How To Build A Gaming PC 2023! Budget, RX 6600

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okay we're on air what camera am I on this is a disaster we're starting here hello everybody and welcome back to a video all about how to actually build a gaming PC this is genius it's never been done before on YouTube and in this video we've got a multi-camera set up we're gonna pretty much walk you through the entire process of how to build a PC and get windows installed it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be groovy but most importantly it is going to show you every single step including all of the slow bits the things that might go a little bit wrong if there's a disaster you will see it this is the second PC I've built today the first one let's just say it went really well when in actual fact it didn't it was uh it was a disaster but it will be fixed and it was kind of fixed hopefully yeah we'll have better luck today but we're actually joined by someone else here today if you'd like to come hello into the studio step in this is Chris uh he is from totally dubbed or totally EV that's right and you're gonna be a Guinea today I am indeed yeah do you like guinea pigs um cute little things I had one once called Pascal foreign actually from Johnny English that sort of era uh that's when uh I actually got mine so so that was that was good but yes we're going to use you as a guinea pig you've built a couple of computers I think before in the past though correct I have indeed so you're not a complete novice but you haven't built obviously as many nowhere near as many as you have and um I don't know most of these parts yep so um well there we go so we'll be explaining absolutely everything as we go through and this is going to be a budget-friendly build actually so I've picked everything with the help of editor Carl as well who was on holiday last week stunning himself still getting paid unbelievable unbelievable I think your mic's off there we go you're in we've got you now are you even plugged in is your mic plugged in I'm plugged into this one oh okay wait what camera is that uh about on camera three let's try that one wait there we go is that it I don't know yeah before we started yeah that's probably it we probably should have done well Cole consort all of that and check and he you can tell me what what what uh camera he he's currently plugged into whilst we actually get on with our build and I should have told you this before we went live but very unprofessional for me there's a red light on those cameras oh right there that's the one to look at we should look at that well I like to look at you and stuff oh you're welcome to look at me I know it's difficult to resist um but if you look at the camera when you're you're talking to the camera and it's got red light on you're golden if you want to look at this one then you'll look a little bit weird yes there we go right so should we should we we're cracking crack on so as I say this is a budget-friendly build and we're going to do this with pretty much the best value components you can get right now and we've got video coming live on the channel in around about a week or so don't we maybe not even that tomorrow uh that goes through all of the best graphics cards that you can buy right now in terms of value but also in terms of performance and different things for different prices and this was the champion I believe this was the champion I'm gonna guess it's number three for the mic can you hear are you you there yeah I think I'm still here yeah is it number three yeah number three okay so what did you learn about graphics cards uh I learned a lot about graphics cards when I was benchmarking them yeah basically if you want price to Performance AMD is your King right now anything you know under 400 pounds I think it's our maximum isn't it is that because Nvidia isn't more in demands do you think or because AMD have lowered down their prices a bit more don't worry about it you've you've don't worry about that I'm gonna hand you the graphics card that we're using today the 6600 it's very light it's very light it is very light it doesn't feel the most premium does it in the world you don't need it doesn't need to feel premium as long as it it does the job while in the PC exactly I think that's all that really matters that's the thing and what a lot of people don't really think about is you spend most of your time looking at the monitor not what's in the computer exactly so if it doesn't look quite as good as you know a more expensive card or maybe it's ever so slightly louder or things like that it's not the end of the world especially at this end of the market you've got three fans why why are you opening everything because we just talking about we're getting everything ready it's all good I'm getting excited um no but yeah that's true and then also it's quite important to note and as a monitor geek it's quite good to see that you've got two HDMI ports and two display ports as well well this is something that a lot of people don't always factor in different cards even different skus so things like different RX 6600s for for example we'll have different ports so if you're using an HDMI monitor but maybe like I was at University you're also using a TV and you sort of play on both exactly then it's far more useful to have something like that whereas you have three different displays that use DisplayPort then obviously you need three display ports exactly that's good it's a decent looking card though and despite the fact that it's a little bit plasticky I am actually a big fan of this one because it doesn't use that much power in the first place it doesn't need that much cooling yeah essentially I mean it looks good but let's see how it performs but I think you know how it performs or something 100 Watts yeah there we go but this pretty much was the best overall bang for buck wasn't it you can buy this for how much can you remember two and that will play 1080p 60 to 114 pretty much everything right yeah it's only Ray tracing that you're not not yeah you're happy with like high and not the ultra or the extreme hmm so or if you or if you're like myself and play Counter-Strike oh yeah yeah Counter Strike you absolutely yeah absolutely you should call this a CS go build uh this could be a CS go there you go in Intel CPU which tend to be yeah tend to be the best how's everything going in the comments by the way guys uh we should introduce uh everyone for you know everyone that's watching have we got anyone in the comments making some noise if there are any problems with the stream do let us know by the way what we had last time was uh everything was slightly too quiet and we didn't know until the end and we could say that's our fault for setting up the cameras but I honestly think it's your fault for not telling us so you know it's a two-way street exactly try try harder please uh the motherboard that we're using here is from gigabyte this is the b660 ds3hax ddr4 that is a quality name that I've ever heard of one well I I yeah I could raise you on that you know that with monitor names it gets uh next levels because you mainly do uh gaming monitors and things like that really don't you on your channel and yeah but I mean yeah monitor names or even TV names they're ridiculous so ridiculously long motherboards usually a lot better but this is uh this is an exception and I'll be honest in terms of quality motherboard this is at the lower end of the stack quite literally this is your Bargain Basement motherboard which is absolutely fine for building a gaming PC with more entry-level Parts because if you spent three times as much on a motherboard I can guarantee your frame rate's essentially going to be the same and you've spent loads of money on something that you don't necessarily need the only exception would be if you know you're going to upgrade later to something like an i7 or I9 processor then the vrms and the general cooling at the top you might find that it can't pump as much voltage into the processor this is very technical Now isn't it and you'll find you might find it might not actually be able to cope with that much power as well which is typically what we're looking for with a more expensive motherboard along with all of the other features but the main thing really is that you want it to not only support the CPU but actually be able to run it with all of the proper power I guess it might be relevant for people looking at budget builds but um overclocking Headroom and or if you can do any overclocking whatsoever yes so this is a B series motherboard so B series motherboards don't support overclocking the CPU directly okay but you can usually change the power limits which is kind of allowing it to overclock itself anyway right so you have what's called like the default Intel limit so let's say this particular chip I can't remember what it is it's probably like 100-ish Watts yep might be 65. can you remember it's around about that Mark let's just cut let's call it 100 Watts for now right with this CPU um and with some motherboards you can actually change it to take that limit away and you can pump more power in and then you'll find that this will self overclock itself even though you haven't necessarily told it to whereas if you go for a Z series motherboard then you can actually manually change the clocks the multiplier all of these things and sort of you have a lot more control and you can get more performance but actually with these motherboards you can still overclock the memory which is arguably more important for most people that don't almost want to overclock sure because you can put some faster memory in rather than the default processor the default um memory speed that will be dictated by your processor and then you can get more performance especially with ryzen that's actually pretty important okay cool that's good but yeah this is the the motherboard that we're using I'll put this on the overhead and you can continue your story no no I was just going to say in terms of like actually overclocking for me I've got um I9 9900k all right yeah um and I actually have got it technically underclocked I've got it running across all cores at 4.7 gigahertz okay what's the reason for that um Heat actually just purely heat um what to make it cool yeah it was just disaster it was it would take that it was hitting it was hitting over 100 105 Centigrade yeah so it was getting TDP yeah so um is that good that's perfect lovely magic cans ASMR um anyway so um yeah it's um I decided to underclock it at 4.7 gigahertz um simply because the performance differences in game made no difference yeah from five gigahertz turbo over clock yeah to 4.7 across all cores running average of 65 to 70 Centigrade instead yeah there's so many different things and tweaks you can make to processes if if you want most people especially at this sort of it's there yeah the lenses are so big on this I couldn't really say the light uh yeah there's so many tweaks you can do you can always get your rig to be really personal to you so you can use automatic overclocking or like you say you can customize it a little bit um I think the rig I've got over there actually um is old school now that's x299 rig um old school old in your terms probably so I think that one the CPU of not only overclocked it but I've synced all of the cores which you don't always need to do but um with processors like this usually one or two cores they can boost slightly higher than the rest which can give you more performance in games and it's a really nice feature but because that was more of a productivity PC it actually lowered down the maximum core clock of like a couple of cores in order to sort of bring them all up so that they could all be a little bit faster so it's going to depend on what it is that you want to do I think I did something similar to that back in the back in the days back in the day back in the day ice coming to no um i7 37 70k right delithered that did the whole thing I did yeah d-litting is that still a thing nowadays that is still a thing this was meant to be like an entry level how to build it okay let's not talk about it yeah it's cool though clu you put um this is the stock cooler I probably should say as well so if you buy a more entry-level uh Intel or AMD CPU you get one