How to build a Dropshipping Store with WordPress - AliExpress Dropshipping

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[Music] hello there and welcome back to the webmonkey show my name is alex i hope you're staying safe and well wherever you are i am back again back again today with another mega tutorial and today i'm going to show you how you can build yourself a drop shipping store using the original ali dropship plugin that works with uh ali express now before i go on i have noticed that nearly a whooping 98 of my viewers are not subscribed to the channel so please if you've been watching my videos for quite some time now and you're not subscribed do hit the subscribe button today it really helps me a lot hit that bell so that you're notified whenever i upload a new tutorial and if this is the first time you're coming to my channel welcome i am alex i upload tutorials on wordpress so if you feel like this is the kind of content that you will benefit from do hit the subscribe button and do hit that bell so that you're notified when i upload a new tutorial all right so going back to the topic of today's tutorial i'm going to show you how you can build a drop shipping store using the uh ali drop shipping plug-in and here's a sample of the kind of store we're gonna build today i'm gonna be using a free theme by the way so don't worry about that the plugin itself you do have to pay for it it's 89 but i do have some very interesting discounts for you if you're watching this you will find all the details in the description box below but i do have discounts specifically uh for you watching so the drop shipping stuff we're gonna build is basically a very simple store that sells electronics uh video game consoles as well as this watches so i'll show you how you can build yourself this very simple but elegant uh website i will show you all the technical aspects from the back hand how you can handle pricing currency updates notifications shipping working with coupons export settings and so on so i'm going to cover everything from a technical perspective so please note that this tutorial isn't about how you can find the best products to drop ship you know the best tips to promote your drop shipping business things like that no this is going to be a purely technical course teaching you how you can build your drop shipping store from the ground up but i'm also going to cover some seo so we'll handle some basic seo later on in the course now i should let you know that there are actually two types of the ali dropship plugin one is the original ali dropship plugin while the order is the ali dropship woo plugin what's the difference i'll talk about that in the very next uh video but you should know that in this tutorial we're gonna be working with the original uh ali drop ship plugin so that's uh basically it if you're interested by the way in learning how to use the alidropship woo plugin i do have a course that will show you how to do that one it basically covers how you can work with both uh plugins and i will have the link in the description box below if you're interested in that course so without much further ado sit back relax and i really hope that you will enjoy this tutorial where i show you how to build your dropshipping store with the ali dropship plugin let's get started i want to quickly talk to you now before we get started with the course itself i wanted to quickly talk to you about how you can get yourself a domain name get yourself some web hosting and also how you can install wordpress because these are things i'm not going to cover in this video because i have already uh covered them extensively on other youtube videos so for example if you're new to wordpress you want to learn how to install wordpress so get yourself a domain name hosting please check out my how to build a wordpress website uh video it's here on youtube and it covers basically everything you need to know about getting yourself a domain name hosting and also how you can install wordpress and ssl i do have the timeline uh down here that you can use to learn how you can get these done and when it comes to hosting i do recommend a site ground they are in my humble opinion one of the very best web hosting companies in the world and i also have an extensive tutorial on youtube on how you can make use of all the tools that they offer you so you can check out the video here on youtube as well now in particular it is very very very important that you have ssl installed let me quickly explain to you what ssl is you see i'm over here on and right up here you can see there's a padlock and if i click on this padlock it says your information for example passwords or credit card numbers is private when it is sent to this site now in contrast check out another website in here that now says not secure and if i click in here it says attackers might be able to see the images you're looking at on the site and maybe modify them in fact on other websites you might see something like do not use or do not send sensitive information on this website like credit card numbers password things like that the reason why this website has this not secure message is because it doesn't have ssl installed amazon has ssl installed and really for any website that would require payments or the use of passwords you must have ssl installed no one is going to come to your dropshipping store and pay for products if you don't have ssl installed so whatever web hosting company you're using please ensure that you have ssl installed again i covered all of that in my wordpress tutorial for beginners so be sure to check that out all right so before we begin the technical aspects of this course where we build our dropshipping website let's talk about the kinds of products that you should be looking to sell in your dropshipping store now i'm over here on aliexpress and typically one of the biggest questions or challenges that most uh people who are new to dropshipping is what kind of products do we sell uh what category of products do i choose how do i know which products to sell how do i know which ones uh will make me money now if you're somebody who already has experience with drop shipping and you know the products you want to sell you can skip this video just move on to the technical aspects where we begin building our store but if you're new to drop shipping this video is going to be for you now the first question typically asked is do i sell general products or do i go niche do i find a particular niche of products and then sell those before we can answer this question effectively we need to first of all define what general means and what niche is over here on aliexpress on the left right here you can see the different kinds of categories you've got women's clothing you've got men's clothing you've got phones and accessories computer office security all of these right here are general categories because under computer office and security guess what you have subcategories you have components and peripherals you have office electronics you have electronics for security protection you have search devices you have products for networking so when i say general i mean you selling products that fall under one particular kind of category one thing you should not do is you start a drop shipping store and you're selling products from two different types of categories it's not gonna make any sense for you to sell toys and also sell makeup in your store it's gonna be kind of weird but like why would you be selling makeup and then be selling toys on the exact same website that's not going to make any sense so when i say general i mean you're selling products different types of products that fall under one particular category now when it comes to niche you are now focusing on a particular sub category of products under one main category as an example under the main category of computer office and security you can now focus specifically on our laptops all right you have the laptops category right here now you can decide okay i'm going to be selling just laptops now you're becoming niche you could become even more niche by selling laptops from one particular uh developer maybe sony laptops hp laptops and so on so the one mistake you should not make especially when you're new is going niche first of all no you want to go general so instead of you selling specifically just laptops i'll recommend you go with selling computers and accessories so you're selling laptops you're selling desktops you're selling mouse keyboards networking devices things like that it's always best that you go the general route first later on once you have more experience and you discover that you know what this particular product these particular types of products under this particular category are selling really well maybe in your electronics store you have to be selling computer accessories a lot maybe the laptops desktops aren't doing that well but maybe you're selling accessories a lot of them you might not want to focus specifically on accessories and then you can create another dropshipping store specifically for your computer accessories products i hope that makes sense so the first question right now is general or niche i recommend you go with general first of all now one thing i want to show you here is when it comes to you picking a particular category honestly it really doesn't matter because all of these categories you will find products that sell really really well it doesn't matter if you're choosing jewelry or watches or you're choosing beauty or you're chosen spots and outdoors you have products in each one of these categories that will sell really well now i have this article from uh ecom lights or and in here they listed the best 33 selling products on aliexpress and alibaba but mostly aliexpress for the year 2020 and right here notice that you have the category for electronics you have for home decoration you have accessories you have beauty you have toys you have sports nowadays you have automobiles and motorcycles and you have also have a home improvement the point i'm trying to make here is that it doesn't matter what category you choose you will find products that sell really well in each one of them however i would recommend going for a category that you have some level of interest in you don't have to become be an expert in in any of the products in there but just just as long as you have an interest in that particular kind of product category i'll recommend you go for it in my case i will not go for women's clothing i'm not going to go for men's clothing either even though i'm a man i wear clothes i'm not willing to fashion i'm not gonna go for uh bags and shoes i'm not gonna go for makeup and beauty that's not me what i will go for will be computer office security i will go with electronics i will go with sports and outdoors and i will also go with toys now i'm joking i don't i don't play with toys i'm just joking but my recommendation here is try to go for a category of products that you have some level of interest in so hopefully that will uh help you choose a category for your products now before i go i just wanted to show you uh a very very quick trick to find out like products that are selling really well under each category so say for example we went over to computer office and security let's choose uh let's choose components and peripherals right so we're on the subcategory page for components and peripherals what you're going to do is right here where you have sort by you want to click on orders when you click on orders what's going to happen right now is that you will see the very best selling products under that particular sub category in this case right now the ling chan laptop holder that's not a surprise i i've been seeing a lot of commercials for this particular kind of product but the linkedin laptop holder for macbook air pro has sold so far 9366 uh uh items basically and the other ones right here you also have the printer parts fans cooler it sold 5864 and so on and so forth so this is how you can quickly identify the best-selling products on the uh each particular subcategory now in the very next video coming up we're going to talk about the types of products i should be choosing it's not enough that a product is selling really really well there are some other factors that you need to consider before you decide to sell a particular kind of product so i will see you in the next video all right so what kinds of products should you sell on your store let's imagine you've chosen your category or maybe you've even chosen your sub category of products but now what types of products under that category should you be aiming for now we've already discussed about how you can find out the best selling products in each category or each subcategory but that's not enough there's some other factors you need to consider before you choose a particular product number one is it's generally recommended that you go for products that cost around four dollars and then you can sell them anywhere between fifteen dollars and nineteen dollars ninety nine cents i did not say twenty dollars because trust me psychologically when somebody sees a pr a product that costs 20 and then they see the exact same product costing 19.99 even though the difference is just one cent psychologically it's been proven that people think of 19.99 has been significantly less than twenty dollars so keep that in mind also don't sell for fifteen dollar seller for ten dollars ninety nine cents all right now the reason why it's recommended that you go for products that cost four dollars and then you can sell for fifteen dollars to about nineteen 19 is because you want to make some money right you want to make as much profit as you can it's not going to make any sense for you to buy products for five dollars on aliexpress and then you sell them for ten dollars on your own store that's just gonna be five dollars profit imagine you need to sell uh a thousand of such products to make five thousand dollars so you want to try and maximize your profit without going overboard it won't be fair on the customer if uh you buy the product for four dollars on aliexpress and then you sell it for fifty dollars or sixty dollars on your own website i mean you could get away with it but if the customer finds out uh there might not be too too happy uh about that so another reason why you want to go for 14.99 and 19.99 is because that's usually the kind of price that most people don't think too much about it's just fifteen dollars to twenty dollars it's not much if it was fifty dollars sixty dollars seventy dollars now they might be a bit more hesitant to spend that money because it is quite a lot of money so 14.99 to 19.99 has been known to be the sweet spot okay with that being said let me say that eventually once you begin growing your drop shipping business you have my experience don't be afraid to sell products that cost over a thousand dollars trust me it's a lot of money but you'll be surprised just how many people would be willing to pay you that amount of money for the product you are selling in this case in that particular kind of scenario you're going to be focusing specifically on a particular kind of product and you're going to have an entire website dedicated to selling that particular kind of product at that point you should not be dealing with uh several kinds of products on that one particular kind of category no why am i saying this imagine you wanted to buy ice cream right a very very expensive ice cream maybe a cone cost a thousand dollars right and there are two places selling this particular ice cream cone now one is a restaurant that sells pizza they sell bread they sell cakes but they also sell this particular special kind of ice cream that's the first one but now imagine there's a second place that specifically only sells ice cream and that particular kind of ice cream which of these two would you be more interested in going to it's going to be the second one because why due to the fact that that's the only product they sell it creates this idea that there are specialists in this particular kind of product it adds more to the credibility so if you eventually decide to sell products that cost anywhere between anything above let me say uh 500 create a specific website for that specific kind of products okay so keep that in mind for the future all right the next i'm gonna say here is that when it comes to you choosing your products uh make sure the products have a high quality uh images when you browse through many of these uh different kinds of products here on aliexpress let me just show you what i'm uh talking about uh in here for example you have the uh you green magnetic charger and so on when you scroll down here to the description uh you will begin to see the images for or this particular product now the good thing about aliexpress is that most of the time uh the images are usually they're usually pretty good for most of the products so you're not gonna have much of an issue in here but it's just a good idea to verify and make sure that the images look good because when you import this product to your store you're also going to be importing the images for the description as well it's not going to be good a good idea if you import a product that has bad images because guess what it's not going to sell on your store so try to avoid importing products with bad images next here is try to avoid selling branded products especially when it comes to clothing and things like that because aliexpress has been known to have fake uh not original products you know the supplier will say oh yeah we're selling this tommy hill figure jeans and stuff and then you discover that oh it's actually fake you know so keep that in mind okay generally try to avoid uh selling branded products next year is you also want to avoid selling fragile products products that can break easily try to avoid selling them i'm talking about glass mostly right because uh imagine if doing shipping the product breaks right your customer isn't going to blame the supplier or the person shipping it's going to be you they're going to say oh you know i bought this product from your website it came you know it was broken you know and you know things can get ugly so generally try to avoid selling fragile products on your store and then you also want to go for products that you cannot find in your local stores for example if you're in the u.s you know about walmart you know target you want to avoid selling products that you can find in these kinds of stores keep in mind that people generally go online to find products that they can't easily find are where they live so keep that in mind as well and then last but not least here is going to be the actual supplier of the product that you intend to sell as an example on this exact same product in here let's take a look at the supplier right so let's see over here it says uh okay so you can see right now it has 14 370 reviews 4.9 waiting okay this this is an excellent excellent uh plug to sell but let's try to take a look at the uh supply so the supply right here is the you green official flag okay 99.2 positive feedback that's incredible 51 000 followers okay you can click in here to visit the store and let's see what they have all right so you can see right now that right off the bat this is a professional looking uh page for this particular supplier and yeah you can instantly tell that okay this is a particular supplier that i can trust to ship the products to my customers so keep that in mind as well you want to go for suppliers that have really really good feedback and if they have plenty followers like this particular uh store does then you know they're the kind of supplier that you want to work with so hopefully i've been able to give you some tips on the kinds of products to go for and the cans to avoid when it comes to choosing products that you want to sell in your job shipping store okay so that's pretty much it let's now move on to the technical aspects of the course all righty so before we begin the course officially we need to talk about the difference between the original alidropship plugin and the alidropship woo plugin they're both quite similar but there are some differences between both of them but one thing i will mention is that they both cost the exact same amount which is 89 but the core difference between both of them is that the original alidropship plugin is meant to function as an all-in-one our plug-in for drop shipping so basically it takes care of everything from uh importing products selling products