RAIDING ON TWITCH: networking tips + streamer etiquette!

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toasty's actually being a little crazy right now so if you see her acting a complete fool in the background hey everybody welcome back to my channel i'm hey shady lady and today we are talking about rating on twitch what is a raid how to raid reasons you should be raiding how to pick a good raid target preparing your chat to go on the raid with you how to act while rating how to increase your chances of being rated and what you should do as the streamer who is receiving a raid [Music] just a quick 10 second promo for myself but i did just upload a new video to my vlog channel uh that's a day in the life of a streamer i didn't upload it to this channel because it didn't feel super twitch tutorially but i feel like some of you could benefit or might be interested in that video so the link will be in the description box below okay so we're gonna start with the basic basics of what is a raid raiding is a tool available on twitch that when you're ending your stream you can take your live viewers and send them to another person's live channel i think about it like i'm having a party and i've invited a bunch of my friends over but it's getting towards the end of the night and i'm kind of ready to wrap up for the night and clean up my house and go to bed but some of my people are still like wanting to party so i know that my next door neighbor or the person the friend i have down the street they're having a party that and they usually party way later than i do so i'm going to take those people with me to their house knock on the door and be like surprise we brought some party guests i'm bringing my guests to their party so i want my guests to behave nicely when i bring them to my friend's house and i want my friends to be nice to my guests as well it's this is why it is a networking relationship that's involved around rating and you want to kind of vet the people that you're rating beforehand or know who you're going to be rating so you know that you're sending your community to a good place and you also want to make sure that your community is respectful when you're sending them to a new streamer it's really like that song that's like you don't have to go home but you can't stay here okay so now we're going to talk about how to raid it's extremely simple you literally just type in your twitch chat forward slash raid space and then the name of the streamer you're wanting to raid then a countdown will pop up on your obs that says we're rating in 90 seconds or something and you can let the countdown run down or you can go ahead and click raid now and it's going to bring your chat over into the new person's channel another option is that there is a quick link in the twitch dashboard there's a raid button so you don't have to go into your chat in obs you could if you're someone who uses the twitch dashboard more effectively and then here's a pro tip if you're i would say a little bit more of an experienced streamer and you're used to juggling a bunch of different things at one time i like to open up the tab of the streamer i'm going to be rating a good minute or two before i actually send the raid so that i can let the twitch ad play so that when the raid does go through i don't have to get stuck with an ad and i miss all of the streamers reaction and the questions they might ask me or anything like that and i just make sure that the tab is muted on my google chrome i right click on twitch tab mute site so that that sound isn't coming through my stream audio to my viewers it's not required if you're just kind of trying to figure out what you're doing and you're getting into this so okay now to talk about why you should be rating i think the most important reason is that it's just an extremely good networking tool it's also really fun and rewarding it's one of my favorite parts of the stream is when i get to raid and like bring some joy to someone else and see this fun reaction it gives back to the twitch ecosystem i personally feel like it's such a huge waste when streamers don't raid the viewer account that you could be adding to someone else's channel could make such a huge difference for them that night bumping them up in the category it could lead to subscribers for them viewers all kinds of things it's not hurting you it takes nothing away from you at all and you're only going to be helping someone else i'm recycling the energy i'm putting energy back into other streamers whereas if i just ended my stream that view count just disappears and a lot of times when you're rating it says you're rating like with 25 people but there's only three people that actually are like spamming the raid message so it's like taking a lurk count as well like lurkers on your channel are added to that so it's not it's really not hurting anybody i just really think that everyone should be reading and the best part about it is it's fun and rewarding and you could literally make someone's entire day or week even this is a great way for you to introduce your community to a brand new streamer and support and promote a content creator that you really like the biggest thing for me is if i have 20 viewers and i raid someone who has 10 viewers i'm bumping them up to about 30 viewers which could easily push them to the top row of the category that they're playing in or at least the second row it really helps them gain visibility and a thing about twitch culture is that there's definitely this if you scratch my back i'll scratch your back kind of mentality so when you're rating someone it's possible that you could end up getting a raid back from them in the future which means that you could get that viewer count bump you never want to expect to be rated or like if i raid this person they better rate me back you never want to have that type of attitude you want to go into this with no expectations i think that it is a it's a very likely outcome of rating people as you will see the raid returned at some