How To Make A DropShipping Website With Wordpress 2020

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what is that part of people my name is Darrow and welcome to this drop shipping tutorial obtained this video I'm gonna teach you all how to create a drop shipping website with WordPress and don't worry I am NOT a fake guru but I promise you if you watch this video from start to finish by the end of this video you will walk away with a fully functional drop shipping website now you can fully manage and control and I'll also talk about different ways on how you can get traffic to your drop shipping websites and the great part about this video is that you don't need to have any sort of experience or any knowledge of coding everything in this video is done with a fully functional drag-and-drop builder that comes with thousands of pre-made templates that will help speed up the process of making your drop shipping websites and don't worry I'm not gonna drive a Lamborghini I'm not gonna make you sign up for a free webinar and I'm not gonna make you buy a stupid course I'm just gonna give you the real insight on how to create a drop shipping website from scratch now I don't want to waste your time so let me explain what is drop shipping and what you can expect to learn in this video so for example this is my drop shipping store for water bottles so here you can see this product costs around five dollars and fifty cents and I'm going to take this product and listen on my website for around $20 if someone purchases this product I'll make a fifteen dollar profit and the manufacturer will package and ship everything for me doing all of the hard work and to top it off you will also receive a cash back rewards from Aliexpress and I'll even give you a second way on how you can get even more cash back so you'll learn a lot of information in this video also in this video I'll teach you how to find that good manufacturers now there is a lot of manufacturers and I'll show you how to get the fastest shipping if it's possible and also quality vendors and also information that you should tell your manufacturer before you start drop shipping now you might ask me what's better they're a wordpress or Shopify well WordPress is way more customizable than Shopify and to way cheaper as well in fact with Shopify you'll end up paying around $29 to $300 every single month assuming you get no applications whatsoever with WordPress so end up paying around a one-time fee around $100 for the entire year additionally WordPress has a lot more flexibility and control than Shopify and to give you a general oversight of which is more popular Shopify only powers around 1 million websites around the world compared to WordPress that powers more than half a billion websites around the world making it 500 times more popular than Shopify so in this video I'll teach you how to use WordPress and also show you how to set it up on your websites you're probably ready to learn how to create dropshipping website and you've heard about all the hype and you really want to get started today in this video I'm going to show you how to do it step by step with no courses with no webinars straight to the point no Lamborghinis alright so let's go ahead and go to the first step which is getting your domain so the first thing we're going to do is get your domain and hosting so for example my amazing dropshipping website com after that we're going to install wordpress and wordpress power is more than one third of the internet it is the most popular CMS out there after that we are going to install and activate your wordpress theme and lastly we're going to build out your amazing dropshipping website now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is sycron com no I'm in recommending Saigon comm for years and I'm not those typical people that just recommend random companies in order to get Commission's I've actually tested psych round against 15 other web hosting companies and sycron came up as top two as the fastest and the most reliable web hosting company so with psych round you're gonna get a very fast website with very very good support you have any problems at all these guys will help you out and they also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so that's always good to know now there's three plans but I'm always gonna recommend one so we have the start up we have the grow big and we have the go geek in all my videos people mostly get the grow big accounts because with the grow big you can host unlimited websites rather than just a single one so later down the road when you want to build more websites you can host them onto the same hosting plan and you can have tons of websites so that's always good to know so right here I'll click on get plan alright so right here is where you're going to enter in your new website so go ahead and take the time you know to figure out what you want your website's to be so it could be something like my cool website or whatever you want to put I'm just gonna do something like Darryl's Darryl's tutorials calm and go to procede totally that's available Darryl's Darrell suto rules calm there we go so right here you'll be brought to the review and complete page where here you have your email your password your client information yada yada yada and then your social security number just kidding guys it's a joke there is no social it's anyone who asks for your social run all right this company is legit they're by the book right here is your payment information which your go ahead and put in your in your details right here you have your purchase information now currently right now I am visiting Thailand so it's recommending Singapore but most of us watching this are probably from the United States so it'll automatically recommend the data center in USA and right here we have period now I always recommend 12 months guys because with 12 months you'll actually receive the biggest discounts and remember you always get a 30-day money-back guarantee so that's always really good to know right here we have extra services now I require that you guys click on this right here and if you don't have this clicked what's gonna happen is you're gonna get all these calls and emails from all these companies trying to sell you stuff like viagra and all this weird junk and he really you don't want to go there so for $12 for the entire year it's gonna save your life so make sure you have this checked I'm warning you all right you can have it unchecked and save $12 but I'm telling you right now the amount of junk you're gonna get is simply not worth it so once you're done filling out all this lovely information you'll go ahead and click on the Terms of Service and I know everyone here is gonna read this stuff right here right and oh oh this is good the privacy policy I'm sure you're all gonna read this but hey it's always there for for whatever reasons and just go ahead and leave that checked and once you're done filling out all the information you'll click on Pay Now now I'll go ahead and meet you on the very next page all right cool so I purchased my hosting and right here which says proceed to customer area will click there all right awesome so right now it'll tell you that your site's ready to be set up so right here click on set up sites and now what we're going to do is we're going to install WordPress on to our domain so that'll give us the drag-and-drop functionality making it really easy to build our website so right here where it says start a new website you click on select you'll scroll down right here and you'll select WordPress now right here to go ahead and enter in your email and your password now this is the login information for WordPress so this is the information that you need to actually build your website so make sure you get a pen and pencil and write this down so you don't forget it alright so after you entered in your email address and your password you'll click on continue now right now it's recommending the site ground site scanner but personally I don't think you need it just yet maybe later once your site gets like very valuable and make a lot of money etc so right here just click on finish and right now it is creating our WordPress website alright so after you've waited you'll be brought to this page right here it says you're all set so go ahead and scroll down and right here it says manage sites click on manage sites alright and this is basically the psych round dashboard so this is where you can set up email accounts this is where you have your files etc your IP address everything and also you can see the amount of visitors and everything else right here from your website now on the left side right here you see WordPress click on WordPress and right here click on install and manage so we've already installed a WordPress so go ahead and scroll down right here and you'll see manage installations and you'll see your website right here now right here under the actions you'll click on login to admin panel so go ahead and click on this right here all right so it'll take you to this page right here and this is the wordpress starter now you don't need to have this and actually recommend to take this off but for right here scroll down and just click on exits alright guys and this is your new websites now right now we're on the back end so your site is now live on the Internet's now there's some few things that I want you guys to do before we continue with this tutorial one thing I want you guys to do is get rid of the starter plug-in we don't really need it so right here under plugins click on install plugins now I will talk about plugins later but in short what a plugin is it's basically applications for your websites so right here we're right here we have WordPress starter just go ahead and click on deactivate all right and over here we have users and your profile now whenever you guys want to change something on your websites like you want to change the password or you want to change your email this is where you would do it from you can also change the color scheme of your website as well from the backend so right here we have the contact info so it says the email and you'll basically need to put in the email that let's say for instance you forgot password or something like that that is the email it's going to go to so make sure it's the correct email you want also at any time you want to change your password you'll click on generate password right here and you can go ahead and put in a new password and then click on update profile but I don't want to right now so here I'll just click on update profile alright and your site right now is live on the internet so on the top left right here which says my WordPress you can click on visit websites and this right now is your new websites I know it's very ugly and we need to do a lot of work but don't worry we can make this look really good really fast so right here you'll go back to dashboard okay now at any time you want to log into your website like the backend right here you'll type in WP dash admin many beginners they get locked out of their website because they don't know how to log back in so I'm gonna go ahead and log out just to give you an example so over here and I'll log out websites so now you can see right here how I'm no longer logged in and that's basically it's you know I can't log into my website so and anytime you want to log back into your websites you'll type in - WP dash admin and remember the information I've told you to write down later or before that's the information gonna put right here so I'm gonna go ahead and fill out my information all right and I'll click on login and now I'm logged back in to the website where I can make changes to it and I can build my website so now that you guys know how to do that let's go ahead and talk about two key things we need to do before we continue so right here we have settings and we have permalinks going to click on permalinks now I want you to change your permalinks to posting and the reason why we do this is because you see here how it's my website - about us right or - contact not - 0 9 - 1 2 - all this weird crap we don't need that we want to have it clean and it's also very good for SEO so click on post name and then click on Save Changes all right and then right here we can click on dashboard now this right here is your dashboard so at any time there's a notice or something it'll usually end up right here and this right now is basically WordPress so this is how we use WordPress now there's one more thing I want to do before we install the theme and make pages etc which is building out the websites right here you can see our website is not secure and the reason why it's not secure is because we need an SSL now we have an SSL sycron