installing your payment gateways uh shipping refunds taxes everything is handled by the original ally dropship plugin while the ali dropship wu plugin works with woocommerce in fact most of the heavy lifting is done by woocommerce woocommerce will take care of the payment gateways the shipping the reforms the accounts all that stuff the alley drop alidropship will plug in will simply take care of the core functionalities of drop shipping which is basically to connect your store with aliexpress and also fulfill any orders that your customer uh or your customers would make on your dropshipping store so in other words the original dropship plugin is the all-in-one i'm gonna do everything for you while alidropship woo works with commas now another difference between both of them is that when it comes to the themes that you can use you are limited with the original ali dropship plugin in fact let me show you the themes that you can actually use with the original plugin and these are the themes right here uh in this course we're going to be working with the rubens theme is for free but i'll also show you what you can do with the el greco theme which is a premium theme so you're kind of limited in the themes that you can use with the original plugin but with alidropship woo you can use third-party themes you can use dv you can use oceanwp astra you can use whatever thing you want to use on your dropshipping store and last but not least is that when it comes to the amount of products that you can actually sell on your store the original plugin can handle as many as i think 10 000 products while alidropship wu is limited to about 500. i don't think that's that big of a deal because i don't think you're going to be selling more than 500 products on your store anyway so i don't know but it's something that you should know so if at the end of the day you'll find it difficult to choose between uh either one of these two anyway in this in this tutorial we're using the original ali dropship plugin but if you had access to both and you're not quite sure which one to use i will just say that if you're someone who is very very comfortable working with woocommerce you know how to work with lucomas then maybe alidropship will might be better for you but if this is the first time you're building a dropshipping store you don't have any experience with uh woocommerce then i would highly recommend the original uh ali dropship plugins hopefully that helps let's now continue with the course all righty so let me show you how you can buy and set up the alidropship plugin basically you just go to forward slash plugin and you will have access to the original alidropship plugin right here you click on buy for now for only it's nine dollars you add your email add your credit card details and then you simply complete the order now the thing is once you have completed the order you will get an email telling you that hey you know you've bought the plugin and here's your activation key you might also get a link that will take you to updates plugin and right here this is where you can actually download the plugin and of course the plugin version you've got two different types you have the original alidropship and then you've got the woo version obviously you want to go with the alidropship original and then choose the php version it's important that you know what the patriot version of your server is please contact your web hosts if you don't know you can choose 7.1 or 7.2 plus and then simply add your license key that you've been provided and simply click on download now and then you will have access to the plugin now i have already done all of these and you can see i have installed the alidropship plugin on my website now when you do the same you will see this orange link up here for the plugin itself you click in there and now you'll have access to the actual back end for alidropship plugin notice the difference you click on main menu this takes you back to the original default wordpress backend but you click on early drop ship this will now take you to the back end of the alidropship plugin so what you need to do right now is to go to line sense and then simply uh add the key which i'm going to do so right now click on activate and this might take a few seconds and also and it says congratulations the your license has been activated and just to test you can click on dashboard and if you still see this message asking you to activate the key then there is a bit of a problem and it's actually easy to solve this issue what you want to do is you want to go back to the main menu go to your settings go to general and then right here you want to make sure that your wordpress address and your site address are actually properly configured for either http or https now because i've already installed ssl on my website you can say i do have the the padlock right there i need to confirm that my site is indeed https and not http so please make sure these two are properly configured i'm going to come back in here save my changes and of course this is going to log me out i can try to log in again which i will do so right now and then let me just add my password and all right so now i'm going to go back to alidropship go to the lion sense and then activate it one more time and there you go so now if i go to dashboard you can see i no longer have the request to activate the key i can now access my dashboard i can go to settings and there you go if you're still having issues even after you've configured the website address you will need to contact alidropship our support and get them to help you solve the issue but that's basically how to get the alidropship plug-in and how to install and activate it on your website thank you for watching i will see you in the next class so now that we have the alidropship plugin activated on our website let me walk you through the general settings which you would find on the settings and of course general alright so the first bracket we have here is under the order fulfillment you do have the option of automatically marking every order placed on your website as both processed and shipped now while you could do this you could technically mark every order has been processed i would highly encourage you to not mark orders as shipped because well guess what when an order is made through your website the supplier isn't going to ship it immediately there is a possibility that maybe the product is no longer available or maybe there's an issue and you know anything can happen so i would encourage you to not mac orders are shipped automatically just wait until the supplier has actually shipped the product and then you can go to the individual orders and then manually update the shipping status there that's what i would i would encourage you to do so i'll show you how to do that uh a bit later now in here you do have the option of adding a default phone number for to receive notifications should in case the customer does not provide their own phone number you could also choose to override the customer's phone number with your own phone number if you want to do so there's no right or wrong answer in here it's just it depends on how you choose to to do your work so you do have that option though and of course in here this is important when another is made through your website the supplier is not going to know that oh this customer actually made this order through your drop shipping website so in order to inform the supply that hey it's it's me it's the drop shipping store you can add your message in here so the default one right here is we are drop shipping please do not include any invoices or promo materials into the package so you can come in here right now and craft your message to the supplier letting them know that this particular order was made through your own website and not directly uh from the customer themselves so you come in here and do that i'm gonna click on save changes and now let's talk about the product images i'm going to show you how you can import products directly from aliexpress straight to your website but when these products have been imported you do have the option of also importing the images what this means is that these images will also be stored on your own web server now obviously remember that when you whenever you're storing images on your web server it will occupy space so you want to be careful with how many images you you're actually importing if you're focusing on a very small store and you're dealing with maybe no more than 15 products you could choose to import all of these variations of the images however if you are dealing with a big store maybe you're providing lots of different kinds of products it might be best to just stick with just importing the featured image the one image that actually represents other products the other images for those products will still be stored on aliexpress but your customers will still be able to see them so keep that in mind now if after a while you've imported several products or just a featured image but then you now decide to also upload you want to import the gallery images the version images you can simply click the boxes and then you come in here right now and then simply click on upload images and then automatically the plugin will upload these particular images for the products that you've already imported and of course down here you do have the option of deleting all the product images when you remove products which of course makes perfect sense why keep images of products that you no longer provide are stored on your website okay now down here you do have the option of choosing between uh order among three different tracking services so you've got 17 track after ship and uh know to be honest with you i haven't used any of these before but i'll assume they're good because aliexpress does use them and here's the one for 17 as an example right so what happens is that when the product has been shipped by the supplier to the customer they will provide the tracking number in the email and then of course the customer can come in here right now add the tracking numbers and of course track uh where the orders are so that's how it basically works now like i said you do have the option of choosing aftership and uh know as well my recommendation is just to stick with the default which is 17 track and then if you realize that maybe they're not the best and you know you don't really like the track and service you can try the other two you do have the option of not attaching the tracking number which i would not recommend after all your customers would want to know where the orders are you do want to allow them to be able to track the order so i would encourage you to keep this one unchecked but then also check this to send an email notification if the tracking id has been changed of course very very very important and you could also attach an estimated delivery time just to let your customers know when they can expect to receive their orders i'm going to save my changes and of course if you're dealing with cash backs and the aliexpress cashback i don't know too much about this to be honest with you but when you sign up with them you will get a url which which can of course uh come in here and add if you're interested and then for the enable quick edit product panel let's just keep this on i'll show you how this works uh a bit later okay so that's pretty much how to configure the general settings for the alidropship plugin i will see in the next class so let's choose the theme we're going to use with the ali dropship plugin and like i said earlier the one disadvantage of using the alidropship plugin is that you cannot use most themes provided by the wordpress community there are certain themes that you can use but there are few are in number but let's take a look at them on i'm going to go to products and then right here i'm going to click on themes and right here i'm going to click on the alidropship original plugin and let's see what themes we have in here they're of course paid uh themes which you have the you know greco and the warhol and so on but for the purposes of this course i'm gonna choose a free theme and there's quite a few of them you have da vinci rubens you have raphael daly and so on i'm gonna stick with the rubens theme now if you're wondering why rubens well let's take a look at davinci for example right i'm going to click on the live demo the one thing i don't like about the davinci theme is the fact that you have this thing that i call information overload look at the homepage for example right you know right here you've got this very long uh menu you've got a slider and then right here you've got products and products and products and personally i'm not a fan of websites like this now here's the thing this is of course completely subjective you may like websites like this and you may want your own design to look exactly like this by all means please use the davinci theme the good news here is that when it comes to configuring these themes which i'll show you how to do so they're very very similar obviously you're going to have a few defenses here and there but it's not going to make much of a difference if you choose davinci or you choose rubens which i'm going to choose and speaking of rubens let's take a look at the live demo what i like about rubens is the fact that it's a lot simpler than the da vinci theme like in here for example you have one main menu you've got your slider you've got your best deals just arrived trending now a blog and uh instagram and that's pretty much it so it's a lot simpler to navigate it's a lot cleaner and for a small drop shipping store i think this would be amazing again if you're dealing with plenty of products then maybe da vinci might be uh better for you because right here you do have the option of displaying different kinds of products and quite quite a lot of them in fact so it really comes down to your own personal preference but i'm gonna go with the rubens theme remember you do have other themes in here as well dali rafael rembrandt davinci michelangelo and so on and so forth so let's do this i'm going to go to view details and right here i'm just going to go ahead and click on download theme and that's it so i'm going to go back in here i'm going to go over to the main menu i'm going to head over to appearance i'm going to click on themes i'm going to click on add new i'm going to click on upload theme and of course i'm just going to drag ribbons in here let's install that theme and there he goes i'm going to go ahead now and activate the theme this might take a few seconds okay there you go so now if i go back to my website you can see right now that it has changed and we now have the ribbons theme are active so jump into the next video where i will now show you how to make some configurations to the ribbons theme so now that we've chosen the rubens theme let me show you how to make some customizations we're going to customize the header as well as the footer so let's do this i'm going to go over to the back end and then down here you will see this customization link let's click on general and let's see what we have here all right so first things first is you have the ability to create default pages and menus so the theme basically will create settings standard pages like a thank you page and about us page a contact page as it is right now if i go over to my pages uh you will see i only have the default uh blog home and then the privacy policy page but if we now go ahead and we click on create what's going to happen right now is that if i come back in here and refresh you will notice that we now have a whole bunch of new pages that have been created by the theme so plenty of work has been done for us already plus if i go over to appearance and then go to menus you would also see that we've now gotten access to three different menus a main menu uh let us help you menu and of course an about us many which we will configure these uh a bit later all right next right now is going to be the five icon if you don't know what the five icon is it's basically the icon that you find up here in your browser so basically what you want to do right here is to grab your logo at least part of your logo and then use that as your five icon it's a great way to identify your website when a user has a multiple websites on their browser so that's basically what the five icon is i'm going to leave the default so i'll just leave this one as it is all right what else do we have in here discount badges on products so how do you want to show if you're offering a discount on your products how do you want to show the discount you want to show it as a sale or as a percent off this is of course very very subjective i'll just leave mine on sale and of course you want to enable image laser loads to improve your speed performance uh you can show star rating on home page and category page i will not recommend this one typically you want to avoid showing ratings and things like that on your home page or category page you can show the ratings for your products on the actual individual uh product pages i think that would be better all right last one here is show one product per role on category page mobile i would recommend this what this implements is that when a user views your category pages or mobile device you will have one product part row which means the product will be shown better don't worry we will take a look at this much later i'm gonna go ahead now save my settings and the one down here basically is just the template colors uh the colors for your button your art card to links color these are very very subjective again i'll just leave these as they are let's head on over now to the head section and basically this is where you would add external code so maybe for example you've signed up with google search console or google analytics and they tell you hey paste this code in the head section of your website this is where you would add the code and then the right here would be for css styling this is where you would add your code for css now let's take a look at the actual header itself right now this is what we have we have a logo we have a menu we have a search button and then we have a cart the american flag and then of course the dollar currency we can customize this all right so the first thing i'm going to do right here is i'm going to change the theme i'm sorry the logo from the default rubens to something uh more descriptive of what my website is so i have already created a logo and i'm going to go ahead now and upload it it is in my media library i do have it right here so notice i have two versions i have the yellow version and then the black version the reason being that by default you'll have your logo in one color but then when a user hovers on your header section you can see right now that the you're going to have a white background so it might be important for you to create two variations of your logos so that they can blend in depending on whether or not a user is hovering on the header or not so in my case i created one for yellow and then one for black so right here you can see we have the one here that says website logo black what this implements is that the logo that will be shown when a user hovers on your header so in my case i'm gonna go ahead now and simply choose the black version let's go ahead now and select and then we'll have to choose everything so i'm going to drag the edges and make sure everything in my logo is highlighted and then let's let's try to centralize this to be honest with you it's not the most effective way of cropping logos or displaying them but will make do i'll click on crop and there you go so now we have this let me go ahead now save my settings and let's see what it looks like if i refresh the page now if i hover on i mean you can see right now we have alexo mod that's basically my logo and the name of my website so let's now change the logo for the default which is going to be the white so i'm going to click on upload and i'm going to choose the yellow version click on select and then again i'm going to do the exact same thing click to drag so that everything is a light head and then try to centralize it let's click on crop save settings go back in here refresh the page and there you go so we have yellow black yellow black yellow black so that's basically how this works again you may not need to create two versions of your logo if the version you have blends in with both uh style so this is entirely up to you all right what else do we have in here the sticky header again this is