How To Build a PC - Giveaways + $2800 NZXT N7 Z490 #RTX3000 Build (10900KF / EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3)

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[Music] tell me that you wanna stay baby just don't walk away i need don't let me down i need you now cause i'm feeling worn don't let me go broken wanna be dreams to me tell me that you wanna stay i need i feel you somehow don't let me go i need you right i wanna now next be yeah to me [Music] [Music] what is up everybody how we doing how we doing how's it going going live going live as promised how's the though it feels like the volume on the music's a little high i'm gonna turn it down a little bit more how is that there we go everybody can hear can you guys hear the music did you hear music we were going in there wow for the first time and i don't know how long we didn't give a high train in like the fret before i even went live so looks like you guys are either either uh either uh waiting or or uh we just had so much fun today uh this morning with our uh with our uh our stream this morning that everything just went going in there so yeah uh let us hit record first and get the record going we got that going there we go record is happening how are you guys doing welcome to roby tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to pc building basically hanging out with tech dad and all that sort of stuff i'm just going to verify something seems a little a little iffy right here with this we're going to make sure that's all in there okay there we go so anyway welcome to roby tech where we tech is a show dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals tech awesome tech fun and tech dad that's really what it is you guys are part of the ruby verse and welcome all of you techians to the second episode of the well actually i guess the third episode of the week you guys got a bonus stream this morning how many people uh how many people tuned in uh this morning for uh the stream this morning did anybody get to watch that this is this a.m day buddy anybody tech dad that's right i don't even have 100k how do you not i don't know i don't know it's working on the i i am we're in the dallas fuel jersey today i did okay cool cool oh nice we had like 36 000 people watch it afterwards which is crazy so it's been a lot of fun uh doing that sort of stuff um i was thirsty for an ice come on ice we're waiting we're waiting wow ow that went down the wrong way maybe that's why ice doesn't that's why i maybe that's why ice hasn't sponsored yet hey guys welcome to the show show is typically wednesday thursday friday starting at 6 p.m one of our lights isn't on man i'm all discombobulated so just you guys know i was doing some work here in the studio before i got here and uh time got away from me a little bit and so i feel like i was like oh god it's almost there we go now we got light now we got more light um so kind of catching up but um the show typically happens every wednesday thursday friday starting at six o'clock p.m we are starting at six on time and we should be doing so all week which is great which means won't go as late unless we have pcie for riser issues like we did yesterday which i don't think that'll be a problem because we're not vertically mounting the gpu for those of you who don't know this is a live stream and because it's live that means that we make mistakes yesterday was a great example of me learning something live with people who who could help me learn together yesterday we had a great example of perseverance on my part as we worked together to help solve an issue that was happening when we installed a 3080 fe in a vertical mount position we learned a lot and so i think that's a great example of why i love doing this live is learning things together and learning this learning things as a group and so yesterday was awesome i had a lot of fun it was a lot longer of a stream coming in at four hours and 10 minutes and then we got up this morning and did another hour so it's always f it's fun but at the same time it was also like at the time it was frustrating it was great that that pc is now completely up and running and good to go and the way that we had intended in the first place but that's why i love doing this live and because we do it live we're not just streaming to twitch we're not just streaming to youtube we're not just streaming to facebook we're actually streaming all three and because of that there's literally thousands of people across all of those platforms who watch this show on a daily basis and we have to give them information in different ways like twitch we we have um bots that sometimes work but we have bots who give them disseminate information if you're over on youtube you're used to all that information being down in the description below like it is and then finally over on facebook well there's only three of you and i'm sorry there's no way for us to get the information to you so you just kind of hang out there and and be a part of stuff um we are uh we are doing something super fun today i'm pretty excited about it um we talked a little bit about it yesterday um yesterday we talked about the giveaway that's starting next week we are building the pc for the giveaway starting next week today we're building a 3080 system sponsored by evga nzxt and of course the fine folks at newegg who provided all the parts for the giveaway but on top of that we are also giving away an xbox series x and a playstation 5 along with it is the ultimate next gen giveaway and that is going live next uh next week uh look for details on that we'll tell you more about it on wednesday uh big congratulations to to drafts who won the 3080 um from the september giveaway uh that we did in uh last month and then do not forget subs you are entered to win are right now we are on track to give away two 30 70s at the end of this month so if we continue to have the trends of um the subs and stuff like that which why this is this is crazy guys twitch what's going on here we haven't even started our we haven't even started our twitch uh our hype train so are we gonna get that going do we have like literally has it really happened have you guys forgotten i'm gonna go and check my analytics right now uh refreshing here we have no subscriptions this morning none we have done none um so we are we we uh we uh you guys we gotta catch up and go there we go there's cmr we got some people going in there we go we got oh we have two never mind we have two but guys we gotta get that hype train going because remember if we get two hype trains let's talk about giveaways right now we get two hype trains in the two hours and this show usually lasts three then we actually give away a western digital 250 gig m.2 nvme if you're international we just send you a new a gift card so as long as you're in a region where new egg ships then uh you are eligible to win um if we get we're going to give away a 25 there is that there it is oh booty chatter there he goes he starts it that's the build we're building tomorrow booty chatters uh kicking it off tomorrow we're gonna be building his build if we uh if we get to uh 45 subs we're gonna give away a 25 new a gift card if we get to 45 subs that becomes a 50 new a gift card if we get to 90 subs that becomes a hundred dollar new gift card and if we get to 120 subs that becomes a 150 dollar new gift card we have yet to not give away 150 new a gift card and every time we hit that 125 if we go to 150 then we'll give away and we get that twice a week then we'll give away uh two 30 70s uh at the end of the month so lots of stuff going on there and go from there yes uh the extended subscription is like you're in if you're an extended subscription it still counts and things like that going in there but we're gonna we're trying to get the hype train going and all that sort of stuff we are also if we get to 600 likes on youtube and this is your youtube folks so we talked about what the twitch folks got to do if we get to 600 likes on youtube we give away three months of xbox game pass ultimate xbox game pass ultimate is amazing it gives you access to 100 games on xbox 100 games on pc and 100 and access to the xcloud system which lets you stream games on your android device anywhere that you want to so super epic for that so lots of giveaways happening throughout those we give away the like one as soon as the likes happen we give away the hype train one right around when we get that second hype train and then finally the last ones we give away at the end of the stream so um there's a cup there's giveaways throughout and so lots of giveaways and then finally we have the big pc giveaway which we'll be doing at the which we'll be announcing next week as part of that and you guys are going to see me build that pc today so that's what's going on uh twitch is a little behind youtube okay yeah we got nan lights everywhere okay guys we but we need we have three minutes let's finish out we're only at level four hype train right now can we finish out the hype trains today and go from there and uh and finish this out so that's what we got to go and get this hype train done because we uh we know we can there's 524 people now uh for those of you who are over on youtube and you're like well wait a minute i i can't subscribe like how do i subscribe well you can go to ruby tech if you are an amazon prime if you have amazon prime you have a free twitch subscription that you can use to enter and potentially win a 30 70. so head on over use your free twitch prime stub that goes towards the hype train as well which means and everybody gets access to all the giveaways so if you're watching the show and you are as long as you have access to a bot which works on youtube and on twitch then you can enter to get to enter to win so yeah if you want to pop on over and do that stuff there you go there we go jason xr60 just subscribed with prime so yeah and going for that we're almost there we got it we got to finish off this hype train we got two minutes left on the last one matt dropping dropping 100 bits there he goes the little bits from p joyce um a lot of people just saying hype and stuff like that which i super appreciate as well but let's finish out this hype train so we can get on with the build we we haven't not had oh there we go there we go there's another subscription from you is it you a r you are a spoon you are spoon oh there we go fuji 69 gifting five tier one there we go congratulations to you guys uh i'm trying to join with prime so m g i i'd see it if you did um i i you can go back and look but it'll show you you'll have a little icon next to your name whoa there's the five tiers right there there's another subscribe to tier one from heimrequiem um and yeah thank you very much for all this here there's another one mom maha there we go yeah so there we go we got it we got them all we can finish it out we're at 22. so we're halfway to the 45 um and most of the time let's let's let's get it in there come on guys we got it we got to unlock those two 370s i want to make sure that happens okay so now that now that that's happening and people are still going to sub and all that sort of stuff and don't forget you want to get in on you want to get in on uh you want to get in on those 30 70s let's talk about let's talk about the news that happened today um and what you know it's funny i've had some time now to kind of contemplate and you know do my research i watched a bunch of videos on it and just kind of come to a position in terms of where i am on the 3000 series and a lot of people were asking hey for people who who i'm sorry on the on the announce of zen 3 or 5000 series ryzen like why am i excited why should i be excited what was it that was about this thing that became so cool and so um uh that's what uh i wanted to get i wanted to take a little bit of time to talk a bit a bit about uh the ryzen 5000 the announce of the 55 the 5600 xt the 5800x sorry the 5600x the 5800x the 5900x and the 5950. and one of the things some of the things that were so exciting and why um why we why we have intel in a really precarious position um coming out of things because like i said they're rocket lake um cpus and i i was able we didn't confirm this because of some folks who were talking to us during the stream so rocket leg was announced they are going to do an event in early 2021 um to introduce their new 11th gen intel desktop cpus right now codename rocket lake um with rocket lake uh you know what when we think about it like what you saw as you saw today you saw amd compare itself to 10th gen uh intel which is their latest their latest ones that we're doing and we're actually putting one of those in the in the build today um but they have been from a gaming standpoint they have been the best gaming cpus on the market and a lot of that has to do with their high core cloud high core clock counts right so like 10 900k you can do 5.3 gigahertz and you know when you think about like a 3950x um which i think is like 4.6 no it might be yeah it's i think it's 4.6 i might be mistaken about it don't quote me on that i'm pulling some stuff from memory um it's just that extra 800 megahertz can make a big difference especially because games have what's called a single main thread it's called the main thread in games and that really runs on them on the main cpu it doesn't do well with a lot of cores which is something that ryzen has already like really kicked intel all over the place in terms of multi-core and multi-threaded stuff but games really are single core and because of that you've seen intel typically perform better historically perform better on four games than it has ryzen well today you saw andy come out of the gate start basically you know throwing down saying hey with their ipc within with their increase in ipc's and with what's essentially their reduction in their architecture for what's called infinity fabric and i'll talk a little bit about cpx and what cpx means so when you used to look at when you used to look at the core architecture and i know i'm going to get a little nerdy but i'm kind of explaining when you used to look at what are called chiplets on a ryzen so the way they got so many core counts is they built these things called chiplets and those chiplets used to be physically separated um and they're cash separated by what's called the infinity fabric and because you used to have to pass data between those two you could introduce latency etc because and that's what would actually end up with reduced times when you basically did with games so like on a main core thread even though it only had access to 16 megs of cash like you'd actually see this thing where the game would actually perform worse because unlike the architecture on intel where basically the main thread has access to all of the on on the uh the core cash etc um you that was stuff that you like one of the reasons that you would see intel perform better than ryzen are you guys following me so far i'm trying to thank you guys and and trying to help you understand what it was that's that's that's so cool about what happened today with amd but what happened was is with the new version with zen 3 what they did is instead of giving 16 cores which used to be connected by this infinity fabric and they've because they've been able to increase their like they've been able to update their architecture now a core or a cpx or a chiplet actually has access the entire thing has access to all 32 megs and because of that the instructions the instructions the ipc the instructions per core have been able to be increased and the only two is with the clock speed come up now all of a sudden ryzen has become way more competitive from the game standpoint and that was why everything that you saw today was about them going after the one place where intel has really kind of dominated specifically uh in the cpu market and so now when you go in there when we go and get like a 3950x and specifically for people who bought like 30 90s or if the 3080 ti comes out those are going to be the chips like the 5950x and the 5900 that really are for those games and for people who want a game on ryzen so that is what is so exciting the other thing too is that they also showed a timeline that sometime in 2022 between now and 2022 we will actually see their five nanometer process which just means that again as things get smaller speeds increase etc and we could actually see a ryzen cpu with a greater than five gigahertz basically clock speed on a cpu so very exciting time again we'll also take everything with a grain of salt because we are gonna get we are gonna get um test units we are gonna test it here on the show we're gonna live benchmark and make sure we see those differences we i've been waiting kind of i knew a lot of people would test the ted tested the 3080 but really it's about how 3000 series will perform with things like rocket lake and zen 3 that are really going to be the true test as we get into what is next gen uh for pc gaming so exciting times they do release on november 5th and it's gonna be a lot of fun so i wanted to go through that hopefully that helped some stuff um and helped you understand um what do what do people do people have questions is there anything that i can answer i wanted to make sure we did a little bit before that before we got into uh before we got into uh uh getting into the the build itself so anything like that yeah i feel like six six gigahertz is gonna be the next one the smell process actually makes clock speed harder to hit but less in fact yeah that is true yes i see but still i see i still feel like we even as even as the as the process like i don't think like when five nanometer comes out but i still think when five nanometer comes out and then as they improve they know clock speaks important so it's something they'll still increase again you're right it will become it will make it harder but at the same time you still feel like it's the number that they want to get they want it they want to hit so and it's a releasing im5 planning on building my first pc still deciding what are your expectations for 5800x right now my expectations are only what we have right like i expect them to do better i expect them to be more powerful um by how much they're saying 25 uplift right so uh when you think about 25 ups left that's where we're going there um yeah uh already