Blocking Objections beats Overcoming Objections?

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[Music] all right guys we're going to go ahead and get started fair enough good all right thank you guys for coming out like I said think 15 16 people signed up so it's not quantity it's what every time all right we got 45 minutes I want what I wanted to do is actually focusing on a specific subject today which is what we talked about which is selling but more clearly what I want to talk about is overcoming objections and I throw this one up first because when I started doing the sales training program I looked at a lot of the different sales training programs out there I think I've looked at almost all of them whether it's Miller Highland spin uh Sandler you name them I've gone through all these books and you know do some of these books look familiar to you guys a lot of these look familiar right sales Bible strategic selling all this stuff as I was going through all this stuff something started to hit me that a lot of the stuff is pretty much canned it's repeated it's regurgitated and coming from a background in sales I started reading this stuff and I said I can't do a program on this because you guys don't want to hear the basics you don't want to hear about asking an open-ended question you don't want to hear about uh asking a closing the question the basic sales process so I started asking myself as I look at all these different books I said you know what could I do differently that would make a sales program worth attending and so when I started doing is I started looking at this right here most of the programs today when you go into the market cover this right here which is what strategic strategy tactic psychology and 98% of all the books if you went to my website you probably read this 98% of all the books dedicated out there is how to what how to sell to people and the thing is people are getting smart a lot of people know when you're trying to use a certain buying tactic on them or trying to close them in a certain way I've had people actually tell me hey if you're using the alternative clothes on me that point you know you've been caught selling right that's when you kind of just throw your hands I've been caught selling what started getting me fascinated about selling again was when I started looking at how people buy I started looking at this side of the equation in other words what triggers Behavior what makes people want to buy and that's when I created sales influence sales influence I think is beyond the basic and you'll see for yourself when we go through this is beyond the basic sales training is what is it that makes people make certain decisions whether they're rational or irrational what causes them to make certain decisions and this is how this came about about 2 years ago I was Consulting for a company out Salt Lake City Utah they sold a software package it's really two of them for3 $3,000 and $6,000 they held public seminars in these public seminars we would get about 50 to 100 people and the first time I was invited to see this sales process go uh it was amazing here's how it's set up and here's why I'm here today I was sitting in the back as a guest they said well we wants to see what we do and then tell us how you can improve the process and it was amazing they had about 100 people in the room the average income because they actually took the numbers down when people walked in and asked them to fill out a form was about I'm going to say $30,000 okay not top not bottom somewhere in the middle packages again $3 to $6,000 at the end of the day they closed about 30% of the room in one day run the numbers I've been in situations where the worst we've done in one day was $50,000 in one day the most we've ever done today is $240,000 closed in one day sing the people who if you looked at them you said you can't afford this but somewhere in there they were able to what make the buying decision and it was at that point I'm like you know if I could be so what the hell is going on here well how are they get these people to buy and when the top sales guy who was running all the seminars began to explain certain strategies to me a lot of it started making sense because it was more psychological than anything else this is what I want to share with you today because you get in front of whether it's an individual in a meeting big group presentation or client and you want to try to persuade them but persuade them in such a way that making the close becomes that much easier and that's what we want to talk about today so we're going to talk about overcoming objections now whether or not you're in the Hightech business where I think most of you are anyway whether or not you'll still be able to use these strategies so let me kind of go through this real quick how do you develop a persuasive presentation now I'm not going to talk about presentation in the sense that how do you get up you know tell them what you're going to tell them tell them what you told them you know and wrap it up that way I'm not going to talk about that what I'm talking about here is how do I develop a persuasive presentation a dialogue with my client or my customer in such a way that by the time I get to the end they're going to be somewh compelled to buy from me and so here's a typical business presentation that we so probably do we first start out with with your company background we've been building widgets for 20 years now you know we started when Bob was on the farm and he had this idea about building these widgets you've all seen those presentations then you talk typically about your main clients well these are the type of clients we've served in the past this is who we worked with and obviously you try to find clients that are related to whoever you're talking to as long as they're not a competitor you then begin to talk about what what you have to offer we have these types of products these types of services and man we're the best then you come in and you talk about demonstration or case GS where you talk about you know we work with ex company ABC company this is what we've done for them so forth and so on is all this sounding familiar okay very basic right and the last part you need to get into the discussion of actual products that you want to sell the client or you just put down the proposal now all this can happen within one meeting or it could happen in several phases if it's a complex sale now a simple sale is obviously a small item that you can just buy on the spot the compact sale is what something that takes what multiple visits to close so this could actually happen obviously in three stages what I proposing that the way most folks do this presentation is not hurting you but it's not really helping you when it comes to