How To Build A One Product Dropshipping Store With WordPress

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hi everybody its Eliot here and in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how you can set up your very own one product drop shipping store using WordPress and WooCommerce now let me go over a few things that you will be learning in today's tutorial I will be showing you how to set up a beautifully branded dropshipping store that is going to help your store stand out from the thousands of other dropshipping stores and to be honest with you your customers will never be able to tell that you're running a drop shipping store because your store will be so beautiful I'll just be showing you how you can import products directly from Aliexpress into your store and how you can head anchor links onto your store so that you can click a button and it brings you down to another section on your website I'll be showing you how to embed a video of your product onto your store so you can showcase it in the best possible way and hopefully this will entice customers to make a purchase and increase your sales and your profits of your store I will be showing you how to add a Contact Us section on your store so your customers can contact you really easily and I'll be showing you how to set up all of the necessary pages for your store such as the about Us page shipping and delivery fa Q's and all of the boring pages such as the Terms of Service and the privacy policy I'll also be showing you how to create a logo for your store for absolutely free and also how you can go and make sure that your store is fully optimized for mobile so we will have a look at the store on a mobile we can see that the store looks really good on a mobile and a tablet as well I'll also be showing you a few other things like how you can set up a free professional email address for your store and how you can create coupon codes and go and fulfill orders we will also be looking at how we can edit all of our product pages so there are branded and consistent with our store and how we can write really good product descriptions that are going to entice our customers to make a purchase so if you have been looking for a way to build a one product drop shipping store and you've been looking at the different options then this is going to be a really great tutorial for you because this is a really cheap and great alternative to using Shopify so without keeping you waiting any longer let's just begin the tutorial now the first thing that you are going to have to do in order to start setting up your one product drop shipping store is to actually purchase some hosting now we will be using sack round as our hosting for this tutorial and the reason that I really love site ground is because they offer cheap hosting fast hosting and most importantly really excellent customer service so if anything ever goes wrong with your sites or your site is down then you can contact them and they usually fix it within a matter of minutes now there is a link in the video description to Sacre so if you just click on that link and you will be brought over to this page now from here it go to hosting and just click on web hosting and from here you will have three different options to choose from so we have start up grow big and go geek now startup is basically for anyone who's just starting out and they only want to make one website now it's really cheap like I said three pounds a month and you can actually just make only one website with this so if you're just dipping your toe into drop shipping then perhaps maybe you just want to go with this or if you're on a slightly smaller budget then maybe just want to go with startup hosting now if you're thinking about making multiple dropshipping stores then you can go for grow big which allows you to make unlimited websites and then once you start getting some traffic you can always upgrade to go geek now like I said if you do just start out with the startup plan where you can only make one website then you can always upgrade to grow big once you are decide if you want to start making more sites now from here you can just go and click on get plan and it's going to bring you over to the next page where will ask you to register a domain name now the domain name is basically going to be the name of your website now there are two different options when you are picking your domain name you can go for a branded domain name so something that is related to your product so for example if it was a phone case it could be something like in destructor case or something like that or you can just go for a generic brand name so that way if the website doesn't work out and you want to change the product then you can always just rebrand the site and change the product without having to change the domain name so you could just go for something like for example volkswagen or coca-cola all of those things are not actually related to the product so what I recommend is just going on and having a look at different names that you could potentially use for your domain name so different surnames may be or things like that and that way you can just pick a generic so once you have decided on your domain so you can just type it in here now what you can do is you can use a website called name com try to just go and search domain names so this way you can go and see if your domain name is actually available so let's just search a generic brand name something like ovie on let's just go for something like that so then you can just click on search and it will tell you if that their name domain name is available so you can see early on com is available now like I said this is just a generic brand name it's not linked to any product so that way you could use a brand name like this it has a kind of ring to it and you could always go and test out another product if the product that you have in mind doesn't work out you can always go and rebrand your store so once you have seen that your domain name is available then head back over to sacrum and you can just go and pick your domain name so then we can just go and you can pick the end of your domain name so if I just scroll down we should be able to see calm over here and then you can just go and click on proceed once you click on this it is going to ask you to review and complete your hosting account so you can just go and put in your email address so I'm just going to go and enter in all of this information and then we will continue from there now once you enter in all of your information you can just scroll down and all you need to do then is enter in your card details so that you can confirm the payment with Sacre now over here you can choose the period so you can just go for a trial for a one month and see how it goes but personally I would recommend just buying the 12 months upfront and that way you have your store ready and running for 12 months and that's going to make you more motivated to actually work on it throughout the year then you can also go and purchase domain privacy if you want to so that basically just means that no one can see who has registered your domain it doesn't really matter the only downside is some companies like web design and SEO companies may contact you offering their services because they can see that you have purchased a domain you can also go for SD side scanner which basically just monitors your website on a daily basis but personally I don't think this isn't necessary then once you've done this just go and click on and you can go and click on to receive updates from SiteGround if you want to and then you're all you're going to do is click on pay now now I already have hosting services with sac round so I'm not going to go through the payment process and I will meet you on the next page once your payment has gone through now once you do complete your payment with SiteGround you will be brought over to a page like this now this will be your site ground account and this is where you can access everything for the hosting you just purchased now firstly I'll just go over a few different things that you can use within your site client account and then we'll move on to installing WordPress on to our newly purchased domain so over here we have the support panel so this is probably going to be one of the most important things that you will use because if anything goes wrong such as you're trying to install WordPress and it's not working correctly or you're trying to install an SSL certificate onto your domain and it's not working you can always go over to the support zone and you can just create a ticket or you can talk to sat down to through instant chat and they usually fix everything within a couple of minutes so if you go over to support and then down the bottom here it will say contact us 24/7 so you can go on there and just click here and it will allow you to go and write in instant chat to SiteGround and they will actually go and fix anything that might be going wrong with your site now that's like I said one of the most important parts that you will probably be using because more than likely something may go wrong with your site at some point but don't panic because like I said sack ground generally we'll be able to fix it for you now under billing is basically where all of your card details and all of those different types of things are we also have deals over here and then if you do want to add services so for example if you want startup plan and you wanted to upgrade then you can go to add services and that is where you can actually upgrade your plan now the most important panel also in sacral is my accounts so if we go into my accounts over here you will be able to see all of the different domains and websites that you have on your hosting plan so you can see for me here I have a fair few different websites that I am creating and running with this hosting plan now from here when you click on my accounts what we are going to do now go and click on this go to cPanel so click on this and basically what your cPanel is is kind of like a back-end for your hosting where you can do things like install WordPress install SSL Certificates and extra domains and all of those different types of things so click on go to cPanel and you should come over to a page like this so within our cPanel the first thing that we are going to do is install an SSL certificate onto the domain name that we just purchased now one SSL certificate does it makes your domain secure so if you see up in the browser over here you've got HTTPS and you've got this little lock over here that tells the customer or the user that your website is secure now without having an SSL certificate this won't come up and it will an error message will come up on your site saying this site isn't secure now obviously if you're running an e-commerce or drop shipping style you don't want that because that's going to push customers away very quickly so in order for us to install an SSL certificate onto our domain name from our cPanel over here we are going to scroll down so keep scrolling until you see security over here so once you get to security click on let's encrypt over here and then it will load and you can just scroll down and then you will see your domain name over here so it's a domain and you should be out to just pick your domain or it should already be picked for you and then all you need to do is select this one which says let's encrypt SSL and then just click on install then it will say let's encrypt certificate added successfully to the installation queue so that means it is installing an SSL on to that domain now it will take around 15 to 20 minutes it could potentially take up to an hour so just leave it for around 15 to 20 minutes so just click on OK and then just leave that for 15 to 20 minutes and then we will come back to this in a moment and we will actually install WordPress on to our domain so I have left this for a little while now so once you've done that the SSL should be installed now so let's just scroll back up and we're going to go and click on cPanel home so just click on cPanel home over here and when this will bring us back to our cPanel and then from here just scroll down and you will see WordPress installer so just click on WordPress installer over here and then all we need to do is click on this install button over here so just click on install and then if we scroll down you should be able to go and choose the installation URL so for you it should just have your one domain name so I'm just going to go and choose the domain name that I want to use and then once you click on this you will choose your protocol so make sure that you choose HTTPS and once again like I mentioned that is what is going to give us this little lock in our browser now if you choose HTTPS and you get an error message coming up here saying a valid SSL is not installed don't worry all you need to do is go and contact site ground through the instant chat service I showed you earlier and they will go and install the SSL for you if the let's encrypt version that we just done doesn't work but hopefully it should work just fine now once you choose HTTPS and you choose your domain don't worry about this in directory make sure you just leave this blank and just choose the version that is already here as default that's perfectly fine then we're going to scroll down to where it says site settings and also admin account so under site settings for site name I strongly recommend just adding your domain name in here so whether your domain name is so for me it's busted' store so I'm just going to go and put in busted' store in here and then in the site description I was strongly recommend that you go and put your product in here so let's say your product was a vacuum you could put the world's best vacuum now don't worry too much because you can't always change what is going to be put in here so I will show you later on in the tutorial how we can actually change it so don't worry too much if you're not too sure what to put in here at the moment if you haven't picked a product then just leave it blank or you can just go and put something like my store in here that's perfectly fine like I said you can go and change this later on now if we scroll down to where it says admin account over here we are going to choose our admin username so this is going to be the login for our actual WordPress website so every time you log into your WordPress website you will using this username so make sure that it is something that you remember and then also you will have your admin password so for your password you are going to want to set something up that is fairly strong so don't use a generic password because that is going to make it easier for your site to be hacked so I'm just going to go and pick a password and also your admin email so this is basically going to be an email that's if you forget your password for your WordPress site which email do you want to be out to reset your password on so make sure you enter in an admin email in here that you can access so let me just go and fill some of this out so once you have entered all of that admin information and we can just scroll down to where it says choose language and you can just choose the language that you want your WordPress dashboard to be in so I've just chosen English now you can limit the login attempts if you want to so this means that you can only have a maximum of three attempts to log in to your WordPress site now personally I wouldn't worry too much about this but if you're worried that somebody might accidentally or not isn't it somebody might try and hack your website then perhaps you can go and limit this but if you set up a strong password and later on we'll go set up some plugins to keep our website secure so don't worry about this then what we have to do is click on install so we'll take a few moments just to install WordPress so just give this a few minutes to actually install and once the installation process is finished you will see congratulations the software was installed successfully so now we have WordPress installed on our domain name so that's perfect now you will see this administrative URL over here so this is how we can actually access our WordPress website so go and click on this administrative URL and it is going to bring us over to the WordPress dashboard so once it loads you will see this WordPress starter site over here so don't worry too much about this we can just go and click exit on this because I'm going to show you everything of how to use WordPress and how to set everything up so once you click exit on this you will be boots over to your WordPress dashboard and it should look a little something like this now from here we are just going to do a little tour of WordPress so we know how to use everything and what all of these different things over here are used for so firstly you will have home which is your WordPress - so this is where you will see things like if you meet need to make an update on your site and just general news about WordPress then you'll have updates so we use things in WordPress called plugins and this is what allows us to add extra functionality so within updates there will be different things that you need to update for certain plugins you've installed or for a theme that you've installed or just for the actual version of WordPress so anytime you need to update something in your site that will be under updates next up we have posts which we won't be using much in this tutorial because WordPress was originally a blogging platform everything that you created would be a blog post so now we won't really be creating mini blog posts so like I said we won't really be using this but if you do create blog posts then that will be over in the post section then we have media so anytime you add an image or a video to your site it will go into your media library and you can also upload images and videos under media however we will be uploading most things on the front end when we actually build outside so we will be using this much that much either sorry but like I said if you do want to access any images or videos on your site you can just go to your media library next up we have pages which we will be using quite a lot so this is basically where we can add new pages to our site and also access all the pages that have been created on our site so if we create an about us a privacy policy and contact us page any page that we create will be made through the pages section and we can also access those pages over here we also have comments over here so if you do write a blog post then anyone that writes a comment on those blog posts will come up here and that way you can approve them or delete comments also if somebody writes a review on one of your products on your dropshipping store then that will come into the comments section for you to be able to approve them or to delete those comments and things like that next up we have appearance so this is where we can actually do things like install a theme onto our store we can go and change the menus and some few other things like widgets which also allow just allow us to add extra functionality to our store so we will be using this a bit but not that much next we have plugins which is a really important part of the tutorial and as I mentioned earlier basically with WordPress a plug-in is something that allows to add extra functionality to your store so we will be installing a lot of different plugins in using different plugins throughout the tutorial we also have users so if you want your site to be able to be managed by different people so if you hire a virtual assistant you can set them up as a user and they can log in to your store and do things like fulfill orders and things like that we also have tools over here so if you want to import an export data from your site you can do that over here we won't really be using that this much in the tutorial but just so you know what it is and then we also have settings so in here we can change things like what the links look like up in the URL and a few other little things within here but we won't really be using that this much the main thing that we will be using in this tutorial is setting up pages and also working with plugins so now that we have just gone through a little tour of WordPress the first thing that we will do to actually start setting up our store is actually install a theme onto our store so in order to do this go over to appearance and click on themes over here and the theme that we will be installing is called ocean WP and this is a completely free theme and this is the best free ecommerce theme that you can use with WordPress so over here just click on add new and once you come over to this page we are just going to click on search themes and type in ocean WP and once you type that in you should see this theme come up over here ocean WP so we can just go and click on install once that has finished installing just click on activate and now we can see that that theme has been activated so this theme is now installed on our store now we can't just keep this theme here as a backup in case something goes wrong with this theme at least we have another theme as a backup so just to leave this 2019 one over here so now that we have installed the theme onto our store the next thing that we need to do is install a plugin called WooCommerce and what this plug-in allows us to do it allows us to add ecommerce functionality to our WordPress website so in order to install the WooCommerce plug-in just go over to plugins over here and just Con Ed new this will then bring us over to the plugins page and from here you will see this search box which says search plugins so now just type in woo commerce and it should be the first plug-in that comes up so we're going to install this one over here we'll commerce and you can see it's got four million active installations so there are a lot of ecommerce sites out there on the internet that are using WooCommerce so we're just going to go and click on install and once that has finished installing we can go and just click on activate once you click on activate it will bring you over to this page which is the WooCommerce setup page now from here we can just go fruit through a few things that we can tell WordPress about our store so firstly we are going to go and enter in the address of our store so you can just use your home address once you have entered in the address for your store just scroll down and it will say what currency do you want to accept payments in now for this part of the setup just think about the country that you will be targeting the most so if you will be targeting the United States then you can just go in here and you can just go and pick a US dollar if you will be targeting Australia you can go and type that in and if you're gonna be targeting let's say United Kingdom then you can just type in great British pounds so it really just depends now don't worry because you can always add a plug-in that will convert the currency for you but this is basically the main currency that we'll be using on your store and also the main currency that you'll be accepting payments on your store now next up it's going to say what type of products do you want to sell so it could be both digital and physical but if we're doing a drop shipping store then we are just going to go and pick physical products so then we can just scroll down and we can just untick this because we don't need help improving with usage tracking so just uncheck that and we can just go and click on let's go you will then be brought over to the payment setup so in here we can enable Skype and PayPal now stripe is a payment gateway that allows you to accept debit and credit cards on your site so you definitely want to have this ticked over here now where it says setup straight from using this just untick this for now because you may not have a striper counts up or you may already have a strap account under a separate email so just untick this and then we're going to just scroll down over here and we are just going to go and tick PayPal we do also want to accept paypal on our site because it's a really good payment method to have on your site and once again just untick this because you may be using a different PayPal account so just uncheck this and we will go and set up stripe and PayPal later on in the tutorial so once you've done that just click on continue you will then be boots over to the shipping setup for your store so in here we can just go and select free shipping for our store because generally as a rule of thumb for dropshipping size is really great to offer free shipping because it entices the customers to make them more likely to make a purchase and because most Aliexpress items actually offer free shipping we don't actually have to pay for it so we can't just go and put free shipping for our country and then also for international shipping we can also just say free shipping as well now if you scroll down it will say do you want to install the ship station plug-in because we will be doing shipping drop shipping we don't actually have to worry about shipping labels so we can just untick this and then just click on continue once again you will then be brought over to this page which would just say recommended plugin for your store so for now we are actually just going to unclick these because we will go and install these as we go along so for now just until all of these and click on continue it will then say do you want to install jetpack onto your store jetpack is a plugin that basically allows you to track analytics onto your store so how much traffic you're getting where the traffic is coming from and things like that now personally it's probably just as good to install Google Analytics onto your store but for now if you want to you can just go and click on continue with jetpack and set up a jetpack account so let's just go and click on that and like I said this is just something that allows you to track your traffic how many daily hits you get onto your store where the website traffic is coming from so if it's coming from Facebook and things like that so just click on content with jet pack and it's just going to load up the jet pack setup you will then be brought over to this page where we can set up our jet pack account so we can just choose a username so I'm just going to call this who's the store and then just go and choose your password so just type a password in there and just go and click on create your account once you