of these and they go on top of your CPU they keep it cool the downside is they tend to be a fair bit louder so if you do have a little bit extra money it's worth upgrading to something like this hyper 212 that we are going to be using but if you want just to save as much money as possible stockhold is a great way of doing it because it comes in the Box anyway so just upgrade it when you get your next paycheck really this is very Marcus just to let you know RGB written on the two one two you're very anti-arginine my PC build has is completely like blacked out and there is not even not a single imagine there's no means of actually looking into the case so when you're talking about like build quality of the house like I don't care I feel like a lot of people watching despise you he's the one yeah uh CPU that we're using right there is two options that we have on the table here today the best value is this which is the 12 400 pretend it's the F 12 400 F the F essentially means that it doesn't have an integrated uh GPU inside it so it costs about 20 pounds less good and you're not going to use it if you have a graphics card anyway unless you're doing like Intel quick sync or something like that but generally for gaming you don't need it so you save some money by getting the F this at the time of filming is about 150 160 pounds okay and price performance on this is phenomenal it's six cores it's got plenty of Headroom for most games unless you're using a really high-end CPU this is the one that you want to go for okay except for the fact that that's 12th gen so that's old right Intel don't want you to buy that anymore they want you to buy this instead which is the 13 400 F so what's special about this one that's a very good question um the difference with this is that it has a little bit more performance so let's say the I was looking at some benchmarks earlier let's say assuming there's no bottleneck with the graphics card which there will be but more on that a little bit later um you could get 160 frames a second with this CPU okay this will probably get you about 185 maybe 190. okay so there is a fair difference yeah but you have to be bottlenecked in the first place for that to come into play as in like the gpu's bottleneck in the CPU so yeah you have to be CPU bottlenecks in order for this to make any difference so if you put an RTX 4090 or like a RX 7900 or something like that in your rig and you use these CPUs this one is going to be worth buying over this one because your limiting factor is not this it's the CPU whereas for a rig like this in the vast majority of games that you're going to be playing it's actually going to still be dictated by the graphics card either way the problem with this is twofold firstly this is more expensive this is about 210 pounds at the moment it's a massive difference but 150 160 200 210 about 50 pounds difference and also if you're going to use one of the cheaper motherboards like the one that we have here this one from gigabyte this doesn't have any USB bios flashing utility capability I don't think he says that looks at it I'm fairly sure it doesn't and there's certainly no no Port that says bios or anything I mean there's a red one there I don't know what that is uh that just is USB 3.1 I think oh so it's faster Port why have it gone ready well it's blue oh no the blue is blue red is three and they've got black black was three point one that was black was two don't worry about that no that was black and it's only one point being um both of these reasons mean that actually going for the 12th gen I think is going to make more sense because you can save money on the motherboard save money on CPU and to be honest if you do actually want to go for a higher end uh processor I would just recommend going for the 12 or 13 600k if you want to step it up right I'm not sure at the moment that the 13400f is worth going for because it sort of sits in that weird middle round between the two where you spend quite a lot more to get not that much more performance when you can spend a little bit more again and get loads more performance so I would actually recommend going for the 12th gen version that's the one 12th gen version here it is go for the 12th gen version and then a little bit later just Swap this out for like do a bios update with this chip and then you can swap this out to like an i7 in that's good for years time I mean so get a used one right there's more performance upgrades to be done with this and this is something a lot of people will say why don't you go for the Horizon platform then you'd need ddr5 more expensive am5 motherboards more expensive and there's still upgrade ability here if you're looking at a mid-range chip because only if you're going for a really high-end chip on Intel at the moment the upgrade ability is basically enough but then in terms of you were saying about the specs in terms of what you can get between these two yeah is there anything in terms of spec wise that's actually different is it because it's running like a higher core clock or a boost clock or is it got more cores less threads or correct me if I'm wrong but it's more efficient I think there are some extra efficiency cores which is going to help you in productivity okay so let's say you want to do some very basic entry-level streaming or you want loads of tasks open at the same time whilst gaming then that's where the 13 400 F would probably beat it out okay but in pure gaming scenarios actually it doesn't really make too much difference and some games do actually get confused as well even still with the efficiency versus uh like performance cores of the Intel generation should I zoom this bad boy in I'm gonna get some camera wobble love it just well I don't know that looks good it's not bad is it people you can deal with a little bit of wobbling people like jelly it's all good so we're going to gently line this up with our slot like so and then we're just going to press this down that's normal that I know that worries people and they see that that is normal that's meant to happen I was literally just about to say about the plastic cover that people sometimes it will come in different variations but true and then there's your CPU installed very good very good that's your CPU installed um next is going to be the RAM and you can open this because you wanted to do it so eager of opening this Ram let's show people what it is there oh okay so it's um Corsair Vengeance lpx ddr4 two times 16 gigabyte so 32 gigs that's quite a lot yes so the reason is I don't recommend people buy this one but it's the only one I have basically lpx is the cheapest way to go and you can get a two times eight gigabyte 16 total kit with 3 200 megahertz speed uh for like 45 pounds oh wow where is the RGB kit that's slightly faster do tend to be around about 60 70 pounds right this is essentially the same right this is obviously going to run faster it's more capacity but just for illustration purposes we can use this but lpx also has the benefit of being very low profile so if you want to have either a small case and a all-in-one liquid cooler or you want a very large tail cooler uh this is going to be great because uh it's not going to get in the way or at least it's going to be better low profile one's always good um but I was just what I was looking at um in terms of the camera where do you want what do you want just to show over here I think you want to go here has it got like some sort of like film on top of the Vengeance lpx I'm not sure it'll appear on stream yeah that's just a little cover you can take that off yeah but I've used this countless times and I never have but it does actually annoy me that you've got so many different uh like protective Plastics and all of this stuff it's completely pointless you've got the status you've got an eye for detail there Chris well you know what it's more the fact that if people are building the PC and they have it in their computer it might get hot and it might melt potentially potentially I know I mean you should yeah you should always take yeah plastic off um but sometimes it's easy to miss like sometimes like fan stickers and things like this we also have bits of plastic on and they're very easy to miss bits of motherboard and things uh when it comes to actually installing the ram it's very nicely color coded for us here these two gray ones but you do want to use slots two and the slots four well I was just going to say doesn't that not depend in terms of the motherboard no I've never come across a motherboard that is different to that really technically I'm sure there are some motherboards okay that that will be different but I've never ever ever come across a motherboard in all of my years and builds on YouTube where it's different if someone in the chat could point out their motherboards that has a different Channel configuration there's an A B slot then I swear on my motherboard oh I have never come across I'll get on the phone we might want to explain why you put putting them on those slots would you like to no you can do it okay essentially it's just the way that the CPU it is wired up um to uh to the motherboard itself so if you imagine that this sort of connects to the memory in order to get the full speed you've essentially got this Channel or you've got two different channels and that channel is this and this and it combines together whereas if you put this in one of the other slots then you're actually only getting single Channel memory essentially so you're only getting half the speed so in order to get the full speed let's say this was the 3200 megahertz kit this is two times sixteen hundred whereas if you put it next to each other you'd be getting one or you give me two times one times 1600 yes yeah that makes sense kind of makes sense yeah it makes sense and I think it is worth pointing out that I don't know from my experience it's always better getting say for example you've got 16 gigabytes that you want to fill it's better getting two times eight rather than one times 16. uh yeah I would never use a single rank of ram right unless you were trying to sort of save as much money as possible yeah um and let's say you're gonna buy one a one gig uh one eight gig stick yeah because that's all you could afford yep if it was going to be for like a temporary measure that would be fine or if you're buying a motherboard that's only got two slots yes then it might be worth buying one single stick of ram as long as you know it's a very temporary measure yeah because like you say you're losing performance um it's just yeah it's not worth doing um how's chat doing we have not spoken to the chat at all in this video and I feel so bad so Carl I'll turn your mic back on or has it been on the whole time it's been on the whole time you're good yeah you've got a lot of chat we've got a lot of questions coming in so who we got come on give us some names we're applying to Lisa Sergeant um yeah yeah save me doing it and I've got a b350 strix motherboard with a ryzen 5 1600 right everyone upgrades to either a 36 or a 5600 yeah obviously I assume they're supported aren't they I know they originally what I was about to say yeah check the individual support on the motherboard yeah I think you're okay but if you can I think you do lose support for like first and second gen I think I think you lose support for first and second generation so if you do that route you know you will lose support through your existing processing yeah you need you just double check this the the support because I know those motherboards were sort of borderline guaranteed you can go with b350 after 3600 no worries yeah without losing out on anything yeah sounds good yeah um I need to introduce the SSD get get some comments ready give me some more names but we need to do SSD now this is nvme this is nvme this is a mid-range uh sort of SSD really uh this is this is actually I looked at it earlier this is a 512 gig SSD which is a little bit low but for a budget-friendly PC I think that that this was about 45 pounds 3300 on the reads um what's this one called it's from Lexar to the NM 620 they sent this out a while ago I can't remember if it was some sponsored stuff or not but it's obviously been in the studio for a while um but it makes sense at the moment the thing is that's right I never tend to