closing the deal at least pushing the deal over the edge at the end we're going to walk through that 5% if what I can show you if what I can show you will help increase your rate cuz most of you have been in sales for at least 5 years raise your hand just have curiosity 10 15 20 okay some of you been more sales more longer than I have which means you probably know more than I do but if I can show you one or two small tactics today that'll help you increase your clothes rate by 5% would that be worth it okay that's what we're going to do today okay so lines of thinking before I go into the actual what I'm going to show you let me take a step back and I want to explain to you something that these two folks did these are two social Psych colleges and they did a fascinating test what they did they brought in a bunch of college students and what they wanted to do was test perception now here's what they did they drew lines on the board and they asked him to estimate the length of these lines okay everybody with me they broke the students up into three separate groups group number one was asked to look at the lines and estimate how long they were but they were only asked to think of the answer in other words to look up there and go okay these are my numbers okay the second group would was asked to write their answers on the magic pad you guys remember those where you actually write and then you what lift them right so the second group was actually wrote their estimates on the magic pack lifted them so nobody else could see them but they actually did commit it and then lifted everybody with me on that the third group was asked to write their estimates down sign it with their name and then hand it in now here's what they were testing they wanted to see out of these three groups which one was more willing to change their mind if presented with the real answers in other words their answers weren't going to match whatever the students had so they were going to present totally different answers so what they found out was something interesting the group one that didn't write it down were more easily swayed into changing their mind in other words once the professor's presented something says hey your your numbers are wrong those who didn't write it down who just thought about it and said well okay yeah you know you're right you're probably right the second group who wrote it down on the magic pad were a little more resistant but in the end guess what they changed their mind those who wrote it down actually committed it to paper signed it and handed in were guess what the most stubborn of all they didn't want to change their mind and what Gerard and dorch was trying to prove here is that once you commit to something once you commit to something you're you're less likely to change your mind and the more public you make it guess what the more likely you are not to change your mind I want you to listen to that statement the more public you make it the less likely you are to change your mind this is called the theory of cognitive dissonance which is really the rule of consistency which means we act in according to our Behavior our belief system and our actions have to be congruent if they're not guess what we're not going to behave that way let me give you an example what I'm talking about here's the definition inconsistency among beliefs or behaviors will cause what is known as an uncomfortable psychological tension now that sounds a little complicated but it's really really it's very easy to understand how many times did you say you were going to do something now for some reason you didn't do it or you got out of it you told a friend you were going to show up to help them move but guess what you came up with some excuse of why you didn't want to help them or couldn't show up and after you did that you felt a little what uncomfortable by the way am I alone here just give you a knob to make sure we're on the same page here right you feel that tension inside what people will do is they'll move to relieve that tension by acting what congruently which is why when we say things we try to act congruently with what we've said or what we publicly stated here's why this is important let me give you four examples placing bets Studies have shown that after you place a bet after you place a bed you are more likely to believe that your horse is going to win for example in other words no sooner than you place the beted in your mind the odds have gone up why because your belief has to match your what Your Action so you have to bring them into alignment here's another one hung jury did you know the studies are shown that you have more hung juries when votes are asked to be taken by a show of hands as opposed to writing them down privately how many folks have seen that movie by Henry fond the 12 Angry Men right and that whole process is once you make a commitment you want to stick to that commitment now in the movie they had what four or five hours to change somebody's mind but if we're talking to a customer we don't have four or five hours talk somebody to change their mind most people once they make a a public commitment who will stick to it charity support the American Cancer Society did something very interesting they call people up and see if you've gotten this phone call and they and they just asked you to predict what is the likelihood of you contributing to a charity just what is the likelihood and you say well you know if it's the right charity guess what I contribute fine click thank you very much they H you hang up 2 weeks later guess what they call up the American Cancer Society has seen a 700% increase in donations by simply using this two-step tactic the first step is to get you to what say that you're going to publicly state that you would what help Charities well when they call you up and call you on it again the rule of consistency kicks you in the gear says you know and Wham next thing you know you're giving up your money to charity not a bad thing but understand what's happening to you psychologically voter turnout Studies have shown that just by simply asking people do you intend to vote this year voting turnout will go up 25% isn't that amazing because again you made the statement and then later on even though that person who asked you is gone the psychological attention is there to what be consistent with what you said now here's the general rule the more public the commitment or the statement the more public the statement the more you are likely to act accordingly is everybody with me on this okay okay all right anybody got that down give you a moment to write that down and I know what you're thinking vict what does all this have to do with sales I'm getting there it'll all start making sense in a bit and you're going to see why this