Supercharge ChatGPT with These 5 Extensions

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chat GPT on its own is an extremely powerful tool but there are already extensions that enhance the experience and seamlessly integrate it across different devices and use cases I've tried every extension and integration I can find and I want to show you the most powerful and the biggest Time Savers plus one that's cool but kind of creepy everything I'm going to mention is free to use this first one integrates chat GPT across the web and allows you to summon it at any time on any site there are a couple options that do the same thing the one I've seen most people talk about is called Merlin which is great but the free uses are limited and it costs 20 a month after that I found an alternative called chat GPT writer which is completely free if you go with Merlin you summon it by default with command M with chat GPT writer you add the shortcut manually but it only takes a few seconds and you get to choose whatever shortcut you want the instructions for that are right on the download page to show you how this works if you wanted to comment on a post you saw you highlight the text click command G at least that's what I used for my shortcut then say write a witty response bam it also works great for response responding to emails which can be extremely tedious and boring it's a huge Time Saver there and there's plenty of other ways you can use it but those are the ones that have saved me the most time this next one I love to have switched on all the time the extension is called chat GPT for search engines the website for it is and I'll have links for every one of these down in the description it displays chat GPT results alongside your standard search engines results so if you Google a question it will show chatgpt's answer which is often all you need but it will also display all the standard search results and links you can click on for further reading you can also switch the setting to have it on all the time only when your search ends in a question mark or only when you click on it it's one of my favorite Integrations because it's really seamless to include in your normal browsing experience there are other extensions that do the same thing I've been using this one because it works great and also has additional features like prompt templates they're easy to use and right within chatgpt and just a quick one in case you'd prefer to use your voice instead of typing is called promptius it's easy to set up you just add the extension and then you can hold the space bar and speak instead of typing personally I prefer to to type so I haven't used that one Beyond just testing it out but wanted to give it a mention YouTube summary is a cool one as the name implies it's a tool for summarizing YouTube videos I demonstrated a way to do this without an extension in my last video this achieves the exact same thing but with less steps you just click transcript and summary then the chat GPT button and it will open up chat GPT with the transcript and summarize prompt already copied then all you have to do is Click command V so if you want to summarize key points from a TED Talk documentary or podcast that's on YouTube this is an extremely easy way to do that with just a couple clicks and pro tip if you prefer listening instead of reading you could put this into a website like and listen to the summary while you're getting something else done typically I listen at 2x speed next the web chat GPT extension is a really important one chatgpt was only trained on information from the year 2021 and earlier but this extension adds a widget onto the existing interface and when you toggle it on it includes recent information from the web say we want to know how to get a blue check mark on Twitter without the extension it will give us out of date information but with it on we'll learn the current protocol and it will give you citations with the exact link it used if you want to research further you can also customize how many links you want it to include how recent the information is and what region it comes from if you want last extension chat GPT integration I want to mention is called did I don't use it but I wanted to show it because it's kind of crazy chat.did lets users talk with an AI really talk no keyboards no cursors a face-to-face conversation you can ask me almost anything inspire me in a sentence before my big meeting you have the power within you to overcome any obstacle and Achieve greatness just go to now to really chat with chatgpt I don't have any urge to interact with chat GPT in this way but I do find it interesting to keep up with these Innovations and different ways people are developing Ai and building on top of chat GPT but this one in particular feels very strange to me those are the extensions I have found to be the most beneficial there's a massive world of other AI tools that are already out there some of them are pretty crazy that can do basically all of your schoolwork remove objects from videos give you legal advice create a full website and marketing campaign within minutes from a single prompt I've been trying out literally hundreds of them to find the coolest and most useful so I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Obscurious
Views: 72,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatbot, artificial intelligence, ai, openai
Id: JBAkqDbTh0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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