Apple Motion: Word Cloud Tutorial

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hi this is simon from tokyo productions and welcome to another tutorial for motion 5 and today we're going to be looking at creating this word cloud effect [Music] [Music] okay so let's get started first of all I'm going to come over and I'm going to import my image that I'm going to be using for this project let's have a quick look at our project properties its 1920 1080 24 frames a second and it's six seconds long okay so the first thing we need to do is create a some text so I'm going to come to objects new group select my text tool and I'm going to type the word forest let's increase the size to around 100 as central line it come to its properties transform reset parameter okay so we need to make an array of words and to do that we're going to come to object replicate then it gives us this rectangle filled with our word so if we've got our adjust item tool turned on and we've got our overlays turned on we can use the controls here to adjust the size and position of the rectangle something like that so it's more or less covering our girl here okay I'm going to set the arrangement to random film and let's increase the number to 150 and now there's just one thing I want to make sure what we do here is we would really want to make sure that her eyes and her mouth are covered by our words so an easy way of doing that is just to click on the replicate seed button until we've got that actually one click has done it for me there but you might need to do it a few more times there you go right so how is this effect work I'm going to take this replicator I need to right click add image mask and I'm going to use my forest girl image here drag it into the source well here and to here what's a source Channel I'm into selected luminance and you can see that we've got the basis of the effect I have selected luminance here but we could also try some of the other channels and you can see the difference that that makes so that's red that's green and that's blue and I think I quite liked that sort of look that I'm getting off blue so let's stick with that the other thing we can do is we can select our image here we can come to filters color correction levels and if we wanted to increase the intensity of the effect we can crunch down the whites like that crunch the blacks a bit because this is a sort of fashion based thing I think we want to keep it nice and sort of soft something like that so nice bright whites but not too heavy blacks and maybe just get the mids to sit up a little bit as well now I also want to point out there are two different ways in which we can look at this effect I'm going to be going with this one but I just wanted to quickly point out what the other one is so I'm going to select my forest girl right click duplicate let's just remove that levels because we don't see that and let's just turn her on and then let's right-click and add an image mask to her let's remove the image mask from the replicator and then let's use the replicator as the source for the image mask for the girl and that way we get a full color version of this and that's quite nice it's particularly nice if we add in a background so let's try doing that object new group add object generators image generators color solid let's select that group let's come to object centre-back and select the color solid click on here and let's select a color something like that you can see that's kind of quite interesting different colors give very different results we could go for this nice salmon pink for example so there you go that's the alternative way of doing this I think we're not going to get with this I think we're going to go back to our original plan so let's undo all that to remove this here let's add our image masks back to our replicator then let's add our color corrected forest girl to that and again let's select blue as the source channel and we just need to remember to turn this group back on again replicator group and what I'm going to do is I'm going to call this replicator lower next thing I want to do is I want to look at animating it on and off so to do that we're going to come to behaviors replicator sequence replicator so the parameter that we want to influence is opacity because it's a fade effect and we want to set the sequencing to from because we want to come from zero opacity so so they passed it down to zero sequencing to fron and you'll see that the words grow and fill out the image so that's all happening a little bit slow so I'm going to come to frame 50 down here on the timeline and with my sequence replicator selected I'm going to come to mark mark out and that shortens the sequence replicator so it's just running for 50 frames so our animation animates in over those 50 frames let's call this replicator sequence in and then right click duplicate and let's call this one sequence out so the second one we're going to stage the sequencing from from 2 to so we want to fade down to zero opacity and we just need to come to the end of the timeline and with this sequence out selected we want to come to Mark move selected edge point you'll see down here that that's moved that sequence out behavior so it ends at the end of the project there and so now it grows in and it grows out so you'll notice it's growing in alert from the center and the reason for that is that our replicator has got an origin and it's by default it's set to that we could for example set it to upper left and then you'll see that it grows in from the upper left and then grows off in the opposite direction so you might want to have a play with that but we also want to do is we want to come down here to the scale randomness and let's set that to something like a hundred so we have different sized words and I think that's just a little bit more interesting so the next thing I want to do is I want to layer this up so this is my lower layer and I'm going to right click duplicate and I'm going to call this one middle then I'm going to right click duplicate good call this one up on so my upper layer went well open the position so I can get to the Z position and I want to set these Zed position to 200 and middle layer will leave where it is and the lower layer we're going to set to minus 200 what we also want to do is we want to mix up these replicators a little bit so we can do that by coming to their replicators seed so I've got the layer selected there I'm going to hit hit the replicator seed and it gives us a different arrangement of those words there let's do the same for upper get that a few times like that don't forget we can also just adjust the size if we want let's increase that one out just a little bit like that just so we've got something a little bit different right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a camera and you'll be able to see the reason for my