The AMD RX 7900 XTX Gaming PC Build! 💪

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foreign I've pushed the button which is always very scary but hello everybody Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the RX 7900 XTX build guide and I guarantee in this video I'm going to call this probably the 6900 the 70 something hundred because time and time again I seem to be making mistakes but not today this is a very big deal for a couple of reasons firstly it's Nvidia versus AMD and if you've seen my video yesterday you will know that the performance of this is actually very very impressive the only thing that isn't quite so good is the fact that actually the tally lights aren't working on my uh my cameras which is going to be very confusing but we're going to work with it we're going to work with it um but also the ray tracing performance of this card is similar to 30 series Nvidia so if you were happy with that fine if you want the very best Ray tracing spoiler alert Nvidia is still going to be the king but personally if it was me as we discussed in the video that's coming out like tomorrow or I don't know the day after editor Carl is here uh how long does it take you to edit a video how long is it going to be uh it's a it's a review of AMD cards I suppose a day then probably a day so you'll be seeing it in about two days time maybe we'll try our best but actually it's a good video get subscribed if you're not ready to watch that um and yeah we'll go from there but there's going to be some choices today we've got loads of different gpus uh Carl do is the stream working are we okay by the way stream's working everything seems to be working okay we have a brand new 7900 XTX this is from Power color this is their Red Devil uh this was actually in the Forbidden box that I couldn't show you in the video last week and it has some limited edition back plates that you can put on um like this one they're magnetic so they come off and I guess you can like 3D print and they do loads of different ones that's quite cool but that's the size anyway of third-party cards we also have the tough 7900 XTX which is just absolutely ginormous I mean look at this thing that is crazy and frankly unnecessary as we we also talked about in the video coming up in a couple of days for context here is I really don't want to drop these for context here is a 7900 XTX versus a 4080 and the third-party cards just take it to the extreme they arguably take it too far it's quite annoying actually they really don't need to be quite so big again as we discussed in that video temperatures noise levels as you'd expect are fantastic on this but it's just a bit overkill for the amount of power that it will actually use and then yeah here we go we also have the AMD cards all of these of course were review samples all the parts that we featured in this build are review samples but you can see the actual AMD reference designs are much much smaller and I think for most people assuming you can get them for the RRP these are going to be the ones to go for but it is actually a little bit harder than it will be with the Nvidia cards to get hold of a Founders and as we know you're getting hold of our Founders was very very difficult as well Carl do we have any people watching we do well what that's impressive hello everybody Welcome to the live stream we're going to be streaming probably for about two hours until Carl's mum calls him back and says dinner's ready is that accurate no no no no no I can make my own dinner I can make my own dinner I mean you're almost 30 to be fair so that's probably true um I wanted to do a size comparison very quickly uh between this tough Edition look and the standard and let me know in the comment section below what you think or in the live chat I suppose about the fact that aips are making these stupidly massive cards that are so overbuilt that they're just not necessary and I think my theory really with all of these is just that they were designed for higher tdps and clearly both AMD and Nvidia have decided that they don't need such high tdps and then the aibs have already got these cards um and they don't really know what to do they just have to sell them anyway but the problem is you the viewer other people that are going to have to pay all the extra money for things that frankly you don't really need so if you can get hold of a smaller card brilliant brilliant if you can't then obviously you'll have to make do with one of these or not buy anything it's going to be interesting to see how the stack lines up but when I checked earlier links to everything featured by the way are linked down below when I checked earlier unfortunately it does look like they're sold out in the UK from the sort of top three retailers there aren't any on Amazon either at the moment so it will sort itself out my advice anyway is to sort of just wait and see what Nvidia does whether they actually lower down their pricing you don't really have a choice at the moment it seems I don't know Carl what are your thoughts um I don't know I think it's just a little bit Overkill isn't it nobody needs the GPU to run at 50 degrees and you'd rather just have a little bit of a smaller a little bit of a smaller card that just fits in most people's cases I am looking at that case and I'm not sure if it's going to fit actually uh I don't know I think have faith um there we go look those are all of the cards and I do want to start a poll it's actually really annoying not having this Telly light on because I don't know where to look it's like they're all off but they're not I can see that they're they're very much a little bit was that I think we need to turn me up a little bit uh okay go for it we go for two notches how's that that better I think so yeah we're good okay um I would like you to do a poll and I'd love the people watching to actually sort of control this video because they're we're going to start with question number one which is which GPU shall we put in our build we have a choice of two cases but more on that in a second but we have four different gpus available to use today so you can decide what I put in this PC proof that this is Live and Not rigged and things I'll tell you I'll tell you what actually technically this video is rigged isn't it Carl what why is it really why is it rigged because everyone was moaning right but we've finally done it oh my word look at this we have an overhead camera I won't get this bit in Focus just yet because then the whole thing will shake violently but if you're wondering why there's a big polling shot that's why uh editor Carr has come and rescued the day so yes we have a choice of four different gpus can you make the poll for me please Carl uh would you like the Red Devil level would you like the XT or the XTX both reference Founders editions or shall we use this new tough card and will they fit in our chassis we'll find that out a little bit later but a choice of four let me know and we'll start this build and then when we get to the GPU whichever one you guys want we will use we'll also need to do a poll about the case but more on that in a second we've got loads of different components that we're using here today obviously GPU is going to be the main selling point but we're doing a full PC build you get to see all the ins and the outs and I've realized my screwdrivers are over there but I'll get them it's okay don't you worry um oh I pressed a button I don't know what I pressed it's all right as long as the stream still works it's fine we're using a ryzen 9 7 900 x which is pretty cool so you almost said XTX it's not it's a 7900x not a 7900 xdx which I think is probably the ryzen CPU to use for the XTX or a 4080 because at 1440p you will still see a little bit of bottlenecking sadly in certain titles even though the performance is very impressive and if you enable smart Access Memory resizable bar you're going to have the best odds if you like of actually uh being able to get the most amount of performance but you will start to see some CPU bottlenecking in certain titles so please do be aware of that we obviously have our xdx that we've already spoken about this is a very unusual motherboard and I will be using in this and I do want to use it in a personal rig that I have coming up so it's good to sort of get a look at this firsthand but this is a very very expensive motherboard this was what is it about 550 or something when we were looking earlier crazy but this is the x670e no compromises Micro ATX motherboard which is exciting because I think Micro ATX is actually a really good thing especially now that cars are getting so big you can't physically fit anything else in the other sites anyway why not sort of just make full use of these cases that are designed for cards like that and you can have a smaller rig we've got fractal power supply and we also have the new Lumen because these were recalled or at least some of them were recalled because they were having issues with the manufacturing process but if you have one you can send it off there replace it free of charge and they've now uh starting to roll the the ones that have been fixed out so actually I think fractal did do a very good job in uh handling all of that and technically it's their fault but obviously they weren't manufacturing it they got something else to manufacture it so it's also not their fault either way I think they handled it well what's going on with the chat Carl we have some ddr5 Ram as well going on with the chat oh sorry I missed that I was trying to check the audio levels but yeah everybody the so far the pole uh the Asus tough has the um has the lead with 47 which is problematic because it's the biggest one but that's okay 36 okay no people don't want the reference that's interesting 18 maybe that's because we've already seen builds with the reference because it was a bit silly but like the Embargo you've probably noticed um was that the founders cards were yesterday or sorry the reference design cards were yesterday and then the aib cards were today which is why you're finally seeing them and obviously if we break embargo then we won't work in this town ever again it's a good good impression that one uh so we have to stick and abide to that when people were asking like why aren't you showing benchmarks in the unboxing video obviously that's why I would love to break it but the only broken embargo once so let's let's not do that we'll put the cards to one side this is noticeably heavier than this one they look pretty much the same but there's quite a lot more master that I guess a bigger heatsink or more thermal Mass um but yeah we can actually kick start our our build I think which is pretty cool but yeah Carl walk me through the comments who we got who um is joining us here today we've got a few people today um a guy called Sean he's just commented saying we want to see the tough in that case so obviously okay he's I don't think he's got much confidence with that one either neither have I well we have two cases so we we are covered from all all angles but as I say more on that in a second it will definitely fit in there yeah but obviously if we get to the installation part and then we've got a change case that'll be annoying yeah exactly but we're gonna we're gonna start with this but yeah who we got in the chat give me some names give me some comments uh daunted two three two three two three three two two daunted two three two two three two three uh colostek says hello lad I'm assuming he's Northern okay because he said lad I don't know why uh there's quite a big assumption actually yeah I guess so maybe it's just because my parents are Northern are they saying lad well I'm gonna make this shot look really pretty look oh look at that look at that overhead shot it's like the meme I think I feel pretty commenting Red Devil I feel like they're a bit annoyed that it's not got as many votes though oh I want people passionate about yeah we've got SpongeBob he thinks the tough is the most boring card uh big slapped Jason day Red Devil is the only way to go okay well there's still plenty of time get your votes in yeah I feel like the people that want to see the Red Devil have already cast their vote and they're a bit a bit annoyed bit annoying okay well we've got plenty of options there yeah the Red Devil actually looks different whereas the tough does look like every other tough here's the motherboard let everybody are you enjoying the overhead shot look it's it's good we're running on battery power though so that's why we're getting the uh the build done straight away just uh just in case but you can see obviously we have uh one PCI slot and then why am i showing the camera and this is the camera it is a force habit uh yeah we've got loads of room for Gen 4 ssds I suppose Gen 5 SSD is actually down the bottom here as well um so you can fit loads of loads of different things inside here only two Ram slots though so do bear this in mind you have this little gen Z extension card I think that's for additional m.2 drives I think I can't really remember I'm sure it's in the Box we'll have a look in a second well let's do it now oh it's good something's very heavy in here anyway this is this is big weight okay Riser card or something for a Gen 5 SSC cooler I don't really know wait hold on I'm going to risk it here we go we've gone let's go in full manual yeah we've gone full manual way is that okay maybe this was a mistake let's go with that it's a bit of wobble now that's all right Everyone likes a bit of wobble ta-da that's now there we go that's about right so yeah this is our our card look so yeah you can put additional storage on here gen Z point two so you can properly Max this baby out with loads and loads of storage just make sure that you're sort of buying plenty of ram from the start because obviously you can't do the usual thing of getting more sticks and adding it later on so bear this in mind otherwise in the Box you get like SATA imagine using SATA drives I suppose that's more of a legacy thing um if you already have them uh SATA cables and then you get a bag with something in um I don't I'd what why do you need these things oh okay fair enough uh this is actually the little USB stick for drivers and things if you run into problems right that's better than a CD yeah it's quite typical now actually um that's kind of silently happened uh especially if you buy a higher end board you're very likely to get a USB drive rather than a CD which is nice it was it was mad that they were doing CDs for like 10 years after people got rid of optical drives I mean I remember I like point out when everyone was up in arms that uh Max and things got rid of the optical drives because everyone you know discs like DVDs or all of this stuff but obviously in actual fact you do need to advance I don't know oh something smells nice I can smell my dinner um which is which is nice I have a feeling that's going to make me hungry but unfortunately uh I am out of action for two hours which is a shame well it's not I genuinely wanted to be here who else we got in the comments car uh we've got a few people Isaac Knighton oh he's actually asked for a shout out as well I just literally saw his name it says hi can you shout me out please ah so hi Isaac well consider yourself officially shouted out Wildlife at heart I'm building my first desktop PC this Christmas well I wish you the best of luck yeah we all do I mean building your first PC is very nerve-wracking especially like Christmas sort of time I did mine in January yeah I do remember it I remember that so well um I probably remember more about building my first PC than doing other things for the first time if I'm honest um I'm with my brother or my dad I was like I don't know I've got the stuff but I don't know what to do pretty much yeah um it was I just remember feeling stressed this was the thing I just remember it was a lot of money like I was earning at the time about 420 pounds a month and then I had put everything towards this PC and I think all in all I'd paid probably