have the socket i think some boards so uh all boards so here i will i will clarify the b450 does actually support b450 and x470 and higher will support zen three there is supposed to be a bios update in january of 2021 that will allow b450 boards so not when it launches but in january that will allow b450 boards to support zen 3. what the limitations will be of that we are not clear we're waiting for information from amd because again again you're not getting pcie gen 4 there's going to be some things that you are probably going to hamper the speed of the cpu because of putting it in an older an older motherboard however if you have b550 or x570 those will work with zen3 right out of the right out of the gate there will be a bio so there will be a bios update sometime this month that will allow those things to be supported from what i understand so um so that's what we're thinking for for that sort of stuff can i explain that all again no i'm not going to spend it all because i don't want i want we got to get into the build building is the the thing that everybody's here for so i just want to spend a little time with that can you clean in io do you have no you can clean an aio all you got to do is wipe off actually the one that we're using today we i just cleaned we used it in a different build and it's going into the build that we're giving away x470 as well yes dawn hey thank you very much five dollars jonathan appreciate that b450 b550 and x570 as well b470 as well um up for these boards might stop support for the 3000 series i don't i didn't hear that so or these boards might stop support for the three what do you mean super mage boy i don't know what that question means what's up donnie how are you man uh i so uh we are actually building in that p i have not built in that case so uh there have been a couple there have been a couple people who have we are building in it in two weeks ah ice so good okay anything else what's a good white motherboard um i would say well for for um the b550 from asus or the x570 prime from a uh from asus as well um the gigabyte z490 vision or the gigabyte b550 vision are all great white boards it's one-way street you can't use the board for older oh yes maiden i get what you're saying yes that is true rtx 38 yeah thank you very much for that okay uh which 850 i like the c850 um the 850 from the g the ga from evga the 850 from corsair you have a lot of choices uh the csun anything from sea sonic would be a great 850 watt you're going to be good evga fight 850 platinum all those things perform better than the old ryzen 7 we don't know so i don't i don't think they will be i don't think it'll be 3800 x but um or 30 i don't think i definitely don't think the 5600x will outperform a 3900x um i don't know about 3800x so msi scandal yeah we've talked about that um we've been able to we've been part of the msi we've been scalping msi cards along with them that's what we do i'm just kidding that's not true we uh we we made lots of jokes yesterday about the msi scalping scandal um so yeah that's pretty messed up uh it sucks i you know i still we know that it was more than likely based on the information we have and what we've learned the similar stuff from gamer's nexus is it sounds like it's it's a very small subset of people but somebody at msi was giving them permission that they shouldn't have um and they're trying to do right by it but man msi's got a lot of black eyes in the last couple days um so yeah we got emma so people are asking wait what happened msi got caught uh having some of their own subsidiaries or other other people actually scalping their own cards on ebay um so yeah uh i7 10 700k at 37 uh oh thank you aspect rigs thank you very much for that man a great pair for an i7 10 700k is a 3080 that's a great that's a great one for that or a 30 70 but yeah that would work well with a 3080. uh does usb 3 plug work for usb 3.2 point on him if it's the same if it is the same connector yes okay we are one sub away guys let's get this last sub let's get this build one sub we'll kick it off we'll kick off the build and go from there there are there's giveaways for twitch subs there is a giveaway for twitch subscribers uh we're planning right now we're looking at planning on giving away two uh 30 70s at the end of the month so that's the sub only giveaway for this one and there we go uh sticks with the tg okay let's start the next giveaway and then we'll kick off the build and talk talk about what what's in it because we're giving stuff away with this build so i'm pretty so excited about it okay so we're gonna end this goal the next one is the hundred dollar new a gift card we need uh 90 oops 90 subs we're at 45 20 20 20. okay starting that okay so uh let's uh let's uh i'm trying to think if there's anything else we talked about all that stuff oh um a couple things that we i want to let you guys know is um i forgot so yeah don't i don't want you to know that apparently let's talk about what's in this bill today i feel i feel like that's what we're going to do and let's let's let's get started um with what's in the bill that feels like the part that everybody goes let's start making it real um do not forget this is a pc we are going to be giving away starting next week along with an xbox series x and a playstation 5. so that's going to be the ultimate uh giveaway which should be a lot of fun um let's run over to our let's run over to our ipad here and then we'll walk through the parts there it is right there clicking on this and let's get it going okay so starting with our cpu um we are waiting for our 10 900 kf so just temporarily so we could build the build today we're going to throw in a i9 10 900 k um the actual cpu that'll be in this build is a 10 900 kf so i'll switch that afterwards so 10900 kf uh the only difference between a 10 900k and a 10900 kf is that the 10900 kf does not have the integrated intel gpu inside of it um and so that's the only big difference they're a little bit less expensive um but when you know not a lot of people unless you're like doing like video editing and you want to get uh access to that that integrated gpu chip um uh sorry the integrated graphics chip um then that's why you know you could do an uh i900k over 10900 kf so uh we're using a 10 900 kf but for the sake of making sure the build still happened we're going to be using a k uh just to get it going so that is what's going to be in the giveaway so we're using a 10900 kf for the motherboard which is not listed in here we're using a brand new board because this build is sponsored by nzxt and that is the new nzxt z7 z490 board this is their all black one um we made a nice little trailer for it a very attractive board some pretty good reviews on this you would consider this a mid-range board at 220 really interesting heat sink options that they have in here um we'll show it off a little bit later um the only thing that i think some people have complained about and we'll talk a little bit and show this off a little bit later is that if you were going to have like if they for instance with the release of rocket lake and if that supported pcie gen 4 the m.2 slots do not have heat sinks in them which means if you were going to run pcie gen 4 heat sinks or anything like that it may not be a bad idea to run those uncovered but outside of that it has a lot of things like an integrated power it has direct connections for their camp for their specific lighting nodes which is pretty awesome so if you have an all nzxt build uh using something like this for their motherboard might be a really good option it's a very attractive board it's going to look nice and clean we have an all black with some subtle rgb in here and so i think this is going to end up coming out pretty clean it's nice to get to go this and this just released this just released yesterday um i did check they are still in stock there's a link to that stuff uh down in the description below um uh and go from there so that is the that is the mobo for the gpu we're finally using one of the big boys that's right guys we're using the g the evga 3080 rtx ftw3 pretty excited about this another sponsor of this was evga so we're going to be putting that we're going to be popping this bad boy in um which is going to which is probably one of my favorite looking cards um so this will be fun it'll be a nice one the cool thing is is like i think almost every week you guys will get to see a new 3080 card and so we have a we have msi still coming up we still have the strix still coming up so you guys will get to see all of them here on the show as we get to park and build all of them so it should be a lot of fun um and go from there uh yeah i think it looks really nice we'll get to open it up we'll have a little fun with this i mean it's it's a thick boy like a thick boy but yeah we're gonna this this should be a lot of fun and we'll be we'll be popping that in in the in the pc as well um for uh ssds for m.2s uh ssds we're using western digital black we're using a 500 gig and a one terabyte 500 gigas rs drive one terabyte is our game drive uh these have 34 30 and 34 yeah these are both 34 30 in terms of their overwrite speed i really like these uh these m.2 drives um i think they're tlc i think they're yeah they're they're triple triple uh triple cell in terms of the in terms of the technology so they're not mlc like uh the samsung pros but still um you still get like 50 bajillion terabytes of write space and so nothing you have to really worry about there oh there and uh yeah so it looks like it says 3d nand so i think that means it's tlc so uh good good uh good fast uh nvme drives and that's we're gonna use for ram uh same as what we did yesterday but we're using the intel version this is uh g skill trident royal z this is 3200 megahertz versus 3600 megahertz um it should look good again part of the subtle rgb stuff uh this is cl 16 this is uh so cast like 16 18 18 at 1.35 volts uh it's going to look very nice it's kind of all black with just a little bit of silver which i think is going to look good with the build and you know whoever wins this is going to be very very happy for cooling well just because we got we got to go all out if we're going to use their z490 we might as well use their high-end uh coolers we're using the kraken in the nzxt kraken z73 um this is their really awesome uh aesthetic i think 7th gen it might be 6th gen i don't know if harbinger or one of those guys can verify that it might be i think it's 7th gen uh their 7th gen ace attack pump we are going to try i have not done this this is the one thing we are going to try and put the uh the cables the right way um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do that in the 710 we'll have to see what it is um i have not had the issue with these being like i have talked to nzxt nzxt when you buy like an h510 elite or whatever from their bld system they do mount them tubes up they are tested that way they have stress tested them that is something they say they do not have issues i know that when we think about physics this can be something that i have a problem with but these guys are saying they don't test it we're going to try and do it the right way just because we know physics um so uh we'll go from there but an interesting thing because i know this is something that nzxt uh has you know definitely thinks about and so we're going to give this a go um oh dude arbor oh yeah if you have free jack-in-the-box food and you want to share that with everybody else that'd be great so yeah there is there is our cooling which should be good and then finally uh we're using our asia horse we got black cables uns like the 50 bajillion white cables i got so we're gonna be using asia horse black cables and i think that is it i think that's our build oh and then case we're using the h710i now the h710i just means we have rgb strips at the top we're not adding a ton of rgb we're to have white light that'll basically highlight the black on the inside and then all lighting inside will be white so it'll be including the evga stuff so it should be just a black and white build uh with subtle rgb we're not going to be doing rainbow puke now obviously when we turn it on it'll all be rainbow puke but we'll we'll change it to all white before we give it away and give it pictures so yeah oh you're welcome agent agent by the way just you guys know agent's saying that uh he's uh he's the one who's gonna be uh winning that pc uh uh somebody's asking uh ram we did show that was the g skill tread and royal z so that's all the stuff going on yeah i think it's going to be nice i think it's i think this is going to be like if you think about stuff um if you think about stuff that is like uh like we wanted it to be light like i wanted it to be tasteful that's not to say that the other builds we haven't built is tasteful but you know it's like enough rgb to really kind of make it sing but not like but not too much because sometimes that turns that turns certain individuals off so i did think about that when we did the build today and i hope i hope people are going to be happy i think they will be so i think that is the plan i think we're going to get started um and go from there elegant and what what does that even mean i don't know what that means blondie's just using bad words uh so somebody so a lot of people have asked that question and i'll answer that one real quick do you think that 3 000 series so the 3600x and those will drop in price dramatically and if you go and look at the 2 900 acts in those those haven't actually dropped so again they will stop producing them that means inventory will get low and the other thing too is like they are already super heavily discounted from where they were from a retail standpoint so i think that they were already going on sale and pushing heavenly heavily not heavily heavily given 10th gen had launched and they wanted to make sure that they didn't see a drop in the number of cpus sold so it may drop but i don't think it'll be by like a ton so yeah let's go from there um let's see what else we got in there cool thank you very much for the sub yeah sorry 2700x my bad yeah it'll be just like the rtx hey thanks for the 10 uh just like the rtx 2000 series like they did not once they stopped producing and production numbers being low i feel like the costs are going i think you can buy them for inexpensively on the cpu market buying cpus is a little bit less of a concern than buying gpus just because cpus don't get the stress like you don't know if they've been bitcoin you know bit mining or anything like that but i mean still you know i i need to do a video on buying hardware for ebay i know that's one of those things that comes up there so uh i finished my first build with the on aim 10 and put it in nice that's great congratulations you are spin uh to get a 39 or should i wait for the new i like okay so second question that we'll answer and then we'll get we'll i'm gonna go and grab the motherboard so we can actually get start building um somebody's asking should i wait we don't know here's the deal i do like if it is anything like when zen 3 with zen 2 launched zen 2 cpus were very very hard to get a hold of they were very hard to get a hold of um especially the higher end ones like the 3900x uh and the 3950x so i don't like the fact that they're launching everything on november 5th maybe they have just been producing them like mad and we're not going to have a problem with inventory we just don't know and all we can do is we get closer to guests if if you can get if you can get one and you and you're fine with waiting and you're not in a rush i would absolutely say waiting is probably the best thing you're gonna get you're gonna get you're gonna get a you're gonna get the most bang you're gonna get the most bang for your buck however given how inexpensive like a 3600 x is like you're literally paying a hundred dollars more for potentially 20 and because we don't we haven't got to benchmark it it's really hard for us to say hey should you get a 5600x over 3600x i don't know yet because all i have is the numbers that that amd did and we don't know a lot about their their testing methodologies we found some of that discrepancies when we did this last year they tried very hard to be honest but there's just no way until we've actually tested it so the answer is maybe because it's not simple for me to easily tell you like with the 3000 series and we're like yeah you should absolutely wait because the 3000 series just you know wipes the 2000 series like all over the floor but unlike in this case it's more nuanced because the power difference between them is not like super super massive and uh and so it it makes it and the other two is the pricing given how quickly discounted the 3000 series became i don't know if the 5000 series is going to stay that expensive so i think you're gonna pay the most money you'll ever pay for those cpus if you're one of the early adopters so that is my that is my rant i don't know if you agree would love to know in the comments below if that's something you agree with if you don't or on discord um it's just a conversation but that's where i think we are so boom thank you very much faces photos for this the thing yeah they did get rid of the ccx latencies because the cache is now um is now all connected there's no there's the the easy infinity fabric between the two caches the glue as uh intel like to make fun of uh intel what cpu i say a 3700x is a great one for a 3080 or a anything at 10 700 k and higher on the intel side all of those are gonna be great wow here we go by the way i'm excited about the bios for this too i think the bios for this this is a very plain looking board box for a motherboard we're not used to this stuff so i will yes and don't worry guys i know we have done a lot of uh you know with our with our 3700x uh somebody asked if i'm going to upgrade my beard comb and absolutely we're going to be buying a first gen 5950x and using that for my new beard comb so don't worry we will we will you there is no better beard comb than a ryzen cpu they're just they're the right size there's just something super nice about um the the how their pins are so we will don't worry we'll we'll definitely upgrade to that when um when we get there so don't worry that is that is a for sure thing no please [Applause] actually you know what's