How To Start A Personalized Print On Demand Store with Shopify

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today I have a very exciting tutorial for you because I'm gonna be showing you how to start your very own personalized print-on-demand store using Shopify personalized print-on-demand is the process whereby a customer can upload an image of their friends their family themselves it gets turned into a cool design and then that cool design gets printed on a particular product such as a phone case a cushion cover a pair of socks or any other type of product that you could potentially think of now in this tutorial I will be showing you how to create the store so that it is beautifully designed and is going to entice your customers to want to make a purchase and I'll be showing you how to create pictures like this to showcase your products in the best possible way I'll also be showing you how you can actually go and create the products so they are fully customizable by your customers so the customer will be able to upload an image of themselves their friend their family their pet that will get printed on to the actual product they can go and choose different colors of the product they can go and add initials to the product so there are so many different things that they can do in order to actually customize their personalized product and that is why it is a personalized print-on-demand store because each product will be personalized for the customer and also be showing you how you can't go and write great product descriptions for your products how you could go and actually import these products from a third-party fulfillment company and also how you can go and create all of the necessary pages such as the contact us shipping delivery and all of the other pages that are needed for an ecommerce store and loads of other little things like how to create a logo discount codes and all of these types of things so if you have been looking at how to create a personalized print-on-demand store then this is definitely the tutorial for you so without further ado let's begin with the tutorial so what actually is personalized print-on-demand well basically it's the process whereby a customer can upload a picture either of themselves their friends their family their pet and then we take that picture turn it into a certain design and then we print that design on a particular product so if we have a look in my case the customer can upload if you can see that kind of selfie of themself then the selfie gets turned into a cartoon and then the cartoon gets printed to the phone case it's a really simple process now with personalized prints on demand these phone cases cost me I think around 1050 for the actual case and then $5 for the design so that's fifteen fifty and you could easily sell these cases for around $30 so you're gonna make around a fourteen fifty to a kind of $15 profit on just phone cases now obviously you can go for different products at different items and depending on the design and also the product you can always make a lot more profit than that and the really great thing is I ordered these from printful and they came in about kind of six days so by the time that I created the design uploaded it and ordered it it arrived to my house in six days so really quick shipping times now of course within this tutorial I'm gonna be going through everything so how you can actually go and pick products pick designs and also then how you can build your store from scratch and how you can actually start creating ads for that store as well for your personalized print-on-demand business so firstly let's go over why you might want to start a personalized print-on-demand business now of course besides the fact that you don't have to hold any inventory and you don't have to have a massive upfront cost which is a very obvious reason why you might want to start any type of business because this is a form of drop shipping so you we obviously know we don't have to keep any inventory the print-on-demand company will print it for you and send it out and that means you don't have to have a massive upfront investment but apart from that fact there are a few key reasons why you might want to get into personalized print on demand that I have outlined here and I'm gonna go over in a bit more detail now the first one is the fact that because customers love personalized products that means you can't charge a lot higher margins for them now the reason customers love them is basically because humans have massive egos we love things that are unique and personal to us so we love things that have pictures of our friends our family our self our pets it's all to do with us and if we can have a unique product that is just personal to us then that means generally like I said because humans have bigger big egos they love these types of products and because these things are unique and they are personal to them a picture of them a picture of their family that pet or wherever it may be that means you can charge a lot higher margin than a product that anybody can buy because like I said it's very unique and it's completely custom to them so let's say a phone case for example that you might buy in the shop for five to ten dollars then a phone case with a picture of you or your family or your pet on is gonna be a lot higher so it's gonna be something around thirty dollars because once again it's personal but people are willing to pay that just because like I said we have big egos and you know they love to see themselves and we love things that are all about our life and unique to us now the second one is of course the shipping times and the product quality in terms of normal drop shipping where the shipping times can be three to five weeks and sometimes the product quality can be questionable sometimes quite cheap products that break easily in terms of print-on-demand products if we have a look at the products that I'm gonna be showcasing for the personalized print on the monster that I'll be creating which is a phone case an s8 phone case and also an iPhone phone case I got them from printful and it took around I would say five to six days to arrive from when I actually ordered it which is really quick five to six days and also the product quality is really good it doesn't it's not easily breakable it doesn't get scratched easily and it does doesn't generally look cheap so that is why because you're going to have a better products and they're going to be arriving in quicker times that means your customer service is going to be better people are more likely to recommend your brand or your business or your website to their friends and family and you're just going to have less headache when it comes to customer service with sorting out things in responding to emails about shipping times and tracking and product quality in terms of products that are breaking and people wanting to return them so like I said it's going to cause you maybe a little bit less headache then a general drop shipping store that where your drop shipping items from Aliexpress and things like that now the third one is you can actually build a sustainable long term brand now not with all of the print on demand comes by know with printful you can actually upload your logo and every time they send out one of your products to your customer the packaging will have your logo on it now you have to pay a little bit extra maybe one or two dollars extra for this service but it's definitely worth it because when they receive that package the logo on that's your brand that's your business and that's something that they're going to remember and like I said if they recommend their friends their family because you've given them really good customer service that is how you're going to build your business and this is how you can actually grow it over a long period of time you can grow it on different social media platforms and this is going to make you a lot more profit in the long run because you can keep building your store and keep gaining more customers year-on-year and that way you're going to build something that can make you a lot of money for the long term rather than trying to capitalize on a product at one specific period of the year or one time where it's trending and then it goes down so that is the third reason why you might want to get into personalized print on demand and then finally the other reason why you might want to get into personalized print on demand is that you don't have to come up with unique designs as opposed to just starting a normal print on demand company where you're selling t-shirts with your own designs on with that type of print on demand website you have to keep thinking of new designs coming up with cool designs that people are going to like and then try and market them to people within us particular niche so for example everybody always thinks about the Pug kind of niche the one that went viral a few years ago which is a print undermount company selling pug t-shirts now they had to keep coming up with wacky and new designs and then try and market towards people that love pugs now with personalized stuff you're judgment you can pretty much market it to anybody because it's going to be their own design they're just going to upload a picture of themselves and that way you do have to come up with a kind of certain design but overall you don't have to keep coming up with new designs because you can just make one or two designs and then people can just or you know maybe three or four or five designs but and then people just upload the picture they pick which one of those designs they want and then you can just go and with the picture they have uploaded add it to that design so it makes it a lot easier and these are the main reasons why you might want to get into personalized print on demand now I think this is a really good business model to get into but I just thought it'd be worth me outlining a few these things just to give you a bit of an understanding of why you might want to get into personalized print on demand now before we move on to actually looking at picking nitch for your store I just want to show you a few stores that are actually using personalized print-on-demand and I actually have been really successful now the first one I'll show you is dogsy which is an actual UK site but they're doing really well and they mostly obviously sell a lot of dog items dog related items now their niche is a bit more broad in terms of the products that they offer so they offer loads of different products but they're mainly shizz somebody can upload a picture of their dog and they can turn it into socks cushions clothing any different type of item so this is a really popular one within the UK I'm not 100 sure if they're doing really well in the US but I know that they're doing pretty well and they have a really clean and good-looking website now if we have a look at just an example of one product that they're selling their selling history here for 18 quid so 18 pounds that's probably around twenty three twenty four dollars which is quite expensive when you think about all it is is a bandana for a dog but a lot of people were actually really interested in this item and these designs are really easy to create and then if we have a look at a print-on-demand provider which is called gutten and I will go over different providers and hang can pick any shampoo products in a moment in this tutorial but if we just have a look we can see this pit been down here for print-on-demand $5.90 and they're selling it for around $24 so that's around a $19 profit now obviously we're gonna take away the actual paying for the design but if you create the design yourself and you just do this once then we have to do is just crop the background out and go and add this on now might take you a little while in the beginning but obviously when you're building up your business then it's fine to invest that time and you're gonna be making around a sort of nineteen eighteen dollar profit on an item that's really easy to create you just create the design once and then you just let your customer upload their file and that's it so that's the first one dogsy go check it out they have some really cool items and like I said they're quite broad in terms of the actual products that they offer so you probably won't want to start with that and I will go that when we look at picking a niche now the next one we have which you probably have already seen is pop socks this is probably one of the biggest ones out there and once again they're more focused in on the actual dog niche now they're using flat 'some theme which is a wordpress theme but they offered loads of different things once again quite a broad terms of the actual products that they offer but mostly its surrounding of course the dog niche once again and you can see the designs are really simple again just pictures of the dog over and over and over again and all they have to do is once again just crop the background out of that picture and then just place it over the original design that they created and that's really easy now you can see over here not too sure about tires but we can see on printful you can get socks over here for 1144 and their socks over here are probably let's have a look how much they're selling these for so these this is the tower these socks over here 2495 so that's a pretty decent profit you can see 1144 so that's around a 13 kind of dollar profit which is not bad considering they're just a pair of socks with a dog's face printed on them and once again the design is just created once and all I have to do is crop the background out and add the picture that the customer uploads now you have a look at the next one over here this one is die for once again a fairly large product range we have phone cases Mac bookcases suitcases all of these testings now I haven't seen suitcases print-on-demand anywhere as of yet and but they do also have over here the personalized leather luggage tag now over here on guten we can see we have a luggage tag now it's not never so it's not as luxurious but we can see this one here is 25 pounds so that's probably around 31 sort of dollars and so let's just say for argument's sake you could probably sell this one which is non leather for around $20 so you're gonna make a good 17 dollar profit off of something that's personalized a personalized luggage tag from guten over here and once again go have a look at die 4 and see how they're doing it some really simple designs these designs are not difficult to create look at this one all it is is just their letters of their name that's it just their initials once again initials initials it's really easy the customer all they do when they're buying their product they just type in their initials Opie and then die for just fulfills the order by adding their initials when they actually doing it so these are really simple to create now the next one we have over here is not on the high street now once again I have mentioned earlier I haven't seen any print-on-demand products for suitcases as of yet but this is a really cool concept once again really easy the customer just types in their initials and it gets printed on here really simple so you can see they could just go and type in their initials in here and it will get printed on the suitcase of them now like I said I haven't actually seen any print-on-demand suitcases but over here we have a look at guten again we do have a travel bags which is quite similar to a suitcase so let's just make sure that the picture is showing so over here you could go and do a monogram travel bag and all you would have to do is simple design is just go and add the initials to the actual bag now this is 3990 so there are fairly kind of higher priced product but you could sell a monogram one probably for around 50 $60 and make a good 20 to 30 dollars profit on this type of item so that's really cool and really easy concept that not on the highest rear doing I once again bit over more of a luxury item with the suitcase but you can see how you could do something similar with a travel bag like this now if you have a look at one final one over here called ineffable what they do is they just do personalized print-on-demand for not Hannibal central using a print-on-demand fulfillment but they do personalized products for jewelry so for necklaces for bracelets and all of those types of things now in terms of these types of necklaces I haven't seen these at any print-on-demand fulfillment yet but you can easily make ones like this where they do custom engraving so if we have a look at printful over here you can see that they do custom engraving for all of these types of products so a couple of necklaces that come in different colors and also a couple of bracelets as well so you could go and just start building star now it's only four products compared to one over here that has a lot of products but when you are starting out at the store you don't have a massive product range because it's just going to be a bit of a headache when you're starting out you're trying to get things started and you can easily go and start something smaller scale like this and once again you can see really easy to go and actually create something like this and customers are gonna love it because they love this type of thing where especially people in relationships for the jewelry niche is gonna be really easy when it comes up to anniversaries or just come up to Christmas when it coming up to Valentine's and all of those types of things so I just wanted to show you a few sites that are actually doing this just to give you a bit of inspiration so now that we have done that we can actually go and have a look at how we can pick a niche and narrow down which area we want to for our personalized print-on-demand website now when it comes to picking a niche for your personalized print-on-demand store it really comes down to two things it comes down to the product first of all and then secondly the design now for my personalized print-on-demand store that i will be building in this tutorial my inspiration originally came from this Kim Kardashian case over here you can see with all of the kind of various pictures of her face just printed all over the case and this was quite popular this year and last year and you can see it's quite expensive so they're charging 20 pounds for this on RedBubble which is once again around 23 24 25 dollars and you can get a phone case on printful probably for i've ordered mine with shipping included for 1350 each and you can see have a look at the design of mine up against the design of this one and you can see how I got the inspiration for this and then also there's one over here on eBay once again which is quite similar so it's just her face over and over again this one has been changed into a victor so into a cartoon kind of portrait now once again 18 pounds for this or 1750 which is around 21 $22 so that's fairly expensive considering it's not even a personalized product it's just Kim Kardashian so this is the kind of inspiration that I got now like I said when it comes to picking English it comes down to mainly choosing a product so one product I would recommend starting with or one type of product niche and then also then we're going to look at what type of design you could put on that product now for me like I said my inspiration came from this product so that's why I picked phone cases because I knew this type of thing was popular and people that are interested in Kim Kardashian are probably interested in also having their own face printed on a case as well so that's why I went for this and like the design I thought I could easily replicate this now like I said there are loads of different products that you can go and pick now if we go and have a look at the print on demand companies that I recommend firstly I would say printful and when it comes to print demand the mode the first thing that comes to mind is t-shirts but actually printful and guten and print afire which are free that I recommend that you could use for your personalized print on demand store have lots of different products that get overlooked so we have a look at printful firstly and like I said when it comes time to pick English I recommend just starting with one niche category so for me I'm just starting with phone cases iPhone phone cases and Samsung phone cases and that's it and then eventually maybe when your store starts to grow a bit you might want to think about introducing new products but like I said with printful they offer look loads of different products that get overlooked so you could start a jolly one like I mentioned earlier similar to the ineffable website I showed you so custom engraved jewelry and that could just be your initial niche now that's really easy to start with and with this one the designs are even easier because for example with my phone case one I had to come up with a few designs but with jewelry is because it's engraved people can just upload their letters of their name or of their girlfriend and boyfriend and you could just put a heart in the middle custom engraved and that's a really easy design to create so printful has a feud cool ones that you've got flip-flops so you could start with just a flip-flop store personalized flip-flops tote bags drawstring bags fanny packs backpacks which is a really cool one so just personalized backpacks so you could do something with someone's face on here or pets face on their backpack or something like that or even I can show derly er a monogram one just with letters on and socks as well so they offer some really cool products within the accessories niche and also printful offer also offer some home and living products which are really cool so I think coffee mugs I don't recommend stickers just because the margins and stickers are really low so I don't think there would be any point in starting a personalized sticker store just because people could buy stickers for one to two dollars you're not gonna make much profit on that but something like coffee mugs throw pillows pillowcases wall art so things like canvas prints and things like that which are really cool posters personalised posters also beach towels aprons beanbags so printful has some really great stuff now you could also go down the line of looking at clothing as well so kids clothing maybe baby bibs baby body suits and swimwear but personally I kind of like the niche of the looking accessories because accessories are really easy to maintain when you're starting your store for example if you're just doing coffee marks personalized coffee mugs or throw pillows they're gonna be easy to just create the designs and sell don't have to worry about sizes of the customers and why about people sending their products back and things like that so that is printful and the main one that i am going to be focusing in on this tutorial is gonna be printful because that is who i have actually used but i'm just gonna show you a few other ones as well so as i showed you earlier with gutten they offer some really great accessories as well so we can see over here with they have things like journals and notepads which are really cool so this could be people in school people in university they can go and get a personalized journal or notepad also people who like art and people who like writing so there are so many people that you can target when it comes to journals and notebooks and things like that people who are like I said interested in writing music people are interested in just writing in general then you also have travel and leisure so there's some really cool things here like the duffle bags some of them which are really low so for example metal magnets once again you probably what be able to charge high margins on these products because they're fairly cheap products so you might want to stay away from things like this and magnets but then we also have things like the mug is textured so I showed you earlier yoga mats is a really cool one so personalized yoga mats you could have a yoga mat with the person's face on it once again now like I said in the beginning of the tutorial humans are very egotistical so they really like products like this then we also have travel travel bags and puzzles puzzles is a really cool one like a picture of a family and they've uploaded it and then the family has to complete their own puzzle of their own picture from you know maybe within a holiday or in the holidays at Christmas or Thanksgiving or something like that every Thanksgiving they could go and do the puzzle of them of a picture of them at Thanksgiving so that's a really cool thing and we have some ornaments over here so we also have things like these portion ornaments now once again these are fairly cheap products so you might not want to go for something like this but you get the idea they have some really cool unique products within their accessory range also gutten have the home and living range as well so once again things like tablecloths are pretty cool table runners custom can coolers are pretty cool and you can see just go and have a look and you'll see they've got loads of different cool things over here shower curtains so a personalized shower curtain is pretty cool so you can see they've got loads of different products now when you are picking a niche like I said I recommend just sticking to one product so they're gonna go for table cross just stick to cable cross or you may want to go for maybe two maximum so I say the tablecloth and table runners and that's it they're both in the kind of same sort of niche you don't want to start your store where you've got hundreds of different products from the accessories range from home living from clothing because it's gonna be a nightmare you're gonna have to create loads of different designs you want to start off easy and then as you start to make a bit more profit then maybe you can start to easing more products into your store now have a look at guten arts again this is a really cool one which is the pet snitch so this goes back to the website such as dog seed and also such as pop socks so we have pet placemats pet bandanas and dog beds which is a really cool one so a personalized dog bed with its own face on so that would be really cool and you could also just sell this as a cat bed or maybe somewhat saw other pet maybe a gerbil bed or something like that but generally of course it's gonna be a dog bed but like I said in terms of this yet maybe you could start store with these three types of products because they're both no related to the pet sort of niche as long as your niche is related just to one thing or one type of product so for example it been the store I would be building in this tutorial mine's just phone cases because mine once again comes down to the niche of the product and the niche of the design because it was based loosely off of this Kim Kardashian one