about 800 quid and I was like well if I break something I've just worked for two weeks for nothing right it was it was big stress and it did take a bit of time and I remembered I did get pretty anxious but it did work first time which really helped I think it was it was a right mess but it was pretty cool so we're grabbing our CPU right now this is a 12 chord chip 12 Superfast cores and we're going to drop this inside it's worth bearing in mind that you have to use ddr5 memory if you're going for ryzen this time so it can get very expensive and I'd recommend most people probably don't go for x670e because you're getting all of these features that frankly you don't really need um just just buy an appropriate motherboard really I've done a video all about choosing an appropriate motherboard but the synopsis is that it's all about gaming performance for you really so by a board that's going to give you maximum performance but isn't going to cost you an arm and a leg it's still going to give you all the features that you actually need like if you need loads of storage and loads of support for drives and things then you need to go for that if you need Thunderbolt or whatever it is then buy a board that supports that but if you're going for gaming and gaming only then don't spend a load of money on something that you don't really need so this chip is now inside which is nice then we can and grab our Ram this is some Trident Z5 and again personally I would recommend going for RGB stuff because even if you're not a massive fan of super bright I think it still looks a lot better but this is my Expo kit and this is the only one I have and it's not RGB so while I think the Neo definitely does look better when you have it in RGB flavor be aware that this is the Expo kit and the AMD Expo kits should be more compatible with these motherboards so if you do want to enable the fastest possible speeds and get the lowest possible latences it's probably a good place to start though is definitely not essential XMP kits are fine too it's just you don't have necessarily the same level of official support like you would with Expo but we dropped 32 gigabytes of memory down into our slot this is our motherboard now looking very pretty you can see it is actually very simple to build a PC to be honest as long as you're doing it carefully building on top of the motherboard box fantastic it is very very simple it's just a bit stressful and time consuming over to Carl with some comments and general entertainment please do let me know by the way and general entertainment yeah that's why you're here General entertainment to be unhappy that there's no stock of the MD cards which um it's not surprising me it's just that's generally what does happen though every time I've had the new launches didn't we're 4080 but you know there's a there's a reason for that although people apparently have now bought the AMD stock now that they've seen what uh we have with Radeon but I think people um jumped to the gun when we're bleeding articles that it was actually going to compete with 4019 now disappointed that it doesn't but I would have thought that was relatively obvious personally but that's generally what happens so they're always going to oversell it and be like you know if you just I don't think they did though did they I don't think they were they don't think they were comparing to 40 90 it's just articles and things I think they just compared it yeah that's mine you should have said yeah I'm sorry it's all over I did think it was a bit far away I was like oh I've contaminated sorry this one drink now it's fine oh I can pour it into your old uh your old mug with old cold tea in it if you prefer yeah that'd be right I do drink cold tea I'll be honest not not out of choice but if it is a bit there and I can't be bothered to get up oh no um I do do that I'm just taking apart this pcie slot cover by the way for the SSD and because it's double-sided we have two layers of this little sticky tape to remove uh but yeah keep me updated with the comments what's going on I feel disconnected this feels like a this is like an OG gamer named Cod Gamers Pro right with a zed yeah nice name like uh he bought the XFX Radeon rx60 7900 XT yeah okay wants to know what's the difference between the XFX version and the normal version what are you paying more for uh does can you give us some info on how much more it was or what the price was that you paid that'd be a good bit of info yeah um so if you're surprised that might help yeah that would help us but essentially you're getting a larger larger heatsink on it so if you look at the difference again between these two cards so this is the reference Design This is the power color red devil you're getting a much bigger card and it is going to run cooler and quieter you will need to make sure that the fan curve is set up correctly if it's not out the gate um but yeah you're just you're paying for the extra mass really and you are paying for a little bit of greed if I'm honest with profit margin on having a larger cooler because obviously in AMD will make the same amount of money really whether they make the card or not I'm sure technically that's not quite true but full in terms of purposes let's say they make the same amount of money regardless and so the arbs need to make some profit and the way that they do this is by having these big beefy cards and traditionally this would be great because you'd get lower temperatures and people would want these lower temperatures um and they would have cards that in theory would last longer would run cooler and were just better but we're at the stage now where these cards are actually really well designed and the stock thermal solution is actually pretty good so it means that all of this extra money that you're paying doesn't necessarily get you any extra performance and while it will lower down temperatures it doesn't actually matter basically which is quite quite annoying just like this it's a nice shot of your head there oh I'm sorry I'm sorry say I'm not used to this I'm not used to this forgive me please look people moan oh we're in the overhead we get the overhead and now you're literally getting you are actually just gonna get over it oh there we go look that that's a hairdo and a half this is why people come back time and time again uh but yes thank you for shouting that out I I appreciate it so we're going to drop this in now and we're going to proceed but yeah keep me updated what's going on two dollar donation from Brock Broc I remember him from I think it was the last stream oh donated two dollars he wants to know what programs you use for benchmarks uh it varies it's pretty much a case of what people want um I try and focus more on sort of real world benchmarks because I think you know like Gamers Nexus uh Linus J2 sense all of these they have a very clear purpose and I don't think there's any point in me trying to do the same perfect scientific testing that they do like when it comes to proper benchmarks I will do that that's fine but I think it's far more useful for gamers to know how their card performs in games and that means multiplayer testing and multiplayer testing isn't something that people do in their proper benchmarks because it's not scientific you can't replicate it time and time again but if you're going to use your GPU for playing fortnite Apex Battlefield and you're looking at benchmarks of shadow of the Tomb Raider F1 2022 like it doesn't really help you right it gives you relative performance so you know whether you're how well your card performs like performance per dollar certainly has its place not taking anything away from that because it's really important but I personally think it's more useful for you guys to see the real world performance of these rigs playing the games that you're probably going to actually be playing with them and that means live benchmarking uh but tools I use will be frame view gpu-z um fairly any game that has an in built Benchmark really that's that's current um and I'll use a call yeah I think frame frameview seems to frameview seems to cover a lot of things now you can get one percent lows you can get the average FPS frame view is good but it was stuff it was causing some stutter actually on the AMD cards and I only realized that that's what was causing it today which was a bit of a pain yeah um but there we go our motherboard is now complete though and it is ready to go in our chassis which is which is nice but I think we need to choose a chassis first uh first question should be uh what's happening though with the I think it's time to close the vote I think the uh the vote is in the power color people were loud but they weren't loud enough oh the Asus tough takes the W okay what were the percentages 49 to 37. okay so okay yeah quite big okay well we use the tough card then immediately I need you to make a new poll though between the Asus case whilst I'm making the new part I'll get you to answer this question yeah uh we've got a super chat from Keegan do you have a preference with regards GPU Brands when making a new build I normally go with Asus money the Rog series as I'm a hardcore fan but do you have any preferences regards gpus that's a difficult question to answer um I think nowadays it's nowadays it doesn't matter so much like it used to be that cheap cards were cheaper for a reason but now even if your card's like not quite so good in terms of thermal and uh acoustic performance as I say it's already Overkill so if it was me I'd look at getting probably like Zotac palette one of the more affordable ones um AC is tough when that launched that was perfect that was perfect but again greedy they're asking for too much blooming muddy so you know like strix like why do people buy stricts anymore I don't get it like I'm it's it's so annoying because again strix has its place I understand but if you're charging too much money for it the whole thing is pointless and redundant like take this 40 90. this is a great example and this isn't a gigabyte ARS exclusive thing this is every single brand they've strapped massive callers on the top of them that aren't necessary the stock 4090 is absolutely fine so what are you paying for what are you getting what like I it's just it's just it's just frustrating because at the moment they're charging too much money so worry less about the brand I'd always say consider the warranty because if you've got a car that has like a three or five year warranty over one that has one or two that's actually a big selling point but these days if it's in stock and you're looking at high-end card they typically all tend to be quite good but obviously always consult reviews so this is an interesting case it's all mesh this is the Asus Prime case ap201 ap201 uh we've got plenty of pretty cool features we've got USBC on the front it looks a little bit more commercial I think it's probably fair to say but actually if you like minimal then it's very much that the power supply goes at the front and then it's a full Micro ATX motherboard inside here it's just a little bit longer I guess than some of its competition so this is case option number one oh we've got this one which is The Cooler Master cmp320 cmp320 there we go and this is a little bit cheaper I think the Asus was around about 100 pounds this one we can actually well I don't you can buy it just not from my places at the moment I think it's just because it's brand new it's probably still coming into stock but it's a nice looking more traditional microatic chassis we've got RGB fans on the front you've got room for 240 radiator at the top the Asus you can actually fit 360s that's probably going to be better for performance there's a gap for the fan at the bottom but this one should be a bit cheaper probably around about 60 ish or so but these are our two options so let me know which case you want us to actually use and we shall use it over to you Carl uh we've got a few super chats that have come in um we've got one from Alejandro he asked do you think it'll be possible to get a 7900 XT before 2023 uh do you want the nice answer the realistic answer uh unlikely I'd say no it's you know there will be more coming into stock I know Jenny would be a great time the rumors are that there's like 100 000 units or something and about 20 30 000 were released maybe on launch day so statistically big chance but obviously depends how many people are going to want to buy them so keep checking every day if you really want one keep checking every day but it's going to be interesting to see what happens with the 48s because if people buy all the 48ers and they start to sell they won't drop the price people don't buy 4080s Nvidia will probably have to drop the price yeah we've got a another a five dollar donation from Prime with two eyes ah so Prime I guess that's very kind yeah they've asked I haven't I have new hardware coming today 7950x RTX 4090 so top end wow 49 I mean 40 90 is actually pretty brilliant it's just very expensive if the money is fine you're gonna love the performance and it is insane you just need loads and loads of CPU horsepower to go with it yeah they've asked they've not bought Expo Ram by mistake is it worth sending it back and getting the Expo have you had any issues with non-expects uh what's the speed if it's 6 000 megahertz or under I can't guarantee but as long as you buy us this update you'll probably be all right if it's over 6000 megahertz I doubt it will run on a am5 system did we did we Sorry say what system it was going to go into CPU was do we know yeah I think if it's it's Intel obviously it's AMD isn't it Expo yeah if it's 6 000 megahertz or over I would send it back get an expo kit if it's under or at 6000 megahertz you'd probably be okay right these are two cards right get your votes in last last couple of minutes to decide on the two cases again you're deciding between this Cooler Master One a bit more RGB got a window quite blingy or the much more tasteful minimal looking Asus Prime but obviously I don't know if they sell a window they probably do or might bring one out or something um yeah it looks like I should have a window or something this is basically like a even larger nr200p isn't it I really like it I think it looks good I think it's a good microwatic size slick I don't know how big a card you can actually fit in this though that's the only thing oh that's a point um this one will fit oh oh ah bum oh blow do you want to double check the other case uh okay well actually that's well that's not going in here um I think that's fair to to say I think that front bit might remove oh yeah that's true yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm panicking unnecessarily it's the cable uh that's what the power supply cable is going to come out isn't it uh then the power supply probably comes out at the top I think they must have thought about that I think yeah because they've sent this out the same time I I think you I think you might be all right with that we'll have a quick go double check The Cooler Master because that's got more votes at the moment the call no no no we need to know we're almost one thing at a time like we're not going to panic unnecessarily I I I think this has been well designed this chassis in terms of space saving I think that was the point and I I find it strong to hard to believe Asus would sell oh no how does it come out it's probably an out there I I find it hard to believe that they would send all this out unless it actually fit in so yes we've got another two dollar donation more Donuts uh he wants to know what's on Marcus's and Carl's Christmas list oh I haven't bought any presents yet which is no that's not true I bought like one or two but I in terms of a list uh what do you want for Christmas I I can tell you you might oh no is this gonna fit in oh no it's fine it's a big thing uh basically no unless that slides up this might slide up and along it does look as if it will slide up and along because I think it's modular I think the way this works is that if you're using a