funny like i'm half tempted i'm half tempted to write amd and be like do you have like a like a 15 like a uh do you have happen to have like a cpu that's already broken that you can send me that i can just completely sp like have people freak out because i'm like using uh like what's essentially a a 5 000 a ryzen 5 000 to do nothing but do my beard because i think that would be hilarious here's our there's our book right there there typical nzxt fashion there we go okay so we're good there this is like this is like a legit box for this okay so there's our there's our cpu box for all our extra extra components and here is our cpu look uh here's our motherboard look at this bad boy i think i love how clean this is gonna look i think this is gonna look very clean so i'm pretty excited about getting to use this um now one of the things is is that what they've done is there's an entire motherboard under here but uh they um they uh have covered it all with like an armor plating so here we go right here we're going to take a tour real quick of all of our armor plating and go from there yeah it's it's these these are these are generally just very nice motherboards i like the way they look um and they and like aesthetically i have the white one on it's on on the way too and so uh i think these are going to be some of the most popular white looking motherboards because they're truly going to be uh all stormtrooper white and black you know what i mean so no yeah the yeah the so i don't know why they did that but if you look at the top it actually says black so there we go i'm just removing these oh these m.2 shields are pretty simple yeah going from here okay so we'll walk through and do our little motherboard tour a lot of it's more hidden now um so our m.2s are right under here see how i open this it says there it is so there's our m.2s like we had talked about does not stay on oh there it is it's a little clip so there's our there's our this is our full motherboard um and i talked a little bit i'll show you a little bit when i talked about the heatsink stuff um uh going from there i you know it's funny somebody asked if there's gonna be an x570 version of this man i'm telling you i have requested it from them so many times i think that i think that nzxt is sick of me asking that question but right now i have no information on whether they're doing a uh whether they're doing a um 59 uh x570 version of this motherboard um okay so here we have this is the nzxt z490 n7 z490 this is an lga 1200 in terms of the socket so that's what we have right here uh we've got four dimms obviously we support dual channel so there's uh a and b and then a and b for channel one and a and b for channel two over here we have our eatx power connector so this is uh what we're going to power the board with and then we've got usbc which it's nice to see on uh on their motherboard um over here we've got one two a one by a one by sixteen and one by eight pcie and then we've got three by ones which is nice if you're going to do anything around if you're going to do anything around adding a capture card etc the things that are super cool about this is down here at the bottom this is where we have some really neat stuff first and foremost we've got an onboard uh power and reset button which is super nice uh here's our front panel connectors we've got one two three i don't think we have a ton of fan headers four or five oh no no we have seven fan hunters fan headers so that's cool seven fan headers these right here are are the fan headers we've got three usb wow that's crazy three usb 2 um connectors we've got an 12 volt and an addressable rgb we've got uh the front audio and then i believe if i'm not mistaken this is their proprietary connector for their cam so they've got a cam connector for uh hooking up their rgb stuff which is this is this is a proprietor i need to look at the board i know that's something that they've got for this um interestingly enough oh never mind no no sorry they're up here so you've got two up at the very top up here and this is proprietary my bad i found it i found it i'm gonna zoom in a little bit more so you can see it so up here at the top these are just for nzxt um rgb stuff so if you're a cam and you're in the cam and you're in the cam uh ecosystem uh you've got actually two headers to control uh nzxt only rgb stuff which is pretty neat and we are using the z67c z60 z73 my bad um i don't think that actually uses it but that's pretty neat to see this again we got two fan headers here another fan header right there we've got a eight pin and a four pin eps connector and then again we've got two more the cpu and aio pump fan headers are up here now i talked a little bit about the unique um heat sink for this um i'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see this you can actually see it's just like a circle a circle kind of like thing there's no connection usually you're used to like heat pipes or whatever it was i will say that optimus optimum tech already did their heat testing and stuff like that uh uh even for an overclocked 10 900k at 5.3 gigahertz um cpu temperatures stay nice like nice no no issues in terms of of heat there um so and especially if you have a good airflow case like a td 500 or something like that um this is going to be this is going to be pretty cool so um the other thing that's nice about this board is it does have wi-fi six uh you've got hdmi if we're using a k uh if you're using a non-kf version you've got a limited number of of uh inputs um you get you do have usbc and then you've got your audio as well and then you've also got a clear cmos button which is pretty nice so uh for 229. uh pretty packed motherboard overall especially the stuff like these are things that you just don't see you just don't see on motherboards in this price range which is pretty cool and then of course you also have a literally crap ton of heat shielding on this thing that you can take off etc for there but yeah it's overall very good definitely as overclocked potentially you don't have anything from there we've actually had people already tested with overclocking um and then like i said it's available for uh 220 bucks on their site so uh we are good there let us start installing our components what do you guys say who's ready to start building who's ready to start whoa i just dropped my ice i'll never get it i'll never get a i'll never get him to sponsor me now i just dropped my eyes off of the thing that's my that's my that's my my nectar of the gods okay let's not open that over pc components okay we're good everything's safe okay everybody stand up everybody stand up this is that moment it did not work as well yesterday so maybe you guys didn't not enough of you stopped not enough of you stood up everybody stand up because yesterday we had some we had some complications in building so we need to we need to get our zen moment reset with the build gods we want this build to go well because we're going to be giving this to one awesome lucky winner out there um along with an xbox series x and a playstation 5 so we want this to go well so i want you guys to will to the bill guys i want you to write and write a dm write it write a tweet right now saying dear tech jesus or dear gamers nexus please watch over roby tech tonight as he builds send him the gracious build the gracious build vibes i want you also write paul write linus get them all in there we want all the good vibes when we built today so let's go in there and go from there so hopefully you guys are good and uh we're uh we're excited oh sata connectors oh yeah you know what that's a good oh there they are and hey that's the other thing i didn't see this is a good call good thank you for liking that look at this guys so there's our sata connectors we got four which is pretty cool um and then we've also got usb there's our usb 3.2 right there too and they're off on the side so it's um and go from there how how are likes doing today so yeah help me tom cruise help me yeah the ideal 30 has two psus okay here we go guys we're actually good to go let's go and start building it's time to begin the process we have nine likes on youtube what oh 305 i was like what no we have not we have way more than nine that's never happened 760. so we're at like what 1045 right now hanging out today this is awesome okay here we go build time this one is not open oh this is a brand new oh this is a brand new cpu i guess i didn't know i had another one guys we're gonna open up this brand new cpu we just had a brand new just 10 900k just sitting there apparently oh there we go okay so let's grab our 10900k pop that out just like that we'll zoom in a little bit so you can see a little bit better get some get some get some quality quality vibing going on there okay we're gonna grab this from the side unlike unlike the intel one where we can do things like uh where we can do things like uh comb or beard you can't do that with intel until you don't get that option you do have the little things down at the bottom they just don't feel as nice so try not to touch those uh try and hold it from the side there's a little gold arrow in the bottom left that aligns with the little arrow here you also have little nubs on each side so when you're going to pop it in it just goes in kind of one way drop it in like that just make sure it's in and then you're going to pop it down and then when you push this down this little black plate's going to pop off and unleash the power just like that boom we're gonna latch the powers and we've lost at least five years off of our lives because of that hey thank you very much for light princess for those uh those gifted subs there we go last five years off of our life that's what happens every time you unlock and open up that door um so that's why i that's why i got into build building pcs is just so like it's like the infinite fountain of youth by unlocking that power every time you can't have my job i'm gonna live forever you'll see okay so that's good let's grab our ram right here and get this open here sub height yeah we got a lot of them going in there it's like a nice silver-esque g-skill 3200 kit here so we're just gonna pop that in so there's a little slit there's a little slot right here um which is basically uh you're just gonna line it up like so let's make sure we open it all up like that and then you're just going to pop that in just like this and that looks nice i think that's going to look very nice ow gosh that's so sharp i'm telling you man if you ever are again if you're in a zombie apocalypse you should go find you should go find a freaking pc builder because i swear dude like there's a lot of sharp components in there that are going to help you survive ah there we go and one more there we go okay and that is in in our motherboard now we have our ram and that looks really good i think that looks pretty good yeah ram wants blood it always wants blood speak that you know what we didn't do guys we didn't read a dad joke let's get a dad joke up in here we got to get our dad joke up in here so we can find out here um open a discord let's see who let's see who uh put the uh the dad jokes in here today um so we're gonna go in here go to dad jokes i love our dad it's like one of my favorite places to check is the dad joke section on um on uh our discord channel where is it where's dad jokes it looks like they disappeared did somebody delete dad jokes i don't see them in here oh there they are whew let's get noticed nervous okay um okay this one's from phil is it is it filth pig yeah it doesn't i like telling cheesy jokes but everyone around me is lactose intolerant [Laughter] oh that one's good that one's good lactose intolerant oh that was a good one that was a good there we go so there we go that was a good one from him we'll we'll do some more throughout the show let's go and open up our western digital blacks no it's there i found it you guys tried to hide it but it didn't work [Laughter] how dude that's boy oh vendors is so good what are you talking about how are you gonna laugh at that that was quality quality laughing i'm lactose intolerant there we go oops okay um so let's get this in here these are these would actually look pretty good uncovered too but um because we got that nice like black look on there okay there is that one in like flynn sn750 next one i i've heard that one before i don't know if like that's okay the mermaid one but yeah i as a dad i just yeah i know that's the problem is like i think most of like if your dad's like all the dads are like oh i can't wait to get home and tell my wife all of everybody who's young and is not a dad is like oh my god and then if you're a mom you're rolling your eyes because man i thought i got this from my husband enough here i am getting it from this like freaking yahoo over on the youtubes you know what i mean so a lan port to a build uh you just add an expansion card but i can i mean if it if we get there um my deceased male relatives wow zeiss wow that is wow wow that's really hurtful that's really hurtful wanna hear a dirty joke two white horse yeah i've heard that one before i've also got like i've also heard like my my other ones my favorite ones uh are uh what are called uh non-jokes um i've really enjoyed telling those most of those are not appropriate you know what i mean but the you want to hear a dirty joke one it reminds me of the non-joke so um going from there um excuse me my ryzen 5 would work with a 30 70 or definitely so it will work um it depends on what if you're playing at uh if you're playing at uh 1080p you are going to see some bottlenecking 4k and 1440p it should be okay you might even see some bottlenecking at 1440p but you don't need to upgrade it right like uh just i think it'd still be fine yeah i know yeah i know a lot of people know a lot of really good dirty jokes but i know there's probably a lot of people know a lot of jokes that aren't appropriate for youtube there we go there is that man there you go raven's on a roll yes uh well no because this is this is an intel only board the they don't have a ryzen version of this board so unfortunately no that the the the the new ryzen cpus will not work with um this uh with this motherboard okay so there we go we've got that done now we're gonna clip these back on this is not that's how is this supposed to oh this is bent oh that's bent a little well that's unfortunate this is like the the little the little bottom part is a little bit loose see how that goes it's not staying on oh that's unfortunate off the right off the right nzxt and get a new feels like this little this little the little clip on the bottom of this one is broken okay so there we go we got that installed let's go and uh one thing we can do now because i know it works so our motherboard is actually put together one thing we can do now is we can um put on our our motherboard we're going to paint we're going to put different gpu paste on there so we've got our some of our chromique and we're going to put on our bracket for our aio oh there's our giant box of stuff for our thing for our gpu and we need where is the extra stuff there it is oh whoa when you drop all the screws no wow you guys didn't write steven or any of those guys did you we just dropped all the screws that was brutal oh we lost a lot of screws down here there's a lot of screws i'm still down here picking up screws i'm okay everything's okay just getting screws lots of screws lots of screws down here so many screws got one more here there we go i think i got them all okay outside that sucked whoa screw with confidence yeah if my screws are loose okay i'm gonna grab this bad boy right here i'll take this off we're gonna have to get another one of those for now okay now we're gonna do we're going to pop this on here there we go just like that pop it down okay and we're going to grab our little pegs here for it and we're going to screw these in and then we're our brackets done and we can put in our aio go it goes right here and what we're doing right now is we're just getting our bracket mounted for our um so when we mount our cooler so here's our last two parts right here music is low again really i thought it well i had it i had it i intentionally turned it low let me do this is that better turn up a little bit that looks good wow we're at 58 we're getting close to the 90. i'm screwing with confidence uh so sync all you got to do is if you join our discord we have a group of individuals who love to help people with just those kind of questions this is an amd did you hear about the monkeys who shared an amazon account they were prime mates that's pretty good that's pretty good uh they you'll get a link there's a discord right there um so we we have amazing mods who uh who know what you need and make sure that you can link those stuff but that's one of the best ways to get the help okay we're gonna put all this stuff back in here that we just dropped like a yep you heard me say it i called myself a but we are going to quickly get this back we're going to get back on track post our post our our little accident but we're all good now okay now let's add some thermal paste to said build get our bracket on already so we're going to add our creamy thermal paste on here real quick let's uh let's we'll zoom in so you guys can get a little uh bob ross moment on here everybody likes the bob ross bob ross ended up with our cremic 2.0 thermal paste there we go and then here we go we're going to paint here we go we're going to paint it out we're going to make it even now the z60 the z60 sorry z73 typically does come with thermal paste pre-applied we are using one that we used in a previous build so that is why i'm applying thermal paste you if you bought one of these new you do not need to get thermal paste but i always like to show people my thermal paste painting technique because it's so quality i have i've literally been approached by juilliard to start a thermal paste painting class because of the quality i get when spreading my thermal paste i call this one snow white in a snowstorm last week's was the um was step brothers in a snowstorm so i do a lot of snowstorms there we go and then we get a nice even spread there we go thermal paste applied thermal paste applied i have to get new paper towels pretty soon a happy little snowstorm there you go okay so uh thermal paste is done we're now