How To Start A BRANDED Niche Shopify Dropshipping Store & FREE Marketing Strategies

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a nice dropshipping store can oftentimes be the best type of dropshipping store that you can start because you can offer a wide variety of products but you can also target a specific type of person as well so in today's tutorial I'm gonna be showing you how you can set up a branded niche Shopify dropshipping store from scratch and the really great thing about this tutorial is I'm going to show you how you can create your store so that it's fully branded so that when your packages arrive they do come with your logo on so the logo of your store and these packages often arrive in 6 to 14 days so a lot quicker then the usual shipping times of drop shipping between 20 and 40 days and I'm also going to be showing you in this tutorial how you can stop the store completely from scratch including building the front end and all of the backend systems and I'm also going to be showing you how you can actually go and generate traffic for completely free so using all completely free marketing tools to make your first sales so all you're really gonna need for this tutorial is around ten to fifteen dollars to purchase your domain so without further ado let's go and have a look at the store that we will be building in today's tutorial so let's have a look at the store we will be building today so I'll be showing you how to completely brand your store so it looks like a legitimate big brand and how you can go and create a beautiful home page like this one over here and also be showing you how you can go and add a chat bot to your site so that you can go and talk to your customers and also go and collect their emails I'll also be showing you how you can go and lay out your product pages so that they look beautiful so how you can go and add size charts like this one over here and also how you can go and put your descriptions and your shippings into a tab and embed gifts into your product pages as well as embedding reviews onto your product page as well and I'll also be showing you how to go and create one of your necessary pages such as a order tracking page and your shipping delivery policy as well and then I'll also be showing you how you can do stuff within the backend so how you can go and set up your taxes how you can go and set up your auto email responder and loads of other things and then for the last part of the tutorial looking at how we can go and generate free traffic using Instagram Pinterest YouTube reddit Facebook and Google so that you can go and get lots of free traffic coming to your store and hopefully start making some sales so let me go over the strategy for creating a niche Shopify dropshipping store because there's a little bit different to your typical dropshipping store and it's always good to plan ahead and have a plan for what you're going to do how you're going to market your store instead of just creating the store and then catching the stores because that's why 99% of people end up failing so like I said this is very different from your typical pump and dump truck shaming store where you find out when you product try and squeeze every penny that you can out of it using Facebook ads and then when the cells start to dry up you kill that store and you go and create another one this is a more long-term strategy a little with a slower strategy by a crane and niche store so one thing that you have to do within each store is create consistent content around that store so that's going to be Instagram posts Pinterest pins Facebook YouTube videos writing blog posts sending your product out to influencers you're trying to get your nice store in front of as many eyes as possible and this is how you're gonna start to generate sales and like I said this is more of a long-term strategy so you're gonna have to put a log effort into creating content around your store claiming custom content and sharing it as much as you can over the internet so this is where it slightly differs from your typical dropshipping store where you're just paying for cold traffic on facebook or not necessarily cold traffic targeted traffic but just stretch strictly through Facebook and then finally one key thing about an eStore is the volume of products so you might have looked at creating a general store before where you import 30 products maybe in you're testing them all you might have created a one product store and that's obviously just one product now with a niche store you I'm gonna say you should at least have 200 products in your store and that's a lot of products and you need to import all of them and make sure that they're fully SEO optimized so they will have really good product descriptions all the images are clean and consistent most of the products eventually you're going to want to have custom images for once you actually start making profit with the store you're gonna send that out and get custom content made so that all of the products don't even look like Aliexpress products and the volume of these products all being SEO optimized is what's going to bring you organic traffic through search engines this is what will bring you organic traffic having a large volume of products and also when customers come over to your store a lot of the a lot of the time if somebody comes into a store and they see that you've only got 30 products it just looks really fishy from a customer's point of view so that's why I say you need to start out when you're actually marketing with at least 200 products and this is gonna be the strategy going forward when you create your niche store because like I said this is what's gonna bring in organic traffic by creating content and showing on loads of platforms and also having good SEO optimized product descriptions you're going to eventually bring in traffic when you start bringing organic traffic you will make sales and then eventually you can transition into actually going for paid traffic now one key thing to remember with a niche dropshipping store is that you need to be hitting your store from all angles you're not just relying on one traffic source especially if they have a limited marketing budget so you can go and create content for Instagram and make sure that you're keeping your Instagram up to date so posting every day and not just posting pictures of your products like I said you're creating custom content in your crane useful content for your customers that are interested in that niche then you can go and take your Instagram posts you can put them in a format for Pinterest and start putting them on Pinterest you can use Google as I mentioned - SEO optimized your product descriptions and also at the time of filming this video Google shopping is free so you can go and put your store on Google shopping if you're watching this in the future then maybe it's not free anymore then you've got YouTube you could go and create a YouTube video once a month that's something surrounding your niche so related to something surrounding your niche then we also have facebook snapchat there are so many different angles and you know there's so many other different sources that you can use so like I said you're going to want to be hitting your store from all angles so you get it in front of as many people as you can that are interested in that niche now let's have a look at the pros and cons of a niche store so in terms of pros it is cheaper to start because you can actually start with hardly any budget and you can just use all of these different traffic methods to try and get some organic traffic because your stores gonna be so niche that is the people that are interested in it we'll go and have a look at if they find your content and they find it useful so you don't have to go and spend five hundos on Facebook Ads when you are creating content and you're just sharing it all over the Internet next up is you're actually building a brand so I will be showing you how you can have branded packaging for your drop shipping niche store and like I said that's gonna build a brand around your store and that's gonna make people more likely to refer their friends and also maybe make another purchase again in the future if they're happy with the item they receive also it's more consistent in terms of profit so once you actually have built up your store and you have all of these different traffic methods and you're getting lots of traffic coming in from loads of different sources then you can probably be able to see a more consistent base of sales instead of just relying on pumping loads into Facebook ads and scaling it and then it just drops and dies out you will try and see that a store that's a little bit more consistent when you have traffic coming in from loads of different sources because of all the content you've shared and then finally in terms of pros it's easier to transition it into an actual proper ban so like I said I'll be showing you how to do branded drop shipping but eventually you can go and get the products in-house packaged them yourself and it's gonna be a lot easier to transition that as opposed to a store that you spiked up and scale really quickly because you're not sure if it's going to die out now in terms of cons it does take longer to actually start making a profit with this because you have to go and build your store up slowly import all of the products write the descriptions create the content all of that stuff but once you actually do all of that stuff like I said it can be more consistent in terms of profit and another con is the profits may not be as big as finding a viral winning product so you might make 500 dollars a month from your niche store after a year and like I said that's nothing compared to if you were to scale a product and make 50 grand in one hit but this is a more sort of consistent business model and especially like I said for people that don't have a massive marketing budget and the other con is is you need a lot of time on your hands to go and create with the content and to keep up to date with things so for people that are just looking to get rich quick or just make a bit of money quickly then this is probably not the strategy for you and for people that are looking to build a long term store where they can try and make some consistent money every single month then this is going to be the one for you so in terms of cons then you're going to need some time on your hands you're gonna have to put a lot of effort and dedication into your store to create content and keep up to date with everything now just a quick disclaimer before we go any further with the tutorial I just want to say that with this strategy this is a long-term strategy so it's gonna probably take you around six months at least of working on your store before you start seeing any sort of consistent sales so you have to be really patient and you have to be really consistent with keeping up with creating content for your store and posting to different social media channels so if you're the type of person that doesn't have patience to build up your store and knows that you're not going to be consistent with creating content for your store then this probably isn't the strategy for you and I know that probably sounds kind of harsh but like I said is no point of going further into the tutorial if you know that you're not going to be patient and consistent with building up your store over time and also just another thing is that you probably aren't going to make 10k 20k 100k per month with this strategy this strategy is probably something where after six months to a year you could be making between 500 to $1,000 profit if you put in a lot of effort so like I said it's not gonna be something where you get super rich but you can go and actually start making some decent money if you put the effort in and like I said if you keep consistent with your store keep creating content with it on a consistent basis and if you're patient working on the SEO trying to improve the product descriptions adding new products to your store consistently if you keep up with that then you can go and start making some good profit after like I said probably six months to a year maybe even a little bit longer than that so don't go into this with the mindset that you're gonna make 10k a month after three months because it just isn't possible with this type of strategy so now that we've gone over that let's go and now have a look at how we can pick a niche for out niche Shopify dropshipping store let's have a look at how we can pick a niche for our niche dropshipping store now when it comes to niches you might start thinking about a niche but I actually just want to illustrate to you what the difference in anisha's and a category so if you have a look over here I've just put these are not niches so things like pits home appliances baby accessories sports gear cycling they're way way too broad to go and create a niche store around and all of those types of industries and categories or even niches you could call them they're dominated by big brands so for you as a dropshipping store it's gonna be really hard to go and actually start making sales in a niche that's really brought like that so for example pets now when you're thinking about picking your niche for your luxury store you need to go as narrow as you can and you need to even go as random as you can so over here I've given some examples of the things that actually are niches so brandy snifters model ships airsoft guns so just the guns christian tapestry Japanese kimonos these are all examples of things that are the type of niches you need to be looking at when creating a niche dropshipping store you need to go really narrowing it to go really deep into a category or into an interest that's very specific rather than picking a very broad Anish it's so petty I could be considered a niche but it's just like I said it's such a big niche it's so broad and it's dominated by so many big brands it's gonna be really hard for you to actually make them sales so let me just go and show you some examples of sites that are niche sites and how you can go and get some ideas for your own niche drop shipping store so firstly I will leave a link in the description to this blog post called niche hacks which has got over 2000 different niches that you can pick so if we just go over here and like I said it's literally over 2000 niches so just go through here and go and pick out some really random niches that you find in here pick up the most random ones you can find and then you're gonna go to la Express and see if you can find some products so I just went through this for about an hour and I just came up with some really random niche ideas just to show you that it can be done and that it's not gonna be so hard to go and try and pick a really sort of random narrow niche so like I said on here I just went through and started having a look at some of the different niches and I've just come up with some ideas just to give you some examples so firstly we've got over here is couples swimwear so you could create a niche store all around couples swimwear and like I said this is a really niche area because not all couples are going to be interested in this type of thing but some people are and one I actually went and type this into Google I couldn't really find much about it so there is obviously is there's kind of a gap in the market for it you've obviously got Etsy coming up fairly often and then I did find someone this website called Sheena ste so you can see this stuff is really it's quite cool obviously like I said not all couples are gonna be interested in it that's the whole point of crying in each store and then people when they see this type of stuff it actually kind of shocks other so if two couples went on holiday and they see one cup of awareness and people would say to them but where did you get that from that looks really cool and then they're gonna tell them about your niche dropshipping site and that's how your site can actually grow because it's so specific that people find it cool they kind of find find it like a novelty and they will go to your site that I found this really cool site that just sells loads of different couple of swimwear so like I said if we go on back onto L Express there's loads of different couples swimwear that you could go and put into your store and you could create a store just around that the next one like I said that I mentioned is brandy snifters so you can see in on Aliexpress over here there's loads of different cool types of brandy sifters or just brandy glasses I have probably corn but they look back to call them brandy snifters so loads of different ones that you could go and create a niche store around and once again I've just found this website over here and all they do is sell brandy snifters and that's it it's a really niche really narrow audience people that really enjoy their brandy but once again you could go and create a store around this and they've also found this website over here and this kind of emphasizes my point about volume of products because I just typed in brandy snifters in Google and this site came up and that is because they just have such a large volume of product you can see they put so many products that they've built up a lot of SEO and then so when people are typing in brandy snifters their site actually comes up so like I said that kind of emphasizes my point of why you need around 200 products to actually start your niche store next one I've had a look at is European decorations so sort of fancy European house decorations so these are really cool this is just some wine holders so you could go and create a store around this and when you click on the products so if you're struggling because these products are very niche they're not going to come up when you just type them in so when you just go so for example branding this is yeah it comes up and you type it in but sometimes you might just find one product coming up on the first page so to save you going through hundreds of pages on Aliexpress you can just scroll all the way down to the bottom and it will go and show you some other product so you can see here it shows you some other products that are similar and that way that was you can kind of see is there enough products within this niche on its best for me to actually import into my store and you can see here I just typed in cool wine holders some random sites coming up but you could actually go and be a kind of industry leader in a cool wine european wine holders so that's another idea the next one is cell boats so model cell boats over here so you can see I've found a few over here on Aliexpress and then like I said once again when you actually click on the product if we scroll down to the bottom so let's just go and we're gonna scroll all the way down to the bottom here and we can go and see if there's any more products that are similar so let's scroll all the way to the bottom and then we can see we've got some more model ships over here so this is another really sort of blocks a random niche very specific niche and somebody who would be interested in this has a very specific niche interest but then you can see here the sites over here that I've found Admiralty ship models and all they sell is ship models now obviously they're ones are very expensive you can see so you could offer an entry-level version of this for people that are interested in building ship models but they don't spend 400 pounds so you could go and start your own niche store and you're just sending a cheaper version of it so this one here costs $25 you can go and sell it for $50 and like I said that's going to be an entry-level version instead of them buying this really expensive product next one we've had a look at is christian tapestry once again and i just came up with these sort of just by looking through here and just looking at things and just on the top of my head coming up with weird things so christian tapestry once again you could create a new store just that's just simply sells christian tapestry and nothing else so like i said you need to be really specific with your type of product that you want to create your store around so once again if we just click on the product we can scroll down because on Aliexpress you can see it there's only a few ones and then the rest of the tapestry is a bit random but if we actually go and click on one of the products and scroll down then we can see there's loads of other different Christian tapestry that we could go an important to our store then when I go and actually type this into Google we can see it's just coming up once again Etsy RedBubble and Amazon and all those types of things now let's have a look at this one world wide tapestries so if we're just going to open this up this is obviously going to be selling a lot of different tapestries so we can see here that they've got religious tapestry let's see if we can find any products so you can see they're selling they're selling these for quite a lot of money so let's go back over here and have a look so these are only sort of twenty dollars twelve dollars four dollars they're selling um you know for $90 upwards so you can see with these in these stores there's kind of gaps in the market you could say because there's no big brands that are really dominating them and that's why when you're thinking about creating a new scription store I say stay away from them really broad niches whereas with these smaller niches once you actually start to get SEO when she import 200 products right product descriptions you will start to get people coming over and once you start creating the content around it you will start getting people coming over to your site they're actually interested in that particular niche and then I just had this site over here that sells different English heritage products which is a bit of a random least bias just trying to show you that they sell tapestry as well so those are just a few ideas and like I said what you want to do is you just want to use this over here like I said a massive list of different niches just to go on there find some ones maybe that you're interested in or you think might be cool or you could think of some content ideas for then you're just gonna go over to