gives us one but we need to install a plug-in to activate it so right here under plugins go to add new and over here you'll type in really simple SSL yep just like that really simple SSL and then right here you'll click on install now you can see this plugin has three million active installs with really really good positive reviews and it was last updated three days ago so we know the developers continually working on this plugin and keep in mind guys all these plugins right here are free they don't cost anything so there's a lot of plugins in WordPress I mean there's over what fifty five thousand plugins so I a lot of them are free so right here you'll click on activate okay so the plugin has detected our SSL now again remembered we're gonna have to enter in your username and your password to log back in because once we click on activate it's gonna kick us out of our website again so right here go ahead and click on go ahead and activate the SSL alright and you can just go to visit website and refresh the page and you're gonna see now we have this padlock right here and now you can see that connection is secure and Google will no longer warn people that our sites like a spammy porn website or none of that stuff so now you can see our websites fully secure and again remember to log back in WP dash admin and then go ahead and enter in your credentials right here I've already entered mine here I'll click on Remember Me and login alright so now we are successfully logged in we have done everything congratulations now let's go ahead and move on to the next section where we're going to go ahead and create pages and we're also going to install our theme so your website is fully set up now let's go ahead and download the flotsam theme is what we use to build out our websites now there is a link in the description to purchase the flat something you guys can also get there by going to Darryl Wilson comm - flat sum and you're out to a page that looks just like this right here now this is the thing that we're going to use now this theme right here has the most sales and the best reviews on and bottom market period for selling online now the reason why we're going to use this theme is because this is the official recommended wordpress theme by alle dropship as well you also get access to thousands of templates and it is suitable for e-commerce so this theme is designed specifically for e-commerce and I've been using flotsam for many years now and you guys can actually just go to any blog or whatever and just say hey what's the best WordPress theme for e-commerce and you're going to run across flotsam various times in fact you can see right here how it's saying this is the number one best selling they call it blue commerce theme because mu commerce is what we use to sell on our website with WordPress but this is the thing that we're going to use right here so once you get to this page you'll go ahead and click on by now and then you'll go ahead and fill all the information right here and you'll go ahead and check out and I'll go ahead and meet you on the very next page so once you download the theme it'll actually be available in your downloads so up here you can go click on downloads and then the themes will always appear and anything that you buy will appear in your profile section so this right here is the flat 'some theme and right here you'll click on download and click on installable WordPress file only now you will also need your purchase code as well because this theme is gonna prompt you to say hey what's your purchase code just download the text and then you know you can put it in later but right here just click on install WordPress file only alright so you can see here how Watson has installed now going back up here we'll go to appearance and go to themes now I'll go ahead and educate you all really quickly I'm gonna go ahead delete all these annoying notices right here clicking on add new now there's various WordPress themes that you can use for WordPress but to be honest a lot of these themes aren't extremely limited and you really can't do much with it that's why they're called free because between free and Pro I mean we can't use these ideal ideally for our dropshipping website because they're extremely limited and there's not a lot of functionality with these themes so right here on the top you'll click on upload theme and you'll click on choose file and then you'll go ahead and select the flat sum theme so the theme that you just downloaded in the zip file you'll go ahead and upload that so right here open and then click on Install Now alright so it's now uploading our WordPress theme on to our websites alright so it has successfully uploaded and right here you'll click on activates alright congratulations now we have successfully installed the flotsam theme now right now it's gonna prompt us to it's gonna prompt us for a few questions and I actually want to go ahead and go through these just to make sure that you know what exactly these are so right here let's click on let's go so right now it's going to ask us to activate our theme now you can get your purchase code by going over here and downloading this and your purchase code is actually pretty long so it'll be some like a 16 character you know code so you'll just download that open the file up and then you'll go ahead and paste the code right here okay so after you put in your code you'll be brought to this section right here now we don't need a child theme most of you aren't developers so we're just gonna skip this section and right here it's asking us to install these default plugins and sure why not so right here click on continue now these are all free plugins and these are all available in your WordPress dashboard we'll talk more about plugins a little bit later in the video because plugins are basically applications for your website so you know how on your iPhone you have an application for like an Instagram filter or Facebook app or whatever that's exactly what plugins are they're just add-ons for your WordPress website alright so once the plugins are done installing and some of them might fail and don't worry about it they're free plugins so we can install them at any time we want right here just click on skip this step they're just they want to import all this demo content but it's it's so much content and we don't need all that so right here just click on skip this step right here is your logo and design so if you have a logo you can always go ahead and upload it right here and don't worry about it we can always change all this later but right here I'll just click on continue and right now they're just basically letting us know what support is saying hey you know this is what support is and what support doesn't do so if you have a problem with flats um if something's not working you can always reach out to the company and they will help you with all the problems so it's always kind of cool to know the company that I'll actually help you out with all of your issues in case there's something that goes wrong right here click on agree and continue all right and then we have one more thing we need to do right here saying set up WooCommerce let's go ahead and set up WooCommerce now in case you don't know what what commerce is it's basically a plugin that allows you to sell online and we will need this in order to use our dropshipping website now this plug-in cost $400 I'm just kidding it's free right here just click on set up WooCommerce alright so right here it's going to ask us where our stores located etc go ahead and fill this out as much as you can you know I'm just gonna put in some general information that I always you know some demo contents you know my one of my old addresses I used to live in California so go ahead and fill all this out and then once you're done with that you'll go ahead and go to the next section so right here do you want to accept dollars you want to accept the what is this uganda shilling or you know i'm not even gonna try to pronounce that but yeah go ahead and put that in and then once you're done click on let's go now they're asking you do you want to help us with tracking it's up to you I'm not gonna nopt in I'm just gonna say no thanks now here are the payment merchant services that we're going to use in this video we're going to be using stripe and we're also going to be using PayPal as well I'm gonna be showing you how to set up both of these and they're both free they don't cost you anything whatsoever but for right now I'm just gonna go and just like PayPal only just because I don't I don't want to do this right now we'll be doing payment gateways towards the end of the video so right here click on continue all right now shipping right here uncheck this we don't want to use the climber shipping and right now it's asking us for like flat rate method so what do you want to charge for shipping well I'll just put $5 for now and then basically for anything outside of my normal shipping area I'll charge them something like $7 don't worry about this right now again we can we'll talk more about this later in detail this is just like a very small brief summary but we can have we can always change this a little bit later so don't worry about it right now it's saying we'll use ounces you can use pounds grams kilograms I'm just leave it as once's and inches and go to continue now these plugins right here we don't need we don't need this plugin and we don't need this plugin actually you could if you want we'll talk more about these plugins a little bit later but I don't want to solve a MailChimp plugin I'll just leave the bull commerce admin and the Facebook now these are all free plugins and you can always download these at any time in your plugins section we'll talk more about plugins again a little bit later in the video right here I'll just click on continue alright and right now it wants us to set up jetpack but I don't want to so right here click on skip this step and right now it's saying alright you are ready to start selling online but right now I want to go to visit dashboard now let's go ahead and take a look at our website before we continue so let's see what flat soms done and everything has done so right here again visit sites and voila so you can see our website has changed a little bit now we have a little cart menu we have an my account we have these cool social icons we have a search etc now let's go ahead and make some pages right so we need to make our homepage and we need to make our may be about us and contact us page right so right here go to dashboard and right here in our pages click on add new so right now what we're gonna do is we're just going to add pages so you know you when you go to a website it has like the home the about the services the contact page that's exactly what we're gonna do right now so right here I click on X and just just type in home homepage right home and click on publish up here so now home is created now I want to make another page so up here under plus new just click on page so now now I want to make another page right so I want to do something like they meet or about us publish and publish and let's do one more one more page and then we'll do the Contact Us page guys if you don't know what I'm doing right now and you're still kind of skeptical I'm gonna make things look really easy in just a little bit so just bear with me here so right now we're making our Contact Us page and click on publish and publish now I know nothing is here and that's why we're gonna use this UX builder right here but I want to make a menu first before we do that and I want to set our homepage before we actually start building the website so right here under appearance click on menus so now what we're gonna do is we're going to create a menu now the reason why we need to do this is because if I go right here to my website and click on visit websites there's no menu right here so we don't have the home the about the services we have nothing so I want to go ahead and create a menu before we continue so right here go to dashboard and appearance and menus so right here just give you men your name I'll put Darryl's menu and click on crate menu now right here under pages I'll click on view all and I'll go ahead and add all the pages so home about cart checkout contact us now there's two home pages and that's okay so right here my account sample shop at everything so add to menu add all of them to the menu so right here we have the home page now this is a custom link so I want you to delete this so anytime you want to delete something from your menu click on this and then click on remove now right here we have home so I want to drag that right there and then right here we have the cart and the checkout so I want to have this as a