finished with that dude okay uh so thermal face is applied motherboard is basically ready to go into our case so we're going to put it over in our staging area and prepare it for the next fuzz faze as we as we call it the next phase okay let's grab our big old case we're gonna zoom back out and go to cam link ah thank you very thank you for uh thank you for spelling that out okay so this is our h710 elite case from nzxt it's a big shout out to them for sponsoring this build and the case and all that stuff this is the h710i it means it's got some some additional features like fan hubs etc all those kind of fun things what we're doing right now is we're removing our kind of our extra stuff from in here so a little push button i think i like i like there are things about this case that are just uh super nice in terms of um uh pulling it apart and stuff like that so which is cool um this one should just pop off there we go it's always that those are always that's always the scariest part when you pull off the front it feels like it should just pop like pop and break and then it does not but it makes me feel like it will [Music] there we go and now everything is off and good to go so there is our case as you can see from there we're actually we have a nice and empty uh the h710 has led strips on the top and on the back so we get a little bit of white led light from here in the back which will look nice we're gonna pull out our little extras we got lots of cable channeling which is gonna look good but again looking for a nice subtle look in terms of how this build is gonna come together and then uh in terms of we're not going to be adding any additional fans i'm going to pop the uh the motherboard in real quick and then we'll go from there so that's the the next step and this does do you could actually do a 360 on the top and a 360 on the front if you on the front if you wanted to i want to see what kind of clearance we have though i don't remember off at the top of my head how much clearance we end up getting [Music] okay time to drink some more ice and prepare oh yeah it should be a stealthy build especially with all the black and everything okay and i like i really like the way this this build will look the one thing that is going to be interesting is how the screws are for this one it's got kind of a like like they're covered um so you still have the peg here in the center but you need you need something like a you need a uh uh like what i'm going to use which is the uh uh i fix it to basically screw this in because the screw holes are elevated and so if you have like a thicker screwdriver you're not gonna be able to get it in here to put like these in so to speak so that is one one word of warning when you're using this motherboard is that if you don't have a thin screwdriver like this you are gonna have problems screwing in your uh screwing in your your motherboard components look at that there's all of our stuff here so we have our nzxt additional thing there which shouldn't be a big deal that's gonna definitely work for that there's a oh hey look they give us some they give us some of the those famous uh tweezers from the verge it's very kind of them these things are like gold here at ruby tech you know what i'm saying like gold baby like gold how we doing on lights the cpu is a 10 900 k those are not what i mean yeah pluck them yeah pluck the brows with the tweezers this might be it i'm just gonna get over all the screws up 430 fernando what's going on fernando's got to get those numbers up okay that's fan screws okay so everything so all i need is the hex screws right here those are our for our psu which we'll get to but this is what i need for the motherboard 435s come on guys you can do it yeah we are getting we are giving this pc away uh the giveaway information will be for this next week uh so this is these are always like we do a pc giveaway every month doing that first one down easy peasy lemon squeezy like i said you got to have this is where like an ifixit comes in handy given the height of this motherboard from the screw holes because the shielding makes it really hard to get at the screws what the heck happened there there you go this is weird 453 fernando's on top of it and remember guys if we get to 500 600 likes we'll give away uh three months of game pass ultimate which is a great great value okay another screw in this is going to look really good in here i'm just going to say this is going to look very i really like the way this board looks already it's gonna have a nice clean look to it there we go yeah it looks very clean there we go um right here i have to put this back a little bit you can see a little bit more there we go one more to do one more screw right here oh come on baby there we go okay screws are all in i'm curious i don't know if i'm gonna i think i don't think there's gonna be enough height i'm actually almost fairly certain i wonder if it could i think if this allows like you can actually put the radiator on top and then the fans underneath i think is what this allows to do so i'm going to do that our radiator will go on top and then our fans will go underneath and then we'll be able to have that top mounted which i enjoy top mounted aios more than i even want front mounted so we shall do that and then we already have our fans installed so that'll be fun fun adventure guys we're gonna do a fun adventure who's ready for a fun adventure put these right here this is our kraken thing goes right there okay this is all for case okay what we're going to do is we're going to undo okay we're not going to use that screwdriver because it's not big enough i'm gonna use the big boy okay we're gonna undo that and undo this there you go and now we're going to do is we're going to take this out oh is there more screws go there down below and there we go okay so now we've got those screws undone we're just going to take this out oh get this out of the side like this and then now this is like this i'm going to grab our radiator cables for radiator there we go fans for radiator there we go we don't need this because this is actually not needed we're going to grab these there's our fans okay that is good to go kraken kraken it's the kraken release the kraken there you go now okay there we go okay so we're actually going to that's the top so this is going to go like this and this is going to sit through like this like that oh come on baby there you go so that's going to sit through like that that's going to go like this and then this is going to go here like this so there is our bracket and everything ready to go okay and these are gonna go like that like a bunch of like a bunch of awesomeness and then i do need this again and we need our long screws to get this done i want to make sure this is super straight we want this to sit super straight on here we're just going to take a little bit of time to make sure that this is crazy straight there we go i want to make sure this looks good for whoever wins it there we go i want to make sure that is going to go like that wait a minute nope nope that's going to go like that i have these fans on backwards okay i almost did backwards fans guys i noticed i was like wait a minute something's wrong but i discovered it almost made the mistake that i like i used to way back in the day who remembers backwards fans guys who remembers backwards fans from way back in the day yeah good call the pc will be up for a giveaway yes next week this pc with a 30 80 and we'll also be giving away a xbox series x and we're giving away a playstation 5 along with it as well so yeah yeah people remember 5 42 okay okay we're getting there there we go and boom okay so now finish our put our other ones make sure our other ones are in and nicely and then we'll put in the other fan things i'm the ceo of giveaways huh um and do not forget for because we have 1560 people um we are for subscribers on twitch so if you're over on youtube uh for subscribers on twitch um if we get uh we are trying to we're giving you at least away 130 70 at the end of the month uh this is for subs on twitch if you are over on youtube you can head over to slash robytech and use your free amazon prime sub to get in on that entry so yeah it's like it's worth going in there and you could potentially walk away with the 30-70 we had drafaas who actually got the 3080 from last month and then in november we have two things one we have our mod and our tech specialist we're going to be doing the first two thursdays in november we're gonna be doing um a special stream where all donations and uh bits that are given during those are gonna go to them so they can have a very merry holiday season um and then uh and then uh we uh we are going to be uh the second thing is is we will also be giving away another 30 80. so two things going on there man that news about msi man scalping their cards not a good thing that's going to be awesome it's going to be i think it's going to be a good november but anyway i want to leverage my people you guys should get in on those subscriptions so you can potentially win a 30-70 being a subscriber on my show not only do you also get also you also get extra entries to uh all of our giveaways so it's worth being a subscriber so that is uh that is definitely something that's worth going so if you if you'd love to a it supports me and you love the show then go and uh do a subscription and i know on youtube i'd love you just to hit subscribe just to follow but uh if you want to help do support financially head over to and drop that support there hey i love your videos keep up the good work and build my own pc on my birthday soon so hopefully i can get water cooling kit nice yeah the i will say the thermaltake one the the starter one the 399 one i know a lot of people hate on thermaltake but that little starter kit is pretty cool actually i've actually used it my first uh my first water kill kit was something similar to that the ek one so if you're wanting to water cool not a bad way to start and it has everything you need to do it to do a nice little closed loop uh if you if if you can buy if you can buy if you can buy newegg in india then yes the giveaway is available in india not the pc giveaway dc giveaway will not be in india it's only u.s sorry guys uh yeah a lot of people want to do that thank you rapster 360 for that prime sub appreciate it 64 worth what we're getting closer to that we haven't even hype train yet guys we're getting closer to that 90. can we create can we get to that 90 i want to see that 90 so we can just we can be ready for that with that 150 gift card i want to i'm throwing out a challenge i'm throwing out a challenge guys we'll throw in if we can get if we can get to the last if we can get to 90 subs in the next 15 minutes i will give away a year of game pass ultimate if we get to if we can get uh all you have to do is we have to get what 50 uh yeah we have to get yes i'll give away a year of game pass we can get to 90 subs in the next so all we got to do is people just got to jump in there we'll give away a year game pass ultimate just for fun if we get to 90 subs uh in the next 15 minutes that means it's like that's just a drop of a ton like people want to drop a bunch okay there we go so that's out of the way don't drop like a hot okay there we go let's get our case in here and how are we doing on likes okay so i like i will say i like this little system that they have created here if i haven't built in this case in a while and so i love this little editable like sorry this little removable um little removable tray because it makes it really easy to just kind of pop out put in what you need you have plenty of room for your build and you're good to go you know look at that it's so nice and you still you have so much clearance at the top i just forgot how nice that is so yeah look at that it's just freaking easy peasy to put together i just yeah i was talking to i was talking to uh nzxt today and i was just saying like the one thing i was like i was like hey it's really awesome you guys are doing you guys are doing all of this all of these new motherboards and stuff when are you guys going to work on your airflow for your cases because the i love their cases their cases are actually really fun to build in but man if they could come up with a mesh version of this and i i guess if i wanted to you could go like like there's like the like the mod like you could go and like just drill a bunch of holes and create almost a mesh version of this but that's all it would take to make these such great cases um because just the airflow on some of these is just not that great okay guys we're at 78 people are trying to make it happen can we do it and give away one year game pass ultimate no jafaz once he okay he won he's good uh big prizes like that you only get once a year so yeah you don't you he can win two in a row guys yeah we we spread out we spread out the love okay so we got all those in now let's go and mount our aio in and wow this is going just so well outside of me dropping all of the screws but look at that that looks look how good look how good that is i mean it just it look that this this motherboard makes it look just so clean okay so i've got the tubes are over here okay so i can do this though there we go okay and don't worry like if you put this on here oh this is where we're gonna have that problem again oh geez oh is it spaced out enough this is one of the things we had last time it's like the the it's almost like the tubes have to be on the other side because of how thick these bad boys are it might be okay actually okay we're actually okay yeah that's these tubes are kind of fat okay we're actually okay it's going in there pretty pretty tight though against the ram it's the one thing i will say about the specifically motherboard manufacturers is like give a little bit of space for these like super thick boy is that does this want this it's okay it's kind of spreading out here [Music] 82 guys come on let's finish it out how many likes do we got eight subs to go um i don't i'd have to go look i haven't looked at like all inclusive water cooling kits in a while so i i know the ek and the thermaltake one are both ones that i've used and i've been very happy with so those would be the ones i recommend i don't know how much they are though uh yeah you could i get well uh yeah i guess you could you could probably run them through here i think the only way to do it is you'd have to actually physically remove this because i don't think the aio itself would fit through there um yeah i'd have to lift it up and do it again i don't i i but i i was going to do this to actually make it like hug the ram um more like that but you think you you think it'd be better to actually run it so it's up through this that would i wonder if that would pinch the and let me look at that real quick i could remove this and then just have it go through there yeah i guess i could do that um i guess it's a good time to try and do that i didn't haven't done too much with this yet i think that real quick come on one sec let's try that do this like this remove this [Music] so you're saying uh where is my screwdriver where did i put it others there we go like this do it more like that okay yeah we can do that i'm i'm okay with that i'm going to try that okay 120 is the next sub goal you guys crushed it we'll do that giveaway in just a second let me get my aio on and then we're paying attention to the we're paying attention to the subs go yeah this cases makes it really easy for some of this stuff it's a really nice and it's not it's like as a as like a close to full tower style case like it's still just it's got that nice like in between full tower kind of kind of size there we go man this these cables they're super tight though if i could rotate i could do that there we go that's like nice and crazy tight but it doesn't it keeps it from pushing heavily on the ram too i don't know if i like that all that much though i don't know does that look okay i don't know if that yeah it looks cleaner i just i mean it'll just it'll be way up but i don't know i've actually never done it this way before but tubes oh tubes at the top i can try that luckily i don't think actually i don't think i can because you can't rotate you can't oh i guess you could you're like you say like this so rotate it like that and then you have like the then the fan then they're gonna oh i guess i can do this what do you guys think of that yeah yeah okay we'll do that we'll try that it'll still like we i forgot we can rotate that we can rotate the the display however we want so okay and that that also keeps it from don't forget like i am going to have to replace the thermal paste and stuff on this anyway because right now the wrong cpus on this it's using a 10 900 k it's going to be a 10 900 kf so uh i'm not as worried about the cpu thermals right now because we're going to be replacing it and i'm going to do a full replacement of this anyway so i know some people are like oh he didn't replace the thermal paste yeah i didn't because we're going to be putting a different cpu in here anyway later there we go okay now that we got that on let's do our giveaway and then we'll upgrade to our next our next um our next thing okay cool that actually looks pretty cool i agree it was pretty pretty nice idea thank you for that guys it was a good idea and it does look way cleaner that looks really nice actually don't worry too much about placement because it's going to change yeah there you oh you are what would you do different failures okay let's do that first giveaway guys first we're going to fix our sub goal because we're at 95. it's all widgets sub goal end goal next one is 150 our new gift card we're at 90 gold mount is 125. right 95 10 20 20. okay starting that goal now and then let's do our giveaway for one year of game pass remember twitch subs because this is a twitch thing with this will be an extra giveaway so you uh we'll just change this to roby love and there we go and twitch you will get extra entries to this one if you are twitch sub uh if you're a tier one sub you get three if you're a tier two sub you get four if you're a tier fourth tier four or five sub you get five something like that you know what i'm saying okay it's hashtag it's exclamation point roby love going from there how are we doing on likes well i'll ask that here