LIVE Sales Training - Blocking Objections - Victor Antonio

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all right Facebook all right so roll live my second live Facebook live I'm actually enjoying these wait a little button while see who comes online I'm going to share a link with you in a little bit here and again I'll share the link right here I got a nice little download for you guys if you want to download something today but anyway today we're going to talk about blocking objection so again i'ma wait a little bit see if we get some folks online it's going to be fun we're going to go to some stuff and this is for people who want to know how to sell and produced by a resistance my man Mark Patterson John oh I got a love mark Patterson great singer the whole bit so we're going to talk a lot about how do you block objections how do you reduce by your resistance today so again I'm going to do my best this time because last time I didn't answer a lot of questions I'll do my best it's time to Angelotti questions and so we got Shauna we got Sondra we got Markos what's happening again and so again we're going to get into sales right now for those of you who are selling a product or a service you know just try to comment it or not keep up with the comments if there's something you're trying to lessen objection you're trying to overcome or you know just trying to reduce that resistance from the buyer let's have that dialogue today okay because I want to walk you through a process that I use and again if you use it the right way I'm telling you you'll execute nicely so very quickly the question of the day people always ask me said Victor what are you currently reading I'd like to read a lot of books so the book I'm currently reading just sharing right now now I only recommend this for people who are in to b2b business sector b2b not BC b2b so is this book by Mark Breaux bearish called the sales acceleration formula on this book love love love this book Marcus look up pretty bad it's a great book this is the gentleman that was one of the four people who started HubSpot and grew the business to a hundred million dollars and he walks you through the sales acceleration formula I love this book we got Robert from Belize welcome Robert Marcos what's up Mona good to see you thank you so anyway great book on b2b selling and so today I want to cover one of my books by the way you know the question I often get is Vicki do you have books yes inside books I just don't really promote it that hard I should be better for loading my books so I like here's one book called the logic of success this is one it's like an autobiographical book on myself I just released this a little while ago I love this book if you're an odd man Dino fan the greatest gift I love this book this is a it's a fictional book story motivational book I love that book one of my favorite books that hardly gets any attention birthdays well the cool one is called this sales psycho yes inside the mind of a serial seller yes I wrote this one this one has some like cool graphics in there I actually added let me see if I can find one for you some great illustrations to show you so basically is going inside an insane asylum and interviewing a sales cycle right that guy and so he gives you the inside strategies to being successful in selling and then there's why the squirrel kept winning a motivational book but aside from that this is the book I want to talk to you about today and I just posted a link so you'll see it right here on the feed and you're going to be able to download this book for free it's called the response blog selling and basically it's a new approach for lowering buyer resistance and a different way of selling now let me go ahead and set this up Amy I love you please go back on TV Thank You Amy I would love to come back please call spike by the way the question I often get is life or death coming back they have neither canceled or renewed it so what does that leave us I don't know in limbo but you know life or death is a great show I think it's I think it was a fantastic show I think it's better than the Kardashians personally you know I think it was real TV so if he's so life or death it's a great show they should review the show but anyway let's talk about objections so if you're watching this you're listening to this you know one of the things we have a hard time doing is you know pushing a client or nudging them forward to make a buying decision and to often you know there's a reason that's holding them back from buying from us so whether you're selling the product or service there's something that's just holding them back the question is what is it now sometimes you can get the reason you know from the customer sometimes you can't now let's go through some of the objections right pricing is pricing always one of course it is let me tell you in the end it's never really about pricing different studies have shown this that on average twenty maybe twenty three percent of the time people will not buy on price let's say it's 20 23 I'll call it 25 that means 25% one out of four people won't buy on price but that means three out of four are looking beyond the price so again it's not really about price so when people tell me Victor it's about the price no it's not if you fail to create enough value for them right and so what I want to do is kind of walk you through a process that I use to make my presentations that much better to be that much more effective in selling so here's the first step the first step I want you to do is list out every objection that you can possibly imagine that your customer is going to give you now let's go ahead and list them out you know prices once you're going to say prices one right price is gonna be one what is another one let me think about it right I hate that one that's pretty much a stall but they'll say let me think about it what's another one you guys feed-in give me some ideas here you know one is we're currently using another product we're currently using a competitor right or we're currently using something in-house why buy your product right so in other words I'm buying something in-house that would be another objection some of my favorite which is installed now is not a good time now is not a good time right that's a nice one to write down now's not a good time so what I want you to think about this one says I want away they say it's not for them it's for somebody else right that's another one what this does for me because for somebody else right or I'm happy with who I'm using right now thank you Greg great one right they're very content with who you're using now what I want to do is I want to explain the psychology of objections because if you understand the psychology what's going on in their brains you can sell to people more effectively now what I'm going to show you is something I typically show my what seminars and I'm telling you right now this is effective you can implement it the right way now what is I'm already healthy I eat yogurt so I assume that's a food product I'm already healthy I don't need to use product right I'm already that's almost like saying I already use somebody else I don't need you oh I can do it myself why do I need you right Gloria Davis said they'll say but I'm on medication that I can't mix the supplements with my okay all right so again that's more that's a complicated one because now you're getting into medication and mixing medications I'll stay away from that one but in typical objection what you get is you know how can we position it in such a way that the customer goes I get it I understand so here's what we're going to do let's talk about the psychology of objections studies have shown that if I verbalize an objection listen to this