How to Build a PC (New Case!) – Giveaways + $2000 Build in the Lian Li Q58 (5600x / 3070Ti FE)

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what is up everybody hey how's it going hey what's going on guys happy happy friday sorry for the delay i know a lot of people been ready for some pc builds we haven't had one uh in a you know in a little bit of a hot minute right since the deep cool build and so we are back for our first build of the first build of 2022 right yeah this is the first build of 2022 we're building a small form factor in the liam lee q58 which i know you guys have been asking for for a very long time also remember every ladies and gentlemen if you are a subscriber over at rubytech build mats are officially live for you to buy so if you head over to the subscriptions the subscriber channel over on discord link is there for you to go purchase your build mat which went live today for folks who are interested if there are still some in stock they will go on sale tomorrow on twitch on my stream tomorrow where we're doing the water cooled halo build so that's happening tomorrow uh for everybody else and so we'll also so put discord uh at 9 00 a.m uh tomorrow morning and then twitch you guys will get your chance uh for everybody else starting at uh one o'clock we're actually going to start a little bit early because we're doing a full water cooled build tomorrow so that'll be happening uh that'll be happening tomorrow but welcome everybody to roby tech super stoked to have you guys here uh it's going to be a good episode i'm pretty stoked about this i always love doing small form factor builds and so it's going to be fun fun fun happy friday everybody how's it going it's good people saying got mine yes a lot of people went out pretty quick so make sure that you a lot of a lot of people have already purchased them so people are stoked so it's been pretty cool yeah uh who's yeah can i get a raise of hands if you ended up getting a mat already so yeah it's uh and uh as an fyi i did want to let you guys know that on uh january 10th so january 10th for everything but the build mats but all of the other merch will be 44 off as my birthday sale so my birthday is january 17th and for my birthday we're going to be taking 44 off of all of the merch so if you wanted to get a shirt a hat or whatever it was that'll go into effect from january 10th through that entire week just as a celebration for my birthday as a birthday gift to you so get get get cheaper gear i guess this thing annoyed now what's this thing in the bottom left corner we'll talk all about that here in just a few minutes yeah i'll be 44. uh ice flavor of the day today is lemon lime so yeah that's the yeah it's coming up it's coming up there i already yeah some people already have all the merch yeah so it's just all maybe you want more maybe you want to get it as gifts whatever so yeah it'll be fun and i will definitely stream on my birthday for sure so you guys you guys can say hi and we can sing happy birthday to me and all that sort of stuff i can't i can't do it i'm trying to think of a special build for that day um liam lee did reach out they are going to send me an 0-1 evo we have some new stuff from fan tech some new stuff from fractal uh so there's a bunch of new stuff coming in there but i think doing an evo build would be pretty fun since everybody wants to me to do that thing just a kid yeah i like the lemon line it's pretty good i can't drive 55 though no no i can't i can't drive 55 either if it's 105 or nothing you know what i'm saying okay so uh let's talk about giveaways for today because we always i mean that's one of the things and first and foremost i want to give a huge shout out to karma karma's actually obviously our big sponsor for this we're gonna walk through uh karma in just a few seconds and then we'll start going into the giveaways and all that sort of stuff but we do have giveaways today so we always like to do uh giveaways the first one is if we get two level five hype trains here on this show then we'll give away a 250 gig nvme ssd if we get 500 likes on the youtubes on the youtubes over at rubytech if you hit that thumbs up button we will also give away a 250 gig nvme ssd and then finally if you look down there in that bottom corner which right now it's a zero but if we get to 50 subs it gives us a 50 nui gift card if you get 100 subs becomes 100 new a gift card 150 subs 150 new a gift card and the bigger the better the giveaway the more subs that we basically get lastly we're also giving away a 30-70 ti for the month of january so we're going from there starting with 3070 ti if you want to get on that all you got to do is use your free amazon prime subscription so if you have amazon prime drop your free prime subscription that gets you access to the 3070 ti giveaway and so if you want to get a 30-70 ti and then if you want to get extra entries you can do things like gift subs gifting subs get you extra entries you can also do things like uh subscribing to tier two that gets you five extra entries or subscribing at tier three that gets you 10 extra entries respectively also i do want to let you guys know channel points go live starting monday of next week uh some of the things you guys will be able to do is spend channel points on things like getting extra entries on our pc giveaways uh getting extra entries on gif on uh on gpu giveaways uh we'll also have some like extra things like dad jokes all that sort of stuff so we are in the middle of process of putting all that stuff together and so you guys will start getting to use your channel points finally so yeah you're gonna be able to use points for dumping stuff also for things like discounts on uh discounts on uh merch and so all sorts of things like that so we're trying to find some really cool things that you guys will be able to do with those and go from there and appreciate hey praying i'm good doesn't look like the sub thing is working so i don't know if anybody i think is that the first sub because it didn't look like it actually did anything so let's see what's going on i'm going to log in and log out of the sub thing sometimes that's what happens uh i'm gonna log out this thing always seems i i know it's been a long time since we actually had a problem with this thing hey thank you very much for the tier one guys looks like we're at so we've gotten seven uh six subs already let me do all widgets and try this again sub goal we'll end this and then start it again 50 we have six zero one fifteen twenty twenty one oh twenty twenty two gotta get the right right thing in there okay let me test this uh alert box see if that actually did anything yeah okay so that works okay all widgets i'm gonna try this again hold on end goal fifty zero and then we have oh we have six twelve there we go that's being a prank okay cool so that should be updated okay so yeah thank you very much mark for the resub i think that work i might have hit the button a little bit later let me hit let me hit the alert box and do the test subscription and get that caught up and hopefully everything works fine sometimes this happens but yeah sometimes just logging back in and stuff like that has a tendency to make it work um okay one more thing and then we'll start hype train and then we'll talk about karma and go from there um it's they announce it all over the place i'm going to drop the sub tiers can someone confirm they show up please uh what do what what are they doing how much is one sub cost there's the hype train right there trish t p r g tipsy mo giving one gifted sub there we go it seems to be working now that's good okay so we are seeing subs are updating again which is great uh when are you giving a 30 90 ti away that's funny juggalo yeah comrade is my guard not his name that's a great name yeah i like that name uh what are we building today we're building in the uh we're building in the uh liam lee q58 in fact the cool thing about this one is it's just like it's so small we just put it right here whoa here it is right here so we got it all ready to go this is what we're building in today i almost threw it but yeah it's going to be a nice small form factor build which everybody's really happy juggalo jimmy dropping 10 gifted subs there we are getting it up there let's get to level five so we can get on with our lives red dead turtle prime it's prime sub right there thank you for the gift subs guys yeah that's a cute size looks like a toaster that it does look like it hey there's evo cyber nation his his crate on the way he's finally ro117 thank you very much for the one month at tier one appreciate you as well guys we are getting there almost at level four on our way to level five here in just a few minutes yeah it's definitely small yeah yeah for sure how did the p board give it went well we have uh we got all of the surrounding uh we got all the surrounding switches done so we got a whole thing of switches talked about all the ces announces we'll do a little bit about a little bit more talking about ces today for sure and uh yeah it's true you work you work q58 you were the one who recommended it uh so yeah it was great uh yeah we basically we went two hours 299. thank you very much man appreciate it uh so uh we uh we it was it was a great it was a great stream and it was just fun getting to build again next week we'll actually build and game um but it was cool to actually do that i think we have to get through one more full box and then like five more and then we'll actually have uh we'll actually finish it out so the hope is to finish that keyboard in january and then we'll move on to the next one in february the point is to do one keyboard every month is the plan so yeah what cooler do you recommend for a 5800x i would definitely recommend a 280 or 360. those things run very hot uh the silicon valley silicon lottery for those doesn't seem to be all that good so yeah definitely something very very big there you go people are seeing stuff okay people are actually seeing stuff do you have an ssd standing around roby have to show off that two and a half edge swappable drive feature oh that's a good point i should get that yeah yeah i do have an ssd stand around i'll go grab it real quick that's a good call i forgot about that uh level five guys call me benji giving out one gifted sub thank you very much my friend let me go grab an ssd forgot about the two and a half inches the ssd swappable feature thanks for bringing that up i should have one somewhere there we go cool got one we got a t-force vulcan g throw that in there i forgot about that yeah the hot swappable uh the hot swappable thing so i thanks for reminding me that uh tom don't forget to put that on the list it's a it's a vulcan g gaming ssd the t-force one terabyte i almost forgot about that thanks for doing it oh nice juggle that's not bad uh between the corsair and the kraken 360 aio options which would you recommend um to be honest the corsair fits better i mean that's the one thing to just be aware of uh the one thing that uh the court yeah the corsair fits better kraken is uh you know it's funny it's it's an amazing cooling capacity it's got better fans um but the dude that that cub is crazy in terms of that sort of thing so that's kind of the problem guys we have two minutes left we're not at level five yet we got to finish this out i know the first one's always like the scariest thanks quintus i haven't gotten my hair cut it needs to get cut this weekend my wife was like your hair is so long and just with the freaking weather i just haven't had a chance to go get it done so let's finish this out guys there we go we got trish tt rpg dropping one gifted sub we're getting there twenty percent one minute 43 seconds just shave it no i look terrible i think i did look terrible as a bold jt one gaming thing for the prime subscriber team also thank you for the prime sub as well yeah call me benji there's nothing i can do about that it's just kind of how things are i don't have any control of that i know dude those intel the the i the new intel stuff sounds super interesting i want to get some ks's right so the new 12 900 ks um so i reached out to my intel folks to get a hold of some ks's i'm sure we'll use some on mondays as well and then the non-k skus right just for people who don't want to water cool and then you know don't want to have to worry about the heat issues so the 12 the 12 900 it's i mean it's like i don't know those those seem good it'll be good to test those out the ks is you get 5.5 on core one and then five above everything else so it's like they're it's uh the 5800 it's to battle the 5800x 3d uh that just got announced so it's just their their new ultra skew 40 seconds left guys 40 seconds there you go marble wolf 17 sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna take a second we're just we're so close 30 seconds we're really close let's finish this out we're so close from the level five let's get it done ah i'm node i'm i'm nervous i'm genuine 20 seconds and we're gonna we're gonna do it are we gonna do it ten seconds we've never not done it it's a first one juggalo four okay oh my gosh juggalo okay ah man that was uh that was close that was a close oh wait that says strong support level four oh guys we still have a whole nother level oh no no it's not done that was level five oh nevermind it is done okay so that was level five okay you're at level five okay good geez that was nerve-wracking okay no no we missed it we got it we got it we got it okay check train complete at level five your community contributed yeah okay we're good just came out at the very end okay so we're good to go okay phew okay so anyway now we're good um so uh let's uh let's go wow juggalo jimmy thank you for the gifted sub and uh for making it happen at the very end that was nerve-wracking sheesh yeah for sure question somebody asked me a question i forgot what it was dang it what was the question what was i talking about is this built for sale or has it already been built this build is not for sale but this is just to build for the sake of building yeah so uh but we do have a build for sale if somebody is interested we have that nzxt h1 it's got a third we're gonna get a links for it the h1 plus uh we had a guy who was gonna buy it and then he just flat out didn't like he started the conversation and then i was like holding it for him and then i had a couple other people like hey so i have a build it's like what 1500 bucks it's a fantastic build just ready to go out and it's this it's about this size right so it's in the course there but it's not an it's not a 38 he essentially goes to me and then wrote back he's like oh i got a better deal i was like no what the deuce charles thank you very much for the gifted subs appreciate you my friend so yeah so uh how how about them ryzen cpus yeah i know