entirely subjective stickers implements that when you scroll down the header will always be there you can see the header never moves away in my humble opinion i prefer not having a sticky header so i'll just go ahead now and disable the sticky header save settings and then down here you have again you can enable a dark overlay you can change the color for transparent header elements your main menu links color so you can change the the custom color and if you want to like now you can see when you hover on your links to turn red so you can come in here right now and change the color to something else if you want to or you can just leave the default values as they are all right one more thing we're going to do before we round this up is going to be the uh main menu now by default you can see we've got costumes custom category gifts jewelry and so on what i'm going to do is if i had a head on over to products and then i go to product categories right here what we can do is we can create the categories of the products we're going to be selling on our store now i'm going to go ahead now and add my categories so i do have a gaming consoles okay so let me add that one i do have our wrist watches okay let's go ahead now and add that one as well i do have video games as well okay so let's add that one to video games and last but not least we do have our smart actually let's just call this electronics all right i was going to call it smart tv but let's just call this electronics so let's add that one we can also add sub categories so for gaming consoles i'm going to add one for the playstation and then right here we have parent category i'll choose gaming console so let's add that one and then i'll add uh xbox as well xbox gaming console let's add that one and there you go all right so we might still make a few more changes to these as we progress but for now we have a four categories and two subcategories awesome what i'm going to do right now is to go over to appearance go to menus and what i'm going to do is right here i'm going to choose the main menu click on select so what's going to happen here is that i'm simply going to go ahead now and delete this menu and start over so i'm going to click on delete menu click on ok and then i'm going to click on create a new menu once again and then right here i will choose main menu click on create menu and there you go so right now down here where you have product categories i'm going to click in there click on view all select all and now let's add that to our menu now let's make sure that playstation and xbox fall on the gaming console so we'll do this one we have playstation and then we also have our xbox okay let's go ahead now save the menu and now if i head back over to my website refresh the page you will now see that we have electronics we have gaming consoles with the drop down arrow showing playstation and xbox and then more that has in two categories of video games and wrist watches now why are we seeing more and not the other two items there are too many items well that's because with the weapons theme your menu has a set width now it will be able to accommodate your menu items all of them as long as the text for your menu items do not exceed the set width for the menu in this case right now the reason why we have more is because we can no longer add video games and wristwatches into the space that has been allocated by the theme so if you want to figure out a way how we can get video games and wrist watches to display right here we need to shorten the text of our menu items so let me show you this okay i'm going to go back in here and what i can do right here is to simply change gaming consoles to just consoles okay and then for wrist watches i can change wrist watches to just watches okay so let's see if this would work i'm going to go ahead and now save my menu so we've shortened the number of text for menu items let's go back in here refresh the page and there you go so now you can see that because we've shortened gaming consoles to consoles and then wrist watches to watches we no longer have the uh more uh default menu item showing so that's one trick that you can enforce whenever you are trying to add menu items to your main menu okay so that's pretty much it for configuring the header for our rubenstein we still have the search button we have the currency language all this is pretty standard there is no need for us to change anything in here i like the way uh this is set there is no need to change anything in here so we have handled the header during the events video where we'll now take a look at how we can configure the footer of our website alright so previously we handled the header for our website now let's take a look at what we can do with the footer and to do this we're going to head over to the back end let's go over to customization and then all the way down here you will see futa so let's click in there and it's pretty basic i mean there isn't much to really configure in here you do have a contact widget where you can add a phone number email address physical address if you want to uh and about widget with links to like you know privacy policy contact us about us and then a uh let us help you widget so the only thing i'm going to change here really would be to change the text for let us help you to something like let's say more information so right here where you have footer menu settings and then the titles title number three i'll just change this to more uh info okay it's a it's a very simple change it's very very subjective but i'll just save that and then what else do we have in here of course you can change color settings as usual you can change background color and all that good stuff we do have the back to top button which is what you have right here i think that's very very useful you click in there it takes you all the way back to the top of the page i think that's useful let's keep that one and then here we have these cards representing the payments that we the payment forms uh that we accept so right here you can configure this by simply either uploading the logo of another kind of system that you support or remove those that you do not uh support so let's take a look all we have here we have mastercard visa paypal american express discover and maestro i'm gonna remove american express and i will also remove the last one which is uh maestro right let's save our settings and of course the rest is the copyrights which you can configure contact details of course which you can change and customize and that is it all right let's go back in here let's just refresh the page and let's see all right so more info and then the four payment system that we accept nothing really we need to configure in here one more thing we can configure though is actually back in the header so right here under customization you have these uh social media link which i'm going to click on and then right here i will talk about instagram a bit later but over here where you have your social page links you can add links to your social media accounts so facebook as an example let me just use the hashtag instagram let's add for pinterest let's add for our youtube as well i'm gonna save this for all right and these will appear actually in your header and it's going to be oh it's not in the header i'm sorry oh it's actually in the footer oh wow i'm sorry about that i must have been working with a different theme earlier i do apologize for that so it's actually in the footer okay so your social media links or the links to your social media accounts will appear and just above the payment systems that you accept so of course we've chosen facebook instagram pinterest and youtube of course uh in here you would add the actual uh real links so that's pretty much it for configuring the footer i will see you in the next class welcome back so we've already created our header and the footer for our site and we're almost ready to start creating products and importing products from aliexpress but before we do that let's take a look at the other options that we have available with the alidropship plugin so i'm going to click on the alidropship link go to settings and then remember that we've talked about the general options where we talked about order fulfillment uh product images and so on but now we have other options like pricing currency updates payments shipping and so on it's better that you actually set all these first before you begin creating products or importing products from aliexpress now on the general we have pricing but we're going to keep pricing for now because in my humble opinion it's it's quite possibly the most technical and it's also a little bit complicated i don't know how much you enjoy math but we'll handle pricing a bit later so let's just come down straight to currency currency is very very straightforward what's the currency of your store are you selling in dollars pounds uh syrian pounds thai baht it's really up to you i'm going to keep the default which is the u.s dollar additional currencies nope it's just the us dollar and then the default database currency again is going to be uh in usd so i'm just going to keep all of these uh the defaults let's go over to updates now this is very very useful because you can actually modify how you want updates to occur on your store and i'm talking about the products what happens when a product that you are selling has run out of stock on aliexpress do you update the product manually or would you let the plugin do so automatically for you this is where you can set things like that so first of all you have applied to all categories and i will assume that this would be the default because typically you'd want to set these kinds of settings to all your categories however if for some reason you wanted to choose setting categories you click on select categories and then right here you can choose the categories that you've already created for your product i'm going to go with of course with the all categories okay when a product disappears or is out of stock what happens you have three options one is to do nothing you can set the quantity to zero or you can send to draft and then restore so basically setting it to zero means your you'd manually update the product once it becomes available again but when you say send to draft and then restore what this does is that first of all the plugin will send the product to draft which means the product will no longer be available on your store but as soon as the product is available again on aliexpress the product will be published again so this is the automatic operand i think this is the best so i'll choose send to draft and then restore and you can choose to get notifications when a product has run out of stock and when it's been restored again i think it's a good idea because it's your store you want to make sure you know what's going on now when a variation this disappears or is out of stock we'll talk about variations a bit later but let's talk about variations of products so let's say for example you're selling uh let's let's say a laptop for example okay a samsung laptop for example you can have the black color you can have the white color those are variations of the same product so what happens if one of those variations disappears or is out of stock again i'm going to choose the disable enable which is actually the same as sent to draft and then restore so i'll choose disable enable they'll define me now when the price changes so if you're selling products you've imported them directly from aliexpress and then on aliexpress the price has changed what happens again automatically you can update or you can choose to do nothing i'll just update automatically i think that makes uh the most sense let's receive notifications again when stock changes just update automatically and then you can also notify me as well and i'll just choose the activate auto update what this does is that right here on the right you do have the manual option of updating your products once things have changed maybe the stock has changed the person has changed you can come in here and update them manually or you can let the plugin check for such updates on a daily basis on or on a weekly basis and then do the updates for you i think this makes the most sense so i'm going to choose one's daily save changes and there you go awesome all right let's take a look at payments how exactly are you going to accept payments on your store one tip i can give you is that the more options you have available for payments and even shipping the better for you and your customers so we have i think three major categories you have the credit card debit card option you have the paypal option and then you have cash and delivery so yes you've got three different options let's take a look at them now credit card debit card uh title in here i'm gonna go with the credits credit card debit card just as the title and then right here you have a variety of options who would you want to use to process payments via credit card or debit card if you have your preferred option in here by all means choose that option but i'm most comfortable with stripe okay because trap is easy to configure and it's okay it's i know there are people who don't like stripe but honestly i i think it's okay it gets the job done so i'll choose strap oh sorry about that the title has disappeared we should have chosen the uh the service first and then you can type in the title so let's do that again uh title is debit credit debit card okay so stripe so enable the stripe payment option and now in here very very important if you're based in you because apparently there is some kind of a law that makes it mandatory for uh stores based and you have to have this uh strong customer authentication option so you can read more about this if you want to you will have the link of course uh right here but i'm not based in europe i'm based in the united states so i'll keep this turned off uh enable to send strap notification after purchase okay let's do that one i enable ideal payments via stripe honestly i don't know what this is but if you do you can enable it if you want to and then add whatever you're supposed to add there i'm sorry i have no idea what ideal payments are via stripe is okay what's the currency us dollars language is english now if you want to use stripe and you don't know how to get your publishable key and secret key you will need to have an account with stripe obviously now in here i have created a dummy account and once you have your account with strap to get these keys you would come down here to developers and then right here you will see api keys you click on api keys and then you can either choose to create a new secret key right here you can click on plus right here to create a secret key you will add the key name so in my case i'll just say test for example click on create and now you'll have basically this uh key right here so you can copy this key that you've gotten so let me just click on copy let me come in here and then i'm going to paste it under the secret key and then the publishable key is what you're going to have uh right here this will be created for you automatically so you can click to copy so then just click on copy right there come in here and then uh simply uh paste the the public key so this is how you can get your two keys from stripe uh if you want to use stripe so i'm going to go ahead now save my changes for stripe down here you do have paypal highly recommended because paypal is very very very popular again i'm going to enable the paypal payment option you can enable the express checkout if you want to you can also enable the demo mode if you like to test payments and then of course you've got the currency integration method you have two types rest api classic i'll recommend rest api i think it's easier and a bit more straightforward and then of course your client id and then your secret key how would you get these you would need to have a developer account with paypal so you would go to create your account once you've logged in right here you will have on the dutch but you'll have your apps and credentials if you want to test payments you'll have to create a sandbox account and you'd find that on the sandbox you can go to accounts and then from here you simply come in here right now and you click on create account and you just follow the prompts you it's it's very very very straightforward i'm sure you're not going to have any issues uh with this but if you want to use that using real life payments you'd go to my apps and credentials okay and then right here you click on create oh up here by the way make sure that this is set to live if you don't want to test payments and you're ready to start accepting real payments switch this to live and now right here you can click on actually let me just delete this test app uh sorry about that i thought i deleted this okay so let me do this again so live and then right here i'm going to click on create app and then i'll just type in test app all over again click on create app obviously for if you're accepting real payments you want to use the name of your website by the way you know you don't use test app so make sure you have something a real name identifying uh what your application is all right so for me right now you get your client id automatically so i'm gonna go ahead now and simply uh copy this one go over here paste it right here and then of course uh the secret key let me just close stripe secret is gonna be right here you click on show and then of course right here you have uh your secret key which i'll copy come in here right now paste that one and then your brand name so in my case right now i'm just going to call this one uh alexo you can add the name of your website right there save changes and that's pretty much it so now we've configured both stripe and paypal last but not least you do have the cash on delivery option this is very very subjective it's all up to you on how you and your suppliers operate but like i said the more options you're able to provide for your clients in terms of payments and shipment um the better okay that's it for payments let's take a very quick look at shipping let me close paypal okay so right here first of all which countries do you ship to by default you have 254 countries but in my case i'm going to first of all choose to select none and let's just ship to canada so i'll just cover north america so canada uh we have the united states of america and last but not least we do have mexico mexico there you go okay save changes so these are the three countries i ship to canada mexico united states defaults countries of course united states shipping options now here's the thing you can apply all your options in it to all the products or you can choose not to again very very subjective it depends on what kind of store you are creating i'm going to go with the default to apply these options to all my products and then right here you have the very first available kind of shipping which is the free shipping do you want to offer free shipping to your customers you can enable it but here's the thing you also have the option of choosing to activate a minimum order price so before a customer can get the benefit of free shipping they need to have spent a minimum amount of cash so in my case i'm going to enable this one and say okay you must spend at least 200 or 199.99 on my store you will be eligible for free shipping so title is going to be free shipping and then the delivery time again this is going to be up to you and your suppliers but make sure that you don't like make sure you're very very try to be as accurate as you can when providing the estimated delivery time so in my case right now i'll call this one 15 to 30 days because you know it ships from china and you and and basically china is quite far from you know canada mexico uh united states okay that's that one all right so in here you have the next option of super savings shipping so it says shipping from aliexpress by e-package service usually takes 10 to 20 days you know you have this option of providing this additional option for your customers i'm going to ignore that one and just come down here to standard shipping so activate this one i'll call this one standard shipping delivery time i'm gonna go with 10 to 15 days and now the shipping cost how much would you like to charge for this particular uh form of shipping let's go with 30 bucks all right and last but not least you do have the expedited shipping again very very subjective it's all up to you and your suppliers i'll enable this one