because this is important if I verbalize an objection I'm less likely to change my mind isn't it interesting if I belong objection I'm less likely to change my mind now this is interesting because if you want to understand today's political climate it ties into objections once we make the bridge right when people say I am a Democrat they will look for information to confirm why there are Democrats if they say I am a Republican out loud they say it out loud they will look for information to confirm why they should be a Republican or an independent you get the idea once I verbalize something once I put it out there I am less likely to change my mind now psychologists call this cognitive dissonance I have to look for information that justifies my viewpoint when you say that again if I say I'm this I will look for information to justify my viewpoint so if I say to you again I am a Republican I will selectively look for information to justify why I'm a Republican why do you think Republicans watch Fox News and why do you think Democrats watch CNN right because they're looking for information to justify their viewpoint because if you're a Democrat you can't stand Fox News one because it doesn't line up with your philosophy if you're Republican you can't stand seeing them because again it doesn't line up you have this cognitive distance this pain that doesn't line up now what does that have to do with objections now what happens is a customer states your too expensive we've all been in that situation where you have that magical presentation where everything's gone the right way you know me it's a great presentation everything's going the right way let's pretend you're talking to a couple right now this is one to a group or a couple doesn't matter and everything is going the right way and all of a sudden you know I'd like to know they're both like this or when the group ever doesn't one okay yes this sounds great yeah I love this mentally they're like they're in you can tell they're like pigeon show they're in they're in their bind or bind thereby and then all of a sudden one person says yeah but that sounds like it's too expensive now at that very moment that person is verbalized that's too expensive now they because they verbalize it they've taken a public position now you have to convince them that you're not that expensive right so now you're on the defensive and we know that if you're defending yourself you're not winning the conversation but here's what's also happening the person said you're too expensive so that person's basically said means I'm not buying the person who heard him that say the partner the husband the wife now is thinking yeah well you know my husband or lifestyles too expensive maybe maybe they are too expensive maybe we just need to stop right now and we need to think about it and klum it kills yourself if you're in a b2b scenario right you're selling some software as-a-service right you do the SAS cell sale and all of a sudden you're in a room with 20 people and the presentation is going killer I mean the PowerPoint who you're delivering it you're delivering from the front of the room you're answering questions just like everything is going your way but then that one person is from the back yeah but you're too expensive what happened again that one person basically said you're too expensive they've taken a public position now you have to convince them that you're not now you're on the defensive but also because that one person said it now everybody else the other 19 people in the room are thinking and well maybe you know it is too expensive maybe we need to talk about this some more maybe we need to set up a committee to review this in other words we need to think about it and who kill your sale right there so what do you do I mean you start defending yourself well it depends what you're looking at but again once you're defending yourself you don't have you know the pole position when it comes to doing presentation so one of the strategies I learned years ago that has worked beautifully and what this book is based on was many years ago and I won't say what the company's name is or who the company was let me take the story cuz it's a great story it's a true story years ago 2006 to be specific a company came up to me is the same Viktor we want you to be a trainer for one of our software products and I said well how does it work he said well victory uh basically we quickly fill people in a room and you know we sell two products we sell a $2,500 product and a $5,000 product twenty-five hundred dollars and five thousand dollars and the way it works Viktor you present we spend the whole day with the people in the room and you will present this back off to succour that we have and I was like why me said well we like the way you present so sure enough I didn't believe you know one of the questions I always have is you know how much money does guys make and he told me how much money these trainers make as I couldn't believe it and so what happened was I went and seen them do it live and the day I went let's just say there were 200 people in the room this in character is a great story and what what this changed my life in terms of presentation presentation there were 200 people in the room or some two products twenty-five hundred dollars and five thousand software package right at the end of the day fast forward they closed half the room yes a hundred people bought and half of them more or less bought $2,500 package and the other half bought the $5,000 package it was like a hundred almost $200,000 in sales and my first question was well how much did the trainer just make and when they told me how much the trainer made I'm like I'm in let's do this right let's do this so they gave me a script that was about to be that thick right and the slides and I had to learn how to use the software and do the presentation so I remember I went to Jackson Mississippi to my first presentation do the presentation we closed about 17% of the room I think was number 17 percent of the room now I was happy because I thought that was a good clothes right they're like no so the minimum is 33 percent Victor you have to close 33 and so for the next two months and this is just a time for example guessing at it was around that time that I just struggle I couldn't close 33% of room I couldn't get 33% to buy so if we had a hundred people in the room I couldn't get 33 people to buy from the front of room as I was doing the presentation right when I got some pricing they were warned by I mean I'd get that 18 20 maybe 22 23 25 maybe but I never got close to 33 then what they did is they sent somebody down to review what I did this gentleman came down and he said Victor let me watch what you're doing and this because this guy was the Guru the pro himself right he said let me watch what you're doing to see what mechanically what you're doing wrong and that's when he watched me for the first hour and a half and within the first hour and a half he was able to diagnose what I was doing wrong he said Victor he said here's where you're missing out and listen carefully because this is the important part of the story he said Victor when you're presenting whether it's one on two or one to a big group he says there are reasons why they don't want to buy think about these as their reason they're why they don't want to buy but they're not going to say them right because if they say them then you'll know what they are you could probably deal with it but in many cases they will not state the objection and I thought that was interesting I said would be they won't state the objection well some people don't want to admit one for example that they can't afford it or maybe as they're looking at the software they think it is