is so powerful when you apply so go ahead and write that down by the way am I going too fast too slow or just [Music] right all [Music] right good [Music] enough okay got a little more writing just a little [Music] bit got it yep okay now selective perception I want to add this in here but I'm I'm Circle back to why this is important selective perception is what we choose to see has this ever happened to you you buy a car no sooner than you buy a car what do you start noticing on the road that very car right that same car now nothing happened the fact that your mind is not oriented to actually what see that car because you own it you begin to see the car let's go back to consistency if you're a democrat or a republican what happens is you say you publicly state I'm a Democrat or you publicly sayate I'm a republican what will happen from that point forward whether you watch the media read the newspaper you will look for information to validate your point of view in other words you will look for information that supports and suppress so to speak to theci side that which conflicts with your belief system because again you want to maintain that congruency that consistency so what happens is this perception can help or hurt you and later on talk to you about how this can hurt you with the client if we do it the wrong way and again just give me a chance to get there here's a summary in consistency between what you say and what you do will call psychological attention we're all clear on that right not B this will lead people to change their beliefs to benefit their actual Behavior okay I know I'm being redundant but I want to drive this point home because you can learn all the sales techniques in the world but if you don't understand the underlying psychological process of why people make decisions it's not going to help you once you really get what I'm trying to feach you here everything you do from now on will have a Different Twist so everybody ex that down give you m to right there down I haven't gotten to the fun stuff yet by the [Music] way [Music] right next time I'll just make hand up and print them up for you guys make it easier for you guys how's that now remember there you [Music] go thank you you're very welcome all [Music] right [Music] like I said I'll post these on on a special link on the website so you guys can look at it later on if you have to okay all right what does all this have to do this cycle B we have to do with selling right now here's where we're going to get into sales success would you agree with this in any sales process before I can begin selling I have to reduce sales resistance in other words the person doesn't want to buy they're not going to want to buy now you can read all the books on sales resistance how to reduce it I'm not going to go into that right now but you know it's help building credibility trust you know building Rapport Charisma you know just to get the client to what open up once you can reduce that resistance and they trust you a little bit then you can begin to increase what sales Acceptance in other words if I can get you to lower your defense shields then I can begin what start selling you on what I have to offer record that now sales of jections publicly stated opposition to a concern or a concern based on what I've talked about so far that if somebody publicly commits or publicly states that they're for or against something they will stick to it when somebody makes a sales objection what they've done is they've made it what public and because they've made it public they're less likely to want to what change their mind now let's walk through some scenarios here because I really want you to get this if I'm in a one-on-one conversation I'm trying to sell my friend here even if he makes an objection that's publicly stated it's only between what US I can still probably what overcome the objection and turn them now let's go do a meeting like this we're all sitting I'm doing the customer presentation I want you to buy my product all of a sudden my friend here says I don't like that wh he's just made a public statement amongst his colleagues which means that now I have to work on what overcoming that objection but now it also what everybody's now what cognitively aware of that objection so one of the things I want to talk about today is how do we handle objections here's some basic routines we see in the meeting people will always object to price correct price is always an issue so you have to you find yourself in a position my friend here said well Victor your prices are too expensive all of a sudden I'm up here as a presenter now I have to what justify why my prices are higher we've all been in that situation delivery somebody says Victor you turn around time stinks so then what do you have to do convince them that your process has gotten better or whatever your services has gotten better and you can meet those deliveries support we don't think you can support you know us whether it's 24 hours 365 we don't think you can support us so your job is to what reassure them now you've also heard this one capabilities let's say you're selling a technology product they're going to say well does it do this you ever notice that no matter what presentation you walk into where you sell a high-tech product there's always something that you don't have and there's always somebody in that room who's going to find that something you don't have right they always do and then you find yourself what trying to describe how you can work around the issue how you can tag it on to something else help we're going to have later up so there you're you're going for the description the last one here is Aesthetics by that I mean well the box is too big Well the box is too small Well the box is purple I would like it blue you get the idea and then we have to what defend why we designed it a certain way these are typical what objections that we face in sales you can probably come up with a longer list if we sat here long enough here's the problem you're having to explain these objections and what I just told you is that once somebody makes a public objection especially in a public form they're less likely to want to change their position so one of the things we want to do is make sure these objections don't happen a friend of mine told me this a long time ago you might want to write it down if you haven't heard it but I thought it was the cleverest line he says in any conversation or presentation he said if you're explaining you're losing the conversation and I thought that was powerful because if you're explaining you're losing the conversation that means the customer basically pushed you back on your heels and guess what you're sitting there going how do I explain this how do I explain away all these different