in in a couple minutes okay so let's grab our cobbles here real quick i'm this is going to be an interesting thing too because these cables there's not a cool there's not an easy channel to run these so which i usually do when i run these cables unfortunately we're gonna have some cables here but where's the thing there we go and the other the other thing too that's crazy about this is the the connector like where you have to plug in your cpu um your cpu uh fan header is in a weird spot on this board it's usually over here in the corner but in this board it's actually up here at the top so okay so let's grab our cpu header here real quick [Music] not that oh no that might be kind of cool but that's not the right connector no it's not okay so here's our cpu header [Music] okay cpu header i'm gonna use in the cpu fan spot [Music] you do really have like a lot of room here okay i'm gonna run these up and over just like this [Music] and then we'll try and make him look as clean as possible [Music] i wish i could i wish there was a way to run them underneath you could run them i don't think they would run through here though i wish i could hide the cables all up trying to figure that out there we go [Music] i could make them look like they're coming off of the corner which is nice zip time that way so let's look at this here real quick unfortunately not the prettiest look here how much room do you i wonder if there's i wonder if you on the other one it used to be pretty easy to get these off but i don't think this is and you could run you could potentially run the cables in between the vrm slot i don't know i bet you this is screwed into the back let me see here real quick [Music] yeah i think these are screwed like the whole vrm thing is screwed on pretty heavily okay might have been something i needed to do before on the old z on the older one i mean the cables are black so it may not be visible so let's zip tie them tightly and then we'll hide them together which i think will be still look pretty nice still look nice it's not as nice as i normally like to try and almost make them disappear if you can you know come on give me there there we go and let's grab our there's that one still looks pretty clean though there we go so it looks pretty clean and it's still pretty hidden so still looks nice okay so how we doing danny the great congratulations danny the great over on youtube you are the winner of the um you are the winner of the um uh mdot sorry the the uh what did you win i can't think right now the one-year game pass ultimate which is awesome congratulations to you my friend on winning that gg um why are we adding likes for youtube is over 600 okay cool so we got one more we're gonna do back to back now this one this one you do not have to worry about if you are if you are a youtuber everybody is entered to win on this one no extra entries this is uh i want everybody to say thank you youtubers for making this one happen this is uh three months of xbox game pass ultimate okay so doing uh this one is going to be entering youtube just making sure no yep no extra entries starting that giveaway right now thank you youtubers for unlocking that giveaway okay we can um take this off there we go there's that there's our screen okay now we just have we're gonna add let's add our mother uh we get let's do our front panel connectors hook up our aio on the other side and then uh we'll go from there we're gonna quickly get our let's get these hooked up let's get all this little extra stuff that needs to go in there these that little channel is going to run down here that's our so what we want to do right now is grab that's our usb which unfortunately is never quite long enough it's got to go like right through here and then right down here okay that's like if i was gonna control this with cam i got an extra cable but i'm not okay so what i need is where's all my spare over there okay so we're gonna grab these and hook up our fans there's one there's two and three okay there's our fans all hooked up i think i'm gonna try and see if i can no i guess not okay and this is going to go here they're like just like as much as i love these things they want it to actually go underneath like that there we go now we need this to stay down there we go these little fan headers because remember all the other fan stuff is actually hooked up so this is like just a little bit of pop here this is going to be for our power we should i guess we'll figure that out when we're done uh this we don't need to worry about this we can route down here for sure because it's not going to get used just route these two because we know they're going to go down here i love these little channel things okay there we go that's in and these are ready for plugging in when we're there let's grab all of our extras let's go and grab all of our extra stuff that we got to plug in here real quick this is all our front panel stuff which would be pretty fast on this board this is going so well guys going so well okay so here's all of our extra cables so first one this is our front panel connector which is nice on nzxt it's just one giant connector so that's gonna go right here um we have some extra fan headers down here if we needed them um this is our usb 3 which uh has that special entry on the side so we have to see if we can get that in there that's it's kind of at a weird angle here so let's figure that out um this is hd hd audio so that goes in the far right over here this is our usb that goes right here and then this is usbc which we'll have to give a little bit of room because this is also over here so we'll pull this out a little bit and connect that come on baby let go of your usbc don't hold on to it like that congratulations to marissa kayla 10 from twitch you are the winner of the three months of xbox game pass and that's going to go in here congratulations marissa you are winner okay there we go okay that is all hooked up and ready to go now let's flip this stuff over and get it all plugged in that's long enough and we'll go from there and then we can do cable extensions install our mother installer gpu and move on okay so this is gonna be interesting this is actually going to be genuinely hard so then where's the okay the nipple is at the top yes i said nipple i don't know if somebody will do this guys it's going to look really clean but not the easiest thing to hook up and you don't want to bend the cable here and this is blocked you gotta oh shoot i bent it crud i did oh no i didn't okay good okay i didn't bend it i'm nervous i did but i did not okay i'm gonna get this from the other side actually have it close there we go that looks nice and clean though that is uh that was a not a fun thing okay twist this around this also only goes in one way just like that i did have it right in the room there we go okay usb-c is in okay little cables down here nope this one is gonna have to go over to the other side oh no actually no maybe no we're gonna put this on the other side okay front panel connector which is easy on nzxt because it's just one whole thing there you go front panels hooked up hd audio all the way on the far left i'll don't worry i'll zoom in so you guys can see all this stuff so not trying to hide it from you this is not secret and then we've got two usb connectors here both which are kind of a little pain in the butt in terms of how low they are here okay so usb 2. and then i'll show you all of the connectors here in a moment okay so here is what i've connected everything is now connected i'll zoom in and show you guys so you guys can see it all okay zoom in time so right here we have our usbc this is our usb 3.2 the way you got to do it is you got to lift up the case to kind of slide it in you got to be really careful here of making sure it goes in right at 90 degrees or you can bend cables so that's what we did there zooming in a bit more up here at the top at the bottom here that's our front panel connector uh further over this is uh that's the aio usb this is the usb for i don't know something in the case i don't know actually it's probably the cam there's probably a hub usb hub and then over here we have our hd audio and then yeah that's all there is in terms of cables so pretty straightforward in terms of the build itself so it looks pretty clean uh nice and easy there and we'll zoom out next step we're going to uh put in our cable extensions and install our gpu but let's install our gpu first because everybody wants to see the big boy and we have the big boy right here right who's excited about seeing the big boy there it is the for the win three evga [Music] and yeah giveaways we have we have more coming guys i answer on both murad is it murado we're at 104 guys let's get that last let's get that let's unlock that last gift card okay we're gonna open this up i'm gonna be careful we gotta respect the evga guys there we go okay this is our second evga build the other one we did we did the xc3 okay and look at that protected there's our protection and then boom this is a beefy boy this is like a triple card triple slot card there it is wowza oh yeah you know what i didn't think about is i might actually have like uh look at that this actually might require three it's got that red on the back oh there it is look at that that is a big boy yes it does dang it it requires three requires three uh three connectors so we'll have to figure that out um i'm gonna have to i might have to order a second cable extension set to do that there we go there's three right there okay we're gonna peel this bad boy yeah the clown lifts thing is kind of weird i don't know what's up with undoing that it's just like they're like they wanted to add that like little splash of red lots of peel on this and it's like not it's like sticky sticky peel here oh that's way down it's like two clown lips there we go oh look at that geez that is a big card that is huge okay there's a little bit more peel right here and get it quite up okay one more we got a little bit more peel here there we go a little bit of peel on the evga stuff right there oh there we go okay so now it's fully peeled that's a big boy that is a big freaking card that's a big card okay let's get this inside of oh there's more peels so much peels guys we got a little bit more of this stuff on here there we go cleaning that off okay we got peels on the ease here there we go okay one like most of my time is just spent peeling these stupid cards two and three okay good okay now it's all peeled grab that okay there's our card look at that bad boy that is a thick boy and this all lights up so that's gonna be cool um i just got to figure i might have to i have to order another cable i just realized i'm going to i forgot i need three black cables to do this so we're going to undo this bad boy we need three car three slots lots of power being used in this one put this like this let's get this knot and so i don't step on it because i'm going to forget about it you guys know me you guys know me too well i'm going to forget about this and i'm just going to step on it and it's going to be terrible so i'm going to put this away real quick [Applause] nobody want me to step on because i got to when i ship the winner the card i take the card out because it's like shipping card inside of this unless i use like the instapack which even then like with a card this thick it's always best to just remove the card there you go okay there we go okay now let's finish our build process here get more done now what time is it oh my clock's off nobody told me clock nobody told me the clock was off it's 7 58 so we are getting close we're getting dangerously close to um actually uh we're getting dangerously close to actually getting to uh the next hype train there we go okay okay now let's grab our beautiful very big gpu yeah that's gonna fill oh there's only two slots oh oh fixed then if that was three stock card and i was wrong oh there we go there it is okay cp just in that fills up the whole thing guys that is a big big honking car it's just like a a big square there we go okay now it's because we don't whoa we don't have a ton of room over here there we go and i know probably people are asking like why is the answering questions guys i'm i'm focused on the build right now we answer a lot of questions and we'll there will be time to answer questions at the end too especially we get to the like the last of the giveaways and stuff like that so we will have questions there will be question and answer time again for sure it is coming okay there we go okay it's in i'm going to make a slight change real quick just where we're going to think on our feet make a slight change here um we're going to actually use purple nzxt cables i think that'll actually look a little bit better and use purple and black so stand by for one second i'm gonna go grab the purple cables and then we'll use purple and black oh let's use purple and white let's use purple white i think and then with the white light i think that'll actually look pretty good i know i have a lot of those cables um this is the purple we have spare whites okay here we go oh so it'll be it's still look really cool i think okay so let's grab our white eight pin we'll put this one in the middle oops that's not actually we'll do purple and white in the top too just to make it happen as we can now i need is the eight pen there we go i'll do one eight pin here now oh and there's a slot down here so so cool that just made me happy gpu trance in full effect huh it's gonna be black on black with a little bit of with some with some with a little bit of color i think the color we're gonna get a little pop of color which i think is gonna look good um instead of doing black on black and black i think the little pop it's it's a little shout out to nzxt as well so i called an audible i still think people are gonna dig it um and i still think people are gonna be happy and it's still gonna be all white light so the rgb is to be all white but we can use the purple on the nzxt uh on this and it'll actually add a little bit of pop to that as well so i think this is actually going to look pretty nice guys just just stay tuned to see what i'm doing and then you can uh you can go from there just a little bit of pop sometimes can make all the difference in terms of how something kind of comes across so we're gonna throw some cable combs on this real quick here we go there's always the best thing you gotta need four will be enough let's do five you want more there we go there we go okay that'll give us five nice looking cable there [Music] okay good i guess we could do i mean the other option we have is to do all white and black what do you guys what do you guys think purple and white and black or just all white and black what are the so yeah you guys think purple white and black or oh mario thank you for the five dollar all what purple is saying purple white and black no purple you guys want to see a purple here let's let's show let's show i'll show you guys a purple and see what you guys think i have a little i have a purple they're already ready let me just say usa let's let's do all i'll show you what the purple looks like it's a royal purple um so i'll show it to you so you guys can see so this is the purple [Music] just so you guys can see it next to you so that's the purple it's not it's obviously not cable combed but yeah okay well i feel like most people are saying purple and black okay so yeah all right so we're gonna we're gonna go purple and black and if you win this you can change the colors we are gonna have a little bit of purple lighting guys there's going to be some but not a ton the purple will be on the nzxt on the uh on the aio thing so it's called puke purple i think it's a great purple okay i'm just gonna remove these because again evga puts their their stuff on backwards i have to redo all of these real quick i was hoping i just put them in and be good but oh well what i can do though whoa put that over there this is right okay cool well you do not get a lot of room on that there we go a little pop there and then let's grab that one that's our psu cable grab this there we go [Music] oh i did this the wrong way how are we doing uh oh yeah i guess we're i guess oh have we seen yes the pc is given being given away and we have the the sign up and all that stuff you will announce next week we'll talk about next week on wednesday so stay tuned we'll have all the p all the stuff for entering that and not only is this pc given away we're also giving away a 360 sorry a a series x and a playstation 5. it's a next-gen like ultimate next-gen giveaway so it should be fun it's going to run for about a month there you go oh never mind so she's got all the deets right there hey um don't forget guys if you do want to get in on that subscription that sorry that uh uh you do want to get in on that uh that september uh sorry the october uh sub giveaway don't forget uh if you're over on twit if you're over on youtube right now you can over to rubytech we're giving away one lucky subscriber on uh and it may be as many as two uh 30 70s so and all you gotta do is you can use your free amazon prime sub oh man that reminds me another thing uh that i wanted to let you guys know about this happening that i almost based on is i am partnering with omaze i don't know does anybody does that do people know who omaze is so i'm partnering with omaze and children's outreach uh sorry uh gamers outreach um if you go to robytech we are trying you can potentially win with a 10 all you have to do is do a 10 donation and you can potentially win a 20 000 towards an ultimate gaming dream setup this all goes towards gamers outreach i've known zach weigel for a good time i'm partnering with them um to uh collect donations is a charity thing we do um if you uh our xbox at all you know we do a lot of this stuff with them but omaze is doing one right now um and uh so if you use if you go to robytech uh any number of donations get you in entries you can see all about that and you potentially win a uh 100 you could potentially win twenty thousand dollars towards the gaming pc of your dream so a ten dollar you ten dollar donation uh gets you uh ten dollar donation also helps an amazing cause and at the same time you could uh you could you know obviously maybe even win something so it's like a win-win in that situation if you guys want