HOW TO: Edit your footage to the beat! FINAL CUT PRO X

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yeah what's going on picture boy mr. Jethro aka Jonathan Lewis aka he what everyone harm but today we are going to learn a very very basic trick a very basic tool that is right inside Final Cut Pro 10 how does the footage to the beat to make it look so dope and it's so easy to use that I needed an almost every project that I have going to have a sick be produce it amateurs use it but today you guys are going to learn how to do this very very easily once you get up on this technique you are not going to go back it's too easy so stay tuned and you will see how to do it right [Music] okay guys so as promised we're going to get right into it I'm going to dive into Final Cut Pro 10 boom we're going to open it up we're going to make it to its loading process and as you can see we have absolutely nothing loaded right so my library that an update itself to Ramona and boom we're going to make the smokescreen and we're going to go to a project that I think I think I'm a lucky musical isn't after softball but I don't think that Dale has opted for the button very sick footage today of it from aliens Laura's wedding so Alan Dara I know and asked you but I don't think getting them probably get together super dope so we're going to dive right into that so we're going to go straight to their stuff right here we're gonna go from day one okay so they had a three day wedding and that's not the point video we're gonna get ready okay you can open your timeline I'm going to make a new project on the right click on the footage that you want to use from I'm going to right click new project okay I'm going to open this if you're doing 14 you're going to type in 4k in the resolution they're going to do whatever you could be right here I'm the single call it um cutting it up cutting is up home I'm going to make it a 1080 resolution 24 P frame home yeah this is how I comment to look like cool okay so now this is you know the magic happens based so you're going to go over you're going to go to your music that you want to use I'm going to use this one because I have a lot of snares it has a lot of a lot of stuff that I like okay to make this effect look really good so did you want to be sounded [Music] okay I like to dance but that's not about that that's not what we're here for today so when you're going to direct that song that music into your timeline okay guys that's the first step you want to drag it into a timeline and hopefully you guys I'm assuming that we want to get this point right now okay now I'm going to go back to footage again go backwards I found here please drop me down not look so confusing that is cool so now we're going to be working a dark out so this is just assuming that this is where you want to get your food is fun to make practice now using this icon here you're going to make your you're going to expand your timeline so you can see what you're doing dance you can see the beads you could be all the cuts you can see where it drops exterior goes back up you can see everything done to expand assignment now the first thing you want to do first step step number one is to this is how I do this okay I know there's thousands of ways to do it this is how Johnson productions does it there's no right way there's no wrong way at all there's no way this is how we do it okay I right click on song and I go all the way down and you lift from storyline so you're lifting the song from the storyline you pit click boom when you lift the song from I either spider it when you pick the song from the storyline you're going to be presented with this great box that is not over your ear your song over your people here or whatever a what you're going to do now you're going to hit function and back so now you're going back to the beginning of the timeline back to the start of the song what you're going to do at this point it's very key because this is basically the first step of getting the effect to work you're going to hold command boom you're going to hold command so right now my hand is on command key and I'm going to play the song wild holding command okay not for every single time that I want to make a cut in the beat or that's where I want to make the cut of the footage to insert my ignite but I'm going to show you in back without soon but for every time you want to make a cut for every time I'm going to make a cut you want to hold you want to hit E e means blade be sent for blade okay you want to hold command and hit be for every time you want to make a cut in your footage okay let's see let's see how folks gonna happen when I do that display [Music] every single time I've heard the beat drop or I heard it make a thick cut that I want to make a hit beat while building to mass this so now when you do that and I represented with a very chopped up very box over your beat and these boxes boom boom boom all these represents at times that you're going to put switch in which also represents cut in the footage right on beep okay so now what you're going to do is you're going to go over to your footage so going off to the chair got footage there what you're going to do is you're going to scroll you're going to skim through your clips to see what part of the clip do you want to put onto the timeline now for example I want to use this entry to it okay I'm going to put it over into the boxing type first cut and I'm going to let go of it and it's going to ask me we these four questions you want to replace acquit you want to replace on the start you want to replace on Android you want to replace replace with three-time to fit and what you want to do is choose the second option option number two which is good replays from start okay that's that's the best one to choose good you can choose other ones