Le Express and see if you can find some products around it and also if you can't find anything in here just go up when you're outside walking about going about your daily business or when you're on the internet just anything you see just that's a bit random or a bit weird on Instagram on Facebook anything you see and you could think okay that's a bit of a random leash then go onto an Express and see if you can find products around that niche and then you can go and build a store around it so that's basically the crux of it of actually picking a niche you just have to go kind of as random as possible as narrow as possible and then see if you can go and actually find enough products around that niche that you can import into your store now I just want to show you a niche store that I have been working on for over a year and this is a WooCommerce store but all of the techniques that I'm going to show you can be applied to Shopify as well as the exact same principles for a niche store I just want to show you the type of traffic that you can start to get so you can see over here within the last 30 days I've got quite a fair bit of traffic from search engines a little bit from Pinterest Pinterest has been pretty quiet but if we go to all time over here and we can go and see that overall time Pinterest has been a pretty good one for me as well so we've got Pinterest we can see quite a lot and also search engines and you can see the reason I'm getting a lot from search engine so we just open this up most of it was obviously from Google and then a few other ones Yandex Bing but the reason I'm getting that because of the product descriptions the SEO and those types of things and like I said because of the volume of the amount of products that I have so if we just go over to the products over here and I have blurred out the product just so I don't reveal what I'm actually selling but we can see I've only got 164 products so that's not a massive amount of products once you start getting up to the 400 500 mark of products you will actually see that this search engine traffic will really start to go up so even with 164 products which like I said is not that much the search engine traffic is still good and also I'm getting a lot from Pinterest now like I said in the last 30 days Pinterest has slowed down a bit because I haven't been posting as much but you can get a lot of good traffic from Pinterest and now if we just go over to the orders we can see that a slowly slow steady consistent amount of orders is coming in so every couple of days we can see that orders are coming in now how to obviously refund a fair few over here because the Aliexpress supplier actually ran out of a particular product but we can see and this is one of the more popular products but we can see like I said a slow steady consistent amount of sales and I probably making around $10 profit on each product so you can see over here these ones over here there are like $19.99 that's probably around $10 profit but the ones that are like 30 998 that's probably like $20 profit and these ones over here that's probably more like $25 profit so you can see some of the cells you'll make more profit and some of them you make less profit but like I said I just want to illustrate to you that you don't need a massive amount of products like I said only 164 products and that has brought me in a good amount of search engine traffic and then also I've mostly been sharing on Pinterest trying to do a little bit of Instagram you can see slowly coming up and Facebook as well but these are the two I've been focusing on but like I said if you keep consistent with Instagram Pinterest search engines all of it you will start to build up your store and also just want to show you the abandoned carts over here so if we just go you will still get abandoned carts with your niche store as well even though people are searching for it and finding it you will still get abandoned cost as opposed to when you use Facebook that you get a really high amount of abandoned carts but you can see over here this month I've lost out on $108 let's have a look at last month we can see I've got 11 banded carts over here so lost on 276 then if we just look at let's say this year let's Chris go and look at the year as a total we can see 39 abandoned carts over here as well so you will still get abandoned carts as well and you can see I'm not doing a very good job of sending out the emails because I actually am working on a way to capture them better using this but like I said I just wanted to show you this store just to give you a rough idea of what you can expect and like I said all of the principles that I'm going to show you can be applied to Shopify and you might be wondering why I'm choosing to show you this Shopify or Shopify is a lot more beginner friendly than using WooCommerce so you can like I said you can apply all these principles to your Shopify store I just wanted to show you this because this is one of the nice stores that I've been working on so it's just so that you could get a rough idea of the type of search engine traffic and type of orders and the type of amount of products that you need so now that we've had a look at that let's go and actually start building out the store so we're going to head over to Shopify and start building our store in order to start building your new Shopify dropshipping store head over to Shopify comm there will be a link in the description and the really great thing about shop right now is there is a three month free trial so depending on the time of watching this hopefully the free month free trial is still going if not there should be a two week free trial as well so what we're going to do is we're just going to go and click on start free trial and we're just going to go and enter in an email address and password and then pick our store name now in terms of picking your store name if you're unsure of what to pick you can just go and use a website called lean domain search and basically what this allows you to do is go and type in a keyword and then it will suggest domain names for you so what we can do is if we just go over here we can go and enter in a term so let's just go and say let's say samurai for example I can just go and type that in and what I can do is I can go and sort all of these searches by length so I could go and look for the shortest ones and then you can go and say it ends with or starts with so I can go and say ends with so I could go and pick one of these as my domain name so like a samurai asks samurai now so you want to go and have a look through these so like I said just go and type in a keyword and then what we're gonna do is we will look at connecting a domain name to our store later on but you're just going to want to go and cool the name of your store the same as your domain name so once you have entered in your email address password and your store name just click on create your store they will then just say we're creating your store so just leave it for a few moments you will then be boots over to this page so over here you're just gonna say I'm just playing around because we're just going to go and start creating our store then can't revenue you can just go and pick zero which industry will be operating in you can just go and pick it whatever your niche is so I'm just gonna go and pick clothing over here let's just go and pick clothing and then you can say if you're designing or developing so we can just go and leave this and click on next once you click on next it will just ask you to go and fill in your details so just go and fill in all of your details so once you have entered in your details just go and click on into my store once you click on that you will be brought to your Shopify dashboard now from here we can actually start building our Shopify store now the first thing that we are going to do with our Shopify store is actually go and install a theme so if you just go and click on online store over here we can just look at our current theme and basically the theme is the layout and the design so we currently have this debut theme so we're just go and click on this little eye over here it will bring you to the front end of your store and you can see this is just the basic theme now we are going to be using a theme called the beautify and this is a really great theme that gets being designed by ricky hayes who is another really great youtuber who makes videos about drop shipping so what we're gonna do is we're gonna head over to the beautifier and I will go and leave a link in the description to do beautify and we're just going to start off with the free options so just go and click on free download now and then we're gonna go and put in our name and our email address so what you have entered in your name and your email address just click on free download now once you do that it's gonna say to enter your domain name so we're gonna do is we're gonna go and copy this over here and we're gonna go and paste that in here and once again just click on free download now once you click on that you will then be redirected over to your Shopify store over here and it's just going to ask you if you want to install the beautify so we're just gonna scroll down and click on install unlisted app once you click on that you will be boots over to this screen we're gonna do is we're just gonna go and click on add theme library it will then say that the theme has been added so now that we've done that let's just go and click back to online store over here and then from we can scroll down and we will see they beautify then we turn the boat and see actions over here and what we are going to do we are just going to go and click on publish and then we are just going to go and click on publish again so now that we've done that they beautify is our theme for our store now so what we can actually do is now we can go and have a look at customizing our theme so from here what we can do is we can just go and click on customize once you do that it will be boots to the front end of your store and from here we can actually start customizing our store now obviously as you can see is just looking like a demo so at the moment because we don't have anything imported we don't have any products with it have anything like that but we will just go and start by customizing some of the fonts and some of the images and things like that now the first thing that we're gonna look at is changing the fonts on our store now I will just leave a link in the description to this blog post over here and this basically just has a few font pairings that you can go through so I'm just going to go for this one over here montserrat bold and we bought a regular now you want to go and pick two fonts that go well together just to make your store look more clean and more professional so what we can do is we can go over here and then in theme settings you can go to typography and then you can go and change the heading fonts and also you can go and change the body fonts as well so we just go and click on change over here and I'm just going to go and pick monsterettes so I'm just gonna go and pick this and I'm just gonna go and pick we're just going to look for semi bold so we're just gonna go for monsterettes semi bolt and just click select and then if we scroll down over here then we can go and pick the menus in the buttons so actually go and change the menus in the buttons as well so and you're gonna change the menus and the buttons to monsura as well just to give it that contrast and that's just going to be one surrett regular and then we can go and change the body text which I'm going to go and change to Roboto so let's just go for a bottle regular and we can just go and select that and now we should see that our text updates so we also have the colors over here so as we scroll we can see the colors of our site so we've got this purple and everything else is black and white now I recommend just keeping it black white and gray nice clean and simple with one extra color I like the de beautify theme comes with as default but you can just go and change this purple color to whatever you like so I'm just gonna go and change that to a reddish sort of color so I'm just gonna go and change this to this sort of crimson II red just like this now obviously it depends on the niche that you're in so if it's a more feminine niche than you might want to change it to a more feminine color if it's on my own masculine each then you might want to change it to a more masculine color and also it depends on the things that you're selling so if it's sort of educational toys or something like that then yellow is and yellow and blues are kind of associated with education so go and have a look at some color psychology stuff as well if you're not sure on what color to pick for your store so like I said I'm just going to go and change all of these in here so let's just change these and then if we scroll down we've got five buttons here as well and this one and then finally if we scroll down the footer as well so the footer is just going to be like that so now we can see we've just got that sort of reddish kind of crimson color so now I can just go back and just make sure you hit save when you are going and updating things just so you don't lose any of your progress if you're for every reason if your computer shuts down or something like that so now that we've done that we can actually go and have a look at adding an image in to the background over here now in order to add an image over here we're just going to go and click on welcome over here and what we can do is where it says welcome here we can go and click on select image and you can go and look at the free images first so Shopify has loads of different free images that you can use now I'm going to be creating a store that's selling kimonos so I'm just gonna go and type in Japan over here so let's go and see if we can find any cool images of Japan I might want to use so let's have a look I think I'm probably just gonna go for this one over here that looks pretty cool so I'm just gonna go and pick that but if you go and type something in here that's not related to your niche so let's say for example the brandy snifters if I just go back over here let's go back over here and if we just click on this again and I just go and click on change and I go to free images and I just type in let's say brandy let's see what comes up you can see there's no result now if that happens to you you can use a website called unsplash so if we just go and type Brandi in here and this website is all copyright free images so you can go and pick something else that is more relevant to your niche and they've got loads of different images on here so like I said you could go and pick something that's a little bit more relevant to your niche so this one looks pretty cool for let's say brandy snifters so just gonna go and download one of those and you can just go and upload that to your store so if you just go over here you can just go and click on uploads instead of using the Shopify free images so now that we've done that we can just go and close this so now we can't go and update this over here so with the Welcome heading you might just want to go and put an introduction or you can always go and promote some sort of offer so I'm just gonna go and pip put in here styles of the Far East and then in the bottom here I'm just gonna go and put in something that describes our store or our brand so I'm just gonna go and put something in let me just go and put this in here so let's just go and see if we can see that so I'm just gonna go and click away so let me just go and delete this top bit because I've tried to paste it in so there we go that looks a bit bit better so unique kimono fashion wear for men and women in Des Moines fashion products available for free global shipping browse our latest designs for your new look so we can just go and we've basically given our customer some information about the type of products that we sell so let me go and close this so you're wanting to go and put something in like that now like I like I said you can also go and put a promotion in here so 50% off all products shop now and you can go and put some product images as your background now I'll show you how to create some nice product images later on in the tutorial so now that we've done that we're gonna go and hit save the game and the next thing that we are going to do we're actually gonna go and have a look at creating a logo now in terms of creating a logo and that you create a logo that's really unique and really matches with your brand so normally I would say that you could just go over to camera and create a simple text logo but for this type of niche store you really want to try and create the brand around it so you want to create a really unique logo so for example for this type of store I can just go over - graphic river net which is part of Envato and I've just gone and typed in Japanese logo and there's loads of cool Japanese logos that I could go and purchase so we can see over here and all of these would be really kind of tying in with my brand and the type of products that I'm selling and they really make this store look like a proper niche branded store as opposed to if I just had a plain sort of text logo about the one that I've already got over here it just looks plain and boring so you're going to want to go and create something so I recommend - graphic river and have a look if you can go and find something that's related to your niche and you can also if you can't find anything you can go over to Fiverr and you can go and pay somebody to create a sort of unique logo so not too expensive some of them so this one over here is around sort of ten dollars they'll create a cool unique logo for you so let's so if we go back to the example of the brandy snifters that I mentioned earlier then let me just go and type in brandy in here and let's see what comes up so I'll just go and type that in and then we can go and see we've got some cool brandy logos so we could go for something like this and if you're selling brandy snifters on your saw then something like this is just gonna look really cool and make your website just look like a proper actual brand so like I said you're going to want to go and pick a logo that really kind of stands out and ties in with the type of products that you are selling so now that I've done that I'm just gonna go and upload this we're gonna go to header over here and you're gonna go and see logo so I'm sure the go and select I'm just gonna go to upload and then from here I'm going to go and choose my logo so you can see I've got this cool kind of Japanese logo so let's just wait for it to load and we just hit select over here and as you can see like I said it's just this kind of cool Japanese style of somebody eating some sushi I believe it probably is and you can see there's no mice always ichi-san and over here I've just got it in some cool kind of Japanese style writing so I'm doing the event hit save and let's just see if that loads up so let's just go and actually upload it to here again as well so we've got the transparent one so there we go so this one is the transparent one and then when we scroll that's the one that's going to be on in the scroll so now you can see that's how it looks now you can also go and change the size so I can go and change this try and make it a little bit bigger so there we go and now there's my logo now that looks really cool I think and it kind of matches in ties in with the brand of the store if you click this over here you can actually just go and see how it's coming along so like I said you want to create a logo that just ties in and I said I think this looks really good and looks very well branded so far so now we can also go and click this and just see how it looks on a mobile so make sure that your image on a mobile looks really cool as well and also on your logo as well so the logo on a mobile is maybe a little bit small so I might want to go and make that a little bigger so over here we've got mobile hitter so I can go and let's make this a little bit bigger let's see 50 pixels that might be a little bit too big so actually that looks pretty cool so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave that like that so now we've gone and added our logo the next thing that we are going to do is actually start importing to some products so that we can go and start filling out some of these areas with our collections and with some of our products now in order to import products we will be using an app called a pro low that allows you to import products from Aliexpress but a really great thing about Epona is it allows you to go and ship your products out with custom packaging so with your logo on so we're gonna do is we're gonna go and head back over here so just go and click on the shop fire icon over here and then from here we're gonna go ahead and click on apps and then from here we're gonna go and click on a visit sugar 5 app store and then from here we're gonna go search apps I'm just gonna go ahead and type in a pro low so just go and type that in and choose a proto over here and then from here you can scroll down and you will see you prolog drop shipping and branding so just go and click on this and then what we are gonna do is we're just gonna go and click on add app and then once it comes over to this screen just click on install app you will then be boots over to this page so we're just going to go ahead and click on next and then you can just go and add in the invitation code 4 3 8 7 3 9 and then we can just go and click on start now once you click on that you will be brought over to your ePro lo dashboard now from here we can actually start importing products either from a pro low or from Aliexpress now the first thing that you can do within your pro lo dashboard before you actually start importing any products is to go and upload your logo so that they can go and print it on custom scotch tape that they will add to your packages so we go to my accounts over here and then from here you can go and click on custom packing and you will see that you have to pay thirty dollars and they will go and create ten pieces of custom scotch tape and as you can see those ten pieces