Live: AMD 7800X3D & RTX 4090, Crazy Fast Gaming PC Build

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I hit the go live button I don't know says I'm live hello everyone to a hardware unboxed live stream hopefully fingers crossed this is working um here we are to build a new gaming PC on the Channel first time I've been doing a live stream just by myself for quite some time so yeah looking forward to sort of the new live stream set up here at the the studio that I have and all the parts that we're going to be putting into my new gaming PC very excited for this one so yeah thanks everyone for you know there's been a bit of chat before the stream really yeah enjoyed looking at all that stuff and seeing what people are up to and yeah let's get PC Building I guess so first of all we do have as well the old top down camera so you will be able to eventually see you know building parts and stuff so I've got that set up main camera lots of stuff going on yeah to be building a new gaming PC for me so first of all why do I need a new gaming PC well everyone needs a new gaming PC of course with the latest stuff that's how the hardware Cycle Works I guess but but no really it's because I've recently repurposed my actual gaming PC into a test system I needed a second one to do some monitor related testing currently we're seeing a few differences between monitors with AMD gpus and Nvidia GPU so I needed a second system sort of thought where am I going to get this from repurpose the old gaming PC which means it's time for a new pc something that was more powerful than what I was using previously I think I had like a 12 400 F RTX 3090 which I know is still a powerful GPU but not quite as powerful as the old RTX 4090 here so yeah very very keen to get a brand new PC to be used just for gaming so if you're not aware of my current setup has sort of a a workstation that I use with an Ambi threadripper CPU inside and then I've got a gaming PC that's separate so I've already seen some questions in the in the chat from earlier they were sort of asking you know we're using a 7800 X 3D for this not the 7950x3d that is because it's a gaming build don't really need the extra cores of the 7950 so 7800 X 3D is where it's at so yeah it looks like it's working Jared's asking can I have a free PC I think he just did you just get one from Steve the other day that would have been nice for you so yeah why do you guys not acknowledge the reasons my 4062 is great for 1080p 500 entry level GPU says Jensen from Nvidia yeah nice to see you Jensen in the chat there well you can check our reviews for why maybe that's not the best GPU so let's run through the parts that we're using at the start of this build before we get into actually doing anything so first of all CPU talked a little bit about this the AMD ryzen 7 7 800 x 3D 450 at the moment on NewEgg you can see actually this is an AMD sample that they've sent so haven't bought this or anything actually I'll use the top down camera says their AMD samples not for resale so AMD has provided this CPU for this build but yeah this is sort of the flagship top of the line CPU that you can use for gaming at the moment the 13900k would also have been an option Steve I think built a 3900k system also with the 4090 for bailin on the channel a couple of months ago maybe it was last year so if you're interested in seeing that sort of build that is on the channel balance PC is probably better than mine at the moment but once we get this 7800 X 3D going then yeah I think my PC will be pretty competitive with his so yeah great little CPU there obviously eight cores V cash all that sort of thing so put that to the side for the moment the other big boy component that we're using here this is a pretty crazy GPU the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 and in this version We of course got the Asus Rog strix gaming OC model now you might be asking why this specific GPU why on Earth are you using one of the most expensive RTX for your 90 models and the real reason is because I was choosing all the parts for this build one of the first times we sort of you know go in hand pick all the parts that I was wanting to use except for the case that's a bit of a mystery we'll talk about that later um and I thought you know what if I'm choosing a 40 90 for myself I will choose one of the beefiest models that you can get which is the Asus Rog strix variant now they've got this is just the air cooled version they've also got a liquid cooled version which is even more expensive than this model but for me it didn't really want the liquid cooled I just thought I'll go with the air cooled model just a bit simpler for the build uh easier to manage that sort of thing this model costs two thousand dollars on new a two thousand dollars US so obviously the 4 90s MSRP is 1600 two thousand dollars so it's definitely a huge super beefy system um so yeah as I said this is the highest end model it's a 3.5 slot design so it's going to use up a lot of the slots that we've got available to us and yeah really keen on checking that out I don't think I've ever seen strix model in person yet I know Steve's got a few of them getting a few chats here as well so before diving in to the next couple of things um yeah Gamers Nexus mod map game is Nexus thanks for sending out this mod man I think it's great for building I've actually normally got it over there in my sort of test area that I use for building all the time so there's already got a bit of wear and tear on this as you can see because I have genuinely been using it for building stuff and you know just doing some component swaps and things so really love the mod mat I thought I'd use it for the build just gives me that bit of extra protection especially with this desk that as you can see on the sides here it is painted white so there's always that risk that you're going to get a bit of white paint rubbing off onto the case when moving around things the mod mat pretty much solves that so I love using the mod mat and yeah water block not using a water block for this build we are just using an all-in-one liquid cooler in fact we've got yeah the Asus ryugen 3 360. you'll talk about that in a little bit but yeah I I'll attempt a water cooling build at some point in the future I actually never built custom liquid cooling I think ever so yeah we'll get to that in a future build but for now just using these components so let's continue with the components for the build we got this bad boy here from MSI the Meg x670e Ace which is one of the highest end x670e motherboards on the market again I chose this for a couple of reasons this one wasn't chosen just because it's the most expensive motherboard that you can get because it's not the most expensive motherboard there's an Asus Crosshair model I believe which is more expensive than this and I think there's the god-like as well from MSI which is more expensive but anyway the reason why I'm using this specific board and not anything lower end is because it has 10 gigabit Lan you might be thinking okay why do you need a motherboard with Tangy gland for a gaming build and that's because my gaming PC is not just a gaming PC it's also used as a game server so to speak so my system at the moment I think has I think it's 12 it could be 16 terabytes of ssds in it and the reason for that is it keeps all the games that I've got installed so I can quickly test them quickly transfer them to other systems or use them for testing without having to download the game so if I need to just quickly evaluate something in a game like maybe there's been an update couple of quality scenes need to be looked at the game server has all the games on it and that's just my game PC build and in my office area I've got 10 gig networking so 10 gig networking is really convenient for just transferring things like games from one system to another or streaming games directly from the PC to another PC so having 10 gig networking is essential and with motherboards these days we've sort of got the option of using boards that have already got 10 gig networking built in like this board or using an add-in card when using Asus add-in cards for a while they've been fine but this board has both I think it's got 10 gig and 2.5 gig no just one 10 gig land port so yeah that's perfect for my needs really as well as that it's got uh if we look at the back of the box it has also got four m.2 slots one of them is PCI 5.0 the rest are PSI 4.0 and again that's for when I'm sliding in you know 16 terabytes of ssds to store games on uh this motherboard will be able to support all of that other features I think it's got 22 phase um power design eight layer PCB again PSI 5.0 for all of the PCA slots in it and yeah I think it comes with a I'm not sure if it's got the expander card but I know some versions do also come with this PSI m.2 expander card for more m.2 access once we open up we'll have a look see whether that's come in the box so yeah the ace there are only a few x670 models that have 10 gig land they're all the obviously the premium super expensive boards the MSI model was sort of the the one that made the most sense this is currently a 700 board so you know if you're building a 7800 X 3D build you don't necessarily need a motherboard that costs 700 you could easily slot this into b650 or something like that much more affordable but I thought you know my sales system is a dual use sort of thing so we'll pair it with that yeah more expensive board will you revisit the Radeon 7 probably a question for Steve I know that that card became very popular for mining especially during the mining boom 16 gig of vram I believe had quite a lot of potential there so yeah I'm sure at some point we'll get to revisiting that card when it makes the most sense it wasn't super popular though at the time so yeah we'll see about that all right next component let's get to a g-skill has provided 32 gigabytes of their Trident Z5 Neo RGB memory so this is ddr5 6000 cl30 stuff sort of The Sweet Spot supposedly for AMD CPU so we'll see whether that works 32 gig kit pretty standard not really a super fan of RGB or anything but this is a nice solid sort of use case it's actually quite affordable at the moment on NewEgg I think only 115 us for this kit so 32 gig seems to be around the sweet spot for gaming I guess I probably could have put in 64 gigabyte thought 32 seems alright for now AMD Expo if that makes a difference it's also part of that let's get now to the cooler which we'll be putting in so this is the Asus Rog ryugen 3 360 mil argb CPU Cooler so this is a big beefy cooler and I chose this one because of the screen I thought you know what I'll put some Hardware on box text on the LCD screen that comes with this particular model so it's a 3.5 inch LCD there it's on you know slots directly onto the board I'll put a hard run box logo on there that's really the only reason that I've got this RGB for the fans as well again not a huge fan of RGB it's not necessary for my builds but it's sort of a nice bonus to have and of course this provides plenty of cooling power for the 7800x ready and any CPUs I may be upgrading to in the future obviously we've got a motherboard that's going to support future CPUs we've got a cooler that's definitely going to support future CPUs as well so yeah this I think is 350 on NewEgg so again it's one of the higher end 360 mil liquid cools you can get but again this sort of an Overkill crazy build so when you've got that capability sort of makes sense to use the most expensive Parts I guess so yeah you can see all the features here 8th gen Acer Tech pump 3.5 inch LCD as I said it's got the fans already included um we'll see how easy that is to install a bit later balance saying Balon who's our video editor is currently Manning The Hub Clips channel in the chat and he's saying RGB can't be ignored he's definitely a big RGB fan if you saw his live stream build he was very keen on getting all the RGB components in my PC typically sits under my desk so I'm not really looking at the RGB all that much um you know things for me I think someone's saying in the chat all lead exactly OLED is mandatory definitely all that is mandatory I'll be slowing this in with my Alienware aw3423dw that I've been using oh for a while now you would if you've seen our monitors unbox Channel there's a one year update of me using that monitor I probably would have upgraded it to the DWF model maybe the old Legend 8 from Samsung instead of using that particular model but it's you know they're basically the same it's been working fine for me so yeah that sort of will be part of this not that you'll see that that that's over there on the other side of the camera so yeah that's pretty much it if you are interested in any of these products you want to learn more check pricing we do have links for them in the description below so you can check that as the build progresses if you need a refresher of what parts are being used all of that is under the description below so yeah all that stuff is there next component we've got from sabrant we have got there now they say that this is a gaming specific SSD now whether an SSD can be gaming specific not 100 sure but we have got the sabrant rocket 4 plus G in a two terabyte model so this is a PCI 4.0 SSD again the g means gaming so again not really sure whether that's a thing but anyway it comes with the fires in East E18 controller Micron TLC nand as well I think you get like seven gigabytes per second reads and writes sequential off this drive again it's not really this is just going to be a boot drive for the system most of the games are going to be on other ssds but yeah these are not too expensive I think they're like 150 bucks right now on NewEgg obviously for a higher end PCI 4.0 Drive they also sent out along with that their rocket nvme heatsinks so to get the best performance out of a drive like this you will need some m.2 cooling so we'll see whether we'll use either the rocket heatsink or we'll use