point and another thing that's really cool about rating is like say i've been networking with a streamer and i've been hanging out in their chat and talking to them and getting to know them and i'm being a good viewer and i'm not mentioning that i'm a streamer i'm keeping the conversation on them i'm not making it about me i'm not self-promoting shamelessly but i want that streamer to know that i'm a streamer too if i raid them they have to know you're a streamer at that point and a lot of times they'll be like oh my god you've been hanging out in my community for a couple of weeks and i had no idea you were a streamer wow oh my god let me make sure i'm following you so it's a really really cool way to let someone know that you're a streamer without just being like hey i'm a streamer haha in their chat okay so now we're gonna move on to how to pick a good raid target there's a couple of different ways you can go about this the first way is obviously just rating someone that you're already following rating a streamer that you're familiar with and you'll find i think most streamers are just rating people that they already know because there's safety in it you know what to expect you're not gonna get like a rude response or anything like that one of the first ways is check your following list check who you're following on twitch and see who's live at the moment another way is to check through the discords that you're part of maybe you're part of some twitch discords that have the bot set up that shows when people are in that live now category or there's a live now section in the discords it could be other streamers discords or streamer communities that you're part of so just kind of scroll through there and see if anyone catches your eyes a third way is kind of fun for your community you could ask hey we're gonna raid but i don't have anyone online tonight does anyone have any streamers that they really like that are live right now that we could raid because at that point it's kind of it's closer to a guarantee that you're going to like the content creator because you trust your community and you trust that they have good taste and the taste aligned with like your type of energy and the final one is the gamble which is raid someone that you've never even really heard of maybe i'm playing stardew valley that night i have no one on my following list no one's in discord i don't really know who to raid so i just opened up the stardew valley category since we're playing sardine tonight let's just stick with a stardew streamer and i just picked someone random out of the list at that point it's a huge gamble so for me personally i try and look for someone who catches my eye visually like do they kind of look like you know they might be cool i'll pull their tab open i might listen for 10 or 15 seconds to just kind of get a little bit of a feel and i'll scroll i'll check out their profile see and just see if there any red flags that pop up like this person might be a jerk or something but it is a really big gamble i will say that it's fun and rewarding because you meet new people this way but i will say that i've had a an experience or two or i raid someone and they just don't care they don't even notice they don't say thank you they don't even respond or in one case where it was just this very like kind of snobbish like oh hey everybody like just like so reading a community that you have no idea who they are or what they're about it can possibly lead to some negative scenarios more likely than not you're going to have someone who's really like excited and happy a tip i have here is to vet people ahead of time so i will just spend time you know maybe an hour to once a week once a month or so really it doesn't even have to be that much just go through the categories that i'm frequently playing in and just kind of browse and look for some people who i like as content creators just kind of get to know a couple new streamers and add them to my following list so that i have more people to choose from when i am rating at the end of the night so strategically following people based on their general live time will be helpful um in multiple ways first of all you can spend a little bit of time searching around on the categories you normally play in an hour to after your streams normally end on nights where you're not live to try and follow some channels that will give you more people to raid when your streams end and alternatively you can spend some time in channels like you go live at seven so spend some time in channels that go live around like 5 p.m to 6 p.m or so and they usually stream for two or three hours because that means their streams will be ending in the middle of your stream time so it could lead to more raids for you because you're strategically networking with people who typically stream a little before you go live and they finish their streams up after your live has already started so you'll be available for them to pick from their raid target i do think it's good practice i don't like to raid the same person more than once a month really i like to raid new people every single time i don't like to read the same people over and over and over again but at the same time i do have people that i'm friends with that i will raid like if it's a special stream they're doing and i don't care how often i'm rating them it's like whatever this is my friend let's go support them but i would definitely say to look for people with similar vibes to you that you think your community would also enjoy because the ultimate goal with a raid is not to have everyone come in and raid and then immediately leave within three minutes you want your community to stick around you want to leave a good impression on that streamer so if your community likes them it's more likely that you and that streamer will probably vibe anyway if your community is really enjoying them i would say to try and pick someone who is in a similar category to you you don't want to go from like streaming asmr to raiding a an apex