will cover around a thousand orders and the quicker that you get to 1000 orders the better because that obviously means they're going to be making more profit off of all of yourselves now let me just quickly show you what you have to do once you actually pay your $30 through PayPal so once you go and pay your $30 through PayPal you will be able to go and upload your logo now the logo that you upload has to be just completely black and white and that's it so you can see this is my logo over here so it's similar to the one on my store so we just go to upload logo over here and then we just go to browse and as you can see this is my actual logo so with the guy on and it's red and yellow but I have also just gone and created another version which is just the text which is just black and white and that's it so that's all you're going going to be allowed to upload so you have to just make sure that you create another version of your logo to upload it to a pro low so once you upload this they will actually go and create some custom scotch tape like this and like I said they can just go and add that to all of the packaging of the orders that you actually make on your store and that just really helps to build your brand and make it look like a legitimate brand so once you have uploaded your logo like I just showed you you can actually just go now and start looking at importing products so what we can do is we can just go to find product over here and you can go and import products directly from deep Rolo itself now the products from a pro low a lot of them are the type of viral products that you would see people running Facebook ads for directly from your pro Lowe's supplier any pro Lowe's warehouse so you can see over here these are the products that they have so not probably the best for building a niche store so you can't go and have a look you might find something where you can actually go and build a niche store around it but like I said a lot of their products at the type of viral products that you would see people running Facebook ads for and those types of things so if that's the case then what you can do is you can go over to El Express and obviously if you've got your niche in mind you can go and find your products that you want to import so if I just go and type in kimono women and as you can see these are some pretty cool kimonos so I can actually go and in put this in to my store so one way to do is you just go and grab the URL and then you just head back to a pro low and then you can just go to imports and Lee product over here and then what you can do is you've got the Aliexpress URL you just paste that in and then you just click on imports once you click on that it will say import success so now that that has been imported we can go over to our important list over here and we can actually go and edit this so what we can do is we can go and firstly change the title over here so let's just go and change our title so we're just gonna go and change this now with your product titles you're gonna want to make them something that's very unique so if we just go over here and let's just go and have a look at this actual product so let's just go and see this over here so I'm just gonna go and have a look at what is actually included on this kimono so I can go and write a cool product description so based off of this I think I'm just gonna call it something like anime style girl power kimono so we can just go and come back over here so let's just go and close this and we can just say anime star girl power kimono so we can go and add that in there then we also have the collection so we will go and add the collection in a moment moves I have tags over here now let's not worry about typing tanks for now because we can go and change all of these later on we actually update our product description in a bit more detail so for now we're just going to go and import the product and then later on when the product has been imported into Shopify we can actually look at making it look a little bit nicer so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go to prices over here so now from here we can actually go and change the prices now when it comes to pricing your product you're going to want to do some research for your competitors and other stores that are selling similar products to yours so if we just go and have a look over here this store sells kimonos as well and they're selling this for $69.99 Australian dollars so I think in u.s. dollars that's around $45 so I'm just gonna go and price my products for around $35 and you can see only cost me 990 so I still make a good twenty-five dollars by um I should be ten dollars cheaper than my competitor so what I can do is I can just go and click on change all over here and as a matter of fact I'm just gonna go for $29.99 so I still make a good $19 profit but it's not too expensive now we can see it has updated all of this now also you want to take into account in the shipping so sorry I just forgot to mention the shipping so this is costing me around 1350 so I'm gonna make a nice 1650 profit now you can also go and add a sell price as well if you want to so let's say we was to go and change this social Cisco and change this to $39.99 and click confirm and then we can go and add a compare price and say it's now $29.99 so it's $10 off so you can also go and add in a sale price as well I will be showing you how you can go and change that within Shopify it's world later on but this is just a quicker way to do it through importing now also you've got the color as well so you can go and change the colour so instead of having this one and two I'm gonna have brown and then I'm gonna have black and then also other different products will have different things so within here you can always go and change them so also here we've got size now for these kimonos it's just one size so I'm actually just gonna go and change this to one size fits fits all just so it makes a little bit more sense to the customer as well and then you can go and change what the headings for these are as well so I've got color I've got size but let's say sometimes they might spill something wrong on Aliexpress so they might spill color or they might put it with a lower case like that so you can go and change that in here to something like that just to make it look more clean and professional next up we have the description so the description we are actually going to go and change this within Shopify just because I want to go and show you how you can go and write some good product descriptions and how you can go and change the product images as well so I'm actually just gonna go and I'm just going to go and delete everything in here so I'm just going to backspace it all and just get rid of all of it now we have the images now in terms of images I recommend only having images with that I like this so only no product no background sorry not ones that have any other in terms of images I recommend only having images with that I like this so only no product no background sorry not ones that have any other logo on so you can see this one here has got East Queen on it so I actually don't want these but for now I'm just going to import these in a and delete them later on because one more to do is I'm going to download all of these images and then we're gonna go and remove the backgrounds and then we're gonna upload them to the product again so it just looks more clean and professional so what we're gonna do is we can't just go and leave these for now but like I said I will be showing you how you can go and change all of these so now that we have done that we've got all of this ready so we've done our product title we've done the price the description and images we can't just go and click on push to store so now that the product has been pushed to the store we're just going to go back over to our Shopify store over here and now I'm gonna go to products once you click on products you will see your product over here now we are gonna go and click on this and like I said what we are going to go and do now we are gonna go and have a look at writing a really good product description and changing all of the images so they look clean and professional before we actually go and put them on to our home page so before we write the product description we are going to go and install some apps that will make our product page look really nice so let's just go over to apps over here and we're gonna go to visit Shopify app store and the first app we are going to go and search for is going to be called page tabs so just go and type that in and then from here we are gonna be looking for this one over here so is this like red icon that says free tabs product page tabs so just go and click on this and then from here we are just gonna go in click on add app now from here we can just go and click on install app once you click on that you will be brought over to this page now you don't have to pay anything they do have some extra things that you can get with their paid plans but you can just scroll down and click on the free plan and just click on select now from here they will just ask you to enter your name and your email address so once you have entered that in just click on submit now from here we can just go and set these tabs up so we're going to go to settings over here and we're just going to go and click on activate tabs and then after we've done that which is going to go to shared tabs now you can only have one basically this means just an extra tab so you can only have one of these with the free plan so I'm just going to go and delete these other two tabs so just delete this one and let's just go ahead and close this and then we're just gonna go and go back to shared tabs over here sorry and that's just getting in the way so it's going to delete this one so now that we've deleted that we are going to go and activate the shipping image turns tap so just go and click on activates and now we can just go and click on edit so we can go and type in our shipping and returns now in terms of shipping and returns we are going to create a whole page around this as well but it's good to just have this on the product page as well just so you don't get a lot of complaints from customers so what you can do is you can just go ahead and type in your turns policy so I'm just going to go and put something in like this processing time one two three business days so you can just go and make this a little bit bigger if your products that you ship are taking a little bit longer so you could go and do something like 2 to 5 and then approximate free shipping time is 7 to 21 and we've just put free here just to emphasize this and then we offer a 30 day money-back guarantee as well your product can be returned within 30 days so you can go and put this in here if you want to so now we can just go and hit save like this and now that we've done that you do want to go and clear your cache so we can go and actually have a look at this so just hold ctrl and hit f5 and once you do that we should be able to have a look at this so let's just go to products over here and we're just going to go and preview this one over here so I'm just gonna go and click on this little eye over here and then from here we can just scroll down so we can see it's not been set up so let's just go back over here we're gonna go to apps I think maybe I just didn't activate it properly so let's just go back to the tabs and then we're gonna go to settings again and we're just going to make sure we didn't click Save so just click activate tabs and then I'll make sure I hit save and now control f5 again just to clear the cache so that we can go and check that again so now that we've done that we can't come back over here and let's just go and refresh this and now we can see we've got our description tab so anything we type in the description we'll come over here and we've got our shipping and returns so we can go and see that we've got that now we want might want to go and change this as well just because the headings look a bit different with the fonts and everything so we can go and change that so let's go and change our ping and returns bit within our tabs so we can just go back over to shared the tabs over here and then we're just going to go to edit and then from here we can go and just edit our shipping and returns tab so let's just go and grab all of this and then we are just going to go and I'm actually just going to get rid of this bit so let's just go and delete this and then we're just going to go and copy this paste it in here and then I'm just gonna go and type this in by hand we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee and then your product can be returned within 30 days as long as it is not damaged worn or otherwise tampered with so we can just go and do that and now we're just going to go and change all of these and make sure that they are like that and then we're just gonna so go change all of these make sure they're like that and then we can just change the top ones to heading false so let's just go and change the top ones to heading fours and heading for a game and then we can just hit save another has saved once again we will just clear the cache then we just have to clear the cache only with this particular app just because sometimes it doesn't show again when you actually reload your page so when we come back over here let's just go and reload this page now and now if we go to shipping and returns we can see all the front is looking correct so that's perfect so now that we have done that the next thing that we want to do we are going to go and update our product images so we're going to go and update our product images and then we will go and look at writing the product description so let's just go back over here and now we're going to go back to the product so we're going to go to products and we're just going to go and click on our product over here so let's just go and click on this and then from here we can go and update our product images so in order to update our product images we need to actually go and download them and remove all of the backgrounds so in order to download them you're going to want to install this Chrome extension called Ally save and basically this allows you to download Aliexpress images from the product listing so we'll go over to the Prada here so this is the product and I want to go and download all of these cool images over here so why I can't actually do is I can just go and hit download over here but you can also go if you want and you just click on this one over here and then when you click on that it will give you which images you want to download so I'm just going to go and download the description images and now we can see all of the description images have been downloaded so I'm just gonna go and close this and now that we have downloaded the images we can actually go and remove the backgrounds so we're going to go over to a site called remove dot BG and from here we can go and remove the backgrounds so let's just go to upload image over here and we're gonna go and upload an image so I'm going to go to products and you can see I've got all of the product images over here so I'm just gonna go and start out with this one over here so let's just go and upload this and you can see once I've uploaded it it has removed the background so that looks really good so what we're gonna do next we are just going to go and hit download and now we have downloaded that we can actually go and change the background so we're just going to go and get rid of this and now we can go over to canva and we can actually go and change the background to something a little bit different so from here we can just go for some custom dimensions now I just recommend just going for 1080 by 1080 so let's just go for 1080 by 1080 and I square image and click on create design I want you click on create design your canvas will loads now you will see some templates down here that we could potentially use so for example I like this kind of purply color so I'm just gonna go and use this so I'm just going to go and delete everything in the middle so let's just go and delete these so we can just go and delete all of this stuff that we don't want because we're just going to want to have our product image so let's just go and delete these now we can go to uploads and we can go and upload an image so I just go to upload image over here and I can just go ahead and find that image that I just removed the background with so I'll just go ahead and click on open and then once that has uploaded we can just go and add that over here like this so now let's just go and create it like that and now you can see that's a much nicer product image than the one we had before so we can see it's looking a lot better it's just getting rid of this heart over here so why I'm actually going to do as well I'm actually gonna just extend this a bit just because you can see there the leg has just been cropped out a little bit so we'll just extend it a little bit just so we get rid of that just so it doesn't look a bit weird now if that does happen to you you can always come over here and we can go and click on edit over here because I didn't notice that one actually downloaded it and I can just go to restore you can see I could just restore this part of the leg like that just to make it look a little bit more normal but for now we'll just leave it as it is because I think that looks pretty cool now obviously you're going to office as well when you're picking the colors you're going to want to make sure that it's keeping in with your brand so if we go over to my store over here I might want to think about using that red crimson color instead so we're just going to go to edit homepage and then from here I can just go to theme settings colors and I'm just going to go and grab this color over here and it's going to go and see how that looks let's just go ahead and change the color of this to this and now we can see that we've got that red background now I don't think that it really goes with the color of this actual product this particular product so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go and I'm just gonna go and change the background to white so I'm just gonna have a plain white background now you sometimes when you upload a PNG like this it might count with a plain Ballack background if you upload it to Shopify so that's why you have to just come into canva and do this so now I'm just gonna go and do it like that let's just bring it to the side over here so we have just got our plain white background like that now I'm just going to go and do this for all of the images so make sure that you go and do this for all of your images so we just go to upload image and from here I'm going to want to go and remove all of the backgrounds of all of these images and then I'm going to actually go and put them into here now some of them where they're actually in a setting I might want to keep this but I want to actually just get rid of this over here so if you want to do that you can just go and upload your image so just go and hit open and then when you drag it onto your canvas you can just go and just make it a bit larger just so now you can see when I download this image the logo is gone so if I just delete this for a second we can see that logo in the corner is gone now so whereas before it's got this East Queen in the corner now when I download it and I upload it to my store it's just gonna have nothing in it so you're going to want to do this for all of your images and that's why I said in the beginning of the tutorial have to be really patient because we can see I've got so many different images that I need to do this for just for this one product and you're gonna have to go and do this for 4 or 500 different products so you need to have a lot of patience you need to work on it every day so I'm just going to go and change all of these images now and then we will go and upload them to our Shopify store now once you have finished altering all of the images you can obviously just go and click download to download them and now what we're gonna do is we are gonna go and upload them to our store so let's go back to our Shopify store over here and now we can go and add these images so in media we can guess go and change some of these so firstly let's just start by deleting all of the ones that are in there already so let's just go and delete these so just going to go and delete these one by one and now that I have deleted them I can just go and click on add file and then from here I can just go and select all of the images and just click on open now from here we can go and rearrange the products images so I'm just gonna go and rearrange these now so now I have rearranged these so that they go in order I prefer the white images first the ones with the white backgrounds just because they look cleaner on the actual store and as you can see I've got rid of all of the ones that need that said far-east in the corner just to make it look like a proper brand and then we can also go and upload an image for each of these so let's just go and upload an image so we can go ahead and select a variant image so I'm gonna go and select this one for this one and I'm gonna go and select this black one over here for this one so now that we've done that let's just go and hit save and we can just go and have a look at how it's coming along so let's just go and preview this now so as you can see it's looking a lot more clean and professional just with that white background like that and then they can just go through and once again as I said there's no logo in the corner from the Aliexpress supplier so now that we've done that the next thing we're going to do is actually look at writing out description so let's just go back over here we can just going closes and now we're gonna go and write our description within here now when it comes to writing our product description you're going to want to put something informative about the product and then just a few key features these are product descriptions don't have to be massively long but just enough to get some SEO going and also just to give the customer a rough idea of what the product is about because these are not them viral Facebook