having offset those layers so add object camera switch to 3d let's make our background 2d let's turn off this extremely unhelpful inset view and now let's just add some animation to this camera so select the camera behaviors camera let's add a sweep behaviors camera let's add a dolly let's set the dolly distance to 250 that's zooming in on it the sweep we're going to set these starts to minus 15 and the ends to plus 15 we're going to call that sweep why we're going to duplicate it right click duplicate we're going to call this one sweep X so what you're going to change the access from swivel Y to tilt X and I want to start at 0 and 15 is a good end let's turn off this 3d overlay get rid of that grid let's come back to the beginning and let's press play another thing you can see that we've got some interesting parallax on those three different text layers it would help if we had a little bit of variation in the words so I'm going to select my original Forest text there I'm going to right click duplicate and I'm going to type something like fragrant to fit with our fashion theme and let's add this word to our upper layer for example so let's add that to that upper replicator replicator cell there and call this one fragrant so we know we've done that there we go so now we've got forests and fragrant we might also want to just change up the direction of these animations so let's select the ler and head let's have lower right for that and maybe for the middle let's come back to selecting Center see how that will plays so that's kind of quite interesting so another thing we can do is to select our upper layer here come to properties and let's just turn on drop shadow and see what that does let's open up the controls are not going to set the opacity all the way up to 100 so we can see it a little bit more clearly and now we've got this rather interesting textural effect there let's do the same thing with middle drop shadow let's turn the opacity up to 100 you might not want it for something like this but something that's more sort of newsy it might work nicely gives us more of a sense of depth and I think that's quite nice so there's one other trick I want to show you and this is a really interesting one and probably something you haven't yet come across in motion the moment were just using two different word sources for our text but what if we wanted a more interesting network of words I'm just going to turn off upper and lower and let's focus on middle so we can see how this new effect is going to work I'm going to come to the top here I'm going to come to objects a new group let's make this group 2d I'm going to come to add object generators text generators and we're going to select File and if I come over to the generator tab of this file you can see this is asking me to load up a file and the file that is asking me to load up is a text file so over in text edit which is obviously a little application that you have in your Applications folder I've made this word list less twelve words in there and I've saved it out as word clouds text and what I can do is I can navigate to this file and we can use it as our source text and the only important thing to notice is that each word is separated by a carriage return okay so let's minimize that let's come to file come to browse and let's browse to our word cloud text open it up and let's just solo this group so we can see what's happening and to come to the format for this let's just reset that size to a hundred as before let's Center align it and I want to show you what happens if I press play so what this is doing is its cycling through the words in my list we could cycle through them at random by hitting the random button but that's not really important for our purposes we can leave that off okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this as the replicator cells source for my middle layer so I call this one file so we know we've used the file for that and I'm going to take my file generator and I'm going to add it to the particle cell like that and let's unsolo that layer turn that off and now you can see that we're getting the word that are being spat out by that file generator but if I press play you can see that those are cycling through the words and that's not what we want tall we want to be using that to grid array of different words so in order to do that we're going to come to our replicator here here under cell controls we're going to turn off play frames and instead we're going to select the random start frame button there turn that on and now I think you can see that I've got an array of different words all being generated by that file and that's pretty cute we could update that file and these words would update accordingly now you might be tempted to use this on all three layers but I would recommend that you don't I think you'll probably find that motion grinds to a halt very quickly if you try that so that's why I had these other two layers let's turn them back on I just used a single word for those so there you go now now we've built this all up what we can probably do is we can finish all down a bit so we started with a hundred and fifty points for everything so a my upper layer I think I'll reduce to 50 points my lower layer also let's reduce that now down to fifty points so we get more of a sense of these varying words from our middle layer and maybe let's just increase the width of our middle layer so those words stand out more maybe reduce the width of the other two layers because we really just want these two helpful in the center and also help give us that parallax effect so let's come down to our color solid and have a look at that maybe e/m let's go for something much darker on that and we'll notice is that there's an edge of the top here you can probably see and that's because we need to increase the size of our image just a little bit our girl here let's just come to her scale increase that so that's a little bit larger I've also done there is I've shown you what it's like if we really increase that Y sweep a lot I've gone for 6 mm let's go for 45 or something you can see that that reveals very clearly our three separate layers and that's quite quite an interesting way to possibly bring this on or off or whatever and there's one more thing I wanted to point out which is that we can very easily change the color of this if we come to color correction colorize add that to that group there now we can remake this any color we like so really from this point it's over to you to see what you can do with this effect I hope it's been an interesting tutorial thanks very much indeed for watching [Music]
Channel: Simon Ubsdell
Views: 93,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: word cloud, motion, apple, tutorial
Id: NVO-ezWhPgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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