the cooling on the MSI Motherboard if you have a look here obviously some of the m.2 slots are covered by these heat spreaders and things like that so I guess it'll be a choice between using the built-in one on the board or using the heatsink that comes with the SSD I believe this is you know these are sold separately these two separate items but when Rockets ended this over they sent over both components so we've got that lastly well not lastly we've got a case as well Corsair provide the power supply for this build love using Corsair power supplies I use them for pretty much all of the builds uh in my test systems and things like that so I've had lots of great success using Corsair power supplies and that's why I chose to use the rm1000e so modular design which again is essential I wouldn't typically oh just see a bit of light reflection there I'll hold it down a bit further like here modular design wouldn't use a power supply without a modular design just makes it so much easier for cable management in the case I get a lot of power supplies a modular these days but just sort of an essential feature a thousand Watts going to provide plenty of power for things like 40 90s the CPU isn't that power hungry but you know future future stuff as well this is an ATX 3.0 power supply and PCI 5.0 so it already comes with the Nvidia 12 volts HW whatever it is power cable so that's already included in here don't need to use the adapter or anything like that so fingers crossed will get that working slotted in nicely with no other issues um and yeah Corsair power supply so seven year warranty on this and with a gaming build I always want to make sure that I'm choosing a power supply that's going to last throughout the lifespan of this build because we're going am5 and we're building you know with sort of the the first gen Zen stuff on that platform um it allows a lot of upgradability so in the future if there's an 8700 X 3D which would be like a Zen 5 CPU and I want to upgrade to that then you know the power supply is still going to be under warranty for pretty much the whole period of this gaming build and I don't imagine I mean maybe for the channel we'll do some more gaming builds in the future but this is sort of really setting you know this is setting a really good platform for the future good quality motherboard good quality power supply good quality CPU Cooler and a massive case which is actually down there not going to bring that up just yet because it is seriously big um but that sort of said yes in the platform for future upgrades I want to slot more stuff in capture cards I want to put in more even more ssds than the 16 terab right so I was talking about previously all this stuff is hopefully Gonna Last a super long time so yeah love Corsair power supplies we'll be slotting that in later and just briefly let me just move to this side down here this thing I think I'm pointing to that correctly this is the case that we'll be using which is the Asus Rog Hyperion um the only thing I didn't personally choose out of these components for this build is the case and that's because I don't really mind too much what case is being used so when I was talking to Asus about getting the 4090 getting their liquid cooler they're like hey we can provide you a case as well I'm like okay I don't really have too much of an idea about the specific case that I want to be using for my PC build so send me whatever they ended up sending me one of the biggest cases I've ever seen which is the Asus Rog Hyperion this is a super high-end case I think it's like 450 on NewEgg oh and power supply as well I think that's 160 a new egg if you're interested just game links in the description so it's a 450 locates it's massive it's an extended ATX case it fits in like two 420 mil radiators it's got USB tons of USB ports on the front it actually looks pretty neat it's got carrying handles those sorts of things it is really heavy and because I'm using a standing desk I thought I own only want to lift this thing up onto the desk once so I'll get that out of the way later in the build we'll have a bit of a closer look at the case in that sort of later part of the build but it is seriously big it's seriously big but I'm going to love building in it because there is so much Cable Management space so sort of having a look in there earlier yeah heaps of space so as I mentioned in the sort of title and the start of this build that this is a high-end Overkill build and when I was choosing all my parts I was like yo no let's get this let's get this blah blah blah blah it'll all come out to a reasonable amount for a high-end build but as it turns out all of these components would have cost in total 4 375 U.S if I was buying them on NewEgg that does not include windows or any peripherals or accessories that's just the GPU the motherboard the CPU Cooler storage Ram power supply and case so it's a very expensive build as it turns out turns out going high-end these days is super expensive now half of that price is of course this beefy GPU here so this is two thousand dollars worth of the 4 375 total build price again the motherboard as well is 700 so those two things add up quite a bit but again you know build high-end stuff Let's Go full all out so I guess I'll be eating two minute noodles for the rest of my life to pay off this build um because I certainly won't have any money left over for anything else after this Neo says Tim love the channel keep up the amazing content based on your videos and personal recommendations I recently bought the Dell Alienware aw 3423 DWF currently awaiting delivery thanks so much so yeah thanks for watching our content that is a great monitor coming up on the channel soon not this channel monitors unboxed will be a ranking of all the OLED monitors that I've ever reviewed so I've tested 14 OLED gaming monitors on the channel over the years and the DWF gets ranked pretty highly in that video I won't give you any spoilers as to exactly where it is in the rankings but it's a very high ranking so it's a great monitor and yeah I guess paired with this something that's not really included in the build because I already have it as again sitting over there is the aw3423dw that is the monitor that I use that's like a thousand thirteen hundred dollar monitor so in total the setup including keyboard mouse audio things like that would probably total around five to five and a half thousand us for the setup which as James says in the Super Chat that's like a squillian Aussie dollars so I don't even know what the conversion is for Aussie dollars on this stuff it ten thousand fifteen thousand Aussie is probably very very expensive if someone wants to run the numbers um then yeah put it in the chat below but yeah as I said there's really no no holds bad for these components sort of just going with the best quality stuff that suits the needs again motherboard because of 10 gig networking this because it's the most expensive beefiest hopefully the quietest build I really value quiet components as well so yeah so I guess it's probably time to get building um so yeah let's let's move some of these components away um let's get to some motherboard related stuff so I'll just put these stuff over here so I think someone was asking about the power supply the power supply is ATX 3.0 standard I saw that in the chat so the power supply yes fully modular ATX 3.0 standard and it does come with the power connector I think it where on the box are they show the power connectors on the bottom here so let's go to the top camera so if we have a look at the bottom here it does come with one of the 12 volt HP WR power connectors as well as all the other stuff which is obviously going to be suitable for the motherboard and things like that so yeah definitely ATX 3.0 power supply but anyway there for now we will need the CPU should probably keep that handy I'll need the motherboard we will build that first GPU leave that to later put that over there I'll need the memory in a moment keep that handy okay let's open up the motherboard box let's get that nice and centered in the frame on our Gamers Nexus mod mat great product love using it so here we go here is this big what's not that big but obviously very beefy motherboard that we've got here in the x670e Ace there might be a few things I need to take out of here as well so let's just take a quick look underneath all these components so they did indeed provide the m.2 expander card again I thought that this would be provided with all of the motherboards all of these the version of this motherboard so we'll just take a quick look at that because you know this may come in handy so the idea here is that underneath here you can sort of see through here that there are a couple of extra m.2 slots so if I wanted to add in more m.2 functionality into my board it already comes with four slots but if I wanted to add something else extra in then this m.2 expander card is there and again this is sort of why we're looking at a 700 motherboards it comes with things like this is it worth that price probably not but you know the sort of features that I need um I don't think I need too many of these other things Wi-Fi might come in handy has got Wi-Fi 6E so that might come in handy I'll probably just leave that out for now we've got some RGB cables and things like that so we'll see if we need those they've got that m.2 sort of locker thing as well I'll keep one of those out so that when I put the SSD in they can use that if it's not already provided in the slot that I'm using starter cables don't need that just yet I'll try fit this back in the box if I can remember which way around it went there we go so that's that I can fit that in okay x678 Ace as you can see brand new model so we can do the old unpackaging experience and you can enjoy the lovely sounds of things being taken out of boxes and flipped around and enjoyed this is a really heavy motherboard it's seriously big seriously big and beefy so put that away so we've got some like things to be peeled off at some point especially when we get closer to putting into the build a little bit of plastic here and around there good I O functionality lots of USB ports I hate it when we see motherboard i o that doesn't have enough USB ports and they're just not really utilizing all this space obviously we've got all the audio Wi-Fi 10 gig networking plenty of USB and even some you know bias flashback and stuff like that I'm not 100 sure whether this will post with the 7800 x380 without a a bios update so I haven't done any bias updating or anything so I'm going to slide in we'll try work it make it work and then if it doesn't we'll do a bios update on the stream we'll see how that goes so first of all let us put the CPU in so this is what you get inside as I said this is an AMD sample version so AMD did provide this CPU for us this is sort of the experience that you get when using a 7800 x3d taking out of the box you get this nice little yep CPU got a sticker for the outside of the build if you really want to put that on there get some packaging and stuff but the rest of the box is just this big foam block there's nothing else in there there's no CPU Cooler provided with these so as you see the rest of the box is just that big foam sort of block thing so it makes the packaging more impressive but isn't actually necessary for the CPU in there with all this other stuff so we will store that obviously this is the money this is what we're looking for this is what we paid for although AMD did provide it so you know um yeah the CPU heat spreader design I've seen someone comment about that in the chat yeah not not the most attractive design I think the the am4 CPUs looked a little bit nicer with the more cleaner design but it's very functional so you know what are you going to do so here we go let's the one thing that Baylor never wanted to do was put these things into the CPU socket because I guess you could drop it in the wrong way things like that but with the 7800 X 3D and these sort of motherboards very simple process with am5 so as you can see they've gone from the pins on the bottom to just the the flat design with no pins so they've got technical names Steve will be up on that but I've just forgotten it in uh just at the moment but so yeah with the pins on the motherboard design we've got this little triangle in the corner and there's a triangle on the socket itself as well which is probably pretty difficult to see even from the top down camera angle but it is just in that top corner there so as you would expect you'd want the CPU text to be aligned with the same alignment as the motherboard so it makes sense it slots in this way but basically we just drop that in there's little two tabs on there it's really you really can't go wrong with these sorts of things now usually with these things when we pop these down we sort of start to apply pressure the plastic comes off so that's come off as expected apply the pressure the whole way down it's in CPU is installed very simple process love installing these CPUs like this makes it a lot easier to do I mean it with just a few extra bits and pieces I always as well like to keep this just in case I'm doing like I'm going to sell the motherboard later or something like that not that I'll be doing that with this build but I usually like to just keep this little thing so I can put it back on there if there's no CPU in the motherboard for whatever reason in the future it's just a handy little protection thing so you should just keep that with the motherboard so I'll store that there with all the other other board components and things so next up my usual build process would be installing the memory the ddr5 RGB memory Trident Z5 Neo from g-skill so for that we will have to open the package because I believe it is sealed maybe it wasn't either way it doesn't really matter too much and yeah as Steve has been saying Steve is Manning his gaming unbox channel at the moment he has ordered both