streamer because it's going to go from really super quiet to this really loud gunshots everywhere and oh my god get him get him get him and then there's some people that might have been watching your stream that might have fallen asleep to your stream and then they're going to be like rudely awakened by this really loud stream and vice versa that's not the type of content they were watching so it's not likely that your community is really going to stick around that long now i'm going to talk a little bit about numbers when you're picking a raid target there's not a strict rule about you can't raid someone with a hundred viewers if you only have five but i do think that like just over the five years that i've been streaming i do think that it's just a little bit better practice to kind of stick around your numbers one of my mods lumpy shinobi is also a streamer and he says that he likes to raid people who are within 10 below or 10 above him viewer wise that's that's a pretty good rule of thumb if you're averaging under like 30 viewers on twitch but i will say that like on days where i'm i'm sitting at like 50 viewers if i'm getting a rate of five people it's still gonna bump me up it's still i'm still grateful for that i don't think that you should be concerned about rating someone just because you have a small view count and if you ever raid someone and they're like wow only four viewers uh unfollow them don't support them anymore that's that ungratitude is really repulsive i i don't think that it happens super often but it's something i've seen pop up from time to time but just understand that that in general most streamers are appreciative of raids no matter what the size is i will say that if i'm sitting at 20 viewers that day and i raid a streamer who has like 200 viewers it's possible they might not even notice not guaranteed but they might have such an active chat and so many things going on and they've just got this gift sub and this and this they might they the raid might get kind of lost so at 20 viewers i would rather raid someone who is either at 5 viewers or like it maybe about 40 or 50 viewers because if you're if you take your 20 viewers to someone who's sitting at 40 viewers 50 viewers you're going to bump them up to 70 and even if i'm sitting at 30 viewers and i want to i'm looking at this person with 70 viewers if i rate them i'm pushing them into triple digits they're going to be in a hundred viewers that's huge so i don't think that you should be concerned about not rating because they've got bigger numbers than you that's what i would call rating up so writing up the viewer count that's a great networking tool for you because you're going to be putting your name in front of those 70 viewers all of these new eyes rating down i think feels much more rewarding because if i'm sitting at 20 viewers and i raid someone who's sitting at three or four viewers they're getting pushed up to 25 viewers now maybe they've never had that many viewers before they're gonna be so excited and so happy some more uh numbers focused and i would say superficial people would say that there's nothing in it for them if they're rating down i just don't think that's true maybe you could find like a good ratio like if you're streaming three times a week like one raid is rating up one raid is rating down and one raid is rating someone maybe someone new you've never talked to and at that point it's like i'm reading someone i already know and i'm friends with and i'm sharing the love down i'm rating up and i'm getting a good opportunity i'm i'm spreading my name in front of more eyes and then the rating someone you don't know is expanding your networking circle so maybe having a variety of the ways that you go about rating is a good way to kind of like grow yourself gradually and keep like a nice integrity and good vibes on your channel at the same time so next i want to talk about preparing your chat to actually go on the raid i like to personally give a little tiny intro for the person i'm about to raid like you know we're gonna go read my friend mia bite she's super awesome she's playing gentian impact tonight but she's normally a warframe streamer she's got super chill vibes she's a lot of fun i think you guys are gonna love her i like to give a little small snippet like that to my community so they understand what they're about to go watch the content creator what i think of their vibe what the game is and maybe what that content creator normally produces so even if they're not interested in gench and impact they're like oh well i do like warframe yeah let me check out this warframe streamer and another thing that's very popular to do with raiding is to actually have something called a raid command and if you are experienced enough and you have a chat bot you can program for an exclamation mark raid and just have this chat command fill up but it's just a little phrase that your community will all copy and paste into the new person's channel so mine for example like my username is hey shady lady so my raid message is hey shadyraty you can come up with all kinds of fun different things like i had a streamer friend of mine who she used to do panty raids which is a little more like you know edgy or whatever but there's all kinds of cute ideas you can come up with you could literally just say hey go post your favorite cute emotes in their channel and say hi for me it could just be your name and raid so it doesn't have to be anything fancy but you can have a lot of fun with it an important thing about prepping your chat to raid is to lead by example how you behave is going to show your chat how they can behave you're the you're leading so they're going to kind of mimic your behavior so how you should act when you are rating someone's channel this is going to be like kind of opinion based for me but it is it is based on my five years of experience on twitch as a streamer and as a viewer the first things first is come in and spam your raid message and say hi i will say that some streamers