drop down menu so I want to take the cart and put it below the my accounts and then take the checkout and put it there as well and the shop I want to put maybe something right there and in the contact I want to put last now this sample page again we don't need it so the sample page click right here and click on remove now I want to make this a main menu right here so main menu and then click on save menu alright now it's going to take a look at our website again so right here visit sites and now you can see we have this menu right here so the home the about us the shop the my account with a drop-down and we also have to contact us now if I click on these pages right here you'll see there's nothing on it and that's because we're going to use the builder in order to build out our websites but there's just one more thing I want to do before we actually start building our websites so you notice right here on our home page it says nothing found so what we need to do now is we need to tell our website what is our homepage so right here you'll click on customize and this is the theme customizer now every theme in WordPress has a theme customizer and every theme customizer is different so you can see here how there's a lot of different options now these options correlate to different parts of your website so for example you have blue commerce and then we have your product pages you can add a star notice this is your account your payment icons your product images your checkout your cards and basically what this does is it adds different functionality and different styles to your websites so right here click on back and then right here we have homepage settings so click on homepage settings and then right here click on a static page and now it's saying okay so where is your homepage there oh well my home is my home page right so I want to assign my home page as my home page and then right here I'll click on publish now we're gonna come back to the theme customizer a little bit later but let me just give you a quick taste of it so right here we have header options right and then right here we have presets so you see here how there's different presets for our menu on the top right here so you can see here now the flotsam is at the top and we can have all these different presets right here so we can kind of change it to what we want it to look like so now you can kind of understand okay I get it I get it I know what the theme customizer is now it basically changes things on your website like the header and the footer and also the sidebar etc I like this one right here I think this is good or actually I'll just do this one I think this one's going what do you guys think let's see by its I want to say the Buy button it doesn't say Buy how about that that's no fair boat it's a very easy fix what I can do here is take this see I'll take this and this button right here and I'll go ahead and say you know what's or this one right here I'll take button one and then I'll do something like bye now bye now and then this button right here I don't want it no more and that's it see that I see how easy it is to design your header it's really simple they have all these really cool things and it's really really fun so and then right here you'll put the link but I have no link right now so I'm just gonna put that and then just click on publish so you can kind of go ahead and mess around with a theme customizer and kind of get an understanding like right here you can upload your logo and you can have different logo positions etc don't get too crazy with this just yet I know I know you're getting excited but we'll come back the theme customizer just a little bit once we have some products so right here click on X all right now let's go ahead and build out your website watch how fast this is watch how easy this is you guys all ready let's go so right here which says edit page click on edit with UX builder and the UX builder is what we use to build out our website now there's various templates that we can use but let me just give you a general overview of how this page builder works so you can kind of understand it and build whatever you want by yourself so right here we have elements and let's say I want to add in a row so we have a three column row or you can change it to two columns or whatever you want and then right here I'll click on apply and then within these elements right here you can add stuff like here I can add in something like I don't know a page header and then over here I can click on plus new and I can add in something else like the text and then below that we can just click on plus again and add in a button etc so you can get an understanding of how we can kind of build out the websites they also have a lot of pre-made sections as well for you here click on apply now any time you want to go ahead and delete something you can right click and click on delete as well so over here same thing add an element and then you can go ahead and put in something like I don't know a pricing table if you want to put in a pricing table or something like that and then here you can go ahead and put in the title and then you can go ahead and so on and so forth put whatever you want but personally I don't want to use this I want to go and delete this as well and I want delete this and delete this and maybe even delete this whole column so right here under row I'll just click on that and click on delete now what I recommend for all of you watching this is using the flotsam library so right here under add elements you see this flat 'some studio right here click on flotsam studio now the company from flat sub has basically fully designed thousands of templates for you instead of doing all the hard work and building it out yourself so I don't really see any reason why you wouldn't want to use these templates because they're beautiful they look great and you can choose from thousands of templates that they have designed and these are all created by professionals now if you want to see how these websites look you can click on preview right there and they just give you a general overview how this looks so here you can see we have men's shop woman Chop Shop sale and then you can always go ahead and take out these images you can swap them out you can put your colors you can change the text you can do anything that you want now in case you don't want to do that you can just use certain sections so for example right here we have something like banner right so let's just go ahead and and just give you an example so we have a banner and I'll go ahead and wait till this is done loading right here so let's just say friend just I want to import this or yeah I'll import this section just click on import and then just start the import and there very fast you know so we've imported that section right there and let's just say okay you know I want to import some more so right here plus flotsam studio and I want to add in this section right here I want to import this three column row so I'll go ahead and import that as well all right it's almost done but I'm just giving you all an understanding of how you can just import certain sections and keep going so right here plus flotsam studio and then you can go ahead and choose another section now each of these sections right here correlate to the type of layout you're gonna see so right here like a services section this right here would be something like a Contact Us page and then right here a call to action so a call to action isn't short like a button with some like it's basically a button that's that's really what a call to action is so it's just a complicated word for a button now let's say for example you want to change the layout of your website so right now we have a squared style website now right here in this gear icon you'll see we have templates and then right here we have different styles now there's a lot of different styles on how you can do this and this is fully up to you we can have a page that is full with something like that right there so now you can see that our page is full width or you can get you know you can have something like a parallax title which is where this right here is parallax it looks like doesn't work too well here we have a transparent header that means that the you up here was gonna be invisible and then up here we can always go ahead and change the color of this in the theme customizer so this is where you kind of wanna you know mess around with stuff and see what you can change for your websites so let's just say for instance like right there look I did all this but I just don't like it man this website sucks you know I want I want different blocks so right here under clear post content just click on clear and click on continue and you can go ahead and start all over from scratch so that's just a way on how you can quickly design your website now let's go ahead and just I want to upload a template really quickly I don't want to work too hard on this now I do have a second video on this theme that goes more in detail and when I talk about detail I'm talking about margin and padding every single theme option the works now I'm not gonna cover every single theme this theme offers because then this video can be three hours long which my last video is four hours long so I know what to cover that so if you do want to learn about every single feature of flat 'some I'll go ahead and link another video tutorial on the flat some theme but right now I'm just gonna show you all how to build a dropshipping website I'm not gonna go into like super detail here so right here flotsam studio I'm gonna go ahead and just upload one of these pages really quickly so let me go ahead and let me show you guys how this is done here I'll go ahead and find a good one here and then I'll adjust it so I use this one right here I'm gonna import this one right here and go to starts so this is my home page I want to use this from my home page guys that this is my home page right you guys get your own this is my home page don't copy me alright so this is my home page and right here you can see these are blank and these are blank because this is where our products show up alright so we don't have any products yet so once we get products we can actually go ahead and put them there now this right here is our contact form and we'll talk more about this when we get to the contact us section but this section is pretty cool now one thing I want to do here I probably want to do is I want to go ahead and make this section all the way across you know I want this to be all the way across so right here under row under options right here I'm gonna do claps and now you can see that's there's no space there so that's just a quick way on how you can change stuff etc but you can always go ahead and mess around these settings so here you can see I'm dragging down the row we can put it right there or we can drag it up put it up there you know whatever you want to do here so that's just a quick overview of that so over here I have a row and then I have a column I'm gonna click on this gear icon right here and go to options now right here we have padding now in case you want to know what padding is padding his space so when you want space between something that's what padding means so for example right here I want zero so I want zero space but if I put something like forty pixels or 100 pixels or a thousand you can see how it's adding more space to the top right here so I want zero pixels and I also want zero pixels right here so now it's just like a clean basic page right there so right here apply and updates so on your own time I kind of want you guys to go through and mess around with it and see how it looks but right now I'll click on X right here and this now is our new homepage I mean look how fast we made our website I mean you try this with anything else good luck you know so I've made our homepage now let's go ahead and make our about Us page so click on about us and the same thing and then with UX builder now you guys can kind of get an understanding of how to build your website right so here add an element's plasm studio about and then we'll go ahead and select an about Us page what's a good one here what's like that's a good one that's let's see I got really good design skills guys you guys don't even know here I'll just uh was a creative balance it's like those like really hippy things or whatever let's try that I don't know that that works a lot let's let's try this one right here all right so my page is importing let me know in the comments what kind of drop shipping website you guys are building I'm always interested to hear what kind of sites people build and whatever niche that you have makes money just email me and tell me so I can copy it and we can