i'm excited about the right the new ryzen cpus we do have uh we do have 6000 series laptops on the way so that'll be also cool to check out for sure there it is the there's the nzxt h1 mini plus we have uh we have that uh we have that for sale if you guys want to get one at that cost you guys can see the cost right there uh what do you do with spare builds like the one that we're building we tear them apart a lot of the thing is we use a lot of the same parts for every build moving forward so that's what we always want to do so oh thanks juggle congratulations that's awesome that's good news man i love i love it when people have good weeks that's great man that's awesome all right so let's talk about let's talk about okay so one of the things is people always ask this stuff and i always like to give you guys options here um so i want to talk a little bit about karma karma's our sponsor for today's build um and so uh karma like a lot of people think of like hey what are some of the tools that you can use for getting things like ddr5 uh graphics cards all those sort of things and karma is another tool that you can put in your toolbox to give you notifications when stuff like this comes in to uh into uh stock and so i use karma for things like series x's ddr5 getting graphics cards all those things and i have gotten cards and i have gotten ddr5 using uh karma before so karma is a chrome extension and also an app that you can download off of the app store but today we're going to show you about karma on chrome and so what you do is you just go over to chrome the google chrome store which you can see i have right here just search the storm for a thing called uh search the store for a thing called karma there it is right there and there is your new shopping assistant so what you do is you just add it to chrome and then after it does a little ad extension thing blah blah blah blah so we just wait for it to basically pop out and then we give it a second and it says hey it's been added to chrome and you get this great thing and so it's going to walk you through a little tutorial so we always choose amazon because the one thing is it's really good for things like fashion etc but i use it mostly for technology so it's well here's our here's our little demo it's saying hey welcome to karma and then just like you've seen on other apps you can see stuff like it says here's how you open karma it's a little kind of widget that shows up on the left hand side so you can see here i can open this up here's a hyperx quantum cast rgb usb and then you can just hit save and then now it's basically saved to my list now here it's going to open up my list and you can actually see that i have quite a few things that are already saved so if i head over here to my items you can see that i actually have lists here of stuff like ddr5 and you can see i have gpus in fact here's a gigabyte geforce rtx a gtx rtx 3080 that is actually on sale right now redirecting me there it's you know if if it was it would be on sale for 13.99 so what i'll do is i always look for things like sold out and i have notifications and i get email notifications almost instantly when these things come back into stock so it's a really good way for best buy etc to basically get notified when things come back into stock and then you can jump on uh their charges their stuff right away so uh and then you can here see from my list you can see i have here here's my ddr5 list you can see all the things that i've basically got added and added into here i also have like things like pc accessories for instance i have stuff like lee lee streamers uh when they have the gala heads in the s the sl120s ql 120s etc and i just always have things put together for that now karma does more than just do things like having you in stock just like many other of these really awesome apps but even doing it better as it does things like stores coupon code so when you do things like at checkout on newegg or amazon it'll actually test coupon codes verify that you're getting the best deal and then the last thing that's also a little bit different about karma is that they also have this thing that's basically the karma cash which goes towards uh which is money that you can basically use towards on discounts now it's certain brands like a lot of things that we use for pc and tech aren't necessary there but if you're more of a fashionista than i am you can actually see there's actually quite a few cool stores the one that actually makes me the most happy is the sonos store which we actually used for our google art i mean for our amazon sorry our sonos arc um so i actually use this and they make really high-end sound equipment and i use it for basically my art pictures or my art purchase for sonos so that is karma you can download it now uh using the link down in the description below we'll also get you a link that's showing up here uh it's a nice little app and the only do is that again the other thing that's really awesome about it is that there's also a pretty cool there's also a pretty cool uh iphone app you can actually see it here right here so if i go to my top down you see the same thing and i sometimes i'll just sit there especially when i'm waiting for my kids and just basically take look for things like hey what's on sale if anything basically popped into sock this is actually my my daughter's monitor the scepter monitor and all that sort of stuff so it ends up making it actually ends up being pretty cool i'm in a nice little tool for helping you purchase things either on the go or basically via chrome so anyway download it if you're interested it's just another tool to add to your list uh if you're basically trying to get a hold of some gpus or some some consoles or some ddr5 so karma comic comic yeah karma kama kamakama kama chameleon so yeah uh cool so that's that that's karma check it out uh we'll the link will pop up throughout the stream and all that sort of stuff so going from there where do i get that mad at want kryptos great question if you subbed right now and then you jumped over to uh and you jumped over to the the discord channel uh you could actually pick one up right now it'll be available tomorrow to people to non-subs and to discord members but right now subscribers have access to it it dropped at noon today i do not know how many are left but it will sell out they will sell out very very quickly is the ddr worth it at the moment the price ddr5 is worth it if you can get it at okay let me take that back ddr5 is not necessarily worth it at all but ddr5 is much more worth it if you could pay retail for it so um i we have a like my uh my uh our tech our tech our tech master right now kevin is in the middle of building his uh new rig and he is putting ddr5 in his um 64 gigs uh it's expensive um and that but the price will come down once obviously chip shortages become things going from there loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams red golden oh my gosh he's still i was like what is he seeing and then i got it yeah truth yeah right now it's not is but if you can get it for if you can get it at retail it is by far much it is definitely not worth uh it is definitely not worth the price uh if you are uh if if you are uh paying scalper price i don't understand why people are paying scout prices the biggest issue that people are having with it right now is because the number of ddr4 offerings for things like uh pcs for like intel 12th gen builds is actually pretty small and that's been the biggest issue is that people want to use like for instance the non-catching fire asus rog hero motherboard but the problem is they don't they don't have they only have one potential option for you and that's the that's basically a z690 strix board and they all the rest of them are ddr5 so the problem is is that people are like i'm kind of stuck i need ddr5 because the motherboard i want to use is only ddr5 etc so yeah now okay yeah don't yeah definitely don't pay scalp so ddr4 is totally fine and then hey quackerjack potential option is take a look at karma that could help you potentially end up with a with a gpu i'd love to find a way basically to to make gpus happen i know some somebody today in the evga q ended up winning like a 30-70 ti so yeah uh rrhmj23 if you're over at newegg you're on the right move over to rubytech that's where you basically get it things up there and then somebody will get you a link to our discord and if you guys are just joining us and you are a sub remember the build mats are available right now just to you till 9am tomorrow morning the mat says link coming soon call me benji if you uh if you go to discord the link is there on our discord in the sub channel if you can get one is the 30 50 absolutely it is worth it if you can get it for two for 2.99 isn't that what it is a 250 or 299. um i'm in agreement with jay there basically the thing is is it don't buy one of the crazy like don't buy the strix 3050 just get like a single like an evga you know it's got one fan maybe two at the most a single eight pin call it good don't buy don't buy like a supreme 3050 or a or a msi gaming x trio 3050 but if you just buy a 250 dollar 260 dollar 3050 it is absolutely worth it especially for the things like dlss non-ray trace uh also for things like uh basically uh the invec invec 2.0 uh base and and all the and like the the uh what is it called gamer the reflex etc there's a lot of stuff that comes with the three the 30 series that is a big upgrade over the 16 series um or the 50 series so yeah so yeah timbit if you talk so tim bit uh reach uh talk to blondie she'll give you an email we're trying we have a special way for people who are overseas like who like canada etc you can reach out to our sales team directly and they'll get you one if you want to get one um and so uh if uh blond if you want to give him glenn's email address he can reach out to them and and we can do it that way i'm trying to get it to this first wave and by the way the first wave of mats will be the only signed i'm signing all 90 of the ones that we're selling so if you want to sign matt this will be the only opportunity to do that yeah well yeah mac sorry i meant oh i meant international sorry how about that i didn't mean overseas international sorry what's up mlk okay so let's talk about what we're putting in the bill today what do you guys think huh you guys what are you guys ready to talk about um roby are you a more subtle case type or are you more of a are you more of a big flashy rgb to the fullest i am a clean i like clean and if clean can be both so like like i loved my as a my as a non-rgb build i had to lick a little bit of rgb uh and that one like the uh the as a case build was super good and i loved it was very industrial very little rgb it was just very clean but i've built like for instance that pink and white all rgb liam lee 011 mini probably one of my most popular just non custom builds i mean that thing looked ridiculous too so canada's not overseas guys geez want kryptos you got to be a sub if you want to get it if you're a sub then oh yeah you are some uh go to discord womp kryptos all of the mat stuff is there go to yes you are sorry go to cr go to discord discord dot gg slash ruby tech click on subscribers all the information is there you have till nine o'clock tomorrow and you get one there last thing what's the fastest two terabyte nvme for large game files the seagate fire cuda 530 can i get five can i get one sent to the uk jt1 gaming yes you can if you reach talk to blondie uh obviously the cost is going to be a little higher but you can talk to blondie and she can see about uh we can talk you can reach out with talk to our team and they'll try and hook you guys up especially for this first run i know people want signed matt so yeah okay let's talk about parts that we're putting inside of this this build so first and foremost we're starting to it's not crazy a couple reasons is that right now i would have liked to have done a 12-gen in this but the problem is is that right now uh 12th gen uh ddr5 and ita getting i asus had issues with getting me the mini itx board so we're gonna have jj on the show but don't worry we'll have more of these these builds later and so we'll get jj on the show later um but uh we're gonna do the ryzen 5 5600x a couple things is is that uh you know there though this says this will do a 280 millimeter aio 240 seems to fit a whole lot better so again that kind of limits the amount of options not like 280 makes a big difference like the nr200p max which is currently my favorite uh sff even though it's not as it's it's bigger than uh this that thing what it can cool with the 280 millimeter aio blows my mind it's got a 5950x in it and a 3080 ti and it absolutely crushes and it's just so small and so i love that build um but in this one we're going to put a ryzen 5 5600x still an absolutely great pc i mean absolutely great cpu excited i want to test this with a 5800x 3d i've asked amd for one we will put that and test that out later on uh we do a potential upgrade so we might do another build in this uh or in a meshalicious just to see what we can get out of that but yeah this is uh this is our build and this is our cpu for that which should be absolutely cool uh robytech.gigi's discord dot gg socks rubytek for cooling this we haven't got to use this yet but we're going to be using the white uh kraken x 53 rgb so uh this should be more than enough yeah 240 millimeter aio should be more than enough power um to basically uh cool our little our little our little beastly cpu and then this is our case right before we can always sit the little case right there so it's always interesting to throw sff cases and be like hey all this stuff is going to go in this little thing right here um okay for our power supply we're going to be using the uh cooler master v850 sfx gold white edition so a nice fff psu sff sfx psu so and it should have white cables i think because we're not gonna do any cable extensions cable extensions always get super funky inside of sff builds uh for our motherboard we're gonna be using the aurostrix b550i i love this little motherboard um which would be super cool um again we can put two m.2s in here uh they kind of have they started this whole this is like it's gotten it's gotten bigger with the z690 boards but they've started to stack up on a lot of these boards so you still get a lot of options a lot of i o um i really i'm really happy with where uh itx motherboards are going but then of course as they start to stack up the cooling solutions for these have become to start to get more limited so it's another reason we kind of went with b550 or amd right now until we can get a hold of the um b560 b660 motherboards for uh 12gen so there is that for storage uh because we got pcie gen 4 and pci gen 5 we're going to use