recommend specific brands with ssds and this is always true because while there are always going to be exceptions and ones not to recommend all of the good ones or always fluctuating in price so let's say I recommend I don't know you buy a Samsung 980 right well that might be great now but next week that might go price wise a little bit higher and then one from Seagate might be on special there's always loads of ssds on special so I wouldn't say specifically by one SSD just make sure you're buying one that has a fast speed or get the fastest speed that you can at a given price point and don't be afraid to buy one not necessarily from a brand you never heard of but if you've always had a Corsair SSD you don't need to buy of Corsair SSD next time to obviously shop around and look at some other brands do Corsa make ssds well they do indeed I mean they're sort of sub-branded um I don't think they actually make the memory modules I wonder who does uh I guess it's gonna do Samsung is it or Kingston is it Micron I can't remember who Sam Corsair yeah I think they're a micron yeah it varies doesn't it anyway anyway I don't want to give bum information out but installing this is very straightforward you just drop this down into the slot here I would like to save something for those people who are potentially installing for the first time you might have a cover that goes over here and some motherboards have like a thermal cover yes so this is a very much a cheaper motherboard so you actually don't have anything like that which is going to limit you if you're going for like a really high-end SSD you would need to put heatsink on it though to be honest I think in a motherboard like this this actually should be okay absolutely and then true not a mid-range gen 3 Drive should be okay but if you're worried you can always buy heatsinks online for not relatively speaking not that much money I actually did some digging about nvme Heats heat spreaders and if they're worth it or not well originally yeah originally they weren't like yeah but they were a bit of a con but now they are an absolute necessity I've had ssds break from overheating wow really yeah is it because of what they've got faster read rights they operate at the oh they get higher temperature okay like Gen 4 ones especially and I I don't know if you've noticed but Gen 5 ssds were announced okay they haven't actually materialized yet even though they were meant to come out last year and I think the reason for this is just because they're producing too much heat could be wrong could just be availability or something like that well this is it I mean the ones that are sort of coming out leaking have really big heatsinks on so I think they're sort of trying to get the thermal solution to catch up with what they actually need because they don't want to just you know essentially have a SSD with fan straps on it they want something to be elegant I think the most important thing for you or potentially your audience is um do they have RGB lights these heat heatsinks they don't do them so much anymore they very much do an opportunity I've got my magic drawer yeah what are you doing what are you doing don't give away no spoilers wait in this in case you guys are wondering he's going through some drawers with like loads of look at that effectively this has only ever come out in live streams where I've had a little giggle it's never actually been used on the channel the color and you end that one as well again not two there you go maybe show it on camera too let's press the camera two button yes there we go I remember that that white one had like issues actually overheating from the RGB did it yeah anyway so yes um the reason it's a bit of a meme is because this isn't actually an SSD this is just an optional light to put on your SSD how did you put it how do you put it oh you just how does it hook on actually yeah we can put it on if you want there you go look this this slots in like this oh it's not even oh my gosh it's what's in here that's no no I'm vetoing that this is very not you no can you install this for me [Music] um no there's no screw well okay we can imagine there was one yeah if that's what it would look like you know but that's just but that's not actually on the SSD no it's just drawing power from the slot so it's using one of your slots to give you RGB lights that you don't need well it's just if you if you have an empty slot and you want it to look better um we've got any anti-rgb um commenters you can set up a poll if you want oh yes yes so I'm non-rgb team or maybe put an option in the middle which is like I don't know I don't mind yeah or maybe would you pay extra for RGB lights well people buy all sorts of things yeah so I think that's already that's a given true um sorry I'm just I love your chat Chris of time and have you watched IT Crowd yes you know where Moss has his trousers on and he's doing the video and it's like I'm really sorry I've just got the this desire just to move on to the next topic that is me right let's get on let's get it let's get it on as um was it you have one job what was the job right which was to put this fan in I did look at the logo it's upside down but it doesn't really matter it's drawing in air the right it doesn't matter he says no one really cares this is perfection anyway we will leave it because of time and at the end I will be slugging you off so there we go is it in the right is it like in the right way it is the right position though oh it's fine it's just the logos upside down but upset nobody cares about that logo nobody cares about the logo okay let me know in the comments brand deals if you care about logo nobody cares the thing is actually what you should care about is where how it's auditioned capsized it's capsized that's exactly no but it's more importantly there is some arrows on fans for those people who are not aware and it shows you the direction as to where the way they're blowing not all where fans actually do that of course uh one of the few brands that does really don't all do that I thought that's been around for like 10 years like plus 10 years you'd be surprised yeah I care yeah exactly Chris so uh there you go but this case is the 4000 D airflow and this is still one of my all-time favorite cases because it's a great size is not too big it comes in Black comes in white comes with a couple of fans that are useful for a rig like this but are cheap enough that you can replace them if you want something a little bit higher end usually you can find this for around about 80 to 90 pounds if you're paying over 100 don't bother it's overpriced it should be less you can put RGB fans in it at the front and then still see them because it's mesh on the front it's very easy to build in and just all around it's easy to manage really big fan of this did you do a big fan of it I see what you did um did you you re did you say some Cooler Master there's no 200mm fan on this did you recently do one of like a white build there was like a PC that was like all white would it looked really cool yeah it was in the other room on the floor but it wasn't this case then disassembled white build over there right there's a fully assembled white build over there well we needed to get the stream ready well it's not my fault I know whatever man whatever well anyway maybe um worth explaining the i o Port needs to go in first that's a brilliant idea Chris I'll tell you what I wanted to get on to that what is this it's an i o ports what does IO stand for um oh quizzed no idea actually input output is it input Panic interface options there you go I thought it sounds a bit more no [Laughter] I know that could be a load of golf input output oh there we go so that is computer science degree 50 Grand of debt worth it well worth it yeah so what we're doing now is just popping this in the back so the i o Shield will line up with this at the back went to Chris I am sorry if I interrupt you I genuinely feel bad no not at all that's good it's good we need to be explaining what's going on we do uh so we're putting the i o shield in that's gonna sort of hug this but actually in 2023 most motherboards actually have it built in now oh it was originally one of those like Asus features that they were trying to sort of say buy our motherboard we've got this amazing feature and obviously everyone's copied it um but you think it is kind of pointless what like why this wasn't I don't know why this I don't get it really why why wasn't this like this from the start why weren't they made on motherboards I guess it's because it has to be separated so that you sort of don't get any conductivity and maybe they didn't used to be able to do that on motherboards but no they can't say maybe in terms of cost Savings in terms of drilling out those holes I don't know but anyway well it's good to have something to do with cost because um otherwise like this motherboard would have that feature wouldn't it culture it's a very basic plate right today we're going to zoom out again now this is our case looking nice and fresh give it some focus it was probably all right it's fine um should we put the PSU in first no put a motherboard motherboard next okay PSU PSU okay now to be fair that's a very fair question because a lot of people do wonder about the order it's the camera looking at the no it's it's massive today oh really yeah yeah there is no right or wrong way okay to build a computer there are some things you physically can't do first like put a graphics card in you know a case sure you can't do that but like I say if you want to put the power supply in now nothing wrong with doing that that's going to work absolutely fine the reason I don't tend to do that first is purely because of weight and cables because if you put that in there now it just makes it a little bit heavier if you're using a power supply um and you've put the cables in first which is what I like to do because it's easier to connect the cables and then put the thing in as a whole unit it just means that it would be harder then to do the other things so essentially what you're trying to do is go for the path of loose resistance which does vary from build to build um like actually you've reminded me because I was going to put this in our case now but that actually would be in Myers the wrong order because we're using an air cooler so it actually makes sense to put the caller on the motherboard now and then we can drop the whole thing in because it's my first build ever I did put the motherboard in and then I put the CPU in I put the what there's a different sort of SSD all of this stuff and I was doing it in what I would described as the wrong order right I got it working in the end it just took a lot longer so it's all about offering the sort of path of least resistance sure but if you pick up that box we need to install the cooler actually Marcus is known for dropping stuff and you almost drop that I would never drop anything sure and there's a screw here every single stream is why I do this for a laugh no what can we can we have like uh we need a banana for scale no well here's the thing right as I've said many times on this channel I am an expert at throwing and catching things because uh in a kitchen when I was about seven or eight I used to annoy my mother all the time by throwing fruit and catching fruit okay so I am an expert so when I throw this in the air I have absolute confidence I'll catch it I've never dropped a graphics card probably I swear you dropped one and it annoys the motherboard and when people get annoyed they leave comments which boosts engagement Happy Days look at that Farming Farming for views farming for views uh let's we move on to the cooler we should um what about the um paste uh ah see good question thermal paste either comes pre-applied on your cooler okay or you do have to add it yourself so if you're buying any used components you will need to get some thermal paste it's very cheap it's about it's a Fiverr just have some lying around because if you ever do need to take your CPU out then you will actually need to uh replace the thermal paste anyway but this cooler is around about 40-ish pounds sometimes 45 so it's a little bit on the more expensive side for a chip like this sure but this looks really good and I think that's really important when you're