type products where we have to write a massive product description with loads of features and benefits obviously if you can include a lot of information in here then that's really good but if you're going to be doing three four five hundred products then it's going to be quite tiresome so you can just go and put something in like this so I've just put in here this Tokyo inspired so I'm just gonna go ahead and put this anime inspired girl power kimono is and I'm gonna just change this to influenced by a colorful street art and fashion scene of the region now this type of stuff I have looked up through other descriptions from similar websites are selling kimonos and also just having a look at different Japanese culture and things around kimonos and those types of things so do some research on your product have a look at what other stores are doing and that's how you can go and get some ideas so as you can see I have just gone and put some extra bit in here just about the typical places that you might see this type of kimono and then I'm also just going to put in here the perfect kimono for chilling out and also casual events so I can go and put something like that in there and also F so over here it says iconic double print I'm just gonna go and put iconic build power print accented with bright colors fit for maximum comfort so you just want to go and put something like this in here now in terms of the vendor we're just going to go and delete vendor and then we're just going to go and put our own name in there so instead of having you Pro low we're just gonna go and put our own name in there and we can go and also add a collection as well so if we just go to collections over here so let's just go and right-click this and open this in a new tab and then from here we can just go and click on create the collection and then you can go and name your collection wherever you like so I could go for Japanese kimonos Chinese kimonos and I'm a inspired kimonos anything like that so I don't think I'm just gonna go for anime inspired kimonos so I'm just going to go for that and then we're just going to scroll down and for the conditions we are just gonna say product title contains and I'm just gonna say anime so now any product title that contains anime will go into the collection anime inspired kimonos so I can just go ahead and click Save now and now that we have created that collection I can go back over to the product and let's just hit save so we can go and refresh this and now that I have refreshed the page we can just see automatically it has put animate inspired kimonos into it has put this product into that collection because it contains this in the product title so that's a really easy way to go and add products to certain categories now in terms of website SEO you're going to want to change this because we don't want this to be cut off like this so what we're going to do is we're just going to go and copy this and we're gonna go and click Edit website SEO and we are just going to go and paste this in here and now we're just going to go and make sure that there's not too much in here that it's being cut off so we can see over here this anime is by Gopal kimono so I'm just going to go and change this to capital K is influenced by a colorful street art and fashion scene now this stuff over here is not going to be very searchable so people aren't going to really be searching quirky clothing stores on takeshita's Street so what we're gonna do we are going to just go and change this to something that's a little bit more SEO friendly so we can just say this is the perfect anime kimono for chilling out or going to a casual event and then we can just go and say shop at ichi-san so just gonna put your brand name today so just go and put that in there and then also you've got your URL handle now generally you don't want this to be too long so I'm just gonna go in put in here it's good I'm just gonna get rid of style and I'm just gonna go and say anime girl power kimono so that way if someone types in girl power kimono or anime girl kimono or anime kimono for girls it's more likely to come up because you don't want these URL handles to be too long because that's not SEO friendly so now we can't just go and click Save so now if we scroll down we should be able to see what it looks like and you can see this is more what it looks like instead of all of that information and it being cut off now this is what you're going to want to do for all of your products and this is how they end up coming up in search now like I said it's more of a volume thing once you have 1 to 300 products with very unique SEO descriptions like this and product descriptions then eventually you will start coming up with in these search engines so now that's basically it let's go and have a look at how that looks so let's just go to the preview and then from here we can go and see that this is looking good and we've also got our shipping returns so I'm actually just gonna go and change these because I think these headings are just a little bit too big so I'm just gonna go and change these now so I'm just gonna go and change these now so let's just go back over here and we're gonna go back to our shared tab we're just going to go and edit this just because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and if you want to take your store to a good level then you're gonna have to be a perfectionist as well so gonna go and change these to let's say heading six we're gonna go and just give that go let's just try heading six and see how it looks and then hit save and then we're gonna come over here we're gonna do ctrl f5 to clear the cache and then we're just gonna go and refresh the page and now if we come over here we can see they look a lot better like that and also another thing over here is these are in lower case and these are all in uppercase so that's another thing that you're going to want to make sure that you take notice off so I'm actually gonna go and change this to a will in uppercase and once again let's just hit save come over to here clear the cache control f5 and then let's just refresh this and now if we come over here we can see that that's like that so that looks a lot better so that is basically it for you'll pull up descriptions now I do want to actually show you one last thing is you might want to add a gif in here or a video as well now you can actually go and do this so let me just go and open up a tab and I'll show you how you can do this so let's say you found a cool video of your product on YouTube you can actually just go and download that product video so if we just go over to this website over here and from this website we'll leave a link in the description you can just go and download the YouTube video or you might have created your own video of the product or you might have used somebody on Fiverr to create video of some of your products or so I will be showing you how you can do that later on in the tutorial as well how you can actually get people on Fiverr to model your products and create product videos and those types of things so if you do have a video that you've downloaded from YouTube you can get it from here or if you've already got one once you have your video you can go over to this website as gift comm and you can just go and upload your video and just hit upload and then you can just go and convert it into a gif then once you convert it into a gif what you can do is you can go let's go over to our product description so we're going to go back to the product so we're just going to go to products and then from here I'm gonna go and click on the product and then we can just go and in cert that gif so if we just go down here what you can do is you can go to insert image or you can insert a video just if you want to so if you've actually just got a video of the product you can go and insert video so we just go to insert image and then from here I can just go to upload file and then I can just go ahead and choose my gif file over here so I'm just gonna go and click on open and now we can see I've got this gif now this is not one of this actual product but I just wanted to have a gift that I could kind of show you to import so I'm just gonna go and click on insert and now that has been inserted so you won't see over here but if we just hit save we should be actually be able to out you can see it's come up now so if we hit save we can just go and refresh this page over here and now if we scroll down we can see that we've got that gif in there and that looks really cool now if this was of this actual product of somebody actually just modeling it that would be really cool as well it really would just add to the product description and just make it a little look a little bit better and also just entice the customer a bit more now actually one last thing I do want to show you with these product pages before we move on is if you want to go and add a size guide now for products like this we need a size guide so if you've just got a product where you don't have a size guide you can just skip to the next part of the tutorial the timestamps are down below but we want to go and add a size guide for clothing things so what we can do is we can go over here we can go to apps once again and we can go to visit Shopify app store and then from here we can just go and type in size guide and just hit enter and then from here we can scroll down I'm gonna go for this one best fit size choice and this is ad not not gonna click on this because I don't want to cross the money so I'm just gonna go for this one best fit size charts by relentless apps so just go ahead and click on this and then we're just going to go and click on add app and then from here we can just go and click on install app and then from here I can go and add a size chart so if I go to edit size chart over here and I can just go and cool this anime or I can just go and just cool this size guide let's just keep it simple so we just go to size guide you can add a description if you want to but you don't really need to and then we can just go and add to our size guide so over here if we just go and have a look at the size guide for this particular product if I can find it so I can just go and add this size guide over here so what I'm gonna do is let's just go back over here to the size guides and let me just go and have a look so we've got size so we're just going to go and add the columns like they've got so they've got one two three four car so one two three four and then we can go and add our rows so that's just two rows like this so that's gonna add another row then we can say size CM and we should just be able to copy and paste from here so one size I could just go and paste that in there and then I can go and take the bust and put that in there and then just copy this so we're just going to go and copy this exactly now you might have a product where the size guide is a little bit more complex than this but like I said you can just go and copy and paste all of this stuff from aliexpress into your product so let's just go and do these last ones over here so it's going to go and copy this and this one was 72 so now that we've done that now over here you can go and add it to a particular product so I can go and add a product over here I can go and choose my product here and click Add you can go to add to all products but the likelihood that you have a size guide for every product that's the same is very unlikely so now we've just got that over there and we can just go and click Save now that that has saved we can come over here and just refresh this and now if we scroll down we see we've got size chart over here we go and click on this we've got size guide and we can see that that size guide is there so that is just one extra thing that you can do if you are selling products that have particular sizes so you might want to go and add that that just makes the product page look a lot nicer than just having a big plastered size guide over here they can just go and click on it and it comes up with a little pop-up like that so that is basically how we can go and optimize our product pages so we've looked at writing the product descriptions adding gifts adding our shipping returns adding size guides and changing all of the images so that they look clean now it is a big process but you are gonna have to go and do this for every single product because if any of your products look a little bit off then that's gonna make your store not look legitimate not look like a proper brand and that will actually put customers off so now that we have gone and changed one of our product images the next thing that we will do is go and finish off our homepage so from here let's go back to our Shopify dashboard over here and then we are going to go to online store down here and then we are going to go and customize homepage from here so let's just go and click on customize and once the customize area loads we can actually go and update our homepage so the first thing is I'm just going to get rid of this featured content area over here just because I have pretty much summed up my store just within the hero image over here so you can keep this and add some information if you want to but I'm just gonna go and get rid of it so we can just go ahead and click on this and then we can just go and hit remove section next up we have some featured products so for featured products we can just go and click on this now I recommend having around four to five different featured products or if not have a fair few so you can see here they've got eight so that's pretty good now you can go and put your bestsellers here as well so just gonna go and select a collection I'm going to go and choose men's kimonos now because I don't have many products in Portas I'm just gonna go and change the rows to three just so it looks like this and then we can just go and put in here bestsellers so like I said I recommend just having probably eight different bestsellers as it was before and they're just scrolling along like a slider so now we've done that next up we have the collection list so I recommend just leaving it as three collections as well so I'm just going to go ahead and just add some collections so we're just gonna go and select a collection and select this one as well and then just because I've only added two collections so far we're just gonna go and get rid of that one so now we have our two collections over here next up we have our example products so this is going to be the featured product now I recommend putting a product here that you think is going to capture your customers attention so really one of your best cool standout products so I'm just going to go to featured products select a product I'm going to go and choose this one for now so we're gonna go and choose that just cuz I like them to create and it's got the gift over here so now we're gonna go and we've got a subscriber to our newsletter and then what we can do is we're just going to go to subscribe to our newsletter and we're just going to go and say for discounts and then in here we can go and say subscribe for ten percent off now we will go and set this up later so that when somebody does subscribe to the newsletter they actually get a 10% discount code to use on the store and that way it gives them an incentive to actually go and sign up for your newsletter and you can go and capture their email and that way you later on you can actually go and do email marketing to get more customers so now that we have done that let's go ahead and change the guarantee I'm just going to go and leave it with three so we are just going to go and get rid of this rocket one over here so we're just put on the third one down and I'm just gonna go and click remove contents and then we've got our guarantee so I'm going to go in here leave the icon I'm going to go and put 30-day money-back guarantee now you don't have to put a 30-day money-back guarantee but I do recommend that you have some sort of money-back guarantee whether it be 14 days or 30 days because this just builds trust with the customer anybody that's apprehensive to actually make a purchase when they see this this kind of gives them a little bit more trust with your website that if they make a purchase at least they can get their money back and I will be going through later in the tutorial what you can actually do if you do get a refund so we're just going to go and put that in there and then after that we are just going to go and say free shipping so and when you do free shipping on all orders it just once again gives you a custom lot more of an incentive to purchase from you and then over here we're just going to say thousands of satisfied customers so we can just go and put that in there so now we also have the About section over here so we're just gonna go and let's go back scroll down go to the footer I'm gonna go to about now in the About section you're just going to go and sum up briefly what your website is and what it sells so I'm going to go and put some information in here so let's just paste this in here unique kimono fashion where for men and women in demand fashion products so it's just why I put earlier by Matt you're just going to make this a little bit smaller so I'm just gonna get rid of that bit there just so it's not so much information now also you don't have to put a phone number in if you don't want to so I'm just going to go and get rid of this but you definitely want to have a professional email address don't use an Outlook or a G you know just it just makes your website just look a little bit untrustworthy so I will go and I have we created a full tutorial on how to create a free professional email address so you're just going to go and put in contacts let's just make that small see that's ichi-san com so we're just going to put that in there now Quick Links we will go and fill this out and later on so this is where we're going to go and put our pages like our shipping or refunds policy our Terms of Service our privacy policy and all of those types of things so just leave that for now and we'll go and fill that out later on then we've got follow us so you can go and put in your social links if you want to so if we just come just go back into follow us and then like I said you can go and put in your social links so see over here it doesn't actually have the area so you have to go to theme settings so we go to theme settings you can go and put in your Facebook your Pinterest your Instagram so I will be showing you how to go and create all of those later on in the tutorial so you can come back in here and go and fill these out but so that's where you can do it within theme settings so for now we can just go and leave this and then once again we have got subscribe to our newsletter so we will just go and put in here again subscribe for 10% off your foot order so we can just go and put that in and that's basically our home page in a nutshell so you can see how quick and easy it is to go and do this and it doesn't look really good so if we just go and make this big like this and we can just go and have a look at our home page so we've got the entrance part so we've got a hero image with some information and they can go and click on shop now and then we have our best sellers over here we've got a collection list then we've got a featured product over here and then we've got subscribe to a newsletter now the shop now' button at the top we're going to want to go and add something to this so if we just go back over here and we just go to the over this bit over here and then we're gonna go and find the button so let's just go to content and then let's have a look here we go so yeah it goes straight to our collections so you can't just go and put it to your collections or if you want to if you're doing a promotion you can go and do it to a particular product or to a particular collection so if I just go and close this I can go to collections and I could pick a particular collection so I can go and pick this one over here so let's just go and hit save on that now so the next thing that we are going to go and do is actually go and update our menu so if we go back over here I'm going to go back to our Shopify dashboard and then from here we can go and click on navigation and then from here we can go and click on main menu over here and then in our main menu we can go and add a menu item so I'm just going to go and add my collection list so over here we can go to collections and I'm going to add this one and I'm inspired kimonos so I'm just going to put this a little bit shorter as actual name and a my anime kimonos and just click on add and then I'm gonna get rid of catalog and I'm gonna get rid of home so I recommend you just go and put all of your collections as your main menu let's just click on remove again and then I'm just going to go and add my other collection so let's go to collections men's kimonos so like I said you're just going to want to go and add in all of your different collections for your different products so it's just going to add then if we go and hit save over here so now if we just go and preview this we should be able to see that that's been added to our menu so now we can see we've got our two collections now obviously when you add more collections it looks a lot better so if we just go and add let's go and add two more so let's just go and call this one women's kimonos and you can go and obviously linked to particular products but I'm gonna go and link to a product now just so we can add an extra one and then I can go and add in sale so I can go and add some sell items so let's just go at this collection as well let's just say for example and then I can just go and click Save so now if we just go and preview that again and then we can see we've got anime kimonos we've got men's kimonos runes kimonos and so and then if we scroll down we've got everything else so our home page is looking pretty good now let's just go to edit home page once again and from here we can just go and check if it looks good on a mobile as well so we can see it's looking pretty good on a mobile we've got our collection list we've got our featured product over here and then we've got subscribe and I'll guarantee and everything else so that's looking really good