i'll call this one expedited shipping delivery time let's say three to four days and of course it's going to be a bit more expensive at 75 dollars let's go ahead now and save our changes so that's it for part one where we've covered our currency updates payments uh and of course our shipping so join me in part two where we'll take a look at managing attributes and notifications i'll see you then so let's continue discussing the settings that we can configure with the ali dropship plugin previously we talked about currency updates payment shipping now let's take a look at manage attributes and right now we can't do much because we've not actually created any attributes and that's also because we don't have any products yet so once we begin adding products and we have different attributes like size color weight and so on i will come back in here and configure the attributes but let's take a look at notifications now this is where you can set up a system for receiving uh notifications via email whenever these things happen so the first thing you really need to do is to set up the service with which you would be receiving these emails if this is a live website you should have a webmail server that's handling your emails it is best that you contact them and let them provide you with the details that you would need to configure the mailing service so for example it could be smtp which is very very popular it could be mandrill peppy post milgan it's all up to your provider to let you know what the service is as an example smtp they will tell you the host the port number and then what form of encryption they are using whether it's ssl or tls and then you'll provide your username and password and then simply uh save the changes so this is important you really need to set this up so please contact your webmail hosts and let them i help you with this so with that being configured over here you can begin to set up things like the purchase email notification so for example when a customer has purchased a product on your site what email should they receive this is going to be the purchase email notification you can choose to send a copy to yourself and then you can configure the email subject email from and then the sender's name uh in my case i've added uh alexa shippers but you'd want to add the name of your website right here and then in here this is the default template that customers will receive so they will have the headline thank you for your order your order will be shipped to and then you see all these fields with the curly braces this will be gotten from the order so the customer's full name address will be automatically filled in here so if you don't want to show any one of these fields you can simply just delete uh that field but i'll recommend you keep everything but again it really depends on on what your store is you know who you're shipping to where you're shipping from things like that so down here the same applies you have the total price you have the links to check out the most popular products that you have and then over here you have your track your order returns policy shipping and delivery visit store so you could actually choose to configure and change this default template if you want to but my recommend recommendation is to stick with the default see if this works and then later on you can begin to make our changes by the way if you've set this up correctly your mailing service right here you can choose to click on the test button and if it's configured properly you will receive a test email uh showing this particular template so you could use this as a means to test whether or not you've correctly configured uh your mailing service all right down here the same thing contact us so if they filled up the contact form which we'll talk about a bit later uh what fields should be processed so you have sent to your own email because you want to receive the notification the email subject contact form in this case right now we can configure this and say uh message from uh from alexo website just as an example right okay and then email from and then in here you wanna make sure that this is actually a real email so i'm gonna change this one to my actual email and then send his name uh you can configure this one to your website to your store name so i'll just call this one alexa uh shippers let me and then of course uh down here you can edit the template again but you already have the fields pre-populated for you you have message from the contact form you can configure this and then you can configure all these fields if you want to as well let me just save changes let's come down here and then again you have the remaining options to configure the order has shipped notification so what email will be sent out once the order has been shipped by the supplier to your customer again you come in here right now configure all the necessary fields you have your template in here and then you also have the order tracking id changed option in here as well again you can configure all the fields and then of course down here the customer account creation which we'll take a look at very very soon but what happens once a customer has created an account on your site again you can configure the kind of email that they will receive and there you go and of course you can always test out each and every one of these templates if you all want to okay that's it for notifications our coupons we'll take a look at this a bit later right now we cannot test our coupons because we don't have any products to test them on yet so we will take a look at coupons a bit later accounts what do we have here we want customers to be able to create an account once they've made an order on our site so that in the future if they come back they don't need to start filling the fields all over again they can simply log in and make their purchases easily so yes we want to enable customer accounts and user registration i'll show you how this works very very soon let me save my changes and then in here you could enable recaptcha if you want to but the thing is before an account can be created a customer needs to place an order in the first place so i think that in itself already defeats the ability for spam bots to stack quite nifty accounts on your site so i don't think this is necessary you can choose to allow customers to create accounts or log in via facebook on twitter of course in here you will have to enable it and then add your application id secret key from facebook and then the consumer key secret and callback url from twitter if you want to configure this once okay seo we'll take a look at this a bit later taxes this is of course very very subjective if you want to enable taxes and uh or not it's entirely up to you but you have the option in here and then right here you can configure uh the tax rates this of course is going to depend on your country where you're from things like that so i don't want to spend any time uh going over this if you want to of course set taxes you come in here right now you click on add new and then you choose the country the state city and start applying uh whatever tax that you want to okay so that is that you do have the export settings so if you've configured all of these right here and you have another website where you want to import this to you simply come into your site right here and then you can export any one of these so for example if i wanted to export my shipping settings i'll click on export i'll get this download file and then i'll go to that other site and then click on import and then import this particular file and i'll have the exact same shipping settings are in there we still have to talk about pricing which we haven't but before we do this we're going to take a look at how we can add products to our site our cinemax video welcome back to now let's talk about how we can import products directly from aliexpress now to do this you're going to go over to the alidropship plugin and then right here you'll see import let's click on import products now there's two ways how you can actually import this product one is by importing directly like from aliexpress which we'll talk about the second is by importing products that have been chosen by the developers of the ali dropship plugin now let me mention one thing quickly here for some reason i have a bug or a glitch what you're seeing right now is not complete let me show you what you are supposed to actually see when you go to import products i'm going to use a different site here now you can see that when you click on import products you will see this page down here where you have a whole bunch of products being listed out for you you have the category right there you have the price and so on all these products are the ones that have been chosen by alidropship themselves they of course choose these products based on reviews they choose the best products the ones that are selling well and so on so you can actually take advantage of these by importing any of the products in here that you like so right here you can choose the categories of products that you want to import so in my case right now since i'm selling uh electronics as an example right i can come down here click on consumer electronics and then you have the filters in here oh i'm sorry before we go to the filters you do have the sub categories as well so consumer electronics and then we have the sub categories so in here you can choose a specific kind of category of electronics that i wanted to import so just as an example let's come down here and uh let's see all right mp3 players just as an example i'm going to click in there so now we have 39 mp3 players that have been chosen specifically by the ali dropship developers over here to the left you do have additional filters you can say okay if it ships from china or from from the united states or europe the shipping method you can also choose a particular kind of shipping method if you wanted you can also indicate whether or not the products should have free shipping so let me click on the checkbox right there for free shipping and then you can also add additional filters like okay it should have a minimum price of let's say uh three dollars and then a maximum price of uh let's say 20 and so on and so forth so this is how you can customize and filter down the exact kinds of products that you want to import from aliexpress that have been chosen by the ali dropship developers and then when you have the products right here all you need to do is just click on import right next to them but before you do that make sure that right here in this box you have chosen the category of the products that you want to import them to so in my case right now i will choose electronics and now i can choose okay i'm going to import the first one the waterproof mp3 player and let's also import the bluetooth mp3 player so i'm going to import this two and now i'm going to click on import selected and right now you can see in gray you can see the wheels rolling it's importing this one too is important you can now see the blue line filling up indicating the progress and by the way with this particular method you can import 50 products for free so alidropship offers you 50 products that you can import for free with this particular method if you wanted to import more you would have to pay for it so as an example i've been importing already several i've imported 14 so far you can see right now that i do have uh 36 imports left so if i needed to import more after the 36 have been extinguished i will need to uh pay i'm not sure what the particular uh price is but you can check that out with uh ali drop ship okay so this is method number one now method number two would be to import directly from aliexpress now let me go back to our original site here now before you can do this you need to install the ali dropship extension this is only available with google chrome sadly i'm not a big fan of chrome i prefer other browsers like firefox or brave but it is what it is so before we can import directly from aliexpress we need to install the extension for the chrome browser i am on chrome so i'm going to click on this link right here and i'm just going to go ahead now and grab the alidropship extension let's add to chrome add the extension and okay so now you can see it has been added that is the link right there now we will need to connect the extension to our store so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab the url of my site i'm going to grab this one okay and then let's go right here where i have my extensions i have alidropship right here i'm gonna click on the alidropship and then from here i'm gonna go ahead now and paste the url click on add and now we have to log in so i'm going to click on log in to make the connection so right now we are authorizing alidropship to connect to our store authorize and there you go so now the connection has been established so if i go back in here if i refresh the page you will see we no longer have that message but now we can click on this red button that says direct import from aliexpress let me just go ahead first of all and remove all of these browsers all of these tabs okay click on direct import from aliexpress and okay so the first thing we need to do right now is to go to a category of products that we want to import so over here on the left uh let's go with the consumer electronics and then here let's navigate to the subcategory of video games let's click in there and okay so you will notice we have this big box up here right now where we can choose the category of the plug that we're importing and then do some importing but let's go to an actual uh product so for example let's choose the second one right here the easy smx wireless gamepad i'm gonna click in here and now right here you can see that already have the name of a website chosen for us and then we can choose the category that we want to import this particular product to this one right here is going to be for the playstation so i've selected playstation and then what i can simply do right now is to click on import and there you go now if i was to go back right here and i click on go to import list you can now see that we have the product right here you can ignore these other ones right here these are the ones i did for testing before i started recording so ignore them but you can see that we now have this product that has been imported for us now from here i can actually click on edit and then make whatever it is that i want to make to this particular product so for example i can edit the title and just remove the unnecessary words right there so we now have the easy smx let me remove this one as well easy smx wireless gamepad joystick game controller over here i can make edits to the description i can remove any one of these images if i wanted to as well let's go all the way down here so over here you can see that this is a particular product with a variation so right here if i wanted to make changes to the pricing i can click on go here and now from here we can now see the different variations of the product uh it looks like there's different kinds of colors in here so we do have uh the blue color we have the red color and then we have two pcs as the color that doesn't make any sense anyways from here i can click on the edit button and then right here i can change the price i can change the sale price i can even change the quantity as well if i wanted to so you have full control over everything that you can edit for this particular product the pricing the details the description the title the images you can make whatever changes that you want to make from your back end one thing i should mention though is that once you've made your edits don't forget to come in here right now and hit publish just because you've imported a product does not mean that it has been published you still need to publish the product manually okay cool now let me close this and let me show you a slightly different way of importing our product let me close this one because we've imported it let's choose a different product ah let's see okay what about this one the game console color gamer player i'm gonna click in there and let me show you a different way so again from here i'm gonna choose xbox just as an example all right now before i click on import i can actually click on edit and then from here i can do the exact same edits that i could directly from our wordpress backend i can comment right now change the title if i wanted to i can scroll down here make changes to the text remove certain images that i don't want to show and that is it now over here it's going to be a bit more difficult for you to import to change the sale price and product price especially if it's a a variable product so you are a bit limited to what you can actually uh edit uh from this particular page you might want to import to your back end and then for your back end i'll make whatever necessary changes that you wanted to make but this is just another way to do so you can just click on add to import list and if i go back in here and i go to import list now you can see the product listed right here so that's another way how uh you can import products directly from ali express one last thing i should mention before i round this video up is that when you import products you're not going to import the reviews automatically you need to do that as a second step as an example take a look at this product right here the retro portable uh game console that we just imported you can see it has 733 view views however if i go to the back end right here and i say okay let's view this product you can see that we don't have any reviews listed anywhere that's because when you import you're not importing the reviews in fact down here you can see views is zero so if you wanted to import the reviews for your products you will have to go back in here and then you will see import reviews just underneath the import products let's click in there and then right here you can actually choose the kinds of reviews you want to import so for example you have three stairs and higher two stairs and higher one stand higher or maybe even only five stars i would highly recommend you do not go with only five stars because that would be extremely suspicious i mean imagine you're trying to buy a product online and all the reviews are five stars and everybody's saying just how wonderful the product is you're gonna get suspicious you'll be like hey this doesn't seem realistic so i would recommend you even go with maybe two stars and higher or at the very minimum three stars and higher i'm going to go with two stars and higher and then you can choose the number of reviews you want to import per product you can go as high as 100 which i think makes perfect sense you can apply to all categories and then in here you have this option of importing only for products that have uh less than a certain amount of reviews now but by this i'm talking specifically about customers who come to your store and leave the reviews on your own store so if you discover that a particular product you're selling has let's say less than uh four reviews that have been written by your own customers directly on your store you can allow the plugin the other options plugin to import more reviews from aliexpress to help with uh promoting or marketing the product so you can say okay any product that has less than four reviews let's import more from aliexpress and then you can also send the reviews to draft where you can review them before they get published and then in here of course you can remove images from reviews you can select the country from where you want to import the reviews from i'll recommend you go with all i think the more reviews you get from more countries the better overall for marketing you can translate to english if you wanted to but honestly i don't think that's necessarily a great idea i don't know honestly i just personally feel that when you are trying to buy a product and you have reviews from all over the world in different languages i think it actually helps to promote the product because it shows that people from all walks of life you know from all over the world are buying this incredible product okay now right here you can update the date of reviews if you wanted to and then over here you can skip reviews with certain kinds of keywords now i've added this particular word already and of course there's some other four letter key uh fullata words that i'm sure you're aware of that you can come in here and add so that the plugin will ignore reviews that have such