you know yeah so alright it's almost done and it looks like right now it's done so you can see here how it has voided our our page and cool you know we have this cute little girl just acting nice and I wanted to leet this section you know so right here I'll delete it just go through whatever you don't want and you can delete it so right click delete this or if that's too much you right click and delete that etc so just go through what you don't want and also right here on the section if you want to change something again remember gear icon column background you can always change you know whatever you want and then right here under section I've actually better to change the color right here instead something like that but you guys get the idea of how you can kind of go through and change stuff and I don't I don't think that you guys need like a crash course on this but just go to these settings guys get comfortable again if you want to know every single setting I do have a second video on that but most of you guys are smart right you guys are smart this just requires some it just requires some a time so here I'll close that and look at that we have a new homepage look at that or I'm sorry about Us page congratulations guys you guys are you guys are you're working your way up to the top here now let's do the contact us page here and it with UX builder this page is a little bit more important so let's go ahead and add some studio now you might have annoying customers that I got to sit there and you know I ordered this in like now it's not the right color and I want a refund or I want this it's just so annoying so you do have to deal with your customers unfortunately here I'll go to contact and I like this one right here this one's really clean imports and start you know when you're running a drop shipping website I think the most important thing is customer service but at the same time guys I probably hire someone just you know outsource it pay some guy you know I don't know like some guy in the Philippines or whatever to do the the support as a business owner you never want to do support alright unless it's something very serious like there's a very serious problem and you need some you know you need to make a business decision now for the map right here I don't want this section because I don't have a map and I'm not gonna talk about Google API is because I'm Way too damn lazy for that so right here under the gear icon click on delete and plus most of you are running a drop shipping website you don't you don't have a location so oh yeah now right here we have form cf7 so click on that and then right here click on contact form 1 so this is going to actually import your contact form now right here click on apply and updates so I'm gonna talk to you a little bit more about the contact form right now so you can see here how our sites done and again if you want to make changes something or you want your sites to be bigger you can do full width or however you want it to build out your website so here updates and close so I mean congratulations I mean look how slick this homepage looks I mean you look like the professional you look like someone who actually knows what they're doing you know so and that's all that matters you know fake until you make it so on the top left right here go to dashboard and we're gonna do something really quick right here under contact go to contact forms we're gonna make one more contact form so right here add new and this is gonna be email now right here click on form and then I want you to delete this you know delete all this delete all this and then delete all this just like that and then click on safe all right now this is our our shortcode but flat some already has a they already know what they're doing so we don't need to use short codes with this because flat some already has a module for it so go back to your home page click on visit sites it's like my sites taking like something got weird or something like that alright and right here and it with UX builder now I want you to scroll down really quickly and right here under monthly newsletter click on C f7 select form and select email now when basically someone enters in their email they'll click on send and you're gonna get notified when you get an email click on apply and apply it you'll get notified when they subscribe now where are those emails going to so we made a contact form we made this monthly newsletter we need to make sure that it's the correct email on file so go back to your dashboard contact contact forms and then right here just going to click on one so I'll just click on contact form 1 and then right here under mail you'll see the two address so just make sure that you put your email address there and when someone fills out your contact form saying hey man I love your website you have a discount you'll love those emails you'll love those when people will these people like on the in the world they'll sit there and like message you for weeks trying to get like a 5% discount you're just like bro just just I'll pay you 5% - leave me alone you know like but you're gonna get all those emails so it happens but I right now go to visit sites and guys your website is fully set up so we have our homepage right here take a look at it we have our homepage is done the about Us page is done and you guys can easily start a web design business like my other viewers have and just do this you know and charge someone a few grand and I mean you got them a fully functional website now now that I've shown you guys how to do the home the about us and everything like that you click on your shop page and you'll notice that we have nothing there also for the account right here we have this really cool little dashboard so also when people you know they when people buy something on your website they're all created a dashboard automatically so here they can see their orders their account details all this information so this right here is from the customer point of view and they can always go ahead and change their address etc so that's always really cool to know and then right here again is our shop and our cart so you guys can kind of get an idea now we have nothing in our cart cuz we have no products so now that we have a fully functional website where everything is working all we need now is to add the products and then we need to integrate the payment gateways so let's go ahead and move on to that section so now let's go ahead and download the alley dropship plugin now this is the plugin that you're gonna have to purchase in this video and after you purchased this you'll be able to auto import all the products over here from Aliexpress and put them on to your website while this costs one penny like what is that it's always interesting to see like what kind of niches there is I mean I'm in the water bottle niche so you can see you can get water bottles really cheap but then again you know there's a niche for everything so you can go to Darrell Wilson com - Aliexpress Aliexpress and you can go ahead and download the ally dropship plug-in there is also a link in the description as well to download the ally dropship plugin so this is the plugin that you will need to use in order to import products from Aliexpress so right here you click on buy plugin now this is the plugin right here now I do have a discount code for you guys and remember this is a one-time payment and you can also get your money back they offer a 30 day money back guarantee so right here you click on Buy Now for 89 bucks and then you can go ahead and enter the coupon code darrel 10 so I believe right here you guys use Darryl 10 you guys will receive a discount as well so right here appliance and there you go you guys saved eight dollars in ninety cents you're welcome you're welcome alright so once you actually go ahead and download that plug-in you'll see that there is two plugins there is one for Ally dropship there there's one for I'm sorry there's one for Ally dropship and then there's ally dropship with WooCommerce and the WooCommerce is the one that you're going to need so make sure you download the right one there's two so you'll see that there's two available for you now once you actually get the plug-in you'll go back over here to your website and go into your dashboard now I want to talk quickly about plugins before we go on to the ally dropship plug-in so right here just go to plugins and just click on install plugins now these are the plugins that we installed on our website so let me just give you a quick overview so this is a contact form Facebook for WooCommerce this right here is a social login but I'm not going to talk about social login because we need to create an app for that and I'm not going to do that in this video I do have other videos talking about that this right here is a caching in this right here sells online this right here shows our reports so for example right here if we go to WooCommerce and we go to reports anytime that you sell something this is where you're gonna get more information on stuff all like you'll see your your gross sales and then over here you have orders as well and then over here you have coupons etc I do have another video on WooCommerce with coupons and I'll go ahead and link that in the description below but just plugins are basically two applications for your websites and another really popular one is called Yoast now I do have another tutorial on Yoast now this is a free plugin and my tutorials free there's nothing paid in it but I highly recommend watching the Yoast video because once you get your site up and running you want to optimize it for Google and I'll show you how to you know verify it with Google Yahoo and Bing I'll show you how to install google webmaster tools and set your meta tags make sure that your sites fully optimized and ready to go and again you don't need any coding experience but I highly recommend to get Yoast and I have a full video for that as well I'll leave that in the description below I feel that most people find it really helpful another really popular one is called the rank math so if you don't want to use Yoast you guys can also use rank math SEO and that's also a very powerful plugin in fact that has more features than Yoast but it's relatively new so that's up to you if you want to use new plugins but again I have another video on this as well in the description below SEO is very important so you might want to download one of those plugins and then fiddle around with it and get your site fully optimized and ready to go anyways so you'll go ahead and just you know mess around some of these plugins again there's a plugin for everything you can just go to popular and just take a quick look at these just in case you don't know this right here protect spam some so it protects you from you know viagra pills and all that stuff and really simple as I said look that's what we installed you know congratulations really cool this right here is another contact form so if the contact form you're working doesn't work out you guys can use WP forms this right here is another SEO plugin this right here will backup your website this right here you know Google sitemap but I would never use that just use Yoast another caching plug-in ACF that's something else but you guys get the idea this is actually really cool - this actually compresses all your images and make sure that your images are very small so your site loads faster it's a really good one but anyways I'll go back up here to upload plug-in choose the file and then go ahead and upload the plug-in that you downloaded from Ali dropship so she looks something like this right here so right here I'll the dropship alright or Ali's woo I on 72 type open and click on install now so right now it's uploading the Ali dropship plug-in onto our WordPress website alright cool so right here activate plug-in alright so I installed the plug-in now right here you see we have this little alert saying that we downloaded the plug-in for a different PHP version etc now if this ever happens to you you can go back to your WordPress I'm sorry your psych round dashboard right here and there's an option that you'll need to change so we have all these options right here on the left side and you're gonna go down to your devs and go to PHP manager now I know that's a little scary but PHP versions come out all the time so your company might just upgrade you automatically so right now I have seven point one point three to reinstall and in saying that they need at least seven point two to be installed so right here under change PHP version I'm gonna go ahead and change this to seven point two I wouldn't do the highest one because they're supposed to be faster but sometimes themes aren't compatible yet with the