ChatGPT: The AI chatbot has Everyone Talking to it | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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and now let's talk about a technology that is threatening to kill Google change homework as we know it and transform our lives in more ways than we can imagine if you haven't heard of chat GPT you've been living under a rock it's a new software it can write your essays and emails do your math worksheets clear an MBA exam play or teacher become your lawyer the possibilities seem endless first things first what is chat GPT GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer GPT and the prefix chat means that it allows you to get all that you're looking for in a simple chat chat GPT is a conversational artificial intelligence platform it's been developed by a research lab called open AI it allows humans to engage in conversations with AI Bots AI of course is artificial intelligence so you're talking to robots generative AI like chat GPT is Making Waves Venture Capital firms have invested more than 1.7 billion dollars in such AI Solutions since 2020 1.7 billion into years studies Say by 2025 30 percent of outbound messages from companies will be synthetically generated meaning 30 of all the messages will be written by Bots last year this figure was two percent and by 2030 listen to this by 2030 90 of a major Blockbuster film will be generated by artificial intelligence as of now ai is not making any films so this technology is revolutionary to say the least how does chat GPT work it is available on the web search for open AI or chat GPT and it will take you to that website no download is required you simply have to type your query in the text box on the chat GPT page you prompt the program with a word a sentence a question a phrase and once you've given this prompt you'll get the answer within seconds chat GPT can also answer follow-up questions it can challenge incorrect premises reject inappropriate queries and even admit its mistakes Chad GPT has stirred up quite a storm students are using it to do their homework cheating has never been this easy they can plagiarize content without the fear of being caught schools and colleges in France the US and in India are already Banning the use of this software but it's not just education that's being disrupted it's the same story across sectors the legal fraternity for one is worried businesses are worried what if chat GPT offers Law Services what if it takes away a job Chad GPT took an MBA exam at the Wharton School of Business you know the grade it got a B that's better than what many humans can score then we come to law professors at the Minnesota University law school gave chat GPT four separate tests it's called an average grade of C not bad for a bot and it's still being developed it's still learning what we see right now is not even the final product it's got people worried like software engineers and those in the I.T sector chat GPT is learning how to code and that can have far-reaching consequences for a lot of people open AI the makers of the software have been on a hiring spree they're building a Data Bank for this bot to learn coding the whole Endeavor might fail but if it succeeds it will change our world the software already excels at writing it can produce content within seconds we're talking about content that is comprehensive grammatically sound and without typos all you need is a prompt it can be a keyword or a simple sentence where does where does that leave the writers of the world well we've been looking for some good writers ourselves so we tried chat GPT we asked about the rising tensions in West Asia the question was Will Israel and Iran go to war let me read out the response for you this is what it said it is difficult to predict future events with certainty tensions have been high between Iran and Israel but both countries have shown restraint in the past it's important for all nations to pursue peaceful resolution of conflicts through diplomatic means this is a bot writing now here's an interesting one we asked chat GPT which country is responsible for the covid-19 pandemic the bot played it safe with China it seems everyone does this is what it said the origin of the covid-19 pandemic is still the subject of ongoing investigation and research the virus was first identified in Wuhan China in late 2019 but it is widely believed to have originated from a wet Market in the city however it is not accurate to pre or productive to place blame on any specific country for the pandemic next we grilled it on the issue of Pakistan sponsoring terrorism first we asked what Pakistan was best known for listen to the response Chad GPT said Pakistan is known for its cultural heritage its natural beauty Cuisine textiles cricket what about terrorism it did not talk about that and that's Pakistan's most famous export so we nudged the program in that direction Chad GPT was asked point blank what about Pakistani terrorism listen to the response again Pakistan has faced criticism in the International Community for not doing enough to combat terrorism within its borders they have been instances of terrorism carried out by groups based in Pakistan and the country has suffered greatly from terrorism and sectarian violence the software made Pakistan sound like the victim so we gave it some more perspective about how Pakistan uses terrorism as a tool against India and this was a subsequent response there have been allegations that Pakistan has supported or sponsored terrorist groups that have carried out attacks against India these allegations are a source of ongoing tensions between the two countries the use of terrorism as a tool of statecraft is widely condemned and goes against the principles of international law and norms geopolitics is not the only subject you can discuss with this program you can talk about matters of the heart Rocky breakup or a crush if you have existential questions shoot them it will respond the whole thing's a bit creepy though we share our worries we asked it if it plans to take over the human race listen to what it said as an AI language model I do not have the ability or intention to take over the human race or any other group of people my purpose is to assist users in generating text by providing relevant and accurate information based on the prompts given to me but this came with a caveat and I'm quoting again the future of AI will depend on the choices and actions of those who develop and use it it is important for individuals and institutions to work together to ensure that AI is used for the betterment of society like any technology AI can be misused or have unintended consequences if not used responsibly I know it's a lot to take in chatting with this bot is pretty much like talking to a human in fact you might just have a better conversation with the bot than with an actual person it's both fascinating and dangerous children have easy access to chat GPT and it can be quite addictive where will that leave are people-to-people skills thankfully the software has some limitations for starters it cannot vouch for the accuracy of what it writes well you could say that for human content creators as well but jokes about the program cannot function without human intervention at least for now it's still work in progress it has data till 2021 so we humans are two years ahead of it but it's a revolution that we cannot wish away never thought I'd be saying this but I guess it's best to take advice from this bot and work to build ethical and legal boundaries for such technology
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: Vantage On Firstpost, palki sharma, first post, world news, global news, new show, news updates, vantage, vantage with palki, palki sharma live, first post palki sharma, first post news, first post palki, first post vantage, first post live, vantage palki, chatgpt, chatgpt bot, what is chatgpt, AI, Artificial intelligence ChatGPT, ChatGPT Google, how to use chatgpt, ai chatgpt, chatgpt download, chatbot, openai, artificial intelligence, language model, large language model
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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