days certain times so you can pre-schedule all this stuff on shopify email and it just makes marketing so much easier the next one is smile rewards and loyalty so smile rewards and loyalty is exactly what it says um it's a loyalty program for your customers so um it's up to you to decide what the rewards will be all right so for an example i'm going to read straight from my screen um for mine you get three 1k points for every dollar you spend and then you get 201k points if it is your birthday um so basically to redeem points 101k points equals a dollar so if you get 201k points for your birthday um 200 points would equal two dollars off of your order um and that's basically how mine goes as well as having a referral program so um if anyone signed up for the smile rewards if they share this code with a friend the friend will get ten dollars off of their order um and when they use the 10 off code the friend who shared the code will also get 10 off of their next order so it's basically encouraging your customers to share the products share the greatness with their friends if they do share it um you have a new customer and another sale so it's a win-win um smile rewards is one of my favorite apps this one i have the free trial there are um paid subscription so there are three plans on here besides the free one um so there's a forty nine dollar one a one ninety nine dollar one and a five ninety nine one um but like i said i only do the free one which is just the referral program and the points program i don't really care for the vip program so i just stick with those two and it's still a hundred percent free so check out that app um it definitely encourages customers to engage more with the brand and share with a friend so the next one is seasonal effects so seasonal effects is a app where basically you add seasonal effects so with this app um basically um there's so many that you can choose from so for christmas i had um snow falling from each page of my website and then i had a christmas tree in the corner um sometimes when i have a sale i'll have like little discount tags falling from the screen and then there'll be like a little bag that says sale on it um so there's seasonal effects that are like permanent on the page and there's ones that are temporary the ones that are temporary when the customer clicks on them they disappear and the ones that disappear are usually like a a bag a christmas tree santa or something like that but the permanent ones are more so like christmas lights snow rain um leaves you can literally do a bunch of different tricks with the seasonal effects i believe for this app i may have paid like 1.99 or 2.99 it wasn't expensive but it was a one-time fee the next app is background music that's literally what it's called if i can find pictures of the apps i will insert them so you guys can like find them a little bit better on the app store i know sometimes with shopify it's hard to find so for this one if you guys have ever been to my store um depending on the time of the year um so like for during christmas time i had a destiny's child doesn't it feel like christmas i think that's the name of the song or christmas whatever the song is called doesn't it feel like christmas doesn't it feel like christmas that song i had that song on my story and it plays on every page right now i have um throw it in the bag playing so when you log on to my website it's just just throw it in the bag [Music] just throw it in so um i don't know if you guys have heard this before but a lot of stores um that play music inside the store um get amazing sales and that is because music encourages depending on what kind of music it is it encourages people to shop um so that's why i just kind of stick with throw it in the back for my everyday um song on my website but um you can adjust the volume to what it's going to play or how loud it's going to play on your website and then there's the option to mute it when the customer is on the page but every page that opens on my website this song restarts and i just thought that was like a really cool touch to add to my store the last and final app that i want to tell you guys about um that barely made it to this video um it is called v-w-a-l-a influencer marketing i just recently started using this app so for this app there are three plans there's a startup the growth and the standard so the startup is the one that i paid for i have it's called 9.95 then the second one is 30 and then the last one is 60 a month with this app it allows me to have ambassadors and an ambassador ambassador program so i actually have a page on my website now for people who want to know more about the ambassadorship um what you get and stuff like that so you can offer to pay commission or you can offer to pay a product me personally on my store um we pay in product um so with this plan you get up to 500 influencers and unlimited sales on this website you're able to you can track the influencers progress so you can see who signed up when they signed up what their name is on your ambassador platform you can see their social medias um and so much more um i just thought this was like a cool add-on so there is an option to pay everyone at once in product so for me i'm just going to offer store credits right now i have seven ambassadors um and like i said i can see their discount code how many leads they had and how many orders they actually had go through with their code and you can literally go through and edit and change everything if you really want to and honestly i just think it's a cool way to keep track of your ambassadors if you want to do an ambassador program a lot of you guys have asked me my advice on ambassador programs um and i've tried it before the old-fashioned way reaching out to people have them be an ambassador for me send them product and the problem was they weren't actually promoting the product so with this program the investors signed up themselves they initially they initially buy the product themselves as well um so if it's something you already have why not promote it if it works for you you know so um and then they're paid in free products so it's kind of like you get a free re-up but your initial purchase is what you're going to promote on your social media so i've had some ambassadors i stalk them a little bit sometimes um i see that they put their link in their bio sometimes they put it in like the caption of pictures ig reels and so much more so um like i said this app is called the uh vwla influencer marketing that's my friends are my 14 apps that i recommend that you guys try out download on your store let me know what you guys think about them if i have any app recommendations in the future i will do another video if you guys want me to but um i thought that like i should really just share these apps with you because some of these are really my favorite all right y'all so y'all know the deal it is small business time so i'm going to show you guys tell you guys a little bit about some small businesses before this video is over so this brand is called natural indulge by bee skin care um i have a 15 off discount code for you guys the code is lexis l-e-x-i-s um and from this brand i got a sugar scrub it's the acai berry sugar scrub make sure you guys go check out natural indulge by bee um and i'm actually not gonna open this i really wanna smell it but i'm not gonna open it because i will be doing some little giveaway goodies um for certain subscribers um i'm going to be keeping my eye out for the people who comment and share my videos the most and you guys will be getting like a goodie box full of um products from the small business unboxing so once again that's natural indulge by b so the next business is um genie candle i'm actually got two packages from this brand okay so this is actually an etsy shop um and a code for you guys to get 20 off of the etsy shop um the code is as you wish so make sure you guys use this code at checkout and once again it's queenie the genie i got two items i got this pen and inside the pen is actually it looks like money so i'm definitely keeping this because i can't have enough pins pens but next is this candle here is a genie candle just for you may all your wishes come true um how cute is this y'all it's a freaking genie candle um and it smells so good it smells like a cologne that my dad has um and then this little top will stop the little flame but it's just so so cute i've never seen anything like this i'm just gonna say that um and that is queenie the genie on instagram and it also is the etsy shop next we have bee fruitful solutions llc so i actually got a couple things from b fruitful solutions um the first thing is this moringa leaf powder i've heard a lot of things about moringa leaf so i'm excited to actually try this out and use it in my everyday regimen so next i got collidal silver and it is a mineral for immune system support then we have the moroccan red clay and lastly organic black seed oil so this is be fruitful solutions so another brand that i want to mention um i did get their products in the mail but unfortunately the package was kind of ruined um so the brand is a skincare body and yawni um brand and the website is i was able to read some of the labels for the products that i did receive even though they did um get ruined um there was a whipped body butter and also a a yawning wash so if you guys are looking for yawning products check out the website in the description box and support a small business this was the last one for today i still had i still am getting a lot of questions about small business shout outs i'm always doing them they are free you just have to check the description box for my p.o box and make sure you send the package with all the information you guys want me to mention whether it be a discount code your website your instagram or whatever the case may be that concludes the small business shout outs of the day and that also concludes this video once again check the description box to start your skillshare premium membership and for any information that i mentioned in this video um i hope you guys enjoyed this video i love you and i will see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Starring Lexis
Views: 25,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lm9zK_O6Dtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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