newest PSP version or maybe even plugins aren't so I wouldn't just rush it to the fourth where the fastest one so let's go back our website right now and let's go ahead and refresh the page all right cool so you can see the notice is done and now we have this new really cool ally dropship whoo right here so this is now what we can use to import products so right here I'll click on this and then we have reports and these are basically just you know information that you can put you'll probably need to also put your license key right here before you can start using it okay so once you want to turn your license key you can actually access different parts of the plug-in so right here we have settings now we have general pricing currency etc so before you start importing products you can actually change things like the featured image gallery images you can select what you don't want imported now you can also do this with the add-on as well but here again we just have different options now this is a really cool feature now this is called the Aliexpress cashback now in short what you can do here is you can go ahead and register for these websites which I'm sorry it's this one right here the EP and Aliexpress this one I think is no longer valid but these companies are affiliated with Aliexpress essentially what this does is it allows you to be an affiliate for the company so for example right here I'll just click on learn more about the service and the Cisco ID and give you an example so they have different partners like eBay Alibaba etc right here click on Aliexpress and learn more so this is how it works so for example you can also be in a Fiat for the company because you are selling on your website right and you can also be an affiliate for that same company so officially you're recommending the service so how the Express will say look man will also give you a commission rate if you can purchase or if you can sell the product on top of whatever you already sell it for so for example right here let's say you're selling mobile phone accessories you would have to register with this website and then you would go ahead and insert your feel it link right there and then once you insert your link they gave you you can then go ahead and take that same link and then make Commission's off of it so you can see here how men's clothing will give you 7% woman's clothing 7% hot sale goods up to 70% so these right here are the commission rates for the actual products and you know it's just a basic you know it's just a basic thing you register you have to go to the process it takes literally like five minutes to do and then you'll get an affiliate link so remember if you want to grab your affiliate link and you want to put it right here so whenever someone purchases something you'll get cash act as well from aliexpress I'll talk about another way on how to get cash back in just a little bit but let's not go off topic here but yeah so that's just a way on how you can get cash back on top of the profit that you're already making now remember they only give you the cash back on the price of the product from Aliexpress okay so not the product a Hugh put alright so you can't mark your product up to 100 dollars and expect them to give you 12 percent cash back on it they're not gonna do that you know they're like what are you stupid but anyway so here we also have pricing now this is a really cool form that I recommend so right here you can see I'm already out of the recommending now I'm gonna go ahead and delete all these really quickly I've also switched domains hope you guys don't mind it doesn't really matter cuz it's the same content but I didn't wanted to download the plug-in twice so right here we have ad recommended now what this is going to do is that when you import a product so let's say you import a product from Aliexpress this is just going to open this really quick how the Express so let's say for instance you want to import something like I don't know that's - what sigh you know guys when you're opening your store try to gear towards women women are more likely to buy stuff than men and that's just the cold nature of the truth you know here I'll just put dresses I'll put dresses here we go so we have let's see what's let's go and take a look here let's just say for instance we have these are kind of expensive oh this one's good right here this one's a good one so we have this dress right here right we have this stress with this girl and there's different variations of it and that's a really nice looking dress you know to be honest it's it's really classy and they're selling it for virtually around three to six dollars and this thing can easily sell for like hundred dollars in the states but what you would want to do over here is this product right here you can probably make a deal with the vendor to say you know it's I'll buy it for five bucks so over here so anything that cost between five to thirty dollars is going to be multiplied by two so essentially when you import this product it's going to multiply by two now you can always go ahead and change all these settings right here so you're gonna say no no no if something between five to thirty i want to either add equal to or multiply it by three so I'm gonna get little greedy here so if I import this product right here then I want to basically say I want to have a value of three I want to multiply it by three times etc so now these other ones right here so in short I'm gonna say if a product cost between $2 to $5 I want the product price to be 995 that's basically what this rule saying right here you can always change it to say I want to do you know multiply it or you want to add or equal to so for example I want the product to be $14.99 so if I import a product between two to five dollars I want that product to be automatically priced at to $14.99 right so here I'll click on Save Changes and you can kind of go on go and do it so forth etc you can also do like x 3 and x 4 etc and kind of fiddle around with this to see what's good for you all right so I'm gonna go ahead and delete that one because I don't want to have that that what's actually conflicting with my other ones and then right here you can have price rounding as well if you want to have price rounding but I'm not gonna do that but I just want to introduce you all to this formula section it's pretty easy to understand but I just want you to understand this before you start you know importing a bunch of product you're like hey girl what the hell's going on you know but so now that we've done that so let's go back over here to general and you guys got a general understanding of all this stuff right here now let's go ahead and finally import products I think you're ready for this so right here click on imports i'ma close this little annoying annoying notice right here now you will also need to make sure that you have the plug-in right here installed it is the ally dropship Google Chrome extension in fact right here there should be a little warning sign saying you cannot use this unless you have the actual extension so I think the right extension you can see right here is let me see if they let's see if they put it up here I'll go ahead and just google it I'll just I'll make sure I'll give you guys the right link just just in case it's this one right here I believe yeah this is the right one right here so it has this really weird permalink but this is the correct one so this has 58,000 users and I'll go ahead and link this in the description below because I just want to make sure that you don't insert the wrong extension because that would be weird but then again the the correct extension they'll be a notice right here and just go ahead and run through the prompt and then add it to your extension and then there you go so right here click on direct import from Aliexpress so I think now we're ready to start importing products now before we import anything on the top right right here on your extension you will need to make sure that you can go ahead and login to your domain also you'd want to put your domain in there as well but right here I have my information I'm gonna click on login and we want to go ahead and make sure that we allow this plug-in to be integrated with our website so right now you can see the Allied dropship is integrated with our WordPress websites and click on refresh and now you are ready to go so now we are officially ready to go now before we import products if you want to create categories before you do this we can do that so right here under products we have categories so let's go ahead and just create some categories so I created one bottles already but I'm just gonna go ahead and start from scratch so what I mean by categories is like dresses men's women right so here I'll put mins and then add this is a new category and they'll put women this for category and then we'll put sus sports or something like that I that to a category and then here can I delete this one see if I can delete this one might be fun I think I can it's like a default one I think they give us anyways what do you measure on that later alright let's go back to the fun stuff here so we'll go back over here and let's just go ahead and take a look at these products now when you're going to these products you want to make sure that the manufacturer can ship them on time and you also want to make sure that um they have good ratings so here I'll just type in water bottles Arbaaz outdoor sports I don't know you can go ahead and pick your niche I think so long time guys to find an inch you know it really really does so right here you want to make sure everything has a packet on it and the reason you want a packet is because e packet will basically be the fastest way possible for them to ship it at the cheapest rate as well so right here on the top right here click on the gear icon and you want to make sure you have hide with a packets and then you want to do remove images and remove text because when you import these products guys it's kind of take everything with it and it's going to be a lot of stuff so make sure you have those three options on also right here we have the country so what country do they ship to you'll go ahead and put the country that you want them to ship it to so it's basically a big filter so these manufacturers are going to ship to United States and we want to remove all this other junk and then here we have other ones like if you want to ship to China if you want free shipping etc but again I would highly recommend eep Achatz a packet again is the fastest way and the cheapest way to get to your country or whatever country you have on there so now you have the fun part guys just go ahead and check out some products here and do your do your shopping I mean this product right here is really nice selling for you know 4 bucks I mean kind of go through these and check them out so I'm gonna add this one right here you know I don't know I'm just gonna add it you know let's get crazy here let's click on that's and that's it so now this product is being automatically transferred and it's gonna show up right here under my products so right here all products and now you can see the product is right there so it's already been sent to my websites which is really cool in fact look at the price the price has automatically already been updated for me now there are some things that I need to do but let's just go ahead and let's just go ahead and put in some more products right here so I'll grab that one I'll grab this one now guys I'm just randomly grabbing products don't copy me I mean you can copy me if you want but I'm just giving you an example I'll just take the this is way too expensive geez what is that a crystal bottle infuse these products are so interesting you know they really are this one right here super cheap 70 cents I'll live that one in there and then we'll add in this one right here and then yeah so also what you can do here is over here under categories you can just import the entire page if you want to do that so that's another one how you can kind of just add bulk you know but I would never recommend bulk and I'll explain why so let's go back over here and refresh the page so we have our products right here right and we have around four products now here we have uncatted Erised now let's edit this product really quick so I'm gonna click on edit right here and we're just gonna simply edit this now this title is way too big I'm gonna put something like the Avenger I like that title it's it's it's snappy it's cool it's it's clean right here we have product images now if you don't want other product images you can just delete them which I wants you so I only have this this this and this available and then we have no description right here we