the 5600 x 3D the Micro Center exclusive and the 7900 GRE as components to be tested on the hardware unbox Channel soon so the interesting thing with the the 7900 GRE maybe we'll just talk about this briefly before putting the memory in the interesting thing about the the GRE model was that AMD one it's a DIY only part for Chi or DIY part for China only so if you are in China you can just buy the card by itself but in other regions like Australia it's only being sold as a an add-in card for system integrators so for people who wanted to buy just the card itself in Australia uh you can't the only way to do that is by buying a whole system and we thought okay well maybe there'll be AMD will want to send a card or maybe there'll be a board partner that will want to send a card or a distributor or there'll be someone that will just send us the card by itself um turns out no amd's not running a review program for the card so that's a bit weird so they're obviously not very interested in letting people know what sort of performance they're getting even if you're buying a pre-built you'll probably want to know what performance you're getting how it compares to a 7900 XT because that will you know determine the level of build that you go for like you could be spending more money to get a an XT model you could be spending less maybe to get an RTX 4070 or 47 HR so you really do want to know how those things perform AMD is not doing a review program for the the gra model um but what was even more weird with things like ball patterns just saying no we're not allowed to send this card out things like that pretty weird so Steve went and bought an entire system it was like several thousand dollars just to get the GPU which is the only thing he actually wants from the build but he did buy a full system pre-built that's got the GRE 7900 GRE in it you'll be taking that out to do a full review so interesting there we'll see we'll see what the conclusion is whether there's anything to be that Amy's trying to hide there in terms of you know making it more difficult to get the card into the hands of reviewers again with this sort of china-only models we tend to see there's there can be a few weird things going on there where there's a GPU that sends that you know doesn't necessarily perform up to the claims or is named oddly or there's something going on there um so we'll see we'll see what's going on um so yeah that's pretty much that on the GRE model I'm sure Steve will be able to elaborate a bit more in the chat about the process for that and the things that have been going on but we had a good chat about that yesterday to sort of see exactly what's uh going on with trying to order that model because we do try and provide you know all the GPU reviews for models that are out there and the GRE did seem like an interesting part because it is a a cut down version of the XT potentially a different die I think it's got 80 compute units uh it's only 16 gigabytes of memory instead of 20 Gigabytes like we get on the other two models those being the XD and the xdx so yeah so we'll see what happens with the GRE but for now let's install the memory so we've got the ddr5 memory here and like with a lot of these motherboards again it's probably going to be pretty difficult to see from the top 10 camera because it's so small but on this MSI board they do tell you the slots to populate first so those being the A2 and B2 slots so that's this slot and this slot the outer two slots I guess so we'll just see which way they go around looks like they'll go around this way so yeah we've got one of these boards where only one no oh yeah both sides snap out I can just Chuck the memory in push down until it snaps all the way and that is seating all the way and I actually think that this the design of the g-skill memory with the sort of black metal finished some nice texturing going on there with your two different types of you know it's sort of got this brush Design This sort of more powder coated design for the top I think that is fitting in really nicely with the rest of the the MSI board that we're seeing here the black and black sort of is has milled up nicely that's obviously a Gen 5 slot there so that has yeah that's gone really nicely in there and I think um it's going to look nice with the RGB there anyway it's always nice when those things come together I'm not really building this as a color specific build although it does turn out I think most of the components are going to be black and built in a black case so you know there we go so memory timing someone has asked about that in the chat so here is the back of the components the component okay so ddr5 is 6000 in a 2 by 16 gigabyte kit cl30 38 38 96 uh with Expo support so I'll just be going to the buyer seating Expo won't do any further tuning because as we've seen some of Steve's videos you can eke out a little bit of extra performance tuning memory but I'd want it to run relatively stable and also I can't be bothered so that's pretty much the real reason so yeah dr5 6000 cl30 memory there from g-school sorted into the build I think the next component that would make sense to include here is the memory sorry not the memory the SSD here we go SSD so just get rid of some of that stuff so we have got a choice here we can I'll probably put it into the lightning Gen 5 slot I think that would make the most sense as the primary boot drive if I I don't really need a Gen 5 SSD for this build it's not really necessary at the moment I think that makes the most sense to populate it over here so that again the sort of better heat access as well this will be under the GPU so potentially small impact there for thermals but we have got the choice we can put on the rocket nvme heatsink from sabrant alongside the the four plus SSD rocket 4 plus G SSD or we can use the heat spreader that comes on the MSI Motherboard so I don't know chat what do you reckon put on the sabrant rocket nvme heatsink or use the MSI thing I could probably do a poll that's probably something I can do there but anyway the first things first is that we have to actually take off this which I believe with these boards these are the sort of easy to undo design and now that I say easy you got to lift the lever up a bit harder than I was pulling it there so okay let's see what people say motherboard favorite mobile heat spreader fancy cool well maybe to make the decision it seems like there's a bit of a split decision there let's have a look at what the the rocket heatsink looks like because maybe it'll complement the build a bit better um obviously the the motherboard one is going to look in line with what the the motherboard looks like so that's that's always a an advantage there but so get rid of some plastic let's do the old unboxing experience so a little installation guide maybe we'll need that oh wow it's actually I was not expecting it is extremely shiny the box is not lying about look at the box it's even shinier than on the box that's crazy and my fingerprints are going all over it so that's that's this sort of super shiny thing and it's got a heatsinks on it I mean it's got heat pipes on it as well so you guys got to decide we can use the black one that comes with it or this sort of yeah someone said bismuth in the chat I think I mean I think we I think it looks so weird that we've got to kind of use it in the Box it also comes with a few other little bits and pieces so we've got the the rear casing as well so I guess this goes this goes on the back side and this obviously then slots in like this so we'll try to get that working but interesting they also come in the box with again it's quite nicely packaged um they have got this screwdriver and also the screws are sort of outlined in the box like this so I imagine we're supposed to take those out and put them into the the component there so I think this requires a pole so let's get a pole set up how do we do that on the chat start a poll all right which heatsink should I use for the SSD MSI Ace motherboard or the sabrant what is it rocket go all right everyone pole is up let me know whether we should be using which of these things we should be using if we don't end up going with this I will say that it looks very interesting I was really not expecting it to be this shiny with that sort of bismuth look there Alex says good afternoon from New Zealand much love from a big fan and fellow Anzac can you tell us something you like about New Zealand ask kiwis love that so uh part of my family is actually from New Zealand so um I really love New Zealand as a place I've been there once before loved the South Island seeing all the the mountains and stuff Mount Cook was beautiful beautiful place so I know there's a bit of a rivalry between Australia and New Zealand a lot of the time but it is genuinely a very lovely country to go visit and I'd like to get back there sometime soon so it's actually a close-up hole than I was expecting 58 of people at the moment are suggesting that we use the sabrant rocket SSD cover while we have got a 42 for the MSI um lightning m.2s cover so this is you know it's a bit thinner than what we're seeing from the rocket but it's a bit longer as well so you know it's designed to go on that same sort of thing so this will be sort of if we do end up going with the that design we'll be sliding in like this so that's sort of what it would be look like and I think it looks like we will be going with that just based on the poll at the moment we have got 460 votes so I'm not expecting that to change too much um I think we will be going with this which is again just a wild looking thing I was really hoping that this would be chosen in the poll so yeah very interesting let's go with that crazy looking all right will the SSD look anything like that we will see in a moment if I can get the just get the plastic off 57 of people say Terror they have terrible taste well maybe that's true it's certainly will stand out on the build but again I am all for choosing whatever um so I'm all for choosing that so seven ssds always come with this nice sort of packaging so in this instance we've got this copper design so on the outside um unlock the speed all right unlock the speed let's do it and here it is always like keeping these handy to store ssds and things when I brought my editing SSD over to Taiwan for computex I wasn't a saber and SSD but I stored it in this little case because it's so easy it just provides a bit of protection we're going to put that into a backpack or something looks really easy but this is the rocket 4 plus so obviously this will go we'll go on uh there like that and I guess we'll just be screwed in through all those things so 57 of people said I should use the Disco version saber drives run Hots are going to need that SSD all right let's take a look at how we're supposed to install it using the installation guide so make sure to remove the clear thermal pad protector from the thermal pad placed on both the heatsink and on the tray prior to placing the drive on the tray so this does this have some sort of I don't think it does yeah I don't see or maybe it goes on the inside oh yep there we go that'll be why it's two parts I'm an idiot there we go so I guess they've provided a second one for some reason not quite sure what the differences are between those two parts but it does it does come with that does it say what that's used for I guess it's just got a separate thing on it potent blend of copper and aluminum or aluminum if you're in Australia for maximum performance interesting so yeah maybe it is for hot swapping as someone said you keep this sort of slotted into the the board and then I guess the question is I probably would have to remove this back heat spreader as well that's already included on on here to fit this in that's probably going to be the case because that's not going to slot over the little m.2 latchy thing that they've got installed on there so I'm probably yeah most likely going to have to take that off so we'll see how easy that is in just a moment yeah aluminum is the objectively correct pronunciation I probably agree with that one so yeah once someone said in the chat single-sided versus a double-sided that probably makes the most sense again they've got the installation guy oh I've just been looking here identify if the drive is single or double slided yeah this makes sense now where did I put it that's right here so single or double-sided we clearly have a double-sided drive so we will need to use the double-sided one which will be this one single-sided if your driver is single-sided please continue the installation with the single side tray if your driver's double side use the respective tray so yeah that makes the most sense so this would be the double-sided tray this surely is the single Side Tracks it doesn't have the heat contact pad the thermal pad on the bottom so I'll just put that to the side so first of all I'm using my LTT screwdriver I'll need to use a different bit to get that out so let's use these smaller bits that it comes with I think that'll be suitable size let's just try the other one this one fits the best all righty okay it's off so that was very easy if we didn't want to use the back spreader and that's going to give us the full room to put in the whole thing which is going to slot in into there like this so that's going to give us sort of that maximum performance I guess seems to still have good clearance not going to be touching anything I wouldn't have thought so all right let's keep following the Little Instruction guide place the SSD in the tray on the thermal pad make sure the groove for the screw yeah it'll make sense so I'll have to remove the pad here put this SSD into here make sure it fits into that little Groove want to make sure the PCB is aligned there into that Groove push down make sure it's nice and secure in there ask Savor to make a black one they might make a black one I'm not sure attach the tray with the drive to the