to go check it out um i'm trying to raise 16 000 is what i'm trying to win so is what i'm trying to sorry is what i'm trying to raise so if you guys i i you know i i i talked up my community pretty heftily you guys you guys support me but here's an opportunity to support kids um what you know with what they do is they build medical grade carts and these metal grade carts are game carts that kids who are in especially in the covet 19 world that kids can use to play games um while they are dealing with many a multitude of multitude of different things so uh it's absolutely awesome go check it out uh again rubytech if i if you guys could drop that yeah there you go uh and go i'd love to see can we get can we get like a couple hundred would be even awesome if if you guys if we get a couple hundred dollars in donations tonight uh just from you guys to help uh this amazing cause would be absolutely incredible so which would be cool so i'm partnering with them i'm partnering with omaze we're going to be seeing some of that stuff i'm going to talk about it it's the the drawing ends on october 20th so there's not a ton of time left to get in on that if you want to get in on uh that entry i think what i'm going to do just to make sure is which i think will be worth it i'm going to disconnect this [Music] well now here's a chance to potentially win one and at the same time help a great cause you know as low all you have to do is donate as low as 10 you can do more entry uh more obviously more entries get you more chances to win so um if you want to go give that a go pretty awesome okay this side yeah that's it for a 20k setup that is it so it's what you enter to win a 20k setup that's that's how you do it thank you booty chatter yeah it's a great cause so yeah that's it win a 20 000 setup so yeah that's that is the that is the thing so if you guys could do a donation that'd be great thank you very much for all you guys are donating we're going to be running this campaign for the next week or so so yeah go give it a go rubytech thanks feed i appreciate it again you're helping an incredible cause i know bli if you want to know more about it you know blondie knows a lot about gamers outreach like i said zack's a great friend um yeah it's a really great cause and it's he's a he's an awesome awesome guy okay we're just pulling the cables through in terms of preparing for this how good is this fps on games this is a freaking top tier this is about the best you can get until you get a 3000 series well we you can have there's a chance to win this too and that obviously not going towards a charity on that one but still there's a chance to win that one too what the heck happened here oh that's why there we go okay those are in now i'm trying to do but this is not working well for me is connect these two together there we go there we go cool okay there we go so there's a nice little clean purple and white in the top thanks guys all of you guys super appreciate you doing those those donations and we're out of the song so let's go to the next song and starting this again okay uh there is no limit i mean like i said we're just trying to raise sixteen thousand dollars for them so i'd love to have the ruby tech community uh come through and uh and uh really really do awesomeness right so that's what i'm hoping for guys so 16 grand would be you can donate up to 16 you can donate as much as you want and you can and it's each 10 i think it's each dollar i don't know how it works in terms of how it goes towards the uh the the entries or whatever it is but your chance is how it improves your chances the more you do it i don't i don't i don't have the end okay it's like that i'm i'm just being anal about looks right now and i know it's gonna pay off in the end there we go now we have a super clean looking i just need to not hit that fan there we go there we go okay there we go okay now that looks better okay so we got that hooked up now now we're going to hook up our last two purple cables and then we'll put power and then that's it we are so close guys having this done thank you very much guys uh we'll we'll talk about winning this pc next week and we still have oh guys we're getting dangerously close to that 100 that 150 new a gift card too jeez you guys are awesome and be with the people who enjoy it uh laser thank you very much dude you have been an absolutely incredible supporter of this show you know that and so i appreciate you too i appreciate all you guys man group hug community hug right now our community is amazing our community is awesome i appreciate all that you guys do um for this thing you guys are awesome and uh you make getting to do this every week so much fun oh friskemar thank you very much for that we're so close to that i think we're gonna i think all we got to do is one more 150 this week and then i think we've done like we're we're two for work what two weeks in from i'm having that 37 unlocking that second 30-70 oh laser with the tier 1 subs dude there we go okay guys well one sub away one sub away from that last the last one why do i only have four on here i thought i thought i had i have one more in here yeah i have one more in here one two three four i think a one two three four and then there's five on this okay i need one more one more of these there we go okay but did i really just oh roby i just didn't just did it backwards again oh zeistan thank you very much for that 120 there we go guys we've unlocked we've unlocked oh wait we didn't even do height train yet maybe we've done hype train yet you guys no we did it all we didn't get hype train well i guess we're going towards hype train still we still gotta unlock that giveaway you guys are awesome cute well we haven't gotten the hype train yet wait i don't know when the high train it should be unlocked by now that's weird it's well no because we it probably starts no we didn't it probably doesn't unlock until ninth 8 30. i just thought about that what is this on like this is not supposed to be on this like it's on oh i changed this it's on like this weird message thing it's been stuck on this for like for like a button down here to switch it i got it's like on something i don't know what it is though it's like stuck on this oh okay there we go there we go we're on the clock now okay there we go we're back on the clock that was weird now the clock's back on hey see you later kicks gm thanks for stopping in man we're almost done what happened to our it's like the thing keeps closing this this thing okay um who is uh uh let's see what are we what do i i don't know like um i want to do our life our last hype train so we can do that last giveaway we've done all the other giveaways so far and then we have two more still um i think it i think it closes on the 20th i think is when it closes oh shoot the clock it's got one broken foot and i did i had it set precariously but we'll get that fixed there we go okay whoa stepped on that again well i mean i ne i need to like d voom to send me another one i should reach out because how many people does anybody else have that clock i know a lot of people have asked like oh where's that clock from does anybody has anybody actually bought it we haven't gotten guys i don't think the height i don't think the high trade has started yet i don't think it's unlocked i don't think it's unlocked for another 10 minutes so stan stand true stan stan stay true thank you for the donations guys this is taking way longer than it was supposed to because i totally worked it and put this freaking put these on wrong twice sorry about that this is like this is like entertaining like watching paint dry outside of we got some cool donations for the fine folks over at gamer's outreach [Music] oh thank you very much guys thank you sir dude i love that you this is this this helps you unwind okay here we go next one there we go there we go looks very clean it's what we want right cleanliness is next to godliness [Music] the cable comb conundrum yeah we have like that's definitely where we're hitting now because we gotta freaking replace these hey thank you very much mr thank you for the ten dollars everybody's waiting for that amd 5000 well not everybody there's a lot of people are but not everybody okay anybody who thought did anybody who thought that the purple like you're like i don't want to do the purple now that you've seen the purple you're like oh the purple looks good anybody change your mind on the purple who was like anti-purple no still on the fence okay well i wanted to ask i still wanted to ask i mean the only two is i love honesty right like that's part of the process let's see it after the rgb again i'm gonna have to set up the rgb right because right now it's gonna be all functified when we first turn it on which is unfortunate um but we'll uh we'll get it set up and then uh well i will bring it back because we'll show it when it's ready for the giveaway so there'll be some more uh we'll do some more uh work to it so even though you see it it'll all be rgb puke but then we'll get it all set up so it doesn't look like rgb puke so that's on my list guys i apologize it about the uh the rgb puke at the beginning it's not gonna look it's gonna look its greatest when it first turns on was excited who uh who um from the stream this morning uh what'd you guys think of the new streaming setup the new game one i'm gonna talk to jez now that it's officially like we've tested it all works this one is gonna be kind of popping out from the back i think is the way this is gonna have to work what'd you guys think of the room it was nice yeah unicorn puke okay that's gonna go in there unfortunately this is just this isn't like the fantex case where it's got that it's really made for like three it's like made for two i wonder if there you go there we go [Music] what i might do to make this work the best is take like that then you take another three some here and then at the bottom go there we go it feels looks like it's pretty good actually [Music] okay there we go all the power is hooked up all our cables are hooked up we're just all we got to do is turn the power on now that's it that's all there's left looks good okay now let's turn it over oh let's get our power hooked up kind of the easy part now put this like this i'm gonna be able to get that up there maybe there he goes okay there's a little bit of pop out here which is nice so even if this isn't all the way there we go because well remember this is like even though this is like pops out a little bit it actually is okay if it does because um the um looking for the actual case is actually the the actual door is a little bit bowed but got some room in here for cables that are kind of popping out like this there you go it's all good and ready for there away is there okay um there we go okay now this will go right here we'll have the one cable that's just gonna go across from it we have power here there's all of our gpu power ready that doesn't need anything this is like that one like dangling cable unfortunately there we go okay that's all good and then this is like just this weird one cable unfortunately there's not a whole lot i can do about it outside of tie it down right here and have it be [Music] good youtube there you go now keep it off the bottom for the um there we go keeps it off the bottom for that okay and we're gonna do one more just kind of get this all clumped up and out of the way it's gonna be one cable it's gonna get hooked up right here which is our power cable the rest of these are gonna get kind of zip tied together they're just kind of out of the way not you that would have been bad okay there's all of our cables out of the way okay and then we'll have that one purple that'll cover that up all of our power cables are exposed and now we can do our power which is a good thing there we go come on baby of course it didn't go in it's called getting old there we go oh there we go we'll give the winner went ahead and gave the winner like the rest of the set of white so if the winner decides they want to go all white instead of the purple they have the option so if you one of you lucky folks you're like oh i wish you would have done all white or a different color you have that option okay power supply and then we're done boys and girls we're at the very end here and i'm excited okay we have a power supply that nzxt sent us separately which actually belongs to their build series so which is cool not a usual it's not in a retail box but 850 watts it's our c850 right here we're good there another nzxt part we gotta get this out does it come with curious if it came with oh i think oh luckily i think the case came with hexagonal screws for the power supply so we'll grab those find there it is this is going to grab my power supply screws they thought of everything there's our hexagonal screws and we're good to go awesome okay now this has got a bracket on the back because it's got that bracket we got to uh we have to take this off and then re-put it on okay there it goes okay and there's that this goes on the bottom so we're just going to get this whoa whoa stop stop lock it's like the thing the table starts taking off nine to eight thirty five i think we can unlock the hype train now guys i'm pretty sure hype train is now available if we wanna try and unlock it if somebody wants to drop like five subs and then we'll uh we'll know so hype train i'm pretty sure is unlocked we wanna unlock that last giveaway the twitch giveaway which is the 800 the power supply sorry the western digital m.2. so let's see if we can get the hype train unlocked guys last get these the last the outside of this and the one we're gonna do for the other one i feel bad because you guys did all that other stuff but yeah nice well you can build pcs now just because you're older doesn't mean you don't do pcs i'm no young spring chicken there we go okay let's see what happens fuji just dropped it see if hype train starts let's stand by it should that should start hype train if it's hype train going see what happens oh we got some prime subs going on let's see what happens i think it's unlocked there'll be three hot trains today there it is told you hype train was there told ya let's do it ladies and gents i train is going limited time to earn exclusive exclusive emotes there we go hype train is going now okay what do we need out of here i need one of those maybe two just in case you don't need those thank you there we go level three guys let's finish it out there's a s so i'm gonna do individual psus because just because of the power of the cable so we're gonna see if i have three i may not have three individuals so i have to see what i can get here that is a that's our cpu and this is our all right okay two cpus okay there we go turn this over level four hype train let's finish it out guys there oh you guys are dropping like it's hot zoom out so you guys can see this i think i've zoomed in a little bit maybe no i am not zoomed in okay trying to get this out of the way so you guys can see the work i'm doing here on the psu there okay okay so undo all the cables here real quick wow you guys crushed it with the hype train so far jeez there we go how many people do we have on twitch today 499 500 guys good job 500 people over on twitch today that's huge which folks supporting today [Music] thank you for the chat the bits draft 800 right there there we go level five there we go level five hype train unlocked there we go so we've unlocked that giveaway let's start that giveaway now this is for the western digital 250 gig hard drive everybody say thank you twitch the twitch folks coming in clutch oh wait we haven't done it yet never mind they haven't done it yet we're not at level five yet oh i was getting pre i was getting pre uh i was getting pretty excited okay so cables we're gonna use for this is uh we've got uh this is our pcie we'll need one of these this is for our uh our oh wait i'm not done undoing all the cables hold on i was premature i've been premature with all sorts of things today tomorrow guys is uh booty chatter booty chatters build 8 7 000 build 7 000 or something like that thread ripper another evga crazy evga card we got a lot going on tomorrow's build is going to be legit okay so first cable we need this is our motherboard cable this is for powering our motherboard that one goes right here there we go and right there okay motherboard is hooked up now what we're doing is we're looking for this is a cpu so we have you'll know the cpu because this is the side that goes in the cpu because it's split this one says it's actually labeled psu so we'll need two of those there's one the second one is right here so there's our nope that's vga oh here nope that's not it the second one is right here okay so this is our snope that's vga where's our other cpu cable oh it's right here not until it's twisted i was like wait where's all the vga oh vg okay there we go so here this is our other cpu again split then we're going to plug this in right here now what we're going to do is these are all vga we're going to be using all we're going to be using them all individually so we're going to put all four of these all three of these in so maximum vga awesomeness there's one there's two lots of cable like maximum psu power out of this one and there is three so maximum psu power there and then finally we've got two sata these are for uh powering our peripherals if we had hard drives we'd use those two we're gonna plug two of those in so we're only not using like one cable i think two cables two of them okay there we go so all of our cob lays are in as they say in some country that says cobbles no country says that ruby okay so we're gonna do is pull this through lots of cobbles so many cobbles oh so much cables okay all the cables are through pull this all the way and make sure there's all this stuff is maxed and then you pull it all the way to the front like that and we have little thumb screws i'm going to put this up this is going to be easier if i do them this way there we go okay have we gotten level five yes okay let's start that giveaway then we still have the we still have the gift card giveaway too that we'll do at the end okay power supplies in oh this became a hefty boy all of a sudden ah that's sharp okay start this giveaway now twitch subs you get extra issues on this one obviously but this is the western digital 