too technical maybe I can't use it but they don't want to say it so your job is to block the objection while it's still in their head and I said what block the objection while they're still in their head in other words you have to response block them which is where response blocks selling came from so what I did over the next and again this part I'm guessing yet the next 2-3 months I figured out a strategy for how to block a buyers response in other words your buyers sometimes have reasons why they don't want to buy but they don't want to tell you they're ashamed to tell you they don't want to tell you they just don't trust it enough to share it so they just don't want to share but you know that when you leave that presentation of that one on to conversation in that house they're going to have that conversation about why they're not going to buy and so what I want to show you today and this short time that we have is how do you block an objection you know I mean how do you block something like that okay I got a question here from Thomas excuse me sure I'm sorry you don't believe in the value of my product yet may I please continue explaining the value of my chronic service got it and so and I'll get to that so what happens was you want to block the objection inside the person's head again let me restate this for clarity you're talking one to a couple or group you know that there's reasons they're not going to buy but you also know they're not going to admit them out loud so what do you want to do you almost want to block the objection response block the objection while it's still in their head even though you know they're not going to say it out loud again one of them is obviously they can't afford it now they think they can't afford it maybe they can't afford it but in their mind they don't believe they can't afford it again so what is our job do we wait for them to say I can't afford it well if you do that now you're defending yourself but what if you can block it in their head and show them that you can't afford it there isn't a value that I can show you you can't afford it and so what I create it was it's called a response block structure and I'm going to walk you through the structure and again there's a link right there you can actually download the actual book for free okay so the way the response block structure works is the following step number one is I want you to list out three to five at most seven is what you're going to come up with but typically three to five objections your customer typically has four not buying your product so take a moment and think about that right now three to five typical objections of why they're not going to buy three to five typical objections right just go ahead list them out at least think about them right that's step one in developing a nice presentation pitch now how are we going to block them it's a simple four-step process I don't want to wait for them to raise the objection because now I have to defend it I don't want to do that so what I'll do is I will raise the objection myself so step number one in the blocking structure how to block an objection is that you raise the objection because if you raise the objection you control the conversation since the beautiful part but it's also very easy to do so step number one is you're going to raise the objection step number two you're going to offer to resolve that objection step number three is you're going to demo something show them something and then step number four is you're going to tie down that objection now all this is including the book in fact if you go to page if you've downloaded it already because you're efficient if you go to page 44 and 45 you'll see that I've listed I believe 22 yes I came up with 22 typical objections that you're going to get let me make sure I got the right number here no not 23 19 and what I have done is let me just show you something here I've created the actual scripts so you'll be able to use the actual scripts that actually included here so for example to get the right lighting here raise the objection again raise it I'll put a resolve it demo something and then tie it down and then over here you can use your own wording so I'll give you a little worksheet that you can use there so what I want to do is highlight two or three by highlighting here and again you can download the book you know what I made is you can kind of go through this yourself and then we'll have a little discussion so I'm going to go another ten minutes on this and then I'll open the the table here for discussions and questions okay guys now and again great comments coming through so love you guys man keep it coming but again in about ten minutes at 7:30 I'll stop when I'm presenting here and they don't answer questions and then we'll see how long that goes and then we'll call it a night okay now one of the objections again just for you guys I put in there your price is too high now again there's variations right you're too expensive like why does your product cost more than others that's a variation your competitor sells it for X percent less Y is your more expensive your price is seem really high right or this one that's more than I expected to pay ok there's different ways of saying it right but bottom line is it could go to page 60 I handle in several ways your price is too high let me go ahead read it for you quick first of all here's what I would say now again the goal here is to raise the objection that's in the customers brain because you want to control the conversation so you're going to say some like this many of my clients will tell me that our prices are higher than our competitors prices and I understand right I just raised the objection I brought up the issue that many of my clients think that our pricing is more expensive than our competitors and I understand that notice I'm never disagreeing with people I'm always agreeing with them now I'm going to offer to resolve but if I can show you that when you compare the offers you do an apples to apple point-to-point basis you'll agree that our price is more than reasonable can I show you one or two things now as soon as I say can I show you one or two things after making that comment the majority of you can say ok we'll show it prove it to me that when you demo something so you can do a side-by-side comparison of what your product has right you can do a features comparison or you can do a value-added comparison here's what we have that they don't offer here's also what you not see here's also what we're using in terms of material when you look at the software here's something that's included that most people don't offer and we do so when you do some type of demo some type of comparison right now the customer is going ok ok then you say we also have this we also have that our competitor doesn't offer that we do this we do it this way here's why it's different here's what we add to it now if you've proven your case in the demo if you've proven your case in a demo now here's the key part you have to tie down the objection you say that slowly you have to tie down not the sale you have to tie down the objection and here's how you tie down the objection you've just gone through the demo then you say something like this mr. prospect based on what I've shown you can you now see how we're not only cheaper in the long run but we can also help you save more money with our product does that make sense and then you wait for them to say yes right or not give you some type of agreement if the person says yes I can see it Victor I can see why it's cheaper now if they say that you just tied down that objection now go back to what I said earlier that one sighs something I am going to stick to that position this is important once I say