things and if you've been in that situation and I'm sure we've all been in that situation where the customer caught you off guard and now you're in the explaining mode sorry to say it but you're at a disadvantage at this point at this point you're not even at zero you're at negative trying to get back to zero and all of a sudden you're behind the eightball so one of the things we want to do is avoid any objections being made so the after effect let's go back to selective perception if everybody somebody in here makes an objection whether it's a chice came ability or whatever I just listed those fine I'm going to leave the meeting let's say I finish I wrap up the meeting with you guys I leave the meeting what's going to happen is those objections are going to grow legs by that I mean if somebody brought up the price I'm going to go you know I didn't like the price did you like the price he goes well yeah I wasn't too crazy about the price and then all of a sudden this is start what it's like an infectious viral disease capabilities well you know they didn't have that well you know I noticed that they didn't have this either and all of a sudden they're starting to see what they want to see why because they publicly objected that they don't like your pricing or they don't like your product and if they don't like your product what they're going to do is what behave what consistent with what they've stated and they will selectively look for information to undermine why they should buy from you and that could spread so what we have to do as salese is to prevent that from ever starting so this is what I want to talk about I don't want to talk about overcoming objections because that's old school that's the way it used to be done still done today because as I just stated if it's stated publicly we're at a disadvantage so what I want to do is I want to go beyond this and I want to introduce you to something that's called blocking objections and by blocking objections I'm saying I want to block any objection before it becomes an objection if I can do that I think I send a better chance of closing the deal let me show you how we're going to do that how do you block an objection the old fashion way by what by raising it you all know this right that if I raise the objection I now own the objection and I can dispense with it any which way I'd like so in other words by raising the objection I am now in control of the conversation if the client raises the objection guess what I have to defend it so what I want to do is raise it cuz now if I raise it I own it if I own it I control what I do with it and I'm going to show you how you do this and how you're going to dispense with objections here's a statement by Lee du sales people put too much emphasis on the closing closing the sale you to read some of these books and all they do is focus on sales you know you watch the movie Glen Gary Glenn Ross whatever it is you know ABC always be closing and you know you go through some of these books Tom Hopkins and they give you a 100 ways to close the client the problem is in a simple sale that may work in a complex sale it doesn't work and people are smart they know when you try to close them so he said says if you remove the objections up front or I'll say during the sales process the closing should just be a matter of what pushing them over the line okay here's how we're going to do it I'm going to hand out this sheet right now yes we're going to do some homework cuz I want you to walk out of here being able to use this all right so what I want you to do is on this sheet just look at the left hand column at the top left hand column at the top and it says client objections okay so client objections there's two right there there and just out of curiosity or just for the sake of this example what I want you to do under client objections at the top list one objection so in other words at the top put one of your typical customer objections just go ahead and write one of your typical customer objections at the bottom write a second one so at the top right here I like you to write one of your client's objection what typ typical objection do you get if it's price put price if it's up capability put capability and then below also do the same thing so I want you to write two separate objections I need you to write this down because I'm asking you to do something now out of curiosity what are some what are two what are your two first one price and service price and service capability the system okay for capability okay okay the same same what do you ask price everybody's got price budget budget they don't have a budget budget's not available till next year or something like that not available or until next year what's yours back here I had one yesterday guy just we're just not interested in that right now okay not now okay perfect we'll get to that one in a bit what do you got under long-term agreements with okay so they're they're locked into a contract okay uh budget and capability budget and capability so we're pretty much in the same area all right keep those in mind because what I want to do is show you now how you're going to start handling some of these things uh we're going to fulfill this work out but just give me a minute to go through this let's say that these are the five objections we typically get okay what I want to do right now is to develop a presentation that would actually block all these five objections let me slow down CU I want to make sure you get this let's say that I'm coming to your company and I'm doing a presentation before I walk in that door I know what your five objections are going to be because I'm either talk to enough customers where I already know what the top five are going to be what I will then do is is build a presentation around those what five objections okay now when you look at these sheets here's what I want you to see in your mind don't write anything down this is what I want you to visually see every row right here when we fill this out that's one slide that you're going to do as a presentation okay every every objection will have its own slide and I'll show you that in just a minute I need you to write this down this is important because this is the Crux of why we're here today and this is what I learned and I'm trying to share with you because this stuff is not theoretical this stuff works and so as you writing all you need to do is listen to my voice this is called The Blocking commitment structure at the top you see you have to State the problem or we'll say State the objection so what you're going to do is you're going to State the objection in your presentation so if it's pricing you're going to state that objection second in the process you're going to offer to resolve that objection you're going to