building a gaming PC this is just this is how we like completely well that's one half right so the cooling performance but the RGB adds about five to ten pounds right you can buy a version of this that doesn't have RGB and if that's the way you want to go save yourself some money that would be absolutely fine the main reason I recommend buying a separate cooler even with something like this if you can afford it is just because of noise levels yeah because the stock fan does make quite a lot of noise all the time not such a big deal in gaming because the graphics card's gonna be louder but when I'm sitting in the desktop I don't want to be able to hear my PC and with this you won't whereas with the stockholder usually you will but from memory the stock cooler is it's thermal capabilities are a lot poorer than they are as well but it doesn't matter for a chip like this because it's still within the TDP like it's not going to overheat but then but then on the flip side you're going to be running the fan I guess what you're saying the fan will run louder because it's not cooling as well and therefore fans yeah smaller the fan and a smaller than faster which makes more yes yeah and there's less thermal mess yeah basically on this so it can this can absorb heat quicker yeah to not only store more heat overall but it can take it away from the CPU faster thus stopping it from overheating because a lot of work is like if you imagine you have a graph it'd be like that like that yeah sort of spikes and this can sort of take that away from it quite well whereas a stock cooler won't be able to deal with like sudden spikes as quickly essentially so um also some manufacturers provide the thermal paste in the Box yeah I think this is one that actually might come with some but as it is only a fiber um it's not a bad thing to have but if you're buying anything new it should come with some so we need some paste well we need to get all of this uh stuff assembled first well yeah leaking leaking screws you know which um because you should have like so these also should we switch to the other camera so they can see that you've got this yeah we will don't don't you worry I'm just trying to work this out at the moment you want to go main all right we can go main that's fine there we go well I'll work this out you're in charge okay so how's the how's um Carl help how are people doing in terms of is there a pole you wanna know how the poles do yes thank you which pole is it yes there we go that mini thermal paste three options RGB not RGB isn't it why guys come on only 29 no okay we're 29 and would you guys so I don't really care for real 30 with me 13 minutes wait if we add 13 and was it 29 yeah yeah but we're still not there though but yeah I'm taking met and don't care as the same okay okay that's that's better I'm taking that as a win um but is there any questions as well that I've come in yeah are there any questions relating to the build is the most important question of all regards this bill yeah not really that's good recommendations and things like that which we love to answer but we always do questions like that usually at the end just so we don't interrupt the flow non-stop barrage this is really helpful look we've got all these different bits um and this is where I'd recommend looking at the instruction manual but it's not actually obvious which one is which because Intel 1700 which is the latest socket does actually need slightly different screws I think they're slightly longer but the shape and size is basically the same which ends up meaning that you get bits like this was really hard to actually tell which is which which is quite annoying that is yeah but is it not marked it will be yeah um I think this was either an e-manual or I've lost it so we're just gonna have to wing it really oh wait it could it should line up with this and this should be so so this attaches on here right and then the cooler presses down on top of everything so we don't need that so that's that was the back plate for the old school uh Intel CPUs or if you're going for AMD and then we have these little brackets here which is which is the question so all it is is just one other screws I think is going to be slightly longer which is quite annoying I'm gonna go I'm go right I'm gonna say this is the one okay on the logic of this supports more CPUs thus you've got adjustability this is a 1700 only bracket I think which is why the screws don't move we'll see if you're right see if I'm right but if you are going to be choosing parts for a gaming PC you haven't already chosen then it is definitely worth making sure that your cooler is compatible with what you're buying and in particular am5 and 1700 has changed the game a little bit so make sure if you're going for the new AMD CPUs you buy an am5 compatible cooler if you're going for Intel 1700 compatible cooler yes but give us a very important very very important but give us some names Carl who we got people some shout outs please or Andy Martinez he's been very active in asking a couple questions yep Austin Mills has got a serious addiction to beams he keeps beans now that is interesting that's the most interesting thing I heard all day what type of beans I like butter beans but sometimes I get a bit bored recently got into chickpeas chickpeas are in fact a bean a winner I don't know um let's Zoom this bad boy in look yeah he's asked a few times you've got people complaining I just heard myself be quiet no one wants to hear that how much is this build all together oh that's a good question uh do you want to work it out oh okay I don't think it would actually be too much because this was purely about maximum price performance so other than the case that is maybe slightly exotic everything else should be right on the money exotic I'm gonna guess 750-ish okay that's the cooler that's oh sorry apologies you wouldn't have seen any of that here's the caller we've now got these little spikes and we can I know [Music] the cooler will go on top like this line up with those screw holes there I say that I'm just checking are we actually gonna line up I think yeah I think we're good yeah we're all good but as Chris rightly pointed out there's something we need to do first which is apply thermal taste yeah I'm just apply thermal paste I'm so confused what's going on here what's going on here yeah no I play thermal paste uh you can explain what thermal paste is I know you can do that one no I can't you oh come on what does it do it tries to dissipate heat it tries to dissipate tries and to put ketchup on if you guys want it can also for all reasons not just legal you can't oh okay yeah yeah I I no liability you use anything other than thermal pastry on your own um and yeah don't copy some famous Publications out there that did it well yeah I mean if you want to have a laugh great but I mean you're going to make a mess and potentially cook your components so I I wouldn't want to do that myself this really stresses me out I've ruined the motherboard once by doing this well good thing I'm doing it it is good honestly scrutinous screwdriver right yeah um yeah because um it sits so closely to some of the these lines over here and that's like the communication between RAM and CPU yeah you don't have much room for error it's just so painful why manufacturers do this stuff what do you mean because well if you're going to be I don't know putting in or you've got for example the wrong bracket um and you you know try and push down on it you can easily scratch it and that yeah well the general rule with building a PC is other than the ram that even then you shoot shouldn't still shouldn't go like crazy if it requires Force you're doing it wrong yeah um you know like it's hard to explain because how do you explain the color red to someone that's never seen red true but levels of force in PC Building shouldn't ever be like huge amounts that's a good point yeah um other than I say Ram as long as you've lined it up needs a bit of a push sometimes power supply cables require a bit of a push but if you're properly having to like really give it grunt yeah it's not going to work one we've had recently that has really annoyed Carl is the graphics card wasn't going in our system and the reason was the case was slightly warped you can see here I think we've actually had to bend these so slightly so it would line up and actually go in the case because of like a tolerance probably like pre-manufacturing sample or something that we had um so every time we do any AMD graph graphics card testing or graphics card testing on our AMD system and we have to bend these fingers ever so slightly so it actually goes in the rig it's quite annoying that's crazy but that is our motherboard I know it it's a tricky one because on one hand this is fun and people can have a lot of fun doing this on the other is it really worth it probably not but if it is secure because this is the irony if it's secure you can do this but then if it's not it's not a very good test because your motherboard's now on the floor true and also you can really hurt your hands with those radiators or your fingers maybe you're delicate uh hand moisturize the hands maybe that's our cooler pretty much installed yeah all we need to do now is grab the fan would you like to do this I've been doing all of it um sure but you'll probably you're going to tell me off putting the logo the wrong way around or the chat is going to but anyway well done so we are just don't do it wrong so call it a fan there please this is really easy one it just literally sort of slides into place is there two ways that you can put this no but as in like as in like as it is it's perfect no but it's in do you want to explain the fact that you have this one is all all out of uh out of box ready to go so as long as you're following the instructions I've not actually changed this no not like that now we're good so that just Clips on in place and you do get some extra clips in the box if you wanna add an extra fan at a later date and then that will go on the other side and like I think you're sort of suggesting the fan would then need to be able to blow that way yep you can't just put it on the other side because then they'd be blowing into each other which my friend did once and surprisingly it didn't make as much difference as you might think like I'm sure his thermals were a lot worse but it didn't overheat nothing because yeah it's just because you we've got an exit fan on our main PC build and yeah you've got an intake so intake on the front yeah and then the exhaust on the back so the air is going to sort of come in through the front of the case out of the back and you have a nice sort of system that that just moves the hot air out essentially yep which makes sense next step is just plug in our cables and this is very easy because there's only two if you have a radiator it can be right pain in the bum but you've got this little four pin fan header here and they've color-coded this for us for the CPU fan it is usually a different color to the rest so you just plug this in and this is what's going to give our fan some power so that actually spins and the fan speed will be controlled so you can tune it up so it doesn't run very fast unless it actually needs to then you've got this one which is RGB this is the four pin not three pin addressable so there's less effects and you do have to make sure that you find the little arrow that's on here um I'm too generous nice so there's a little arrow there you go you see that little arrow on the camera there that tells you what the 12 volt connection is so you've got to line that up with the 12 volt or the arrow on the motherboard which here is on the right hand side we've got B R and G what do they stand for Chris I'm trying to find I'm trying to say trying to think of something witty instead of or you're buying yourself time yeah yeah but uh that is just RGB stands for red green blue I reckon there's actually quite a few people that don't realize that really RGB yeah no well no because if you think about it if you've never thought about it it might be like oh yeah but okay we all have blind spots Chris that's true we all have blind spots so we need a blade spot monitor monitoring system car enthusiasm [Laughter] right we can now move on to putting our into the PC