so I'm really pleased with that now the next thing we want to do is go and change this top bar over here so I recommend just having free shipping on all orders so what we can do is we can go to theme settings we can go to advanced settings and then over here we have our announcements so we can say free shipping on all orders so you can't go and do that obviously you can go and turn it off as well if you want to and you can go and hide on a mobile and all those different things you can go and change the size of it so we can go and make it even bigger if we want to and let's just go and wait for that to load so now you can see we've got that large menu over here now I'm just gonna go and make it smaller just because I think looks a little bit nicer like that and that is basically it for our homepage so you can see it's looking really good and it's coming together very well now the next thing that we are going to do is go and start adding some apps so some apps are going to add some different functionality to our store so the first app I'm going to add is going to be a currency converter so just go back to your Shopify dashboard and then from here it's going to go and click on apps and then from here we're going to go and click on visit Shopify app store now from here we can just go and type in currency converter so let's just go and pick that and then when you come to this page you're going to go and pick this one over here so with this little guy with a hat on so just going to go and choose that app over here and then you're going to go and click on add app and then from here we just going to go and click on install app and then from here it's going to ask us to slipped a membership plan so it's gonna go for the free plan to just start off with with so we can have up to five currencies so just gonna go and accept the terms and conditions and click on choose this plan so from here it's going to say you need to edit your money formats so just go and click over here and we can actually go and edit our money format so it's going to say go to settings and click on general so it's going to go and open this in a new tab because you're going to need to keep this open because we need to actually copy something from here so just go and open this in a new tab so we're going to settings I'm gonna go to general over here now when you click on this you're going to scroll all the way to the bottom until you see store can't see and you're gonna go and click on change formatting now from here we need to go and just paste something in here so we're gonna go back over here and we are gonna scroll down until we see this over here span across money so we're going to go and copy this and she's going to go and paste it in just how they've done over here so hTML is can't see HTML without currency so we're going to do is over here it's gonna go and paste that in like that and over here it's gonna paste it in as well and then we're just gonna go and grab this second bit which is just span on its own so just go ahead and copy this and we're going to go and paste that after and paste that after as well I'm just going to go and hit save so now that that has saved we can come over here and we should just be able to go back to apps let's just go back to apps over here and then just go and click on best currency converter and now we've come back in here we can see that this has got a line through it which means we have done it correctly now don't worry about this gdpr we're gonna come back and do this later once we create our privacy policies so let's just go and leave this so now over here you will have the option to enable and disable the app so just gonna leave it as enabled for now and then you can go and choose your currencies so obviously they by default they have these five currencies which is really great because these are the ones you're probably going to be using anyway but you can always go and add other ones if you want to and you can always go ahead and delete them moved around and things like that so let's say you're mostly targeting Europe you can just move that to the top or you can go and move it to wherever you want to so after you've done that you can go and change the color of it I just recommend just leaving it black and white as it is I don't like this Flags theme so I'm just gonna go and put no theme actually because I don't like the flags I think it looks a bit tacky but that's my personal opinion so I'm just gonna go and hit save and once that has finished saving we can just go and have a look at how it looks on the front end of our store so once your home page loads you can see this Shopify is getting in the way but you can see it's a little white badge in the corner it says GBP right now and people can go and change it so I can't go this because that's getting in the way but you should be able to see it - just like that so it looks nice and clean now it won't auto switch the currencies you do need to upgrade to their professional or elite plan I think it's called before that but this is good enough if you're just starting out people can go and just switch their currency just manually like that so now that we've added that app the next app that we are going to add is going to be a live chat app so gonna go back to apps over here and we are gonna go visit surefire app store and then from here we are just going to go and type in t do so just type in t do and just choose that and hit enter and from here you will see T do live chat now this is a really good feature to have in your store it doesn't mean that you have to be live on your store 100% all the time answering the queries from customers but it's just a good thing to have you can go and set up a chat bot where people ask something any answers back automatically and it just builds trust once again with your customer so we can just go and choose T do a live chat and then we are just going to go and click on add app now from here we can just gonna click on the install app again now from here it's gonna ask you to configure your live chat app so you can just go and put their name in now you don't have to put your real name if you don't want to but it's probably recommended to put your real name in so I'm just gonna go and put my name in and then you can go and pick your color scheme now I recommend just obviously picking a color scheme that fits in with the colors that you're using on your site so I could go for this red but I'm actually gonna go for black just to keep it simple so it just looks at nice and simple like that then you can go and choose your language of course and then we can just go ahead and click on continue now for me it's gonna ask you to select your industry so obviously we're just gonna leave it as online store then we're just going to go and tick this and click on continue once you click on continue it's going to ask you how you would like to engage your customers now I recommend going with this one send them a discount code in exchange for the email address once again we're gonna capture the email address and also by giving them a discount we're actually encouraging them to make a purchase because we're saying here go and use this code and make a purchase and you're gonna get discount so we're gonna go and choose this and click on continue when you click on continue we'll be brought over to your tdo dashboard now over here you can go and set your offline hours so let's just go and choose this so obviously you're gonna want to go ahead and set some offline hours so what we can do is you can go and enable to receive an email notification so basically if somebody contacts you during your offline hours it will go to your email address so you can just go and enable that so that just like I said it's somebody emails you with some sort of customer support it will just go through to your emails and then you can go and email them back then also we have our do not disturb hours here so we can go and put this on line and basically what we can just say is from Monday let's say Monday 9:00 a.m. it way is I am from Monday 9 a.m. to Friday let's say 5:00 p.m. we are available now obviously can go and set your own hours whatever you want to do you can go and do that and just go and add it in here so you can go and put it you can go do 24 hours if you want to you're always open so you just go and disable it or you can go and just say we only are available for live chat on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays or something like that so you can go and add a new time rule and just say from Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. so you can go and add new rules like that so let's just go and hit save now now that we've done that and now we're gonna go back to our tdo dashboard over here so let's go back to the dashboard now from here you can go and install the mobile app and the desktop app as well if you want so basically the mobile app just means if you're on the go and somebody send you a message from your store through T do you can go and reply using the mobile app so that's really handy to have if you're not always gonna be available at your store but we want to be able to answer your customers so you can go and do that as well so now let's just go and scroll down and then from here what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to chat BOTS now so from here we will see discount for new visitors so we can go and click on these three dots and click on edit now from here you will see the logic of the chat bot now don't get too overwhelmed by this because it's really simple when you hover over this you will see the little pencil icon so over here is where you can actually go and change what you want to say so highly a nice to see we have a 10% promo code for you for customers would you like to get one so they either hit yes or they hit no so if they hit yes or so you can go and change what you want here so you can make it something personal to your store so we could go and put something for example like me highly a samurai or something like that let's say just for the purpose of the store so you're kind of talking to your audience straight away so you can leave these as well yes sure no thanks you can go and change them then over here you can go and you'll see ask the question so this one's saying cool what's your email address and basically they have to go and enter in their email address and then the validation basically just means we're validating their - real email if it's not really real email they just get this message over here so I recommend just leaving all of this the same then over here we've got this one so we can just go and have a look at this one then where it says it here is your code enjoy shopping XYZ this is where I want to actually put our coupon code in we're gonna go back to our shop bored and we are just going to go to discounts over here and the mothers gotta go and click on create' discount and then we are going to go ahead and click on create discount code from here we can go and create our discount code so I'm just going to go and call this ten off and then it's going to be a percentage discount value is 10% you can go and put it on an entire order specific collection specific product if you want to minimum purchase amount a minimum quite a lot of quantities so I recommend just leaving all of these as default and then I would just recommend limiting limiting the discount code to one per customer and then up over here you will see the active dates so you can set an end date but for this one because it's our introductory one we're just going to leave it as always active so there's no end date so now we've got our discount code which is ten off so just make sure you go and save this so just hit save I'm going to go back to titia over here and we're gonna say here's your code enjoy shopping and we can't just go and put ten off in there and then just go and hit save so now some every time someone comes over to our store that's new they will be offered the temp sent off discount code in exchange for their email address and like I said it's really good to collect email addresses because then you can go and market to them when you add new products to your store and things like that and that's basically how we can go and use to do so if we just go and refresh our homepage now we should be able to see that tdo comes up and as you can see after I've refreshed it we can see we've got our video over here so this is just going to cut for the customer they just click on this yes/no so let's say they say yes then when they get a reply saying what's your email address so if I just type in John at look calm and I'll just hit this and then you can see here is your code enjoy shopping turn off and that is basically it now obviously you can go and add in extra things within to do so you'll be able to see over here now that we've got a new message so it's going to say new visitor and in here we can see we've got this so I can go and enter in a message now so I can actually go and directly talk to the customer from here as well so when customers ask you things directly you can just go and type back within to do so that's the really great thing about having this on your store is that you can also go and message your customers back if they have queries and like I said this builds trust with the customers world that the thing that they can just go and chat with you instantly they don't have to go and look for your email address email you wait for them wait for you to email them back and things like that this really helps to build the trust with it your store so now that we have video installed we can just go and close our video over here I'm just gonna go and close some of these other tabs as well that we don't need open so let's just go and close some of these and we're just gonna go back to our shop provide dashboard so from here the next app we're gonna install is going to be a reviews app so we can actually go and import reviews from Aliexpress so all of the products that we import we can go and import the reviews as well and this once again just builds trust me just wanna go to apps over here and then after here we're just gonna go to visit show quite app store and then from here we're gonna go ahead and type in Luke's and hit enter now you will see Luke's photo reviews over here so just go and click on this now this is a paid app I think it's nyet $9.99 a month so you you don't have to have this obviously when you're starting out but it is good to go and build social proof and if you've got the three month free trial you only pay $9.99 a month that's not too bad whilst you build up your store but like I said it's totally down to you so I'm just gonna go and click on add app and then we are just gonna go and click on install app and then from here we can just go and click on use Luke's free so just go and click on that now from here we're just gonna go and click on let's get started so from here we can go and send a discount so we can go and set up a discount that's it gets sent to customers who actually review and send in a picture so it's going to go and pick a 10% one over here so from here we need to go and set up a few things so we can go and hit ctrl shift B and that's going to go and open up our favorites bar over here so you have to be in Chrome to do this and then we're going to do is where it says import to looks you're just going to go and drag that in to your bar over here so you now we've got that over here and once you have dragged that into your favorites bar over here you're going to come over to your Aliexpress product listing so any of the products that you've already imported really pro low and now we're just going to go and click on this button over here and then it's going to say import to so we want to go and import it to a product which can go and pick this product because it's the same product and then over here we can go and choose how many reviews we want so you can go for 20 or you can go for 100 so I'm gonna go for 100 then we'll go for 4 stars and we're gonna go for reviews from you can go and pick any country so I'm just gonna go and leave it as all countries but as long as they are in English and then you can go and do only photos if you want to so I recommend just doing only photos just because the photos are the reviews that build the most social proof then we're going to go click on preview and import so now we can see we've got some previews over here and now we're just going to go and click on import so gonna have to go and just keep clicking import for all of these so you're going to click import for all of these so just give me a couple minutes I'm just going to go and import all of these so just gone and imported some of these reviews so now we can just go and close this so now we can do is we if we come back over here and we scroll down and then if we just go to full details over here to this product and now if we scroll down we can see we've got all of these reviews of the products so I just imported 67 reviews and you can see they look really cool so that's really brilliant and this is something that this like I said it's just going to go and boost the trust on your actual store so why I would recommend next as well is just to get rid of these testimonials so we can actually just go over here and we can just go and click on customize and then from here we can actually go and remove those testimonials so if we just scroll down to the testimonials over here if we just go and click on testimonials and what we can do is we can't just come in here and we're gonna click on remove contents and remove content and once again remove content and finally remove content so now our testimonials are completely gone so now like I said that our product page is looking good it's got our reviews imported then you're going to want to do this for every single product that you import so you're going to want to have reviews and you see the stars come up here as well so that looks really good as well so like I said you're going to want to do that for every single product so now we can just go and hit save over here and now we can just go back to our Shopify dashboard now from here the next thing that we are going to set up is our email subscribe newsletter and also our abandoned car emails so what we're gonna do is we are gonna go to marketing over here and then from here if we scroll down we're gonna go click on Omni send email marketing sweer gonna go and click on setup app and then we're just going to go and click on install app and then from here it's just gonna ask you to sign up so just go enter in your email address and password and then once you have entered that in just go ahead and click on it get started when you click on that it's gonna say tell us about your business now this should already be pre-populated with your Shopify information to just go and click on continue and then financials gonna ask you what industry you're in so you can just go and pick whatever is relevant to your niche so I'm going to pick fashion apparel and click on continue I will then just say welcome to Omni send now you can just go and keep clicking left because I'm gonna show you how to do this and but this basically just shows you all of the different features and then we can just go and click get started now from our Omni send dashboard the first thing I'm gonna do is make sure that we can give our customers a 10% off discount code for subscribing to our email newsletter on our homepage and within our footer as well so we're just gonna go and click on forms over here and then we are going to see newsletter signup enabled so now we're just going to go and click on edit over here now from here we can actually go and edit to the message that the customer receives when they opt-in for our email newsletter so you can see here we've got thank you for subscribing then we can just go and say use code turnoff for 10% off your first order and we already created that coupon code earlier so we are just going to go and we can just leave that so that's perfectly fine now so we can go and change the design over here so what we can do is go to customize theme we can go and watch this headline over here we can go and change the text so I'm gonna go and choose something that's just looks a little bit better so something that's a little bit more neutral so let's go and have a look at this one open sans I think we're just going to go for open sans like that and you can also go and change the color as well if you want to by just recommend just leaving it like this nice and black and white so then we can just go and click Save we can just go and hit procede over here and then you can also go and have a look at how it looks on a mobile so you can see it that looks pretty good now we can just go and click on proceed and then we can just go and click on save and close and now we can just go and click on save so now that that hasn't been saved let's just go and stay out so if we just come over here and we just go over to our home page and then from my home page if we scroll it down over here and we can just go and opt-in so if I just go and opt-in and then just hit this over here and now we can just see that it says thank you you're all do subscribe to the list and that's actually just because I already subscribed with this email earlier so let's just try Gmail let's try this one instead so now you can see thank you for subscribing news code 10 off with Tim set off your first order so now like I said that's encouraging the customer to opt-in to our newsletter and it's also encouraging them to go and make their first purchase because we're giving them 10% off so now that we've done that with an omni send the next thing that we are going to do is have a look at sending our abandoned cart emails so from here we're just going to go ahead and click on automation we are going to scroll down and you will see abandoned cart three emails so just go and choose this now from here we will see the email workflow so we can see after an hour of an abandoned car is just gonna say don't leave your items behind after 11 hours it's going to say prompt them to complete their purchase and after 12 hours it's just going to say this is your last chance so we're going to do over here it says missing email information