the sn750se for our store for our os drive that's a pcie gen 4. this is their kind of their budget pcie gen 4 nvme ssd ssd and then for a game drive we've got a one terabyte uh sn750 which i you know you know me i love western digital drives i use them quite a bit um because of the super unique option that we have inside of this case we're going to be using the t-force gaming ssd their vulcan g just to show you they have a hot swappable ssd drive so we're going to be using that just to kind of show you that so that's basically that right there and then for ram i've got a 64 gig kit because i wasn't going to buy another kit for this so we're going to be using 32 gigs at 3 600 megahertz 2x32 a 2 by 16 vengeance pro rgb sl for ram and then lastly for our gpu because why not we're going to be using the founders edition rtx 3070 ti uh as our gpu which is pretty cool and then we're going to be putting all of this inside of this little case right here the lienly q58 the case is not an air fryer so more rams yeah i'm pretty excited about it terence it's like the first time i've actually got to do it yeah i've had the case for a while it's super funny lean lee actually reached out last night and i was like hey funny would reach out we're actually going to be doing your your q 58 build today and then we're going to be doing your 01 mini air on monday and so they were like okay cool do you want an evo and i was like yes and so they were like here you go so that was cool where can i find cheaper amd6 i don't know what that means quintus maybe a built maybe a built-in microwave oh we should get that yeah that's a good idea thank you very much for all the new subs from i am calvin tv jbj2610 and rrhmj23 thank you very much for all the subs anyway let's get uh hey roby it's pj what's up buddy you need me to build that for you no i don't i'm actually okay i'm actually okay i'm okay with the you know i only i only got to do like 187 builds last month last year so we got to get we got to we got to get we got to keep the builds going okay so i'm going to get everything i need out of the motherboard for the motherboard here and then put everything else out of the way what do you guys think cool build right i think this will be a fun build i like fun builds i like fun builds okay the other thing too that i always like about sff builds is like i always feel like i have all the space in the world um for my uh for my drives no the 3090 ti is not out yet we will have them i have two hopefully three on the way so yeah that should be good i'll have the uh 3090 ti founders edition 3090 from asus and a 30 90 from evga so that should be good so we'll be able to have lots to test is this a personal build no time cuell this is just to show off the case this is a this is a hey we're going to review it and see how well it does etc now it's going to be a dope little rig yeah have you verified the clearance of that case what do you mean happy jammer i'm curious what you mean by that are ti's less stable than normal cards and run hotter yes they're not less stable though so yeah has clearance clarence going to top down everybody wants to him to build it pj's going to come and build instead will the gp oh yeah dude the jeep this gpu will fit no problem happy jammer yes yes uh this thing will fit this will fit uh this will fit like a a ventus this the the ti the 3070 ti is really small yeah but thank you for asking i don't think i need anything else in here it's a side mounted so it's a side mounted uh uh gpu no it's a good question no for sure yeah clogmaster uh uh i'll be honest like evga is such a massive sponsor and then they're helping me get a they're working to help me get an fe too so that way i can just have a good because i have every fe the only fe i don't have is a freaking 30 60 30 60 ti and i need a 30 60 ti fe and so i've been trying to get one and that's the only so if anybody has one that you want to part with and just have it be and i have a big thank you from the roby tech team and community please dm me i would love to buy it off of you obviously not for scalper price but yeah okay so here it is our little bitty a little bitty a little bitty boy it's right here a little bitty it's the size of my head and actually my head's bigger it's so tiny hey good now what's up buddy thank you for the two tier two guys we're five away from the sub uh from 50 bucks let's get that left 50. my head is bigger than the motherboard how you doing man it's good to see you it's a bonsai build well i like that uh i started watching cobra kai last night finally i do have a discord normak we have about 15 000 people in there so yeah and that's the link if you are a sub i just like to let people know subscribers you can go buy your build mats right now these build mats are available to you right now this is this uh this 5600x has seen some somewhere okay there you go in and set up yeah i finally started watching it so i like i started season one and then stopped and now i re-picked it up because everybody said it's so good and uh so i'm uh i watch but it's funny because i watched all the season recaps already so i know everything that happens all the way up to season four but i'm watching it all anyway because i'm weird it's uh it's called um it's called uh cobra kai and it's on uh it's on um netflix yes i was watching so i've been playing a lot of i've been playing a lot of uh phoenix uh uh phoenix immortals phoenix rising so i played that for like three two three hours last night and then went and watched some cobra kai and then i just ended up staying up to like way too late which was not good okay so let's get our let's get our m.2s in here now m.2s and then we'll do our clicks this is a new song this has not normally been on there where are we out on the build we just started we're at the magic place we're in magic town hey wait hey height is height really here oh hi i'm gonna reach out to you i have an idea for uh your y60 build and i'd love to do something really cool with you guys i hope you guys will do it um but i'm gonna reach out i'm going to reach out to stacy i'm going to reach out and talk to her about doing something super cool for i'm really excited guys why 60 we showed it y'all on wednesday's show uh hey go we're on we're on our way to the next tier we're past that we're on our way to 100 new a gift card let me fix that real quick 100 0 1. okay next goal is up thank you very much for the fifty getting in there okay so yeah i wanna do something super cool for your guys's uh for your 3080 ti so i mean for your y60 uh case i don't know where you guys are on release and stuff like that but i'll reach out to i'll reach out to stacy so we can chat about it i don't know how many of you guys have seen the y60 that they announced and then their crazy keyboard so at height i don't know if you head to my youtube if you head to my youtube i'll tell you what i like just i'm just gonna tell people we'll see what they what they want to do maybe it won't happen but uh look at the the the video that we just did look at the video we just did with cliffy b i want to do that kind of thing at your hq um and show off and build a y60 that way um so anyway go check out that video and if not i'll send it to stacy and stuff like that but go check out that video i want to do that um and do a build with you guys um again so that would be pretty cool it's uh and that'll give you an idea of the production quality and all that stuff that we're talking about just something really really rad and high-end um that would be fun with you guys other people have seen it right who's seen who's seen the who's seen the the cliffy b build that we did who liked that video that we did with uh with cliffy and the quality of that video is good right yeah it was it's a small motherboard uh the heatsink no they'd be fine on the heatsink they're they're they have dual coolers on those and uh it just the in that motherboard not really obviously you start losing pcie the pcie lanes the more m.2s you add so obviously more towards the top would be better but it won't uh if you want to make sure that whatever you have has the most in terms of performance the first slot is always the best oh nice jenkins okay so there's our one there's one m.2 one one m.2 ah hold on one sec okay what am i looking for this looks like it's been oh it should have been opened right was did i is this really a new one i thought i didn't know i had any more new ones i guess i had a new one terabyte just sitting here oh wait yeah we definitely want to make sure that when you when we test these things you know what they look like what are your thoughts on new eggs issue people having experience doing i've never had an issue ordering okay so let okay let's let's take a moment guys because i know i knew this was going to come up so people so i don't know for those of you who don't know gamer's nexus like had a pretty serious issue with newegg gamer's nexus had a pretty serious issue with newegg specifically in they bought a motherboard they did not open it they then returned it and then talked to customer service and customer service said that it had thermal paste in the thermal paste in the um in the gpu slot socket which is impossible because they'd actually never opened the the motherboard and essentially then kept it and then didn't return the money and so it's like basically stuck in rma hell and so gamers nexus has accused newegg rightfully so of stealing 500 now i'll be super clear i have ordered hundreds of thousands of dollars if not yeah if not more from new agent have never had an issue but understand that i am a partner and they but they do not know because we have multiple accounts that we order from they do not know every time that i order from them nor do they track it so we have multiple accounts and we have people who purchase on newegg all the time who do not have issues but i have helped people and i one example a tick tock and give you guys links i have helped people who have had nightmare issues with newegg i have also helped people who have had nightmare issues with amazon who have had nightmare issues with best buy i would not like the fact of the matter is like for me as somebody who works with newegg all the time it does not seem like the ratio of problems that they have is any different than i have seen with amazon or best buy but that's not to say that they are perfect um and so i will say like i i one thing i did say like the thing is is that i will say is that i have like one guy is like gamersnexus tweeted new egg responded and then people jumped onto and said why are you responding via tweet they respond on twitter all the time if you go anytime that i'll do a giveaway or whatever it was people respond to that giveaway and say like hey newegg why didn't you help me with this or blah blah they respond to twitter twitter is a customer service thing in fact youtube responded to me via twitter just today about an issue that i had and i so what i feel like is i feel like people are being a little bit unfair to the folks at uh to the folks at um newegg about this whole thing now that's not to say that what has happened with uh steve is wrong and the only two is that steve tried to rectify it through normal channels and failed and that's that's screwed up but i will tell you new egg will go out of its way not just with companies like gamers nexus but other customers to make sure that it is done and taken care of correctly and i have seen that on literally dozens and dozens of times so do i think that newegg is perfect no do i think that they are any worse than any other company no i also don't believe that and so i stand by newegg because the other two is like i literally have worked with them for two years and have helped many customers fix this issue i i'm i am a little concerned that what steve is going to do is going to tarnish their reputation very heavily but at the same time like it is his right and his ability to be able to go do that stuff and so um again it sucks what happened it screwed up but i will tell you newegg will try to fix it and the only two is that the people on their twitter are different than the people like it's it's a pretty big company and so i know people like andrew etc will go out of the way to try and fix the problem so yeah so that's that's my whole thing right like it's a tough thing what's going on but i've seen the same thing happen at best buy i've seen the same thing happen at amazon and every time like finally when you get on the phone with somebody then i've seen it actually rectified but i've actually seen a case like this poor guy who actually had three packages stolen and then amazon a new egg wouldn't resp return his money like i took me intervening and then them having another guy to go and get it fixed so the problem is is that a lot of people like if you think about it a lot of people try to steal stuff and so you know as much as we'd like to have everybody be like assume best intent a lot of these companies try to keep like have to be skeptical in all cases and you know they don't know steve from anybody else he doesn't publicly say that it's gamers nexus because he wants to see what the customer service thing is like and so they don't know right and so it's just it's a tough game right and it's rough because the thing is is people steal and because of that we can't have nice things they steal small dogs that's screwed up why would you steal a dog that's messed up yeah micro center's different the other two is micro center is also i think the only two is like right now micro center everybody calls micro centers like the the king of stuff and they are starting to get a bigger online presence and i know based on conversations i've had that microcenter wants to have a bigger online presence and i have a feeling that they will start to run into some of this stuff too because again customer service people have a tendency not to be very highly paid right they need a lot of them and sometimes they don't care about their jobs and so it's going from there what's a good pc to game and stream on so actually the pc that we're building right now would be a 5600x with a 3070 ti and then even a uh even a 30 60 even a 30 60 ti with a 5600x would be great too yeah i i mean it's it's just hard right because like i said it's not to say what's what's happened to them isn't bad i'm just saying it's like i feel like it's unfair to say that they're this that like they're worse than anybody else i don't feel like that's true yeah pc guy i mean that's the thing is like i have heard things about canada right like in the us it seems like i mean the thing is is like the stuff like for instance the the same day delivery for california has actually been pretty cool they've been trying a bunch of stuff to try and make their customer service more better but the i2 is