so that's why I've just gone for phone cases on its own because the design really backs it up by having people get being able to upload a picture themselves and it get printed all over their phone case like this now which I have printer fight over here once again they sell very similar items to gutten and to print falls over they have a few more unique ones like this one over here I really like this bag over here so you could do a personalized bag a monogram one over here just with their initials on and a few other ones they have over here the duffel bag and the laptop sleeve and once again I have a few more items when it comes to jewelry so maybe you want to consider adding in jewelry from printer fire as well now like I said for the final time I'll say I've just reiterated once again you went you are picking a niche for your product just stick to one or two products so if you're gonna go for bags just go for tote bags or just go for backpacks don't try and cover every single base because it's going to be very difficult when you're starting out now the last print-on-demand comfy I can show you is called WC fulfillments now I haven't really used these but I do know that have a few more unique products that guten print full and print if I don't offer and the ones that I really like are the watches so you could go and do personalized watches a picture of somebody's face on their own watch also the skateboard wall arts I really love I think that's a really cool one so you could go and create some designs where people upload their picture and it gets turned into skateboard wall art which I really like and finally I do like the macbook cases as well so they have three really good products are there I think they're really amazing so you might want to consider using WC fulfillment and like I said when I am actually building the store later on in the tutorial I will show you how to use all of these different print-on-demand companies so how to actually upload the app and how to create products with them now that we've had a look at picking a niche with our product that's the next thing that we're gonna look at is picking unleash with our design now like I said if I go back over here my niche of my design was loosely based off of this and people can just upload a picture of their face it gets turned into a cartoon a vector and then it gets put all over their phone case so I basically kind of stole in this design in a way but there are many different things that you can do when picking a niche for your design now obviously when you are going to create designs you're going to want to just use Fiverr when you're starting off now that's what I used so if we go over to Fiverr I'm just going to show you a few different niches that you could go into when it comes to design so firstly we have this Disney star which is really cool and this is going to be really cool for couples generally I'm guessing most men probably wouldn't be interested in this type of thing but women and people in couples you can see there's a lot of couples over here are gonna be really interested in so this could be kind of canvas prints this could be a cushion this could be a blanket things like that that a couple would use a blanket with them turned into Disney characters so that could be a leash so that's your designs niche the Disney niche so that's the first one that we have over here now obviously when you're starting out you're probably going to want to look for something a bit cheaper so if you just go and type this into file this was just the first one I found but you could probably find people doing it for $5.00 obviously they're charging $20 here but you could probably find people who are charging 5 dollars to do a Disney style portrait so that's the first one that you could to try next one I've seen is grand theft auto so this once again probably popular with sort of younger males and they can turn themselves into a graph at all so once again this could be something to do with a poster or maybe a mug or maybe a phone case things like that you can see here with commercial use he's charging around fifteen dollars but you could probably try and cut a deal with him where you could do it for ten dollars or something like that now we will look at product pricing later on in the tutorial at how we can make sure that even with the product the cost of the product and the cost of actually getting the design for the product that we're still making profit so I will go over that in a bit more detail but now I'm just kind of going over the different design styles that you could potentially use for your niche I think graphic door is a really cool one because you can see over here you've got some really cool GTA style art the once again you could add this to a poster to wall art to a coffee mug any different type of thing the next one that I think was pretty cool maybe a Family Guy character so once again this is five dollars over here pretty cheap and you can see these designs are pretty cool they look pretty good and loads of people love Family Guy so this is kind of gonna stand out if you're running Facebook ads or Pinterest ads or even Google Ads on this type of thing so on YouTube then you could easily go and do this so I think the family garnish is pretty cool now the next one we have and just to quickly mention as well if you are gonna go for a niche such as the Family Guy niche you definitely can't have other characters in the background of the image just for copyright reasons so just be wary of that now the next thing over here we have is brime art so this is kind of like a freaky kind of art style and I think this is a really cool niche so once again you could print this on many different things this is probably going to be more for a younger type of guy again maybe a younger girl as well but I think this is kind of cool people can upload image and it gets turned into this kind of cool grime art that you could get this printed on any different type of things so once again a phone case or a poster or even a t-shirt so this is a pretty cool thing someone can upload a picture of their face and it gets turned into grime art now the next one I have had is an I'm or enemy or whatever you want to call it and you can also have a look for manga as well so manga portraits on fire now I think this one is really cool so I really like this you could see here how they've turned this image and this would be a really great kind of Facebook ad this being turned into this and once again you could print this on pretty much anything that you choose so this is really cool and if we have a look at a few the other ones that's really cool somebody playing the drums so the actual quality of this designer is really high and they're fairly cheap commercial use for $10 so that's pretty cheap I have to say so maybe you wanna have a look at something like anime manga those types of styles because they're really popular people really love that type of thing and this is definitely something that really stands out the next one we can have a look at is this kind of chibi style once again it's very similar to anime to manga but this is a little bit more kind of cute style so this is probably more of a type of maybe feminine product that this could get printed on and once again people can just upload the image and it will be turned into this kind of cute chibi style now once again this one is a bit expensive so if it goes for commercial use you can see it's around $60 so this particular person on Fiverr is quite expensive but if you were to just go and type in portrait chibi style you'll probably can't find one for around five to ten dollars if you just have a look on Fiverr now the next one over here that we have is just a typical kind of vintage portrait so you could go for something like this this is could be something cool for like Father's Mother's those types of things so this is probably bit for a bit more of kind of older generation or kids looking to buy presents for their parents or for their dead and things like that so over here we can see we've got one he's kind of probably like I said the type of demographic that I was describing and once again maybe couples so you can go and do this well this could be like a family portrait so a whole family uploads their image and it gets turned into this kind of cool vintage style so that's one you could think about doing this one I really love this is definitely my favorite one out of the ones that I have found so far for personalize print-on-demand people are going to upload a picture of their pet and it get turns into a Renaissance style art now imagine doing a dog bed with a renaissance style people gonna upload their dog it gets printed on a dog bed of them in a renaissance style this is very niche but I think this is something that people would really love and this is just like I said this is definitely my my favorite one I found so far my favorite design this is so cool and I don't know why I think I've just kind of loved this a lot maybe because I have a used to have a dog so maybe that's why I just think it's pretty cool but this is something very niche like I said very unique but definitely I feel something that people with pets would really love now the next one over here that I have is just as pop art style so I think this is really cool as well this is definitely an issue could get into and you could just go and people upload their image and it gets turned into a pop art style and once again this one's only five dollars really cheap and really easy to go along with it's still quite unique it looks pretty cool and you could print this on pretty much anything on a mug on a poster on a phone case or wherever it is you may choose even an apron or something like that and once again I think this is a really cool style this pop art style so if you are on fire just go and have a look at pop art portraits and there will be loads of different ones that come up on there and the final one that I have on here is just this hope poster so this Obama hope poster now once again this one's quite expensive anything about 25 dollars for commercial use but if you just type in Obama hope poster style you'll find loads of other ones and I'm sure you'll be able to find a listing for 5 to 10 dollars with a commercial use and I think this one's really cool maybe it's kind of slightly outdated now but even still I think people who really love Obama and this just his style of art would actually really love this type of thing now these are just a few art styles that I just came up with off the top of my head that I could just think of probably took me around 20 minutes to think of all these different styles now obviously you might have something in mind there might be something that you see that you think is unique or that hasn't been done before but like I said these are just a few different things that you could do for your personalized print-on-demand store somebody uploads and image of themselves and it gets chant turned into a hope poster that's something really unique and really cool but obviously there were loads of different things that you could think of this Dragon Ball Z there's the Simpsons and there's loads it from cartoons that you could probably think of I don't know edit and Eddie from back in the days for 90's kids there's loads of different stars that you could go for now you can even just see from my own store for the phone cases all I've done is just turn the person into a cartoon I haven't done anything special so I've just turned that person into a cartoon and it gets printed on a phone case so it's nothing super special but like I said these are just a few ideas that you could potentially use that I think are really cool so my final thoughts on picking a niche are to stick to one product and also just stick to one style of design and then we will go later on and look at how we can actually create a few different designs based on that style so hopefully by now you have picked a niche in terms of picking a product that you want to focus your store around and also picking a design style now it can be something really simple so if we have a look at mine it's just a simple vector cartoon it's nothing crazy now obviously before you go and actually start building the store the next part of the tutorial we are going to look at how we can actually create the designs so basically I have paid somebody on Fiverr to turn the picture into a cartoon but I've actually created the design of these cases myself so I'm gonna show you how you can actually create these designs because then we're going to go and order in some samples so that we can take pictures of those samples and have people take pictures with the products so then we can use those pictures for our actual website and you don't need any crazy photoshop skills or illustrative schools or anything like that to create just simple designs like these so once again I'll show you how we can go and communicate with the person on Fiverr so with the design on Fiverr so that they can send us the correct design style and then we can actually go and create a design for our product based off of what they send us when we're coming up with design ideas firstly let's look at how we can find a designer on Fiverr now obviously I have given you some inspiration in the last part of the tutorial so for different design styles that you could go for like the hope poster Disney kind of store now if you have an idea in mind you can just come over to fiber so for me I just went for a Viktor portrait so all I did on Fiverr Wars go over and just type in Viktor if I can spell it quickly portrait and just hit search and once you search your art style that you're looking for you can just go then and have a look at the different artists that are offering this now you're gonna want to go for one that's around five dollars so you can see here this one is five dollars stung at five dollars so you're not really gonna want to go higher than ten dollars so this one is around ten dollars so that's pretty cool and then we have ones over here like five dollars again five dollars so you're gonna want to have a look for those ones because obviously when it comes to pricing our product for example for me the phone case that I'm selling is ten dollars 50 so then once I factor in that five dollars that's fifteen fifty so I don't really want to go much higher than that because that's gonna eat a lot into my profit margin so you can see this is the one I actually used and once again that's only five dollars over here so if we just click on let's just say this one over here because that looks like pretty decent quality so we just go ahead and click on this and once you go and click on the actual Fiverr gig the main thing that you're really going to be looking for is commercial use because that just means that we have the right to resell it on on our own website now of course this one is not offering color so that's not great because you're gonna want it to include color but background scenes and full-body you're not necessarily going to want to use those for my phone case I'm just using the head only and that's it and that should be enough and depending on the type of product that you want to sell so let's say if it was a poster then you could potentially go up to ten to fifteen dollars so you can see this one here it's getting a little bit more pricey now but like I said depending on the product then it's not gonna eat too much into your profit margins so let's say for example a dog bed then you could go up to ten dollars because the dog bed can still be sold for higher margins whereas something like a phone case you're gonna want to stick to around five dollars because it's a lower priced product which means that if you go any higher than five dollars and it's gonna really eat into your profits now once you have found a designer that does this design style that you're looking for at a good price and with commercial use and all of the things that we're looking for so like I said if you're looking for a full body then maybe when I got to ten dollars because you're probably not gonna find one full body for ten dollars but most people will just do the head for five dollars and then once you have found a designer that does your design style you're going to want to just go and have a conversation with that designer so you can see here I've just sent him a message I said hi there happy well would you be able to turn the two pictures attached in vectors for just the head so like I said I was only looking for them to do the head no shoulders just the head in the face so you need to be really specific what about what you want with these designers otherwise it can come out incorrect sometimes and you're gonna have to request revisions which is gonna take you extra time and then I said as a PNG you know this is really important you're going to need the files that they send you back as a PNG file because this means that they'll have a completely transparent background so I've said here no background at all and for commercial use so I've specified exactly what I want from the designer before I actually make the order I said I want them to be turned into Victor's with just the head as a PNG and for commercial use so I've contacted them first just to make sure that they are actually able to do this and you can see here I've just gone and attach the two foes one of me and one of my sister over here so just to simple selfies me looking like a bit of a crazy idiot over here and my sister posing like she thinks that she's something special so once you've done that you can actually just go and we'll wait for the response now I recommend contacting a few different ones I contacted a few different designers you could see over here ones just saying only $5 and I actually didn't end up using him because he replied it too late to me so you can see here he said I can do it so I just said let's do it brother and then he said yeah I said should I order and then he said how much budget do you have so he's trying to upsell me of course and I've just said ten bucks so basically five dollars for each one ten bucks sorry and then he said head only I said yes so he's just confirming with me and I've made sure definitely a PNG he said 25 and I'll give you half the body so that be 1250 each so like I said if I was setting a more high ticket item maybe like a cushion cover or something like that then maybe I want to consider doing half the body for 1250 per portrait but in when it comes to like I said selling a phone case and I'm just sticking to my budget of $5 per case then I said I only need the head no shoulders not even the neck just the head so I said is it two separate orders so you can see here I'm just clarifying everything before I actually order it and then he I said can you send me a custom order for $10 and that is what he's done he sent me a custom order you can see at 8 pounds which is around $10 two figures and five-day delivery time now when you start to get more orders on your store like I said you may be able to actually in fact one of the designers separately and that's when you can hire them as a freelance and then that way they'll be able to speed up the delivery times for you and then after that he's just said can you get their pictures so I've reset them to him and then there's one thing here when you send pictures on fire but sometimes they will come out squashed like this one here so he said the position is not good and I said download it because it's squashed but when you download it it's fine so sometimes you might upload a picture to file it looks a bit squashed so just contact your designer and tell them to download it first so then they can actually check that it looks all right and then once you do that it's basically you're just waiting for them to send you the file that's actually completed so after a few days he sent me the files you can see i got the two PNG files here with a completely transparent backgrounds he also simply JPEG files with white backgrounds which they're always handy to have so once you've gone through that process and you've maybe you want to think about testing a few different designers now for me he sent to me and I was happy with it the first time which is really good but you might go and test out a designer and the design they send you is not good or up to your expectations so then maybe you gonna go in to once you go and test out a few other designers just to make sure that you find the best one with the best quality for the best price and they're giving you good delivery times and get offering your revisions and things like that so once you actually have this next up what we can do is we can then go and just download these faster so you could just hit the download button to download them and now what we are going to do is we are going to go and create some designs based off of what they have sent us now once you actually receive your design back from your Fiverr designer and you download that now you are ready to go and actually create a printable design that you can upload to your product so then you can order some samples in and then you can go and reuse that printable design over and over again when your customer actually makes a purchase now in order to create this printable design we will be using a program called Adobe Illustrator and this is the only program that I recommend using this and Photoshop but the main reason that I recommend using this is because we can actually create vector graphics and these are the best type of graphics that you can create when you want to add them to a printable item now I have had a look into using things like canva which is a free online graphic tool and you can't actually go and use tools like this because the print quality just comes out really poor and that way if you're just going and selling poor quality products your customers are gonna end up asking for refunds anyway so it's gonna cause you more of a headache so you might as well just go and do things properly upfront now you can get a free trial of Adobe Illustrator just to trial this out if you want to a 7-day free trial but overall is around $25 a month I think this is obviously worth the investment if you want to grow this business and your brand long term then $25 a month is not a massive investment and then if you do want to go a bit further and get fur shopping everything else things about $60 a month which once you start making sells you can always upgrade to now if you are a teacher or a student you can actually go and get 65% off so you can see here you can get everything for around $20 which is really cheap so maybe if you're a student or a teacher this is something that you might want to think about let me go and have a look at the business plans now the business plans don't actually include anything this just means that more than one person can use it I believe but you're gonna go probably want to go for the individual plan and like I said if when you're starting a business there's always gonna be some costs so a $25 a month cost to be able to actually create the designs of really good print quality is not that expensive so once you have gone and downloaded your 7-day free 12 illustrator then we can actually go over firstly and choose our print-on-demand company that are gonna actually fulfill the orders for us so fulfill the products now the first one that I recommend is printful and this is definitely my favorite because they offer really X of a customer service and their products are really great quality and I have a good range of products and you can see shipping from the EU to where I am in the United Kingdom takes three days on average and in with the u.s. to the US I think that it's a very similar amount of time and they do actually ship worldwide so you can go and target countries worldwide and wherever you are targeting you will be able to ship to those customers really quickly now there is a link in the description to printful so if you click on that link it will bring you over to this page here and from here we can have a look at how we can actually go and download the files in order to create our designs so from here what you can do is you will go to products and pricing over here and then you navigate to your product so let's just say for argument's sake we wanted to go and sell socks on our personalized print-on-demand store so let's just go over to socks here and once we are over here we will actually go and just click on the socks item and then from here if I just go and close this what we can do is if you scroll down over here you will see get print file template so if you just go and click on this this will download the file template for you now once you actually go and download that file template you can't just go and never gate to it in your downloads now I have it over here and it will come as a zip file so what you're gonna do is you're just going to right-click this file and you're going to go and click on extract here once you do extract the file you will see a few different files now it depends what product you have actually downloaded the guidelines for so you can see here I've got the file template for the socks of course but whichever one you are using it's the same process so let's just say you were going to go for backpacks you can go and click on backpacks over here then you can go and choose the backpack you want so let's just say we want to choose this one over here and then if we scroll down once again we will see get print file template now just go back to socks quickly and then I will show you how we can actually start designing on that template so let's just go back to socks and then we're going to go and click on the socks over here and now once again if we go back to the file that we just extracted for the socks they have this basic template and they have the advanced template so if we go in here and we actually click on the image we can go and look at the difference in those templates so we can see over here these are the all-over sock template so let's just wait for this to load so now that this has loaded the difference basically is with this advanced socks template you can actually print the socks separately so you can do the one on the left foot we'll have one design and the one on the right foot we'll have another design so that is why this one has an advanced template and if we close this and we go back to the basic template over here we will see that you will just go and design one sock and it will print both socks identical so as you can see it says over here both socks will be printed identical so you just designed for one sock and then it goes and prints that design on both of the socks so that's why something like socks has a basic and advanced template but most of the items that you download the templates for on printful will only have one basic template now once you do download this providing