create your account it will just say connecting to your store so just give it a few moments to connect jet pack to your WordPress store and then you will be brought over to this page that just say connect as or sted store so just click on approve and once jetpack has finished setting up you will be brought over to this page over here so you can see over here it says site stats now because we don't have any traffic coming over to our site just yet we obviously don't have anything over here so now a jetpack is fully set up and also we have gone through the WooCommerce setup as well so that is perfect so what we are going to do next we are going to go and install a plug-in called elemental now what this plug-in allows us to do is actually drag and drop pages so that we can actually design how we want our pages to look from the front end so just go down to plugins over here and we are going to go and click on add new from here just search for a plug-in called elemental so just type that into the search box and then we are going to install this first one over here called element or page builder so just click on install now once that has been installed just click on activate and once you hit activate it will say welcome to elemental so just click X on this because I will be showing you how to use element or later on in the tutorial so next time we are just going to go and add in a few more other plugins that can be used with element all as well so go to plugins and click on add new once again and from here just type in element tour again and this time we are going to install this essential add-ons for elemental which allows us to add a few more things when we are building pages with elements or so just click on install and then we are going to go and once that's just installing we are going to go here and just type in premium add-ons as well so just type that in as well premium add-ons and we are going to go and just install this one over here premium add-ons for elemental so just click on install now on that one as well so once that's installed if we go to installed plugins over here and we should be able to see that we have our elemental plug-in we have our essential add-ons for a limiter and we also have our premium atoms for elemental now we don't activate these two just yet until we actually go and start building pages but it's good just to have them stalled so they are ready for when we actually begin building pages now what we are going to do next we are actually going to go and import our product from Aliexpress into our store so in order to import a product from Aliexpress into our store we'll be using a tool called a zoo see so if we just head over to Google now and we just type in a zoo sitcom and I will leave a link in the description too as you see as well and then from here we are going to go and click on create an account so just click on this and then we will be going and registering with a zoo see now we will start off with the free plan which allows you to import I believe up to 100 products 150 bucks now obviously because we are just doing a one product drop shipping store then we can use the free plan and that's totally fine so let's just go and click on register now with the completely free plan and then from here it will say the price for this membership is zero and what we can do is go and set up a username password and enter in our email address so I'm just going to scroll down and go and enter in my details over here so once you have entered in your details just click on submit and confirm once you hit submit and confirm you should be boots over to your azusa dashboard and from here we'll say you're a Suzy account is not connected to your store so what we will be doing next is connecting our website to our Lucy account and then we can start importing products from Aliexpress into our stores so in order to connect our WordPress store to Lucy all we need to do is go to settings over here click on general and then we will see your site URL so what we can do is just grab our site URL so just copy it from here and we can just paste it in just minus this so it's just that pit there and then all we can do is click on connect once you do this it will bring you over to this page from WooCommerce just saying that you approve a zoo C to be connected to your WooCommerce store so just go and click on approve and then it will bring you back to your azusa dashboard with some consumer keys which is basically just some keys that have been created from WooCommerce to connect your store to a zoo see so now just click safe now that we have done this our store is successfully connected to as you see so now we can actually head over to Aliexpress and start importing products into our store one other thing that we do need to add to our Chrome browser is the Azusa Chrome extension which is going to allow us to import the product from Aliexpress into our store so just go over to Google and just type in Azusa Chrome extension and then just click on the first link over here just click on this and then over here it will say so for me it's going to say remove from chrome but for you it should say add the Chrome extension so just click on add Chrome extension and you do need to use the Chrome browser for this of course so click on add Chrome extension and then it should just install the susi Chrome extension and you should see over here that you now have it in your browser so now that you have the Chrome extension what we can do is we can go and head over to Aliexpress so I'm just going to go directly to the product that I want to import and if you just go and find a product that you want to import if you have one in mind of course and then from here if we just scroll down and we can see our product and then in the top corner over here you will see this little zeusie button so when you actually click on this this is going to import the product into your Azusa dashboard so if I just click on this now it is going to say importing to a zoo see so just give it a few moments and then we will head over to our zoo dashboard so I've waited a few moments and now I am just going to go and head over to my sushi dashboard and I will just go into the imported section so now you can see that it's got a little one here to say that I have imported one product into my Azusa dashboard so if I just go to import it now and from here I should be able to see the product that I just imported from Aliexpress so now you can see over here so it is a mosquito killer lamp which i think is a pretty cool product and now from here what we can do is we can actually edit some of the stuff for the products such as the price the name of the product and some things to do with the variance before we actually push it over to our store so if we go over here and you will just say edit imported product so just click on this and it's going to bring up the product over here so firstly what we are going to do is edit the title of the product now generally Aliexpress titles are completely stuffed with keywords which is not really a good technique when you are creating your store so you can go and use the title and actually just delete some of the words that you don't think are necessary so in here I'm going to start with ultrafine ultraviolet light USB mosquito killer lamp and I think I can just get rid of everything else so ultraviolet USB mosquito killer lamp now that sounds like a pretty normal title so you want to go for something like this now in the description we are going to go and write a better product description later on in the tutorial so for now just delete anything here that isn't really relevant so for example supports dropship we definitely don't want that in there we don't want brand name in there and to be honest with you you probably could just get rid of them Oh most of this because this stuff isn't relevant and we can just go and add in our own description now some of the Alex best descriptions keep have some relevant stuff that you might want to keep but for this one for example most of the information is not really relevant and we can write a much better product description than this so I'm just going to delete all of this stuff over here and then if we scroll down we have the variants over here now personally I would recommend just deleting all of these variants and just having one set up but what we will do later on when we actually push this product to our store we will actually delete the variants just so that we have one product to pick now if you have a product where there's multiple different variants in terms of let's say color so you could pick black white red a blue version of the product then later on I will show you within WooCommerce how you can actually change the variants so for now I am just going to delete some of these variants and I'll just keep - so let's just keep United States and China now in here you can change the price of the product as well and you can also add in a sell price for the product but like I said within WooCommerce we can change all of this stuff which I will show you how to do later on so don't worry too much that stuff and you can also go and select a category but I will show you how to go and set up your categories within WooCommerce so for now what we can do is actually just go and save this and then we can just close this and once you have done that you can also actually go and change the images if you want to so if you go to edit image over here let's say you had a product with a white background like this and it had a logo in the corner you can actually just go over to draw you can go and just click a white brush and you could just rub the logo out as well which is really cool so you can go and do stuff like that now I'm just going to cancel that because that looks a bit rubbish and then once you are happy with everything like I said most of this stuff we will change within WooCommerce itself so once you have done that just go over to this button here and just click push product to store and we're just going to click on that and then it will say product being pushed over here so now let's just give it a few moments then we can head over to our WordPress store and see if that product has been pushed to the store so I've just left this for a few moments and what I am going to do now is go back over to my WordPress store and now if I go to WooCommerce and under WooCommerce you'll just see products if I click on products over here and hopefully I should see that product so now you can see here we've just pushed that product to our store so that's perfect now you can see here it's out of stock it's uncatted Erised so there are a few things that we need to change about this product but we will change all of this within WooCommerce so let's go and click into our product and from here we can actually start changing some things now firstly I just want to show you a preview of the product just so you can see what it actually looks like it so let's go and just open the preview in a new tab now don't worry we will change all of this so that it looks a lot better because the stores not looking great at the moment I just want to show you a few different things now firstly we've got this ship from option because I imported it with the two different variations now obviously when a customer comes on we don't want them to be confused with whether they have to pick if it ships from China or if it ships from the United States we want them to just be able to just Add to Cart and go now Lakha has been earlier if you have something that has different variations in terms of color so pick red green blue then you would want them to be able to have that option so in order to change this we go back over to here and just scroll down from here and you will see attributes and variations now these are what determine what shows in these boxes over here so like I was saying earlier if you have imported a product with different color variations so red green blue and so on or it could be different batteries let's say so my one might be Triple A one might be Double A and things like that depending on what product it is that's going to show up in the attributes now in terms of the ships from attribute you might have a product that ships like this product here that ships from the United States it ships from let's have a look it ships from Russia it ships from Spain so that's why it has imported with these ships from attribute now if I go over here what I can do is I can just go and see where it says use for variations and also visible on product page I can just undertake these and now I can just save that attribute and that actually won't show on the product page now if you've imported a product and the colors haven't imported correctly don't worry because you can go and add that attribute in so if we go over to attributes over here and we can actually go and add some attributes to our product so what we can do is we can just go and name this color and then we can name the slug color as well so the slug is just kind of the mini version of the actual name and then what we can do is we can just go to and attribute and then once that attribute has been added it will see say configure terms over here so just click on configure terms and this is where we can determine which different colors we want to add so let's just say we wanted to add red and we'll just put red in there and you can add a description but that's not really that important so just click add and then we can go and add green you know just type in green and then we can just click Add again so now we have red and green as the color attributes so now if we head back to our product so let's just go to products again and we just click on our product again and now if we just scroll down to the attributes we should be able to see that we have that should be available so if I just click on attributes now and under here it will say custom attribute and now we have the ships from attribute and the color attribute to choose from so if I choose the color attribute that we just set up and I click Add and now we can go and add in the values so the values are what we just saw up so we have red and if I click that again we have green and then we can just click on save attributes and now if we go to the variation so let me open up this again so if I take used for variations I can click save attributes now if we go to variations because I've on ticked ships from it won't show up in the variations so now I can go and add in two variations so let's just say green and once red then I can just click on Save Changes and now if I head back over here and i refresh this we can now see that the product has those two options available so if you do import a product with variations that is how you can actually manage them in a better way to allow the customer to be able to easily pick which different variation they want now for this particular product it doesn't actually have any variations it has the ships from versions but I don't want my customer to be able to pick because I don't want it to get confused so I just want them to be able to purchase it and then I when I fulfill the order I can choose where I want to ship it from for them so in order to do that once again I would just go back to attributes and from here you can actually just change your product to a simple product so instead of being a variable product it is now just a simple product now let me just very quickly show you if you go back to variable products within variations this is where you can actually change all of the pricing so you want your pricing to be consistent you don't want somebody to have to pay more for a green product rather than a red product or let's say maybe you do want them so maybe your black product of that you're selling the black version of it is the most popular so maybe you put the price up that so let's say the green one was the most popular I could put the regular price as 1699 and then for the red one I could put it as $15.99 now if you want all of your variations to be the same you can just go in here and you can just change the price the regular price to warm the same and if you want to actually add it on sale you can just go and put in a cell in here so let's just say I made both of them $15.99 and the product is now on sale for 1099 so now I can go and add in a sell price on both of these and if I just hit Save Changes over here and now if I go and actually refresh this we should be able to see that this is now on sale so this little cell item comes up and they can go and choose red or green and they can click clear now like I was saying earlier if you just change this to a simple product so let's just change this to a simple product and now we have our regular price and we just click on update and if we now go over to here and we refresh this we should be able to see that this product doesn't have any variations now so like I was saying earlier if you just want to have a product that doesn't have any variations at all you just will need to set it as a simple product even if you've imported it and it's imported with variations like this one has which it have that ships from variation because the product ships from various different places I've just set it to a simple product now and now the customer doesn't have to pick anything they can just click on Add to Cart now in terms of stock over here you can see it's got 198 in stock if you actually want to change the stock level you just go to this inventory tab and it's where it says manage stock over here you can tick or untick this now you do have to add an SKU now this is just a number that you can make up it doesn't really matter I don't think you even actually need one to be honest with you but this is just a number that you can add in there to actually kind of track your product like I said it doesn't really matter so for this one I just put in let's just have a look I put in I think LV was supposed to be ultraviolet but I put in L so should be UV LV USB and then I just put in some random numbers as my SKU number that doesn't really matter I don't really pay attention to that but in terms of actually managing stock you want to tick this over here and that way you can ensure that the product is always in stock now if you have a look at the stock level from the actual supplier we can see that this one is 8255 that's for the United States one I think if you add all of them up it's probably around 40,000 they have so they pretty much have unlimited stock for this particular product so in here I could actually go and add in unlimited stock but you want it to from your customer's point of view to make it look like you have a low level of stock because that is going to increase them and to actually go and make a purchase because they think that the product might run out so if we have a look over here we can see it's 198 so they might think oh that's not too high so you can go and set that to the level that you want to just set it to a level so that it's not going to run out because then it's going to show that your product is out of stock so let's say if you're gonna make a hundred sells then you would probably want to go back in here and just update your stock quantity because it let's say if I was to make 200 sells now then other people coming over to my site it would say this is our stock so you just want to make sure that your stock is always up enough for the product to actually be in stock so now I've set this to a simple product and if I go back to general over here I'm actually just going to set the pricing of this product now in terms of setting pricing you want to make a good 15 to 20 dollars profit on your product so we can see over here the most expensive version of this product is ten dollars and ninety and that is because it ships from the United States so I'm gonna go and sell this product probably at for around twenty five ninety-nine so I make a good $15 profit so over here I can say it was that's a little bit high let's say it was 45 99 even as a matter of fact yeah we'll leave it like that and then now I'm selling it for $25.99 so now if I go and update this and now if we just go and refresh this over here we should be able to see now that this product is on sale for $25.99 and we've got this slash over here so that looks really good now like I said don't worry about the look of this it's not looking great but we will go and update the look of the front end of the store later on now a few other things that we can do through actual the product area within WooCommerce we can actually change the product image over here and we can actually actually change the product gallery now one thing that I recommend is to go onto your product over here and just get all of these images and then send them off on Fiverr and have the backgrounds cropped out if we go over to Fiverr we can go and find somebody that will just pop out backgrounds probably for around five bucks now you can do on Photoshop yourself or you can use a website called remove dot BG but personally I think remove BG it doesn't take the backgrounds out completely clean so the images don't look great and if you do it on Photoshop it's gonna take you two hours where you can just pay five dollars on here and save yourself two hours so if we just say Photoshop background out and we just search this and we should be able to find somebody so you can see over here I will cut out images professionally so these are all just five dollars and usually it's around 20 images for five dollars so if you can send over 20 images and you're only paying five dollars you're going to save yourself a massive amount of time and the images are going to come out really clean they're gonna look really good so I'll definitely recommend doing that and in terms of actually getting of the images if you download this Chrome extension called Ali save so just over here let me just go and type it into Google and this was actually recommended to me by one of my subscribers so thank you very much for that so if you go and actually get this Chrome extension over here and what this allows you to do is download all of the product images from a particular product on Aliexpress so if you go over to the product and you just click on this and then it is going to go and say download main images download variant images download description images so you can go and actually download all of the images then send them off to file get all of the backgrounds cropped out so that they look clean and professional and then you come over to your store you can go add product gallery images and then you can just select the file and upload it to your gallery so that way you will have some really cool product images instead of these rubbish Aliexpress ones that don't look very good now another thing that we want to do is add a category because when something says I'm categorized it doesn't look very professional so if you click on add new category here and because it's a one product store we're only going to have one category so for me I'm just going to call this mosquito out so you can just add where the category is relevant to your particular product and then we can just go and click on add new category and we can just untick on categorized and just click on update now the last thing that we will do when it comes to actually updating our product is actually write our product description now in terms of actually writing the product description you don't want to write it in here because this product description here is what is going to go and show up over here where it says description so we're just going to add some small bullet points in here but we want the actual product description to show up over here so in order for us to do that if we scroll down we will see product short description so this is where we want to actually add our description so in order to write a good description we can actually just go and find a product that is similar so over here I have found this exterminated powerful commercial electric fly killer which is kind of similar to the product that I am selling so what you can do is just go on Google and look for a product that's similar to your product from Aliexpress and then you can just go and reword their description so let's just for example let's just take this over here and if I just go back over here and let me just refresh this because sometimes it can be a little bit temperamental when you're using WordPress like any piece of technology that you use sometimes it doesn't always work first time so now I've refreshed that and I can just copy the product short description over here so what I've just pasted let me just paste that in here and now you can see say goodbye to flies and we can actually just go and we were this so I can go and say say goodbye to mosquitoes as the weather gets warmer and once again I don't know if I've spelled that right mosquitoes there we go so I'm just going to copy this and I'm just going to paste this in here and you can go and bold things so we can unbel this mosquitoes can begin to invade our homes so I'm just gonna say homes because I want this mainly to be focused towards homes in search of food poisons and pests about pesticides so you don't want to copy exactly because Google doesn't like it when you copy things exactly so try and change some of the words so for example poisons and pesticides can be messy and harmful and they aren't suited to certain environment so I'm just gonna say poisons and pesticides can be lets say messy and dangerous and they aren't always suited to certain environments especially in and I'll just say especially in homes with pets and children so we can just say something like that and then we can say simply plug in your ultra so you just want to link it back to your product ultraviolet USB mosquito lamp and watch it defeat their annoying mosquitoes and that's pretty much it so now obviously that's a very short description and all I would do is go and actually just copy all of this over here and just continuously change it until I have something that sounds pretty good but the main thing that you want to do is outline the features and the benefits of the product and mainly the benefits within the product description so obviously the main benefit of this product is that is going to kill annoying mosquitoes so I've kind of have outlined that over here and some other things that I would mention in here that is it's a quiet lamp it's small it has a nice design so those are more types of features of the product it's a nice design and things