heatsink constraint at the side with the uneven coils are at the back okay makes sense so the uneven I mean uneven coils yeah so I meant for the grooves the screws see obviously this side is meant to be on this end don't know why even need to read the instructions for that that makes the most sense looks like there's no protective plastic or any layer on there to peel off unlike the other one so that should just be ready what is there no don't think so I think that's just meant to go straight on I know there is a I thought so it looked too shiny to be a thermal Pad but then this one had a tab on it the other one didn't I guess that's the difference there um so let's put that on make sure that we've actually do this in camera make sure that this is exploding directly over that screw Zone there so it will press down seems to be looking okay [Music] so align the holes that are on the side of the tray you may need to apply pressure then insert two screws on each side so after that means we have to take the little screws out of the box we've got here so these are tiny screws and these come individually in the Box just kind of funny hey Lads cheers for making the unbiased info for all the unbiased information you provide you definitely helped my mate and I get addictive to addicted to benchmarking are you hiring not hiring at the moment unfortunately but yeah thanks for all the support and watching our videos really do appreciate it so let's see how much pressure I have to put in to get that and I'm pretty sure that I've used the right tray he's getting going to be hard to align those things into there because the the screw hole doesn't quite match up with the I'm not sure I'll be able to get that in there the whole way now I could just I could just Fang it in there anyway but there is the possibility that I was supposed to use the other tray see I don't think I'm going to be getting those screws in I'm already applying quite a bit of pressure so I think maybe that's what this other one is for but I would have thought that you'd want the thermal performance from the thermal pad on both sides with a double-sided SSD so okay well it definitely seems to suggest that I should be using the one with the two thermal pads so that's interesting maybe have to apply even more pressure I guess I'll try screwing it we'll try screw it in yeah it's definitely not going definitely not going in with the amount of pressure that I was applying there so hmm purely in any way without the screws so [Music] um slot it in without screws probably should be okay yeah clearance looks okay there's no problems there so considering the screws we'll just leave that for now I do need to find a mounting thing which would have come with the motherboard too so we can slot the SSD in there if Nvidia puts the CG ladies back on their packaging maybe the prices will be justified and see more lucrative yeah potentially um so motherboard make sure I don't lose these screws just in case we need them for something else put them over here for now all right the pole the pole is changing maybe we'll have to revert back to the other one now we'll see whether we've got any so we've got the oh we've got an MSI USB that comes with it that's nice so MSI usually provides these m.2 locker things and they've got this m.3 screw thing as well yeah I guess they don't have maybe these come apart I'm just looking for like yeah they've got m.2 mounting holes some of the time but obviously I took that out to put in the another m.2 Locker maybe they don't have maybe they only have them under the other parts of the motherboard which would certainly be interesting which would mean I need to take one from here and put it up over here to fit it in which would certainly be interesting and again still not 100 sure about those screw holes whether I'm using the right one or not I would have thought I am so anyway let's see what's underneath here these only have got the m.2 locker things as well there which would mean that if I wanted to mount the old troubleshooting things as we go so yeah if I just have a look at all these they've all got the M little m.2 locker things on it which unless they come into two parts it's probably I mean they might okay so my guess is that maybe if we just unscrew this that looks like it accepts it it looks like that'll accept that for sure yes we're in business we are in business I just realized that the motherboard is now slightly out of focus so let's get this box foreign motherboard back in Focus so so yeah unscrew the little uh m.2 flicky thing that goes on there the the whatever they call it the m.2 locker it's allowed us to have that little space in there and if we check the pole as I put the SSD in just for reference sake the saberate rocket heat spreader thing is still at 51 so as I'm putting it in I'm going to insert it because it is still slightly in the lead which is good enough for me so I'm just gonna turn this around make sure that is actually it's not very well aligned like that if I'm perfectly honest I think maybe it's supposed to slot under this okay or does it slot directly into the hole yeah this seems to be too tall this little thing here so that little piece there when put directly onto that let me just show you let me screw this back in so that would be fine if we were installing this with no like if we were just putting the SSD in with no additional things it may have fit in but as you can see it's angled because the little uh the m.2 Riser thing that would be mounting on it is obviously far taller than the actual SSD PCB so because of that we're at this weird angle yeah so so yeah I'm thinking based on that that with the pole and everything that we might switch the other one which makes would make a bit more sense at the moment because yeah at the moment I just don't see that fitting nicely into this motherboard slot at the moment again yeah if this this goes underneath here yeah that's just not going to be just not going to be at a good angle I don't think I just don't think that's yeah I don't think that's suitable now when I put the other there is a chance that this yeah again that doesn't even like that doesn't even fit in there so I was clearly using the right one because that doesn't with the Dual layer PCB that just does not fit into there underneath the little hook that they're suggesting and then when this is on it goes in there like that and then even without that even without the Heat spray it's still mounted at a at a dodgy Angle an angle that I would not be happy with so it would need I guess for this to be compatible with this board and fit a bit better that need to provide something that would go in between this hole that's in the motherboard and the um the SSD thing so this screw would either need to screw directly into the motherboard which is obviously too thin to do that or it would then need to provide like a little smaller Riser because as we see here with the the gap between that PCB and the back side of this heat spreader it's just not going to fit in there and unless we want that angle which you know I'm sort of saying we don't want that angle at all so yes I'm thinking that this SSD is cooler would be maybe suitable for a different motherboard but we will go with the lightning Gen 2 um Drive thing which I think is sort of a bit better suited to the board in terms of fitting in so yeah a bit of live troubleshooting there trying to get the SSD in with the different options and things that we've got there but in the end the MSI one is going to win out so do you like the design though it's unfortunate because I really do like the the different colors of that one whatever we will use that at a different time all right so I don't need any of these bits and pieces anymore don't any of this stuff let's put that over there oh and the little screws as well you should probably keep those somewhere so we don't lose them because they are so tiny those up there all right ssdn looking okay slots in we should just be able to use the little m.2 Locker thing from MSI to lock that in there okay because it's a dual Air Design it's a little a little bit tougher to fit in there but that seems to be fitting in there nice and flush so that's good and with these we don't need a um there's no screws or anything so obviously before I do that should we take off the plastic there we go and then so this thing just slots in like this and then we just push it down and it should be should be locked in now I think it's a little bit loose I might just try to do that again I think I quite got enough pressure on there to put the m.2 locker thing fully around here yeah that's better yeah got that in better that time nice Chuck this in over the top clipped in had a nice click it's now secure so there we go and the MSI Motherboard on the pole by the time I actually finished doing that has now got into the lead with 51 over 49 for the other ones so a bit of a process there to figure that out it is unusual that this obviously it's a very thick and beefy sort of design but just slightly incompatible with the board in terms of how how thick this bottom plate is certainly the sandwiching with the Dual a PCB the the heat spreader and things and trying to get that fitting onto the little mounting thing just didn't work which is unfortunate um but I'm sure that there are other motherboards that that would be designed for to work a little bit better there you can always probably are sabrin about that but either way we do need cooling for this sort of SSD it is powerful enough that it should it will require cooling but because it's a PCI designed for PC 5.0 drives I would think that this would be sufficient plus it's just a boot drive for gaming so fingers crossed here not too much more so no other ssds so we'll just slot these back on screw them down in just a moment so I don't need those foreign we tried Team Rocket we tried it says Richard in the super chats so yeah there we go let's see what else is happening in chat this is what happens when you let an engineer build something it never gets done that's it that's Steve over there on the old Hardware unbox Channel so anyway um yeah we're done with that for now so I guess it's time to bring up this enormous case to get into the next part of the build so I just have to make a lot of room for this because it is big just make sure we've got all those components over there probably put this over here for now just off the way there's another screw tiny screw all right so I'll switch to the front camera for this for this giant case that I have to bring over here all right okay let's um so this is this is the Rog Hyperion this is the case we'll be using which is obviously a massive case and you can see from the front oh that's got this sort of angular design with vents in here for the the cooling goes in through here and up the top here plenty of USB which I really do like it's got a couple of USBC ports as well I think they do like 60 watts of power delivery which is good for charging I think you could charge even like a laptop from this sort of thing but this is a Big E ATX case so as you can see yeah it is huge um takes up a lot of space but it's got these doors the sort of magnetic doors as well on the back as well so it goes both ways on either side and yeah there's a lot of space on the inside so we'll take off okay so yeah this is the inside of the case that we're working with so I think Asus over here have got sort of this RGB plate design here so once we turn the case on this all hopefully illuminate down the bottom as well here we've got this very interesting storage design so once we take off some of the PCI connectors here we put this into you can swap these into here and there's even this little tray here so you can store additional accessories and things which I don't know if I'll ever use that but it's sort of kind of a neat Edition thing there's a window here where we will be able to see the power supply through there um obviously huge lots of room for our gigantic GPU that we're putting in it's got a built-in GPU bracket as well that's just here so once we slot the motherboard in we'll be able to adjust all that and it comes with four fans so there's a rear 140 at the back there at the front here there's three 140s as well and then we'll hopefully be mounting the radiator the 360 mil in the top along here which is also just vented straight out the top so if we look at the top here there's just vents there as well so so yeah this will be big so I'm just going to take off the rear glass panel as well just to make it a bit easier to work with well I guess that top panel is magnetic as well so that's actually going to make it a lot easier for me to install things so I'll just put that to the side all right so I'm gonna need to have it around this way okay so let's get this in a position where you can all see the motherboard installation and things so this did also come with an accessory box which I have put somewhere so I'll just have to go get that So when you buy the case it also comes with this little box of accessories and things here so it's got in some different Power connectors and sleeved accessories it's got some you know obviously all the screws and things that we need it's also got not even sure what this is let's have a look oh that's kind of neat so I guess once we've got all the screws in we can install them into here so they've provided a nice screwdriver for us to use I think I'll stick to the LTT screwdriver for now but they do provide one which I guess when you're spending 450 us on a case it makes sense and obviously these are all the screws and stuff that we're going to need so put them over here motherboard now before inserting this the whole way I'm just going to peel off the um the plastic on this side just because that's going to potentially get in the way and I'll peel off the rear one as well so what do we got on Steve's new pole here is the Asus case too big yes no maybe two is slow yes Steve is making fun