motherboard into the PC cool how are we doing for chat Carl yeah keeping busy I've not heard much from chat so no I think we need it we need a new car old car was better we need to just jump in yeah it's true no feel free to jump in this is a lovely opportunity for anyone that wants to build a PC to ask any questions uh that they're worried about doesn't matter if it's silly let us know and we'll try our best to answer it but all we're doing now is grabbing our motherboard this lining us this up with the back of the chassis yeah have we got anything going on in the chat yeah I've got a big one here from Jamie Nong he's asked um out of all the PC components which one would you say last the longest oh uh case case usually I would say I'd say power supply good one well I don't know what it is but the PC I had in this very chassis before I took it apart more like mere minutes before we did this video because I'm organized and I'm using the wrong screw that's a disaster um was the origi Thor power supply that is a kind of not a rebranded because they do a lot of things to it but in some ways it's a rebranded see Sonic and that PC kept turning itself off like spontaneously and that could be the power supply that that would be my first Port of Call might be something else but yeah it kept kept um shutting down and restarting so I'm trying to think my PC is 2011 build which I've donated to my wife it's actually a great PC how generous I've donated it to my partner in the same house but she wanted she wanted a PC so we wanted to donate it to Carl that would be nice I've probably got a modern PC no he does what graphics card do you have at the moment Carl 37 no what graphics card do you have at the moment no what graphics card do you have at the moment for editing is it there it is see there we go but yeah anyway so um in terms of those components that are still going pretty much everything is still going yeah I mean graphics cards and CPUs CPUs are probably the component that lasts the shortest amount of time no we're just in terms of like not current anymore longevity um so people feel the need to swap them out quite regularly yeah it depends if you need to or not yeah but in terms of yeah what would last the longest yeah I guess your case but it depends how you treat it I guess if you're are you kicking yours if you're raging and you're hitting your case you are a bit of a rager aren't you let's be honest I used to be in Counter-Strike I used to be very annoyed I I'm a big rain Ranger I'm a big rager like even last night so I've been playing return on which is really fun okay but there's like the first boss in it and I don't know if you're aware of the concept but it's kind of like dark souls in a way oh yeah okay that when you die you lose everything and go back to the start but then it's like a dynamic map and it all reorders okay so imagine like it's basically a maze but every time you die in the game The Maze swaps around oh wow and to get to this boss not only do you have to get there but you have to find weapons and upgrade everything and uh yeah I died no no it wasn't even there I died and in the game you can if you find it there's like a respawn machine sure that gets you like an extra go uh did that respawned ran all the way back to the boss and it bugged and the boss didn't spawn so I had to like restart it all that got a rage that's yeah what is going on with this stupid game we're not playing this anymore this is a Joe white as I stole it yep that was me but I mean that's not an age soft rage that's fair though that's very absolutely fair I had a friend uh once that actually um and I just love visualizing this because it's friggin hilarious I think it was Modern Warfare 2 got so annoyed with it think about how angry do you have to be to do this yeah apologies if you're watching yes apologies if you're watching and you have done this like fair play I get it but it's just it this is funny so angry that you go oh I'm angry stand up go to the Xbox press eject get the disc snap it make that's a week later buy the game again no but actually that is that yeah if if he or she didn't buy the game again then it's actually probably the best decision because that's what happened to me I was playing FIFA and Battlefield yeah way too much and controller's got smashed because of poor netcode for Battlefield and um and for FIFA it was just pay to win effectively and or you got a good team going because you made your way through it I'm looking at Carl again um and you you make your ways fan Forest place because people are going to get upset um and and um and yeah effectively what happened is um I kept losing to like bronze teams while having like a oh yeah that would annoy me yeah anyway but um yeah but now in Counter-Strike I am Morton to not quite calm playing because I realize you can't teach people how to play Within 30 minutes no actually I I will say our age actually I will agree with you on the fact that if you play a game competitively and then you walk away and come back you can basically never really play that game the same before is that the same again because you're playing at such a higher level that you're not as good because you stopped playing it yeah yeah and then it's just not fun you were great because you would get like 2.0 KD you play it now and you get like you know half point five and you're just like this game is awful out here yeah yes it's crap um I just need to bump in and now say that we are going to plug in the case connections whilst okay well so Chris is fixing his fan mistake um his only plan that was wrong uh we've got the power supply uh or the power switch here it says power switch on it we've got power LEDs and then we've got the reset these plug in to the motherboard on the other side so I will just feed these through the back I kind of purposely wanted to mount it again wrong but if it wasn't for people in the chat then I would have done it well I'll tell you what when the stream ends uh or when the stream's supposed to end you can just host it yourself whilst changing that fan and we'll be downstairs with a pizza that we've ordered Happy Days how about that that sounds good uh we also have USB 3 this big thick one we've got USB C which is this like silvery black one that kind of looks reversible but annoyingly isn't and then you've got one that says HD audio but these all need to be fed through to the other side I'll show you as I plug them in I'm making a meal of this to be honest with you how many beans on that pizza Andy Martinez wants to know I don't think I've ever had beans and pizza but I think yeah I think there's got to be a way that that could work in KFC Pizza Hut pizza it had gravy on it oh no well I had a Subway Christmas special many years ago it was a full turkey dinner that looks okay uh inside a sub and that was actually really nice cranberry sauce and everything is that potato in there uh probably not probably not broccoli some greens in there right good he's fixed the fan magical I'll plop this down so you can see what we're gonna do properly here now we Zoom it in zoomy zoomy zoom magical USB type c plugs in here like that USB 3 plugs in just next to it I think we're caught on something yeah there we go just here um and then we've got all of these little fun tiny ones you say they're fun there's a system if you're if you've got the the memory okay uh to remember it which is actually quite simple power is always at the top okay and what's my system power is always on the top LEDs are always on the left okay okay so where does the power switch go not not a trick question if power's always at the top LEDs are always on the left where does the power switch go to the right of it and at the top top right magical that's very good I never thought about this um I've got the reset switch where does that go um next to the LED one yeah does it go top or bottom because panels at the top power's at the top yeah but then do you only have power at the top yep yeah there's only up to a maximum of four to plug in I have six I've had six no well if you've got a speaker that then that goes in a different block oh yes you're right um and then just to follow this through prove the theory Works power LEDs go where um top top right no left and LEDs always on the left and it goes positive to negative so if you're looking at it upright do you want to show people what you're doing so you can do that sorry yeah I'm plugging them in they're plugging down the bottom so I've got power LED down the bottom look I say that try and show people but then it's honestly this is yeah this is really difficult unless you've got a cameraman to show you but it does tell you on the motherboard and if you do remember my theory then you are laughing because it's good are you actually laughing though no because they seem to be keep falling out because I'm I'll plug one in and then I put too much pressure on it and it comes straight out again it's really annoying Mr power LED Mr power LED that's my DJ name worldwide it's the worldwide 305. it's the worldwide okay yeah oh what was that hello there hello there uh sorry about that what um see that never makes it into the cut at a normal wear there we go normal video uh then we've we've got our um fans to plug in so these are three pins so they're plugged into the same places they just have less control so they tend to spin at a minimum higher speed basically it's the main difference like you can't choose exactly what RPM you want it to do you just generally give it some power and then it sort of goes from there really [Laughter] what did you have for lunch uh not much there wasn't really anything they had no beans bread and some vegan salami maybe the vehicles well here's the thing right um I'm not a vegan but I've started buying like the meat-free like ham and stuff like that because I find actually unless you're having a proper thick ham sandwich like you know like proper like carvery ham thick it just you don't even notice it in the sandwich anyway so I feel like I'm doing my bit by having the the vegan the salami honestly they're so good I'll be honest with you Squeaky Bean that's what it's called squishy um I'll be honest with you if if you're having proper ham like good quality ham then you will notice oh yeah I know but I'm just saying I I don't but that's because you're not having a good quality because I'm not made of money you're gonna go come on I mean ha like what 1.99 for The Squeaky Bean versus 2.99 for the real deal it's all about the Palmer home for me I do love Parma ham and it's true like actual dop Parma ham winner right anyway anyway but this is what people do uh genuinely expect from this channel now uh we we have we have with ham ham and beans now ham and beans uh all of the cables are now plugged in so we've got just the one fan at the front here uh obviously we've got our CPU Cooler as I said we've got USB 3 USBC power switches fan fan at the top left obviously this fan that's actually there HD audio only two more components to go it doesn't really matter what we do next does it not no because what I would usually do is the power supply next and feed it all through but because we've got quite a big case and a graphics card is literally right in front of me why not let's let's prove my theory that it doesn't actually matter too much the only times you run into issues is if you're in a smaller case or you need to then access something because once you've put this in it does make everything else harder yeah but obviously if you put this in then you could say oh it's easier to do the power supply because you know where the cable needs to be yep that's true the thing which really gets me is that at the top left of the motherboard you have got um you have got the um power to the CPU yep and that one it always annoys me so if you're using an air cooler yep tends to be okay whereas if you're using a radiator always plug the cable in if you can before you put the radiator in because sometimes you just can't access that that's true graphics card RX 6600 is going in this is AMD this was our best value graphics card when purchased new you have to get these out first they're screws uh or is it at the top okay no so what it is oh I see yeah yeah all right apologies I think on this motherboard for whatever reason the tops or is it no no we're