you have downloaded your illustrator illustrator 7-day free trial you can just go over here if you just right click this and you can just go open with and just click on Adobe Illustrator and when the file is actually loading you might see something that says fur shop import options just go ahead and click on OK on this once the illustrator file opens it should look a little something like this now the layout of your illustrator might look a little bit different to mine and that's because I have so many different windows open but the main windows that you're going to want to open is going to be the layers window the color window and the align window now if you do want to open a window with an illustrator just go to window and you can just go and pick a line color and layers now the first thing that I will mention is with any printful file that you do download you will notice a dashed area now this would be for any product doesn't have to just be for socks any different product that you downloaded the template from printful it should have a some sort of dashed area somewhere and what this is this is the print safe area so anything with inside these dashed lines will be printed on the product correctly and anything outside the lines won't be so if you look over here very closely you can see on the socks this is where the print safe area is and that is why they have given us this dashed area it's basically saying and anything that you add to your design and within these dashed lines now what I like to do personally is I like to go and grab the rectangle tool and I like to just go and draw a rectangle just within these dashed lines so I can go and create my design so just go ahead and draw a rectangle like that and then when you go and click on the selection tool again just make sure that you can still see that dashed line so you can see at the bottom here I'm just gonna make that a little bit smaller so I can still see it and and let's see if we just bring that down a little bit we can just expand this ever so slightly and now we can still see that dashed line just on the outside edge of our actual square that we've just created now if you want to change the color of this you can just go to the color window you can just go and click double-click on fill and then you can just go and change it to whatever color you want or you can always go and use it hex code so if I just paste a hex code in here that should be for a yellow so now you can actually just go ahead and change the stroke so that's going to be the outline of this box as well so if I just go and double click on this I'm just gonna change that to yellow as well and just click OK now what we will do next now that we have our print safe area with a background color that we might want to use we can go to layers and we can just go and toggle off the bottom layer now the bottom layer is going to be the one with the text on so you can see over here we've just toggled that off and the reason we're going to toggle that off just because it's a little bit distracting when we're trying to create a design and also when we actually go to save this design we don't want to have this text all over it when we save it so just go and toggle the bottom layer and that will be the same for any file that you download from print roll the bomb layer will always be the one with the text so we can't just go and get rid of that now what we can do next we can just go and drag in our PNG so navigate to the area where you downloaded your design from your desert fiber designer so I'm just gonna go ahead and open mine and we can just go and drag it on so I'm just gonna go and drag this image on here and now we can see that it's come up really large and that's really good because the thing is the larger the file the better because that means that when we scale it down it isn't going to lose any quality so basically when it's zoomed in like this if you hold ctrl and just click on - then you can actually zoom out of your illustrator canvas and what I'm gonna do is you're gonna go and hold shift so when you hold shift that means it will scale down quickly so I'm gonna hold shift and I'm just gonna scale this down then I'm just gonna move it into the center here and I'm just gonna carry on scaling it down like this and now if I hold ctrl + I click + it's just gonna zoom me back in so now I'm just gonna zoom myself back you know the and I'm just gonna scale this down ever so slightly so let's just scale this down one more time so now you can see if we use the align tool I can go and align it right in the center so now we can see this is gonna be our sock file so somebody's face just uploaded onto a sock and printed so that's gonna look really cool so we can't just go and do this and now like I said you can just go and change the color to whatever you like so if I double click on this I could go and change this to a sort of lilac II type of color like this with a kind of gold outline now obviously play around with your designs and you can go and create one more than one design so you could just create a sock website where people upload their photo it gets turned into a vector and they can add it to whatever color that they like so you can offer 20 30 40 50 different colors that you want to offer now obviously this clashes a little bit so I'm just gonna change that back to yellow just for now now what you can do is if we're go and have a look at my phone case template all I've done is just gone and copied and pasted this loads and loads of times and that's how I've gone and created that design so what you can do is we can just go and grab this copy it and just paste it like this and now we can see that we've just pasted that in there now obviously you're going to want to go and make sure that things are lined up quickly now a way that you can do this is just by using simple maths so we can actually just use simple maths to make sure that everything is lined up correctly now what we can do is if we click on our print area our print safe area we can actually click on the square that we've drawn if we go to transform so in window open up your transform window so just scroll down and we can go and open up the transform window over here and then just go to transform and we can actually go and see the size of this so what we can actually see is that it is 216 pixels wide and 444 pixels in height so what we can do is we can use simple maths if we say let's say we wanted to add three faces on here we can actually just go 444 divided by three and we can see that's 148 so what we can then do is we can actually go and grab our PNG image and we actually just go and make this 148 like that and I see it's a little bit squashed so what we're going to want to do if we undo that we can go and click on this lock icon over here and then we can go and type in 148 and we can see that it resizes it perfectly so now we can just go and drag that into the corner and then if we delete this and then we can just go and copy this and paste it and because we've divided it by 3 when you line it up like this so let's go and add this one into the top and it should be divided equally because we divided 444 by 3 which is 148 these are 148 in height so now that's they're going to be equally measured so if we go and just copy this one more time and now we can just go and put that in there so now what we can do is we can just drag that and we can see that now they have been distributed evenly so now if we just go and copy and paste this what we can do is we can just go and drag one into that corner like that and we can just go and do the same on the other side so if we just go and copy this we can go and put one in this corner over here like this and then once again we can copy this and just paste it and we can go and put one in the center so we can go do this and just make sure it's all lined up correctly so now you can see that they have been distributed evenly so that's really good now what you can do is you can always go and you can just twist this so we could go twist one this way and twist one that way and when you're creating your designs you can just go and play around with them basically so you can just go and twist these whichever way you want so let's go and just twist that like that maybe we want to twist this this way and that can go and be your stock file now that's all I've done with this design over here I just went and copied and pasted it loads of times and then I just added some larger ones over the top because I think that looked really cool now once you've done that and you have got your design ready so you can do something like this you can play around with it you can create more than one design you can create ones with different colors so just go and test it out and see what looks good and then that way you're gonna have a few different ready and you can go and order in your samples now once you have gone and created your design something like this like I said what you can do is you can just go to file you can go to export and then you can go export as and then you can just go and save your file so I'm just gonna go and just save this as sauk pod just for now and what you're going to do is you're going to go and click on use artboards so when we tick that that's going to use the artboard around it so that means that we're going to save this far and it's going to be confined to this area around it so we are just going to then click export and then this screen will come up and we can just go and click on ok so now we have actually gone and saved our design we can head back over to printful and now within the sox area what we can do is we can just go and click on and get yours and then when we do click on that it will bring up the printful designer so over here it's gonna say drop your design so if we just go and click on this and then over here we can just go ahead and click on upload and then if you just scroll down and just click understand and I accept and then you can just go and upload your design that you just created so I'm just gonna go and pick this and just go ahead and click on open so now that we have our design I'm just gonna go and choose this and now we can see that we are in the print safe area which is really great so we can't just go and choose that and now what we can do is we can just go to mock-up view over here so the mock-up view is just going to show us what it actually looks like on the actual stock and once the mock-up view actually loads we obvious you will be able to see how your product is going to look so you can see that looks really cool with our design on and we have stayed within the print safe area so that's looking really cool and that will just give you a general idea of how your product is gonna look and one thing to bear in mind if your print quality says good and slash 300 dpi and it's in green text then that means your product is gonna come out really good quality anything lower than that if it's saying bad and red and the DPI is around 20 or something really low like that then that means your products gonna come out really low quality but if you followed the design process within illustrator then your print quality should always come out as good and 300 dpi so now that you've done that you can just go and click on continue and you will see that you have your product over here now what you can do is you can just go ahead and click on continue to shipping and once you do that you can just go and enter in your name and your billing address so and your shipping address so I'm just going to go enter that in and once you have entered all of that in you can just go ahead and click on calculate shipping so then once you do that it will show you the different shipping rates so you can go for standard three to five business days after fulfillment and like I said they generally come pretty quickly or you can go and add an Express ordering if you're in a hurry you want to get some pictures of your product ready to actually go and add to your website so then you can just go and click on continue to review and then from here it will show you the items now I recommend ordering a few different samples instead of just all in one I really recommend ordering a few different ones just so you can actually take some great pictures of them and have people modeling them or just model them yourself take a few pictures ready for actually building your website so once you do that then you can just go and enter in your payment details over here and you can just go and complete your order and then your order should come probably within around three to five maybe maximum eight days and then that way you can go and take some really great pictures of your actual product and then have them ready to start creating your store based off of that product now I'm just gonna go over that process with gutten and printer fire as well because it's a little bit different so I'll leave a link in the description to gutten now from here we can actually go to products and let's just say we wanted to go for a pet product so we can go and just click on pets and then from here we will actually just go let's say we wanted to do the pet bandanas so let's just go and click on this and then over here we can actually just go and click on get print specs so let's just go ahead and click on that and then once you click on that it will say print area 7 502 pix pixels by 7 500 pixels and then the safe zone is 7200 pixels by 7200 pixels so what we are going to do is let's go back over to illustrator we will go to new and then we will create a new design once you click on new design you can actually just go and specify your pick pixel so let's just go for 7,500 by 7,500 and we can just go and click on create so now that we have gone and created that new document we can actually just go and create a new design here so once again gonna go for a rectangle and I'm just gonna go and draw this like this and I'm just gonna go to transform I'm just gonna make this 7200 by 7200 and then we can't just go a line and just align it to the center and we can't just go and change the color of this so once again I'm just gonna go let's just pick a blue let's just say some sort of blue let's just go for something like this so now we can go and do that now let's just say from your fiber designer you had a picture of a dog created so you can't actually just go and come over here and we can't just go and drag that in there and now we can actually just go and create this design based off of this so let's just go and do this now once again we can go and use simple maths so if we go to transform we can see this is 7200 so let's just say we wanted to add three faces again we could go seven thousand two hundred divided by three and there two thousand four hundred each so now we can go ahead and pick this and we can go and make this two thousand four so you want to go to height so we can go to two thousand four so we can go to two thousand four hundred in height like this and we can't just go and drag this to the corner and then we can just go and copy and paste this and once again we can just go and do the same process so we can go and drag this over here copy and paste it once again and let's just make sure that it's all lined up correctly so if we go and just make sure that everything is aligned up like that and when you are dragging things in illustrator and we'll just line it up for you so now we've done that what we can do is we can just copy and paste this again we can go and put it in the corners over here so we could go one two and let's just go and copy both of them and paste them together so if you do hold shift you can actually go and select multiple things at once and let's just go and do that and then if we just hold shift once to 3 and we copy and paste like this and then we can't just go and align this last one to the center so let's go to align and we can just go align to Center and now we can see we have our designer like I said this is for dog band ah so you would want to go and put some pictures of a dog that you've created got created using a fiber designer so now once again we can go to file export export as now once again we're gonna want to use the artboards and I'm gonna call this dog design and then click use artboards click on export and then just click on ok once again once you do export the image it should be within your files so you can just see here the 7500 by 7500 pixel image now for whatever reason if it doesn't export and you get an error message because the file is quite large you can just go to file export and you know I can actually just go and click on export for screens and then just click on export artboard if it doesn't work the first way I showed you you can go and do that and that will export the image as well now once you have exported your image we can head back to guttin and click on start selling pet bandanas or whichever one you are using so you've got the print specs then you've created your image and then you can go to start selling for that product on gutten so click on start selling and then with guten in order to actually purchase a sample product you do actually have to sign up for them so I'm just gonna go through the signup process enter my first name last name email and choose a password and once you have entered all of that information in just go ahead and select your country so I'm just gonna go ahead and select United Kingdom and then just click on continue now from here it's gonna say how do you want to connect now we haven't actually created our Shopify store yet so we don't actually want to connect our store yet because obviously we haven't created it so for now we can just go ahead and pick Etsy and just click on continue and then we can just go and put a store name so I'm just gonna go and put personal pod now we can go and change all of this and then just say I'm starting a new store click on agree and then just click on sign up once you do click on sign up it will load this so just go ahead and click on Save Changes over here and then you will be in your gutten dashboard and from here you can actually go and make a sample order so over here where it says place an order we can go and click on create a new product and then we can go and choose our product so where are we shipping to so for example in my instance I will go and pick the United Kingdom and then go and click on choose a product and then from here we can go to the pet Swan and then there is my pet bandanas I can go and click on pick this and then I can go and pick the shapes that I want so square or triangular so I'm gonna go for square and then I'm gonna go for square as well and then I can go to continue with one SKU and then from here I can go and click on upload upload artwork upload from device and then I can just go and upload that dog design over here so I can just go and click on open over here and then it's going to upload the artwork and once the artwork artwork has been uploaded we can just go and click on select and then we will see that our bandana is going to be created so that's how it's going to look and you can go to print area and products like this so that's how the product is going to look and then that's the print area so you can see we've created it for the perfect size and you can see once again we have 300 dpi which is really good and then all you would want to do so you've got the price over here you can just go and click on Add to Cart and then you can just go and click on proceed to checkout and obviously enter in your payment details and your shipping address and then you will be able to receive the the sample product so that you can start taking pictures with the item perhaps for example in this instance you would if you have a pet you can take pictures with the dog wearing it or multiple different dogs if you have family members that have a pet as well that you can use and then you have those pictures ready for when we actually start building our website so I've shown you how you can go and do this now with printer fire it's basically the same process so if we go to the catalog over here and then in the catalog we can go and have a look at the item that we want to create a design for so let's just go over to let's say accessories over here and we wanted to go and once again let's try a clock so if we go over to home and living we could go and look for a clock so let's go and have a look if we have a clock over here so we can actually just go and search over here so let's just search for a clock and then we can see we have this wall clock item so we would just go and pick this and then we can go and have a look at the actual design template so over here where it says start designing firstly let's go and have a look if we have the design template so you would go and click on start designing over here and then over here down the bomb is going to say it recommended 3000 by 3000 so once again in Illustrator we can go to file new and once you click on new we can go and just set our pixels to 3000 by 3,000 so let's go and just click on creates now and once you create your new document you can just go and create a design really easily for something on print if I so let's just go and add a square on here like this and we can just go and change the color of this so let's just go and change it to let's say kind of already kind of like this and then I can just go and drag my fiber design on here so let's just go and drag that on there and we can just go and grab our selection tool and just make this a little bit smaller because right now it's slightly large so let's just go and scale this down a bit and then we can just align this to the center so something like that maybe we want to make it a little bit bigger so let's undo that we can just select this on its own make it a little bit bigger let's align it to the center once again then once again we can go to file export export for screens and then we can just go and click on export artboard now over here it's what is where it is gonna save so I'm just gonna go ahead and change that and then we can just go and click on export artboard once we have exported our image we can head back to print a fight over here we can click on add your design click on my device and then we can just go and upload this over here and once we have uploaded it we will see good quality over here so that's really good and then we can just go and click on next and once you click on next similar to gutten you can't just order the product straightaway so that you can go and create sample pictures with it you do have to sign up with printer fight so I'm just gonna scroll down over here and click on sign up and then I'm just gonna go and enter in my email and once you have entered in an email pick the password and clicked on I'm not a robot you can just go and click on sign up once you click on sign up it will just say what best describes you so we can't just go and pick something for look for example if we just go and pick other we can just go are you already selling and just say no but I'm looking to start selling and then we can just go and click on next and then from here it will prompt us so it's just going to come up with this we can just go and close this it is just going to prompt us to add a store name as our personal details and connect our store now like I said when we go to actually create the Shopify store in the next part that Yuto I will show you how we can actually install the printful guten and printer fire apps so depending on which products you want to use and which fulfillment service you want to use I will go and show you how you can actually install all three of these now what we can do is we can leave all of this for now and we can just go to orders and then we can just go and click on create order and then we will see our wall clock that we just created so then we can just go and click on this or whatever item you chose and then you can go and choose a different one so we've got the wooden one the white one and the black one so depending on which one you want you can just go and click this and then you can go and pick the one you want so I'm just gonna go let's say for black I'm good to continue with shipping they just enter your shipping details and once again you just go through the process enter in your payment details and they will ship the product out to you so then you can go and take some pictures of that sample product ready for when we actually start building the website now that we have created our designs and ordered in our sample products it's time to start setting up our Shopify store now there will be a link in the description so you can get a 14-day free trial of Shopify so if you click on that link you will be brought over to here so now we can just go and click on start free trial in here we are going to go and enter an email address a password and they store name once you have entered all of that information in just go and click on create your store you will then be brought over to this page so firstly it's going to say are you already selling you can just say I'm not selling products yet and then you have something to sell you can just say I'm just playing around and then what you can't revenue you can just go and put 0 and then just go and click on next after that we will go and enter in our name and our address once you have entered all of this information in we can just scroll down and click on enter my store once you do click on that you will then be brought over to the Shopify dashboard and from here we can actually start building out our store the first thing that we will do in order to start building our store with Shopify is to actually pick a theme in order to pick a theme we will go over to online store over here and from here we can actually pick a theme now we should prefer there are a few different themes that you can use we have free themes and moves to have the premium themes now I generally recommend when you're just starting out to actually go and just use a free theme so if I go and click on explore free themes over here we will see all of the different free themes that you can use so we have boundless venture loads of different cool ones over here now personally the one that I actually prefer is the debut theme and this is the one that we will be using throughout the tutorial but feel free to go and pick any one and you can still follow along and you can just make amendments to your own store as you go along so now that we have picked our theme firstly what we can do is go and click on customize over here and once we click on this we will see that our page loads so this is how our store is looking at the moment pretty plain now we're obviously going to want to create it so that it stands out and people are going to want to purchase our personalized print-on-demand products so firstly what we are going to go and do now is look at how we can get some pictures just actually start