like that it's going to look nice within your home and then the benefits like I said have been outlined over here but the best thing like I said when you're writing your product descriptions is to actually just go and take them from other products that are similar on Google and just rearrange the words a bit so there is unique to your particular product so now if we just click on update once again and now if we just refresh the product let's go back over here and we just refresh this now we should be able to see our product short description has just come up over here so now you can see it is over here so that's really good and then in here like I said with the actual description you just want to add some bullet points so for example I could just go and copy some bullet points from the description on Aliexpress so let's just say we could just get let's just say this just for now now personally I would say go and copy some more relevant ones so like the power supply the size so all of this different type of stuff I can copy so let's just go and paste this in here and let me just delete this and do that so now I could just say package includes and if we just do this and we can make this bold and let's just bring this one down and then I can just copy some extra stuff here so let's just copy specifications from here and we will paste that in here as well and then let's just make this all together so it looks a bit more clean and now if I click on updates and we refresh that once again so let's go back over here and let's just refresh this and now we should see in the description here we actually have some information so you can see now within the description we just have some kind of bullet points generally outlining things about the product so facts about the product for example the size the power supply and things like that and then we have the actual features and benefits of the product over here so that's perfect so now we have our product imported I am going to go and edit all of these product images later on like I said using fiber but what we will do next we will actually focus on building out our homepage so from here in order to build out our homepage let's go back over to plugins so let's go to plugins and just make sure you hit update so that you save everything about your product and now we can go back to plugins and we will go to installed plugins and we are just going to go and activate those two elemental plugins so we have our elements or plug-in activated now just activate essential add-ons for Elementor and once that's activated if we just go back to plugins over here so let's just go to plugins over here and we just go to install plugins once again and this time we are going to go and activate the premium add-ons for elements on so let's just go and activate this and now that we have activated both of those plugins we can actually go and start building the homepage of our store so in order to start actually building our homepage firstly we have to create a home page that we can build on so if we go over to pages over here and we click on add new and then from here we can actually just go and name this page our home page so once this page loads it will say add title over here so all we need to do is go in here and just type in home and then just hit publish over here and then just hit publish once again and now our home page is published so now we need to actually make this page our home page so in order to do this we go over to settings over here and go to reading and then within reading we can actually make this page our home page so if we go over to here where it says your home page displays then we're going to choose a static page then we're going to go from home page and we're just going to go and choose the home page that we just created and now just click on Save Changes what we will do next we will actually change our link structure so if we go over to settings once again and within settings you should see this permalinks so click on permalinks over here and we are going to change this just so that it shows the name of the page within the browser so at the moment we've got it set to the day and the name so it's going to be the day that the post was created and then the name so it will be today's date and then home which looks a little bit weird so we just want the post name so just go and save post name like that and then it will just show up your stores name slash home or /faq slash about us so just make sure you tick post name and then we can scroll down and just click on Save Changes once again so now we have our home page ready to actually start building so what we're going to do next we're going to go to the front end of our page so just click on this button over here and it will bring you over to the front end of your store now as you can see at the moment it is pretty boring so there's not much going on so what we are going to do firstly we are going to go and get rid of this sidebar over there so in order to do this we're going to go and just click on edit page over here and then from here we can actually go and just get rid of that sidebar so once this loads over here what you can do is if you go over to the side down here and what we can do is if we go and just go to page attributes and then you will see templates over here so we're just going to click on template and we're going to go for element or full width so just click on that and then click on updates and now that's going to get rid of that sidebar because most home pages of e-commerce stores don't have a sidebar it looks a little bit weird so we want to have a full width page now we've done that what we can do next is just click on this button here edit with elemental and that's going to bring us to the front-end builder and we can actually start building out our homepage using elemental so once elemental loads you should see something like this now as you can see like I said our home page is pretty boring at the moment but that's perfectly fine because we are going to build it out and make it look perfectly branded now before we do this we need to actually think about the branding for our store and the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about branding is the color scheme of our store and also the fonts that we will be using for our store now to generate a color scheme there is a really easy tool that you can use which is called coulis Co so if you're head of it to Lois website over here and you can actually just go and generate a color scheme for your store now when you are generating color schemes so all we have to do is click on start the generator it's free so just click on this over here and as I was mentioning when you are generating color schemes just think about the type of product and the type of audience so if you have a feminine product maybe you want to go for a color screen that includes pinks purples and those types of things if you have a masculine product then maybe you want to go for things like blues greens and those types of things or if it's an eco product then you want to go for something like Queens if it's a cosmetics product then maybe you want to go for something like yellows so you can just hit the space bar on this and it will generate color schemes for you so I'm just going to do this and I'm just going to get a color scheme for my product so my product is pretty generic so I'm just gonna go for something I think I'm gonna go for something like this this actually looks pretty cool so I'm going to go for this color scheme for now and we can always change it as we go along so now I have my color scheme ready you would also want to think about the fonts that you're going to use so if you just head over to Google and you just type in Google Front pairings and then you should be able to see loads of different blog posts that come up with different font pairings that you can use so if I go over to here 10 beautiful Google font combinations and this way you can just have a look at different fonts that go really well together now personally I already have a font in mind that I am going to use but this is just something that you should keep in mind when you are creating your store so that you use two fonts that go really well together now once again think about the type of niche and the type of product that you will be selling and make sure that the font is relevant to the niche so for example this one is pretty generic this could be for a feminine or masculine product but if we scroll down I would say something like this looks a little bit more feminine so if you are selling a female type product maybe something to do with makeup or cosmetics then this might be a font that's more relevant so now I've got my colors and my fonts in mind if I head back over to here and the first thing that we are going to do is create a big section with a picture of our product now Elementor is really easy to use it's simply drag and drop so you can drag any of the elements from here just into your page so it's really easy to use now as we go through the tutorial you will become more accustomed to actually using elements or to build your pages but just follow through the tutorial for now and you will see how I use it and that will help you to get the hang of it so firstly we are just going to press this plus button over here which is going to add a new section so this is a section over here like this so basically an area of your website so if you just click plus and then you can choose how many columns you want within your section so I'm going to go and choose two columns so let's go and just choose two columns over here and now you can actually see that we have the content width which is boxed or you can go for full width it doesn't really it does matter so if you go for full width I will show you in a moment minute it's going to have a little less border around it if you go for boxed then it's going to have more of a border around it so the first thing we are going to do we are going to go and actually change the background color of this section so if you ever click off of something you can always just click this blue button over here to edit the section again and then it will come up over here what you're actually editing so if I actually just click within here now it's going to for example I want to add an image in here I can just drag that into there and then once that goes in here now it's going to say at the image now if I click this blue button over here and once again it's going to say edit section so let's edit this section first so I'm going to go and grab my color over here so when you do generate your color scheme you will be generating these hex codes and these are basically codes that represent a color so if you copy the hex code that you want so just right-click it and you can just click copy and then if we head back over to our site then we go to style so style is where we can change all of the colors and things like that and under background I can go and choose classic and then I can go and choose a color so let's go and choose this color and then I can just paste that hex code in here where it says hex so I'll just paste that in there and now we can see we have this background color come up so now I've got that that looks really great so what I'm going to do next I am going to go and add an image in here so let me delete this so if you ever want to delete anything where this little icon is over here you can just right click this and you can just click on delete and then that's going to delete it for you now I actually do want to keep that in still so I'm just going to leave that there so now we've got our image in here so we just click on this and now from here we can actually go and upload an image in here of our product so in order to upload an image just go over to here it says choose image and then from here we can can go to upload files select files and then you can go and upload an image of your product now you can see I've got these images with the backgrounds taken out using Fiverr as I mentioned earlier so that is definitely something that I recommend doing because that is going to make your images of your product look really good so I've already uploaded an image that I'm going to choose and I'm going to go for this one over here now when you do upload images you do want to put a title and an alt text in and this is just going to help out in terms of SEO so I've just put something in here about my product so ultraviolet mosquito lamp I think I've spoke to violet there so let's just change that but like I was saying you do want to put something in here that is relevant to your product so now I've chosen my image you can just go and click on insert media and it's going to put your image of your product on your homepage so that looks really good now the only thing here is this doesn't really match with my color scheme so I have actually generated a new color scheme over here so I am just going to go and copy this and just change the color scheme so if you have chosen a color scheme and then when you add it to your site it doesn't look so good then perhaps just think about changing it so if I just go over to here on the section once again and I can choose color and then I can just go let's delete this and just paste this in here so it can be a little bit frustrating it sometimes they'll just click clear and then we can paste that in there so there we go so that looks much better that looks more clean and it kind of blends in well with the actual product so now we've got an image of our product now you can go and change the image size so you can go for medium you can go for you know you can change it to whatever size you want thumbnail if you want to but obviously you want to try and have a fairly nice image of your pic of your product in there so that the customer can see it and it makes it stand out well so you can also go and change the alignment now I think for this product sorry for this picture because it's quite large the alignment doesn't actually matter but if I was to make it smaller than it would align left right or center so for now I'm just gonna leave it default as left so next up what we are going to add over here we are going to go and add in a heading so this is going to be a kind of piece of text that sums up our product so go and drag a heading in there and I'm just going to go and put in something like sick of mosquitoes question mark no more worries with the wave ultra-violet mosquito lamp so we can just put something in there like that and then what you can do is you can actually go and just change this so you can go for alignment Center like this and we can go for size so you can go for something quite large i'm leavin' gotta go for extra-large perhaps maybe that's too big so you can go and just muck around with it and see what you think looks best for your site and for your product and then you can also go and change the style so I'm going to change the text color to white and then I'm going to go and actually change the font so if you go to title typography and then in here we can go to family and we can just type in the front that we want to use so this goes back earlier what I was saying about fonts you can go in here and just find the font that you think looks good for your site now we can also go and add in extra things so if we click on this little grid over here we can go and actually just type dragging a spacer over here so let's drag in a spacer in here and let's go and make this 17 maybe 18 let's try 90 so like I said it's a lot of trial and error when you are using WordPress so let's maybe say a hundred pixels so it's just around the center of our product over here so now we've got that in there that's perfect and also you can go and do some trial and error with the text so maybe it looks better like this let's go and have a look I actually quite like it like this so that looks pretty good now you can go and you can tab things down within here so if I was to just go like this and hopefully that should just stay there so let's try and tab it back up just underneath so it stays like that so that looks pretty good so sick and sick mosquitos sick so sometimes you need to also just proofread your website as well so sick of mosquitos no more worries without ultraviolet mosquito lab so that's perfect now generally as a rule 4 lines like this you don't really want to include full stops just because they look a little bit messy so you can actually just go and just delete that and just leave your headline like that so what we're going to do next we are going to go and click on this little grid icon again and now we are going to go and add in an inner section and an inner section is basically like this large section here but with inside another section so if we grab this intersection and we can actually just go and drag it under here until you see this little blue thing pop up and that means it's going to go underneath our headline so now we have an inner section with two little sections inside and what we are going to do within this intersection we are going to go and add two buttons in here so we're going to add a button in here and we'll just put that into the center and then we are also going to go and add a button in here so now we have our two buttons together so that looks really cool now you would want actually these two buttons to be fairly close together so what I am going to do I am going to go and just make them both forwards so let's go and click on this button here I'm going to make this one for width as well so now we have our two for width buttons so we are going to go and have two buttons one is going to be a Buy Now button and one is going to be a learn more button so if we go and we just make this one buy now and then we can actually just go and change all of the styling of this button as well so let's go to style and we can change the typography so let's go to font family and we can just type in monsterettes and then we can actually just change the weight of this so let's make it not too bold but maybe 400 let's try 500 so we're going to go for 500 and then we are going to go and actually just change the actual button color itself so the background color we're going to make white and then we can go over to here and let's just choose this as our font color and let's see how that looks so now we have the text color and we can just paste that in there so that's looking pretty cool now what we can do also if you don't want to worry about restyling the whole thing again you can actually just click on this little pencil over here and if we just right click this and just click on duplicate and then we can actually just drag this over here and then we can just delete this one so let's just delete this and then for the learn more button we can actually just go and change the styling around so we can go and just make this this color and then we can change the background to that color so let's try that again let's paste that in there and then let's just click away from this and then we can change the text color to white so now we have to buy now buttons now let's just go to contents over here and we can change the content to learn more so now we are giving the customer the option they can go straight to the Buy Now page so they can go straight over to the product and buy it or they can go to learn more and that's going to bring them down the page where they can see more things about the product now a few other things that you can do with these types of sections if I just click on in a section over here and I can actually just change this to for width and I can go and change things around like get rid of the gaps between the buttons so that now they're just right next to each other or I can just go for a narrow gap like this so you can do a few different things you can do a minimum height so you can make it smaller or larger and I'm just going to go back to boxed and I'm just going to go and change the contact width so let's try 550 maybe let's try 575 90 so let's just go for something like that so now it's kind of lined up with this and that's how I like it now another thing that I am just going to change is actually the font here I just want to change how thick it is so I'm just going to go over to style and I am going to go to typography and I'm going to go and change the weight so I'm going to change it to something a bit thinner and then I'm just going to bow and put no more I'm gonna bold up worries no more worries with our ultraviolet mosquito lamp and I'm just gonna bold this and let's just see if we can maybe we won't both this well let's just make it a bit smaller in that case so we can actually just go and change the size of it so if we just go over to content over here and we can just go and change it to large now personally that does look quite small so maybe I'll just unbolt this because I like it to be on one line and we can just unbolt this and I'll just leave it like that so I think that looks pretty cool so now we've got sick of mosquitoes no more worries without ultraviolet mosquito lamp so that looks pretty good and we also have the image over here now you can go and muck around with the images so if I go and choose another image so let's go and select another image let's just try and see which one might look cool so maybe this one over here might outline the product a bit better so let's try this one and we'll just give that a go now like I said you do want to go and change the title and the alt text I'm not going to do that for every image on this tutorial because it's going to take a long time so I'm just going to click insert media and now we have that now personally I think let's see how that looks I think that looks a little bit tacky so I'm gonna get rid of that and I'm just going to give one more a try so let's see which one we can give it go this time so maybe let's try let's see which one looks cool maybe this let's see what this looks like if not we will just revert back to this one over here so let's just go and insert that so let's see how that looks that looks pretty cool but I don't like the fact that it's being cut off and it's being cut off here but it does look pretty cool because it has the mosquitoes actually going into the lamp so maybe I'll just go with that for now and as a tutorial goes along maybe we will change that later on so now we have the main headline and the buttons when we actually first come on to our store so what we are going to do we are just going to go and click on update and when you click update that basically saves the changes to your site now what we are going to do next but I'm just going to get rid of this home section here because that looks really terrible whenever you come on to a website you never ever see this up at the top here it's our in the menu but it's never just at the top of the page which just looks really silly so what we are going to do we're going to click on these three little lines over here so just click on that and then we are going to click on View page and that's going to bring us to the page so now over here in order to get rid of this we are going to go and click on customize now Elementor is what allows us to actually build to the page and customize is another area of WordPress where you can actually change things on your site so if we go and click on customize this time and we will actually just go and get rid of the home area that's coming up over here so once the customize area loads we can actually just go to general options we can go to page title and then we can go to style and we can just go to hidden so when we change that to hidden that's going to get rid of this page title over here and now we can see we just have our home page which still looks pretty normal so now just hit publish to make sure that that is saved and then we can just click X on this customized area and now we can actually just continue editing the rest of our home page with elemental so let's just go to edit with elemental once again and this time we can actually just carry on with the tutorial and once Elementor loads we can actually start building the next part of our home page now let's just go and actually add in just a little bit of extra text over here so let's once again grab a heading and just drag it underneath this text here and we are just going to go and add a little tagline in here something like the ultraviolet USB mosquito lamp was away every mosquito in sight just to give them a little bit more information about the product and what it actually does so now we can just change the size may be too small and once again we'll just go to style change the color to white and then change the typography so let's just type in one syrettes and then we can actually just change the weight so maybe 200 let's see how that looks let's just go for 300 so now we can just have that little bit of extra information that we are giving to our customer when they come straight over to our home page so let's just go and click on update and that's perfect so what we are going to do next we are going to go and click plus over here and this time we're going to go for a three section so let's just go for three like that and now we are going to go and add in three icons over here so if we just go over here and we should be able to just type in icon and now we can just go and choose icon box so just drag the icon box over here and now if we just go to icon library so just click it and give it a moment to load and from here I can actually just go and choose an icon so the first icon that I actually want to use it's going to be something related to the product so I'm going to go back over to the product and just have a look at all of the different features and benefits of the product so maybe I'm gonna go for this one ideal for cats pets and kids so what I can do is I could just type in dog in here so there is a dog but let's just see maybe if we type in baby there might be a baby icon so we're gonna go for baby because people will obviously consider their children over their pets so let's just pick baby and we can just go and type in ideal for kids no pets and then we can actually go and change all of the styling of this so we'll do that in a moment so what we can do is we can go and copy some of the information from over here and we can just decide what parts are important on what parts we can actually just delete so let's just go and paste that in there now that's quite a lot of information we want to sum this up fairly quickly so the customer can read it pretty quickly so