okay you're right sorry it's just thanks Chris yeah sorry I'll take that back normally you would remove these pcie slot covers this is where the confusion is coming guys you'd remove these pcie slot covers but because I've built on this case before they're already removed but I'm forgetting as Chris is pointing out that obviously we need the thumb screws still to be able to get this in so Chris is right I am wrong I OSD and my OSD on-screen display let's do graphics card yes so this is the gigabyte Eagle version it's a very good value GPU and if you want to play any of The Usual Suspects I would argue 99 of uh yeah that just needs blood enough to go up I mean the way this is a disaster team effort though there we go yeah give that push in Happy Days that looks nice actually doesn't it that really it does look pretty clean clean boy yeah if you're playing any of The Usual Suspects things like Apex Legends maybe a bit of Battlefield even cyberpunk 1080p no Ray tracing shouldn't be an issue right yes in 1080P competitive settings you know uh FPS games absolutely fine our own big stupid like 400 500 FPS at 1080p yeah there you go yeah yeah it's no match we played valent for a bit and then I got upset because I was no good so I stopped it's not a competitive gamer that's why no I'm not I I'm really not I don't have time to get that annoyed I don't have time for that anyway PC builds no this is all part of an experience PC gaming and then like honestly Apex Legends I'll smash the desk at least once per game I remember I played I remember we played together and basically what Marcus did he just ran off and did his own thing and I had to like I click I cleared up your mess and I made a mess and then failed to clear up exactly exactly that's it so you can see what I'm struggling with this is it's probably we could we could get the proper talk you call that a knife uh where are the scissors though I'm I'm gonna sort this out because honestly he can't do anything right he's lost the city I've got it I've got it no I've got it Marcus there you go the joke is oh I've got it the joke is Carl was honestly the best and he would never hide the scissors unless there was a child and he was helping out I am your child but yeah I mean responsible yeah exactly how do you hold scissors when you're walking like that not not like that no yeah right overhead please overhead I've got a quick question for you Marcus uh no time no time sorry will you've missed out now will fit says oh let's go what do they reckon oh let's be a good question for you as well I to be honest I've barely reviewed many oleds question the lgo they monitor that we recently checked out how bad is the matte covering I well oh I'll start by saying I looked at other reviews including that Hardware unboxed they said it was okay and I'm thinking have I just got a weird unit but I had two because the first one no fault with LG's um it was shipped from like career or whatever it was and it got damaged ever so slightly on the way that's not a realistic thing so I wouldn't include that in you know like bad packaging or anything like that and I hated it on both models it was just it was I didn't think it was good enough and I think is that just map panels is this just me am I so used to the qdo LED which is glossy is that the problem but no because the monitor I actually use for editing is um a map panel that Alienware fine yeah so I just just it had this horrible like moire all over it that yes is gonna be better if you've got load of Reflections but then the problem was that the monitor wasn't very bright like relatively speaking it was only 160 170 nits at 100 what so it's not going to be the right monitor for a bright room anyway why it's at 160 minutes surely that was capped at some yeah oh yeah because the the irony is this is the new monitor that can go super bright it can do like up to I think it's quoted for up to a thousand Nets I don't think you know realistically it will but so why was it capping at 100 and something odd and it's I think a firmware update to fix it probably just a longevity reasons okay 200 as well and then limited 200 in in SDR yeah that's what I mean so the the I think the limit is 200 but real world as I said was about 160 170. I'll Chuck it in a bin I've only reviewed 200 monitors it was that it was actually fine for this room like 100 brightness was fine but the fact that there was no ability to go brighter if you wanted that I thought it was a bit Neff but in HDR it's great gaming it was really good it was the best gaming monitor I've used in terms of like um Clarity okay um what was it 160 no 240 hertz wasn't it 2004 Hertz OLED that was like whoa there was yeah other than like a 500 Hertz monitor you you wouldn't find anything smoother than that yeah um it was it was pretty phenomenal actually but yeah but Matt coating was frustrating and heavy coating I would not recommend personally but anyway that's just me this is a what's personal preference it dependence depends on who you are sure this is a semi-modual power supply brilliant way of actually saving yourself some money because this has a semi in the fact that you've got some modularity but then something actually uh prefixed so the idea here is if all of these cables you are definitely going to use anyway yeah why not save some money have these attached and all the ones you might use you might use so every time they actually have to do this sort of modularity it adds cost that's obviously passed on to you so this is a nice little middle ground the only disadvantage with this is if you are going to upgrade to some custom cables later obviously you then can't really do that as easily because you can't take these out but unless you and if you're happy that you're never going to have custom cables or you're going to use extensions this is a great way of saving some money this is from NZXT it's their c650 now another question for you yes upwards or downwards firing firing what Atmos speakers well it depends what sort of Atmos setup you're going for if you're going for like 2.2 then you want to get the Tweeter and you want to sort of point it towards you a little bit upwards or downward firing fan always pretty much always down the only time you wouldn't do down is if it didn't have event at the bottom but almost all of them do or if you're doing like a quirky case that's maybe like upside down and part of the airflow is factoring in where the fan is or you've got you're going to love this an RGB power supply in order to actually see the RGB you probably want it facing up but it depends on the the Shroud but this case you could actually have um yeah in this case you could actually have the uh the power supply facing up if you wanted to because there's mesh right okay or there's chicken brief but you'll find in a lot of basements on power supplies they're solid so if you had the fan facing up you would quite likely overheat the power supply if you're running it at very high loads okay because it just won't be able to breathe properly did that answer your question it does indeed was that a real question or was that a for the camera question no it was it is because I remember looking at myself um looking in terms of airflow and what would be best for a PC build um I mean realistically it's not going to make too much difference it's just you're going to have cool air from underneath the PC that otherwise wouldn't wouldn't go into the computer all you're doing by using the air that's in your system is uh adding extra heat to the power supply that it wouldn't otherwise need um the only upside of that would be it Chucks air that is in your PC out the back got it um so you are you are removing extra heat from your overall PC but unless you're sort of in a situation where you are a bit restricted with airflow that's not really any need to do that okay but you know you can get creative with it you can get creative with it I most power supplies aren't gonna run into any issues with thermals especially if they're well built nice that's good they're terribly built would you so this would be for me but also for the chat would you recommend going for like silver or gold rated psus or would you I I don't really Factor it in because okay when when you're looking for a power supply your requirements are usually wattage-based and you want one that's either modular or non-modular or you want a particular brand okay and at that level you kind of get what you're given okay I don't think it's necessarily worth buying like a platinum rated power supply just because of that um if you want a power supply that's maybe got a longer warranty It's Better Built it will probably just so happen to be higher rated anyway got it okay that makes sense yeah that makes sense so there's nothing wrong with going for one with a higher efficiency but you don't often get the option The Only Exception really is one I know um be quiet do What's called the straight power okay and they actually sell a gold one and a platinum and I think the only real difference is the efficiency okay um but you just you'd have to do an Excel spreadsheet to work out whether it was going to be worth it in the long term you plot the efficiency curve I like work out exactly how much like that power you're going to be using and then go yes that's worth it that that'd be yeah and obviously you're not going to do that and then in terms of um maybe again for the chat how would you choose like you've chosen 650 at 650 what how would you choose or why would you choose 650 Watts for what for certain builds or why would you go lower or higher my teacher used to like if you used to say what you used to go no not what he invented steam engines oh dear yeah it's really simple and I will illustrate this he's so mean to me he cuts out all my funnies uh I would just pick up your box look online and then see where it says minimum system requirements on your graphics card it'll tell you what they recommend as the minimum but then that's just for the graphics card no no that's the system so that they they're included that that will factor in you using quite a high-end CPU and using a lot of power because you've got to remember what they're trying to do is give you a minimum that means they don't get returns I see essentially interesting so they will usually overestimate how much power you need right but there's no reason to ignore that got it because let's say you have a 650 watt like we're using here that also gives you upgradability options so if you want to upgrade your graphics card you don't need to replace the power supply I don't really recommend anyone buy like a three well 450 500 watt power supply these days the graphics cards just tend to be a bit more power hungry so while you can make it work for the sake of like 10 20 quid it's worth just getting a better one and higher wattage power supplies uh the efficiency curve usually means that they're more efficient at the loads that you're actually going to be using so let's say you buy 600 watt power supply you are drawing 550 Watts that's usually going to be quite a lot less efficient than an 850 watt power supply which makes sense because you're let's say you're using a 90 load versus 60 later sure yeah at 60 load they tend to be more efficient so you need your efficiency curve you've actually got a voltage meter just a wattage meter yeah which is really cool I bet I used every now and then but not all the time try useful anyway so let's get plugging and let's get plugging in so we've got our graphics card it's already plugged in we have our CPU our ptie connection ATX CPU we just tuck at the top right hand corner that's always a hard one of the rig if you're using a high-end CPU that's going to use more than I think is 150 watts you'll plug two eight pins in but as this is a lower end one one is absolutely fine okay did you plug in the GPU already no not yet no okay so the GPU is using a single or eight pin isn't it uh yes yes it is because these other ones that you've got behind are like oh my gosh like this three times eight pin yeah graphics cards use a lot of power oh my gosh three times eight pin what are they on and this one doesn't even have a pin this is like you have to have the adapter thing this is an rcx uh 4070 TI and that's got this uh new connection that is PSI Gen 5 this is it