adding to our website so some pictures of the products and people holding and using the products so that we can start using them on our site now when it comes to taking product pictures for your website you're going to want to have some pictures of people actually holding at the products now you can see for the website that uncrating i've just got a picture of me holding this one and of my sister holding this one and I haven't used any fancy photography equipment I've just used my phone which is a samsung s8 so I've just gone and got people to hold these so I said like I said my sister for this one and myself for this one and I'm just gonna take in some pictures at home and then later on we will go and actually edit those pictures so we'll crop out the backgrounds and then we can go and create them so they look a bit cooler and ready for our website so we're gonna want to do is when you have your sample products come in after a few days just go and ask your friends or your family can we take some pictures of you holding these products or if it's a pet product you can go and put it on your own pet if you have a dog or a cat or if it's a baby product maybe you have a nice nephew or a son or a daughter that you can take the product images with so just going to go and once it take want to take some simple product pictures like I said you could just use your phone for this and then in the next part of tutorial we will actually go and edit those images so that we can add them to our website and they look really cool and entice people to actually purchase the products once you have taken some good pictures of people using your personalized print-on-demand products or holding them whether it be your friends family yourself or your pets then what you're going to want to do is then transfer those images from your phone or whether you've used to take the pictures and then put on to your computer then we are going to head over to a website called remove BG so that we can actually remove the backgrounds of these images and then we can make them look a little bit nicer before we upload them to our website so we'll leave a link in the description to remove BG once you click on that link you will come over to a site that looks like this and then we are just going to go and click on upload image now like I said you are going to want to take the images from your phone or what have you used to take the pictures and then put them on your computer and then we can upload the image so now I'm just going to go and navigate to the image so you can see over here here is the one I have taken of me holding that the phone case so I'm just gonna go and click on this and then just go and click on open once you click on that then you will be able to see immediately that the background is removed now I did actually just go and edit this image on my phone prior just to make myself look a little bit more handsome I know it's hard to do that but I have managed to make myself maybe look a little bit better than usual so once you have done that then you can't just go and click on a download and now that image has been downloaded really to upload to our website so now we're just going to go and do that for one more so we just go and click on upload image again and then I'm just going to go and scroll down to the one of my sister over here so we can't just go and pick this and click on open again and now we can see that the background has been removed perfectly on that one as well and once again we can just go and hit download so now that we've gone and done that those are the two images that I'm going to be using for now so we can come back to remove BG later to actually go and create some more images but we're firstly just gonna start off with our main image for our homepage so we go over to our store we're going to want to have just one main image over here so firstly let's just go ahead and create that image so we're going to go and head over to a website called canva now that camera is a free online graphic editing tool so what we are going to do once you sign up for canva this your camera dashboard will look a little something like this is really easy to sign up just enter in your email address and create a password and then once you log in your dashboard will look a little something but like this so then you're gonna go to custom dimensions over here and you're going to make this 800 by 800 so gonna make it a square image then we can go and click on create new design once you have done that your canva canvas will load and now we can actually just go and create an image so firstly let's just go and add an element now when you are creating your store I recommend just keeping it pretty clean so I'm just gonna go and keep my store black and white and with a little bit of yellow in there so one way to do is I'm gonna grab an element and then if you scroll down you will be able to see different elements so different shapes and things like that so we're gonna go for a square shape over here and just add down there and we're just going to drag that to the size of our canvas like this so let's just go and do that then I'm gonna just change the color of this to this kind of light yellow like this now what we can do is you can go to uploads and we can go to upload an image over here and then I'm just going to go and upload that image that I just downloaded so if I go to downloads and we can just go and upload this one over here and click on open then we can see there's the image without the background that I just downloaded from removed BG so we can just go ahead and click on this and then we can see if we just rely on this up and we can just do something like that so that is a really easy way of doing something like this now if you do have Photoshop you can actually go and create better images so I will go over later on in the tutorial it image is using Photoshop but for those of you there aren't a bit of a budget maybe you just want to use canva for now so this is a really easy way of doing it and it's still gonna look pretty good so I'm just gonna make that a little bit bigger like this and then once you have done that all you can do is just name your image so we can just call this prod image 1 and we can just go and click download once again and then just click on download once the image has downloaded we can just close this and close this and now we can head back to our store we can actually go and add this image to our home page so firstly what we're going to do is let's just go and delete some of these unnecessary sections so firstly when you load your debut scene you will see image with text overlay we're just going to go and delete this so let's go and remove this section we're also going to delete our featured section so let's go and remove this so I'm just gonna remove everything so we start with a blank canvas we're going to keep this section image with text and we are also going to go and delete this slideshow so now we have a pretty plain sight all we have is this image with text and this is what we're going to start with and I'm just going to go and align this to the right because I think that looks a lot nicer so now we've got this we can just go and click on select image and we can just go and upload an image and we can just go and upload the design that we just downloaded from canvas so let's just go ahead and click on open like this and now we can see we have that image of the person actually holding the product so now we can just go and click on select so that looks really cool and then if we look at it on a mobile like this we can see that that's how it's going to look on a mobile now what we can do is as soon as somebody lands on our site we can actually just go and describe what our store is all about so for this top caption over here you're going to want to go and put in something like personalized just for you so in this heading area you could just go and type that in and then within this section over here you're going to want to describe your product in a little bit more detail so I'm just gonna go and say personalize your phone case in style with phone face so phone face is gonna be the brand name for this store so you can say whatever you want here personalize your blah blah in style with and then the name of your brand that's a really easy way to get started when the customer actually lands on your page they're going to instantly see what the product is all about so what the store is all about and what its selling or what type of product is selling then I'm just gonna say it's something in here like if Kim K can do it why can't you now this is just something a little bit playful for my kind of target audience somebody that's likely to buy a product like this probably has seen the Kim Kardashian case so you can go and put something in here like this that's gonna kind of resonate with your audience so if you've got a kind of pet niche then you could say something in here about pets for example why not make your pets day or something like that and then after that I'm just gonna go and put in we offer beautifully custom printed so you want to outline it they are custom printed personalized phone cases in various different designs so just so that I know we have loads of different designs and then check out our Styles today so we're just going to go and put that in there for now now what we can do is it's going to have a button label as well so I'm just gonna put SHOP NOW on the button and then for now we're not going to go and add a link once we actually go and create our products we can add a link to our products so we will just go and put a hashtag in there for now and that can be our link just so our shop now' button shows up so that is the initial part of our homepage that's going to be the first thing that the customer sees so that's looking pretty good now obviously we will go and check and change the branding of the actual store so with this different glue so it just looks a little bit cleaner and the text and things like that later on in the tutorial but for now we're just going to go and carry on making the actual structure of our homepage so let's go and add the next section to our website so we can just go and click this little back button over here and we can go in click on add section then if we scroll down now we're going to go and add a text column with images section so go and click on this and click on add and now what we are going to do is we are going to show how our picture of from our customer it can be transformed into these design style and then printed on to the actual product so we're going to take them through the whole process through this actual section over here so that it really makes it clear to them what they're actually purchasing and how cool the actual product is so firstly over here it says text column with images we are going to go and change this to how it works and we will just go and leave that for now and then in the tag lines we are going to go and just put three tag lines in so firstly we're going to have one that says upload your image and we can just go and delete all of this text in here for now and then the second one so if we just close this we can just drop it down then the second one we can go and add in one that says let our artists get to work so let artists get to work and then finally you can go and add one in that says we see so I'm gonna say receive your phone case but you couldn't go and add whether your product is so receive if I can spell it quickly receive your phone case or you can go if you've got multiple different products you can just go and say receive your product so now we've taken them through that three-step process but we want to also do that visually that's going to be the most important thing so I'm just gonna go and delete all of this text in here for now so firstly we are going to go and have an image that the customer can actually upload now I recommend having all of these 800 by 800 pixels so that they look really good so we're gonna go back over to canva and then now we're just going to go and click on home and I'm going to go and create a new canvas canvas so over here I would have go custom dimensions once again and just go for 800 by 800 again and then I'm gonna go and click on create new design now from here I'm just gonna go and upload the image that I have on one of my phone cases so if I just go and I go to upload upload an image and from here I can just go and upload this image that's on this phone case over here that's been changed into this Victor so if I scroll down I can go and navigate to that image so let's go and have a look so that's this one over here so I'm just gonna go and open that in here and then I'm just gonna drag it to make sure that it is 800 by 800 so let's just go and add this on here so then we can just go and drag it into the corner and we can just make sure that it is 800 by 800 then we can just go and move this up a bit and align it like this so let's just go and leave it like something like that so that's perfectly fine so now we can just go and say this one is going to be upload your image so we can just go and download that now so let's just go and click on download so now that we've downloaded that we can't just close this now within the same canva canvas instead of creating a completely new one I'm just gonna go and actually just create the next image so what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna go and upload an image again so let's just go and delete this one and we can go and click on upload an image and now I'm actually going to go and upload this second image over here so this is the one that has been sent to me by the Fiverr designer so I'm gonna go and click upload so let's just go and upload this and once that has uploaded I'm just gonna go and select this again I'm just gonna make sure that it's fairly centered so let's just go and make it fairly a decent sort of size and we can just go and drag it right into the center like this so now we have our second image over here we can once again so this one's going to be called let's our artists get to work and we can't just go and download this one and hit download again so now that's downloaded we can go and close this now the last one that we are going to want to have is going to be an actual mock-up of our product so firstly let's just go and upload these two images so if we go back over here and we can just go and upload our first one where it says upload an image so let's just go and go to upload image select an image and we can go to upload and in my downloads I'm just going to go the upload image one over here so let's just go and upload that over here so now that's uploaded we can just go and hit select so now we can actually just go and add a caption in here now you can't just go and say something like upload an image you would like to add to your phone case so in your stores caption you can go and obviously make that applicable to the products that you are selling so upload any ways you would like to add to your dog bed or to your cushion cover or where the product is that you're selling and then we can just go and say it can be a self so let's just delete that because it's gone up here for some reason let me just delete that and we can just say it can be a selfie a picture and I'm just going to do that or a picture of a friend or family member the higher-quality the image the better so we can just put something in like that so that's going to be our first captured upload an image so we're just telling our customer that the first step for them to create their personalized print-on-demand product is for them to upload an image the next one is gonna be let our artists get to work so let's just go and open that one up and we can just go and select image upload and then I'm just gonna go and select the let our artists get to work leaving so let's just go ahead and click on open on that so once that uploads we can just go and click on select again and we can go and add a caption in here as well so we can say once you have chosen your style and uploaded an image just so let me just go back down here just sit back and let artists transform your image so we can't just go and add that in there now with these captions we are so going to go and add in some buttons so let's go to upload an image and we can just go and type in get started for these buttons as well and like I said for now we will go and change these buttons so that they link over to our products but for now we're just going to go and put a hashtag in there so we can go and put get started on that one and then for the second one we can go and put something just like by now so we could just say by now and we can once again just go and put a hashtag in there so we have our second one now for the third one it's gonna say receive your phone case or receive your product whatever you want to put in there now this is where we want to actually get some mock-ups of our product now ideally you could just go and put someone holding the product like this so once again I could go and just put an image a different person so my sister maybe holding it again in a different way but I also like to perhaps you want to include an actual mock-up now if one could include an actual mock-up you're going to have to go back over to your print-on-demand provider so whether using print for print to file guten so let's just head over to printful and let's go and get a mock up from over here so what we can do is we can go to the mock up generator within printful over here and we can actually just go and create a mock up for that phone case so if we go down over here and we scroll down to accessories and we can just go - let's just say iPhone cases over here now I can actually just go and get a mock up so if I go to iPhone case and you can do this with any product on printful just using their mock up generator so over here I can actually just go and select the one that I want to use so let's just say I wanted to go and use something old-school like iPhone 6 let's just say for argument's sake then I can go and click on drop design here so I can just go and then click on upload and then from here I can upload my design so here's the design that I created in Illustrator and I can just go and click on open and it's very similar to when I'm actually adding the products earlier but this time we are just going to go and actually create the mock-ups so that we can download them and then add them to that final piece of our website so over here I'm just going to go and choose this and now we can see our mock-up has been generated and what you can do then is just go and click on generate files and then it's going to have a default mock-ups and the lifestyle mock-ups now personally I'm just gonna go with the default mock-ups now over here it's gonna go and have all of these different phone cases just in case you want to use any of them but for now I'm just gonna go and let's just say I'm just gonna go and stick to iPhone 11 let's just antic some of these over here so let's just take these and we can just have a case on phone and I'm just gonna go and actually just click on generate files now once you generate the files you can just go and click on download file so you can download all of those mock-ups so I'm tickle go and click on download files and once the mock-up files have finished downloading you can just navigate in your downloads so I've just got mine over here you can just right click and you can just go and click on extract here once it has finished extracting you will then see all of your mock-ups over here with your design on so this is a really cool thing that you can do with printful it's just go and get all of these mock-ups now obviously we're going to want to make them 800 by 800 so that they fit with the rest of the images on our website so we're gonna head back over to canva over here I'm just going to go and delete this I'm going to go and upload an image and I can just go and upload one of these mock-ups so I'm taking the boat and click on open and now that that mock-up mock-up has finished uploading I can just go ahead and select this and I can just make it a bit bigger just like this and then I can just go and change this to receive your phone case and then I can just go and click on download and click on download once again so now that has downloaded we can just go and close this we can head back over to our store and go to the receive your phone case part select an image and click on upload an image and then I can just go and pick this last one that I just downloaded so let's just go and select this and now we can see we have the receive your phone case so now you can see how we've outlined the steps of the process of our store to our customer how it works they upload an image so here's the image that the customer uploads it gets turned into a cool kind of design by our artists and then you receive at your phone case so the one with the actual design right so then we can just go and click on select over here now of course you might want to use a different provider than printful so if you want to use printf i you're going to have to go to your printer 5 dashboard and then once you do that you will go to the catalog over here you can go and navigate to your product so if we go back to the clock that we were using earlier so let's just scroll down to this wall clock over here we can just then go and actually click on start designing and then from here we can go and add our design so I'll just go and upload design so let me just go and upload this over here and then once we upload this we can just go and actually get the mock-up for this so if we go to preview over here we can't actually just go and see the front preview and then what you can do is we didn't print a file for the product that you want the mock-up for when you click preview you can just click right click and click save image as and then you can just go and save this image so I could just say pod clock mock-up and then I can just go and save that so you can see I've saved it over here and they also have this side mock-up for this clock so depending on the product they'll have different mock-ups and once again you can just right click and click on save image and that's how you can get the mock-up from printer fire and then once you've saved that you're going to go into want to repeat the process so you can just go where it's 800 by 800 just go and upload this make sure it's in the center download the image and then you can just upload it as the final part over here and it's the same thing for gutten over here so you can actually just go to orders and then what you can do is you can click on create sorry order a sample and then you can just go ahead and click on create new product choose the product and then from here you can go and choose your product so let's just say we wanted the PIP and Anna now with some of the products on guten I have to say that they don't actually have good mock-ups the same as print afire and also print for two so what you're going to want to do is if you are using the products from guten then you're going to have to take your very own images so you're gonna have to order the product in and just have someone using it so if you did have this pip bandana you're gonna have to have a dog wearing it and that can be the final piece of your puzzle where you have receive it your product so now like I said it's looking really good we've outlined how our actual process of actually getting these products created and sent out to our customer works so our customer knows exactly how it works and it makes it look really cool and it's really easy to follow along for the customer and just having this visual process makes it really kind of exciting for the customer now for the final caption over here where we have received your phone case we are just going to go and into the scene so we'll just say you'll now obviously this depends which provider you're using but let's just say you're using printful who actually ship out fairly quickly you can say you receive your phone case in five to eight working days and you can just add in something like ready to flaunt for the world to see and then finally we can just go and add in a button like get started again and we will just go and add in a hashtag in there for now until our links are actually ready so that's looking really good so now that we've done that what we are going to do next is we're just going to go and hit save on here and now we are actually going to go and create the product so we're going to go and actually create the product so that we can have the product on our actual homepage so that they can see it so I'm just going to go back now we will go over here where it says navigate to themes so just click on this and from here when we go back to our Shopify dashboard now we can actually go and start installing the printful printer fire and gutten apps and actually create the product so let's start off by creating a product using printful so in order to create a product using printful we are going to have to install the print full app so we are going to go and click on apps over here and then from apps we can go to visit the Shopify app store once the app store loads we can just go in here and search for printful and then just go and click on this and then you would do want to go and click on the first one print full print on demand so just go and click on this and then we are just going to go and click on add app once the page loads we can just scroll down and click on install app it will then ask you to connect your store with printful so you can just go and connect an existing account so when you ordered your printful samples earlier you can just go and enter in your email address and password and once you have entered this just click on sign in it will then ask you to confirm the connection so just click on connect store and once you have done that it will just say hold on product data is being synchronised so just give it a few moments to actually load this once printful has finished loading it will say add your first product to your store now I'm gonna firstly show you how you can add products that can be personalized directly just from using printful because pitbull has a few products where it allows customers to just to personalize them just using the printful app and then later on we will actually go and add products where we have to install a third-party app that will allow customers to upload an image choose a different color for their personalized product and things like that so firstly if we just scroll down we can go to add product and the first product that I am going to go and show you that you can go and start selling as a personalized product is a jewelry product so if we scroll down over here and we go to accessories and we can just scroll down and go to jewelry and let's just say for argument's sake we wanted