like a lot of times like i will say like i i don't like i wish there are people at new egg that are very kind but sometimes it feels like it feels like an amazon right it's just cold and i don't like that i wish there were more i wish i wish there was more like customer like i like customer centered focused companies like microsoft uh like evga um in a lot of ways like some of these cool like in zxt that become more customer focused um and or customer obsessed maybe that's a better word for it customer obsessed companies um and i i that's one thing i wish that uh that's something i wish newegg was more like and that's not to say i like they they do in a lot of ways but there's still a lot of that stuff that doesn't come through so yeah clockmaster that's a good point yeah it's it's like it just yeah that's the thing is microsoft is there's everybody has stuff to improve for okay here we go clicks guys i'm way behind on getting this build done so i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of zoom ahead a little bit faster because i knew that was gonna kind of come up but here we go getting our first clicks in for the thing oh that was oh snap that was okay we need to record that crap i think it was gonna be that good i'm getting it i'm getting it i'm getting it it was way better than i thought it was going to be we'll have to do that again okay pausing it because that was actually very good that was very good i like how height was in here and they're like decibel meter uh loftsbed aloft fable god i rep i apply to chats i see every chat across all of the different channels okay so here we go right here uh here it is right here this is it let's see what we get from our let me get the meter so you guys can actually see what it says here that would help okay because that that click was good that click was that click was solid okay here we go here we go did you oh that was not close that was a easily that was a very very good click that was solid solid click like happiness in about in a bottle click here yeah one more time that wasn't that one was as good the first one was good twice but there it is yeah don't forget guys we have that second giveaway that's gonna happen so if you if you wanna get in on that giveaway we gotta hit 500 likes on the youtubes okay there it is right there so there's our there's our motherboard is completely ready uh let's see i think for the x53 we have different hardware we have to put in for this before we pop it into the motherboard the motherboard the first click was better you're right pastor yeah 500 likes on the youtube stream yeah which we can always which we seem to almost always get why are you over there today good now just because we're at 170 of 500 guys let's get our stuff ready getting our motherboard ready i'm pretty sure by the way height this was the same motherboard that was inside of your revolt 3 review that we did which i still need to send you guys the need to rebuild that case i think we're gonna i think the plan is to send that early to you this year do you guys have a good ces by the way height i hope you did you guys had some good announcements you had some good announcements [Applause] the one thing i'm not as up to speed on uh is headphones like we have a bunch like uh so like we've done some form and fit and it's been something we've been kind of new at with doing stuff especially if we've done like the amazon stuff like so i saw that you guys had that new the new headphone announced as well so let's have to check those out when they come out there we go okay let's get this ready what case did you order sigmatic so uh uh toyota coyote koyo tech i i is it coyote i don't know but coyote christian okay coyote christian okay i'm messing it up uh somebody was asking what is the new egg shuffle so doing shuffle is a raffle system that newegg uses to purchase uh high demand items basically you get a raffle to purchase the uh the the good thing is it gives you a chance a chance to purchase things and it kind of creates a more fair opportunity to get things uh like uh gpus or ddr5 etc the bad thing is is that every single one of them comes bundled with something so it's like you can't just buy the gpu you have to buy the bundle and uh which sometimes it's bundled with stuff that's absolutely useless um and they've kind of had a couple little hiccups for instance like one they they basically bundle things with the gigabyte psus that ended up being explosives etc right so um that's but the good thing like i said so it's got its pros and cons and that's the thing yeah it's basically to prevent scalping and that is true no west for the wicked hat they have gotten better in terms of they have been doing more unbundled stuff which has made things a little bit better okay so we're almost ready here let me go ahead and do because this is going to be a tested we're going to be testing this we're going to be putting our own thermal paste on it just to make sure that it ends up at the best possible versus using stock so this is arctic silver which we like well i hear rubytech we're gonna get it spread out here on this 5600x bob ross moment gotta make sure it's really solid there we go wow that was actually pretty clean and pretty quick some of the quickest application i've done so far i'll be i'll be quite frank good job roby tech your view on the 6500 xt um i'm pretty excited about it i know amd's sending us one to test oh there's like something on my shirt um and so uh pretty excited to check it out i try my thermal pace game is supposed to be on point height like you do you do you and i do me you know scotty you got to do it right 55 guys can we get to 100 before the next uh the next hype train that's the question okay now we are ready to put this inside the case let's get our little tiny case and get it built here so are you guys back from ces now height train okay so there we go right here let's go and get our case this is the q58 from liam lee so we're gonna get this all done i love that like the thing is like they oh okay here's our little magnetic thing here oh snap oh that's cool okay so that pops up like this okay i'm learning a little bit about how this case works there it goes okay so there's our top panel so it's a little tool-less thing right there warning lift up and remove top panel first before removing glass panels okay glad i didn't read that i almost broke my glass probably okay so these pop up like that so like little vulcan doors you know what i mean little vulcan wings like that and they do come off so let's just be safe there we go get access to the whole case there we go okay so we've got a sandwich design here the bottom oh it looks like can i pull these off yep these juice come off as well they just slide right off they're magnetic so we're gonna remove everything here we go okay so our case is basically open so here's our top down so you guys can see what we got here so again sandwich design in terms of the basically how it goes now you can do motherboard at the on the side you can let me zoom out a little bit you can actually shift where you actually have uh your panels etc too so you can actually move you can do all glass on one side you can do glass and uh mesh on one side so you can have like hey i want to make sure my i have mesh on this and then just show off all my components on this side so you actually can change uh where you uh how you lay out uh your stuff now also on the bottom you have access this is where we're gonna put we you can put a fan at the bottom we're gonna do that we're gonna have a straight basically uh push system so we're gonna push air right from the suck air through the bottom and push it all the way through the top so we're going to do that so this just comes right off like this and so we'll mount this you also if you wanted to you could use this as an optional you could use this as an optional uh ssd two and a half inch ssd mount location and then the other thing too that everybody seems really happy about with this case is this right here which is you've got a hot swappable right here in the top you've actually got a hot swappable one terabyte or sorry ssd location here so you can pop this out so we can show you this real quick then right here on the top just like this just pops right down there and then you oop i'm gonna put it the right way and it just slides in and then boom you've got a another two and a two and a half inch ssd basically popped in there and it makes it really easy so you don't have to worry about anything magical for it it just pops right in and it makes it really really nice so which is actually pretty cool so and then again uh your gpu goes on this side as you can see you actually have a lot of room for gpu clearance because uh now a strix will not fit in here uh but like your uh your ventus uh your uh any like your probably your evga all of those would probably fit okay um in terms of your size this is a gen 4 pcie riser card and then but like i said from a from a form fit and factor standpoint pretty straightforward in terms of just kind of putting the build together which is actually pretty rad and then for front panel you've got usbc usb 3.2 you've got a dual jack and then of course your cool little power button and then you know right here you have your sff power supply and again very easy you got lots of room here you know obviously we'll try and make the cables look really really nice and then you also the other two that's also really great about this whole case is that right in the front i mean it's hard to see but one of things that's actually pretty cool i'll see if i can find a good there you go you've actually got a rgb and a fan hub built into the case so if you wanted to just use standard rgb fans and fan hubs you don't have you only have one basically connection and then you can control everything right here from the fan hub given that we're going to have everything controlled off of the aio we won't necessarily need to use that so we'll just push this out of the way but that's actually a pretty neat little feature that they added which i thought was actually pretty cool for sff anything like that is just going to save you in terms of cable management et cetera so yeah and then again uh you have access the this pops off so you have this right here so for mounting your aio you don't have to do it in the case just basically pop off your pop off your top mount and you do everything just right here which is actually pretty cool so they did a lot from a modular standpoint i mean these are really quality screws good tooling uh all of that other stuff for just building in this case it's really just kind of a straightforward build but just a lot of thought and care um put into the build and uh just the the system itself so again just like that take this off and now we can mount our aio separately so let's get our let's get our let's get our motherboard mounted and let me find i need to find the i o shield our io shield looks like it's in a different case i wonder if our i o shield is still inside of the height revolts right now because it is not in the box on one side guys i'm going to see if our revolt is here and it has the i o shield doo doo doo 011 air phanteks oh wait yeah the revolt is in a forgot it's in a zone i think it's actually back in i think it's actually in storage now crud we don't have our io i wonder if let's just maybe we'll get lucky i'm gonna try this not something i would recommend normally but let's see if we can get lucky in this maybe this one will work uh this one looks like it's gone too i think we've already done this i think we've already taken the i o shield this is why i like integrated i o shields trying to think of what other sff oh it might be in the the meshalicious i don't think that's here either finally did a good job and put that's a nfc yeah all our small form factor cases with uh we forgot to take out the the uh the i o shields dang it okay well we don't have an i o shield we forgot to take them out of the cases okay so i just have to use non-i o shield which is not something i recommend but we don't have it it's not in the it's not enough we don't have it here okay so the so just one thing that is different is uh yeah like i said normally we'd have an io shield the i o shield is missing we'll have to get it and find it and then take the build apart and fix it it's in the uh i'm pretty sure it's in our height revolt and it didn't get taken out okay let's grab our spare stuff heights like heights like yeah we kept your we kept your io shield ruby tech just need to go get it okay let's grab our let's grab our stuff here there it is i guess i can pop in and see if he has let me ask if kevin just happens to have any i o shields in his attack thing you don't have any i o shields in here doesn't look like we've ever taken it looks like they got left in the cases but i don't know if maybe you just happen to have maybe it just didn't get put no okay well they're in the cases it in stores in in the revolt three and then messalicious then okay i don't know what else yeah because we never it's the only ones we've done itxes in so okay let's get this done it's a power supply it's your power cable because your power button is your power it runs your power in the back okay so we're going to grab our motherboard screws here hmm okay let's get our motherboard put in okay let's grab our little screws here there we go nice little four per four four screws pretty straightforward the good thing is is that at least with this build getting to the motherboard is actually really easy so doing the replacement will be pretty quick when we get that i o shield there it is okay there's that now we're just going to remove our little cable here pop that in right now okay riser's in makes that easy okay then we got our four for this so so far so good in terms of installation okay so for our rear fan we're gonna pull air we're gonna actually what we're gonna do is we're gonna pull all the air top through so it's it's kind of lame because you're not gonna be able to see the you're not gonna be able to see the the fan the light necessarily but you'll get a like a nice white underglow because of it so that's what we're working on right here is we're going to put in our white fan there we go so this will actually look really cool at the bottom okay so that'll go there let's get this remounted those are those four isn't those two was it this one no that's a top one those are to the those are to the top those are to the thin let's do these oh never mind that is this is this one it's in the back okay okay so there's our fan our rear fans in okay next up let's go and run our cables and then we'll add in our power supply there's our this is like so what we have here we have our usbc usbc [Music] our sata connection for the hot swappable we've got hd audio and then we