but it kind of will mess up what the order it will mess up the feel of this ex-gay because if you want the end of the put you replaced on the end but if you're skimming through and that is the section of the clip that you want to put in you go to replace from star okay see that the clips that you're going to be putting over the timeline off you're going to be over music so to make it even quicker as go over here and I click this drop down menu then I pull it on select video only so not honest it's not going to bring in the video click and the audio it's only going to bring in the video clip itself so that's on your time of chances use all the audio from that specific footage so you create video only so now open my time a little bit more store through okay what what on a break is level seriously previous degree necessaries on that clip of me right there so I'm gonna so that's the amount of time of a clip that I want and then drag it down into my time I see now how there's no audio audios and students each other's an audio thousands on because I had to convey only just the easier part yes so now I don't have to do this myself there's no audience there's arguing this one with the audience in this decision it just quickens at the bottom okay now you can go through get sceeto Newton's starting right that's so you an intro three blah blah blah just going to take this tutorial I'm just going to put in is whatever hey guys like please don't judge me on these books please they're not edited can you grab it and put it into these boxes and you're going to choose replays on start okay so go again over here go again let me play some starts then you scroll down to the do not replays from star and I don't like this cut that I made here but another key thing too is if you know that we are ready before hearing it it makes it very much easier because you know when you want to cut it so I didn't really know this beat and I'm using it in a current project I don't really know it so much so where it's going to be cut so sometimes I just get this when I mess up and it makes them back cut so this goes off a little bit so what I did to perfect us to correct that 30 is I see how long this is how long that actual cut is and I just kinda replace it [Music] right there so I know that I delete this quick right here because I really found out how long the actual trick is I just extend that fit point zero five seconds so I know if I believe this I'm still in sync with everything or for the rest of the time I hope not all those think it's still in sync okay guys that's a quick tip so now boom go back speed a shadow DJ epic by the way we just going into every single pocket you want replay some starts you can go to different footages on you go boom into the box where you made the cut retake one start to go to another clip into the box replays one start it's a little bit of a process and trust me when it's done it's so worth it looks so dope you look like you need magic and really you're gonna do it um retakes one start in every single clip and I'm just going to show you get quickly three clips and start let me just speed up this properties I can get [Music] okay so that actually could be what I have so far and all is is just cutting it on the deep no color correction no real editing so to speak is just me making boxes over the beep where I want to make the cuts in the drop of the beat and inserting the footages wherever it goes so you got that that's so simple that is like crazy simple actually it almost kind of scary simple how effective this technique is used in a lot in music videos and if you watch music videos you know even with my gosh Gatsby letters it's almost like almost in every music video especially when it's a fast deep this is just too easy way to do it in Final Cut Pro let me just finish it quickly to show you guys how it will look when you kind of act I'm not going to really edit it but just a minor a minor edit on it just so you can see how looks finished up [Music] oh you guys look like a professional now you're just about to give your client a music video we're about to be a commercial looking like a music video and it's also by the minute you just have to take that time to really understand the beat here to be knowing the drops I want to come to where you want it to come where you want to make those cut and you look like a pro right now both congratulations you back a throat let me just do one thing under man do not just wanna show you guys how I just wanna show you guys how to look when it's completely done okay [Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] and just like that guys you're looking like a genius right now you're looking like a magician anyway guys if this video was helpful in any way shape or form please drop a like please drop a comment please subscribe please do whatever you got to do to make this get out there if you are still having questions about how to get this done properly we have any other questions about final content I am the guy you can ask and I don't have an answer I promise I'll get answered for you but please make sure that you remember one thing out of all this you deserve thank you [Music]
Channel: Jonathan Productions inc
Views: 82,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mirrorless cameras, canon switch, production, wide angle, canon lens, wedding films, weddings, sony, tutorials, how to edit, edit on the beat, finalcut ten, finalcut pro x, FINALCUTPROX, a6500, dji ronin m, DJI, SONY CAMERAS, editor, cinema edits, toronto videographers, brampton videographers, color grading, color correcting, apple computers, cool video edits, edit to music, sony to canon, WEDDING FILIM MAKING, FCPX, fcpx, mac computers
Id: GVWCtSlp2iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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