also have no pictures and that's just because on our filter right here we took off remove text because a lot of the times they give us a bunch of information that we don't want our customers to see you know but I'm just gonna go ahead and grab them some dummy text right here I'll just grab in some dummy text now right here on the bottom this is where you're gonna enter in the text that you want to like you know attract people so I'll do something like actually let me give you a better example here so all this happen like the number one best-selling product and I don't know let's pick a country Belgium right Belgium and then here you'll do something like a hundred percent steel you know just talk about something that you want to talk about like amazing girls love it I don't know I don't know whatever and then once you're done with that you can always go ahead and go back over here to variations and I believe right here you can change the price so you can always change the price right here but we also do have our formulas set up so you know if you want to change prices there you can change them there etc and then right here we can add on to certain categories so here a lot of them to men's and then that's it so is that useful Avenger am I really that illiterate there we go and then right here I click on publish all right so let's go back to our websites visit sites and I'll go to shop it looks like right here let me go and refresh that sometimes weird stuff happens guys of all the WordPress yeah there we go that's all finished so all the products that I imported are right here in my shop page so you can see here how I have and categories all these products and then we have this product right here so if I click on it you'll see it says the Avenger we have the price and then we have all this stuff set up now this price is probably set up this way because we didn't set a correct formula for its but you can see right here how or going back to the websites that is charging a lot more so you'll have to go back and adjust your formula to make sure that it's the price you want you can also set up the rounding feature remember earlier how we saw the rounding feature because 17.8 e2 doesn't make much sense so over here in the the Allied dropship under the settings right here I believe they have a roundup function so let me see here pricing yeah they do they have the rounding up right here so you might want to do rounding up that would make a lot more sense because then you're gonna get those ugly you're gonna get those ugly like weird amounts and that doesn't look good so you can always change the price though manually to whatever you want so right here we have the color really cool capacity people can add it to the carts right they added to the carts you can add you know five more to the cart and then again people can always go ahead and check out as well and then buy it right away everything is done on your website really really cool again they can do the same thing right here they can check out this products see this right here is why you don't want to bulk import everything so right here you can see how its shipping from you know you don't need this information right here so when you import these products guys make sure you edit the product and make sure that this stuff is not shown to the customer so just be mindful you know don't just I'm gonna import everything you know because then you get stuff like this and it doesn't make much sense because you know people don't care you know that it's that all this stuff comes from you know they did they don't care right so there's just an example of what you want to do so really quickly though what I want to talk about is I want to talk about the header really quickly to have a really fast checkout process so right here click on customize and right here under header we have presets and I want to make sure that we have something for the cards right here like this right here so just choose the first one go to publish and close and now when I go to shop right here it's gonna show the price first off but if someone wants to add this to the cart right here added to the carts now you can see this pops up in front of them and they can just click on checkout and buy the product right away instead of having to go to my account and check out and that can take a long time right so that's just a quick rundown of how you can kind of import products now let's talk about the actual categories so we talked about categories and why did I do that well I'm going over here to all products and I'm gonna delete these ones I don't want to add these ones right here so here I'm gonna delete these products all right and let's just go ahead and go back over here and I'm just gonna add one right now just one and then over here I'll refresh done all right so right here I'll go to edit and I'll change this to sports and then right here I'll just do like plastic lifesaver and then right here we have description and then right here you can put in more product description just like we did before I don't want to have all this stuff right here and then I'll leave it like that and then I'll put up a publish okay so let's go back to visit site and let's go ahead and go back to the first page like it's really annoying it's a notice only for us so it doesn't really your customers won't see that so go back over here and now we have these two products right here so what I want to do now is I want to go ahead and go to edit with UX builder now I'm gonna show you all how you can act we display your products anywhere on your website in case you don't want them to be seen to be seen on the home of the shop page so right here we have products now what I can do here is first off I'm gonna delete this right start from scratch so over here you have the gear icon no no my bad the plus sign the plus sign the plus sign we're gonna scroll down and we have products we also have flipbook there's various ways on how you can design your product so right here we have product list and you can list your products like this and then you can go ahead and design them now this is a bad example you probably want to put like something in the middle or you might want to change the dissolve this but I'm gonna go ahead and delete this really quick and we're gonna go and click on plus and go over here to products products alright and click on apply now we're here we have different styles so we have normal style we have overlay really cool vertical label and you know you guys can kind of go through this and mess around with it etc and kind of have fun and you know just fit something that works good for you guys I'm not really sure what you're going for with your store but so this is the one how you guys can kind of design it etc so we'll refine the left option we have other we have other things you know other stuff now right here we have category so remember how we add men's and sports so right now it's under Uncategorized esplen say for instance I only want to display the sports category so right now any product that we put in the sports category is going to be displayed right here so this is where you want to add categories because maybe on your homepage right here you want to have only the water bottles and then they can go to your shop pages see other products but this is how you can do something like you know over here for example I'll just give you a quick little you guys some some quick little education here so over here I'll put like hot-hot selling products and then okay and then for example this is where you'd want to put your products so I'm just kind of giving you an example of how you can kind of design your site and kind of add things to it that just make it look more appealing you know now the reason why I recommend you only having a few products on your website is this right here so I'm gonna close this now I'm gonna share some really good tips with you and information so let's go over here let's go to let's go to now let's go on over here it's two iPhones right now when you see this iPhone you know how do you feel you feel elegant you feel like this is just something amazing this is beautiful this is like Wow look at this product you know I have to buy it you know and right here they're upselling you which one is right for you so they're already selling you if they're telling you that you're already gonna buy this phone you're already gonna buy it which one do you want now so they're putting you in a position where you're kind of like okay okay this is for me okay I have to make a choice now you know and in reality it's all sales and marketing now let's go to the Amazon really quick and type in iPhones now you go through this right here you know what what do you see right here how do you feel right here you just feel like I just see a list of garbage right it's just a bunch of crap it's like all right yeah phone phone phone with all these iPhones annoying but when you go to this page right here you just feel so much more elegant you feel so much more comfortable about buying something right so when you make your drop shipping store try to only have like one to three products don't just start mass importing products I know that sounds very tempting and a good idea but you want to make sure that you keep switching your products up that you want to make sure that these products come off as elegant and something that when people see this they're just like oh my god like that's a really good deal you know now also right here we have our button and right here we have our shop page now anytime you want to link your button to any part of your page to another button right here just go ahead and copy this right here copy this go to the home page and then right here edit video X builder click on the button right here and then right here we'll have the link somewhere so right here it says link just go ahead and paste the link right there so that's how you can kind of navigate people on your website so when I click on this button it's going to take people to my shop page so that's just about how you can kind of navigate people on your website so maybe you can have a really beautiful landing page and then say you want to check it out our products go to our product page etc but try to try to have around maybe one to three products don't go too crazy and try not to like you know just mass import products because again it's gonna backfire on you and your customers are gonna get confused just like right here you know if I go to Aliexpress right here and I try to buy something look at all these options I mean I'm so overwhelmed you don't want this to happen to your customers you just want to say guys shut up and buy it you know so that's just an example of how to sell on your website just be mindful don't go too crazy now all right here in our shop page we have this sidebar now right here it's cook on customize we're gonna go ahead and show you how to decorate your sidebar right here so right now we have the we have let's see here it is under what commerce and under the product catalog and I believe it is right here so you can kind of move the sidebar right here to the right sidebar and then you can kind of change the style of something you can you know you can you can style the store how you want it to look and you know through trial and error you can design it how you want you can change the header of its like that etc so this is how you would basically change your your shop page right here and it'll just you know just just go through it and see what's good for you right here I have two card options really cool etc publish now also right here we have widgets on the right side so what widgets are essentially is they're just basically little features that you can have on your sidebar so let's go back over here and really quickly just go to our product page so I'm gonna click on a product Lee quick before we go to that section and here we have our product page now we're here in a product page you can again style this you can style this any which way you want so if you want to have like a really elegant look maybe you can have the product in the middle like this and then product header or something like that transparent header it'll make the header or transparence so you can gotta go through these options and kind of understand what you want to do and kind of see what works for you it's very self-explanatory but I'm not gonna go through every option guys because there's so many features so yeah that's that so right here publish now let's go ahead and go back over here to widgets and right here we have the shop sidebar so right here I have carts and I have filter product by price but let me just go ahead and delete these and start from scratch so right here I'll go to my shop page