words in them okay so from here right now i can click on import and this will start to import reviews for all the products on my store as you can see but let me just go ahead refresh this to ignore that one and let me show you how you can actually import reviews for specific kinds of products so if i'm going to go back to the main menu come down here to products go to all items so let's say i wanted to import reviews specifically for the virtual portable mini handheld game console i'm going to click in here and then over here let me scroll all the way down here right here you will see reviews at the bottom i'm going to click on reviews and then right here i can do the exact same thing again let's go two stairs and higher select from all countries and there you go okay so from here right now i'll just click on import now and this will import reviews specifically for this particular product so you can see right now progress is you know fifty percent i could have taken this down to 100 but to save time i'm just going to import uh about 20. so okay let's wait for a few more seconds this this should finish very very very very soon come on all right 95 we got five percent more important important part let's go let's go let's go come on okay there you go so right now you can see we've used have been imported now i can go ahead now view the product and then right here you can see we now have 20 reviews and you can see the people the dates the reviews with the images this one in russian russian russian in fact most of these reviews are in russian actually which is interesting this is i think spanish and yeah there you go so that's basically how you can also uh import reviews for either all the products on your store or for individual products thank you so much for watching i will see you in the next class so now that i've shown you how to import a product directly from aliexpress let me show you how you can actually manually add your own products now a question you might have is what exactly would be the benefit of you manually creating products when you can simply go to aliexpress and then just uh simply import well important obviously it's a lot more convenient it saves plenty of time but the thing is you have less control you have less control on what exactly you are importing the description you could always of course import and then go ahead and begin to manually edit the title things like that but sometimes it's just faster and even better to just manually upload uh what you want to show for your product so how exactly would you do this i'm going to go over to the back end and let's do this i'm going to go over here to products click on add new and okay so let's do this all right i'm gonna go to aliexpress and let's try to import another let's create another watch product so i'm gonna go over here to sports watches under men's watches and let's see what we have here okay i'm going to go with this one the navi force so click in here and there you go all right so what i want to do right now is to create this product on my store now you don't also have to necessarily use the images that you have on aliexpress you can use other images as long as they represent the product of course maybe these particular images maybe you don't like them maybe you have better images of the same product elsewhere you can choose to use those ones so i'm going to do this i'm going to grab the title first of all okay i'll just grab this one 2020 navy for sport analog okay let me copy this one go in here paste the title let me remove our analog all right now for the description i can now write my own custom description i can say a very classy sports watch for sophisticated men all right just as an example and then right here i'm going to choose wrist watches and now i can set the featured image for the watch again you can either use the images that you have on aliexpress if you want to or if you have your own custom images for that product you can use them so as an example i'm going to use my own custom images right here so i'll set one as a featured image and then down here is where we can begin to add the necessary options for the products such as the sales price the product price quantity and so on so product price i'm gonna call how much is it on aliexpress it's 20 to 2059 i'll just call this one 39.99 the sale price is going to be 39.99 because it is not on sale notice that the discount area is grayed out that's because this is calculated automatically by the by the plugin so as an example if i change this one to 1999 i came down here and i saved my changes notice now that the plugin has calculated the discount is exactly 50 so you're not in control of this discount area it is the plugin that will calculate the discount based on the plug price and then the sale price so i'm gonna take this back to 39.99 quantity we have 19 in stock lot number how many items are in the package so if a customer wants to buy this watch how many items will they receive in the package maybe they might receive an extra strap or some cleaning material for the watch you know stuff like that so but i'll just call this one one and then the rating you can add your own custom rating for the product so we can say something like 4.79 you know something like that and then number of orders that have been placed again you can do this one manually i'll say 23 orders have been placed manually you can also add some additional notes for the product although it's not important i'm gonna go ahead now save my changes and there you go okay what else can we do we have attributes now attributes of course would be things like the color weight and so on the size in this case right now i can decide to add different colors for the watch so check this out like i'm going to click on add attribute right here i will say color let's add the item and now we can begin to add the values for the color so the first one here is going to be uh black i will choose my image representing the black version let's insert that one let me add another item add the image this one is going to be brown okay and then last but not least let's add blue i will have my featured image which is the one right here the one in the middle let's insert that one and there you go so now we have an attribute of color with three uh different values black brown and blue all right let's see if i changes now check this out i'm gonna go over to variations and then right here you can simply just click on add all and now the plugin will create the variations for the product so we have the blue one the black one and then the brown one now by default all of them will have the exact same price the same supplier and so on but if you wanted to change those right here you have this edit button so you can click in there to now manually change uh the sale price quantity price and so on for each of the individual variations so maybe as an example uh if i wanted to change the price for the uh black version i can comment right now and change this one to let's say 49.99 because it's black it's more expensive i can save my change and there you go so now the black variation will be for the 9.99 while the orders will be 39.99 so you can do that one for other things like the quantity the supplier and so on and so forth okay next we have shipping so you can choose the kind of shipping methods available for this particular product i'm gonna go with standard and then uh expedited so these two will be available and then in here you can add things like item specifics although this will not show up on the front edit so your customers will not see this so i don't know you may you may or may not want to add additional item specifics for the product you have your packaging again you can add things like your new unit type package weight so in this case let's add a package weight and this one would be let's say 4.5 not 4.5 pounds let's say 0.5 pounds our package size 23 by 46 by 12. i'm just adding stuff at random in here okay let's save our changes for that one and then the supplier so right now we need to provide the supplier of this particular product so to do this i'm gonna head back in here where you have the actual product i'm gonna first of all grab the url it's a long long long url but i'll grab it i'm gonna go back in here add the url right in there and then the product id is what you have in here item four zero zero zero zero all the way here i'm going to grab that one so whenever you want to get the idf product just go to the url you'll see item and then a number so this is the product id so i'm going i'm gonna go in here paste that one and now for the store url and the store name so what is this i'm going to go in here and where you have this particular page i'm going to come down here and you will see visit store right here so you click in there and now you will grab the url for the store so this is it right here i'm going to grab this number i'm going to grab everything in here for the store url i'm going to go in here paste that so again just like with the product you want to grab everything all the numbers and then the one just before the question mark so you grab everything in here and then you can uh paste it uh right in here for the url now for the store name uh the store right here is basically called the navi false drop install you can see this is the name right here drop ship install i'll grab this one go back in here and then simply paste that so now we have everything we have the product id the url the store url and then the store name let's go ahead now save our changes and there you go all right we got update so what you want to do in terms of updates do you want to update the product automatically once it becomes out of stock or if the price changes things like that so yes we want to run updates for this product so we already have the send to draft restore fine uh when a variation disappears or is out of stock disable enable remember these are the default options we chose under the alidropship are options so we're gonna keep all of these we'll just go ahead now and update product and there you go and now gallery very very very important let's make sure hold on a second sorry about that let's make sure this saved okay i don't know why we got that message saying uh changes you've made may not be saved let's cancel this one cancel let's go over to gallery and now in here you can now add your own custom images for the product very very very important so let's go ahead now and add all of these images let's insert them into the post and now in here you can also add a video this is another reason why sometimes it's better for you to manually create products by yourself because now you can add additional information for the products which you may not find on aliexpress so if you have a custom video made for the product you can comment right now add the video and then image right here will represent the thumbnail for that video let's go ahead save our changes and there you go so of course cross selling if there are other products that you wanted to cross-sell with this one you will come in here and be able to add that product and then last but not least you have the reviews now just like i discussed earlier you can choose to import the reviews for the product if you want to or you can choose not to let's go ahead and import the products in here so i'll go with our four stars and higher our country all of this we'll go ahead and leave everything as it is now for the images and reviews i'm going to remove the images and let's go ahead now and import the reviews for our products so this might take anywhere between 10 seconds 30 seconds maybe even up to a minute depending on on how popular uh the product is and how many reviews uh it does have okay so progress is at a hundred percent and it says 10 reviews have been imported awesome awesome awesome okay so that's it and we are good to go i'm going to go ahead now hit publish and there you go now we can view the product and there you go so 2020 navi force sports 10 reviews we have the price we have the different colors for black brown blue and then of course right here you have the product details a very classy sports watch for sophisticated men these are the images that we have in the gallery remember we just imported all these images and there you go so that's it we now have a product that we've of course uh manually created all right so before i round this up i just want to mention that i am aware that on our product pages we do have these two boxes where we have shipping and payment and then also our why buy from us don't worry if you're wondering how to customize this i'm going to show you how you can do so a bit later but for now we now know how we can either import products directly from aliexpress how we can import reviews as well but also how we can create products are manually on our dropshipping store thank you for watching i will see in the next class alrighty now that you know how to create products manually and also import products from aliexpress to your store it is time to add a few more products to your store so as you can see right now i do have 13 items i already went ahead to import uh some other products like you know some games uh some smart tvs and so on plus i also created some additional uh products as well such as you know xbox one video game console playstation 3 and so on so the idea here is just to populate our store because we're going to be using uh these products to design our site especially especially on our home page there's going to be different sections where we'll have to show things like you know best deals uh just arrived trending now things like that so the more products you have on your store the more you will be able to work with so i would encourage you if you're building your store like your real store right now uh do spend some time to add uh several more products that you'd like to sell one other thing i should mention is that you may have noticed that we do ben's theme you do have this very big uh mega menu these items that you now see are because i created and edit these ones manually as of the time of me recording this particular video the urban theme will populate the mega menu only with products that you manually add you will not see production up in here that you imported directly from aliexpress maybe they might change it a bit later but as it is right now if you want your mega menu to work you need to create products manually that's the only way how you would actually see product show up over here in your our mega menu so that's it consider this to be an assignment take some time out now to import some products and also add some products manually uh to your store i will see you in the next class all right welcome to a very very important part of building your store and that's going to be how you handle pricing by default when you import products directly from aliexpress the price will be shown on your store will be the same price that is shown on aliexpress so as an example i imported this a wired usb game controller for the ps4 you can see in here it's 16 17 cents on aliexpress it is 16 17 cents or 17.71 cents which is you know almost the same and then same applies to the xbox one controller i imported as well on my store it's 16 on aliexpress it is between 16 and then uh 32 dollars now technically i could always just go to my products and manually change the price if i wanted to so down here you know i could click on edit come all the way down here and for this product in particular because it is a variable product i can click on go here and then begin to change the price for each individual one so this one ships from china i can click on the edit button right here and then of course change the price from 21 dollars to something else change the price the sale price here as well to something else if i wanted to this would make sense if i was working with very few persons maybe i'm selling five products 10 products maybe even 20 products but if you are selling plenty of products on your store maybe 50 100 it's going to be very difficult for you to manually change the price of each product that's why with the alidropship plugin you do have this function where you can create a formula that you can then apply to all your products now just to make sure i'm not taking anything for granted you might be wondering why would i change the price uh or on my store from what's been shown on aliexpress because you want to make money right you want to make some profit it's not going to make any sense for you to sell the products on your store for the same price that the suppliers are selling the products how are you going to make any money how are you going to make profit so ideally you want to charge a little bit more on your store than what's being charged on aliexpress so how do we do this i'm gonna go in here and you have these two big blue buttons you have ad recommended you have add new formula uh when you click on add recommended what will happen here is that the plugin will generate several kinds of formula for different types of products you can experiment with this later but what i want to do is to show you the manual approach which gives you more control i'm going to click on add new formula okay now right here we can set the range of the pricing for the product so i'm gonna say any product that's between five dollars and a maximum of forty dollars i want you to multiply notice you have the sign here you have plus multiplication equals i want you to multiply that price by two and then add an additional two dollars okay so check this out i'm going to save my changes come down here and then click on update prices what's going to happen here is that this product right now that's been sold for 16 17 cents on my store will now be multiplied by two so roughly 32 dollars and then an additional two dollars will make it about 34 roughly so let's see if this works so the update has completed let's go back in here refresh the page and now you can see it's 34.34 cents same goes with the xbox controller refresh now you can see it's 34 dollars exactly so this is how it works of course you can multiply by 3 you can multiply by four you can add additional five dollars six dollars and so on you can create as many formula as you want but also check this out we have discount settings right here when you import products by default from aliexpress the discounts will be shown right next to the sale price so right here you can see the original sale price here is 44 but now it's been sold at 34.34 cents because right here you do have the discount of 23 percent on aliexpress uh same goes with this particular product as well but what if you did not want to show any discounts on your store what do you do you come in here you turn on discount settings and set the amount here to zero now look at what's gonna happen i'm gonna save my changes i'm gonna come down here update the prices and let's just wait and see what is going to happen let's go let's go 63 69 75 81 88 94 100 okay i'm going to go back in here now pay attention to the pricing right here i'm going to refresh the page and now you can see the discount has disappeared now it's just 34.34 cents in here as well the actual sale price is going to i'm sorry the actual price is going to disappear all you'll see is a sale price i'm going to refresh the page once again and there you go now it is just 34 dollars this is how you can hide discounts on your store but what if you wanted to offer your own personalized discount so let's say for example i wanted to offer products that fall between 5 and dollars a discount of fifteen percent check this out i'm gonna go back in here save my changes and once again update the prices now what was going to happen here is that the actual sale price will not change but the price the original price of the product will change what am i talking about you're going to see this in just a moment let's go back in here notice the sale price is still 34.34 if i refresh the sale price is still 3434 but now you have the original price set at 40.40 because we are applying if discount of 15 same goes in here as well refresh the page the sale price is still 34 but now there's a new price of 40 dollars because we are technically applying a discount of 15 so this is how the discount settings are work one more thing to mention before we round this up is what happens when you apply or when you create two different kinds of formula that apply to the same kind of product as an example i'm going to go back in here let me just first of all turn this off okay save changes now i'm going to go back in here let's