have our front panel connection so all some pretty easy stuff it's actually pretty rad that front panel is pretty small though so let's run this first and again we're all we don't have a ton of cables on the one side so this is going to go right here front panel okay sata which is actually higher and if you run this one up and over there you go okay hd audio is it it's not on this is oh it might be up there yep okay hd audio is kind of in this weird spot on this board you have to remove the supreme fx thing here there you go there we go and this along the edge here and then that will hide that underneath okay then we have usb 3.2 it's gonna go right here and then usbc next to it there we go okay last one usbc it's a nice view okay so we have all the cables here ready to go like i said all power so everything's now hooked up to the motherboard pretty straightforward what i'm going to do here is i don't think we'll say well actually i'm going to keep this here what i need to do is figure out i'm going to get our aio put in and then from here then we'll put everything else in the cool thing is like honestly this is actually just a really easy case to work in work with because what we're going to do is we're going to go and put our asset we're going to go and put our psu in with the cables we need for the psu uh like i said there's not actually a ton because we'll just need uh power cpu and then gpu which we're going to be using uh i think it's a it's we'll have that we'll make let me see what the power is for the i think i'll actually have to use a split so i'm fine if i never open this no this has been opened this has never been open this is a brand new card i didn't i've never opened this card okay did not know that brand new 3070 ti i've never opened it's like okay never knew how to use this car oh yeah yeah brand new card it's got that new electronic spell yeah i've never used this card apparently i just want to see what the power adapter is on it yeah i know tech tuber problems first real problems right there for sure so it's dual eight pin that new gpu smell hype for sure okay let's get our sff power supply put in it's definitely not the burnt electronic spell but thank you for uh thank you for worrying it's coming together nicely guys i'm looking i'm liking how this is coming together so far that is true jesse yes cooler master does make white sff psus and this look at look at this isn't that beautiful this is 850 watts too that's stinky okay that is a stinky psu yeah it's concentrated smell okay what i need out of here is i'll need this might grab two just in case psu vga you'll need a cpu there you go that should be everything i need i'm telling you man one day one day yankee candle is going to pick up our stinky psu smell sorry our new psu smell candle it's going to happen and you guys are going to be excited um thermals in these like on my nr 200p max is awesome to be honest good now i love that that build so yes it can be really good but we're going to test the thermals and stuff so we'll give you all that info uh yeah i mean i'm not you're not going to overclock not not not no overclocking isn't really something that i mean you can in some but for the for the one that i have a 5950x it'd be a little tough i mean you can go look at the you can actually go look at the review yourself all the data is up on the up on the video you'd be impressed it's gotten a lot better and my 5950x i didn't even have to undervolt it or anything and it takes up like no room it's the one that we game on like when you watch me game pc game and stuff like that on the on the show that's the one that i'm using yeah the nr200 yeah okay guys i got to do something for height got to do something for hike because they asked okay so we'll do it for this okay guys here's what we're doing today we're building an entire pc inside of the landley q58 oh boy right now right now we've got a 5600 x love this cpu we're gonna be putting a 30 70 ti in and then right now we're putting in our small form factor psu it's so good [Laughter] i love building small form factor what do you think pluto [Music] oh that's right it's a 30-70 ti [Laughter] okay so here's all our cables oh good that's all you're welcome yeah that was mickey mouse come on psu get in there okay we can do it guys i wonder if it's like it's like tight here on these cables here but we'll get them in there there it goes a little bit of motion here i get it this thing's stuck on stuck on something no it's not quite fit oh that's why there we go okay it's in there it is now it's in a little small tiny psu hey good now thank you for the bits someday disney's gonna hire me we're gonna do psu builds at disney world mickey mouse and friends it's gonna be awesome no he says no he's a grouch i i'm working on other ones i'm working on other i can do i can also do uh oh some things here don't react well to uh don't react walter bullets somebody stole the 401 space modulator take a good look at earth why because i'm going to blow it up sff builds make me so angry [Laughter] oh i've done that one a few times too one one uh yeah i got i'll have to work on that one to get that one a little bit better but man this come on get in there there he goes [Laughter] one one stick of ram uh uh uh okay there we go our our case is finally like moving forward here actually it's been moving it's been it's been moving quite well okay there we go our sff is in our power supply is in now let's run these bad boys okay so first one we're gonna run is our cpu and there we go okay what i'm going to try and do the hope is to get all of these up into this these holders here that's what i'd like to do so i'm hoping that's what we're able to accomplish here and just make it look really neat i'll work so yeah if we get a list maybe if i get a list i'll work on some other impressions uh tweety bird and some other ones okay and i'll see what i can do i see i don't know i seem to have a knack for them so i'm hoping i'm able to do more okay that is in that is in these are all extra okay so this is this is all of the motherboard stuff so we should be able to i think if this goes well we should be able to get everything into these little ties here if done correctly and not have it look terrible which is what nobody wants terrible looking builds right so oh no don't be i got to be careful here let me unplug things if you're too forceful here with the there we go we want pretty slowly we work our way through just take some patience it takes a little patience a little working some cable training but when it works and it looks good everybody's happy be careful not to pull the cables out here so okay this takes a little bit of concentration here we'll make it better which each there we go there we go oh no i can't find the bottom of this one oh no where's the bottom of this one i got them trained but it's gonna be down here somewhere there it is [Music] this is always this slow part but it's always the can make a big difference in terms of how things look if you do it right definitely want to make sure this looks extra clean there you go that looks way better we can do this way that one's like so much longer than the other ones it was like there we go this is like this is like really long it's like i wonder if i twist this like the wrong way or something like that there we go now it's even so we got all those cables in and cleaned up everything's hooked up and everything's in and clean we have our free cables and everything's in how's that look see that looks nice now we're gonna figure out our fan stuff but yeah this is all out of the way and sealed up which looks good where's the toast gonna fit it's not gonna fit in this that's that's always the problem with uh these small builds right is that we uh we're definitely working every tiny bit that we can to fill to fill what we can here from a space standpoint whoa whoa whoa i'll have that in all the way but i must have to put this underneath okay now we want to run the gpu over oh shoot oh yeah this has got to go i just gotta go through here no cried that whole thing i just did psu is on the wrong no actually hold on wait wait might be over here let me do this without redoing my cable management let me try something um there we go just gonna make it so we can get this one i didn't know the power cable is on the wrong side hopefully this is easy to fix and this is one thing that's nice about sff is like you can basically move these wherever but there we go make sure this turns on there we go okay okay got that plugged in without having to redo all that again there we go okay cool we're in there we go okay we're good we're good we're good everything is in again yay didn't have to do too much the cable's still hidden just got to run this we got to figure out how to run this one cable ps the gpu this side so let's get our gpu in we'll work on work on uh okay good let's get our gpu in and then we'll work on our um our aio so but everything right now looks pretty good let's grab our gpu okay here's our 30-70 ti pretty straightforward i'm too crazy still can't believe it was brand new okay flip this on its side get rid of this it's funny because these are not these are never as straightforward as like there's no order here a lot of times i just kind of look and say okay what's going to be the easiest thing to get in right now and then from there figure it all out so it's like it's like it's not as it's not as what's the word formulaic is when i do my normal builds i guess is the right term because i'm pretty formulaic usually when i do my builds in terms of oh now we're going to do this now we're going to do this but not as much on this one way more uh way more hey as things fit somebody's asking about what's your clearance like on your gpu you can see it's actually quite significant if i'm not getting this inside oh this is being problematic well that's gonna freaking block the crap out of this thing i do not know if this is i definitely don't know if i want to use this card in here i think that this card would it's going to literally suffocate this card because this like the fan is going to be right up against this versus like a blower because like so basically if i use this card see how like you can see how that like literally is just going to sit there and block that airflow versus if i did i might want to switch this to a different card yeah it's not not a good idea let's switch cards switch cards just don't think this would be a good card to put in this thing okay see what i got see what else i got i'm gonna try i wonder if this would fit that's the question i don't know [Music] i wonder if this will fit [Music] i thought i had a 30 80 30 30 70 ti i mean 30-70 kevin do we have the 3070 ti ebg in here we were 37 times the 30-70 oh it's right here it's going in whatever this build is okay well we found it okay we'll put a 30 70 in there guys i just don't know if it's going to fit we'll try if not i'll have to choose a different card i have 30 80s but i'm trying to get a 30-70 in here okay here we go let's see if this fits i'm guessing a little bit because i don't know the links oh i forgot to put that away whoa welcome to welcome to small form factor oh is a 30 70 evga 30 uh ftw3 they're gonna fit tom you would tell me he would tell me making sure i'm not leaving stuff i thought i had a i do have a third where's the yeah i do have that i just don't know what's that what is this one see what tom said i don't know what this is trying to see what this is this is a do you know what this is oh well let's use this let's use this i'm going to use this i just realized that i didn't know i had this cool we'll use this i know it'll fit nice little bonus here what is this everybody's like what is this uh this is not something i knew i had but it's perfect for small form factor i forgot ebga sent it to me this is our small form factor and actually this was in this is another card i just forgot i had it this is awesome perfect these are rare too this will fit this is a 3080 but not just eight this is not a for the win 30 ag 30 80. this is a xc3 which is which they don't make a ton of so yeah this is perfect there it is rtx 3080 xc3 that'd be perfect blower style card nice length yeah yeah so it's an upgrade and it's a great card and i think the 2060 is lame i think the 30-50 i'm excited about it's not eating dust we use it specifically for uh for these built okay here we go okay let's get this in here this is like a great card for this there we go there we go that's such a great card for this that fits perfectly gonna be much better cooling too okay so let's see the best way to route power would be through the back and up oh right here okay right through here uh there we go oops put that on the right way there we go okay trying to think of the best way to look good okay what i'm working on right now is just making sure this looks as best i can make it i might use a single cable here just to kind of give it some some panache panache that's what we all need panache there we go uh it's not it's basically it's just to make that cable look better because it's not it's not just to make the cable look better so it doesn't look so gnarly because again you're gonna you are gonna have glass here right so i'm trying to make this part look better you're gonna have white things so it's just it's just about trying to improve the look okay okay so gpu is plugged in the only thing we have left now is just to i said we have a little bit left you need to see what we do here with this you stop this this is for our aio so you put this up here i have some room for cables here in the back too to hide just trying to get things to look nice this little chamber back here and put cables there you go still what i'm showing like doing this as we go which makes the most sense right especially on an sff build i can make this like a bit of a probably you need to be flat to get in here i just don't want it to be visible below okay that takes care of that that's clean come on baby work with me oh that seems broken what's going on that doesn't seem to be working okay oh look at that you updated it even on the fly that's awesome let's realize that blondie and they they're on top of it with the new build specs i don't know why i doubted them but that's pretty crazy okay there we go so we got i'm just trying to make because again we do want some airflow to come through the bottom of this so the zip ties aren't just for making it look pretty it's also to make sure that we can get some airflow through the bottom with the fan okay so you actually have most of the build done we just need to get the aio installed so that's what this last cable is for again everything here is all clean and looks nice and then this we haven't we haven't undone this yet because we're still waiting for we have a little bit more to do here to