and here we have nothing so right here I want to add a widgets so I added a filter by price right so filter products by price so now users can filter by price on your websites here I'll add another widgets and then here I can do something like the products will just display products so we have products right there here we can add another widget and so on and so forth so this right here is about how you can design your sidebar and everything else so I just want to get you all comfortable with that maybe here you can put in something like your you can even add in your product categories as well but this right here is for posts so I think they have product categories let's see here product categories there it is product categories so right here we have men's sports and I think right here we can get rid of oh we can I have the category so that's really helpful actually so right here I'll click on publish so now that you know how to design your shop page and your product page and you can also do this with the checkouts so for WooCommerce you can go to checkout as well and you can have more of like a simple checkout process or just a lead conversion focused I like this one better I do I think this one's a lot better to use now that you guys know how to do all that let me go ahead and talk about the actual logo so over here under presets you can go to logo this is where you can actually upload a logo now if you don't have a logo which most of you probably don't I recommend going to fiber so go to Darrell Wilson calm - fiber now you can get a logo made for you right here for just $5 it's really really really cheap and really really really convenient and I actually have a discount code available for you as well oh that's taking a long time to load that website up that's weird you're typing logo right here and what you can do is also do the budget so I want to do some zero to ten dollars and then here you can get a really nice quality logo on this website in fact I got my logo on here so just go through these right here and you get a really cool logo for just five dollars now there's other sites that offer free logos but dear God you don't want those logos they look terrible and it's just some machine making it for you can't even copyright it like its patented it's ridiculous you know so go ahead and check out these logos find someone I believe the Cote Darryl ten or Darryl twenty I'll put on the description will save you like ten or twenty percent off your first order if you want to go ahead and purchase a logo from fiber comm so come back over here and let's click on this so guys I've basically showed you all how to create your websites I've showed you all how to import products I've showed you how to price them I've showed you how to use the sidebars I've showed you how to use the theme customizer --zz so now that I've shown you guys all of that let's go ahead now and talk about the more important stuff like the payment gateways all right guys so in this video we're gonna connect the payment merchant services such as stripe and also PayPal now these are the two most popular merchant services for WordPress so stripe is actually the number one most recommended and PayPal is again a popular one now since we have the SSL right here we can now use stripe because stripe requires the SSL so in short it educate you all what the padlock really means on websites is that this will encrypt personal information so if someone's using a credit card it will store that sensitive data on to other servers not yours so you will never see that information so that's basically what that means but first off let's go ahead and first integrate paypal onto our website so first over here I'll go to my dashboard right here we'll go to WooCommerce and we'll go to settings now what you're gonna have to do really quickly he's gonna have to go to right here and sign up so go ahead and go to paypal and go to sign up now there's two accounts that you can use there's a personal and there's a business account most of you just getting started can use the the personal that's just fine so what you're going to do here is you're gonna go ahead and fill out all this information and you're gonna go through the verification process it takes like 10 minutes to get your PayPal account started once you do that where it says your email you're gonna go ahead and take that same email that you used to create an account with and you're gonna go over here to payments really quickly make sure PayPal right here is enabled and click on manage and right here you're gonna put in the same email address that you use to sign up with PayPal over here now when someone checks out on your website with PayPal it's gonna go directly into your PayPal accounts so that's basically how all that works so going back over here you'll go ahead and say yeah you know pay with PayPal pay via PayPal so a lot of people have PayPal you put in your PayPal information and then right here we'll just go ahead and say all right this is fine everything's good I don't want to put in my API credentials so I'm not gonna put the nothing in there and then click on Save Changes the API credentials you only need if you want to go ahead and send the refunds through PayPal but they have documentation on how to do that but in this video I'm not gonna cover PayPal API credentials just because it's it would take me a while and I just don't want to there's a lot of documentation for it's so basically right now we have enabled PayPal so let's go over here to payments really quickly and I don't like the other PayPal the other ones really annoying so yeah just just PayPal if there's another PayPal thing it's like PayPal standard or PayPal Express don't use that just use PayPal here I'm gonna take up take off cash on delivery and then go to Save Changes so let's go ahead now and check this out really quick now we might need to do something with shipping really quickly let's just see what what they tell us here so I'm gonna go to my car right here view the carts and it looks like my shipping still being applied so I have a flat rates here people can go ahead and purchase it in etc and then once they do that they'll proceed to PayPal so even the button even changes but let's go ahead now and set it up for stripe so we know PayPal is working so basically once they go to the checkout process they'll be redirected back to your website and then they'll have their account now their account page and everything that's all automated so that will propagate automatically for all of them so you'll never have to create pages for them which is really convenient so let's go ahead now and integrate stripe so over here under dashboard I'll go over here to WooCommerce and go to settings now the reason why stripe is so recommended over PayPal is because with stripe people can enter credit card information on your website and not have to leave or be redirected from you know your website which is annoying right so stripe covers that so here we'll go to payments and right here we'll go to manage now right here we have stripe enabled and then title I'll just do credit card now right here we have test publishable key and test secret key so we need to go ahead and we need to create a stripe account so over here you'll go click on sign in and also sign up now I already have an account with stripe so right here just go to sign up and just go to the signup process it's it's free it doesn't cost you anything just go through the steps checking your email and everything and just go to that process it's a it's a very fast convenient process so let me go ahead and go to my dashboard really quick right here I'll go ahead and sign into this accounts alright cool so here we have our my account right here and you can see here how it gives you reports of sales and it tells you everything that's going on etc so once you're here you'll have to activate your account so you'll go to the process of activating your accounts now also you will need to go ahead and put in your bank account information so they will not allow you to accept payments and everything until you put a bank account because they need somewhere to transfer the money so that's why you need to have a bank account because I mean how else would you send the money to right so go to the process of the bank account the activating account etc now the great part about stripe is that they can automate the payments to your bank so in the settings over there they have the the payment scheduling and they can just automatically schedule payments to your bank so you can have them sent every day every week etc so you'll never have to keep logging in to stripe and having to withdraw the money out it's all automated it'll just go directly to your bank account automatically now they do charge a 3% fee which is standard I mean I think every company out there charges 3% so if you make $100 so they're gonna take 3 bucks so just keep that in mind when you're dropshipping so the information that we need though is this right here under developers so right here we have API keys now here we have the publishable key and we have the secret key so go over here and go ahead and paste in the text publishable key to secret key I'm gonna take this and copy it and I'm gonna put it right here and don't put my information guys because if you put my information I'm gonna go to me so make sure you don't do that all right and I think that's it so we have the publishable key and then we have the secret key a tests whoop web hook oh that's interesting so let's go ahead now and save changes and that's it your website is now connected with stripe so whenever someone buy something on your website it'll automatically go to stripe and then it'll automatically go to your bank account it's that easy now let's go ahead and test it out which is to make sure everything's working so let's go ahead and go shopping here I want to buy this I'm gonna buy the Avenger and then I'll go ahead and click on this one and this one add to the carts view the card to checkout and they can go ahead and purchase this now what I can do now is I can purchase this on a test account so right now we're in test mode so over here you can see this is test data but you can use this to see if this is working or not if it's not working it'll tell you so I'm going to go ahead and fill this information here really quickly so here we go see I don't know Avalon it's a couple I can Hollywood I don't know Hollywood state country I'll just do Bangkok right now I'm in Bangkok guys so that's why always says Bangkok and then here there we go and then we're all done so right here you can see the customers being charged and then we have shipping as well so right here let's go ahead enter in our secret information here we go one two three years ago people actually writes me in the comments like hey dear oh man you left your credit card information out there bro and I like guys it's not real so you guys can take this credit card no problem you know no problem so right here we have place order so click on place order and this is the same exact way your customers are going to check out so they got your products and they enter their information in press order place order and done so now you can see the order has been received now you will receive an email and also your customers will get a purchase receipt so everybody gets an email so that's how you're gonna be notified when you make a sale and it's a really cool feeling when you make your first sale or like oh my god I can do this now you know it's it brings a loaf of confidence so let's just see if this is working now so let's go back over here and go to home now we can see right there oh this says 150 2.56 so we know this is working and we can see 150 256 150 256 and this will add nothing go into my bank account so everything's automated now what you need to do to activate the real data is right here under developers you'll need to activate your account to access live data so once you actually go ahead and you make your account and everything you just click on this thing right here you click and click on this little thing right here you go back to developers and then instead of test data it's gonna say real data and that's all you need to do just take the API keys and remember it right here just activate your account and then do the same exact thing just copy and paste it and you are done so that is basically it guys making payments it was very very simple now a lot of other companies charge like you know a huge amount of money and stripe you're only paying 3% and this is the best way to do it because with Shopify you got a paid Shopify and you also have to pay the merchants as well so you're paying double with Shopify so it it really really sucks now let's talk