add a new formula and then once again very deliberately five dollars forty dollars value here let's multiply this one by two and now instead of adding an additional two dollars i'm going to add four dollars let's save our changes notice by the way that these two have been applied to all categories so which one is going to win well the one that will win is the one that's going to be on top the one that comes before the the other one that's the one that will be applied so in this case if i wanted to ensure that the one that has an additional four dollars is applied i will have to drag it to the top by the way you want to save your changes first of all and then you want to refresh the page because if you try dragging or dropping right now it's not going to work so make sure you refresh the page right now and then once you've refreshed you can now click and drag the formula that you want to appear on the top so i'm going to apply this one right here on the top notice it's now for additional photographs not two dollars let me go ahead now save my changes come back down here update prices and let's go okay so now it's fully updated let's go back in here now notices that this one should now be 38 dollars that i'm sorry 36 dollars 34 cents because we are adding an additional two dollars so let's refresh the page and there you go so now you can see it's 36 dollars 34 cents this one too should now be 36 exactly let's refresh the page and there you go so now you can see it's 36 dollars so whenever you have formula that can be applied to the exact same kind of product the one that appears first will be the one that will be applied the reason why this is very very important is because what if we specifically wanted to apply this formula that has additional four dollars specifically to the products that we have for our xbox okay so i come in here right now save my changes so the four dollars will be applied only to the products under the xbox category let me save my changes while the other products on our store will get an additional two dollars as opposed to the four dollars for the xbox so what will happen here is if i go back in here and i update my prices once again the one for the xbox should still be the same but the one for the playstation 4 should go back to 34.30 cents so let's wait for this to finish okay it's finished so if i go back in here right now for the ps4 i refresh the page now you can see it's 34.34 cents but the one for xbox should still remain the same at 36 dollars because the formula that adds an additional four dollars appears on top of the one that applies uh only two dollars so this is exactly how the pricing works last thing to mention here is that you can choose to round up the pricing so rather than having things like r3434 you'll just have 34 dollars if you had something like let's say 36.7 that will be 37 instead so i you could choose to do that i don't know if it's the best idea i think it's usually a good idea to show the sense i don't know it's it's italian up to you just do what you feel is best for your store so that's exactly how pricing works on the drop shipping plugin spend some time right now to craft the formula that you want to apply for your products or you could always just choose to manually uh edit the price of each of your products thank you for watching i will see you in the next class let's talk about every consumer's favorite topic and that's going to be coupons how do you create coupons and how do you apply them on your store you're going to go over to the alidropship plugins settings and then coupons let's click on add new and what will happen is that automatically the plugin will create a coupon for you which you can then edit so let's change the name of the coupon first of all because this isn't the best name uh let's call this one valentine okay so it's a coupon for valentine's day and we can choose the discount type are we offering a set amount off or a percentage percentage discount i'm gonna go with amount and i'll say 10 off so basically anyone who uses the coupon valentine will get 10 off usage limits what's the limits to how many times the coupon can be used i'm gonna go with 100 and then you could also ensure that in order for consumers to be able to use the coupon they need to have spent a minimum order a month so you can turn this on and then set the minimum order amount value i'll turn this off and then for some reason there is the option to ensure that this coupon never expires i don't think it's the best idea because i feel if there's a coupon that never expires on your store it kind of might diminish the overall value of your products i don't know i'm not an expert but i don't think it's a good idea so i'm gonna make sure this one isn't turned on just keep it off as it is but right here we can set the start and end date for the coupon so i'm gonna click in here and then for the start dates i'll go with 9th of september and then for the end date let's go with two weeks okay so 23rd so let me click outside so now you can see it's 9th of september till 23rd of september and then you can choose to apply to all your products or maybe a particular kind of category of products and so on so i'll just leave it at all products save our changes and then right here i'm going to enable the coupon okay and then up here i'm also going to activate the coupon so that the promo code field will appear on the checkout page and then you can also choose to apply the coupon for shipping costs as well this is entirely up to you but i will not do so i'll just make sure this coupon only applies to the actual uh price of the product so i'm gonna go ahead now save my changes and also down here make this make sure that we save our changes as well because we've chosen to enable the coupon so let's see if this works i'm going to go in here right now refresh the page for this particular product let's click on add to cart let's proceed to checkout and all right so right now you can see we do have the box to apply the discount code so i'm going to apply valentine valentine let's apply that one and uh oh for some reason our store does not like romantic people because the valentine code has been rejected what what's going on here oh oh i'm sorry it's because we set the start date to be 9th of september while today is actually 7th of september ah forgive me i'm an idiot all right i'm going to click in here change the start date to seventh of september let's apply that one and then the end date should be let me scroll down here oh all right so seventh and then the end date should be uh 21st okay click outside and there you go all right let's go ahead now save our changes and this should work all right let's this should work let's go back in here refresh the page go back in here apply valentine please be my valentine apply and there you go all right so now it actually works you can see we now have uh ten dollars off being applied so the new price is now 24 34. so that's exactly how you can create coupons and how you can apply them to your store again don't forget that you can also choose to apply the coupons for shipping as well you simply come in here and you turn this on and that would also be applied to the shipping costs as well thank you for watching i will see you in the next class now that we've gotten most of the functionality all set up on our store it is now time to go back to designing the rest of our site now previously whether they set up the header as well as the footer but now let's concentrate on designing the home page which is arguably the most important page on our website so i'm gonna head back in here and we're gonna walk now with the rubens theme we're no longer working with the ali dropship plugin so i'm gonna come down here to home on the customization and you will notice that first of we have this slides right and of course you want to make sure that the slides that you're showing represent the kinds of products that you are selling on your store now what i've done here is i've already added several images which i'm going to use so the first thing here is the very first uh slide you may notice has a view video link so if you wanted to show a video for one of your slides i'll recommend you keep that slide as the very first one because the first one has the ability to add the uh id for the video so you can put the video on youtube and then you can put the id in here if you wanted to i don't have a video so i'm going to remove that one and then these sizes like the font size for the desktop title and so on i'm going to leave these as they are because they're okay there's no need to change any of these but you can make them bigger or smaller if you wanted to so banner number one right here i'm going to click on upload and i'm going to use an image i've already uploaded previously and it's going to be this one right here which is the image of a controller for the xbox so i'm going to crop this make sure that it is sent hard i'm going to click on crop and there you go okay so that's it for number one you can change the title right here so instead of a better way to save big you can type in something else you know welcome to the dropship installed or something like that but i'm just going to go ahead and leave the defaults as they are the secondary title as well i'll leave that one as it is you can choose to show the button and then you can modify the text for the button and then you can add a link that will take the user to a page in this case what i'm going to do here is in fact i'm going to go ahead now and ch and click on xbox right here and let me just grab this link okay so that if anyone clicks on the link for the first banner it will take them to the category page for the xbox product so i'm gonna paste that right here okay and there you go so that's banner number one banner number two again i'm gonna click on upload and i'm gonna use the one for the watch right here please make sure that your images are wide enough at least 1280 by 720 should be your dimensions you can see mine right here is 1920x1276 uh the one for the xbox controller was 920 by 1280 so make sure the images you're using for your slides are big enough so i'm going to select this one again crop it around here in the center click on crop there you go all right so again i'm gonna leave the default title subtitle and then for the link right here let's do something similar i'm gonna go over to watches and let me grab this link come right here and then add the new link and there you go for banner number three i'm just gonna go ahead and simply uh delete it so only two banners which by the way let me mention that it's been proven that if you're gonna run slides on your website do no more than three maximum because usually most people don't even see the fourth banner or the fifth banner they're busy doing other things on your side so for the maximum impact make sure your slides are minimum of two maximum of three don't go beyond three please okay that's that for the banners and i'm going to go ahead and now simply save my settings okay and let's see what we now have so i'm going to go over here and i'll refresh the page and there you go so now you can see we have the first banner with the xbox controller and then the second banner with the watch notice also that i chose images that have a dark background very very very important so that the text the white text can blend in easily okay and of course if anyone clicks on any of these buttons right now say for example they clicked on shop now for the first banner it will take them to the xbox page and then if they clicked on shop now for the second banner it will take them to the category page for watches okay so that's that for the banners let's go back in here what else do we have we have product settings where you can show the best deals just arrived and then trending now the plugin will sort the products out for you automatically so best deals obviously the deals that you have that are on sale the plugin will find them display them in here just arrived are your most recent products that you've either added manually or that you've imported from aliexpress and then trending now i'm not entirely sure how the plugin calculates this one i'm guessing it's based on how many clicks setting products i've received uh which products are selling the best and so on i think that's how the plugin will calculate uh which products to show uh in here let's head back in here and you do have the option of also showing your blog if you have a blog you can show some articles and i've actually gone ahead to create uh some posts in here let me show you um oh sorry i forgot to remove this last one all right so i've got three posts in here that i just created these are just random uh posts okay how to get the best deals best playstation games samsung review blah blah blah so i did this just to show you how it would look like on the front page if you show your blog and you have blog posts so here it is right here the first two the most to the recent most two posts or the most recent two posts rather will be shown on your blog section right as you can see so it's entirely up to you if you want to show it you can choose not to show the blog section and then simply i have a blog menu item on your main menu if you wanted to that's that's another way how you could do this because as it is right now if anyone clicks on the blog title right here it will take them to our blog page where you can see the rest of the pages and the rest of the posts we'll talk about this uh later let me go back in here and then last but not least you can also show a section with some text so let me just paste this text i have in here and let me just add a title so it could be something like let's say uh about uh alexo uh alexa mart you know it can centralize this one let me highlight make it a h2 and then centralize it and then save my settings and let's see how it would look like let's refresh the page and then you can see it's going to be all the way down here so it doesn't have to be an about us section it could be it could be something else if you wanted to you could just add your title and some text if you wanted to and then last but not least you do have the uh sign up box if you want to modify this one you would go right here where you have your subscribe form you click in there and then right here is where you can add the uh settings for your autoresponder the code for your autoresponder so maybe if you're working with a mailchimp active campaign convertkit you can simply grab your autoresponder code and then simply paste it in here and then save your settings that's how you can modify the uh signup form in here so that's how to customize the home page using the rubenstein thank you for watching i will see you in the next class next up let's see how we can customize the pages for our single product so what will our customers see when they view a particular product here's an example the one for the xbox wireless controller so we have the name of the product right here the price and then the variations you know shifts from china autocad button buy now with paypal we've got the trusted uh banners for the systems that we use to verify the authenticity of this product and then you've got the product details shipping and payments uh why buy from us and so on so if basically if you want to customize what your customers will see on a page like this you would go to customization and then single product and then right here is where you have all the settings and you can customize them so the options you would choose in here are very very subjective there is no right answer there is no wrong answer it all depends on what you're trying to show so i'm gonna leave all of these as the defaults they're pretty much self-explanatory you know do you want to display the gallery images idea original dimensions do you want to enable social share icons and so on all of these i'm going to leave as they are but this is where things get interesting so you must have seen that right here after the product details you do have this shipping and payment our box with some text this is where you can modify it so you have shipping and delivery and then you can comment right now and then try to convince your customer as to why they should do business with you you know you can guarantee them that you know you ship the products on time blah blah blah blah things like that so you have all of this text right here that you can modify and then of course you do have the other box right here which is the y buy from us you are going to find that one uh let me scroll down here it is right here so this is the y buy from us you can change the title to something else and then of course modify the text for that particular box if you wanted to also you can show the reviews tab you can enable the right review option you can see everything in here you can see we do have the reviews tab right here you do have the link to also write a review so if you want to show these to leave the defaults as they are if you want to hide any of them just simply come in here and turn them off uh if you wanted to let's keep on scrolling down so again product tabs open by default the reviews tab is open by default you can open any of this if you wanted to and then of course you have the trust badges which are the ones that we have right here these four you can modify them upload badges of other companies if you wanted to and then of course down here is where you have the features which is what we have at the bottom of the product page and right here you can see worldwide shipping free returns oops sorry about that so worldwide shipping free returns and then save payment this is where you can modify them so you can change the title add your own personalized description and then add the link that will point this particular box of text to you can come in here right here modify the one for furitons and then save payment as well so that's basically how you can modify and customize are the pages for your individual products next up let's take a look at how we can customize the checkout experience for our customers and of course this is very very important because you want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to add items to their cart and then check out easily so by default let's see what the experience is like let's send it right now i've added this item to my cart you can see we do have the two products in our shopping cart and then we have a proceed to checkout button we click in there and now we'll have to provide our email shipping address and then we'll move on to our shipping method it's okay but we can do so much better let me show you exactly what i'm talking about i'm going to head back in here customization and then check out so the first thing i'll recommend that you do is to turn on the shopping cart page so when you turn this one on now customers will be able to view their cart on an individual page i'll show you that in just a second but by turning this one on we can also add some extra features like right here you can of course customize the images again you know the ones from mastercard visa your ship your accepted payment methods you can keep these or upload your own separate logos but then down here this is where things start getting interesting so you have the text for below the post of the checkout button you can customize this text you can customize the text for applying coupons as well uh contact us text you can add your phone email and so on so where exactly would you see this let me go ahead first of all and save my settings go back in here refresh this page so now if i go over here right now and add to cart now you can see that our customers can now view the cart there's the button right here they click on the view cart and then right here you can now see all the text that we talked about you know how you can apply the discount code uh email support the images of our accepted forms of payments and so on so it's on this page this is where you can customize things like this but you will only be able to do so if you enable your shopping cart page okay so let's come down here see what else we have you do have the enable remove option in the order summary i'll recommend that we do that one because sometimes customers may change their mind their demo they want to remove an item that they've added to the cut so let's keep that one right there and then the required fields for the actual uh checkout page let me show you what i'm talking about so uh right here so now this is by default right now they cannot remove any one of these products and then you