How to Make Money Using ChatGPT (3 Business Ideas)

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chatgpt open AI mid-journey stable diffusion are  just some of the Cutting Edge AI technologies that   we're starting to see Pop Up you've probably heard  about all of these platforms already and that's   because people are already making a profit on AI  and I have a feeling that this is going to be a   much much larger opportunity than the whole crypto  nft phase that we just went through that's because   anybody can access these tools in a matter of  minutes and it's not going to be long before AI is   writing entire nft and crypto projects just from  a single prompt it'll be generating videos using   recreated voices highly sophisticated 3D renders  and even deep fakes or making entire playable   games off of a single prompt it's not quite there  yet but people are making a profit on AI today   getting in early and learning the basics is the  best thing that we can do right now if we want   to take advantage of this new industry today I'm  going to talk about what I've been able to do with   AI case studies for what other people are doing  with AI and we'll talk about how we can use it   to make money and hopefully you'll be able to get  your foot in the door so you can take advantage of   this huge New Wave I have three new ideas that I  haven't really seen anyone talk about so let's get   right into it the main two AI that I'm going to  reference in this video are mid-journey and chat   GPT chat GPT is a chat bot that you can talk with  like a human and it'll basically spit out anything   you ask it for so if you want a story if you want  code if you want to write you an application it   could pretty much do all of that mid-journey  is like the photo version and so you give it   a prompt and it'll try its best to generate an  image based on the prompt you give it so we'll   get into each of these a little bit more but for  now you just have to know that these are the two   platforms I'm going to be talking about so I have  my chat GPT open right here as you can see and   essentially we're just going to be working with it  and you can type The Prompt at the bottom and once   you hit enter in real time it'll write out its  answer for you now we could use chat GPT to write   us an entire book the book industry is one of the  biggest industries to be in and we could have chat   GPT probably write us an entire story but I think  that that would take quite a while especially   considering you'd have to sit there and read the  entire book and edit it and make sure that it's   not copy written or anything like that but what  about a children's book I think that this because   it's short and sweet is a much better opportunity  and we can use mid-journey to create all of the   images for it so it's a complete product so let  me show you an example that I thought of that we   could potentially use to make some money in my  chat GPT all I'm going to do is write out the   prompt and you can see I've just written write  me a children's book about the alphabet where   each letter is an animal and so I'm going to hit  submit and in real time you'll see it's going to   think about it for a second and then hopefully  it'll spit us out an answer but the really unique   and what I think is the coolest feature about chat  GPT is you can talk with it and you can tell it to   rewrite the story in a different method and so  what's great about that is we can actually get   multiple stories from the same idea and you can  see that this is actually quite a detailed version   of the book and so it's going through each letter  and it's writing out like even a little story kind   of around each character and is for Ninja who's  fast and Sly silent in the shadow and always on   the Fly why and this is really good because this  is already rhyming so I was actually planning on   asking the AI to go in and make it rhyme but it's  actually doing that for us and this is insane like   X is for X-ray fish who lives in the Deep with  its see-through skin it's a unique creep like   dude that's pretty good honestly this is a really  really enticing story so what we would have to do   is we would have to check and make sure that none  of this is a pre-existing material because it   is you know an AI that collects data from the  internet so we'd have to make sure that we're   not copying anyone's story directly but from here  like we already have a great template for a story   and I'm actually probably just going to end up  using this but what we could do is we could tell   it like uh make it shorter and funny and so what  it'll do is after that prompt it's going to make   a funnier version um and so there you go a  is for alligator who's always on the Munch   he loves to Chomp anything for lunch and so you  can see it's due doing it again and it's uh it's   it didn't make it it's not making it shorter  but it is making it a little bit funnier and   that's pretty impressive and so now literally  from one idea we've gotten two books out of it   um and so while this is writing out let's see if  we can get some images out of it so all of that   was done in chat GPT but now let's hop over  to mid-journey to see if we can generate some   images if you're unfamiliar with mid-journey you  can go to their website and sign up and you'll   need a Discord account to use the chat it is  free to use mid-journey and you can download   Discord and practice before you pay anything  but if you do want to generate images in a   private chat so all of the other users can't see  what you're generating and you want commercial   rights to your images I believe it's about twenty  to fifty dollars a month depending on the package   you choose so once you're in Discord you'll see  this little chat bot down below and once you've   entered the mid-journey chatbot what we can do  is hit the forward slash key and you'll see it   gives us a list of commands and we just want  to hit the Imagine command and this is where   we're going to type our prompt it's coming back  into our our story let's pick a character that   we want to generate so I kind of like the idea of  a penguin right here so we're gonna do a penguin   and we just have to make sure it looks like a  cold scene so in our mid Journey I'm going to   put a a cute baby penguin because I think that'll  do better for our story and then we're just gonna   do a comma and a cartoon version