we can just say our electronic mosquito trapper is 100% safe for humans and pets as it contains no chemicals emits no - no radiation and is entirely non-toxic so that for me is enough information so now we can go over to the style and we can actually change the color so once again you want to keep in with your color scheme so I'm gonna go and choose this color over here so let's just paste that in there and then we can go and change the content so let's go to the content and within the typography we can leave the typography the same color that is I think that looks pretty good but we are just going to go and change the font family so let's go and change it to this and once again we will do that also for the description so let's go and change the description click on family and just type in once alright so now we have that so that's looking pretty cool so if we just open this up we can see that it looks like that now the reason that there's this large gap here is what I was mentioning earlier when it comes to boxed and full width section so if I go to this edit section over here and I change this to full width and now I see what looks like it looks much better so personally I think that looks better so let's just to go and what we can actually do I'm just going to go to column narrow gap so that way I can just add a small gap over to the edge here so that looks pretty cool and we are going to go and add in a spacer as well so once again just go and click on the grid icon that's going to bring us back to all of the elements and we can just go and type in spacer and we can just drag that just should be able to just drag it on top here so let's just try and just drop that in there so it's not if we just click plus and then we can actually just drag in here so that should allow us okay that looks fine and now we can just put maybe 20 in here now you can also go and add in a heading and you could add in something like features so if we just go and we add in a heading just over here and we can go and just say something like features and once again we can change the typography so let's just change this and now if you want to you can just get rid of the spacer over here now I do recommend actually let's undo that we can just make the spacer a little bit smaller so maybe we could just make it 5 pixels just to give it that little bit of space so now if we open that we have features and then we're going to have 3 icons over here so now we have this icon box created we can actually just right-click this and we can just duplicate it and then we can just drag it over here so now we have that one and we can duplicate it again and then we can just drag it over here like this so now we have our 3 icon boxes so next we can go and change this one so once again let's go and click on the icon library and then we're going to go and have a look at another feature or benefit of the product so let's go and have a look at what else they have we also have easy to clean so I could go for something like that so let's go and see if we can find maybe a brush so let's go for this I think a brush kind of symbolizes cleanliness and cleaning things in those types of things so we can't just say easy to clean and then once again if we head back over to our product say goodbye to unhygenic devices that never can never be properly cleaned the state-of-the-art insect leper comes with a buckle design which removes easily for regular cleansing and washing that sounds pretty cool so let's just go and paste that in here so that's fine now once again maybe I want to cut this down a little bit because if we open it up like this no that looks okay that's fine and then finally we have this last one over here so I think for the last one we can just do something alike because we don't want to just show all of the benefits just with within these three areas here we want some more benefits and features of the product as we go down so I think we can either just go and add in something in here like free shipping or money-back guarantee or something like that so I am just going to probably just go and add in free shipping so let's just click on the icon library once again this time we can just go for a van let's see maybe truck let's try truck so we can actually just go for one of these trucks so let's just go for this one that one looks pretty cool and we can just say free shipping let's just make that small yes on orders so that's cool so then we can just put in here we offer free world white shipping on all of our orders so you can be mosquito free so just try and make it something related to your products that still so whatever it is you're offering free shipping but it's still related to your product so you can be mosquito free no matter where you are in the world and that's perfectly fine so now let's just go and have a look at how that looks so that's looking pretty cool so we have our features area over here and I think I'm just going to go and add in another one of these spaces so let's just try and get hold of another spacer and let's just go over here and we can just add in a space up over here so this time we're going to make this just 110 pixels so now we just have a little bit of space between where it says features and where the actual different icons are now for the heading I think I'm gonna make this completely caps-lock so I'm just going to go and put in features like this and now we'll just click update just to make sure that those changes are saved so that's looking pretty good we have an image of our product now once again I'm not too happy with this so I think I will change the image of this product later on then we also have the caption with a smaller caption we have our Buy Now button and I'll learn more button now at the moment these don't go anywhere we will go and add some links to these buttons later on so what we want to do next is add in another section that outlines one of the main features of the product so if we just scroll down and from here we can actually just go and add another section in so let's just click on the plus button once again and I think I am just going to go for a double section again so let's go for a double section and once again we are going to go and do the background color like this so let's go back over here and we can change the style and we will change the background color so let's just paste that in there and this time I'm going to go and add an image in this side over here so on the right side so we'll click on the little grid icon once again and we will drag an image in there and then we will choose an image and I think I'm actually going to choose this image over here and add it in the side over here so I think that actually looks a lot better in this side over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change this one over here I'm going to change it to this image over here so let's just change that and we'll just click insert now the reason why this coming out and it looks a lot better for example than this one over here which doesn't look that great now let me just explain to you why I have actually gone into Photoshop and I have just made this 800 by 800 pixels and have dragged the image in here and then I've just exported this as a PNG so now it's actually right in the center so now when I actually upload it you can see it's right in the center instead of the other one which I got a default from fiber which you can see it's kind of to the side here a little bit whereas this one is right in the center so why I would recommend to do is go into Photoshop and make sure that you add your product images into the center so that when you upload them they do actually come in the center like this and that way they look a lot better so now we have this and then down here we have this now this is being cut off over here so why I'm going to do once again if you go to edit section and we go to layout and we can just go to full width and then we can just say no gap so now if we do it like that there's no gap at all so it looks great and it just looks like it's just coming in from the side of the website so it looks really cool like that so what we can do is now we can actually just go we can go and change the height so a good could go to a minimum height and we could change this to maybe make it a bit smaller if you wanted to so because of the image size it actually just stays the size that it is so it doesn't really matter we can just go leave it to default but we didn't have an image in here then it would allow us to actually change at the height of it so now we are going to go and add in heading in here so let's add in another heading and this heading is going to be something related to the product so let's go and have a look at what we can use as a heading so we are over here once again at the product so maybe we can go for something like comfortable and quiet does not affect sleep we could go for so let's see what else they have on here vortex flow strong suction so I think I'm going to go for that so let's go for vortex flow at strong suction so we can say let's click on this and we can say the ultra violet USB sceeto lamp comes with copper than what it was so let's go back over here vortex flow and it's strong suction vortex flow and powerful suction let's just go back over here powerful suction so we can just say powerful suction and we can just leave it there and then once again underneath we will just go and put in another small heading so let's go and change the styling of this so let's change this to white and we'll change the typography so let's change it to monster rats and we are going to go and change the weight to make it just a bit thinner and then we got going to go let's click on this so once again and we will change these size I'm going to be extra large so let's add a spacer in here so we'll just type in spacer and we'll just drag that in there and we just go and make that maybe just go for 120 140 let's see how that looks so that looks pretty cool so let's go and add in here we're going to go and just align this in the center this time so let's see so that looks pretty cool and then what we are going to do is we're just going to highlight vortex flow so we're just bold that so you can actually just highlight things and just bold them and powerful suction let's make that bold as well and now we're just going to go and add in another small heading over here mosquitos you never escape with the powerful technology with this powerful technology so now we can just let's just Center that up and we can make this one really medium and once again we will just change it to white and we'll change the typography so you can see how it's coming along pretty well and now if you are to this part of the tutorial you should start becoming a little bit more familiar with using elemental and how easy actually is to start creating them when you're putting things on the website so let's just go and change this let's go for 300 so now we have this in here which looks really cool and then we will just once again add in a Buy Now button over here so I think I'm going to just change this maybe make it 150 and now we can just grab a button so what we can actually do just by a Now button over here we can right-click it we can click duplicate just save us the trouble of having to go and change everything once again and we can actually just drag this and just keep dragging it so it takes a little while just keep dragging it down and we can just drag it under there like that now that looks really cool now let's just change this and you're not going to make it full width because I think that looks a little bit silly so let's just go for Center and now we can see we have our Buy Now button so the ultra violet USB mosquito lamp comes with a vortex flow and powerful suction mosquitoes never escape with this powerful technology maybe let's just go and we can add an exclamation mark in here the end of this so let's just go to content and we can just do that so now let's have a look at how our website is coming along it looks really good this is looking really good so once we actually add in our logo and our menu and everything is obviously going to look a lot better but just from first glance over here we have sick of mosquitoes no more worries with our ultraviolet mosquito lamp a nice image of the product two buttons so by now so they can go straight to buy or learn more we are going to go and add this to our video later on so we can go and just click this and it's gonna bring a straight down to a video of our product then we also have the features over here so I do for kids and pets easy-to-clean free shipping on all orders so maybe we might change this one later on if we have enough features left to actually outline over here and then we have this over here which is really cool so that's looking really good and now we are just going to go and actually add in a video of our product so that's going to be the next section on our website so in order to add a video of our product to our website we are going to go over to our product on Aliexpress and hopefully you have found a product that comes with a product video and then you can just go and click on these three dots over here and just click on download now if your product doesn't have a video I definitely recommend getting one made so I either order the product in and make your own video or you can get the product sent out to a model on Fiverr who will make a product video for you they're generally around one hundred two hundred fifty dollars or you can find an influencer on Instagram who will make a product video for you they generally tend to be a little bit cheaper if you find one that doesn't have many subscribers so maybe around fifty dollars but I definitely recommend getting a video made for your product so once you have downloaded the product video from Aliexpress from here we are going to go now and actually open up Premiere Pro and we will do a little bit of editing to the product video before we actually add it to our site so let's head over to Premiere Pro and start editing our product video now if you don't have Premiere Pro you can download a free trial just go over to google and type in Adobe Premiere Pro free trial I think you can get a seven day free trial which should be more than enough time to go and edit your product video and then you don't have to continue with the paid version if you don't want to now let me just show you I have actually been a little bit lazy with editing this product video and I'll just show you a few things that you should make sure that you do so when I go through this video you can see it looks really good but there are a few things that I haven't edited out and that is just to speed up this tutorial but you can see here there's some Chinese writing throughout the video now if you have any Chinese writing or Chinese text within your product video make sure that you that's out because that is going to be a red flag to your customer because then they're gonna know this product is coming from China and that's going to discourage them from making a purchase so like I said just make sure that you edit these types of things out now you can see I've created this banner over here that says USB lamp if I actually just delete this you can see throughout the video there's some Chinese writing coming up so that's a really easy way to just cover up the Chinese writing by creating a banner in Premiere Pro and just covering up the Chinese writing with it so as you can see it only took me probably around five to ten minutes to actually edit this product video so it's really easy to do this within Premiere Pro now and I'm just going to go and move this to the side and I'll just show you a few tricks that you can use so firstly let's just go and actually just drag this is the downloaded version from Aliexpress so the original video so if I just drag that in here now firstly when you drag it in sometimes it doesn't coming in with the actual sound so you're gonna have to just delete this and I'll just to try it dragging that in a game and now we can see that the sound comes in so as you can see originally it's a really small video so some videos that you download from Aliexpress will be really small but you want your video to actually be 1080p because when you upload it to YouTube and then use that link to put it on our site we want it to be nice and big so what you can actually do if you go over to here go to sequence go to sequence settings and then you can change the frame size to 1920 by 1080 and that's going to make the frame size 1080p so then what you can do is you can grab your product video and you can't just scale it up so if you go over to here a flip controls and where it says scale you can just change the scale so I think if I change this to like let's say 250 or it's gonna have to be a bit bigger so we'll try 300 and now we can see it's big enough to actually be able to upload it to YouTube and then use that link to put it on our website so firstly you want to scale it up now you can see in here another thing this might sound quite bad but sometimes they use a lot of Chinese actors now once again this might discourage your customers to actually make a purchase if they're from the US is they're from the United Kingdom and those types of things because they're going to assume that the product is coming from China once again so you can actually just edit our actors like this so for example I can just say where does that act to finish just on this part here so then I can just drag this red arrow like this and now the product video will just begin from here so now that's cool now once again allows I was mentioning earlier you want to get rid of this Chinese text so in order to do that you can actually just go to file and then new and then legacy title and then just click OK you can name it wherever you want so we can just call this banner and just click OK and then in here you can actually just create a simple banner so what you can do is you can just draw a square at the bottom or whatever the Chinese text is just to cover it up so let's say it was in the top corner over here you could do that and put your logo on it or something like that you can change the color of this so let's just change it to red let's just say and then you can just go and add some text over it so you could click go and put your logo on there or you can just go and talk about your product like I've done I'll just put USPD lamp and then you can go and change the font so it's really easy to create these banners and like I said you can just use these to cover any unwanted text any unwanted logos and those types of things so let's just change it to we'll just change it to that that's fine and then you can change the color of this as well really easily and then you can just drag it into the center you can put this into the center as well and then you can grab both of them and just move them to wherever the text is and you can just line them up like that so now we have this USB lamp banner over here so now I can just drag this banner over here and you can see now it just covers up that area so basically if I open this up wherever you put this will show on your actual video so if I have to drag this to the top like that and let's just line it up and now you can see it shows at the top of the video so that's a really easy way that you can create these types of banners just to cover things up now take a little bit of time make sure they look good because you can see this one looks a bit naff and the kind of text is a bit too high so you can see on my other one I've kind of lined it up perfectly so it looks very clean and professional so that's what you can do and then you can actually just cut other things out so for example I actually cut this bit out here because I don't think that looks very good so where this actually starts if you use your arrows on your keyboard to just see where it starts so you can just move this blue line across and you can see it's just starting around here so then I can just drag that down and then let's just move this to the side quickly so then once I've dragged that down I can copy it and I can just paste it over here I can bring it back out and then why I can do is I can go to the bit where I can use my arrow keys again so I want it to start again here the video and I can just drag it down and just put it next to the other part of the video so now you can see that part where he's sleeping with the lights on should now just be edited out so it's just going to transition from here so let's just speed this up straight into that so that's how you can edit things out really easily now if you want to get rid of the audio on the actual Aliexpress product video which I recommend doing because this one was all in Chinese so obviously if you're targeting the US the UK Australia they're not going to understand what the video is saying you can't just hold alt and you can just grab the audio on its own and just delete it and then all I've done is I've got a piece of copyright free music and I've just added that so you can just drag a piece of copyright free music in and then you have your product video so you can see that looks really good now if I was going to edit this further like I said I've just done this for the purpose of the tutorial to speed it up a bit I would go and put some captions in here just outlining some features and benefits of the product that this product has so you know the ones that we've been featuring on the website as well it's quiet it's safe for children all of those types of things easy to clean so I would go and just put some captions but like I said just for the purpose of the tutorial I'm just going to leave it how it is so that is how you can edit your product video really easily once you do edit it and you're happy with it you can just go to file and then you can just go to export click media and then you can just export it for a YouTube video so once this opens up you can see YouTube over here where it says preset just choose YouTube 1080p and click export and then your video will be ready for YouTube so now we have our product video already what you can do next you go over to YouTube and then just create a YouTube account it's really simple unless you maybe you already have one so just head over to YouTube and we are going to go and create a YouTube account and once you have created a YouTube account you are just going to go over here where it says create video or post so just click on this then just going to click on upload video and then from here you can actually just go and upload that video that we just uploaded so all you would do is just click on upload and then you simply just have to upload your video now a few quick tips when you are uploading your video just go to slip files and uploads and I will just upload this to show you a few quick tips so let's just upload the product video and I will just outline a few things so what you are going to want to do don't worry about the description because we're not trying to rank this for SEO purposes we're just going to put it on our website but under here where we have the title you are going to want to put something about your product because this little caption is going to show up on your website when we display the video so we would want to put something like ultraviolet USB mosquito lamp and then I can just put Zack away mosquitos with ease so this little caption is going to show up when people actually watch our video so you definitely want to put something over here that's linked to your product or if you're using a one product method where you've actually named your product you could just go and put your brand name in here now you're also going to want to upload a custom thumbnail now when you are setting up your YouTube channel you will be asked to verify your channel by entering your phone number in and they'll send you a text to actually verify your channel and then once you verify your channel you will be able to upload custom thumbnails now it's really important to upload a custom thumbnail because that is going to make your website look way more clean so in order to create a thumbnail you can go over to camera which is an online tool that allows you to create graphics and I'll very quickly show you how to create a beautiful thumbnail so that it keeps the same theme as your website now firstly just create an account with canva so you just have to log in with your email and create password then once you do create an account you will see your canva account look like this so we are going to go for custom dimensions and you're going to vote for 1920 by 1080 and then just go and click on create new design and then it's going to bring you over to the design pallet area and you can actually go and create a design for your thumbnail now you can go and you can pick something from over here so I would just go to this pink area and I've just picked this one here which is just a pretty basic and then you can just go and delete some of the pictures and we can actually just drag an imaging of our product so for example this product image over here looks really cool so if we have a look at our website at the moment we can go and see that firstly we have a product image on the left then we have a product image on the right so now if we're gonna have a video coming out over here we're going to want it to be on the left again so if we go back over to camera we can go and drag drag our product image to the left and let's just make it a bit bigger and let's just leave it there and then we can go and grab our text and just drag it to the middle I'm gonna delete this little piece of text over here now we've got our background as well so we're going going to want our background color of our thumbnail to be the same colors on our website so I'm gonna want it to be this blue over here so if I go back to my color palette on coulis CO and I can actually just go and copy in this color here and now I head back to here and I can just change the color by clicking on this button and just pasting it in there so now I can just choose that color now I'm going to go and change the text color so you can do that by clicking on this text color over here and I'm just going to click white and I'll just delete this over here and we can actually go and make it into the center and we can make this one in the center make it white as well and then we can just go and say something similar so we could say something like watch so make sure you delete everything we can say something