can see these are the fields they need to fill in for their shipping so right here we can customize this i'm gonna make uh let's see zip code check box will be required and uh we've also enabled the remove option in other summits let me save this settings save this one as well let's come over here so you have the building address you can decide to show the billing address as well if you wanted to and then right here you can show the terms and conditions check box you know where you know you have things like you know i've read the terms and conditions i accept this you know blah blah blah you can customize that one and then of course in here you can upload your own uh images for the trust uh seals okay let me just go ahead and right now and save this right down here you also have the futa text let me just show you what it will look like let me just call this one additional uh information it's not necessary but let me just show you how it will look like save settings okay so let's go back in here refresh this page and now you can see the changes so right now customers can choose to now remove any products that they have in the account you can see right now that zip code is now a composite because you do have this box that says uh my address does not have a zip code so just in case the customer doesn't have a zip code they can check this box to satisfy the requirement of having to provide a zip code so that's basically it they go to a shipping method i'm just sorry let me just add very very very very quickly some things in here uh jack jones uh address uh 45 54 london street state alaska city of alaska all right let me go ahead now click on shipping method and of course this will now take us straight to the page where they can now choose either free shipping if they're eligible standard shipping or expedited shipping and then finally of course the our payment method where they can now choose to either pay with a credit card or a debit card so it's it's it's okay but it's not seamless you want to make it as easy as possible for customers to check out so if they're doing this constantly you know they fill out information on one page they click next to another page they click next again to another page it's annoying okay so a better thing you could do is to come over here where you have checkout features and i'm gonna show you something really cool right here you can enable a one page checkout and i'm gonna go ahead now enable this save settings and now you're going to see the difference okay let me go back to the let's go all the way back to the very first page for the product okay all right so from here check this out okay i'm going to click on add to cart and now if i clicked on check out take a look at this right now the customer sees everything at a glance they can provide their shipping details they can choose the shipping method and then finally they can choose how they want to pay this is much much better than having them first of all fill in the shipping details then choose the shipping method and then go to the other page and then finally choose their payment methods this is much much better so i would highly highly recommend that you enable the one page checkout you also have this very fancy enable checkout countdown timer let me turn this on and show you what it looks like so basically you must have seen this before on other websites where you have this uh you know oh we can only hold your card for a certain amount of time it's all it's not really true i think it's just to create a sense of urgency so that the customer quickly checks out and i don't really don't think uh this is ever really uh true but anyway you do have the option in here and of course you can customize the text the column and so on and of course you can also enable the trust box if you want to i'll turn that one on let's save our settings and let me just also enable the why bye for more box so you can see what it looks like let's come down here save our settings and let me show you what it looks like refresh the page and there you go so now you have the save fun fast way to buy your favorite merc you have all this text right here and of course down here just under the complete order you do have the 100 satisfaction guarantee over 400 000 successfully shipped orders which of course you can always come over here and uh customize so that's how to customize the checkout experience and check out pages for your customers thank you for watching i will see you in the next class the last set of pages we need to customize are the pages like the about all contact alls and to do this let's take a look at the about us page first of all so this is what we have by default we have a banner image some text and then we have the call valves with some icons some text and you can customize these right here under customization you have about us so right here this is where you can upload your own customized banner or you can simply remove the banner if you don't want to show a banner you have your description you can enable the call values block and then customize all the text the images as well but the companies you work with so it's pretty straightforward i really don't want to spend any time going through each and every step because like i said it's very very self-explanatory and it's very very easy same goes with the thank you page now this is important this is the page that will be shown when a customer has actually made a purchase please change this background image okay this makes absolutely no sense like imagine a customer buying a product on your store and then the next thing they see is they see this image it's like what the hell is this you know so make sure you either remove the image and not show any or you upload in an image that says something like you know thank you or something funny something just to uh show appreciation for the customer and then of course you can customize uh the text uh in here if you wanted to track the conversion rates maybe you're using some sort of software this is where you can put in the script to track how many purchases you are making and of course in here will be the opposite the ones where our payment fails you can also track it by pasting your script uh in here you've got the contact us option in here as well you can provide your contact email and then you can also paste your autoresponder code in here if you wanted to use one last but not least would be the blog page let me show you let me come down here so you do have the blog page and this is the default you do have the most recent post showing up in here and then your remaining posts uh will show up on the right here however you might notice that we have a banner uh here and also when you view a single uh post you also have this banner on the right as well i would recommend you remove these banners because they look like ads they look like advertisements and in my opinion it's much better if you don't show any banner so you can come down here to our blog okay and then right here you can simply remove the banner for the blog page i'm gonna remove this one and then for your single pages as well for your posts uh you can remove uh this banner and you can perform other customizations like choosing not to enable uh social share icons uh again in here as well you can paste the code for your uh subscribe form which you have down here and uh that is it if you wanted to add any tags and your header and your footer for your blog post you do have the option in here for adding the code in the respective fields for the header and footer let me save the settings and now if we go back in here refresh the page you can see we no longer have the banner down here and then for individual posts you no longer have the banner uh on the right as well so that's how you can customize your blog page and that is pretty much it for customizing the pages on our post on our store sorry don't forget though that you do have other pages that have been created by default let me show you what i'm talking about you do have down here you do have the uh privacy policy returns policy so if you're using these pages make sure that the text has been created for you by default actually makes sense so for your reforms with transparency for example you click in there you go to edit page and then right here you can customize the text make sure everything you have in here is accurate so that's it for customizing the rest of our pages thank you for watching i will see you in the next class so now that we've implemented our design and our functionalities it is now time for us to simulate an actual transaction on our store what will happen when a customer comes in and buys a product are we gonna get notifications will the customer get a notification uh how do we let our suppliers know that hey a product has been ordered on our store you know please show the product to the customer things like that so we're going to simulate the entire process now so let's do this i'm going to close this first of all and let me show you a few things first of all on the settings and then payments i have set paypal to demo mode so we can test payments also remember that we also did some settings in here under notifications where we added uh you know send a copy of a purchase email notification to our own email and then we have the email subject email from the sender's name and here is an example of the kind of email that our customer would receive when they make a purchase so let's do this okay first things first is we're gonna set up the demo mode so we need the client id and the secret key from paypal i have logged into my developer account on paypal so right here under apps and credentials i'm going to make sure this is set to sandbox and then i'm going to click on create a new app and i'm just going to call this one alexo alexo and of course it is connected to my sandbox business account i'm going to click on create app and there you go so now we have the client id which i'm going to go ahead now and copy let me go over here and paste that one and then i do have the secret key which i'm going to copy as well come back in here and let's paste that secret key let's go ahead now and save our changes okay so a customer should be able to make a test payment on our site i'm going to open up a new browser and go to firefox which i'm using right now and this is my store so let me just refresh the page once again all right so let's pretend right now that i'm a new customer i've come into alexa mod and uh i want to get some products okay so let's check a few things out i'm gonna go over to the electronics uh category and uh let's get the bluetooth selfie stick so i'm gonna click in here uh let's add that one to cart and uh let's close this one let's go over to video games and let's see what we can get over here okay we do have the data frog i'm gonna go ahead and add this one as well and now let's view our cart make sure we have everything in there okay i like this let's go ahead now and proceed to check out okay so we have the one and hey you know we can only order cut for 15 minutes that's fine i'm gonna go ahead now and use my gmail okay and then we also have this box here where the customer can choose to create an account as well so let's do that okay remember we said we wanted customers to be able to create accounts as well on our store so that if they ever come back to our store although we simply need to do is to log in and then uh they'll be able to have their payment methods all saved up and things like that so let's click on register me and now i'm going to add a password all right let's confirm our password again uh first name my name is billy joe billy joe is my name and then uh address them just add something enable quick poplar ridge uh state uh let's just go with arizona zip code actually i don't know any zip codes in arizona so let's just make sure we choose an actual state that i've lived in that's maryland so i know the zip code of two one one one seven our city here is owings mills and there you go okay fine what else do we need to do so right here our shipping method we're going to go with free shipping so we don't pay anything extra and then i'm going to choose paypal right now because remember we're testing with paypal i'm going to click on i've read terms and conditions let's now complete the order and let's see what will happen so this should now automatically redirect us to paypal to our complete the payment and you can see right now it's taken us to sandbox.paper because again we are testing payments with paypal and okay so from here right now i'm going to log in with my sandbox account so i do have a cool buyer at click on next and now i'm going to add my password let's log in and okay okay yes accept cookies and okay so now we can make the payment which i'm gonna go ahead now and simply do so by clicking continue for the payment and this should complete the payment let's see and there you go okay so now you can see it says thank you for the order your order has been placed and you will receive a notification email shortly so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to open up my email accounts and see if i as the owner of the store if i got any notification that a purchase has been made and then also the other email account where i will be the customer just to see if i received a an email that hey indeed my orders have been received all right so as you can see right now i have opened up my gmail account and i as the customer you can see right now i got an email saying you have successfully registered your account uh email and then this is my id which which you can use to log into my account the only thing is that the email came from uh my wordpress which of course we will change i'll show you how to change this so that it actually reflects the name of your store and then i got a second email as the customer that hey your order thank you for your order your order will be shipped to billy joe here's the address and here are the products so as the customer everything works well from their end they receive an email if they choose to create an account plus they also receive a second email uh thanking them for the order that they've made now i as the owner of the store i've logged into my webmonkey online email account and as you can see i did get the exact same email that the customer got so i do get notifications when a customer has placed an order on my store awesome now if we go back to our site let's head on over to the main menu come down here to oh i'm sorry not the main menu but we go back to our drop ship over here where you have orders okay you click on orders right here and now you can see that i do have the one from uh billy joel uh you can ignore these two from uh jack jones and these were the ones i used for testing let me just move this ones to trash so we're going to deal exclusively now with the one we got from billy joel so coming up in very next video i'll show you exactly what you can do uh from this point on now that you've got an order uh what is the next thing that you do but before i round this up let me show you one thing you should do if you want to get the title of the emails to reflect uh your actual drop shipping store you want to go over to settings and then general so right here where you have your site title you really want to change this one to something uh that reflects the name of your store so mine right now will be alexo drop i'm sorry alexa mart is the name of my store and then for the tagline make sure you have a tagline representing the cancer products that you sell so best deals for electronics video games and watches you know just something like that so make sure that you do have uh you've configured the site title and the tagline to reflect uh what your website is about i'm going to go ahead and now save my changes and there you go so moving forward anytime our customers get an email from our store it's going to say from alexa mart and not uh my wordpress so that's it the german fedex video where i'll now show you what to do once you have received an order on your store all righty so now that we've gotten the order from mr billy joe what are we supposed to do right here on the orders you can see the customer's name email the total amount paid and then right here you will have access to three different buttons one to view more details one to delete the order and then the last one right now is to view the order in full i'm going to click in there and then right now you can see everything we need to know about this particular order the order details the id transaction id shipping details the products have been ordered the variation and so on and so forth now what you need to do right now is to allow the plugin the alidropship plugin to connect this order to aliexpress note that i have logged into my aliexpress account you do need to be signed in so what you're going to do is you're going to click on place order automatically which i've just done and then what's going on right now is that the plugin is connecting to aliexpress it's checking for these two products so you can see right now it's adding products to our cart so you'll see what's gonna happen in just a second it's basically searching so you can see right now it's found this product it's added it to the cart so let's just wait for the plugin to find the second product okay so now those two have been added we will now have to come in here and then simply okay let's just hold on now we'll have to come in here right now and then make the payment for these two uh products let's just wait for a few more seconds so basically you're going to come in here right now and then fill in the shipping information for the customer so you add the contact name mobile number the address and then confirm and then you will have to pay the supplier for the two products and unfortunately i cannot do this because now i'll be making an actual real order but i experimented up to this point and this is the email that i got from aliexpress basically telling me that hey you know we've gotten your order or we just need you to pay so this is the kind of email you will get from from aliexpress if you've make if you've made it uh this far you know you filled out all the necessary details but you've not paid and you'll get an email like this telling you that hey you know you still need to complete payment before the supplier can ship the product down to the customer so once you've paid it will not be up to the supplier to ship the product down to the customer now depending on what you filled in here remember under settings general uh you can mark orders as processed automatically so once the order has been made to aliexpress we've filled in the shipping details with paid what's going to happen right now is that this where you have fulfillment this will now change automatically to process i just did it manually but due to the settings that we've made in here if we actually made the payment the plugin will automatically change the fulfillment force from uh not processed to processed and then once the supplier has shipped the product if you come over here right now and then change this to mark orders as shipped okay automatically what will happen is that the plugin will change the fulfillment from here to from processed to however is it to shipped or automatically or you can also do so manually because once the product has been shipped you will get an email from a supplier saying hey this product has been shipped to the customer so you can then comment to the back end and then switch from processed to shipped so a lot depends on what you've chosen to uh fill uh in here you can either again let the plugin do all of this automatically for you or you can do so manually but this is exactly what you're supposed to do once you've gotten an order from your customer on your store thank you for watching i will see you in the next class all right let's talk about some basic seo that you can apply to try to rank your store on the first page of google and all those search engines if you go to the alidropship plugin under settings seo you're gonna have access to the options now in here you can generate your sitemap.xml and robots.txt i'll recommend that you turn these on and then you have the seo metadata fields this is extremely important and you're going to see the effect of this in just a second now you could also choose to generate the seo title subscriptions keywords automatically for your products but in all honesty you shouldn't be doing that you should be manually creating the titles keywords and descriptions if you're serious about trying to