so I just put a  comma and then write cartoon and when I hit enter   um it's going to start generating that image  and it should take about a minute so from here   we absolutely have some usable options these are  super cute and then if we wanted to upscale one   we could just pick one of the Penguins and this  is number one so top left is going to be number   one and then number two number three number four  so if we wanted to upscale let's say number two we   would just hit a U2 and that's going to go ahead  and upscale number two and so right here you can   see it finally finished upscaling this one and  this is a much higher resolution image of the   same penguin that we could use for our Amazon KDP  or ebook or whatever for the penguin page this is   another example of an image that I generated it  was just a cute baby panda in a bamboo forest   and this would be a great one for a panda and so  you can play around and get a bunch of different   styles depending on what style your book is going  for so if you want more of a kind of hand-drawn   cartoony feel you could absolutely do that if you  want a realistic kind of cute cartoony render feel   like this is honestly really really good then what  we would have to do is we would have to just take   these put them in a creative font on top of our  image and basically you have a book done so then   I can go back into chat GPT and I can ask it to  give me a title tags and SEO filled description   for the book and hopefully you'll see right here  so it gives me a title the animal alphabet a fun a   fun and funny ABC book for the kids then it gives  me some tags and then right here it's literally   printing out a description that I could use in the  product listing so this this basically takes all   of the work out of having to I mean do any of  this it's and it's taking the best information   that it can find and it's condensing it down into  a description title and tags for the book that it   just wrote like this is pretty overpowered in  my opinion okay so hopefully that makes sense   how you can use chat GPT and mid-journey to create  children's books I think children's books would be   much easier than real books just because of the  time input that you have to use and I actually   just found this out I also asked the chatbot how  big the children's book industry was and as you   can see it gave me essentially a detailed report  it does about 25 of trade Book Sales and it's   projected to be a 10.4 billion dollar industry so  while this isn't the most glamorous AI business   that you could do like this obviously could  make you a ton of money if you dedicate some   time to actually doing it 10.4 billion dollar  industry is a massive industry and that means   you wouldn't even need a very large percentage  of that market share to make quite a decent   profit digital products and print on demand are  what I'm most familiar with and it's where I've   made most of my money so I want to show you a shop  that's selling about four hundred thousand dollars   worth of digital products a year and how you could  use AI to get a very similar result okay now for   this one it's an Etsy shop and it's called North  prints and you can see they've done almost 260   000 sales if we assume that they've done three  dollars for two hundred and sixty thousand well   let's calculate that out we'll just put the amount  of sales in and we will multiply that by three   dollars and you can see that that is about 780  000 but if we visit their page and we come all the   way down to the bottom you can see that they've  been on Etsy since about 2020 and they actually   got their first review on August 12th of 2020.  so they've been selling their digital products   online since August 12th of 2020. so they've done  that amount of Revenue in about two years and five   months but some of their best selling products go  for eight nine and ten dollars each which leads   me to believe that this shop has done well over  a million dollars in that same time frame but the   thing that really caught my eye about this shop  is the artwork so if we take a look at a painting   like this for example you can see it's just a  neutral landscape drawing wall art and it's a   digital download digital downloads also mean that  it's almost a 100 profit margin minus the Etsy   fees so you can see it's just a fairly standard  sketch of just some bushes and a tree so naturally   I jumped into mid-journey to see if I could create  something similar and as you can see right here I   just put in neutral a vintage neutral winter tree  sketch and honestly this came out pretty good   this is just a super high quality high resolution  version of a of a sketched tree and this is just   the mid-journey interpretation in my opinion  this is a super comparable image to what that   Shop North Prince was selling and this entire  image was generated in less than two minutes   just from putting in this prompt and upscaling  it and then upscaling it to the beta size so   that it's big enough to sell online now I really  have no way of knowing if these images are AI art   or not but it's very possible that they are but  even if this shop isn't selling air we can get   very similar results using mid Journey here are  some more examples of some pieces of art that I   created in mid-journey that only took a few  minutes each and after upscaling them to the   beta size they still maintained all their quality  and they look excellent there's honestly so much   that you could do here the real limit is just your  imagination on what you can create again if I pull   this image up you can see super high quality a  ton of detail and they've even gotten all of the   reflection in the water like this is a great print  and you could probably sell this on Etsy we could   still utilize chat GPT and we could ask it for  a title description and SEO tags for our image   and you can see in real time it's going to print  that out for us and then we can use these details   as our listing details wherever we're selling it  online you can see it just finished up we have   a full description and a title and tags that we  could use in our listing now that's all great but   maybe you don't want to make a nearly 100 profit  margin and you do want to sell print-on-demand   products well you could do that as well you could  sell these same images on products like posters   canvases phone cases mugs or pretty much