250 gig nvme ssd giveaway is starting now exclamation point twitch let's go let's go okay this is all the what we're gonna do last is we're gonna do our psu last so let's find our two cpu cables there they are we got these right here here's cpu one and there is cpu okay cpus are hooked up i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna grab one of these that's weird make sure these are flat okay there we go i know oh i put it i didn't put in there okay cool there we go guys strong support from my amazing community okay that's in okay next up so let's take our little sata i think i can actually get both of these with like a single one of these but let's get it out from underneath here we just want to make sure that there's plenty of peripheral options should somebody need this at a latter point lotter okay there we go okay one minute 20 seconds still left on that timer for that giveaway okay so we got two things to plug in here pretty straightforward so i'm going to take this whole set right here put this in this little drive tray because that's like if with that this pin person who wins gets a hard drive or something like that they can this one is going to go plug in and power that and one more that one's going to plug in and power this one that's our pump and just like that we're ready to go there okay so there's all that plugged in next thing that we need is our beast big beastie boy i actually want to keep this this way so i'm going to twist this one around okay there is that it should still close it's got plenty of room okay now that last step is hooking up all the power for the gpu there's one we are like maximizing the heck out of this power supply area because we are giving it all of the power all of them are getting dedicated power there we go and then last one last dedicated one and we are good to go and i just got to hide these bad boys there we go okay okay now i don't want to give i want to make sure these are loose i'm just going to make sure the back fits which it should just to make sure the back fits it's popped out so you actually end up having a lot of room in this case i think it goes here yeah and just like that what is that hitting there we go it does fit it does close we're good there oh okay how does it look it looks good all i have to say is look at how clean that looks thank you very much for the uh eric thank you very much for the 10 super chat man there is our there's our build that looks good it looks really good okay i'm very happy with how this turned out okay we're gonna throw our other pieces on real quick congratulations to j rock 78 over on youtube that doesn't happen i think there was somebody who was saying the twitch guys always win the uh m.2 but there is proof right there that that is not true okay almost a moment of truth guys so this last last part on there okay pc is done we are going to be giving this one away don't forget not today but soon okay that's in that's in that's in and i hear stuff i see stuff i smell stuff it is on it is on jayhawk78jrok781 there it is it is remember guys we are subtle in terms of the lighting here we're not going to be over lighting this this all the oh wait the pump the pump's not on huh what is the pump why is the pump not on i wonder if i forgot to plug in the pump hold on forgot to plug something in the pump's not on so i was like something's not lit oh we spoke too soon there's one i forgot something got that sharp there we go i forgot something something is not plugged in this looks like it's plugged in that's the pump there's the pump oop this is the pump connection there's the pump right there it is definitely plugged in um everything there looks good i'm just gonna check the connect oh maybe i didn't plug it in right on the other side let me just make sure that that cable i did was right on the other side maybe i put it in backwards that has happened before could actually be and i didn't plug this in right it just happened is this the right way check that i put this in upside down because that has happened yep put that in upside down i'm just going to test real quick and if i do this now the pump will turn on yep okay now we'll turn it off we fixed it fixed it guys fixed it easy fix we're gonna just get this under control here real quick god this is so quiet too there we go okay all fixed but still with one single one single uh two tweezers to spare and by tweezers i mean zip ties because that's what they actually are one bottle of ice in four hours we built well not even four hours right like three yeah just that for less than three hours we've built an entire fully loaded epic build which is the this is like many i'm very excited about whoever's am i hitting here that's what i'm hitting okay i want to make sure those are flat oops okay there it is it's ready again take two [Music] yeah take two boom and so confident just going to put this stuff away real quick okay here we go ready to go here oops turn it on the right way and boom boom look at that and there's the there's our cut now remember our pump is sideways because this is a pump we've used before so the pump is sideways it is working this hasn't turned sideways yet that's weird yeah the gpu man like that lighting on the gpu is super cool i wonder why the like can you just not see the pump oh yeah the pump's on just the lights it's like so dim the pump is on it's showing the right temperature i just i think it's got to be oops changing cam okay so we'll get that stuff so the pump is on and there you can see like the little bit of light there's not a ton of lights well like i said we're going to make it all white the mobile there is no mobo light there is zero mobo light this thing is very very dark outside of we're gonna have the purple and the white it should be pretty low-key in terms of overall light and by the way oh no post yet what is that oh there it is okay so it it does post it's just giving me this weird error so hold on it's not it has nothing to do with this it's the it's the uh the device is not showing it i'm gonna reset this device hold on one sec guys because it does i do see a post being wacky okay hold on one sec guys i'm going to grab and i show this off and remember guys i have that exclamation point new tech um if you guys want to see that um this is that labis that lab sts these are portable monitors um we actually uh they sent me this i'm pretty pretty excited about it they're 1080p makes it really easy for me to do stuff like setup and stuff really quick um so that's what i use it for um i also use it it's like look at the size of this thing i mean it's not like it's like carrying an ipad you can just put in a backpack it's a full-blown 1080p monitor they actually have high frame rate versions of these as well but i've been using this one now just to see what it thinks i like i cannot recommend especially if you do any travel and you just have like a laptop and you want a second screen for it how awesome having a second stream using something like this can be uh for a setup like this so um you can check it out do exclamation point new tech to give it a gander it's worth a go it's worth it i have to say and they're not they're not that expensive is the other thing i really liked about it okay i'm just turning this on i don't know it's saying that it can't it does post i i did see an image there briefly but it's saying the frame rate uh the frame it's getting the frame speed it's getting is weird so i'm seeing if it pops up here it does post i did see a post and we're all good there wow that that lighting there is super rad i have to say yeah exclamation point new tech i think is what it is yeah yep there it is i see it copyright okay so i do see i do see a post here i don't know why it's not showing up here i want to be able to do it here but it's just being wacky i don't know if there's something that i did um i don't know what happened there but it's like it's like all of a sudden i'm not seeing the screen which is unfortunate okay i'm hoping when i do this uh when i when i go into f1 that we'll all of a sudden see it and we'll be good so just gonna grab this real quick and get into it it's just like basically very simple very simple looking bios here there we go i almost freaked out there was and i was like wait a minute this is like uh okay we're gonna go ahead and hit delete so now we're in the bios okay still not seeing anything on the screen i hope i didn't break something i dropped this uh i dropped the atomos but it's like being wacky okay so i'm in the screen i can see everything here it's showing all that stuff here i don't know if i like accidentally it's killing me okay here we go see if i can get it to show up so you guys can see it i wonder if i hit this if i hit capture if you guys will see i'm seeing if you guys will see it i'm just trying to see if the capture still shows it i don't see it showing up here i can see it on like i said i can see it on my screen it's like this thing isn't showing it i don't know if i need to reset my 4k 60s real quick or this goes into this oh wait okay now this goes into here what is going on oh i wonder if i pulled something trying to get my screens to show up the way they're supposed to okay there it is okay whoo yay now you guys should be able to see it hopefully soon won't you guys be able to see the screen because it's different um pc capture okay let me look at this properties properties and cache okay you're gonna deactivate and bring it back up okay there you go so on activate does it show up there it is yay okay so yeah you can see the bios is there it's it's now we got it you can see that it's posted we are in the bios the pc actually works so we're good there look at that i like it when we win when we post that means that the pc's got like somebody's gonna get lucky and really enjoy this thing so uh different bios right because again we're looking at nzxt here um so we can see all of our m.2s are here all that sort of stuff we're gonna go ahead and not we're gonna just discard and restart and then let's do our last giveaway while our um while our windows installs and then reason to spam by the way the reason the fans aren't spinning if you're like oh the fans aren't spinning you have to have cam enabled for the fans to spin so there's just a lot of weird things like that that we have to do it's just some of the joys of setting up a oh did i just shut it off and then not turn it back on okay shut off that that also doesn't help um the uh this the spin this the things will spin uh no it is it is ai owing uh it's just so dark uh it's just so dark it's 73 right now 74. yeah it is on it's just really dark i mean the screen is on that's weird so we'll get cam on and see what it does here in a second oh no no it is it is definitely shutting off yeah that is the the aio is not doing the i o is not doing its thing you are right great well everything else was good and now the aio is not doing its thing i wonder if maybe i didn't plug it in right hold on it's got to be i don't know there's two ways you can put this in and i feel like i'm putting it in upside down so i'm gonna do this one more time this is actually fine i saw it beep i it feels like the i o is not doing its thing so it is the i o not doing its thing okay so it's this cable that's not working geez and it's too hard to do it when it's sitting up like this so let's get it to aio let's get the io to do its thing oh so big uh what that deuce i'm trying to where's my phone oh sorry guys let's go back [Music] i want to see something i know i hooked this up right but there's this the cable in the side it's not it can go more than one way so i'm trying to see and i can't get a good angle on it so i'm trying to see how it plugs in if they have a picture because it'll actually go in both ways and i think that's my problem okay stay open please [Music] it doesn't show [Applause] i'm gonna just put this two ways and when it lights up i'll know it's not doing it's when it lights up i'll know it's doing its thing hmm it doesn't seem to be doing anything actually uh okay that is plugged in again apparently try this again okay i'm gonna try and see if this works if the power it's like you see it come on and then it doesn't do anything so if not we have more pumps okay yeah it's doing its thing now okay we fixed it i'll show you it's fixed now guys yay uh there is that's a temperature that we want to see there we go that's what you want to see yay it only works laying down yeah that'd be worse it'd be the worst okay now we'll plug this in now we don't don't forget we can rotate it so it's not a big deal there you go he's streaming with what extra short shorts what does that mean okay everything is on now now we're just trying to get into this this screen here and we still got this giveaway to go so let's see what's going on here oh did i just not plug this in or what's the deal here [Music] yay it looks so good [Applause] [Music] it should work again now when i do that here we go okay there we go and i see nzxt now we can install windows okay installing windows now let's give our let's do our giveaway [Music] uh so no we just if we get to we just got to get to we just got to get to uh 150. it's there's no there's no sub goal it's just getting to 150 oh wait i have a thing right here uh 150 just means that we unlock the 30 so let's get three more but let's start the giveaway for the 150 new a gift card [Music] now this one subs you get extra entries i'm gonna hold on let me just do this let me get to the point where it's actually installing because then we're not wasting time pro next love this little monitor if you guys want to check them out seriously they're so they're they're such great little monitors there we go starting the install okay let's start the giveaway by the way giveaway for this uh setting is going to be newegg now yeah we unlock we have to get we have to on we have to hit 150 subs two times in a week per month that's how we unlock the second 20 30 70 giveaway so that's how we unlock it remember we got to do it for a month that's just a goal you're not gonna we're not gonna unlock another goal guys i haven't started the giveaway yet but you're you don't seem to care okay 150 new a gift card starting now there it goes um i also want to let you guys know okay so a couple things we have one more stream tomorrow we got booty chatter booty chatters full build i'm really excited about that it's a titan i mean sorry it's a threadripper 3970x build with 128 gigs of ram uh we're using a 3080 on that bad boy uh we're gonna be doing a thousand watt power supply uh two and a half four and a half terabytes of nvme storage i mean it is a beast of a pc so we're gonna be doing that tomorrow uh that's gonna be inside of the lienly dynamics zero one one xl case we're putting in nine fans it's going to be a sight to behold with lots of rgb awesome all that sort of stuff black and red cables um yeah it's going to be the works so you're going to want to tune in tomorrow for that um and then we have we will do some game stream i'm going to reach out to jazz now that we know that everything works we tested that today so everything there worked out well um so we'll have some game streaming on saturday um and then next week on monday monday we're doing a special stream we're doing a qnap we're going to be giving away a nas which is a network asset storage we're going to be doing a special stream setting up a nas on monday uh just having a good time that'll go and start at six and then go till when it's done uh so you'll see the full setup of setting one up getting one installed uh getting it all going if you know anything about nasa it's great time to come hang out this will be like the first one i've ever really set up so that'll be a lot of fun and then we have our regular wednesday thursday friday streams which should be super super awesome um i'm trying to think of what else uh oh yeah don't forget uh if you get if you get your paycheck or you didn't get a chance check out rubytech we're running that through october 20th which is what a week and a half from now not that long it's not that long so we're trying to raise 16 000 thank you very much for everybody who donated for everybody who donated today as many donations were helping gamers outreach which is zach weigle again those guys um those guys are uh those guys are doing those guys are doing awesome work um going through and uh getting those medical grade uh go-karts which are these portable gaming carts uh for kids uh and adults who are in the tour who basically isolated specifically with covet 19 isolated and just need an outlet to be able to do that because it's a scary time uh for those guys so lots of awesome stuff happening up here in our network uh and over as well we've got some great videos coming out we're gonna be doing our first our our first part one of the room uh is releasing next week we gotta we got the nr200p edited video coming out tomorrow um and then we've got the full room reveal uh happening in a week and a half so lots of really fun stuff and so i appreciate all of you guys hanging out we got lots of content for you i hope you guys are enjoying it it seems like it is we had 2.3 million minutes watched last month and these these these live streams are a huge part of that so thank you very much for all that stuff guys um let's see we are done i'll let i'll let blondie pick the winner she seems to do it so well and then oh also don't forget about the shadow that was the other tech is this cool i have to finish setting up i'm waiting for the other pc that's going to get plugged in but yeah pretty excited about this little this little doohickey here that has all the rgb awesome and all that sort of stuff thanks guys thank you you saw ghost appreciate it uh you adding any nice figures in your room yes so we've got i've got some i've got some halo stuff um i used to be a final fantasy figure collector i i need to i need to figure out something i'm a huge robotech fan so maybe we'll add a lot of robotech figures that'd be nice i did add i don't know if you guys saw but i added an entire lego mario level that you can play from beginning to end in the middle cubicles which is pretty cool and i have some huge spots that are now available for some things i might take this this bandai namco one and take that over there but yeah i think some robotech stuff might look pretty cool