figure out how this is going to work and then we have a fan that's going to go at the bottom so once that gets done then everything else but most of our build is pretty close to ready there we go no pressure on the thing okay cool so we're in good shape we just got to figure out fans we got a couple more things to hook up and then we're we're actually ready to turn this on i just like to take my time you know i just want it to look nice right like that's that's important to me you know anybody can just put a build together but like there's something there's something about having it look good when it's done right that obviously helps and that's that's what i that's what i want to take the time to do and sometimes like yeah i know i stopped talking after a while and all that sort of stuff but i want you guys to see that right like taking pride in your work you know but now it's a 5600x with a 30 80 in it which is i forgot we had this 38 it's like the perfect 3080 for builds like this jimmy come on now i'm excited yeah it's a good it's a good it's a good gaming pc oh sure okay so let's get this built and on and then we're ready for the next part so mm-hmm here we go okay so we're going to be pulling air directly into this so we're going to exhaust it's going to exhaust so you probably want this to go like that makes the most sense which means i want these to be on the rear side i think i might do the glass at the bottom and then have mesh at the top try that is okay so that'll hide these cables which means i want them near the front yeah so if this is this okay that should be fine we have the wacky cable in out thing here [Music] the case is pretty tiny case is pretty tiny let's get our wow stick wow stick time okay here we go while stick time wow stick there we go that's called the wow stick it's a automatic i love the screwdriver do you want to there there's a link for it right there we always link it it's ewastic's a very popular very popular tool here on robytech okay there we go wow stick installed okay that's that um cables coming off of this we should have a triple and they give us a triple which is good do everything off of the triple fan here three fan header here so i can actually run okay so let's do this then i was curious about so i now know that this has to be we are going to use the fan hub okay i'm plugging in my fan hub directly into my cpu because all of my cpu stuff is gonna kill manage that here in a minute okay in out and out and out and out blah blah blah blah this is all going to go into this so this is going to go in and out this is that weird daisy chainable rgb there we go now what i need is one more longer one i'm hoping i have it here and another cable okay yeah there's that's the one kill i need that's so i can have this other one tied to it this is so i can have the one the other one tied to the other fan it's at the bottom tied to this one this is going to go question was this go into the no that's the wrong one shoot grab the wrong one this is the one that goes out to the the aio you gotta make sure you get the right one the daisy chain one versus the the daisy chain one versus the one that connects to the actual that's the one for that because we do not have any room for big boxes that's what we do not have room for what i need is a small in-out one that's what i need okay i found it i'm using three aer rgb fans okay this is the one i need okay so this goes to here in on this one and the out is down at the bottom okay there's that and then this cable right here is what plugs into the aio yep this is all freaking confusing but make it happen okay so this is actually actually this is going to go here okay and this one is going to go here this is always like it feels like it should be pretty straightforward hooking this up but it is never straightforward it's like i always like i'm trying very hard not to get confused when i hook these up every time and i'm like this goes to this to goes to this and i hope this cable is long enough it should be long enough to get down to the other cable all right okay last part let's put our bracket on me okay now we can just screw the rest this on and then we're and i'll talk i'll show you guys up close here in a second what i was talking about for that rgb just want to get everything basically ready and then i can just walk you through it real quick because i know some people were like what did you just do roby i want to see i want to show you do not worry i will be there in a second to show you oh they'll be hidden underneath the shroud anyway there's no major didn't okay okay so let's walk through what i just did so you guys can know so i can be really and guys i'm gonna try my best to explain it to you it is not simple i apologize for how not simple it is okay so the way that nzxt any aer fans work so you can get a good side view here is they have on it they have daisy chains for their rgb and you can see it says out here it says out and then it says in so what you have to do is basically you have to daisy chain these all together and you got to figure out the order so this plugs into the aio specifically it's got a little usb it's part of the connection and that's the rgb control for and you have to use nzxt aer for basically the sorry their cam to control the lighting this one right here i had to get from another pair of k of nzxt fans this is going to go into the in of the fan that's down at the bottom so all of the rgb for this will be controlled now because they don't make white fans um you ha i had to like pull these from a different one because this is these are all like again this is a two it's a kraken x53 so there's only two fans so i needed to have another one to go in there these right here are our pwm fans these are just going to go into the hub itself so you can plug into hub now if you wanted to you do not need to uh if you wanted to if you use i there is actually a device that you can add for nzxt any aer that will let it plug directly into the rgb if you wanted to but given i'm going to use cam for most of the lighting anyway i'm just going to leave it alone so i'm not going to use that so that's what i was doing so now we're going to do is we're going to get this on to our build and then cable manage everything else and figure out how all this is going to fit okay run all our cables and all that fun stuff oh maybe it does go a specific way it does okay oh and this is a this has to go one way okay so i have this on backwards so i have to rotate this around so i figured both fans would be the same but they're not because i forgot about this hot swappable so gotta switch this around luckily with this at least this is the least i had a 50 50 chance of getting it right this is why i don't gamble 50 50 chance i got it wrong okay let's do that one more time flip it over now it is correct all right there we go yeah and i i do have it switched on to the on position yeah it's on we can verify that let's just test it real quick let's see it turns on let's do a power test everything's plugged in so it should oh maybe i don't have it plugged in the right way there it goes okay so thank you for reminding me that that would have been bad okay it does turn on okay there we go yeah chad is is chat slow today i hadn't noticed okay we usually don't do builds on fridays i think a lot of people a lot of people uh friday nights are kind of important night so these streams are usually not on fridays for that reason because i think people want to not watch twitch so that's usually why we don't do fridays but i didn't want to not do one i didn't want to not do this build this week so okay there we go okay so we're not going to screw this stuff in yet because we know that we have to get all our cables plugged in and all that stuff but everything's ready so we can do though let's go and get our pump on what's my time right now it is currently 420. okay there's our let's plug this in there we go you guys you guys are too easily entertained is number 11 that's funny well that's good it's good to see that it's so popular okay now it's going to finish this part okay i think we want to do like that okay let's get our stuff cleaned off real quick and then we'll get our mount on okay cold plates clean okay now let's get this on okay that's not gonna work okay last part okay let's get this on start finishing this build go okay there we go okay now let's run this stuff this goes down here and through usb there we go run that one here in a minute and then this is for rgb we're gonna where you get all these kind of question is which one is the it'll look at the book real quick figure out which one is the aio fan aio pump header doo doo doo the middle one okay middle one's aio okay and the main reason i'm hooking this up to the i o is that i'm gonna have all my fans run off of the cpu but i want the aio to run it 100 so i'm going to use the aio pump header here which is this middle one i know you guys can't see it but it is there there you go okay so now that's all hooked i need to do is get let me go ahead and cable manage what i can down here let's see if i can get you guys so you guys can see it on the side cam here i'm not doing it without you being able to see what i'm doing here hold on that's not very that's not very good tv you want good tv all right see if it's locked up make sure it's not locked up because it does that sometimes nope it's not okay so what i'm doing right now is i'm gonna get this bottom these bottom cables controlled going to figure out how i'm going to run these tubes too looks like you can do that okay that'll run the tubes so there's our build so again our tubes are going to run like that there's our nzxt thing this can go up and over and it looks like it'll actually be okay down and i can hide it use the tubes to hide everything it just looks kind of messy right now and especially with the missing freaking the messy freaking uh missing io shield kind of sucks but this is what it is we'll get it we're gonna get it taken care of and now we're starting to put things away and then we'll get it to look nice so we're kind of at the pretty phase like just everything's on it's ready to go it just needs to get made look pretty so that's that's just some a little bit of time nothing too crazy so we're just going to run these so this and this are cables for our fans okay so we're just plugging in right now the the fans into the fan manhattan this is a trigger that should come on oh shoot oh that pops down okay cool that's way easier didn't know that popped down cool so i'm on top down so you guys can see what i'm doing here i have this actually pops down i did not know that this is magnetic so you can actually pop it down you can run your k because that was getting really hard okay there's that this i don't need i'm just gonna undo this instead of just even having it just gonna unplug it okay here comes the fun part of trying to hide all this crap say just to temper i'm just going to temporarily screw in the top and i'll i'll do it later i'm just doing this so i can now cable manage the side here there we go okay now we can work on the side it looks like a giant top down mess but we'll fix that here okay there we go and now do one zip tie right here like i said the cables will hide some of that make sure it's nice and straight there we go no hide those now these try and get to a nice little fan thing here all right that's the right way i want to do it the other way okay now what i'm doing is just creating a storable cluster of cables here there we go come on baby okay now now we've got something that is can get hidden out of the way okay cool that's hidden i might need to it's okay it doesn't need to be okay so this one okay let's get this fixed now so this goes into this nope this goes into this okay that takes care of this okay what i'm doing right now is just basically getting this bottom to look like a single group of cluster cables so it's hidden too and then we're done and then we've got pretty much most of this cleaned out we just got to put one more part together sff builds always just take more mental capacity because there's a lot more just figuring out how to hide stuff there we go it's all for the better but you want everything to look smooth you know and hidden and clean right so everybody wants okay this is to the power i'm gonna get this no you just need zip ties to work with you here come on zip tie we go there you go now that looks much cleaner okay so now we have cleanliness kind of everywhere now can't really see that this is not clean because we haven't run that one cable this has just got to run this will be the last of the power cables there's always way more that you have to shove into these things to get them to look good there you go okay there's just one cable we have left to run fans are spinning fine let's get this one to go up here too i need that to have a lot of room for the fan here so i'm wondering if i even need actually you know what give me this back i don't even think i need this now i don't think i actually need this thought i might need two because of just the length but i don't there we go that's much better okay last cable put it right here okay there we go last that's all hooked up got plenty of room there for the fan nothing showing and picking out there just got to put my last fan in and then we're good and then get it to connect probably want the fan because i want the fan the other way last thing guys this is the end of the build last bit let's grab our fan thing here okay so now that i want to let you guys know let's since i'm at the very end of this it's all right people giveaways that are happening today on the show one we have two 250 gig nvme ssds the first one we get we have 500 likes on youtube of which we have like 360. so head over to robytech and hit a thumbs up on that uh on that on the video on the stream so that's how we do that second one is if we're gonna hit level five hype train twice we've hit it once already and we have the second one coming up and just we could we could actually start at any minute basically then we'll give away a 250 gig nvme ssd for the month of january and my birthday month we are giving away a 30-70 ti to one lucky subscriber on slash robitech so if you're over rubytech or newegg pop on over to rubytech drop your free amazon prime subscription if you got amazon and amazon prime you get a free twitch subscription which you can use as a free entry if you've gotten a gifted sub from all of the people who've been gifting subs the whole time i haven't been paying attention to chat you can go ahead and drop you drop your prime sub and potentially win um uh double your chances at that point in time and the guy who won in july one off of a single won a 3080 ti off of a single twitch off of a single amazon prime sub now if you want to get extra entries you