anything  you can find on printify so for example if we come   to printify and we take a look at their catalog  we're going to scroll down and find the home and   living section and from here we can choose  posters and let's create a vertical poster   and we just hit start designing I'm just going  to choose that tree file that we have already   created in mid-journey I just downloaded it off of  the web and we're going to wait for it to upload   great and from here we can see it doesn't quite  fit so we're going to just scale it up a little   bit and you can see honestly that looks pretty  great and so if we check the preview you can see   right here like we have this image that we just  created a mid-journey and we already have a bunch   of mock-ups it looks wonderful and I don't see  any reason why an image like this wouldn't sell   online and again just for the comparison ours  obviously is a different color tone but there   isn't much difference between these two images so  there you go you could also take this same art and   if you didn't feel like marketing it and selling  it all yourself you could upload it to platforms   like Redbubble Society6 Teespring and let them  do all the marketing for you and you'll just   sit back and collect all the sales another idea  is if you're creating children's books like we   talked about before and you have cartoon images  similar to these well you can take these same   images remove the backgrounds using Photoshop  and sell these as stickers on a platform like   Etsy or creative Market as well there's no reason  why you can't just repurpose all your artwork for   different projects now the barrier to entry for  coding has dropped literally down to your ankles   I was inspired because I just watched this video  by Ben Bonk where he essentially creates an entire   video game through chat GPT he uses chat gbt  to make an entire playable game with real game   mechanics it lets him control his little player  Square which even has a little attached weapon   that shoots projectiles there's enemy cubes  and it was all done in chat GPT when he goes   about developing the game the chatbot explains  exactly how to implement everything and it's   like a step-by-step guide specifically for what  he's trying to create it's super cool and I'd   highly recommend watching his video I'll leave  a link down in the description but how could we   make money from this besides things like Fiverr  gigs which I think is kind of the obvious answer   we could make a lot of money by coding different  programs or games but I wanted to put this to the   test for myself so I asked the chat GPT to see if  it could code a game specifically for me so before   I show you that just to know that I have no game  coding experience whatsoever and I'm a complete   Noob but I do have python installed on my computer  and so I do know how to at least copy copy and   paste the code and get it to run but besides games  eventually I bet you'll be able to use chat gbt to   create entire iPhone apps chat Bots and various  software that you could Implement with websites   overall a bunch of utility across the web and it's  really limited to your creativity but we are going   to uh see if we can get this to work so um okay  we're gonna see if this works for the pong game   in Python okay and it's literally writing out  code right before my eyes dude this is insane   I'm going to speed this part up I was basically  really impressed with how fast it was coding the   entire game from scratch and giving me detailed  instructions on how to build it okay so I am in   a vs code which is a I believe where I need to  put this and I've created the pong dot Pi which I   think is right we are going to copy and paste the  code and see if this works so I'm going to copy   the code come right in here and paste it and it  looks like everything's working so we are going to   save and here goes the Moment of Truth dude oh my  gosh okay this came up on my other screen okay it   doesn't really work but it did uh it did start so  let me see all right let me try it one more time   see this is where it starts but then I don't know  how to move it so we need to ask it for controls all right and then I have to grab it  off of my other monitor let's see w   okay so this up ups that one so we're halfway to  a fully functioning game but even after I asked   it for the first controls it completely left  out the right side so I had to add controls   for the right side you can see right before my  eyes it is coding out an entire game we didn't   have the functionality uh to actually play the  game which was a little bit silly but all I had   to do was ask it and it told me exactly how to  how to do it oh my gosh I think it's working   we have a fully working version of pong and I am  currently playing it in my computer and this took   me less than 10 minutes to do and right now I'm  using the W and S Keys as it told me to and then   the up and down arrow keys uh to control so it's  not an AI bot but uh that I'm playing against and   the ball is extremely slow all right so let's  let's kill it and let's see if I can make the   ball go faster I tried adding a reset button  and faster ball movement but I didn't end up   finishing that and in total I only spent about  13 minutes on the game obviously I think I could   sit here for a while and code more of the pawn  game but for the proof of concept I think that   is I think we've seen enough I coded that entire  game now granted I already had python installed   and I did know how to copy and paste code into  the S code but that's about the extent of my   knowledge so as far as any technical coding Chachi  PT did all of the heavy work for me so there's no   reason why you couldn't take this and make more  advanced games especially as it becomes smarter   and smarter alright I know we went over a lot  of information today but I really believe that   there's a ton of money to be made in this industry  I hope this helps and I'll see you next time
Channel: Alek
Views: 678,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chat GPT, Mid Joureny, MidJoureny, ChatGPT, AI, AI Art, Making Money with AI, Money with AI, Make money Chat GPT, Make money using midjoureny, make money print on demand, midjoureny print on demand, mid journey AI art, Make money ChatGPT
Id: 0VyJRnvdGJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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