offer to resolve that objection then you're going to demonstrate how you're going to do that and then I'm going to tie you down for an agreement so as you're writing down you know what I want make sure you write the triangle out because the triangle is is such a visual that you will not forget it later on and there's a reason there's a triangle because at the end you're going to time down to a commitment want to talk about that so again step number one state the problem State the objection now again this is me doing the presentation I'm going to State the problem or state the objection of problem once I State the objection then I going talk about resolving that objection from the front of the room then I'm going to demonstrate how I can do that and then I'm going to ask them for a commitment and time down to an agreement on that point let me give you an example here in just a bit for example here's an example of a typical client if you're selling software here's a typical client objection software is too complicated I'm a technophobic I'm a technifold your software is too complicated I don't think my people could use your software okay let's use that as a typical objection now I know that when I walk in to do this presentation there's somebody in this room that's going to say software is too complicated they that's why we can't use this so what I want to do is walk into the room and what block the objection so here's the process for blocking an objection what I do is I create a problem statement an objection statement many of our existing clients think our software is too hard to use and that's understandable so let me let me make sure I'm clear here I'm I'm doing my presentation and I said look now many of our people before looking at our software always tell me that's too complicated and that's understandable so what did I just do I just raised the objection I then say let me show you how easy it is to use that even you'll agree that you can use it now you can add a story or whatever you want to do you can add anything in here the story I always add with this one is you know how many folks remember driving stick for the first time I you get hands right I said do you remember the first time you tried to drive stick remember clutch in first gear hit the gas pedal nothing happens right then somebody yells let the clutch go car jack rabbits but so for the first week it was really hard to do but within a week or two what were you doing cruising around okay so in other words you can find your way of doing it but first state the objection and then say look I'm going to resolve it for you by telling you how easy this to use then I'll show them how to use a software and obviously because we're salese what are we going to do show them the easy Windows first right just show them the easy stuff first look if you just want to do this operation click click click click once you do that here's where you have to ask for the tie down and the commitment cuz what you want to do is based on what I've shown you how many of you think you can do this with a little practice and you're usually going to get some yeah I think I can do that with that statement right there with that little presentation mini presentation I've just blocked anybody who's going to bring up the subject later on about whether my software is too complicated or not is this starting to make sense so even the do it yeah actually yeah just do the wheel right so make it make it in such a way that you're walking through the process so step forward for you guys is always to come up with a what a list of objections before you want to see a client before you go see a client I would ask you to do this exercise for each of the objections so you have the questions down and you have the statements but in your head I want you to have that structure State the objection then tell them you're going to resolve the objection then demonstrate and then say what you tie them down at the end and ask for a mental commitment when I ask you how many of you would agree with that what am I asking for a mental commitment to what I've just said so that when you leave the room you're not going to have that discussion about how the software is too hard to use or else you would have brought it up while we were discussing it see what we're trying to do so we're also trying to block any After Effects now here's what I want you to keep in mind consistency can work for us and against us it's a good thing and it's a bad thing but we're going to make it a good thing it'll work against you as we've described already if somebody declares I don't like your product that's it I don't I want to say You're Screwed but you're at a disadvantage right if they say it out loud so blocking objections is the only way to cure that problem by just blocking the objection before it comes up here's how it can work for you if I get you to say yes I agree I like that I see what you're saying Victor I understand all of a sudden I'm gaining what commitment remember what I said earlier I showed you this thing let's go back software's too complicated what I'm trying to do is reduce resistance right here because when I bring up the objection several things are going through your mind damn that's what I was thinking about that that software is too complicated and then you're also thinking wow he's pretty straightforward about it you know he's not going to hide the fact that it's a little maybe a little tough and all of a sudden I'm building what credibility and Trust I'm just reducing resistance that's all I'm doing when I offer the resolve it I add that term you'll agree because sales 101 is to make the assumptive what statement yeah you're going to love this oh you'll agree with that you you'll see how easy this is all I'm doing is what reducing the resistance when I demonstrate and I come to the end what am I doing now I'm asking you for your what your commitment at the end it's a simple structure but powerful and all you got to do is figure out how to combine this in your sales presentation okay any questions on this or is this too straightforward it's it's it's a very simple formula to get it done and you won't get the UA until you start doing it and every time in your mind what I want you to visualize is that if you're doing a presentation I got all these objections that are come up when you look at your presentation instead of talking about how your company's been around for 20 years building Widgets or doing this and how many clients you have screw that you're going to say okay let's talk whatever capabilities first uh second is sometimes I'll ask you you know well how long has your company been around right so you know that all of a sudden tenure is going to be an objection how do you handle tenure that you've only been around