can do things like gift subs like you've seen people doing you can also do subscribe to tier two and tier three that get you five extra entries and ten extra entries respectively so if you want to get extra entries that's how you basically do that and then you can basically get uh you you increase your chances of winning uh that gpu which we're going to give away in the month of january um so hey thanks man i appreciate it thanks i like the mat yeah that mass effect build was fun in the month of january so if you want to get in on those those are things that are happening let's go ahead and start the uh let's go and start getting towards the um let's go ahead and start getting towards the uh hype train because right now we have people who are prime subbing right now that's gonna probably start hype train then we'll get our second hype train what's gonna happen is we're gonna finish this build then we'll go through deals uh which is always kind of one of those things that we always do then we'll turn it on uh and then we'll do our giveaways and then that's kind of the end of the stream now we're back tomorrow it's gonna be a longer stream tomorrow starting at one o'clock because we're fully custom water cooling a build i'll show you the case here at the very end lastly if you just got your sub don't forget until nine a.m tomorrow morning you can enter you can go and you can purchase your uh pc build mats uh those just dropped at noon today if you are basically uh there we go one more thing until the hype train uh you subs on twitch you get early access to purchase these uh these awesome um build mats and they are for sale if you have if you just really got your recently got your sub head over to discord gg slash rubytek head to the subscriber chat and subscriber chat has the link to purchase your mat uh so anyway that's where all that stuff is there we are we are now in two hype train gunlagger thank you for the five subs it's keys thank you for the sub uh for for all thank you for the resub uh as well and then uh it's uh let's see uh davidzow124 welcome to the family uh resubscribe no three months sorry uh anniversary uh sp fire subscribe with prime welcome kiltman resubscribing elso doctor a 14 month anniversary uh iron gazebo 12 month anniversary boss one two three six one two three six prime sub uh and then also uh resubscribe seven month anniversary from mel archives random act of dave uh two months there the ghastly kush four month anniversary mystery oh one one four 19 month anniversary j snatches a nine month anniversary matt black 17 months and then good now dropping those bits thank you very much for all of you guys for all the amazing support it's keys giving out another gifted sub uh the my the my legend welcome to prime and then juggalo jimmy dropping his thousand bits so yeah the mats are the same price for everything they're no matter what they're 100 bucks or chaos thank you very much for the gifted sub and these are the only ones if you want to get the first 90 which are the only ones that we have now we there'll be more later but uh they they do come signed so they will be signed by moi and if you don't want moi then i don't know what to tell you everybody said they wanted me to sign them i don't know if i know i've gotten this okay i need to get the cable on this here real quick we gotta ride this cable here in a minute uh taurean academy do um slayer one gift it's uh mecon 93 thank you very much for the gifted sub as well iex075 thank you for the sub it goes in the end there we go there we go that is spinning eledin five gifted subs thank you very much taking us to 98 we're almost away red pyramid had five gifted subs taking us to over 100 there it is it's not chicken one gifted sub and there we are 103 on our way to 150 new gift card now that works wow that was amazing that that actually worked it's keys nine bits thank you very much guys 120 we're 325 can we get 30 more that would take us 150 150 new gift card jreb uh there we go 19 more subs guys can we get to 150 love to see us get to 150. thank you very much for the bits and everything guys you guys are awesome that was a huge jump right there it's keys dropping 10 gifted subs praying i'm good there we are 136 we're getting super close this is like a little bit mysterious hooded guy taking us to one guys red dragon we are nine away holy moly we're so close to 150 that's huge 143 one minute left guys can we get there six subs that's it it's all we have left can we get those last six 50 seconds how we doing on likes there we go five gifted one sub once up to 150. once up red pyramid it there it is 155 call me benji there it is guys sj swan you guys are incredible thank you very much this is how i know i have an amazing community because like it's like we're so close and then you guys a bunch of people come in clutch so thank you for coming in clutch guys you guys are awesome okay we're just getting the last bit of this done andy garcia runs sub taking us to 159 we are on our way towards the 250. there it is guys great work how are we doing on uh that's 690 that's like one of the highest we've had in a very long time okay there's our build guys by the way top done there it is or chaos five months let's go ahead and throw in the next goal how are we doing on likes 408 and we're so close to that too okay so we're on our way to 100 250 so that's a there we go next goal is up oh that i don't like i wish they didn't have to do that so much so anyway next one is a 12-162 guys what do you guys think looks good right i think we did a good job making that look nice and clean and we got it all hooked up everything's all clean and done okay yeah tetris was uh is a thing right like every time we do sff builds it's always tetris okay there it is yeah that side looks really this side looks really it's like so little on this side right like that's like all that's over here i'm gonna go ahead and have to i need to keep this off of this fan so i'm glad you like it just gotta keep this off the fan there we go there we go okay making sure there's nothing hitting the fans okay let's start putting it back together now we have options here so i definitely want i don't i want to put mesh here for sure we want mesh on the bottom for this one for sure because we do not want to starve the aio i mean the gpu so we'll do mesh on the bottom there so that way the gpu is getting air we'll do air on the top i mean glass on the top there we go okay okay there we go so there's that that looks nice and clean as nice as it would be to have the gpu it would just be terrible for airflow okay so let's do the other side now we have some options here now what we can do which i think would be best is mesh on the top and then you have the nzxt logo and stuff on the bottom and i'm not overly worried about overheating the gpu you know what i mean i mean the the cooler master no wait can you not oh i thought you oh i thought you could do this oh maybe you can't i thought you had the option oh i guess you can't i guess you can't do that it would have been kind of cool but i guess you can't do it that would have been neat i thought you could switch it around but you can't you can that's what i thought how do i do it i'm not missing something no the problem is is that see it's this see this right here it doesn't like in order for this to go like this little part right here can't be here i wonder if you have to switch both sides because i think i don't i think you'd have to switch both sides because if this was on the bottom on the other side that would work but it won't you can't do top and bottom does that make sense i think you have to switch both sides you can't just switch one side yeah i think you can only i think you only do you can only switch both that's kind of unfortunate which i would have liked to have shown the bottom because then i would that's why i spent all that time cable managing it you could do one side full yeah you could do that i think well i don't know if you could do that yeah maybe you might be able to do one side completely glass let's try that let me do this whole side glass music stop hold on so you have a tempered glass side yeah you could do this so you could do that and have a tempered glass side where is my oh it is then the gpu just get all the air because i mean again it's not going to bother the top there we go here we go the gpus full mesh and then start the music again then we throw this back on and then it's done and there is our build so you guys like that it still came out looking pretty clean because it's like it's it's good because the glass like kind of it's got like a single thing yeah uh there's no airflow through the center so it's actually gonna get better air this way there's still some gap but the thing is the psu's not gonna the psu is not gonna uh the psu is not gonna starve and there's still a slit in the glass i think i can get this out because i need to i need to clean the bottom of this real quick i mean technically you could run it you could just run it like you could just run this like bottom part open if you wanted to there we go okay cool let's run deals real quick and then we'll turn it on and then that's that so run our deals and then we'll turn it on how many likes do we have on the youtubes i think we got to be close right yeah it's a tiny pc just unfortunate that the io shield's gone okay guys we're at 426 we need not that many more head on over to youtube.comtech hit that thumbs up button we're gonna run through our deals and afterwards we're done so we want to definitely hit it before we get to that what's up what blondie came out good that just might be the next blondie roby everybody's saying roby roby shiny tee kit is gifting 25 tier one wait what did i miss it is he really has he done it i i didn't i didn't see that i oh he did shiny teeth the queue thank you very much i just saw that 25 gifted subs shiny thank you very much yeah i just see it sorry and it's keys five it's so many thank you very much ten more from it's keats wow [Laughter] that's incredible thank you very much both keats and shiny teeth qt you guys are both amazing make me spin that oh i appreciate it where did he leave did shiny leave i want to say thank you to shiny too uh garrett cordova yes it is possible you can always you can always buy them from me yeah we we not we we we do streams like we do stuff like that all the time this one won't because we uh we have that awesome uh evga one that i i won't ever i won't ever get rid of look the one thing that is nice about this though check this out you're like hey i just want to make sure my gpu gets extra air boom there you go give your gpu extra air there it is gpu just give it extra air pretty cool this case is this case is pretty neat i'm excited to give it a go let's go and run our deals we're so what are we at we're 206. so we're actually close to giving away a cpu today maybe we'll give away cpu who knows we got time go hit that thumbs up guys the bottom is pretty open for airflow i mean it would get better airflow obviously without but it's like there it's not bad we'll see what it goes through there 450 or 500 guys over on the youtube likes we're gonna run our deals real quick and then we'll uh we'll get going but thank you very much for your patience today i know sometimes some of these builds they take extra patience um because i uh i get like into the build and making it look pretty and but it always comes out nice when i take my time you know is what we want all right let's uh see what we got from a deal standpoint today put this on the side there 99.99 what the whoa holy moly guys thank you very much robert moses we just need to see andy the lab you know what's funny i'm going to send a picture because i'm literally talking with her and i was just literally talking to her let me take a picture right now oh that's right i'm gonna send this picture to to andy i'm sending it to aunt texting andy right now i just texted andy [Laughter] so you can see it oh wait andy's here wait is andy in the chat is it because it says i just saw him gift the sub to andy did i miss like am i just am i completely gone today is that that's even better she's actually in the chat oh my gosh oh that's hilarious i was just like oh my gosh somebody just said i used to say hi to andy oh my gosh yeah i am i'm on fire today i'm on fire did you uh do you like my uh this is the other one i got from uh come on guys we have 40 more likes on youtube andy's here i'm gonna be hanging out with her in quarter one we're gonna be doing some fun stuff together um i got your text thank you andy that is so funny oh man yeah i know sometime soon yes we we have to work we have to work it out but yeah we're gonna we're gonna do something fun i am a little i was dude this this annie can andy can attest to this andy knows how hard how to make these look clean how much work small form factor builds are they just take a lot of time you know what i mean so you want to continue like i just i'm too anal retentive to not spend the time you know what i mean and so it's like that's the thing so that's like it just takes in like so it's like it like my like it's puzzle solving and so i just think just get smaller hands hey there you go that's what i should do i was in the zone that's right i was in the zone let's take a look at what uh let's take a look at what uh our fine friend uh tom found us today so it's time for deals uh entire and guys do not forget tomorrow full water cool build beginning to end i you know we will finish it starts at one o'clock uh i'll show you guys the case it's a custom halo build uh thanks super shout out to jake from ek for sending us all the water cool parts and all that sort of stuff it is going to be crazy uh with uh the whole thing so yeah we're going to be cutting tubes we got some pre-bent too so no i don't think i'll have to do any uh bending but um yeah it's going to be interesting i hope i i'm praying it gets done i if anybody understands that andy knows sometimes custom water colds don't go yeah yeah jake from ek yeah sometimes custom watercolor builds don't go the way that you plan so okay let's uh let's take a look at what we got for deals today and then we'll go from there i want game capture let's make sure it works not pc capture there it is oh oh oh oh did i oh did i plug it in oh there we go it shows up now there it is come on baby there it is okay so [Music] uh find all the latest deals right here we got our new schedule up uh soar uh store is here if you're ever looking for a good nice uh you're looking for a pc you want components gaming gaming uh televisions all that sort of stuff bookmark or at robytechdeals on twitter uh tom is literally scouting the internet all the time so anytime you're about to buy pc go check here first the only two that's also really nice if you want to support