something out loud I'm going to stick to that position if I can get the person to verbally say yes I can see that you are not only cheaper but you're also better in terms of value if I can get them and say that there is no way that if I get to the end of the sale they're going to come back and say when I try to close them they're going to say yeah but you're too expensive so you already closed I already tied down that objection so it won't come back to bite let me ask at the end when I try to close the deal you see how it works so literally using this four-step process it's a very simple process raise the objection alter the resolving demo something and then tie down that objection now think about it if you're talking to a customer you typically have three to five objections that they typically have now what if you're able to weave these response blocks throughout your presentation what you're going to see is their resistance goes down like this as you block them but here's something that happens unconsciously because I raised the objection because I raised it and you like wow I'm glad Victor raised the objection about you know pricing because I was really concerned about that the fact that I raised that I come across as an honest salesperson because if the person the prospects thinking but he brought it up Oh what he actually brought it up because when we're bringing up the issues were dealing with it we're being transparent see selling doesn't have to be and it should never be about trying to trick your customer let's be transparent if we're more expensive say yes we're more expensive but let me explain you why I mean that's another way of dealing with it I use that all the time because I think your sales training is too expensive I understand I agree I said but in order to understand why call someone can I show you one or two things and they'll say what are you in show me Victor well let me show you what results we've seen with other customers and then look let's look at costs so are you about price or cost because right now it's costing you a lot of money not to learn how to sell something like that now show them something based on what I've shown you can you now see how what I'm charging is a small investment compared to all the upside you are going to get they go okay Viktor I can see it who objection is lockdown get the idea should we do another one got a couple minutes let's do another one I like this one we're already using a competitor's product alone that one right we're already using a competitor's product here's some variation by the way this is on page 72 for those of you who arrive late there's a link right there on the side here and you can just click that and download that book now how about this variations we're already using a competitor's product we already use someone else's or they we do that with another company we're satisfied with our current vendor I love that one I'm satisfied with our current bedroom with what I'm using a new suppliers mean more training we're happy with our current supplier I need to diversify how do I do business I don't need to diversify rather you know I really don't need another vendor Viktor I just don't want to I'm already happy with what I got so these are variations of we're already using somebody else's product now one of the things I do one of the quick flips that I have when people say look Victor I'm already I'm happy with my current supplier write this line down I'm gonna give you a magical line and I call it a magical line because it is magical one of the things you can do that it's kind of a response blog but it's a very good line is when somebody says I'm happy with my current supplier I always ask the prospect this question mr. customer I understand that you're happy with the current supply I get that but let me ask you a question in business isn't it always good to have options what do you think that way say yes I said well consider us an option I want to show you what we have to offer but if one day you lead us we're right there for you can I continue and nine times out of 10 they're going to go go ahead Victor what a nice little flip right very polite because nobody's going to say no that question only an idiot would say no to that you know if they say I'm having my first suppliers in business isn't it good to have options now somebody says no it's never good to have options just walk out the door just Coleman they did walk out the door that was a joke don't do that right alright so how would you block we're already using a competitor's product very similar to what I just mentioned I would say something like this again I don't want them to say it out loud I don't want them to verbalize it so what I want to do is I want to block it so how do I block it I raise the objectives and mr. custom you may already be using a product or service from another supplier that is similar to ours I raise the objection I now control it many of my clients started out using our competitors product as well until we showed them what they weren't getting can I assume you would consider our product if I can show you how you can get more for your money that's beautiful again I'm asking questions that I know they're going to say yes Victor - and then I'm going to show them how our product is better than the competitors product and I'm going to walk them through a sequence and then I'll say something like this I'm going to tie down the objection mr. buyer as you can see our product has a lot of additional features you're currently not getting would you agree and again if you've got it right they'll go yes Victor I get it I get that you tie down that objection you keep the sale moving for no maybe you can even close it right there it could feel good so again there's 19 different response plots in here that you can use and again the one thing I always have to remind people OFF salespeople listen carefully never never ever never ever never raise an objection that isn't there in other words never raise an objection that doesn't usually come up so again I just have to highlight that because I have people who want to raise objections that aren't there look after so many presentations or one-on-one conversations you know what they're thinking you know what objections are in their heads those are the ones that you have to block using this strategy you'll be able to block the objections and you're going to feel the resistance go down and you're going to feel better about your presentation again this is about being transparent raising the objections basically in your face saying look let's be honest here's what you're concerned about let's talk about it because if you don't raise the objection listen carefully again if you don't raise the objection and you know I fact that I've had people walk out of the room go up am glad they can mention this I'm glad they didn't mention that no if you're celebrating because of that you're an idiot yep you're an idiot here's why because if you're a sales person and you didn't raise an objection you know they have in their heads and you're happy about it you're an idiot here's why as soon as you leave they're going to have a conversation amongst themselves and they're going to go you know I'm like the victors grapes you know I love the presentation but he never talked about this issue he never you know talked about that specific detail and you know so right now I'm just I'm not sure about what we want to do in other words because you didn't deal with beasts they're not talking about it without you in the room and that's never a good thing so again I'm excited about this and I'd use this and I'm telling you this works in presentations I guess b2b it's absolutely fantastic but you can't apply to b2c by raising objection