of the SSD process I guess now with the angles of here I'll probably have to either remove the fan or remove the uh GPU mounting bracket to slot the motherboard in like that unless it comes with a removable motherboard tray which it doesn't look like it does so I think the easiest thing is probably not removing that what was actually hitting on that yeah I think it's just this I think it's just this if I slot this uh down a little bit should be able to fit slot the motherboard through no such thing as too big of a case I don't think I think that should be enough clearance probably need to unscrew that the whole way it's the whole way out there we go all right fingers crossed that this will slide in under here in we go and in we go so yeah that's looking okay that's looking okay all looking fine to me all right let's find the old screws did he even do the i o pill yes I peeled off the I peeled it off beforehand so no need to be concerned about that so I just need to find the right screws either one of these probably by the looks of it these ones now unlike Master speed Builder Steve over here who keeps trolling me in the chat I actually don't build a heap of PCS you know what I'll pull these out into little case here because Asus has gone to the effort of providing the motherboard 2.5 inch you know screw things that makes sense to actually use their little uh screw storage device so there we go I'll just take them straight out of there and put them into the case I guess now before I screw it in I should probably make sure that the radiator is going to not require any rear access or do I have rear access so that is the question oh I got plenty of rear access you don't need to worry about that just in case I needed to um undo some of that I don't know I get this in here before you see I've take it out and I can't put it back in what the hell ah there we go it's a very tight fit doing at least doing it this way foreign it will be much easier if I just this is an interesting design the back here I've just noticed with this fan interesting interesting how that goes in there there's obviously some sort of um yeah some sort of shroud there that keeps this fan in like a little tray or something interesting because there's two screws here foreign probably should have just done that from the start to be honest so much easier it's not any of the the motherboard now it's a pin there we go yeah such a massive heat sink and yeah that's what's in there interesting design quite like that for rear fan access don't mind that so how's things everyone how are things got to screw in with confidence yes gotta screw in with confidence foreign the riveting stuff of doing a PC build where you have to screw in a whole bunch of screws as part of it normally if we were just doing this build edited I would have edited all of this out at least edited uh the screwing part in out and yes I will be peeling off the remaining bits and pieces in a moment so don't worry about that but you know like to keep it as pristine as possible until the end is close to the end of the build as possible sometimes that's not possible for various reasons so this screwdriver is probably a little too long for screwing that in so I'll switch to the old Asus Rog one that they provide okay we're getting there um don't have to rotate the case to see those top screws because this case is so large make a bit of room here and yeah apologies for not being you guys not being able to see the top part of the case here at just at the moment but um yeah that's just the the way that it is at the moment so yeah it's looking good or looking flush so that's good need to zoom out for the case it's a thick case yeah it is it is quite chunky but it's got plenty of room which makes it easier for some things I guess Tim has disappeared inside the case I have to some degree yes so cool cool last screw to go and now we can do some very satisfying that's not gone in well at all a little bit better all right some satisfying peeling um where's the LTT screwdriver just here so I've still been using that for most of the build great screwdriver love using it some of the some of the screws though are sort of positioned in ways where the screwdriver can't quite get in there especially this bottom line down here just because of this outer edge here so this screwdriver that they actually include with the case has been quite handy to get into those just those little couple of extra screws where the LTT one is a little bit larger I did bring some other screwdrivers but you know all right peel time so we've got a few peel jobs to be done in here just by the look of things so we'll start with this one over here there's another one just here and another one a little bit of extra on the side there you've got the fit there I've got one on the ace oh that was satisfying love that one and we've got I think this is the final one foreign one more one more bonus bonus round done there we go it's looking nice in there so okay let's just consolidate a bit of this space in here because it's using quite a bit of the space I'll put some of these screws that we got over here from the m.2 related stuff from earlier trying to put in that sabrant heatsink um just store that over there for now all right so next I probably installed a CPU Cooler which means unboxing it so here it is oh that is huge okay let's uh let's switch to the old main camera for this peel on the back of the bottle we'll see about that so ryugen 3 360 argb cooler let's see how this goes we will see if it's pre-pasted indeed so welcome to the Republic of Gamers we're now part of the Republic of Gamers um this live stream will be available to watch later if you've just sort of joined halfway through um so this is the big block and as you can see it is pre-pasted if you just see a little bit through there definitely pre-pasted so I did bring some paste over here somewhere but for now we have got it without paste now in each of these boxes we have each one of the fans and these are the Asus fans that have not got any connectors so while they have got a connector they just don't have the um they don't have any y so as you can see this fan just looks like this no wires on any sides but it has got the the sort of pogo pin connectors so as we attach these to the um the block we should just or the the radiator should just be able to slot them all in no wires in theory that's going to work quite well and I certainly much appreciate that compared to some of the other at size so in here we've got all of our mounting hardware and components we'll go through that in just a moment see what we've got foreign s yeah rear fan is quite a tight fit you can see how I was having a little bit of difficulty slowing the motherboard in at an angle under it because it's like right up against the uh the um heat sink there on that motherboard um it's fine plenty of room this way not quite as much room that way when you've got the 140. okay fans okay the cooler instructions I think that's it for that box here at someone so keep all that okay I've got some room for so now we need to figure out and I honestly don't mind either way on this one maybe I'll do another poll should we install the fans exhausting through the top of the case or in taking through so do you want in taking or exhausting got to decide that don't think it should make too much of a difference but you know we're a live stream let's do a poll intake exhaust there we go let's go meanwhile I just sort of tried let's see what it says here remove the hex protection caps before startup which I assume are somewhere around here the question is this plastic all right let's see where what people are saying exhaust that's what I would have gone with definitely would have gone with exhaust as my first preference so all right with the old a quick start guide Intel don't need that for this one AMD here we go remove the pre-installed heatsink Mount that makes the most sense there should be an I don't care option yeah that would make the most sense different okay remove these ah so good I don't think we'll need rear motherboard access perfect so we got here the AMD mounting hardware what's been happening so 86 percent say exhaust yep nice makes sense and we will just put these in so these are for mounting the cooler and so just go around like this this one around like that and now we just need to find these screws for that which will be one of these oh maybe I just put the same screw straight back in that makes sense foreign so the desktop case we're using is the Asus Rog Hyperion which is a massive e80x case that is certainly going to fit all of these components all right there we go we just have to now I guess take the SE plastic covers off again they've sort of shipped them with these what they call I guess to protect the heatsink the damage or the radiator from damage while transporting it 'll damage it more by trying to remove this quite get the bend throughout the whole thing like I got the previous time all right all right there we go so let's just make sure it fits I'll assuming that an Asus radiator would fit with an Asus case so it definitely does and now let's start installing the fans so because they've got these Pogo pins I'm assuming that I'm going to have to install them the right way around so that the pins sliding oh they're magnetic so they slide in like that may as well just do them all at once seems like it works quite nicely so if we're exhausting then we'll need them around that way now I'm just going to line up with the little holes and on we go so it doesn't look like we've got any washers or anything we've got sort of the pre-installed washers which makes the most sense so yeah we'll just go straight for this foreign for some chat consuming I've got to put in 12 of these but the fact that the fans all um snap together nicely does make it a little bit easier doesn't mean there's as many cables around um for installing all these things how are you going Steve I see you've been doing a bit of trolling in the comments as we've been going along which I always appreciate a bit of trolling from Steve because if you go watch uh some of his live streams in case you'll see me coming in and trolling him doing that stuff so Tim don't read it's awful oh what's going on are you guys having fun Tim how important is it for Maurices to have firmware that can be updated I was wondering if you've come across many with bugs I've seen quite a few with bugs over the years now especially with some of the OLED monitors and HDR stuff I think once we start seeing more monitors doing HDR become more important to have upgradable firmware it just seems like a lot of monitor Brands aren't really nailing the out of the box HDR calibration stuff which can be pretty difficult to calibrate like if you're a user and you want to calibrate an HDR display it's a lot more difficult than if it was SDR so yeah user upgradable firmware I think is really essential for those products luckily we are seeing with a lot of the high-end monitors the OLED stuff is only really the the Alienware DW that didn't come with upgradable firmware as far as I know from the OLED Bunch the new OLED bunch and yeah some of the monitors have improved with firm updates as well which is why I think it's really essential the Asus pg27aqdn they improved the HDR calibration on that LG slightly improved the brightness Alienware with the DWF obviously they improved a lot of aspects of the monitor through a number of different firmware updates which was really positive um to see so yeah it's been a really uh good thing to see Lauren to Brands doing that so I would expect and I would hope that that would continue um with higher monitors I think for lower lower end monitors it still makes a lot of sense to do um simply because once you have some monitors even mid-range stuff you know sometimes they don't ship with srgb modes like we saw the MSI model um I think it was the mag-274 qrf-qd that monitor didn't ship with an srgb mode they updated it later with an srgb mode so um yeah that made a lot of sense um yeah I guess the like the super entry level stuff maybe you wouldn't need it so again lots of screwing in here to be done so Steve if he was using his gyroscopic screwdriver would probably be smashing through this eight show looks amazing I wonder if it will eventually become a standard I mean I guess it's almost the standard now in TVs like if you were buying a new TV you'd probably want to make sure it had HDR and there are lots of decent options there um I think with monitors it's sort of it's getting there over time um that one has not gone well sorry [Music] um yeah so I think it'll be a standard over time with monitors obviously now it's sort of sort of in the 800 range for um HDR sort of as a starting point which I think is probably a little too expensive for most people I mean it's definitely too expensive for most people but I would think in like five years or so that a lot of the products that we're getting will be um yeah like proper HDR stuff yeah there's even some attempts at entry level at the moment um so yeah updated 4080 versus XTX bench Suite with new drivers that one will go over to Steve who is currently commenting in the chat for him to answer because I don't really cover that sort of stuff which is good are you going to do Ratchet and Clank rifter part testing I'm not sure I wasn't really planning on my end to do any like visual quality stuff you will see the optimization guides return um with the launch of Starfield in like a month from now so that's probably when we'll start bringing back that stuff but for now yeah for now not really planning on um yeah not really planning on covering it I know there's some direct storage stuff that's mildly interesting so people sort of found that potentially direct storage has uh you know turning it off actually improves GPU performance which I guess was sort of expected to some degree because the GPU decompression you know the decompression of