like see it's in action and we can't actually just we should be able to drag this out a bit make it a bit bigger and now we can bring it down into the center and then in here put a little small caption once again about your product so I'm just going to say something like mosquitoes with these and now obviously you're going to want to change the font so that it matches your website so once again we can click on the font over here and I can just go and find the font for my website so we'll have monster right over here and this one we can make should we go for extra lights or we can go for thin let's see which one that looks better and I think when I make this one extra bold so now let's just drag that into the center just so it looks good so now you've got your thumbnail you can just go and click on this button over here and that's going to download the thumbnail now once your thumbnail is downloaded head back over to your product video that you've just uploaded to YouTube you can go to custom thumbnail over here and then you can just go and upload the thumbnail so I've just downloaded this from canva that I created earlier you can just go and click on that and then you are going to have your product thumbnail so it's not showing up here but it will show up like this then all we have to do is hit publish so once you hit publish you will go and actually get the URL for your YouTube video so make sure you copy that URL so once you hit publish over here because I've already published this video it's not going to let me publish it again but over here it will just say this is the URL for your YouTube video so now what we are going to do we're gonna head back over to our website and we are going to add that video to our website so in order to add the product video to our site we are going to press this plus button here we are just going to make it a single section so just click on that and then we are going to go and change this to full width and then we are going to click on this little grid over here and we are going to drag a video in here so now we've got our video dragged into here so what we are going to do we are going to go and paste the link to our video in here and now we should see our video carp so you can see this is why we create the thumbnail because it's now going to make the site look really clean in terms of everything is branded the same but if you don't upload a thumbnail it's just going to have a picture from one a part of your video so it's not going to look as good now we can see here it's not actually showing full width so let's try this again so it's still showing boxed so let's go back to full width and now we can see that it's looking really good so that's looking pretty cool now you can see the thumb now I have created has got some weird line on it and here of as well so make sure that when you are creating your thumbnails you just pay attention to detail and obviously over here you can see that it's got my little thumbnails Eliot friendly what you want to do is make sure that you actually create and put your logo on your YouTube channel because that is going to increase the professionalism of your site if you just have a orange or whatever color over here icon with just the layer S or the name of your store is going to look really unprofessional so please please please make sure that you actually put the logo on your YouTube channel when you actually create it so you can go and create a YouTube icon and just upload it to YouTube and then that way it's going to increase the person ism now what I was mentioning earlier about the title of the video you can see here is the title so that makes it look a lot more professional as well rather than if I was to just write USB lamp which is not going to look that great so now what we can do is we can actually go over here so I just accidentally added a new section but that is actually what we want to do so what we are going to do is let's just click plus and we'll click a single section as well again and then this time in here we are going to just go and add in a heading so let's just drag that let's try that again let's drag that in there and we're going to make that Center and we're just going to see see it will just say watch the video watch the video and then you can change the size so let's maybe make it a bit larger and once again you want to keep it in with your I'm gonna leave the color of it but I'm just going to change the typography so let's change this to my font that I'm using and then we can actually just drag this section let's move it up so let's keep dragging it until we can put it just there so now we've got watch the video and I'm just going to add a little spacer again just above here if it's going to let me so sometimes it can play around a bit so there we go so let's just add 10 and now we can see we've got watch the video so that looks really good so our site is coming together really well now one thing I'm going to actually change is this Buy Now button now you want your call-to-action buttons to actually stand out so by having that just white on its own like that it doesn't look that great so why I'm going to do let's just grab this color over here and let's go and actually just change this so we'll go to style and we will just change the text color to white and we'll change the background color click clear and we'll change it to that so now it stands out a lot better so that's going to increase the likelihood that somebody's actually going to click it now we can actually do this as well so instead of having to learn more over here we can actually just change this to watch video and then we can link this button over here down to our video so in order to do this we should be able to go and have a navigation in here so let's just scroll flute and have a look if we can find a navigation in here so it should be menu anchor so if we grab this and just put that over here so you want to grab a menu anchor and just put it above your video and then the ID of the menu is going to be a hash tag so put in a hash tag and then we're just going to call this product video so now we've got that hash tag product videos let's copy that we're gonna go over here to this button here we're gonna grab that and then we are just going to paste that product video in there so now if we just click update and let's just save that and make sure that actually works so we click on these three lines we'll just click on new page and now when somebody comes on they can go to buy now to bring them to the product page or they can click on or watch video and it brings them straight down to the video so that's really cool so you can see it doesn't have to load it just brings them straight down and then they can just play the video and see the video of your product so that's going to give them some more information and once again that's going to make them more likely to make a purchase so our site is coming together it's looking really good looking really professional now obviously we need to create a logo we need to do the menus but let's continue on with our homepage so what we are going to actually do next we are just going to go and put our product over here and then finally at the bottom we are going to go and add a Contact Us page so let's just go to edit with element talk once again and now we will just go and add an actual area just for our product on its own so let's just wait for element or to load so once element all loads let's scroll down to the bottom here and now we are just going to go and add in our product here so firstly let's just add another space ring to the bottom over here and we're just going to make this let's just say 20 pixels for now just to give it a little bit of space between here and the product next up we are going to go and add in a section so let's just add in a section like this and we are going to go and just click on the grid again and we'll just drag a header into this section so let's see if it's gonna let us you'll just drag a header in there and we're just going to say discount price and then just put the price of your product I can't remember but just gotta put $45.99 for now so then we are just going to go and change that just to make sure it looks good so we'll just change it to that and then next up what we are going to do we are going to drag a button in just underneath that and we're just going to Center that up and as a matter of fact what we can do is we can right click this button here click on duplicate and we can just drag this button down here so we don't have to when we style everything so let's just drag that and we're just going to place that in there and now we can just right-click this one and hit delete so now we have discount price forty five nine nine by now and then underneath and that what we are going to do is add another section so just click plus then we have a create section and then within this section we are going to go and actually just drag an image in there then we can go and choose an image so I'm just going to go for this one here and just click insert so now we have our product over here and that's looking really cool and I think I am once again just going to change the background color of this section so let's just go over here style and then we're going to change the background color to this and we will actually make it once again for width and now if we just open this up we can see that's looking really good so we have an introduction to our product basically what it does summing up they can go and click on watching video it's not working now because I'm still in the editor but when they click on it it should bring them down we also have some features over here so free shipping easy to clean ideal for kids and pets and then we have the vortex and flows that were showing them some more benefits and features of the product mosquitoes never escaped with powerful technology then we're going to show them the product actually in action so they can see how it works and what it does and then finally at the bottom they can just entice them to go and actually buy the product so that is perfect now I'm just going to go and actually change this over here because I think free shipping we can just go and put this up the top over here so I'm just going to change this and I'm just gonna say I'm just going to mention that the product is really quiet so let's just click on this icon library and we can see if we can find an icon that's covering sound so let's go to sound maybe speaker let's go for a speaker let's see if we can find something like that there's nothing like that so you have to be quite creative also when you are trying to use these different icons so let's go and scroll through here and see if we can find anything related to sound so there we go that's perfect I think that one should be ok so let's just click on that and we're going to click insert and we can just say let's go over here and have a look what they've said about sound so let's scroll down and we can see I believe I saw it comfortable and quiet let's just say that that's perfect comfortable and wait never worry about mosquitoes in your sleep the ultraviolets USB lamp will not affect your sleep with extra quiet technology so there we go so now that's given them I'm kind of a bit of a better feature or benefit of the product than just talking about free shipping so that's perfect let's make sure that we save that just by clicking update so you can see our one product store is coming along really well now something you can actually do to this as well if I come down here and I just click on this we can actually go and add some effects to this actual image so if we just go over to style over here and we click on hover and we can just go and add an animation to this so we could go for something like grow which I really like so now we can actually just see somebody hovers on it it just grows a bit so that just looks really cool so go and have a look at the different effects that you can use upon hovering now some of them are a little bit weird so for example pulse grow looks a little bit weird I don't really like that I think that's a bit gimmicky and that's a bit tacky but some of them are good so let's just have a look at bouncing once again not a big fan pop so you can see some of them are good and some of them are a bit weird but grow I think is quite good or you can go for shrink let's see what that's like so that kind of just shrinks it down a bit now personally I just think shrinking I don't really see that that looks that great so I'm just gonna go for growth let's just go for that so now we've done that we basically have finished our homepage now the only last thing that we want with these types of one product stores you want a really easy contact us area instead of creating your own page I like to go and add the contact us area to the bottom of the homepage and then I like to just go and add it to my menu so people can just go straight on our site they can click contact us and it brings them straight down to the contact so in order to do this we are going to have to go and actually create a contact form and just embed it on to our home page so in order to create a contact form we are going to have to install a plugin so let's just click on this over here and we will go and click exit to dashboard and we are going to go and install a plug-in on our dashboard that's going to allow us to create a contact form so once your dashboard loads just go over to plugins down here and we are just going to go and click on add new so just click on that and once this area loads we are going to go and search for a plug-in called contact form seven so just type in contact form seven over there and you are going to want to use this second one that comes up here so I have this picture of this volcano so just go and click on install now once it's installed just go and click on activate and once it is activated over here you will see contact so what we are going to do just click on contact forms and from here we can go and actually create our contact form so you should see one is already created so we are just going to go and actually edit this one so let's just go and click on edit and you can name your form whatever you want it doesn't really matter so I'm just going to leave it as contact form one that's perfectly fine now over here we can determine what we want on our contact form so they have to enter in their name their email their subject and their message and then the button is just going to click it's just going to say it's sent now in mail over here we are going to determine where we want the actual message to go to so go and put an email in here so if you have created a professional email address you can go and enter in the email in here then this is just going to be who who it's actually from so it's just going to be from your store and then the subject is going to be your store and then what they type in and then once again is just going to show their message of what they've contacted you then we also have messages over here so basically when they enter in their message and they hit Send then going to be showing this message over here thank you for your message it has been sent so it's really easy so once you do that just go and hit save and what we are going to do now is actually embed this form on to our page so we're just going to conte copy this so click on this and you can see very faintly that when you actually just go like this you can see very faintly that it has been highlighted so just go and copy it then we're gonna head back to our home page and once our home page loads once again we're just going to go and hit edit with elemental so once elements are loads we can just scroll to the bottom the page we can click plus and add another section and we are going to make this section full width once again and then we are going to go and add something called a shortcode on here so let's drag this shortcode into the center of our section and then in the shortcode we are going to paste our contact form shortcode and now we can see we have our contact form over here so that's really great now we are going to go and add some extra things on here so let's go and add a heading at the top over here so let's add that here and we can just say something like would just say contact us so we'll add contact us over there make it into many Center and then let's go and change this so that's looking good and once again always add a space ring because you want your website to look good so let's just add a little bit of spacer there so maybe 10 should do and then we want to go and add some space down the side here because it's looking a little bit too close to the edge of the page so in order to do that we can go to the section and where it says columns gap we can't just make this wider and then you can see it's just a little bit of space to the edge which looks a lot better now I don't worry about this button color here I know it doesn't match with the rest of our page we will go and actually change this later on so this has to be changed within the actual customized area instead of with elemental so we'll go and change this later one now we can also go and add in a little caption underneath here so let's go and just drag another heading in below this and this one is just going to say if you have any questions or queries do we'll just say do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you within three working days now by your customer seeing your contact area just on your home page it really kind of gives them a bit of trust with you as a website that they don't know so if they have to look around for your contact us page that might put them off but just by seeing contact us on the actual home page that's going to make them trust you a bit more which more like which is going to be more likely for them to actually make a purchase on your site so once again let's just change this style of this so let's go for my font and we're going to change the weight of this one let's make it a bit thinner so that looks much better so now we have our contact us area and I think I'm just going to make this bit a little bit bigger as well because that looks kind of small so let's go and change this we can just change this size so let's go for large contact us and I think I'm going to change this to large as well discount price watch the video is fine and it's just go and change features to large as well just to keep the consistency on the site so that's looking good so we've got our features we've got watch the video we've got the actual product and buy now and when you hover it goes like that and then we have contact us at the bottom here and like I said we will go and change this button here because it's kind of ruining the color scheme of the site a little bit at the moment and that is basically our homepage it looks really good now we can go and actually change the background of this later on as well so it's not just all white because that doesn't look a bit weird as well so like I said we have basically completed our homepage now so what we will do next we will actually start going and designing our product page so if we go over here I don't think I have it open anymore but our product page is looking pretty boring so after this let's just go and hit update just to make sure it's saved and let's just go and new page for now so just click on View page and let me just click update one more time and then we'll just click on View page and now let's just have a look at what our site is actually looking like so let's go and have a look it's looking pretty cool now we don't have a footer at the moment which we will create and add some menus in there and we also need to create a logo and add some menus but like I said what we will do next is actually start designing our product page so let's go back to the backend of our WordPress website and then we are going to go and navigate to our product so we'll go down to products over here and then we are going to go and just click on our product here so let's just click on this and then once we click on this we are going to go and scroll down and we are going to go and click on preview changes and that's going to open up our product page over here now as you can see it's not looking great compared to our homepage it's looking pretty rubbish so what we are going to do we are going to go and click on customize over here and from this customize area we can actually go and edit our entire product page so once the customize area loads we are going to scroll down over here until we see WooCommerce so just click on WooCommerce and then we are going to go and click on single product so click on that now the first thing we are going to do is get rid of this horrible sidebar over here so in order to do that where it says layout we can't just click on full width and that is going to get rid of that sidebar so now that that's loaded we can see that's already looking a lot better now if we scroll down over here we also have these elements so these different elements on the page now you can get rid of these so if we just click on this eye icon over here that will get rid of the title now personally I think the title is probably one of the more important things on your product page so I would keep that in we can't also get rid of things for example like this product metadata down here which isn't really that important for the customer to see so we can't just click on the I button and just get rid of that completely now you can also move things around so if you wanted to move the price above the title for where for reason then you can go and do things like that now personally I just think that the default layout is pretty good the way that it is now rating over here is if somebody leaves a review on your site then the stars will just come up over here because this one hasn't been reviewed the rating doesn't come up at the moment so now if we scroll down we also have the image width so if you move that left and right you can make it bigger and smaller now personally once again I would just leave it the size that it is because it looks pretty good like that but you can also go and change the thumbnails so these are the thumbnails down here so you can go and change them to vertical if you want to now personally once again I think horizontal looks good you can also go and change the Add to Cart button so you can make it bigger or you can make it very big like that so the very big one is actually probably pretty good because that's kind of enticing the customer to go and Add to Cart so you can't go and do that if we scroll down over here now we will see these tabs over here so we've got additional information description and reviews now we can go and change this so we can make this vertical like this or we can make it sections now section is just makes it pretty big so personally I would just leave it I think vertical is pretty good or you can go for horizontal it's totally up to you now you can also go and change this so for example if we leave it horizontal you can go left right or Center now I think left actually looks pretty good if you go for horizontal but I think I'm gonna go for vertical so now if we scroll down we also have up cells which because we don't have any other products on our site they are not showing on here so it doesn't really matter if we have three four or five even ten up cells because they're not going to show now I also have display floating bar so when you scroll down on the page so let's see if it's going to let us well let's actually just change this back to vertical so I can show you I mean sorry back to horizontal or if we should change it to section actually so if we scroll down you can see we have this over here which is enticing the customer once again to add this to their cart so I would definitely recommend leaving that on so let me just scroll down and that is this display floating bar so if I just click no it should actually just get rid of this completely now like I said I actually think that that's a really nice touch so I am going to go and leave that on so these are a few different things that we can actually change so now if we just scroll over here you can actually change the background color of this so I'm gonna go and change it to the color on my website so let's go back over here and change the background color and let's just paste this in here so let's paste that in there so now that's the same background color as the rest of my website so that we are keeping the branding consistent so you can go and also change the title color the price color and all of those different types of things from here so that's basically a few things that you can change on the single product page now if you want to continue adding different things to your single product page we are going to go and do that in a second so let me go and just change this tabs section back to vertical like this so now you're probably wondering what I want to change the color over here I want to change it at the cart barn to sell all of those different types of things well in order to do that we should go back but now we can go to advanced styling so let's go to advanced styling so now where it says on sell we can go and change this so I'm gonna go and paste in this over here now personally for me that doesn't look like it stands out so I'm going to go and change it to this one over here so let's go back over here and we're going to change it to that so now it looks like it stands out you can change the Stars color so once again if there were stars over here when somebody reviews the product you can change it but I think gold probably actually looks pretty good so now let's just keep scrolling so you will see things like product entry to toolbar which will go and change layer these are basically the category pages now on a one product store the cattle category pages are not that important so let's not worry about these for now so let's just keep scrolling until we see so keep going not quickly you not offside canvas single product so once you see single product we can actually go and change a few more things so firstly we can go and change this over here so price color and we can just go and paste that in there so now we can see the price color is like that and we can go and change the title color the description color so now personally I'm just going to leave them the same because I think they actually look pretty good you can change the quantity color and all of those different types of things over here so