really big radiator you have more room so I think we'll be all right I think would be all right because there are notches up here so I think this whole thing slides along but we work that out when we come to it worst case we just have to use a smaller GPU the reference might be coming back no the reference isn't coming back the the power color is smaller so yeah did a pointless vote no I think we can make that work as for The Cooler Master I'll be honest I'm not particularly hopeful um but this this is the point this isn't one of the reasons I wanted to have these cases and these cars to show you the problems and why I think it's just frankly a little bit stupid um no don't don't get I think it'll work it won't work but I think I think that's that is a No-No I think that one but then it will go oh no I think I I think would be all right I think we'll be all right uh what the vote's saying uh will fit their clothes 53 are going with The Cooler Master 53 well this is very last chance to get your votes in how are we doing for viewers and things uh viewers whoa that's gone up a lot 1055 watching now thousands thousand wow okay well you know what this is a perfect time to do something and speak very heartfelt because I promise this isn't something that's gonna come out very often but I have to tell you that over the last eight nine months I have been stressed I've been anxious I have given up I have come back to it I've given up I'll come back to it but I don't want don't want to sound like unplugging but I am plugging because I have as of yesterday just unveiled the PC Centric merch and I am honestly so so impressed when this came in I actually saw it for the first time and felt it because it is better than I could have possibly imagined this is a completely custom uh design um obviously the mouse you know my other Mouse Maps exist I'm sure that have the the same same print all of this stuff but the actual design is completely custom and that was designed and here it is so this is the official PC Centric mouse mat and is available down below pccentcentric dot store and the way it's going to work is that this is at the moment a one-off if we do not sell enough of these then I don't think they even get made which is Big sad like really really big sad I think we have to sell 300 of these and if we don't sell them then everyone loses and I will I will genuinely go and cry in the corner because I think this is awesome and I think this is going to brighten up your setup look really really cool like we even put it on the other camera just just for the sake of it here it is look the lovely PC Centric special edition mouse mat there's your oversized GPU for comparison it's actually perfect size if you have a 10 keyless keyboard here's our 10 keyless keyboard there's our keyboard that's not 10 keyless oh it's not no this is actually stupidly big where's my 10 keyless one on the desk yeah it's it's it's anything that isn't absolutely ginormous is gonna fit perfectly on this here we go let them Panic like you can hear the emotion in my voice look here we go 10 keyless mouse and keyboard perfect so I'm hoping we have different sizes so a slightly bigger one and a slightly smaller one a little bit later but here is the PC Centric mouse mat in action and honestly I think it's amazing if you already have a mouse map that you love obviously it's fine it's all good but if you're in the market for a new mouse pad you want to help out the channel and you want to grab yourself something that I honestly think looks pretty incredible link is down below or it's pccentric dot store we have to sell as I say three of these no 300 of these uh in the next couple of weeks if we hit 300 they all get made and I can relax but the moment I'm very very nervous about it because I'm so excited to launch launch this I've got massive plans I've got a couple other designs in mind and I want this to be something special but I don't know I don't know how it's gonna do it's it's it's hard to say so pz Centric dot store grab yourself one of these pretty slick looking Mouse mats and that is the best best way to support the channel if you've been watching for years and you want to help us out this is the best way of doing it and you can grab yourself some pretty cool kit if I say so myself Carl we've got a two dollar donation from Garrett thank you for all the content it has helped me a lot oh you're welcome to the nice comments saying how they love the design of the mouse man well I'm so glad because I wanted to do something that was obviously gamery something that was a bit different and I'm I'm as I say genuinely so so pleased with I think what's nice like a lot of little extra things the more you look at it the more you see oh definitely around the top you can see all like the sort of circuit board design there's obviously the little glasses which somebody managed to spot in yeah I mean that's my new logo um for for Merch it's meant to be like a little signature and you can't really see it here but actually it does have a little PC Centric sort of pattern on the bottom on the glasses as meant to reflect me which is pretty cool and we've got some sort of like motherboard lines on the top of this I mean if I well there we go like we're getting nice and nice and close look there we go let here you go you see those lovely little motherboard lines here's my glasses look this is actually really hard to do wait wait a second and we've got purple edges I did ask you guys on YouTube in the in the sort of community tab you guys said you wanted this purple tab so we listened there we go so it says PC Centric in the corner but the whole idea was I didn't want this to be some merch that is just like a logo on a t-shirt I really wanted to do something that was going to take a fair bit of time and was going to come out and hopefully look as it does so as I say very very pleased actually with how it's come out but anyway we should probably get back to the build pccentric dot store go grab yourself one make me very happy but more importantly make you happy when this turns up in your door when they start shipping next year over to you Carl yeah that's fine by me um people have asked what is the price of the mouse map obviously not mentioned that part yet no uh 29.99 USD plus delivery sales tax whatever um so I wanted it to sort of be in line I guess with I don't know like other other gaming mouse mats and things but I mean the design cost a lot to make so I'm definitely down couple of um yeah I think all in on my investment in merch I'll probably put like two three grand in it so far so sad times um let's hope we sell some anyway but honestly I guarantee um that well I'd like to think anyway you'd really like it when it turns out I suppose legally I can't guarantee it can I but if you like the design I think it's it's great anyway back to where we were did we get the question from Garrett uh no they literally just said I love your videos and they've really helped me ah oh it was just a little donations oh that's very kind um have we got final answer on the case because we have suitably uh filled enough time now um oh we've just literally got a 10 pound donation 10 pounds from a hazy CRX already got a mouse mat otherwise I would have bought one but here's a little Christmas cheer to you all oh that's sweet that's very very kind that is very very kind thank you very much the case decision 855 votes and 862 though which one are we going for um they call a Master One The Cooler Master One okay I am I wouldn't say I'm surprised by that because obviously you can't see inside the Asus one once you've put it back together but okay that means we can go back to where we were and we'll try and get this in so what I'm going to do right now is take off these piece eye slot covers which I think you only need to take two off we'll try it anyway I feel like we need a banner that um kind of answers some people's common questions like what do you do with all the PCS after you've finished building the PC yeah uh cases don't hang around for very long because they take up a lot of space um so those are moved on very quickly but everything else is like just goes back to the manufacturer usually it doesn't always some stuff start hanging around for years and then we have to get rid of it but I'm generally speaking people lend stuff out so like the 4080 Zotac for instance they've already collected that or they're arranging that stuff comes in stuff comes out ultimately you know for Asus and people it's very much a business decision they sent this out because they want this to appear and you guys to see it so sometimes they get me saying oh this is great other times you get them get me saying well it's nothing wrong with it other than it's overbuilt and it's very expensive so if the price is right grab it but if you're going to be paying loads of money and 4080 money I would get 4080. so in this case it's probably not the best coverage in the world but that's the way it works you know that's that's how it works it's all about me being able to get access to make the videos and they want their products in the videos really that's that's how it works so people often ask oh how can I start youtubing and get people to send me products well you need to have a reason for them to send you products or they won't send anyone yeah pretty much the more videos you make just basically make videos of the stuff we did it look at that that is a tight fit but I think it was I think that look it can be done I'm a bit nervous as soon as we put anything else in though I think it'd be right that is pushing it where do the cables go um oh there you go look at that it's pushing it bang how about that well if it doesn't work we have a backup so I think it will be okay people will get what they want let's press on Carl hit me with some some comments and the other thing as well don't forget people this is live I encourage you to leave as many comments as possible this is your chance to get your questions answered as long as it's within the Realms of the topic we will answer it if you want to know what I'm having for dinner I can answer that it's funny if you want to know I don't know um if you if you've got an i3 6000 series processor and you're choosing between an R uh GTX 970 and a older I I that's not really it's not really within the the realm so I think you understand so we'll answer as many as we can they're encouraged please leave comments down below and if you get bored then obviously go to pccentric dot store grab yourself a mouse mat uh we've just got a nine pound 90 donation from Demi oh wait so I need to go back on me thank you so much like genuinely I I I I I I I like stress laugh and smile but it honestly does mean a lot so I I do appreciate that oh my god um I'm gonna I'm just gonna have to finish this one and then I have to get to the next one which I feel is uh which is quite funny um so Demi has asked which uh I've got a special place for this game in my heart who wants to know maybe not RuneScape three okay I also know whether RuneScape three benchmarks are uh wants to know if he can play RuneScape 3 with a 4090 um I don't know it's a pretty difficult game to run that I feel like Nvidia and AMD are really trying to get that game to run smoothly but I'm just not sure that it's doable if I'm honest I feel like you should just be playing old-school RuneScape instead so you know that's that's my opinion yeah you're quite a big fan of that aren't you uh what's going on here I feel like so we've got a 50 donation what fifty dollars that one took me by surprise it's a very purple color as well it looks it's come up Batman pretty wow 50 you could have got yourself a mouse map from PC Centric got store for fifty dollars that must be the real Batman for that sort of size amazing thank you so much fifty dollars they said thank you for your channel and everything you do I've been watching you for years it's so good look I'm gonna have to leave like you know that's that's crazy um I don't actually know where the Pliers are which is which is what I am I'm moving about because there's a standoff here if I show you look let's stand off in the middle needs to be removed this might work I've got a mini wrench it's not going to work no no oh yeah it is it is there we go um we've got another two Brock you don't have to donate every time yeah another two dollar donation from Brock uh game of the year for 2022 what's yours and what's mine uh actually so far I'm really enjoying God of War I haven't finished it yet um but God of War Ragnarok is uh is is going pretty well so far really enjoying that um what else have I played I think I had to say good Awards if over on the PC side of things what's come out I've wanted to play on the PC ever nice I've not I can't think of anything that's new I know it's problematic isn't it like war zone two but I've not actually played it um I played it a little bit but not like properly um I've just honestly I I think I've just been enjoying games sort of as they've been not as they've been coming up but I've been enjoying going back and playing older titles this year A lot has a lot of Elden ring comments yeah I I really want to play Eldon ring but I I'm right at the end of Dark Souls 3 and I wanted to finish that first um and I would have bought it for benchmarking but it was only 16 by nine and wasn't great so I was like oh I'll pick it up a bit later I think I don't know maybe yeah I just finished playing shadow of War I really enjoyed them only a few years out of date though and there's me playing old school RuneScape so yeah maybe not the uh most current gamer that's why you like benchmarking because you get to have RuneScape on in the background like in woodcat and Benchmark at the same time yeah you have to you have to triple check all of your figures as a result but you get to play RuneScape at the same time so Happy Days um we've got a two pound donation from tensor oh thank you so much I honestly I really appreciate all of these donations guys really really appreciate it um but if you do want to contribute like you can get yourself a mouse mat and you'll actually have a pretty awesome little mouse man it'll be like PC Centric is there with you it will and you'll be able to look down and you'll go wow that looks really slick and then you'll be the Envy of all of your friends um tensor asks what's better the 3080 gaming X or Z Trio I'm assuming MSI uh RTX 3080 gaming X yeah or Z Trio do you remember the difference uh uh was one of them discontinued in the end I feel like one of them was on my thinking of something else they should be very similar honestly like all of the big boy cards I don't think just you need the top-end calling Solutions that's generally the way to go isn't it if you the MSI X or z3o if one's severely cheaper than the other just get that one the way that it looks yeah the way they've got around all of these like calling things those by making the cards thicker and longer and it clearly is very effective because I I'm sure you do remember but it doesn't seem that long ago to me that we were playing uh games on 1080 and those cards were two slots wide you remember like the strix 1080 yeah compared to what we have now it's it's laughable it's really quite funny there's our motherboard in though guys look that's in all screwed in ready to go reminder if you're just joining us this was the Crosshair X 670e Gene look at the difference between the Z and the x is just the Zed's a little bit bigger and a little bit better at calling yeah I think the answer is I wouldn't worry about it I would go for whichever one is cheaper yeah personally don't you know I'm actually a big advocate for spending a bit more on things and getting better quality over cheaping out but when it comes to graphics cards at the moment the price premium is just so high it just doesn't often make sense especially like pre-overclocked cards I think I've shown people this enough times but just a reminder download an overclocking utility and you just press press like plus 50 and then you have