you take control the conversation but also again you raise the objection it gives the customer like you know connect comfort back to that trust factor because you're willing to answer those questions you're willing to deal with those issues so I'm going to leave it open for questions now you can scroll the questions if you have got you guys put a lot of stuff on here the tough part about doing these Facebook lines the stuff Scrolls by very quickly all right if you already know your most common objections also if you've done your due diligence you know what the prospects probable concerns are that's Richard Trevino you're so on the money Richard can't even add anything to that because I was so well set looking forward to reading it Sandra read it it's a great read and I'm telling you it's not that hard to implement it just takes some discipline you have to be in control with the OP the obvious control Jonathan Bianco dude you know what yeah it's like if you want to take control but let them know it's because they're in control or let them think they're in control Greg papa thanks for the book Victor you're always paying it forward then make the sale make the money do your thang man okay all right let me see what else a book name again is response block selling there should be a link in this fee right here here right and so look for the link click on and downloaded how are you different than Grant Cardone I went Greg Cocteau we're doing in met next month thank you for bringing that up I know how we different I think there's a lot of overlap Grant Cardone came from the BSE industry I came from the b2b industry but he's done b2b and I've done b2c so if you can draw a Venn diagram you know you like his stuff in fact let me see if I can find some of his stuff here here I read everybody look mean that the grant cardone rebuttal manual great one if you're in b2c a great manual pick this one up I mean this is a nice stuff I try to read I'm always asked you know who's the best salesperson I don't care you could choose I always think about it this way who's your favorite artist and if I look at your phone right now you have just one artist on your phone no you have several ARS right everybody has a different flavor that's all selling is you know it's who you want to listen to who resonates with you and whose style is very similar to yours but I love this content we're doing a three-day boot camp together grant and I next my mother like you go to Grant Cardone boot camp calm and there's not that many seats left three days three days with Greg Carr down in myself and his man Jared glass as well dude it's going to be awesome Thank You Gloria your videos really helped me through my career Michael thank you very much ed Rivera I read it it's an awesome book and how you recommended by the way quick funnel free shipping is an awesome strategy Thank You Man Marcos cold calling objections done in person what would you what would be your opening cold calling not in person via phone give you some more specific on that less less he'll by the way less he'll you want to talk about a beast to the salesperson less he'll is a beast of a salesperson I've worked with them he's an animal isn't that what I love of that I'll be there to see you there Greg Munoz you're going to be there Jorge muñoz Jorge it's the best investment you read man I'm telling you it's three days we've stripped out all the fluff so it's a lot of tactical stuff that you're going to be able to use and so like I said we're going to integrate a lot of good stuff we I was there two three days ago two days ago with Jared and we went over the manual we're going to add some more stuff but we're going to really give it some meaty stuff so we're going to make it worth your while you'll get your money back like that so again it's expensive but only in your brain again I think it's two three days I think it's like forty five hundred dollars and I think if after July first it goes up to six thousand for the three days so it's a great investment Sameer it's one the most efficient strategies to handle objections I started using it after watching your videos and blocking objections thank you my friend I would highly recommend the salespeople to go out and try thank you very much crystal hi Victor hey crystal Paul D you're walking on to clarity let me see Marcos Rivera you said yes was that I'm cold calling directly so I'm on a cold call okay we'll do cold call another time when you're cold calling you typically have about 10 to 15 seconds and by the way I wrote a book called cold calling success I don't have it with me but I wrote that book Marco's and maybe I'll send you a free copy of that and just let you read that but basically within 10 to 15 minutes man you have to basically tell who you are what's the intent and you got to find a way to grab their attention as our grant likes I always say you got to set the hook which I agree with you know you got to find something that makes go huh what is that and they'll listen so again depending on your product and that's what we're going to do by the way at the bootcamp one of the things we're going to do there is really help you with your script so Jordan who knows we're going to be there we're going to actually do a lot of script writing you know really walking through what you need to say especially when you do prospecting and cold calling so it's going to be a good day Richard Trevino what do you recommend to learn how to code call on the phone better come to the workshop Kelly Smith that's probably the best way of doing it because Kelly and I don't need to be flipping with the answer but like anything else is that cold calling is really about how do you write the scripts out for what specific product what piece of insight can you give the customer and what can you say that makes them want to go who let me listen to you you've got 15 ohms you get the 15 seconds and what we're trying to buy us the next two or three minutes to add more value and what do you say what do you do and those things have to be written out and worth there Gloria we lovely Victor thank you very much I was at the Grove con man you blew it Thank You Man George my presentation died but I still pulled it off man it was good it was good man we'll get that cold-calling success yes cold-calling success I'll send you guys the book post it maybe that'll be the next topic the next Facebook Lodge so we can do that like I said I know I did the response bloc very quickly but if you search on YouTube for those of you who are not signed up to my youtube channel so sails into this channel I have a video there there's a video that I recorded about two years back it's about 45 minutes it really gets into it and really gets into more the psychology of it and gives you more deeper examples of things you can use with pricing so again I just barely touched on the subject today that is my problem trying to hook them and finishing the deal Sandra Galindo I hear you Sandra Grant Cardone boot camp calm come on down trust me the investment will be worth it only a hundred people in the room see that's what's nice about this program it's a little more expensive but again the price you'll get the money back but three people grant myself and Jared Wright 100 people for three days that's 100 people in three days which means you'll be able to get the attention you deserve so we can walk through some of the scripts that's what a lot of people are asking for so again we're going to be light on the fluff and heavy on the drilling down getting into the content so go and go again go to Grant Cardone boot camp calm alright uh I want to get a contact center for a bank taking inbound customer service call we do sales by bringing up product based on what we see does it done