the assets is done on the GPU so if you're using the GPU for decompressing assets then there's going to be a point where um you know you're gonna start reducing GPU performance so that sort of thing does interest me a little bit I sort of be keen on checking out that out a little bit more but a lot of people already are covering that and at the moment you know we're doing a few other things at the moment so um yeah that's pretty much where that's at cool game though I've I've played through uh on PS5 when it came out um good game worth playing if you after that sort of platform again nice and enjoyable I had my eyes on the Neo G7 but I just couldn't pull the trigger with the scanline issue totally understand that I think they'll probably you know there'll be a new version of that released at some point um so yeah I would imagine that that will go yeah and be replaced at some point with something a little bit better Okay so now that we have got the radiator installed we can move on to chucking in the pump so yeah this will get the cables out the way just there this is going to be installed just like this makes the most sense we have the screen facing around the right way um yeah nice pop cables running around this way we'll just switch back over to the top camera so yeah the sort of LCD screen is going to go in like that and yeah we will install it but first before I do that I will find lucky there is so much room in this case I can just put things anywhere your little thumb screwy things so I don't really need this anymore Okay so just remove the shred out of the way there which is going to give us a little bit easier access to the screw holes on either side so I'm just going to use the built-in thermal paste because I figure why not give that a shot if it turns out not to work super well I can just replace that later foreign be implemented in the same way as HDR for games where we ever see Dolby Vision on a monitor I think we will um you know you can do Dolby Vision gaming on the consoles is it the PlayStation 5. I'm not 100 sure which console it is but I believe Dolby Vision gaming is already supported um so yeah I think with monitors the issue with Dolby vision is more the licensing costs and things like that you know the how do we get the Dolby Vision signal processing done all the DRM related stuff which I know is painful for PC gaming so yeah the Xbox series X is that the one I think the chat is giving me the information I'm not a huge console gamer so I'm not 100 sure um yeah so basically I would expect Derby Vision to come to monitors at some point but it seems like the ecosystem is more around just HDR 10 at the moment and like the advantage for Dolby vision is its Dynamic metadata which theoretically a game could do I mean hdr10 yeah it's not ideal way to do it but like theoretically you could have some of the advantages of um Dynamic metadata through hdr10 anyway it would just be a matter of making the game process HDR in a better way um so getting there with this hey Tim I got a 48 inch LG OLED Ultra gear for my first monitor I'm stuck with stuck with a 1440p OLED 240 or a 4K 27 inch 32 inch learning to what leaning towards the OLED because 240 is smooth use case is 70 gaming 30 calendar and video editing so yeah 1440p OLED 240 or 4K 27 inch 32 I think if you're 70 gaming I would tend towards the OLED because it's faster at 240 hertz the OLED obviously has faster response times as well so if you're gaming even at a lower refresh rate it will be it will give you um greater performance so yeah I would probably stick towards the OLED the downside with something like blender is I guess the interface of blender is quite dark that's probably an advantage but even then you may see some um burning so that's just something to keep in mind uh with the going OLED and still using it for like 30 productivity work but still I would recommend I think in that case the OLED um but yeah it sort of will be up to you and your sort of use cases as to to what makes the most sense so we'll just run these cables out over here the time being okay that scene still got to peel that thing off but we'll do that a bit later we also have got the fan connector headers and stuff that we will deal with later as well so just store all that stuff to the side we'll get rid of that we'll get rid of some of these okay now um I probably put in the GPU now or power supply could go one of the other ways but I think I want to do minimal case movement so I want to just stand the case up once because it's so big and then um put in the power supply and do the rest so let's get out the massive Rog strix model would using aftermarket paste or devours graphene pad offer enough better performance over the stock paste with this expensive of an AIO I wouldn't think it probably would provide a little bit of a performance Improvement I think Steve is going to be doing some testing of the graphene pad at some point so I can't quite remember exactly when he was planning on having that done but he said he will do it at some point so here we here we go absolutely gigantic GPU so Asus Rog strix model as we'll see we obviously need two slots then we can adjust the little GPU support arm thing to support it so maybe I'll use the smaller one come with two now where did I put that at one it's probably around here somewhere um okay so we need to get rid of LTT screwdriver is not going to be useful there um and then this doesn't go through there that's interesting we've thought that the Asus case maybe would have had the screwdriver designed for that and if that doesn't fit through there then we'll have to go to the old oh actually one sec I figured I'll use other YouTubers gear for doing some of these themes so the old Gamers Nexus toolkit I think would be quite handy for this because they've got these long ones so GN toolkit time there we go perfect super easy foreign so thank you Jan for sending over the GN toolkit as well or it only just fits in the case no kidding it does definitely fits um definitely fits quite easily but takes up quite a bit of room cool all right so just screw that in there as you can see it's quite a massive GPU if it's 3.5 slot designs actually you've got two brackets on the outside so it's not using three brackets but it extends the whole way across to the the third point five slot there big chungus and yeah GPU support bracket may as well get that front probably gonna block the fan slightly actually probably should use the smaller one let's see if I can find where I put that um or is it up the top ah here it is so yeah they've got two support brackets they've got this smaller one little stubby boy and they've got this bigger one the bigger one is currently blocking the fan here so I think I'll just switch that over to the shorter stubby one so I have to just remove the GPU for that foreign sure that's aligned all right back in we go so yeah when you're buying 40 90 you may as well buy the biggest one not really I mean there's two thousand dollars U.S I think okay so yeah the thing I just installed there was I swapped out the GPU support bracket they've got this long one which they they give you two in the case the long one is the block the fan access there a little bit so I swap that out for the smaller more stubbier one which you can just butt right up to the um the edge of the GPU there let's remember that this screwdriver screws that in a little bit better so to prevent the SAG from that GPU I'll just screw that in and yeah that gives us a much nicer and cleaner look which is harder to see maybe I just took this up like this you can see here that yeah that sort of GPU support bracket is only just touching the GPU but it's going to prevent the SAG there so yeah we'll see about that I think it should work quite well all right now power supply time so hit the it's probably not going to be too much to have a look at here but the first thing we'll have to do is remove this big plastic shroud here that goes on this side because the cable management does go behind that I think this is quite close to the microphone so you're probably getting a lot of our fun stuff going on there okay so case window open I wonder if this can slot off yes it's always nice when we can remove components like that so I sort of have to figure out what's the easiest way to get in the power supply from the front or from the back and I think it is probably through here you know that's quite a small hole so I'm imagining this this sort of area is going to have to come out to probably fit in the length of the power supply but we'll see we'll see in just a moment so I don't think that just yet power supply time we'll need that build a big bag of cables all right foreign sleeping until you finish well it's not too much more to do so get the old big there's a screw loose in the case even this on this side so there's cables that we need for this build will be what do we got here this is the 12 volt HPR cable so we'll need that we will need this big cable there and on the back we've got a Fan Hub which has all the fans connected we need cider power for that so let's grab one of those the motherboard has two EPS cables so let's get that in here CPU CPU pcie foreign cables which we won't need because we've got just the connector pcie CPU do you have any Molex stuff doesn't look like it so we can keep those on the side so I don't think we need any of those yeah pretty compact power supply for something that's a thousand Watts um but yeah hopefully we'll fit in easily we'll see the motherboard side someone's saying there's a loose screw on the motherboard side I'm not sure about that don't think so you might need to install install structural steel outside on their um on my desk to store this thing you know I'm surprised this desk is held up actually this thing I'm using here the case weighs a lot so I'm surprised my desk hasn't broken which would have made for an interesting stream I'll tell you that much so you reckon foreign shingling around in there so yeah when we flick around we can have another look at it we'll see whether there's that loose screw that people are saying but maybe not so I tend to like to plug in all the things first which makes the most sense so that lifts case to Rattle and slips disk that's a possibility that is definitely a possibility with this case can you plug in another CPU cable on the side obviously we will Slam in Type 4 connector from Nvidia slash the new one Chuck in the SATA connector and there we go there's the spaghetti to be installed now I just have to figure out get all these cables out the way another couple of cider connectors and stuff in there and see will it fit through that hole now I wouldn't have thought so so the other question is potentially is it slipping through here I think I'm just gonna have to remove I think I'm gonna have to remove that part right there so it will fit in Because unless I do that it's not getting in there super easily at all Okay so where's the screws there is also the potential of slotting it in through this way but I don't think so I don't think so interesting this case seems complicated so far it's been relatively easy to uh get stuff in and out of obviously there's a lot of space especially on the back side here there's quite a lot of room for cable management so I think that's that sort of thing should be relatively straightforward um one more screw actually so I think that sort of thing should be relatively straightforward um but yeah otherwise it's obviously quite a large case it's hard to see screws when you're doing it the wrong way around foreign interesting I would have thought that those would have removed this but I think there might be a screw on the underneath as well maybe just have a look and seeing what's what definitely is not going to fit in through that hole you can't remove the back so it's not going to slot in that way the other option is that it's somewhere on the front or through the bottom isn't going to work either this is interesting maybe this maybe this whole section comes out foreign let's see whether I brought in the power I think I've got a little booklet somewhere that's going to tell us exactly what to do check the case manual user manual here we go remove the PSU cover okay so it's installed from right yeah it's installed from the other side it's installed from the front which makes a bit more sense I'll put these screws back in because I don't think we need yeah I would have thought maybe I could have just taken that out and Slot it in but not to be foreign I'm going to do some work on this side and uh see exactly where the mounting points are for this and then remove that shroud so two screws on the back which will be I'm guessing this screw here foreign [Music] two more screws on this side sorry taking off this side panel foreign time to put the old power supply in so I'll just chuckle these cables through here okay get the old power supply little screws put push it the whole way in the full screen that'll make more sense foreign all right so let's get all this stuff into the right spots so we'll wrap this cable around under all these ones up to over here so yeah that's going in nicely all right EPS cables see whereabouts on the motherboard we're looking for just do this hole nice large holes for this sometimes the um sometimes it's hard to wrap these things in and find the little connectors and stuff but that was relatively good just put that one around FPS connectors in looking nice into there have to open up these Cable Management holes in just a moment and then this one so there's gonna they've got an angled shroud here so this is just gonna pop hmm around it through make sure I plug in the 12 volt hpwr power connector nice and tightly actually jam it in there nice and tight ah get in there it will not be melting on me no melting all right now we've got to figure out where all the rest of these things go they've got a zip tie here but imagine that's going to come off so we can start routing