I'm going to change this hover color as well just do this now in order to actually change this big one over here we are going to go back once again so let's go on here let's just go back and from here we can actually go to general and from here we can actually go back again and we can go over to general options and then we can go to theme buttons and then we can go to background color and we can change it to where the background color be like and we can change also to hover different background colors as well so let's go and just make this when they hover over it we can just make it a bit lighter so when they hover it goes like that so that looks pretty cool so that is how you can actually change that and then if we go back once again and just hit back again and then we can go to typography over here and we go to body we can actually just change the front family of our body so let's just click that and now we can see it's changed to the front that we've been using throughout as well so that's really good and then I believe our button is okay so we don't need to change the front of that so now if we scroll down we can see our product page is looking pretty good now personally I think you should just go and add some more things to your description of course make it a bit of a longer description but generally people will have made their mind up from the homepage by the time they actually get to the product page and this would just be them getting ready to just add it to the cart and pretty much checkout so now if we just go and hit publish and we just click X over here and we can just go and have a look at how our product page looks so that looks pretty cool now obviously you would want to go and upload some better images because these look really terrible so you would want to actually create some better images now I can quickly show you how you can actually do this so once again if we just go over to camera so let's just go back over to camera here and we can go custom dimensions and if we just go for 800 by 800 and click on create new design and then we can actually just go and drag in a product image in here so let's just say this one we could just drag that into there and then let's try and drag that into there again so once that's dragged into there we can actually just open it up like this and then what the caption that it's where it says here in the caption so comfortable quiet does not fix me we can actually just go and create our own version of that so if we was to go and just add some text in here so let's just go and add a heading and we can't just say comfortable or we can just say Katrina be quiet and we can do that and then if we just drag this image just to so we can move this over here let's drag this up so let's try it and see so it's not it can be a little bit fiddly as well so let's just delete this then and we will just drag it in again and then this time we want to drag it make it a bit bigger we just want to drag it into the center just so it's nice and centered up and then we can just grab our text here and we can just drag this over here we can make this Center as well and then we can just change the size of it so let's make it a little bit smaller maybe thirty six and we're going to go for middle and then we can just change so like I said it can be a bit fiddly we can just change the actual font so once again let's just change our font to one so let's just go for normal one sweats and we can just go for something like that so now it kind of fits in with the rest of our site so let's just drag this just so it's kind of around the center area and let's drag this just so it's next to the edge like that so that looks pretty good so just play around with it until you think it looks fairly good so obviously that's not a very good caption just extreme require you want to go and try and entice the customer with it a little bit more so I could go and say let's get rid of this see if we can drag it out so extremely quiet don't worry about losing sleep with the ultraviolet you're spilling and then you can just throw those on from this bit here we can bold it up and then we can just go maybe change it make it a bit smaller let's go for 28 and we can go for something like that so now we can't actually just download this so if we just download this and then we can go and upload it to our product gallery and then we will have better images in our product area than these crappy images over here so now we have done this so if we just go and actually just click on Add to Cart just so we can go and see what our actual car looks like so we now we can see we've got this button over here that says view cart so that looks pretty cool so now we can go and actually click on View cart and we can see our carts over here and looks pretty cool now we want to actually go and change this area over here so in order to get rid of this weird sidebar on the actual cart page we will go back to the backend of our store and we can actually just delete it from there using an area called widgets so everything within the sidebar is actually a widget which is kind of another thing similar to a plugin that adds extra functionality to things in your WordPress site so if we scroll down over here we go to appearance and then we go to widgets over here and we can actually just delete everything from that sidebar so that it's completely clean so if we go to WooCommerce sidebar over here and we will be actually actually be able to delete everything so currently we have our default sidebar so let's just go and delete everything in there so we can just go and delete all of this stuff and then we can go and add something to the WooCommerce sidebar if we want to so let's go and delete all of this stuff we'll get rid of all of it and we'll get rid of that so generally on a normal store you could go and add filters and things like that you could go and add an image if you want to or a navigation menu now personally I prefer just to leave it clean you could go for products by rating so you can show that people that maybe have a 5-star product or you can just go and add in a simple search in there or text or a video so you can go and add in anything you want to within this WooCommerce sidebar and that's going to go and shop in that sidebar so now that we have deleted everything from there we can actually just go back to the front end of our store and now if we go back to our cart so let's just go let's go back to our product page click preview changes and then we can actually head back over to our cart so let's go and click Add to Cart once again and then let's go to new cart and now we can see that this is just empty over here so that looks much better so now we have kind of set up our product page and our cart page so that they're looking really good and really professional so what we are going to do next we are actually going to go and create ourself a logo so let's go back over to canva and from here we can actually create a really simple logo so from canva we can go to custom dimensions once again and this time we are going to go for 265 by 90 pixels and then we are just going to go and click on create new design and from here we can just create a really simple logo so once the designer actually loads we can just go over to text here and we can just add a heading and then we can just change this to something like 35 and if you just drag it out it's just going to make it like this now we can just go and type the name of our store so let's say mine school that was dead store and just make sure that you spell it correctly and then we can go and change the font so let's change the font of our logo so let's just go for Montserrat Extra Bold let's see what semi bulb looks like we're gonna go for semi bold and then we can just drag this down we may have to make it a little smaller so let's go for thirty let's just go for thirty so once you've got that we can drag it into the center so let me just bring this down just so it's not coming off of the page so now we can just drag it right into the center like that then what you can do is you can just click on this copy button over here and you can just change the color of it so let's change it to the color of my store and then you can just go and just move it like this so it gives it a kind of 3d sort of look so that's a really easy way to make a logo without having to go on file and pay twenty dollars so you can just go ahead and create your own logo that looks fairly it's very simple but it doesn't look terrible so now we have our logo over here what we can do is we can just click on this download button and just click download and once it's downloaded we can just close this then we can head over to a website called Luna pick calm and with Luna pick it allows you to actually just remove the background of this logo so we just go to upload and then we can just go choose file and then we can just go and choose that download so let's go and choose that and then we can just go and upload that and then what we can do is we can go to edit transparent background over here and then we can just click over here and that's going to delete the background for us so that's perfect so now we have our logo over here now we can see over here we want to actually do some more transparent to this because let's just apply that now let's just go and transparent again so let's go to edit and we're gonna go transparent background and we are just going to do it for the D and the O just to get rid of that in there as well and let's just see if it's gonna last to it to the D and so you have to do it one at a time so it is a little bit annoying but you can go and just make sure that you delete everything just to make sure it's all transparent so now I'm just going to go and actually just save that image and just save as a PNG and now that hasn't been downloaded ready for us to upload to our site so let's just close this so now we can go and head back over to our site and if we just go back to the front-end or our store and what we can do is we can actually just go and click on customize and once the customize area loads we can just scroll down until we see hitter and then go to logo and then just click on our logo over here can go to upload files select a file and then we can just go and upload our logo so here's our logo and once again you do want to change the title so I'm just going to change it to the busted' store logo and we'll just copy that and just paste that in there so we have the alt text as well and then we can just go to select then it's going to say crop image so you can just crop it however you want so I'm just going to go like that then just click on image and then it is going to just upload that over here so now we have our logo completed for our store so let's just wait for that to load so now we can see that looks pretty cool and it's in with this same kind of branding with the rest of our store so we can also go and actually change the top bar as well so if we click on top bar over here and we can go to general so you can make it show on all devices or hide it on a mobile however you want to do it you can also go and we've got the left content and right social now personally I think everything should be up in the center so let's go and see how that looks so now we've got it in the center over here now if we scroll down we can go and actually change the color of it so we can go and change the background color so I'm just going to go and grab this color here and let's go and change the background color to that and we can go and change and the text color I'm just going to change the text color too I'm going to change it to white so let's just go for a full white so now we've got that now you'll notice underneath here there's this kind of a gap now we can get rid of that as well so if we scroll up and we just go back where it says social what we can actually do is just untick this and it will get rid of that little gap there so just give it a moment to load and now you can see that the gap is gone just by disabling the social so now we've done that we can actually just change the content as well so we can go and just say free shipping on all orders or if you have a promotion you can go for something like news code sub 10 for 10% off if it's gonna let me put the % in there so for some reason it's not Langley but it usually generally does so you should be able to go and just put that in there but maybe just for now we'll just go free shipping on all orders and we could even go for free worldwide shipping on all orders so that's cool so now we have our logo and we also have our top bar over here and the rest of our homepage is looking really good we have our Contact Us page over here we can see because we changed our buttons earlier on within the actual theme area so if we go back where I just showed you under the general options and clean buttons because we changed that it changed it over here and also change the font over here so that's really good now what we are going to do we're actually going to go and create all of the other pages on our store so going to go and create the about us the fa Q's privacy policy Terms of Service and all of the necessary pages so let's just go and click publish and we will close this for now and once this is closed we can go back to the backend of our WordPress store once again and from here we can actually go and start creating all of those necessary pages so the first page we will create is the about Us page so go to pages here and click on add new once the page loads we can go and add a title so just type in about us and then go and hit edit with Elementor so once Elementor loads the first thing that we will do is make the page full width so go and click on settings down here and where it says page layout we will just go and choose element or full width now that the page is full width we will go and add a banner in here for our about Us page so click on this grid over here and just type in banner and then we can't drag this premium banner into here now what we can do is add an image in so I'm just gonna go and add an image of San Francisco and just say that the company was founded in San Francisco so whether your business or your website was founded you can go and just add an image of that that's a really easy way to spice up and make the about Us page look a little bit more interesting so you can also see that I've put the brand name in the alt text and in the title so once again that is going to help improve the SEO just for your particular brand name so now we can just click on insert media now this is quite large at the moment so what we can do is we can go to height over here and just click on custom and if we scroll down we can go and change this minimum height to something like 300 and then we can just go where it says align vertical align we can go for something like middle so it just now personally this picture doesn't look so great so I probably would go and choose a different image just because it's being cut off but just to speed up the tutorial we'll just go with this image for now and then where it says content over here you are going to want to go and delete this title here so just delete that and then over here we are going to go and delete this content in here so now we just have our banner that looks pretty cool so what we will do next is we what go on the plus button over here and we'll just choose a singular section and we are going to go and drag some a text editor over here so on to this single section so now what we can do is I have got a Dropbox folder in and I'll leave a link in the description to this so this has just got some about us text that you can actually just paste in to your store so I've just pasted it into a notepad just to kind of reformat it a little bit so I'm just going to copy that and like I said I'll leave a link in the description to this so you can just go and copy this and paste it right into your store and then you can just change some things so it's more relevant to your store so we'll go back over to our website and within here we can just go in and paste that text so it should be our story a global brand and our people so now we can go to style over here and we can just make this into the center because I think that looks really nice and we'll just change the color to black and I think I'm just going to build up these headings just so they look a little bit better and just to make them stand out and then like I said just go and read through this and just make it relevant to your store so I'm just going to change this to the name of my store and then over here you are going to just go and put a little bit about the story of the product so I'm gonna say that store was created too so let's get rid of this and say allow people to live life free of mosquitoes Stan from humble beginnings we enter stock the best in trends in technology in order to further spread our message and encourage people to let's say with them with their homes of pesky mosquitoes so that's perfectly fine after our grand opening in 2010 so you can go and pick a year where there's relevant to you I just like to put it back a few years to make it look like the store has been running for a while maybe 2010 is probably a little bit too far back so let's go 2015 so we're a four year old company we now hold stock in various countries across the globe securing just the space in here securing warehouses in China Russia Australia Spain Germany and of course our home country at the United States we're an ever-expanding business looking develop our product line and stock the latest trends we'll just say some trends that's fine now the reason that you might want to mention in here that you have stock in various countries across the globe that is to kind of show a customer that they might receive their product from various warehouses so for example this product does ship from various different warehouses so we can see over here that it ships from Russia Spain France so by mentioning that it kind of gives them a heads up that the shipping times may be a little bit longer now obviously if you can find a product on Aliexpress that ships within a week from the US then you probably don't really need to add this into your about Us section then we also have our people so I have this one was actually for a drone store so you can see we're hobbyists gadget lowers travellers with drone flying so you can just say something in here like we are let's get rid of this we are dedicated to improving the lives of our customers and helping then have a beautiful mosquito free life so you can just go for something simple like that and that's perfectly fine do you be honest with you most people are not going to read your about Us page in depth but it is good to have one just because some skeptical customers will go over and see if you actually have one and if you have something that's well written there that's going to build trust of them which in turn is going to make them more likely to make a purchase so once that's done we can just go and hit publish over here so we now have our about Us page the next store that the next page that we will create is going to be our FAQ page so let's click on the three lines over here and we'll go to exit to dashboard and now we will go and create our FAQ page now the FAQ page is one of the most crucial crucial pages to create because it's going to answer any questions that your customers we may have about shipping about returns and refunds payments and all of those types of things so we have just published our about Us page so what we can do is where it says pages once again we are just going to go and click on add new once this area loads once again we will add a title so let's just go and type in FAQ in there and we are going to go and hit edit with Elementor once element allows we will once again make this a full width page so go to settings and just go for element or full width and now what we are going to do is going to drag some tabs into here so just go to search widget and type temps now we can just drag our tabs into here so now we have our different tabs once again go over to the Dropbox file which will be in the description and we can actually just go and copy some of the text to add into our tabs so the first tab is going to be orders so what we can do is open up this tab over here and where it says tab one just change this to orders and then we can go and just grab this text here so let's just scroll to the bottom of orders and we will just copy all of this text over here so let's just copy that and now we can go over here and we can just go and paste that in here so now we have our first tab which is orders do I have to pay for customs charges on my orders I'll just go through some of these questions that are really important to have in your store what if I've not received my order how can I pay for my order is it safe can I make changes what should I do if I receive an encrypt or faulty item can I exchange an item now in here you are going to want to go through and just to make sure that you've changed the brand name so over here I will change this to instead store is unable to and within it also you will see that there is an email address so we will go and create a professional email display on now I would recommend just bolding these up as well and I'll just change that to that so make sure that it's contact at your store or whatever your email addresses that you create like I said we will quit that later on in the tutorial so make sure you go and change this as well just to not confuse your customers because if you keep referring and showing an email of another store then they're going to obviously think that this is a scam store so we have gone and done that one now so the next tab is let's just open this up again so I do recommend opening it in word online because it is going to make it easier to copy the text so the next tab is delivery so now we can just copy this so let's copy the delivery text and we'll head back over here and we'll open our second tab so this one here and we will just go for delivery and then we can once again just paste this in here now like I said just make sure that you read through it and there aren't any references to another stores name and I'm just going to go this up one so in here I have basically just said that we use a packet for our worldwide shipping now if you do have a product on our Express that ships from the United States you might want to mention in here that we use USPS so that's going to kind of build a bit more trust with your customers I have also just put what countries that we do not deliver to so we country deliver to all countries except the following because you basically just can't deliver to these countries and then how long does delivery take between twenty to thirty five business days now you might find a product on Aliexpress that delivers within 10 days so then you can go and change this but generally that is more realistic sort of time for most Aliexpress products now we can add one more so what we are going to do is add item and the final one is going to be with reef returns and refunds so let's just go and copy the returns and refunds text let's copy that and I'm going to again we will head back over here and then on this tab will go for returns and refunds and then once again we've just paste in our contents and we can just bring this up so you're going to want to go and enter in your returns center so let's just get rid of this which says TechSoup or Epping brick now for your return Center I just personally recommend having it returned to your home and then you can just try and resell it if there's no issue with it if it is broken then you can always try it and send it back to the supplier after the customer sends it to you it's going to be much easier than trying to get them to send it back to the supplier and organize a refund which is going to just cause you a massive headache when you can actually just focus on marketing your store and dealing with your other customers and getting new customers on board now once again Ubuntu wants to change the email in here as well and we have just some really main questions that people would ask so what's the returns policy where is the return sent our do you offer free returns so of course not they have to pay it for their own returns what if the product is fully then contact how long does it take to process so this is schools just generally 30 days and how can I track the status of my return so that is basically from them when they actually just post it back so that's basically our FAQ page now you can go ahead and change the styling of this so for example we can change this to five i person's up with him and having any boarder at all so I would just leave it as one so not any border tool just a very thin border you can change the title color so you could go make that dark or you could change it to the color of your branding now personally on these types of pages I don't like to put too much fancy stuff because I want to just keep it clean and easy to read but you can go and change it if you really want to so you can go and change the active color let's say to that so now when it's active it changes color so what I might do is just change it to this color over here so now I'm just going to go here I'll clear this and just paste it in so now when it's active it changes to purple so that's perfect so now we have our FAQ page so that's brilliant so let's go and hit publish now what we will do next we will go and actually create our privacy policy so let's go back and click on exit to dashboard and in order to create our privacy policy it actually just auto-generate when you install WooCommerce it will generate a privacy policy for you so what we can do is we can click on all the pages over here and then if you scroll down you will see privacy policy draft so just click on this and then what we are going to do is just once again hit edit with Elementor once Elementor loads we can just go and click on this item here actually firstly let's just go and make it full width once again so go to page layout element or full width now we're not going to keep the auto-generated text in here so we are good to go actually it just deletes all of this because we don't need this so to actually generate a privacy policy we are going to go and use a website called get Terms dot io so head over to this website and we can actually just generate a free privacy policy so over here you can just select the basic free plan so what you can do is