to sell necklaces so we can go and sell custom engraved necklaces so let's say we wanted to pick this one over here we can't just go ahead and pick this and if we scroll down we can go and select all of the colors so we can go and offer all of these different colors and the sizing options and then over here if we go to design we can go to add text and let's just say it doesn't really matter what text you add here because like I said the customer is going to be able to upload their own text and that is what will be engraved on the necklace so we could just say something like John and then we could just go and put like a heart like this Laura so we could just go and do something like that and then we can just go so let's see probs your design so we can just make this a bit smaller so you can just go and do this just so that the design actually fits within side of the engraving area and then we can just go and change the font just to make it maybe look a little bit nicer when people are actually looking at it so when they're previewing it we can just go and change it to that so let's just say that looks a little bit nicer so now we've done that and if we have a look at the mock-up view we can actually see the mock-up of it as well so there's loads of different mock-ups that we could potentially use so you can see john loves laura just like that but now what we can do is if you scroll down under the design tab over here so let's just scroll and we will see let your customers create summize versions of your design in real time on your store so we're actually just going to go and tick this box over here and then once we do that it's going to allow the customer to go and upload their own so let me just once again just make this a bit smaller just so it's inside so make sure the design fits inside the print area so that's fine so now it's saying it's too small so we can maybe make it a bit bigger so let's just go for that so now what we can do is if we just scroll down we can go to proceed to mock-ups and then from here it's going to ask us which mock-up style we want as the default mock-ups so we can go for the woman mock-up so the woman wearing it the default mock-up or the one in the actual box now I'm just going to go for the default one because that's the one I like and then once we do that we can go and say mock-ups that we publish to your store so you can go and pick your main mock-up image I'm just gonna go for the rose gold one because I think that looks really nice and then you can go for JPEG or PNG now personally I would say just go for JPEG because as you can see here it makes your store load faster so we can't just go to proceed to description now we will have a look at the descriptions in a bit more detail and later on in the tutorial I'm just showing you how you can actually create the custom product so we'll just leave this blank for now and go to proceed to pricing and then from here you can actually go and determine how much you want to charge now in terms of running Facebook ads you can see here the price of this is 18 pound fifty four twenty three ninety two so it's quite expensive but I think a custom engraved necklace you could easily charge $50 for that especially around Christmastime and Valentine's and also perhaps Black Friday so if we just go increase this by and then what we can do is let's just go and I'm just gonna increase this by let's see just to a nice round number so let's go and increase this by 24 and to P and that makes it $49.99 obviously if you're in dollars then you can go and change this to your currency or you can always do a percentage increase as well and then that way I'm gonna make 31 pounds in forty five dollars profit which is quite a good profit so then after that we'll say published Prada to the store so we're just going to leave that now we all go and create collections at later on as well but generally if you have a personalized product store when you're just dying out you might not have many collections so for example for me creating a store just with personalized phone cases I'm not going to have collections for Samsung in collections for iPhones I'm just gonna have mine all in one so what I'm gonna do now is just go ahead and click on submit to store once you click on submit to store we can't scroll up and you will see that the engraved silver bar chain necklace is being created so just give it a moment to load so now that we have done that our product is available so if we scroll down we will see the engraved silver bar chain necklace over here now what we can do is we can go to view in Shopify over here and once this loads we can actually see that here is the product from a customer's point of view and there is this personalized design button so we can just go and click on personalize design and this is how the customer can actually just go and personalize the product now so when the customer sees the product they can go and type something in like I love you or something wherever you know somebody might want to purchase I love you Jane let's just say something like that and then they can just go and click on Add to Cart so you can see that is how printful allows people to just go and create their own custom personal products now that is just a few products on printful so when you are actually adding them so if we just close this so let's just open this up and we can close this now when you are actually adding products to over here on printful you will just see under the design tab if it allows you to add personalization now not all products will have that so if we go and add in my phone cases now so if we go to accessories and I just add in a phone case so let's start with iPhone cases if I go and add in an iPhone case and then we go to the design tab now over here we can see that we don't actually have the option to add personalization to this so this time we are actually going to have to add an extra app that's are going to allow us to add personalization to this particular product so firstly let's just go and add this I'm gonna go and drop my design in so let's just go and add my design and I can just go to upload so I'm just gonna go and upload this designer with my face on and then I'm just going to go and choose this and now that I have chosen this one over here what I can do is I can just go and click on proceed to mock ups and then once again it's going to give me the option to go for a lifestyle default I'm just gonna go for the default mock ups and then once again if we scroll down it's going to ask me for one JPEG or PNG so I'm just gonna go to the JPEG and click on proceed to description Michael mentioned earlier we will go and have a look at the descriptions of later on so we can't just go to proceed to pricing and then with pricing you can also do a percentage increase so if we go to a percentage increase let's say we wanted to increase this by 1015 we can even go a bit higher than that so let's say I want to make ten pounds on this so let's have a look I'm gonna say I want to charge 25 pounds so let's go for 25 pounds so I make almost 17 pounds profit which is pretty healthy and then we can just scroll down once again publish the product and go ahead and click on submit to store so just give it a few moments so if we scroll down we all see this uploading that product to our store so just give it a moment for that product to actually sync with our Shopify store and once the product has synced we can go and click on view in Shopify and now we can see that we have the product here but there isn't any option for the customer to actually go and upload their photo that gets turned into a vector and printed on the phone case so we need to go and install an app that's going to allow our customer to upload a photo and also you can actually go and add extra product personalization things like for example this design only comes in blue but we could go and add some personalization so the customer can go and pick their background color as well so let's go back to the back end so the short ride dashboard and we will go to apps once again and then from here we will go and click on visit Shopify app store and once the Shopify app store loads we will go and type in product personalized er so just go and type that in and once you type that in we are going to go and scroll down until we see this best custom product options so it's going to be this yellow one with a blue ticks so go and click on this and with this third-party app you do get a free trial but it is $8.99 a month which is not too expensive to allow your customers to actually go and upload images and also go and pick different colors and things like that so this is a really helpful app especially when it comes to creating a personalized print-on-demand store you're going to want to have an app like this so that customers can go and customize their product so we're just going to go and click on add app and then we can just scroll down and click on install app once the app is installed it will say choose a plan to get started so you can just go with the basic plan when you are starting out so I'm just going to go and click on activate and then from here for now we can just go ahead and click on start free trial once you click on start free trial you will see best custom product options and you will see the two products that we just created over here so now we want to go and add a feature to our iPhone case product where we can actually allow our customer to upload an image and also go and pick a different color of their phone case so we just go and choose our iPhone case and now that we have chosen our iPhone case if we scroll down we will see that we have this option of choosing the size which is default but then if we scroll down we will see add virtual options so we're going to go and click on this and then we can just go and click on upload so we can go and name this upload your image and then we can go and go to type and we can go to file uploads and we can make this a required option so that means they have to upload an image in order to purchase the product so we can go and tick this and then go and click on this and then go and click Save so now that we have saved that we can go and click on save and view in my store and then we can go and have a look at how that's going to actually look so if we go to edit Shopify options over here and this is going to bring us over to the Shopify product and then what we can do is we can go and click on preview over here so let's just wait for this to load and now let's go and click on preview and now that the preview has loaded we can see that they can go and choose whichever one they want so they can go in choose their iphone six-plus or their iphone 7 plus or whether one they want and then they can actually go and upload your image so you're gonna go and prompt your customer to upload an image so that is the first part that we have added now what we can also do if we just go and close these we can actually also just go and add an option of adding color swatches in so if we go and add virtual and then we can go this choose color and then what we can do is we can go to color swatches over here and we can go and make this required again and then we can go and add a value so you could go and add loads of different values and let's say I wanted to offer this phone case in a few different colors so I can go and grab some colors from here so I can say we've got the original blue color so I could say that's a one value the original blue so let's just make sure so we can't actually just go and so if you click on the color over here that's where you can actually go and paste the hex in and then this is where you would put the name in so I can go and call this royal blue and then I could go and let's just say I wanted to offer it in red so I can go and once again click on the square paste in my hex color and I can just call this red and then we can go and just pick one more color so let's just say I wanted to offer it in gold so let's just go and pick this and I can go and paste my hex color in here and then I could say gold like this click OK and then click Save and now once again I can actually just go and preview the product so if we go to edit Shopify options and then we can just go and click on preview product and now that the product has loaded once again they can go and choose which one they want so they can go and choose whichever iPhone they wants then they can go and upload an image and then they can also go and choose color as well so that's really easy you can see how this app works it makes it really cool to allow your customer to actually go and personalise their product so now that we have gone and done that for a printful product we will go and actually go and repeat this process with print afire and guten as well so firstly let's go and do this with printer fine so once again we are going to go and click on and then we are good to go and click on visit Shopify App Store once the App Store loads we can go and just type in print if I and just go and hit enter you can then install the print if I tap over here so just click on this and from here we can just go and click on add app once you click on that it will load this page so just scroll down and click on install app once you click on that it will then load this page it will just say sign up and start earning so you can go and sign up if you haven't signed up with quinta file already but I'm assuming if you've ordered in your sample products you probably have already signed up so we can just scroll down and click on sign in once we click on this we can just enter in our email address and password and once you enter this in just go ahead and click on sign in once you click on sign in it will bring you to the printer fire dashboard now over here you can go and add your store name and add your personal data so if you go and click on add store name and you can just go and it should take the store name from your actual Shopify store so you can see here mine's got the personalized pod store so whatever you signed up with Shopify as your store name is it should just go and take that and you can go and change things like your ship from address so over here you can go and change this if you want to so generally they will just go and put it as the default printer fire address so that way if you do have a return product it will get returned straight to printer fire and then you can deal with refunds which is really easy or you can go and put in your own personal custom address if you want to now I just recommend using the printer fire default address and that is the same for printful as well when you sign up for it printful will go and put their address on the actual shipping label so that if the customer does want to return it they return it directly to printful or printer fie and then that way you can just go and organise the refund that way so it's a lot easier so once you do that we can just go back over here and then it will bring you to the my store area so from here we can actually go and add a product to be going click on add products and then once again we can go and pick which product we want so for example if we wanted to go and add the clock again I could go to home and living and then I can scroll down I can find the wall clock over here and then what I can do is I can click on start designing again and I can just do this within Shopify so I can go and add my design I can go to my device I can then go and select the one I created for the clock and just hit open and then we can just go ahead and click on next and then from here is going say to select the main image so you can go and pick this one or this one whichever you like and then you can also go and select the title image crop based color so you could go and choose white wooden black whichever one you want to go and use then we can just go and click on next then from here we can go and change the description again now like I mentioned earlier I will go over the product descriptions in a bit more detail later on in the tutorial so we can't just go ahead and click on next and then from here we can go and change the variants so this is where we can actually go and change our pricing so over here they've got all of the different sizes so what we can do is we can just go and change the profit so if we want to go and just change this we can go and round this up to a retail price let's just say of 40 pounds and then I'll make 17 $99 profit so sorry $40 and $17.99 dollars profit I think $40 for a personalized clock is a fair kind of price so then we can just go and hit next and then from here it will just say store details and we can go and publish product to our Shopify store once again you can go and add a collection so I'll show you how to add collections later on in the tutorial but for now we will just go and hit publish so now that we have published that product with printer fie we can go back to apps over here we can go to our best custom product options app so just go ahead and click on this and then from here we will have the wall clock now so if I go and choose the wall clock over here and now what I can do is I can go and add something to it so we've got color already we've got white black wooden so that's the one around the edge we also have the size so tin each size and then the hands black or white but now we can actually go and add the option for them to upload the image so we go to add virtual option once again we can say upload your image then we can go to type and we can go to file uploads make it a required one hit OK and then once again hit save so now that we've done this what we can do is click save and view in my store and then from here if we just go over to products we will see all of our different products that we have created so far so we've got the engraved chain that I created earlier we've got the iPhone case and we have the wall clock and now if we just go to view on online store and now we can see that the customers have all of these different options and then they can go and upload their image so I can upload an image of their face and then once again you will just turn that face into a vector add it to your design and then you will go and fulfill that order so they have a clock with their personal face on so that's a really easy way to do it with printer fine now finally we will just go and repeat the process with gutten so let's just go and close this now what we can do is we can go to apps over here then we can go to visit Shopify app store and from here we can just go and type in Boonton and then just hit enter and then from here just go and choose the top one gutten over here and then what we're going to do is just go ahead and click Add app once you click on add app it will bring you back over to this page will just say sign up for free and like I said if you are using gutten as your provider you probably have already signed up so we can't just scroll down and go and click on login now from here you can just go and enter in your email address and password and click on login now from here we are good to go and click on product hub over here and then we are going to go and click on Shopify and then we are going to go and enter in our Shopify address so if we go over here I'm just gonna go and copy this where it says personalized pod store I'm just going to copy that hit back over to gutten paste that in there and then go and click on connect once you click on that it will bring you back over to here and we can go and click on install app and then once you do that you will see that your store has been added over here so that's really brilliant so now from here we can go and click on add new product and then we can go and choose our product so let's say once again we wanted to go and use the pit' bandana I can go and pick this and then I can go and pick the shape so let's just say Square and the size as well continue with one SKU and then what we can do is I can go and upload my artwork so I've already got it over here so I'm just going to go ahead and select that and then I can just go and click on continue over here and then once again just click on continue again and then you will see that it is loading the product to your store so just give it a few moments so now if we scroll down we can't go and actually change the pricing so if we scroll all the way down over here we can go and add our profit so it's gonna cost us 590 so what we can do is we can just go and change this customer price maybe let's just say 220 bucks so let's just say we're gonna sell this for $19.99 and then we can see that we make a $14 profit so now what we can do is we can just go and hit publish to stores you will then see that your product has been created successfully so what we can do is we can go back to our Shopify store go and click on products now and then we can see that we have have our pet bandana over here so once again what we can do is if we go to apps we can just repeat that process so if we go over here we can just go and ensure that the customer is able to upload a picture of their dog ready to be cropped and added to the pet bandana so we just go and click on this and then what we can do is scroll down and a virtual option we can go upload your image or you can go and say something like upload an image of your furry friend you know you can go and muck around and play around with it and then you can go and just go for a fart upload make it required and then we can just go and hit OK and then we can go and hit safe so now that's saved once again if we go to products over here and then we can just go and view this in our online store and we can see over here that we have a pet bandana square polyester the size that can go and choose the size and then they can just go and upload the image of their dog that will be cropped and added to the pit bandana now like I said the only thing about the gluten product is that they don't really have any great mock-ups so this just looks like a square design so you would want to have some images of the dog actually wearing the bandana with their actual picture on so that's just going to entice the customer to purchase it more and obviously like I said we're going to want to go and add in some product descriptions in here and also change the actual look and feel of our site in terms of branding and the fonts and the colors and we'll those types of things but that is basically how you can go and create these customizable products using printf I printful and guten as well it's really simple and using the third-party app so the customer can go and upload an image or change the different color that they want and loads of different things like that now with this actual app you can actually go and add in other things as well so if we go in here let's say you wanted to go and in some different other things that you wanted to add to your product to make it a bit more customizable we can go let's just say it for this iPhone case over here and then if we scroll down and have a look at some of the other virtual options so if we go to type you can go and add in some other things like text so let's say for example when you wanted to allow them to add a monogram you could go and add text and then they can just go and type in their initials and things like that so if I was to add text to this one over here and you can say what's the max amount of text so let's say it was initials we could just say let's say 3 if they have a middle name and then the input type is gonna be text you could also change it to a number but let's just say believe it's text for now and we click OK so let's just add in this as well as you could say upload sorry add your initials and then you can go and click OK we can go and hit safe and now if we go to products over here and we go and view this product again so let's just go and have a look at this and now if we scroll down the customer has the option to go and add their initials so like I said you could do go and do a simple monogram type of thing so it doesn't have to be just for phone cases it could be a monogram cushion cover a monogram shower curtain it could be anything so the customer can just go and add their initials and that's what's going to be added so this with this app you can go and create loads of different personalized print-on-demand products and it's really simple so now that i've shown you how you can actually go and create products what we will do next we will go and finish the rest of our homepage and then we will focus a look at how we can actually change the branding of our homepage so it looks a lot cleaner so from here we can just go to online store and then we can just go to customize once the customized area loads we can go and have a look what we've done so far so we've got the hat work session and our first initial part so the customer knows straightaway what the products of they are selling so then we can just go and add a new section so what we are going to do now is we're going to go and add some pictures of the actual products just enticing the craftsmen to go and actually make a purchase so let's go to add section over here and once again we are going to go and add in text column with images so let's go and add that and then over here we are going to go and change it so we're just going to delete one of these so let's just go and remove content for one of them and now we're gonna have it too so what you can have two like that now firstly we're gonna have where it says text coming with the images in our heading we're just going to go and type in get started and then what we can do is we can scroll down and we can go in and our first one so I'm just gonna go and select an image and upload an image and from here I'm just going to go and upload one of these mock-ups that I downloaded from printful earlier so let's just go and upload this one and click OK and now I can just go and click on select and we see we have one over here so what we can do is now we can go and add in a tagline so we can go and say something like personalised samsung case and then in here we can go and say grab all over Facebook print so I'm gonna say face print phone case in in our men's style so you can say something like that let's just put that there and you can say available in different colors simply upload your selfie and let us do the work and then for the button we can just go and type in by now and then we can just go and we can actually this time at a product in so I can go and add in a case in here and that's just going to go and link over to my product now obviously make sure it is the product that you're linking to now you can see here if I go to products I've actually put the Samsung case as the female one and the iPhone case is the male one but you can see the mock-ups this is a Samsung one so make sure that everything is in order so if you're going to go and do an iPhone case make sure that the mock-ups are of an