those through to all the other spots so okay so those are all those USB and so forth and the fan and things we've got two sardas and another one here not there there was another one it was here it is so three solders for our SATA power the pump doesn't need one does it no no [Music] okay is that in the first way around when I had it correctly perhaps this one in is this the new gaming build yes this is my new gaming build so all the components are in the description below if you want to look at exactly what parts I've been using for this build I'll actually wrap that around the back because that's going to pinch those cables a little bit under gotta get that cable management nice and we'll just shove these in here like this not with a twist tie shove them in because those are all the SATA power connectors all right so now we've got the rest of these so we've got two USB headers and two USB 2.0 so we'll see how many headers we've got on the motherboard um at least two USB 2.0 USB the other USBS might actually be a little difficult to access because they're right there pointing out there on the motherboard so there's a chance we'll get those in I'm gonna need to cut that second twist tie there or zip tie there we go I think it's not looking quite as nice let's get that back looking a bit better there we go okay so we'll wrap these two up up into there all right we'll see how lucky I will be getting in the USB 3.0 ports because that's a tight fit with exactly how they've gone on the motherboard but they're right there so I reckon I can get at least one actually I've got this around the right way yeah yeah it's gonna need adjust this a little bit so I can actually see what's going on yeah nice got one in the other one that's dicey not sure that's going to get in probably just leave that one for now untangle some of those that can go down in there because we're not using it what else we got here an RGB header fan hitter that's important let's put that in somewhere um where is a fan down the bottom here we go go Cable Management part of the build everyone loves this part it's so much harder when you can't when you're filming something on a live stream and you're trying to slot stuff in it is quite a bit harder to see exactly what's going on so now we've got the front audio that should be red that should be around through one of these specifically this one phone audio front connectors which I assume on MSI boards going to jfp1 because they usually do jfp1 reset switching power switch we be that one let's bring that cable back out Okay so do some cable routing and stuff just turn this around a little bit so just routing it through around these EPS cables through here so we can get a nice clean look from the rear hey you've got to have good attention to detail when you're doing these things all right so that's pretty much done from that so we've got one or two more things to plug in related to the uh fan pump so I'm just going to Route those in so foreign and we also need one of these fan connector cables to get the Thousand AIO to the fans on that are these different in any way so with this we've got the Pogo pins these just connect straight into the uh fan and we've got fan RGB to power all of them and I assume I can plug those just straight into the uh the old fan controller down here and hope for the best hmm okay now I know why they've got two one of them has got the pins one of them's got the holes no one's along with the holes so Chuck that in up there map this down to Fan short it can be fan four LED that's that and then this needs to be connected to some USB ports you've got to find somewhere on the motherboard USB there's one plenty of USB ports on this board so USB we'll plug in the fan here oh so that should be pretty much it put these back in and I'll flip it around put the PSU shroud back on we should be in business okay wait some of this stuff all right PSU shroud oh satisfying fuel drop coming up yeah that wasn't as satisfying as the motherboard one so we're just gonna put those screws back on if I can find them there's one and the other one is around here somewhere and if I can find it there it is so PSU shroud's back on now this goes on which is the little shroudy thing that they've got so screw that in foreign so this is what it's looking like so far it's kind of looking okay I think it's just a little bit probably improve the cable management around some of these things a little bit better looking reasonably neat down the bottom here I think that looks okay a rather GPU power cable beneath the GPU but I might switch that later to running around the top instead of around the bottom maybe a little uh but it has to come out of here so maybe maybe this looks alright um got the thing connected there we've got to peel this off there we go so the back's looking reasonably okay you would have seen part of that could probably done a better job of that but we'll see um now the question is will it boot uh because there's no guarantee it will because of the use of the 7800x3 on this motherboard it might need a bios update I'm not sure we will see what happens uh when I try and boot it in just a moment if it doesn't boot it'll need to go through the it'll need to go through the process so let's do a poll let's see will it post no need to bias update uh Steve's doing a poll nice okay let's just don't need any of this stuff anymore we have room for a monitor on here somewhere we'll figure out where to put a monitor in just a moment so you guys can see it actually improve all right we've got a power cable now I should probably double check I've got all the cables plugged into everything or at least plugged into something like this like this everything's plugged in at the front looks like yep looking okay now let's get a motor which I have prepared earlier in the Acer Predator x27 that I've been using recently so I wouldn't use anything but an OLED monitor to do this first boot now I should probably want to be able to see it myself just in case plug in this display port cable which we'll find out if the cable that I got is long enough just all right let's see who has the pole up the poles is up to 51 that it will boot the first time 33 needs Steve's help yeah I doubt that um and yeah so let's give it a go let's see what's going to happen there's a power button on this here have I plugged in the power that's another question should we make sure that it is actually hooked up to functioning power yes and functioning power now my guess my personal guess is that it will need a bios update so we will see we'll see what happens actually let's move this down a little bit so yeah the Asus as Steve says the the lighting here actually works quite well well it says it says something on the screen it's doing something our overdrive fan modes turned on right now should we put on the um there's a few extra bits and Bobs on the case that need to be put on like this top panel something else we'll slot that in so this is very difficult for me to see so hang on luckily All Leads have really good viewing angles [Music] um so oh hang on I haven't even plugged in a keyboard and mouse let me go get one so seems to have worked so yeah the blacks on the all that are impressive yeah that's why you use that's right one of these groups of USB 3.0 ports on the front for USB type A's I didn't plug in so let's set Expo and let us go with the restart let's see if it works please tell us about the Deep blacks for 20 minutes says Steve well I can tell you a lot about OLED panel deep blacks no um this is a very good panel I'm not I'd probably prefer to be using the Asus model on stream right now but I've boxed it up it's actually over my my monitor wall over there the asmr's the most recent one that I've been testing this is a 27 inch 1440p OLED panel the blacks do look very good um but the uh yeah it is a matte finish as well so while it is black it's not creating heaps of bright like there is a lot of this is quite a bright room at the moment there's not a lot of Reflections on it even though it is matte so looks quite good looks like Expo was a success so memories running at ddr5 6000 cl30 and now I've got my windows USB here we can start installing Windows so let's give it a a reboot and go try install Windows so yeah Steve is going to write on the monitor name um yeah Acer x27u it's one of the only Acer monitors that doesn't have the necessary crazy letters and numbers afterwards um but yeah so yeah pretty happy that it worked first try I'm not like crazy surprised I tend to think I want to plug all the things in it's probably going to work and I think on the inside it looks pretty nice with all the RGB um it's obviously all black design which looks quite nice we can see the Corsair power supply that we're using down at the bottom there as well obviously the Rog strix model has all this LED lighting on it and then with the LCD screen that's just there I will be putting like a hard run box logo or something on that using the Armory crate software once it's finished so yeah that's going to be nice we've got the MSI nice RGB logo there which is called RGB so there's lots of RGB and on the front as well um there's multiple different RGB strips you'll see there's a little one here and here but it goes all around the triangles on the front um all around and then then yeah so so yeah it's I think considering the size of some of these components there's obviously still a lot of space so with this particular case you can replace the RGB panel here with either more room for fans so you can get fans coming in from the back through the front so you can install additional cooling there I believe there's also like pump mounts and cool amounts and things that you can install instead of this um so yeah that's pretty much how what the sort of advantage of this case are obviously I can feel a lot of airflow coming in through the top here as well so that's quite nice and even on the front here even though it is angular and you know there is still quite a lot of mesh coming through here there's no just flat panel there there is a mesh for these things coming in so yeah so at the moment it should be booting into the windows 11 installer provided that the USB that I made actually works which I think it does work fingers crossed so yeah here we go let's go in English oh I can't change this to English Australia you gotta do that English Australia there we go install now so product key I'll deal with that later sure let's install home um so yeah a couple people asking if you've missed most of the stream and what's been happening so far what is this PC so this is my new gaming PC so the reason why I've got a game needed a new gaming PC is that my old Gaming PCI repurpose as a display testing PC so I used to only have um two uh I used to only have one display testing PC that used an AMD GPU but now I've got a second PC that uses an Nvidia GPU and that's because what we found is that some of the newer monitors are coming out not this one but other monitors will only support well they'll support different HDR performance on AMD and Nvidia GPU so it's good to have two test systems ready to go to to slap in some some HDR testing but with my gaming PC now uses a test system new gaming PCs that's exactly what this is and hopefully this will fit under the desk but we'll see about that I'll just turn down the brightness on this so you can actually see what's going on so that's a bit better isn't it yep um so yeah not going to be using dodgy CD keys or anything like that it's all going to be standard normal stuff um so just going to use normal Windows um booted the first time and works just fine so yeah what's going to happen from now is obviously this PC becomes my gaming PC I'm going to add in the SSD so I was talking about earlier my game PCS also used a sort of a game archive PC so in there there'll be all the games that I want to be testing with are all in stores so that yeah I have easy access over 10 gig networking things like that to transfer it to test systems or just fire it up to to see what the latest games are doing so with this PC I'll be sliding in my 12 or 16 count I think it's 16 terabytes of ssds into this as well which have all the games installed on it then with the MSI Motherboard and 10 gig networking hook it up to my gigabit Network I mean 10 gig networking in my office and then it'll be sort of ready to go used for those dual use case and of course with the the RTX 4090 the Asus strix model it's going to be pretty powerful for sort of gaming and enjoying you know the time limited amount of time off that we've got here at hardcore unbox and yeah maybe I'll put Steve's face looking like an idiot on the CPU Cooler screen because of his trolling so yeah um all the components links are in the description below if you want to see exactly what's being used here but the summary let's get get the summary of components back up and and going so AMD ryzen 7 7 800 x 3D we've got the Asus RTX 49 strix as I just talked about the MSI Meg x670e Ace motherboard the Asus reujin 3 360 argb liquid cooler the Asus Rog Hyperion case that's this big boy that we're using here corset rm1000e power supply g-skill 32 gig ddr5 6000cl30 Trident Z5 near RGB memory and then the Cyber rocket 4 plus G2 terabyte SSD without the cool SSD cooler because I couldn't figure out how to get it working and wasted about half an hour of time trying to do that so not with that but with the rest of the things um that is the the build basically so yeah cool selection of components as I said I sort of chose all these things um yeah hand-picked the things I want to use for this particular build high-end Overkill sort of thing obviously this build costs four thousand four hundred dollars US to get all these components as spec tier I think if you like used a less expensive motherboard use not the flagship RTX 4090 model not the best Asus strix model and things like that the price would come down quite a bit you'd probably save five six seven