you can just put your website address in here so if I just go and copy this and I can just paste it into here - all of this stuff so then you can go and put your company name in so I'll just put this and then you can go for your state or location so you could just go for the United States or you could go for California or if let's say you're in Europe you could just go for Germany or London UK so it doesn't really matter just as long as you have a location in there so I'm just going to go for United Kingdom and then policy effective date I would just go back maybe to are a few months at least so let's just go for the 1st of January this year so that's a completely completely kind of up to date privacy policy is not from like 20 2015 so then we can go I understand and just go to generate terms you will then be brought over to this page and we'll just say you're free Privacy Policy and Terms of Service so all you have to do with your privacy policy you can just go to copy to clipboard then we can head back over to our store what we are going to do is we are going to go and delete everything that's in here so just go in here we're going to highlight all of this and we'll just delete it and then we are just going to go and paste in our own stuff now what you are going to want to do is firstly get rid of this generated by get terms and you are just going to want to go and clean this up a little bit so what we can do is we can have privacy policy and then wherever we can find a heading so let's just go for this this and just clean it up just a little bit just to make it look a little bit better so let's go and just do that so let's tap and let's bring that down one and then we can just go and move it into the center maybe just to make it black and we can just bolt this up like that so now we have our privacy policy in here now maybe you want to add some headings in here so you could go and add some headings such as like this you could just go and add number one number two number three or you can just leave it like this to be honest with you as long as you have a privacy policy and it outlines that we think then that's perfectly fine so we can just go and publish this that's our privacy policy so what we will do next is exit to dashboard and we are going to go and just create our Terms of Service now when you generate a privacy policy it will also generate a Terms of Service for you so we can see we have a Terms of Service here as well which is brilliant so now let's just copy that to the clipboard we will head back to our wordpress store and now we can actually go and just create the Terms of Service page so let's just go over to here and we'll just click on add new again and now we can just go and add our title in here so let's just go for Terms of Service and we can just go over here where it says template you can also change in here so we can just create the element or full-width already and then we can just go to edit with elemental and then now we can just go and drag a text editor in there and the text we just copied we can just paste it in here so let's just go and change the style change it to black and then once again you might want to just go in and bold these headings up so let's just bring that down and just bold all of these headings up just so that it looks nice and clean and professional now you can see when you copy in sometimes it can go a little bit glitchy so you're gonna have to go just make sure that everything that looks correct when you paste it in so that's fine and like I said just go and bold all of these headings up just so it looks clean and professional so let's tap this down and we will just bold this up and just make sure that there's spaces between everything so that we have a nice-looking Terms of Service page so let's go and put that in there and that there and just delete generated by get terms but I up so now we have our Terms of Service page as well so let's just get rid of this as well or we can actually just we just kept it down one and we can't just go and build out like that so that's fine so let's go and publish that so now we have our privacy policy and Terms of Service we will just go and create two other pages which is going to be a shipping and delivery page and it returns in refunds page now I know we have outlined them in our FAQ but it is really good to have those two pages as well because your customers actually want to see those pages so they can just seek them out quickly so that it can learn about shipping and delivery as well so what we can do is we can go over here and we can just go to exit to dashboard and then we can just go and actually open our FAQ page and we can just copy the text from there and just put it into a separate page so let's go over here and click on all pages and once it's loads one thing that we can actually quickly do is just delete this sample page so when you actually create a WordPress website it does also generate a sample page for you so just trash this because we don't actually need this so now what we are going to do we are going to go and open our FAQ page in a new tab so that we have our FAQ page over here now personally I might actually go and just change this to black text because I think gray it's looking a little bit hard to read so make sure when you are creating your site that everything is user friendly as well because that's really going to improve the trust with your customer as well and obviously like I said that's going to make them more likely to make a purchase if your site looks trustworthy so what we can do is we can go to delivery and we can just copy this so let's copy that we'll go to pages I'll go to add new and then we will call this page shipping and delivery we will change it to a full width and we'll just go to edit with Elementor and then we are just going to go and drag a text editor on here and once again we will just go and paste that content so now we have a separate shipping delivery page it's the same as our FAQ information but it can just make sure that our customer can find this really quickly without having to go over to the fa Q's as well now with these pages you might want to go and make them look a little bit more fancy so you might want to just go and add some banners in so for example if I just go and drag in a banner in here you might want to go and do something like this and you can just go and add some nice images in there just to kind of fancy the pages up a little bit just make them look a little bit nicer so once again we can go to custom and we could change this to let's say 200 now obviously you'd want to go and add a better image in here and we can go to middle and we can always just go always hovered so that it doesn't zoom in like this or you can leave the zoom on it looks pretty cool so what you can do is you can just go to where it says content over here and we could just go and say something like shipping and delivery and then let's just get rid of this over here and then you can just go and change the style of this stuff so with an image you could go and add a background color so I think we should hopefully be able to actually do an overlay on the image so there we go so you can see we can add some opacity to that so I would recommend just going and doing this to your pages all of these different pages that we create just so it makes them look a little bit nicer so they're not just plain like I said with the FAQ on you want it to be a bit plain because you want it to be easy to read but these ones there's no harm in just adding a sort of heading the top just to fancy them up a little bit so you can do something like that and then the hover opacity we can do it the same so when it hovers then we can also go for a title we can go for color change it to white like that and you can go and add in a shadow if you want to so you could go and add let's see if we change that to dark okay it doesn't make much difference I think that's because we have this opacity so it's not really showing but you can go and add something like that to your pages so now if we go like that it just looks a little bit nicer so you can go and do that and once again if you click over here you can change this section to a full width section so now the banner stretches across the whole of it like that so you can go and do that and then we could go and add the wider bit like that so that is how you can just fancy these pages up a little bit if you really want to so let's just go and publish that page our shipping and delivery page and then finally we are going to go back to our fake use and we will create a returns and refunds page as well so an individual page for this as well now like I mentioned you want it to be user friendly so if I go over here I can change the style and I can just change this to black text which is a lot easier to actually read so let's just go and then if you don't want it to be full black you could just bring it down maybe it is something like that that's still easier to read than the original gray so we'll just update that and now let's go back and we will finally just create our returns and refund this page so once again is the same process we will go to add a new page and once this loads we will just go and add in our title so returns and refunds and we will go and make this a from width page once again and then we can just hit edit with elemental and then we will just go and drag in our text editor and we will just paste that text in there and we will just make this black now I could like I did before go and add in a banner in here I'm not going to do it that was just to show you how you can actually just make these pages a bit better but the reason I'm showing you that you have to create these types of pages is because they are really necessary to actually build trust with your customers so now we have all of our pages created so that's brilliant so what we will do next we are going to go and actually create our menu and our footer down here so let's just go back to our dashboard and firstly we will start off by actually creating our menu so head over back to the dashboard and from here we can actually go and create our menu so in order to create a menu for our header we can go to appearance and we can click on menus once it's area loads we can actually go and create our header menu so let's just give this menu a name so I just like to call it main menu and then we are going to go and click on create menu once the menu has been created we can determine what we actually want to add to the menu so personally I like to add the FA cues to the menu on a1 product store because then people can just click on that straightaway and have a look at the FAQ surrounding the product we are also going to add in a custom link to our contact us form so for now we will just go and leave our FAQ in there and we're just going to go and click on add to menu and then what we also can do is we can actually go and add a Buy Now area so let's go and just go to custom links for now we'll just leave the URL as a hashtag and we will go and change this so we're going to go and add buy now just so we can link them straight over to our product so we'll leave that in there and we'll just drag it so you can just drag your menus so you can show which one is going to show first and which one's going to show second so that we have by now and then we are also just going to add in a hashtag again going and contact us so let's just go and click Add to menu so now we have the by now we have two FA cues and we have to contact us so just click on save menu now let's just go quickly and have a look at how that looks so now we've saved that I'll go over to here and we should be able to see our menu over here so the reason it isn't showing is because we haven't actually assigned it so let's go back in and let's go and actually assign that so that's something that I forgot to do so we go back into menus over here and what we actually need to do is we need to assign this as main so we have our menu over here so let's go and assign this as main so you can display it in the footer on the top bar but main is gonna be in the header so now if we click Save and we go back over here we should actually see it now so now you can see we have by now FAQ and contact us so what we can do firstly is let's go and add a link to this contact us over here so hit edit with elemental and once elemental loads what we are actually going to do we are going to go and add an anchor over here so let's just go and type in our widgets area menu anchor and we are just going to add this above our Contact Us section so as a matter of fact if we just drag it and let's just drag it over here so it brings us straight down to here now we are going to go and name this so we're going to name this hashtag contact us so let's just go and click on update now if we just go and add this hashtag contact us it will work and when we click this it will just bring us down to the contact us however if we simply just add this to our menu like that if we're on another page and somebody clicks on contact us it won't bring us over to that page so what we actually need to do is we need to grab this over here so our actual store URL and now we can just go and exit to dashboard and we will actually go and add that to the contact us link so that it works on every single page so now let's go back to menus so let's just scroll down we go to appearance we go to menus and now if we go to contact us so let's just open this up so just click on this little arrow and then go to URL you're gonna paste your link in and then you're gonna press hashtag contact us now personally I think I'm going to make this caps just to keep consistency with the menu so now we've got this hashtag contact us so now if we save that and let's go and actually test out that that works on all of our pages so let's go back over to the front-end of our store now from our home page if we click on contact us it brings us to the contact us form so that's perfect but now if we go over let's say if we go to the FAQ page so we run the FAQ page now now if we click contact us again and once again it brings us down to that Contact Us page which is on our home page so that's working really perfectly so that's excellent so what we are going to do next we are going to go and actually add our product to the Buy Now button over here so let's go and just click on our product mine's in my menu if yours is not in your zone on my menu in my cart if yours is not in your cart then just go back to the backend and open it from the backend so we will just do that just so I can show you how you can actually go and access your product hopefully by now you should know how to access it but if you cannot so you can just go to products or products and then we can just go and actually just hover over this and just click on View so now we have our product so what we are going to do we are going to copy this product URL then we're going to head back to our dashboard over here and then we'll go to menus so we'll go appearance menus and now in the Buy Now section just click on this arrow we can't go and paste that link in there so now if we save that and let's go back to the front-end and now if we click on Buy Now it should bring us over to our product so that's perfect now it's really good to have the Buy Now button in your header because that means whatever page that they're on they can go straight over to your product page so now we have created our menus that's really brilliant now just because we have that link copied let's just go and add it to these buttons as well so let's go and once again click on edit with elemental and from here we can go to our client our button and we can just paste that link in here and then we can go and paste the link into this button as well and we can also go and paste it into this button as well so now all of our Buy Now buttons are linked to our product page so that's brilliant so let's just go and click on update so next let's go and actually just create our footer menus so let's just go and click on View page this time because we're actually just going to go and create our footer menus so let's go back to our WordPress dashboard and create those two footer menus and then we will add the menus to our footer so we are going to go and we will scroll down and we'll go to appearance and we will go to menus over here and then under the menu section we are going to go and we are going to go create new menu so click on create new menu over here and then this one we will just call will call this one help so we'll call that and just click on create menu and then within the help menu we are going to go and add any pages that are going to help our customers so we're gonna add the a fake use we're gonna add shipping and livery we're gonna add returns and refunds and [Music] that's it so we'll just add those three pages to our help menu so now that those pages are in a menu we can go and just have changed all of them just by dragging this around it doesn't really matter what order they go in so now we can just go and click on save menu and now we will just go and create another menu which is going to be the about menu so once again just click on create new menu and from here we are going to give this a menu name so we'll just call this about and I will click on create menu and then in here we can go and add in the about us the Terms of Service and the privacy policy and then just click on add to menu so now let's just drag this to the top and we'll put the privacy policy in the middle and let's just click on save menu and now if we go back to the front-end of our store and now what we need to do is click on customize once the customized area loads firstly we will scroll down to where it says footer widgets and we are just going to go and change this so that we have only three footer widgets instead of having four so now we have changed that to three footer widgets we can scroll back up so sorry let's scroll back up over here and then what we can do is we can go back and just go to widgets over here so go to widgets and under footer one we will add a widget and then in here we are going to search for a navigation menu so click on navigation menu then we are going to call this one help so that's going to be our navigation menu and then we can go and choose our help menu so now we have our help menu in our footer widget one so let's just scroll to the bottom have a look so now we can see that we have our if I choose our returns and refunds shipping and delivery so that's really good so now let's go back next up we have footer two so we are going to add a widget once again and this one will be a navigation menu so let's just search for that again a navigation menu and this one is going to be called about so now we can go and choose our bounce you can also go and call it about us if you want to viola to just call it about so now we have our about menu with our about us privacy policy in terms of service so that's perfect and in the final footer widget you can go and put something in like an email newsletter to sign up or you can just go and perhaps maybe put an image in there so it could go for image so let's just go and display an image in there so you can go out and put anything you want in there pretty much now you can also just not get rid of this completely so if you don't want to use this you can just delete this and then we can actually just go back and we can change our footer widgets over here and we can just change it to two columns like this so now we just have our help and about section so that's perfectly fine so now what we can do we can just change this little bottom one over here so where it says footer bottom we can actually just go to a website like and we can actually just go and get the copyright sign so let's scroll down to the bottom of their site and we can go and grab this little copyright see so let's go and just copy that and we head over to here and we can just say copyright and then just paste that little scene and then you can put the name of your store so something like that just to make your store look a little bit more professional so let's just go and publish that and now we can click X on that and let's just make sure that those menus are actually working so we have our menus over here and if we click on contact us it brings us down and then we have over here our returns and refunds so let's go and click on that and we can see that it brings us over to this page or if we go to shipping and delivery it brings us over to our shipping and delivery page where I've added that banner so now we've set up all of our pages our store is pretty much ready to go it's looking really good now we will just go and add a few other little things to our store just to make it look a little bit better and also we need to go and connect up our payment methods so what we are going to do next we are going to add some custom CSS to our store so that this Buy Now button that just comes up fairly like an actual button instead of just a link like this we also need to go and make our store fully optimized for mobile so we will go and do that and then we will go and connect these stripe and PayPal payment gateways so in order to make this Buy Now link over here into an actual button the first thing that we have to do is actually assign it a class so a class is basically something that this can be named when we are writing code so in here if we just go back to our WordPress dashboard and from here we can go to appearance and go to menus and then from here what you're going to want to do is where it screen options just click on this and then make sure that this CSS classes is ticked so just tick this and then now if you go to your by now link over here and we just open this up and we are going to assign it a class and just call it menu - CTA so just do that and then just hit save menu so now that the menu is saved let's go back to the front end of a store and from here we are going to go and click on customize once the customize area loads go down to vs. additional CSS and him in here you will see I've already got some CSS that I've added now in the video description below I am going to put paste this code in there so all you can do is you can just go and copy that code and you can just paste it into here now let me just get rid of this and also this and now I'm just going to get rid of this over here as well so as I mentioned I am going to go and paste the code to this in the video description below so you just have to grab this code and you can just paste it in here now firstly we can just see it does look a bit weird so don't worry we are going to change that in a moment but for now you can see that this is our button so let me just quickly explain some of this code over here so because we called our link over here on my new link we called it menu - CTA so this is referring to this menu link over here now we've got the background color so you can change the background color to any color you want so let's say I wanted to change it to this color I can just go and change this and paste this here and now it's going to change it to this color and then the color is the background color of the actual text so you can see I put white so that's why it shows up white then we have the border radius which makes it move around or less around so you can go and change this so you could do 20 pixels you could do 30 pixels if you want to make it more round by like 25 I think that looks good and then we have text align so just to make sure the text is in the center and then this part over here which is menu CTA hover is what happens when we actually hover on it so now you can see when we hover on it it changes color now if I just change this back to this color because I just think it looks good just with the same color but now if we hover on it nothing really happens because the colors are the same and then over here we have main navigation margin top 25 pixels so that just leaves a little area at the top here of 25 pixels so what we need to do next is just have something at the bottom as well because it looks a little bit weird at the moment so as I said just paste this code in you can go and change the colors to the colors of your website you can go and muck around with a border radius if you want and the actual color of the text of the button so once you've done that just click this back button over here then we are going to go and scroll down and then we're going to go to a header so just click on header then we're going to go to general and what we can do is change the height of our header so if we just change this to something like 45 pixels and now we can see that the button looks a lot better so it's completely round so if we change that back to 75 you can see it looks really weird like that so do it to something around 45 and then we have a really nice-looking button in our header and somebody clicks on this and it brings them over to the product page so that looks really good and it just looks a lot better than just having by now in the header just as a normal link so now we can just go and hit publish now once you hit publish we can just close the customize area so what we are going to do next we are going to make sure that our store is completely optimized for mobile and also for tablets as well so let's just go and hit edit with elemental and once elemental loads if you go down here where it says responsive mode and we can actually go and have a look at what our site looks like on a mobile and on a tablet so firstly let's just go and have a look it on a tablet so on a tablet it doesn't look too bad but we may need to change some of this area over here so we can change that and if we scroll down once again we have to change this one as well and let's just keep scrolling the video looks fine and this part looks fine and the contact us looks fine so the only parts we have to change is the top part and this middle part now let's just have a look for a mobile as well so once again the top part we're going to have to change a little bit that's fine and the middle part and then the rest is okay so for both our mobile and our tablet we just have to change this top area and also this middle area now it's really easy to do this so firstly what we can do is we go to this section over here we just right-click this and we can click on duplicate so now we should have two of these sections so we can see we've got two now what we can actually do let's duplicate it once more so now we've got it duplicated three times so one is going