iPhone case but just for the purpose of the tutorial I'm just gonna go and pick the male one with the male one so I can go and choose that over here and then you can go and change the name so you could say something like phone face Samsung case so I could go and put something in like that which is part of my brand name and they can go and see how the product looks over here so now we've got that we can go and add in another one over here so what we can do is if we just close this and this time I'm just gonna go ahead and choose this mock-up over here so we'll just go ahead and click on open and then I can just go and click on select and once again we can just go and do the same thing so we can say phone face iPhone case and then over here in the description parts in the text we can just say all over signature print phone case show yourself off to the world and then I can just say all you have to so let's just go back down here all you have to do is upload an image choose your color and you'll be ready to have a sexiest phone case around so you can go and put something like that now obviously maybe do a bit of research into other websites as to what they kind of have for their captions and maybe some websites that are similar to yours so for example if you're selling pip products you can go and look at pop socks and see what they write in these types of things here but you kind of get the general idea so now we can just go and once again hit by now and then this time I can go and go to products and I can go and just pick this case over here let's just say so now that I've done that I can go and hit save now obviously you're going to want to try it and put a similar amount of text so that the buttons line up equally so what I would recommend doing I'm going to go over here I'm going to go and choose this one again and I'm just gonna go and add in a little bit of extra text in here so if we just scroll down what I can say is something like the ultimate phone case for the modern man so we can just say something like that and now you can see that the buttons line up correctly so we can go and hit save and the really great thing about using the Shopify is that it makes it really easy for everything to look good on a mobile so if we just go and change this to a mobile view once again we can see how I stores it come on a mobile app so somebody comes on they can see it the person holding the phone case over here personalized just for you and shop now and then we have how it works so everything looks good and in order and then we have a get started as well over here so that looks really cool as well so what we're gonna do next we can just go and hit back over here let's just bring this in to full view and we are just going to go now and add in a newsletter section so we're gonna get rid of this newsletter in the footer later on so for now let's just go and add in a newsletter so that people can go and sign up so let's just go and click on add and then we can say subscribe to our newsletter and we can just say something like get information on upcoming promotions and cool news from us so you can just go and say something like that and now we can just go and once again hits safe so now that I have done that the final part I'm going to do is just add in one more gallery of how the products actually get created and people actually using the products for receiving their product so I'm gonna go and add a section and I'm gonna do is I'm going to firstly add something called which text so I'm just going to go and add in a heading of it here this is basically what rich text to text is so if I click Add and then what I can do is I can go and say hundreds of satisfied customers and then we can just go and delete this text in here and then if we go back now we can add another section and we can go and add in a gallery this time so if we scroll up we have the gallery over here and we can just go and hit add now with the gallery I'm just going to go and add in some images that I created so I just go to select an image and upload an image and then from here I'm just gonna go and find the three images that I want to use so firstly I have this one over here so I'm just going to go and use this and click on open so that's gonna be my first one so I'm just gonna go and click on it select and then the next one I'm going to do so I'm gonna go and add in another image so I'm just gonna go and click on select again upload an image and then I'm just going to scroll down and I'm just gonna go and choose this one over here so let's just go and choose that and then this one I'm just gonna go and put a caption over the top of so over here where it says caption I'm gonna say get yours now so that one's got a caption over the top of it which looks really cool and then finally for the last image I'm just gonna have the picture of me actually holding the case so if I go to upload image again and we just scroll down and we have me over here just holding the case so now I'm just gonna go and upload that and once again that just illustrates to the customer how somebody can actually go through the process of receiving the product they upload their image gets turned into a vector and then it gets added on to the phone case so that's pretty cool now if we open it up like this we can see that it fits perfectly so when we are in this view it doesn't fit completely perfectly but when we open it open it up like this it fits perfectly so now we have over here somebody holding the case how it works then we have two options of them actually purchasing the products then we have subscribe to our newsletter and then finally we have hundreds of satisfied customers and people over here actually with the product now in order to create these images over here all I've done is repeat the same process I did for this over here I've just taken a picture of myself and remove the background using remove BG and then over here I've just gone and put a mock-up in here that I have downloaded from printful and just added an arrow in here now when we have a look at creating a Facebook image and I will show you how to actually create these using Photoshop because that is why I used and then over here once again I have just gone and added in the image that the designer sent me on Fiverr and once again I've just cropped out the image of me holding the case and just put the case next to it again so that looks really good so that's how our homepage is looking it's coming along really well so what we are going to do next let's just hit save and we can actually just go and change the branding of our store so if we go back over here and we go to theme settings and I'm just going to go and make this bigger now personally I would say with these types of stores just to keep it simple don't go - over-the-top with the branding so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go to colors and then with sale price and things like that I'm going to go ahead and change everything to black so primary buttons I'm gonna go and change them to black like this just because I think that the color black looks really good and then we have over here if we scroll down secondary labels and borders I'm just going to change to black as well and then if we keep scrolling over here we can go and change certain things so if we scroll down everything should just be looking good so I'm liking that at the moment just how that's looking like I said looks nice and clean and professional so just with the black and the white like that so I like to just keep it simple now with the typography what you can do is you can't go and pick two fonts that go really well together so if we just go over to Google and we just type in Google font pairings and we can go and have a look at different font pairings that are really working well together so let's just go and have a look at this first one over here so if we just scroll down we can have a look at some Google font pairings so let's just scroll down and see we have this one over here I don't really like that doesn't really kind of go with my design so go and find one that you think will actually go with your design so I think railway and robot slap let's have a look at that so if we go back over here so I think it's this one over here and we can go and change this so let's go I have a look at railway so let me just go and type in railway over here so I'm just go and choose that and click on select and the secondary one was robot slab so if I just go and change this I think it was Robo let's just type that in and we've got robot Roboto slap so let's just go and click on select so I like how that's coming together so we can just go and do that so we can go and click on bold product titles as well if you want to so that will make the product titles obviously look a bit better because they will be standing out so now we have it looking like this looking really clean looking really professional and I kind of just like how the stores coming together now what we will do next now that we have gone and added this let's go and actually create a logo for our store so if we go back over here and to canva and we can just go and create a logo so let me just go to my camera dashboard and I'm gonna go and create a logo now so let's just go and add some custom dimensions so this is go for 265 by 90 pixels and we can go and click on create new design and from here I'm just gonna create a simple text logo so if we go to text we can't go to add heading then I can't go and change the font so I can go and change it to the railway front that I'm using I'm just gonna go for railway heavy over here and then I'm just gonna go and type in let's just go and type in the name of the store so we can just say phone face with an e and if we just drag this out a little bit and we can just go and bring this into the center like that so now that we've done that we can just go and download this so let's just go and hit download and now that's downloaded we can just close this head back over up to our store and if we go to sections and go to header over here and then it will say logo image so we can go and click on select we can go upload an image and then over here we can see the one I just downloaded I'm just gonna go and click on open and then we're just gonna vote and click on select and then we can actually just change the logo width so I'm just gonna go and bring this up to something like this so to the biggest size and I think that looks pretty cool so let's just go and click on save now now one thing that you can also do is go and change the color of your typography so actually if we go back and go to colors over here we can't also go and change the color of the typography so if we have the heading links over here I'm just going to change those to completely black just like this because I think that looks a little bit nicer and I'm just gonna leave this gray text how it is so now that we have done that our home page is basically completed now all we need to do is just make sure that those links are all working so what we will do is next we will go and create a collection with all of our different products so then as soon as somebody clicks on shop now it will bring them over to all of the different options of our personalized print-on-demand products and we can't also go and link up all of these buttons over here to our different products as well so let's go back to our Shopify dashboard over here and we can't just go and click on this and from here if we go and click on products and now we can go and click on collections and then I'm just going to go and click on create collection and then from here I can actually just go and change the collection so I'm just gonna change this to personalized phone cases and then I'm just gonna scroll down now you can't add conditions to your collections basically what that means is if a product contains the word so product ad is equal to let's say I could go in here and put in phone case now for me it's bringing up art wall and Dec are from print afire and gluten but let's just say I was to go and put phone case in there then anytime that a product has a product tag or phone case it will automatically be added to this collection so let me just go and add in a product tag is equal to let's just say phone case and then I'm just going to go and hit save so now that we have done that what we can do is we can go and add those products to a collection so right go to all products over here and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go and click on this product and then from here if I scroll down where it says collections I'm just gonna go and add in a collection so I can just go and add in that tank so I'm just going to go and add in phone case and click on add that and now that I have added that this product will be added to the phone case collection so let's just go ahead and click on safe and now we can see that this has been added to that collection so if we go back to collections now and we go to personalized one over here we can scroll down and we will be able to see that the phone case the iPhone case has been added to this collection so if I go to all products once again I'll just repeat that process so if I just go to the Samsung case over here and I can't just go to the tags and just scroll down and I can just go and type in phone case click on add and then click on save and this will be added to the phone case collection now so now that we have done that what we will do is we will go and link up those buttons so let's just go back to the front end of a store so if we just go over here and then if we just go to customize and then from here where it says shop now I can just go and add a collection to that so let's just go and go to collections and we can just go to personalized phone case collection and click Save so now if somebody clicks shop now it's gonna bring them over to the personalized phone case collection so if we just go and open this up like this and wait for it to load and that it's loaded somebody comes and it's clicks on shop now they will come over to the personalized phone case collection and then they will see the two phone cases the iPhone case and the samsung case and they can just go and click on these and purchase now obviously if you have different designs and different phone cases then you can go and create a collection so that people can see all of the different designs that you have so now let's just go back to our home page so we can just go and click on this and it will bring us back to our home page and now we can just go and link up some other buttons so we've got get started over here so if we just go to how it works where it says get started we can go and link that to our collection as well so we just get rid of this we can go to collections and we can go to personalized phone cases then the one at the end where it says by now we could just go and link this to a product so we go to products we could go and link this to the samsung case just so they go straight over to this one over here that they're looking at and once again we can do that for the same for this one so if we get rid of this we can go to products and we can just goo choose the Samsung case so now that we've done that we can just go and link up this getting yours now at the bottom as well so if we just go back over here go to gallery go to this image and where it says get new yours now we can just go and add a link so we're going to go to products and we can just go and add the iPhone case so somebody can just click on this and I'll bring them over to this case as well so then we can just go and hit save so now that we have all of our different buttons linked up we can actually go and change our navigation up here as well so in order to do that we can just go and click back over to our Shopify dashboard and then from here we can just go to navigation and then from here you will see the main menu so just click on main menu and then our firstly we're just going to delete the home one because we don't need that because generally the logo acts as a button to go back to the home page we can just go and remove this then we can just go and remove the catalogue and then I'm just going to go and add a menu item and I'm just go and cool this get started and then I'm gonna go and add in the collection link over here so they go straight over to the collection of our personalized phone faces and just click on add and save menu so now we've done this we can hit this little eye icon just to have a look at how that looks so now we can just see get started over here now you can obviously go and add in more things as you expand your product collection so you could go for bestsellers or you could go for iPhone cases versus Samsung cases so if we just go back over here to the navigation I can go and add in a navigation over here I could go and call this iPhone cases and then I could go and just add in a collection of all of my iPhone cases so I could go and do that so or you could just go and add in a product over here so we could just go and add in the iPhone case over here and here at and then if I go to add menu items I could say Samsung cases so obviously it depends on the type of products that you're selling so if I go to add some some cases over here then I can go to a product and I can just go and add in the Samsung case over here and click on add and then click on safe and that way we're giving the customer the option to just get started so over here I'm just going to change this actually just so it's not in all capitals I think it looks better like this so let's just go and click apply it changes so they can go over to all of our different cases or they can go straight to the iPhone case or straight to the Samsung case let's just go ahead and click on save and then we can't just go and preview that once again so now we can go and see our store so we've got get started iPhone cases Samsung cases so if they click on iPhone cases over here then it brings them over to the iPhone case and they can actually just go and pick that upload the image choose their color add their initials or whatever they want to do now now that we've done that we've linked up all of our buttons let's go and have a look at how we can actually change our product descriptions and make them a little bit more interesting so let's go back to our Shopify dashboard and then we can just go to products and then let's just go and choose a product so let's just go and choose the iPhone case over here and we will just go and change the product description for this so there's a little bit more enticing for our customer and when it comes to writing product descriptions a really easy way to a good product description is to have a look at what your competitors are doing so if I go over to this website called wraps that sells personalized phone cases I can have a look at what they're writing and go and try and change it a little bit but just add in some information that they're using on their product descriptions so firstly we have customized your iPhone 11 Pro with UCO's premium quality hard case and I'm gonna say something like this over here customize your very own personalized phone case with our protective plastic iPhone case so we can just start with that then I'm going to say all you need to do is upload an image that you want to add to your phone case and our designers will convert this into a beautiful graphic the perfect product so the foot the perfect case for gifts or I can say as a gift for friends and family I'm also going to say we are passionate about providing unique one-of-a-kind products and nothing can be more one-of-a-kind than your own face be proud of your uniqueness uniqueness so let's just spell that uniqueness with a personalized phone face iPhone case and then finally I'm just going to go and say our cases are made to order and hand inspected from corner to corner to ensure higher quality products that you can count on so then then I'm just going to go and leave the default one in over here so it says this sleek life in case protection frankly some scratches blah blah blah and also just a bit more information over here so that is how you can just go and write a more in-depth product description that your customers will resonate with a bit more so you can also go and change the title so you can make it related to the actual product so you can see this one over here we can say all over face print iPhone case you can go and say something like that now if we scroll down over here you will notice something where it says SEO now you are going to want to change this as well because you don't want it to be cut off with these three dots over here because that is actually going to hinder your product in the Google rankings now the likely chance that your product shows up high in the Google rankings is very unlikely went because you have started our new store is going to take a lot of time to kind of build up traffic towards your website in order to get it ranked on Google but you can't just go and edit the website SEO over here so you could say something like all over a face print iPhone case you could go and change that to something like personalized iPhone case with face print or something like that but in here you're going to want to change this so I'm just gonna go and get rid of all of this and I'm just going to say something like custom personalized iPhone case simply upload your image and let us create a beautifully unique design and then once again I can just go and pee in our cases are handmade so we can just go and add that in there as well so once we've done that we can't just go and click on save so you are just going to go and want to you are going to want to go and do this for all of your different products that you have so just adding a little bit more in-depth information in your product description so we just go and preview this now we can now see that we have our all-over face print iPhone case they can go and choose it they can go and upload their image they can go and choose different colors they can add their initials and then we have our product description over here and then just down the bottom we also have you may also like which is pretty cool to have as well so now that we have done that our store is coming together pretty well so what we are going to do next we are going to go and create some other necessary pages so we're going to go and create a shipping delivery page a returns and refunds page and a fake use the Terms of Service and the privacy policy and then we will add them to our footer so in order to do that we can't just go back over here and then what we can do is we can just go to online store over here and then we can go to pages and then from here we can actually start going and creating those other pages the first page that we will create is going to be these shipping and delivery page so let's go and click on add page and then from here we can go and add in our page title so I'm just gonna go and add in shipping and delivery and then from here we can go and add in our content so what we first really will do is go and add in a heading so we can't just go in adding a heading one and we're just gonna call this shipping and delivery and let's just make this text centered so over here we go to alignment we can go Center align then if we just tab down we can actually go and add in our information now I will leave a link in the description to this website over here this is another demo store that I have created and you can just go and copy and paste the shipping and delivery information from here into your store so I'm just gonna go and copy this over here so let's just right-click and copy this and then if we go back over here we can just go and paste this in now now you can see we have over here what are my delivery options so over here which says all orders are divided using our worldwide a packet shipping shipping method we can't actually get rid of this so what we can do is we can just say depending on which company you're using to actually fulfill your products so for example if you're using printful when you scroll down over here you can see that they use FedEx DHL DPD USPS so you can actually just go and say depending on which country you are ordering to we offer a number of delivery methods we use reputable careers such as USPS DHL and then we can just go ahead and list them off DHL FedEx and DPD so let's just go put FedEx and DPD so then we can't just go and leave that like that now secondly what countries do you deliver to now generally printful they ship to all countries and they have a warehouse in Europe and they also have a warehouse in the US and either way whichever country that you're shipping to they will ship from either of those warehouses so they ship to pretty much any country now generally as a rule of thumb most places will not ship to these countries here so you might want to just say we're currently deliver to all countries except for the following just in case you never know somebody from one of these countries might try and order is highly unlikely but you can't just go and put that in there now what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to go and copy this and put this at the top because this is gonna be the main thing that people are looking for is how long does the delivery take now over here you can say it is you can see that it says it takes between twenty to thirty five business days now with printful if we have a look over here and like I said because they have a warehouse in Europe and also in the US generally their shipping is the same across the board whether you're also filling to the US or to within Europe or another country so you can see over here it takes seven two to seven business days to create apparel products and two to five four non apparel products and then four to four business days to actually ship it out so generally if your products that you're selling our apparel products you can say that it can take up to eleven business days if we do seven plus four and then if they're not up our products then they are going to be nine business days so what we can do is we can just add these together so we could say six to nine business days if it's an on up our product and six to eleven its if it is an Appel product so because mine's not apparel I'm just gonna say delivery we can take between six to nine business days and I can just go and leave that in there and what I'm gonna do over here I'm just gonna go and add in this as well just so that it all matches up quickly then we can just go and click on save so now that we've can now that we have done this we can go and click on View your online store and now we can just go and view this page so now we can see that's looking right now obviously you can see it's doubling up over here so what we can do is we can just go back over here and we can just go and delete this where it says shipping and delivery so we