this is Lance Lance I'm reading your stuff that's not scrolling up for some reason but have them someone to get set up it's difficult to close when I cannot set up the product personally for them any suggestions chronic based on what we see on their concert of course solving proms really I'd have to sit down with you Lance that's a little more involved that caregiver in this one but you know if you're doing stuff over the phone they're coming in you're taking the inbound call we do the sales by bringing up products based on what we see on their accounts and of course solving problems brought up but also keep in mind Lance that again there's reasons why they're not buying but there's unstated concerns that they may have about buying a new and so your goal your job is to really try to work them through that presentation process where you're trying to get them to see why they should move over and sometimes you need to create a sense of urgency sometimes you need to generate enough pain for them to actually make a buying decision so again that's a little more involved we can do here but hopefully that gives you some idea if they don't feel the pain or the sense of urgency sense of urgency is one thing now think of that add the pain then they're willing to move over and are you showing that are you walking through the process and again remember the great implants if there's only a small difference in improvement if you can only help me a little bit the brains going to say you know it's not a big enough gain for me to move over and don't perceive too much effort and will not move over so again great question by the longer topic uh where's it at Sandra it's in Miami Florida two people hotel Turnberry hotel Atticus who's more important when handling objections that involve multiple departments and b2b for example the hiring manager needs hrs approval to use recruiter but HR doesn't understand the value laQuita but the manager does Paul when you're dealing with multiple bars it's always about getting buy-in if you can't get all the people in the room then your job is to do what I call a second-order sale and this is where it gets complex in a PETA based scenario is that sometimes in our use purchasing I'll use managers and purchasing because managers look at the value of the actual product purchasing just let's set the dollar the bottom-line and it's our job as salespeople to stress to the manager the value so that they can turn around and then sell that value down to purchasing because purchasing is just going to focus on money but if they get an influencer a manager who says no I know it costs more but we need that fear the reasons then that will work so usually when you can actually leverage the influencer the manager that person could turn around and leverage whoever holds the checkbook again longer conversation I've seen all the videos Victor 800 plus sales video on YouTube channel they're great and how you recommend it Thank You F appreciate you watching them by the way if you haven't signed up for my sales influence podcast you should it's a really good podcast we're keeping everything - 10 minutes into podcast I try to answer simple questions so if you're on iTunes go to sales influence if you have enjoyed go to I think Google Play and stitcher has the actual podcast for you so again the keep in mind that in any presentation you do any presentation you do you have to learn how to block an objection now let me just go up on a small tangent but not a big one if you're looking for a job listen if you're looking for a job this strategy works put yourself in the hiring managers position they're looking at you and they're saying they have reasons why they don't want to hire you well maybe they're not going to tell you the reasons why they don't want to hire you but what if you can block them for example let's say that one of the reasons they don't want to hire you is because they don't think you have enough industry experience now sometimes they're not going to say that they're just going to ask you you know how many years of industry experience you have you'll say to me if I have three years of inertia experience I'll say okay right now let's say great write it down but in my mind it's not enough that's not enough now are they going to tell you that's not enough no they're not going to tell you but you know you know if you're smart enough you know that it's not enough so how do you do it how do you get over this you block the objection before the interview bring your interview it brings it up here's what you say mr. interview one of the things you're going to notice right off the bat is that I have three years of industry experience now you may be thinking that that's not enough but if I can show you what to thanks to sharing that that is enough and I've got a lot in those three years would you consider my industry experience sufficient he says well what are you show me well let me talk about the two companies I've worked with even though I've only had three years here the projects I've worked on and as you can see and you can list out the projects this is a wide range of projects within those three years based on what I've shown you can you not see that even though only have three years of experience I have a wide breadth of experience in this market and you're hoping that the interviewer goes yeah I can see that well you just tied down that objection see what I mean again just think about always put yourself in their position what are they thinking about why don't they want to hire you you can use this in almost any scenario - blocking objections if you're married and your wife doesn't like to go out on dinners on Fridays can you block that objection yeah you can you say it sweetie look I know you don't like to go out to dinners on Friday because you're thinking that everything's gonna be tube product and I get that right raising objection off now you'll often resolve it but if I can show you one or two restaurants that I know will not be caught on Friday would you be open to it or which ones that you short two or three restaurants they're not have crowded which one of these best suits your needs which one of these do you think you'd like to go with I'm joking but you get the idea by raising the objection you always control the conversation thanks for the knowledge Jonathan you're very welcome thank you I appreciate sitting down with you on this would be awesome Lance I'm telling you I will blow your mind I wouldn't make because you know when you're doing these inbound calls lamps there's several reasons you know depending on what products you're offering it if you're a financial institution a bank or whatever you're offering different products and each of those products carries a certain amount of risk and our job during those calls lamps is to really mitigate the risk I think that's the key phrase we need to one show them that there is a game by moving over but also balance that with mitigating the risk in other words making them feel safe look I can make sales complicated or simple I like simple and people are afraid to take chances our job as salespeople to say look it's safe it's okay to come into the water right it's okay to buy this product this product is really going to help you and you have to really believe that the product is going to help before the service if you can do that and find a way to communicate that that's perfect and I'm telling you one of the most powerful ways of doing it it's like blocking objection raising objections that you know already exist and the customer said you can do that then you'll be more effective ah let me see Paul D yep appreciate that gonna check it out check it out and like I said I'll I'll post the maybe the next one be cold call it