the same as that overclocked Edition card and you've saved yourself the money this case loses marks it doesn't have captive thumb screws people laughed at me once because I got my knickers and a Twist wrong words and I said um capacitive capacitive screws thumb screws no they're not capacitive we've got oh well I've looked away for literally five minutes and there's been three donations really yeah okay so kind of people you have to do quick fire ones uh Prime with two eyes is back oh that's nice greatly appreciate the help I'm overnighting Expo Rams so these parts don't just sit here taunting me for too long happy holidays everyone yeah so obviously they're gonna return the non-expo RAM and just get the Expo around I guess it makes sense just for peace of mind and yeah as long as the price is is similar it's just I'm going off of the fact that I have used XMP Ram plenty of times and it tends to be fine unless it's like super fast 6000 megahertz or above 6000 megahertz should be okay but it you know if it hit and miss requires a bias update everything under that has tended to work first time but then like the G skill Z5 66 or 6700 megahertz kit whatever it was that didn't really work very well which is a shame and we've got another 20 donation wow what do we actually yep x-u-k-e-x and they've asked building my first PC this week with a 6900 XT will I be able to test it on a 60 hertz 1080p monitor to see what frames I would get at 1080P and 1440p I don't want to over or understand on a new monitor oh so basically you he or she wants to test different resolutions and work out what they can actually run yeah I think so I think yeah you can use what's called a virtual uh super resolution and I'm pretty sure you can do it for both AMD and for uh definitely do it for NVIDIA fairly sure you can do it AMD as well this is actually what I did when I had a a 980 GTX 980 um I wanted to know whether it's going to be worth it I use this utility I then actually got the FPS I captured it I took it into a richer sound store and plugged it into a TV and looked at my footage in 4k and went yep that's worth the money and then I got a 4K TV so yes if you want to test performance you can use a virtual super resolution and technically you know it might not give view a hundred percent accuracy but it's going to be like 99.5 of the way there so yeah that's a good good way of doing it actually yeah yeah then you can once you've got your numbers you can decide whether to get 1080p 360 Hertz or if you want to go 1440p I think with the 6900 XT I think you should definitely be looking at 1440p though yeah oh yeah I mean 1080p is a resolution for sort of like 30 60 and under really anything above that 1440p is your friend definitely yeah yeah definitely uh we've got a 179 rupee donation okay I don't know the exchange rate I'll be honest neither do I don't know what that means but very very appreciative where can I learn to build PCS to start a business to start a business um yes the only place really is is YouTube to learn to build PCS yeah I mean obviously that's what I try and do like right now right we're showing you we've got this uh USB for example and we're plugging it into the USB header on this motherboard um but I think the only thing if you're going to do it commercially is you'd need to be able to work out where to Source Parts at good commercial rates and you'd need to learn how to install Windows uh inline Enterprise manner where to get the keys how to do it in bulk things like that but I don't think that should be the most difficult bit about running a business I'm just plugging in the connections now by the way can we zoom in oh we can there we go yeah you can and we've just got another uh New Zealand Dollars 40 New Zealand dollar donation really from Aiden's RC Channel thank you so much but again you can get you if you're going to donate 40 you can grab yourself a PC Centric mouse mat and you get the mouse mat you've got something as well physical PC Centric version you get you get full gear uh is asked how's the water cooled Corsair build going I'll tell you what I'm still using it because it's still living yeah I mean Thea was playing um Planet zoo on it yesterday so it does work it's just the CPU when you Benchmark it um within cinebench it hits about 97 degrees so it's still not installed properly um but for gaming it's fine so it's like what what would be the point in me buying a new block and getting it you know 20 degrees cooler when for when when I'm never going to be maxing out the CPU like it's it's not worth the effort really it's it's a shame but I'm I'm sure I end up doing a new water called build completely um and that will just make more more sense really it's a shame here from odd guard 111 um I think this is quite a good one is it worth spending something like 4 000 US dollars in 2023 on a ddr4 build yeah I'm I would quite happily recommend ddr4 um I would have no problems um with that whatsoever it just just because it's not as good obviously it's not as good but you can get more performance from a better graphics card with ddr4 than you can with a worse graphics card for ddr5 so kind of unless you're purely buying it like longevity reasons I just think it makes more sense personally I think a lot of people when they do build a PC they Overlook one of the most important things of their budget which is the monitor yeah some people might spend thousands on the PC and then skip out on the monitor so if you've got the extra money I always think put that towards a better monitor yeah gpus GPU first but also GPU as long as you have an appropriate monitor because buying a 7900 XTX would be completely pointless when playing at 1080p because you get bottlenecked at 1440p yeah you know you need a decent CPU it's really backwards my advice has always been with these builds that you need to sort of save on the CPU and get like what I would describe as a gaming CPU which is like price performance something like a 12 400 oh probably let's be honest not that long away 13 400 but it remains to be seen how good that advice is when you're buying a high-end card because they do get bottlenecked so you need a good CPU as well which is really weird it's all changed around so quickly I've plugged my i o in there I know it got a little bit fiddly but just to show you once again this camera is probably a bit dark sorry we have plugs are little tiny ones in down here at the bottom we then have our USB 3 here we've got HD audio down at the bottom left and if we had USBC it would go here but I don't think that this actually has USB type c which is it's annoying I don't think it's going to bother actually most people yeah look we've got one USB 3 and one usb2 this is actually a bit of a lower rent case I think the Asus one is going to be the better case for a lot of people but then this one might look better so and this one might be cheaper as well uh yeah give me some more more questions uh Carl um free taker five what's your favorite Christmas movie oh that's a good question I only watched the holiday for the first time last year and it's great I watched that again this year a few days ago did you have a little cry no no it's fine I I I'm more than happy to admit that I uh I love getting all nerdy I love an emotional response to a movie if that means crying more than happy to cry yeah I think uh I think my favorites are still home alone one or two I don't know if I've ever watched the home alone all the way through like not out of choice it's just others on TV and you've just never been on yeah like elf is quite good as well elf's good yeah yeah okay I think we're good to go on this one by the way ready for the next step yeah uh which is going to be to put the cooler on that I probably should have done and it doesn't matter with this board actually what about die hard oh yeah actually that's the lie that's my favorite like genuinely I watch that every single uh Christmas big fan of that massive fan of that cooler should I put the GPU in now because as soon as the caller goes in it's going to take up space so I think I'm going to be I think maybe go power supply first get the cables in well it's only down the bottom though isn't it I think it's going to be hard to put the cables around once the GPU is in though um I'm not sure what's going on with our fans I don't think I've plugged the fan in yet this better not be oh no oh no oh no are those are these what I think I don't surely not surely it can't be that bad this is a Molex connection here oh my God it is this case oh no oh no okay well we need a Molex for that did wonder what was going on there um okay we'll put the power supply in next that's fine I will listen to Carl Carl actually usually has good advice usually huge most of the time most of the time have you ever what's the worst bit of advice you've given me um don't eat yellow snow I don't think I've ever given any bad advice I advise the overhead set up and it seems to work just and then I broke your previous yeah once didn't I advise against you against using that no you did not I said it probably won't hold and then it broke I mean you're spinning me badly here my job yeah we're using the Lumen s24 RGB and if you missed the start of the video this is the recalled new version that shouldn't have the impurities that was affecting the original this was something that actually affected quite a few is that the same one with the radiator offset bracket thing because I think you had the issue with the 360 didn't you yeah that was the case though that wasn't this and the pump is actually in the uh oh I was yeah the pump is actually in the radiator um and I think I don't know if it's the same Factory but I think MSI had some sort of issues and I think they used this same sort of design so that could be why could be made in the same Factory not entirely sure but yeah uh keep the comments coming in guys five dollar donation from carbon kids oh thank you so much thank you so much problem though rog6 z670 Z6 oh my God Asus Rog z690 Maximus hero shows error code 16 and the h100i displays a red triangle on Startup okay is that have you had that before with the uh if I've had if if you're cooler of course they're cooler is flashing red that usually means uh that the caller is not working properly and the error might be that your CPU is hitting 100 degrees oh is it um when the USB isn't plugged into the cooler maybe um the USBC you double check everything's plugged in but it might just be a like a failure I had a early access uh one of those it was a h100i elite capellix and it did that had to go back um I don't know if it's new or not but yeah that could be a overheating problem so if you have a different heat sink try putting that on and seeing um if it fixes the issue make sure everything's plugged in fan headers all of that good stuff yeah we've got another 1.99 donation oh she asked a question they just said new pc I5 12 600 KF 32 gig of RAM 3050 two terabyte storage very good yes oh yeah all good sounds fine yeah I mean obviously 13th gen i5s are out but um depends all about price really doesn't it yeah yeah oh we've got we've got another a hundred dollar or another we've got a 100 donation 100 you could add two PC Centric Mouse mats for that available at pccentric dot store Batman pretty again so this one must be the real Batman is it uh he he did buy a PC Centric map did it as well he just wanted to send some support a lot of great work that's amazing that is actually like a hundred dollars mate thank genuinely thank you so much for that um that will go towards a bonus for Carl for Christmas oh thank you he's having a bonus oh uh this month um I'm Gonna Keep Your Payday the same just because it's complicated to change it so we are just after Christmas it's fine but you can have a I thought it'd be great uh Christmas Christmas bonus so everybody's a winner everyone's we're siphon off some of uh Batman's epic donations so thank you so much for that man thank you very much for that he's also got a question how many pieces no no not answering this question do you reckon you've built in total would you get probably about 250 now doesn't that I think making 250 yeah 250 something like that yeah it's a lot I can't believe 100 donation that's insane 50 from earlier so 100 wow 150 donation and a mouse random but he'd be happy with a mouse map yeah it'd be very very pleased with the mouse Matt that I can uh that I can't guarantee but I uh I I'm confident I'm very very confident uh that needs to blow in doesn't it so we grab our fans there we go uh move this here and this is this bit gets a little bit complicated sometimes in Focus yeah this is complicated because you're almost doing it backwards so what you're doing you're getting your fan you're pointing it uh out this way I think no you're not you're doing the opposite you're you're pointing the cable this way no no there's your toe I told you it was confusing so what you want to do I'll start that again what you want to do make sure fan is blowing into the radiator if you want it to exhaust out you then do this little test where you hold it all together like this you pick it up and then you bring it round and you put it into the case and then if you've made a mistake you'll notice before you've screwed it in here I have probably made a mistake really depends depends how you want to do it I mean it's not certain Stone you could actually have it like this if you wanted to depends where your pipes and things go but generally you want your pipes to be this side which means that actually the fan cables need to be facing the back so it's nice and neat and tidy which means that it needs to be like this easier to show you than to tell you so when I put it back facing downwards we want our fan blowing into the radiator and these cables coming right out so once it's inverted it'll make sense does that make sense that makes sense over to you calm uh someone's just giving us a really good bit of advice um I've lost where it's gone now oh it was Lenny to the quantum they said add a direct store link to your YouTube link page please so obviously YouTube homepage so we can click go into there then click onto the merch that makes a lot of sense I'm also in the process of setting up the merch Shelf which means that every video it should appear under but I need to set that up uh because I think people just don't know about it yet because I've promoted it once no including today twice so we've got a uh 2.2 pound donation from Nathan Bray 13 700k 4080 build just ordered Let's go Team Green Team Green in green well I've seen some shade on team red I make absolutely no but here's the best thing right about PC gaming at the moment it's been a bit of a crap situation for the last couple of years but it is genuinely in a in a better not a great but it's in a better place now because you have competition again I mean you look at what's happening with CPUs and suddenly you're getting ridiculous levels of performance all at really competitive prices whereas if you think back to like the the worst was like this 7700 from Intel and it was basically almost identical to the previous uh 6700 and it was still a four core CPU Intel just didn't really need to do anything and they could just sort of release slightly better CPUs every year obviously AMD come along and say actually man no we're not going to do that anymore we're going to release an acorn or chip Intel were like oh I don't cause Rule and now look at them they're selling what 24 core CPUs on the I9 yeah they're keeping keep keeping up even overtaking really with the 30. yes like flip-flopping isn't it so and the prices are actually getting more competitive AMD thought they could launch their Horizons a little bit of greedy price they've already come down they've already come down so uh yeah we're it's in a better place now and I think no matter what you buy team team AMD team green or team red you're actually going to be quite happy at the moment wow we've got a five pound donation from maybe that's a that's a good name maybe maybe you do have a