annoys me this is called the 12 pin but it's actually 16 because you've got 12 pins of power and then the cents pins you've got four right so those I don't think actually deliver any power they just sort of help to control and regulate the wattage I cannot believe how many pins this is just ridiculous safety pins uh right so we're going to plug this in now we want it to look nice and neat so we grab this 18 connect this at the top like so satisfactory click that is a very satisfactory click did we already explain that we put in the um honor we haven't put the ATX on no I haven't done that yet uh try and neaten that up the best you can this is why so if you buy a custom cable you can make that look a little bit nicer we then have ah ATX the humongous one yeah humongous and it's always tricky to like turn around and sometimes if you've got a small motherboard on a large K speak for yourself mate all right mate it feels like you're like bending the motherboard like when you're pushing down yeah but I mean that's one of the reasons that the standoffs that you screw into now they do help to secure everything so you hopefully won't run into too much of an issue there it's those memes isn't it with the cable management that you've got like beautiful cable management at the front and a back it's just like a mesh yeah yeah but actually lower end builds tend to be quite easy to manage because there's less cables it's when you have things like um RGB and fan hubs and connections like Corsair ones are pretty bad for that um lean Lee I love leanley are great I've never tried there so they actually now have you you saw them earlier the white ones that you took apart you saw them earlier um the fans connect together so you only need one cable that goes to them okay and then that one cable does fan and RGB and goes into a hub so you have a hub and then two cables to two blocks of fans right way better than having two cables each fan one for RGB one for fan speed and loads of fans 10 fans and B20 cables with a lean Lee system that would still only be two or three as well smart right so that's plugged in at the top that's always for me that's the one that's always tricky but yeah and that should be it made it look easy that actually is our PC done very very chill today it is um because everything as I say there's not too much going on here which is nice makes a nice change um All I'm gonna do now I've got to spin it around so you can see it's just to do some very basic cable management but that's about it there would usually be a hard drive cage down here as well but I've taken this out uh when I built the rig last time to fit more things in but like that's it it's better when it's out to be honest with you like the hard drive stuff yeah unless you've got hard drive The Only Exception actually is if you use them for cable management you can stuff cables in there they're quite good for that yes that's true there you go okay easy maybe a cable tie just to keep it in place and these are the case ones aren't they they're like they're really done they're all pre-done and this bar actually moves um slightly further to the left as well but I've got this here more there you go yeah but I moved this one I put an ATX e80x motherboard inside this you should see now almost there yeah it's the top something's all over the top there you go that should do it just about yeah ignore me let's go now I can't have any other questions yeah yeah while I'm struggling is busy doing that would you recommend more than two fans for a build like this nope no unless you want to sleep no this is no need use the case fans that come make your upgrades later spend as much as you can on the graphics card and see for you now because those are the things that are going to last you for a long time there you go so so there we go yeah just about there we go we're in finally so now what that's done is then this cable Mansion garlic that looks a little bit sweeter over that looks very swish so as I I would never recommend doing this because it's bad luck but if you put the side panel on now right that will shut really easily but it's bad luck because as soon as you put the side panel on your PC then went Boot and you'll have to take it off well we just plug it in to see if it like turns on yeah I mean what we can do um Carl is actually where's me with me HDMI please one with the other monitor cool oh so what we do like this is very smart this is pro straps we get HDMI it's always worth making sure that you get your HDMI connection by the way and plug it in to the graphics card a lot of people that's plug it into this and obviously it won't work uh this is what you use for integrated Graphics but that automatically gets disabled when you plug your graphics card in so if you plug into there they won't do anything I will I will say however if you've got an older PC it doesn't actually disable it and then you'll have quite horrific issues with bios but anyway that's a different issue something to do with Windows and Intel oh well I don't stand on those no definitely not oh you're plugging it in yep so people can see oh that's very smart yeah also have you ever seen one of these I hadn't seen one of these before if you have a 1500 watt power supply I've never seen that it needs that that is overhead one you know the size of this it's not a standard uh cable look at that freaking massive I was blown away by that it was really annoyed me as well because obviously it had everything all set up and ready to plug in and then my normal cable didn't plug in it's really annoying what else is going on in the chat please yeah well I I want to know who we got who can I say hello to thank you so much for tuning in by the way so far it does it does actually yeah oh good one big one here seen it uh anyway let's just say hello to a few people gonna give some people a shout out Marcus happily um can you find my yellow Mouse somewhere oh sorry my lime green Mouse there it is uh do you want to say hello to who got hit trippy views trippy views hello trippy views Andrew Martinez I think he's gonna hear the whole time oh we love we absolutely love to see that thank you so much for that uh John John John so so good they named him twice yeah so nice in the engine's wise uh Lenny to the quantum Quantum that's a good name there is actually a port that says bios on the back here so maybe there is some bias flashing there is this motherboard does has Q flash plus oh so if you do want to go for 13th gen double check this but you should be able to do it I mean there's a q flash plus button on the motherboard and it does say bios on the back usually I I mean I'm very sure but I always have nightmares of people buying stuff and going it doesn't work it's all my fault and I'd feel bad but yeah I think you can do that yeah sorry I interrupted you question um somebody's gonna get in the same case the fourth yep um it's been told that they might have issues with a round stick height and top mounted radiator oh no depends what you've got but I make the Platinum um like Dominator Platinum is like the what's the right way of saying this the the waiver the waving sort of ram like that it doesn't make any difference if you want to show off yeah you buy that um but yeah that does cause issues oh I'm I have a feeling go look on my RTX 3090 PC build and on that video I built in this very case and I'm fairly sure I had a top mounted no it was that front mounted radiator you're right yes that was a front mounted radiator and I used to use that so have we got a radiator that we can try and like stick in there I'm fairly sure yeah Dominator platinum and platinum in this case with a top mounted radiator will cause issues I think that's a fair fair assumption actually because you're right I used a front mounted as I say specifically didn't you because it just squeezed in yeah I I think you would you might be okay but just right now if you I wouldn't risk it yeah I don't like front bouncing anyway should we press on this is the important bit in the video where I need to say that the PC Centric mouse mat is here and is about to ship we're almost there okay uh quantities are limited we do still have some left but once they're gone they're gone forever it's a little bit annoying it says on the website pre-order but it's actually not the pre-order has passed so depending and when you're watching this they might all they might be all gone so if you want to grab one and this is the best thing you can do to support the channel you can grab one you are actually genuinely quite impressed like I I might hash like no hashtag no ad if you actually delete it I I am I'm really putting you with my mouse mats it's really really impressive I'm not I'm I'm generally not kidding you and not because I need to enlarge the script a little bit and not because I know Marcus but I would actually get it myself it's very snazzy looking it's really well designed and more importantly and well most importantly the feel of it oh oh yeah that's nice it's just perfect um I just I love it this isn't yeah you know the mouse mat that you put a photo on top of and send to your mum is it this is the real deal WWE Style that's my future idea for the the PC gaming boxing champions I'm actually in a semi-round with uh James geeker okay nice that's the prize um can I judge no oh um Carl's dinner really good PC Centric mouse mat it's available now I'll tell you what like we use the overhead one more time you want to lay that bad boy down and look this could be you you could get your your keyboards perfect size you can go slightly bigger actually than 10 keyless and uh you would be perfect that's really nice like you've got loads of room like you can go full size if you want but I think it's a dream to have like 10K lists like that set up bang can I just quickly link is down below do the uh this one this setup is always nice oh you want sorry is that a thing it is I wouldn't have known yeah anyway confusion as yes yeah yes um it doesn't look right yeah just shoot 10 on the rig let's do it is everything plugged in Fairly sure I'll let you uh sort everything out we have power we have display yep um we have keyboard and mouse just to make sure we're gonna see the display only picture and dance yeah um maybe we should see the display first in case no I can log in or anything no no no no it would just be the BIOS now I think I think this is right yeah picture and picture is number one so okay so if you'd like to push the button on the top hopefully this is gonna work oh are we ready yeah kind of a little oh actually before you do that I should say the thing that we're trying to show is how to install Windows so you need to get Windows I'd go for 11. I actually love 11 when it launched no love it now okay especially for HDR so much better to use Windows 11. I'm still on 10 swap to 11 genuinely much better okay right in terms of the HDR support yeah for you as a monitor reviewer 100 Game Changer it just works properly how to expect anyway very nice okay download the iso or the the tool if you like and then you put this on a copy uh put this on a USB flash drive whack this in the back of your rig and then you do what Chris is about to do three two one and so we have some lights which is always good we don't have any RGB just yet that's that sounds good to me that doesn't that doesn't necessarily mean anything because as we've actually connected the RGB to the motherboard uh quite often you'll find that the motherboard might have the RGB disabled for instance so yeah until you've gone into the BIOS or something like that it might not actually uh everything seems to be running it does feels good oh pigeon picture needs to be on there we go so on the top right hand corner of your screen you're you're going to see what we're looking at as well which is whether we get a display which is a blank screen right now good it's all good I mean we've got a red light which is a bit ominous oh no it's doing it it's doing its thing so we're looking for for anything to come up it should say new CPU installed I think yeah you would expect that to happen not happening yet nothing's happening [Laughter] yeah it's weird because usually it would it was just power on and yeah no sometimes it takes a bit of time but the red lights down the bottom actually tell you what's going on so