get overwhelmed with too much spam in their chat so just try to be mindful and pay attention to them and look for clues that they might be like overwhelmed and maybe tone the spam down a little bit but if they're like super hyped up they're like yeah what's up raiders come on my community yeah spam emotes back then keep spamming you want to be aware and mindful of how they are reacting to your energy levels and just kind of adjust as appropriate and i would say to make sure you're flowing with the streamer don't try and make the conversation all about you so if i come if i raid someone's channel and they are like oh my god thank you so much for the raid i'm sorry but i'm about to fight this dark souls boss and it's really crazy right now i'm not gonna put a bunch of messages in chat i'm like okay they're in an intense part of the game i'm just gonna we're gonna sit back and chill and watch them for a second i don't expect the streamer to drop everything and make it all about me and like like this thanks hey shady lady for the raid let's stop everything for you i don't expect that ever but especially if i go into someone's channel and they're clearly like an intense part of a game or they're right in the middle of some kind of specific conversation they really want to wrap up before they cut it off and switch gears i give this advice a lot but i think it's a good idea to not make the conversation about you unless the streamer is making the conversation about you so if i come in and they're like oh my gosh hey how was your stream tell me all about it what were you playing what were you doing how's your day going then i've been invited to make it about me to talk about myself a little bit i still personally like to just like oh yeah we had a great time i was playing i was playing dark souls we beat ornstein and smoke tonight how is your game going how's this going i like to answer their question and then reroute it back to them because honestly like when i'm reading i'm ready to check out so i don't i want to kind of like taper the conversation out more quickly than like drag it on so if they do ask you how your channel is going it's a good idea to go ahead and be prepared to have like an elevator pitch so maybe just practice this with yourself a little bit an elevator pitch of your stream and your vibes so an example is like yeah tonight we played some spooky games and i almost cried i'm just not used to playing horror uh and outlast is so scary normally we're just playing sandbox games on my channel and keeping it chill at that point you're letting their community know what kind of content creator you are because when you're raiding you're also getting a promotion you're getting promoted to that streamers community it's again a scratch your back scratch my back kind of thing so i am introducing my community to them but then they're probably very likely going to introduce me to their community and say make sure you go check out hey shady lady she's so cool give her a follow and it does result in some follows my personal practice too is when i come in and you do get a shout out if a mod has gone out of their way i like to personally thank the mod i will at the mod and say thank you or i'll add the streamer and say thanks for shouting me out it's not a requirement but i just think it's it's good form to say thank you and appreciate the mods work it's a good idea to budget five to ten minutes to kind of hang out in that person's channel so this section is kind of based on we have mr static here hello mr static what is the best thing for a streamer to do post raid just sit and chill or get to know them a little bit i think a little bit of both honestly i would use the first five minutes or so that you have that streamer's undivided attention to get to know them and let them get to know you i do personally like to keep the stream up for 10 15 20 maybe and if they're they're entertaining enough maybe an hour and just kind of really get to know that person so that i can shout them out appropriately when they come in my channel and i'll be able to talk to them well like if someone just comes in and i'm like oh go check them out they're a streamer that's not a very personalized shout out but if i'm like oh my god mr static's here everyone you're gonna love him so much he's so much fun he does like cool photoshop streams on his channel he plays stardew valley sometimes he's got a cool british accent oh he's very stylish and cool y'all really gonna love him that's very personalized so mr static is feeling good from that shout out but my community is also like whoa cool a british streamer that plays star do wow that sounds awesome they're more likely to go check that out than if i'm just like oh mr static he's a really cool streamer go check him out that's a really generic plug the longer you spend in someone's channel or the longer you spend interacting with someone on social media the better you're gonna know them and the more personalized of a shout out you can give which benefits it makes you first of all look really a professional and it second of all makes the streamer that you're shouting out feel like you really it's a much better connection they feel like you really know them and they have a better impression of you and it helps your community understand better what you're talking about and what you're promoting so it's win-win win win win to spend time and energy getting to know the people that you're networking with i'm going to bring up something that the lady ego has said on my twitter when i asked y'all about raiding um the lady ego says if someone says they have to sleep eat etc before leaving then i'm totally cool with people i'm unfamiliar with i get a little anxious or uncomfortable if someone raids and they don't say anything other than hi and then disappear it doesn't help me get a feel for them or their stream so it's not like i'm upset at them if they have to leave but if it's someone who's rated me and i've never talked to them before and they're just like hey