for 2 years you can remember if I bring up the objection look I've only been in business two years our company's been around for only two years now many people think that's say I'm making this up as I go along by the way many people think that that's not a long time but one would you agree again would you agree that being a young company allows us to be more flexible and help you in designing something that's new for today or for tomorrow yeah let me show you what we do you know and all of a sudden you overcome that mental objection again what you're trying to do is block people from thinking what you don't want them to think all right so your turn to do an example pick one of the objections you have go back to the worksheet I gave you pick one of the examples I just gave you uh that you've written down whether it's price uh don't use price I just show well use price go ahead and use price if you want uh whatever objection you have and walk through the steps so here's what I want you to do let me be clear you stated an objection up here right let's say it's price I need you to write the problem statement in other words what do you think a problem statement would be for price in fact I'm not going to help you I'm going to make do what based on what I told you you got to State the problem right yeah let me the problem statement is what the C potential customer is saying to you is the objection that they're going to bring up yeah that's their objection in fact once you slash problem put objection statement cross out problem and put objection statement and that' probably be easier so in other words you know that the client has an objection so you've walked into a presentation what's your objection statement in other words cuz what you want to do is raise the objection before they do so with the software the objection was it's too complicated so my problem statement was here let me go back so can use this as a guide use this as a guide so here was the objection okay so what I did is I turned it into a statement Okay so in other words software's too complicated most people think our software is too complicated and that's understandable if you have a price what would you say how would you rephrase that if price is an objection how would you restate that fees are too high you're too exp your too expensive for that no no remember here's where I want to be clear I'm glad you asked that because I think you're missing this remember the client has an objection in his mind your price is too high right when you walk to do the presentation how do I how they St it how would I how would you state it there you goes how would you state it cuz remember what we want to do is is raise the objection ourselves so what do you got back here so so two is what the customer says to you and three is your way to try to control that let I'm not explaining correctly I apologize I'm failing here's the client's objection right that's his objection okay you now have to raise the objection you have to raise the objection from the front of the room this is all you right here okay you walk in and the client has an objection okay so step one the client has an objection if I know what the objection is step one let me write an objection statement so from the front of the room I would say something like you know many of our existing clients again think the software is too complicated got is everybody with me now then once I bring up I have to find a way to give them a resolve statement and I have an example in here for pricing so if you're not getting it I have an example for pricing in here so it'll help you out it's a New Concept but once you get it it'll be like it'll be like butter as they say got it it takes a while to go click but once it goes click and remember you're in a presentation maybe you mentally see yourself doing a presentation in front the front of the room you know that the client has an objection the client has an objection then I have to go through this four-step process I have to raise the objection I have to tell them I'm going to resolve that objection then I'm going to show and tell right and then I'm going to say based on what I've shown you would you agree that even you can do that okay let me give you an example and maybe a close in this okay is it getting there who's done with theirs all the way through all five I want you to go all the way through this is homework folks all the way through because this is what you're going to use to build your presentation from now on if you choose to use this model I'm telling you it's a very very powerful model but you have to do it in order to get it okay what are you using as your objection pricing yes okay so now here your problem statement would be something like let's say pricing right here your problem statement would be something like one of the things our clients often tell us is that our pricing is too high boom there's your there's your problem statement I've just raised the objection then the question is how do you resolve that statement I'm not going to give you the answer but you're going to come up with a way I have the answer no I'm not going to give the answer I want you to work for the answer on that one and for show and tell unless you can show you don't have to really put anything down but if you can demonstrate it on paper that's fine you're all the way through did you go all the way through all five all right why don't we go give me yours out loud first give me your objection uh budget because of the economy okay so budget because of the economy not price but budget it's not it's not in our budget yes I think M kind time now the time now it's not the time have budg money not the time not the time okay let's do this Jack let's go through this one and then let's you have all yours written down all the way through show tell the last year why don't you go let's walk through yours first and okay so you've walked into the room you know one of the things they're going to bring up is what we don't have the budget at this time the economy the economy right it's the economy so what's your objection statement what did you write down how do you bring up the objection um I'm not trying to sell you anything all I'm trying to do is learn more about your business so I can no no no no you missed me but that's okay that's why here you have to bring up the specific objection in other words in their minde no that's a lot a lot of a lot of folks tell me that right now that because of the economy that their budgets are delayed till next year or third quarter of next year however okay is that that's it that's exactly what I'm looking for don't throw in the however okay cuz however triggers people to go what what do you mean however it's like a dismissal don't do that so the first statement is what