to be for our desktop one is going to be from mobile and one is going to be for our tablet so that's why we've duplicated it three times so what we can do is if we go to this first top area here we can click on edit section go to advanced scroll down and go to responsive and for this one what we are going to do we're going to say hide on tablet and hide on mobile so now that one will only show on desktop so then let's just open this out and we should now see we only have two sections we've got one two so what we can do next is let's scroll down again and click on this section now and what we are going to do is we're going to scroll down go to responsive and this one is going to be higher on desktop and higher on mobile so this one is only going to be for our tablet and then finally if we scroll down and we click on this section and we can go to advanced responsive and we can go to higher on desktop I can hide on tablet so now this one is just for our mobile so this top one over here is only for our desktop so we don't need to worry about that one so we'll do this one in a moment the second one down which is our tablet one so now we're on the third one because we're doing it for mobile so what we can do is we can firstly start off by deleting this space over here because we don't need it on a mobile so let's delete that then let's go to our text over here and we can actually go to align Center so now we've got it like that and we can also do that for this one as well so align Center now we can leave the by now and watch video of buttons and that looks perfectly fine so now we can we've gone if we go like this this is how it's going to look on a mobile as soon as someone comes onto our site so that's looking really good that's looking great so now what we can do is we can just do the same thing for our tablet so let's go to responsive mode but it's a tablet so the first section over here once again was for desktop so we can leave that then the third section was for mobile so the second section over here was for tablet so we can go click on edit section so now over here once again what we're going to do is just change the space and let's just change it to 10 pixels as my effect it could just get rid of it completely let's try just deleting it and now if we go like this we can see this is what it's going to look like on a tablet so maybe you want to add maybe 10 5 pixels even so let's just go and scroll to the second section we can add a spacer back in there but we're just going to change this to 5 pixels and now if we go like that we can see this is how it's going to look on a tablet so that looks really good so now what we need to do we just need to do the same process for this section over here so once again let's start by doing it in mobile mode so we're going to scroll down and we have this section over here so what we are going to do we're going to click on this section right click and we are going to go duplicate and then we'll just scroll down and we'll go right click and duplicate again so now we have our three sections so once again in the top section is going to be for desktop so we'll just click on edit top section I'll go to advanced responsive and once again we are going to go higher on tablet higher on mobile so the top section is just for desktop then we'll scroll down and we will go edit section on the second section advanced responsive higher on desktop higher on mobile so this one's going to be for our tablet and then finally the third section advanced responsive and then hide on desktop hide on tablet so now this one is going to be for our mobile so what we can do here is we can just firstly maybe change that to 5 pixels and we can see that's how it's going to look on a mobile so now if we go like this we can see on a mobile this is how our stores going to look so it looks really good so that's looking great so our mobile is basically sorted everything is responsive and working so now let's go and do it for a tablet so let's go into tablet mode and if we remember our second section and wait for our tablet so this was for desktop and our second section was for tablet so what we can do is once again we can change this spacer here we can just go for 5 pixels and then let's open that up like this and we can see that is how it's going to look on a tablet so that's looking really good on a tablet as well so let's just scroll down just so we can see the whole thing that's looking great so that's perfect so now we can just open this back up and let's just go into desktop mode and then we can just make sure everything is looking still fine on a desktop so that's looking great on desktop as well so there you go it's really easy to go and just change some things on your site just to make sure that it looks great on a tablet and on a mobile and just make sure that when you are doing this process that you go into this mode so you can see it without all of the other sections because sometimes you might forget to hide it on a tablet or on a mobile and then you have a duplicate of this section on your mobile and then if customers come over they're going to think that your site looks really weird so just be careful when you are doing this and make sure that each section is hidden where it is supposed to be hidden so now that we've done that that's brilliant let's just click on update and now we can exit back to our WordPress dashboard so click these three lines and just click on exit to dashboard so now what we are going to do next is actually set up the payments for our website so we're going to set up stripe and PayPal so we are ready to start accepting payments onto our site so from here just go to WooCommerce and then we are going to go and just click on settings once you click on WooCommerce settings we can just go over to where it says payments so just click on a payments over here and then from here we can actually go and set up the payments now if you notice you it may say welcome to WooCommerce you're almost ready to start selling and react we can just go and skip setup because we have actually gone through this so just click on skip setup for that as well because we did go through the WooCommerce setup in the beginning of the tutorial but sometimes it just still shows up on your dashboard now later on we will just go and clean up our dashboard as well but for now let's continue saying up with the payment methods so firstly if we scroll down to payments we will see PayPal checkout over here so let's set this up to begin with so let's just go and click on manage over here and once you click on manage once again just scroll down and we are going to go and click on setup or link an existing PayPal account so just click on this once you click on this it is going to say enter an email address to sign up or login now if you already have an existing PayPal account that you want to connect your store to you can just go and enter in your email address now I'm good to go and just set one up from scratch so let me just enter in my email address in here once you're entering your email address just click on next once you click on next it will bring you over to this page that says sign up for a business account so you just need to go in and enter in a password your name and your address and then we can go and click on agree and continue so I'm just going to go and enter in all of that so once you enter in order that information we can just scroll down make sure that you tick these two boxes here and just click on agree and continue you will then be brought over to this page that says more about your business needs you have to just go and enter in your business type so we're just going to go for individual and then you can go and enter in something about your product so I'm just going to go for electronics so let's type in electronics so we can just go for electronics stores and then you can enter in your business URL so but just go back over to our website and we just copy this URL over here and we can just paste that in here and just - that so now we can just go ahead and click on continue once you click on that it is going to say it provide some information about yourself so your nationally and just enter in your date of birth so I'm just going to enter that in and once you enter that information in just click on continue you will then be boots over to this page that says thanks for signing up confirming EULA email address and activate your account so let's just head over to our emails and over here it will say paypal service confirming email so click on this email and then just click on confirm your email once you confirm once you're brought over to this page and you click on confirm email you just have to enter in the password that you set up and then just click on confirm email address once you click on that you will be brought over to this page and from here you can go and connect your bank account so that when people pay you 3 through PayPal on your website you can transfer that money into your bank account now if you already have an existing PayPal account you probably have your bank account connected to that PayPal account already so you don't need to worry about this step so once you have done this you can go back over to the PayPal sale page and just click on go back to commerce developers once you've done that you will be boots over to this page that says you just all sent a cated PayPal so that means PayPal is now set up on your site so now what you can do is just click on that's my site and redirect me you will then be redirected back to your wordpress dashboard and now we have successfully set up our PayPal account so we can start accepting payments through PayPal on our website so now if we scroll down we will see this little blue arrow over here just saying that we have PayPal on our site so that's really great we now have PayPal set up on our site so what we will do next is once again just click on payments over here and once you click on payments just scroll down and now you will see stripe credit card so now we are going to go on stripe and just click on manage once again we will then be brought over to this page so just scroll down over here and then it's going to say stripe account settings so firstly let's just click on this and then it will bring you over to this page over here so if you already have a stripe account you can just go and type in your email and password and login strap account if you don't have a strap account what you are going to do is click on don't have an account so just click on sign up from here you are going to go and enter in your email address your full name and pick a password and once you enter that information in just scroll down and click on create your stripe account it will then ask you how do you want to get started with stripe just click on skip for now you will then be brought over to the strike dashboard and from here we are going to have to get some information and add this into our WordPress dashboard to actually connect our stripe account up to our website so in order to do this firstly what we have to do is actually activate our stripe account so let's head over to our emails and we should see confirm your stripe email address so just click on confirm email address and once you click on this it is going to prompt you to enter in your password so just enter in your password and click on confirm your email once you do this you will be brought back over to your stripe dashboard and it will say your email address has been confirmed so just click close on this now so what we are going to do next if we go over to our WordPress dashboard we will just click where it says test mode and just click enable test mode and just untick this so now we are in tell a live mode so now we can actually add in the live publishable key and live secret key now these two keys are what are going to allow us to connect our Skype account to our WordPress website now if you have it in test mode then obviously when customers come over to your site they won't actually be able to make a purchase through stripe using their debit or credit card so you definitely want to make sure that this is on ticked so now let's head back to our strap dashboard now what we are going to do next in order to get these two keys the live publishable key and the live secret key we need to go to where it says developers over here so just click on developers once you click on that is going to say API keys over here so just click on API keys and then over here we can actually just toggle this so I will say please activate your account so just click on this again so that we can actually activate our account otherwise we will simply always be in test mode so in order to do this we do have your product over here so we need to go and fill out all of this information over here so I'm just going to go and fill out all of this information now once you have filled out this information make sure and go through that you've filled it out correctly so you've got your business website in here you have your business description so just make sure it's something related to the products you're selling so for example in here I've just put home electronics and then I've just described what we're selling so we sell my spiel lamps and other home electronic appliances we sell to various customers online through Facebook and Google we charge our customers on a one-time basis depending on how many products they buy so you can enter in something like that in there then in your account details you don't have to enter in a company number or a DAT number but make sure you have your business address so just put your home address in if you're running your website from your home which you most likely are then your legal name your date of birth your home address and then your statement descriptor so when somebody buys from your site this is what's actually going to show up in their bank statement so make sure you put the name of your store in there then your support phone number and then also in here you can enter in your bank details so for me I have the bank account currency in Great British Pound so it's asking for my salt code account number now obviously if you select US dollars or something else then it's going to make prompt you to enter in your bank details for your American bank account and this way whenever somebody pays you through stripe you can actually go and deposit that money then into your bank account so once you have done all of that you can go and do the two-step authentication as well so just go to click on get text message then they will send you a text message and you can enter in a code and then you will have two-step authentication setup and then just click on submit application now I'm not going to do it for this one over here because obviously I haven't entered in correct details and I don't want to get in trouble with stripe for setting up a fake stripe account so what I'm going to do it next is I'm going to sign out of this account and I'm going to sign in to an account that is setup live after I've gone through all of this information and clicked submit application and then that way we can go and get those keys and paste them into our store so we can actually connect up the store so after you click on submit application it should take a few hours for strap to actually accept your account and then once you come into your account over here where the toggle is your we'll say view live data so just toggle it and then you will be in live mode then once again you can click on developers and click on API keys and then from here you can actually go and get to API keys to put into your WordPress store so you can actually connect up your store so what you can do is firstly it will see a publishable key here so just copy this and then all you need to do is head over to your wordpress store and just paste in where it says live publishable key just paste that in there then all you need to do is from your WordPress dashboard once again it will say secret key click on reveal life token and then you just copy this and then all you have to do is just paste in the live secret key in here once you have done that you can just click on Save Changes and that way once you have done that your stripe account will be connected up to your WordPress store so now that we have finally set up payments our store is pretty much ready to go and let's just go and have a look at how it looks so it's looking really good so let's just go and load it up so it's looking perfect we have a big Buy Now button over here we have our FAQ area we have the contact us then we can go and click on watch video it brings us down to the video of our product we also have a Buy Now button over here and we have lots of information outlining the features and the benefits of our product and the contact us over here now let me just show you some quick things that you are going to need to do so when you are within WordPress you will see updates quite often over here so if you just click on this and then every time you see this just make sure that you make those updates so what you can do is if you just go select all and then you can just click on update plugins and that way that is just going to make sure that your website is always using the most up-to-date version of all of the plugins that are actually installed once plugins are updated you should see that all of them say update successfully and they just go green so now you can see everything has been updated successfully now a few other things that I want to mention is within WooCommerce you can go and set up coupons so if you just click on coupons over here and you can go and set up a 10% discount or something like that so you can go and share with your customers and enticing to actually make a purchase so you can go create your first coupon over here and then you can just go and set this up so for example we could just go and call this sub 10 let's say and then it will say 10% off your first order and then we can go for a discount type and we can choose a percentage discount and then we can just enter in 10 so that would be 10% off then we can say always allow free shipping even though we have free shipping on our website you can go and do it for a week so let's say during Black Friday you wanted that week this coupon to be available so you could just say it's going to be set up today and the closing date is the 28th so it's available for a week you can also go to usage limits so if you just go you should limit per coupon if you put one that means only one person can ever use it now you can go use it usage limit per user so that way only one person can actually use it then we have usage restrictions over here so you could say you can only use this coupon if you spend $50 let's say or something like that and then you can go and change things in here like excluding sales items exclude excluding specific products even though we are only having one product on our store so this these parts here are probably not really too good now I want you to do that you can just go and hit publish and now that coupon will actually be live on your site so now that's basically how you can sell coupons also I recommend cleaning up your WordPress dashboard every now and then because you will get loads of these types of things coming up just prompting you with different stuff and personally I just think it makes it look really messy so if we just go and clean this up so we can just click X on all of these we can click no thanks on all of this stuff over here so just go and actually clean that up now a couple of last things that I want to show you as well I want to show you how to set up a professional email address for your site for completely free so that way when people send you customer emails customer service emails they're going to send it to a professional email address so one with the actual name of your store instead of using a gmail on looking analogous which looks really unprofessional and then I also just want to show you within a zoo see how we can actually fulfill orders when people make orders so firstly in order to set up a professional email address head over to your site ground hosting and you are going to go and click on go to cPanel so go to my accounts and go to cPanel once the cPanel loads we can actually scroll down until we see mail over here then we can go to email accounts and from here we can go and actually set up an email account so what you can do is you can just go in here and just type in contact and for you it should just have your domain name over here so I'm just going to go and choose my domain name so now we have contact at once dead dot stalk then just choose a password and once you choose the password you can go for mailbox quota now I think I'm not 100% sure but yes it says over here so we have 4000 MB so you can just go and put something like a thousand in here or if you want you can just go and use the whole four thousand now once you do that you can just go and click on create account then it's going to create that email account for you so that email account is now set up so now if we scroll down over here we can go and see that we have this contact at once dead dot store over here so I can click on more and I can go and just click on access webmail so once you click on access webmail it is going to bring you over to a webmail area where you can actually log in to that email account that you just set up so over here just click on got it so I recommend using roundcube because it's really easy to use so click on roundcube over here and then it's going to bring you over to your email account so now we can see over here we have contact at those dead thoughts store now if anyone sends an email address to this email then sorry it sends an email to this email address it's going to come over here so on your site if it go back to your site within the FAQ s area you can go as I mentioned earlier in the tutorial and just add your professional email address contact at your store and also what you can do is if we go to contacts and con Tech forms and then from here if we scroll down we can go to contact form 1 so the one that we are using at the bottom of our page and then if we just go to mail over here and then it's going to send to so what we can do is we can go contact at the stead dot store so now anytime somebody enters a message into the contact form and click send it is going to go and send over two of the email address that we just set up so that is perfect so what we're going to do next I want to just show you how to actually fulfill an order so I am just going to go and create a test order within here so in order to create a test order you can go to WooCommerce go to coupons so let me just save this just click on save so now we have our contact form saved so in order to do a test order as I was saying go to WooCommerce to go to coupons and what you can do is you can just create a one hundred percent off coupon so I'm just going to go and do that and then I'm going to make a test order once I've made the test order we will go over to the Azusa dashboard and have a look at how we can actually fulfill that order so as you can see I have set up a one hundred percent off discount code so I'll just go and set up a discount code a coupon code with a percentage discount of 100 then you can go and open up your store in another browser and you can just go and add your product to the cart and then we can just go and enter in that coupon code so I'll just enter it in and just click on apply and then we should see that they owe us zero now so now we can just go to proceed checkout and because they don't owe us anything we can just go and enter in some stuff so just enter in some information so let's just say John Smith and we can just go and enter in an address and once you have entered all of that information in you can just go and click on place order you will then obviously see on your saw thank you the order has been received so now that we know that that test order has actually been set up what we can do is we can go back over here and then head to our as you see dashboard and if you go over to orders we can just click on orders over here and just refresh this within our Zusi dashboard and once we refresh this we will see that we have the order in here so now all you need to do is you have to authorize your login to Aliexpress so if you just click on this and then it will ask you to log into your Aliexpress account then once you are logged in all you have to do is click on order now and then that way it is just going to go and order the product for you so it's going to go and enter in all of the customers information into Aliexpress and then you just have to click confirm to actually fulfill that order with your bank account or using your card and that is basically it that's a really easy way it does it for you it's a really good tool to actually just automate the process and make it a bit quicker because just by clicking on order now it is going to go and fill out all of the customer information within Aliexpress now that is basically it for the tutorial guys and look at the beautiful website we have made in today's tutorial so now you should have a fully set up store ready to go and start advertising and actually start making some profit from your store now I hope you have enjoyed this video I have tried to cover as much as I can if you get any problems when setting up your store just leave a comment in the description sorry leave a comment in the comment sections below and I'll try it and get back to you as soon as I can and help you out with any problems you might have when saying at the store and if you have enjoyed the video just make sure to give it a big thumbs up because it doesn't really help out for my channel and I hope to see you all in the next video
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 278,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Build A One Product Dropshipping Store With WordPress, How To Build A One Product Dropshipping Store, How To Build A One Product Store, One Product Dropshipping With WordPress, One Product Dropshipping WooCommerce, How To Start One Product Dropshipping, One Product Dropshipping Strategy, How To Build A One Product Dropshipping Store With Wordpress & WooCommerce, Dropshipping With WordPress, Creating A One Product Dropshipping Store
Id: nHiMKbojtKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 52sec (13192 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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