bye i'm like okay i don't really know you i didn't get to have a conversation with you i don't really know you at all i'm not upset at them they had an opportunity to have a com like a direct conversation with me i could have gotten to know them better and it might have left a bigger better impression in my mind and i might be more likely to rate them more quickly and again it's not a requirement take the 10 minutes you have of that streamer's kind of undivided attention focused on you and they're feeling grateful towards you and get to know them a little bit let them get to know you have a little conversation with them it might be a little small talkish because you might not know each other that well but that's totally fine that's how you start the process have a little conversation with them to try and solidify that networking relationship that you're initiating but on the reverse of that don't feel obligated to stay if you've just been streaming for six hours your bladder is about to burst you're starving or you're late for some other kind of appointment or something like that you don't have to stay most streamers understand this if i raid someone i'll hang out with them for like five minutes or so and i'm like my little phrase that i say is host and ghost sorry i have to host and ghost but i'm so hungry and i have to go eat and nine times out of ten that streamer is gonna be like dude i totally get it go eat go eat thank you so much every streamer knows what it's like when you're at the end of your stream and you're just ready to get away from your computer you're like i just want to turn all of this off and i want to go lay down stuff my face with this food that's been sitting here so it's not a big deal to leave quickly after you raid the question originated from um apple shampoo who said when i read a channel i usually bounce like two seconds later i ended my stream i'm tired i just don't feel like i have to be there for longer than that guess i'm rude i don't necessarily think it's going to be rude i think you're just missing out on an opportunity for networking um if you don't know that person if you're already friends with that streamer and you've known each other for a year or y'all are talking in discord hanging out all the time you don't have to feel obligated to sit there for 10 minutes unless you just want to because you like them we have a question here from vasvel and vazval is primarily a viewer he says is it inappropriate to throw out some sub donations to the rated channel or small donation when coming in as part of a group of rating viewers if it's your first time there so the the question is when your community member or even as the streamer if i go in is it appropriate to donate to them or send them gift subs or anything like that i think this is a not a one size fits all answer it's a very much like play it by ear if you already know the streamer let's go this is my one of my favorite people on twitch i love her so much she's so cool let's go hang out with her i think that would be a really appropriate time for community to super hype and maybe throw some bitties and some gift subs and stuff like that but if i'm like oh let's go see this random person in stardu i've never really talked to them before let's go check them out they don't know me at that point they don't know me or my community so if my community comes in and starts gifting subs or money i know subs aren't refundable but i know that for me when i receive donations from people that i've never seen before i like low-key expect them to refund that and kind of screw me over so i don't necessarily trust people giving me money when i've never really talked to them before so i can see how that might make some streamers like a little like oh this is weird um i think okay here's here's here's what i would say for this if you really want to support that streamer like you want to come in and you want to toss a little bit of like monetary support in gift one sub to the streamer that you rated in with so like if i was rating we'll use me a bite again if i'm rating me a bite and you are coming in gift me a subscription to mia's channel because at that point it's very much like you're you're encouraging our friendship kind of thing i think that would be a really good way to do some monetary support and then base any continuation of that on the streamer's reaction like if they seem a little hesitant or like weird about it then maybe don't do it anymore but if they're like oh my god that's so sweet of you wow what a cool community so generous then maybe you could go ahead and drop another like five random gift subs or throw them 100 bits or something it's play it by ear not a one-size-fits-all answer it's a really difficult question to answer honestly the next section is how to actually be a good raid target and so this is just kind of how to optimize yourself for getting rated and i think that this might be kind of common but it's not a guarantee and if you do any of these things doesn't mean you're not going to get raided or anything like that when i'm picking someone from a category and i've never seen them before 99 of the time i want someone with a webcam or at least a v2 avatar or some kind of avatar on screen just because of the reaction the the facial expressions i think this is common but it's not to say that if you don't have a webcam you're never going to get rated but it will increase your chances of getting picked out of that sea of thumbnails another thing is i don't typically like to raid people who are playing multiplayer games i don't personally like to raid when i know this person is going to be on voice chat with like five or six other people because they're not going to be able to have a conversation with me which is something i guess i'm seeking when i raid and i think like smaller streamers in general are i've seen other streamers do it though when i'm hanging out on channels i know it's not just me i even watched someone in the starter category the other night that was like he