Aligning Off-Axis Objects in SketchUp - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys damn I don't this ever happened to you but I've run in this a couple times now where I'm creating some component based models so I'm creating a bunch of pieces that connect together I create the first piece and then I go and put it in the model maybe I end up using rotate or the rotate handles in the Move command to kind of put it exactly where it needs to be and once I get it to that spot I go create the piece that's supposed to tie into that piece only to find that that piece now has to be rotated and somehow lined up with that first piece that was kind of an obscure description and maybe you follow along with that if so you're awesome if not let's jump into this model and I can show you exactly what I'm talking about and we can look at a couple different ways that I've found to remedy the situation so we'll do that right now alright so here is my spinning wheel model and what I want to do the issue I'm having not issue like a bad thing but the the reason for this video is that I need to put a wedge right into this leg so see this leg is kind of over at an angle but if I click on it you can see by the bounding box this was actually modeled in plane to the world axes and tilted over some degree I don't know the exact degree to fit into this holes if I turn x-ray and see there's the whole ring through and there's the leg sitting in it and now I got to get this wedge in here so the wedge is pretty simple if I come down here I can actually start with a rectangle on the ground and I'm just going to make it one by 18 and I'm gonna push pull that up maybe you'll say I don't know 25 and I want that to actually be a wedge and not just a flat piece and I want to be a symmetrical wedge so I'm gonna go from the center point right here all the way down to one corner and then from the opposite corner back up to that Center plate point and then I can use push/pull to just pull those two pieces back with that I've created the geometry for my wedge maybe I'll go just one step further here and actually turn this thing upside down and then make that component I'm gonna call it my wedge and unless I my component axes to I'm gonna set it right at this point right here there we go at the point so rather than the corner of the bounding box out here I actually grab it where this geometry and go ahead and create that all right so that's great now let's talk about getting the wedge where it needs to go unfortunately this is not as simple as just coming up here and driving it straight down I mean depending on your use is if if all I really need is something that looks like the wedge sitting in there representing where that wedge may go that might be good enough for you it gets me right now because I know this leg is at an angle and that wedge is straight so if we look at x-ray that's what's going on so again depending on what you're doing you might be able to do something like grab it by corner maybe rotate it up so it's I don't know ballpark in the right area and then use a series of moves to kind of try to align to where it looks like it's in the right spot close that might be close enough but winging it is okay sometimes this is actually would work this stuff's all supposed to go together so let's look at how I could actually get that in the right spot so I'm going to hit control Z a couple times and put the wedge back on the floor get down there there you go all right so what I'm going to do is go to select and I'm gonna double click into the leg now I need to see the slot in the leg so I gotta get rid of this this geometry here so I'm going to go to view poni edit and hit hide rested model that's gonna give me just that leg and look at what we're looking at when I go in there look at the axes the world axes has realigned to the geometry that I originally creates not actually the world axes this is just the axis for this component so right now we're looking at an up-down left-right based on the geometry that I originally created that's great so if I wanted to I could come in here and try to redraw my component if I was to come in here and draw on the blue ax he's my same 1 by 18 and pull that up 25 all right so I could take that now rotate it to the proper orientation and if I hadn't drawn it yet that would give me the ability to create that wedge in-plane an exact spot where it's supposed to go right now but I've already created my geometry so I'm gonna delete that I'm gonna go over to my components window I'm gonna scroll down and find my wedge wedge there it is when I click it and bring it right in and from here all I have to do is a couple rotates I like using these handles inside the Move command because they're quick they're right there and they rotate around the center of the geometry I can grab it like that I can grab it by this point down the bottom put that right there at the bottom and there we go it's directly lined up if I want it to stick out just a little bit I could use the Move tool and use the edge of this slot just click on it and slide it up the slot so it Peaks out a little bit at the top with that it is perfectly aligned with geometry so I look at x-ray it's directly in the middle of that slot everything is lined up perfectly in plane without having to go through guess anything or kind of fudge things around or create a bunch of reference lines or anything like that so remember if you jump in context of an existing model or existing component or object you will immediately realign your axes the other thing I could have done there something that would have been an option would have been to come into this come in here and temporarily align my axes to this slot so he'd click here you click here and then here which will take my world axes from where it was at and align it with that slot then once again I can grab one of these wedges and come in here and in this case I just need to do a quick vertical flip and then I could align that right back into that slot and again if I wanted to move that right up the edge so it sticks out just a little bit at that point I can right-click on the axes and say reset the axes that'll put it back where it's supposed to go one of the downsides of doing this right here of course is now my wedge is inside the component so I would want to pull this out over here by doing this it's actually a separate piece this is not a huge deal of course what I can do is double click to enter the component select the wedge as it is right now go to edit and cut click to exit then go back up to edit and hit paste in place that'll put it in the same XYZ location that it was when it was inside the component but put it out of context so it's out in the main model and not inside that component so there you go just a couple of options on how you could go in and align geometry to existing geometry that is not in line with the world axes you've done a couple different videos with this where we have different different situations where you have to realign axes so if you've already picked that up from some of that up from videos I apologize but that whole idea of going into a component of placing something and then bringing it out and paste in place on the outside I thought was kind of a neat trick and that was actually the solution I came up with first I wanted to show the ability to realign the world axes as well because it is a valid option some people get worried about moving the world axes because well I mean it sounds like a big deal moving the world axes that sounds like something you don't want to take on lightly but just remember if you do move the axes it is as simple as right-clicking and hitting reset just remember you do that before you save or upload a warehouse or anything like that so you save yourself the pain of not knowing which way is up literally when you start modeling so hopefully like that if so give us a like down below if you liked this video and want to be notified when more videos come out go ahead and click on subscribe we create a couple videos a week and release them and they're really a good way to up your sketchup game and gain some additional skills most importantly though please leave a comment if you like this video didn't like this video thought of way that we could make these videos better let us know as well as let us know if any issues you're running into that you think would make good skill builder videos we like making these videos but we like making a lot more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 21,932
Rating: 4.9440994 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Align, Move, Group, Component, Object, Rotate, Past In Place, Cut, skill builder
Id: okXFdSgkS5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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