about the WooCommerce settings and then we're gonna talk about what happens when you make your sale so when you make a sale guys there's some things you need to do before you actually keep going but going back over here to WooCommerce and going to settings now you can kind of get an understanding of these settings just by going over to shipping and saying okay shipping the flat rate for United States is what's just click on edits right here and it again charge you know ten dollars whatever now I have a full tutorial on WooCommerce in another video so if you want me to go through every single option on all of these right here I have another video for that so you guys can go ahead and check that out but for most of you you're just gonna really just do shipping and you're not really going to charge tax because I don't think you can charge tax from people from other countries I'm not a hundred percent and I can't really give you guys legal advice on taxes so I'm very sorry about that but I'm sorry guys I'm just not a I'm actually not a tax attorney I actually went to law school and I am you know I worked in child Court I worked in chop practices but I can't give legal advice because my you know probably my what's it called my um my test is my license is expired so I'm not in United States no more but yeah anyways yeah I do have a legal history actually it's very interesting no but I've shown you guys all how to do that as far as the the settings so you can change your taxes there and your city I'm sorry your shipping so that's basically a nutshell of the WooCommerce settings it's very simple very easy to do now let's talk about once you actually make a sale so you made a sale rights so when you make a sale you're gonna have to go to Aliexpress and let me go ahead and sign into my accounts so I talked to you guys about how you can get cash back from Aliexpress sohow Express will give you cash back for everything time you refer a customer to Aliexpress now did you know that when you are purchasing the products you can also get cash back from the credit card that you're using as well so for example I use chase and chases my bank now if you're watching from another country outside of the United States Chase is not available but Chase is one of the best banks United States because when you actually get the credit cards you get cash back plus their credit cards don't have foreign transaction fees so what that means that I can take this car to Asia to Europe to the Middle East and I can use it there I don't have to pay any fees for it as well now I use the Chase Sapphire and I also use the Chase Freedom Card as well now right here if you guys want to go ahead and apply for the Chase card there is a link below to apply for it and if you guys use my link you guys also get a bigger reward for using like a referrer for any kind of thing so for the taste freedom card it has a 5% cash back rotating depending on I think they like rotate it every every give you like 5% cash back in different categories but generally you'll always get 1% cash back but personally if you're gonna ask me I would go with the Chase Sapphire because with the Chase Sapphire you get points for rewards you get points for all sorts of stuff and I find that I personally use the Chase Sapphire in fact I booked my flight to Thailand using the points from Jay sapphires so you do get a lot of stuff with the Chase Sapphire card now if you can't afford if you have no money and you can't afford to do this or with drop shipping or whatever don't do it so what I'm saying to you is if you have a thousand dollars to your name and you want to start maxing out credit cards don't do that so only if you're comfortable then I would recommend using a credit card but if you don't have a lot of money and you don't have anything getting started out that's fine but to later down the road I would highly recommend to use a credit card for your purchases because you're just losing out on free rewards and free cashback by using like a debit card so that's just an example of why you would want to use a credit card that offers rewards but again guys if you can't afford it or if you're broke or if you think that you just aren't in the right place to use a credit card or you're not making a lot of money I recommend not to do it because I would never want to put you guys in debts but I'm just giving you a realistic point of view saying if you're buying stuff you might want to use a credit card that gives you a rewards back on it so this is the second way on how to get rewards back from your purchases so you do also get it from Aliexpress you make a profit on your product and then you can also get the rewards back from the credit cards that you use to purchase the products when you dropship so there's just a very of thinking outside of the box kind of thing so yeah be sure to check those credit cards out they are in the description below if you want to go ahead and apply for them alright so I'm now logged in now what you do here is when you make an order so let's say somebody buys something on your website right you then go to Aliexpress and then you purchase that same product and then you tell the manufacturer to ship its etc now when you actually when you actually here I'll go ahead and just ask them to the cart I don't think it'll show up in my account though yeah i watch with my account so when you actually sell something on Aliexpress you need to leave them an order you leave to neetha you need to leave them a note you need to tell them not to include the packaging because this is a drop shipping order so let me repeat that again when you actually go through the process and you purchase something you need to tell them that this is a drop shipping order do not include the original details do not include anything about the company whatsoever the company will then say ok we got it and they will not do that so it's very very important to do that because if you don't tell the if you don't tell the manufacturers that what they're gonna do is they're gonna ship all their store information and they're gonna ship all of the real price that comes from Aliexpress and you don't want that to happen so I just really want to make sure that let me repeat this one more time because I don't want you guys to make a sale and then come back to me and say dude my customers were pissed you know like it's all your fault again just when you make the order you'll see it over here and your orders and then just tell them guys hey guys this is a drop shipping order do not include any of the purchase receipt do you not include any of that stuff all handle it with my on my end and it'll these guys are more than happy to you these guys these guys don't care where it's coming from they just want to make money so they don't care at all who sells it they don't care about anything they just want to make money so just tell them hey guys drop shipping don't include the original purchase receipt don't include anything up out there and then once you actually become a close vendor with these guys which you can do is tell them hey man can you put my information on there and they'll say yeah sure whatever we don't we don't care and it's all about making relationships with these companies because after a while you'll order from the same merchants and then they might email you saying hey man you know do you want to you know do you want to get a lower price and then from there you would make a deal with these vendors so you are going into the world of business guys so I can't really educate you but try to get these guys to go lower it took me a few times eventually they went lower so that's just my personal opinion all right so I've shown you all how to make the websites I've shown you how to import products and accept payments and import products from Aliexpress everything you need to know about the website end so now let's talk about the marketing now I actually have very suit Orioles and I'll recommend these in order so I first recommend doing the yoga toriel so this right here is gonna optimize your website right here for the search engines you can see here how I showed you all how to here let's go back there really quick how to optimize your website for the search engines and how to get found in the results so first make sure that you have on page done make sure that your site's ready to go and again just watch this video do what I do and your site will be fully optimized for major search engines after you do that you'll need to go ahead and reach out to do more content marketing and you'll need to do more just SEO work so what I recommend second is to do SEO work like building backlinks so you will need to hire a company and I do have a video it is a little old I will admit that but I'm in 2020 right now but this video is still very relevant even though it's two and a half years old it's still very relevant because everything I talk about in the video I still use today so just go to this video you know first hire an SEO company hire an SEO company from India where you can go ahead and build backlinks cuz building backlinks could take a long long time my website has tons of traffic now because of backlinks they're crucial to SEO I'll watch this video you know get some tips and pointers on you know how to get bigger like Facebook forums you can use [Music] influencers the Google Display which is very very useful and there's a lot of different ways on how you can do that so first watch this video before you start spending money I don't want you to spend it's very easy to spend money and I don't want you to do that because it's that's not the right way to go but check out this right here and then once you've done with that and you want to go ahead and say all right you know I have done that what should I do next another good idea is going to influencers so going to people out there who are already in the industry that you can use to promote your products now these people don't just choose anybody so you have to really find a really good influence that works for you and you have to be a good quality you have to have a good product etc and it's for very snitches so let's say for instance you are doing something like nails or something or your I don't know I'll just grab one here I don't know maybe they'll sit they'll give me one I have an account for these guys but yeah so here they have a you know just a an influencer in the UK that talks about sports and stuff so you can go to his Instagram you can see all about him etc so this is just a way on how you can get people to talk about your product once you're done doing like all of this right here so once you're done with Facebook and forums and content marketing and all that stuff you can do that and lastly what you can do is Facebook Ads now I do have a video on Facebook ads and I will be making a second one the problem with it though is that my facebook ad manager got disabled and I can't reach out to Google very disappointing oh I I don't know why what my facebook ads page got disabled and they won't re-enable it and I don't know why and I can't reach to anyone out there so I might have to make a whole new Facebook page for that but that's just another video that you can watch so try out these methods to get traffic to your drop shipping store again the most important is blogging blogging and then on page and backlinks and then you can do paid which is you know influencers and Facebook etc so again I hope this video was helpful guys it's it's a it's a journey so I'm not gonna tell you all that it's just gonna be easy from here I'm not gonna tell you that it's a piece of cake it took me quite a bit of time I did drop shipping for maybe six months I made a few grand and then after that I just quit I was like this is a lot of work and I moved over to YouTube but there's money there it's it's the there's money to be made it's not like a dead market or nothing like that so again guys I hope this tutorial is really helpful let me know the questions if you have any problems going forward and I will see you guys all in the next tutorial
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 141,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliexpress dropshipping, drop shipping, dropshipping from aliexpress, how to make a dropshipping website, wordpress dropshipping store, theme, plugin, wordpress, woocommerce dropshipping, woocommerce dropshipping plugin, woocommerce drop shipping aliexpress, aliexpress dropshipping wordpress, alidropship, alidropship plugin tutorial, aliexpress, woocommerce, darrel wilson, dropshipping 2020
Id: lUzsbwYJlo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 8sec (6008 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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