five pound donation yeah maybe you do maybe he has bought a mouse mat as well maybe not buy yourself one second of British power consumption that's that's funny um yeah that is that is that is funny um yeah it's not great over here sad but true it's like I think it's like 30 something p a kilowatt hour or something now yeah I think it's you know approaching 40 I think for some people um Adam Christo two pound donation wants to know if you want to go into detail when connecting the power supply cables to the motherboard I certainly can do what sort of detail would you like yes where they go and how they go in I think we can do that do that with our new overhead camera we can that will probably run out of battery before we uh manage to complete it but yeah there we go hopefully uh we should be okay um that's an interesting one do you think um a 6750 XT will be bottlenecked by an ryzen 5 7600x no 1440p repeat that again to some 100 clear but I don't know 6750 XT at 1440p oh 67.50 67. it's not 69. yeah 67.50 I I think you'd be in the vast majority today it's always 1440p I think it'd be fine yeah I think this is going to be fine with that one jetralogy are they all I just realized there was a one pound 79 donation as well thank you very much that's very so many donations today that's really really kind so Christmas time how are we doing for um views and things yeah current concurrent viewers is about a thousands still really yeah I honestly I love having you guys along we were talking about this weren't we earlier today because the first live stream we just did as an experiment really yeah the second one we did kind of a little bit better a little bit better and hopefully now this time we're we're sort of in in the swing of things able to enjoy it with you guys actually answer your questions as we're doing things but just have a good time yeah um definitely I mean uh everything will look alright I know it's not going to look quite as good as like the the real graded PC Centric videos but hopefully it's close enough um audio and thing is fine last time Carl was a bit quiet so you see can you hear him okay this time nobody's complaining I can hear myself a lot better has he got enough bass enough bass yeah we've got another five dollar donation from Chandler Ratliff uh just got an Intel 3900k should I pair that with an RX 7900 XT 13 900k yeah with a 7900 XT yeah yeah I would go i7 XTX personally yeah but um both of those are fine that's pretty good advice save a little bit on the CPU and then get the better GPU yeah exactly performance would be a lot better what I'm doing here is just daisy chaining these cables for neatness um and then we're gonna have the RGB and the fan speed will go out of the back when I plug this in and hopefully it shouldn't require too much cable management that's the plan anyway if you're wondering what's going on this is usually the bit of a video that I'll cut out or at least speed up um I said this in the last stream uh because this is obviously what it looks like in real life but then when I'm doing it and playing it back what you see is Right grab these cables fit them around the back plug them in the top now we're going to move on to this and it's like actually yeah you're just going to be sort of playing with tables for a while but it's all good it's all good fun really isn't it Lord nibs has asked have I got to run off and let my dog out again I no I haven't this time no the dog's fine the the dog's uh mummy is here so we're all good the dog's very happy she went out on a nice walk in the snow so she's happy about your dog my dog Oh I thought that's not all about me is it sorry sorry um they're asking about me Marcus I don't want you to go it was it all got a bit dark I had to run away you did that's right because the dog needed you so yeah yeah dog was happy actually wasn't it yeah very happy when I returned your dog is hilarious though because it has like the most it's got a very aggressive bark but it's actually such a loving creature yeah you turn up it's like woof yeah I had to take her out today she literally I don't know how she did it she may have to pick up her lead and her ball in her mouth at the same time that is impressive then bring them upstairs and I'll say I guess I guess I've been chosen feel free not to answer this if you're concerned about privacy and security yeah uh but what is it what does it say on the front of your your house the uh the temporary uh sticker you've got I can't even remember I've just blanked it out I think it's like Santa please stop here for the most loved Labrador that was uh well looked after woof yeah it is actually oh no it's a good dog um we've got another two dollar donation more donuts oh and and more are happening I look away for two minutes and then there's three more donations well people are enjoying your uh your dog stories I think that's all it is to buy the dog story and people are donating um what motherboard would you recommend for a 5800 X 3D and is it still worth buying motherboard yeah uh then I like strix gaming something that sort of like not not sort of thing not the cheapest one but almost one below the cheapest one yeah especially when it's only like a 65 watt part it's uh they're quite uh no that's 5800s we use about 120 robot yeah I think is rated at 105 but it is slightly more than that sorry I didn't mean to put you down there oh that's fine uh no he is PC Centric you should know um Matthew Connors with a five dollar donation was up early and Bots bought everything before I could even blink an eye AMD promised the stock what's the answer for someone like me waiting on a GPU uh I mean the best thing I would today suggest is like what I had to do when I got mine yeah sign up to the stock Checker Discord yeah they're quite good and then you can work as a community yeah they send you notifications you can sign up for different cards different products I think I got my PS5 through there and I managed to get a 3070 TI through there as well last year so uh yeah yeah I think it is they're easily the best way to get a GPU if you're struggling that is very good advice oh very good oh hold on I need to plug my PSU Cable in there oh it's not actually too bad I think it's doable actually there's plenty of slots I think I'll be all right I'm gonna risk it could be terrible advice I missed a donation I'm sorry pla it says Platinum I think but it's kind of like Platinum Platinum Platinum 2.2 Euro donation um ryzen 5 5600x 32 gigs of ddr4 and they got 1070. what sort of GPU upgrades should they be looking at do you reckon uh the 5600x and 32 gigs of ddr4 5600x yeah uh if you want to go for one of these new super super duper use you will need to get a 5800 X 3D yeah I think that is a given at this stage that is risky I don't want to let that go that's that's playing with fire those um yeah you 5800x 3D and then one of the new AMD CPUs uh GPU sorry is a good bit yeah um the older like the 6900 XT is really cheap at the moment yeah the 5800 X 3D is a clear upgrade I would do that over going for like a whole new board and things like yeah I think that makes more sense like genuinely I would recommend that if I plug this in badly or is it just oh no it's just Twisted we've got a 10 I always say this running the wrong way 10 yeah yeah 10 New Zealand dollar donation from oh it's Aiden's RC Channel again uh would you do a collab with Linus if you could yeah I feel like he would show me up because I mean the truth is I am an idiot right and uh I can edit that out but I feel like he would leave it all in I'd be interested to know how much lioness has learned on the job because I feel like I learned so much new stuff every year that I'm only now genuinely starting to feel like I really understand you know not every Everything But every part in a computer and you know like specifics about how they work and advice for each things I would say I'm in a really good place and with understanding everything but then Linus is like different level you know yeah yeah I think uh he lives and breathes what he does he's doing it 24 7. he does and has been for you know since he was like 15 years ago is it yeah probably something like that but then as I say I mean I almost deliberately want to stay um a little bit more in touch I guess with purely I want to be like the definitive like advice for for gamers from a gamer sort of thing um is what I try and be so it's it's difficult to sort of be really relatable and almost I don't know have do you I don't know I'm explaining this badly I think you want to be I think I want to do it from a game a little bit less grounded do you feel a little bit less relatable yeah I think there are gaming there are gaming channels um that are just games and then there's like super in-depth everything tiny detailed channels I'm going to be in the middle that's what I want to I I want to be basically I want to make I want to make complicated things easy to understand uh without going into detail that people almost don't necessarily need to understand like if you want to learn more about that that's fantastic I will touch on certain things but I will also not touch on things yeah um like almost like a conscious decision I haven't really spoken too much about the fact that the memory speed is different in the 7900 xdx versus the 4080 like it's gdr as 6X versus G ddr6 and on paper you know it's not great but all that I think matters is gaming performance and FPS um you can Mark AMD down for having that but it's cheaper and if it doesn't make any difference to your FPS why does it matter to you that's the sort of point I'm trying to make there um I just want to make sure we're focusing on gaming FPS and that's what this channel is about we've got two more donations um Coral freezy with 14 Zar oh that's what that is um but what motherboard do you recommend for a ryzen 5 5600 G oh 5600 G yeah um as one that you can update with USB bars flashback because obviously that was a newer CPU so if you buy really old off-the-shelf motherboard it might not support it and if you don't have USB bars flashback you might not be able to actually get it working like a different CPU which would be a bit of a pain but I get I wouldn't spend masses of money because clearly if you're going for that CPU then you're trying to save money so yeah um entry level is fine yeah like a b450 sort of if it says that it's updated then I think it'd be 450 that's up to date is probably good enough like a b450 tomahawk or that sort of thing I think it would be a good bet I'd say so we've got another a 50 no a 50. um Swedish krona donation yeah also pretty awesome my sister's in uh Stockholm at the moment on work oh that's nice I don't think she's tuning in I'll be honest uh is it normal for a 5800x 3D to hold 90 degree in games yeah 58x3d yeah really yeah uh 55 degrees idle it's got a water cooler mounted up top uh oh that sounds a little bit high on the idol but I remember when I tested it it runs pretty hot yeah um yeah x3d wasn't that bad it's it's it's a lot worse um it's a lot worse than the uh regularly yeah because of the 3D cache uh because the regular ones were like 70 degrees sort of thing if you've got a decent hero yeah no they definitely run hotter than that so yeah that is high but I I as long as everything's working properly I'd say that's probably fine um I remember it running hot I do remember it running hot yeah um 13 someone's just asked more vid 3900k normal to hold high 80s to 90s yes that is normal oh my brain is wearing away now I'm trying to actually work out how the cooler works and live stream there's a few comments in the in the uh yeah saying the classic PC Centric line about no I'm just thinking I'm just thinking about it I'm just excited about it no you've not said it wait a minute I'm being silly I'm undoing the thing that we need so it's all good this isn't radiators technically this is just any mounting so we don't need to undo the thing that we need that would ah be silly it's all good I don't hate them I don't hate them would it be easier to do that lying down well it would but I've only just taken it off by accident so that's gonna say oh blow no all right whatever um so for context I realize I've not explained what I was doing I'm just trying to work out how the radiator you need that bit yeah yeah thanks for the help just trying to work out how this radiator goes in I'll Zoom it in so you can see there you go and some coolers you have to remove these default aim five or am4 mounting posts this one you need to leave it on so all I'm doing is just undoing the fact that I'd taken it off and then we use the catches to get this nice and safe and secure so I'll put these back back in these bits always face opposite the CPU so down and up get that in like so if this goes wrong it'd be terrible but I hadn't even thought about that I have not uttered the phrase yet have I I've done very very well I think that's obviously things are going to plan so far so good all right we got this cooler and we hook that over the top and then hopefully we can do the same with the bottom and then that goes on giving it a little bit of force hold on a minute have I done that I've done that upside down because I'm a numps but then yeah I've done that upside down I hate them I hate them quite annoying so I could read the instructions couldn't I that would be the the smart thing to do but these clips need to go on the other way I believe so instead of facing down they face up I think but then how do they face up they can't face up can they no oh what have I done wrong I don't oh oh oh sorry um this is thinking out loud isn't it I think the plate maybe needs to be facing the other way so we take this off like this does that look that makes more sense something does it you want the screw to be yeah that does make sense yeah uh the screws are upside down now but yes that's how we go did you put the screws in no we don't need to talk about what happened it's all good it's all good uh oh the battery's run out we've lost camera too oh no it's camera three it's a disaster I don't think we need it again do we other than I guess power supply cables but we can just show that with the so you can pop it on to charge people asked for overhead and we kind of delivered so I'll pop it on okay see this you don't get this in normal videos either do we man down man down actually we do camera down happens quite a lot doesn't it and I'm always moaning about that my camera down are people enjoying the fact that we've got this overhead camera though yeah I think so I think I think so have we had any comments do people appreciate the the love and care and attention yeah I think so uh Garrett's just asked why don't you hardwire the cameras we thought about that Garrett but we did we don't have the length don't have the gears we need more length that is a problem uh PC Centric HQ the it's going to get one uh yeah oh I can't do the overhead anymore oh no no there's a H someone said uh and and stroyer has said overhead cam is the reason for all those donations oh it could be true there we go that's what we like to hear um so we could have it on that way or earlier it looked as if the best wave was going to be like that that looks better doesn't it I don't think it really masses because we did get a five euro donation from Platinum again yeah and they said they recently upped their specs to what we've probably mentioned to the 5600x and the 32 gig yeah and uh they want to upgrade their GPU that's obviously if they've just upgraded so they probably don't want to go for a 5800 X reader right so what sort of GPU do you reckon I think yeah especially now they're going to get cheaper if you're happy to get one used as well though yeah used amazing value used used markets about to kick the the hell off isn't it yeah especially like 6900 XT 6800 XT there they're like performance is amazing for the price especially even used because I think you can get the 6900 for like 500 pound use well yeah I I like even 6950 XT and stuff you know like it's they're like 700 brand new now that's mad