get your products on the very first page of google nevertheless if you have hundreds of products and you don't have time to go through all of them then you can come in here and then turn these on i'm gonna save my changes now over here for the home page you'll be able to add a title description as well as keywords now i've added a title of my website alexa mart and then description and keywords are the exact same thing it's fine and just as long as your description and keywords are actually make sense in this case right now my description is a full affordable electronics watches and gaming consoles and then my keywords also for my website would be affordable electronics watches and gaming consoles obviously yours would be a bit different and then down here you have access to adding tags for your product page but i'm going to recommend that you don't even bother with this and just again focus on trying to manually i'll write descriptions titles and keywords for your products okay what have i been talking about so return this on right the seo meta uh data fields i'm going to save my changes now because we've turned this on if i go over to any of my products let's let's choose the actually let's come down here and choose another product uh okay for example the xbox one bluetooth wireless blah blah let's check this product now because we've turned on the meta fields if i scroll all the way down here you will now have access to the seo tab you want to click in there and then this is where you can now write actual titles descriptions and then use keywords for seo specifically if you don't edit any of this what the plugin will simply do is that it's just going to grab the title that you have on your product and use that as the seo title so the major difference between these two is that this one this title right here will be the title of the product on your website but the title that you have down here is going to be the one that will show up on google when people are searching for your product so in other words you want to make sure that the thai tools are the kind of titles that will make people want to click on your link so in this case right now this title really it makes sense but it's too descriptive i mean for xbox one bluetooth wireless controller for xbox one slim console for windows pc blog play it's like okay stop it's way too much information what i can do here is just to simply try to simplify the title so let's see for xbox one bluetooth wireless controller i can just say uh xbox one bluetooth wireless controller and i'll just say uh for windows that's it this is an xbox one wire bluetooth wireless controller for windows simple and straight to the point now for your description as well this would also show up on google so you want to try and write a very good description for this particular product or your products so in this case right now i can say uh looking for an xbox looking for an xbox uh one bluetooth wireless controller can add a question mark then why not check out when i check out our awesome new controller a new awesome xbox controller and then i can even say other things like uh with uh free shipping available you know stuff like that so if anyone says this on a page on google they want to click on it because if they're looking for a wireless uh xbox one bluetooth controller when they see this okay this is for windows find and in description oh looking for an xbox one bluetooth wireless controller then why not check out our awesome expert controller with free shipping available so just by including free shipping been available this could entice the customer to click on the link of course you want to make sure that you're not making any false promises in here so make sure your title your descriptions are catchy and would want to make people click on your link and of course the keyword so in this case right now my keywords would be things like xbox r1 uh controller bluetooth uh wireless this would be like the keywords i'm targeting for this particular uh kind of product so you want to make sure that you spend time trying to write the best title the best description and also use the right kinds of keywords for each and every one of your products okay now going back to the actual product page itself so for the title this one shows up on your website you want to make sure this this one also makes perfect sense just because somebody has come to your site doesn't necessarily mean they're going to buy your product you still need to convince them that you're legit and you're selling what they're looking for so again in here what i can do is i'll just simplify this so i'm going to say xbox one bluetooth wireless controller and i'll save for windows and there you go okay now note that you you'll need to edit the permalink as well so i'm going to come in here click on edit and then i'm going to try and remove this old permalink in fact i'm going to remove everything i'm going to click on ok and what will happen right now is that wordpress will automatically generate a new primal link for the new title this is exactly another thing that you should do now of course for the actual product page itself now that the customer has arrived on the product page you need to convince them that okay this product is right for them so make sure your product description is well written check for any grammatical errors misspellings things like that make sure none of those are there and of course if you have other images that you can use besides the one that you got from aliexpress use the images okay also if you can add videos videos describing what the product is how it works that would also really help out with conversion rates let me go ahead now and update this and my final seo tip is you want to make sure that your images have the old text it's the one where i tell you the alternative text you might think this is very very very trivial it's not important but trust me it is important especially given the fact that a bulk of your content will be images of your product so make sure that you have an alt text that actually describes what the image is if you don't know the use of the alt text basically it's used by screen readers for blind people so because a blind person cannot see an image the screen reader will use the alt text of that image to describe what that image is to the blind person and of course google and other search engines would appreciate it when you take the time to think about the blind people so make sure the all text in here makes perfect sense i think by default uh aliexpress simply uses the title of the image as the alt text this is fine just as long as the title itself makes sense so please ensure that your images have good alternative text and last but not least you could also make use of rank math in my humble opinion it is the best seo plugin for wordpress it is free for you to use and i do have a very extensive tutorial on youtube on how to use the plugin you can check it out it's called rank math tutorial the complete tutorial from start to finish and my youtube channel is web monkey so that's it for basic seo with the ali dropship plugin thank you for watching i will see you in the next class alrighty we're almost at the end of this course but before i go i wanted to give you a preview or a review of one of the premium themes that you can get with the alidropship plugin and that's going to be the uh el greco theme the alidropship developers were kind enough to give me a sample of the theme and i have applied it to the website and here is the new improved uh alexa mod website i haven't of course added the logo i've kept the lgrico default logo but you can see the difference between this design and the one for the rubens theme in all honesty ribbon stem is fine i i think it does a pretty decent job and it's fine you you don't need to upgrade but if you do have the money because it costs i believe 67 uh dollars if you do have the money i can recommend that you actually buy this theme now the reason why is because it's just simply better in everything the design the functionality is it's better than ruben's end so let's take a look all right first things first here is with rubens you have like the full page uh slide this one is is is a bit more uh compact basically it's it has a set height and i actually prefer this kind of slot these kinds of slides that are compact and don't go uh full height and width like the one you we have with the ribbon stim of course this is very very subjective you may you may prefer this particular kinds of uh slides all right over here you can actually add a section for your categories i'll show you how you can do this but i changed the very first one in here to watches as you can see so in my case right now i could have the other two categories be for video games and then consoles and i can use images representing the categories of products and also add a link that will point the users to the category pages or to the pages for each of these categories and i think this is actually really really cool you have the exact same uh best deals just arrived trending now just like you have with the uh rubens theme which is what you have over here and then you also have the blog section which is what you have uh down here and then you have your subscription box similar to the ruben's theme over here but then with the el greco theme you now have down here you have the free delivery for returns need help money back guarantee you have these are conversion boosters as they call it but even more importantly is the fact that you now have a section for customer reviews which can really really help with your conversions it's been proven time and time and again that our reviews do help with conversion so the wonderful thing about el greco is that you do have the ability to add your own custom reviews or review some customers on your home page okay let's take a look at the product page and i think this is where you'll begin to see the real power of the elegraco theme let's take a look at this watch all right so this is with the l greco and right off the bat you can see it's better like over here you have the tie tool you have this this nice blue box telling you how much you're gonna save by buying from this particular store and then in here you've got the big buttons arctic card buy with paypal this is the one with the revenge theme you can see it's it's it's a bit dull it's a bit dull in comparison to what you have uh over here like the art card buy with paypal these are like big buttons you know encouraging you to buy over here they're a bit you know smaller a bit more compact and you know this is just it's just way better and also you have the the same uh conversion boosters you have the estimated delivery date ensure the trackable worldwide shipping love it or get 100 percent refund you have all this conversion boosters which by the way uh you can customize now coming down here back to the ribbon's theme you don't have that what you have here is the uh permit buttons you have the product details reviews and then when you scroll down down down down down you now have uh selected for you and then you also have the recently viewed and then right here you have the shipping and payment and then also the uh why uh buy for most it's okay but check this out with el greco you actually have them like in tabs right here where you have the product details you have shipping and payment you have faqs you have about us all neatly laid out and then the reviews also check this out the reviews are displayed a lot better than what you have with the uh rubenstein because the revenge team right here it's okay it's not it's again it's not it's not terrible it's decent right it's fine but with el greco it's cleaner it's more compact and it's just overall uh much better than what you have with the rubens theme okay let's move on you have the shopping cart page for the ribbons thing which is actually quite nice uh let's see the one for the el greco theme i'm gonna proceed to check out all right so this is the checkout page right here which is oh sorry this is this is this was the shopping cart page uh can okay let me click on the shopping cart in here uh sorry let me just give me a second let me try to find the shopping cart page all right view cart and okay oh i haven't configured the page for the uh checkout page okay i'm sorry about that all right let's let's ignore that one let's just go to the checkout page all right check out all right so it's very very similar to the one for the uh rubenstein del greco checkout page and the rubens checkout page are very very very similar not much of a difference uh in there so let me close this one all right the contactors page also kind of similar uh let me come down here let me show you the uh checkout page for i'm sorry the contact us page for the al greco theme i believe i have an example down here and no okay no problem let me go to the back end really really quickly and show you the contact page okay contact us all right so this is the el greco contactos page which is similar to what you have with the uh rubens theme but of course the one for vehicle is a bit neater just a little bit better than what you have out with the revenge theme okay last but not least would be the blog page which is actually very very very similar there isn't that much of a difference let me show you the blog page for the uh algo theme and this is the one for uben's theme is is almost the exact same thing not much of a difference uh in here okay that's that for the comparison between the ribbons theme and the algreco theme let me now show you the uh the back end of the l gecko theme and let's go over to the back end and all right so it's going to be down here you will see customization this is for the el greco theme so you have general the access to general where you can do things like enable the one page checkout your lazy loading for your images and then you have other options for like your template colors as well which you can customize and then you can also change the layouts if you want to you can go with the right to left layout as opposed to the more traditional left to right layout you can also choose a font family this isn't what you have with the ribbon stem but in here you can choose a different kind of fun family for your text if you wanted to and then you also have access to like the head section where you can add code or scripts and so on and then you have access to the same uh header which is very very similar to the ribbon steam where you can add your logo make a color settings and then home single product all these are very very similar but then in here you have the conversion boosters so right here this is where you can now begin to modify the kinds of our text and messages that your customers will see on the product pages the checkout pages so in here you can change the title the description add different kinds of images you have everything available for you in here to customize you have the badges on the single product pages again free shipping worldwide returns image so all these you can use to actually uh increase the conversions of your products and of course in here as well additional information for the single products uh for great reasons to buy from us you can modify all of these uh to your heart's content and then you can also modify the checkout page as well you know upload logos of companies that you work with in terms of like the you know payment gateways you can enable the shopping cart page the you know show payment method icons these are similar to what you have with the rubens theme you just have a few more options available and then of course you can customize the about us page the thank you page the contact us page similar to what you have with the rubric's theme you have your social media and in here you can add things like an instagram widget uh a facebook widget you don't have these available with rubin's theme by the way so in terms of social media you do have more options with the el greco theme and then futa similar to what you have with everybody's theme and then you have you know your subscriber form blog for four page uh and so on and so forth so overall i will say that the elgg record theme is a little bit better than the revenge team and if you can afford the 67 dollars i would highly recommend uh that you go for the el gecko theme otherwise i feel that urban steam is decent enough for you to have a good uh drop shipping store so that's it for the elgato thing thank you for watching i will see you in the next class all righty we've just about come to the end of this course on how to build a dropshipping store with the alidropship plugin but before i go i wanted to give you some last tips now if you go to your back end and you go to the uh dropship plugin you come down here to reports there's three of them you have access to your sales reports where you'll have things like your best-selling products you know how much you've made things like that and then you can also get things like the number of unique visitors as well as your conversion rates now for these two you will have to have google analytic analytics connected to your store and also for the traffic report as well you'll need to get the client id and client secret key from your google analytics account and if you want to know how to get this done you can click on this link right here that says how it works and this is the article that you're gonna get and it's pretty self-explanatory it shows you exactly how you can set up google analytics on your store and uh last but not least you do have the activities list where anything that happens on your store maybe a product price has changed maybe the stock has changed things like that you'll have all the reports in here and speaking of uh notifications here's the kind of email that you will get from the ali dropship plugin whenever a product has changed in its stock or maybe the price has changed keep in mind that you will receive this if you choose to receive uh notifications whenever the product stock or price has changed so here's kind of like an example of what you you would receive now when it comes to articles videos to help you with uh your drop shipping business like you know how to find the best products how to increase conversion rates things like that there's a ton of materials available for you on youtube but i found this particular lady she's called a wholesale ted and i went through a few of her videos and she seems legit she seems to know what she's talking about so i'll encourage you to you to check her out and check out the videos that she has she has a ton of information available for you for drop shipping and for articles i would highly recommend that you check out the alidropship blog in here they have several kinds of articles to help you with your marketing you can say for example split testing on facebook you have the how to drop ship party supplies for the maximum benefit things like that so i would recommend that you go through their blog articles and i'm sure you'll find something useful and even on shopify which which is of course uh a direct competitor to wordpress but i would encourage you to check out their blog as well because their blog articles many of them it isn't it isn't just about shopify itself but about drop shipping in general you know how to find the best products things like that so i'll recommend that you also check out the blog from shopify as well so that's it thank you for watching and of course i will see you in the very next class so that's it we've come to the end of today's tutorial where i showed you how to build yourself a dropship install with the original alidropship plugin and from the bottom of my heart i really hope you found this tutorial useful and now you've been able to build your drop shipping website if you love the video please do give it a thumbs up it really does help subscribe to the channel if you haven't share this video with anyone who might feel my benefit and if you have any comments questions put them down in the comment section below i'll do my best to answer as many of them as i can my name is alex it's been a pleasure exclusive out there and i'll talk to you next time bye
Channel: Web Monkey
Views: 12,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliexpress dropshipping, aliexpress dropshipping wordpress, dropshipping from aliexpress, how to make a dropshipping website, alidropship tutorial, how to create an alidropship store
Id: lzcpcVgpA9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 13sec (11233 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.