was he was gonna raid someone in the stardu category he'd never raided before he was going through all of the thumbnails and kind of like well this person's title says this haha oh what about them well no they're doing multiplayer no it's not raid multiplayer um so i know that i'm not the only one that favors solo streamers with webcams over non-webcams or multiplayer i think in general you should make the type of content you want to make if you want to play multiplayer stardew with no cam on go for it don't let that stop you just on the off chance that you may or may not get a raid that night make the kind of content you want to make but if you are if you're on the fence about should i turn my camera on tonight or should i not opt for the camera i would always encourage that more tips on how to be a good raid target are kind of like tips just on being a good streamer but be interactive and engaging when you are getting rated because if you have a good reaction you're more likely to get rated again by that streamer if you're trying to pick up like random raids people are scrolling through thumbnails if you have a really good engaging interesting title as opposed to just kind of a generic title or a title that just has a bunch of like exclamation mark giveaway exclamation mark game name exclamation mark this have a title that's more engaging and more descriptive of the vibes going on in the channel that night so like crying about how hot cepharoth is that's a kind of funny interesting title that might get people more likely to click on the stream another big one is to not turn on follower only mode or sub-only mode just keep those turned off unless there's some very specific reason that you're doing that i will not rate a channel it's by accident only if i raid someone who's got follower only mode on especially sub only mode uh the majority of your community is just gonna leave immediately nobody likes to feel pressured to follow just to say hi to see if they even like you in the first place there's plenty of good reasons to have follower only mode turned on especially if you're dealing with trolling or bullying or anything in general it is going to discourage a lot of people from raiding or even talking to you in the first place people want to talk to you before they decide if they want to follow you and another big one about how to be a good rape target is by rating other people again scratch my back scratch your back kind of thing so if i raid someone they've got me on their radar they might raid me back in the next week or so i'm giving out raids all the time it's more likely i'm going to be receiving the raids because i'm getting my name out there someone who likes to raid let's play the raid game together those are just a couple of things that might increase your chances but none of it's a guarantee a lot of twitch stuff is really just down to timing and luck so don't expect anything ever no expectations that's my biggest piece of advice with anything related to twitch so now i'm going to talk about best raid practices when receiving a raid and we have a question here from jk meow that says hi jk that says what should the streamer being rated say to the raiders other than thank you is it bad etiquette if you don't want to shout out a person rating who you don't know i don't think it's bad etiquette you're not required to shout anybody out ever and if you don't know them you don't know what content you're promoting so i think that's a fair hesitation to have and it's totally up to you i don't think it's bad etiquette it might make that person feel a little offended but at the same time if they're feeling offended it's only because they had an expectation coming into it and that's on them that's not on you so what should you say when you're being raided or how should you act when you're being rated be grateful and say thank you first of all now this is gonna depend on how busy your content is for the night or like how consumed you are with the game you're playing or if how many raids you've already had that night and all kinds of stuff but i'm going to pretend that you are totally capable of stopping what you're doing and giving attention to these people and that you have not had any raids yet the nights what i would recommend is literally to stop what you are doing and switch scenes actually i'm going to insert a clip of me from my stream where i'm going to try and illustrate my best rating reception etiquette possible wait let me give you a present dinner cologne okay actually i'm going to be using this as an example for the raid video that i did tonight so don't mind me while i go like look regular so thank you so much for reading hello everyone thank you so much for joining in from sooner cologne's channel i hope you had fun high actual ceiling what's up drupal lamb is that how you say it gamer raid merry christmas hi sooner um i feel like most of y'all know soon are already but if you don't sooner is a variety streamer lots of kinship impacts an incredible artist and a very famous voice actor but yeah if you are new here my name is hey shady lady i'm a variety content creator i mostly do like sandbox games so on like wednesdays thursdays fridays um we mix it up so i'll do some like art today we're playing animal crossing tomorrow we're going to try out stardew valley even though the 1.5 update dropped and i'm really scared that all of my mods are going to be broken and it's just going to be a bad time but and then on sundays we uh do tarot and astrology um so with a little bit of variety here and tonight we're chilling we're playing some animal crossing it is toy day and animal crossing so we're going around delivering gifts to everybody but yeah um so let's go ahead and jump back into that genshin intact tonight happy yule what's up trap masta how are you just to summarize you're introducing yourself giving an elevator pitch of your content you're thanking uh the streamer you're shouting out and promoting the streamer and introducing them to your community and