yeah yeah I'm now doing up the cooler this took a long time oh no but we've done it I mean the screwdriver is a bit small where's my big boy here it is my comic a large screwdriver people in the comments in the last video when I said about liner sending me one they're like oh he's going to get one before me I guarantee Linus is not going to see that he doesn't care about me and he's not going to send me one and am I going to beg to ask one no I like my magnesium I'm sure it is very good I've heard good things though right there you go that's in I've left left it with a little bit of slack so that I can pop these power cables in at the top here uh next which is cool so yeah we're ready for power supply okay well um whilst you're uh pausing for a second I need you to uh look at the camera for me because we've got a 150 donation a what from Batman pretty again 150 is this like a joke last one I promise oh my that's very kind of you that's unbelievable um last one I promise what got you into computers in PC Building in the first place and what was your favorite build I mean that's two questions that's too cool I think I think he's definitely allowed it yeah um sorry caught me caught me a bit and that's a massive that is a massive donation uh well thank you very much for that for starters uh that's anyway sorry um first question was about why I got into computers this get read it again sorry over at PC build so your favorite build you've ever done that you could think of yeah and uh what got you into PC Building in the first place I suppose not gaming okay um favorite build I've ever done I quite enjoyed my first ever water cooled build actually that was a good fun one uh it was yeah it was soft line uh it was filmed in my parents living room which is why the the decals a bit funny but that was really good actually um Gareth was there to help me with that that was good fun um I I did enjoy that I must admit but in terms of like normal builds I guess anything that just I've sort of put a lot of time and effort into and has come out looking good um I really like the white one we did a few months ago with the that was a nice build yeah the nzdch five yeah or the H7 build that was pretty unscrew so that really worked went together really nice that was nice that was very nice um and then why did again computers I just went around a friend's house and he had one and it was like whoa that's cool uh and then I went back I still remember the exact like gameplay footage from my head as well um I then went back played on the Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 30 FPS and just went no man nah man uh or maybe it was better for a Bad Company too whatever it was um yeah Battlefield 3 I don't think it'd come out and I I yeah I was it was immediate obvious that I it was no good for me anymore yeah it wasn't enough the world was not enough we've got another New Zealand forty dollars again this wasn't meant to be a money making exercise the money making exercise was meant to be the merch that means you get a lovely product and we make money buy the merch um certainly not knocking the donations that's honestly so kind thank you so much thank you really appreciate it Batman's going to make Marcus cry no it's been very very kind of Batman I love Batman very very kind oh um these cables will make me cry if I can't get these through this one what have you got there what have we got comments why he's done a good job keep the comments coming in guys all the builds do you sell them we got to this one earlier yeah or they get reused yeah exactly unless they've like been lying around for years all day like a big bulky case and we just get obviously move that on as quickly as we can yeah um is it worth upgrading from a 3080 TI to a 4080. 3080 TI to 4080 probably not no no I think you get better Ray tracing but I mean slowly in some better performance but I think the price the amount the amount you have to pay for the amount extra you get isn't worth it no especially when the re you know the second hand price of the 3080 TI isn't going to be great at the moment no I wouldn't say that's value I mean you know 40 90 would be an upgrade but obviously that's so extortionate I'm still using my 3080 TI like I have access to the hardware um the reason it's not on my rig obviously is because it's not you know I'm using it for work but the point is I've not even like grabbed it one night just to have a quick play or anything like that because while the performance is great I still stand by the fact that most people don't actually need that much performance so don't feel obliged to get super high in GPU like the exciting stuff is probably still coming when we're talking 4070 uh 47 TI if that comes out um 40 60 all of that stuff yeah yeah I think it's just worth kind of waiting for the 40s 60s and 70s really yeah exactly and I was not agree with that oh this is going to be really tricky they've got a um addressable RGB here but it's facing a little pins up oh God oh maybe it's okay maybe it's Maybelline was that maybe she's I don't know maybe anyway she's born with it yeah maybe I'm born with it maybe it's Centric well you're trying to get the uh fan header in the what the CPU no I've done it now uh it was this addressable RGB here oh a really tiny tiny weenie but yeah I think our fans are in now which is good just needed I say tidy up around the back we've already done that so we just need our power supply and GPU now definitely come fly first I wasn't going to put the radiator in because the whole point was that when we want to put this graphics card in this is the uh no oh that was the whole point oh my God I hate radiators honestly that that's my fault that isn't the radiator's fault that's my fault for being an idiot it well it's all right I did it it's just like it doesn't even fit LOL no it does fit I don't want to hear I don't want to hear words like that echoed in this chat even if you've donated and obscene amount of money Batman don't you doubt my methods or my techniques uh I am I am an expert like I said I was born with it [Laughter] yeah uh I'm gonna it's fine it's fine it's fine what go on the way is it the pipes then the pipes the pipes are in the way yeah pipes You Know It uh yeah I was gonna say you take the front panel off and going through the front but no no that's all good honestly this is fine because all the screws were loose I'm I'm happy with this I I literally do have a screw loose oh no but I've plugged in the blooming the thing you spent 10 minutes trying to plug in this is gonna be good in there right here we go here's our graphics card the graphics card is heavier than the case huh Aiden's Archie RC channel is UM very impressed uh and we've no we did have this fitting right we did definitely did have this fitting didn't we we did I've done it already right but um I don't know what I did is it the ram it could be the ram this is uh no hands this is the entertainment what the hell yeah sounds about right um created the PC Gods okay we'll take the ram this is why people oh look look at that that's tragic isn't that there you go it's in just get a riser cable it'll be fine oh sorry it should be this camera this one looks way worse that's what we're dealing with here just annoying how will that fit in the case um with perseverance it fit in there before the motherboard was in right we've had it in haven't we um we have no we have what's in there yeah kind of but uh it's right now it's that bit that bit that side oh no no it's now on the call of pump head oh no I did say didn't I say I should oh no I feel like uh someone's probably gonna clip that oh you can clip now I don't know how it works but I know you can do it um I feel like I don't want to give up actually I feel like I feel like the cool I feel like it's doable so let's just undo everything we've just been doing and we come back uh just get the power cooler out I've scratched my CPU caller already which is lovely oh goodness sake fun times guys fun times this could be you but this is why I do it better than I do it than you do it oh it's not ideal to take you CPU Cooler off but there we go all right let's try again don't knock it off oh wow I don't get it because we did have it oh no no no no no it's not gonna work no no this is this is frustrating they knew this was going to happen they knew this that's why they voted for it they chose the smallest case and the bigger car they knew what they were doing I I think it's possible but also maybe not because I don't know what else I can do it really because do you want to take a two minute break to answer some donations uh I I think I think technically it can go in it's just you can't get it to go in and line up so when the motherboard wasn't in we got it to line in because there wasn't any any resistance at the back a little bit easier yeah but like what about that way down oh no no no no no the uh it's just bad news all around um I admit defeat that's it I'm afraid Asus you made your card too big this is the sort of problem people are going to have now and you can so this is the sort of problem people are going to have now you'll end up selling a GPU that's too big it doesn't need to be this big um let's see if power color where are they power color has done the right thing this this look yes see look that's fine why couldn't they just do this look not a problem not although actually it is still a problem but it's a fixable problem this one let's take this off oh yeah that will go in we're happy with that yeah yeah we're happy with that okay I do want to now you have one last go with the tough other comments entertained are people at least getting their money to say take off the front panel oh my God just use the power color no you can't take just just stop um you can't take that off because it's the front comes off the actual cage bit take the motherboard out fit the GPU then push the boat yeah that's good advice that what about the fans take out the fans I don't think they're in the way are they no it's their the actual shell bit that's horrible noise I think that's it I think they doubted me they doubted me ha wrong yeah that's why I'm PC Centric and that's why I don't quit look at that easy easy like that is worth buying a PC Centric mouse mat but 100 double using the chat now no W's good isn't it yeah that means f f is bad f is bad or an L that's also yeah that's good that I I'm I'm glad I almost gave up but there we go I'm in the power color I would have happily put that in there but that would have been too easy um we've got a couple donations I'll answer them whilst you just quickly screw that in yeah come from uh monge004 what kind of power supply is necessary with an am5 build um uh 850 really for like top end I think it's worth buying a thousand watt power supply to be honest though because then that's fine for like all gpus or any I also I think one one thing is so big look at that do you understand how much clearance we have here look you can't actually get this yeah like that's that's what we're dealing with so I've done well there yeah I think 850 watt power supply is fine and at the end of the day of house but I love if you buy a good one it can last you several operates I'm still using one from like 10 years ago yeah same I've still got like an EVGA one that's still going um oh we've got a nice one here um from PC Gamer girl Phi fi um your channel is the reason I was able to confidently build my PC I love your content oh thank you very much well that is why I'm that is legitimately why I'm here um I do want to sort of help people after they've started their PC Journey as well I think that's still a bit working out isn't it Carl how to how to go from like predominantly doing builds to sort of doing a bit more of everything yeah um it's been a tricky one because at the moment there's just obviously so many parts coming out and I want to make sure I have a build of everything you know like not necessarily every combination of everything but at least you've got like a 7700x build or 7900 X build and then obviously you had all the gpus so it's been a bit tricky but we've been doing our best and I think um we've been happy what been putting out but I do want to do some more testing on some of the other things as well yeah I think um once all the uh massive overload of Parts slows down a little bit obviously we can focus on a few more other things we want to test out well don't worry it's only rumored to have like another Nvidia GPU coming out soon was it the rebranded 4080s 47 TI I've heard yeah rumors something about that so we'll see I don't know you know I mean I imagine they're true but you never really know do you because I mean I don't know what else is going to happen to the 4080 so I mean yeah I mean are they also going to be new laptops and things we'll probably do for new laptops yeah I think that's usually around CES time isn't it yeah to launched the the new version of the laptop yeah it's hard to say and even if they like do announce something at CES like I don't know when they're actually gonna come out but that's worth thinking about right Ram's back here we go here we go we're laughing look we're laughing well we're not laughing because this this is a mess and we need to get a mess around the back it's just easier said than done gosh um it was worth it in the end I'm glad I persevered because quitting is not not a good thing is it we don't like quitting you're here to show people that anything is possible yeah except for my video where I said everything is possible and it's got like no views which was sad times I mean that's why I like doing the streams because the streams you can actually like talk a bit more frankly as well and it's all like part of it whereas the algorithm obviously it sees videos where you sort of do a bit of a heart to heart as like not not not good so yeah that's not your the content you make therefore no you stay in your lane it was a shame so yeah if you want to just stay in your lane you want to see me talk a bit more openly about stuff then that anything is possible video is up we've got another 10 donation yes just a HB Jazz HB yeah um she says thank you so much oh Jenna sorry oh this is Batman pretty's husband um wife right she says thank you so much for giving me and my husband in Brackets Batman pretty so many laughs watching your videos and inspiring us to do our own builds last one only took two hours is that the build or the stream uh all of the above what's the time we said yeah we're going all right we're on course we're a two-hour Target but I think yeah two hours isn't too bad for a building a PC not not when it's been this uh complicated to be fair yeah you can speed build some things but if uh if you're not live streaming at the same time yeah uh you'd be fine yeah like no I think actually though two hours is probably a good Target for a build anyway yeah because you don't want to rush it no um because if I Rush stuff I get stuff wrong so not saying I'm better at it but if you haven't got much build experience then you're probably more likely to do something wrong if you sort of rush it so yeah um I actually had at my previous place um one of the guys that was sort of looking after all the people that just moved in he took an interest in like the channel and parts and things and apparently he did buy all these parts and then he ended up like dropping something on the CPU socket and like released oh no or like maybe drop the CPU on the socket and damage both yeah damage the CPU and the pins yeah it's not the best going uh but yeah he didn't manage to do that but Jess had just left a comment saying you dropping things is half the fun though it's well me yeah yeah I'm getting a bit more cocky now you're getting worried Carl when you watch some of the footage back yeah because um it's usually just pick up a for effects I'll stand here I'll be like right plan that out plan it out what camera what camera two um I'll plan it out and I'll like start a video by going the RX 7900 XTX is here but then I do it wrong I'll say my words wrong