so i don't know what else anything else you've spent zero seconds watching me that sounds that's sad i know roby tech robotech it's like i like that can you invite tigger you you know you can i know you've been trying what have you been trying to do you've been trying to get that congratulations brian a oh yeah it's brian anderson with brian a you on the 150 new a gift card so hopefully uh you uh you make good use of that restarting now get that out i need to get a new uh windows usb and kind of brutal because that one's like super old pass me chips i don't think that thing is right don't spend it all in one one place you have set up josiah and it's awesome i'm excited like we're gonna be doing it for the first time i've got some i got to send some emails to uh to the qnas guys tomorrow for the setup and stuff like that but i'd love to have people hang out and be a part of uh getting that set up that's going to be a lot of fun uh i'm pretty stoked about it sam uh we'll have to again taking it with a grain of salt we'll get there we'll we'll uh we'll do our own testing and let you guys know what that is but um it's pretty crazy uh brian a from youtube one brian a from youtube one uh so guys the way it works is that it it upgrades so it starts at 50 then it becomes 100 then it becomes 150 it's not stacking then i i'd i'd be out of money so yeah that's not how it works it's just as you go up it it goes up yeah it does have clown lips doesn't it i don't know what that is we'll make it white uh brian a from youtube one uh i don't know it's the q nas it's the cunes uh it's a q nap and nas i i i feel like i should work on it this weekend i might i might pop it out um i might pop it out and uh try and set it up tomorrow to go through the process on my own i do so i so water boy people are telling me i have heard that i haven't tested some people were recommending it for me so i started giving them their own individual i don't actually know who it is brian a1 guys brian a1 it i i don't understand if you guys are you watching this on mute i told you who won brian a at youtube won no youtube does not wow that's funny demon tacos is like youtube only wins and then like last week it was like twitch always wins so it guys it changes all the time yes i would say this one is uh better airflow uh much more room in the front um again i think the biggest problem though is that you know all the air is being sucked from the side it would be ideal if this was like a mesh panel or just had a ton of perforated holes in it i'm still not the most ideal one for uh still not the most ideal one for uh um the most ideal for airflow but this is i'd say better than the 510 elite for sure okay ruby tack next uh no decline by my device no inking no no no no oh actually diagnostic yes there we go okay and now it's resetting yeah mesh front at the very least would be nice oh nice well that i that doesn't that's a problem i'm really surprised that they did the red the red is uh that's bold is it really like again it kind of pigeon holes where you can use the build that's right isaiah yeah j-rock won the ssd hope you guys did we see you later you saw ghost for some reason you saw a ghost did you say you're happy to have a boyfriend i thought somebody with the ghost in their name was like hey it's rocks having a boyfriend for some reason i thought that was you but maybe it wasn't you i might be wrong is this is that windows ltsc i don't know this is just windows pro it's apparently based on the oh like uh like almost like the cyberpunk car see you later giro oh nice okay well i wonder i haven't followed along with jacob i dude it's been it's been it's been busy okay here we go okay start settings update check for updates and run this one downloads and updates get updates there we go we're going to run all our updates yeah i know it's like a sinful it's like a really good like it's a good really good deal and i like i really like the monitor it's it's just a nice little portable monitor i use them all the time oh no this is just this is a full version of windows i don't know that's that's all new to me dude z 300 z i'm learning new yes there is a chance of a 24 hour uh uh we will we are working on that so we we have to get through so october we always get through because we always do the giving campaign so giving campaign for microsoft is october so we usually start planning that in early november jay rock won the 50 there is no 50 new a gift card it's just the 150 and it was brian a won the 150. enhanced enhanced oh awesome okay guys well well over to that we kept 2 000 people almost the entire time which is a great stream um i want to give uh since we're just waiting for windows to update now i want to give you guys a chance to ask any questions we're going to given how late last time last night's stream with and we know tomorrow's is gonna be pretty hefty as well i want to give you guys the opportunity to answer ask any questions see if there's anything that you guys wanted to know uh for the last you know four or five minutes we're gonna we're gonna sign off here at at uh at uh 9 21. we hit 150 subs so good job um and thank you very much for all your guys's support uh already has three results yeah dude that gigabyte vision gp is it the gpu uh nukes nukesify man that that gpu is sexy but it's like it was only available in the uk uh beast killer will announce that next week [Music] so b1022 i've answered this a couple of times really excited about it the uplift looks really good especially the power in the instructions per clock the ipc counts is good the fact that they got rid of the infinity fabric between the cache is really awesome so that that helped them it means we have less latency for games which is why we saw that massive uplift um again i'm interested to also see what rocket lake from cp from intel does right because this is supposed to finally be 17 nanometer not 14 nanometer plus plus plus plus um but i think i love what amd's doing i think that i'm excited to to put a 5950x in my main system um and uh and i think that it's it's a good time to be into cpus i love intel intel still it still looks like intel barely in some regards is still going to be the king from gaming in certain places right um and uh but it's good to see that amd is pushing them and uh i think amd and a lot of other ways again until i get my hands on it i don't know man i don't know but i've built a lot like i have built 10 times more amd systems than i have built intel systems like it's always a rare treat when we're like oh let's put an intel system in versus the you know even my beard comb even my beard comb is even my beard comb is a ryzen 7 3700x you know even my beard comb you know you gotta have ryzen 7 like dude it does beard coming better than anybody so yeah a good monitor i'd recommend is the samsung g7 is a great monitor uh the i love the asus a the asus f127q-p is a good one i love the two new cooler master k the 27-inch and the 34-inch both great the new gigabyte 34-inch is also pretty nice if you're looking for 144 hertz at 1440p um i have i use asus rog swift i use the pq 120 set 127-q um and their p2 their pq43 uh dash q is my primary monitor so there's lots of options i don't have any i don't have the anywhere if it idle yes it's hot it's sitting at 30. wait mine that 30 is not hot so color accurate is not something i've worked with a lot you know my 30 gets better performance at fortnite than my 97 it's because of fortnite's multi-threaded i do not know i know that amd has partnered with a lot of manufacturers and the other two is i think the other thing that we're also seeing is the benefits of the fact that amd is at the core of the series x and the playstation 5. which means that you're starting to see things optimized for those particular cpu instructions best pc speakers i like the razer soundbar um i use sonos is what i use for my pc speakers so uh favorite aib card uh it's got to be the strix guy the b102 b1022 i'm super excited about getting my hands on it um i haven't been able to get a hold of one yet but i think the strix or the aorus are going to be my favorite um and i'm i can't wait to get but wait wait tested i tried to get one today but uh last i failed msi gamingx trio we actually have uh some in the other room so i haven't got to use it yet we are building with that uh aerosol in a couple days uh next week i did not watch the ps5 teardown i'm gonna have to watch that i'm new tech youtube my youtube is nice james yes it does b550 and x570 both work out of the box with zen three the b450 is going to require a bios update which is supposed to happen in january my favorite case is the phantek p600a i would say the cooler master td 500 the pan the phanteks p500a or the um or the leanly landcool mesh 2 and the liam lee dynamic 011xl i'd say those are kind of my top cases uh the msi scalping situation super messed up can i run a dp to hdmi to another monitor do i have to get an adapter can i run a dp to hmi to another monitor i have to get adapter since my gpu doesn't have vp plus plus ports um sin asked that question uh in tech text specials i actually don't have i don't know yeah it'll be one directional once you do it you cannot put an older cpu in and we do not know quite yet what the cost will be if you put a three zen three in a b450 like what the limitations because there will be limits in terms of what the cpu can do best budget cpu cooler for the 5800x what do you say when you say budget what do you think that mean what do you think that means i i see sniper i have to see what the what the numbers are yet i don't i can't answer that quite yet we have to play it um so people are asking uh do i talked about this a little bit early do do i expect to see um price drops in 2000 series and ryzen cpus and i'd say at retail no i'd say that uh the 3000 series ryzen have already been heavily discounted i don't see retail being cheaper i think the cheapest place to get them is ebay but i don't recommend getting hardware off of ebay my favorite nintendo first party game is probably starf like i have a lot of memories of star fox i also really like pilot wings so those were my favorite like i used to play those all the time i'd say after that like i think after that i'd have to go with like um kid icarus metroid i've played a lot of time on so some really good ones yeah that i think you're right i see sniper ninten dogs yeah that's a good game mega man's not it's capcom though i do have a picture of me uh from uh oh my gosh the creator of mega man uh in a funny song uh actually drew a picture of me uh i have a picture of that uh when i used to when i worked on uh recore okay so that is ready to go and we are gonna we're gonna restart should i get an i7 9700k or a thirty seven i'd say a nine for what it depends on if you're gonna do gaming 9700k if you're gonna do anything else then i'd say a 3700x that is true b that is true do you think a 10 is good enough for a 10 i think a i think a 10 850 k is good enough for a 30 90 at 4k at ultra settings i don't know what you're talking about with the low settings that would be fine uh what's going in the zero one xl tomorrow we're putting in a threadripper 3970x 128 gigs of ram we're putting in nine corsair ll 120 fans we're putting in a evga this exact same gpu we're putting in the unless it's up to booty chatter booty chatter could change his mind we could put a gaming trio he has options actually it's up to him so booty if you're here in the chat i might ask you you have some other ones that you have chance foosball patriots also getting a set up this is supposed to be next week i believe don't quote me on that it might be the week after but foosball we're putting his in the ah thermaltake we're also putting in 2.5 terabytes of seagate pcie gen 4 storage um uh cooler uh corsair commander pro um uh 1 000 watt power supply and a z uh z73 so yeah i know man the 0x1 the mini has been like it's taking forever but liam lee doesn't rush their stuff so that doesn't surprise me i think we're good here so what i'm going to do real quick is i'm going to download cam uh nzxt cam so we can just get the one the one thing that's driving me bonkers is the fact this is rotated i wonder if i wonder if like now with cam if i like given that the g skill like you don't usually you can't usually control uh gpu color but we're gonna make it white so okay here we go we're gonna go in here so now our fans will work and all that stuff benchmark r15 okay continuing guest mode blast confirm lighting okay let's go to here oop no okay that's fine i want the i want the dual infographic and then i want the i want it purple and white purple there we go okay and then i want i need to do to i know there's a way okay rotate display 90 is that what it is there we go boom okay 90 degrees it's now the right way wonder if i so i have the z490 i've got this which is white but can i i can't change the g skill let's do white okay and then we went we went dual it's not changing the g skill okay so i have to play around with that and figure that out i might have to use the d i'm gonna have to use the uh i have to change the uh um there you go that looks good though i'll have to change the evga which you have to download the evga stuff for and all that sort of stuff i forgot what evga evga software [Applause] download and i want 3000 series windows 10. i don't want the driver i don't want the dr i want the wait where's the what is the name of the the the freaking overclock stuff i just forgot the name of it um evga precision that's what i was looking for download there it is open we'll make that white and then i forgot what this i think doesn't g skill have their own white like lighting don't they i think they have more info yes oh we've so crazy okay and then there is g skill g skill skill lighting software that's what i want doesn't don't they have their own lighting ones for like people who don't do yeah that's what i was looking for there that's what i was looking for i'm not looking forward to using this but once i make it white i'm good and then i want where's the there's the lighting one that's the temperature and fan speed oh i think it's down below i think the problem is that yeah it's my i can't my my screen is too uh i have to do this we go i have to do this and then now open uh precision it's like two zoomed in that's what i wanted why can't i not do led sync i want to turn this led sync on not letting me did it not install led sync did i not click on led sync run anyway now i'm stuck in my thing agree try this again oh there it is there is now it's doing led so i must hit cancel accidentally there we go now i have led sync um okay that's done and make this white and then we'll have it all done oh jeez how can i not get to led sync oh there it is okay let's change it to static white there you go there we go change this to static white static oh there's a lot of there's a lot of freaking there we go now it's all white there you go looks good go to kim link so you guys can see it a little bit better there we got our white all white now that looks kind of nice okay and then now let's do the g skill let's see if this opens i don't know hopefully it just works okay we just want it to go static there you go the fly might have had to restart uh why is this just not let me go white let's see if i get ld off i have to reboot oh there you go okay so so it's definitely working it's definitely on i just want to make it white oh there you go i want this one oh wait no i had it right there you go apply oh it's doing all of them i want them all oh jeez there we go we could do purple there you go blue this one is purple i'm gonna do the middle one there we go apply well that's weird like it changed one like why did one not go okay that's let's just do it all white it's got all wacky like one there's like one that's getting pink no why did you go one pink but there you go it's all it's all close to it's all close to it there you go that's the uh there you go there's the full setup there i feel good about this so there let's uh we'll take this one plug this real quick and put it on the center and then we'll call it a night with uh the final lighting minus the one pink thing but yeah i feel like that i'm i'm happy it's all white and purple now we'll get this in the center for you there it is we're again we're gonna have it all give it away this out of here there we go we have like a near final product nice surprise there there we go minus the clown face but that's what it is but i like the white like at the bottom there we go there's the final look at that looks good i think that looks good let me make this uh make this go white there we go so it's all white everything is all white okay so anyway guys uh that is the stream for tonight i'm trying to find my phone i can't find my phone because i was going to turn down the lights and then call it a call it a night but can't find my phone all of a sudden oh it's right here okay so we'll turn on the lights a little bit get you guys so you guys can just kind of see the uh see the end here there we go there it's really low there's the final kind of final look there and i think this is going to come out looking really good okay guys well that is it for the night beautiful pc i think whoever wins it will love it and absolutely enjoy it but uh i super appreciate all of you guys hanging out we are back again tomorrow for more awesome uh more awesome pc building have a great night bye oh we'll see if we can find somebody to raid by the way guys so stand by if you're on uh if you're on uh twitch we'll see if we can find somebody he won't let me raid yeah he won't let me read oh let's do oh he won't let me write either dude there we go well i guess nobody will let me raid they won't let me oh whoa you
Channel: Robeytech
Views: 71,976
Rating: 4.8447061 out of 5
Keywords: 10900k 3080, 10900kf build, 3000 dollar gaming pc, 3000 series gpu, 3000 series nvidia, 3080, 3080 build, evga rtx 3080 ftw3, gaming pc build 2020, gigabyte 3080 gaming oc, gigabyte 3080 rtx, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step 2020, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, pc build, pc building, robeytech, tech, technology
Id: 1_gGxGvLmH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 2sec (13322 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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