How to build a sphere in SketchUp in 6 seconds - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys at CERN so something I was quoted as saying at some point in a video was that you should be able to as a Sketchup user as you learn Sketchup you should be able to draw a sphere from scratch in a couple seconds so I kind of just threw that out there and said that that's something you should be able to do and I figured it makes sense to come back and show how you should be able to do that so I figured we could do that today we'll go hop in here and we'll actually go through the steps and I'll show you how to speed up creating a sphere from scratch inside of Sketchup now before we start I know there are extensions out there there is solid I can remember what they're even called shape tools or something like that where you can actually have an icon and click on it and drop a shape like a sphere in and that's awesome I don't if if you like that that's great if you have your components you have a sphere say if you like just drag them in I'm not saying that's a bad thing to do all I'm encouraging people to do is as Sketchup users have this under their belt you know have this tool in the tool chest that if need be using just the circle command and follow me you could create the sphere in just a few seconds so disclaimer over let's do this thing okay so like I said two commands here one is going to be circle and the number of sides in the circle of course is going to change how smooth our sphere is so right now I have mine set to 48 so if yours looks a little different than mine it may be because I actually bump mine up to 48 so there's really only a couple steps in creating a circle first is I'm going to draw a sphere on one plane in this case I'll just draw it on the blue plane and I'm going to place the center of this point where I want the center of the sphere if that's something I know if I know exactly where that is so I'm just going to click drag and click this view does not matter how big it is generally speaking when I do this process I drag it way bigger than I need because I want it to be out of my way now I'm gonna draw a second circle this circle is gonna start at the middle but I'm going to tap the green keyboard key the left key on the keyboard to snap to the green axis I'm going to put this in the center of that previous circle and pull this circle out now the size of this circle will matter so I actually want to type in the proper radius that I want so I'll know if I want a two-foot sphere I'm going to put in 12 here to put in a radius of 12 inches that gives me two foot all the way across now this is where I saying this is pretty simple because all I have to do right now is select my surface the first surface I I created that I'm gonna hit follow me and click on that circle I created now I can erase this and like that I have a sphere skill-builder over okay now we can go into a little more detail and maybe talk about how to make that quickly so let's go back in okay so when I did create this just to show you this if I click show hidden because the orientation of the spheres I used the top point the most geometry is right here at this middle point if I was to move or do anything with this sphere really I would want to probably move it and kind of place it by this point because I know it's in the middle if I come to the side I have to find the exact middle the equator point and that might be this one but I don't know if that's on axes anyhow that could be a paint so what I would probably do if I was going to use this at this point be right click nope triple click right click make it into a group and then I would depending on how I want to use this probably even rotate it 90 degrees and then grab it by that point right there and then I would go place that wherever I want it so if I wanted that right here at the origin your place right there and then scoot it over 12 inches that would put it directly centered on the origin just as an example now I could do a couple things to make that even easier so if that was what I actually want I'm I'm sorry mark I don't we don't need to hang out right now yeah I had some things to do all right so if I wanted to make that I want to make exactly what I just made a two-foot sphere at the origin with the center of the sphere of facing this direction I'm gonna turn hidden back off I'm gonna go to circle and I'll place my initial sphere on the green axis this time now as you bring it again bring way out grab another circle come right here and this time I'll put it on the blue so I'm reversing the axes that I'm initially drawing this way if I grab this right here and I say follow me and click right here if I turn on show hidden my point is facing forward I feel like this is centered on the axes and that's just based on the direction I draw those so one thing I just want to call this out because a lot of people do this will come in with a circle and say they want that two-foot sphere draw this one foot come back to the middle try that one foot all right select the first circle follow me click here this isn't a bad sphere it is inside out but that's easy enough I can right click and say reverse faces the reason I draw that first sphere bigger is so I don't end up with this this is actually that sphere that I used as the initial geometry to follow it's now welded with the geometry of my follow me creating this disc on the inside so to get rid of it what I'd have to do is select this sphere this half of the sphere hide it select this surface delete it go up to edit unhide last triple click right click soft and smooth edges oops soften smooth edges reefs off interior that so by drawing that first sphere bigger it prevents me from having to deal with that extra piece on the inside so knowing all that we know let's see how long it should take to draw a sphere I'm gonna go ahead and start right here there we go so if you are you know how to draw a sphere hopefully you picked up a tip or two if spheres have always kind of been a little bit scary as far as making them then hopefully that demystify the process and hopefully can practice those steps and get down to the point where you can do that in a couple of seconds it really shouldn't take more than a few seconds to do that it's what six or seven clicks total so it's a quick process hopefully you like that if you did like that if you learned anything go ahead and give us a like down below and if you enjoyed this video in general want to be notified the next time a video like this comes out click Subscribe we make these videos about once a week so by subscribing you'll know when those come out most importantly please leave a comment we make these videos for you guys and we love hearing about what we could add to them or maybe take away from them to make them everything you want them to be like making these videos a lot but we like making them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 43,725
Rating: 4.903276 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Circle, Sphere, Follow Me, skill builder
Id: J3CysYr8LCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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