you just said yeah and then look at the uh now your resolve statement would be what what would be a good resolve statement for a budget in other words I I I stand up here and I go you know most of our clients tell us that now is not the right time to cover the economy and the money is not in their budget Next Step would be what what do you think based on the resolve statement from a thought process i' be trying to get a crey relationship and meet with him today so when the timing is right you know I can understand their business to be able to provide them a solution at that time okay so I I buy I buy that how about this one try this one as well that's not wrong but try this one as well people always say they don't have the money but I I've often found out that when they really want it they find if not all the money just a little bit of the money and so maybe one of your resolve statements could be and again I know it depends on the client so I'm just trying to give you some breathing room here one of the things I would try is and that's understandable budgets are tip but if I can show you that we have several ways of packaging this up that it will fit anybody budget would you agree that that would be one step forward for us you see what I mean in other words I want to go in and I want to get $3,000 service contract right but they're going if it's not in my budget well that's okay then I want to get my foot in the door so what you're basically setting them up for is maybe you'll only give me a $5,000 contract depending on the client see what I'm going so I'm trying to position you so you'll be able to get something cuz my whole theory is if I'm in front of you I'm walking out there door with something you know or at least some type of commitment so what you want to do is make a budget statement which I like I like yours and then try to resolve it by saying if we can offer you something you have anything else what would you offer for that what would you offer for a resolve statement to help them out what else you got I'm going to show you several things maybe haven't heard before about our product line that I think you'll agree at the end that maybe it could be in your budget perhaps we have a Le program set TR Pur get the idea so all of a sudden the objection was thrown up he's going to say I'm going to resolve it for you and then he's he's set himself up perfectly cuz you said we have several what things you haven't heard of so now you go into the show and tell process and now you're able to what show the different things and if you know a budget is an issue what you got to do is you going to show them the high one first you always start with the high price by the way always throw the big ticket item at first because if you try to go from small to big that's not good Studies have shown that you always want to sticker shot them at the beginning I'll give you an example if you walk into a men's store and you let say you're the salesman you walk into my store and you're looking for a suit and a sweater what should I sell you first what should I start some you first suit the suit because you'll buy a $1,000 suit $500 whatever it is and then I'll just say throw in the sweater for another 50 bucks but if I try to sell you a $50 sweater and then you try to sell them a $500 suit they're like I'm not doing that you you see the difference so you always want to make sure you throw the high item first and then come down and by the way Studies have shown again from from a decision-making standpoint never offer more than three options okay never offer more than three options so that's a good thing to know and most likely people if they're confused will always choose the middle option now you're probably saying well Victor I only have two options well guess what create a third one when you create a third one we call that the decoy the decoy is usually something so high that nobody's going to buy it anyway people will buy the what the one in the middle typically so never offer more than three options okay so once you do the demo that you show them all the different products that you have different derivatives what that you have that you can sell then at that point you want to make the commitment statement so let's tie it up what would be your commitment statement either one let him go ahead okay my whole my whole thing is just get me okay just get try to sell it anything okay B on price I said that you've seen some of the features of voice over IP wouldn't you agree this is good technology it's something you could use today okay now remember you got to tie it back into what you've presented and the original objection original I said we often hear voice voice over is to expensive oh you're going to that one okay so now you when you come back to the end you're saying now can you see how reasonable it is that's all you're doing that's all you're doing and by the way this works on a one-on-one conversation as well when you're discussing anything with somebody you can usually use this Mally head like look Bob I know you're not going to want to let me 100 bucks I understand that right I understand that because most people when ask for 100 bucks I give them to me anyway but if I can show you how I can invest this $100 and make it reasonable for both I'll pay it back would you agree and I say yeah I agree so I show here's how you're going to get your money back now based on what I'm shown you Bob give me 100 bucks almost on Old Brin would you agree you know what I mean I mean it's it it is a process but if you stick to the process so here's what I want you to visually see that if every slide you have it could be a slide or two doesn't have there's no rule but if every slide has an objection blocker tied to it what I'm doing is I'm first blocking the pricing objection capability whatever uh delivery service that by the time I've blocked all these when I get to the end I'll have less resistance and more acceptance let me give you another example of the one I use this one this is what people often tell me when I offer my Sales Training Services Victor I don't need any sales training I've been in it for many years right what did I tell you this morning remember what I how did I open up with remember I said how many people been here 5 years 10 years 20 years and then I made a statement hell many of you probably know more than me why did I do that because first of all I have sales people in the room and some of you think you're very good sales people so I know that the only way to reduce resistance is to say you you know more than I do and all of a sudden even if you're a know it all you've kind of lowered your defense shields a little bit you did and then I said this is a statement and then I said but if I can show you remember I made the statement