so just go and click on this and what we actually need to do is go and add in our email information so over here is just gonna say verify email so just go and click on verify email and then it's gonna say do you want to save changes before you leave so yeah we can just click yes save now when you click on this you will be brought over to your store settings and it's just going to say you do not have a sender's email address and that basically just means we need to add an email address that we're trying to send these emails from now you do need to go and set up a professional email address to do this you can't use Outlook or Gmail and like I said in the tutorial only I don't recommend that anyway because that looks very unprofessional and just untrustworthy so I have created a full tutorial on how to set up a free professional email address so go check out that tutorial as well and that will help you to go and set up a free professional email address so once you have got your free professional email just set up you can just go to add sender's email over here and we can just go and put in our email address and then just go and hit save now once you hit save you're going to want to go and click verify email and then click on send verification email and then once you click on that you can go over to your professional email address and you will see this over here and just click on verify my sender's e once you click on I will say it's successfully verified now we can just go and click on continue and then out from here we can go back to automation and we will see this over here so we can just go and click on edit and now from here we can actually go and edit our workflow and the last thing over here is we can actually go and change this message and we can go and give them a final discount to go and try and entice them to actually complete their purchase so we couldn't go and set up a another coupon code over here so we're just going to go to discounts again and then from here we can go and click on create discount discount code and then from here we can just go ahead and create our discount code so let's just go and call this cart ten and there can be a percentage discount so it's just going to be 10% off maximum is one per customer and then it's always active because it's always going to be part of our abandoned car email flow so let's just go and copy this and then we can just go and hit save over here now if we go back to only send and we just click on the last part of our email flow and then we can say I have a discount on us so we can just go ahead and say that and then we can say use code cartoon checkout 10% off your order so that's that and now we can just go and hit update and now we can just go and click start workflow so once you click on that basically anyone that abandons their cart will be sent to this abandoned car email workflow so like I said firstly they'll just be prompted to go and finish their order after an hour then 11 hours and then I think let's just go and have a look at it again so it was an hour and 11 hours and then 12 hours they finally go and get the discount so we can just go and close that and that is basically it with Omni send so we've set up our email newsletter who's also set up our abandoned cart flow which is really good so let's just go back over to our shop our dashboard now so from here we are gonna go and add a tracking page to our store so a tracking page is really important because it's going to bring down the amount of emails that you get from people asking where their products are so in order to do that we are just gonna go to online store over here and we are just going to go to pages and then from here we're just gonna go ahead and click on add page and then we are just gonna call this track your order now we are going to go and embed something that allows people to track their order Aliexpress use this company called 17 track so most things that you dropship will not all things that you dropship can be tracked through 17 track so what we can actually do is just go and embed this onto our store and that way people can go and put their tracking numbers into our store and it will just go and direct them over to this 17 track and like I said because the Aliexpress orders can be tracked through this it's basically like they can track their own order because it's coming from Aliexpress so what we can do is we can't just go and copy this embed code and I will leave a link in the description to this page so you can go and copy this then we can just go over here and we can just go and click on this little show HTML and now we're just gonna go and paste this in here so now we just can just go and hit save and now we should have a fully frig fledged tracking page so if we just go and view page of it and now you can see it says track your order and they can just go and put in their tracking numbers and click on track so like I said that way that is just going to go and bring down the volume and the amount of people that keep sending emails saying where's my order where's my order they can just come on here and track it like that so that's really easy so let's just go back to our Shopify dashboard now what we're going to do next is actually go and create all of our legal pages so in order to create our legal pages we can go to settings over here and then you will see legal so just go ahead and click on legal over here and then from here we can go and add in some of the templates so this is going to add in our privacy policies we're just gonna go and click on create from template and you'll see it will just add a privacy policy in there for us so that's perfect in the we can go and add in a Terms of Service so just click on create from template and once again it will just go and at this next up we have our shipping policy so we're just gonna go and paste our shipping policy in here so you can see that's the one that we created earlier when that we have been adding to our tabs and then finally we've got our refund policy over here so we can just go and paste this in as well again and we can just say we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee your product can be returned within 30 days and then you can just say please contact us and then just add in your professional email address so we'll just say at contact that's G CENTCOM and we will get back to you within two to four working days and that's basically it so we've done our refund policy privacy policy turn the service and also our shipping policy and we can't just go and hit save over here so now that we've gone and added those pages what we can do is we can just go and add those to our footer menu so let's just go and create one more page so we're just gonna go to online store we go to pages over here and let's just go and add a Contact Us page just as an extra page that people can go and have a look at so we're gonna go in at page over here we're just gonna call this contact us and then once again I'm just gonna go and paste this in here so you can just not this let's get rid of this sorry I'm just gonna say please contact us at contact at and we will aim to get back to you within two to four working days and that is basically it so now we can just go and hit save on this so now let's just go and add all of those pages to our footer so going to go to navigation over here and then from here we can go to footer menu and then first I'm just going to go and delete this search icon and now I'm just going to go and add this so we're just going to go and firstly we're going to go and add the track page so we're just going to go to pages over here and we'll choose track your order and just click on and then we're going add the contact us page so we're just going to go to pages and choose contact us and then we're going to go and add our legal pages so then we're just going to go and if we go to policies it should be under so now we're just going to go and add our shipping policy and then we're gonna go to add our refund policy and then finally we're gonna go and add our privacy policy and our Terms of Service so let's just go and that's it click Add and then just go ahead and click on save and now they will appear within our footer at the bottom of our site so let's just go and preview that so let's just scroll all the way to the bottom we can get rid of this let's scroll all the way down to the bottom now we can see we've got track your order contact us shipping put a seat refund policy privacy policy on Terms of Service and once again we're just building trust with all of those pages so we just go over to track your order over here and we can see we've got our track order page and it's just go to the contact us page we can see we've got contact us so it's all looking pretty good now you can actually let's just go and edit this very quickly this page over here we're just going to make this in bold so I'm just gonna go back to my short ride dashboard over here and we're gonna go to pages so just go to pages over here and now we're just going to go to the contact us page and I'm just gonna highlight this and just make it bold and then hit save and now we can just go and view the page and now we can see that our email address is come up in bold that just a lot nicer so now let's head back to our shop my dashboard and from here we are going to now look at setting up taxes so if we just go to settings over here and we can actually have a look at saying up taxes now taxes obviously will differ from person to person depending on what country you're in and what region you're in and all of those different types of things but basically to set up taxes firstly you have to set up your shipping rates so if we go into shipping over here and by default you will have the shipping rates so just go over here it says manage rates and as I was saying by default you will have the shipping rate for the country that you're in and then you will probably have the rest of the world so you can see here firstly you want to go and set up your shipping rates so that you just charge free shipping like I said that I recommend so you should have free for your country and then rest of the world we can go and it can just go edit here and you can just change this to zero and just click on done now what you're gonna need to do you're gonna have to go and set up the shipping rates for all of the countries that you want to ship to in order to go and set up taxes for those countries so first let's have a look at if you're a u.s. seller what you can do and then we will have a look at if you're selling from Europe what you can do so if you're selling from Europe you can just skip to the next part of the tutorial the timestamps are down below so if you're a u.s. seller in terms of taxes basically the way it works is you have something called Nexus now obviously I'm not an expert on this but I'm just giving you a brief overview of my knowledge of it so you have something called Nexus and basically what that means is if you have Nexus in a state you have to charge sales tax on all of the products that you sell and to get Nexus it depends from state to state so over here we have a state-by-state guide of what it means to have Nexus in a particular state but generally what it basically means is if you have a physical presence in that state then you have to charge Nexus so basically if you live in that state then you're gonna charge sales tax if you have an office or a warehouse or something like that in that state then you have to charge sales tax which means you have Nexus so you have to charge a sales tax and also even if you're drop shipping suppliers so we've because we're drop shipping if you're drop shipping from the US let's say even I've shown you mainly from China but if you're drop shipping from the US if your supplier is in that particular state then you have Nexus in that state now there are also other that basically mean that you have Nexus in a particular state and when you have Nexus in a state that means you have to charge sales tax on your items so if we have a look at Alabama for example let's say you live in California but you are selling to Alabama in order to charge sales tax for Alabama you will in order to qualify for Nexus you basically have to have a transaction of 250,000 per year within that state now when you're just starting your store it's very unlikely that you're going to be bringing in transactions of up to 250 grand from one state so you you probably won't have to worry about charging sales tax but on some of these other states so you might want to go and have a look at this I'll leave a link in the description to this it will say two hundred tractions two hundred transaction sorry so if you make two hundred transactions in the state of Alaska so if you sell two hundred items to people in Alaska that means you have to start charging sales tax to those people now when you charge sales tax what you have to do is you have to go over here so each of these it will tell you how you can go and sign up so basically do is you can go over here to this particular state so let's say Alaska and you will just go and fill out these the tax registration form for this particular state now once you have done that you can come back in here and you can go and set up a shipping rate so we can do is you can go create shipping rates and then what I can do is I can call this shipping rate Alaska and then over here I can type in Alaska so let's type that in and we would choose Alaska so we've already gone and filled this out so that we're set up and then now we've gone and set up our shipping rates and then you're going to add a rate so you can just go for free shipping and just go for standard and click done then we hit save and now that we've hit save we can go to settings over here and then we can go to Texas and then from here you will have the United States so we can go and click on setup and in here we should have Alabama so what you're basically going to do is you're going to add your tax registration so that will give you some numbers once you actually register with the particular state and you're going to add that tax registration in here so why I recommend is if you're in the US just register for the state that you live in and then you can just go and charge sales tax in the state that you live in and like I said all you're going to want to do is set up a shipping rate for the state that you and then that way you can come in to once you set up the shipping rate you come into taxis and then you just go and add in the over here you just go and set up your tax and that's basically it now if you're in the US and you're selling to Europe we have something called v80 value-added tax which differs from country to country so you can see it's generally around so over 20% but from each country in Europe we have different ones now from what I know I don't know 100 cent cuz I've never sold from the US so I would recommend you consult someone because obviously I can't provide legal advice but from what I know I don't think you have to charge v80 if you're in the US and you're selling to Europe you just charge your US sales tax I don't believe that you charge v80 so that's perfectly fine so that's basically all how you can go and set up your taxes and then all you need to do if let's say you end up getting mixes in a particular state so let's say you end up making 200 transactions in a year to Arkansas then once again you would just come into shipping so you would go and register with them over here so register sells us remote sellers so we'd go and really start with Arkansas and then you'd come in here you'd go to your shipping rates you'd go to manage shipping rates and then from here you can go and create a shipping zone and we can call this or Kansas so Arkansas and then I can just go and type that in again and I can go and choose this and click done and then we hit save and then like I said you just go back into your taxes over here and then we can just go into the United States and we could go and set up that second state again so that's basically it so now let's go and have a look at shipping rates and taxes if you're a European seller so if you're a European seller you're going to have to go and set up a shipping weight so you're selling to Europe let's say first so your European seller and you're selling to Europe so you're going to have to go and set up a shipping rate for all of the European countries so we have v80 for all of the different European countries so you're going to have to go and add all of these if you plan to sell to all of these different European countries you're going to have to go and add all of these as a shipping rate so let's just take Austria for example I can go and add Austria as a shipping rate so in here I can go to manage rates and then from here we can't go to create a shipping zone and then I can just go and type in Austria and once again I can go and choose Austria over here so let's just go and choose Austria click done and then once you've done that you can just find it at a rate so like I said just have free shipping just click standard and click done hit save and then once that has say we're gonna go to settings over here we can go to taxes over here and then from here well we've got Austria we can go to setup and then like I said because they're v80 is 20% I can't just go and change this to 20 and hit safe and basically you're just going to want to go and do that for all of the different countries that you plan on selling to now if your European seller and you're selling to the US you won't have Nexus and Nexus basically just means if you have Nexus in a particular state it means you have to pay sales tax in that state and in order to qualify it for Nexus there are a few different things that you need to do in order to qualify for Nexus in a particular state so generally it's you need to have a physical presence so you need to have a warehouse or an office or even if you live there or your if your drop shipping supply is in that state that counts as a physical presence and then there are other things that you can do to go and meet Nexus so if you have a look at California for example to meet Nexus you have to have $500,000 worth of transactions within that state within one year so when you're starting out if you're a European seller you're probably very unlikely that you're going to be selling $500,000 worth of goods to one state but they have a look at some of the other states so if we scroll down let's have a look so we can see here for Georgia if you have 200 transactions in a year so if you sell 200 items to Georgia in a year that means you have Nexus and you have to pay sales tax in that state so if you European seller and this happens to you you need to just go and sign up for their tax form they will give you a tax ID and then once again what you would do is you'd go to settings you go to shipping and then from here we go to manage rates and basically once you have gone and signed up and they give you all of your tax numbers for that particular state so like I said you're a European seller you done to over 200 transactions in Georgia so now you've got Nexus you have to pay sales tax you filled this out so now we can just go and create shipping zone zone for Georgia so we do Georgia and we do Georgia again not the European Georgia the American Georgia so here we are let's choose that one and click done and then we'd hit save and then from there we can go and add the shipping rates so you have to add a shipping rate otherwise you won't be able to go and sell to that country so you can just hit save and then from here you go to settings you go back to your taxes over here and then you'd have the United States so you can see it's just gotten United States and then click click set up and then in here you can go and add your tax registration that you would receive when you go and fill out this form for the Georgia State so basically that's all you have to do if your European seller selling to the US but when you first start out it's very unlikely that you're going to be making 200 transactions to a particular state or if you're going past the threshold of let's say for Georgia 250 grand that's very unlikely when you first start out so I wouldn't worry too much about it so basically what you can do is if your European seller you can just because you don't want to charge dat to the US because you only charge dat to European countries and also like I said it depends on which country you're in so go and check your rules for charging vit let's say you're in Germany go and check your rules but basically what you would want to do is then you can just set up a shipping rate for the United States as a whole so if we come over here and go to manage rates and from here I can actually go and just you can see I should have only created no I haven't so I would go and delete all of these and then I can just go and set up the shipping rate as the United States as a whole so we can just say United States as a whole and the United States so like I said this is if you have no Nexus so that you're not paying any sales tax in any US state so what you would do is you're just selling to the United States as a whole you just go and choose them you'd click 'done US state so what you would do is you're just selling to United States as a whole you just go and choose them you'd click done and then you click Save and then once you do that you can go to United States you can go and add a rate so zero just click down and click Save again and then once you do that you can go to United States you can go and add a rate so zero just click down and click Save again and then from here we can go to settings we can go back to taxes and basically we can just say we're not collecting for the US and then you go and add all of your European countries so all of your European country should say collecting and you've added in your v80 rate for your European countries and then you're not collecting any v80 for the United States so you just leave that as not collecting now obviously for rest of the world you could say not collecting but it really just depends because if it's a European country then you're going to want to go and charge me 80 so in the UK it's a bit of an uncertain time at the moment with brexit and