me you're shopping at best buy newegg amazon you can always pop here use this link it doesn't cost you anything but it does go to support me which is absolutely awesome also tomorrow tomorrow starting at nine check out the ruby tech story that's where the milled mats will drop for everybody else if you're not a sub so if you want to pick one up uh that's the best place to do it let's look and then the only two last thing every steam stream build every build we stream all of the parts are always saved here so here you can see here's the liam lee build that we just got finished building so if you're ever interested about parts or want to pick something up or you're like hey what has he put into it this is where all of those those things are stored so every stream that we do every build every part is all stored there including hey look there's all the stuff from tomorrow's build the halo infinite water cold build is all there as well so that's all the stuff that we're putting in it tomorrow lastly uh every stream we always like to find deals and so let's see what he he found for today i mean he said there's some pretty good ones okay evga supernova 850 p6 uh this is the platinum platinum rated power supply this is their new smaller form factor still i love that they are now doing the platinum versions of these um great if you're doing a 30 70 a 30 70 ti a lot of people yes you could do an 850 watt for a 30 80. uh but the problem is is that you don't get the efficiency don't pay for power a platinum power supply and then go crank it out which is always the thing yeah so this uh so that's why i always recommend 850 watts for a 30 70 or 3070 ti uh msi gf65 this is the 10ue it's 144hz 1080p i7 10750h it's got an rtx 3060 uh right now it's less than a thousand bucks so absolutely awesome 1080p gaming uh monitor uh this is a 3060 so again we were playing with a 30 50 and that thing absolutely crushed at 1080p so this is a really really great deal uh with a 512 the only thing is is that obviously upgrading your uh upgrading your ram and your nvme ssd that's why it's so cheap uh gigabyte uh 15.6 inch 1080p this is also with the 3050 ti and i5 16 gigs of ram and a half a 12 again 849.99 uh okay deal that's pretty good uh ours the scarf 15 this has a 3080 950 900 hx 16 gigs of ram one terabyte ssd optical gaming keyboard this is a true gaming uh laptop fit less than two grand for that is actually a really great deal so that awesome deal there if you're looking for a great gaming laptop and that's 1080p which means you're gonna get especially for games like valorent rainbow six you are going to get your 300 frames per second for sure and take advantage of monitor if you're looking for a white build looks like less than a hundred bucks on this gold certified arm 850x uh the wsn87850 one of my favorite pcie gen 4 nvme ssds one terabyte uh for 164.99 that's pretty good gigabyte 32 inch qhd curved monitor this is 165hz 1440p one millisecond uh freesync premium pro with displayport no hdmi 2.1 so worth knowing there uh 299.99 that's why it's that's why it doesn't have hdmi 2.1 that is a really good price for that monitor holy crap uh elgato face cam you guys i showed this uh on the corsair deals thing uh in uh into december people are blown away at how good this camera looks uh it's 30 off making it 169.99 go back and check out that amazon stream that thing is a pretty incredible cam camera to be clear uh the ryzen 9 5900 x x continues to go down in price 524.99 uh they got just such a good deal and such a great cpu uh 110 off of this acer nitro this is a 27 inch 1440p uh hdmi it looks like a freesync 219. so if you're looking for a 1440p monitor 219. looks like those uh bundles uh both for razer and for corsair over at best buy these include mouse keyboard the other one includes mouse and headset i love the i'll actually like the black shark i don't know if you've used it before actually pretty good headset eighty dollars holy crap 80 bucks off uh over at best buy for 69.99 and 50 bucks off for corsair that's your mouse keyboard um and uh a mouse pad for 100 bucks uh looks like the hyperx streamer starter pack 50 bucks off i've not used i've not used the solo cast usb microphones i don't know how good it is but 79.99 there and then the steel series i like their headsets and their mice i haven't used a lot of their keyboards 139.99 over at best buy right now uh 970 evo plus 2 terabyte for just at 200 bucks that is a great deal for a two terabyte nvme ssd and then it looks like a dell 27-inch these guys make absolutely fantastic uh monitors uh it's freesync and g-sync uh plus 1440 299.99 and there we are we hit our 500 on youtube as well so really great deals uh big ones face cam uh uh 5900x uh that razer bundle and the corsair bundle are really good and then this uh asus rg strix scar laptop uh which i mean andy knows loves asus that's a really great price for this 2021 1080p with a 3080 and of course the one thing i will say asus you can definitely upgrade ram and storage pretty easily so those are the deals today guys what do you guys think huh we hit it good job tom tom did good i always like it when tom did good okay so that is it for uh that is it for the deals now we gotta see if this uh all this work paid off and this pc actually uh works so yeah that is it 4.99 we hit 500 thank you very much kelsey for that yeah good good deals for sure yeah my alienware died after three years that's we're testing a 15-inch one right now um and we've actually been pretty impressed with it looking good feeling good thank you mr bot yeah tom does good work tom does good work guys laptop great deals there if you're looking for a build uh in 2022 okay so let's get this hooked up now throw my cables underneath get this turned on okay our little our little baby our beast is ready to come to life there we go oh i see lights already that's a good sign and and gpu okay there we go you guys ready let's go to let's go to mood mode okay here we go go into mood mode waiting for the lights to go off come on there it goes one more one more light it's the far lens that's okay we're in mood mode here we go oh snap oh that looks so good i love the white light that looks so good that came out great i like the i like the glass on that side it actually really looks good on the back too that looks great that came out great that came out really good i think what i do is i probably get like a piece of plastic and a couple things to like hide some of the cables a little bit i mean some of these cables are just like there's not a whole lot i can do but i might go i would probably get some sleeving and stuff like that to basically hide some of this white you know what i mean like i'd probably like maybe just even a piece of acrylic just to kind of hide some of the stuff there i mean you can't really see it but you know me i just wanna i wanna try and make it a little bit cleaner i am actually a huge fan of even on the back too because it's like it's just nice and lit up in the back too which actually looks pretty cool hey thank you very much keys that acid that actually looks really nice as well um right there and then again you got you can actually open up the bottom and by the way it does post and so it is posted there it is the post is there so there it is right there and then you're basically good to go so yeah it's all it's all it's all there and and posted and everything so and it looks great i love the way the fans look so again we'll probably make it all white just because and then uh yeah like i said i think the one thing i would do is see what i can do about hiding some of the some of the cabling you know finding a nice way to do that if i can i don't know what you could do but yeah i like the way it came out but there is the there's the there's the glass side right there and then again it's still i mean from a distance it looks really good like you know i mean like you would not know it's just when you're up and close that it doesn't look as clean as it potentially could yeah but yeah it's uh going from there yeah i think it came out great so let's go to let's go to our let's go to our uh we're going to do our giveaways so let me set it up inside camera so you guys get a nice close look at it up close and then we'll uh we'll start our giveaways give it a little bit more light on this side there we go that looks better there you go here's the side camera let's start our first giveaway there's your build i feel like this is just a little bit turned there we go okay so first giveaway we're going to be giving away two 250 gig nvme ssds exclamation point community exclamation point community for this one and we're gonna get two minutes starting right now two 250 gig nvme ssd starting that giveaway right now guys oh there goes okay i was like it's not going but there it goes it just took a little bit um i think we made it all white even the ram white it would actually look pretty good i also wish there was a way to show the um to show the uh the lights like get away to get the lights to show on the other i mean it's nicely lit up you know what i mean so it looks pretty good from that remark 50 seconds guys uh my personal pc uh just came in from uh from origin so but we're building another one um i'm actually the hope is is that i'm gonna have uh i'm gonna have uh uh liquid house and pc works uh come in and then we're gonna build in this liam lee desk that i had back here so we're gonna build another build in here retire this or give away this asus rg uh pc that i've been using for my streaming one it's got a 2080 in it it's a great great pc uh so give that one away and then replace that one and put two like just the two ridiculous rigs in there uh with uh 30 90 ti's and all custom water cooled and stuff like that so some rgb cables on the psu would be to be honest they wouldn't fit there'd be no like they're just getting that into this case i mean again i mean it took it takes a lot of work to make it look the way that it did i mean there's a couple more cables that i could probably add from there um but yeah it it would i don't think i can get rgb cables in there okay guys uh congratulations to hootiehoot15 hootiehoot15 and the second winner is rbr brayer r brayer and hootie hoot 15. congratulations you two you are the winner of the 250 gig nvme ssds okay last giveaway this is for a 150 new a gift card uh exclamation point new egg now exclamation point new egg now 250 gig nvm uh sorry uh a 150 new a gift card starting right now two minutes guys okay so while we're doing that tomorrow big build big build tomorrow tomorrow we're doing the custom water cool leanly 011 mini build in this custom case so this is the plan for tomorrow we're going to custom water cool this case so we had this built this was built by our team here so just alone you can see just all in all like it came out super look how good that looks so the whole thing from there it just came out super clean so we're going to be doing this tomorrow that's going to be done tomorrow and we're going to start at one o'clock and it should go for a while the hope is to get it all done tomorrow we have everything we should need thanks to ek thanks to asus thanks to corsair to be able to do this entire build which should be super rides this is tomorrow's build and we're going to be doing full custom water cooled hard loop hard line uh all that sort of stuff all the things you guys have been asking for just going to kick it off uh we're going to kick it off tomorrow i'm gonna flip the studio around once we're done here and then head on over yeah they did he did a great mike did a great job with this case and this is all custom painted so and weathered and all that sort of stuff here's the top down look at it so you can see just he did such a good job this whole he just did he did so good he's gonna look great when it's all done i mean even like even this like fabricating these you know what i mean like adding all this stuff on here this is all fabricated all this like extra just looks really really good i mean this is like if you know this case it does not have this normally so yeah he did a great job yeah we have we actually have ben's it's their pre he sent me pre-bent 90 so it's it's using a district plate the only thing we're water cooling is the the only thing we're custom water cooling is the cpu the hope is is that it'll be two 360 millimeter ai uh two 360 rods uh we're using the new kunai fans from razer and then of course then we've got a distro plate for this too so it should be pretty cool uh congratulations to murky vapers murky vapors you won a 150 new a gift card and you are incredible so that is it so guys that is the show again don't forget to check out karma if you're looking for other options to buy gpus series x's ddr5 it's just another tool to put in your tool belt so big shout out to them uh we are back tomorrow starting at 1 pm it is going to be a little bit earlier so that's going to be happening tomorrow at 1. no way none of the new gpu coolers with the active no way none of the new gpu coolers i don't know what that means no we're using the cut we're using the new we're using the halo uh halo 6900 xt so and then last thing don't forget if you are a brand new sub so many people got gifted subscriptions if you got a subscription you have until 9 00 a.m tomorrow to purchase your build mat then tomorrow at 9 o'clock if you do not you're not a subscriber then everybody on discord there will be a link that drops at 9am for everybody else on discord to pick up and then if there's anything left and then at one o'clock on the stream we'll obviously publish the normal link for everybody else so if you want to get your if you want to get your mat join discord those are going to be your best chances i don't know if they're sold out yet i i haven't checked there's only 90 of them those are going to be the first run they're going to be the only ones that are signed then afterwards we have more on the way so they will be these will be the ones that are available through all of 2021 and they'll retire these and go to a new mat in 2022 so and i know a lot of people have picked it up so there you go andy the lab just bought one there we go andy got one so people are picking them up uh and and awesome so i super appreciate it anyway guys i hope you enjoyed the show we'll see you tomorrow at one o'clock i miss you you're amazing and we'll see you then bye guys oh 23 you're right 20 23 oops that's not you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 28,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, lian li q58, lian li q58 build, q58, q58 build, sff pc build, sff pc build 2021, lian li sff
Id: tY4ySraLcHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 49sec (12829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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