what do you think should I do the next one on cold calling because the first one we did was how to sell the second one here is blocking objections one of the things I like I was handling and overcoming objection because once it's stated how do you deal with it right and so I want to do that because should do that one the right that doesn't know to myself let's do handling objections as a next one or cold calling so I'll wait for you guys to bow down here and then we'll decide which one will do how's that and so we'll do one of those too but again I love sales I think selling is a great profession and I think it is a noble profession I think if you're honest with people and you sell people good stuff ah Marko's put the link on cold calling success right there so all you have to do is download it say the power of the internet you can find stuff yourself please do one on cold calling Kelly I think i'ma go cold calling on the next one right because cold calling it's one of those things where you know I don't know what the numbers are but I think that's like 87 percent of the people said they liked a cold call 87 I'm gay if I remember the number right 87 percent of people said oh they hate cold calling rather 87 percent of people say they hate cold calling 13% said yes they love cold calling there's something wrong with those 13 percent right who loves cold calling right nobody I don't like cold calling but we do the things we have to do we force ourselves to do things we have to do so anybody says I love cold calling I really love calling strangers I really love interrupting people I really love getting rejected I really love being hung up on your insane but having said that if you just accept the fact that cold calling is not about you it's not personal you know it's just a matter of trying to really sell your starters or your products if you really believe in your product or service again putting up with the rejection that's the easy part just don't take it personally separate yourself in the product or service remember they're not rejecting you they're rejecting the product or service or the idea or the timing that's all they're doing and our job is to try to get their attention find a way to set the hook get them to talk to us and then show them the value because if your product or service really has value then listen again to my favorite line you have a fiduciary duty to share that product or service in other words you need to share that product or service with people so it's almost if you want to grab them by the scruff of the neck this product is really good it's going to help you is gonna help you grow your business listen to me you know what I mean it's almost like what you want to say right what else old colleague would be awesome having performance guarantees or client expectations performance guarantees or math I guess or client expectations I think you being bright Breanna like managing client expectations that would be an interesting topic yeah Richardson what Williams since listened to your podcast just scrolled past so I assume it was something about the podcast but by the way the sales employment podcast again I don't mean a heart on that but it really has great podcast because you know I don't keep them the I don't do 30 40 50 minutes I don't know interviews with people it's ten minutes on average here's the problem here's how you want to handle it here's how you can apply to your business every day so sales influence podcast sign up and so again we got about ten more minutes I can hang out I can just leave and just go enjoy a beer right not a beer yeah a beer yeah about a Stella Artois I think that's how you pronounce it but anyway so we'll do that one Jehovah's Witness have been cold calling down to an art yeah Jehovah's Witnesses have a yes they do they have door knocking down to art yeah they just they're persistent they don't stop they just keep going so again a recap download the book uh if you came in late my book recommendation for this podcast is the sales acceleration formula by Mark Robers and so again that's a great book I'll be doing the go to Grant Cardone bootcamp calm and you know hopefully I don't know maybe we'll get your confidence we get down there some of your PDF or something so for those of you to show up we'll try to have some goodies for you so again grant cardone bootcamp comm three-day sales training grant and I and Jared's VP are going to be giving you guys great information we're going to walk you through three days and again we're going to minimize the powerpoints and really focus on tactical day-to-day here's what you need to do so I think on the first day we're going to talk about setting up your sales process once you set up your sales process looking at your target mark and what you look at target market you know let's build off the sales presentation process we're going to talk about prospecting we're going to talk about hiring the right people right we're going to talk about cold calling handling objections blocking objections everything from A to Z you know we got we got ten topics to cover because it's a 10x program so ten topics to cover again Grant Cardone boo Kent calm I think last one check their website there's only seven seats left and again your return on investment is all it's guaranteed you know again it's going to good one about body language Richard Williams I like body language I have a great program on there by the way I'm excited also we're moving all our training programs over to the Lightspeed VT system we'll be launching that evening shall I which means all my programs I got 21 training programs will now be available on a learning management system so you'll be able to kind of walk through the programs and actually take tests yes I have testing quizzes in there and actually gauge your performance so it's going to be great I would like to hear it closing after seeing positive response to your presence I would like to hear a closing after seeing positive response to your presentation I'd like to hear closing a markle's helped me out with that one you mean how do I close to positive response to your presentation very closing after I don't know what that means I saw your college picture today you look the same today - the hair of course success looks good thank you I had curly hair back that it was pretty cool I actually JW's are missing out seriously on their approach they could do better if they just changed a couple of things JW's - why am i missing why not why do I don't know what JW's are thank you and we'll definitely start looking at your YouTube videos and that is Sandra Galindo's actually JW's I don't know help me out with that Kelly I don't know what that means and so maybe I'm just like slow right now but maybe because it's evening time but um yeah and they have no idea what that means so anyone cool all right anything else folks any questions we're going to chime out of here earlier and the other thing I wanted to recommend and like I said if you've not read I can just plug this one also the greatest gift it's a mode national book it's about success and if you find yourself in a space where I don't know you feel like you're not motivated you're not doing what you want to do in life this is really a great book oh JW was Jehovah's Witness okay I'm gonna see on survey on their approach they could do better if they just changed a couple of things yes it could but let's leave the Jehovah's Witness unknown right let's leave them low then you got to give them a for effort or is that an e for effort right because they're just like they're just coming after you all the time let me make sure I got everything in oh one of the things I forgot how could I forget this I know I should have done my notes well by the way