encouraging your community to go and support them you're welcoming the raiders in you want to shift your attention then and welcome the raiders in and say hello raiders i like to call them out by name not sometimes you can't get every single person's name but just grab a couple of names that you can see and then i try to segue them into the content that i'm playing so after i kind of have a little back and forth for maybe a minute or so i'm like well we're actually playing stardew valley tonight does anyone in here play stardu or do y'all like sandbox games at all and i try and shift the conversation back to the content that i've been creating the entire night and that my community is there watching this is another important thing is you don't want to forget about your community that was already there and enjoying the content you were making before the raiders came in so you don't want to let the raid completely co-opt to the content and shift gears because it's possible you could lose some of your original viewer base not lose forever but they're like oh well i was just enjoying the stardew vibes and now it's just chatting stream and i i wanted to watch stardew so i'm going to go find a different stardust streamer they're not going to leave forever but they might click out of your channel because the content style changed so i like to make my rating reception kind of like a five to ten minute i feel like five to ten minutes is about the average for welcoming in new raiders and winding back down and getting back into what you were doing before the raid happened but it is important to engage with the raiders and try and get them involved you've only you've got a very short amount of time you know how short attention spans are and a lot of times people are just trying to raid for like a minute and then they're gonna leave because the content they were originally watching is over you've got about a minute to convince them uh that you're worth watching either that night or following or coming back to your channel so you definitely want to have that elevator pitch ready to go but i do change from my i have a specific scene set up um i will switch from my gaming scene to my just chatting scene this is my my welcome in raiders my name is hey shady lady da da um we've got the chat over here so it's clearly like we're focused on community right now we're focused on chat and community i've got the stuff below displaying like all of the subs and bits and stuff like that my name telling you what social media you can find me on i have a page specifically set up to welcome raiders in and and your face is much bigger people are much more they can get a better connection with you another thing that i've seen some streamers do and this is kind of fun but they have a clip prepared that they just it's a scene they switch to that's like a twitch channel trailer i would definitely say to keep it under like 20 seconds or so um 15 to 20 seconds is probably good but it's just maybe a compilation of your clips video preview of what they can expect on your channel so like your best favorite moments of your stream nothing too long because people will get bored and clicked out click out and like i said i think i've reiterated this a lot but a big part of rating is that interaction and reaction from the streamer so yeah a 15 to 20 second clip is good but they want you back to say hi to them specifically and interact with them right in that moment and then i guess to finalize this best raid practices is what do you do when you get raided multiple times in a row so like i get raided and i switch to the scene and i'm like hey everyone and i go on this big long you know monologue and it's this whole 10 minute process and then we're finally getting back into stardew valley and then like three or four minutes later i get another raid it feels better to me to not repeat it too many times too close to each other so like i don't mind doing my my welcoming raiders kind of scene switch like two or three times in like a four hour stream but if i'm doing it two or three times an hour it's a little exhausting for the viewers that are hanging out long term so that's going to wrap up uh my presentation on rating etiquette and um how to pick a maybe i'll maybe i'll break this into multiple videos i don't know this is really long it's almost an hour but i hope that was helpful if there are any thoughts or opinions or ideas that you have on rating uh feel free to leave them in the comments below and what is your what is your motivation for rating what makes you want to raid for me it is really just like the gratification and the like oh i made their whole day so much better like i like to feel good by making other people feel good that's what motivates me to raid honestly i do like to use it as networking but i think my community would tell you that i very rarely like raid up although it's smart it's smart networking and it's smart business so i guess that's gonna wrap this video up uh thank you so much for watching if you have any questions or thoughts or opinions um please leave them down in the comments below and if you have any video you'd like to see me talk about next i kind of want to do some like obs overlay tutorials those have been highly requested alright thanks so much for watching and i will see you all in the next video i hope you all have a wonderful week start to the new year um and i will see you all soon [Music] bye [Music] laughs
Channel: HeyShadyLady
Views: 25,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch tips, twitch tutorials, how to stream on twitch, streaming on twitch, raiding on twitch, twitch raids, twitch raids explained, how to raid on twitch, streamer etiquette, twitch tutorial, twitch advice, advice for new streamers, twitch raiding, twitch raiding small streamers, small streamers advice, just starting on twitch, streaming on twitch in 2021, how to be a streamer
Id: P9uULNpd_yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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