hundred dollars on a build like this just by changing those two components to things that are a bit lesser tier obviously the cooler as well those sort of things can um yeah be improved but yeah the idea with you know we go with an am5 bills there's longevity in the platform there's things like that which means that we want to make sure that this build is going to last for CPU socket upgrade so using a high quality liquid cooler using a power supply 1000 watts is going to last a long time I think it's got a seven year warranty or something like that so having all that ability to extend into the future is all supported by this sort of platform it's all got it's got all the room if I need to add in more things like even down below here even though this is a 3.5 slot GPU that uses up a lot of space there's still an extra slot that's clearly accessible it's not going to block the fans here that can then be used for like a capture card or something like that in the future or you know previously that would have had to be used for a 10 gig networking card um because yeah that's what I need for this this sort of system but because the motherboard's got Tangy built-ins it's all fine so so yeah it's currently let's click restart now get the windows install going and um yeah I guess for a future build the next level of overkill on top of this would be like custom liquid cooling or something like that which is honestly something I've never attempted before um even something like this is a few little things that you can see my um you know not 100 up to speed with all the PC building techniques Steve definitely does a lot more of that um so yeah that's pretty much that once it boots into Windows we'll pretty much have this one done and be wrapping up the stream but if you have any other questions or things that you want to ask Now's the Time really so yeah ask some questions get on with it oh the monitor as well not this monitor but we'll be using this with my Alienware aw3423dw which I use for for gaming at the moment no change there that's pretty much the only component that's going to be retained with this build moving over to the gaming area over there and so yeah previously my gaming rig had a a 12 100 f in it and a 3090 which isn't like the worst system or anything 30 90 is still very powerful um but it was like a ddr4 build for example it was an Intel platform that didn't have heaps of longevity so yeah it's been going well these lights in here quite warm sorry yeah it's been going okay Tim can you play fortnite on stream tonight I wouldn't be caught dead playing fortnite I will never play fortnite so no no chance for that no chance Steve not happening show us your bad building skills on fortnite yeah maybe um see I tend to play like single player games so things like Starfield that's coming out cyberpunk expansion Baldur's Gate 3 I think he's just about to launch those are the sorts of games that I'd be playing on on a system like this so it certainly would be interested um doing that American watching here how many giant spiders did you fight off during this stream luckily in here no spiders outside lots of spiders got a Dodge them weave them weave around you know it's like the whole ground in Australia is like a sea like a carpet but it's all snakes and spiders and so we need to wear like boots and stuff outside and really just like hop around try and find the gaps in between all the snakes and spiders which you know it's a little bit stressful sometimes I have to go back into my house I kind of have to walk outside of my studio and then Dodge the snakes and spiders and things they're all trying to like bite you and like climb up your legs and stuff but once they get inside it's all fine no spider it's all spider proof so that that's quite nice um does it play crisis probably um occasional kangaroo yeah don't see too many of those around here you can see them sometimes but um outside of that tends to work all right okay so we're into the windows installer um wrong wrong Mouse so again all their viewing angles so good no second keyboard oh no hang on skip connect me to a network oh do I have to do this with Windows 11. if I did I know you can go in and run a special command to get past the screen but let's be honest I'm not going to do that right now so that's as far as we're probably going to get with the system it does work um it's pretty much not much more to say really I've still got a few things to put back on so like for example the back of the case has this like extra plastic shroud that goes over the cable management so on the back this would slide in this way around so this way slot in and sort of like just covers the some of the extra cables on the back because there is a glass panel on the rear as well so you get glass on the front and rear so um yeah that's pretty much uh how that will go with that so I'll put that back in later but for now um yeah that's that's pretty much it um again I was disappointed in that again if you have joined the stream we've got this super shiny uh sabrant SSD cooler Mount that I just couldn't really get to work properly I'm sure there's some way to get it working we'll figure out I'll figure that out later obviously I'm an idiot and can't figure that out so we ended up going with the MSI shroud but yeah so someone says just press shift F10 we'll give that a try shift F10 oh yeah now we can do the um it's like uh there's a command that I forget I've used it a few times um so yeah or you can go into and when you if you do have internet connected you cannot sign up with the Microsoft account by putting in like no at thank or something like that um oh yeah that's it someone in the chats put it in right here we go so good stuff I'm happy it worked the first time that's nice let's probably take some water as well I've been speaking on stream for like three hours now no water bitari um so yeah um we'll get some BTS shots of this for our Discord members and stuff to look at once all the case panels and stuff are put on the stir on the sides and things also been getting some b-roll just using video so you'll be seeing you'll be seeing a bit of this system using other things like the full final thing nice up close should get some nice shots of what's going on there and yeah pretty Keen to see see what's going on but luckily you guys can't see the ground around here because it's there's a lot of stuff on the ground a lot of cases and bits and Bobs and things so yeah I'm currently playing through Diablo 4 so that's probably the first game I'll be playing on this system which again doesn't really require an RTX 490 but you know still go with it um so yeah I'll be hopefully doing that um at some point we'll see I don't have internet nice limited setup PC name Steve sucks there we go what are your thoughts on the Yakuza games yeah I've played I've played a few of those I played like a dragon probably the most recent one really enjoy those games quite a lot of fun lots of interesting like side bits and pieces and things like that um so yeah really enjoy the Yakuza games I think I haven't played all of them I think I've played Yakuza zero a couple of the other ones like the numbered ones like maybe six I can't quite remember I played a few of them but like a dragon was nice so soon we'll be booting into windows and it should be working um and just for clarity when I put in Steve sucks I did not mean Gian Steve that was clearly Steve from Hardware unboxed but I can update the RPC name later I guess Tim give me an American accent real quick you don't no I'm not an accent person my accents are horrible so I would just embarrass myself so laughs if you select Australia for the location does it notify the large spiders you have a PC um yeah it probably should notify you about the spiders and the thing is that um are around here that'll be nice hey we're in Windows so let's make sure everything's certainly says ryzen 7 7 800x3d so two gig of memory 6 000 speed is detected we've got SSD here obviously we need to install the NVIDIA drivers for the RTX 490 otherwise that that's why it hasn't appeared there yet but um it's all working it's all nice so yeah I probably could sit on this case to be to be fair it's got also two very strong sturdy carrying handles on either side here and here the the actual fan thing is like inset a little bit so very strong sturdy carrying handle about the design I mean again this is the only component of the build that I didn't really choose myself because I don't really care too much about the case of my PC and I think you know apart from trying to figure out exactly how to get the PSU straight off so you can get the PSU in um it's got a lot of room in it a lot of room heaps of room for cable management around the back there's really not going to be any issues there there's even like you know there's plenty of room for mounting ssds and things you can again you can replace the the thing there with SSD mounts like 2.5 inch Drive SSD amounts and there's a few on the back there's a few Slots of other drives and things so yeah that's pretty much um exactly yeah the thoughts on the case looks fine well fine so we will eventually sync up the lights make it everything look nice and things like that we'll get all the software working and yeah although maybe I'll leave it on Rainbow mode I don't mind the rainbow mode um tend to leave that to myself um foreign Box live if it's not fortnite I may be maybe maybe don't know which game it would be though something else I wonder if I I don't think I'd beat Steve in a 1v1 I'm pretty sure I wouldn't I wonder if I'd beat balen I don't know I'm not I'm not like super good at at first person shooters but I think I could hold my own all right so we'll see rocket League our 1v1 Steve in something like uh clone hero get on the Clone Hero Steve a 1v1 you and clone hero so yeah probably wrapping up the stream uh shortly um not much else I want to say probably people want these fans turned off the microphones like like all just almost that far away from the fans so um we'll be able to um turn those down a little bit or turn off or something but um yeah I reckon there's probably only like a couple of games I could beat Steven pretty comfortably clone hero maybe geoguessr is probably another one that I reckon like I'm not good at geogist there's no way like I'm not good at all but I reckon I'd be better than Steve at that um probably not too many other things though love Hardware Box reviews no punches fooled yeah thanks for the Super Chat they appreciate it um yeah a lot of fun here so yeah enjoyed the build uh apart from Steve saying I was building it too slowly but you know a few few things to be concerned about a few things going on there with me um so yeah back back to monitor testing after this still got quite a lot of monsters to be getting through some 27 inch stuff there's actually a monitor that I've been using for this stream it's just over there that you guys can't see that isn't released yet and I've been testing but it's just over there so um yeah that's pretty much it Tim versus rainbow would embarrass the crap out of me he would mop the floor I don't think I'd even get I don't think I'd get any country's right to be honest like I get in the ballpark but yeah um yeah if not too much else happening there um yeah coming up on the channel soon you will see some of Steve's upcoming testing for some of the components that he's bought like the ryzen 5 5600 x 3D imported that from the us we've also got the Radeon RX 7900 GRE Steve had to buy an entire pre-built system to get that GPU but we will be reviewing that Standalone on the channel um lots of interesting things to talk about there with AMD not really sampling them board Partners potentially being like restricted or prevented from sampling them um so we'll be looking at that on the channel uh around the launch of Staff build optimization guides will be coming back I'm sure Steve will be benchmarking the crap out of that game across gpus and CPUs so there'll be plenty of testing there as well and of course there's lots of monitors unboxed content coming up like we've got a four-way battle between these 27-inch OLED monitors we've got all 14 OLED monitors I've reviewed ranked there's a q a session more reviews lots of good things happening on monitors unboxed and yeah um yes that's pretty much it thanks to all the companies that did support us in terms of providing Hardware so AMD Asus MSI Corsair G skill sabrant for all their support it is nice to be able to choose components but still get them sent over and for things like this can be difficult sometimes managed to pull it off so that was nice always appreciate that appreciate everyone that's watched this throughout the entirety of the stream to the end it's been going for just under three hours now so yeah really appreciate all the people that support Hardware unboxing all the testing that we do whether that's just by subscribing to the channel watching our videos or via patreon and float plan things like that good time to sign up to float plan because or patreon because by the end of this month you will get our monthly live streams and things like that which are very chill we like having a bit of fun there so yeah I appreciate appreciate everyone and all the people who submitted super chats as well always always appreciate that stuff so that's pretty much it that's pretty much it it's like two o'clock P.M here in Australia I haven't had lunch so a little bit hungry get onto that smash some stuff Dodge those spiders and snakes outside and have some fun so thanks everyone for watching we'll catch you in the next one except I also have to close the Stream so it's it's done maybe
Channel: Hardware Unboxed
Views: 68,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardware unboxed
Id: Oc5Kh9jIOwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 14sec (10574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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