so that's not right okay the RX I'm doing that over and over and over again one of these days I will drop this just like do it about like three or four times just to get it sounded right oh what a feature opposite yeah I mean do you remember the video laptop I dropped not that long ago The Works dropped the famous laptop one where I was like yeah yeah that wasn't the best was it and I think the uh 3900k like launch video the CPU fell out the socket oh that was how that still works amazing that that was just it imagine if you just dropped that live well then you'd be able to Cliff it wouldn't you uh and power color would would not be happy no so it's all fun and games until you actually uh drop it so let's not do that right that's in we're good radiator complete takes ages but you can get there in the end um yeah normally I'd do the GPU last but as we've as we've seen um this was not the easiest thing to fit in but it can be done so I had to take it back Asus your GPU is not stupid it's perfect size it's too big just just hopefully those uh front panel connections are all in there and there's no issues oh don't say that don't say that what if they've come out because I I couldn't even jump them because I can't see them I I probably could let's worry about that later it's all good it's all good fun it's all good fun uh bring me up to date with the comments uh what's happening please um someone said he forgot to connect motherboard cables I don't think no I didn't I didn't I didn't um Brad T says are you gonna show benchmarks uh I don't know um the problem is the benchmarks last time that I showed um were 1080p which is kind of pointless and in order to get everything set up that's almost going to take like 45 minutes an hour yeah you got to download everything update drivers that's the issue so it depends we'll see we we will see um I I definitely want to get it a signal but don't you worry in terms of all figures and everything uh tomorrow we have no the day after I've done Battlefield on this exact GPU actually we've done Battlefield well I can tell you how about that the end of the video I'll tell you exactly how many FPS this got on everything but we did Battlefield war zone two Apex Legends cyberpunk Rune Escape three that works so yeah there you go I'll give you some gameplay Benchmark numbers at the end I promise if you stick around um also because it's been a while don't forget if you're new uh pccentric dot store the new merch has landed it would mean a lot to me but it would also mean a lot to you because you get this lovely thing on your desk and it is perfect for anything that isn't an absolutely ginormous keyboard like it's perfect size genuinely perfect size with 10 keyless um it's great size with anything smaller or bigger I think 10 keyless or is it's beautiful but there'd be more sizes hopefully available but we need to sell 300 units or they won't get made and everyone will be sad um but yeah I'm planning to reinvest all of that into merch and do whoa and do like big big merch plans so if you want to grab something yourself something special help out the channel like you've never done before unless you're Batman with the ridiculously epic donations or anyone else donated by the match huh you could say I want to be like Batman yeah exactly has a PC Centric Mouse he has he has bought himself a piece of announcement because he's he's epic doesn't his wife need one though there's two computers maybe they ordered two maybe he ordered two uh what am I doing I've forgotten power supply yes Batman's left a comment saying thank you for your wonderful content you and the tech chap are our favorite tech YouTubers we don't talk about Tom on this channel except for the fact we do because obviously we obviously do love Tom I went to his wedding this year it was lovely they both live in the same town we do not and you know what Tom's like big talker he's like when he moved into his place last year he's like oh you know what as soon as we get started be great you have to come over I've asked him like two or three times like when you want me over and say oh I'll talk to her talk to Sarah laughs come on John Travolta meme yeah exactly come on Tom up your Game Boy I mean I know I do like make some smells and things to be fair but come on yeah it does yeah I would happily uh happily say here's the thing with Tom Right Tom is so invested in his work he doesn't tend to stop uh whereas I've learned that there's only so long you can do that before you you go a bit insane so um yeah hopefully uh he will uh he will slow things down because I bless him I don't want him to get burnt out this is an 850 or 860 watt power supply from fractal it's rated as Platinum for efficiency but I think you can buy one that's not quite so efficient if you want to save yourself some money um the overhead camera someone said they wanted to see this didn't they yeah so hopefully we've got some more battery it's like yeah we could is that going to turn itself on it should be yes there we go that was very enthusiastic wasn't it right here's our power supply make sure you always plug in the cables to not only the right side but also that you're using the cables that came with your power supply or your 100 confident are fully compatible and built for your PSU so if you're I don't know getting something cable mod make sure they are compatible because usually they won't fit into the same holes but worst case scenarios they fit into the same holes but they aren't actually the same pin out and you essentially blow stuff up which is fun these are pcie these are the ones that are going to be used for our graphics card I like someone pointed out my last video you don't want to daisy chain them if you can help it because you get cleaner power and in some cases you get more power if you're using the using more connections so these ones rather than daisy chaining but I did it in the last video because I just wanted to test and see what happened really people said that's why mine was crashing but I don't think so because it only happened in one game uh what do we also have I also got our CPU cable we need to plug two of these in because we're going to be using quite a lot of a lot of power we don't need SATA connections this one is SATA here we do of course need our big fat ATX um that is the that's the other side that goes into the computer this goes into the power supply is this useful do you think Carl nothing I think so yeah it's something that you don't really see that often just says plug these in yeah we kind of assume that you know but that's not actually very fair is it so we've got two of these in the pcie I'm gonna daisy chain one um because it shouldn't matter because usually you only have two on this graphics card anyway so the extension one you're not going to be using the full amount of power so I wouldn't worry about that to be honest um but we do need another piece IE no we don't on light we do need another CPU down here at the bottom and then we also need a Molex don't we because we've got some horrible fans that are big Sands big big sads fans is sad all right we'll get that all connected I've got a decent question here from flubergeography what are you saying the other questions aren't decent you're insulting the viewers do you want a job don't don't leave please yeah all right anyway yeah anyway after my birth of my Panic flew by Joby I just wanted to say their name if I'm honest okay yeah um they said obviously the 48 inch OLED monitor you reviewed was obviously on the large side yeah do you think the 42-inch Asus or LG one is uh probably something you'd recommend more yeah well here's the thing yes absolutely recommend it more um I would not recommend a 48 incher to anyone for their desk personally um people will you know I'm sure people strongly disagree and that's great you know that I I encourage people to disagree because it's personal preference but the problem I have we're recommending even 42-inch monsters is that they're so big there's a high chance you'll get it and you'll find it's too big whereas if you buy something that's really good but a smaller size you have less chance of wanting to go bigger I suppose um I just I don't want to recommend a big monitor to people when I honestly think eight out of ten maybe nine out of 10 people will think it's too big um so unless you have experience maybe you've borrowed like 42 inch TV or something or you've got 40 inch and you think it's not big enough unless you've got experience in that field I probably would recommend getting yourself something smaller I love my 38 inch monitor the ultra wide but even that is massive and it did take me quite a long time to get used to yeah I think ultrawide just seemed to fit in on desks a lot better I remember the first moves the 32 inch monitor like a 16x9 yeah I thought this is really big in your face monitor if you've got like a small desk yeah exactly it's just as well like you can't focus properly um all I find is the issue and when you have such a big big monitor um you can't see everything so especially for FPS and things just don't think it's worth it wait a minute what's going on here what's going on here no one that was a good click yeah yeah be fine be fine uh we've got a five dollar donation from Matthew Connors oh thank you very much Matthew I really appreciate that sitting on so I'm assuming this is what they must have um 7950x um and a b650 motherboard 7950x yeah yeah and a b650 oh b650 okay is it a higher end one oax so okay so that right there uh if you've got it fine but that is quite uh an out there combination uh because those boards well they technically will work they're not necessarily really built to deliver loads of consistent power so for gaming you'd probably be all right but if you're looking to use that rig for a load of other like continuous strain applications you might find that the longevity of the board isn't what you want because they're they're not built to the same level of power delivery really I mean you know it's fine but if you I'm sure if you spoke to Gamers Nexus about it they'd be able to tell you loads of reasons why um they they're not a fan of sort of like entry-level motherboards and high-end CPUs I've not personally had any issues but just like to make you aware of it I wouldn't certainly wouldn't overclock or increase the power sorry yes interrupt G yeah um yeah so they've got the b650 uh 6000 megahertz Vengeance Ram uh meshified 2 light and what sort of GPU would you recommend or oh they've also said and any changes you would make okay so he's not bought the parts no yeah don't do not buy that motherboard with that level of uh CPU it is not it's not for that I think like sorry Scott I just ought to say you might find as well you might find as well if you look at the top of the motherboard like we have here uh you've got these two eight pins on a lot of the b650s you only have one which means you're limited at 150 watts of power delivery so you're leaving all of this performance on the table because it's caps capped out at 150 when actually that was using what like 230 Watts yeah 200 Watts yeah 220 Watts or something so you're not able to access all of that power so yeah um high-end b650 I'm sure is fine yeah maybe b650 extreme well not even that if you bought like a strix like a strix one or one of the high-end b650 makes sense but I wouldn't Buy the the really cheap b650 and the 7950x I wouldn't do that no there you go answer this question that's probably quite useful advice yeah I'll just double check the motherboard the one they said b650 auris Pro ax it's got a eight pin and a four pin so so it could deliver but I still wouldn't trust it it's on the limit there isn't it really yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't do that yeah I think you know for that sort of price I think you you're not far it's 329 for that one anyway for the b650 auras Pro ax yeah so you're really not far off 676 650 extreme price yeah but remember though that the thing is with the chipset the chips that you're paying more for like licensing and the extra features um of the board was he not necessarily paying for the quality of like the capacitors and things um so you you might find that the as I say the power delivery isn't going to be so good um which does does make a difference yeah I just seen it on the scan they've got the 650 and the x670 for the same price now strict should be fine if you get strix version or you know like they just want like the one above the tomahawk you know like a just a bit of a higher end one no b650 isn't it now b650 yeah because nothing wrong with b650 the chipset is not the the issue the issue is just making sure that the rest of the board is built to be you you know be used with the chips rather than just be technically compatible you know you want that longevity and you want to make sure you're able to give it enough power to extract the full full amount but speaking of I've just plugged these CPU Connections in here at the top sorry if the camera Works a bit funny I got a bit lost in that question uh but there you go that's the CPU plugged in now and then I think the final thing to do oh is not dropped screws on the floor final thing is to plug the GPU in which should be fun so remember I said you don't want a daisy chain but I'm personally happy to daisy chain one of them because you're not going to be using the full amount of power across both whereas if you were doing this on like a two pin or two times eight pin then you might find that you're going to run into issues where you've not got stable power but reminder that we're using three eight pins so two of them are going to come direct from the PSU I don't have a problem in recommending that but if you're concerned obviously then just use three because this does come with three so you can can do that cool yeah you ready for another question no yeah uh somebody said um the uh the card looks a bit tight in there is it gonna be restricted for airflow yeah simple as that yep yes it is um you'll find that the bigger the card design you can run into issues where yeah the cooling is actually worse because you're not able to feed it with all the fresh air but but it's big enough that you do have some airflow coming in the bottom and there's plenty of force come coming through um and it will feed a bit out the side but yeah it's not great but you guys wanted this in this case you chose we could have used the ah if you wanted airflow you wanted airflow you could have had the much more airflow orientated case that has mesh side panels right that would probably be a better choice or if we'd gone for you know this again it's all your fault guys it's all we all fault uh if you come for the smaller card that would have also got more airflow but I'm not concerned this is a big massive uh GPU it ran at about 52 degrees when I was testing it earlier today in a bigger chassis so I don't think is actually a concern um it's just yeah be aware that obviously airflow is slightly limited but I I don't think we're having a big issue personally no no I think yeah the physical size of it should be able to uh yeah yeah it's a mess of the card we'll see but yes it looks a bit silly yeah people are complaining because you're blaming us now I mean or is this a build you would recommend to be clear when I blame you I am joking um that's the fun of this that's the fun of this channel um is it's good to do suggestions and then talk about them afterwards because always doing the perfect thing is great but it doesn't sort of show you what happens if you don't do the perfect thing and often learning from your mistakes is far more um useful isn't it and beneficial I think it's a good showcase for um what not to do yeah I mean this is a bit or what manufacturing it's forcing you to do nowadays that's quite annoying if you get you need a cable tie though neatly actually oh I know what I've done I've got it that's I did think yeah dangerous you don't want to put it in the wrong hole [Music] yeah yeah yeah you don't want to do that not that