the only thing I could think of um if this doesn't work out the gate would be um that the ram it's trying to run it at this this is a ridiculous kit that no one should really buy it's a 4600 megahertz ddr4 kit which is very hard to get working on even a high-end motherboard uh let alone um this as I say it's just because I wanted to replicate if you bought a normal yeah which is what I'd recommend uh but yeah it's not doing anything yet which is always always good isn't it um but that's okay we can show you how to troubleshoot so at the moment we've got a red light down here at the bottom yeah I need to have a look what it says how can you see what it says the font is Tiny I know I need to oh is it like what it's yeah that's all good troubleshooting with PC Central I think it's memory I think it says mem uh yeah dram so I think clearing the CMOS might fix it okay uh but I think it's just because the kit of memory that we're using is just not appropriate at all but as I said that was kind of expected of seeing this sort of thing before I have a feeling it's probably just trying to run it at a speed that's too high right rather than the memory itself not being any good so to clear the CMOS it's very straightforward not as straightforward as though as a button but you turn the whole thing off has to be off I think I mean you don't want to be touching bits on your motherboard if it's not then you grab yourself like a like a flat screwdriver or I find that the cross head blue one no that's too big this one yeah I find this also works so you're just trying to jump the clear CMOS pins which are just above the panel Supply if you've done this before I have I had to do it I think you guys actually helped me so you just connect these two pins and that makes a circuit and essentially that just resets the motherboard to its Factory state so for about five seconds make that connection then you can turn the whole thing back on again by flicking the switch pressing the power button and hopefully it will sort of will cut off and it'll turn itself on and then turn itself off immediately and then power cycle um but this will be my first Port of Call just to see if that makes any difference if it doesn't we'll just swap out the ram to something else yeah oh that's gone off oh there's another light now but if you hey look oh there we go bang you see just the CMOS uh always worth doing that very easy to panic although now it's off again cycle it it will probably say new CPU installed there we go and I'm just smashing the delete key this is the only thing that annoys me with this you go picture and picture you can like picture and picture the same thing twice that's a bit annoying um there we go and we've now boots around the windows love it as easy as that look at that comes up and says how like what would you like to install um please and then you just click next install now if you don't have a license key you don't actually need one straight away either okay you can buy one later I don't officially condone the use of buying cheaper Keys online um the official PC Centric stance is to to buy the one from the Microsoft store or retail but obviously there are what we call Gray keys out there that are available for a lower price which are ones that I would recommend to the reason basically the reason they're gray is because you as the consumers you you you're trying to buy a legitimate key yeah this is never about buying something that's not legit but but they're gray because you never really know they say they are but unless you can verify where they come from and obviously you don't know you know I mean something doesn't add up if you like sometimes you can see keys for 4.99 and it's like well that's clearly not legitimate it's part of the deal that's what we want um they're going to make their money off Bing anyway so it's fine being the official stance is to buy a a key you know is uh 100 legitimate there you go um but gray keys do exist for less money you should have typed in Gray key um and this is where you you pick what OS you want I would actually always install home unless you know you're going to go pro because you can if you then buy a pro key online yeah then it still works because it will just update and say okay we're upgrading into Pro whereas if you install Pro and then you buy home key it will get upset and you have to redo it which can be very annoying yeah so you just go through this you say customized here we've got unallocated space on this drive so we go new hit apply and this makes some partitions so what are the partitions used for uh so one actually has your bootloader on okay CD I think it's called okay and your BCD if you have two drives I've had it before where it's installed your bootloader on one drive and then your OS all the physical files on the other which means that if you take one drive out nothing will work which is quite annoying oh yeah okay essentially when you load up your OS it grabs the bootloader first that's almost like redirecting you so it's like I've done the right way it's like a person in a car park right any other like the people in The National Trust that say can I see your card please sir yeah they're so they're so middle class isn't it uh national cross trust card Placer and then they send you into the car park and you park your car yeah that's what the bootloader kind of does it navigates you your computer to the OS that's quite a good idea very good that is quite a good very proud of you that's very good oh thanks uh camera one let me just hit next and that isn't literally it and you see how quickly those files that is very very quick that is a tray quick quick drive but that's it and then windows will then just install and uh that's it yeah that's great if you have any comments guys any questions we are available for one more minute yeah no we're available for five more minutes so get your questions in now because this is the happy point where we know it's working um any questions ideally towards building a PC that's the topic of this video please um rather than specific Parts suggestions only because we want to try and help out literally everyone sure we we do want to answer specific questions but if it's too specific then you know we've got limited time I I can't even run for the donations quickly we've got donations yeah I've got one from Nomad Brad which is just 4.99 oh thank you so much Nomad Brads was that bread thank you no bad Brett I appreciate it we've got uh two dollar donation from Logan hammy a good CPU combination for a 39 DTI uh 1390 TI oh you just go as high end as you can to be honest as high end as you can is going to be the way way to go I am actually now officially at the high end recommending ryzen and I'll tell you why it's because the price and the platform has come down enough that it's accessible enough it's still expensive but it's accessible enough there's CPUs that are inexpensive enough and there's so much upgradability there that I think long term it does actually make sense whereas if you buy let's say you go all out you buy one of these bad boys which Carl's like I didn't know you have that um the 13900 KS which is the best Intel CPU combined at the moment this is Dead on Arrival in terms of upgradeability this is as good as it gets so if you buy this that's it upgrade path done as far as we know whereas if you buy the top end 3D V cash ryzen 9 7 950x3d this is you know big big boy baller CPU but you know there's going to be probably two maybe even three generations more CPU that your motherboard should work with so you can upgrade to this later especially if you're going like mid-range you buy a ryzen 5.9 ryzen 5 now next time when you want to upgrade you can either buy one of these used or you can buy the then current uh chip and upgrade that so for example my friend Oliver he had I think Horizon seven like one of the the early ones then he upgraded that to like a 5 series or a three series from what he had and then he then upgraded that to a 5800 X 3D so there's a lot of flexibility and upgradability there as well you don't get that on the Intel at the moment at the lower end like we are doing here though I still think Intel's probably the way to go because while you don't have an upgrade path in terms of new CPUs you could literally buy one of these in three years time probably not the right motherboard for it mind you but you could literally drop that in there in three years time and you have that upgradability path you're buying a used part what will be a fair bit cheaper don't don't rule that out people say there's no upgrade ability on this I find that a straight up LIE there's plenty as long as you can go up somehow it's worth doing so basically for the 390 TI person yeah um high-end high-end CPU ryzen 5 7 600 would be fine wouldn't it for now yeah I mean if you're buying a 3090 TI though you've probably got a fair bit of capital to spend through um I would either get a ryzen yeah 7600 or wait and I think the CPU that everyone's going to want is the 7800 X 3D yeah uh because this is this is fine but it doesn't really make sense because only eight of these cores I think have the accelerated V cash anyway yeah uh and business yeah and the eight cores um the eight extra cores aren't really useful for games so you're better off buying the 7800x 3D which is an eight chord chip all of which will support the V cash you'll probably get better optimizations and you're going to get the same sort of frame rate which is a pretty top draw very nice so detailed answers yeah yeah we've got time we're good serious geek we're good it's a good name uh they just bought an x670 crossbar hero I think it means Crosshair hero yeah any recommendations what vendor I should buy an RTX 48C from uh is this in the UK five dollar us so I'm guessing us okay um it's hard to say but I guess anywhere that's got good reviews yeah um which even that is sometimes hard because what a lot of people do is you know when you come across retailers that have got like 10 000 positive reviews yeah rather than someone else it's just because every order they will say rate US on trustpilot and if they don't ask that then sometimes you you know you won't get the same amount of people reviewing a place um just just somewhere that's trustworthy it's hard to say really I mean Newegg is obviously the the go-to Best Buy Amazon us Micro Center links for everything featured by the way is linked down below for this including the mouse mat if you want to check the current price from cryptic yeah they said why not 12 400 F instead why are we using the 12 400 yeah we don't have the F we just have the 12th there wasn't any point us buying the F when performance is basically going to be the same between the F and the non-f um the only exception I'm hearing now is like the 13 600 versus 13600 K there is actually performance difference but when you're talking the F models it's purely just the igpu is the difference so yeah I would recommend you get the F we've literally just had a temple donation from our favorite Andy Martinez thank you very much that's much appreciated thank you Andy um but yeah thank you so much for you guys for for tuning in I hope this has been useful and I hope that doing this live especially if you're watching this on the archive has shown that it is doable you've seen with cut nothing out of this yeah uh we normally would um but actually this this has gone really well the biggest problem was Chris letting the side down upside down fan maybe I was just wasn't the fan the uh on that note yeah thank you so much for watching really appreciate it Amazon affiliate links for everything I listed down below uh mouse mat as well if you want to help out the channel generally the best way to do it is to grab yourself a sick new pad but thank you for watching check out all of the other Builds on the channel get subscribed like this video and we'll catch you in the next one bye
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 90,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, gaming pc build, budget gaming pc, pc centric, how to build a gaming pc, build a pc, rx 6600, rx 6600 build
Id: fejgr8utyiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 23sec (6383 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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