everything we're not really sure what's actually going to be happening if we're gonna be charging via tea if we're not so for now we'll just leave it as collecting until we're told otherwise but like I said you probably should consult someone based on what country you're in just to go and double-check everything so that's basically it for taxes now I just want to show you something as well within shipping you can actually block a country so let's say you don't want to ship to a country you can go into shipping and from here I can actually go and set up a shipping rate so that people from a particular country can't purchase my products so we can go into manage rates and let's just say for example I didn't want to ship - let's just say Sweden or something so I can come in here and go to create a shipping zone I can go to Sweden and I can go and choose Sweden or whatever country is that you don't want to ship - and you can just go and choose this and hit done and basically if you don't set up a shipping rate so just leave this blank over here it basically means anyone from this country you won't be able to actually put make an order so that's basically how you can go and block a country and that's basically all there is to it when it comes to taxes and to shipping now it might sound a little bit complicated but like I said you probably just want to go and consult someone within your country but when you first starting out you probably won't need to worry too much about taxes in the beginning because you'll be under the text threshold when you're first starting out and just trying to make sales you'll be you'll be well under the tax threshold most likely within your three before you actually have to start worrying but it is good to just know so like I said you probably want to consult somebody just so you have a rough idea of what you need to do and what you need to plan for in the future when you start building up your store so now we've had a look at shipping rates and taxes the next thing that we want to do is just go and manage our emails that get sent out such as the order confirmation emails and those types of things so what we can do is we can go into notifications over here and then we can go and click on customize and then from here you can go and customize the emails so you can see you've got the order confirmed email we've got the order updated email one of those types of things so you can see from my store this is not the color of my store this blue color so when someone orders from my store and then they receive this email with this blue it doesn't really help them to recognize who is actually come from so firstly we can go and change the accent color so just go and change it to the color of your store and then you can also go and upload your logo so if I go to choose file over here and then from here I can just go and choose my logo and click open and then from here I'm just going to go and click on save and I'm just going to go and refresh this and now that I have refresh this we can see that the email looks like this so when they get their order confirmation email we've got the logo in here and we've also got this red color and that like I said that just helps to tie your brand together and just make your store look like an actual proper legitimate brand so if you don't go and change this they'll just can receive those default emails and like I said it's just going to look a little bit weird to the customer that they've ordered from your store and then they're receiving an email that's completely different to the color of your store and doesn't have your logo and all of those types of things so you're going to want to just go and do this as well so now we've had a look at that let's just go back to settings and we would just very briefly have a look at payments so if we just go into payments and basically in payments what this is is when somebody pays and how does the money go from them paying too into your bank account so basically what you do is you need to sell Shopify payments and you need to set up PayPal as well now these are really easy to set up you just need to go complete account setup for both of them they're pretty straightforward and they're pretty intuitive so you just got to follow the steps but of course before you actually start running your store you're gonna want to go and set these up so that you can get paid once your customers pay you so make sure you just come in here and also set up your payments as well so now that we've had a look at payments let's have a look at how we can actually fulfill our orders once our customers make them so we're gonna do is you're gonna come over to orders over here and in orders you'll basically see all of the orders that have been made so you will see over here I've just created this one over here this is just a demo order so you can see the order total you can see if it's been paid and then we've got our status here which is has it been fulfilled or not so once you go and see that what you're going to want to do is you're going to go to apps over here and then you're just going to go and click on 2e Pro low then once you click on it a pro low you will have this over here so I've got a li orders so any products that you've imported from an Express through the link will come under a li orders and they've got a pro low order so any products that you imported directly from a pro low so more than likely you're gonna have a lot of a li orders over here so if you have an early order firstly if you don't want to fulfill it using the custom packaging so using the custom tape you can just go and hit all the products so let's just go and hit all the products and we will see what happens so as you can see it is adding the product to the basket and it's picking the size and it's doing everything automatically now what you are going to have to do in order to do this you are gonna have to go and install the e Pro low Chrome extension so make sure you just go and install the e prolog Chrome extension so you're just gonna have to go and install this so you can see the impro low Aliexpress product importer you're gonna have to make sure that you go and install this and basically when you install that that means that you can then just go and fulfill these orders automatically and like I said soon as you go and hit all the products it goes and fills out all of the information for you so it picks the product it picks the size it picks the color all of the different variations and it also will go and add the customer's shipping information in for you then all you have to do is just go and hit by so just enter in your card details and hit by now now just make sure that also when it enters in the details just go and change the customers number to your number so just go ahead and change it to your number otherwise they might get text saying it's coming from Aliexpress and you you don't want that basically so you're just going to go and tick this and then you can just go and hit bye and then like I said you're just going to want to go into the shipping details and you just want to go and change the customers mobile number if they have put their mobile to your number and you also can just put in the notes i'm dropshipping please don't include any promotional material so if i just go and hit by now over here and then like i said over here we've got the customers number so we're gonna go and change that number to your number so you're gonna go and change it so you can just go and click on the edit button and change that number to your number because like I said you don't want the customer to receive texts saying that their product is coming from Aliexpress because that's just gonna look a little bit weird and then if we scroll down over here we can go and leave a message so if you leave a message within that message just going to say I am drop shipping please don't include any promotional material so that is how you can go and fulfill the order now also if you've gone early order and you want it to be fulfilled with custom packaging you can see the price is a little bit higher when you fulfill it with custom packaging but you can also go and just to charge extra so what you can do is you can go hit fulfill at any pro low over here and then once you hit fulfil at a pro low it will go over to your April order so we can go over to a proto orders now and then we can see that that order has come over to here so we can just go and tick it and then you can go and select your shipping and then you can just pay with credit card or you can play with paper so you can see it's gonna cost me forty one dollars so it's costing me a lot more to go and put my custom packaging on this but like I said I can just go and add in an account now within my pricing so you're going to want to go when you import your products just make sure that you have a look at how much it's gonna cost to fulfill with a pro low and then if you do have any other April orders you can just go and take them and fulfill as well so actually saw because I had both of these tip let's just take this one we could see it's gonna cost me thirty four dollars for this platform and jacket I could probably charge forty four dollars and make a $10 profit so that's basically how you fulfill your orders so once again once you just go and pay a polo we'll go and fulfill the order for you and with Ali waters you can just go and do it like that you just click it and it does it automatically for you and that is basically how you can go and fulfill your orders it's pretty simple and it doesn't take too much time and it's fairly easy and then eventually you can always go and hire a VA to just go and do this stuff for you from up work or file or something like that so that is basically the end of this part of the tutorial on how to actually set up the entire store your store is pretty much set up in ready to go the last thing that you need to do is just go and select the plan just so it's up and ready and running and the really good thing is with this three-month free trial you can go and select a parent plan and you still won't be charged for three months so you can go and just sign up for it and but you can still have it running for free for three months now I don't know how long this promotion is gonna last for but you will at least get a two week free trial if you're watching this video in the future so now that we've done that let's now have a look at how we can actually go and promote a market our store completely for free so for the next part of the tutorial let's have a look at how we can go and generate free traffic for our niche Shopify dropshipping store and how we can start marketing it for completely free so the first platform that we are going to use is going to be Instagram so just head over to Instagram comm and from here we are going to go and sign up for an Instagram account for our drop shipping business so just going to go and fill out all of this information over here now once you fill out all of the information under your username you should go and obviously pick the name of your store but if it's not available with there are a few different things that you can do so you can see it over here my ones not available so you can just go and think about putting a dot where the space would be so you can see that's not available for me either so that's the first thing that you can try then you can try and underscore so once again that's not available for me either and then finally I like to just try it official so usually that works so now we can see eg sent or official so those are a few different options that you can go for if your name isn't available and then you can just go and click Next then it's just going to ask you to add your birthday so just add that in and hit next then from here it's going to give you some suggestions of people to follow to be honest with you we can just go and skip this for now so just go and click on your profile over here in the corner now the first thing that we are going to do is go and add our profile photo so what you can do is you can just use canva once again to go and put your logo on so I've already shown you how to use cameras within camera you're going to go for custom dimensions 1080 by 1080 so it's gonna be a square picture and just go and put your logo in the middle of that so I've actually gone and done this with in Photoshop 1080 by 1080 and you can see my logo in the middle over here so if you don't want to use Photoshop you can use canva as well so just going to go and click add profile photo and then I'm just going to go and choose my logo over here and now we can see that that has been uploaded it comes in the middle like that so that's pretty good so next up we're gonna go and edit our profile so go and click on edit profile over here now from here we can just go and edit our profile over here so first I'm just gonna change my name so you can just go and change this to the name of your store as well then you can go and add in your website so just go and add that in and then finally we've got the bio so with the bio want to go and put something that's going to resonate with our customers and basically just sum up what our store is all about so I've just got to put this itchy Sun and then I've got some Japanese writing here bringing Far East fashion to the West and then he was just got Mount Fuji over here and then we've got kimono sale and it's just pointing to my websites I just want to go and put something simple like that so like I said you're just summing up what your story is all about but you're also doing it in a way that is going to resonate with your customers so like I said I've got some Japanese writing over here just to go and keep the consistency with the branding of my store so now that we have done that we can just go and hit submit over here and it will just say profile saved and now we can just go back to our profile and have a look so now we can see it just looks like that so that's pretty cool and it's got your website over here so now that we've done that we're next going to want to look at creating some posts so what I recommend is I recommend just going and looking at some similar profiles so we can't just go and if I just type in kimono in here let's go and see if we can find it some similar profiles so I'm just gonna go and let's just go and have a look at the hashtag kimono and we'll go and have a look at some similar profiles so we're gonna see if we can find any ones that look similar so after looking through all of these different pages I have managed to find some pages that are selling kind of similar sort of items a similar sort of niche so you can see sort of anime inspired clothing and those types of things and most of these will probably be drop shipping stores we've got this one over here as well selling these types of items and we can see over here for weeks so this is a drop shipping store as well so we can just see like I said selling similar sort of items to the store that I've just created so here's another one I've found over here and once again they are drop shipping we can just see in here 10 to 16 business days plus in business days for processing so generally that's probably solve around three to four weeks so that's sort of around dropshipping 12 times so like I said you want to go and have a look at these types of things and just see what they're doing and you're also going to want to go and follow all of these as well just so that you can go and get some suggestions of other people that you can follow so then you'll see over here loads of other ones so you want to go and check these out and follow all of them and then after you've done that you've got a rough idea now once you've done that you're going to want to think about creating a theme for your page so if we go and have a look you can go and go to a website called graphic River dotnet and on here you can go and actually purchase Instagram templates so they have loads of different Instagram templates for different themes so it all depends on the store that you're running and the niche that you're running so you're going to want to go and purchase one of these they're fairly cheap probably up to around a maximum of sort of $20 so it's not really too expensive to start going and building your Instagram so you can see we've got a sports pack we've got a fashion this one's that kind of 80s style and you can also go and use another one called creative market as well a little bit more expensive so you can see but they've got loads of other ones so you can say over here I've found this Japanese one I could use for mine so once you do that you're going to want to go and download this pack and then you're going to go and open this with Photoshop and actually just go and create some post pictures so I'll show you the ones that I have created for this store over here so as you can see fairly simple I've just cropped the backgrounds out using remove BG that I showed you earlier and then I've just gone and put in pictures of my products and you can see it looks really well branded and it keeps a consistent brand with all of the posts and then you don't want to just go and flood all of the pictures with pictures of your products because people get bored of that so you're going to want to go and add in some other content in there as well so I've gone and added in some pictures of places in Japan and things like that also what the word kimono means and then you can go and just put in some normal pictures as well so they don't have to all be branded like this now what you're going to want to do you're going to want to go and create around I would say around 60 to 90 pictures so two to three months worth of posting every day just like this so you're going to go and remove all the backgrounds you can go and get some pictures of things related to your niche and you're going to want to go and create 60 to 90 pictures now you don't have to use Photoshop if you don't want to once again you can go and do this within canva just remember the dimensions of an Instagram for 1080 by 10a but I recommend doing this in Photoshop because it's just going to look a lot nicer and you can go and use those branded packs I just showed you to keep a consistent brand so once you do that like I said I've just create this to see give myself a visual idea of how my Instagram would actually look so I think it looks really nice and well branded and then you're going to want to go and like I said create 60 to 90 pictures so that you are ready to post for 90 days in a row three months without stopping so once you go and create those 60 to 90 pictures you are going to come over to a tool called later calm and this basically just allows us to go and schedule those posts in advance so we can go and schedule them in advance now you can only go and schedule one month in advance with the free plan so further posts so that basically just means every month you're going to go in and schedule them but that makes it a lot easier for you and like I said if you've got your 60 to 90 posts already done then you know you're going to keep consistent with it once you actually start your Instagram so from here we're going to go and click on create account and once you fill out all of your information so your name your email and your password just click on create account it will then say your account has been created and asked you to connect your Instagram profile so just click on connect Instagram profile from here you just have to go and sign into your Instagram account so then just go and click on login and then you're just going to want to go and click on authorize then it's going to ask you what category best represents your brand so I'm just gonna go ahead and pick fashion and then it's going to ask you your industry so I'm just gonna go at fashion and apparel and it's gonna ask you what you mainly do so I'm just gonna go sell and create products and this you can ask you if you saw them directly so just click yes then it's going to go and pick online and then from here we can just go and select ecommerce online store and click on continue now finally we can just go and skip and start using later you will then be boots over to your later dashboard now from here we can just go and click on get started over here and then what its gonna say is that we can go and drag and drop our media into here so I'm going to go and grab my Instagram pictures so I'm you're gonna grab them all and I'm just going to drop them in here so once you have done that we can't just go and click on continue now once you click on that it will tell you to download the mobile app so just go into the App Store or to the Google Play Store and you're just going to search for the later app then you're going to download it and you can log into the late app using the same credentials that you use to sign up with this the desktop version for so I've gone and I've already downloaded that app on my phone so now once you do that you can just go and click on download mobile app once you have signed in to the app you can click on sign in to continue and then once you have signed in you can send the test notification and then you should see a notification come up from later on your mobile so then once you see that notification you know that it's all connected so you can just go and click on next now it will tell you to schedule your first post now for now we're just gonna click on not now so I'm just going to go and show you how you can go and schedule your posts so over here I have all of my media so like I said you're going to want to go and have at least 60 pictures over here ready to schedule so that you're all ready in advance to go and you're only going to be able to schedule 30 of them but at least if you have 60 ready once you get to sort of day 28 29 you can come back into here and share do another 30 so what you're gonna do is I've gone and just planned out my Instagram so let's just see how it looks so that way I could just get a rough idea if it looks good or if I need to move any of these images around so we're gonna start with this picture over here so I'm just gonna go and drag that and I can go ahead and just drag on the day that I want to start promoting my store so let's just say let me under act this let's just say I want