when you're demoing something right remember the response block structure the response block structure is again raise the objection often to resolve it then demo something right and then based on whatever you demo and tie down the objection on the demo case there's several things you can use for example maybe you can use a study you found the study showing this study maybe there's a testimonial that's another thing you can demo maybe you just want to do what's wrong eight hundred years let me walk you through this and do it wrong and just to show them what it is right if you're in you know for my plexus peeps out there right one of the things people like to see on the demo phase is a before and after here's what I was before here's I am now before and after is always a great thing to show during the demo phases if you help the company's revenues grow show them before show the after pictures are always good you know sometimes you need to show a picture of something I work with orchid you know the pest control company Rollins and one of the things you know we've integrated into the presentation is using pictures of where there's damage for example termite damage and there's nothing like seeing something visual to really freak you out and that's a good way of demoing why they need to do something data is another good thing to demo show them some data or maybe show them some chart so again there's a lot of things you can do to actually show them so I got some plexus peeps in the house so for my plexus piece I'm telling you the before-and-after is always big but another thing so a plexus is a network marketing company they sell supplements and it's a great company I love this company great compensation and one of the things one of the objections you have is does it really work and I think one of the things you have to block one of the objections you have to block is you have to show them what it's going to take to work another objection people have in their heads is I'm not good at selling right in your network marketing business so how do you block that by showing them look many here's how you would do it I'd raise the objection mr. customer client bill I said you know one of the things people one of the reasons people don't want to do network marketing is because they honestly believe that they're not good at sales I raise the objection and I can understand that but if I can show you that's not about selling it's more about sharing in a very simple way of doing it will be the following would you be open to it dance show me Victor then I would show a simple two three step process of how they can share the information without selling then you say something like this based on what I've shown you can you now see how do you don't have to sell it's really more about sharing there you go yes and you lock down that objection it's that easy how do you feel about Mary Kay well personally I've never used it myself so I don't know I've never spoken to them by their group so I spudley they've been around for a long time so I assume they have to be kick-ass also so and Sandra that is me okay let's scale here by the way thank you Plex big big great Steve all right so I think we're almost out of time I got four more minutes what can I tell you in four more minutes that's interesting captivating and very cool one is I told you about the system I'm launching as a learning management system sales mastery Academy that's going to be the name of my platform the sales mastery Academy I got 21 19 or 21 programs out of Eileen's count anyway we just added two new ones one was prospecting system and one was an upselling and cross-selling training series so if you need to learn how to prospect especially if you're in b2b that's a good program for you and if you need to upsell and cross-sell because upselling and cross-selling is one of the best and fastest way to grow your revenues when you look at the studies I am Telling You upselling cross-selling to your existing clients is the fastest way to grow your revenues okay Samir's back here I'm finally be to be selling something same products the same customers for years what would you suggest to keep the customers loyal where to focus more rapport relation features benefits advanced really quick severe if you look at a study done by the folks who wrote the book to challenge yourself look at the book to challenge yourself the company company's name is C EB I think they were just bought out by Forester CED did a study and basically what they found is that night when it comes to loyalty 54% of why people are loyal to a company was the buying experience in other words they want people to help them make buying decisions they're easy to buy from have helped them navigate the different alternatives customers are confused they need somebody to guide them what they're looking for is somebody who could help them make better decisions that is how you create loyalty it wasn't service it wasn't price so much and it wasn't brand the big kicker I think was 54 percent it was 50 plus was the buying experience again it's called the Challenger sale the study was done by CB look it up Samir I think you'll love it uh sales mastery academy training series grow revenues you got it Gloria where can I get your books I'm going to post the link so you guys can download the books I don't sell the books online but I do have PDFs and I think if you go to write this down selling your group like selling er group comm forward slash free - books should get you there we said again Sellinger and I'll try to add to here maybe I could just type it here maybe help you guys out yo yo selling your bleep calm /i think it's free - books and hopefully that's the link right there all right there it is and should you be able to should be able to download some of those books for free okay why for free cuz I that's why alright at 7:59 we've done an hour we still got a few peeps down here closing statements is the following selling the great professions to learning how to block of jack is one of the best things you can learn how to do I am telling you you will feel the difference when talking to a customer by raising objections that they don't want to raise and they're going to feel better about you because they're saying well she's not afraid to raise the objection he's being very honest and transparent and I dig that okay all right this is Victor signing off remember selling ain't hard when you know how take care every manager can feel it the difference between a motivated value driven sales team and one that's stuck in arrest CEOs know the difference - they can see it clearly in the profit and loss columns the question is how do you get your team to this elite level is there something extra you can do to break through the remaining resistance and equip them with the right mindset to grow your business yes there is but you're not going to do it with one of those cheesy inspirational speakers or some self-proclaimed guru what you need is someone with a real business track record to deliver key insights in a captivating way to give your team the right tools for selling in today's tough marketplace enter victor antonia experienced executive innovative thinker compelling speaker he's ready to deliver the message you need your people to hear not with a canned speech but a customized dynamic keynote designed to deliver results bring victor antonio to your next event before the competition does
Channel: Victor Antonio
Views: 50,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: victor antonio, sales influence, sales tips, selling, atlanta, sales training, how to sell, sale training, selling tips
Id: I16sDAgd1Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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