can just go ahead and delete this heading over here that we have so let's just go and delete that and then we can't just go and leave it like that so now let's just go and hit save and now let's go and have a look at how that looks so once again let's just go ahead lick on View page over here now that looks a lot better so now we can see that we have our shipping and delivery page and it's looking pretty cool now we might want to go and change this text font over here so if you want to go and do that you can come over here so if we just go over here and we can just go and change this font color to black so let's just go and change that to all black and now we can just go and click on save and hopefully that should change to black so if we just go and view page over here and we can see that now the font has gone black black and that looks a lot cleaner so that is our shipping and delivery page so now we can just go and close this page and close this one so let's just go back to pages over here and now we can go and create another page so let's go click on add page and this page is gonna be the returns and refunds page so let's just go and click on type in it return and refunds and then from here we can go back over to this dork store skycap store - the returns and refunds page and like I said I will leave a link in the description to this page - this demo store that I created so you can just go out and copy this information over here so we're just going to go and copy all of this so let's just go and copy this and then we can't just go and we can actually just paste this in here so now let's just go and have a look through this so what is returns policy items must be returned within 14 days of a receipt there must be undamaged items must have all tags attached and being original packaging and then items must be returned to our returns center now if you are using a printful you can actually just go and use their return address so I'll leave a link in the description to this over here and you can go and see that the return address is here so let's just go and click on return addresses and then we will see that we have the returns address over here so this is the US one over here so what we can do is we can just go and copy this so let's just copy this and we can go back over here and we can say it returns address US Center and we can just bold this so this is for people in the US and we can just paste this in here and we can just unbolt this and then we can say Europe Center over here once again we'll just bold this and then we can just go and copy this European address over here so let's just go and copy this and then we can just paste this in and we can unbolt this as well so now we have the Europe address and the US are just now the package that they receive we'll also have that address on as well so if they're in the US they generally should receive a package from within the US now depending on which country let's say they're in Brazil then they're probably going to get it receive their product from the US Center so they'll know that they can return it to this one because that's what will be on their package and let's say they're obviously in Europe then the package will have this on so they'll know to return it to there now with guten you might want to have a look at their shipping returns address so you can just go over to Google and we can just go and type in guten returns policy and we can just go and have a look at their returns address so let's just go and click on this and we can see here that guten actually don't offer a return address the same way that printful do so that's why I do recommend using a company like printful because they actually allow you to ship the product back to them and then try and get a refund for it that way which is a lot better than having to ship the product back to your address and then try and resell it again now also if we go and have a look at printer fire let's just go ahead and type in printer fire returns policy and we can just go and have a look at this as well so let's just go and click on this over here and with printer fire also you can see that they don't offer returns or exchanges so you can go and set up your custom returns and press in it in the printer fire settings but that's going to be your own address so like once black I said before I do recommend generally using printful because they do offer the best customer service overall so what you're going to want to do is then if you are using printer file gutten you will just go ahead and put your own address in here because it's gonna be a little bit more difficult but with any business you're always going to have to deal with refunds that's just the way it is and if you're not looking forward to dealing with refunds and returns then going into e-commerce probably isn't for you so now we've added in the returns address there are a few other things in here so do offer free returns unfortunately not so that basically just means the customer has to pay for packaging for a return well if my product is 40 then I've just put in here contact us so what you can do is we can just go and change this so I will leave a link in the description also to how you can create a free professional email address so I'm just gonna go and say in here contact at so just go and create a free professional email just with contact at your domain comm so that people can go and contact on contact you on that if they do have a problem with their product and then obviously you can then go and return the product to print full print if I or gutten or whichever print-on-demand company you are using to fulfill your product then over here once again we've said how long does the process take so it can take up to 21 days generally when you refund somebody through Shopify is a fairly quick process but just put 21 days just to cover yourself and once again if it hasn't been refunded within those 21 days they can contact you at contact at how can this track the status of their order sort of their return so as soon as return has been receive our warehouse team you'll receive an email and then please note it can take three to five working days for the payment to show in your account so you can't just say something like that and generally over here we have all of the bases covered in terms of returns and refunds so now we can just go and click on save and now that that page is saved let's just go and click on View on your online store and we can see that we have our returns and refunds page now once again I'm just going to change the font to black just to keep the consistency with my store so let's just go back in here and we can go and highlight everything over here and then we can just go to font and just change this to black and then we can't just go and hit save once again and now that that has been saved we can just go ahead and click on view page just to make sure that those changes have been saved so we can see here it hasn't taken place it straight away so I'm just gonna go and try and do that game now obviously when you aren't using any type of technology even things like Shopify some things can go wrong so just make sure you always double-check things when you are making changes on your store so I'm sure to go and let's go and just change this to gray and then back to black like this so let's go and change it to a different color so we can just go and change it to let's say green hit save and then once again we will just go and change it to black so if something similar happens to your store you can just go and do this so now we can change it to black and hit safe and now hopefully that should have changed so now we can see that it has changed to the black color so that looks a lot sleeker in my opinion so now that we've done that we will go back to pages over here and the next page that we will create is going to be an FAQ page so let's go ahead and click on add page and we are just gonna go and type in FAQ now I will go over to this page over here which is the FAQ page on the demo store that I created and I will leave a link in the description to this once again and we can't just go and copy all of this information here so what we can see is we have orders delivery and repeat refunds now for delivery and refunds when we've already covered those on the two pages that we've created so let's just go and copy the stuff from orders so let's just go and copy all of this and then we can just go and paste this here so now we can I'll just run you through all of what this is so do I have to pay it for custom charges on my orders so what we're going to say is an inn where it says skycap that's going to be the name of your store so I'm just gonna go and put in your store over here so all so you're gonna want to change this to your brand name so let's just say personal pod for the sake of the tutorial is unable to determine what customers charges may be applied to overseas shipments and what that basically means is in some countries when they ship an item to that country when somebody goes to pick it up from the post office or whether they're picking up from they might have to pay customs charges on it and what that is basically saying is we as a company are not responsible for those customs charges so you want to go and just copy this and like I said where it says skycap just go and change that to the name of your brand what if I have not received my order then I've just said contact us at contact at so they then they can contact you and then you can go and contact printful and say where is this person's order then also how can I pay for my order and in here I've just said we accept the following payment cards Visa Visa Debit and MasterCard as well as PayPal payment so all of the main payments that you would expect an ecommerce store to accept is it safe to order online yes rest assured we use encryption software to ensure your personal details the name address so that's just making the customer feel safe and helping them to trust your site a bit more now like I said obviously you're gonna want to change this where it says skycap so make sure you go and change that to the name of your actual store can I make changes to my order unfortunately once you have placed your order it's not possible especially what we're saying is once you have placed your order then we've ordered it through printful then you can't go and change it because that's just gonna be a bit of a headache so once they've made the order we've put it plain and clear for them to see that they can't go and just to change their order what should I do if I receive an encrypt or 40 item so I've just said in here you can contact us at contact at and then we can obviously go contact printful and say you've sent them the wrong order or printer fight or gutten or whoever it is and so you've actually sent the one product and try and get a replacement product or go and organise a refund and then can i exchange items unfortunately we cannot process exchanges so that's just going to save you a bit of headache now it's good just to have this faq page just so that you kind of cover your back because you know what customers are like they're always trying to pull a fast one on you and they will go and maybe cause you bit of a headache sometimes but but if you actually have this clearly outlined on your website you can't always go and send them this stuff and say it's clearly outlined on our website and unfortunately these are the terms of our business and that way at least you have covered your back so once you have created the FAQ page you can just go and click Save once you click Save we can just go and actually before we go and view it let's just go and change the front to black straight away so I'm just going to go and highlight all of this and then I'm just gonna go and change this font color to black and then I'm just going to hit save again and now I can just go and click on View page and now we can see we have our FAQ page and that's looking pretty cool as well so now we have created our FAQ page we have a few other pages too quick so the next page that we want to go and create is the privacy policy so go to pages click on add page and then we are going to go and create our privacy policy so let's just go ahead and type in privacy policy over here now what we are going to do is we are going to go and type in a website called get terms I oh and this is a free privacy policy generator so if we just go over here and we can't just go and use the basic one when you are starting out but if you do actually plan on doing this more as a long term business which you hopefully it should be you are going to most likely once you use this ecommerce privacy policy over here so if I just open this up and I will leave a link in the description to this and it's only $30 and that means you will be fully gdpr compliance and your privacy policy will could be completely compliant but like I said if you're just starting out and you're just going and targeting the US then the one over here should be just fine because this is just the basic one but if you are going to be targeting Europe then you probably would want to think about going for the GDP our compliance privacy policy like I said it's only $30 not a massive investment when you are starting out of business just do cover your own back and stop yourself from getting suit so once you are over here on the privacy policy generator all you're going to want to do is type in your website address so if I just go for a personal pod comm personal printer onto mancom and then I can just go and put my company name in so just is going to be the name of your brand so like I said just for the purpose of the tutorial we can go and put this then you can go and put your state on location now generally I would just recommend if you are outside of the United States then just go ahead and put in your country so let's say for me for example I can go and put in the United Kingdom policy effective date we can't just go and put today's date and then we can't just go and choose whichever English we want United States or US doesn't really matter we can just go and click on I agree and understand and then we can just go and click on generate terms now that we have generated the terms the privacy policy will be generated for us so we can see here is our privacy policy over here so what we are going to want to do is go and click on copy to clipboard then we can go back over here and we can just go and paste all of that text in over here so now that we have pasted that in we can just delete this top part over here and then we're just going to want to clean this up so basically wherever you see a line break you are just going to go and want to break this text up for your customer so I'm just going to go and break this up so let's just go I said wherever we see a line break we can just go and break this text up just so it looks a lot easier to read for our customer and then over here at the bottom this is generated by I could get terms - I'll just go and delete this because if the customer sees that they might think it's a little bit weird and that's going to go and actually bring down the trust of your customer which in turn is going to make them less likely to make a purchase so now that we've done that we can just go and highlight all of this once again change the color to black over here and then we can just go and click on save once we click on save once again we can go and click on view on online store and we can see we have our privacy policy over here just outlining everything so that's perfect so now we've created our privacy policy we'll also go and create our Terms of Service so we're gonna go to pages over here and then we can just go ahead and click on add page and we are just going to go and type in Terms of Service and once again if we head back to generate terms I Oh once we generated the privacy policy over here you will see Terms of Service as well so we can't just go and grab this Terms of Service over here and we can just go and click on copy to clipboard head back to our Shopify store and from here we can just go and paste that in now we are going to want to go and clean this up once again because looking a little bit messy so firstly let's just go and delete over here and then what we are going to do we're just gonna bold up all of these headings and just leave a little space between them like this so let's just go and bold these headings up and just add in a space as well so we can just go both this one and also you're gonna notice a few areas where it's just a little bit messy so what we can do is we can just go and clean these up as well so I'm just going to make these in two bullet points so we can just go and make these into bullet points attempt to decompile so that's fine over there and then we can make this one into a bullet point as well and we can just bring that like that so we have our three bullet points over here then we can also just go and leave that like that that's totally fine we can just go and bring that up a couple of times then we're going to change this one to bold and like I said you're just going to want to go and do little things like this because they make your site look a lot more trustworthy so over here where we have it like this we can't just go and clean this up just to make sure that it's all looking okay so that's perfectly fine and then we can't go and bold this and just bring this down and we can't go and bring a space in there as well once again kind of bold all of these headings up and some spaces in and this one as well and then just the last couple of ones so we'll bold this one up and finally the last one over here can it be bolded up as well so let's just go and do that then we can just highlight it all so just make sure like I said earlier as well just delete this generated by get terms dot IO I'm just going to delete that then we can't just go and change this to a black once again let's just change that and then we can just go ahead and click on save and now that page has been saved we can go and click on View on online store and once again we can see we have our Terms of Service and it's looking pretty clean and professional with all of our bolded headings so that's perfect now the last page that we will create is going to be the contact us page this is gonna be a really easy page to create so just go ahead and click on the page I just got to go and call this contact us and then in here we can say if you have any issues with your products or want to find out more information regarding products or the status of your order please feel free to contact us on contact at we can just go and bolt this up and like I said I would even link in description to a video with how you can create a free professional email address for your store and once you do that we can just go and say we aim to reply within three working days so because their business days three business days and you can't just go and leave it like that that's pretty much your contact us page so then we can just go and click on save now with this page once we've saved it I just couldn't again going to go and change this font color to black and with this one I might actually just go and change this so that the front is Center aligned so let's just go and click on save once again and now we can just go and click on View page and there we have a simple and easy Contact Us page so people wings just can just go and contact us at our professional domain so now that we have created all of the necessary pages for our store we are going to want to go and add them to our footer over here so what we are going to do is we can just go back to our online store so just go ahead and click on online store over here and we are going to go and click on customize and once the customize area loads we can scroll down and we can go and click on footer over here now what we are going to do I'm gonna go firstly and change the background color to completely black because that is how I like it I'm gonna go and change the text color to completely white just like that just to have a nice contrast so we have our complete site and the bottom part is just completely black and white just like that now firstly the other part that we are going to delete is gonna be the newsletter because we already have one of those so we can just go and click on remove contents and then what we are going to do is we are going to go actually and now we can go and click on save we are going to go and create a navigation so we can go and create two different navigations so let's just go back over here and we will go and create some menus so from here we can just go and click on navigation and now from here we are going to go and click on add menu now the first menu we are going to go and create is going to be called about so this menu can just go and include our Terms of Service and our privacy policy so just go add a menu item and then we are just going to go and firstly we're just gonna say privacy policy and then we are just going to go and search we can go to pages and then we can just go ahead and click on privacy policy and click on add next one we can just go and add Terms of Service and then once again we can search a page page and then we can just go and find our Terms of Service and just click on add and then we can just go ahead and click on save menu now I'm actually just going to go and change this to just lower case so this is going to change it and save that so now we can go back to navigation so we've created one menu and then we can go and create another menu so now that we've created our about menu we can just go and click on add menu and we are just going to go and call this menu help and then we are going to go add a menu item so the first menu item can be the contact us page because that's probably going to be the page that people will be looking for most so let's just go and click on pages and then we can go and add our contact us and click on add then we will go and add in our shipping and delivery page just go and type in shipping and delivery and then we can just go and search page so go to pages and add in shipping and delivery and just click on add and then we will go and add our returns and refunds so returns and refunds and then we can just go to pages and click on returns and refunds we've got ADD and then finally we can just go and add in our FAQ and we can go and find a page and then just add in our FAQ page click on add and then just click on save so now that we've created our two menus we can go to the online store game and then we can just go and click on customize and we can't just scroll down to the footer over here and what we can do is we can go and add quick links over here but what we are going to do is we're going to change this menu and we're gonna go and change this to the about menu and we can't just click on select and then we can't just go and type in about here and then what we will do next is we will go and add contents we will go and add a menu and then where it says Quick Links we're going to change this to help like this then we can go and change the footer menu once again and we can change this to the help one over here and then finally you can go and add in something else so let's just go and drag this down here you can go and add in whatever you like as your last piece of content so you've got a newsletter sign up you've got text now I recommend just leaving it as text so I'm just gonna go and change this text over here and I'm just gonna say over here I'm just gonna go and add in we can just say something like established in 2015 just to make our company look a little bit more reputable and we can say we have served hundreds of customers since our inception in 2015 we aim to deliver unique beautifully crafted products for every customer you can just go and put something like that in your footer and then we can just go and click on save and now let's just go and view our stores we can go and have a look how it looks on a mobile so we can see it's looking pretty clean we have our logo and then we have the person holding the product also we have personalized just for you with a bit of a caption and they can just go and click on shop now we have the how it works section so we've taken them through the whole process of how they upload their image how it gets converted into the certain design depending on what the design it may be the various different ones I outlined in the beginning of the tutorial and then it how it actually gets put on to the product then we have a couple of products over here that they might be interested in and then finally we have a subscribe area where they can just go on entering their email address and then we also just have the process one more time just to encourage and entice the customer too much and you make a purchase and then finally over here we have the about and we also have the help section no I'm actually going to do is I'm going to go and swap these two around just because I think that customers are more likely going to be looking for the contact our shipping delivery and all of those types of pages and these are going to be secondary pages so when they're scrolling down they're going to want to see this first so now we've done that we can actually just go and have a look also on a desktop it's looking really clean and nice as well and this is just going to make our store look really professional which will increase the likelihood of a customer actually making a purchase and if we go and have a look for go and click on Samsung cases over here then is just going to bring me over to the Samsung case and then over here we have the option for the customer not on this one but if we actually go to the iPhone case we have the options for the customer to actually go and upload their image go and choose their colors add their initials so they can completely customize the product and they can also go and have a look at the product and they can also go and change whichever one that they want as well so now that we have done that what we will do next we will have a look at how we can actually go about fulfilling orders once a customer actually goes and places an order let's just go and click on save and let's go and head back to the dashboard over here and now we can actually go and have a look at what to do once a customer actually places an order on your store so in order to see how we can fulfill a customer's order firstly we need to place a test order now in order to place a test order we are actually going to have to select a Shopify plan first so over here we are just going to go and click on select a plan and then from here we can go and pick a Shopify plan so we can't just start out with the basic plan so we just go and click on choose this plan and then from here you can choose your billing cycle which I'm just gonna go for the default billing cycle and then we're gonna scroll down and click on