to go and start my store on Monday the 25th over here so I can just go and drag this and then you can go and choose your time so generally you're going to want to test this out and see what time your audience responds best but I'm just gonna go for something like 6 p.m. so I'm just gonna go for 6 p.m. over here now what you can do next is we are going to go and write our caption now for your caption you can put a multitude of different things but for me and you want you're going to want to keep it with your brand and with the nation what you're selling so for me I'm just gonna go and post some ancient Japanese proverbs so I'm just gonna got these from Wikipedia over here so I'm just gonna go and copy this and I can just go and paste this in here and then you can just go you don't always have to promote your products so sometimes you can promote them sometimes you don't have to in here you can go and add in Mogi so i can just go and head in let's have a look wave let's have a look it's ocean so I'm gonna go and put ocean in there like that and then you can say shop our anime inspired kimonos link in Baia so you don't want to go and put this in every single Instagram post that you post because if you just keep trying to sell to people all the time they're just gonna get annoyed and frustrated so maybe every so three posts you can go and promote a product and the rest of them you're just going to want to put a caption and something that resonates with your customer so like I said I've gone and put Japanese proverbs just something that's customers like I said they'll resonate with or they might find interesting or something like that then we have the hashtag suggestions over here now you do have to upgrade if you want to go and use this feature so what I recommend doing is you can just go over to a hashtag to generator so just go and hit enter on that and you can just go and use this one over here called all hashtag com so if we just come into here and what you can do is you can just go and enter in a word that's related to your niche so for example if I just type in kimono and then you just go and hit generate over here and then it will go and generate hashtags that are related to that word now I don't recommend copying all of the hashtags so I recommend just having a few so maybe just the first two lines of hashtags you can just go and copy and then you can just go and paste this into over into your post over here and then that's basically it all you need to do then do so you can go and change the time if you want to so if you've got it wrong let's say I wanted to go and change the date and time so I could do the 18th at 8 o'clock in the evening then you can just go and hit save so actually hit save it will say your post is scheduled so I'm just going to hit done and basically what happens is when it comes to 8 o'clock on your phone you will get a notification and you have just have to go and hit post and it just posts it automatically for you so then what you're going to do is you're just going to go and do this for all of your different posts so you're just gonna go and drag it for each day one for each day so the 26th or 27th or 28th you can do at the same time you can test out different times and like I said you're just going to go and do that for 30 posts you can see here I've got two 9 Instagram post left so that way we post every single day for a month and you're gonna want to do this for a 2 3 4 or 5 months as long as you can keep it up and that's why I said you have to be consistent with your content because when you post everyday and you paste useful content and engaging content eventually people will notice it people that are interested in this type of niche and eventually that will go and turn over into cells so that is basically how you can go and create your Instagram so now we've had a look at how we can go and create our Instagram what we're going to do next is having a look at creating the Pinterest for our niche dropshipping store so head over to Pinterest I will leave a link in the description to this and we're gonna go and click on sign up so then you need to just go and put in your email your password and your age and click on create account now from here you're gonna be asked to set up your profile so you're gonna enter in your name of your site add your website address in here and then pick your country and your language so I'm gonna go and hit next so from here you can go and pick your brand type so I'm gonna go and pick onto online retail and click Next and then from here we can go and say what do we use to sell products we're gonna go pick a Shopify and click Next and then from here you can go and say whether you want so you can go and put I'm not showing it yet because you never know you might run Pinterest ads in the future so I'm just gonna go ahead and click Next then it's gonna ask you if you want a free ads consultation so just go and click skip now from here is gonna ask you where would you like to start so we're gonna go and click showcase your brand because we want to build our profile so click on build your profile over here now from here we can go and edit our profile so firstly let's go and upload a photo so just gonna click on choose photo and then I'm just gonna go and choose the same one I used for my Instagram and just click OK now we can go and change our username so your username will usually come from your email address or something like that so I'm gonna go and change this to this then we've got our profile so I'm going to use the same profile that I used for my Instagram then you can go and put your professional email address in here as well so let's just go and put that in and then after that you can go and enter in your address if you want to is not mandatory so then you can just go and click done over here so as you can see it's saying my username is taken so I'm just going to go for official again the same as my Instagram and click done so now it will just say that my profile has been saved so we can do next we can go and click over here and we can go and click on a profile and basically from here we can actually go and start creating some pins now once again you want to go and get a template something that's related to your niche so on graphic River once again you can just to go and type in Pinterest template and you will see loads of different templates and ones game they're fairly cheap so you can just go and find one that you think is related to your niche that looks nice and you can just go and create some pins around it and once again you can go and use canva for this as well so if you go over to camera there is lots of Pinterest templates that you can use on there as well which are completely free and then also you can go to creative market once again as well and they've got a lot of Pinterest templates that look really cool so as we can see I've got a Pinterest template over here and it's just the exact same one that I used on my Instagram so that's really helpful to me that I've managed to find a Pinterest template and an Instagram Instagram template that are the same because that just really keeps the burning of my store now the thing with Pinterest is you can actually go and promote your pins as products a lot more than Instagram because it doesn't come up like a feed your Pinterest pins will just get spread all over Pinterest so it's not gonna look like you're constantly trying to push your products on people because they're just going to see your pins here and they're randomly kind of thing so what we can do is you can just gonna click on create pin and then from here you can go and create a pin if you want to now once again you can use later to create your pins as well and then you can go and share all of your pins so what you're going to want to do the same exact same tactic that I mentioned with Instagram you're going to want to go and create a 30 to 60 to even 90 pins and with Pinterest you can actually go and post to a day if you want to because you can actually get the traffic flowing a lot quicker with Pinterest because they get shared a lot more around the actual site but if you want you can just go and post just I recommend at least posting one pin per day so you're going to want to once again create 60 different pins maybe 70 80 90 and then we can go and schedule these pins over here so we can go over here where the little Pinterest icon is and we can click a plus and then from here where it says current social sets we're going to go to Pinterest again and we're just going to go and click the plus and we're going to go and click add social profile once you click on that you can just log in to your Pinterest if you're already logged in it will just bring you over here and just say authorize app and you can just go and click on give access once we do that we will now see that it has added our Pinterest account to later as well so now we can go back to the calendar and then from here we can go and click on our Pinterest now and this would be our Pinterest calendar now so we've got our Instagram calendar and we've got our Pinterest calendar so in our Pinterest calendar now we can actually go and create a Pinterest pin so I'm just gonna go and drag my media into here so here is my Pinterest pin so I'm gonna go and drag then let's just say I wanted to go and post this tomorrow at two o'clock I can just go and drag that in here now it's gonna say select the board so we don't actually have any boards so we can come back over here and in order to create a board we actually need to create our first pin so from here we can just go and upload our first pin so let me just go and find that Pinterest where is it Pinterest over here and we can just go and upload this now you can go and add your title so you can go and just put something in so I would recommend just putting in the product title the same one that you called it on Shopify and then you can always so where it says tell everyone about your pin you can actually just go and put the product description in here as well and then you can go and add your destination link as well so I'm going to go ahead and put the product page in here and now what you can do is where it says select instead of publishing we're gonna go and click on create board and then you can just go and name your board something such as I could say anime kimono so your board is just like a group or a collection of different images and then what you can do is you can go and keep this board secret if you want to but that's not going to be very helpful so once you've done that just go ahead and click on create so now that we have created that board we can just go and hit publish so this is our first one you've cleared your first pin but let's go back to later now over here and so obviously I'm creating this same pin again so I don't want to duplicate this so you would just go and so let's just go and leave this we can't just go and pick a different one now that we wanted to schedule and then when we come back in here we can always go and click on this little pencil and we will see our border there if you don't see it just try refreshing it and it should be in there so I can go and pick our board this time then once again what you're going to do is when you schedule it the same way that I just showed you you're gonna put your pin title into the name of your product and then you can go and put in your website and in your description you can just go and put in your product description and we can just go and hit save so now that we have saved that once again we will just be sent a notification to our phone and we can just go and hit publish and that's like I said you're going to want to go and do that for 30 pins on Pinterest so then once you have all of that your posting every day on Instagram your posting every day on Pinterest if you consistently do this for six months you will start to go and build some traffic people will notice your brand and your store and eventually you will start to go and actually build up sales for completely free so now we have had a look at how to create an Instagram and Pinterest account for our niche Shopify dropshipping store to start building some free traffic and hopefully to get some sales we can have a look at another free traffic method that I want to show you and that is to go and create YouTube videos for your store so I'm gonna just show you a YouTube video just the beginning clip of a YouTube video I've created for this particular store just to give you a rough idea of what I mean Dragonball Z has had some of the finest female characters that we have ever seen on screen using a combination of courage power and beauty to portray these characters today we look at the top five female characters ever to be in the Dragon Ball Z series [Music] this video is sponsored by ichi-san comm bringing you the best in Far East fashion check out our anime inspired kimonos today and use code 210 for 10% off so as you can see from the video all you need to do is go and create simple compilation videos of something that's related to your niche so for my nice Japanese kimonos people who might purchase that might also be interested in anime in Dragon Ball Z so we're just creating simple compilation videos surrounding that topic and these videos are really easy to create I don't want this to become a video editing tutorial but we have to do is go and download some footage that's only on YouTube and you're just compiling it together so as you can see I've just gone and downloaded some of this footage already from YouTube and I'm just compiling it together and I'm just literally talking over it using my voice recorder that's on windows and then in order to create this bit at the end where you see the person scrolling through your website where you're kind of promoting your website you can just go over once again to videohive and you can go and get one of these mock-ups and just go and create it yourself or you can go on Fiverr and they will go and create a website demonstration mock-up for you as well and you're basically just at the beginning of your videos so if you're doing a compilation video at the beginning your video you're just going to say this video is sponsored by and they're sponsored by your website just like how I showed you and basically people who are interested in your videos might also be interested in your drop shipping store and then they're going to go over to your store and maybe purchase something and that's a really great way to go and get traffic and if want to go and download videos from YouTube you can use this website here why to make Google so that's how you can just go and download videos from YouTube and then like I said you're just compiling them together so it'd take you a few hours maybe two hours to create a 5 to 10 minute video of this this compilation top 5 and you can do it for any niche that you are thinking to do surrounding your drop shipping store and then like I said once you start building up lots of videos eventually you will start to build up free traffic and this is kind of going for two business models at once you're building up the YouTube channel and you're also trying to direct traffic to your shop right drops from a store so this is one of the best and most underrated methods I think of generating free traffic because all you have to do is just that quick little sponsor or video of your web you just promote it for literally ten seconds and you can start to generate some free traffic and then if one of your videos goes viral let's say you put a compilation video in it that's 100,000 views people will start to go over to your shop provider drop shipping store and that way you will start to make sales now once again within this tutorial I'm going to show you how to set up a YouTube channel completely from scratch because it's fairly simple all you have to do is just go and sign up for YouTube and then just go and create your channel and then you can go and start creating these compilation videos I use Premiere Pro so just go and have a look on YouTube at some Premiere Pro tutorials it's fairly simple it's a fairly simple program to use you just have to go you're just dragging and dropping so you're downloading footage and you're just dragging and dropping the footage in and just cutting it so it's really easy and then like I said you're just gonna go and put your voice recorder in and then you can just go and drag and drop that in and I've just put some music in at the bottom that's it so just three layers you've just got your footage your voice and then you've got over here some music now if you're not a confident talker you can always go and hire a voice actor from Fiverr we're going to go and invest some money that way and you can just give them a script and they'll just go and read the script for you and you just basically chop all of the footage together and say this is the script that I want for this five minute video and sometimes you might have to pay them maybe fifty or hundred dollars to go and do that for you so if you've got a bit of money you can go and do that and build up a YouTube channel so like I said I just wanted to show you this as a another free traffic method that I recommend so you can start building traffic to your Shopify dropshipping store so just a few other free traffic methods that we can look at before we wrap this tutorial and you can use these free traffic methods to hopefully start generating some sales early on with your store so another one that we can use is reddit so you just go and find groups on reddit that are related to your niche so you can see I've got this group over here that's related to kimonos wearing kimonos different types of kimonos questions about kimonos so I can go and post some pictures of my products in here and also on Facebook as well within Facebook groups so go and find some Facebook roots that are related to your niche you can go and post in those groups as well as you can see I've found this one as well kimono sells worldwide and they just discussed it we think related to kimonos and kimono accessories now an important thing to remember when you are posting within these Reddit and Facebook groups is you don't just want to post your products you want to actually go and be interactive in the group and provide value to the group and a good way to do this is to actually go and get some custom content so I've paid somebody on Fiverr here to go and where some of the kimonos and just take pictures of them so I paid about twenty four dollars and I've just gone and sent her this kimono here over here as well so you can see all in all around 3637 sort of dollars in total and she sent me five different pictures so here's some of the pictures you can see and the reason that you want to go and do this is because it makes it look more legitimate like it's an actual person who's wearing your product worse if I was to just go and post some of the products pictures from the Aliexpress listing into these groups these people would know that I'm just simply trying to sell them something and they probably end up kicking you out of the group or blocking you whereas if you go and get some custom content made like this and then you can just go and create an account and you can start posting and say hi I bought this kimono off of this website fits really well it looks nice bla bla bla bla bla so like I said you can go and use this tactic early on to go and try and start generating some free traffic but like I said you're gonna have to go and get some custom content and then you can always use this custom content for your Instagram post as well so you can see over here I've just gone and cropped out the background and I've just put it within my Instagram template and that looks really cool as well and this just differentiates your differentiates your store from all of the other dropshipping stores out there because when you have custom content it's hard for people to copy it and also people are less likely to be able to find the products on Aliexpress so when they see a product like this with custom content they're gonna think that it comes directly from your store and that's a good way to start generating free traffic as well and then one last thing Google Shopping is actually free right now so at the time I filmed this video is free might not be free forever or if you're watching this quite far in the future but Google Shopping is completely free so you might want to go and watch my other tutorial on Google Shopping ads because you can start listing your products on Google Shopping 4 completely free so go and watch this tutorial as well and start listing some of your products from your Shopify store on to Google Shopping and that is basically all of the different methods that you can start using completely for free to start generating traffic you don't have to have a be budget for Facebook ads or Google Ads and all these types of things if you do all of these things on a consistent basis posting on Instagram Pinterest reddit Facebook groups YouTube Google Shopping eventually you will start to build up some traffic and like I said this is more of a quantity based type of strategy so if you have about 500 products in your store or SEO optimized eventually will start to build up traffic and get sales so I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial make sure to give it a big thumbs up if you have enjoyed it leave me a comment down below with any questions and I'll try and get to them straight away and hopefully see you in the next video
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 74,966
Rating: 4.955318 out of 5
Keywords: How to Build a Niche Shopify Store, How to Start a Niche Shopify Store, How to Build a Niche Dropshipping Store, How to Start a Niche Dropshipping Store, How to Build a Branded Shopify Store, How to Start a Brand on Shopify, Branded Dropshipping, Niche Shopify Dropshipping, Shopify Full Tutorial 2020, Branded Niche Shopify Dropshipping Store 2020, Eprolo Review, Custom Packaging Shopify Dropshipping, Niche Dropshipping 2020, Shopify Full Walkthrough 2020, Shopify Dropshipping
Id: Sms-HVxoVBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 32sec (9332 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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