and I showed you that 5% if I can show you a couple of things and you guys say yeah that'd be great so now I'm going to the show and tell and then at the end I'll say you know based on what I've shown you today do you think you can use some of this stuff to increase your sales by 5% and was like yeah I think I can do this so basically even what I did to you guys is what I use all the time and it's amazing what will happen as you work this through your process so again get the visual in when you're doing a presentation before you go to see the customer I don't care who it is and what conversation you're having every objection should be included so as you're looking at your PowerPoint presentations that you're going in you got to ask yourself okay here's my list of objections are they answered are they brought up resolved and tied down in my presentation most of us don't have the tie down that's what I've noticed a lot of people don't have a lot of people what they'll do is say okay you know I have this box and here's what the box does has all these capabilities and I demonstrate the capabilities and then I go what do you think that's typically the sales presentation I say so based on you know what do you think it's not what do you think I I need a commitment but the thing is you can't ask for a commitment at the end if you didn't start out with a what an objection at the beginning that you're trying to resolve so one has to lock the other down so again reduce sales resistance by what blocking the objections cuz that's all we're doing and I know I'm repeating this but as you're going through the process I'm also asking would you agree does that make sense and all of a sudden started working this into your vocabulary and so you did the exercise so when you're looking at this presentation you would now do this differently I'm sure if you want to talk about your company's background that's fine but then why you say well Victor I need to establish credibility well beautiful then that's your objection that's the objection we've been around for E years whatever it is build that around that main clients why would you bring up main clients I don't know you want to prove what again that you've done it you have the experience so really in that case experience is the question so you would stand in the front of the room customers always ask us about our experience with clients similar to yourself I brought it the objection you know what we're going to show you is that we have X amount of clients that we've done business with Let Me Go and show you a couple Cas studies show and tell based on what I've shown you can you see some similarities in your business and what they're doing absolutely V does it seem too easy or what was it just me it's it's really cool when you just kind of move along so again step one let's go through it make sure you got these basic steps down list the objections this is how you prepare for a presentation list the objections out take time to do do this take time to do this don't be there's too many lazy lazy sales people out there who just say I'll go in there and I'll just wing it no don't win don't Wing It Go win you and say say to yourself what are they going to object to what's in their minds what are they going to object to listen them up and then use the block structure the block commitment structure I just showed you the four-step process and then like anything else I'm not going to go into the last part which is what summarize everything you've talked about as good salese you know that at the end when you're all done done you're going to say you know based on what I've showed you about my company's experience based on the products we've shown you and what we can do in the capabilities based on this based on that you know right now then you're going to ask for that commitment statement and that's another seminar because at that point you can ask for different ways to make a commitment you know you know you want to get the process started when should we get the process started ask for something I was just going to say I apologize because my objection coun trying to get that meeting at first yeah I I misunderstood oh that's okay that's okay this is for the presentation this is for the presentation when you're walking in but uh go to my website I have a give me your email and I'll send you a book I just wrote It's called colde calling success how to get the appointments and how to get the appointments is really just about getting the appointments because uh Studies have shown that if you're in front of the client 60 70% is not better you'll close whatever deal you're going to close it's just getting in the front door that's becoming that much more difficult you know The Gatekeepers are becoming worse now you know everybody's overloaded nobody wants to you know talk to anybody so that's the tough part so I hear you that's that's painful and that's the reality of it people always ask did this code calling work I said it works but it's painful but it also depends on what you're selling and in the book what I talk about and I show you is that if if you're selling something that's not a lot of money cold calling doesn't work cuz it's not worth it but if you're you're looking at you know three $400,000 whatever it is you know it starts it's worth it if you're doing cold colge so again but anyway I digress summarize at the end and so here's the rules of consistency can work for you against you again I'm giving you the basics and this we talked about already tying them down and use this again in your different presentations here's what the guy said at the end I'm wrap it up if I went too quickly again I can stand up here and give you a lot of fluff but i' rather just give you something that you can walk out here and go man I can use that so when you go back reformulate your presentation or whatever you do as far as giving a presentation to make sure uh meets his commitments sales people put too much emphasis on the closing if you remove the objections up front does this start to make more sense now because if you remove the objections up front I modifi it here's what I would say if you block the objections up front and you gain the commitment throughout the process selling somebody becomes that much easier that's what you have to do and I'm telling you it works it's not speculation but you have to working into your presentation question off okay you're just thinking that
Channel: Victor Antonio
Views: 76,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales influence, sales, persuasion, selling, blocking objections, selling tips, sales tips, sales workshop, Atlanta (City/Town/Village)
Id: oJp6FpYn4_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 16 2014
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