credit card as my payment method and then I'm just gonna go and click on add credit card and add in my payment details once you have entered in your card or payment details just click on confirm once you have done this we can go and click on start plan now don't worry you won't be billed until your 14 day free trial ends and if for whatever reason you choose you no longer want to continue with your free trial you can always cancel this at any point so now that we have selected a plan where I can actually go and run a test order so in order to do this we're going to go and click on settings and then from here we can go and click on payment providers and then once payment provider loads we can scroll down and click on choose third-party provider over here and then from here we are going to go and type in bogus so we are going to go and activate this bogus gateway which will allow us to go and run test orders on our Shopify store so just go and click on this and then we are just going to go and scroll down and click on reactivate for testing bogus gateway now your might just say activate for testing because I've already activated this previously so you're on will probably just say activate so just going to go and click on this for now so now that we have activated the bogus gateway we can actually run a test order so let's go and click on the I icon so that we go over to the front-end of our store and now we can actually go and run a test order so if we go and click on shop now over here and then we can go and choose a product so I'm going to go over here and pick this product and then I'm going to go and choose some things for this product so I'm just going to go for the iPhone limit I'm going to go and upload a file so let's say I am the customer and I want this to be printed on my phone case I'm going to go and grab this and click on and then I'm gonna go and choose a color and also gonna add my initials to the phone case and then click on Add to Cart so now that we have added that to the cart and I've also got another one over here I'm just gonna go and click on checkout once you click on checkout you can go and fill out the checkout information so I'm just gonna go and enter in my email address and my shipping address and once you have entered in some dummy information in here we can just go and click on continue to shipping so now that I have gone and click continue to shipping you will see this Europe flat rate which is generated by printful so they've recognized that the address is in Europe so they're going and charging the Europe flat rate so you can see is 255 now if you're in the US it will probably say US flat rate so now we can go and click on continue to payment so now we need to go and enter in some bogus card details so what we are going to do for the number of the actual card we can't just put a 1 which will simulate a successful transaction now the name on the card we're going to go and type in bogus gateway and then the expiry date can be any dates in the future so let's just go oh 720 for example and then the security code just needs to be three digits so we can just go click on 1 1 1 and now that we have gone and done that we can't just say same as the shipping address for the billing address and we can go and click on pay now it will then say your order is being processed so just give it a few moments and now we can see that it says thank you Bob and the order has been made so if we go and click on continue shopping it will just bring us back to the store so now that we have gone and run that test order if we go back to the backend of our store we can go and click on orders over here and now we can see that we have this order that was made just now and is unfulfilled so now if we go and click on this order over here and now we can see here is the order that the customers made and we can see the image that they have uploaded so this is the image that they want to be printed on their phone case or whatever the product is that you are selling so what we can do is when we click on this image it will actually download as a web P file so this is basically just an image that you can view through the internet now what we're going to want to do is we've downloaded it now I want to convert it to a JPEG so what we will do is we'll just open a new tab and we will just type in web p2 JPEG so web P file - JPEG and you're going to want to click on this first link over here so convert yoco and we will leave a link in the description to this website as so you're going to go and click on this and then what we are going to do is we are going to go and convert that file that we downloaded into a JPEG image so just go and click on choose file and now we can see here is the one that I've downloaded so I can't just go ahead and click on open and then once we do that we can't just go and click on convert once you have converted the image to a JPEG you can just go ahead and click on download so now that we can see I have downloaded the image as a JPEG so if I go and click on open and now we can see the image that the customer has uploaded and we have downloaded it so now that we have retrieved the image from our order what you would want to do next is go over to 5r so let's just head over to Fiverr and then once you head over to Fiverr all you're going to want to do is then find your designer so the one you originally ordered from you're going to go and contact them and just say you send them the image that you just downloaded and say can you convert this once again into whatever the design is that you picked so let's say it was this one I can go and contact this designer and say can you convert this image into my Disney style version so then it's going to take a few days for them to actually go and do that then they're going to send it back to you and once again all you're gonna do is go and open your illustrator file so the one with your design in so if I just go and open this so you can see over here I've got my illustrator file ready and in the illustrator file all I have is this design over here so once the designer sends the design back to me of the converted JPEG into the actual picture I can just go and delete all of these and just redo it for the customers one so once we've done that we can just go and convert that back into a picture like this so like I showed you in the beginning of the tutorial you're going to go and create the design then you're just going to go and convert the designs are just going to export it to a picture like this so once you have gone and done that it's really simple so what you can do then is head back over to your store and then from here we are going to go and just open up apps in a new tab so right click apps and click on open in a new tab and what we are going to actually do is just go and fulfill the order now so we've gone and created the design in Illustrator might take you a little while to go and actually do that and then once you've done that like I said you've exported the file of the customers design you can go and head over to here click on whichever one you're using so let's just say we're using printful we can go and click on this and then from here we can go and click on new order and then we're going to go and choose a basic order so click on create your or and then we can go and choose our synced product so they ordered this one over here so we can go ahead and choose this and then after that we can go and choose the one that they've choose chosen so if you do forget you can always come over here and have a look so you can see they've chosen the iPhone 11 so I can't come back over here and choose the iPhone 11 so I can go and click on choose on iPhone 11 and now what we are going to want to do is just go and change the design so we can go to design and then we can go upload file and then let's say this was the one we just created in Illustrator with the new design of the person's picture that they uploaded we can just go and to choose this now and then it's going to go and print this on here then we can go and click on continue and then asked once we click on continue we can just go and scroll down and click on continue to shipping and then after that all you're going to do is entering their shipping details so if we scroll down over here we can see this shipping address so we can just go and enter all of that in and then click on calculate shipping so let me just go ahead entering that information so now into the customers information in I can just go and click on calculate shipping and then it's going to say flat rate again so what we can do is we can go and click on continue to review and then from here we can just go and pay for our order and that's basically it you can just go and hit complete order and then that will be shipped out to the customer now it is fairly long-winded to go and go through this process so we are going and extracting the image first from here so we're downloading it converting it to a JPEG heading over to 5r then they're gonna go and convert it into a vector then we are going to go and open up our illustrator file and then once we're in an illustrator file we are going to go and just paste the vector image in that our file designer sends us until it is looking good then we can export it into the design head back over here go into print 4 and just go and fulfill the order now like I said that's probably going to take you a few days to actually go for full orders like that and when you're starting out you're going to be doing this manually that's the only way it can be done unfortunately but what you can actually do eventually is you can go and hire somebody on file up work when you're in the beginning obviously you're going to be fulfilling all of the orders yourself but that is part of running a business you're going to have to put and effort into doing these types of things and you might have to stay up late fulfilling all of these orders creating the designs and converting all of the images and sending them over to designers and things like that like I said it can be a lot of work and effort but once you actually start getting a lot of orders in and your business grows you can just go over to filer and you can find somebody who will just do Shopify fulfillment for you so you can go just type in Shopify or fulfillment and what these people will do for you you can go and explain the whole process to them and then they will just go and do it for you so they will go and fulfill the orders in terms of they can go and actually go create the designs on your illustrator so you can just send them your Illustrator file the one of the default design and then just say I want you to go and paste all of the vector images in for me and just export them and then go over to printful and actually just go and enter in all of the customers information so you can actually go and explain that to them and you could probably pay somebody to do this fairly cheaply so you can see over here I'll be your Shopify customer service and odourless this is for Oberto but you can actually go and find people that would do it probably artwork is a bit better because you can actually be a bit more specific about what you want but like I said in the beginning when you are fulfilling the orders you kind of want to be doing this manually so let's say you're getting 10 20 orders a week then that's going to go and take you around sort of 10 hours a week to actually fulfill the orders but like I said if you aren't willing to go and put the effort in to grow your business then this probably isn't the business for you but you can actually make a massive amount of profit using this business model because it's very unique to the customer you can go and create unique designs obviously like I said the fulfillment process isn't 100% streamlined as if you were to use an app where you can just hit it and it would do it for you because you have to go through the process of actually creating the designs getting the images done and then going to go and create the design on illustrator export it and then put it in put to printful and enter in the customers information and all that types of things but like I said once your business grows then you can actually pay somebody hire somebody extra to do this maybe for a couple of hours a week and that's then going to go take that pressure off of you from actually fulfilling orders and then you can go and focus on other things to do with the business now that is basically everything for the tutorial in terms of actually creating the store and fulfilling orders we will just go very briefly over shipping as well now like I said generally printful do actually just generate the flat shipping rate so if we go over to shipping over here and then we can actually see that we have the printful shipping rates in here so generally I would just go and stick to those they're not too expensive and they're just going to go and cover your shipping rates when you actually go and purchase the product through print for printer file gutten whichever one you are using you can go and just use their one so that is what you can do with shipping and in terms of payment providers if you go over to payment providers over here what you can do is you can just go and link your PayPal account over here so PayPal Express Checkout and that way when somebody pays to PayPal it will go into your PayPal account and you can also go and activate Shopify payments so if you go ahead and click on activate Shopify payments and I go and click on this and then from here it is just going to ask you a few details and then it's going to go and ask you to enter in your banking information so for me because I'm the UK is asking me for my salt code and account number now if you're in the US or another type of country then it will ask you the most applicable information to link up your bank account then you can start getting paid through Shopify payments now like I said that is it basically it a few other things that I might have to show you is discount codes over here so you can go and create a discount code maybe if you want to run a promotion on Black Friday or on Christmas or January sales or any type of promotion you can go and create a discount code so we just go and click on create discount code over here and then we can just name this so let's just call this Black Friday and then we can make this a percentage or a fixed amount so if it was a percentage you could go and make this a 10% discount and then you can just go and click on save and you can also apply it so it applies no minimum requirements so they don't have to spend 50 pounds or $50 to get this off your price to the entire order then who is it eligible to it could be a specific set of customers if you wanted to do that but generally you're just going to want to make these discounts applicable to everybody and then you've got usage limits over here so limit number of times the discount can be used in total so let's say you've only got a hundred discount codes and then it runs out or you can limit to one per customer which I definitely recommend because you don't want customers using the discount code over and over and over again and then you can also set the start and end dates ELISA was just for the week of Friday you could just go and set the end date after that so once Black Friday has finished so I could just go let's say and set this for a week and then you can just go and click on save and then you have your Black Friday discount codes you can go and advertise this in certain places so basically that is the entire tutorial on how you can set up a personalised print-on-demand store now like I said is gonna be a lot of work trying to set up this all a business but the profits that you can make are really amazing because the products are so unique and all of the different types of products that you have available to actually print pictures on that I explained in the beginning of the tutorial this is what makes this a really unique business model you don't just have to go with the phone cases or with socks there are so many different types of products that you could focus in on and create a niche and grow a brand around now the next part of the tutorial extra and I'm gonna just show you how you can create really simple Facebook ads using Photoshop and these are just going to be simple image Facebook ads that you can use if you do want to actually start advertising your store a bit more in-depth so for those of you that do have Photoshop and are looking to go and create Facebook ads for your personalized print-on-demand store I'm just going to go and give you a quick demo of how you can create some easy ones so firstly its gonna go and click on create new and we are going to go and create a square ad so we can just go 1080 by 1080 pixels and click on create then your I've just got to go and click on OK from here we do have a blank canvas now initially what we can do is we can create a few different and creatives so I'm just gonna go and show you how to create a few different ones really easily so the first type of ad creative we can create is with an image of the actual customers selfie or the picture that they might upload to the actual store so if we just go and drag this on here and then we can just go and make this the size of our canvas so let's just go and make this this big like this so like I said this it might be the picture that the customer actually upload that they want to be added to their product so in my case the phone case and then what we can do is we can just go and find the phone case so I've just gone and loaded the mock-ups from printful so let's just say this one over here then I can just go and drag this on here as well and I can just go and twist this maybe make it a little bit smaller so if we just make this a bit smaller so if you just go and hold shift and you can go just make it smaller so it doesn't distort so when you hold shift like that and then we can just go and add that's in here so you could go and add it in the top here like this or you can go and we could twist it so I want to go ahead and play around with it we could go and add it in the corner over here so that's a really easy way to go and do it so let me just make that a bit bigger so that's just good and that's in there now what we can do is we can go and add an outline around this so what we can do is if we hold ctrl and actually go and select this phone case image and then you'll see this sort of dotted line around the edge then what we can do is we can go to select modify and we can go to expand and we can just expand this by 10 pixels and then if we go and change this color to white let's just go and change this to white so that's six s just type that in there and then we can go and add a new layer so if you go and click on this little button here that looks like a little page that will add a new layer you want to drag this layer up below the layer of the phone case image then hold alt and backspace and now you can see we've just got that white line around the edge now also why I have done is just gone and got a picture of a curved arrow from Google so I've just typed in curved arrow PNG and I've just downloaded this one over here and a PNG just means it's got no background in so we head back over to photoshop and if I just go and get this arrow so if we just go we can just go and put this in here and then we can just go and twist this around so we'll just go and twist this and we can just go and flip it like this so we can just stretch it out like that make it a little bit smaller and then we can just go and twist it like this and you can easily just go and do something like this so that looks pretty cool and then we can just go if we double click on this arrow so let's just go and click on this just on the side here and then it will bring up this effects over here and then we can just go and add an outer glow so you can go and change the color so if we're going click on outer glow and they can go and change the size so you can see as you change the size it kind of just close a little bit more you can also change the spread as well so you could do something like that so right now maybe that's got a bit too much glow but you kind of get the general idea now if we go and zoom out of this so we can kind of see how it would look on Facebook so I'm think I'm just gonna go and change this a little bit so we can kind of see how it would look on Facebook like this so we've got the image over here of the person and then we're just showing how it's being transferred from the person straight over to the phone case over here so that's just one type that we can do now if we just go to file and we click on new once again and we can go and create another one and this time we can do it without a background so that we can kind of just have a few different ad creatives ready for Facebook so once again we are going to go for 1080 by 1080 and click on create and then now this time we will go over to the website remove drop BG that I showed you earlier so we can go and click on upload an image and I'm just gonna go and upload the image of my sister over here so let's just go and upload this image once again and this time we can't actually just go and crop out the background of this image so now that we've done that we can see that the background is cropped out now you can go and edit this just to get rid of you can see these earrings over here they look a little bit funny so we just go on edit over here and then we can actually just go and erase so if we click on the eraser and then we can just erase these earrings like this and if we'll make this brush a little bit smaller you can go in erase the earring over here as well so let's just go and erase that and just this tiny little bit over here now you can't always go and zoom in as well if you want to so you can go and zoom in and I can just erase that so let me just undo that so let's just click on restore this bit over here but you kind of get the idea you know it needs to be you can go back like this so I click back then I can just be a little bit more careful with it when I'm erasing it so you can see I'm don't have a very steady hand so generally I usually just pay somebody to do this on Fiverr but if you do want to do yourself you can just be a bit more careful so you can see and then we can just get rid of this over here now once you've done that you can just go and download the image so you just go and hit download then once you download it what we can do is we can just make a square so we could just make a big square like this and we can go and change the color of the square so let's just say we wanted to change this to a kind of vibrant yellow so let's just go and click on that so new we go for let's have a look this yellow over here let's see what that looks like oh maybe this so let's just go for this for now and then what we can do is once again we can just follow the same process now I've just downloaded that image so let me just go and find the one without the background here it is so we can't just go and put that in there and then we can just bring this into the corner and we can just drag this make it a bit bigger so we could go and make it around that size and then once again we can go and actually put an outline around this so if we go and hold ctrl click on the actual image so then we have this dotted outline once again go to select modify expand click OK and then we can go and expand it with this white layer so we've added a new layer once again drag the layer beneath this layer then hold alt and backspace and we can see we've got this white around it now if we double click this layer and then once this comes up we can actually go and add a drop shadow so if I just go and click on drop shadow and then I just tick this and you can see over here I've got size 20 spread is 5 distances 5 and the color of the drop shadow is black and if I go and click OK on this we can see there's a sort of shadow around this now which makes it look really cool so now we can actually just go and I'm just going to add in the picture of the case again so let me just go ahead and pick a phone case so this time I could go and add in this phone case like this so I could go and do this and just twist it like that once again so let's just go and bring it around like that so you don't really want things to be restricted so you can see over here that some parts of this is restricted so why would want to do is go and maybe move it into the corner like this so let's go and do that and then once again we need to do is it just go and drag our arrow on so let's just go and find the arrow so we're going to drag this in here and then once again I'm just going to drag it this way so let's not make it too distorted and then we can make it a bit smaller we can rotate it and we can just go and do that and let me just go and confirm this and then once again if I just double click on this I can just go and add an outer glow maybe to it so let's go and see how that looks or you can't always go and add let's see what if we can add a stroke to it so I've added a stroke so now it's just quite kind of a white outline around it now I'm just going to go and make sure that this is actually underneath they lay up one over here so that the white is like that and then now if we go and have a look on Facebook that really kind of stands out with the yellow background we've got the picture of the phone case and the same picture that person's uploaded so that makes it look really cool and we don't even have to include any text because people know automatically what we're trying to get at this picture printed on here and then within our actual Facebook ad copy we can just write personalised printed or personal custom printed phone cases and something like that so I thought I would just do this quick tutorial on how you can create these simple easy Facebook ads like this so that just to give you that little extra edge when you actually start advertising your store so hopefully you have enjoyed this tutorial make sure you give it a big thumbs up if you have and share it with your friends and family if they want to go and start a business like this and hopefully I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 193,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Personalized Print On Demand, Print On Demand, Print On Demand Full Tutorial, Print On Demand Shopify Tutorial, Personalized Print On Demand Tutorial, Print On Demand Complete Tutorial, Full Personalized Print On Demand Tutorial, Shopify Print On Demand, Shopify Personalized Print On Demand, Custom Print On Demand, Print On Demand With Printful, Prind On Demand With Shopify Tutorial, Complete Shopify POD Tutorial, How To Build A Print On Demand Store
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 57sec (11937 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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