I think no anyone not we're not going there um we'll put that in all right yeah there's some people saying about removing the uh PSG shroud but I don't think it is removable and uh I feel like it kind of uh takes away from the whole point of using the case yeah it doesn't come out now um yeah if you have a cable tie you can neaten that up a little bit better but it's not actually uh there should be some in the bag well I can use the other connection but I mean I always feel like it's wrong to do this what are your thoughts uh well everyone let me know in the comment section below what are your thoughts on using the end of the daisy chain bit I don't think it makes too much difference really I don't know I'm not an expert on PSU graphics card power delivery I know a fair bit but I don't know whether that actually matters or not there you go that's a cheats way of timing out there yeah that there we go what do we think um no actually I lied because still got to go around the back and plug in our Molex fans I don't know I'm not particularly impressed with this case I'll be honest I need to know the price point but unless this is really cheap I think there are better options out there I'll be honest but then you know the shape is nice and the fans might be okay it's not actually always as bad as you think with Molex fans because if they run slowly and quietly well it's not really too bad but if they're like very good for uh airflow no but if you think you don't actually often have your case fans particularly loud yeah if they're tuned properly they don't really need to do it very often so um yeah well let's see if this works um we need a monitor oh what we did last time we used the uh thing didn't we the uh on top of them yeah um don't mind me no one needs to know where's the off button on this camera there push it the other way that's it there we go all right right careful don't destroy anything yeah nice nice all right we'll plug this in over HDMI get that in we get our power connection what do you guys think by the way about the way it looks what do you think let me know your thoughts down below it is a bit tight but it is also a small computer though let's not forget it's a small case well the power button Works which was the thing that was concerning everybody uh this is what it looks like the tough logo it's pretty clean actually isn't it I think that looks nice there you go from the front don't seem too loud no I'd say that's okay I mean I'd much rather replace them with something else and put one on the back as well at the back but there we go it is what it is um and we've got our lovely error code readout display on the front so we can see everything that's going on and if we do manage to actually get in a thing somebody said the case acts as a great support bracket um I'm now waiting to see if we get a signals we're doing this together look we've got the the case acts as a CPU support bracket that's funny we've got some green lights I'm feeling hey there we go there we go we did it new CPU installs Happy Days everybody ha p days what do we think then what is the verdict the um so I did a poll happy with the build yeah 105 votes so far yeah yes 88 I see this this is why I went for the case because I you know I wanted to do a build on it because the thing is it looks nice there's no denying that it's a nice looking chassis you've got mesh on the front which is something that we actually need and assuming you're not going for like a ridiculously big uh GPU uh then I don't think you're gonna have an issue fitting things in it's just about the uh side panel can the side panel be closed what this one no well yeah I think that's also a valid thing to point out though isn't it does this side panel go on oh yeah that's on set on yeah there you go yeah see no need to worry about that at all no drama so we did appeal oh pdpley maybe I should secure it first and then do the pedi peel no captive thumb screws it's just a bit cheap it's just annoying because there's no need for it to be cheap that's there right I people want I don't think people are buying microatx cases like this because they're cheap people would happily pay 10 quid more yeah it's really weird but yeah here's your peel lovely nice there you go that's pretty clean I think that is a good all-round looking system it's just that the GP is too big but it does fit and as I say I wouldn't be too worried about performance it's something that looks quite good from that angle though doesn't it yeah it's very uh like you're making the most of what you got there definitely I mean yeah what are people saying do they like the look of this it's definitely better than the one I did with the air cooler not that long ago yeah yeah I think a lot of people are happy they've sat off people saying they're satisfied um that satisfaction the case and a pringle have the same energy oh I see yeah uh it's gonna require some cable management guys I'll give you that I'll give you that um but I haven't actually stuffed anything down the bottom or anything yet so um that will go on um maybe not at the moment I think I think it should be fairly comfortable yeah there is actually uh you can't really see very well but there is actually a decent enough Gap in this tray so it's not going to be the easiest but yeah you shouldn't have a problem getting the side panel back on I can do it on camera but it just seemed a bit pointless because I have to turn it off and then squash it all down if you guys really want me to do that I will do that for you but I thought let's grab actually as genuinely part of the narrative now rather than just the plug the PC Centric mouse mat that you can buy linked down below for the low low price of 29.99 USD I've priced it up if you live in the UK and including delivery and that and stuff I think it comes to the equivalent about 39 pounds shipped which are pretty cool actually I'm happy with that and this will serve you I've had my mouse map for ages um I would love to get an RGB one of this made but if we don't sell any they won't get mate well that's the end of the merch sad times piece of centric is over but let's grab the keyboard and mouse do we know where the uh bits are we took them off didn't we the adapters um I didn't take them off no I swear we saw him well there's one there's one I don't know uh this is where wired Fanboys are going to be in the comments well I've got one I mean yeah but most people aren't mucking about with loads of different computers every day so we do that we turn picture and picture back on new CPU installed what does it say um oh yeah Thermo TPM if you're using Windows 11 um then the problem you'll find is is this working now is the uh keyboard connected or is it that little one for the mouse it might be that the USB is not enabled that's quite annoying I'll turn it off and on again try that I just want to get in the Bios and just see what the speeds and Things Are make sure Ram enables all of that good stuff uh as it's good let's show you guys what we're doing and while that's doing that I'll go back to camera one so you can see me it's fun times I should have made this full screen ages ago because it would have made it a lot easier now I can't see firmware TPM oh confusing right there you go reg logo no this keyboard's not working I think I know why it's because I'm using the wrong one do you need to use the long boy the long boy yeah I think that that would explain it I was getting confused oh right yeah that's why there we go Happy Happy Days the right keyboard it all works yeah exactly no PC Centric Mouse Matlock even with this super ridiculously large keyboard on there still plenty of room to move your mouse around I actually wouldn't recommend people buy big keyboards anymore I don't unless you need the macro keys I I find it's annoying I hit the macro Keys all the time by mistake same frustrating you did the same as me you have two G9 yeah I got the exact same ones the long boy and the small boy and you also prefer the small boy is that correct yeah the small boy feels better but for late day-to-day stuff I do prefer the number pads still oh you do yeah uh what's going on come on ryzen motherboards please update them as soon as you get them because it is actually quite annoying oh there we go there we go we're in we're in we're in boss is updating that's new why is the BIOS updating how is the BIOS updating uh there's no internet is it a super clever self updating motherboard I don't know is it a new thing yeah bias is updating please do not shut down I don't know whatever you do don't turn it off yeah never turn it off but yeah I think that's pretty pretty cool anyway don't I um I don't know what did people have any last questions before we uh before we close this off and right we've got a couple uh we've got a couple of donations that have just come in some donations we've got five dollars from Tristan Weir oh that's so nice thank You Tristan that's ryzen 97950x new motherboard Ram Etc I've been using a 3070 for a while now with the 48 to be worth it or wait until 40 90 comes in stock uh what's a one to 40 90. yeah 40 80 or 49. there's a massive difference in performance between a 40 90 and a 4080. uh I can't see the 4090 drop in price I can say the 4080 potentially drop in price um but if you if you're dead set on the performance of a 4090 that's what I would go for personally yeah um I I'm not saying you need that because no one really needs that but it's it's it's a lot more performant uh I don't know what happened to the what was the computer we were taking apart earlier or I was using earlier the big boy the Lynn Lee to have another mouse I'll use another mouse it's okay it's okay yeah here's a here's my amounts I use more than any other the MX Master productivity power also looks great on the PC Centric Mouse map available at pccentric dot store link is down below uh but here we go look so we're in the Bios now it's 4am apparently it's not um and because this is a ridiculously high-end board you can do a lot of things to this but all I normally do is just go into this Q fan control and I just set everything to Auto detect unless it doesn't work which sometimes it doesn't you need to fiddle this around uh but just set everything really to silent or set it to manual if it's still quite loud but it's the case fans that are making noise not anything else so that's done you want to make sure that resizable bar is enabled and once you've installed your driver's restart make sure it works firmware TPM is enabled you need this for Windows 11 but that's enabled by default so you shouldn't need to worry you've got this AI overclocking guide that can look at your cooling solution and it will then intelligently sort of work out how much it can overclock by and it sort of restarts itself overclocks and just assesses thermals and gets to the point where everything is stable and running nice and fast and still has good cooling keeps it there tends to work quite well but obviously do be aware of the limitations there but the main one most people want to do is just go to overclock tuner and turn Expo or XMP on so we turn on Expo and it shows you the speeds Expo 2 shows you the other settings but we go Expo one and then we'll just save and reset and that should hopefully boot straight into Windows because I've already put that on this machine but otherwise you just grab a USB drive download the Windows 10 or 11 installer 11's the way to go it's just annoying for me but don't worry about that and you pop it in the back and then it should just load in basically um straight to Windows installer and then just follow the instructions add a new product key and you're golden ready and that is how to build the PC I think this is pretty cool and that's a that's a nice rounded off ending that is a fantastic don't say the word end because as soon as you see the word ending people leave I was I was genuinely been given that as advice yeah don't don't wrap up don't wrap up that's bad advice that's a bad advice um this is what I mean about motherboard um updating by the way because it looks as if we're actually stuck on error code 15. so this could be doing some memory training but it does look as if this memory is being a little bit funny but I think once you've installed a us that you should be fine it's just the x670 and exit 70E all of that stuff is actually really quite um new so not all of the bioses actually want to work with it but this actually might be okay we've got another Super Chat from drtyd Maybe dirty D dirty D yeah still error code 15 actually I thought we were there but we're not okay last questions get in guys because yes we are going to wrap up now um extreme x570 motherboard that comes with its own fan controllers box Hub thing yeah can I use Corsa IQ RGB fans with it or do I have to use the course what was the Hub sorry uh Corsa IQ RGB fans with an aorus extreme motherboard okay uh uh I no I think you have to use the IQ utility but to be honest that's better anyway there we go look we're in yeah we made it you have to use for RGB control and all that you have to use the Corsair thing yeah you can get fan speeds through the motherboard but it's just why bother if you've got the Hub anyway yeah exactly yeah yeah um just just use the IQ controller because to be fair like it's a lot of cabling and it is pretty annoying but um actually the the Corsair stuff is is the best software and best control out there if you ask me there we go we're in Happy Days Computer Works confirmed don't have the driver for this um so yeah we will leave it there but thank you so much for everyone that has checked out this video honestly it does mean a lot I know I've plugged this a lot but obviously it means a lot if you want to grab the piece of centric mouse mat that this this could be the only time that you'll be able to get one uh then please do go to the link down below and grab yourself one of these lovely things brighten up your setup and you can be part of the PC Centric merch Club but thank you so much for everyone that has donated as well really appreciate it everyone that's tuned in from the start or for just the last five minutes honestly it means a lot thank you so much to Carl for joining us on the stream thank you very much for having me it's been always a pleasure it's been fun yeah yeah it's always fun reading the comments and keeping things keeping everybody up to date with what they want to know and people know you now and they know your dog they can hear me now and I suppose that's the biggest yeah Robin I don't know yeah exactly uh that's great but yeah thank you so much guys um please do subscribe if you're not already check out the previous build including the benchmarks of um the 7900 XTX in yesterday's video that's gone live but I did actually promise you guys some benchmarks on this in Battlefield on this exact GPU I was getting about 120 130 FPS at 4K um everything maxed out on Ray tracing 1440p 200 Apex Legends we've got about 220 at 4K get on between 220 250 at 4K Max settings which is insane 300 at 1440p and in cyberpunk at my actual desired settings that I played cyberpunk at when I originally played it which was Ray traced Shadows only at 4K with FSR I'm still getting about 60 to 70 FPS which I think is very good so it's a capable card it just Falls over as soon as you turn all the ray tracing up to Max so if you don't mind about that highly recommended thank you so much for watching the stream I'll catch you guys in the next one bye
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 164,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, gaming pc build, pc build 2022, rtx 4090, ryzen, intel, amd, 7900x, 7900 xt build, 7900 xtx, 7900 xtx build, 7900 xtx benchmarks, 7900 xtx pc, pc centric pc build, live build, how to build a pc, rx 7900 xtx, rx 7900 xtx build guide, nvidia, amd gpu, amd build, radeon 7900 xt
Id: 5M9tPUr8TC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 5sec (8585 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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